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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  July 9, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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they are not telling us what the park police saw on saturday night. >> we couldn't tell from this soundbite do we think at this point marion barry may be considering some -- >> we asked him about that. what are you going do? you are complain being the park police. he said they treated him nicely. they didn't waterboard him. he said they shouldn't have taken into custody and is pursuing all option. >> did he speak at all about the -- the ethical -- perhaps the ethical questions that some folks raised about the woman who is working in his office? >> flip side of that is, the arrest itself is whether or not the woman he was with, inside the legal contract with him is it was legal, people asking 60,000 contracts. he said he would speak about that sometime in the future. >> all right. we know you are on it. thank you. appreciate it. >> albert haynesworth, one of the newest washington redskins pleaded no contest today to a reckless driving charge in tennessee. haynesworth who recently sign ad $100 million contract with the
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redskins will be on probation for three months. the charge stems from an incident back in december in which prosecutors alleged that haynesworth tried to pass the vehicle and caused that driver to crash into a median. the other driver suffered serious injuries and haynesworth will also have to perform community service and attend driving school and make a $5,000 charitable donation. metro has announce ad new zero tolerance policy that cracked down on its bus and train operators using mobile devices while on the job. under the policy, any driver or operator caught using a mobile device on the job will be fired. the policy takes effect on monday and it comes in response to calls for metro to fire a train operator caught texting on the job more than 17,000 people have seen that video on youtube and it was taken june 5 on the blue line and shows a train operator with his head down sending a text message while he has the train going forward. the operator was suspended for five day was pay and returned to work this week.
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metro says that operator will not be fired because these new rules did not applynhe w he was texting. and news4 received these pictures this mornin ohef anothr train operator that appeared to be texting and driving. they were taken during rush hour back in september of 2007. metro says it is handling this case now. >> as you might imagine, this story has a lot of people sounding off in our website. one person says whomever is in charge of operating a public transportation system should also be responsible for the safety of the passengers and operators of these vehicles. it does not matter if it is a train, bus, ship, or airplane. another person writes -- this person suggests this -- this person shares their
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perience saying -- scary. do you agree with metro's new zero tolerance policy for metro operators using cell phones or pdas? that's our question of the day. if you would like to offer your opinion, go to our homepage. so far an overwhelming yes. 94% that log order say yes, they agree with the policy. 6% say no. meanwhile, congress is now working on a resolution in memory of the victims of last month's deadly metro collision. house resolution 621 is sponsored by eleanor holmes norton. seven of the nine that died in the metro collision were district residents. her office said the congresswoman has included personal information on each of the nine victims that would make the resolution more meaningful. tuesday congress will hold the first congressional hearings on the crash. more than two dozen aides activists were arrested at the
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capitol today. the group of 11 men and 15 women are charged with unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct. a capital police spokesperson said the group entered the rotunda and linked themselves togeth to form a human chain. they were carrying signs in support of funding for needle exchange ograms. something as routine as walking your dog turned violent for a couple in prince william county that were attacks by a stun gun and robbed. it happened last night in the 3200 block of ridge view court. that's in lake ridge, virginia. police say three men wearing masks walked up to a 29-year-old man in the 33-year-old woman and demanded money. when the man told us the suspects he didn't have any, he was tased. the woman told the attackers there was money in their apartment. they were forced back to their home and robbed. the suspects suffered minor injuries. a beating attack ends in a murder for man walking in his neighborhood. >> convicted sex offender accused of a new child assault case. >> four other stories making headlines in our area today.
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>> montgomery county police arrested six suspects and attacked and ended in murder. officials say edwin was beaten after making comments to some women sitting on the porch of a home on navy road in wheaton. one of the suspects told him to leave the women alone. the police say the suspects chased and beat the victim who later died from his injuries. leesburg police made an arrest in the sexual assault after child. david snider is a convicted sex offender and snider is being held in a loudoun county adult detention center without bond. >> police are searching for a man accused of trying to abduct blond teenage girls. the police are passing out fliers near the wellington community center. the latest incident happened tuesday afternoon. a 16-year-old girl was walking along clover hl road and a man driving a navy blue minivan tried to grab her and yell for her to get in the car. the girl was able to get away.
