tv Today NBC December 2, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST
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sarah buchanan, lots have been drawn, and according to the law, you've been chosen. abraham? you will do the angel's vengeance. i give you the weapon. hasn't there beeeen enough killing? we did not start this. it is written that we should love our enemies. your father gave us the law, but he told us to use it well. which i am doing. you speak of my father.
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it was handed to me for my son. how do i give it into his hands? answer me, old man. how do i give a dead boy the law? the man who killed my son is still alive. the angel's vengeance will cut him down into the dirt thatat is him. the vengeance will be mine. the man you seek was last known to be in the town of copper city. you're to find him, llow him. sarah buchanan... i do not expect to see you
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- bang! - bang! you missed. no, i i didn't. got you right in the heart. bang, right between the eyes. i guess you did, all right. you get them shells i ordered? yep. come in this morning. ought to be around here somewheres. did you find that fella you u s looking for? hmm? no, no, he's a pretty smart fella. i'm going after him first thing in the morning. hey, what's this here? peaches, extra fancy. packed in heavy syrup. come all the way in from st. louis. peaches in cans. boy, that's something, isn't itit open 'em up and try 'em. much obliged.
7:04 am
i figure a fella ought to be progressiviv they're pretty good. welllltake some with you. listen, i'll be outside. no, it's your turn. okay, let suzie be the indian howdy. afternoon. what can i do for you? i need a shave. you're new in town, aren't you? uh-huh. figure to stay long? no longer than i have to. well, you might just look around. anything you want, this is the place for it. good grazing land, dirt'll grow anything.
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ncy weapon you got here. any more shells for this thing? you know my name? mr. randall? maybe it would be easier if... if you did away with me now. i'd rather not wait. wait for what? kill me, mr. randall, please, now! boy, you're really something. now you want me to shoot you. well, what is it? you just like the noise or something? i'd try to help you out if i knew what you wanted, but i don't. my name is sarah buchanan. i'm an angel. yeah? i never figured they'd be carrying guns. ( box of shells clatters ) now, you wanna tell me about this?
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murdered. does that make it any clearer? yeah. now you listen to me. when a man pulls a .44 on me and he's pointing it at me, ready to blow big holes through me, i'm not gonna stand there and argue with him. now, it was either me or him. and, lady, i shot him dead. is that true? well, i sasa it was. i have witnesses in town if you wanna talk to 'em and we'll just leave it here. virgil was abraham's son. who's abraham? abraham's ththleader of the angels. he called all the young people together and i was ththone who was picked. you see, that's the law of the valley. if harm is done to one angel, another is picked to administer justice. and if he fails, then another until justice is done. yeah? well, suppose you run on back and tell those people they done picked the wrong fella, huh?
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uh-huh. i'll tell you what. supposing you and i take a ride out to this valley and talk to this man abraham. he'll kill the both of us. well, uh, let's hope not. but since he's got his heart set on tracking me down, i'll just go out there and save him the trouble.. now, i got a few things i gotta pick up in town. we'll go out and take a look at this valley of t t angels. come on. you know, if you go out on a trip to kill a man, you ought to bring a sleeping roll with you.
7:12 am
( shell clatters ) were you really planning on using this thing on me? i don't know. i don't know. - [narrator] what if you had a medical emergency away from home? - my chest hurtsts, i can't breathe. - [narrator] what you need is mobilehelp, america's premiere mobile medical alert system. most systems only work at home, but with mobilehelp, you get help outside the home with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks at the press of a button. - i couldn't dial 911 because i was out of it. i just pushed the button
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or if i even know where i am. i have mobilehelp, they know where i am. - i have a number of health issues. if you were to call 911, they would not know what your issues are. mobilehelp has all that onon fi, so the emergency responders already know what my needs are. - ththere are things i wouldn'to if i didn't have mobilehelp. - mobilehelp is a lilifesaver, literally and figuratively. - with mobilehelp, i feel safe. for a free full-color brochure. we'll send you everything you need, including this base station, the patented mobile device, and the waterproof pendant and wrist button. you can also add the fall button that automatically detects falls and signals help helplpven if your unconscious and unable to press the button. there is no equipment to buy and no long-term contract. act now and we'll include an emergency key box free with your plan purchase.
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( knock on door ) andall. sarah. well, come in, come in. my dear, what are you doing here? i told him what would happen, but he insisted on coming. mr. rankin, josh didn't murder virgil. tell him, josh. ananthat's exactly what happened. i rode out here with her because i want to get this thing cleared up. it was a mistake, mr. randall.
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tell me something. does it make sense to you, me riding out here to talk to this man? oh, yes. however, the logic of the world doesn't seem to apply anymore in the valleleof the angels. what have you told him of us, child? well, i i ld him what i could. we are a strange people, mr. randall. in the beginning, it was not always so. we were ordinary we had a little colony in the eastern mountains many years ago. but outsiders came to the colony, told us that our customs were wrong, that our law was wrong. and when we would not change our custom or our law, they rose up against us. our leader, nehemiah saxon, could have used force,
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e in peace, and after searching the land, he found this place and called it the valley of the angels. live in peace. as our towns grew, marauders came to rob from us, to cheat us, sometimes to murder us. when nehemiah died, his son abraham made many changes. he used the angel's vengeance for his pepeonal vendettas. he excluded no one--women, children, old people. it gave him great power. well, why didn't somebody here do something about this man?
