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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  July 7, 2009 6:29pm-7:00pm EDT

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with us, god must have needed him far more. >> as great as smokey sang it, i thought michael was better. >> i want his three children to know was than nothing strange about your daddy. it was strange what your daddy had to deal with but he dealt with it. >> although our hearts are aching, we need to look up and where he's undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon, and we need to smile. >> one of the most emotional moments of that service, jackson's daughter, paris, spoke. she said she loved her father very much. people across the d.c. area gathered to watch the service today. chris gordon has more on that story. with the michael jackson fans waited to get into the
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sideline restaurant in largo, maryland. the sports bar and restaurant was turned into a place that they could all watch the memorial service together. former redskin lavar arrington who owns the sidelines says that he was pleased when he was asked to host the jackson tribute. >> situation came about where we were going to have an opportunity to get some people in here and pay homage to a great person. so it seems ght. >> reporter: the event was sponsored by wkys radios who disc jockeys played michael jackson music. >> michael jackson means to washington when he means to around the world. we never have seen anything like it. we have a lot of things we call wonders of the world. we had a living wonder of the world. that's what michael jackson was. >> reporter: the fans tell the story. there were tears during the tributes. applause and smiles during the songs. for many here they say michael jackson was part of their lives.
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>> a reflection of his music. >> reporter: was there any place you rather be right now? >> this is where i need to be. i'm with michael jackson and it hurts a lot. gone forever. it hurts. >> reporter: on 14th street, there is a photo tribute to michael jackson in the window of the gallery. and in front of the white house, people were asked to sign a book of condolences that will be sent to the jackson family. >> problems facing -- >> reporter: fans joined in prayer and song and this family is visiting from cincinnati, ohio. >> three young boys, what are you telling them about michael jason? >> well, i'm just telling them that when i was their age he was -- he was it. and, you know, hi my locker decorated with michael jackson posters and at the time he was just -- he was it for me.
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>> reporter: chris gordon, news4. >> a local pilot who often flew airplanes for the jackson family told news4 today that michael jackson loved his fans. and that he would have loved the outpouring of support shown his his death. robert petgrave is his name and says michael was always very interested in the planes he flew and how they worked. >> i knew michael and we hung out. you know. he was always fascinated with the helicopter, when it would come in he would have to watch interest land and take off. as soon as he -- like what's it like? i'm like, come on, man, let's go. he wasn't comfortable flying. he was fascinated with them. when you took him there, you really feel like he's really that child-like innocence. child's innocence. he's fascinated with things and curious. >> conning coverage of today's ri michael jacks al the g up throughout newscast and tonight. we have an update now on a breang story.
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the southwest airlines flight from baltimore to providence that had to make an emergency landing this afternoon, flight 69. taking off from bwi airport at 5:30 tonight. authorities say the plane struck birds as it was taking off and at least one bird struck the engine. the plane did land safely back at bwi. there were 137 passengers on that southwest flight and to province dense. no injuries reported. the airline officials say mechanics are checking the planes now. a controversial plan to expand a school from muslim children is on the table in fairfax county. the islamic saudi academy wants to construct a new building on its campus on popes head road in hopes of act dateding the growing student body. critics say the school shouldn't be allowed to expand and in light of the a congressional panel finding words of religious intolerance in the school's textbooks. some residents worry the expansion will cause big traffic problems on pope's head road. with hundreds of students pouring into the new building.
