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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 23, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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?? >> here's adventure! here's romance! here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west, the cisco kid! >> another herd headed for the waterhole, boss. >> good. you and ed
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>> "come into my parlor," said the spider to the fly. ?? >> look, sondra, the sign-- water! >> it's probably dried up like the last three springs we passed. >> well, it won't hurt to have a look at it. >> all right, let's go tell the boys to push the herd along.
5:02 am
>> who's running this outfit? >> i am, sondra lindsay, up from the rincon. >> we're heading for the market at abiline. >> i don't care where you're headin' for. you're trespassing on private property, helping yourself get the herd moving, dusty. >> just a moment. not so fast. it'll cost you $5 a head to move this herd. >> five dollars a head? >> why, you can't mean that, mister. >> i do mean it. i'm sick and tired of you trail herders ignoring my trespassing signs, smashing the lock on my gate, and helping yourself to this water. >> you're talking through your hat, mister. that gate was wide open, and there weren't any trespassing signs. >> oh, there weren't, eh? you just come along with me
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>> well, what do you think of that? >> that sign wasn't there when we came through. >> yeah, you're dang right it wasn't. >> and i suppose you didn't smash that lock? >> no, we didn't. now, look here, whatever your name is... >> pete. pete sturgis. >> this is a holdup if i ever saw one, but you're not going to get one red cent from me. >> no? then i'll have to impound your cattle until you change your mind. it'll cost you a dollar more per head for each day's delay. and i wouldn't advise you to try moving the cattle either. my men have orders
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to shoot to kill. >> what's that? >> oh, it's some medicine i picked up last night. >> medicine, eh? what's in it? >> oh, no, just a little castor oil, little turpentine, salsa de chile verde-- >> salsa de chile? pancho, are you out of your mind? that concoction will set him on fire. >> oh, cisco, pancho know what he's doing. hey, now, come on. you, you take the medicine, huh? take your medicine, or pancho gonna put you to w your supper. (chuckles) >> loco's not so dumb, pancho. >> come on. loco, do what pancho say, huh? come on, take it, eh? that's a good boy. look, it ain't gonna hurt you. look... see?
5:05 am
>> my, my, mister, but you sure are thirsty. >> oh, the sheriff, huh? >> oh, yeah. i've been the sheriff around here these last ten years. say, haven't we met before? >> no, i guess it was two other fellows. >> your face sure is familiar. >> yeah, that's the only one i got. maybe it was my uncle tito. he has got a face just like mine, only the ears is different, and we don't look too much together because one time his mother was scared (chuckles) ? hey, look behind me ? hey, hey ? somebody wants to catch us ? i think, i think i think. >> what did you say? >> ? little birdie ? fly away and come again ? some other day ? but fly away right a-- ? >> what's the matter? something the matter with your hand, mister? >> oh, no, i was just scratching the corner of my ear because it itch. (chuckles) didn't the corner of your ear ever itch, mr. sheriff? >> don't yell at me like that.