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the slayer of my son lives? answer, sarah. he lives. why? who is this man? it was such a weapon that finished my boy. you admit you murdered virgil? i didn't think it was murder. the boy was drunk. he wanted to prove he was faster than i was. we had a few words. he drew on me. you lie! my boy never touched alcohol. like i said, the boy was drunk. if he shot at you like you say he did, you'd be dead. he was almighty fast with weapons. i taught him. while you were teaching him abobo guns,
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er. if he hadn't have drawn the way he did, i wouldn't have had to kill him. now, if you don't believe me, there was a court hearing and a a wn full of witnesses. outsiders? you think i'd believe them any more than i believe you? abraham, in heaven's name, give the boy a chancnc if he claims proof, at least we should investigate.e. you're forgetting yourself, old man. i'm the leader of the angels, not you. my word is law in this valley. you failed in your mission, girl. the penalty for failure is death. but to prove i'm a just and a merciful man, i'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. abraham, what are you saying?
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kill him. you hear what i'm saying, girl? i hear. then do as i say. use it! let us get our vengeance against this murderer. stop this farce, abraham. it's gone far enough. you still your tongue, old man. you've stood in the way of the law already. , the kind of man he was. there's not one of us who doesn't think the punishment given to him was just. sarah buchanan, i've given the law. kill him. you. kill him.
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i won't forget what you did for me. no, it was wrong, mr. randall. no man can decide another man's destiny. well, abraham almost decided mine. don't hate him. he'd forgotten the past even as i did in that moment. it's easy to forget. mr. rankin. i don't know a lot about these matters, but i do know one thing. if you hadn't have done what you did, he would have killed me. i'm much oblbled to you. goodbye, sir. we'll miss you. maybe not.
7:30 am
( whistling ) - shh! she'll be here in a moment. yeye ma'am. mr. randall, tell me why you wish to see miss cleary. erday. and you have no idea what it is she wishes to discuss? no, ma'a'a but i felt a letter that urgent ought to get a fast answer. particularly when it comes from a school for yoyog ladies. mr. randall, this is dolly cleary.
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where are her family? l alive? they're dead. twice a year on her birthday and christmas, a present comes for her. she's sure it's from her people. well, maybe they're not dead then. mr. randall, when you abandon a child, even if you're still moving around, you're dead. e packages, where do they come from? how do you mean? oh, they're left at the door. she's tried staying up several times to see, but she's not been able to see anything. you ever try to find out where they come from? we made inquiries, but quite honestly, mr. randall, we don't want to press the issue. here, we know that she gets the care and love that she needs. can you guarantee that she'll get it somewhere else? well, maybe her family's still alive. if they are, they can call for her. but i don't want to give her
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what you're doing. not always. we make mistakes, too, you know. well, i'm gonna be going now. you're not going to take her job? no, ma'am. you know, i learned a long time ago you keep your nose where it belongs, you'll keep it. i hope we meet again under more favorable circumstances. yes, ma'am. mr. randall? are you going to find them for me? well, dolly, i had a little talk with the sister - - i know. she told you my parents were dead, didn't she? uh-huh. but that's not true. i know. how do you know?
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will you bring them back, please? well, i got a job coming up. i got a lot of things i gotta do. i gotta get into town and pick k some supp... i'll try. that's allll i wanted to know! i'll go in and start packing my things right away. you tell them i'll be ready as soon as they get here. i'll be all ready.
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how did it go? i was early... about 10 years. it was a little girl. a little girl? well, what did she want? how long you been in town, craig? about five years. why? ever hear of a family called cleary? cleary? no. why? i thought you might know 'em. well, they supposed to live around here? well, they did at one time. that sister out at t t home said that they're both dead. i thought you might know something about it. sorry, josh. hey, hardrock! come on over here a minute. that's hardrock johnson. if anybody in the state would know about it, he would. this is josh randall, hardrock. he wants a few words with you.
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i don't talk too good dry. now then, young fella, what'd you want to talk about? you ever hear of a family called cleary? used to live around h he. cleary? come on, hardrock. do you know or don't you? don't yell at me. if you had any sense, you'd answer him yourself. you know who he's asking after. old matt. the old drunk, lives out at the jenkins place with virgil? matt cleary. i never heard his last name before. he don't u u it much. been a long time since anybody called him mister. he got a little girl? you trust this fella? you can talk to him. matt was a blacksmith and a pretet good one, too. oh, that was 10, 11 years ago. had himself a pretty little wife, baby girl. done well.
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y is that? the town was growing then. i don't know, maybe working too hard or maybe it was just the times, but he took to drinking. drank like payday at the mines every day. one night he was up to the silver dollar. matt was drunk. his wife come after him driving a buggy. she begged him to go on home with her in front of the rest of us. it made him mad, real mad, but he went. that buggy and started whipping the horse. the animal run away, rig overturned, and, well, the woman was killed.. matt buried the woman, took the baby out totohe nuns and left her there. said he didn't even have the right to see her after what he'd dodo. you mean, for 10 years he hasn't wanted to see that girl again? don't think it's a matter of wantiti. he's just making himself pay for what he done.
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jenkins place about two miles south of town, him and virgil. who's virgil? virgil? well, you take all the meanness in the world and throw in about half the muscle, grind it up and pour it out, that's virgil. only man in town that can get along with him is old matt. and that ain't all the time. much obliged. eful if i was you, son. either one of them alone is bad enough, but together, well, just b bcareful. yeah. - nice young fella. - yeah.
