tv WRAL News 5PM NBC November 18, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
5:00 pm
hey, vince. hi. two men, one woman, dead. - club president and a waiter. - what do they say went down? best i got are that two guys stuck the whole partrtup, some reason started shooting. why don't you start us with the president, vince? [ sighs ] i'm gonna try and urinate. yeah. can you put some blanketet over these people? these detectives are taking over, mr. ibarra. want you to tell ' ' again what happened. [ whispers ] i'm out.
5:01 pm
enjoying ourselves. two men walk in with guns, start yelling. "move here, move there, stand still." then they robbed the bar, and robbing everybody. then he start shooting. just one guy was doing the shooting? yes. - . maybe 30 years old or so. dirty clothes, needing a shave. one was blond. the one who shoot the people had brown hair. - he just start shooting. - any drug dealers at the party? if we knew, no. it would not be allowed. - you the waiter? - hector villanueva. how long you been working here? about three months, just when they have a party. no, i've never seen 'em. yoyoguys want some coffee? [ simone ] yeah.
5:02 pm
let's take the spanish speakers into the house. let martinez and them do the interviews. thisisaiter knows something. yeah. [ sighs ] going home, fellas. got to get to market. how you been feeling, vincnc i told you. i have generalized coronary artery disease, abnormal on the thallium stress test. and now i'm experiencing difficulty urinating.
5:04 pm
ask him did he see the shooting. - [ martinez speaks spanish ] - [ speaks spanishsh yeah. no. what do you mean "no"? i know what "no" is. no in spanish is "no." he didn't say "no." he said he went on the floor and didn't see what happened. sounded like he told you everything about those guys. yeah, he told me, and i'm holding back.
5:05 pm
-what-what was that, james? -ah, he said he wasn't looking. [ slaps paper, pen ] okay. [ simone ] gracias. [ exhales ] i got your beep. i-i had a little temperature spike. so, you'll be, uh, testing yourself subsequently during the day to-to-to letete know if it's a go? uh, here's the specimen jar. good. and, uh, magazines. oh, fine. anyway, uh, have a good shift. i'll-i'll keepepou posted. [ sighs ] yeah. you too.
5:06 pm
the officer downstairs said talk to a detective. um, this woman needs to speak with a detective. detective russell, how do you do? carla odell. sexto escobar. let's find some sanctuary. [ chattering ] that lip looks fresh. she's 12. zeke's her stepfather. i was making breakfast, crying over last night. rosie saw me upset, so she got upset. says zeke hurt her too. said he made her come into bed with him. did she explain what she meant?
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her. she said this happened last night? the first time was a while ago. then again three months ago. oh, he fooled me so good! all he ever talked about was wanting a child with me. where's rosie now, carla?? i'm gonna need to talk to rosie and to zeke. he's over to o.t.b. or a bar. i have a pager for him. does h hknow you're here? he was gone before rosie told me. he wouldn't think i'd come in over a beating.
5:08 pm
[ fancy ] well, as long as you did this in triplicate, you're okay. okay. okay. any progress? andy and me, we like the waiter for knowing something. we sent him home from the crime scene. we're gonna bring him in this afternoon. good. uh, joey s svo, he, uh, left it in my mailbox this morning. you gonna meet him? well, that's what they want me to do, right? yeah. the f.b.i. and the job. chief of "d" said cooperate. then that's what i'm gonna do. [ chattering ] morning, diane. morning.
5:09 pm
and sexually abusing her daughter from an earlier relationship. i'm gonna talk to the daughter, then try to find the husband. all right, handle it as an assault till you substantiate the rape. then we'll give it to special victims. [ russell ] all right. - greg's got no spanish. work it with him. - sure. can i help you? i need to talk to someone. in what regard? um, all these people here. you'll probably want to see the detectives down the hall. someone's been boosting quarters from the coffff can in my locker. is that right? yeah. i started noticing several weeks ago. i-i-i counted 'em last night. and today, there's $3.75 fewer quarters. greg, could you work one with me? yeah, sure.
