tv Today NBC November 23, 2016 7:00am-9:59am EST
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that's right. my name's randall. what are you doing out here, randall? there are signs all along the road. sorry. i didn't have time to look at 'em. i'm riding to bannach with you, and i can't afford to be e te. who says you're going? mike peeples. he says to give you this. so what do you want with me? you got a buckboard. that's not gonna do me any good. i don't have a change of horses. i can't take my horse because the man can't ride. now, i've got to get to bannach in three days. what about it? no passengers. mike peeples said-- look, randall, let's get one thing straight. mimi peeples, he chartered this coach, that's all. now, he can talk all he wants to while he's'sitting behind that desk, but out here, i give the word. nobody tells me what to do, nobody. now, i d d't know what connections you have with peeples. i don't much care. so you find yourself a road, huh? have a good trip, mister. you just killed a man.
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look, randall, it'd be easier if you just got on a horse, rode into town, a lot easy, but it wouldn't work. as far as they're concerned, gillette's dead. the only way i can change their mind is to walk him in, and i got three days to do it in. you got a problem. i figured you'd help me out with it. they called abb and me down from ellsworth to drive this run. the money they're paying us makes me believe they think we're gonna get it through. that's the only thing that's important to me. now, if you want a ride, ththe's a seat, but i'm not guaranteeing an arrival date. any chance of that dynamite going off? i don't know.
7:04 am
quite a weapon you got there. that's my right arm you're holding, mister. put it down. this was made special for me. i don't like anybody else's hand marks on it. i imagine you feel the same way about that gun you're carrying. whip or you won't get a chance to clear it. you talk big. all it means to me is you're gonna make a bigger wind when you drop. stop pushing me, hmm? luke, you gonna stand there gassing all day or are we gonna move this coach? all right, randall, get your friend on the coach. we're moving out. and you stay inside.
7:05 am
you got any idea what could happen if that stuff goes? from what i've heard, you don't have time to worry about it. just one good bounce, that's all. one bounce, we all get blown sky high. t stuff. randall, you got no right to put me in a position like this, no right at all. what right do you have to put a man in a jail cell waiting for a rope? just one good bounce, that's all. you're going to bannach and you're gonna be on time
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whoa. what's wrong? nothing. just a river to ford. abb's checking the bottom. at the rate we're e ing, you've already lost, randall, only you don't know it. to prove you wrong. you don't really think you're gonna make it, do you? i'm sure gonna try. what are you doing up here? i told you to stay back there in the coach. now, look, we have three more days. there's no use crawling on each other until we get to bannach. after that, i'll spot you the reason and i'll trim you down to my size.
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oh. i take it you boys don't care for 'em. i've never met one i'd turn my back on. you don't look any different. who's the man they're hanging in bannach? his partner, a fella named murdoch. gillette walked off with five pounds of gold and left a body that was supposed to be him. fixed is up so murdoch got the blame. nice fella. he takes knowing. day. ( laughs ) something wrong? why don't you tell him? no need for it to come as a surprise. if we're lucky, real lucky, we'll be there friday night, late friday night. well, you'rereust gonna have to make more speed and get there sooner. not with this cargo. i don't care about that cargo. what about my man? we're being paid to deliver this load. nothing stands before it. well, if i don't deliver that man, they're gonna hang a friend of mine,
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all right, let's get you aboard. why don't you just quit, huh? never learned the word. i got two more days between here and bannach, randall. i don't know when, i don't know where, but somehow, i'm gonna kill you. uh-huh. did you shove him around like that before you shot him, randall, or did you have the edge all time? you're pushing me, luke.. you better hope he's right. yeah? why? because if you get to bannach with me,
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you wawa something? yeah. more speed. can't. might bounce the cargo too hard. not only that, we're being paid to bring this through. look, why don't you unload it here? head in to bannach,, drop me and gillette off, and then i'll come back and help you load the dynamite. i told you before, h. you stepped on here by yourself. now, if you don't like it, you get off and walk. otherwise, you put a stitch in that mouth and keep it there. now, don't you try nothin' you'll be sorry for. listen, a mamas gonna die for a crime he didn't commit. now, to me, that seems more important
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hyah. giddy-up there. hyah! hyah! giddy-up. now, why didn't you do that before? could have saved us a lot of time. i don't like anybody telling me what to do on my coach. besides, the sooner we get to bannach, the sooner i'll be able to stompmpou in the dirt. now you get back inside and start praying this wholeleig doesn't blow up. and, randall, when you say those prayers, throw our names in.
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all that darn foolishness. a lot of foolishness is what it is. - abb? - yeah. - you all set? - itit ready. what are you mumbling about? i said it was ready. he ever agree with anything? you two gonna stand here gabbing or are we gonna get this concord across the river? all right, pay it out. hey, you take it easy, boy. i don't want the skin took off my hands. pay it out.
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here it come, luke. ( whip cracks ) ( exhales sharply ) how we doing? well, we might make it if the roads hold out and horses don't drop. ? about 30 miles. what time is it? s. a little after 8:00. now, you two standing taking in the sweet air, we ain't never gonna get to bannach. all right then. you hitch the horses. we'll load the dynamite. oh, you figured you had it made, didn't you? put that down. i'm sorry. i c c't oblige. better get out of here.
