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tv   WRAL News at 4pm  NBC  November 23, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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[ indistinct conversation ] how 'bout under the seats? lieutenant, we've been over this car a dozen times. look, we'll be able to run some better tests when we get it back to the lab. all right, let me know the minute you get anything. we've been through all the hotel guests on most of this block. somebody saw something. it was dark. it was sleeting. you don't just walk up to a guy sitting in his car and shoot him without somebody seeing something. i already seen these. try again. i been through all this at the station last night. i told you i didn't get a good look at them. when can we expect your results? considering what we found, not long. i wouldn't expect much. what the hell did you do to my room? there's holes in the wall. the furniture's busted. there's black powder all over everything. sir, contact the city attorney's office. you'll be reimbursed.
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we're looking for someone who shot a police officer. yeah? i've never seen you work this hard for joe citizen. then it's just file a report. hey, why don't you shut that hole in your face before someone does it for you? is that a threat? hey, where you going with my register? this is evidence. i can't believe you guys. i'm filing a complaint. sir, here's the number. man: all right, looking good. clear on this side. take it out. surgery took 5 1/2 hours. they removed the bullet. fragment remains lodged near his spine. the doctors say it was a miracle that he didn't bleed to death. belker's too ornery to die.
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in the belker investigation is much appreciated, but we are at maximum deployment. for those of us present tonight, perhaps the opportunity to -- to give of our sweat and tears can, uh, nevertheless contribute to the cause by giving our blood. belker is o-positive. just, uh, check in with me before you go to county general. and may i, uh, submit for those of you who are so persuaded, a few prayers might be in order. item two -- an increase in purse snatching is reported by the dekker avenue merchant's association. the suspects appear to be well-organized and working in pairs. woman: dr. william esterbrook, extension 203.
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stan. hi, stan. any change? critical but stable. they planning to go back for the fragment? not unless they have to. too risky. man: dr. callahan to icu stat. dr. callahan to icu stat. rough night. any leads? not much yet. it's too early. he'll make it, captain. dispatch. we have a 911 -- armed robbery in progress, surplus store, corner of peebles drive and 124th street. [ slow piano music plays ]
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well, if anybody should happen to ask you where i was last night, you just tell them i was at a poker game, all right? okay. renko, do you remember a guy talking to belker yesterday at the diner at lunch? no. no? nope. [ telephone rings ] line four for you, sir. inspector's review board. thanks, raymond. sergeant hunter. 4:00? and what, may i ask, is the purpose of this meeting? belker leaves the station at 5:00, says he has a tip on some stolen credit cards. desk clerk puts him at the hotel at 5:30. asked for dolores, room 103. 5:40 pedestrian finds him shot in his car --
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s.i.d. says the shooter was right outside the driver's window. belker probably never even saw the guy. doesn't feel like a street robbery. belker's gun was still in his holster. robber would have stripped the piece. buntz: he makes a buy, he delays a pop 'cause he figures he can ante up to a bigger source, and then he gets done. think someone made him? can't rule out anything at this point. belker was too good to get blown up over a few pieces of plastic. where are we with forensics? uh, there's no latents in the car, the motel room. they're still going over his clothes a few other things, but basically zero. what about the woman he went to see? registered as dolores chapwood. phony address. looks like a phony name, too. she paid cash for the room, left without checking out. got a lame description from the desk clerk, but we put out a statewide bulletin. we have any ideas where he got his tip? i went through his desk. i couldn't find a thing -- just a big mess. i've got detectives willard and macdonald running down snitches. j.d., contact the bus companies. interview any drivers who might have passed the hotel between 5:30 and 6:00.
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ds. i'll be checking for fresh sources of plastic, captain. see if i can't shake something loose. yeah, i want you all to stay in touch with me directly. lieutenant. yeah, i'm a little busy right now. renko and me were at jimmy's diner yesterday. i saw this guy talking to belker. you'd recognize him again? yeah. sergeant, i'm requisitioning hill. change into your civvies. i gotta make a couple of calls. so renko, i'm gonna go with buntz for a while. fine. are you okay? no, my arm hurts a little bit. listen, raymond, i'm taking about an hour, okay? personal time. i know it seems rather petty in the face of ongoing events. i understand perfectly, but i thought your review wasn't up until the 23rd. precisely, and now this royal summons to appear before the inspector's review board. no explanation. it's highly irregular. all my information
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i'll see what i can find out. i appreciate it, frank. [ knock on door ] line two for you, captain. s.i.d. captain furillo. nothing, huh? white male, reddish hair, medium build, late 20's, maybe a little wasted? mean anything to you, mrs. belker? sound like anybody mick uses regular? no. at night i ask him how work went. it's always "the usual" or "nothing much." hi, fellas. how's it going? we're working on it. these -- these are the cutest things. they got cartoon characters all over them. you sure mrs. rodriguez doesn't need anything else for the little guy? no. thanks, stan. i'll be right back. excuse me, gentlemen. supply run. i know this is a hell of a time to be bothering you, but... ask, lieutenant.
