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tv   WRAL Morning News  NBC  November 24, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

6:00 am
? whoa.
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bushrod, head off that yearling. you let three get lost in three days as it is. kelso. ? yes sir? what do you make of those clouds? why, i've never been this far nororth, major. but from the looks of these rascals and the chill in the air, i'd calculate winter's about ready to land on us with both feet. cheyenne. yes, major? you've been north before, haven't ya? yes, sir. what's the weather gonna be? nobody can really tell you about the weather. it's my guess that winter's gonna hit us reaeal sudden. maybe not tomorrow, but...when it does hit, it's gonna hit sudden and hard. yeah, that's my guess, too. we're but 300 miles from the canadian border. we'll never make it if the snows hit us. it's my thought that the best thing to do is to make winter camp and pick the drive up come spring. ah, i was thinking along the same lines,
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and bring 'em back here after the snow. gonna leave? i was hopin' i could leave you. don't promise much fun, spending a winter on an open range. it means a good bonus. you don't have to stay if you don't wanna. eh, i'll think on it. good. tell the men i'm adding a $75-a-man bonus over regular pay for those who wanna stay. yes, sir. next thing is finding a camp. well, what's wrong with this valley here? breaks east and west of you for protection. what do you think, cheyenne? looks as good as any. have to have somebody ridin' line, thohoh-- keep the buffalo off the grass. not enough grass to go around, especially not fofoa herd this size. kelso? looks good to me. fine, stop the drive. you mean, you're gonna leave men out here all winter, majojo that's right, bushrod. i'm thinkin' that's a mean thing to do.
6:03 am
no f flings for anybody, as long as it gets the job done. what do you think? i'm thinkin' it's the only way he can save 600 head of cattle. jim, unload her near the spring back there. pete, you help him. and put up a lean-to. and put it up to stay. want the wagon unhitched, major? no. there's a place called deep well about 20 miles from here. i'm gonna ride in for supplies. you can come along with me, cheyenne. bushrod, tend the horses, will ya?
6:04 am
i wanted you to ride in with me for a reason, cheyenne. -yes sir? -i wanted to talk to you. you never talked about your past, and i never asked, and i am not asking now. but you've been a real fine hand since you signed on, and i'm grateful to you. thanks, major. i'i'especially like you to stay with the herd. that sounds more like your been my foreman for a long time, since the war, in fact, and he's been a good one, too. lately i'm beginning to wonder somethin' about him. oh, confounded bullet, anyhow. i got a piece of lead in this shoulder, and--mm! with this chill, it drives it crazy. -yankee lancer? -naw. i got hit by one of my own men once. ha-ha, a nervous recruit thought i was an enemy charge. better let me take the reins, major.
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had two brothers he was close to. both of 'em got killed in that ethan's feud down in brownsville, and kelso hasn't been the same since. getting mean, for one thing. nothing seems to matter much to him anymoror what's this got to do with me, sir? well, it's just that i'm not sure i canan depend on kelso anymore. i hope i'm wrong, but...if he does stay, i'd feel a lot better if i left a good man like you with him. thanks for the compliment, major. but the whole winter's a long while to be away from things.. i know it is. i'd like to think on it before i answer. you take your time. whoa. whoa, now, whoa. smoke off to the right, major. indians, probably. it's comin' from a stack, that's white man smoke. maybybyou better swing over in that direction.
6:06 am
buffalo hunter, hmm. there's a fair number of hides. looks like he's got a garden there, too. well, i'll be. heh, must have a woman with him. whoa. whoa, nono what y'all want? just a neighborly call, frfrnd. we're on our way to deep well; saw your smoke. you look like a no-good army deserter to me. a mule-skinnin' private that's gone and deserted. you keep a civil tongue, man, or i'll come in there and teach you some manners. howdy, major! ha-ha-ha, well, i'll be! ha-ha, sergeant doonevan. well, i'll just double declare. whatatn the world are you doin' way up here, major? i ain't seen you since we chased banks back to new orleans. i'm running a herd up to canada for the army there. cheyenne, climb down.