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a similar incident happenedast month in the same area. another celebrity was in town today. barbie. the world's most iconic doll. barbie was here celebrating her 50th anniversary. the national barbie doll collector's convention is at the marriott park. there will be the unveiling of the life size barbie designer and inspired dress, a custom made barbie pink voegsz weighing enbeetle. more than 1,200 barbie fans will be in town through saturday. beautiful day for a birthday party. make it a panda party. full of pomp and pageantry and one strange birthday cake. we are on panda watch this afternoon. hundreds turned out to be a part of the birthday party today. little panda turned 4 a he can -- almost be considered teenager if you translate the age and for those that have been visiting since he was a little guy, you can actually start to see that the panda is starting
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to act like a teenager. >> i have been coming here since he was born. and rub him to pieces, he's brilliant, he's handsome and beautiful. he's cuddley and beautil. >> perfect. >> now he is a teenager. >> i know. i know. >> better clean that bamboo up. >> now for that birthday cake, it almost looked like a wedding cake. there it is. this is not a cake you would findality your local bakery, bamboo, shredded beats and beat juice, and water. barbara. >> looks good, doesn't it? we continue to take a walk on the mild side. veronica johnson has our fast forecast from storm center 4. >> 82 degrees today, barbara. just 82, the average now is 88 degrees and with that high today of -- 82, it is the coolest since 2003 on the july 9th day. pretty one out there. few cumulus clouds coming
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through the area. showers and isolated storms to the south and west of the mountains, around roanoke and elkins in west virginia. so more cloud cover than yesterday. but generally we have had an easterly to northeasterly flow across the area. so still just a few clouds but some nice conditions. meanwhile, as we take a look at temperatures now across the area, elsewhere 69 degrees in elkins. very cool. 76 in roanoke. and just 85 in raleigh, north carolina. they had heat and cooling off even under that cloud cover. by mid fly we drop to the low 70s. almost a carbon copy of the last 24 hours. so another terrific evening coming our way. your fast forecast heat and humidity staying away for a while. meanwhile, we have the ever important weekend to talk about. coming up later to this hour, your beach and boating forecast. back to you. >> thanks, veronica. when "news4 at 4:00" continues, deadly crash between a amtrak train and a car full of young adults. a driver on the run, police in pursuit. this one has a violentent ending. heads-up for bicyclists opinion
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find out why you will want to be sure to obey the traffic laws and ride through at least one jurisdiction. craig is on his way to the newsroom to get the story from jane watrel. look at this video. a lot of people talking. ♪
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all five people riding in a car that was hit by a train in southern michigan this afternoon have died. the crash happened at a train crossing in canton township. the amtrak train wasn't able to stop until 700 feet past or several hundred feet past the
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collision. all five victims were young adults and no one on the train, though, was hurt. it is a crime that has enrage an illinois community and authorities say as many as 100 bodies have been dug up from an historic cemetery so plots could be resold. investigators say they are not sure where those bodies from the burr oak cemetery went. it is not clear if they were dumped in one grave or scattered somewhere. five cemetery employees had been arrested so far. the cemeteries is called the first african cemetery in chicago. emmitt till is buried there. investigators are confident his grave was not disturbed. in the newsroom at jane watrel's desk. you are working on a story that began with a charity bike ride where some of the cyclists were ticketed. >> that's right. the cycling community, craig. back last month, there was a charity bike ride in loudoun county. and residents were complaining because they felt the cyclists
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were riding -- remember, they were sharing the road with motorists. ility wasn't a closed ride, an open-road ride. loudoun county sheriff's department went out to investigate and they ticketed eight cyclists for blowing through stop signs. >> and that then led to -- >> led to the clist finding out that some of them pled guilty and they got four points on their driver's linse. >> their driver's lies zblens yes, motor vehicle license because in the state of virginia, bicycle is considered a vehicle. like a motorcycle and a bicycle, and a car. >> and it is also -- also important to note that the folks who did not pursue this -- >> some of the folks got a lawyer. the lawyer went in and in negotiated apparently and paid a fine. they did not get points on their lines. they paid a fine. it is $125 fine, by the way, and four points. they paid a lesser fine and got off. >> you talked to that lawyer and your story -- >> i did. he was shocked. he didn't know you could get points on your license. >> i would venture to say a lot of people don't realize that.