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ook at? i can't get him to make a grocery list. he always comes back with the most useless things. yeah. well, uh, if anything should come to you... we're all pulling for him, too, robin. thanks. what's a guy like that with a kid and all doing undercover, anyway, huh? i hope i'm not disturbing you or anything. not at all. come on in. no, i can't. oh, come on. get on in here. so look, i gotta talk to you about last night. mm-hmm. i thought it was great. yeah, well...but i'm a married man, and you were lonely, and i took advantage of you. that's not the way i see it. so i can't see you no more,
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w partner, and that's the way that's gonna be, okay? [ clears throat ] you left this here last night. yeah, thanks. so that's about it, right? name it. i'd like a copy of your station's vice squad duty roster with photo i.d.'s. you remember the concept of adverse market forces. you're a hooker, aren't you? i much prefer to think of myself more as an entrepreneur on the way up. you'll do it for me, andy. no, i will not. i could cut you in on the action. no. andy, i hate to hurt people. i mean, i'd hate to have to make a phone call
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but i will if you won't do this one thing for me. what about the guy that hangs at lester's lunch? stanley? come on, he's tall. he's built like a linebacker. nah, if it isn't lee, i don't know. could be johnny lupo, only he's old. he's like 40 some. did you notice a fever blister right here? maybe he's older. i don't know. hey, norm, lee's place is right up here on the side, 657. it's right here. okay. hey, hey. word gets around, huh? you listening to me, huh? i was doing him a favor! you set up a cop. no, no. it was righteous information. who was dealing the cards, huh? i don't know. uh, maverick. think again. think again, huh? belker came in asking for dolores! dolores who, huh?!
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you're afraid that word's gonna get out you ratted a friend. well, it won't. it won't. i guarantee it. you just tell me her name, her real name. get out of my face. listen, you piece of garbage, i got a friend sucking wind just a couple blocks from here 'cause of you, and you're gonna join him in just another second. officer hill, why don't you go get yourself a cup of coffee? hey, no, no. don't go, man. don't leave me here with him! this. he give you the name, norm?
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we need an interrogation room. a's open. i want a lawyer. relax. miss davenport. dolores chapman, remember? what's the charge, lieutenant? just gonna ask her a few questions, miss davenport. she's here of her own free will. well, she still is entitled to an attorney. have you told them anything? i told them i was at the hotel. i got nothing to hide. i just don't want them to violate my parole. i gotta see my little son, my little boy. i'm gonna cooperate. uh, i'd like to talk to ms. chapman alone, lieutenant. look, miss davenport. lieutenant, what tree did you guys shake? hill i.d.'d the snitch. hey, my man. excuse me. there's a bad stomach bug or something. [ clears throat ]
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more about her, just an old friend he ran into at a bar. she told him to put the word out that she's dealing with stolen credit cards. anyway, i run the name dolores chapman through the computer -- bingo. out of harrisonville six weeks. just did eight months on a bad check beef. i talked to the parole officer. oh, there's a real prize, let me tell you. the guy probably has trouble dressing himself. at least he's got dolores' sister's address. i drop in, there's dolores watching "wheel of fortune." norm. yeah, we got the seller, captain. so this guy knocks on my door. i answer it. he says he wants to buy some credit cards, and i says "i don't know nothing about no credit cards," and why would i? so he leaves. how do you think he got your room number, knew to ask for you? i don't know. maybe somebody's trying to set me up. i mean, everybody's got enemies. kind of a big coincidence, don't you think, dolores, huh? cop comes asking for you, he goes outside, somebody whacks him?
