tv WRAL News 5PM NBC November 22, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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how's it going? we expect you'll be contacted this morning by sergeant martens's superior at i.a.b. lieutenant shannon. we want you to agree to an interview. if lieutenant shannon asks, you acknowledge you know joey salvo, but you refuse to cooperate further. you wanna see if he takes that to salvo?
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my interviewer yesterday asked me about salvo. sergeant martens asked you? yes, that's right. so martens, knowing about this operation, he didn't go back to salvo. you don't pick that up on your bug. so martens is off your worry list, right? shannon should be calling at the beginning of the shift. if he takes it back to salvo, i'm done here. well, that'd be a big thing for us, finding out who's giving information to salvo. yeah, so that you can say "i didn't actually say you were done." that's my lieutenant's copy-- what i did and who asked me. he bites, i'm done. you could use some rest. i stayed up late making sure i got everything right. lieutenant.
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good morning. how's he doing? i haven't talked to him since yesterday. yeah, good. what, you want me to put a gun on him, make him tell me what's going on? we got a dump job. homeless guy called it in. a wallet and driver's license by the d.o.a. [ sighs ] christine lakos. what's that coming out of her mouth? you see that with strokes, don't you? heart attacks? you figure she felt one coming on, so she ran in here? - [ shutter clicking ] - you found her? i found her and called 911. lucky it was a free call, 'cause, uh, i don't even have a quarter. all right. what can you tell me about how she got here?
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s morning. what kind of white car? uh, maybe a toyota. drove up and dumped her out. gone in the space of two minutes. the guy driving wasn't good with a stick shift. what's your name? moe. i live here. right now i'm gonna buy some breakfast. - popped blood vessels in her eyes. - smothered? wasn't robbed or raped. we gotta figure out what that was coming out of her mouth. mm-hmm. and let's keep talking like we're robots, okay, andy? prove we're upset about bobby. don't open a mouth to me. we don't have to get miserable with each other 'cause we're not able to help. we don't have to screw ourselves up here. no.
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yes. i-i stopped to help someone on one of your city's fair streets and got robbed and stomped for my troubles. - i'm sorry that happened. what's your name? - john highsmith. come on in. greg. this is john highsmith. he got robbed and stomped. how do you do, mr. highsmith? come on. how badly did you get hurt, mr. highsmith? the complaint. it determines how we write it up. every bone in my body is broken. those kids sure didn't hurt your smart mouth too much, did they, mr. highsmith? we understand you're upset. uh, it's not gonna help anything taking a lousy attitude. i was on my way to the public theater. about 50 feet ahead of me a young black man began screaming that his friend was having an epileptic fit. as i hurried to help, the one who was screaming suddenly grabbed his hand back,
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g to put in his friend's mouth to keep him from swallowing his tongue? i gave my wallet to the one boy who wasn't having a seizure. then the victim-- the one on the ground-- suddenly kicked me. the other one struck me on the back of the neck. and as i lay there on the ground, they both kicked me again and again. completely gratuitous. did you get a decent look at these guys? black. punks. teenagers. at? - how do you intend to proceed, gentlemen? -what did you say just a minute ago? -sorry. i've had a bad morning. not quite up to the misrepresentation of my feelings that would get you on board. here's where i can be reached. i absolutely intend to press charges. greg, this is the magazine that wrote we were like a third world country's police force.
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but our local papers did excerpts, - shorten the words up. - mmm. proud proletarian ignorance. we better be extra careful if we collar these guys. - protect their rights. - so do i forget about retrieving my wallet? oh, not at all, mr. highsmith. uh, we'll try and stop the beatings and bribe-taking long enough to see if we can track it down. i'll be interested to see if you do. xxxxhead. [ knocks ] john shannon. how's it going, lieutenant? how about you and i get this thing straightened away, huh? i'm for that. good. i've been through your file. you're not a wrong cop. you ran a plate without authorization. came up no hits, covered, issued to another agency.
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hmm. which was nothing. the loan-out agency's the f.b.i. the operation's on a halfway hooked-up, stickup guy, joe salvo-- first collar's in the 27 when he was 17. - you found all that out, huh? - yeah. where you grew up-- - you know joe salvo, bobby? - yeah, i do. was salvo worried someone had him up? asked you, old times, would you run that plate? i knew joe salvo growing up. pretty innocent request, asking you to run a plate for him. maybe he told you it was about romance. no one's to say you knew what his act was anymore. - i got nothin' more to say. - no matter how much that hurts you? i'm from the street too, bobby. i can respect how you feel, but this ain't the street no more. you wanna show me some respect, lieutenant? don't hustle me like i'm a skell.
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d.o.a. got suffocated. plus there's some foreign kind of foam coming out of her mouth. m.e.'s checking it out for poison. oh. ah. can i help you, sir? uh, no. in just a moment. i'm fighting off a migraine. [ clears throat ] d.m.v. shows the victim, uh, owning a white celica. matches the car she was dumped from. gave you that? homeless guy. [ sipowicz ] uh, only other thing he said was-- [ groans ] the, uh-- the driver was a male. wasn't used to driving a stick. we'll reach out to the d.o.a.'s next of kin, talk to her neighbors. christine lakos, dump job, homicide, 26. - wanna work it with them? - sure. okay. may i help you, sir? i'm just a little nauseous. i'll be with you in a minute.
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- hi. - how's it going with you? half a chance, maybe this thing'll let up. - is that right, bobby? - yeah. maybe these people just got what they wanted. [ sipowicz ] maybe these people did, huh? - maybe these people are the c.i.a.? - busted. so if these people got what they want, maybe we get a copious rundown what the hell has been goin' on. i actually made some notes. and i need to speak to a detective in confidence. - detective, this is dr. herbert wentzel. - we'll manage. detective simone. how can i help you? i'm a psychiatrist. i'm concerned about a patient, christina lakos. why?
