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tv   Today  NBC  November 24, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

7:00 am
get . get up in there.
7:01 am
whoa. whoa. ash, you and turner d. you know where to find him. and logan will follow on the wagon as soon as we can. i want you to get aben starr and save him for me.
7:02 am
7:03 am
hold it right there, mister. josh: mr. starr? you're confused, mister. aben starr, isn't it? running away isn't gonna change your name i see you're not gonna ta for it. easy with that thing.
7:04 am
well, now, that oughta give you some good targetsot at. who are yo do you want? name's josh randall. hales ) coffee sure smells good. what about it? go ahead. well, you certainly picked a lonel for yourself. i bet you'd think you were the last man on earth. i like it that way. why'd you come out here? what arepushing at me for? well,i'll tell you, aben, as long as i keep you in sight, i'll meet cutler and the rest of them. you're no better than they are. look, aben, i don't wanna gi trouble, and in' against you personal. i don't wanna get mixed up with them again. i don't blame you there, but it's kind of late
7:05 am
well, i don't figureouthat wouc. might hold off digging your grave for a week or so. well, i can't just sit here and wait for them. you'll have company. the law wants them, aben, not unless you want your head blowben. you walk easy, too, hadn't planned it any other way. you might just stay alive. it's good seeing you again, boy.
7:06 am
not at all. ( laughs ) but that's all behind us, hu all behind us. oh, they were real friendly to us backprison after you spilled your guts. they were really thankful for telling them abouakst break. they treatedtoo. do you know what the entertainment was, aben? huh? us. us, one at a time. now, you take turner there. they gave him the sun treatment. he doesn't see too good out of one eye anymore. oh, and then cutler. they had fun with him, too. outside rain, there's not much left of him. he's wit but he's gonna be here. they're both gonna be here.
7:07 am
hiough, aben. you know why? know? because his brains rattle. every time he moves, yo 'em. they wrapped up the biggest bunch of hate they could find and dropped it in my head. and the tag's got your name on it, aben. your name. mister, there'll be no trouble including you in the fun. i'm nong to make an undertaker happy, at least until i die of old age. my name's randall. what are you doing here? just passing through. aben have anything here to warm a man's soul
7:08 am
ahh. i appreciyour hospitality,. now, we've been traveling a long ways, and we're kinda hungry. suppose you just go over and fix up something to r turne? ll, now that's being mighty gracious, aben. mighty gracious. ve done better to curl up with some rattlesnakes. no soap in the world can make you clean after their kind of dirt. maybe it's better this way. i don't fight gored. what were you doing in jail? oked like somebody. my good luck that that somebody was supposed to have held up a stage.
7:09 am
with ash, and the rest of that s. i'd have turned in my own mother to get away from 'em. sorry i didn't bring my fiddle, aben. i could play nice soft music while you cried. get it over with? i'd like to do just that, but logan and cutler wanna be here, and they already paid to see you die. wouldn't want to cheat 'em. when do ctu expect them? sometime this afternoon. oh, don't worry. you busy until then. ( horses approach ) what's that?
7:10 am
whoa. whoa. here just 10 minutes, folks. men. we-- ash: just stand easy.
7:11 am
well, what do we have here? now, you haven't said a word. a cute little thing like you, why, you shouldn't keep all th little thoughts in your head. you don't have to be afraid to speak up. besides, i'm lazy. i don't like to guess what's going on in a woman's mind. i like her to come right out and what's the matter with her?
7:12 am
's that? she can't hear with her hands? can't'f she was asking about you. that'sdumb language. oh, really? i never seen that what did she say about me, huh? she was asking what kind of a man you are. oh, yeah? she thinks you're an insane animal. well, she might just get a chance to find out. now, you two just stay put, understand? we're on our way to a mission where there are some children the same as she, deaf and dumb. we're going to t help those, each them how to be normal, useful human beings fe. or wouldn't you understand that? isn't he the noble one? leave her alone, ash. noult she walked in on this.
