tv WRAL News at 4pm NBC November 21, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
4:00 pm
[ siren wails ] man: i don't want anybody in here. one male infant, two female minors, about a 30-year-old male and female and an elderly couple. all in the same room? they're all over the room. hell shot out of the place. neighbor called it in. didn't see any faces, but he's sure it was gangs. this is captain furillo. i wish i had seen what happened better. i understand. we appreciate your calling it in. this is a terrible thing. this is a good, christian family. i...i don't know why those gang boys would bother them. you're sure it was gangs. i-i seen the outfits they was wearing.
4:01 pm
we'll take care of it. [ helicopter whirs ] [ all yelling ] what do you want?! for you to m me a mistake would be nice. do you see this? this is a search warrant. we'r'rlooking for weapons or any kind of evidence connected with the crime at 133 timpkin. hey, hey, toss the plala. the drawer's empty. i said toss the freakin' place! item the last -- people, a cautionary from division. it seems that some bunco players have come into possession of the membership rolls of the policemen's auxuxiary, and they're peddling bogus discount packets for hawaiian vacations, lest our spouses be gulled. um...and that's it. let's have a safe shift.
4:02 pm
y's and my assignment. i was wondering if maybe we could do follow-up on the timpkin street shootings. i understand the impulse, robert, but we're responsible to the entire precinct. whatat this? i was just trying to get us reassigned to the timpkin street shootings. if officer hill don't mind, i'd just as soon do our routine patrol. sector four? that's what you assigned us, right? you said, "sector four." that's right. okay, let's do it. s.i. is 30% completed on the house. no usable prints as of yet. s. nothing on a warrant search of blood headquarters or a site interrogation of the gang members. so we're conducting a door-to-door canvas. in other words, we're no place. "the massacre of the innocents." i don't think that's incendiary, franknk that's exactly what the public feels. henry, don't we have charges pending against alfred williams? i just popped him on a stolen-check beef. i've been working on getting himimut.
4:03 pm
i've got $2,800 left for witness compensationon all of it is available for a bust in this. i just don't want to spend the next two weeksks watching them recycle this headline, frank. [ door slams ] give me a sec with the captain, norm. yeah. i wowoed two years with that kid, frank. he's charged with a felony. he says he's innocent. i have seveneneople killed and not that much of a lead. maybe williams can give us some evidence. let's let him decide whether or not he wants to cooperate. norman, will you woror with henry on this deal down? sure thing, captain. you don't trust me to carry out your orders? detective buntz was the arresting officer on the stolen-check charge.
4:04 pm
4:06 pm
i think delacroce has only one "l." alalright, let me see if we got to redo the warrant. aloha is the island greeting. yep. see how quick i figured that out? i'll make detective myself one day. what's up? oh, yeah, i know we can't say anything like that -- that we're seeing each other, but i just wanted you to know, uh... you know i dig you. patrick... right. it. no, you're right. hey! check out the new bantam bake. come on.n. yeah!
4:07 pm
you with me? heat-sensitize selects the category. just put your hand on the picture of the food,, as in pastry, sandwich, whatever, and your particular selection is voice activated, as in donut. that's marvelous! may i? why they put a state-of-f-e-art machine in a battle zone is something you have to ask my superiors about. pearls before swine, irv. i put my money in, and i've selected my product area. please give me a donut. you don't t ve to be polite. it only hears the key word. [ chuckling ] look at that! that really is a modern miracle, irv. rube goldberg's got the patent. heat-sensitize, and you voice-activate. it's like watching an elephant pick up a pea. i expect sarcasm from you, larue. this thing got twinkies? yeah. just put your hand on theheategory -- pastry. i've only got two quarters.