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and bring him back here. i'm leaving you, randall. couldn't get 10 miles with that leg. well, you don't mind if i give it a try, do you? you can't even sit on a horse. why don't we just wait and see, huh? all right, this has gone far enough. hand over the matches. i'm sorry. don't make me kill youou mister. you got any idea what would happen if you pull that trigger? it this boxes, they'd have to bury us all in gunny sacks. well, i tell you, you're not going anywhere, so we'll just back off and wait for you. well, now, that's the one flaw in my plan, and i won't have it. if i'm gonna go to eternity, i'm not gonna go alone, randall. i'm gonna take you with me. thanks for the ride.
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we missed. heheo. hanging over? the law says i need eight witnesses. haven't rounded them up yet. where is everybody? gone, day before yesterday. just me and the saloon keeper left. they hit a new gold strike about 40 miles north. the whole town ran out to start staking claims. the way it looks, it'll be a month before i get around to him. you boys look like you could use a drink. how about it? ?bar is open. now hold on there. there's still a little unfinished business, isn't there? what about that trimming down to size you were gonna do? you feel like being trimmed? to tell you the truth, no, but i wouldn't want to spoil any plans you got. well, why don't we go over and have a drink and talk it over. i'll buy. self
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morning. what can i do for you, mister? my name's randall. i'm hereor a man. aren't we all? well, maybe we better go in and sit down. down. now, about this fella you're after. i lost him in the big hat mountains. n river. a kid? is this something personal? no, except the kid didn't have a gun. nobody in green river wanted to bother. i did. you saw it happen? no, no, i didn't. was the same man that robbed that butterfield depot in yuma. also the samamman that robbed a bank up in the dakotas. well. he look like? he oughtworth somet.
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i said, i've never seen him. i got close enough to hear him once. got a description on what kind of a horse he's ri i figure he's got to stop p re for fooder. you have anything yet. you're too anxious to share the reward. these all the flyers you got? i just take care of my own territory. maybe that's why he came this far west. nobody knows him. let's ying cat and mouse. if he kills you, the reward money won't do you any good. be able to help you. he's riding a dapple-gray with a mcclellan saddle. his name is warsaw, vic warsawaw warsaw? ta
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"victor warsaw is herebyorably d from the unite cavalry." "victor warsaw releasedsas citye penitentiary, august 19th." fits your man to a tee, don't it? yeah. where is he? if we're lucky, we might be able to sell some of this junk to pay for taking care of him. we buried him this morning. young ladyame of lucy fremont shotas a doornail last night. he was tryingest her. where's his horse?
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you know, mister, it lke you lo. if youve come by here, nobobo would have known he's worth a plugged nickel. sam, mind the store. i'm riding up to cedar cto . s. m mshal? guess who that fella was, the one that miss lucy shot last night? wanted in three states00 bounty. how do you know? tellster. tell him how you missed your bounty by 12 hours. all that money for miss lucy. that's his horse? uh-huh. the marshal and the money. give them a big surprise. now, sam, don't you say a word aboututhis i won't, sheriff. if you're not here whack, thanks for the informatiti. those things you have in there, is that all on him? u know, for a fella that stole as did in his lifetime, he didn't end up with muc two silver dollars and an old watch. well, take care of things, sam, you hear?
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i tell you, it's as true as the gospel. just heard about a minute ago. to get the u.s. marshal at cedar city. lord, all that money for miss lucy. that's him, mr. sims. that's the fella who brought the news. not so good at keeping a secret, now, are you kinda got into town a mite late, didn't you? strikes you kinduh? what do they say? "the meek shall inherit the earth." ting, who was she? miss lucy? well, she was as poor as a church h use, that is, until 10 minutes ago, and pretty as a picture. she's a seamstress. she sews for just about everybody in even a shroud now and then whenen nee why is it she carries a gun? compliments of sheriff wilkes.
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well, i guess the only thing she's got to worry about now is not to marry the first man who comes along, huh? hmm. if what y y're saying is that she needs someone eligible, i agree with you. yes, indeed, i certaingree with. urry. the money's not here yet. what are you trying to say? , this man you buried, did he have any other clothes on him at all exceptpthat was in that package? no, i'm just askquestio. what you saw in that bundle is all tned, or his horse and his saddle and ried with him. and what was that? we sponged off his clothes to make him look as neat ase. shirt, pants, coat, socks. nothing else? as sure as i'm standing here. en you didn't bury vic warsaw, mister. wait a minute.
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y, all that money. what do you think of that? well, i can'teve it. i honestly truly can't believe it. that's tmiss lucy. that's the manan h, my name is josh randall. now, take care of yourself, miss lucy. don't you be telling this lthing that's not truru wh true, mr. sims? he's saying that we buried the wrong man, that you didn't shoot vic warsaw. sit down, mr. randall. what proof do you have that she didn't saw? we've got his papers, and the deputy that you identified e and his saddle. i'm asking you a question, mister. i believe i was talking to the lady. now, you look here-- this is my house, mr. randall. i'm sorry about this,
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e look like? with all due respect, you must have gotten a look at him. but i tell you, ark. what makes you think it wrsaw? if it's all right with you, i'd rather not say. it's liable to put the lady in jeopardy, huh? well, i'll be speaking to the sheriff in the morning when he gets back. mr. randall, just where do you think this man warsaw is? i don't know. well, you bee up with a good story, mister. that's all i can say. good day, miss lucy. and you have my sympathies. you're a very handsomeand brave. i must say that. thank andall. thank you kindly.