7:13 am
i'm the teacher here, and i might just dish out a little homework before school lets out. how about that? you think i'm all right, huh? oh, come on, ash, lay off. remember what we came here for. it a minute. she looks like she understood me. she did, through your lips. whwater? the well. i'll get it. ash: no. i'll get the water. i'm sure my sister is qrsty, too, after our journey. go ahead. i'm going for some more water. what'd she say? that she'd be all right. e, when i'm not with her,
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and that concerns her. ash!
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come on, it was her brother. come on. ill him. get it over with. let's get outta here. l wait for cutler and logan. f what if they can't make it? theyiss this. well, i don't want to wait forever. true, the law is after us. they'll figure we headed this way. i don't wanna be here when they ride in. i say let's do it now. i say shut up. we'll wait for cutler. if he doesn't show up in two hours, then we'll finish it up and leave. all right, everybody inside. ash: they coming?
7:20 am
come on, iting too long. let's do it and get out. weor cutler and logan. l the law. when that stage doesn't show up at the next stop, they're gonna figure something happened, ome people out looking. wouldn't you say so, aben? when was that stage due at the next station? about an hour ago. yeah, a whole hour now they've been wondering. you know what? i bet they got a little party out having a look-see, huh? maybe they picked up logan and cutler. we promised. we wait. you said two hours. that time's up. 10 more minutes. well, what if he's right? what if the stage people did send somebody out?
7:21 am
firstthey let fly, you two have had it. about the girl? what happens to her? oh, yeah. i've been thinking about he maybe now is the time to sng out the homework. oh, no. you don't pay anyio. you're wasting your t, why, a decent girl just wouldn't have anything to do w but turner her differen. i think he knows how to act in front of proper company. right? pay him no mind. stay away from that jug now. she's just not go anything to do with you, ash,
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you couldn't get close enough to touch her. you just set it up for turner here to take over. he's gste. keep your hands off her. she's mine. ( laughs quietly ) what are you trying to do? maybe she changed her mind. not her. how do did she tell you? i'm the one you came for. you get it over with.
7:23 am
now back to the homework. well, turner, it looks like you can kiss yous goodbye. it's them. ( snaps fingers ) give me a hand.
7:24 am
well, i guess we got here a little late. get their guns, aben. man: hey, inside there! hey, what's the idea leaving the stage-- get down!
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( horsy whinny ) all right, throw the gun out.
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everything's all right now, huh? now i don't have to run anymore. , take one. that money belongs to you. ll, you can call it an investment in the future. chool she's going to with those children, now, they need alllp they.
7:29 am
7:30 am
hello, don. how you been? nice to see you again, josh. oh, you ly mean that. that depends. you here on business? oh, no. vacation. i haven't slept in a bed in months. when i cat that, i'm gonna play a little poker, drink a little whisky, and i might even talk to a girl or two. the hotel beds aren't the the world, but-- sheriff! sheriff neely. yeah? what is it? a cobounty hunters just brought in ed wilson, dead. they're claiming a reward on him. - ed wilson? - yeah. claim his real name is henry north. they got a poster and everythin. what's the matter, don? you've had a wanted man brought into town before, and they haven't alwaalive. ed wilson was no outlaw, josh.
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who my name is jarrett. he's meadows. maybe you've heard of us. , i've heard of you. like it says in the poster, sheriff, he's wanted in emporia. got to do is telegraph 'em there. we'll be at the hotel. uh, just a minute. i happen to know that the man you brought in didn't have a gun. how come you-- well, now, you just wait a minute, sheriff. i think you bett that poster again. now, the man resisted arrest. thou got to know. bet i can tell you how he was shot without even loo the body. in the back. easy. sherifu just let us know when you, uh, get the money, huh? don't bother to stay in town. word where you'll be, i'll send it on to you. itke about 10 days. sheriff, we wouldn't want to put you totrouble. we'll wait around. on its bes this town never had much love for bounty hunters.
