tv Today NBC November 25, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST
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anything i can do for you? yeah. mr. henshaw? gabe henshaw. who are you? my name's randall. well, i wasn't sure you could come. yeah? why not? well, as i said in my letter, i have only $30 to put out. slow season. sometimes i work cheap. in your letter, mr. henshaw, you said that, uh, your son had been killed.
7:02 am
no? there's no body because no one was killed. well, then that wasn't black craping on the old man's door. it was just a bunch of violets, right? that black crape on his door and the black band on his arm. it's his way of making something of himself. he craves a little importance. he don't know which end is up. he did hava son, though, huh? he has a son. now listen, gabe told me that the boy left the house thursday night after supper. he went to see someone and he didn't come back. he say who he went to see? - no. - you know why? one. wilt henshaw got sick of watching old gabe belt the bottle, and took off for parts unknown. something? oh, i've just never known a man yet that would, uh, give up his whole bankroll to save his pride. $30. $30. you staying around? i'll know better after i see someone. - who? - a girl. her name's abbie fenton. why?
7:03 am
i'll see you. randall. abbie fenton comes from a nice family. old gabe gave 'em a lot of grief with his wild talk. if they're n let be, the town won't like it. ( laughs ) well, if i get in any trouble, i can always come to you for protection, sheriff. he's coming here. figured. i don't like it. is abbie in the house? yes. gregg, be careful.
7:04 am
yes. well, uh, my name's randall. i wonder if i could talk to you for a minute. yes, of course. won't you come in? what can i do for you, mr. randall? well, i was hoping i might be able to get some information - from your daughter. - i'm sorry, she's in bed. she's, uh, not feeling well. perhaps i could help you. well, i'd like to talk to her about wilt henshaw. oh, that. well, he's been missing since thursday. his father said the boy left that night to go see someone. i thought perhaps that your daughter-- i'm sorry old gabe got you involved in this, mr. randall. oh, uh, whiskey? no, thank you. see, the old man suffers from delusions of grandeur. kept linking his son's name with my daughter's. (scoffs ) quite a ridiculous combination. you see, my daughter is engaged to marry jed miller. mm-hmm. well, gabe had told me that, uh, the boy had planned to marry your daughter. he's liable to say anything that comes into his mind p if the saying of it would cadge him a free drink. he's not looking for a free drink now. all he wants to do is find his son. well, i wish him luck.
7:05 am
. let me talk to your daughter. as i said, she's in bed sick. now, maybe tonight, if you're still in town and she's feeling better. much obliged. howdy. - my name is... - josh randall. come in, come in. you know, gabe henshaw has been blowing off all over town about how he sent for the most famous man hunter in the whole territory. over-advertised.
7:06 am
i know all about you. well, i was hoping maybe you'd be able to help me. sure. you name it. well, i understand that wilt henshaw worked for you. wilt and about 45 other men. have any idea what happened to him? well, i figured he got sick of the old man and took off. well, he seemed nice enough to me when i talked to him. let me tell u something about old man henshaw. number one: he's a poser. there's nothing he likes better than one drink a day, all day long. two: he's lazy. i had to fire him from his job at my sawmill. three: well, he's a nuisance. yeah, the sheriff told me about him being a nuisance. i figure the boy just got fed up with him and took off. of course, old gabe refuses to admit that to himself. he prefers to think he's dead. come here and take a look at this. that's where old gabe gets his ideas: out of a bottle.
7:07 am
i'm sorry to cause you the trouble now, hear? no trouble at all. anytime. bye now. you're running out on me. well, there just doesn't seem to be much substance to what you've told me. no, because there's not much substance to . i'm e town plague. i'm dirt under everybody's feet. real joy would come to varga if i were be washed away in the next cloudburst. well, from what i've heard, your boy's most likely alive. he's dead.
7:08 am
them to think. now, you told me that abbie fenton and your boy were planning to marry. as true as i'm sitting here. - her father said no. - he's lying. jed miller seemed to think your boy just rode out of town. ( laughs ) that would suit him. he's always been jealous of abbie's regard for wilt. what about the sheriff? he just doesn't like to go against the town. well, neither do i. please, mr. randall, hear me out. all my life, i've been a failure, except to my boy. sometimes we didn't have food in our stomachs. sometimes we were cold for lack of clothing. but there's one thing we always had in our home: that's love. love of my boy for me, and my love for him. i'm not arguing that. he's dead, otherwise he'd come home. oh, i'm not looking for trouble. i'm not even looking for revenge.
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please, mr. randall, i need your help. i think you got all the help you need right there. mr. randall. - yes, ma'am. - i'm abbie fenton. uh-huh. well, uh, your father told me you were ill. i must speak to you. - all right. - well, not here. hotel lobby? no. abbie. all right, mother. goodbye again, mr. randall. behind the schoolhouse at 9:00 tonight. abbie, please. remember, you're not well.
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trying to break down my front door, randall? just a minute. - ella: what is it, gregg? - randall. this fool has gone crazy. get the sheriff. yeah, you better get the sheriff, lady, 'cause your daughter's in trouble. what have you got to do with abbie? this. excuse me. get out of here. if you want to stop me from going through that door, mister, you better... take your choice, randall. walk out of this house or stop a bullet. you know, last night i thought i was looking for a body. after what happened, i think i'm looking for a murderer. why talk about murder in this house? because your daughter's mixed up in it, mister. i ought to kill you where you stand. why'd you set me up last night? gregg: get out of here. she asked me to meet her last night. suddenly, i get all beat up. i didn't have anything to do with those men.