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>> concerned not only for our safety but important the safety of kids that would be driving on the roads. >> i think a combination of -- improvements and conditions that will minimize impacts on pope's head road. >> public hearing is set for monday before county superviseors vote to approve or deny this expansion plan. >> metro riders may have noticed cops all over the place today. especially on the red line. that's because law enforcement agencies were conducting a training exercise on how to respond to terrorist threats. more than 100 officers from local and federal agencies participated. they coordinate order how to detect and prevent terrorist activities on metro focusing on a section of the red line in montgomery county. officials stressed today's training exercise was planned. it was not done as a result of last month's crash of a metro train. or p in reaction to any known threat to the region. a new report suggests an increasing number of people that are getting sick from dangerous bacteria that's in our
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chesapeake bay. the report of the chesapeake bay foundation that the group says they potentially dangerous bacteria is becoming more prevalent in the bay because of global warming and pollution. foundation officials advised staying out of the water for 48 hours after a significant rainfall especially if you have an open cut or a sore. the rainfall washes pollute apartments from the ground into the bay the chesapeake bay foundation is suing the environmental protection agency for allegedly failing tone force the clean water act. airplanes land in the met pom tan area all the time. but few of them have a 15-year-old piloting the patrols. that's what happened in college park today. a young girl attempted to be part of aviation history. jane watrel has our report. >> it was a flawless landing for a single engine plane piloted by a teen that is not old enough to drive. 15-year-old kimberly is determined to make history. and become the youngest
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african-american girl to fly cross-country. >> it definitely inspires me to try to fly the best i can so i can make smooth landings. >> repter: kimberly is inspire bid her wingman on this flight. world war ii tuskegee airman. flying and greeting her along the way. >> she is amazing. you all find a motivated young lady. and that young lady. >> reporter: history making trip is to also raise awareness there are flying programs for at-risk kids. sponsored by the civil air patrol and young eagles. while kimberly is part of an educational program that's based in compton, california, organizers say that there are plenty of groups right here in the metro area that were help- will help young people that want to fly. and flying, they say, reinforces the importance of education. >> aviation teaches you why,
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like, for exampxaexample, in sci didn't know how to read. where am i going to use science? yeah. when you start flying it makes sense. >> reporter: kimberly hopes tune spire oar other tee to reach for the stars. she wants to be a heart surgeon. >> i want to believe in themselves, that they can do anything then want to do, as long as they put their mind to it. >> reporter: jane watrel, news4. >> kimberly is carrying messages of hope as she makes her cross-country trek. those messages are being delivered to foster children in the wednesday's child program seen here on news4. >> lovely. coming up on "news4 at 6:00," we are going to tell you about an island that's been nominated as one of the seven wonders of nature. >> running of the bulls held in spain today. we will have the report. >> we are going to still be covering memorial for michael jackson. ♪ comes a time when we hear a certain call ♪ ♪ when the
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> a beautiful evening with low humidity, ry, very warm but look at that sky from our sky watcher. the city cam. so i think skies will be for the most part clear or clearing. here is where to look for the international space station this evening. 9:32 and 9:35, it will be quite high in the south-southeast sky. very, very bright. and moving right across the sky, and it will move towards the east, northeast. so look towards the south and it
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will be above the moon if it is rising and you can see it, too. next seven days, humidity come back by the weekend. back to you. >> thank you, bob. there is a new option for people looking to get rid of wrinkles. last month the fda approve ad new product promising comparable, possible better results than botox. eun yang talked to some people already trying out. >> you look tired you feel tired. it brings you down a little bit. you don't feel like smiling. >> reporter: craft decided to take action but didn't want to use botox. she decided to try something new. >> this part is -- a toxin-type a botulism toxin. the same as botox. in terms of comparison, they have very, very similar type of effects. >> reporter: some say that it can have benefitsoxot bot doesnt .a what has t moren pleog splayin tyeye-bo botox. that report is coming up tonight at 11:00. the running of the bulls in spain today.