5:10 pm
yeah, they just want to test, uh, if i've got several infectious diseases. what's up, hector? something, uh, come back to you? we were gonna invite you in in a little while anyways. [ sighs ] i might've said something to some-- somebody. i wasn't involved. i just might've said something. what'd you say? maybe something like there's a party with a lot of people. who would that be, shouldn't have done what they did? hector, give us the names of the guys you talked to. they could stick the place up. i'm not a part of this. you've got to understand. you can't pull me in on this, or i can't say nothing. [ sniffles ] i only came here 'cause it is wrong. and those were my people was killed. nobody was supposed to be killed. they told you that? i don't know nothing about what it was supposed to be.
5:11 pm
and say that i was a part of it, because maybe i said something. but i wasn't in on it. hector, we'll catch these xxxxxxxs, and they will put you in the middle of this, 'cause that's how xxxxxxxs are. you coming here before you had to, that tells us you're not that bad a guy. but you don't cooperate, it don't matter what kind of guy you are, gonna look to get you executed. help us here, hector, and we'll try to keep you out of it. jimmy and frankie were their names. [ simone ] where do they hang? one of those scummy motels. the rutherford. down by houston street. now i'm out of this, right? why wouldn't you be out of it? all you did was set up some murders.
5:12 pm
what are you checking your watch for? [ buzzer buzzes ] i gotta meet someone in a while. half an hour, i'm good. [ buzzer buzzes ] can i be trusted with who you're meeting? i'm not s. - [ buzzer buzzes ] - yes, officers. - what's your name? -hilton. oh, go ahead. make five or six hilton jokes. uh, maybe they go by the names of jimmy and frankie. left this morning. beer cans all over the floor, pizza boxes. these are them. j. james, f. franklin. they cheheed in nine days ago. - you cleaned the room yet? - yes, we did. ofofourse you did. it's probably the only room in this rathole you did clean. - so, where do you keep the trash? - dumpster out back.
5:13 pm
tulism. andy, i don't know if i can do it with you. - oh, you can't, huh? - i gotta do this thing. i mean, by the time the e.s.u. guys get here with the garbage suits and all that-- absolutely right. don't give it another thought. - you do what you gotta do. i'll rummage the dumpster. - okay. that's okay? i got your permissioio andy, i told you i had to go before we even knew about the garbage. is that a guilty conscience speaking?
5:14 pm
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5:17 pm
[ groaning ] this is detective russell, rosie. she wants to talk to you. rosie, i'm diane, and this is greg. hi, rosie. i'm in the kitchen with grandma. rosie. rosie, your mom says after zeke hit her, you told her something about what he did to you. could you tell us about that? i don't feel good. does it bother you,
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is that because he did something bad to you? i hate him. i want him to leave forever. he hits my mom, and he hates me. how does he show he hates you? [ groans ] rosie. rosie, we know this is upsetting for you. but for us to do something zeke and you, we need your cooperation. honey, i know how you feel. let us help you. [ sighs ] he put his thing in me, and i'm sick.
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the bathroom. you go ahead, honey. [ crying ] there's no question in my mind, uh, thisissn't her just looking to help her mother's story. no. sh-sh-she don't come across plottin' like that. what people turn sex into. [ rosie ] mom! [ woman ] help! carla! what is it, ma? [ woman ] she's sick! [ carla ] oh, my god. oh, my god, baby. all right. just came out of me. - what happened? w-was she pregnant? - call an ambulance. my god. [ carla ] it's gonna be okay. - greg, call an ambulance. - yeah. all right. uh, 15th squad to central k.
5:20 pm
- [ sipowiczcz ] thanks. - no problem. got these out of the motel dumpster those two skells stayed at. all spanish people i.d.'s. yeah, they gotta be from that stickup. a receipt for takeout delivered to the room they were in. it was in the same bag with the rest of the stolen i.d.'s. plus, these idiots, they send flowers to theiriroms. i got one of the moms coming in behind a phony story. pretty impressive work, andy. hey, i finished with the stickup witnesses, andy. one of 'em's mother's coming in. yeah. probably, uh, want to wash up before you talk to her, hmm? what? you figure you'd smell like petunias, martinez, huh? rummaging around in some scummy dumpster? where's bobby? [ sighs, clears throat ] he had to take some lost time.