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i just don't want this to violate my parole. captain, i won't allow my client to be badgered. she's here voluntarily, and she's obviously emotionally distraught. hey, wait a minute. let's be straight here, now. she is here because she's got a 4-year-old kid staying with her relatives in missouri, and she won't regain custody if her parole is violated. i gotta have my little boy back. please! the lieutenant's manner of questioning borders on coercion, captain. well, he's making an observation which seems to be valid under the circumstances. what were you doing in that hotel? i was, uh, looking for work in the area -- computer programming. i studied it in prison. you can check my records. why register under an assumed name? you ever tried getting work as an ex-con? you left without checking out. i didn't want to stay where people were getting shot. how come you didn't stay with your sister as soon as you got out of the joint? my sister doesn't want nothing to do with me. i was scared. i didn't have anyplace else to go! you were dealing credit cards. belker made a buy.
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now, was it you? did you do him, dolores, huh? i didn't have nothing to do with it! session's over. if you've got charges, make them. my client's through talking. [ sobs ] she's dirty. we don't have a case. no physical evidence, no witnesses, the officer involved in unconscious. let me put a loose tail on her, captain. she's scared. she'll screw up. low profile, norm. just follow her. where are you two? nothing from the bus drivers, the cabbies. we've been back over the hotel register. the place is practically a halfway house for ex-cons. we're going back to talk to some of them. they may know more than they said. good work this morning, bobby. i would like the record to reflect
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fficial protest of this superfluous hearing. extensive investigation has never challenged my use of deadly force, and to delay the restoration of my lieutenancy any further -- [ door closes ] henry. howard. the review board wants to see me this afternoon. i thought you weren't up till next week? but howard hunter has faced them before. he's been through the maelstrom and kept his powder dry. good luck. "from my tribe i take nothing. i am the maker of my own fortune." tecumseh, chief of the shawnees.
4:23 pm
oh, hi, daryl ann. andy's not here? uh, no. um, i'll tell him you stopped by. last night he didn't come home till real late, and then he left this morning without saying anything. um, yeah, our poker game didn't break up for a while. i'm sorry about that. hope he didn't lose much. we've been having some problems. i guess he told you. he made some mention. maybe it's not all him. ng him, but, i don't know, maybe it's my fault. sometimes i wish i never baked a cookie in my life. you hang in there. i'll be at mr. ellis' office all afternoon if he wants to talk. will you tell him that? look, uh, i-i know andy acts like a-a jerk sometimes, but i also know he feels very bad, too.
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hey, tina, king kong just leaped on the roof of that drugstore. the elastic band is stretched across the block, and he has them around the ankles. what? oh, nothing. nothing. we got a whole day together. why waste it trying to communicate with each other? i mean, i don't like this idea, either, i mean, us being paired. i mean, that's it, right? i mean, that's why this silent treatment? you just don't have a clue, do you? so what's the problem? let's just forget it. what are you doing? what are you doing? what, is it belker? he was the only real friend i had. he was a cop that i looked up to. it just stinks. listen, he's gonna pull through. let's just move, okay? woman: vicinity of 98th and dekker, citizen reports a lion at large
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2207 responding. is this on the level? affirmative, 2207. great. okay, patrick, i don't hear any jungle roars. can we go? [ thump ] what was that? a rat. a rat with a thyroid condition? come on.
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[ clears throat ] [ metal crashes ] come on. come on, you lion. saints in heaven. what is that? could be a lion. uh, let's just, uh, vacate the premises. we'll call for backup. don't panic. no, i'm not. let's calm down. okay, carefully. way to go, patrick. are you all right?
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woman: dr. janie park to the nursery. dr. janie park. if we get through this... when. when. it's over for mick. me too. what are you talking -- leave the force? it's not worth it, stan. ah, you're tired, robin. no. he told me. last year he said, "you got the baby. it changes things." if i remember, you didn't exactly take his advice. well, that was before i had philip. i was wrong. ah, a thing like this -- oh, there's not gonna be any talking. uh, you know jack mccovskey? no. how could you? well, jack and his partner -- this is years ago, understand -- jack and his partner were walking a beat outside a candy store. stickup man comes out, sees the uniforms, panics, pumps the two of them. they both made it, thank god -- full recoveries. so? so it changes the partner's life is what happens. he, uh, spent the rest of his career in records.
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n the beat. [ chuckles ] never looked back. you're telling me you admire the guy? no, i'm telling you that there's no way of telling of how people are going to react to these things, now, mick's gonna come out of this. and there's no way you can tell, there's no way i can tell, how he's gonna feel about things. i don't care. do you get it, stash? mick's done his time. and i don't want to hear any more about duty or about overcoming your fear or about being some big man. i'm sick of it. what? what happened?! what's going on?! just tell me what's going on! you can't come in here.
