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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  NBC  November 18, 2016 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

7:30 pm
( whistling sprightly tune ) starring andy griffith... with ronny howard.
7:31 pm
7:32 pm
hi, boys. well, hi, mary. what brings you around here? want some coffee? oh, no, thank you, andy. i have to run out to the powell place and i wanted to check on the road. it's fine, they've finished the construction. is there somebody sick up there? no, but it seems to be that time of the year and nearly everybody's got a cold so i want to drop off some medication. thank you, andy, i'll see ya. see ya both. uh, mary... if you're worried about the road and you'd like to have somebody drive you... you looking for a ride to the powell place?
7:33 pm
bye. uh, mary. uh... um... uh... are, uh... are you... are you doing anything special tonight? why, no, as a matter of fact i'm not. how about if i take you to that motion picture over at the grand? they say it's a good one. uh, well, uh... i'm afraid i've already seen it, andy. oh, well, how about if i was to come over to your house? why, that's a wonderful idea. we can watch television and play some records. maybe i'll make a pizza pie. hey, that sounds swell. it sure does. i'll call thelma lou-- we'll make it a foursome. uh, well, barney, we just got it up and, well, we're not sure what we're going to do and i imagine you and thelma lou got your own plans. oh, heck no, we ain't got no plans. whatever you kids want to do is fine with us.
7:34 pm
the four of us would have a lot of fun. don't you think, andy? yeah, boy! sure, like they say-- the more the merrier. i'll give you a treat. i'll bring over my new bongo drum. i just learned "la cucaracha." all: ? and 'twas from aunt dinah's quilting party ? ? i was seeing nellie home. ? yeah! ? i was seeing nellie home ? ? i was seeing nellie home. ? ? and 'twas from aunt dinah's quilting party ? ? i was seeing nellie home. ? ( singing ends ) yeah. pretty good, huh? uh-huh, pretty good. i don't believe that bongos fit in too good with "bringing nellie home" though. just trying to liven up the evening. barney?
7:35 pm
it's just the shank of the evening. what'll mary and andy think if we run off like this? it's perfectly all right, barn. right, mary? well, whatever thelma lou thinks. there'll be other evenings. yeah, we ought to do this more often. you know, the four of us ought to get together a lot. yeah, we ought to do that a lot. here's your coat. well, good night, mary and thank you for a lovely evening. oh, yeah, it was just swell. good night, mary. glad you enjoyed it. ? uh... well, no i thought i'd stay on a while. well, what for? barney! well, i'm taking the bongo drum. things are liable to be dull. well, uh... actually, mary promised to show me some slides through the microscope. remember, you promised? uh... well, well, if you'd like... oh, i love to look at them slides. night, barn. what's interesting about looking through a microscope? barney.
7:36 pm
here's that pizza pie i promised you. would you look at that? now, ain't you the perfect hostess? i ought to come up here more often. all right. you know something i haven't done in a long, long time? what's that? gone on a picnic. you like picnics? oh, i love picnics. i know the perfect spot, and i bet you've never been up there. ? up past franklin woods. no, no, i don't think i've ever been there. oh, it's beautiful up there. there's a little lake, berry patch. oh, gee, that sounds wonderful. fine, i'll take you up there some time. good, and we can take opie, too. yeah, we could.
7:37 pm
i imagine he's tired of it. oh? well, whatever you say. yeah, and besides, he's got this friend and he goes over there a lot. oh. thank you. ( doorbell buzzing ) excuse me, i wonder who that could be. hi, kids. andy. barney, what are you doing back? well, after i took thelma lou home i just didn't feel like going home myself. ever had one of them nights when you just didn't feel like going home? just one of them nights. oh, pizza! looks like "moz-arella," too. that's my favorite-- moz-arella.
7:38 pm
at some germs. why don't you go get it, mary? mary? andy. uh, you staying in this evening? okay if i come over? fine, fine. about... about 7:30. bye. hey! you got a date with mary? that's great. i'll call thelma lou. tonight let's have the pizza with the pepperoni, okay? i just love that, too, don't you, with pepperoni? barney, you can't make it. you was going to straighten up the files. aw, doggone, why didn't i do that sooner? i could have joined you.
7:39 pm
yeah, i know, but we'll try and manage. ? i would take her out and i'd kiss her twice ? ? then i'd put her back again. ? oh, that's beautiful. pretty little song, ain't it? yeah. is it hard to play the guitar? . let me... let me show you a chord or two. okay. now, of course, you hold it like that. and i'll teach you the chord of "c" first. put that finger there, that finger there that finger there. that's right. and you play the last five strings. ( phone ringing ) hello. oh, oh, it's barney.
7:40 pm
rn? you know that letter we got from the state attorney's office? i can't find it. well, try looking under "s"-- "s" for "state attorney." right. now, where were we here? let me get your fingers back again. did i move them? mm-hmm, a little. there, there... and there. now, we got that one. hold that. ( phone ringing ) hello. barney? yeah, barn? well, try looking under "a" for "attorney." right. sorry. i understand. okay. now, you moved them again. there you are.