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now, what is it? don't say anything. well? i loved wilt. don't be a fool, abbie. i've been a fool long enough keeping quiet. now it's time that i stopped. where's wilt henshaw? abbie. - he's dead. - where? i don't kn. jed took his body away. jed miller? came on wilt and me while we were walking through the woods. he was crazy jealous, and he grabbed at me. jed shot wilt. jed said that my father told him that he wanted to get rid of wilt. if i talked about what i saw, my father would hang. what was wilt henshaw? a drunkard's son. why, a drop of rain is worth more than he was. jed miller is the biggest man this town has ever seen, and he's the man that my daughter should marry. that's fine.
7:19 am
still here? well, i found out what happened to wilt henshaw. yeah? jed miller killed him. oh, i've got a witness. uh-huh. abbie fenton. how long have you known? since it happened, i guess. well, why didn't you arrest miller? nobody's been pressing until now. look, if you need some backing, just swear me in, that's all. i don't need backing. when jed comes back into town, i'll talk to him. you'll talk to him? where is he? up at his sawmill. he's got maybe a dozen men with him, all pretty handy with guns. you've got more than a dozen men here in town. why don't you swear them in? you can't get anybody to join a posse against jed miller. he's too highly regarded in these parts. well, supposing we try. wouldn't be no use.
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out of my jurisdiction. you know, it seems to me, as far as jed miller's concerned, the sidewalk out in front of your office is out of jurisdiction. that's not a very kind thing to say. yeah. ( talk dies down ) what'll you have? a posse. all right, now, we all know why i came to town: to find wilt henshaw's body. well, i found it.
7:21 am
abbie fenton saw it happen. ( honky-tonk piano music plays ) ( glass shatters, music stops ) - a man's been killed here. - tell the sheriff. i did. that's why i'm talking to you men now. he said he'd rather have this town smell of murder than to arrest jed miller. i'd like to prove he's a liar. you're not proving he's a liar, just proving yourself an optimist. i see. who are you? jim hendricks. i'm the editor of "the varga sentinel." i can't seem to get to them. suppose you tell them what happens if anybody commits a murder. jed miller isn't just anybody, mr. randall.
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drought, cattle blight, crops faing. and then jed miller came in with his sawmill. he gave people jobs. the stores did business again, and this town prospered. he killed a man. wilt henshaw was nothing. i guess that sounds harsh to you. what i mean is, if hcame or went, it couldn't mean anything to varga. but if anything happened to jed miller, the breath would go right out of this town. than we can ever repay. you don't owe him your souls, mister. well, i'm not in the mood to exchange philosophy with you, mr. randall. i'm just stating the facts. now, you listen. you let this killing stand, and you can write a nice big, fat obituary
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they're jed miller's boys. yeah. they the ones busted you up? i think so. i, uh, think i know who killed your boy. who? jed miller. oh, so he killed my boy. listen, where do you think you're going? i'm gonna get my shotgun. i'm gonna kill jed miller. thought you told me the only thing you wanted was a christian burial for your son. someone has to take care of him. somebody is. me. no, you've earned your pay. you found out who got him. now, you were busted up once, and i'm not gonna have you shot doing my busine. this is my business. now, look, mr. randall...
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what do you want? your friend, the bounty hunter, he's here. i figured he'd be out of the state by this time. i knew he wouldn't be. make sure he doesn't get his gun out of his holster, understand? hello. mr. miller. what can i do for you? one: tell me where wilt henshaw's body is. and two? and two: how about you coming into town with me
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7:27 am
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7:28 am
sure was nice of gregg fenton to pay for all those flowers. sure is impressive. they tell me you paid $90 for it. i didn't pay for it exactly. gabe paid 30 and the rest of it was donated by people unknown. i guess you figure this town owes you an apology, mr. randall. not at all, mr. hendricks. this town can only do one thing for me. what's that? watch me ride out. it's gonna be the first time in a week
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oh, you've got a speech to make, mr. candidate. go on. i'll make sure josh doesn't get away. you mind, josh? not at all. good luck, darling. ( laughs ) you go on. i don't want him to know i sent for you. he'd be furious. he thinks he can beat him alone. can he? oh, josh, this election is filthy. it's worse than anything i described in that letter. sounds pretty good from here. ned's worked hard for those cheers. too hard. he deserves to win this election more than anyone alive. i want him to win, josh. what's gonna stop him? our honorable mayor, barney pax. he's had this town under his thumb for years. he has no intention of letting a schoolteacher like ned put him out of office. well, if the people want ned easter in office, they're gonna vote for him.
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he--he'll create convenient little accidents. the kind that scare people away from the polls. why don't the people do something about it? what can they do? barney's made his brother sheriff just to keep their murderous tricks fresh and sweet and legal. that's why i sent for you. maybe you can help. maybe. see, ned's the first man who's ever-- ever had the courage to challenge barney. he's gonna need more than that. where in the name of heaven did you get this? josh: that's my living, remember? i've never seen it before. i don't think anyone has. steve pax is wanted in the state of colorado. you don't think his brother is gonna let this poster be circulated around town, do you? josh, this could win the election for ned. might just do that. ( gunshot ) ( man whooping ) ( gunshot )
7:35 am
( whinnies ) - ned. - oh, i'm all right. look out, josh! i don't want that, steve. you hear me? it wasn't my idea, mr. pax. steve said we should break up the rally. you almost took my arm off, barney. well, i should have, scaring these nice people and all. put this coyote in jail. what? it's where he belongs, isn't it? go on. say, ned, i sure apologize. this is never gonna happen again.