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( whistling ) kinda quiet, isn't it? you sure started something't yo? i haven't done anything. i'm just waiting for the that ain't the reason. if this wars ain't dead, then why ain'tout there trailin? well, 'cause i dfigureree e. well, you just answeredirst quen about everything being nobody else does either.
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think i did this foney, don't you? well, it's not true. it was eitherr your life or mine. i won't argue that. now, listen to me. you had vic crowded. he had to get you off his back. that's why he e to lordsville, you're breaking my heart. well, you' being fair. i haven't been free warsaw since the first day i got involved w i've tried to get free. i've lied to him, i've run away from him, you're worth looking for. now,oy with me, mr. randall. if i have to go to jail for what i've done, at least it's with a conscience i did it to save my life. u're a man. you can use a gun. i'm a woman. it's a nice speech, and i'm sure t it in your favor. say, tell me, did you really shoot that man they buried this morning? no, vic shot him. ed on you being fooled and giving up the chase.
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let's stick to your story, hmm? i've said everything there is to say. if you knew vic was in town, why you'd come here now? well, i figured if you were mixed he'd be back. you shouldn't stay here, mr. randall, and take a chance on getled. i liked you frirst moment i saw you, mr. randall. perhaps it's forward of me but you're the kind of man hoped would come along and never did. if things were different, you and i could have quite a liher. you're a very handsom i'll take you to him. i know where he is.
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he said he'd hide in the dress shoping we. i was to contact him there. he could have his mind. that what i was tryiyi to say. in other words, he could be anywhere in town. he could, except he won't fire at you while i'm by your side. and when i see him, i'll and you gun him down quick. don't give him a chance to shoot, mr. randall.
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what's the matter? g. you're leading, ma'am. there he is. all right, warsaw, drun. c. for what it's worth, i wouldn't have had to kill him if you hadn't have tried to set me up. i picked the wrong mdid? maybe you and i could've had a life together. we might have met somewhere if y actually killed him in the first placece
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- i just wondering, have you got room for another passenger. - you got the price of a ticket? - aw, i just want to go as far as the next town. i can pay you next timimaround, maybe. - sorry, dooley. no credit. - good afternoon, mister. - afternoon. - are you heading for san francisco? (driver) - don't bother the passengers, dooley. - sorry, mister. will you wait for me? - fella seems pretty anxious to get out of town. - yeah, poor little guy. reckon they're getting tired of him here. - who is he? - dooley delaware. says he used to be a big-timimacrobat. now he just wanders around, one town today, another town tomorrow. doing back flips for spending money. (distant clapping) call me when you're ready - to leave, huh? - yeah.
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(loud murmuring) (man) - come on, dooley. you can do it, dooley. (man) -let's go. - you think you can make that, mr. delaware? - excuse me. i think that i can do it, mr. marquette. but i can't meet the bet. $2.12. (laughing) - i'm always willing to make arrangements. i'll tell you what: if i can't walk this rope... i'll... curry your horse and shine your boots every day for a whole year. (murmuring) you're on.
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(all shouting encouragingly) (shouting continues) dooley, look out! (laughing) - now, dooley, you all in one piece? - i reckon so. - start shining, acrobat. - mr. delaware doesn't like to leave a winner on the board. he'll repeat the bet, double or nothing. - you let him call his own bets, mister. - i only got $2.12. - i'll cover for mr. delaware-- $100. no shoe shines involved, just money.
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mr. delaware? - golly.....or $100? i'd cross salamander canyon on a wire. (laughing) - you've got yourself a bet. - anybody got a rope? - never mind the rope, mister. get a wire. get one long enough to stretch clear across salamander canyon. - now wait a minute! that's not a fair... - my $100 against your $100 says that dooley can't walk a wire across that canyon. - oh, i... i... - take it easy, ben. that canyon is 300 feet deep. to a real wire walker. - well, i... - sorry. sorry, marquette. no bet. - come on, dooley. you can do it. show him you're not yellow. - now just a minute! (clamoring) come on-- wait a minute! it's my money and his life and we're both going to keep what we've got. come on, dooley, you've still got time to catch that stage. - he's not an acrobat,
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- i accept the challenge. will you stake me, mister? - you got the terms of the bet right? my $100 says you can't walk a wire across salamander canyon. - and i say i caca if this gentleman will sponsor me. - it won't work, marquette. you're forcing the odds. you're asking this man to risk his life for $100. - you talk too much, mister. - that doesn't help anybody's reputation. don't work like that. all right, i'll boost the ante as far as dooley can go-- $102.12. can you afford thatatuch, mister? - make it $1,000. - his lili isn't worth that much. - your reputation? - i'll see your $1,000 and make it $1,000 more. - why stop there? $3,000 says dooley can do the stunt. - you are on. my reputation, huh? - hold the stakes, bolo.