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>> they weren't aware of it either. >> this particular incident happened in loudoun county, this is the case throughout the commonwealth. >> yes. and jurisdictions have the discretion, of course, as you know, with cars or motorcycles and, you know, not everybody that violate it is law gets take it. sometimes they get a warning. the lawyer felt the psych i willists should have gotten a warning. it is legal. the long arm of the law reached out and caught those cyclists. it is a cautionary tale. >> it is a cautionary tale indeed. a charity bike ride just -- did not end up well for the charity bicyclists. >> yes. that's -- yes. >> all right. jane watrel. all right. 5:30 in the newsroom. back to you. >> okay. thank you. health officials are gearing up for a resurgence of the swine flu that could happen this fall, summit under way to make sure every state is prepared and ready to hand out vaccines. tracie potts has more. >> reporter: clinical trials for the flu vaccine start one month from now. the obama administration expects
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to spend $8 357b9 billion on produce it. tens of millions of doses should be ready by mid october. >> we want to make sure that we are not promoting panic but we are promoting vigilance and preparation. >> reporter: president obama called in from italy today to address the 500 state and local officials now learning what they need to do. >> you can't wake up in october and say oh, my. we have a really serious problem on our hands. we want to use the summer months to really get ready. >> reporter: the biggest concern, children. they will get the first vaccine. >> somehow the young people are getting preferential lynn effected. in fact, the median age of people who were infected with the h1n1 is in the teens which is unusual for flu. >> reporter: officials may end up giving the shots in schools. they haven't decided xwret. states are anticipating a huge drain on the health care system. our emergency rooms, doctors office, hospitals are being
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stretched to the limit. >> reporter: what happens to parents with critical jobs like police and utility workers have to stay home? >> one very practical thing, employers should be thinking of now, is not only backup for critical employees but also telecom ugt. >> reporter: tomorrow the obama administration will announce $350 million in grants to states and hospitals preparing for a possible fall outbreak. because the government is trying to get word out because of the vaccines to a younger generation, they are using twter, facebook and on are even announcing a make your own swine flu video contest for youtube. the winner gets their video shown nationwide. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. >> the family and job pressures and economic worries, a lot of women feel tired and just plain worn out all the time. how do you know if it is something more serious like a medical problem? the "today" show this morning, medical editor dr. nancy snyderman has some answers. >> we can think i'm just juggling two jobs and the kids
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and so we go through life chronically tired. if you find yourself exhausted all the time, it is worthwhile especially for women to stand back and say okay, let me take stock in things are there things going on in my life that could be -- die set a perfect place to start. it is possible you are not getting the foods that you need. >> a poor zi it can lead to anemia which is among the causes of exhaustion. and other causes include thyroid disease, depression, arthritis, and sleep april knee yeah or having a spouse whose snorink can keep you a awake all night. allergies, restless leg syndrome. if you are not too stressed and getting enough sleep but still tired all the time, talk to a doctor. we are goingo get the latest on the rush hour right now. ashley linder is in the traffic center with details. >> taking a trip around town today. not as bad as yesterday, good news. we got our own problems today. if you are traveling on the inner loop of the beltway let's take a look out of maryland. you can see here this is what it looks like around university
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boulevard. it is going to be slow out of tysons and in order to make it across the american legion and then the pace is very slow through bethesda towards silver spring and is starting to get better. out of springfield not too bad in the springfield interchange. we are moving southbound direction headed away from us there. making a slow exit on to 664 as you can see along the right side of your screen but not a lot going on on the 59 corridor. you can pick up a lot of volume as you make your way down from quanti quantico. other than that good shape around the area. >> thank you. and here's bargain blast. starbucks is giving away thousands of pipts of free ice cream between now and july 19th, facebook users can sign up for a coupon good for a free pint of starbucks ice cream. the coffee chain will be giving away up to 20,000 free coupons every day. just search starbucks ice cre on facebook. you could get a free combo feel from chick-fillet. you have to dress up like a cow.