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unless i'm certain a crime's intended or actually has taken place, i can't disclose the basis of my concerns. how would you suggest we act on those, uh, concerns? what i can tell you is that she missed her last appointment. i would talk to her loved ones. i believe this is the sister's phone number and also her father's. he lives in a different place? i would talk to both of them. to see if she was really at risk. thanks for the heads-up. it wasn't a happy mission. maybe it'll turn out she blew the appointment to, uh, go shopping.
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got reason to believe she's in danger. tell him there's a reason to believe she's suffocated dead with some kind of foam coming out of her mouth? i didn't wanna give that up to him yet. was he on the ear when you were running the case for the boss? could've been. 'cause he was laying that doctor-patient privilege stuff on pretty thick. sayin' we oughta be looking at the d.o.a.'s loved ones. which he says he don't know she's dead yet. - i'm calling her parents. want me to hang up? - we wanna be looking at 'em.
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poor girl. i hope she was suffocated before they poured that into her. m.e. says that's how it went. - [ knocking ] - [ man ] who? new york city detectives. mr. albert lakos? what's it about? - can we talk inside? - [ lock clicks ] i'm detective sipowicz. this is detectives simone and russell. - we have some questions about your daughter christine. - come. - is she sick? - when did you see christine last, mr. lakos? about a week. she talk to the mother every morning. is that by telephone? on the telephone. did you talk to your daughter this morning? [ speaking greek ] not this morning. christine missed a doctor's appointment this morning. uh, psychiatrist. six-figure income. spend money for that, huh?
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did you and your daughter have some kind of dispute? you said that she only talks to her mother. well, how a daughter and mother talk. she comes for dinner. i see her then. get out if you don't say what you are doing. we're sorry to have to tell you this, mr. and mrs. lakos. christine was involved in a violent incident this morning. [ mr. lakos ] oh, my god. she was found dead. [ gasps ] oh, my god. [ cries, speaks greek ] [ cries ] who hurt my child? [ greek ] is my other child alive? [ mrs. lakos crying ] -we're going to talk to her now. -[ simone ] we're sure she is. we're gonna to have to ask you not to contact your daughter until we've spoken to her. why don't i stay here? we're sorry for your loss, sir. who hurt my child?
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[ laughing ] playin' basketball's a crime now, the way them guys swooped on us. you ever hear of school, jamal? oh! so you guys must be the truant officers. - yeah, we're truant officers. - or was it them guys that picked us up? those were cops from special frauds, jamal. and you and warren are collars for the same crap they popped you for twice already. yo, i thought they was health cops. you know, pop my boy warren for being epileptic. - you think you're superman, right, jamal? - a real nice cape his first stretch at rikers once he's bent over and busted open. [ laughing ] [ shutter clicks ] hey, he can't do that without our permission. hey, warren, permission this.
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- right there, sir. - [ coughs ] we've, uh, contacted our special frauds unit, described your complaint. they picked two kids up work that hustle in that general area. i see. we had 'em brought over, locked up down the hall there. - well, shall we see if i identify them? - we can't really do that. these kids are pretty wise. they won't agree to a lineup. being they're minors, we're not even allowed to keep their photographs on file. have you brought me here to expose me to your scalding constitutional ironies? our point more was to let you know we happen to got photos of these kids. you picking 'em out isn't gonna send them to prison or anything, but if we know it's them, at least we can try and get your wallet back. well, yes. yes, i would like to get it back. certain personal effects. any money left, maybe you could buy a self-improvement tape,
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yeah, we'll need to talk further with him. hard to like the d.o.a.'s old man for being involved. where this doctor was pointing you? the father was pretty torn up. anything off the d.o.a.'s sister? some kind of buyer at a department store. she was gone, but we'll try again. russell was with the parents so we could keep the sister's notification fresh, but we told her to come back. diane's already upstairs. you know she drives like a maniac? don't we talk in here, doc? you were clocked going 87 miles an hour coming back here. you can have a seat right here. this is quite a consignment of man and woman power. well, doctor, you were right that miss lakos was in danger.
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to use as much man and woman power as they can. this is what i was afraid of. i was literally getting sick over this possibility. [ simone ] well, knowing something has happened to miss lakos, doctor, would you mind telling us a little more about why you were so worried? absolutely. this takes the ethical gloves off to a much greater extent. this was a deeply depressed 26-year-old female with a history of family abuse. - abusive how? - incestuous contact with the male parent i hate to use a lot of professional jargon, but there's a nexus between depth of repression and degree of depression. she was suicidal? we'd identified and were addressing these cathexes in an increasingly positive fashion. but she absolutely had the capacity to kill herself. and how do you think she'd have done that? obviously, to the extent her self-hatred was generated by her childhood experiences,
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in a letter that she would certain would be found. her father's a plumber. you think she might swallow drain cleaner? oh, that's remarkable. is that what she did? that is heartbreaking and remarkable. as far as the medical examiner can tell, the biggest remarkable thing about that was her doing that after she suffocated herself. the drain cleaner was introduced postmortem? someone did the introductions after they croaked her. ou say, doctor? if someone were to be guilty of a crime in a moment of passion, and then be filled with self-recrimination and regrets, there wouldn't be a much more dramatic way to point the authorities to himself as the crime's perpetrator than putting drain cleaner down his daughter's throat. you're saying her father did the murder. and since he was a plumber, what he did afterwards with the drain cleaner, that was a way of him confessing?
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