4:08 pm
twinkies. whoa! jackpot! winner! winner! you guys see what i'm seeing? machine's fallen in love! if i didn't know any better, i'd offer it a cigarette. anybody want a twinky? [ machine beeps ] now she'll act like she doesn't know you from adam. okay, okay, what's bugging you? you should have consulted me. you don't voluntntr us for duty without consultation. you're right. i apologize. we do not go loooong for trouble, bobby hill, and if you don't understand that on a day w wn seven people get killed slslping in their own beds, i don't know how to begin to explain it to you. what if it had been daryl ann and the baba? yeah, exactly.
4:09 pm
i hate this job. [ tires screech ] hey! hey, hey, hey. hey, hey, hey, hey! hold it! the both of you! hey, hey, hey, hey! now what is going on? now -- what? nothing! you. you, come here. why is this big guy hitting on you? 'cause he's a jerk, man! 'cause he and the guy he works for -- he's selfish! [ crying ] oh, jeez! ha! look at this here. i hope you're happy with yourself! you don't pay for it, you don't use it. let's go, gentlemen. time to make your deposits. come on. got something to do with the methadone clinic? got something to do with people being selfish. shut up! don't touch him! hey, you! yeye, you! you selfish man! hey! hey, you! me? up against the alley wall! hill: come on.
4:10 pm
we're e nna find out what's going on here. what is that in there? i didn't do nothing! reach in your pocket with your right hand. let me see your i.d. renko: up against the wall right here and spread them now. see? this is what you get for being greedy, man! this is what you get for not showing a little generousness. shut up! you know, this is a familiar odor that i am trying not to place. woman: yeah, he's the one! he did it! do you know what this is, bobby? you know what product i think this merchant is dealing in? what? woman: can you see where he hides it? he hides it up here! the pig! and i am sick of it! please, ma'am, don't do... that. oh, cowboy. i kept telling myself, "he's street level.
4:11 pm
with this success rap -- "i'm on my w w up. we're gonna do pounds." so i tell myself, "see where it goes." you got to trust that. check this out. "make a million before you're 40." he gave you this? hi, ronnie. what is it? how you doing? ronnie. what's going on? listen to this. are you ready to get dragged? i am not in position. why not? my people stalled on me. i can't get situated till 2:00. which she will tell you, man. this is not how i want to do things. i say, "acropolis coffee, 9:00 a.m." ba-bing, i want to show up. ba-boom, you got your package, i got mine. ba-bang, we check it out, we do our thing. we're back on the street before 9:01. you read that book i gave you? yep. you read that chapter with promptness? promptness buys credibility. credibility buys trust. will you have the product you told her about at 2:00? what's your name? mick. i'm gonna be here.
4:12 pm
? you're never gonna have to tell me your name again. 'cause remember names, remember faces. they'll remember you. mick! 2:00. what do you think? thanks, mr. rollins. you amaze me, neal. how's that, lover? they tell us, "we don't know squat. we didn't hear anything last night." and you still stand there, and you takekeown their names. well, the book says take names, lover. hey, where's it say in the book that we do a house-to-house over 800 yards from where the family got killed? i think the captain's getting carried away. this is the last one, lover. [ foreign accent ] police officers? you were at louise leonard's house a few minutes ago. she just called me on the telephone. seven people were killed a few blocks from here last night. we were wondering if you saw or heard anything around 2:00 a.m. yes, i did. what did you see, ma'am? plenty. but before i iooperate,
4:13 pm
what's your name, lady? doris breyfogle. mrs. breyfogle, this ain't exactly a barter situation. what was taken, ma'am? my husband's reindeer sweater. for cryin' out loud! the thief is not further than 50 feet away from where we're standing. and i know right where he has got it hidden. neal, you see the coke bottles this old broad's using for glasses? she probably looks in the mirror then dials 911 to report an intruder. you gonna tell us what it was you saw? absolutely! last house, j.d. weweot nothing to lose. he's right over there. i don't know, neal. the sinister sweater thief. think we should call for backup? you sure that's him, ma'am? yes. the brazen, little greaser. check out that pompadour. worse comes to worse, we can bust him for building without a permit. he's over there, right over there! hey!