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tomorrow is cow appreciation day. call ahead to make sure your local store is participating. you don't want to show up there looking like a cow if your store wasn't participating. >> no. you should get more than a combo meal if you show up putt dressed up like a cow. >> i would be curious to see how many people dress up like a cow. >> more than we realize. coming up, bad news for retailers means good news for buyers. we are going to find out where you may be in for some more bargain blasts. >> something new for michael jackson fans. an honor only one person has outdone. (bell ringing)
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woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's 5 combo of summer. featuring arby's new bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5. big on bbq taste, it's the $5 combo done better.
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retail sales are cool last month. some are blaming the weather. sales of summer staples like shorts and dresses are down, even at discount stores. that has many retailers worried about the back-to-school shopping season that starts up in about a month. the other businesses struggling with were car dealerships, electronic stores and students. that means you can keep your eyes open for good deals as stores try any and everything to lure in customers. here are the final closing numbers from wall street. stocks slightly higher. dow gained four points.
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nasdaq ended the day with a five-point gain. the new york stock exchange closed at 42 points higher. >> another really nice day here in washington. we are going to -- that's not washington. >> no. >> crazy yesterday, barbara. dallas, texas, here. hail that is falling. it is heavy and why was it so unusual? because the temperature yesterday, upper 90s around 100 degrees. they are getting pelted with all of that hail. so -- >> maybe lit cool things off in dallas. >> exactly. lot of hail certainly falling as quickly as that storm system formed, it did dissipate. let's talk about what's happening around our area. folks, temperatures today in the low and mid 80s across the area. the average high now is 88 degrees where it is just about ready to move into one of our hottest times of the year. >> dew point temperatures at 54 degrees. the wind is out of the northeast at eight miles per hour and and seen a general east and southeastly wind in some
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locations. but outstanding weather really for early july still. 82 here. even south of us, raleigh, north carolina, 85. mott bad. cincinnati 76 and cloud cover. 90 in st. louis. west of there. the big heat. the dew point temperature is probably notice it is a little bit of moisture in the air and more than what we had yesterday. the dew point temperature 54 degrees and indeed, it is up from five degrees compared to yesterday. slightly humid conditions come our way for tomorrow. a humid weekend both saturday and even sunday now, i think. frederick, maryland, your temperature is 84. down from 86, your wind light out of the east to northeast. same thing that wind in silver spring, temperature of 85 degrees. the big heat down to the south and southwest again. 100 to 104 degrees. dallas to phoenix right now, phoenix, arizona. so we have an old stalled out weather front south of the area. that will continue moving away. high pressure giving us the north and northeasterly wind. a weather system that will slowly start working its way for saturday and then stall south of
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the area for the weekend. you probably notice there are a few isolated showers and have been trying to set up in the mountains of high spots west to easterly wind and what's called upslope, it allows the clouds and showers to rise. generally dry air across the area. during the overnight period, i'm thinking partly cloudy skies and throughout. and there might be some breaks early tomorrow morning. sunny breaks more towards the east and generally a partly sunny day and looking like a quiet day for tomorrow, too. so here is a look at your forecast. visual forecast, mild conditions. few clouds around. temperature is dropping from the upper 70s to the mid 70s here over the next couple of hours. down to the low 70s by midnight and to start things off, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, it will be warm. 62 to 67. sun is up at 5:52. so looking like a dry day tomorrow. and another day where temperatures will be a few degrees below average. we will take a look at the weekend and beach and boating forecast, too, in a few minutes. >> all right. thanks, veronica. >> we have a winner. >> the people have spoken. >> yes.
