tv Rewind News FOX February 7, 2016 10:35pm-11:00pm EST
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the state dot announced a long the state dot announced a long awaited decision... the southern part of 540 could have taken any combination of these routes, including this red route straight through the heart of garner. this week, the dot ruled out the red... and declared this route is how they want to finish 540. wral's bryan mims tells 28 miles and 2 billion dollars, transportation officials say the route makes the most sense. "i'm here to answer any questions you have." that's the 540 project manager eric midkiff standing beside what the project looks like on paper: a thick orange line wending over roads and creeks and wet places where the
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therein lies the bump in the road. "this is a federally funded project, and there are definitely processes and regulations that we have to go through." and that mussel is a federally protected species. so, the d-o-t drew a bunch of different routes, one that would have bulldozed through garner. "i've been mayor for 10 years, and most of that time i've been consumed by this. i've lost a lot of sleep." another route would have plowed through the home of kristen valus in holly springs. so much for fixing up the house she just closed on. "and all kinds of home improvements that we knew we would have to do when we moved in, but then immediately got our hands tied." the d-o-t had been zeroing in on the orange route since the mid-90's, even restricting landowners from developing their property. but the southern environmental home improvements that we knew we would have to do when we moved in, but then immediately got our hands tied." the d-o-t had been zeroing in on the orange route since the mid-90's, even restricting landowners from developing their property. but the southern environmental law center says the route will devastate wetlands and do nothing to
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in a written statement, the group says: "we remain convinced that there is no legal path forward for the orange route and nc-dot has long been on notice of the legal obstacles that selection will set in place." the d-o-t says orange poses the least thrtoomes,businesses, and hisr sites. e are concerned about all impacts of this pre,otst one or two." for kristen lus, orange spells handcuffed! maybe we can get a of now if it doesn't snow onain." that was bryan mims reporting.... the d-o-t says at it stands now, the orange route has 281 relocations -- a vast majority of those are homes. it says all the other routes would have had many more relocations. the agency plans to make its formal recommendation this spring. construction would begin in 2018. funding schools for the future. that's the challenge wake county commissioners and school board members face. this is how we fund schools now: e very handful of years, we pass massive bonds attached to long- range plans. wral's adam owens tells us.... the latest idea.... what if that process was broken into smaller, more frequent efforts. every few years, wake county voter know they will get hit with the bill. there was a school bond referendum in 2013 for more than 800-million
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and another before that - in 2006. 20:34:35 "it's huge numbers, but we have huge numbers of people." and the people keep coming. even more new schools are needed. that is not new for wake county. but how we pay for it - there is a proposal from county leaders to change that. 20:23:00 "so, we are going to be building schools, so lets just admit the prgram is going to go on and we just need to figure out a way to fund it." deputy counyaaron rogers says, instead of large bond votes spaced years apart. how about smaller bonds, planned and voted on every couple years. 20:25:07 "going from spikes and ups and downs to something that is smooth and unpredictable." she says it will guard against suprises - like major changes in the economy, increases and decreases in student population growth. 20:32:52 "it is a great first step and something for us to build off of." 20:33:15 "that we are not always waiting on a big event of a bond issue, a humoungus
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program that will continue to meet the needs of wake county." however frequent future bonds may be - county and school board leaders still have to hammer out how much money will be in them. 20:32:42 "the devil is in the details." wake countysschool officials say their needs for things like new schools, land buys and renovations come to nearly 360-million dollars a year because of population growth. next on rewind... amazon picks up the pace on product delivery. how fast and when you can get it. and..the super bowl is creating headlines on and off that field. we'll hear from panther's player michael oher's family. his story inspired the hit movie the
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(cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there.
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