4:14 pm
ladies got her head in a wedge. hey, lookykyere, j.d. hey, now, personal use -- a medical necessity. now what am i supposed to do when my catatacts act up? this is your lucky day, pal. we got what we were looking for. you can go back to melanoma land. thank you. i'm so grateful! your turn, ma'am. excuse me? it's your turn, ma'am, to tell us what it was you saw last night. ven people getting killed. remember? i'm sorry. i fibbed.d. i knew it. i acted like i didn't know it, but i knew it. ma'am, you didn't see anything? i slept through last night. i didn't wake up once. it's really not like me. i got to take an early retirement. you should never do this, ma'am -- lying to the police. i think it's terrible what happened to those poor people. i'm gonna stay up all night tonight.
4:16 pm
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4:19 pm
you can have your lawyer here if you want, alfred. no, it's okay. . we think the blood were involved in the killings on timpkin street this morning. well, i don'n'know nothing about that. but you're friends with carl mann. so what, i keep tabs -- so carl mann i ithe head of the blood. come on, kid, don't be stupid. we want you to wear a wire. try to get mann to talk. oh, no. no, no, no -- you are staring a felony for thth check thing, alfred.
4:20 pm
toward art school in the eight months you been out? don't save much... behind minimum wage, working two jobs or not. that's your choice. i'm not telling you what to do. but you could get a deal down on the bad-check arrest and witness payment -- as much as $2,000. get your life started. you know what happens if carl figures out what i'm doing? nobody pays you two grand for picking up soap, alfred. it is your decision. ughs ] i didn't steal that check! this what being my friend's all been about -- setting me up for the snitch. no. hey, kid, a skip off the bad paper and dough to go to art school and stare at naked women ---
4:21 pm
okay. i'll do it. there. and the duck comes down. [ laughs ] [ door closes ] [ brakes squeal ] feeling better this morning? feeling better how? we were talking about seeing a movie, and you said you weren't feeling so hot? oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. i feel fine today. wow, what's the problem, goldstein? piece e worth at least 200. help you, officers? oh, mind if i finish my business first? okay, okay, then sell it, okay? i know it's worth two yards. can you prove ownership of this? you got a receipt?
4:22 pm
what is this, huh? we had a 911 complaint. somebody fitting your description selling stolen jewelry at this store. oh, yeah? hmm. okay. yeah, i get it. i know what she's dodog. your three balls out front? i hope they rot and fall off. hold on. hey, hey! i earned this, okay? i already put my time in for this. what d dyou say we figure this out down the station? straighten it all out. i don't know who sylvia is, but you better calm down. where you rushing to, neal? captain's just gonna tell us to widen perimeter. fix your wonder machine, irv? just a minor adjustment problem, sergeant. trip wire for the pastryryategory was too audio sensitive. come on, honey. you give up a ham-and-cheese sandwich, ious display, madam.
4:23 pm
ain't what i heard. heard you talk dirty, and this here will turn itself inside out. calm yourself, irving. this place doesn't deserve a machine like this. it started with the silver, then the ming vase. now every time i'm gone 20 minutes, he's taking, he's hocking. we'll put it all on a complaint form, ma'am. it's not the stealing. it's the insults! i don't have to take that from any man. i'm still an attractive girl. there he is. there he is. you have to do that? have him in with criminals? you charged him with theft. that's a crime. i'm juju wondering if maybe i did the right thing. i mean, look at him. his spanish eyes, hair of a poet... no hips. you know what it's like when a man with no hips tells you he loves you? not for anything, ma'am. that brooch you said was worth a grand? more.