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>> decided that angyeeswt.sw dishes out the best frozen gueryo ft a -- latest golden loca ifturer ose closesteot vot swt. ee lgrneeost out by just two percentage points in tn end. >> golden local awarded to fosiyiss vesng for bhe vtes t od, tanment and other services. details are available on our homepage. >> still coming on "news4 at 4:00," an admission from the american journalist sentenced to hard labor in north korea. new concerns arise about her health. >> new video ee released of steve mcnair's girlfriend pulled over by police days before their death. a new fuel charge for drivers. vehicles that will compete with hybrids. will owners buy in? we will find out. if you think you know someone that's special you want to know about that person's story and clear close-up picture or video to that person may be featured on our 6:00 a.m. newscast.?i?yñoñoo
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welcome back at 4:30 and am barbara harrison. >> here's some of the top stories we are working on at this hour. metro announced zero tolerance policy when it comes to mobile phones and bus and i should say mobile phones and its bus and train operators. under the new policy any operator caught using a mobile phone on the job will be fired. this comes after video was found in the internet showing a train
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operator texting as the train moved down the tracks. for the first time since his arrest, marion barry is speaking out about what he called an embarrassment during his july fourth weekend. u. park police arrested barry saturday night for allegedly stalking a woman that he knows. barry sa the officer was wrong to arrest him. prosecutors say they will not go forward with the charges. >> health officials from across the country gathered for a swine flu summit in bethesda today. the federal government is telling states that it is time to come up with a plan. right now for dealing with the h1n1 virus which is expected to resurface this fall. while president obama meets with his fellow world leaders in italy, vice president biden is focus order the economy. >> he is trying to convince folks at home the stimulus plan is working. here's brian mooar. >> reporter: g-8 summit in italy, president obama and other major world leaders agreed on some goals for fighting climate change and opening up trade.
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>> it is -- even more difficult in the context of a global recession. >> reporter: back at home, the talk is about jobs. and whether his stimulus plan will start growing the economy. in cincinnati, vice president biden fired back at the administration's critics. >> when they say we are not saving jobs -- who stills that jobs, count the teachers, thousands in this state who will be showing up in the classroom in september. >> reporter: ohio's unemployment rate is above 10%. there and around the country, there are plenty of naysayers asking when taxpayers will see a return on their $787 billion investments. >> let me ask the rhetorical question. what would they do? >> we probably could have created ten times as many jobs. reporter: house republican leader john boehner just happens to be from ohio. his party lost the stimulus panel but now they are paining the democrats' health care
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reform and energy plan as job killers. >> at a time when we are trying to get the economy going, when we are trying to help create jobs in america, we don't need to be moving policies that make it more difficult. >> reporter: the obama team insists the stimulus will work. >> remember, we are only 140 days into thisdeal. >> reporter: and do the job of creating jobs. >> house speaker pelosi is playing down speculation that there might be a second stimulus bill. she says that the first is just starting to kick in. on capitol hill, brian mooar, news4. a stunning admission today from the american reporters sentenced to work in a north korean labor camp. laura link and euna. lisa ling says in a recent phone conversation that lauraling admitted the two broke the law. >> what happened on that day, the details, we don't know but
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she said it -- except a clear message the other day, we did break the law. now we need our government's help to try to secure amnesty for eunand me. >> lisa says she is concerned about the health of the two women. she says her sister has a recurrent ulcer and yuna lost 15 poun so far. neither has been able to work at a labor camp because of the health problems. more websites have come under attack again by cyber terrorists. south korean officials say seven websites were struck early this morning, one of the affected belonged to the government. the other six are private. the u.s. officials have traced the internet address to north korea. but they caution that does not necessarily mean that kim jong-il's government is responsible. the cyber attacks started over the fourth of july weekend before spreading to seek earlier this week. >> tennessee titans fans, steve mcnair, jerseys and lined up at a national funeral home today. for memorial service for the
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slain former nfl quarterback. police believe he was the victim of a murder-suicide. investigators say the 20-year-old girl kazemi shot him four times. they were dating even though mcnam mcnair was married with four children. kazemi had just learned that mcnair was also involved with another woman. just days before their death, kazemi was pulled over for speeding and suspected dui. mcnair was in the passenger seat at the time. this is police dash cam video. you can see kazemi get out of the car and talking to the officer. police had her walk a white line before she got back in. mcnair was not charged in the incident and according to police left the scene in a cab. mcnair later bailed kazemi out of jail. still ahead here on "news4 at 4:00," a new reality for the man behind some of the's biggest hits. plus,. >> video that has a lot of people talking.
