tv Today NBC November 22, 2016 2:08am-3:00am EST
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wo rang do, right? second degree? only first. i broke a finger, school started back up. good. you can help me with the new guys. all right, let's go! we got patrol tonight. how many cars we have tonight? we got two. two? terrific. hey, i can drive. ralphie! my little brother, you finally recruited someone with a car. (all laugh) how many can you hold? ten. that's the right number. all right, let's move rangers. munez: these guys-- dealers, buyers-- they move in sell a little or a lot, it doesn't matter.
2:10 am
so, pretty soon you got graffiti, dopers hanging out cars driving by all night, shootings people afraid to leave their own homes-s-that's bull. man: hey, fairies! get a job. how are we supposed to protect ourselves out here? your eyes. yoururands. believe me, attitude is your best weapon. if you carry a weapon on patrol, you're out. is that clear? that's not what we're about. what do you do if they shoot? the kooks that shoot so they miss by a mile. they never get more than one shot before three or four o ous are on them. wham! why not just be a cop? cop wanna-be! i hear that all the time. the last thing i want to be is a c c. between the paperwork and the courts who can be effective? as it turns out, doing good is cool. right, guys?
2:11 am
what is this? ohohoh, oh... oh, my homeboys. my homeboys. come on here. davies, how you doing? out catching the bad guys. bad guys. come on, come on. yo, little man, don't leavavme hanging. come on, come on. what you waiting for? my hand is as good as yours, ain't it? come on. wait, wait, wait. i was just going to comb my homeboy's hair, that's all. tighten up a bit... all right, that's enough. get your hands off me. you are the problem here. the community is sick... i am the community!
2:12 am
you all are the outsiders here. and that's where we want you-- out. others: yeah. it's just talk. he's buzzed. can i see a formation here? thanks, mrs. lee. you see that? for every mutant calling us names there's five store owners who like us. i feel like i have a bull's-eye on my back. you won't after being around steve. he says a weapon's nothing but a false sense of security. i believe it. you might be able to catch a bullet in your teeth but i can't. ( alarm sounds )
2:13 am
give me some room here. what happened? l handle this. that's a joke-- four times he's robbed me.e. four times i point him out. so when he robbed me blind again, who stops him? not cops, no! my friends, the rangers. all right, people, freak show's over. thanks, you may have just handed this guy a free walk. you let him out. we'll be waiting for him. yeah! come here.
2:14 am
we do all right. all right's not good enough in this neighborhood. maybe you can take care of yourself, but what about these kids? how you gonna feel when you have to tell a parent their head was cracked open? that's not gonna happen. or killed! you ready for one of those conversations? three in the morning, parents hysterical. there no fun, man. belive me all right mr. miller. do you want to file a complaint? gh)
2:17 am
that makes him volatile. volatile? so you think he'd do it? if he had a good thing going he'd say it's part of business. he said that. 25 grand? i'm sorry, for that i'll need... my signature. don't worry, he won't lose it... willllou, hanson? he's also very greedy so getting campos out of hastings is good. he's volatile, right? right. you'll follow me, please. what's witithim? nothing. i've got a budget to put out on friday. mind telling me if your name's on my payroll? i'm sosoy, i've been really busy... look, it's okay, doug. whatever you want to do. i just have to know. if things are working out for you... they're working...
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but i've seen enough flakes to know when i'm wasting time. first, we must find him. hanson: how's munez? scared. he'll be all right. get anything? he didn't see the shooting. that doesn't help. we have threats back and forth. we have a motive but no weapon. without it, the law works in favor of campos. yes, it does. did you burn your cover? oh, no, it's in great shape. they shouldn't have been there.
2:28 am
and make a case. make a case? without that gun, we'll never get a conviction. the system jams up and robert campos walks away from murder. and if we don't deliver the guy who shot their leader... meyers: some of you have been through this before. you've seen a brother dropped and a guy run freeee you've seen families lose their sons. i handed the police raymond davies. even though he has a a evious arrest for assault they've decided there's no reason to detain him. like his time is of great value. robert campos is still free. to mug or kill again. if not with a gun, by peddling drugs... the cops won't do anything. it's up to us. we got to do it.
