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tv   News 4 Midday  NBC  July 7, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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the jackson family is now traveling. and they security officials are concerned about the event. they are hoping thousands can converge on the area hoping to
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say one collective good-bye to the pop legends. wrist bands, a chance of a lifetime. this is just as big or bigger than elvis. >> outside there is an extraordinary event and a final fair well.
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you have been to be credentialed to get in this area, you have to have a ticket or an arm band to get inside. and 18,000 actually won. the service to get under way in about two hours. back to you. >> thank you, leann. well, and many are getting together in our area to watch the service. and tracee is in largo. what is the mood there? >> reporter: well, they played a lot of hits from over the years. and over the last two weeks, they have been playing them more.
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and they are having a free lunch who want to come and watch the merial live. they wanted to go to l.a. and did not have an opportunity to get a ticket and head down that way. and just being with other fans that loved this man. that will mean a lot for people looking for comfort today as they watch the memorial. and the spokesman was telling me when he first died, they had a candlelightigil for him. and they are doing something big for their listeners. and we are live with the news director. >> good morning. >> what can people expect here today? >> something really great. we are so happy to be part in saluting michael jackson and his legacy. he will leave behind such a great history. and listeners can do that today and record a video tribute to michael. and as well as we have a musician coming out that can
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perform live as a tribute to michael jackson. >> reporter: what is it like in the world of r & b and hip hop when you lose somebody like michael jackson? >> it's shocking. we were all stunned, and we experienced the great wave of, michael jackson? well, he did die. we hope to remember him in a more powerful way. and today we are doing that, but also working in the business of r & b music entertainment. and it's -- i am not going to say exciting. it's a mixed word to use, and it's overwhelming to hear the out pour of love from listeners. >> reporter: i am tracee wilkins live in largo. >> thank you, racee.
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we will haveive cofere ag the memorial service startinge t 1:00 this rnteafoon, andte it wl be streamed live on the website at a very important meeting happened this morning between president obama and prime minister vladimir putin. and brooke heart has the latest on the meeting from capitol hill. >> reporr: president obama smiled and his body language with putin was relaxed and engaged. >> we may not agree on everything, but i think we can have a tone of mutual respect and consultation. >> reporter: prime minister putin, the former president is seen as russia's power center. many of the fans have putin's name on them. president obama told students in moscow, nato is not aimed at
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russia. and he said a u.s. missile defense system is not aimed at russia. >> this system is directed at preventing a potential attack from iran. it has nothing to do with russia. >> reporter: the president's goal to defuse russian fear. >> but if a threat from iran's nuclear missile program is eliminating, the driving force for missile defense in europe will be eliminated, and that's in our mutual interest. >> reporter: and they are talking about a accidental launch. president obama's main message to russia left mutual suspicions in the past. >> reporter: also on his agenda today, a meeting with former president gorbachev, and medvedev. he meets with washington leaders as well.
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during the president's speech today, he even praised the play of washington capital star, alexandra ovechkin who was raised in moscow. the democrat from minnesota is expected to be sworn in at noon today. frankin defeated republican incumbent senator, norm coleman after a recount battle. now the latest on marion barry's recent arrest. this morning his attorney thinks the stalking charges against him will be dropped. this is a story you saw first on news4. u.s. park police say a woman flagged down an officer on saturday in anacostia park and accused barry of stocking her. barry said he was dating the woman for more than a year.
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he said they were on their way somewhere when she decided she wanted to return. >> we believe the charge stems from a personal relationship that has gone horribly wrong in a long way. >> the woman said she did not mean for the incident to go as far as it did. the gay marriage recognition bill which passed back in may became law at midnight. it's considered the first step towards eventually allowing gay marriages to being performed in the district here. and the state's attorney general is now looking into whether it's legally possible to recognize gay marriages there. let's take a look outside. beautiful day outside. 78 degrees.
