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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  July 5, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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we are learning new details about what led to the arrest of d.c. councilman marion barry. good evening, craig melvin is off tonight. it is the latest brush with the law. marion barry is facing misdemeanor stalking charges. news 4 has learned he was taken into police custody after getting ready to head out of town with an acquaintance. we have team coverage on the story. we begin with darcy spencer at the park police station in south
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east washington. >> reporter: good evening, keith. a spokesperson for marion barry says the two had lunch together yesterday and a person close to barry tells news 4 the two had plans to go to rehob edge beach and apparently the woman decided she didn't want to go. they returned back to d.c. and at some point last night ended up here in anacostia park in separate vehicles. police said she flagged them down and said she was being stalked. >> council member barry is no stalker. he is someone who lended his hand to assist which in the end has come back to bite him. >> reporter: a spokeswom for marion barry says he's innocent of the stalking charges placed against him saturday night by u.s. park police. >> it is ourope that the charges councilman barry faces today will be dropped or if nothing more that the truth of
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the matter will prevail in a court of law. >> reporter: natalie williams says the accuser is donna watts. he considers her a close personal friend who also volunteere on his campaign. williams says barry helped watts through personal and health and employment hardships over the years. >> never did mr. barry think that this would come as the payback to him. the best word to describe mr. barry at this hour is betrayed. >> reporter: u.s. park police say watts flagged down an officer about 8:45 p.m. and indicated that barry was stalking her. just how the two came to be in the park is unknown. williamsays barry was on his way home when he bumped into watts. >> mr. barry was transported to the district 5 sub station after being interviewed by detective and consultation with the u.s. attorneys office a charge, misdemeanor charge of stalking
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was placed against mr. barry. >> reporter: barry was released on his own recognizance aexpected to appear in court later this week. this is the latest? a string of legal troubles for barry already on probation for failing to file taxes on time. news 4 was able to speak to donna watts at her home in gton.east wain she did noo waon tnt on t cam ra sxt sthsny agin sar bryid d rr,hehe hid d forer d h hrey el orananerevedsk himor f .g she we otosan y, d iot n flag anyoneow dnr o d fileil chars. th poe p tuldlemhe po erovov he pulled over for a traffic violation and tried to cut me off. barry is expected to par in court on thursday to answer the charge. we'll see what happens then. reporting live, darcy spencer, news 4. marion barry has had a number of run-ins over the years from drugs to tax problems.
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here now with more, tom, shed more light on this for us. >> here we go again. we've got confusion, we've got embarrass. and distraction. the confusion is what happened? barry is saying one thing, the police are saying something else. the woman is saying something else. we're not sure how this all started, is it something serious or some kind of lover's spat? this is again another incident barry was stopped and had other incidents where he had obscure run-ins with the police. worst of all it's a big distraction, barry has been trying to gain traction on issues like summer jobs and jobs for ex-offenders and housing in ward 8. this type of stuff eats away at his credibility to be serious about it. >> the details are still coming out and the investigation is still continuing, could this be a case of overreaction on the part of the park police? >> you have to feel somewhat sorry for the police.
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i'm told the police officer didn't know who marion barry was because he's from out of town. maybe they were afraid if they didn't do something the word would be out the police let him go. there's some question whether this can be a prosecuted case when it gets to court. >> will this affect the council man's probation for failing to file income taxes. he had the terrible embarrass. case where he didn't file taxes for many years. on probation for three years, just as it was to end in march, didn't follow taxes on time again and the judge extended that probation for two years. when you're on probation, you're supposed to obey all laws and anything you do can affect your status as a person on probation. a couple of lawyers i talked to said they don't think the cases will interfere, part of the problem, we don't know the facts yet. i guess i'll be there and we'll see what is the latest in this kind of circus of issue that
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surround mary.n rrba l,el w sy elthwi news 4 and for latest details. two people are dead after ah overreghfit gutted a home. fi the time they arrived on wheeling avenue it was too late for the people inside. >> i just don't believe this happened. i really don't. >> reporter: the nabtd neighborhood in shock after a house fire leaves two people dead. smoke still could be seen pouring out of the structure. an eye witness tells news four he heard screams and other commotion. >> i thought it was fireworks, i heard what sounded like a gunshot. it may have been fireworks. we got up and saw flames. we saw big yellow light. >> reporter: the flames were so heavy firefighters were unable to mount an attack from outside.