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involve two parties discussing something? why not give you some say?
4:30 pm
tual righttrack? finally puts you in control. with savings of up to 30%, with an initial discount just for signing up. take control of your rates. visit a local office or call liberty mutual today at liberty stands with you?. liberty mutual insurance. [ sirens wailing ] where is he?
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just saw him once. this way, gentlemen. how about if we pass up the tools, and he gets himself out? did you guys have a nice lunch? don't worry. i'll stand guard. you ain't scared? the way i figure it is -- i got a gun. the lion doesn't. good. fellas, come on! get me out of here! pardon me. animal control -- wertz. yeah, the lion's up there. right. tranquilizer gun, farley. yes, sir. should i wait at the top, jerry? ght. don't miss now. excuse us. excuse us, please. coming through. [ boxes falling ] ah! it's a dog!
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[ whimpering ] [ beeping ] we need better exposure. more suction. sponge. oh, there's our little friend. okay, people... forceps. [ inhales deeply ] please don't die, mick.
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back again, lieutenant? yeah. i want to talk to your sister. you just missed her. what? left about 5 minutes ago. where'd she go? you think she'd tell me? so what the hell did she do now?! hey, where is she? didn't see her. damn it to hell. did you check for a side door? oh, look at that. dolores chapman just strolled out of here 5 minutes ago. i told you to take the back! you got it, willard! and i'm gonna have your heads on a pike! lieutenant buntz, report in. give me that. this is buntz. i'm requesting an all-units alert for a suspect -- dolores chapman. she's wanted for investigation for attempted murder
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any unit locating the suspect, hold and notify lieutenant buntz. lieutenant, you're wanted back at the station immediately. hey, hey, did you just copy what i just said? we got a suspect on the loose out here. captain's orders. urgent. right. all right, you find her, or you're gonna find me all over your freakin' faces! you did this because the dog's got mange? yeah. looks strong, don't he? i ain't been ripped off since. man, simba ain't no problem, just got loose, that's all. you heard me?! [ whimpering ] she gonna be okay? no problem. be like sleeping with a little buzz on. thank you. tina, are you okay? jack? jack, is that you? jack? no, it's patrick.
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rry! tina, it's me patrick. who's rocking the boat now, jack? [ giggles ] jack? so, so that's it, right? you got the fragment? the bleeding stopped? he's gonna be okay? no, what i said was the operation was successful. but? mrs. belker, the reason we originally left the fragment in was for fear of damage to the spinal column. in this case, we had to remove it to stop the bleeding. are you telling me my husband's paralyzed? no. w-we think he's gonna be just fine. in fact, if all goes well, he could be back on his feet in weeks. i've known it to happen. but there is the possibility of damage to the nervous system. we just can't know. what do you mean -- you "just can't know"?
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[ indistinct conversations ] there's only one conclusion, lucy. yeah? what is that? the review board is planning to deny my lieutenancy. why else would they -- would they spring this sudden meeting? fight it, sarge. i'm afraid it's gone way beyond that. i can sense it. arterbacks hasn't got the guts to stand behind an officer properly discharging his duty. well, sue 'em. a suit? oh, no, that's contrary to every -- every credo in good soldiering. well, just a thought. [ ringing, conversations continue ] uh, joyce, sorry to bother you. i'm on my way to a hearing, howard. could you just give me a moment?
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in a departmental proceeding, would it be possible to bring a suit? i suppose it's possible malfeasance, something like that. i really think your best bet is the p.b.a. attorney. certainly. malfeasance? i saw the bruises. guy was fine when i left. that the way you saw it, bobby? yes, sir. lieutenant buntz didn't lay a hand on the informant? no. guy's a hype, captain. maybe, uh, fell down some stairs. i.a.d.'s gonna conduct an investigation. they'll want your statements. bobby, get back into uniform. report to hunter for desk duty. you're off the case. what?! you're taking that freakin' snitch's word against ours?! you're off the case. you don't want this shooter? i want a case that's gonna stand up, not be thrown out because some cop thinks he's above the law! lieutenant, sir, no disrespect, but don't ask me to ride with you again. what? you too?