7:33 am
so for your own good, move. well, now, i'll tell you, sheriff, my friend and me here, we're law-abiding citizens, so as long as we don't break no laws, you can't very well run us out, now, can you? yeah? you got a minute? my and i got something we want to talk over with you. out what? well, you just come look here,
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i guess it did. good, though.y're still even better than good, randall. you know why? chances are none of these men know thl wanted. they've probably cheir names, like that fella north we brought in. he even got to be a mayor. ( both laugh ) how , huh? ngs, randall. all of them. we know where they are, too. run the mine. here's another man, sacr we're going after. runs a livery stable. he's worth 300. we can't be everyplace at once. now, if you was to join up with us, we could pool all our information. you see what i mean? forget it. huh? i said forget it. i doou, and i don't like what you stand for.
7:35 am
not quite. you stay out of my way now, do you hear? ? well, i'll tell you, i think randall's onng big. he don't figure to split that money with nono one. well, why did he get out of here so fast? why did he turn this down? from here in, he's gonna have another shadow. i'll stick with hi00 and then you take over. you walk easy. you understand? good evening, sir. will you be having supper? i believe i will. how are your steaks? very good, sir. we serve only the beef from short-hle. we find the meat is more tenderthe texas.
7:36 am
yes, sir. huh? oh, uh, i'd like to have some fried onions and mexican beer if you got it. we do. coffee later? oh, that'll be fine. yes, sir. uh, hello. pl down, mister... randall, josh randall. thank you. helen martin, mr. randall. my brothers and i own this place. i haven't seen you in here before. t been in here before. i just came into town this afternoon. would you care for a drink? ank you. i don't drink. you planning to stay here long? well, that depends on a few things, miss martin. now, it looks like i might be around for a while. what do you do here?
7:37 am
it's just that, well, i haven't irl as pretty as you are for a long time, aner, could you just sit there and let me look at you while i'm eating my steak? oh, unless you're afraid of me. i'm not afraid of you or any other man. yeah, i bet it's the other w you're very ve, mr. randall. well, men generally feel two ways about women they don't understand. either they're afrai or they can't figure 'em out. way, they leave 'em alone. ot too much trouble for me, not this time. as a matter of fact, what time do you get through working here? midnight, but i don't... don't what? i... i don't know yll. and if you tell me you know how to remedy that, do you know what i'll say? what? that you're not very ori
7:38 am
hey, that's pretty good. ni fella. oh, weplease our customers. you know, i'm beginning to understanand you less and less and enjoy it more and more. listen, i have an idea. en you get through working here tonight, i'm gonna go'll rent a buggy and a horse, and you and i go fght ride. what do you say? i'll think about it. iged.
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7:40 am
t, what do you want? nothing. i'm going for a ride. go ahead. ride. i'm in no hurry. look, your partner has been hanging aroundnight. what areou up to? none of your randall. i told you once to stay away from me. why? afraid i might learn something? it's one of them bounty hunters. go on, stomp him, mister. go on, sto kick his head off. go om.
7:41 am
you people to see a dead bounty hunter, do you? you'ne one of these days. him. yeah, he's a bounter ju.
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7:45 am
the sheriff didn't h hear from emporia yet. i just talked to him. randall? ah, he's still in the hotel.l. sleeping, i guess.
7:46 am
oh, so that's the huh? it's the w? oh, forget it. he's coming out of the hotel right now, heading across to the saloon. wait a minute. i'll go wi no, now you better stay out of trouble till we get that bounty money on wiwilson. randall and the sheriff are friends. any problem comes up, we're the ones at are gonna get pushed out of town.
7:47 am
who for you? sit down, please. after you. look, i'm sorry about last night. it wasn't that i didn't go for a ride with you. or till you found out what kind of work i do, huh? i've beeeen around long enough i know you couldn't possibly be anythingose e two. bubut i'm in business here. being seen a with you just wouldn't do me any good. now, y you understand, josh, it's not well, at least you're honest about it. you know, as a m fact, business does look a little thin, you know? they seem to be following you alall over town. if you leave, they'll probably go, too.
