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tv   Today  NBC  November 19, 2016 2:38am-3:30am EST

2:38 am
murder one, kidnapping an officer-- that ought to be good for two consecutive 20-year terms. what if he had to do it? don't give me that. maybe he was protecting me. what if some guy on the street were choking me and he wasn't going to stop and dean had to... it wasn't some guy on the street. it was y yr father. i'm really scared. i feel like he can see me. can he see me?
2:39 am
i feel like my daddy's watching me all the time now like he's looking down and he's still keeping dean and me apart. lili you guys catching me and bringing me back home and leaving dean out there alone. hey, maybe he wants you to be home. maybe he wants dean to pay for what he's done.
2:40 am
he was choking him. and he wasn't going to stop. he was just going to keep gogog l he killed him. right there. right in front of me. he was holding him down-- had his head to the floor-- and dean was looking up at me with no air in him. he was crying for help
2:41 am
i had to do it. he was going to kill him. ngs ) ( rings )
2:42 am
come on. le but you're both youthful offenders. there are circumstances herere you could cop a plea. you could get a bargain. you could get it reded to involuntary manslaughter. but we'd still be apart. i'm sorry. it's just me and dean now.
2:43 am
what are you doioi? i've got to do this. give me the keys. that was not the deal. dean... i've got t tdo this.
2:44 am
how do i get out of here? take my car. where are the keys?
2:45 am
2:46 am
come on, you son of a... ( frustrated scream ) come on. come on! ( engine starts ) yes! cory: how long till we get there?
2:47 am
what you're feeling but what do you plan on doing with me? need you. no one will bother us with you. nobody knows you've got me except my partner. i really don't think
2:48 am
hoffs: they might have 20, 25 miles on us, tops. we'll call some backup. we don't need any backup. we'll never catch them. we'll catch them. we don't need county cops. he's wanted for murder. i know. he didn't shoot cory's father. she did. she did? yeah, the old man tried to kill dean dn't leave. he was choking him, so she shot him. you believe her? yeah, i do. dean was willing to take the fall for her. if we call in the county cops any chance they have of beating the charge will go out the window.
2:49 am
t plan that. it just happened. who made you the jury?
2:50 am
penhall: i got it all figured out. they were headed for her aunt's house when they got caught. i know where it is if i can find the right star. the right star? lake skeen-- it's 200 miles away. it's a tiny house on the south shore with the brightest star directly above. how dodoe know which house? it's the one with the lincoln parked in front and orion whispering down the chimney. well you're a true romantic, doug penhall.
2:51 am
my aunt told me when i was a little girl that this place was only big enough for an angel like me...
2:52 am
shouldn't we pull a shade or something? there aren't any. i love you. i love you. forever. you see the way they kissed? yeah, how could i miss it? people don't even kiss like that in the movies. ( sigh ) i wish i could feel that.
2:53 am
shh. hey, the kid was right. look at that star. all right, let's go do this. maybe they're, uh... you know... right.
2:54 am
why don't we hang ouou on the porch and gaze at the stars? doug, it's 4:00. we've been driving all night. i drove. whatever. let's do this. oh, oh...
2:55 am
you been here all night?
2:56 am
2:57 am
you got a publisisr for this piece of fiction? it's a work in progress, sir. i got to tell you, i'm really surprised. i can see penhall pulling a stunt like this but i'd never expect it from you. neither would i. so what happened? i don't know. i... they just didn't seem like criminals anymore, captain. is the d.a. looking into the self-defense case? it's a good possibility. homicide's asking why her father had skin tissues under his nails. and why dean's had a blackckye and a busted ribfather
2:58 am
yeah, i guess we will. by the way, where's penhall? dorothy was driving him crazy. he went to find some peace and quiet somewhere. ( rings ) ( rings ) ( ring ) [captioning sponsored by fx networks
2:59 am
3:00 am
following are scenes from last week's episode "cenotaph part 1." [woman sobbing]
3:01 am
untered kai tong. if so, why did he fail to cut off your head? who is kai tong? the outlaw. the man who ravished me. my name is logan mcburney. you're a bigfoot, for sure. now, stay out of my way! i'm fixing to catch me "old ironsides." mr. mcburney, , y do you need such a large wagon... ....o carry mrs. mcburney to the burial ground? why? because she's a big woman.