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let's find out how long the pretty pattern will continue. >> and here is tom kierein. tom, tell us again. good morning. we have had lots of sunshine this morning, and not too humid. more humid than yesterday, but still comfortable. we are in the low 80s all around the region now with the lower humidity in place. these are the current dew points. when they are in the 50s and 60s, that's comfortable. when it's near 70, that's oppressive humidity. and right now, it's in the comfort zone. and out of the mountains, a cool start this morning. in the upper 40s and low 50s in many areas. and over the last six hours, we have been watching a cool front drifting off of the great lakes and now moving into western pennsylvania. it's triggering a few showers in new york state. but the cool front will drift this afternoon and give us a few clouds. and humidity not too high. temperatures will climb in the mid and upper 80s.
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a look at the forecast for the rest of the week, and the weekend. that will be coming up in a few minutes. barbara and joe? >> thank you, tom. thank you. let's go to jerry edwards and the news4 traffic network. >> good morning. we have a little bit of a break over the holiday period from all of the roadwork, but it's back. unfortunately for these guys folks in delays. and springfield down to the construction zone where the left lane is taken away on the southbound side of i-95. now is about time to start thinking about route 1, southbound as an alternate and save yourself aggravation. northbound, wide open. the hov open is still open nortound. once the hov lanes are flipped over to the southbound commute, it will take pressure off. and 52 coming from the eastern shore moving nicely. and south town, wilson bridge, no worries. and we are looking okay right
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now along 270. 11:11 is the time. much more still ahead on this midday. riding metro today? find out why you could be surrounded by aot of security. >> and a warning to parents after somebody tried to abduct a young girl. and wait until you find out where this buckent wild. oh, deer! our coverage of today's memorial service for michael jackson will continue. here is a live look outside the staples center in los angeles you can see this on and n ♪
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♪ the current is slowly rising on michael jackson's final show. here is a live look outsi the staples center. thousands of fans have been lining up all day long. millions of people expected to gather outside the arena. the memorial service for the public begins at 1:00. you can see it live here on nbc 4 and fans will celebrate michael jackson's legacy and life. and lee cohen has the story.
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>> reporter: jackson really was the king of pop. we found many numbers of stories, harrowing travel, and leaps of faith and fans risking financial ruin to be here today. >> i am quite happy to accept the label of fanatic. >> reporter: we found her what would be labeled as a flea bag hotel. >> my outfit would not be complete without my michael top. >> reporter: she arrived withoui a ticket to today's memorial, and pennies in her pocket, and she was soon holding court pleading for tickets. but those with tickets, drove right by. >> it was heart wrenching. >> reporter: it has aays been a part of us. >> elvis presley died today. >> reporter: so many fans turned out in 1977 to see elvis's
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funeral cortez and they had to call out the national guard. when the home run king died, thousands turned up. and when james brown passed away, people lined up around the blocks to say good by. d some fans needed it. for this woman the long journey itself is a tribute. >> it's music. heartbeat. it's part of me. >> reporter: as the clock ticked down, she kept pushing. we left her holding her sign and hoping for the best. >> it will be with it, i am sure it will be. >> reporter: indeed it was. >> we learned she did receive a ticket from another fan.
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she will be attending today's memorial service. >> let's see what kind of day we will have here in washington, d.c. another reprieve from the high humidity. it's still comfortable compared to what we usually get, the sweltering humidity. and there is the view of the sky now. it has been mostly sunny all morning long. and that bright sun pouring down, and you need sun block if you are heading off to the pool shortly, or heading outside to spend much time outdoors, and the sun is strong now. and the sun is pouring down on the potomac river. and the boater are out, and the temperature is 81 at reagan international. and the days arewl sloy gting shorter and shorter. let's take a look at radar. no precipitation in the region. and the temperatures are from
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the mid-80s. and on the eastern shore, temperatures are cooler with the wind off the water. right now these are the dew points and they are comfortable. when they are in the 50s or 60s, and now it's at 63 in washington, that's comfortable. when the dew point is around 70, that's when it gets to be sweltering humidi, and it may be that high over the weekend. they started out in the mountains chilly. they started out in the 40s and 50s. and now a high near 70. and then coming out of pennsylvania, they have a little few showers and also up in new york state. it's cool in the northern part of new england. and 64 in boston. we still have a general flow in the atmosphere for us out the west and northwest. and then we have been watching the weak cool front come into the ohio valley. and now we are getting showers
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across northern new england. and it may just give us a few clouds, and a slight chance of a passing thundershower. and you see the colors where we could see rain. we don't have any around washington for the next 36 hours. for today lots of sun this afternoon. temperatures will reach the upper 80s with light breezes. humidity still not too bad. it will be quite comfortable. and tonight overnight, we will have a few clouds around. temperatures through the evening will be pleasant in the 70s. a nice summer evening comingup. the sunset is at 8:36. and tomorrow morning, a 5:51 sunrise. and then during the day on wednesday, humidity will still be in place. and just around 80 for a high. and that'say w below the average high. and cool in thayow l 6ow0s for e lows. and more humid on friday.