6:07 am
i think his new job is givin' mules stubborn lessons. ha-ha-ha. this is cheyenne bodie, tom. howdy. you buffalo hunting now, are ya? yeah, that's right, major. and havin' a middlin' year. ah, hello there. this your daughter, tom? oh, no, major. this is my missus, s san. second wife, of course. oh, i'm sorry, tom, i... i remember pearl, and... well, that's all right, major. pearl passed on some time ago. susan, i want you to meet up with major early. eak of him. -hello, major. -mrs. doonevan. and cheyenne bodie. ma'am. you're all gonna eat with us, ya hearar we never had any other idea. good, let's step inside and drink a dram to the second texas. ? good, don't nurse it, major.
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what is that? cactus neutral spirits? dandelion wine. must be that you're growin' old. would cabbage and a side of corned beef sit with you, major? ma'am, you've just promised me heaven. ? may i help you with that? thanks. it's a mighty fine little garden you have here, mrs. doonevan. gives even a place like this the feel of home. i was born on an iowa farm. a garden does give a place a homey look. i got some z znias growin', too. zinnias? flowers. tame flowers? cultured, they call 'em. i planted on the other side of the cacan. would you like to see 'em? i sure would. i never, uh, saw tame flowers growin' out in the waste before.
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i didn't know what they were by the seeds, so i planted 'em with the onions, and then when they began to grow, well, i recognized what they were, so i moved 'em 'round here. ? sure are pretty. -zinnias, you call 'em? -that's right. oh, i'd like to have us a house here someday, with zinnias growin' all around it. you like it out here? i love this valley. livin' out here's so... so simple. you're not always sufferin' from seein' things that you want and can't have. ? well, i sure hope you get your house. well, if the season keeps up like it started, we might, come spring.
6:10 am
? -howdy, men. -armstrong? -that's right. -i'm major george early. howdy, major. i got your letter, and your supplies is waitin'. you're a mite late, ain't ya? -how's that? -we're gonna bed the herd down till next spring, over in costa vega valley. -that could be g gd or bad. -whaddaya mean? the dutchman and his bunch are in town. took over the hotel, or what's left of it. -the dutchman? -that's right. hmm. s? can't say that i do. he's a horse thief, cow thief, every other kind of a thief, i reckon. lawmen speak his name in the same tone a preacher speaks of satan. in this state, yet. what's he doing out here? how many in his bunch? around 20. all ugly customers, too. 'course, he's behaved himself around here. acts like a real gentleman. makes his men toe the line, too. i'll be needing some corn, among other things. can you fix me up? i imagine. it'll be high, though.
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eef for it. maybe, beef's cheap around here. you've got no supply of beef around here. we've got buffalo. [scoffs] you just sit a spell, armsmsong. think about how much better beef steak tastes than buffalo steak. i'll be back after i have a talk with the dutchman. you're goin' over there? that's right. you aren't paid to take a hand in things like this, cheyenne. shoulder's still botherin' you, major. you'll need somemedy to drive the wagon. ? uh, reach back and grab that shotgun, will ya? ? just lean it here between us.
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? whoa. ya want here? i'm looking for the dutchman. -who wants him? -that's all right, stumpy jack. i'll talk to anybody. i'm the dutchman. i'm major george early. i've heard of you, major. you know me, then? i know you. i'm gonna winter them there. there'll be three men with the cattltl so? i want 'em there come next spring, so i'll make an agreement. yoyoleave them alone, and i'll leave you alone. now, just a second, mister-- easy, jack. and suppose i don't leave 'em alone, major? then i'll hunt ya, dutchman. lots of people are huntin' me. but not me. you're too little to talk so big, mister. and i might step on ya.