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( both laugh ) what do you want? howdy. uh, mr. cleary? yeah? i asked you, mister. what do you want? i wanted to talk to matt cleary. what about? i think i ought to tell him that, huh? ll me first and i'll let you know if he wants to listen to you. it's about your daughter. what's wrong? everything's all right, isn't it? well, yeah, she's all right. it's just that she wants to be with her father. come on. she's better off withthhe sisters. she doesn't even know i'm alive. it's better that way. go away.
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er. now get on your way. if it's okay with you, i'd like to talk to him. so far you've been doing pretty good. now you get on your horse, point him in the direction to town, and kick him. you understand? you seem to do all the talking for him. any particular reason? yeah, 'cause i'm the only friend he's got. now you get outta here and forget you ever found this place.
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i'm gonna pay you back, josh, every cent. don't worry about it. well, when's the big day? tomorrowow. matt and i are gonna ride out to the school together, right? me a week ago you could make this change, i'd have called him aiar. it's good to see you looking this way, matt. it feels good, too. well, come on. let's order some food. we gotta get an early start. sally? ( knock on door ) josh? ( pounding on door ) josh! who is it? it's craig. go away. ( pounding on door ) come on, josh,h, open up.
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y'd you do it? 'cause he's s my friend, that's why. friend, huh? funny way to show it. listen, virgil, i came out here because i want to try to make you understand that matt needs help to stop drinking. his little girl's awful important to him. i think the best thing for you to do is stay away from him. i mean that friendly-like. ( scoffs ) i'll bet. you got a lot of friends, haven't you? well, how ababt it, bounty hunter? you got a lot of friends? me, i never had none. not in my whole life did i ever have a talkin' friend until matt camamalong. he's the only man in the county that's no better than me. he's my friend and you nor anybody else is gonna change that. you're wrong. matt's little girl is gonna change it. like i said, i think it'd be better
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you, uh, visiting around here? - just passing through on my way home. i had some business up north. - must have been pretty noisy business. (bell ringing) (children laughing) - wasn't that a school bell, miss? - oh? what'd she do? - have you heard of a man called jackson breck? - breck... texas? started a big spread down there right after the war? - that's the one. well, he was driving his herd up to wichita, passing through here. he heard about what marlee stanton was teaching about the war. how did she put it? - "quantrill and his guerillas." miss stanton says they were little more
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- breck rode with quantrill. he wanted her to retract that. said he'd be back, burn down the school and ride her right out of town if she didn't. well, he'll be passing through here any day. - i take it she hasn't retracted. - why does she have to stir up a fuss like that? - she's obviously just teaching history. mr. breck's the one who's stirring up the fuss. - but she had to go around teaching things that cause trouble. - one and one make two. do you belelieve that? - one and one make five. (gun cocking) wanna argue it? - no, not that wayay. you can say it if you want, but we both know better. - yes, we do, don't we? we also both know that quantrill and his men did some bloody work. it's history. why shouldn't it be taught? - oh, she don't have to lie about it. all she has to do is just, well, say nothing at all about it.
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all the other numbers. but i want her to leave out two, and quantrill, and any other fact that some people may not like. - breck and his men mean trouble. and miss stanton... she's the one that's causing it. other than that, just a lot of talk. - yes, it is, isn't it? it's all just talk. now where is this school? - just past the end of the street. the flagpole that-- you baitin' me, mister? did breck send you? to burn down a schoolhouse? run a woman over the line? becky, that's a very good job.
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- i'd like to speak to you alone. - miss grubb, kindly copy this lesson on the blackboard. and the rest of you, read page 18 in mcguffey. (children laughing) - i'll come straight to the point, miss stanton. i don't like what you've been teaching about the jayhawkers. - the jayhawkers? - the kansas and missouri patriots who organized to fight for the union along the border. i understand that you've been teaching that they committed many revengeful, vicious, unprincipled acts. - there's a man who doesn't want me to teach about quantrill and his atrocities. now you don't want me to teach about the jayhawkers' atrocities merely because they were on the union side. i will teach the truth as it is, not as anyone would like it to be. - (chuckling) good for you. - what? - well, i was merely trying to be certain that you're telling both sides of the story. - who are you?
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- who has hired you? and for r what? - no one's hired me. i thought i'd help you. - help... - you. - - (gasping) i'm terribly sorry. i've been very frightened. jackson breck and all his gunmen, - (chuckling) there used to be 18 pupils in there. - well, rest your mind to this extent... if this matter is to be settled by guns, you'll have at least one on your side. - i can't pay you. - well, i'll call this a civic duty, as i take the time to vote or sit on a jury.
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- well, don't stop all this educatin' onon account of me. - what do you want? - mister breck and his party... they're coming through here tomorrow. i rode on ahead to see where they're gonna make their camp fire. - get out of here! lied about quantrill? - this here teacher of yours-- fierce talk. - leave the children alone. to your question is, i have not changed history for you. - haven't you? - no! (bell clanging) - now look what i went and done. i made a mess. - but you'll clean it up. - well, now.
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when they're being polite? - cooley! that's a name you'll remember. - i doubt it. will you pick up that desk? - i'm going now. in your place, i'd take back what i've been saying about quantrill. - pick up the desk. - i'm gonna bring back mr. breck and a couple of men to finish this job. - pick up the desk. - i got a bullet in my arm! - pick it up!
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all right. - i'm looking forward to our next meeting. ?? - miss stanton... (horse riding away) i think you understand the necessity for this. i hope you can explain it to them. - i believe that we were up to three times five. three times five makes fifteen. (students) - three times five makes fifteen. - three times six makes eighteen. (cdad@ - well, tomorrow may bring surprises. - tomorrow will bring jackson breck, and more of his gunmen.