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the money. - easy, bolo. we don't want to offend our meal ticket. we'll give it to a neutral party. i'll take care of it, ben. - put it in the sack, wally. - mr. marquette, i'd rather not get mixed up in this. - wally's s t a wife and two kids. he's got to be honest. - mr. marquette, i'd rather not. - put it in a sack, wallll you'll get all the protection you need. you happy now, mister? - stage is leaving, mr. paladin. i'll stay here and look after my investments.
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- mr. paladin, i... i just want to tell you... $3,000... golly, you sure have a lot of faith in me. i was boosting the bet to get you out of it. i was trying to make marquette call it off. you must have been crazy to let them laugh you into a suicide stunt like that. - it's all set up. 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. - i've been told that canyon is 100 feet across and 300 feet straight down, and a wind like the breath of the devil. - mr. paladin, you heard what they call me:
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ing me. - what circusese - a monkey on a string, doing nip-ups for nickels and dimes. i'm a man, not a monkey. - well, of cououe you are, dooley. - maybe i won't make it across that canyon tomorrow, but they'll rememberer me. they'll remember me as dooley delaware, the man who almost crossed salamander canyon on a wire. come on inside now. everybody is hollering for you. - mr. delaware has to rest for tomorrow. - oh, but the whole crowd's going to go down to the canyon and set things up, and i thought you'd want to supervise. - rena, whose side are you on? well, dooley's. isn't everybody? now, come on. come on. - come on.
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is whole town. and bolo's just standing on his shoulders. - well, they're gonna make quite a thump when they fall.. - you're not gonna topple 'em. - nobody ever has. - well, i can try. - whwh what have you got...? - it's my business. ?? - okay, sir, here you are. drink up. wally made that drink just for you. aware fizz. - one drink of that, and you can walk that canyon without a wire. - all right, dooley, that's enough. it's after 2:00. - two of what? - 2:00 a.m. you won't be able to find that canyon tomorrow. - oh, leave him alone. he's having a good time, for the first time in his life. - yeah, let me be. your name is rena, ain't it? - sureret is, honey. - you hear that, mr. paladin?
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hen? hey, take your hands off my girl! - all right, what's marquette paying you? - for what? - that little job you're doing o odooley. - who says he's paying me? - i say he is. - now tell me how much it is and i'll match the fee if you let dooley alone. - maybe i don't wantnt . maybe i don't want to see him show up at that canyon tomorrow. - you want to scrape him off the bottom of the canyon, is that it? - if he don't show up, he'll stay alive. and dooley will spend the rest of his lifefe running away from himself. dead or alive, dooley loses and marquette wins. - best odds in town, folks. make your bets here. - hey, you. come over here. - coming right up. bebe odds in town, folks. five to one. - how do you figure odds like that? - nobody can walk a wire in that condition. - well, here's $50 on dooley. - there's nothing but the moths. - give the slip to rena.
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- $250. now, how does that compare with what marquette was going to pay you? (man) - best odds in town, folks. take your bets right here. - more than double. listen, i like the little guy. let me fix it so he don't show up tomorrow. then marquette will be happy and dooley will be alive. - dooley will be aliveve he'll die every time he looks in the mirror for the rest of his life. this town will paint h h yellow and never let him forget it. - well, what do you want me to do? i've been trying to save enough money to get out of this town. i can't affordrdo turn down marquette's deals - you can. now. if dooley makes it across that wire tomorrow. - sure, if he does, if. - you can help. - how? - undo what you've been doing. see that he shows up in decent shape tomorrow. take care of him the right way. - i guess i could try. - rena, your stage fare is walking across that wire with dooley tomorrow. now go on, take care of him.
8:14 am
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so the emergency responders already know what my n nds are. - there are things i wouldn't do if i didn't have mobilehelp. - mobilehelp is a lifesaver, literally and figuratively. - with mobilehelp, i feel safe. i feel secure, and i have my life back. - [narrator] call the number on your screen for a free full-color brochure. we'll send you everything you need, obile device, and the waterproof pendant and wrist button. you can also add theheall button falls and signals help help even if your unconscious and ununle to press the button. there is no equipment to buy and no long-term contract. act now and we'll l clude an emergency key box free with your plan purchase. call now and ask how you can save with our special holiday promotion. don't settle for a medical alert system that only works at home. - mobilehelp has given me my life becaususi'm not restricted anymore. i have freedom to live now.
8:18 am
- five to one. the greatest odds. all right, folks, all right. that at five to one. five to one-- five to one. the greatest odds. - all right, all right-- here it is, folks, right this way. all right, who wants... five to one. let's have it. five to one. the best odds in town. thank you very much. - everything all fixed, eh, marquette?
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- i know. another five minutes and that money is mine by default. - well, i think dooley will be here before the money is. where is it, by the way? - in good hands. it's all there. all $6,000. well, bolo is with it. i'd better count it. - later. - now. bolo, protect me. i want to count the stakes. hold on, you. - that's all right. it's all right, bolo. - give it to him. - well, listen. my wife and kids are... - oh, shut up. - come on, paladin, hurry it up, will you? - now, you just made me lose my place.