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estimated 2,000 people raced to stay a step ahead or at least a step aside those bulls. there are also some other critters in there meant to keep the bulls in a tight pack on the cobblestone streets. several people tripped over each other or fell after getting bumped by the bulls. no reports of anybody being seriously trampled, though, as in some years past. one man did fall down. about mid course. several of the animals raced over him. he was able to get up and walk away. tough duty. however, four people did go to the hospital with bumps, bruises and assorted scrapes. >> you heard of seven wonders of the world. how about seven wonders of nature? the united nations educational scientific and culture ral organization is crafting a list and one of the candidates is malaysia's remote sipadin island. it has been said that no oth spot on the planet has more marine life. official onlytographer cousteau
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once described it as an untouched piece of art. 260 sites have been nominated as seven wonders of nature. and the finalists will be revealed two weeks from now and the official seven wonders of nature will be announced in 2011. >> i want to go there. >> yes. >> now. >> yes. coming up, the -- we are going to take a look at some of the measures -- let's start again. obama administration is trying to make sure the food americans eat is safe. more on that. >> lindsay, what are you going to have more of? >> lance armstrong, close to putting on that yellow jersey. bruce boudreau talks about the loss of some of the team's veterans. venus williams plays tonight in d.c. she gets to give back to the community as well. "news4 at 6:00" (bell ringing)
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woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's for the official $5 combo of summer. featuring arby's new bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5. big on bbq taste, it's the $5 combo done better. this is about a new, more efficient luxury hybrid continuing to produce 70% fewer smog-forming emissions while delivering greater power. a fact not lost on the world around us. the all-new 2010
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lexus rx hybrid. lindsay and i had a conversation when the nationals play and where. all the other things. they are out -- did i tell you -- coors field. that's what it is. >> the nationals, though, here is the deal overall really good game for them. they did play better. >> seven innings, gave up one room and they lose. >> exactly. they are getting confidence. nationals starter pitched one of the best games last night. since june, consider this. colorado rockies has scored 169 runs in 32 games. salmon gave up one in seven innings but didn't get the run support the nationals also fell victim inform a marquee pitcher. a 1-0 loss at coors field. first inning. here he is. craig salmon. pitched really well enough to
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get the win. craig stamm ne. todd helton nails that one into the gap in left center field. clint comes around to store. it would end up that would be all the rockies would need. now we go to the fourth inning. rockies led 1-0. the turn at plate and lines the shot to first. and nick johnson, look at that. talk about a good play. gets up. tosses it to first to get him out. take another look at this. johnson diving. rolling over. making the perfect flip to get up. stammen and gets the out. great play. top of the seventh inning. rockies up 1-0. jason marquis. unbelievable game. bases loaded jam. ronnie bell yard grounds out to short. the rockies are able to turn the double play. belliard just out at first. nationals blow an opportunity and lose 1-0. here is manny acta after the game. >> less than two outs but
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couldn't get it done. give decreed to it my kids. pitch a tremendous game and those types of situation, made good pitches, too. our guys -- recently talked about that. but, you know, marquis just -- was outstanding today. >> to seattle, mariners hosting the orioles. br bottom of the first inning. branyan fires the shot to left center field. look at that. goes back. it is a solo home run. branyan's st homer of the year. with that, we go to the top of the ninth. washburn here. pitching an absolute gem. strikes out. washburn throws a one-hitter. mariners shut out the orioles 5-0 and guess what, washburn did so well that he gets the ceremonious shaving cream pie in the face, pitching performance. well tonight is the ckoff of world team tennis downtown. they have the star power in town for this one. venus williams will take the court fresh off her loss. sister serena in the wimbledon finals.
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williams is going to play for the philadelphia freedom as they take on the washington capitals. this afternoon, she took the opportunity to hold a clinic for kids in the district. it was kids of all ages and that had the chance to hit a with the tenn tennis. she said this brings her back to her early days as a tennis player learning from the likes of billy jean king. venus gets a real kick out of teaching kids how to play tennis. >> when i see them hitting and the children are doing footwork and everybody doing the same thing, i remember once i came to a clinic and dash i was about, you know, 6, 7, 8 years old with the world team tennis actually when i was small. now it is -- like it has come full circle. here i am giving the declinic and billie jean gave a clinic to me when i was 8. full circle, doing the same thing, amazing. being a roll me el is more than what ever felt my career would come to. i dreamed of winning the big titles. it is like icing on the cake. >> venus williams is excited to give back. let me tell you how cool that
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will be down there tonight. they are going to their head coach and have entertainment. a cool thing to see. >> it is entertainment. >> yeah. giving you a good time. >> it is. a lot of more star power coming to town later this summer. lance armstrong's team won today's stage at the tour de france. it was not quite enough. armstrong's team team within one second of taking over the yellow jersey. armstrong riding for the team estona. look at the circle. takes a tumble there. no, not a good day for cyclists. mott one but two guys were the taken out on another turn. it was a very rough crash. watch this close call. look at that. that was very, very violent. one falls down and almost gets run over. it was lance armstrong who was able to surge all the way from third place to second and there's the crash there. yikes. i know. that one looked like it was on its own accord. yes.