7:36 am
all of you. anybody got hurt? anything got broken, charge all the damages to me. you hear that? i don't care what it costs. charge it all to barney pax. now, come on over to dolly's and i'll buy the drinks. ( crowd cheers ) that hypocrite. buying votes, that's all he's doing. buying votes. they come mighty cheap in this town. like that. what? a heart like ice and a little luck, you know? barney pax has them both. one slip and he could have killed his own brother. gotten him some votes, he'd have done it. the time has come for you to demand and get clean government in this city of yours. it's time to sweep corruption out of city hall. it's time to challenge this vicious and arrogant administration that has cheated and duped and exploited you for...
7:37 am
hi, come on over here and lookie here. come on over and meet three beautiful new dancers from denver city. ( men cheer ) come on in my place and get better acquainted. excuse me. now, you didn't bring these girls all the way from denver just to heckle up mr. easter's campaign, did you now? i didn't say that at all. oh, well, as long as you girls are from denver, i'm sure you've heard of steve patrick. he'd like to shot up half the state of colorado before he skipped across the state line. they're not interested in that at all. oh, at least i think that's his name. yeah, yeah. steve patrick. says so right here. if you don't get out of my way, i'll... where did you get this? oh, i collect them. got trunks full. give it to me. ah, this is mr. easter's party. don't you go away now, hear? mr. easter, why don't you read that real loud so the whole town can hear. "wanted for murder. "$1,000 reward for the capture, dead or alive, "of steve pax,
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ned! darling, it's marvelous. you ought to hear the people talking. you showed them how to call barney's bluff, ned. they're not afraid of him anymore. that was josh's doing, not mine. thanks to you, mr. randall, i may soon be hanging new drapes in the mayor's office. or a wreath on josh's grave. ned. i want you to leave town, josh. now, look, ned, we've been all through this. now, you're practically in city hall, you hear? sure, because you exposed the mayor's brother as a killer, but you forget that steve pax is our sheriff. he could put a bullet in your back and call it legal. now, look, i'm not gonna get myself into any kind of trouble i don't figure i can get out of.
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during the war. he went out of his way to get me out of trouble a couple of times. is that why you came here, to get me out of trouble? - no, that's not why. - ( knock on door ) come in. barney pax wants to see you, randall. what's he want? business, i guess. coming? - i'm going with you. - ned. now, look, it's all right, ned. do you hear me? it's not all right at all. honey, i can't let him go out-- listen to me. barney's not gonna let anything happen to josh. the whole town will know he pulled the trigger. they won't stand for that now and he knows it.
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court in this town's got a lot of imagination. maybe this poster might appeal to your court. you know, there's a printer downtown owes me a few favors. he swears that he faked that poster for randall just to smear steve and me. won't do any good, barney. all we need for proof is a letter from the state capital of colorado. that overland mail travels mighty slow. randall could be tried, convicted and swinging from a tree before it got here. carole: i wish it had been you, barney. i wish it had been you instead of steve. so since you're not interested in helping your friend to a long and happy life-- how can i help him? pull out of the campaign. what are you talking about? all you have to do, ned, is take your name off that b ballo you do it tonight, and i'll change that murder charge to self-defense. the dedicated statesman, aren't you, mr. mayor? you'd bribe, blackmail, even put a bullet in your brother's back, just to get elected. well, you got your ways, i got mine. suppose, just suppose,
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where is he? where'd he go? where'd he go, easter? sorry, i just didn't notice. find him. there's no use, easter. i'm gonna put a price on his head and a target on his back. i'm gonna post his face on every tree in the territory. he won't be abab to travel 10 feet in the daylight putting a bullet through the back of his head. he's gonna l le like a gopher and die like a coyote. all right, barney. you can have the whole ballot. the election's yours. mm-mm, i want it in writing. a nice, flowery quittin' notice that we can print up and post in all the voting places. you can pick it up in an hour. ned, it's wrong.
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chase you out of your whole career, your future, your whole life. what about randall's life? he'll get along. he'll always get along. honey, i just cannot turn a good friend of mine into a fugitive for the rest of his life. i just can't do that. your good friend. your good friend ever tell you why he came here? what? what brought him to crater city, ned? did he ever tell you that? no. guess he has a right to his own personal life. a right to yours? what are you driving at? your good friend came here for me. honey, you're imagining things. it's the truth. look, you're upset-- he's been writing to me for months. i've had to burn the letters to keep from being embarrassed. when you've been out making speeches at rallies, he-- he's been here with me, tryingngo talk me into going away with him.
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he's vicious. he's trying to ruin our lives, your career. he ought to be smashed. ( knock on door ) come in. i'm collecting quitting notices. it's ready. no! sorry, carole. a deal is a deal. anything you folks need in a civic way, you know where to find me. i'll have these printed up tonight. you're a fool, ned. were you telling the truth about josh? oh, what difference does it make now? where are you going? to find randall. you don't even know where he is.
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all right. that derringer only holds one shot. minute. you think you can make it count? do i get that resignation? that quitting notice is keeping the noose from around randall's neck. carole: i'm not interested in rananll's neck. you want him to hang for murder? carole: that's his worry, not mine. what do you think, dolly?