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- she's got dooley with her. that double-crossing little... bolo. - here's your money. - satisfied? - yep. i'm very satisfied. - bolo! - rena, how is he? - i did everything. i did everything i could. - what's wrong? - he's scared. just plain scared. you just mention this canyon - don't let your friend talk you into this, dooley. that wire means certain death. - be s srt, dooley. call it off. paladin's only interested in his three grand. - that's right, dooley. call it off. nobody here expects you to walk that wire anyway. - go ahead, call it off. everybody here has got you marked yellow from the start. - i know-i know what you're doing. you're trying to shame me into it. you're trying to shame memento committing suicide. - don't let him make a sap out of you, dooley. - i'll talk to dooley alonenebolo.
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- give him the money, bolo. give it to him! now, i'll talk to dooley alone. all right, dooley, let's hear it. - what? - why don't the circuses hire you anymore? - i took a bad fall about nine years ago. i got well, but i couldn't make myself get on the wire anymore. not the high wire. - thth think you've lost your nerve and now that big fear is back again? - it sure is. dooleyeydo you know what's going to happen to you if you don't get on that wire? you'll be a monkey on a string again. - i know. - they won't throw coins to you anymore. - i know. - they'll throw peanuts.
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imbed on in a circus. - don't listen to him, dooley. he's only interested in his money. - you believe that, dooley? - i don't want to. dooley, i made that $3,000 last week and i worked hard for it. but i'd rather lose it right here and now then see you lose your life trying g do something you can't possibly do. now, no tricks and no jokes. i want you to turn your back on it, i want you to walk away. my wagon is over there. come on. g) (crowd) we want dooley! we want dooley! we want dooley! we want dooley! we want dooley! we want dooley! we want dooley! - i want to try it, mr. paladin. i'm going to try it. - comemen, dooley! (crowd) we want dooley! we want dooley!
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(cheering) where's the bartender? where is he? - you find him. - why'd yoyo let him go? - never mind marquette. let's find dooley. - stage is leaving in an hour, mr. . ladin. - what are you talking about? us sign. it points in eight different directions all at once. come on. ?? please. my wife will be worried sick. - all right, get out ofofere. but if you open your mouth about this, you won't have a wife to worry about you,u,nderstand that?
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- how come you let wally go? - he's too scared to open his mouth. here, count it. "dauntless dooley delaware." you sort of wound up with a handful of air. i think maybe you'd better have it. - rena, i don'n'really believe dooley ever worked for a circus. - oh, no? well, here. i can prove it. what? - oh! i thought marquette and bolo got it. - so did they. - how'd you pull a stunt like that?
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- that's a bill of sale for a box the hotel is keeping for me down in the cellar. 50 rifles and a a ousand rounds of ammunition. what do you say? - you're covered. a king, a six of clubs and a pair of kings. a four of hearts, an ace, a three of spades, and here's three kings. - deal 'em. - a five of diamonon and a seven of... a five of diamonds.
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(laughing) oh, that bernard. 50 rifles... 50 antiques, circa 1812. (laughing) ?? - manager say sorry, mr. bernard check out early and leave no forwarding address. (paladin, reading) "war brewing between ranchers. "angle bar ready to fight circle-o "over cattle right of way, "claiming that pedro valdez, owneneof the circle-o ranch "has blocked his cattle pass "leading to summer grazing lands. "jared martin, owner of the angle bar ranch "in the sierra valley said today that valdez's actions can lead only to bloodshed."
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- now, wait a minute. we've got a little talking to do first. - what about? - the price of these rifles for one thing. - why, of course. i forgot this is just a business transaction to you. - name your price. - i can't do that until i'm sure how the rifles will be used. - as a matter of fact, the guns won't be used at all. my men have plenty of rifles. - what do you want with mine, then? - i don't. - i just want to make sure that valdez doesn't get them. (thudding) - sparky, get a rope. there are two letters that came from the hotel carlton in san francisco. one to me and one to valdez. you made him the same offer, right? - no argument. - valdez has plenty of friends, but he only has half a dozen rifles among them. - i plan to keep it that way. - so i see. - i'd have done business with you on your terms but you started quibbling about morals. - well, a man can have morals even in business. (grunting)
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gun and wants to make some money. - what are you going to do? now that valdez has those guns, we're going to have to move fast. they won't expect us to drive through the portals for a week. - you can't-- not until the cattle are rounded up. - no, but we can take it and hold it and that's just what we're going to do. tonight. come on. i'll help you down.
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- se?or valdez? - yes? - paladin. con mucho gusto. - se?or paladin. - did you get my wire? i received your answer. - i got your card, but i sent no answer, se?or. - pedro, i sent the answer. - you should not have done so. i'm sorry to have inconvenienced you, se?or, have. - pedro, we do not seek trouble. it is already upon us. - ay, pobrecito. you heard firing from the martin ranch a few moments ago. - we did. - i shot two of martin's men on that set-to, and... i brought these for you. - you see? this is how a professional does things. - i see. what do you ask for the rifles? - you tell me after you've used them.