7:48 am
orgotten, we could... ch other. you really mean that, don't you? yes. well, if i did go and they followed me, that just wouldn't solve anything. why? what do you mean? well, wherever they go, it's gonna be the same. digging faces out of that scrapbook, picking on men who a long time ago, ruining familiesing. no, the only time they're gonna quit and you couldn't see to that, could you? afraid not. then let somebody else do it. and i'm sure swill. maybe they'lmurder each other. they'd turn in their own gr if they thought that... listen, maybe i can do something about it. now, do you want to help me? how? well, first of all, i'm gonna need that pen and pencil of yours.
7:49 am
hear? so... business pking up a little bit? transients, mostly. reomers are still staying away. josh, i'm worried.
7:50 am
at are you drinking? uh, brandy. bartender, brandy for the lady, d i'll have rye, please. oops. what's the matter? i forgot my money. now, you just stay put. i'll only bebe a minute, hear? yeah? it's me, randall.o talk to you. you and me got nothing to talk abit. listen, jarrett, i'm sorry abouout the t. i had a little bit too much whiskey. i got nothing against you personal, and i've got somethingng important to tell you
7:51 am
all right, come on in. no tricks. go ahead, talk. well, uh, i've been thinking about you and meadows said yesterday, you know, about us getting together? you might have a point. as far as, well, the other night was s concerned, a little bit too much whiskey. it won't happen again. can help. what kind of job? $5,000 worth. who? uh-huh. well, i'll tell you about it when we get on the way. right now, i wanna talk to you about meadows. what about him? you know, our work is dangerous enough ving somebody around causing trouble. you mean you don't know about him?
7:52 am
sure. i knew about it all the time. well, maybe it doesn't matter to you does to me. i don't want anybody around me with a wanted poster on their head. somebody take a shot at him, they're liable to hit me. wait a minute. maybe you're right. whenfigure on leaving town? tomorrow morning. i'll think it over. you do that.
7:53 am
hello, meadows. i wanna talk to you for a minute. hey, keep your hands on the bar. i've been thinking about you, meadows. i need some help. i think ust the one to give it to me. yeah. d of help? got a big one, $5,000 big. i can't handle it. by myself. 5,000, huh? i just got the word he's in topeka. one thing. now, i don't want jarrett with us, hear? on, you know as well as i do. now, maybe it doesn't bother you,it bothers m. i don't want anybody hanging around me withe. yeah, you got a point there, randall. now, we'll leave for topeka first thing in the morning. why not? good. i think i'll get me some sle
7:54 am
7:55 am
don't moveu're unde. that's all, friend. let's go. the sheriff says you're under arrest. what for? what's the charge, sheriff? disturbing the peace. disturbingce. let's go. you'll stay locked up until then. that ought to give us enough time, josh. oh, i'd say so. time for what? well, the first posti had on yo, but somewhere, someplace you must've done something outsidaw. nobody could shoot as many men as you have without committing a crime, bounty hunter or not. so now we're gonna find out. the sheriff there is gonna send out some telegrams with your names and descriptions on 'em.
7:56 am
that'll either put you away for a long time
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7:58 am
thanks, josh. oh, don't mention it. it's my problem just as well as i'll see you now, hear? you're not leaving now. it's almost midnight. why don't you wait till tomorrow morning? nything about leaving? g on a midnight ride.
7:59 am
8:00 am
?? (paladin) bury this man here. tell the law about it if you want. but don't forget to tell them what you were about to do here. ??
8:01 am
- she's dead. - that supposed to mean something to me? - what's your name, your business hereabouts? - here's my story. ?? i'm on my way home. - you'll stay awhile. sit there. - i'm andy fisher. - paladin. who's he? - him? in the whole entire world.
8:02 am
you're not with him? no more than you. they found me on the road. - strome's planning a party. (andy) - looks like. i guess he picked me up to play while someone's to dance. maybe somebody else is to play... (strums guitar) and i'm to dance. (horse neighing) - say, what's this all about?