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8:00 am
8:01 am
anted: man with investigative ability, "tact, perseverance and proven physical courage "for possible hazardous mission. "must be man of taste and discernment, "a west point grgruate and a former army officer. "communicate colonel h.p. lathrop, river acres, sacramento, california." ?? (train whistle blowing)
8:02 am
what's yours? - tuolumne. tuolumne o'toole. - tuolumne? - you think it's a funny name? - no. i think it's a charming name. it's cherokee, isn't it? - on my mother's side. my father was a railroad worker from ireland. - oh? - if you'll step into the drawing room, i'll tell the colonel you're here, sir. - thank you. (door closes) - ah, mr. paladin. - colonel lathrop, happy to see you. - nice to see you. - i see you're harboring my old friend petronius arbiter here. - (chuckling) yes. yes, the old scoundrel painted quite a picture of his time, didn't he? naturally, i've forbidden my wife to read a line of his. - oh? - sit down, won't you? - thank you.
8:03 am
your pursuits have been far more interesting. - colonel, you seem to know a great deal about me. that's why i was forced to use a blind advertisement in order to reach you. - and now that i'm here, what can i do for you? - oh, martha, my dear, do you have a moment? i'd like you to meet mr. paladin. mrs. lathrop. - how do you do, mr. paladin? - mrs. lathrop. - would you excuse me, please? little pablo is very ill, and i must hurry. - the eternal nurse. my wife's always ministering to the sick, or the lame, or the lazy. - colonel, what is it you wish of me? - i noticed that you were admiring that portrait, sir. - oh, was i? - that's jonathan lathrop. general george washington's. - well, the military seems to run in your family. - yes. all the mares of my family have been in the military, or lawmakers,
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then i plead guilty, sir. i am proud of my ancestors. - well, i'm certain you have every reason to be proud, colonel. now, as to your business with me? - well, why don't we let that wait until after you've refreshed yourself? your bag's in your room. there's a hot bath waiting. and we dine at 8:00. tuolumne, will you s sw mister paladin to his room? - thank you.
8:05 am
- as my wife mentioned, mr. paladin, i've spoken of you often, but i'm not sure that she'll approve my reasons for asking you here. - colonel, why am i here? - i want you to locate a woman for me, mr. paladin. thank you. her name is gloria morgan. do you know anything about her? - i've heard the name. - yes. - it's just a sleepy little cattle town now, my dear, but during the silver boom, it was a roaring mining camp. - was it? was reigning queen of the tenderloin district there, till the boom burst, and then she disappeared. - and your interest in her, colonel? - well, she's a missing chapter in a history that i'm writing about the west. - my heavens, was she that important, my dear? - (chuckles) women of that sort
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had its gloria morgan as a sort of symbol of its success. - no, as i understand it, she was a great deal more than that. gloria morgan was the high priestess of a cult made drunk by wine and sudden wealth. she was beautiful and mysterious, exotic, exciting, sort of a living flame, she... (laughs) must soundndoolish to you. i seem to have been carried away with a vision of some woman that i've never even seen. and that, mr. paladin, is why you are here. - certainly. - colonel, these clippings are very interesting. it's pity there's no picture. - yes, isn't it? i'll pay your fee upon delivery of the information.
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want to know more about that. i want to know if she's still alive-- if so, what she's called. and especially, i want too k. - colonel, why don't you do this yourself? - i regret that i'm not physically able to, sir. my advertisement mentioned a hazard. you're the second man that i've sent up there. the first one never returned. - in that case, my fee wililbe $2,000. ?? well... tuolumne o'toole. this is indeed a pleasure. - i didn't come herere to. - no? - i came here to warn you. don't go to lodestar. - oh, why not? - the country is full of bandits and wild indians and grizzly bears. - how about cougars? - them, too, yes. - you're beautiful, tuolumne, and you're such a a d liar. - i didn't think i could scare you.
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he likes to hurt people. he's a-- a monster and a torturer. - the colonel? - well, you noticed that he didn't mention the name of gloria morgan till his wife was there to hear him, didn't you? - yes, i noticed. colonel want to do that? - the colonel's been using that name to torture mrs. lathrop. - i think gloria morgan was his sweetheart. i think he wants to bring her here. - the colonel says he never laid eyes on her. that's hardly my business. i'm being paid to locate gloria morgan. - if you do... if you come back here, i'll kill you. now, you better believe me. - well, i believe you'd try. come on.
8:12 am
? think of your fellow man. ? ? lend him a helping hand. ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ? take a good look around... ? ? ...and if you're lookin' down, ? ? put a little love in your heart. ? ? in your heart. ? (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars
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- well, uh, that's something around here, mister. you're staying with us long, uh, mr. paladin? - well, not too long, i hope. i'm trying to locate an old friend of mine. - can i help you? i know most everybody hereabouts. ... - you made a mistake, carl. you don't have an empty room. - steve's right. i forgot. there's a bunch of mining men coming down from san francisco. they got everything booked. - that's the way it is, mister. - i'm partial to combinations of three.
8:14 am
- it's at the top of the stairs, sir. - thanks. - tell clay. named it yet. - i'm out of it. - whatever it is you want, we ain't got it here. - oh? - did i say lady? - yeah. - well, that was a slip of the tongue. i'm not sure she was a lala, judging by the things i hear about her. - well, mister, nobody ain't ever going to hear of you, if you don't clear o o.
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- why, i've often wondered what whiskey tastes like. (sighs) you ain't gonna get any information out of me, mister. but i can tell you this-- she was a first-class can of tomatoes. - was she, now? - of course, good looks and in-- in mobility, she couldn't hold a candleleo me. why, i could out-drink h h any day of the week. and when it came to trapping a loose dollar, i could take... - i wonder whatever happened to her. - clay could tell you. he's the fella that owns this place, but he won't. i bet lulu knows. - lulu? - her best buddy. they used to work here together. poor lulu. she got fat.