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i would indeed be fearless. - what were you doing at the martin ranch, se?or? - choosing my side. - and you choose this one? - i'm here. - perhaps you have not chosen too wisely, se?or. we are greatly outnumbered. - well, with just a few men, jackson held new orleans. and with fewer men, washington took trenton. - you speak knowingly of the art of war, se?or. - i've had some training. i'd like to look over the disputed territory. - this is no dispute. the land belongs to us. - you have proof of that? - the proof is with the man of the law in the town. - what does the lawyer say? - he says that a paper cannot stop martin, so we must fight. - i will provide a horse for you so you can inspect the portals. juan, chico. open up the box and hand out the rifles. - momentito, muchachos. por favor, se?or, not yet. - now you want money? - no. the rifles are yours at your price when you want them. - well, then why do we have to wait?
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- mr. paladin, i've done all i can to help the valdez brothers, but their claim to the land has no legal validity whatsoever. - they told me that you had legal proof of their ownership of the portals and the high pasture land that leads to it. - now, it may be proof to them, but to a court of law, never. - is it proof to you? - what do you mean? - oh, of course. pedro valdez is a man of scrupulous honor. why, i'd believe him even without the letter. - you have the letter? - yes. right here. in john longworthy's own handwriting. - longworthy was the original owner? - yes-- i had the honor of being his attorney for many years. unfortunately, i was in st. louis at the time of this sale. longworthy died before i returned. - and? - well, pedro and carlos worked with john on his ranch for over 20 years.
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e does martin come into the picture? - well, after longworthy died, martin came in and purchased the entire ranch. the original ranch. - wait a minute. you mean valdez paid his money and got nothing to show for it? - they trusted one another. they'd been working together for 20 years. when they bought the land, it became theirs on longworthy's word. that was all the proof they needed. - so they didn't bother to file a new deed? - pedro valdez is a fine man, but he's uneducated. - what about longworthy? he must have known there'd be complications after he died. - yes, you're right. but which of us expects to die? - i'd like to see that letter if i may. - the important passage is on the top of the page there where it's marked. - this letter was written by longworthy to pedro valdez, is that right?
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"to know that now you have a fine ranch of your own. "the northern quarter is good land "and i would not have parted with it to anyone but you. "you purchased it with faithful service as well as with dollars, john longwor..." well, now. what's that for? - kindly return the letter to the envelope and hand it to me, please. - you're not taking any chances, are you? - it has occurred to me that you might have been hired by martin evidence. - you said that the letter is worthless as legal proof. - still, it's all we have, and under certain circumstances, it might be made legally valid. - what circumstances? - well, martin would have to acknowledge in writing that he accepts the letter as legal proof of valdez's claim. - has martin been approached on that basis? - he has. that's how carlos valdez got his broken arm. - mr. haskins, how long do you think we have to settle this?
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- there will be a lot of bloodshed and a lot of innocent lives lost unless you can prevent it. - thank you for your time, mr. haskins. oh, sorry. - watch where you're going, you clumsy ox. - well, maybe i didn't hear you right. - you heard me. you're a clumsy ox... - sorry. i guess you didn't hear me right. (gun clicking) - after you. - say, the way you handle that gun, you ought to be coming with me. - where? - the martin ranch. they're paying five dollars for one night's work. - what's the job? - easy. scare a few mexicans out of martin's cattle path so he can take his herd through. - you sure about this? - ed sandy rode through town about an hour ago, said any man that wanted to make an easy five
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- sure. well, you coming? - i'll see you there. mr. haskins, i'll have to trouble you for that letter. - but... i can't allow that. - i don't have much time. martin's going to force a showdown tonight. - i still don't know you haven't been hired by martin. - if i had, this would be a lot simpler. - what do you mean? - i could have killed you and taken that letter, even when you had the gun on me. ?? put the gun down, mr. haskins. the law is your business, guns are mine. - if you're so good with a gun, you'll never have a better chance to prove it. - what good is proof to a dead lawyer?
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(gun clicking) thank you, sir. i'll return this letter to you tomorrow. - the rifles are a very good joke, mr. paladin. - carlos, listen to me. martin is planning to attack tonight. not next week, tonight. - you're going to stop him with these? - yes, if you listen to me, we have a chance. you trick us with false hope to steal our money. - that's not true. you say martin attacks tonight? we will be ready. but first we must deal with you. a traitor.
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? think of your fellow man. ? ? lend him a helping hand. ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ? take a good look around... ? ? ...and if you're lookin' down, ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ?put a little love in your heart.? ? in your heart. ? (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now
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- ya esta listo. - muy bien. - carlos. i challenge you to tell these men how i betrayed you. - you brought us those old rifles to use against men armed with real weapons. - did i ask you to pay for them? didn't i tell you you could give me what they were worth after you used them? - he speaks truly, carlos. - after we use them? would we be such fools as to fire them? the odds are they'd blow up in your face. - you see, he admits it. - pedro, those guns will stop martin. - how? - a show of force can win a battle before it begins. - he lies to save his skin. he would have us face real bullets with those old relics. preparen! - i came to help you. i ask nothing of you. (carlos) - apunten! - am i to die because you opened a box
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os. descansen. all right, speak. - martin doesn't know those guns are antiques. - what is your plan? - when martin gets to the portals there should be a gun barrel sticking out from behind every rock. he's not a fool. he'll hesitate to attack a heavily fortified position. - it seems possible. what do you think, carlos? - as i have said, he speaks knowingly of war. - it's a gamble but it's your only chance. try and shoot it out with martin's men, - that is the bitter truth. - por favor. los manos. gracias, gracias. carlos have your men get those old rifles. - si. - now, pedro, how much coal oil can you get me? - esta bien, -muchachos. now all we can do is wait. did you have your men pour the coal oil? - si, se?or.