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excuse me. renko, i want to talk to you now. remember when he got into that chicken suit? all the feathers. ha ha ha ha ha. man, what a sight. he was some character, i'll tell you. i got news for you guys. belker's not dead. you're talking about him like he's already laid out at mt. pleasant's. you been back to 204 fullerton yet? as i recall, there was nobody in at the time. on our way, sarge. come on. get out of here, guys. come on. so right at the time i was lying to daryl ann, you were out boffing some hooker?! no, i was not! i went by to break it off, and she has this bomb she drops on me. she has this big idea -- she wants a copy of the vice squad duty roster, or she's gonna tell daryl ann. now, what am i supposed to do about that now?! you have one choice and only one -- tell daryl ann the truth! i can't! you gotta! what about this billie jo woman? bust her! i did it with her! it isn't entrapment if you didn't know she was a hooker. there were no transactions.
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r up. you wear a wire. give her the duty roster. and then i'll wait in the hall, and we'll... nail her on conspiracy and extortion. yeah. then we bust this woman, right? and then i tell my wife, right? and she walks out on me. she's gonna find out one way or another, renko. you're right. it's better from me. it's better i was dead. [ siren wailing ] you guys are keeping us busy today. a couple of kids spotted her. came out to run their dog. otherwise, it might have been days. what kind of gun? if i had to guess, i'd say .357 mag from 2 feet maybe. a couple bullets went clean through. the area search was negative. we want her effect. what's up here, guys? she was our best lead in the belker shooting. our only lead. the way i figure it -- dolores was dealing credit cards for someone else.
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either way, he decided to take her out. hey, j.d., one step at a time, just like always. this ain't just like always. [ chuckles ] i'm glad you could come by, andy. hey, this is a nice place. where's your partner? oh...there. what is this -- some kind of executive suite setup here? so, uh, [ chuckles ] did you lose a lot of money on the game last night? unh-unh. matter of fact, i, uh, didn't even lose anything 'cause i didn't play. [ chuckles ] where did you go? i was at an investigation. well, bobby said that you... i lied. i didn't go to a game. i was with another woman. i see. it'll never happen again. i swear. see, what happened is -- is that... daryl, i'm sorry.
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of this partner you have here, see. and then i -- get away from me! daryl, i love you. it's a whole big mistake, see. and i know that because i love you now. and -- and you mean everything to me. maybe i have a little confession to make, too. maybe you're not alone, andrew. what? you're not alone. you mean you and him? yeah. me and him. how long? well...that doesn't really matter, does it? i mean, you haven't been home for months. not really! don't you -- don't you dare! just go away! go away!
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still out, huh? stan: hell of a thing. is it true what i hear, lieutenant -- you're off the case?
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stan? captain, i thought i'd get away from the hospital for a while. mind if i hang around?
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t anything to be done. i wanna help. uh, su-- uh, sure. just give me a couple minutes. i hate to bother you, captain, but did you -- oh, howard, the inspector's review board -- i completely forgot. i'm sorry. not to worry, i'm -- i'm combat ready. you say -- you say you saw the shooting, sir? in your mind's eye, i see. psychics -- third one today. yeah, okay. thanks anyway. thought we had something, but it's not checking out, captain. dolores chapman had a couple of credit card receipts on her... same card number. we figure the card was stolen, but the bank has no record. see, it looks like the original card number's been changed. it's not hard to do with the right equipment. what about the name on the card? mary frankenham. so far i haven't found her. checked the dmv, voter's registration. i still got a couple of sources left to tap.
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[ exhales deeply ] oh...[ clears throat ] probably time to release another statement to the press. [ groans ] we're not gonna make this one, henry. maybe. i should've kept her in custody. it was the right call. willard and macdonald just blew it. i told him to keep better records. i told him to get a partner! for god's sake, frank... you're not responsible. it's belker's way of doing things. i know that. yeah, but do you believe it? i want him back, henry.
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ta be making a mistake. you are mary frankenham, right? right. but i never had a credit card in my life. i don't believe in them. "cash on the line," my father always said. so how do you explain these? beats me. somebody used my name. thanks. come on. hey, fellas? yeah. a while ago, a credit card company called me. said they had this preapproved card they were sending. i gave them hell. told them i didn't want any card. i don't believe in credit cards. yeah, right, right, right. anyway, they said the card was stolen at the factory before they could send it to me. if i got any bills, i was supposed to call a number. how long ago? year, 2 years. thanks, lady. thanks a lot. yeah, right, captain. yeah, the frankenham card was part of a stolen factory shipment 18 months ago. all the cards were recovered by the d.a.'s investigators. that's what i said.