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the dew point should make it i the 60s. it will be sticky on friday, and partly cloudy in the mid-80s. and now a look at the weekend. it looks like we will have the heat and humidity increasing on saturday. highs near 90 degrees. itrtly sunny on saturday. e a samquy day, a sticky day. and then on sunday, more clouds aarndou weak area of low pressure coming through, and may give us passing showers. with the clouds, it should be cooler clouds in the mid-80s. and still rather humid. after the front goes by, wend av h humidity avreturning. it will be steamy for a couple days. and that is the way it looks this morning. already our days are getting shorter and shorter with the shorter sun time. >> yeah, that's amazing. >> yeah, it turns around so fast. >> yeah, you turn the corner june 21st. >> summer is already on its way out. i can't deal with that. the time is 11:21. 81 degrees.
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coming up next, the details of the murder of steve mcnair. hear what police are saying about the gun that was used. and you are looking at live pictures from forest lawn cemetery in los angeles michael jackson's family arrived there a couple minutes ago. they were holding a private service there at the staples center. stay with
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we are learning new details about the murder of former baltimore ravens murder of mcnair. the girlfriend, a 20-year-old, was also found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in the star's nashville condominium on saturday. she bought the gun two days before the shooting. and this morning we are learning a memorial service will be held for mcnair on thursday at a church in tennessee. > a man repteydl tried toy abduct a young girl. it happened on sunday in the area of dudley court. the man pulled up to the girl's house while she was playing outside and tried to drag her
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away. the girl screamed and was able to break free. and anybody with information is asked to call the police. and police are searching for men that pulled off home invasion robberies. at each home, masked men tied up the residents and robbed them. and they may have committed other recent home invasions in the county. and they e warning people to be vigilant and keep their doors and windows locked. next at 11:30, much more on today's memorial service for michael jackson. we will take a live look outside the staples center where thousands will gather inside and thousands outside. and we will hear from a local n that chronicled the life of the king of pop. and if you plan to ride metro today, you could see lots of security. and you could think twice before taking your next dip in the chesapeake day. how much longer can we
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pect this fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet.
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get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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this fiber? i'd had my fill. then i found miralax. and miralax relieves constipation with no bloating, no excess gas, no taste, no grit. you'll see. it's clearly different. announcer: restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. now at 11:30, continuing coverage of the final farewell
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to michael jackson. thousands will pack the staples center, and thousands will watch on tv. the world is getting ready for the curtain call for the king of pop. and a private service was scheduled to begin just a short time ago. from there, jackson's casket will be taken to the staples center. this is a live picture outside that area, where thousands are already gathering for today's service. some estimates claim that nearly 1 million people will gather in that area to bid fair well to the king of pop. and this afternoon, there will be millions of others watching at home. >> this memorial is a worldwide event expected to be watched live by perhaps a billion people. meredith vieira has more on what we will see this afternoon. >> overnight activity outside the forest lawn cemetery where the jackson family gathered for
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what is believed to be a private service. and the forest lawn is the burial place for betty davis, and lou ball, and more recently, john ritter. >> i am not sure we will see anything like this again. >> give us a preview of what we will see. >> we have mariah kcarey, and more performers that will be in here. i heard one number and it's spectacular. >> reporter: his brothers are performing or sisters? >> you will see one or two of the family perform. >> reporter: jmaine jackson is set to sing a song formats.