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and drop him. ( murmurs of agreement ) raffi, man... he's your brother. what do you want us to do? do you want us to go to the cops? they don't care. we should do it. i only want one thing. to see that his dying has some meaning. to do the right thing. to keep our neighborhoods-- to keep what happened to him from happening again. so the people can come out of their homes and so my mother my uncle-- all of us-- can put this behind us. ( murmurs of agreement ) the killer of my brother must be found by us--
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don't you think you were kind of hard on that guy? maybe he knows something. maybe he doesn't. if you don't like what i'm doing you're free to go. it's all right to be scared. f i'm angry? do you think you can get things out of people by pushing them around? i can't imagine your brother bullying answers out of people. maybe we should try working with the cops for once... no, they didn't like steve. sergeant walker, none of them. raffi... they didn't understand him. he lived for these colors. he meant everything he did out here. raffi...
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all right, munez what do you got a death wish? ah, man. you want to kill yourself-- find another streeee lighten up. he lost his brother. his mother will appreciate our watching him. sorry about steve but it doesn't give you the right to roust people. there are complaints about your tactics. miller, you're wasting your time. they have their job. we have ours. remember where your job b ds and ours begins. leave people alone. you're late. you don't look so good.. you wouldn't either with goons harassing your customers
2:33 am
the rangers. the cops cleared raymond. they don't got a thing. don't be so jumpy. relax. i'm not hungry. i don't care if you did this guy or not. it's part of doing business. man, do i know you? you buy dope from me. big deal. i don't wawa to discuss this. wow. that's not what i came here to talk about. huh-uh. i'm closed tililthis blows over. what are you, nuts? you didn't eat.
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there's nothing else? didn't you notice? those goons almost killed me. they h hass my friends. attack me without provocation. the streets aren't safe with them. it's up to you to stop them because you're the law. mr. campos police don't protect drug dealers. hey, i'm a citizen. and i was attacked. i want protection. why do you carry a gun?
2:39 am
that wasn't an arrest-- it was a mugging. and it wasn't my gun. the rangers just got lucky. they chased me to where a gun was. might not be the gun. same kind. twenty-two short. we'll knkn later it was the gun, campos. guys, you're wasting your time. you're never going to find that it was my gun because it wasn't. raffi: a lot of people are afraid to appear in court. it's our job to testify to do everything we can to put these guys away. that gun will put him away for good. i guess your brother would be pretty proud of you. well, i got a mutant off the streets. maybe for that. raffi, man...
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s. they know they can't prove the gun was mine. aren't there prints and stuff? yeah, of them. these guys are becoming my greatest assets. first they beat me up then they screw up the evidence. shouldn't you wait until this thing blows over. what, are you nuts? i've got 24 hour police protection. just remember, know how to work the system the system will work for you. i'll keep that in mind. hey, munez, you all have to stop. officer: hey! munez: i got business. continue and you'll violate a court order. what order? this one. you can't come within 100 yards
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rt ass. or business. he killed steve, and he's protected? maybe next time you'll let us do our job. move. you heard the sergeant. let's go. the system, man-- swear by it. this phone is not for youou not to sell dope on. get out. that's enough. he can't use my phone to sell dope. if you won't stop him, i will. you can't attack people with baseball bats. you're protecting a killer not me? arrest this lunatic. officer: we'll clear this up. and you, just get out of here, huh? yeah, yeah.
2:42 am
get everyone together. everybody's afraid one time or another. i'm afraid dealers are getting the message that anything they do is all right. the police have said yes to robert campos and no to our community. street rangers are here to tell them they're wrong. our job isn't to try people. is it the courts' job? they're too busy filling out restraining orders. the people have asked us for protection. they're tired of living in fear. raffi, what you want is revenge. i want steve's death to have meaning. work with the police to try campos. ( grumbling ) we must do it or we've let the neighborhood down. you're afraid you'll look weak. we're not afraid of anything. we want our streets back
2:43 am
and you lied to us. we're going to listen to this? throw them out. ( crowd agrees ) i didn't lie to you. is that what we are, bullies? is that what steve worked so hard for? you didn't know steve. get them out of here. yeah! ( grumbling ) settle down. why don't you just leave? no. she's ririt. crowd: what? cooperation isn't a sign of weakness. it's smart. the job is to get the guy off the streets, right? not who gets credit. anyone who doesn't agree can leave right now. good. all patrtrs canceled until we talk to the police.