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yellow shows through. - you can't fight them all alone. - i expect to have help. - from whom? - i want you to give me a list of all your students and where they live. - oh. you think the men in the families will help us. - mm-hmm. - well, you're wrong. you see how they've behaved so far. - they'll have to defend you. - really? why? i'm just a stubborn old schoolteacher. - it's right that you're a teacher. and a teacher is something very special. by discovering fire and inventing the wheel. - she's my daughter. i'll tell her what's right for her. tell her what's right for her? that's what he does when he says what she shall or shall not be permitted to leararn! - i'll do as i see fit. and i don't see that this is anything for anyone to fight over. - jason, adults forget that children are learning all the time. becky learns not only from what you tell her,
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yeah... i've got a lot of people to see tonight. becky? good night. - good night. ?? - good evening, son. is your father home? he's the one who went to school today. he won the fight. - may i come in, mr. weaver? - come along. - my name is paladin. - i'm daniel weaver. morris here you know. my boy, joel. frank over there. - frank. since morris has told you what happened at the school today, i won't have to fill in on the details. - you want help tomorrow. - that's right.
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- poorly. i've been riding for six hours tonight-- talking, arguing, begging. it's no use, they're alall afraid. you're the farthest south and the last one on my list. will you help? - sit down. - sure. - if i was to say no, would you, uh-- would you figure it was 'cause i was scared of breck? - why else would you say no? - he isn't. - this fight's about quantrill. what he was and what he done. joe there left that arm in chickamauga. frank got shot up in gettysburg. - there was one error in your statement. this fight isn't about quantrill. it's about whether a man named jackson breck is gonna burn down a schoolhouse and drive a woman out of the county for teaching. - (chuckling)
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and when they'd gone, there wasn't nothing left. nothing. the only difference i can see 'twixt sherman and quantrill is that one did it to the yankees and the other did it to us. - morris... morris, did miss stanton discuss sherman's march through through georgia with the class? did she tell about the devastation that army caused? did she say it was a good thing or a bad thing? - well... she did say it was something terrible. but then she said the whole war was terrible. - well, there you are, mr. weaver. some yankees would think that was sufficient grounds for burning down the schoolhouse. - all right, don't rattle me!
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i'd feel obliged to go along, but i don't see doing their fighting for them. - it's for yourself. - mr. paladin, you've had your say, anand you got your answer. - well, you've found a lot of reasons why you shouldn't stand up to jackson breck. but, none of them are the real reason, are they? - why, what do you mean? - you're like all the rest. you're afraid. only, the rest of them admit it. - well, now, don't tell me you'll fight me. tomorrow's my day for fighting. you see me at the schoolhouse if you want to finish this... unless you'd rather shoot me in the back tonight.
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- no students. no parents. there's our support. - then we'll meet breck alone. (becky) - miss stanton! miss stanton! i'm sorry i'm late, miss stanton. - well, you certainly have been a stranger, miss caldwell. you have two weeks work to catch up on. - yes, ma'am. - i'll wait out here. - good luck. (horses approaching) (cowboys whooping) - it's breck. (cowboys whooping)
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im all right! i told you we'd bring along enough men to finish the job. - so, you're gonna stop me? - that's the idea. - unh! (grunting) - leave him alone! leave him alone! - now, see all the trouble you went and caused. - you animal! - too bad you didn't pack your clothes when i asked you, lady. now they'll just have to go up with the schoolhouse.
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ng) - don't do it, breck! don't do it! - you leave her alone! get. - put that thing up. look, boys... we got us here another one. (men whooping) - whoa, whoa, whoa. turn that man loose. he's mine. - so you came to fight? - that's why the uniforms. we like to dress up for a fight. - all right. but you'll have to wait your turn. mr. breck got here first.
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do you want to try it again? - i only got one good arm. - the man wants to make it even, joel. accommodate him. - i'm at your disposal, sir. - now, you get out of here. no sense all this fuss over a dirt splinter shack and an old maid schoolteacher. - breck... would you like to apologize for that? - all right. i'm sorry. i'm sorry.
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- shouldn't be nothin' to it. - finished. - not quite. you called me a coward. - and you know why. you wanted me to give you an excuse to come here today. - you're gonna have to take it back just the same. - i never meant it. i know what you were afraid of. you were afraid you'd fight for caldwell and his friends, and they'd just laugh at you for being a fool. - miss stanton? - recess has been long enough. miss caldwell, mr. weaver, back to your desks. - go on, son. - it's a fearful waste of time. - well, you go learn and be a better man than your pa. - dinner will be at 6:00.
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- yeah? - my name is paladin. - paladin? well, come in. sit down. - thank you. - well now... have a cigar. - no, thanks. - i certainly appreciate this, paladin. inconvenience you. i understand there's still snow up in the passes. have any trouble getting through? have you found a place to stay yet? now, i recommend... - i'm not at all certain, mr. randolph, that i'm going to stay. certainly not until you've told me what this is all about. the last time i was here, you were out of town. i've never met you, we've never done business together. - about three months ago,
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- griffin, from the broken spur ranch. - he hired you to bring steve morrow back. you remember him? - you don't forget a man you've killed. - come now, paladin. certainly a man like you don't care whether he... well, i mean, you are paid for what you do. it can't really mean anything. - i'm not a bounty hunter. i do some jobs that other people can't or won't do. of self-preservation for me. - i didn't mean any offense. - let's get back to the point. griffin wanted morrow because morrow killed his son. i don't see what that has to do with you. - you know what it's got to do with me. steve morrow robbed this bank before he killed the griffin boy. he took $30,000. - i still don't see the connection. - it's all very clear to me. a friend of mine saw you recently in san francisco. he said you live exceedingly well.