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♪ ♪ smile even thoh you ♪ >> one person you will not be attending is the debbie rowe, the mother of jackson's two oldest children. she did not want to be a distraction on what should be a ceremo ceremo ceremony celebrating michael jackson. several members of the jackson family had different ideas of how to remember the superstar, and details about the program will be changing up until show time. >> we all have our own memories of him. >> reporter: the former friend of jackson who will be attending says it will be a day filled with mixed emotion. >> this will be very sad, and then moments of this is very exciting. i am not supposed to feel that
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excited right now. >> reporter: and one woman says she will be remembering michael at home. >> i have memories of him going on tour as a kid, and people were going nuts. and for my generation, you know, he is as close as we got to that. >> that was meredith vieira reporting. and today's memorial could costs california over $3 million. one l.a. city councilman says he is calling on the owner of the staples center to help cover the cost. he feels they will profit from the service being held there. if aeg does not voluntarily absorb some the kcosts, the city may be forced to weigh legal options. georgetown professor and noted author met the singer several years ago.
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he wrote about jackson in his book "can you hear me now?" >> it was a crime against humanity that any race or sex or gender that would be forbidden to access to his music. be sure and stay with news4 and nbc 4 for the service. we will also stream the service live on to local weather right now. looks like a beautiful day. lots of sunshine. temperatures climbing. 81 degrees right now. tom kierein has the forecast. >> perfect summer weather, and not too humid. and temperatures now into the 80s. low and mid-80s around the area.
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dew points are comfortable in the 50s and 60s. and over the last six hours we had a mostly sunny sky. it will remain mostly sunny into the afternoon. light breeze, and highs in the 80s. and a slight chance of an isolated thundshower has a weak front comes through. and then wednesday looks to be mostly sunny. tomorrow's highs in the low 80s. near 84 for thursday. still not too humid. a few clouds around. getting humid on friday, and we could get showers on saturday. that's how it looks for now. bo barbara and joe? >> thank you. here is jerry. >> you did that well. good morning. and let's see if things improved along i-95. still slow and out of camera range where you lose the left lane. and northbound actually moving
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well at this hour. one more stop. we will see how we are doing south of town. right under the woodrow wilson bridge, looking good at this hour. and there is a stretch of work on the outer loop, north of 202, and leaving delays until 214 until you are clear. if you ride the red line through montgomery today, you may notice there are a lot of police officers. there is nothing wrong, because it's part of a training exercise. >> good morning, barbara. you never know when an emergency will present itself. we recently saw that with the metro collision. the same is true for terrorism. an attack could come without warning at anytime. law enforcement officers want to make sure they are ready. today several different agencies came together for an anti-terrorism training exercise. officers on horse back, and officers on metro platforms. police on nearby streets
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inspecting trus. it was a sight to see, but no need for alarm. the increased law enforcement presence is part of a training exercise to detect and detour terrorists activity. >> they will be out on the trains patrolling, and people will see them as they go about their day. it's a law enforcement presence. it's a security presence. >> reporter: over 100 officers from a number of agencies took part in the exercise. they focused on the section of the red line that runs through montgomery county. the idea is to bring together some of the first responders that wou be involved in the event of a real emergency. and officials stress there is no leading information to lead them that there is a threat, but should the worse happen, they want to be prepared. >> this is a chance for the 12 federal state and local agencies to practice coordinating and communicating together. it's an even
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>> reporter: riders did not seem to take notice as they made their way to work. most agree it's important to be prepared should an emergency strike. >> i think it's important to have people trained so when people get injured or and all of that, they were able to dispatch the different areas, and they were able to, you know, take care of the patrons that ride the metro. >> i think you will scare a lot of people unless you tell them. >> i think it's good to do the training, and everybody knows what they can expect in the future. >> reporter: this is an all-day training exercise. expect to see extra police on that section of the red line in montgomery county until 7:00 tonight. joe? >> thank you. metro officials are considering a $177 million rehab project for the red line. this would not deal with the
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problems on the section of track where two trains crashed last month killing nine people. instead it would work on the closed-circuit television, along with power rooms to help run the system, and platform and tiles. we also know investigators believe a faulty track circuit may have been to blame for last month's crash. and now according to the washington post, workers in the bart system flagged the same system and they installed a backup system to prevent problems. but metro did not. metro says every system is unique, and it's difficult to know how the systems really compare. new at midday, the chesapeake bay foundation claims people are getting sick from dangerous bacteria that is
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becoming more widespread in the bay. and they attribute it to global warming and nutrient pollution. they have seen a rise of infections from the bacteria. and they fault the environmental protection agency for not claeng up the bay. and this is believed to be the largest paired kidney donation ever undertaken. a news conference is expected to take place later today to discuss the procedure. the doctors and the patients and recipients will all be on hand. up next, you have heard the expression "bull in a china shop." well, this is a deer. wait until you hear what it was up to. busted by police. find out who she is and what she is accused of doing.