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you better go home, mazie. or tomorroroyou could be taking in washing. - i'm sorry, mr. sommers. - get out. - don't be too hard ononer, mr. sommers. it was all my fault. - you get out, too. - gladly. - out of town! - after we've had a talk. - harry! - in your office, mr. sommers. - harry! - not now or ever. ?? - how are you, ma'am? - how's yourself? - i'm fine. my spare shirt shows the trail, i was told lulu would clean it. - lulu will. that'll be a dollar, in advance.
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a great deal of admiration for women of your profession. - laundress?! - yeah, i find women of your profession all over the west. independent, honest. you find a bucket, some water, soap, and you're in business. - well, what's a girl to do when she isn't a girl no more? the figure goes but the shoulders stay. - it's an honorable profession, and certainly a necessary one. i can think of some others we could do without. - don't credit me too much, dearie. - well, i didn't always look like this, you know. - (laughing) wait a minute, lulu. i think you look fine. did you work the saloons here in lodestar? - you bet. - well, then, you must've known, um... what's-her-name-- the one they all talk about, um... - gloria? - that's it, gloria morgan. say, she reallllgathered in the honey around here. or so they tell it on the trail. - oh, they do, huh? - mm-hmm. - a saint, mister-- right out of the book, that's gloria morgan.
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body around here was dying like flies and... now, why did you start talking about gloria morgan? - i didn't. you did. - did i? - mm-hmm. - i don't do that often these days. - well, that looks fine. i don't think the creases will ever come... (gunshot) - freeze, paladin! - now, it seems to me you people are going to a lot of trouble just to keep me from askskg a few innocent questions. - come on. - hey, mister! your shirt! next time somebody puts a bullet through it, i hope you're wearing it.
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(piano stops) - this is an excellent gun, mr. sommers. i just couldn't leave it behind. oh, that's a beautiful woman. how does she rate all this loyalty? why will men here--- and ? i was told that gloria morgan was filth. that she was an abomination who preyed o othe weaknesses of lonely men. - you're a liar. - that she was a liar, a chcht, a thief-- - you're lying! you're a liar! - am i? then what is the truth, mr. sommers?
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do you want me to tell people she was a saint? - (scoffs) nonsense. have you ever known a woman that was? - no, i haven't. part saint, part devil, a great deal of turtledove and a whole lot of cat. - that's gloria. - i understand a gun battle was fought for her favors. - not for her favors, sir. for her hand, in marriage. - i beg your pardon. - i suppose... the other fellow h right to court her as i did, but... if you hadn'n'noticed, i walk with a limp. it was a good fight and a fair fight, and when it was over, we were both near dead. - and gloria morgan? - she waited until we'd both recovered our healths. then... told us she... didn't love either one of us...
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(door opens, closes) - i believe clay sent word i was coming. - yeah, he did. - and you know what clay wants you to do. - clay and i have disagreed before. - he faced your gun at some time. - got a couple of souvenirs in his carcass from it someplace. - you were the other man. - that's right. gloria morgan. she was one of the finest women i-- i ever met.
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- you found out about that w wan? - i did. - and you're going to tell? - i am. tuolumne, i don't think gloria morgan will hurt your mistress. - you better not be lying. (lathrop) - how do you do, mr. paladin? - colonel. - come in. - thank you. mrs. lathrop, how's your patient? - oh, pablo's very well, thank you. won't you sit down? - thank you. - didiyou find gloria morgan? - colonel, i found out a great deal about her. - well, sir, i think perhaps it's more important to know who she was, rather than where she is now. - i know who she was. - i doubt it. i talked to a great many people. actually, colonel, gloria morgan was a young girll abandoned in a mining camp by a man who brought her there under false pretenses of marriage. she had no friends, no one to turn to. so, she did the best she could. she sang and danced in the saloons. and she shared in the money men paid for the pleasure of drinking in her compmpy.
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- some of the people i talked to, colonel, think she was as saint. - a saint?! - yes, sir. there was a cholera epidemic in lodestar. no doctors, no nurses. gloria morgan nursed the sick. nursed them, bathed them and fed them. - well, sir? - i'm trying to crystallize in my mind the impression i've gotten n gloria morgan in the last few days. - and that impression is? le woman, whose friendship i would've considered a high honor. shalali go on, colonel? - yes. go on, mr. paladin. - well, gloria morgan saved enough money to go to san francisco and study nursing. nqturally, she was worried that her past would come up, and spoil her new life. so, she borrowed a name. she borrowed it from the privately printed family historyryf a friend.
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and, for a while, they were quite happy. - and then, mr. paladin? - and then, recently, someone sent her husband a poison pen letter, exposing her past in the worst possible light. out of hurt and arrogant pride, he decidid to punish her, by getting a third party to confront her with proof of her identity i ihis presence. - that's quite enough, sir. if he'd gone to his wife in any reasonable manner, she would've told him anything he wanted to knkn. - oh, i'm sure she would've. mr. paladin, my husband paid you to make a report. why don't you make it? - oh, that's right. you want to know the presest whereabouts of gloria morgan, don't you, colonel?
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is dead. she lives only in the memory of those who loved her. do you believe that, colonel? - yes, i believe it. i promise i'll never try to kill you again, as long as i live. - and don't you ever try to lie to me again, either. now, what did mrs. lathrop ever do to deserve such loyalty from you? - oh, i was born in lodestar. when i was 14, i took a job in the saloon where gloria morgan was working. - and? - she took me to her home and spanked me so hard i couldn't sit down for a week. - (laughs) and now, i suppose there's a young man. - little pablo's big brother.