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- on my money. - now mr. randolph... let me get this straight. you sent for me. you offered me a job in order to accuse me of stealing your money? - arrest this man, jaffey. - paladin? - hello, marshal. - what's the charge? - he's got the money that steve morrow stole from my bank. - do you have any proof, mr. randolph? - it's obvious, isn't it? the money's still missing. no one's found it. paladin was the last man to see morrow alive. - that's not enough. - it's enough for me. you put him in jail and sweat it out of him. - maybe you know about money, mr. randolph. but i know about law. i can't do it.
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- don't let him go, jaffey! - i can't hold him. - thank you very much, mr. randolph, for telling me the money is still missing. $30,000 would be gratifying compensation for a long and wasted trip. - stop him, jaffey! - on what grounds? - he-- he might find the money. - you were the one who told him about it. - i'll pay a reward. i'll pay a 10% reward. - all right. i'll post that reward. in my office and on the town board. paladin. just keep riding. right back where you came from. - marshal, i've got 30,000... 30,000 and one good reasons for staying. - you know if i find stolen money on you, then i gotta arrest you. - i'll remember that. marshal, does rose morrow still live out there on that farm? - who? - steve morrow's widow, rose. - her name's lucy. you're wasting your time going out there. we already took the house apart.
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to have at least one lovely thing out here. and they were a present from my husband. he brought me some cuttings after one of his trips back east. - you never knew what he did on those trips, did you? - i heard... after. do you think it would have made any difference, mr. paladin? - no, i suppose not. mrs. morrow, this hasn't been easy, has it? - why have you stayed? - i have nowhere else to go. and i don't have any money. except of course the money you left for me. your fee for mr. griffin. it was generous of you. i used it to buy a headstone for my husband's grave.
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- no, why should you? your husband was an outlaw and a killer. - and you had a job to do. - i'm not an executioner, mrs. morrow. i tried to bring him back. - of course. and you can't be blamed for protecting yourself. - i'm sorry. - i find that hard to believe. - not for your husband. that would have happened sooner or later. - you said you wanted to talk to me. - when your husband robbed the colton bank, he took $30,000. that money has never been found. - that's right. - he stopped here at the farm before he holed up on the mesa where...
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i think that third bush could use some more water. bye. (knocking on door) evening. i'd like to see mr. griffin. - paladin! come in, come in. what took you so long? - i didn't know you were expecting me. - oh, sure, the marshal told us you were in town. you know clete and the boys, don't ya. sit down, sit down. clete, pour him a drink. - no, thanks. i can only stay a minute. - oh. i hear you're supposed to be living real high on old man randolph's money. - mr. randolph's a regular town crier, isn't he? - you know how it is when you're fannin' the breeze. poor old randolph, he must be just about at the end of his tether. you know, here a while back, he was swearing that everybody in colton had the money. - why?
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folks went up there with picks and shovels and you never saw such diggin' and pokin' around in your life. i swear that mesa's ten feet lower than it was. - morrow didn't have the money when i found him. his wife says he didn't have it when he left the farm. - you talked to her? - i just left the farm. clete, you and mr. griffin's son followed morrow after he robbed the bank, hm? - we were in town just passing the bank when he came busting out waving a gun and carrying a sack. ed so we took after him. he rode east, back to that farm of his. but he bushwhacked us. killed his son. shot my horse out from under me. - you think he went on back to the farm? - must have. that's where the posse picked up his trail again. - thanks. sorry to interrupt the game. oh, griffin... the morrow farm adjoins your propeperty, doesn't it? - yeah, in the south. - i see it's up for auction. it should be worth a couple thousand dollars to you. - couple thousand?
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ice. - i don't think there'll be any other bidders. downright shame, ain't it? - griffin, lucy morrow didn't kill your son. - her husband did. my only hope is that somehow he'll know. attention: are you eligible for medicare? the medicare enrollment deadline is just a few days away. changes to medicare plans could impact your healthcare costs. are you getting all the benefits available to you? new plans are now available that could increase your benefits and lower how much you pay out of pocket. to update your coverage- or enroll for the first time -- call healthmarkets. we'll help you make sure you have the
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- you covered a lot of ground today. how did you make out? - poorly. go ahead, open them. - i believe you. just wonderin' if maybe you weren't gettin' discouraged. - not a bit. - there's a lot of territory between here and the mesa. morrow could have hidden the money anywhere. - well he didn't hide it on the mesa. this town proved that. i don't think he'd have hidden it anywhere along that road. - since when does a killer stop to worry about his wife? - morrow loved his wife. he spoke about her when he was dying. - come on, paladin. you told me he was talking about some woman named rose. a man like him probably had women all over the territory. - well... i just can't see it that way. - suit yourself. - marshal... what about that auction tomorrow?