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we catch up with a if you're like a lot of people, you have high blood pressure... and you have high cholesterol. you've taken steps to try and lower both your numbers. but how close are you to your goals? there may be more you can do. only caduet combines two proven medicines... in a single pill to significantly lower... high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
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straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'l get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer. even in this economic recession, one store in new york could have gone without the extra buck. take a look at this security video inside a hardware store. a buck in the area decided to
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run inside the store, and ran through the entrance and down the isle and into a storage area. nobody was injured. they opened the back door and let it out. after a string of back to back murders, authoritiesn i south carolina think ty finally stopped a suspected serial killer. police believe patrick tracy burris is the one that shot five people to death. and bur is was shot and killed in a shoot-out with police. >> the anger i felt when i saw this individual's wrap sheet. this is like 25 pages. >> i will rest better. >> an officer shot in the shootout was treated and released. and the iestigation continues into his actions, and while
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somebody with such an extensive record was not in jail. and hathe talks will be abo the obama's administration highest level. and talking during reporters, he vowed to return to hahn honduras. and there is a troubling finding about identity theft. researchers in pittsburgh say it's hard to guess somebody's social security number just by using public informion. some numbers could be guessed by knowing a person's birthday and hometown. and the study comes as states are pushing to band businesses
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from getting the numbers when they are buying services. and courtney reagan joins us live with the rest of the day's business news. >> stocks are a bit lower here today. the dow is down 100 points. that follows a mixed session that we saw yesterday. not a lot of things going on today. and we have an absence of economic data. a pretty light day there so far. we did hear some things about microsoft. and they are warning of a serious security flaw on the internet exsporer software. it could let hackers take over your pc. you could be impacted by just visiting web sites, if they are infected with the code that exploits the flaw. and they are working on a patch, so if you get a notice for a security update, go ahead and do
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so. despite massive updates by the government to help consumers, many banks are still not giving loans. borrowers are getting less than they were before with the average credit limit dropping about 3%. and all of this comes as the american bankers association mean delinquencies rose to a record high during the first quarter, as did the other lines of credit. we have a lot of factors pulling on the lines of credit. it's no wonder it's getting tighter, even with all the government programs. back to you. >> thank you, courtney, very much. >> thank you, and see you tomorrow. our time is 11:47. the temperature, 81 degrees. up next, d.c. residents upset about a new show being filmed in their neighborhood. and tom kierein will be back with another check of the forecast. here is a live look outside
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the staples center in l.a. hundreds of thousands are gathering for the michael jackson memorial serve. starting this afternoon at
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aress joyce dewitt was arrested on the dui charge ove ek wee end. the actress is best known forwe
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playing jan on "thrs company." the officer that spoke with her said it appeared that she had been drinking. >> rutger has launched a solo career. he says he always had country in his heart. now that he has opened it, and people are listening. craig melvin has his story. >> reporter: today the only thing you probably recognize about darius rucker is this. now, 15 years after many of the song became the stuff of pop
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legend, rucker is going country. >> and i just sit back and, really, i pinch myself, and i go who really gets a second chance at a career. >> reporter: his new album "learning to live" has already sold about half million copies. and he is touring now with rascal flats. >> i know that i have to give my all. be great every night. i don't want anybody going that guy, hootie, sucks. i don't want that. >> reporter: he admits the country crowd is different than the hootie crowd of the '90s. >> yeah, i am walking around the parking lot, and they are tailgating. these country people are crazy, man. they are crazy. >> reporter: the fans have changed, and so has darius