8:03 am
- now there's been some mistake, sir. my name is broderick, clyde broderick. for the sharp's rifle company. i'm the territorial representative, salesman, drummer, if you will. i never carry a weapon. i never fired one. now, when your two gentlemen there accosted me on the road... - she's dead. - who's dead? - shock tactics, clyde. you're supposed to give yourself away when mr. strome says those words. - what would he give away about himself? - well, now mr. strome, if i knew that, i'd be your man, wouldn't i? but your question... what would he give away about himself? let me see... you're obviously looking for a man. you don't know who he is. he's in this area, he rides a black horse. and you think he's responsible for the death of a woman, right? - my wife. he was wearing a black shirt
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- neither do i. - one of you is lying. - well, maybe if you'll tell us a little more, the two who aren't lying could be of some help. i'll give you a start. i remember reading about your wedding. a little more than two years ago, wasn't it? she was a young girl. a member of an old spanish family in san antonio. vasquez. - i was punching cows up in san anton at the time of the wedding. it was a big do. - you knew maria? you know better than that. - the daughter of vasquez? she wouldn't spit on a $22 a month cowhand. - everybody in san antonio knew of the family, strome. - that's a prominent family. why, i sold her father two custom-made rifles...
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et her. - she was my wife. mine. like the land is mine. like everything i own is mine. i know she was seeing a man. i left the house yesterday to check my outriders. i wasn't supposed to come home last night, but i changed my mind. there was a black horse back of the house when i rode in. maria blew out the lamp a flash of him. a flash in the moonlight on his sleeve as he was getting out the window. it was a black sleeve. i fired just one shot. i'd have got him, too, except maria stepped into the path. - it was your bullet that killed your wife? - she's dead because of one of you. i mean to hang that man. he got away ririding west.
8:06 am
he'd have had to pass through hangtown this morning. it's the only place he could havave gotten water. the people in the town remember only three men passing through who fit. - well, now, see here, it-it couldn't be me. i was in hangtown last night. i stayed in a hotel. they'll tell you. - was someone with you all night? - well, no. i went to bed early, and... - it's a two-hour ride to my place from hangtown. you could have slipped away and back, and no one the wiser. - but i didn't! - where did you spend the night, paladin? - under the stars. i slept on my saddle. - the same. - now, strome, if it's all the same to you, i'll be on my way, and i'd like my weapons returned. - wait a minute, i'll ride a piece with you. (guns cocking) - you're staying here. manuel, fix a fire.
8:07 am
but you can't make a move that we don't see. ?? except the two guards. - attack the guards? - well, we can't even see out there. - if the fire gets much lower, they won't be able to see us, either. - they're not going to let that fire die.
8:08 am
(clattering) clyde. - stay where you are, gentlemen. my friend has a gun on you. - well, we got no place to go. - manuel. - yes? - don't alarm your friend, just call him down. come down here. it's all right. man figured out. - yeah? - who is it? (manuel) - look here. - just drop the rifle. drop it. - all right, come on. let's get out of here. - wait a minute, wait a minute. we'll need horses. that means we've got to take strome
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i'd be watching all night. (gun fires) i promise i'll kill the next man who fires. throw down those guns. - if we could just get to the darkness. - not a chance, clyde. they'd cut us down before we took two steps. (gun fires) (strome) - do you want it finished now, or do you want the four hours till breakfast? - he's gonna kill us anyway. four hours is four hours. - no odds, clyde... no odds at all. - now that you've blown off steam, maybe you'd best get back to the business at hand. - i never fired a gun before, but i wish now i'd taken at least one shot at you.
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of the barrel... - like your wife came up in front of the barrel? he told us hisife moved in front of his bullet. she moved faster than his bullet? - that ain't very likely. - it's possible if strome was heavy on the trigger, but we just saw him hold off on a snap shot. - what else? who got away rode off now, i think if he had any feeling for that girl, he'd have looked back when you shot. he'd have ridden back to see if she was hurt. - are you saying that this girl is not dead? - no, i think she's dead. but strome, how much time passed after that man got away? how much time before you shot your wife? - why don't you answer that, strome? - how much time, strome? - maybe a half hour.
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- like that. just like i'm going to hang one of you, or all of you in the morning. - well, you murdered her. what do you want from us? - she's dead because of one of you. i'll be waiting. just call me... if you want to tell me anything. ??