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when they made it inside therapeutic forced to re -- they were forced to retreat before the roof collapsed. upon searching the property, a gruesome discovery, amid the charred rubble, two bodies. firefighters say one body was unidentifiable, the other was described as an adult male. authorities have not identified that person but neighbors say he lived in the home for years and known for helping others. >> he would take people off the streets and hem them and homeless people and feed them, he was really good, a really good guy. >> autopsies will be performed and the damage from the fire is an estimated $300,000. d.c. fire officials smt a natural gas leak caused yesterday's house explosion in northwest. the blast happened after 6:00 last night near the intersection of oregon and nebraska avenues. it caused more than a million dollars in damage to the home, no one was hurt of the the people who live there were out of town.
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still ahead, new information about the death of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair, plus a tragedy at disney world after two monorails crash inside the magic kingdom. >> more than a million michael jackson fans wait on pins and needles to see if they can attend the king of pop's memorial service. it was a cloudy and cool day in our nation's capital. stick around for the workweek. i'll have the answers. in the meantime, what do you go? >> coming up in sports, an all-star helps the nats do something they haven't done in weeks. a frantic finish in nascar a
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what's that? [ sniffs ] i don't smell nothing. raid! raid! raid! raid ant & roach killer kills bugs dead! with no lingering odor. sc johnson. a family company.
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sc johnson. a family company. five people including a 10-year-old girl were shot. the other victims appear to be in the late teens or early 20s. the fifth a 20-year-old woman took herself to the hospital. one of the victims now in critical condition. the rest of the injuries are described as nonlife threatening. police are calling the shooting death of former quarterback steve mcnair a homicide but have not reached a conclusion about the death of the 20 -year-old woman found with him. she was shot once and pistol was found under her body. their bodies were found yesterday at the condominium mcnair shared with the friend.
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most of the career with the tennessee titans and retired last yeek. mcnair was married with four children. the monorail at disney world is shut down following a collision that killed a 29-year-old train operator. two trains collided earlier this morning. the transit system shuttles thousands each day. the crash happened at the ticket and transportation center. disney officials are working with authorities to determine what caused the crash. when we come back, calls for a national day of mourning to remember the late king of pop. aa beautiful fourth of july, the clouds moved in today. e d w awivery workweek? or
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fans who register for a ticket will find out this evening if they get to attend. >> reporter: reverend al sharpton led a fiery tribute to michael jackson sunday morning. >> and michael wasn't no freak. he was a genius that dealt with a freakish situation. >> reporter: from the pulpit of a prominent south los angeles church, question on the way media handled the death. >> disgraceful and disspeckable
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way the media has tried to destroy the legacy and image. >> reporter: he called for a national day of mourning and on that day wants fans across the country to join in the celebration of the pop star's life. >> gather in auditoriums and gather in church basements and have love vigils. >> reporter: more than 1.6 million registered for free tickets to tuesday's public memorial. >> it shows the power of michael jackson when he's not there. he can still sell out the staples center. >> reporter: this afternoon e-mails are being sent to those who won tickets in an online lottery setting up what could be a frenzy on monday. mandatory wrist bands for tuesday's memorial. police are now gearing up for the thousands of fans who will not get a seat inside the staples center. >> i hope they can control crowds, people that are going to be coming down. >> reporter: bus routes are
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being altered beginning monday and the street will be closed a quarter mile around the arena. >> anybody who doesn't have proper credentials to get in the event will not be allowed inside that zone. >> reporter: a private service will be held at forest lawn memorial park in hollywood hills. there's no clear indication of when jackson will be laid to rest, jay gray, news. time to turn to weather and the post fourth of july wasn't as nice as the actual fourth. at least we get the rain out of the way earlier. >> we only hit a high of 73 today. >> and it's july, right? >> last time i checked, yeah it is july, good evening, everyone. tomorrow we'll see a much nicer day. the clouds and light rain showers will be moving out of here overnight. and with the extra sunshine temperatures will once again rebound back into the mid 80s. let's take you outside and show you what's going on. it is cloudy out there.