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(gun fires) (woman) - move away from that wagon, mister! - i thought it was abandoned. - move away, i said. now get on your horse and clear out. - lady, you look to me like you need help. - you can't help us none. - i can try. - no. - move on then. (baby crying) - lady, what's the matter with that baby? - typhoid. typhoid fever. - has a doctor seen this baby? - no. - well, then you don't know it's typhoid fever. it might be some other disease. - mr. mulrooney knows. - who? - jeremiah mulrooney, the wagon master.
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left you out here to dig your own graves? - it was either the baby and me or the whole wagon train. 50 people. - well, they're sending help back, they're not just going on? - what can they do? - well, lady, you and your baby are alive, you're human beings. now, there's a settlement one day's ride from here. we'll use my horse to pull the wagon. - they won't let us in. ere by now. they know about us. - well, they can't just cancel you out of the human race. - i was a stranger in a strange land, and ye took me in. a toast to you and your good wife, brother jonas. - thank you. i sure wish you and your folks could stay on a might longer. maybe even settle here. - a shepherd must tend his flock, and my wagoneers are getting restless to press on.
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u, mrs. jonas. and bless you both. (hoofbeats approaching) (dog barking) - hmm. newcomer. wonder where he's from. - i'm looking for a doctor. can you tell me where i'll find one? - a doctor. mm. well, i don't know. she calls herself a doctor, but... - she? - yeah. phyllis thackeray, m.d. that's what her sign says. - she's here on the settlement? - yeah. - she ain't recommended. - oh? why? - couldn't make a go of it back east, so she hung up a shingle here. any woman seesesit to take up doctoring ain't fit to be a woman.
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but lady doctors ain't my idea... - now, look, there's a woman and a baby that need doctoring real bad. - what's this? what's this, my friend? now, what's this, my friend, about a woman and a baby? - some pebble-hearted wagon master left them on the edge of the desert out here to die. now, where's the doctor? - just a minute. this child-- did it have typhoid fever? - - ll, that's for the doctor to... - my name is jeremiah mulrooney and it was i that... - mr. mulrooney. you don't look like a murderer. - keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile. - set thy own house in order, mulrooney. you sentenced that woman and that child to death. - they were diseased! - well, what did you do to help them?! - wait a minute! wait a minute! what's this about typhoid, stranger? we don't want any epidemics around here.
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what they thought about it? or did you just make the decision for them? - had they known about typhoid, it would've caused grere panic. - and the will of jeremiah mulrooney would have been opposed. now where's that doctor. - now, look, typhoid is a terrible thing. nothing to fool around with. if that doctor brings them here we could all get the disease. - the hand that touches pitch is defiled forthwith. you've consorted with the disease. the fever's upon you, too. you going to let this fool... - he's right-- you couldlde filling the air with typhoid. - now, look, you better make tracks, mister, 'cause we got to protect the people in this settlement. - i'm not leaving here without seeing that doctor. - get out of here before you contaminate all of us. - well, why don't you two brave men shoot? for there's sickness out there. the woman and the child are sick. you could keep them out of this community. but t e disease will spread. it'll get here eventually. it'll get right here. a doctor could stop that,
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- all right. i'll see to it that you get a doctor. please give her my card. - he's welcome to her. take her, and good riddance! but once she mixes with the fever, she ain't welcome back here. - oh, be careful of that card; it's crawling with typhoid. - you give it to her yourself. - i will. ?? , huh? - only when i have to be. - now, where's the doctor? - you can see her sign from right out there. she's right across the street. - thank you.
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- got enough water? - i think this willl be. - all right. - wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. let the physicians heal themselves before they seek return. - don't try bringing those fever patients back here, you understand? - if w whave to bring them back here, we will. ren, too. and we'll shoot you down, if we have to. - they mean what they say. - so do i.
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- thanks. why'd you come west? isn't it hard enough for a woman to study medicine in the east? - well, i guess i'm more missionary than physician. is the food all right? - mmm. it's fine. - you know, i was the second woman to graduate from my medical school. after r , there were others, but... as something better than freaks. - and you're breaking new ground for t tm out here. - well, i figure that if i can get these people to accept me, then maybe they'll accept o oer women doctors. - may i remind you that you were just run out of your home with guns at your back? - want some more coffee? please. thanks. you're pretty casual about it. - i'm not, really.
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anything i can do? - keep your fingers crossed. - they all right? - yeah. the mother is suffering from exposure, - she's gonna be all right, though. - unless the typhoid hits her. - the baby has typhoid? - maybe. - don't you know? - it's too soon to tell yet. - mulrooney knew the symptoms. - well, so do i. a high fever that lasts for the first few days, then a rash that covers the skin,n, then delirium and coma that leads to the crisis. the baby seems to have gone abobo halfway through the cycle, but whether she goes beyond this or not,
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- now, what aboutt mulr? they meant what they said about our not going back there. - so do i. these people need help and they're going to get it. - i hope so. ?? ?? - well, they're waiting for us. - turn back, paladin. the way is closed. you'll bring no disease among us. - stand right there. no closer. - dr. thackeray has examined the woman and the child. the woman hasn't a trace of typhoid. - her child is diseased. and clara benson took care of her child. ted with them both. - dr. thackeray isn't even certain that the baby has typhoid.
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now, what about it? are you people going to let this mama sentence a woman and a baby to death? - we'll bring you what you need, mr. paladin, but you ain't bringing them in. (whip cracking) - he's trying to steal your homes! he's bringing the scscrge of satan down upon you. - what abobo it? who wants it? who wants to preach the gospel acacrding to mulrooney? jonas? you want it? you want to keep those people out of your precious community? want to preserve it? well, you've got three fine targets: two women and a baby burning with fever. here, jonas, here. you want it?