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rucker. >> i am not partying, you know, staying up until 5:00 in the morning, and getting up and sounding great the next day. life is really mellow. it's all about family, and playing. i have mellowed a lot andav e grown up a lot. >> reporter: for rucker, the music has, too. >> i think we wrote a long of these songs, and you want to say what people feel. it's not so much about saying the sky is aqua or the sky is blue. >> reporter: singing, and pinching himself, and that could be a song on his next album. >> it's crazy. >> reporter: you are a bonefied country scar? >> yeah, i guess. and darius rucker says hootie and the blowfish will continue to make music, and
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right now country is his day job. he plans to release another country album next spring. and not everybody is happy about this. mtv started to film the 23rd season. they call a blog anti-real world d.c. and the show is following eight strangers who live in a mansion in the city. more now on the story of the memorial for michael jackson. and 6,500 people will watch a screen at the nokia theater across the street. right now michael jackson's
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close friends and fily are wrapping up aorem mial service in l.a. and from there the casket will be bo ugem thtthe staples t center. stay with and news4 toathe memorialhe service. you can see it live on the website,, and nbc news as well. and we have a wrap up of today's star-studded memorial service. we will have everything from the performers to the massive crowds expected. >> and a fan that won one of the tickets to today's service, and had no way to get there. how a stranger stepped in and made her dream come true. >> and then lunch with lindsay. today she dines with marissa coalman. and join us for news4 beginning at 4:00. let's get a last check of weather, tom. perfect summer weather. a few clouds nowck developing. it's ahead of a cool front that
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will drift in by the afternoon. temperatures in the low to mid-80s all around the region. it's still not very humid. on the eastern shore, it's near 80 and out in the mountains, only near 70 degrees after a chilly start there this morning. and over the last six hours, we have been watching the clouds developing out ahead of a cool front now drifted in off the great lakes. it's triggering a few showers in new england. the new front just beginning to come in through western pennsylvania through southern ohio. and that will move in in another three to four hours, and then we have a slight chance around our region for a passing thundershower. it's just a very small chance. now, here is how we are looking for the rest of the afternoon. low humidity, and light breast out of the west-southst, and highs will reach the upper 80s. tonight, it should be partly cloudy. a pleasant evening. sunset is at 86. and 70s through the evening.
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we will have that past the full must not. and then dawn, in the low to mid-60s, and then low humidity tomorrow, and then afternoon highs in the low 80s. and highs only near 80 on thursday. friday into the mid-80s, and getting more humid on friday, and then over the weekend it looks like we will have sweltering humidity. a sticky day on saturday. and then highs in the 80s on sunday. and then dry again and more comfortable the first part of next week. we will see you tomorrow morning. barbara and joe? >> thank you, tom. hundreds of people in spain got a rush today. >> but this rush is not for everybody. some things are no bull. this is a lot of bull. and people dashing through the street for the annual running of the bulls. the bulls who all wore bells, which is a nice gesture, ran together in a pack knocking over everything and everybody in
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their path, and one person was gored, and four others were treated for minor injuries. stis is one of eight runs in the ival. that's the news for "news4 midday," afend we thank you for bewith us. pe invite you for thecipe sal coverage for michael jackson's memorial service starting at 1:00 p.m. we will leave you this morning with live pictures outside the staples center in los angeles thousands of people are gathering for the service. we will be back tomorrow morning. >> have a great day. >> bye. having the right tools is crucial to being able to manage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh check my blood sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoaster.
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it does at times feel like my body is telling me to do one thing... and,y mind, my heart is telling me to do something else. managing my highs and lows is super important. with my contour meter i can personalize my high/lo settings so it really does micromanage where my blood sugar needs to be. i'm nick jonas and never slowing down is my simple win.


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