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tv   WRAL News 530PM  NBC  November 18, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

5:30 pm
remember, medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. you can even enroll right over the phone. don't wait. call unitedhealthcare or go online now.
5:31 pm
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you sure you got the right jimmy mosler? i'm not gonna tell you the computer's never been wrong. [ zeke ] when am i gonna get outta here? that guy committed a crime in there, huh? yeah. we get those occasionally. come on. we'll talk about your possible mistakak identity in here. sit down. give us your whereabouts 2:30 this morning, , mmy. bed with my girlfriend. that terry, where we just picked you up?
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that's gonna put her right in the middle of a capital offense. who i i s with last night? [ sipowicz ] last night, yeah. that isn't terry. that's another one. oh, yeah. what's her name? one-night stand. we didn't get to names. wham, bam. thank you, ma'am. yeah, i never got her name from her. well, you see, my thinking here, jimmy, is your only quick k p last night was shooting up the ecuador club. no, i was getting laid. eyewitnesses put you there sticking up that club at 2:30 last night, jimmy, and killing three people! out of a dumpster at that outhouse motel that you were staying at till you checked out this morning with your partner, jimmy. all the evidence is lanand on you like a safe. i am innocent of shooting a single person in that place! jimmy, we got evidenen right down to the flowers that you sent your mom off of one of them dead people's credit cards. it wasn't me that shot 'em. i never shot my gun. who then? frankie?
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they couldn't even understand what we were telling them to do. it was all screwed up. it's hell to rob that many people. you can't watch 'em all. you can'n'control 'em. you're completely stressed out. they couldn't do nothing right. and with frankie-- he had been doing blow, and a group of 'em, three different times, couldn't comply with what he's saying. and finally he just goes nuts, starts spraying bullets. we didn't even get all the money! well, you both must've been so frustrated afterward. look, jimmy, we can work with the d.a. to get you some consideration on these murder charges, i'll g ge him to you on a silver platter, only i don't know. he called me from a bar just before you showed up. i didn't want to talal'cause my girlfriend was in the room. what bar was it? he didn't say. [ simone ] he gonna be calling again? i don't know. i said i'd call him back. you mean you got the number? yeah, i wrote it down.
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able personality. [ jimmy ] here's something. frankie's gogomy gun. i gave it to him. he threw his away. see, now, that could be of help. we appreciate that. yeah. thanks. go and try and hunt up frankie now. okay. good luck. detective medavoy and i are just back from the hospital, zeke. there were some developments. what developed? appendicitis wasn't the right diagnosis. rosie had a baby. - you're kidding. - mmm.
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- what kind? - it's a boy. i wouldn't spend much time denying yououe the father, zeke. small as it is, it looks like you. it has your eyes. [ sighs ] it's a boy, huh? [ russell ] yeah. is rosie okay? naturally, she was in a lot of pain. is-is she gonna be all right? she'll survive. but the doctor said, psychologically, she's facing a lifetime of troubles. i'i' do what i can to support her emotions. zeke, if having a baby was all you really wanted, carla wasn't cooperating, your job's to bring that across to an impartial jury. family has always been the most important thing. that's what you've got to bring across
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sponsibility to make your further point. otherwise, the jury's thinking, "what kind of a father doesn't stand up and take responsibility? one that's half-assed." will i ever get to see the baby? don't count on the judge doing you any favors without soso kind of written explanation of your actions. i want to explpln why i did what i did. ball's in your court.
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what do you want? beer. red's. - frankie lankersheim? - yeah. yeah. [ woman ] frankie? it's sonja. - sonja who? -that doesn't say much for the other night at the rutherford.
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ck. - [ [ ankie ] let go of me! - take it easy, frankie. come on. let go of me! - [ martinez ] hold still.l.! hey, what are you doing to this guy, huh? we're the police. you wanna come to the station? - no, i got nothing to do with it. - up and out. take care, frankie. you remember sonja from the other night? andy and bobby are gonna move him. sick bastard's writing, uh, molested hisistepchild. yeah, someone's definitely stealing from my coffee can, james. so you were telling me. no beeps froroabby, huh? james, i hope to god when the time comes, i'm not gonna fire blanks. how you gonna fire blanks, greg? you already got two kids.
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trial run, but now i'm afraid, suppose i do, and abby beeps soon after. so i'm sitting here left with my doubts. hey, greg, you still know how to ride a bike, right? that weapon was purchased from a harris blake outside the new york city port authority bus terminal. not by me, but by jimmy mosler. i was holding it for him for his protection. 'cause that's the way this whole thing is shapin' up. that's wrong as hell! i didn't shoot nobody, and i got nothing against any latinos. they got something against you, frankie. everybody in that club says that you pulled that trigger and not jimmy. yeah? well, who do you think a jury is gonna bebeeve? me or a bunch of foreigners who can't even speak english? uh, no offense, man. as far as that goes, frankie, jimmy rolled.