5:21 pm
joseph salvo. appreciate you coming, bobby. what's up? ay beforehand, if you can't do this, it's no problem whatsoever. so, please, don't take it wrong. we're both 21. [ chuckles ] yeah, just barely. i got a plate number i'd like you to run for me, bobby, which i know is an awkward request. i'm not t nna ask you why, joey, because i'm not supposed to be running plates for civilians no matter what. i understand 100%. but i would like to give you a case of what is called single malt scotch whiskey, which-- well, they tell me it's a really expensive type. but i'm telling you, it's lost on me anyway, 'cause i drink tequila shooters. it happens that i enjoy a drink of scotch. i'd like you to have that, despite what you said-- and wiwi no connections. if i did this,
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i'm talking about running the plate. if you're willing to do this, i would absolutely not make it a habit. and i'd deeply appreciate it. so, it's in the trunk, huh? the scotch? plate number's in marker on the outside of the case underneath "product of scotland." you want to walk away from your car for a few minutes? absolutelyly know what it does, being got to the hospital off a lie? sorry for the confusion, zeke. tell a man a loved one's been in a traffic accident, so she can charge him with assault. yeah, you were so much in anguish, you showed up two hours late with halflf load on. okay, greg. i got lost. you're a lying prick.
5:23 pm
doctor said it was some kind of appendix problem. josh, stow zeke in the pokey? surere thanks. [ clears throat ] lieu, uh, thatat the complainant's boyfriend. thinks he's in just for the assault on her. doctor confirmed a miscarriage? [ medavoy ] fetus was 14 weeks. prospective mother's in shock. you should've seen what she went through. bloody hemorrhaging, terrible pain and cramps. we got her preliminary before she lost the baba. i don't want to ask her for any more right now. go with what you got. and take turns on this guy with a louisville slugger. uh, we'll probably just start with a conversation. yeah. no, of course. i'm mrs. mary mosler. i was informed to come in. i'm detective sipowicz.
5:24 pm
o? what's it about? why'd you want to see me? . - how can that be? we're looking at a florist named o'hara. theyeyot records showing a delivery of flowers to you this morning. was that delivery made? yeah. they were from my son jimmy. is something wrong? we're checking this florist, o'hara's, r rords. uh, where-where's this jimmy live? oh, dear. i-i don't know his address. would you call that cooperation? we're at a point here, mrs. mosler, where we need pretty specific cooperation in terms of who's cocoerating in this investigation and who isn't. this florist, o'hara, he's had dealings with a person named frankie. his last name might be lankersheim. are you familiar with that person? yeah, i-i-i do think i met him m ce. i can't say as i liked him. - how often does your son stay in touch with you? - what has this florist done?
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card? are he and o'hara in some kind of ring? mrs. mosler, the best course for you right here is to think real hard where jimmy might be staying at. jimmy does have a kind of girlfriend terry. he stays with her sometimes. she drinks. what can you do? i'm just his mother. do you know her last name or where she might live? - oh, i have a phone number. - we appreciate your help. [ scoffs ] oh, i hope jimmy's all right. i i t a funny feeling, when i got those flowers, something might be going wrong. jimmy never gave me flowers in his whole life. zeke, ask yourself what a jury's gonna think about a guy who's done what you have, gives no indication of remorse. you listen to me.
5:26 pm
lying scumbag. you beat your wife plain as day. i want my own children, all right? which carla won't let that happen till she says i'm... straightened out. that's a frustration, all right? and maybe i reacted on carla in the wrong way. you admit you struck carla? i might haveveuh, acted in somewhat, uh, anger and frustration. i want my own family, and take care of thehe that's right. did you get rosie pregnant because carla wouldn't give you that? pregnant? pregnant, zeke. that's right. is that what she's in the hospital for? rosie? - she's in the hospital for appendicitis. - so the baby's all right?
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it wouldn't be illegal. not your real daughter? like that makes a difference, you sick piece of garbage? i think we ought to give zeke a fefeminutes to himself, greg. you think about telling us the truth. we'll decide if we can work this out. [ sighs ] greg, get past your hard-on about this guy, or i don't want you in there. sorry. uh, i apologize. i-i-i'm bringing personal baggage, uh, reference to pregnancy just now. and i am about a mother being beaten, and a father getting over on his daughter. so are we gonna play personanabaggage or move this xxxxxxx off his proud paternal feelings? uh, w-we're gonna move him. point t ken. [ chuckles ]
5:28 pm
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5:30 pm
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