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- martin, tell your men to hold their fire. you men want to stay alive, throw those guns down. you're surrounded. we can still make a fight out of it. a lot of men will be killed on both sides. how many of these $5 helpers are going to stay with you? carlos, tell your men to hold their fire. - all right, you win this round, but we'll be back. you can't hold out forever. - there isn't going to be another round. this is the finish. i've got a lot of guns behind me and you've got a choice. you can set off a massacre or you can settle this here, with me, alone, now. - what's on your mind, paladin?
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i've got something i want you to sign. this letter says that valdez bought his ranch and that he owns the ground you're standing on. you're going to write on it that you accept this as legal proof of his claim. now write! the rest of you men throw those guns down. they'll be returned to you tomorrow. pedro, carlos, vengan!
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oh, no. >> hi, there, rather john. made it two days early. >> i can see that. >> what's the matter, victoria? >> manolito is not here with the money yet. >> you must have broken a few trail drive records. there is a top ramrod. you can praise him. >> yeah, i will raise him, all right. >> you must be hungry. why don't you come inside and rest in the cool of the house? >> i would sure like that, but i would like to get right to the drive just as soon as donna and i conclude our business -- john and i conclude our business.
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and back. >> he left two days ago. >> but he had to go to my father to get the papers to get the money. >> maybe the bank is closed. maybe there is nothing to be upset by. >> i have already paid hammond half of his money and i had to mortgage the ranch to montoya to get the other half. i should have gone myself. >> ranching is a gambling have one a deal. >> the sure, but this time mono -- mano is playing the cards,
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[knock on door] juanita? [knock on door] juanita? manolito here. juanita? it is manolito. juanita, fairest -- all right, john, i was wrong. what more can i say? i stopped in tell her i had to go right home. >> you are going right home, all right. you are going to toronto montoya -- rancho montoya. >> john, you cannot blame me.
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the bank's? do you want me to pat you on the back, say good job, brother-in-law? you lost me my ranch! >> mun alito. >> i have to help john track those banditos. >> i think you have done enough. >> even you. >> we will not need the rema, blue. horse. >> your daddy just fired him. for living. >> john. john, mun alito feel so badly. give him -- mun alito feels so badly. give him a chance to redeem himself.
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>> except what? >> it seems to me you may be cutting your nose to spite your face. >> what you mean by that? >> you have said many times that manolito is the best tracker on the ranch. you have even said that he can track across water. >> i said that? >> you said that. >> i must have been fe >> are you going to stay here, holding up the post, mano, or
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because she knows me. besides, tomorrow we will be in mexico and done with her. >> it doesn't matter to me none. i am just glad she is here. little lady, let me help you down? >> get away from me, pig! [laughter] >> i think you better learn to cooperate. >> you made me betray a good man. >> for which we got a great deal of money. shared. >> i am trying to forget. >> use the bed roll over there. >> only if you sleep downwind of me. >> there was a time i wrote a white horse, and you would beg to wash my feet. >> that was another time and another man from what you have
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it will give us time to catch up to juanita. and when we do, we will make sure it is a moment she remembers. >> it will be my pleasure. >> what are we waiting for? >> i do not like this, john. >> what do you mean? >> i feel like a rat, lo >> you saw the tracks. they're going to be border. it is obvious. >> that is the trouble. they are too obvious. i think we should take time, scout around for more. >> like you scouted around for juanita? we will follow these tracks. >> mano says --
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>> a killer, a pig -- the male of the species. >> i can think of a better way to use the water. >> i must tell you -- >> your bath? >> why should manolo be blamed for all this? they were waiting to ambush them on the road outside of tucson. >> you mean, if you had not stopped him, they would have killed him?
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it will take some soaking to get the dirt out. >> ahh. there was a time in his youth when he rode a white horse and he was a hero in the hills where i was born. th but it was a dream of someone else. this matar is someone else. >> the revolution. >> s?. now that the revolution is over, he is a thief and a bandit.
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>> if i want to get to tucson before sundown. >> but you have not finished telling me. >> about what? >> the money. >> what money? >> the money the bandits stole. >> did i tell you they are headed for the border? >> did i tell you that the high chaparral will be lost at sundown tomorrow if we do not recover it? >> it >> it really is getting very late. >> well, that is a pity. >> about what? >> about how richard food can thicken a figure. >> that is impossible. i am noted for my small waste. mano can him close it in two hands.
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>> since it is your money, i could not have enjoyed spending it anyhow. >> i am sure you would have gotten over that feeling quite quickly. >> may i spent the evening with you? it has been a very tiring day. >> oh, i am sure of that. you may stay. may enjoy seeing you when he gets back. >> mucho gusto. >> and juanita -- do not worry about the money. i am going to put it in a place that even you cannot find. so go ahead and rest.