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armstrong surged from third place to second place after his squad won the team trial. armstrong trails by a fraction of a second. actor ben stiller who was there to present the yelw jersey to leader fabian. it is the middle of summer but it does not mean the capitals get a break. in fact, on monday, the capitals opened summer developmental camp which is really a chance for rookies and draft picks to get their first taste of nhl action in and it is also a big opportunity for the capitals to see who could rise to the top as they look to fill a void create bid the departure of players like sergei fedorov and donald brashear. capitals have already made one big acquisition they think will make a big difference when they sign freeing agent mike kneubel. they hope he will crash the net and help replace several players that left the team in the offseason. the caps could still make another move but boudreau says they are interested in seeing the new talent already in the organization. >> obviously we are not going to
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have victor and we are not going to have sergei and we ar not going to have donald. okay. those three guys, still have the core of what was here. you add a couple of pieces to the puzzle that would be a good fit, like -- they don't have to be the best players in the world. what would fit was the capitals and the way their guys are and whether it comes from guys from hershey so they know how to win a cup, new regime or whether it comes from draft choices, i want to make that team, we have such good depth that -- the positions will be filled and we will be -- i'm convince ad good team. >> bruce boudreau though though they will look from within but could make a move from the other si side. >> thanks, lindsay. when we come back, the obama administration put something new measures into place to make sure
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the food americans eat is safe
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the obama administration is rolling out a new effort to improve food safety. rules to prevent contamination are growing more strict. and there are plans for a new system that can track the source of outbreaks more quickly. this program is part of the middle class task force headed by vice president biden. tracy pots has our report.
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>> reporter: willie buys fresh fruits and vegetable twice a month at the d.c. farmer's market. >> you like it. you like to make sure that it is safe. >> reporter: >> we know families have enough to worry about. you shouldn't have to worry about whether or not the food on your dinner table is safe. >> reporter: with tainted peanut butter, spinach, other foods, making 75 million americans sick every year, families do worry vice president joe biden met the mother of a 6-year-old boy who died from tainted fast food. >> hamburger, something we have all feed our children, something that all of our kids have eaten without us thinking twice. without us thinking twice about any possible danger. >> reporter: to a address the danger the agriculture department will sample more ground beef and require nearly all turkey and poultry producers to meet new standards by the end of next year. the department will also build a national tracking system for outbreaks. >> we want the capacity to be able to rapidly trace back to
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the source of the food-borne illness should one strike. >> reporter: the fda's recommending new minimum safety standards for tomatoes and melons and leafy greens and requiring new pest controls testing and refrigeration for egg producers to control salmella. a new deputy commissioner for food will oversee those changes. safety advocates are hopeful. >> if this time they are going to implement the plans, if this time they are going to put money behind them, if -- it will make a difference. >> reporter: the a zb department and fda are teaming up to create one central command for the dozen agencies involved in food safety. triesy potts, news4. >> that plan does not add more inspectors at any of the food safety agencies. congress would have to authorize and pay for those additional inspect inspectors. >> tonight at 11:00, area residents outraged about a police raid. staged for television. the officers had their guns drawn and neighbors had no heads-up. frightening moments for local passengers. learning more about the plane
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that slammed into the flock of birds after takeoff. why hundreds of drivers label to get free gas in alexandria in the morning. >> that's our broadcast for now. the "nbc nightly news" coming up next. >> we hope to see you again at 11:00. . >> he studied the great and became greater. he raised the bar. and then broke the bar. ♪ >> as you know, as much as we may feel and we do, that we need michael here with us, god must have needed him far more. ♪ you are not alone ♪ i am here to with you ♪ i am here with you ♪ though you are far away ♪ i am here to stay
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>> when you left us, a part of me went with you. ♪ we are the children ♪ we are the ones that make a brighter day so let's start giving ♪ ♪ there's a choice we are making ♪ yowe make a brighter day just u and me ♪


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