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- why don't you stop that? - what else is there to do? - we got company. anyone for gambling? - well, now there's no sense of all three of us being hung. and all one has to say to strome is, "i'm it." - well, who's going to say that? - whoever gets the smallest rock. - i don't want any part of it. - strome would have to let two of us s go. those two could double back and try and save the one who had to stay. - yeah, but suppose he didn't let one of us go, or two of us go. and suppose they didn't get back in time. - that's two "supposes"
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your choice. rocks are lined up this way. i'll take the one that's left. - all right. you want to go first? - no. - i'll take this one on... on this end. - i'll take the one on that end. - you win. - that's not funny. - clyde, you have my word, as long as i live, you live. you want to call strome? - you call him. - strome!
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u have something to tell me? - yes. - i'm listening. well, i, uh... you see... no! no, i'm not the man. i didn't know your wife. i didn't't have anything to do with your wife, and i'm not going to say i did! - well, clyde, you certainly are a disappointment. if that's the truth, clyde, you stick with it. - there isn't much time left. i'm not fooling! i'll fill those nooses! - strome, why don't you content yourself with one murder this week? killing a woman, that's a big enough chore for you. and after all, you had plenty of justificatioion for killing her. after all she did to you. by the way, what did she do to you exactly? you tell us the man was there,
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he was just somebody she could talk to. what does a man talk to a woman about? all i wanted was his name. that's all i asked her for. - and you killed her when she wouldn't tell. - why didn't she tell if there was nothing between them but talk? - because you would have killed him! you wouldn't believe it! - i don't believe it now. - it does happen. - now, don't be telling strome about women. he knows about women. here, i'll play you a song to quiet your nerves and steady your hand for the morning's work. ? there is a place that i do know ? ? where my true love goes to drink her wine ? ? in her store-bought clothes ? ? and she sits her down on some brave boy's knee ? ? now don't you know that vexes me ?
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roubled mind can know no rest ? - you try to ride me, you young... - young? is that the rub, strome? i'm young, she's young? so that puts us together, huh? could have been, couldn't it? young man, someone closer to her own age? - it could be a dandy with a guitar. a drifter with easy words and no morals. it could've been me she wanted to talk to. and why not? what would she want with a vicious old goat like you? - strome. it could have been an older man. someone who knew the world. someone who could paint word pictures for her of places she'd never seen and never would see locked up in that big house of yours. somebody had to tell her she was clever, she was pretty and wanted.
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he could draw strength from someone like her loving him. he'd take more than he could give, but he could make her feel needed because he'd see her loneliness. - manuel! jackson! build up that fire. get breakfast. finish this! finish this! - i lost my head. i think you saved my life. - yeah, for the moment. three fools, that's what we are. - well, i find good comradeship comforting
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?? - hurry it up. - patience, strome. i won't keep you long from your pleasure. - it will be a pleasure. you had it coming to you. well, the man who killed maria should hang, there's no question about that, and we all know who did that. - that's enough! stand up, all of you! you can turn these two loose-- i'm you're man. ?? you didn't think i'd let you hang, did you? - i knew it. what were you to maria? - well, strome, it's a little late to be worrying about that, isn't it? i thought you were so certain. - just the one rope.
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- save it. i'm not the man-- one of you is. now my life... just don't wait too long. - come on, paladin. ?? - we don't have to stand here and watch this. - you'll stay. nobody leaves till it's over. - i will not stay here!
8:26 am
- is there any special song i can send you off with, paladin? - anything you like, but don't wait too long! (guns fire) - i never shot one of these things before. - oh, you're doing fine. keep it up. cover me the best way you can. ??
8:27 am
- hold it. - no more. (silence) - you see andy? - no. - andy! (andy) - i'm back here in the clearing. i've got strome. - come on. cut him down. move! clyde, when this started, you were going someplace. - you riding my way?
8:28 am
this. - i loved maria. she liked me, that's all. she needed a friend, somebody she could talk to. so once in a while we'd get together and we'd talk. but that was all. he killed her because she talked to another man. ething he owned. don't you see, i... i had to have time to make him pay for what he did to maria. but i swear, i wouldn't let you hang. ??