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a big man, huh? how tall do ya s snd, mister? can't say, i haven't measured myself since last week, and i grow a little every day. what is he, cowpoke or gunslinger? for me, he punches cows. i don't know what he did before he signed on with me. well, i have to give you some advice about those shotguns somedayay i like your style, major. we'll leave ya alone. and i'll leave you alone. ? i like your style too, major. i've decided to winter your cattle. giddy-up! ? hello, major, glad you're here. maybe you can tell that f fly in there
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he's my foreman, ma'am. what are you doing here, kelso? saw the smoke and decicid to investigate. found this pretty little thing here. kelso, this is mrs. doonevan. "mrs."? now, ain't that a shame. you'd best go back to camp and tell 'em to load the chuck wagon: i wanna head south the first thing tomorrow morning. all right, major. goodbye, ma'am. see e later. where's tom, ma'am? he's out linin' up a herd. thinks we may follow it south. i wish you'd just call me cheyenne like everybody else does. all right, cheyenne. and i reckon it's all right with my husband and me if you call me susan. we'd best be rollin'. all right, major. how's your zinnias, ma'am? oh, still hangin' on. -did you sayayinnias? -yes, sir. those are flowers, aren't they? yes sir, she has a bed of 'em. wait a minute. ha-ha, can't ever tell what a woman will do next.
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she's a pretty little thing, don't ya think? yes, sir, i do. since you like 'em so much, i'm givin' you one. thank you kindly, susan, but you shouldn't have done that-- you only had six of 'em. oh, the frost'll kill 'em soon anyway. would you like one, major early? oh, no thank you, mrs. doonevan. you'll get more e easure out of 'em than i would. well, thanks again, and i'll put it in water as soon as i get back to the camp. tell tom to get down and see me if he feels like it. i won't be here tomorrow.. -i sure will, sir. -bye, susan. ? giddy-up. ? we gotta decide now who's staying and who goes back. you men knowowy deal.
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with more money than they've ever had before. cheyenne's the first man to accept it. now, uh, who'll be the second? i decided to stay. what decided you? well, i got to thinkin' about it. it's a good way to save money, for one thing. and on top of that, i like the neighbors. i'm not sayin' this to any one of you in particular, but, uh, tom doonevan served under me in the war, and i know him. he's a crack shot with any kind of arms you can name. and he's a very jealous man. i need one more man. well, how 'bout you, kid? -don't call me "kid." -then don't act like one. here's your chance to prove yourself a man, and ya a a't interested. well, i ain't one to like the cold. then go on back down south and spend a winter in the town. but don't get your dander up when they call ya "kid." leave him alone, kelso. he, uh, is a shade young. young for what, major?
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i've decided to stay on. well, wait a minute, don't say somethin' like that when you're mad, it's gogoa be a long winter. well, i can stand it if the others can. i'll give you till morning to change your minin he will, major. he will. don't bet your own money on that, kelso. he gets hot under the collar, doesn't he? might come in handy for keepin' warm this winter. the buffalo off a shotgun'll come in handy in a camp like this, cheyenne. without actually harming 'em. thanks, major, i'll take good care of it. see ya at the thaw, men. take it easy, major.
6:20 am
e right to be called by his name, don't you? he ain't earned nothin' yet. he's only promised. well then, let's get to work. not gonna be much work. one man can check both ends of this valley in his shift, and the ends is the only place we're gonna have any trouble. i figure three-hour shifts. you take the first, cheyenne, you take the second, you the third, and you the fourth. well, what about you? me? i'm the foreman.
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cold out there, huh? you ain't a-woofin'. gotta warm my hands 'fore i can unsaddle. ahahmaybe i can do it for you. one of us has gotta go out again. them buffalos driftin' in over the north pass. well, why don't you make him go? you're as big as he is. ah, the way i figure it, bushrod, i'd rather be th all of us starin' at each other. drive me plumb crazy, layin' around here all day. i'll bet kelso will be in the saddle on his own biddin' 'fore long. the way you two talk, i don't do anything. i cut the good, fetch the water-- and sleep! you ever get man enough to be foreman, you can do that, kid, but i don't think you'll ever make it. here the winter's just started, and you're already too cold on the saddle of your horse. what are you gonna d d when the snows come, kid? stop pickin' on him, kelso.
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bring me a dipper of that stuff, sonny. get your own water. ? now you're learnin', sonny. now you're l lrnin'.