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>> i am sorry, because sometime my voice, it go high and sometime it go low, like hi-dee hee and hi-dee ho! ho ho ho! hee hee hee! >> does your friend always act like this? >> only on special occasions. he's perfectly harmless. >> well, if you ask me, i'd say he was off of his rockers. hey, i'm sure your face is familiar. we've met before. >> i do get around. >> but cisco is-- >> oh, cisco! oh, now i know where i've you're under arrest! >> what for? >> never mind. i'll tell you when i take a peek at my collection of wanted dodgers. >> but, sheriff-- >> don't give me any arguments. calaboose is right over there. now get goin'. >> but, sheriff, we didn't did nothing. i swear on a stack of tortillas. honest, we didn't. >> all right, look at your dodgers. we're not wanted for anything. >> don't get yourself
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>> cisco, we'll be here the whole week while he looks over the little papers. >> oh, this isn't all of them. i've got hundreds more stashed away. howdy, miss. anything i can do for you? >> i'm sondra lindsay, sheriff, owner of the sl ranch at rincon. a hard binder named pete sturgis is holding my cattle at a place called crystal springs. >> oh, impounded them, huh, till you pay him $5 a head? >> how did you know that? >> it's happened before. >> and you haven't done anything about it? what kind of a sheriff are you, anyway? >> just don't get all head-up. you see, since he's posted the running w, he's within the law. didn't you see any of his signs? >> sure, he showed me one at the gate, leading to the springs, but it wasn't there when we drove the cattle in. he claimed we shot the padlock off the gate, but we didn't. the gate was wide open. it's a holdup,
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toll trap, sheriff. >> no one's asking for your opinion. >> but he's right. >> well, i'm inclined to agree with you. i've had other complaints by other trail herders, but until i have some proof, i can't do a thing about it. >> well, i can, and i will. >> t pancho. >> i wonder if anybody ever picked up that scalawag. >> we help her, but how are we gonna get outta here? we don't got no wings just to fly like little birds. >> just play up to what i do. >> oh! cisco, say, you're clever! cisco! (laughing) do it again, cisco, once more. >> hey, stop that noise!
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let me see, let me see, huh? >> you try it now. >> no! >> oh, it's easy! >> no, i can't do it. it's more hard than what it looks, cisco. >> hold it on one finger. >> no, you do it. >> no, go ahead. try it. it's not difficult. >> no, i can't do it. >> oh, pancho, it's easy. try it again. >> no, this too tricky for me. >> i bet the sheriff can do it. >> yeah, the sheriff, but you know the sheriffs don't got no brains at all. he can't do it. >> so, you don't think i can do it, huh you just pass that out here, and i'll show ya. >> here you are, sheriff, you try it. higher, higher. now, throw it up in the air. good work, sheriff! now, get those keys and open the cell door. >> this is the cheapest dab-bird trick that ever happened to me in my whole life. >> hurry up! >> very idea of being taken in by a couple of cheap crooks like you! >> all right, pancho, out. get inside! >> why, you dirty, low-down-- you just wait till i get my hands on you again!
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>> what do we stop here for, cisco? >> i just want to take a look at that padlock, pancho. i think i'll take this along with me. >> cisco, if you want a padlock, i'm gonna buy you one. that's no good, it's broke and old and rusty. no good. >> that's exactly why i want it, pancho. i think we'll have a little talk
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>> mr. sturgis? >> well, miss. had your little visit with the sheriff? >> it didn't do much good. >> so, you've come to redeem your cattle, huh? >> that's right, with this. >> yeah. you're going for a little ride with us, mister. >> where to? >> crystal springs. you're going to tell those guys it's all right for me to move my herd. >> and if i don't? >> there's gonna be a funeral around here, with you as the chief attraction. (chuckles) my men'll be right after you. >> and i thought of that, too. you're going to abilene with us. get going, mister. >> on your way. >> hold it! get his horse, dusty. head over there.
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drop your gun! >> well, miss, i told you you wouldn't get away with this. ?? >> there's the cisco kid! >> cisco kid! >> get after them, pancho! are you all right, miss? >> i'm all right, cisco.
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>> shoot below the branch. (screams) >> we got him! hey, where is he? >> beats me. (laughs) >> guess pancho ain't so dead liou in the bulrushes, don't think pancho is a snake
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>> there are a few questions we want to ask you, mister, about this water toll business. get going! >> hey, cisco, you catch him? i got the rest of them. >> good work, pancho. get my horse, will you? i'll cover them.