3:02 am
this lovely lady is mei lee ho, of my village in the north... ...soon to b bmy wife. i am mei lee ho of the imperial court... ...concubine totois imperial majesty. i had hoped you would not shame yourself and me with that intelligence. you're the only source of shame in my life, kai tong. kwai chang... a token, which you must carry. i will do what i can to marry you and anna. you hear that, annnn we're gonna get hitched in chinese! he has tracked us.
3:03 am
[theme music]
3:04 am
do. say, "i do," anna... the reverend can hear you. she says, "i do." you heard her? it is enough that you heard. i did.
3:05 am
husband. no. that's not the way. what the hell kind of a christian are you,u,nyway? that ain't what you're supposed to say. you're supposed to say: "i now pronounce you man and wife." i now pronounce you man and wife. you hear that, anna? he f fally got it, the chinese sasquatch. because she has scarlet fever. that's god's truth. ain't it, anna? anna, you hear me? anna, you gonna answer me, now! i didn't want to tell you about that. i knew they'd be joining us sooner or later.
3:06 am
yeah, that's good, lame dog. what does he say? just that he's gonna kill me. does he give you a reason? [speaking g native language] he's only gonna cut both of your hands ofof
3:07 am
full-blooded oglala! first cousin to chief crazy what's-his-name. horse. chief crazy horse! [speaking in native language] hey, all i'm asking is you let me bury her among her own people! [speaking in native language] yeah.
3:08 am
yeah, sure. sure, yeah. ly, i ought to tell you... ...she died of scarlet fever. ry tongue! [speaking in native language] [indistinct chatter] a man's got a right to bury his own wife! you can't deny him that! i've got them to listen to reason, caine. what d d he say? he's going to let us bury anna. if they weren't, they would d ve shot me dead on the spot. anna is dead? well, if she isn't, it ain't none of their business, is it? you hear me, anna?a? h?
3:09 am
of course i'll wait till you're dead! what kininof a man do you think i am? here comes lame dog. he's going to let us go ahead! yes. yeah. he says they've been arguing... ...about how to make amends... ...for acting like savages. they've come up with a fine place for burying anna in.
3:10 am
for the most part? they say they've changed their minds about killing us. they're gonna let us go. don't look a gift horse in the gullet, do yoyo devil take the hindmost, let the dead bury their dead!
3:11 am
3:12 am
treasure coach... ...just disappeared into thin air 24 hours ago? i don't have to tell you two anything. you're civilians. you've got nothing to do with this affair. now, don't you go getting uppity, bissell. we done told you about that chinaman we run into yesterday morning. -mr. bissell? -what isist?
3:13 am
the one on the back platform in the busted box. it's addressed to the ordnance officer, but i'll be danged-- you don't shut up, boy, i'll dang you! now, none of that! none of that! now, look here, bissell, you hold it. we told you everything that that chinaman told us. about mcburney and the big box with his woman in it. the whole shoot and bang. what have you told us? why, nothing! we have a right to know. us almost being run over and abused... are you sure that you two aren't after that gold? that's-- that's an outright lie. how about this, mr. bissell? a .45 needle gun, lever actiti? no, shattrow, that's a rifle! whipple. whipple. whipple, if he butts in again, stomp him. now, just a minute here. i'm armed. -mr. bissell! -yeah?
3:14 am
this here mcburney told the reverend stekel at the mission over there... ...that he wanted to marry a dead woman. get this message out to all stations: "recall search parties." captain goodnight's taken a patrol into indian country out of fort robinsns. come on. he's the law. mr. bissell! a gatling gun? 50 caliber, 5000 rounds of ammunition? yes, shattrow, that's it! gatling gun! now, sheriff, old ironsides is out there.... deserted. -before that. -well, how do i know?