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i'm quittin', cheyenne. you sure you're doin' right? you seem to be a man for makin' fast decisions, and you're always sorry later. i can't take kelso anymore. yeah, he does pick o oya. but ya know, i think you're gonna find that youngsters like yourself have to take a lot of teasin' no matter what outfit you're with. i ain't goin' back, cheyenne. well, i ain't gonna make you. but you're gonna have to find where you belong someday, bushrod. to learnrno stick. i don't know where i belong. but i know it ain't here. so long, cheyenne. i'll see ya, bushrod, good luck. ? kid's gone. yeah, i know.
6:28 am
i didn't ride him away, he just didn't have it. if it hadn't been me, there'd have been some other reason. how far is that town, deep well? twenty miles. well, reckon i'll ride over there tomorrow. why? well, like you say, a man goes crazy just layin' around all the time. hello there, stranger, you look cold. cold? i'm blue to the bone. and warm yourself up. you get warm your way, storekeeper, and i'll get warm mine, you got any red eye on these shelves? yes sir, we carry everything. but move down here to the saloon section. you're in dry goods now. well, is that all ya got? just the one brand. what is it, bourbon or rye? -just whiskey. -i'll bet. give me about four bottles of that stuff. must be plannin' on ridin' out right away. yeah, i gotta get back to that winter camp.
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00 head. he went south, leavin' two men and a boy now there's only two men left. the boy was smart. he left the first time he got frostbite. not here in the store, can't allow it. leads to shootings, or worsese you can drink it anywhere you want, exceptin' right here. armstrong, you ain't very hospitable. here's a man comes in out of that zero air, and you won't even let him build a fire. put that bottle in your saddlebag, babe, and let me buy you a drink. who are you? call me stumpy jack. well, they call me kelso. let's walk over to the hotel. then we can crack open a bottle and talk. i need a new conversation. well, thank you, stranger, and i believe i'll join ya. i'm sick to death of the same old voices myself. you get a kick outta watchin' people, don't ya, dutchman? i guess i do, armstrong. i've found that a lot of times, you can learn a lot more by y tchin'... than by doin'.
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kelso? kelso! ? aw, come on now, honey. sit down here and let's be sociable. i ain't such a bad guy once you get to know me. of yours. heh. you're just bein' wasted. now, me, i'm near your own age. and young blood isisots of fun. come on over here and let's quit all this horsin' around. -oh, leave me alone! -you spitfire, you! stop it, stop! stop! i hope you try. what are you doin' buttin' in here, anyway?
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let me catch you within a mile of here again. don't bluff me, cheyenne. i'm not bluffin'. either get outta here or make your draw. there's not enough reason here for one of us to kill the other. wide-eyed over a woman who don't belong to either one of us. then get out. you, cheyenne. thank you. thank you... here, now. he won't bother you again, i promimi you that. i'm sorry. i just can't help it. go ahead and cry, i understand. i don't want to, it--it's just-- sit down over here.
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turn around, cheyenne, so i can kill ya. it's not what you're thinkin', doonevan. push the woman away. don't hide behind a woman. tom. get outside if you don't wanna see it. i rode over here to help your missus, not t cause her harm. that's right, that other man was here, that foreman, and he was drunk and he was tryin' to-- and cheyenne drove him away. u're not makin' this up? because i'm sayin' it's so. because i'm your wife and i'll tellin' ya it's so. and i wanna know if you trust me. ? i'm obliged to ya, man. i don't think he'll be b bk again. well, we're leavin' here tomorrow anyway. i reckon it's just as well.
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'll be trailing south. wishshou folks a lot of luck. we'll miss you, cheyenne. ma'am.
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r r r r r r rrr r r out there like gold dust. when he's got a fortune just handed to him. what makes you think you could push that herd through to canada when we couldn't? i wouldn't go to canada. i'd sell 'em in las animas.