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it was just a really dreary day. we did have light rain showers especially south of town. here's what's happening right now. 69, cloudy, southwesterly flow at 9. today we hit 73 and look at the temperature spread, not much at all. 69 was the low today and it's also the current temperature, again. 69 on the beltway, likewise out of dulles, we did pick up rain towards fredericks burg, a couple of light sprinkles here or there and the bulk of the moisture from central virginia down towards southern virginia. still one light rain shower towards the northern neck and far southern maryland but this is pushing out towards the atlantic and upstream all is quiet. we won't rule out an isolated shower over the next couple of hours, but it is cool from the district all the way back into cincinnati and st. louis with temperatures there in the 70s. it is warmer from chicago towards minneapolis. this is the year we'll be
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dropping into the area as we head into tomorrow. lots of clouds from the beltway down towards the deep south into texas tied to the frontal band. tomorrow the front will start to push off to the south and east. high pressure biltds in and we'll see lots of sunshine. all of that sunshine and temperatures will start to rebound. there's the storm system kicking out towards the atlantic, tomorrow looks great. as we head into tuesday, a very weak front drops down into the area, kicks up a couple of clouds, that's about it. so, with that said, here is the forecast then for this evening. mostly cloudy, a spotty shower still possible south of town. sunset at 8:30. temperatures over the next couple of hours, upper 60s lower 70s, as we start theay off tomorrow, temperatures dropping down in the 50s and 60s. and during the afternoon it suoks great. y nnd warmer delightful. temperatures climbing back into the mid 80s. we'll continue to see the crisp
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air. humidity continue to stays down to the south. t86 forecasted high tomorrow. sunny on tuesday and 87. a mix of sun and clouds and wednesday looks great. bit cooler behind the weak frontal band and maybe an isolated shower as we head into thursday. for most part the week looks good. >> thank you, sir. >> still ahead in sports, fantastic finish onhe t t final
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let's start off with tennis, history making match. >> this is an instant classic, this year was better with rong roger and roddick. roger federer is the best ever to hold a tennis racket. today federer made history in an epic wimbledon final winning a record 15th grand slam final. the match went five sets and last the four hours. let's go to england. tennis legend pete sampras on hand. he wanted to see federer set the record. second set tie breaker roddick with a bunch of set points wasted. comes to the net and the back hand volley goes wide. federer wins the set to even the match. now in the third set tie breaker, federer leading 5-3 and the two guys get a nice long
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rolly from the baseline. federer hits a drop shot right here, devastating, roddick comes in, slice back hand and federer pumped winning the third set tie breaker. now in the fifth set, everybody is sitting on pins and needles, no one left the seats. no tie break in the fifth set. federer serves up theeighth. championship point, federer leading 15-14 here hasn't broken roddick all match. federer in the new york court, roddick with the unforced air hits it long. federer jumping for joy. wins the marathon match that lasted nearly four hours. federer wins 5-7, 7 -6, 3-6 and 14-16. federer all alone with 15 major titles. >> it was a crazy match anden unbelievable end and my head is
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stl spinning, it's an unbelievable moment in my career. >> to do it front of pete who flew in to watch it today. >> thanks very much for coming. sorry, pete, i know i tried to hold them off. it was a pleasure playing here today in front of grade champions like pete and rod buren there. i hope one day that my name would be up there with theirs as winner of the tournament, i'll be back. >> roddick will be back for sure. but roger federer for now the best in the world. talking baseball, nationals third baseman is an all-star, zimmerman representing the mid summer classic in st. louis. zimerman and nats beat the braves 5-3 winning the first series in five weeks. ryan zimmerman at the plate, man on first. . he sends one into right and man
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is in second in scoring position. races around third. scores to give them a 1-0 lead. zimmerman getting things started. top six, it's 3-1 nats, scott olson gets help from defense. jones drives one to center and morgan tracks it down and makes an over the shoulder catch and takes away a base hit and olson says thank you very much. morgan making an impact with the glove and bat this afternoon. in the eighth, morgan up with a runner on second, rips it past first baseman. morgan, as you saw in the defensive play, he's speedy, stretch it's into a double. nats hang on to win it 5-3. ryan zimmerman thankful about the chance to place in the first all-star game. >> may not get to do it again. it's a huge honor and getting my family to come back there, you
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never know what's going to happen. take advantage of it and enjoy yourself and have fun. >> nascar now. tony stewart put the pedal to the metal and paid dividends, snatched victory by bumping and passing kyle busch in a frantic fini finish. number 12 gets loose and turned into the wall and hits cane and it's complete chaos. 13 cars, a baker's dozen involved in a wreck including dale earnhardt jr., now fast ford to the final lap kyle busch trying to hold off charging tony stewart. busches car goes up and onto the windshield and into the wall again. then bush's teammate slams into bush right here and not real good. trying to tell officials he doesn't need help.
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tony stewart wins day toin in and after the race he said, maybe i'm being hard on myself but i don't like the way it ended up. sad to take the win away from kyle busch and tiger woods wints the at&t national. he is now the at&t national champ. >> finally wins his own tournament. >> more on that at 11:00. >> that's our news. nbc nightly news is next. we'll see you again at 11:00. until then, good night.
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