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true? - that's the way i hear it. - that place is worth two or three thousand dollars. - nobody's gonna bid against him. this town figures he's got something coming. he lost a son. - he lost a son to steve morrow, not to steve morrow's widow. - paladin, that's the way the people here want it. it's within the law and i can't do anything about it. - do you have to be so legal about everything? - if i wasn't, you'd have been in jail this afternoon. good night, paladin. - good night. (door closing, footsteps fading) - it's kinda late to go callin', paladin. especially on a widow woman living all alone. - clete, what are you doing out here? - just looking out for mr. griffin's property. he doesn't want any trespassers. - it isn't his property yet. - it will be, tomorrow. i wouldn't try to argue the point. (gun cocking)
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(door closing) (horse galloping) is this the best one you have? - nothing better west of the mississippi. - i hope not, i got a lot of digging to do. that ground's baked mighty hard out there. hasn't been ploughed since steve morrow died. here you are. - thank you. - sure did. - paladin! you gonna bury something, paladin? - or dig something up. what time is that auction out at the morrow place? - two o'clock. - i wouldn't want to miss that. i'll see you out there.
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pbpcpfphpiplpmpoprptpupw get to business now. according to law, i'm supposed to read but you all know what it is so let's get right to it. (horses approaching) - hold it a minute, marshal. looks like you got another customer. - wait a minute! what's he doing here? why haven't you got him in jail? he killed one of my men last night. - it was self-defense. mrs. morrow here was a witness. - what are all these people doing here? - it's a public auction, mr. griffin. anybody's got a right to be here.
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all right. we're here to auction off this farm for taxes. there's $276 due. we'll start the bidding right there. anything over that goes to mrs. morrow, but the county's got to get it's back taxes first. now who'll start the bidding? - $276. - mr. griffin says 276. anybody else wanna bid? nobody else? farm goes for 200... - $500. - you can't do that. you've got no right. - you heard the marshal. it's a public auction. - you're just trying to jack up the price. how do i know you've got that kind of money? - i'll have it. i'll have it when the time comes. - now, my bid was $500. - 600. - make it 700. - 750. - 800. what are you trying to do to me? - i changed my mind.
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- 1,100. (man) - 1,150. (griffin) - 1,200 - mr. paladin's bid is $4,500. anybody want to say more? - 4,600. - 4,700. - 47. is that it? - 48. - $4,900. (crowd murmuring) - no, i can't. - then it's up to you, mr. paladin. - mr. griffin, you have just bought yourself a farm. (crowd laughing) - all right, clear out of here, all of you. - wait a minute. i bid $4,900 on this place. as the second high bidder, i'm entitled to see your money. - you don't think i'd carry that kind of money with me, do you? - then you don't own this place until you pay for it.
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- perhaps mr. randolph will make out a promissory note. payable on demand. that be all right, marshal? - sure, but maybe we oughta get the technicalities done with inside. - hurry up, let's get this over with. - take your time, griffin. i'm making this note out. - don't forget... uh, deduct the taxes, mr. randolph. - i have. sign here, griffin. - may i see it, please? - it's legitimate. payable on demand. now if you'll make out another draft for $3,000, payable to mrs. lucy morrow. - what? - that's the reward i believe you offered. 10% of the stolen $30,000. - yes, but i... - no you don't, paladin! anything on this farm belongs to me now. - that's correct. marshal jaffey has the money in town. mrs. morrow turned it over to him this morning. - what? - then she had the money all the time. - without knowing it. it was only this morning we both realized
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three months to find it out? - it took me all night to realize that a dying man wouldn't call his wife "rose" when her name is lucy. he was just trying to tell me where the money was buried. now, if i may have that draft, please. - you tricked me-- all of us! we thought all the time-- - i know what you thought, griffin. i'm afraid your imaginations were working overtime. - paladin, you're a no-- - griffin. - thank you, marshal. griffin, remember what you said last night well, so do i. mrs. morrow, i'm afraid this is small compensation for a man you loved. (horses galloping off)
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>> we've got it all. >> so i see. >> [indiscernible] [laughter] >> a good year's work. that livestock comes close to representing the best value of our chaparral. >> the drovers to get here? >> five days. >> john, i have some business in tucson. >> you have business in tucson? seems like you and buck have had enough of business in tucson. let's go. >> is there anything i can do
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se?orita -- tell her to be patient. >> which one? >> any one, blue boy, as long as she is up and moving. [laughter] >> sometimes all of life beats that one big chance. it will best hotels in europe. you don't seem to be overly excited at the prospect. >> i want to settle down. >> i thought so. >> [inaudible] >> i guess so. i'm sorry.
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i know i have made you lead a rigorous existence, but our way of life requires constant attention and discipline. >> i know. >> i have been very proud of you, which is why you now deserve to hear about my little surprise. >> what? >> if we make a big enough killing on this job, it will be our last. >> do you mean that? >> i do indeed. we will take our last tour of the world and then settle down in boston and be respectable. >> that's just wonderful! >> but only if we do our work especially well on this trip. >> we will! i know we will.
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[indiscernible] >> sorry i took so long, boy. >> it didn't seem long at all. >> is no need to a why, i'm sure. >> trece burnett. gallantry, mr. kennan. the kind of man i did not expect to find in this part of the world. >> we are not the rascals those penny dreadful's paint us back e ast, you know. >> my father has a lot of business in tucson. >> perhaps i know him. >> i don't think so. he sealed his investments back east. mining stock in all of that. >> he sounds like somebody i would like to meet. >> would you? >> of course i would.