4:24 pm
sylvia! my bird of paradise. don't you "paradise" me. she's not sure. she's thinking maybe she won't press charges. look at me. look what they're doing to your pepeock. bates: we got charges? you treated me like a piece of f uised fruit. i was lonely for you. i was hurt. you didn't take me. you said you didn't want to go to my sister's. ramon mendez? miss davenport, you may not be needed. miss selsen's deciding whether she's gonna press charges. the stealing i don't mind, right? because mr. selsen, thank god, left me with a lot of money. but he brings other girls to the apartment when i'm not there. we need to know whether you're gonna press charges. darling? charge him... for his own good. dried-up hag! shall we, mr. mendez? neal, j.d. nothing on house-to-house on the killing, captain. we did help that old lady
4:25 pm
me get the kid to cooperate? he'll be wearing a wire, try to incriminate carl mann. you want us to stay on house-to-house? widen the perimeter. i'm shocked. i am something she keeps in a cage, like a chihuahua, like a goldfish. goldfish don't get charged with grand larceny. i'm choking. [ chokes ] she suffocated me. to me, i deserved anything i could lay my hands on. in other words, you did commit the crime. [ clclrs throat ] i probably can get reduction to misdemeanor in exchange for a plea. see, if ----f you could get me a sit-down with her. with mrs. selsen? uh-huh. can you get me a face-to-face? yes, there is a santa claus, ramon. she dropped? that's right.
4:28 pm
captain. howard. rank review panel's getting together materials for your appeal hearing. oh, i see. i'm submitting my files, but i thouout you might want to look them over before i turn them in. nonothank you very much. you wouldn't take this as a bad sign, would you, frank? asking for the files is pretty standard. well, i hope these people understata dealing with people's lives here. i mean, i'm not... some puppet on a string to have hopes jerked back and forth like pinocchio. i think they understand that. first they said they would hear my appeal, and then... they have to ask for the files to know what the case is about. i suppose. what's the date of the hearing? 23rd -- week from monday. i know how hard this is, but try to put it out ofofour mind. no, that's the way i'm doing it.
4:29 pm
is in the equatorial regionsns sorry? for the past week or so, i've been somewhat irregular. usually you can set your watch by my peristaltic process. but not to worry. i'm gonna start pushing fibers. i thank you for the one-on-one. anytime, howard. well, i've had everything else happen to me. i suppose it's only a mamaer of time before i had a bottle of urine dumped on my head. shirt's clean. put 50 cents in the washing machine and watch the clothes go around 500 times. look at this. i lost a button, too. get out ofofhe street, lady. [ horn honks ] [ tires screech ]
4:30 pm
she's afraid. what's the matter? where is he, ma'am? where, ma'am? arriva, arriva! show us! come on! [ crying ] ] oh, my. roll him over, renko. smells like he drank himself to death. he's not breathing, but he's got a pulse. ma'am, was he eating? s?, s?! i think he's got his air passage blocked. ma'am, what we're doing here is called the heimlich maneuver. [ vomits ] papa! papa! [ speaking spanish ] what are you talking about?! she said, "take off your shirt." she'll wash it for you. what did my shirt do to deserve something like this? ah! ma'am! ma'am, are you all right?
4:31 pm
[ screams ] renko, do you know what's gonna happen? no, i do not! [ scscams ] do you think this woman is about to have her baby? how strong was your case against williaia on that stolen-check charge, norm? pretty strong. any chance he was telling the truth -- he found the check in the hallway?? kid didn't seem too worked up about missing his day in court. [ static crackles ] williams: ard about what happened this morning. what's that? heard a whole family got took down. wasn't any of us, was it? say what?! man, i ain't got rings in anybody's noses. i don't know everything people do. you see me behind the door when you're doing your drawing? unh-unh. right. i got you. why you asking me about that for? i ain't asking. i'm saying, wasn't any of the bloods involved. what you looking at me like that for? how's that bad-check thing going, freddy?
4:32 pm
you trying to take something to the police? he's in trouble. williams: i don't know what you're talking about. mann: i got to go. where you going?g? just back off, freddy. i'm going, and you don't want to know where. aw, , mn. what? what?! he made him. carl mann made williams. no, he's thinking about it.