3:15 am
where was you headed when i saved you on that creek... ...first time you run onto me? north.
3:16 am
mr. mcburney... ...i know how it must seem to you. i find it hard to explain. i strive for no thing. i strive to reach no place... ...unless you could call the tao a place. where? what place? taos? of course it's a place! down in new mexico territory, near santa fe. -due south of here! -no, mr. mcburney. yes, that's right. you're looking for taos... ...and you're headed due opposite to it! the tao i seek is not in new mexico.
3:17 am
tell me that taos ain't in new mexico. i ought to take you down there and rub your fool nose in it. it is tao. there is it. there you go, see? i tried to do you a good turn... ...and what do i get? backbiting and sly remarks. well, that does it, sasquatch. you're on your own! the cord is cut. what is "the cord"? imbecilical cord. i'll go my way. you go yours. if you can find one. my way is the tao, and i can find it again.
3:18 am
what kind of bush that is... ...but i can take care of myself. that's what you think, sasquatch. i lied to you back there. lame dog's gonna kill me and carve you... soon as we've buried anna. what do you think of that, huh? i knew you were lying. or? it? that would leave you alone against eight of them. i could not do that... ....fter all you have done for me.
3:19 am
3:20 am
3:21 am
3:22 am
3:23 am
that is the spirit i want in my children! that is why... ...i want you to be mother to them. you seem to enjoy force. the emperor would never rest... ...until he had your head on a spear! then... marry you is, in the emperor's eyes... ...a more serious crime than to ravivi you. the emperor does not forbid his concububes...
3:24 am
how on earth...? well... ...surely he loved you, as you say. yes... ...and i loved him. deeply. passssnately. but not enough to defy the wrath of the emperor. enough to defy the wrath of heaven itself! is not always easy to follow your conversation. anna is dead? i hope so, boy. as soon as i've buried her... to her mother in her own ground... ...i'll be a free man again. i do not understand. chugwater station...
3:25 am do a hanging for the vigilance e mmittee. murderer. so i do the hanging. i bring him in all trussed up... hood in place. somebody even holds my coat while i pull the lever. ...drinking, boy. i staggered against him on the way down. pulled the black hood off. saw it was a woman. saw... was...
3:26 am
...but when i got back to my cabin... ...they was dynamiting uphill. there... ...anna was, to give me a cold little smile... ...and i said... ...that i'd love her as long as she lived. he knew you wanted to marry him. in an instant.
3:27 am
perhaps. the shaolin decided... opposed to marriage with you... ...the fire was less likely to be fatal. and as opposed to demeaning himself by fighting with you... ...the fire was the far more endurable pain. a trial by combat for personal honor. and for the dubious honor of your hand in marriage. you mock the dead, coward! i challenge heavenennd hell!
3:28 am
they ain't going much further with that, whipple. them horses are just about played out. i knew they was gonna stick with that treasure coach. too dang dumb... get something light and fast. let's get the gun ready. it's gonna take six barrels. well, what did you have ininind, whipple? a treaty? no, no, no. i don't know, buskirk. i mean, we start killing sioux around here... ...we're gonna be hips deep in them in all directions. that's just fine with me and my friend, mr. gatling. stack them up like cordwood from here to the little bighorn. just keep on turning the crank, whipple. that's all.
3:29 am
so, shaolin... can walk through walls of stone... ...walls of f ame. now i see... ...yououan fly. kai tong, if you will only come with me... the nearest barrack of police... you know m manswer. then it must also be mine... ...but with one difference: a shaolin priest does not fight to the death... ...unless there is no otheheway. leave us!
3:30 am
[speaking in native language] wrong spot, lame doggy! little further on! see, lame dog is full of wisdom! and bighorn sheep dip. why can we not dig here? it's alright for digging. but there's a time to dig and a time to run. t this. there's no cover here. not enough to swat at a nit on our necks. oh, yeah, yeah. right. we'll start didiing here, yeah. before she starts popping through the lid


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