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together. >> if it is convenient with your father. >> i'm sure it is, mr. cannon. >> let's have lunch now. waiter, menus please. >> the prosperous gar burnett and his beautiful daughter. hard to believe our combined sources are not to something -- naught to something under >> shall we? [laughter] >> i think i have cornered the conversation quite enough and i'm going to stop talking about myself. >> not if you have any other stories like that one. >> i do, but i will have to restrain myself. >> i want to hear more about high chaparral. >> it is just a working ranch. we usually have a schedule from
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look forward to some easy days now. >> isn't it early in the year to bring in the harvest? >> trece, dear, it's cattle, not crops. [laughter] >> is a matter of fact, we just brought in the biggest herd ever rounded up in our country. >> is that so? that must've been very hard work. >> it was a year's worth of swea t. >> now all we have to do is pen feed them for five >> all those callous. i must be quite a sight. >> it is. would you like to see? blue, that's a great idea. >> trece has never seen the look of the west. >> it would be a pleasure to have you visit us. >> normally it's the invitation i jump at -- >> then it is settled.
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>> i have pressing business that will take me out of town for the next two days. trece, i'm sorry, dear. i'm afraid this has been a very tall trip for you. >> maybe your daughter might like to visit us until you get back. >> yes, that would be lovely. >> why not? then you can join us when your business is completed in two days. wonderful. i guess we go up to the room and the impact? -- and get you packed? charlie -- shall we? come along, dear. >> i won't be long. >> i could show her around if i don't have to pull worktime.
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[indiscernible] >> i set this whole thing up to get you invited to the canon ranch and then when they ask you, you say no. >> the canons very conveniently told us their weak spot, the herd of cattle. >> i don't understand. >> spectacular swindle we have ever pulled. if what i think is true, it will take me two days to line things up and then we will be living first ticket again. >> all right. i will take care of everything. i might even enjoy myself at the ranch. >> i know. you seem to enjoy playing with blue.
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>> something wrong? >> something is wrong. >> if you're talking about my chess game, you're right. >> i'm talking about that girl. what about she's a fine girl. she's well-educated, got a fine new england background. obviously she's crazy about blue. >> or pretends to be. there is something strange about her. >> you have seen them together. >> looking into each other's eyes, in their own little world. >> i hardly expect you to take
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on an act for us? >> for blue, something very true and real is happening. but the girl i don't trust and don't believe. >> i think i know what is wrong. >> i think you are beginning to feel like a mother to blue for the first time and you don't know how to handle it. >> that has nothing to do with what i suspect. >> he will survive, which is more thanan the table. it's just puppy love. don't worry about it. [laughter] >> happy?
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it's a different experience for me. >> it is? >> you are so honest about what you feel. you make me feel more alive. >> what's i just thought -- don't think we should start something -- >> we started when we first looked at each other. >> i don't want you to get hurt, blue. >> hurt? >> when my father comes back, he will have to take care of something he wasn't sure about,
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be staying here very long. >> i don't like to wish against a man's success, but this time i almost do. >> yes. you will know about it when he gets back, won't we? >> yes. >> gar, good afternoon. >> mike deal went through quicker than i thought. i hope you don't mind me coming early. might even retire with the proceeds. you must be victoria cannon. what a pleasure. >> welcome to high chaparral. this is my brother.
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>> the man is measured by the size of the space he leaves behind. your reputation has carved out a formidable chunk of space. formidable! >> everything we have was gained by hard work and must be tired from your long journey. would you like to join us for refreshments? >> i, ma'am -- capi tol idea, ma'am. makes you feel like a long-lost friend. that was an excellent dinner, mrs. cannon. >> thank you. >> i hope you will excuse us. we have to ride range in the morning. >> i wonder if you and -- you would mind if trece and i went to tucson.
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>> i will wait for you downtown. >> ignite. -- goodnight. >> she's a beautiful girl. >> she is myes her mother died when she was quite young. i had to take to rear her and teach her everything i know. >> i should probably apologize. >> trece can handle ourselves. -- herself. i happen to believe that success
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proper goal in this life. there is another challenge to come along -- [coughing] >> are you all right? >> sorry. snake oil. >> you have certainly been involved in many businesses, haven't you? >> i certainly have. i don't seem to be destined to be the most entertaining guest this evening. think i had better head back to town and get some rest. >> stay here, gar. >> thank you very much for the offer, but trece would worry about me, i'm afraid.
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it's been a great pleasure having you as our guest. >> thank you. you have been gracious hosts. i only regret that our friendship has to be terminated so quickly. >> nonsense. this is just the beginning of a friendship. >> if only that could be true, but unfortunately business is business. >> i don't understand you. >> bth you is all but concluded. >> what is this? >> as of tomorrow you will have the answer to that and when i do, i don't think there will be one shred of friendship left for me. i doubt you will even want to speak to me again. good evening.
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>> we got orders to impound the cattle on behalf of the plaintiff. >> do you know who that plaintiff is? gar burne >> listen to me, but cannon. this here is an attachment. it ties up that herd of cattle until the plaintiff is paid off or vacates his place or you want to square off against the united states government with your gun or your mouth? best forget it. >> mr. duffy, i am just telling you what i think. the better you tell your brother
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>> who is it from, john? >> mr. gar burnett. >> well? >> what is it, john? >> now he's willing to settle for $25,000. >> that's blackmail. that's illegal. >> that's exactly what it is. >> john, you can't pay this. >> what am i going to do? he's got a writ from a federal judge. >> john, you don't owe him
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for a week. if i can't deliver this herd to the buyer in two days, the contract will be voided. i can't even get the cattle released until i go to court. >> go up north, get a judge near flagstaff. >> no, that would not help but all. the trial takes a week, 10 days. we only have two days. >> you've got to do something. >> i know. pay $25,000, i guess. >> that's wrong. it is the principle of the thing that counts, john. >> you are not talking about principles, you are talking about a stupid gesture. the only thing around here that counts is high chaparral, that's all. >> i don't know what happened to you. there was a time we would have wrestled up enough men and had ourselves a facedown. >> this is the law. what are you going to do, shoot
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blackmailers. >> what? >> i knew there was something strange about her and i wanted to warn you. gar burnett is blackmailing your father for $25,000. >> how can he do that? >> he seems to be doing very well, blue. blue, i'm so sorry. >> it. >> she's his daughter. >> that doesn't mean she knew. >> they were using you -- >> that is not true. >> don't lie to yourself. >> you're not my mother. >> no, i'm not. >> trece wouldn't have any part of a thing like that.