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>> go on, get in there. >> here's another one, cisco. >> i guess we've round 'em all up. >> so, you're working the old waterhole trap, eh, sturgis? >> now, look here, you-- >> just say yes or no. and if you say no, pancho will change your mind in a hurry, if not quicker. >> drop your gun, pancho. you, too, cisco. put your guns away. put up your hands. i had an idea that you two was headin' this way. >> take a look at this, sheriff. i think that-- >> oh, miss, i've always admired a girl with spunk. just to prove to you that my heart's in the right place, you can move your herd. >> well, bust my britches. >> now, listen, sheriff-- >> shut up! and go get your horse. >> if you'll only listen, sheriff, this sturgis is-- >> i said shut up! get your horse. >> cisco, this sheriff hasn't got no braims at all. he don't know nothing. all they can say is "shut up!"
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>> i guess he meant it. >> take 'em down to the springs and tell the other boys it's okay for them to move their herd. >> it's a dang good thing you changed your mind, mister. we were about to bring a couple of hefty men to get 'em. >> come on, dusty. >> go on, get your arm fixed. >> i don't get this, boss. we risk our neck to get that herd, and then you give it back. >> who said anything about giving them back? >> but i don't understand. >> i said "move the ." for the night, you and the boys can rustle 'em across the border. >> what about the girl and the men, they'll talk for sure. >> they can't if they're dead. get busy. >> now, look, sheriff-- >> all right, go on, get in the cell. >> but let me tell you something-- >> if you don't shut up, this gun's gonna explode. >> all right, pull the trigger if you want to, but i've got something to say, i'm gonna say it now and you're gonna listen. >> all right, what is it? >> there is something wrong with this sturgis when he told the girl she could move her herd. no man who works the waterhole trap
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>> so? >> so, if i'm not badly mistaken, the girl, her men, and her herd will never get to abilene. >> sturgis is a crook, there's no doubt of that, but i never heard of him being a cold-blooded killer. >> but you'd go after him if you had the proof that he tried to rob the girl, wouldn't you? >> you're doggone right i would. >> well, then take a look at this padlock. >> yeah, what about it? >> it's been smashed by a bullet, wasn't it? >> any fool can see that. >> when did it happen, this morning? >> seguro que no. it's so old and rusty, could've happened last month or last year, maybe the year before that. sheriff? >> well, it didn't happen this morning, that's for sure. >> i'm glad to hear you say that, because sturgis claims it happened this morning. it was smashed either by the girl or one of her men. >> johnny? >> yeah. >> i'm going after sturgis. lock 'em up. >> right. >> oh, no, sheriff, we'll all go after him. >> all right, cisco, but if you give me the slip again, i'll hunt you down if it's the last thing i ever do.
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>> hello, sturgis. surprised to see me? >> how did you get out of jail? >> never mind about that. i came here to talk to you. sit down, be more comfortable. >> whatever you have to say, cisco, make it quick. my men'll be here any minute. >> now, now, mr. sturgis, don't lie. you know very well your men went after the girl's herd. >> how did you know-- (chuckling) oh, cisco, you're all wet. you heard me tell the girl she could take her cattle and leave. >> yes, i heard that, but you didn't know i was a mind reader, did you? when i tried to show that padlock to the sheriff, you didn't want him to take a good look. that's why you told the girl to take her cattle and move on. well, you didn't fool me a bit. i could read it in your mind, and i also could read what you were planning: have your men grab the cattle, kill the girl and her men, and then nobody'd be the wiser.
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>> hold it, sturgis! get your hands up. turn around slowly and drop your gun. come on, sturgis. >> cisco, i've gotta hand it to ya. >> hey, what's the matter, you got a hand to me to pancho, too, don't you. (chuckles) you know, cisco, it's funny the way we catch all those men that sturgis sent out to take the cattle away from the se?ori all the crooks is in the jail, and the girl, she get back the cattle, and the sheriff is a wonderful man, you know, cisco? hey, and he don't want us no more. >> but you're wrong. i do want you. >> well, you-- >> oh, no, no, no, no, no. you don't understand-- i mean, all i want you and cisco for is to sign my jail register. >> what? >> as a souvenir. >> oh, cisco, didn't i told you the sheriff is the nicest man,
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>> oh, cisco! ?? >> goodbye, amigos! >> see you soon! (laughing)
5:30 am
?? ride 'em, joker! show 'em how we used to do it in the cattle range! nimal don't like ya. you all in one piece? yeah, i'm all right. thanks. i can't figure that horse, though. ralph: here's the reason! there's a burr under his saddle! all right. which one of you put it there? i did. ed, you're a fool! a joke like that could kill a man. ask your friend there how many men he's killed. ask him how come he's got two good arms, and i've got this empty sleeve!