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who i am. >> juanita? >> no games, pretty. we know that she is here, along with the money. >> what money? >> ok, se?ora. >> i do not know who you are and i know nothing about this money you think is here. >> what you think, pretty? do you want a little help from old kyle? to scare me, right now the men of the ranch are going to -- >> i don't know. they are tied up in the bunkhouse. >> but if juanita ran away -- >> how did you know that she ran away? [laughter] anyhow, we got the idea from an m.d. saddlebag out there in the desert.
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>> sit, por favor. do you not see the trouble you are in? the reasonable. do not put me to the test. i want that money. i need that money! >> it is something that you are not. >> what do you know about me? your father, don sebastin montoya, he >> never. he is a real man. he did not steal what he had. >> he had the land. >> whatever he had, he carved with his bare hands. but you -- you fight for the killing. all you have is the skill of killing! >> than do not make me use that
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>> i do not wish you any harm, se?ora. i was once called el hombre de hierro. s?, el hombre de hierro. the man of iron. >> [speaking spanish] >> what does that mean? >> iron consumes itself in its own rust. >> [laughter you may be very angry, -- you made me very angry, se?ora. that is very unwise. you know, we could have a fiesta if you would just turn the money over. >> i do not know where it is,
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you. >> why? you are the daughter of don sebastin down, and you are the wife of john cannon. why should you risk your life for some money? >> because it is our money! >> bravo. tommy, -- tell me, se?ora. would he rather lose you? i know where he is, you see. he is many, many miles away. following my men to the border. so, you see there is plenty of time. time to eat, time to tear this place apart by brick -- brick i brick. time to make you scream for the chance to tell us where that
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screaming] let me alone! >> she must have gone through the back way, to steal a horse. >> bueno, bueno. >> look what we have here. hello, pretty. >> give us the money. >> i gave it to her. >> is that true? >> i will tell you nothing. >> what a pity.\ isn't it, kyle? >> yes, a terrible thing. to wreck this room just because
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>> [chuckles] you? >> sure enough, pretty. i would take good care of you. >> i think you mean that. >> i mean it, all right. and once we find the money, you will be on the winning side. >> that is important. >> it makes you feel a mite >> but what i am feeling for you is more than friendship. >> oh? like what? >> it is hard to put into words. >> maybe i can help you along. >> hey, what do you think you are doing? >> it don't take much figuring to see we are getting better acquainted. >> there is plenty of time or that later.
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>> you have made a decision, haven't you? >> about what? >> whose side you are on. >> no decision is involved. >> kyle. >> you are very good with women, aren't you? >> oh, i do all right. >> juanita is a pretty woman, isn't she question mark >> real pretty. >> only i am confused. >> about what? >> don't you find me attractive? >> sure, i do.
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>> you are married. >> that is my problem, not yours. >> that is a real easy way of looking at it. >> kyle? >> it is all right, pretty. i have the time and inclination for both of you. >> that is not what i -- >> you stay there! and you put your hands behind your head. >> i will kill you. i will kill you. >> i don't think so. >> you try me. >> [laughter] i ain't that much of a fool, pretty. [indiscernible]
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>> there is something -- now wait. hold on. you ain't going to be no servant with me. and don't you go trying to sneak out be back way. or we will burn this place down when we leave. that highborn lady. [laughter] she is going to have to find yourself a new trade when she loses this ranch. >> juanita -- [speaking spanish] it is just like old times, no? >> s?, only much more
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kyle, we better think about leaving pretty soon. >> oh, we got plenty of time. plenty of time. right, pretty? [laughter] whose side are you one now? >> i have always wanted to be treated like a real lady. >> you will start right now. and you, you yan [laughter] she's my servant. >> what are you staring at? get out of here.
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her. >> john, you're not thinking of giving up? >> no, not giving up. just getting ready to start over. let's head back, boys. >> [laughter] promises, promises. >> true. >> what are we waiting for? >> hey, amigo. saddle up. let's ride. >> why not? we got everything we want. >> and whatever is left, we take with us. [laughter] >> you know, she's the only one
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>> un momentito, victoria. you are going to be late. >> late? >> to join your friends outside. because you're going with them. [juanita screaming] >> mano! believe me. >> how long were you here? >> an hour, maybe more. you were in no trouble. i was watching. >> and you did not help me? >> i did not want to spoil your victory. [both talking in spanish]
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[both talking in spanish] >> jo you must be tired after the long drive. >> victoria, there is something i have to tell you. >> oh? >> we might have to start over again. >> in a sense, we start over again every morning, and that is what makes life exciting. >> no, i am talking about hanniman and the money. >> he has been and gone.
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beeves are on their way right now to the army. >> mano, please tell me what is going on here? >> there is not much to tell. victoria got your money back. >> not without your help. >> graphs i did help a little. -- perhaps i did help a little. >> now, wait, where do you think john, you did tell me to return to the rancho montoya. >> yes, i admit i have a short fuse, but you have such a talent for getting into trouble. >> and a bigger one for getting out of it. >> i will reconsider what i said if you will just tell me what happened. >> i would be glad to -- >> the story can wait.
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