7:41 pm
( phone ringing ) yeah! well, if it's not under "s" and it's not under "a" i wouldn't know where it is. i got a theory. since it came from raleigh, maybe it's under "r." well, look! barney is having trouble finding a letter. oh. now... now, we'll play the last five strings. ( string snaps ) uh... maybe i ought to make some coffee.
7:42 pm
here it is, piping hot. good, let's just set and let it cool off a little bit. all right. ( doorbell buzzing ) uh... i guess i'd better see who it is. you'll never guess where i found this. it wasn't under "a" or "s" or "r"-- anyplace like that. you know where it was? it was behind the file on the floor. can you beat that? ooh, coffee. i sure am in luck. no pizza tonight, huh? well, i'll go out and get some later. what'll be tonight-- mozzarella or pepperoni? you name it, it doesn't matter to me. i just like pizza. ( sighs ) oh, you know, andy
7:43 pm
st night, didn't you? yeah, sure i did. she's a great, little girl. i sure do enjoy her company. so i noticed. uh... barn? yeah? there's somethin' i wanna talk to you about. ( clears throat ) yeah? you know, for about a week now we've been spendin' a lot of time together, right? yeah. i mean, it's been mary and me, and you and thelma lou or mary, and me and you and, uh... well, i was thinkin'. yeah? don't you think we ought to spend some time alone? do you, uh... do you understand?
7:44 pm
sarah, get me 2-4-7. you should have mentioned this sooner. thelma lou? barn. yeah. listen, we can't make it over to mary's tonight. andy and i wanna spend some time alone. right... okay. you call mary. what do you wanna do? no, barn. that... that's not what i had in mind. that's not what i had in mind at all-l-l. you see, what i had in mind was i want to spend some time alone with mary. do you understand? see, i wanna spend some time alone with mary.
7:45 pm
hmm? follow me? are you kiddin'? son of a gun, of course i follow you. good. then, we'll be alone tonight, right? sure, pal. good, good, good. well, i'm going to floyd's and get a haircut. sure, you do that. oh... that son of a gun. i should've guessed. he's gonna pop the question tonight.
7:46 pm
7:47 pm
andy and mary? really, barney? they're gettin' married? yeah. oh, isn't that wonderful?
7:48 pm
andy? getting married? my andy? yeah, yeah, he's asking her tonight. well, why all the secrecy? why didn't he tell me? well, you know andy-- tight-lipped. the only reason he told me is he knew he couldn't hide it from me. can't keep anything from old eagle-eye barney. andy getting married! yeah, he's taking the plunge. oh, barney, i hope i don't cry at the wedding. now, don't you start, aunt bee. if you do, i'm a goner.
7:49 pm
u. barn? ( door opens ) oh, howdy, aunt bee, is that lunch? somebody sure is in a jaw-kissing mood today. ( door opens ) about ready for lunch?
7:50 pm
want to go across the street and get a couple of root beers? ( sniffling ) mary said it's that time of the year. maybe they're all coming down with colds. mmm-mmm, thank you. oh, that was a fine supper, mary. thank you. would you like to have your coffee in the living room by the fireplace? well, now, that's another good idea. it surely is. here, let me help you.
7:51 pm
you know, how it got to be that way? no. i just up and told barney. oh. i'm glad. i'm glad, too. ( everyone talking at once ) folks, let me have your attention. let me have your attention. now, here's the plan, see? i figure andy and mary have probably just about finished their supper, see, so we'll give them another hour. and then we'll all march in and we'll yell "surprise!" ( soothing jazz music playing ) oh, this is the nicest, quietest evening i've spent in i don't know how long.
7:52 pm
mm-hmm. ( sighing ): real nice. oh, andy, would you look at that beautiful full moon. mm-hmm! isn't that something? well, it's kind of a shame to waste that. wanna take a drive? that's a wonderful idea. and we can take my car and put the top down. why don't we do that? okay! ( whispering ): quiet, quiet, quiet... shh. now, i'm going to count three and then we'll all crash in and yell "surprise." one... two... all: surprise! surprise! surprise!
7:53 pm
mary? well, there's nobody here. no sign of them. wanna hear the music? oh, sure. ( romantic tune plays ) mmm... that's nice. ( sighs ) you know, it seems like we're a million miles away from everyone. mm-hmm. do this before. well, whose fault is that? mine, my fault, all my fault. i take all the blame. of course, everything come out all right. i just had to work my way up through a few pizza pies to get up here. yup. and here we are. yup.
7:54 pm
a million miles away from everyone. yeah...a million miles away. barney ( whispering ): be quiet, be quiet. what was that? what was what? i thought i heard a voice-- listen. ( yells ): here they are! congratulations! oh, look what we have here for you. cole slaw and potato salad and... phantom fife strikes again. ( banjo music playing, everyone chatting ) mary, i've been trying for sometime to court you. would it be all right
7:55 pm
what did you say? ( louder ): do you mind if i go ahead and court you in front of everybody? no. would it be all right if i was to kiss you? you might just as well because i don't think anybody'd notice at all.
7:56 pm
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7:59 pm
8:00 pm
[dog growling] [moans and screams] -i want to die. please! please! i want to die! -[laughing] who's suffering now, callisto? -(screaming) no! -and you thought you were getting oblivion. well, this place makes tartarus look like a day at the beach. how long you in for? eternity? that's gotta smart.


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