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itself. >> i think so. [indiscernible] >> there is a ball. >> you are going to show off your beauty. >> e >> better than i could have dreamed. my terece, you don't realize what a flawless performance this has been, mastery. cannon has already been to the bank and withdrawn the money. >> that's wonderful. >> now we can escape this pest hole today. >> today? i thought you said we were going to leave tomorrow. >> i don't have to wait. >> yes.
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to go. >> i am. it's just that i promised blue. >> he's a country boy. >> i like him, father. >> i'm sorry, terece. surely you don't think you will be able to see him now after what we have done to his father. >> he doesn't have to know i was a part of that. >> terece, you're not in love with him, are you? >> of course not. maybe a little infatuated. he's very nice, and i would like to see him one more time if i can. >> it is that important? >> i don't want to hurt him if i can help it. >> listen.
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these things have a peculiar way of becoming more than infatuation. you are not to carry this thing any further, do you understand? >> whatever you say, father. >> good. let's see. there's a crossroads near high chaparral. >> oh, my. $25,000. there is a world beyond waiting for us. the most wonderful world you've ever seen. give me time to clean up. meet me, all right?
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>> your reward. >> gar burnett, you are a low-down skunk. >> you're not going to bear a grudge, are you? >> you are a miserable excuse for a human being. >> don't stso powder in a misfire. >> i have no gun. >> i am talking about a chaparral herd. we are going to drive them right out of that canyon. >> air not yours to drive -- >> even if it means striving them over the marshals and you to boot. >> you heard that, gentlemen. my life being threatened by this
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non, you'd better see a remain in good health. if something happens to me, then you are to blame. >> go away, blue. >> i want an answer. >> i think it would be better if you went away. >> the truth. >> i know if my father says your father owes him money, that was the truth. >> in other words, my father is a liar and yours isn't? >> take it any way you >> why? >> because i travel with my father. he's leaving, so i'm leaving. >> terece, look at me. >> blue, please -- >> the way i feel about you can't be wrong. >> how you feel about me?
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ece has had every opportunity to leave. she enjoys this as much as i do. there is one person who really shapes the character of another. >> i look at my son. i like to think the answer to that is yes. >> you are a gambler just like me. you rolled your dice against this land and came up with high chaparral. your son is tied to your gamble just as much as my daughter is to mine. >> what are you leaving to trece? >> $25,000. >> and another place to run from. >> i want that money, canon. [coughing] listen to me, cannon. do you know what this cough means?
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you, i was writing back to the ranch and i come upon burnett's rig. some folks think you have come back after him. >> hold on a minute, guthrie. how do you think it happened? >> that's all i want to find out. >> just don't think i had pushed him over. >> of course not, buck. find the money? >> there's your answer, guthrie. burnett got pushed over, took the money, did the pushing. >> i still got my job to do. >> listen, duffy -- >> no, you listen. sign a statement. until we put the brand on whoever done it, i will tell you
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don't. >> mrs. cannon, i'm looking for blue. >> he's not here. >> i have to find him. >> do you know about your father? >> yes. >> you were with him? >> yes. we were supposed to meet their. and go away together. it just happened. >> what? >> we were standing there talking, laughing, making plans about the places we were going
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. and then all of a sudden he started to cough. an awful strangling, choking cough. he got it working in the mine. i ran over to him to try and help him, and he just stepped back, and his face -- >> my father taught me to accept whatever happens. besides, if my legacy. >> -- i have my legacy. >> your legacy, $25,000, the money you're father swindled from my husband? how can you possibly say -- >> this is going to be our last job. my father and i were going to settle down.
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together would be perfectly fine. >> from the money stolen from his own father? you have to be mad to think that blue would think such a thing. >> he needs me, and i need him. >> the same way people like you need others. there is no exchange, no giving. you just take and take until there is nothing left. >> that's [indiscernible] >> tell me. say that you are in love with blue. >> but the things i can do for him, the world i can show him that he never even knew existed! >> trece, that's not the answer. >> everything that we wanted waiting for us. >> do you love him? >> i don't know!
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>> does that mean you and i can start a life together? >> it sure does. we won't have much money to start -- >> money is never really a problem. >> it isn't? >> no. what i gave back to your father is a mere token compared to what we can make together. i will teach you. you will be amazed at the ways to survive in this world and survive very well indeed. >> you don' the finest ships and the finest hotels and restaurants in the world. you will love it, blue. my father taught me everything and i'm going to teach you. >> trece -- i can't steal for a living. >> oh? >> you should know that i couldn't. >> what i know if the life and i
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? ( clamoring ) i will not fight thee, jed otis. of course you won't! all you quakers is snivelin' cowards! "i do not want to fight thee." "thee is my brother." "all men is brothers." considerin' how scared you are to fight, ( men laughing ) lost his arm in antietam. bushwah! he never fought in no war! he was so scared he'd be drafted, he chewed his nails off up to his shoulder! stop it, you two! here comes the major.
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