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[ sighs ] okay. we're at the courthouse now. right. that's the last of them... 10,000 cards -- all yours. [ sighs ] 10,000 cards. let's start counting. i had no idea what was in that envelope. yeah, yeah, yeah. arraignment for conspiracy to obstruct justice. so when do i get to make my phone call? let me give you a little business advice, billie jo. if i were you, i'd use that quarter to call a lawyer. ng run. over 100 grand in missing plastic, including mary frankenham's card. slow down, j.d. there were supposed to be 10,000 credit cards in evidence, right? count was 500 short. somebody puts valid numbers on the stolen cards and goes into business. these cards are worth around $200 on the street, maybe more. 500 cards at $200 per. it's $100,000. you have a property room list of everyone who accessed the cards? yeah, right here. case is 18 months old, still on appeal,
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i think i got something, captain. go ahead. [ sniffs ] i took a trip down to harrisonville -- dolores chapman's visitors when she was in the cage. does the name gerald norris ring a bell with anybody? yeah. it's on this property room list...twice. hey, i know him -- d.a.'s investigator. he was a cop, right? he was at the heights when mick was there. hey, check this out. he was the arresting officer on dolores' bad checks charge. hey, he was also in on the credit card bust. a d.a.'s investigator? the evidence room, reworks them, then gets dolores to sell them. he stakes out dolores' room, so she don't get ripped off and makes belker. let's pay a courtesy call to mr. norris. take backup. i want in on this, captain. yeah. how can i help you, fellas? detectives larue and washington, we're looking for one of your investigators -- gerald norris. scanlon, where's norris? out.
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we'll wait. suit yourself. oh, wait. here he is. hey, norris. these detectives want to talk to you. gun! he's got a gun! merry christmas, scumwad. back off. i said, "back off." go ahead, tough guy, blow her brains out. [ whimpering ] don't be an idiot, norris! [ gunshot, woman screams ] woman: he shot himself! [ crying ] so...what did they cook up against you, jefferson? assaulting a superior officer. yeah, well, take the offense, man. hit them with a suit for malfeasance. knock out their artillery before they can get off a single shot. i don't know, man.
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ll, you may have a point. [ clears throat ] sergeant hunter? ha. before we begin, gentlemen, i would like -- your formal notification, sergeant -- in light of recent meritorious performance in the valentine hostage situation, the board's decided to expedite your restoration to lieutenant in command of the e.a.t.ers. congratulations. was there something you wanted to say? no, sir. well, actually... does this mean the e.a.t.ers move back to the hill? naturally, lieutenant. unless you'd rather lead them by phone. [ chuckles ] no, sir. i... thank you, sir.
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jack? the dude you kept running your mouth about when you were floating away on those tranquilizers. oh, jack donnelly. sorry. he must be a regular animal, huh? come on. there's no reason on earth that an individual should limit herself. i got to admit -- i was hoping i'd get an honorable mention. sorry. tina, i'm bowing out of this. uh-huh, is that what you want? no. you know what i want. but i'm more into you than you're into me. plus, it's screwining our work. we're breaking up.
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yeah. wanna go call home? do you see me running to a phone booth? ha ha ha. come on, you can sleep on my murphy bed. thanks. renko. i think i will find myself a private room. how is he? atch up in a minute. he's still unconscious. norman... i.a.d. turned in its findings regarding the informant's complaint. they find no basis for disciplinary action -- lack of evidence. how about you, captain? i can't condone crcrinal behavior by my men under any circumstances. but on occasion, lieutenant,
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no, sit down. sisidown. sit down. full house here, huh? hello, norm. what's this? ah, i figured you had enoughghlowers. they told me it was some kind of jewish rosary or something. thanks, norm. mrs. belker...your husband's asking for y. what? mick? [ raspy voice ] hey. hey. [ chuckles ] oh, mick. yeah, you moved your hand. can you move your toes?
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r toes? [ crying ] oh, honey, you moved your toes. [ sniffles ] oh, mick, you're gonna be all right. [ crying softly ] i love you, mick. -- captions by vitac --
5:00 pm
sylvia: keep your fingers crossed. [sighs] what am i i nna do about these fish? did more die? this lion's head's on his way out. diane called this afternoon about the 4 of us having dinner one night. that's her being clever. if he'd have wanted it, that'd have been him calling.


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