4:34 pm
4:35 pm
this isn't echo canyon, ronnie. do you have what you were supposed to bring? yes! then everything is everything. want to take a little peek? i was about to ask you the same thihi. it was all worth it, wasn't it? the trust, the give and the take, the going the extra yard. ronnie, you're undnd arrest. if this is a joke, it's in horrible taste. it's not a joke. if it's not a joke -- it's not a joke! you're under arrest. i know you're saying this now, but i'm saying if it was... i'm sick. i'm gonna pass out. let's go, ronnie. 22 degrees, i'm completely soaked through. okay, okay, i'm dealing with the now. i'm dealing with the present. i got something totorade. i got plenty! at the station house. you think i'm jiving. i'm gonna turn this thing around. [ speaking spanish ]
4:36 pm
they're afraid. why? they're majados. no g gen card. they'll be deported. no such thing is gonna happen. tell her that we are not immigration, but we're not doctors, either. [ speaking spanish ] bobby, bobbyby i'm afraid that that is academic right now. go to plan "b." ma'am, look at me! now call me dr. renko, and when i say, "push," i want you to push. [ grunts ] mr. delacroce has been given his miranda rights. specifically, he has declined the right to counsel. it is understood that if the information mr. delacroce provides is substantive, the district attorney's office will give consideration in pursuit of outstanding charges against mr. delacroce. go ahead. two kids -- shaky and dumar -- they're moving me an eighth of a key.
4:37 pm
someone took them off. they say, "come back at 8:00." they know who did it. theyeye going out to get it back. 8:00, i go back there. they're crying. they're all covered with blood. they went to the wrong place. when they went to get their stuff back, the address they had was wrong. and they kept going from room to room because they thought they'd find the kids that took them off. but it was the wrong house. shaky and dumar -- they're blood? gang kids -- right. kids were freelancing. they're looking to s sp up. where do they live? they got a room together -- 180 foreman. but you'll find them at the gang headquarters. believe me, i was sick when i heard what they did. [ door closes ] was that good enough? is your office gonna give consideration? you'u' be the first to know, mr. delacroce. the bargain -- fair exchangngof value on both sides.
4:38 pm
ing you over as a replacement for ramon. oh, that's funny -- real funny. mrs. selsen? open up, it's the police. [ easy-listening musus plays ] mrs. selsen? [ laughing ] me and ramon! trouble in paradade. mrs. selsen, you want him arrested? ththpeacock? he could drop dead. [ voice breaking ] i don't want him arrested. then why'd you call us? well... i'm a practical girl. i mean, god gave me a tush and no brains. so i found mr. selsen -- god rest his soul -- and i gave him three good years before he passed away on that couch. and then -- and then ramon camam and he took from me, and he used me,
4:39 pm
[ crying ] i'm still a good-looking... you okay? i hate that skinny creep! i hate... sarge, look. did you take all of themem [ wailing ] come on, let's keep you on your feet. keep walking. this is officer flaherty. we need an ambulance -- 1804 hancock penthouse. immediately. goldblume: it's your choice, alfred. you can call it off. to him again. and if you do, kid, the next thing you ought to think about is when's your trial date on that stolen-check beef? dodoou think he made me? not sure, but that's possible. judgment call, kid. one thing i do know -- you learn every time at bat on something like this. next time you talk to him, your moves are gonna be a lot better. [ tires screech ]
4:40 pm
okay, jack, you're busted! come on! there's dumar -- there! next to him, next to him! [ growls ] all right, all right. don't even think about it! goldblume: you recognize t tm? one of them is tony soames. "shaky." i can't make out the other. oh, he looks like dumar. but i'm not sure of his last name. get the precinct? they're busting two kids in the timpkin street murders. i thouout you said it was carl! no, hunter said it was just them two. come on, let's go. how's it feel to be yesterday's news, kid? [ siren wails ] [ buntz clears throat ]
4:41 pm
ht. don't worry about it. woman over p.a.: dr. . le, dr. joshua cole, to intensive-care unit number nine. worried about your meal ticket, ramon? what happened? she took sleeping pills. i knew it. stupid! ask me, what's stupid is worrying about a drip like you. you don't know my good side. she okay? she's got some kidney problems. i want to follow her overnight. let her be, ramon, huh? [ weakly ] look who's here. love you. come on, don't -- don't leave me. talk to my kidneys. [ elevator dings ] rses' station seven. i love you! te amo! nurses' station seven. you -- you think i don't love her. i could be over to her apartment right now.