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here, mulrooney. you show these sheep how you practice the art of righteoususss. - but paladin, they're diseased. we've got to protectcturselves. - well, they're not as diseased as you are. you may be able to do this. you may be able to keep them out of your community, but you'll carry your sickness with you wherever you go. as long as you live, you'll die every time you see a baby smile. o take care of our own childrere (baby crying) - your own children. - do your children sound any different than that when they cry? - if one of your own children was sick and crying like that,
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- well, you ask mulrooney. he makes the decisions around here. now, mulrooney, i'm going to drive that wagon into that settlement. any of you people need a doctor, she'll be in her office. - i'm not going to let you do it, paladin. i'm not going to let you bring disease and pestilence into our midst. - get in the back. you know, they're going to use those guns. - just keep her down. hyah! - hyah! move! hyah! - he's the devil himself! this man was sent from the very devil himself! stop him, i say! stop him! (whips crackck groaning)
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broke last night. - oh, what does that mean? - it's not typhoid. - it's not typhoid? you sure? - i'm sure. go on, have something to eat. i'll stay out here. - calllle if mulrooney and his friends show up. - all right. - good to see you up and around. is this mine? thank you. - i wish i could tell you how much i appreciate - please, no gratitude before breakfast. i hear your baby's better. - yes, very much better. (baby crying) - well, sounds better. mrs. benson, why is mulrooney fighting so hard to leave you behind? and i joined the wagon train in leadville. - your husband?
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he made a wild, crazy thing out of it. like a fanatic. i couldn't stand it. a few w eks later, around the campfire, he told the whole wagon train he was taking me for his bride. it w w heaven's will to protect widows, he said. and he was the chosen messenger. i ran away from him... and then my baby got sick. - paladin! paladin! hurry! (c(ctter) and they're all around the place. on the sides, the back, everywhere. - all right... go on in and take care of the patients. you may have some more.
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that's far enough, mulrooney. - paladin! this is the torch of truth and justice. it'll burn away the seeds that clara benson has spread among us. it will l ourge the disease from our souls and bodies and purify our homes once again. - clara benson never had a trace of typhoid and the doctor says the baby's out of danger. - o, how thou art fallen from heaven, o, lucifer, you forced these people from their homes, paladin, contaminated the air they breathe, and now you lie in the face of judgment. - you fool. put down that torch and call off those rifles. - the path of the just is the shining light. - mulrooney, if you touch that torch to this house i will empty this gun into you. - the flames of the just will banish the scourge.
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re. you've mingled with filth and disease. and i know the symptoms. i saw that baby crying with fever and livid with rash. - that rash, mr. mulrooney, was the three-day measles. the three-day measles, mr. mulrooney, and you left them out there to die because of it. - you're lying. you're trying to humiliate me. you're trying to belittle me. - well, then, lolo at the baby. the fever's down, the rash has faded and her eyes are bright. - you can kill people with hate, mulrooney, but not with the three-day measles. (screamimi) - look out, paladin!n! (gun fires, screaming)
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pcpfphpiplpmpoprptpupw - we have room for you on our wagon train, mr. paladin. thank you. - we can take you part way to san francisco. good. save me a soft board to o t on. (whistling) - must you leave? - come with me. san francisco needs a good doctor. - oh, no, there are too many velvet settees there. - is there any way i can thank you? - see me in san francisco. - hey, wait a minute. - what are you doing? - you're not goioi anywhere for at least three days. - measles? - mm-hmm. i'll get a room ready for you. (jonas) - hey, paladin!
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start the drive this morning on a hollow belly. you had better stop petting best that stallion. >> i guess so.o. it is kind of hard to leave him alone. well, fella. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> well look here. >> my, my. it looks good. i will have some of them. >> john, are you upset with the herd?? >> it is good enough for them
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>> oh, excuse me. >> hey, blue boy. how are you going to keep it going on for two whole days? >> wait a minute. he does need good care. pa, i think you should assignn one of the men to do nothing but take care of one of that cell you and when we are gone. ho fine. >> what? >> somebody has got to be in charge here, and you are it. ? >when did you decide this? >> i have been thinking about it for a couple of days. of course if you do not want the responsibility."
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>> good. assuming full authority like this for the first on can be tricky to handle, and a man is not quite what he was once he starts giving orders. >> how do you mean? >> you are standing for more than yourself, and sometimes that can put you in a difficu position. >> i guess so. >> you will do fine. i guess i do note you to take really good care of that khorasan, do i? >> no, sir. >> blue? you can expect us but by
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corazon here. >> is something wrong? >> no, nothing. it is felipe and pedro. >> what about them? >> they do not seem to be taking my being in charge very seriously. >> did they challenge your authority? >> not so respectful. >> i see. >> that they thought i had coco by the wagon to help them unload . >> did they ask you to? >> yeah. >> blue. it means you should have helped them. i really don't mean to interfere with the way you decide to do your job.
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i am not doing right, i will not take it wrong if you tell me. >> blue, the men that work for you need to know that you are willing to work as hard as they do. >> i will work harder. >> i am not talking about you spending the entire day working with the men or even an hour. if you just out for 10 minutes, it should have been enough. all they want from you is to know that you can jobs important enough to do it yoyo self. >> they are my friends -- >> they don't, they never do, when one of their friends is raised to a position of authority. >> yeah, i guess you are right. ? thanks, victoria.