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but don't forget to tell what you were about to do here.
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i must have been a real good girl. you buy me a drink? - i am cold, weary, hungry, and i got half the dust of texas on my back. will you excuse me while i get something to eat? - no offense. when you thaw out, the name's annie. - jake, give me a bottle. it. - come on, jake. give us more. e ain't none. boys had reserves two months ago. do it every year. they like their holiday. - a hot meal will do. - our kitchen was cleaned out hours ago. 'course, i could heat you a little stew, but i wouldn't guarantee it. ain't exactly fresh. - a hot meal will do nicely. - you know, mister, it wouldn't do no harm
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that the true christmas spirit prevails. now, will you get me that stew? (whooping and cheering, banjo playing) 'cause i paid you for it! - a man shouldn't be by himself this night. you look lonesome, mister. like a little snort to celebrate the occasion? - those presents for your children? - children?
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ain't got time for the old man. every year, i buy these doodads for 'em just like when they was little. and you know what? i wind up keeping 'em for myself. got nobody to give 'em to. them young'uns. got no place and no time for the old man. oh, well. - all i can say about that stew is it's hot. - mister? mister, i need a room. - well, i'm sorry. we're all out of rooms. - well, any place. any place at all. i can pay. - told you, we're all filled up. - well, wait. just let me explain.
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i'm sorry he doesn't have a room for you. i'm sorry he also doesn't have a room for me. will you get me another plate of that stew? - mister, i know it don't do no good, but i do beg your pardon. - well, son, you're probably just as tired, as cold and as hungry as i am. is the stew is hot. - well, i couldn't eat right now. thanks anyway. - hey, mister, bet you five bucks you can't do this. (raucous laughter) - don't have a room. you think you can make it? - no. please. please.
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, son? you bring her on inside. we'll get her a room. - come on, henry, a full one. - come on, now. give me a beer, give me a beer. - now, that cowboy and his wife... - you didn't hear me very well, did you? we ain't got one! - well, i may just have to empty one for you. i suggest you look at her very closely. - no, she don't.
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i suggest you tell him merry christmas for me. you all right? now, she's not going to have that baby in the street! - just who do you think you are? you come in here throwing your weight around, you... well, uh, i-i got a storeroom. - i thank you very much.
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- well, i guess you won't be needing this for a while. mister? i sure do thank you. - your first child?
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and... we thought we had more time, but guess these things are decided somewhere else. - yeah. you stay with her, huh? - yeah. (door slides open, music playing, man whooping) - now, you got a doctor in this town? - yes, we got a doctor. best sawbones in the whole state of texas. - that's fine. now, where can i find him? - come on.
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then... well, his holiday vacation, he calls it. you can't blame a man just once a year. - well, how much coffee will it take? - you can pour coffee into him until you're blue. won't do no good. not even due to move for another day. we just prop him up here, then we wait. - hasn't anybody ever needed him while he was on vacation? - yeah, once. - and? - man died. you can't get doc back from his vacation before it's over. - well, i'm just gonna try. (loud cheering and whooping, music continues) (angry shouting) gentlemen! (music stops) ladies. that girl in the storeroom there...
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in some shape so he can assist? (laughter) - well, not me! there ain't a milder gent in all of texas, except when he's got a slew full! (raucous laughter) - and besides, doc's on his annual stem-winder! (whooping and laughter) - and i don't blame him none, either. - yeah. look, mister, some of us come to this town only one time a year. it ain't like she was the only woman to ever have a baby. - now, you listen to me! our help. - she'll live without it. - and if she dies? - well, she won't be the first woman that ever done that, neither. (scattered laughter) - friend, in just a few minutes, you could be sleeping a lot more soundly than your doctor.
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- well, i'm not most men. - mister? hurry. - let's go!
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what are we going to do? - lt'll be all right. you try not to be afraid? - i'm not afraid. it's a good thing that's happening to me. - well, it's not a verery good place for it to happen. - i don't mind those men out there. my father and brothers were like that. their lives are hard, and they have to be hard, too...