6:37 am
whaddaya say? i don't know, stumpy jack. i ain't never stole nothin' before. there's always the first time, and you'd be real surprised at how little it hurts. well, maybe you're right. but leavin' a man out in a hole like this to spend the winter? he don't have no feelings for me, does he? then why should you have any for him? yeah, why should i? kelso. yeah? yoyogot a witness. how much did ya hear? enough. maybe we don't need a witness. you'd all swear i shot in self-defense, wouldn't ya? thth's exactly what it'll be, too. wait a minute, cheyenne. you'll scatter me, too, if you trigger that thing. trouble with a shotgun is, you gottttget 'em all the first round; you get no second chance. one shot and you're all through. for instance, i'm out of range over here. i'm disappointed in you, dutchman. i really believed you was gonna keep your deal with the major. who said i'm not? you didn''hear me doin' any talkin', did ya?
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i intend to keep my deal. strikes me it's your own man you better keep an eye on. now lower that gun and let us walk outta here like natural men. six hundred head just goin' to waste. let's go, jack. see ya. hello, hero. don't you ever do anything wrong? you don't get tempted like other people, do ya? i wasn't gonna steal the e rd, i was just tempted. but not you--you don't even get tempted. how'd ya make ouou with the woman, hero? i think the best thing for you to do is pack up and leave, kelso, before one of us winds up killin' the other. i can feel it comin', fast.
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knock it off. i'll be ridin' line for about an hour. when i get back, don't be here. i won't be, and you're the one that's gonna suffer for it. you'll be prayin' for me or anyone else to talk to before this winter ends. yeah, especially after that buffalo hunter takes his wife and heads south. lone. you'll give your bonus to have me back! giddy-up. ? hey, you'll see! yeah, you'll see! ? whoa.
6:40 am
well, well, figured you'd be along soon. last night your partner kelso rode in. looks like he's joined up with the dutchman's bunch. yeah? well, he's with the right people. stole all my supplies when he left. here's a list of what i'll be needin'. picked a bad time and here's all the money i got. to join up with the dutchman, though. last night stumpy jack took some of the men, against dutchman's orders, and raided an army corral. now the whole caboodle's wanted by the law. they pulled up stakes. ain't safe for 'em around here anymore. how'd the dutchman takeket? i ain't heard. if i was him, i'd be sore. so you've left the major's camp too, have ya? feel sorry for that man. six hundred good beef, left out there to starve. i'm goin' back to look after 'em. you mean you're gonnana stay in that valley alone? that's what i mean. you're a fool, boy.
6:41 am
why, you ain't got anywhere near enough money out there to pay for these things. i can't give 'em away. i don't expect you to. i brought alongg a horse to trade. you did? let's take a look. sadddd pony, huh? and a good one, too. looks like both of 'em pretty fair horses. but i think what you're gonnnnbe needin' for winter over in vega valley... i agree, but the major didn't cacay any mules on this drive. tell ya what, i just picked up a fine spanish mule. maybe we could make a deal. all right, let's have a look at your mule. there e e is, as fine a spanish mule as ever i've seen. spanish mule? looks like a plain ol' army mule to me. don't say that, boy, you'll hurt her feelings. she feels s al aristocratic 'cause she once belonged to a don.
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ses salvador. i'd have to take a step down just to get on this critter. why, she could carry you if you was twins ridin' double. what kind of a deal you got in mind? i'll take your cash and the two horses. yoyotake the mule and i'll fill your list. i see the dutchman's not the only thief around these parts. do you know whwh those two saddle horses are worth? sure, and in the middle of kansas city, they'd be worth more. but thth're just gonna be somethin' else to worry you with over in the valley. you need a mule. i wish i had time to wait you out, armstrong, but i gotta get back before the snows seal that pass. i reckon it's a deal. i'll make you a present of five pounds of jerky, son. -why? -'cause t'ain't on your list, and you're sure to be needin' it. you dealed me out of it. but remember, it's a present.
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well, mule, i hope you can speak english, 'cause all i know in spanish is "adios." from the looks of t ts weather, ain't neither one of us is gonna be sayin' goodbye for quite a while.
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mule, did ya ever see anything raisin' so much cain turn out to be so doggone pretty? ? it'll be kinda lonesome this christmas. 'course, there's different kinds of loneliness. i remember one christmas i spent in kansas city. never was so lonesome. hundreds of people all around me. trouble was, i didn't know any of 'em. what's that you say? well now, i want you to feel free to speak your mind just anytime the spirit moves you, and i'll do the same.