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forget it, ranger. no need to make a fuss. trackdown
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joker wells is wanted by the whole confederate army. they didn't even have a chance to put him on trial. well, that was yearsago, henrietta. look at the dates on these clippings. well, i know, but look at the charges against him. well, there they are. go on. read 'em. desertion during wartime and cowardice in battle. he's been hiding out since the war ended. mexico, probably, but so here he is back home in porter. home? well, the ranch he's living on was his family's. now it's his. but he won't live there long. the town'll see to that. well, they can't run him off his own land. oh, hoby. don't protect him. the town won't stand for that. ah, we'll see. joker wells brings nothing but trouble!
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getting worse. yeah, with a lot of help from ed crow. the whole town's on ed's side. (sighs) i know it. ralph: gilman! look out there! ?? well, cut it down, ralph and burn it. yes, sir. all right. now what? well... guess i better go find ed crow. ??
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dora, is, uh, ed here? no. is he in trouble? well, he's workin' on it. is it that wells man again? mhm. why don't you just chase him out of town? well, dora, i've gotta have a reason. ha, but you're the law. that'? reasonenough. well, there's no law against joker wells no matter how your husband feels about it. look, you can't blame ed for the way he feels. you don't-- you just can't. and you tell me why. it's an old trouble. it happened a long time ago. during the war. that's right. they, uh, they were fighting against sherman in georgia. the big retreat, you know. ed was wounded; his arm. joker could'a helped him, but he didn't. he didn't even try. he ran away.
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screaming for help. joker just dropped his gun and ran! you gotta get rid of him, hoby. dora: you've gotta get rid of joker wells before-- ed's been causing all the trouble, not joker. now, you listen to me, hoby. if anything happens to my husband, i swear to heaven that i'll-- oh, come on dora. don't even say it. here. see this? it's the first apron i ever owned. ed gave it to me. see, before that, i didn't wear an apron. i wore tights and, uh, spangles and long red stockings. i know. dora: my home was a filthy room upstairs over a saloon. dora: i'd rather hang for murder than ever live like that again. and i'm not gonna let you or joker wells or anybody else ever
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that's all for tonight, ed. my bottle, hoby. my money bought it. tenner'll keep it for you. hey, tenner! this traitor-loving ranger is ruining your business. you had enough, ed. er. or i stay here till i get another drink. sorry, ed. when you drink, it turns to trouble. i'm stayin' here until i-- whiskey!
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nah, leave him be, tenner. you let a lousy sell-out soldier drink all he wants, but me? i can't keep my own bottle! you're goin' home, ed. right now. you mind? up to you. yeah, you made, uh, quite a mistake coming back to porter. i'm an old hen at makin' mistakes. it may be a lot smarter and a lot healthier livin' somewhere else. i've lived somewhere else. well, you know how the town feels about you. you're not gonna have a moment's peace.
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not that simple. well, i'm not askin' for trouble. or favors, ranger. i made some big mistakes a long time ago, and i've been runnin' from it ever since. just that i'm fresh out of place to run to. now, maybe... maybe if i stay put for a while, i'll be able to change their minds about me. and if you can't change their minds? i dunno. but i can't run forever. ?? you're getting soft, hoby. another lawman would've run him outt'a town no questions asked.
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wanna tell me about it? well, he drew on me! your word against a dead man's. i tell ya he drew on me first, i swear it! (sighs) well, ed's in no position to argue with you. henrietta: i saw it, hoby. i just closed up for the night. i saw ed. i saw joker. tell it, mrs. porter. now, tell 'em the truth. ed was the first to draw. all right, joker. now when you're ready to leave town, you can have this back. oh, i ain't leavin' town. you stay here and this is gonna happen again. just as sure as you're standin' there. i don't want anymore bodies in the street. where can i go?