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ou so much. - - a fact he never tries to conceal. (stifling groan) -ah-ha-ha! - now what? - now i want a bottle of whiskey, some clean cloths and some hot water. - now, you listen. i left this bar twice tonight on accouount of you: once to give you your dinner, once to introduce you to our doctor. that register's just busting at the seams. i ain't had a night like this since they strung up holby peters. i-- (gasps) - now, the good lord gave you two hands: one to take with and one to give with, and d you'd better start givin.
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(coin clinks on bar) - that's for the hot water. (laughter) (bar falls silent) now, you listen! re not going toto help that girl, the least you can do is give her some peace and quiet! - you're singing psalms to a dead horse, mister.r. (laughter) annie... annie... i need you. - i had a feeling you'd change your mind, honey. - that girl in there needs you.
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you ought to know what she's going through. - i know. - well, then help her. (men oohing) - annie's gonna help! (whooping and laughter, music resumes) - (shuddering) that's right. - (groans) - a little more. it'll ease the p pain. - i don't know. maybe i... jake's not going to like this. jake pays me to entertain the customers. and he believes in value received. - annie, i can't do this alone. i need your help. - but jake's going to come in here! i-- - now, you leave jake to me. - it's not really that.
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- (groaning loudly) - yes... i can try. - "angels can do no more." - don't worry, honey. - (gasping) - come on, now, take my hands and squeeze just as hard as you want. now, i won't mind. - (groaning and sobbing) (knocking at the door) annie! them boys are kicking up a storm out there. now, you come on out and keep 'em happy. - annie, stay right where you are. - you sure are putting a damper on the proceedings around here, mister. i wouldn't want those men to lose that holiday spirit. - that would be a shame. - look, i'm not running no charity ward. this is costing me money. now, i... i'll try to find a room some other... - she stays right where she is. now, get out of here.
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that debt. (grunting and scuffling) - annie, stay right where you are! i'll take care of this! - hey, annie! - (gasping) (whooping, shouting and laughter) (crashing)
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- hey, harry! - excuse me. now, put that over the window when you get time.
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s all right with us, huh, boys?! - i wonder how many of you have read the gospel of luke. - what are you getting at? - well, it might interest you. it tells the true story of christmas. - your halo's on too tight, mister. we're having a little fun, that's all. - fun? there's a woman in that other room fighting for her life. you people out here are behaving like a pack of animals. what kind of fun are you having? (men shouting angrily) this is no time to be fighting. don't you know that in just a few more minutes it'll be christmas? - old man, i know how you feel, but the rest of you, what difference could that possibly make to you? - who do you think you are, mister? busting in here, insulting us? throwing your weight around? now, you either apologize
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- well, you're welcome to try. (baby crying)
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- it's a beautiful child. - it's a boy. - i promised you a son. did you doubt me? - no. he's beautiful... like his mother. - yes, i know. (baby crying) i'll never forget this night... or you. - "though i speak with the tongues of men and angels "and have not charity,
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- up until now, i never cared much for christmas. it was just a time to be lonely. but when i put that baby in her arms, it was like i gave her somethingng. (baby cooing) (knocking at the door) - we, uh... all of us... uhuh, we got... got to thinking about what you said out there. and we, uh... well, wewe wanted to do something. it's-it's not very much.
8:57 am
- thank yoyou very much. - uh, these are for the baby, ma'am. they might not be, uh, appropriate-like, but it's all i got. - uh, ma'am, you did me a big favor. i got somebody to give them to. - innkeeper, will you send my jacket on
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(sighs deeply) ("the first noel" playing on harmonica)
8:59 am
("o come, all ye faithful" continues) - ? "have gun will travel" ? ? reads the card of a man ? ? his fast gun for hire ? ? heeds the calling wind ? ? paladin, paladin ?
9:00 am
? ? trying to make it back before midnight. >> ready? >> i am driving. >> i will drive back. >> what is it? >> a turkey, a great big one. >> what on earth to you want


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