4:42 pm
yeah, , u go, you go. stay right here. stay right here till... she's out of the woods. okay, you got to push. take it easy now. [ woman groans ] okay, now push. right now. you're almost home. you're c cing around home now. take it easy. [ grunting ] y, i can see the head. now if i pull it around, i get the shoulder. you need some help? you did all the help you canan just pulling the car over. push! [ screams ] [ baby cries ] ohoh oh, look at that! oh, man! way to go, doc!
4:46 pm
s.i.d. reports three usable prints at the murder house, and those two gentlemen are going away. ere are your people? belker, russo. arrest within 14 hours -- that's the kind of police work we're capable of. same-day service, huh, people? damn fine job! thank you. i ought t talk to him. officer russo, understand you baited the original operation. i made the original buys, yes. perp probably never knew what hit him, huh? and this guy ramrodded for you. with lieutenant buntz. could i talk to you for a minute in my office?
4:47 pm
when i came in this morning, i wanted t tgive my tv guy a shot in the chops. we are staring at unsolved multiple homicides, and he books me on "hot seat." but you people got me off the hook! you did me proud! see you later, frank. keep up the good work. i want witness compensation for alfred williams. did you hear me? henry, this bust came off belker and russo's turning a drug dealer. that's not alfred williams' fault. but the fact is, his cooperation didn't buy this bust! this is great. that kid's walking around with a target on his back -- you sure he was made? i was there. i monitored the conversation. rather than asking for compensation, i think -- i don't give a damn what bureaucratic cubbyhole -- look! let me see if i can get him some money. i'll let you know. okay, what? sylvia. what about her? the look in her eyes
4:48 pm
's gonna be back with ramon in no time flat. well, you know sometetng? ramon is her jones. as your idol mr. sinatra might say, "whatever gets you through the night." patrick! you getting that feeling like you had last night? you got a headache? a headache? no. good. because nobody was gonna asasyou to go to the movies or nothing drastic like that. look, lucy -- you look yourself. i want to be your friend, and i think i am your friend. so when i say, "are you okay? does your head hurt?" it just means, "are you okay?" it's no coco-on. it's no dance of the seven veils. all right? all right. so are you okay? i'm okay. you're okay. thanks. okay. thank you, lucy. [ telephone rings ] [ machine beeps s
4:49 pm
[ humming ] oh, man! she killed it, lover. at least it died happy. [ coughs ] what do you want? we have to talk. this is great. this is perfect. did you knock on all the doors? did you show everyone your badge? you got some nerve coming in here after what you did to me. no argument. of course, you're a cop, right?
4:50 pm
to feel any different. but what you think about me really doesn't matter anymore. the only thing that matters is that you not let this ruin the rest of your life. i think you all did a pretty good job of that. do you know what carl mann's gonna think happened? hell, everybody in the gang gonna think i gave up shaky and dumar and even gave up carl. here's $200. and i'll send you more when i can. i want you to get out of town. what y y talking about, man? you must be ailing. nt doing this to you can be a blessing in disguise. maybe it can be a way to make a fresh start. [ laughs ] man, you make me laugh. want m mto get out of town. go to art school somewhere. listen to me, man. just listen to me! when i got into warren design, i sat outside that damn school nine straight days.