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>> why should i buy what i can steal? >> it is going to be very difficult. corazon now belongs to john cannon. getting that horse would be like storming the high chester. >> possibly yes, possibly no. >> stop playing games with me. >> they are gone. manolito, john, driving >> half a herd, maybe more.
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here comes old blue again. >> sure is hot, ain't it? >> yeah. >> may be blue can tell us how to get that mud off. >> put this on, pedro. >> anybody can see this is a two man pool, joe. all right, two pullers and one pusher. >> anytime you are ready. >> of course, you were not supposed to get in the mud.
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i have got to let them know that i cannot be made a full l . >> you have to do what you have to do, blue. >> it does not make me feel good, though. not this kind o opunishment. >> you are so much like your father in so many ways. >> i had better go up and see how they are getting along. >> why should i get punished when i have done nothing wrong? >> this is a three-man job. that is why.
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>> que pasa hombre? >> i have never seen poles so straight. are you guys tired? >> yeah, what about it? >> are you trying to be funny? >> in that that was only back at the mudhole. >> he wants to know what you have forors to do. >> take the rest of the day off. >> how come? >> just showing my appreciation for a job well done. >> do you mean that, boss? >> sure, you are done, as of now. >> but it ain't sundown yet?
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9:26 am
>> it is late, blue. you should be in bed. >> yeah. well, so should those three. >> they did not get back yet, hmm? >> no. >> how could they do this? how could they g gto tucson and leave this ranch that unprotected. >> they were excited and did not think. >> is there anything that i have done right today? >> go to tucson and get them. >> and leave you here alone? >> in such a short time, nothing would happen.
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>> yes, sir, ladies, this here -- blulu >> come on, let's go. do you know how late it is? >> you take one swig and you travel takes you to your knees. >> you had no business coming here, joe. >> we will be back. >> there is no one at the ranch. come on, let's go. >> i told you -- >> get yourself together. that is in order, all of you. >> backoff. >> you do not speak to our boss that way.
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go up against those odds. >> there were hardly any at the time, john? >> where are the men? >> the guys wrote in to tucson last night and did not get back. wife i am talking to blue about this -- >> blue went to go get them. >> who is he working for, me or miguel? >> where do o u think they are going? the iron hotel, you will have no one to holler at but me. >> of course i c cld leave you all here until big john cools down. >> when you think that will be?
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the man what gets his prized stallion stole -- >> it was my fault. i was in charge. >> no, blue, let it be on me. >> i was in charge. >> was is right, blue. >> blue [l[lghter] >> that is my boy. a bunch h cowpokes, come on, let's go. and one for you, blue boy. >> uncle buck. what do o u think he is going to do?
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clean you come and then he will talk to your gizzards until you want blessed relief come in and he will play on work detail, and that is just to start with. >> you are leaving this ranch to bust into splinters. you were in charge. you knew this was shorthanded, and you let the boys go to top your wife i did not know. >> you should have don't want to have to look at you right now. >> you still have time to go after him. >> with what come a bunch of trail weary men? those saloon entrancncof yours? no, we have got to get a fresh start in the morningng go on!
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>> eight is my fault. i told blue he could go. >> he is enough of a man to make his own decision. and that would happen if he had not given them a day off. i do not want to see one of you sneak in up there behind my back treating him like some cat. he took on the job like a man. he will place his punishment like a man. >> man. and the killing of men who are
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m m sights up higher and i hated my sergeant. when they promoted me to sergeant, then i hated lieutenant. and then they busted me down to private, so i had to start all over again hating my corporal. >> all i can muster up hate for his myself. >> blue boy, you know what you are doing? you are pitying yourself and that is such a waste, blue. down, so can you. >> i hope you are right. >> blue. i think your daddy will simmer down in the morning. you get a good night sleep, you
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>> it is much later than you think, john. >> don't tell me i have no right to be angry. >> i am not telling you anythingng >> victoria, a man has to stand for what he believes in. >> blue did what he had to do whether he was right or wronon >> do not think my pride in the boy has diminishsh one bit. it has not. he has to leae he left thisislace unguarded. >> and you think that makes you write? >> no. it doesn't. i was too hard on a boy. i have to give them some chance to earn his pride back. >> how? >> i don't know.
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>> should i? >> no. >> mano, i'm going crazy. >> forget it, hombre. believe it or not, things have a way of passing. >> not this. i am not talking about being forgiven, patching things up with pa. >> what are you talking about? >> getting that stallion back. oh, i have to do it. pa does it, he makes up for my mistake? can you see? >> of course. i can see. >> mano. why don't you and i go together and find corazon?
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father's orders. >> why? because you are afraid? >> no. because it is wrong. because john cannon is not just your father or just the husband of m sister. he is the man in charge of his business, which is the high enough orders have already been disobeyed. >> you mean i can't do a thing. >> i did not say that. that is for you to decide. but sometimes i have found doing nothing is the wisest courts. -- wisest course.
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tell me, how is your sister? >> she got in just like the others. >> you know something, you are terrible. >> it is a living. >> close your eyes, carlos. close them. >> manolo, you know what? you are. >> good pure it i will tell her in self my person. >> you know what? >> what? >> if you make one sound or r en your eyes before i tell you, i will have to shoot you. do you believe me? >> without question, manolo. >> do not forget.
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>> howdy you feel, blue boy? >> i feel shaky. >> house about you getting our horses? >> pa. >> yeah, blue. >> i am sorry. for saying to you lately. >> well, i have to admit that you still have to learn that bravery is no substitute for brains. >> yeah. >> he still went up against those men alone. it counts for something. >> it counts for a great deal.
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