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dora. can i come in?
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well, uh. i wish there was some easy way to say it, dora. if, uh... if it's about ed... it is. dora: and joker? mhm. i knew it would happen. hoby. well, they'll be easy on him, won't they? i mean, well joker had it coming. ed only did what a firing squad would've done! uh, no. joker's still alive. ed didn't gun him down?
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ed, uh, drew first, but, uh, well, the joker's a better shot, that's all. oh, but that's wrong. that's all wrong. that's... dora: that's not the way it should be. i'm sorry, dora. that's not the way it should be at all. ?? (glass breaking) (people screaming) man: hey, joker! crowd: come on out, joker! we're waitin' for ya.
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?? (knocking on door) (knocking on door) hoby: come on, joker. open up. i was expectin' a lynchin' party. not in this town. and joker, you're leavin'. i'll get you a drink. ed's funeral's tomorrow morning.
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for the first time in my life, i'm trying to face up to trouble. you picked the wrong time to be a hero. now, listen. all i nene's a little time. i wanna show these people that i'm not so-- you're not gonna show these people anything. minute you show your face, they're gonna rub it in the dirt. maybe i better start wearin' my gun again. you'll get your gun back when you're on yoyo way out, not before others. two or three of 'em. i wouldn't put 'em on. the town is just waitin' for it. now, why? why can't they forgive a man for one mistake? this is why. ??
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not a word, not a tear. nothin'. as though she were carved out of ice. ralph: i drive you home, ms. crow? i'll manage. if there's anything i can do, you just let me know. thanks, ralph. i can do what has to be done! dora? dora! save the fancy speeches, hoby. now, you've had your share of grief, dora. why go lookin' for more? ed's gone, joker's still alive. now, get outt'a my way! you keep this up and i'll throw you in jail right now. for something i haven't done yet? that won't work. e it work! not a chance. your little laws are on my side, till i decide to break 'e'e after that, it won't make a bit of difference. maybe she'll be lucky.
5:50 am
?? (knocking on door) ?? (objects falling)
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oh. here. there. (coughs) who worked you over? nobody. everybody. it don't matter. a gun. yeah, you'd be dead by now. that'd been an improvement.
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hold on, hoby. toss that gun away. this is just plain foolishness, dora. the gun. joker's got guns in there, too. he can shoot a lot faster and a lot straighter hoby: than you cann i know. he practiced on my husband. ed forced him into that. i'm forcing him into this.
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he's already made more grief for himself than a man can handle. isist that enough punishment? no. he's still alive. well, in his case, that's the roughest possible sentence. (gun shot) (glass breaking) (coughs) turn your buckboard around. we're gettin' him to doc calhoun. no, hoby. now you turn that buckboard around right now! go 'head! move.
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your buckboard's outside if you want it. how is he, hoby? hoby? doc got the bullet out. what does that mean? le. old joker tried for the heart, but he missed it. that's not an easy target to miss, is it? well, when you've been beaten to a pulp, you can miss anything. does that mean he's not going to die?
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(sighs) i think i'm glad. honest, hoby.
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?? just comin' to say goodbye. it's kinda soon to be travelin' ain't it? oh, it don't matter much. i mean, that's's big hole you put in your chest. should let dora crow do the job. it'd be a lot easier all the way around.
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i did get a chance to unpack these saddle bags. what's this? eh, deed to my ranch. i signed it over to dora crow. just like that? well, i can't bring her husband back. it's about the only thing i got to give anybody. tell her take good care of the place. joker, where you goin'? someplace where there's lots of people. people mean trouble, to you. well, that's better than bein' alone.
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? ? i'm sorry, ma'am. i've been waitin' for the post


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