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no. jimmy didn't say nothing. he's my boy. he's stand-up all the way. well, what do you think it was? divine inspiration that took us to that bar where we found you, frankie? that was your boy, jimmy, giving you up! capt? dada. damn. i wrote it like an apology hoping carla and rosie would get to see it too. you think you could get copies to 'em? can't do nothing till it's got a signature. i don't think i can sign this confession till i get to see rosie and my baby. guy rapes a 12-year-old, starts dictating terms. - should i tell him about the photos? - what type of photos? you got t ctures of rosie and the baby?
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this confession now. i got remorse on-- on hittin' carla and on gettin' rosie pregnant, and i'm not dictating no terms. can i see my kid? rosie miscarried, zeke. what's that supposed to mean? that last time you raped her? that made her miscarry from the time you raped and got her pregnant before. you lied to me. you're gonna get what you really deserve.
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5:48 pm
[ inaudible ] what are you so introverted about? i'm getting involved in something. i don't know if it's the right thing. this is connecteddwith yg that dumpster search? [ sighs ] well, this was a nice, informative no, i'm gonna stick around a few minutes. [ sighs ] when you taking that earringngut? can i finish my fives here? i'm gonna tell you something now off undercover experience on the robbery squad.
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inststd of what, andy? going naked? i'm saying they would continue wearing that clothing, and my opinion was, they enjoyed it. i don't know. sometimes i like wearing an earring. you do? yep. you gonna wear that tomorrow? nah, distracts some people. what you're so secretive about, if i can help, let me know. thanks, andy.
5:50 pm
but, uh, being on call anyhow, james, waitin' for abby to ovulate, i'm gonna stake out my locker. i see. i prefer a confrontation to free-floating suxxxxion. if it's, uh, a cleaning person, some misguided civilian aide, then it's addressed and disposed of. yeah. i just hope it's not the boss doubling back. yeah. oh. [ [ uckles ] yeah. anyways, g, and abby, and, you know, your coffee can. [ sighs ] you pay a toll for ongoing uncertainty. hey, you done here? yes. want me to run something for you?
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[ typing ] [ typing ] all right. good night. did you get what you need? guess so. ?? [ whistling ]
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the squad. [ breathing heavily ] [ opens drawer ] hi, abby. i-it's greg. uh, do i take e , it's time? good. fifi. uh, let me get right started on my end, s. uh, magazine's right here, and my specimen cup. all right then. i have to ask you to leave. i need to do something in here. yeah, i'll come back in a little while. no, no. don't do that. uh, i'd, uh, likikyou not to come back tonight. oh!
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[ lock clicks ] - oh, my god, medavoy! - so, it was you, vince.
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stuck with me. oh, oh. well, that explains it then. you knew the combination, so you gotta break in. - i'm so humiliated. - you oughta be. i don't know can weweive on our pension, if they make me retire. this past month, the mornings after work, i go to the markets, a-and i shoplift vegetables and-and fruit. you're concerned over yoyo heart condition. i-i-i understand that. please don't report me, medavoy. i've taken $23.75. i'll make every penny good. but-but you need your health addressed, and you need some counseling. i'm gonna take your advice. i'm gonna consnst to the bypass, and i'm gonna seek counseling regards to my retirement. i think that's a good approach. why don't you go back in and finish your business? i don't want to see you in here for the next 10 minutes, vince. i want you out there in ththsquad room thinking about what we've discussed. i really apologize.
5:55 pm
[ scoffs ] you mususve given me the wrong plate number, joey. i don't think so. the plate comes up "no hit." don't register. that's the r rht plate. can i have that back? appreciate the help, bobby. what? for telling you a plate don't exist? hey, bobby, i think we both know
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o. i appreciate what you did, and i appreciate how you did it. all right, joey. one for old times, huh?
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hey. hi, greg. i think there's a pretty good amount of semen in there. that's great. yeah. uh, the doctor'd be better able to compare,
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greg did fine. yeah. i thought of a pun on the way over-- emission accomplished. [ chuckles ] anyways. come here. [ kisses ] i pray our baby will be as sweet as you, and gentle, and good. thank you very much, abby. kathy. we gotta get in. absolutely.
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6:00 pm
kirk: captain's log, stardate 3192.1. the enterprise is en route to star cluster ngc321. objective--to open diplomatic relations with the civilizations known to be there. we have sent a message to eminiar vii, principal planet of the star cluster, informing them of our friendly intentions. iting an answer. nothing yet, lieutenant? nothing, captain. hailing frequencies are open. have you received an answer to your message yet, captain? nothing yet, ambassador. we're awaiting a reply. today is the first time we've had any evidence that they've picked up our signal. captain, message coming in from eminiar vii.


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