2:44 am
eting's over. hey, raffi... shut up, man. i know what i'm doing. you guys go ahead. i'll catch up later. don't do anything till i get there. and no colors. let's gogoalk to the police. want to make some cash? is that a trick question? two boneheads had all these crumpled twenties. must have robbed some store. i'm meeting them. i'll give you $100 if you answer my phone. save your money. i'll shield them for you get you a better price.
2:48 am
guy for end running a vigilant faction. they're not vigilantes. walker wouldn't give us the time of day. thth doesn't tell me where campos, or hanson, is. maybe they're stuck in traffic. then it's without his car. it was towed off the street after sitting there all night. maybe your non-vigilant rangers have some ideas where they are.. mr. munez: raffi wouldn't hurt anybody. where is he? he's at school. he's not in school. where is he? we donon know, honest. maybe he's at the headquarters. is he in trouble? we won't know until we find him. so don't protect him. if you know where he i i.. this...
2:49 am
i have a small handgun. this morning i noticed it was missing. guys, no patrol till after the restraining... where's raffi? i don't know. we think you do. you're cops? now, meyers. all right. we grabbed campos last night. raffi wanted to scare him he's doing business with. that "creep" is an undercover cop. he's scaring him with a gun. we don't carry weapons.
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guys, meet your jury. jude, go easy on yourself. i can't believe i got played by this kid. he wanted us to be seen off the streets by the cops while his goons grabbed hanson. ( ringing ) fuller. yeah? all right. gun. run it and let me know. they think they pulled up a number. maybe we cananink it to campos after all. when did raffi take his uncle's gun? this morning. no, munez said he noticed
2:52 am
raffi: we accuse you of selling dope on the streets... of profiting from the vacant minds and spirits of the kids in our neighborhood... of robbing them of their ambition. we h hd you responsible for the dirt in our streets... for the traffic that's in and out of our homes, our parks at all hours. for inviting the destruction of our buildings... the graffiti on the walls... the unpaid rent... the kid who takes a bullet because he wore the wrong colors to school. you tell them, raffi. what is the going rate for murder, guys? life. right. all: that's right. life. life. yeah. you're out of order, mutant. my brother died because of you. look at me.
2:53 am
and put fear into our lives. what kind of world do we live in? my brother gives his life protecting the people and these two animals sell dope and are protected by the law? ranger: no more! we must say no. we must give some meaning to the sacrifices steve made-- the ones my family must live with forever. to see that justice is done the others will understand and continue his fight. all: that's right. you doing? i'm asking you guys to understand the pain i'm feeling now is for my brother.
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your uncle's gun. hoffs: tell them about fear. i don't know what you're talking about. we traced it, raffi. it was your uncle's gun that killed steve. you were carrying it on patrol. you're lying. why did you need a gun, raffi? were you afraid? were you afraid? uh... steve... steve wanted him bad... more than he's ever wanted anyone else. i knew we didn't have a chchce but steve said we had to try. heheas always pushing me. but i couldn't keep up with him. i had to shoot campos. he was pointing a gun at steve. and, uh, you know what?
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the gun just kind of exploded in my hand. uh, i was afraid he was going g kill steve. i... i was afraid. i was afraid. you must have been scared. no way. when you know how to work the system the system can work for you. i'm just mad about the aggravation. i'm usually a better judge of character. don't beat yourself. none of us at school knew the dink was a aarc either. they wonder why i dropped out of school.
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paranoia's part of theheusiness. yeah? if you know how to work the system the system will work for you. yoyoknow, i think i've heard that before. i heard it from you, didn't i? yeah, but i heard it from him first. know how to work the system and the system will work for you. i like it. i said that? that's a direct quote, friend. how many of you guys are there? [captioning sponsored by fx networks]
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