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r. merry christmas, mule. ? well, come on in and close the door.
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mule, from the looks of things, i'd say that spring's about to bust wide open. ? ah, shut up. you got grass now, eat it. ya-hoo! ? ya-hoo! ? hi there, doonevan. cheyenne? what's left of me.
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rizzly. say, doonevan, look over there in the doorway and tell me if that ain't a woman. i don't recall exactly for sure what they look like. hello, cheyenne. howdy there, susan. dish up a bowl of stew. i think we got a man here who'd know what to do with it. did you lose many cattle? oh, i figure about 16 head. there ya are, son, go to it. well, somebody say somethin'! i ain't heard a human voice since noah's flood. what do you want us to say?
6:51 am
"when i was a child, i spake as a child, i understood as a child, and i thought as a child. but when i became a man, i put away childish things. now abideth faith, hope, and charity, these three. but the greatest of these is charity." 13th chapter. well, susan, speakin' of charity, how 'bout gettin' that old bowl of flannel and makin' a shirt for this man? -can i go in now? -he's shavin', that's all.
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say, tom tells me that you may have your new house come spring. well, it looks that way. we haven't sold off all our hides, but if the prices hold up, we'll have it. well, i sure am glad for you. now you look like cheyenne again. feel like him again, too. sure am obliged to you folks for all your hospitality. it's been a pleasure. would you slip this on for me? it fits real nice. ? whoa. ? hello, cowpoke. see you made the winter.
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we wanna thank ya for it. you aimin' on takin' the herd? you're real smart. you got everything right on your very first guess. i spent the hardest winter of my life keepin' that herd alive, and i ain't lettin' 'em go without a fight. you want 'im, kelso? i'll take 'im.
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i come to town the other night i hear the noise and saw the fight the watchman was a-runnin' 'round cryin' "old dan tucker's come to town" so get out the way, old dan tucker get out the way, old dan tucker get out the way, old dan tucker you're too late to come to supper-- do you have to bellow like a wounded steer? i can't hear myself think. be happy, neighbor, be happy. we're winnin' every hand today. i'm anxious to get this herd on the trail. the major'll be showin' up any day now. well, for his sake, i hope it ain't today.
6:55 am
you're hard to get rid of, hero. a man as high and mighty as you are will be right at home in kingdom come. you forgot what the dutchman told ya about that shotgun. you gotta get 'em all with one round. you get no second chance. he's right, cheyenne. you get no second chance. ? you did keep your promise after all, dutchman. that, and i owed you a favor. much obliged. no time to celebrate. got a posse not more than five miles behind me. what are they trailing you for? on account of that stunt jack and your friend pulled on their own. i was all against it, but who's gonna believe a man with my reputation? wait a minute. -posse's comin' from the north? -yeah. then they'll figure you're headin' for the south pass. well, naturally, what other way is there outta here? over the mountain. oh, this horse'll never make it. no, but this spanish mule here could.
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you'll hurt her feelings. she once belonged to a don. there's some food in that sack, but you'll have to go light. what's your name, mister, so i can thank ya proper? name's cheyenne, and you can thank me by treatin' the mule right. she's been a partner through a long winter. i'll treat her like a real lady. ? ya know, i'm obliged to you, and money is . there were three bonuses to go with the last winter. and you collect them all. major, i wouldn't do that again for twice that amount. -ha-ha-ha. -oh, tom? coming out of los alamos, i passed a load of lumber that was headed for you here. does that mean you'll build your house? that's right, major. y'all are welcome to visit us. ah, thank you, i'd be very glad to. -been a pleasure, ma'am. -thank you, major. well, we'd better be ridin' now, cheyenne. yes, sir. i'll try and have a flower garden next time you come through.
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from the zinnias. now you can start plantin' right away. you saved them for me. yes, ma'am. thanks. i'll keep 'em alive from now on, and anytime you come through, you can look at 'em and know they're planted in your honor. that's real nice of you, susan. ? tom. ? giddy-up! ? that wave, cheyenne. is that a "so long" wave? or "goodbye"? that was "goodbye," major.
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get . get up in there.


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