4:51 pm
up here untitii got the nerve to fill out that damn application! i'm a street kid, mr. cop, and you come here, and you talk about pick up and move somewhere and go to school someplace i ain't never been. don't do anything stupid, alfred. don't do anything stupid that will finish your chances. no, you finished my chances, mr. cop! i got to do something about saving my life. no! look... just get out of here, all right? do i still have that much say? thth i can ask you to get out of my house? i apologize. yeah?
4:53 pm
and the shift t almost over? shirt okay? my shirt is shrunk. [ laughs ] did you see her look at me when she came out? did you see? yeah, i saw. did you see the look on her face? they all look like peter lorre, don't they? [ laughing ] yes! excuse me. i'm rosita's husband, hector esposito. oh, yeah, hector. please join us. congratulations, amigo. you got a beautiful little girl. thank you. i saw your car. glad you found us. these are for you. gracias. thank you. por nada. look at that. for what my father-in-law did to your shirts. food! frittos. that's perfect.
4:54 pm
uh, andrew j. renko. why? she wishes to name our baby girl after you. ha ha ha ha ha ha! she wants to name the baby andrew? you could name her andrea. andrea? yeah! andrea esposito! we will never forget you. gracias, se?or. thank you, andrew. andrea! andrea esposito! still hate the job? [ laughs ] you're putting me on. no. you offered the kid 200 bucks? that's right. [ laughs ] you want me to leave town somewhere, lieutenant? leave it alone, norm. okay, so the problem is maybe alfred's gang papa are gonna hurt him now that he's a known snitch, right?
4:55 pm
rehabilitate his reputation with the street creeps. what couou be simpler. right, norm? to cover our butts, we take a kid who almost made it to the straight side, drive him back into the street. the kid was hanging bad paper last week. let's not put him up thehe with mother teresa. henry, norm. what's doing, captain? i went to daniels. he'll give alfred williams $250 relocation money. won't be needed. i don't think the kid's leaving town, captain. doesn't want to go to art school. wants to stay here and work things out with carl mann. and that's good for us, right, frank? he's back on the street. we can bust him, turn him, toss him back, turn him around again. he's ours. why save a kid when we can use him? henry. take it easy. work's over. when did you become a bottom liner, frank? when did you stop caring about the lives that got chewed up? i'll go in the can.
4:56 pm
i'm through listening, henry. and i'm tired of your moral finger-pointing. if this precinct doesn't run the way you want it to,, why don't you find one that does? there was a time when something happened in the precinct, my first instinct was to get henry's jujument. now i find myself hoping he won't be primary cop soso won't have to get him involved in the case. do you think he feels that? chicken and the egg. it's not just professional disagreement. i don't know how we let ourselves get so far apart. [ sighs ] a fella don't have that many friends, furillo. i i an, i don't think i was wrong, necessarily. but i don't think it was necessarily frank's fault.
4:57 pm
but you know, i -- i can get up there. i can get up on my high horse. why don't you call him? who, frank? mm-hmm. maybe later. this lady today -- she's keeping this guy? mmm. and every time she walks out the front door, this guy hocks everything that isn't nailed down. me and bates popped him. and he's dead to rights. but she decides she doesn't want to press charges. this afternoon, she takes a whole bunch of pills. belker and me had a wiggy guy today, too.
4:58 pm
what's wrong? nothing. did i miss something? yeah, i was trying to tell you that this lady couldn't keep her self-respect. i'm rry i missed the point. you know, it's okay. never mind. come on, let's just do it again. okay? all right? ] [ tires screech ] [ siren wails ] what happened? someone shot carl mann. two eyewitnesses, captain. first time i ever heard gang kids ready to makakan i.d. alfred williams, man! he called carl out, then he shot him! put out a warrant. description's on file.
5:00 pm
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