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when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath,
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swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. clouds out there and plenty of sunny breaks and start by taking a look at skycam. still nice out there. we have a north and northeasterly wind across the area. the showers, even isolated storms. whelm down to the south through the carolinas. and west virginia, a few even sneaking just off the shenandoah valley. 82 current temperature. 81 at haguers do err errs -- ha. low 80s through the area. we start tomorrow at 64 and 65
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degrees. under partly sunny skies. looks like tomorrow will be a dry day. a little humid and more humidity for the weekend. saturday, some showers and storms. i think afternoon and even late, sunday we could start the day with just a few lingering to high and mid 80s for sunday and then upper 80s for monday. the 90s now gone. 7-day forecast. a cooler than average pattern for us and an opportunity tore for again rain coming up this weekend and on mainly saturday afternoon. saturday evening and perhaps on through the night, again mid week wednesday. our lawns are starting to look dry. i will be out front news4 in just a few minutes. you can watch the tv shows in more than 70 countries and now producer mark burnett has his own star on the hollywood walk of fame. burnett is responsible for some of the's biggest hits, including
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reality shows like "survivor" and "the apprentice." he was born in london and move to loss floss the early '80s. a magazine included burnett in its list of the most influential people in the world today. >> transformers, revenge of the fallen hit a money milestone. blockbuster sequel has only been in theaters for 14 days but hit the $300 mark here in the states. it is now the second fastest grossing film in the movie history. the batman flick, dark knight, holds the number one spot. so far the transformers sequel earned $600 million worldwide. have you seen it? >> i have seen. >> it is it good? >> it was not as good as the first, in my opinion. it was all right. a lot of effects. lot of effects. i don't know if you would enjoy
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it. will your pet become a frequent flyer? new airline for animals. >> a new distinction for michael jackson atthnly one other ♪
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(announcer) worst-case scenario. so i'm thinking we need a better way to save money. better than subleasing office space? ideally. (announcer) best case solution. switch to verizon high speed internet and phone for business-- with a dedicated high-speed connection from our office to yours, so you won't be slowed down because your neighbors are online. as low as $79.99 a month for 12 months with a 3 year agreement. plus, get over $180 back in available online rebates. call 1-888-845-8854. you'll also get unlimited nationwide calling, 24/7 tech support, and our advanced internet security features all backed by the reliability of the verizon network. call 1-888-845-8854. for as low as 79.99 a month for 12 months, you'll receive over $180 back in available online rebates when you get the verizon single line business pak and data protection pak. one of the many tools in theerizon small business toolbox.
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you may never have to put your beloved fido in the cargo section again. pet airways is the nation's
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first carrier their caters to dogs and cats only. flights begin tuesday out of baltimore-washington international airport and handful of other u.s. cities as well. jenna wolfe has details. >> how would you like to fly coast to coast for just a few hundred dollars? enjoying organic meals in your own private cabin. good to see you. it is not exactly a cabin. it is a cage. the food and fares, those are for real. oh, and here animal behavior is mandatory. mobile devices off. getting ready to land now. >> reporter: manning nearly 20 years are behind the pet-only venture. >> pet comes first in our business. >> if you don't love pets, this is the right place for you. >> reporter: zoe, quiet jack russell terrier, inspired the dream on a commercial flight five years ago. >> we t zoe in the cargo hold of a plane when we moved from san francisco to florida. and we had great anxiety doing
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it. we said there has to be a better way and did a lot research and realized there wasn't a better way and realize wide would build it. >> reporter: build it they di >> pet airways, pets fly in the main cabin. not in cargo. >> pet only airline. people on the flight are pets. d one pet. >> reporter: what was once a commuter plane now looks like this. >> we actually have somewhere between 30 and 50 seats depending on the size of the pet. >> reporter: pet only just for dogs and cats? >> right now it is just dogs and cats but intend to open it up to birds. >> reporter: one turbo prop will service five u.s. cities with a pilot and pet attendant onboard. >> from the time the bet is boarded and the pet taken off the plane, they are going to be watched regularly, monitored. >> reporter: there are no tray tables. and you don't hav to worry bur seat being in an upright position here. >> good boy. >> reporter: it does try to make the animals feel like they are
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flying first class. >> we did in that little silly -- it is okay, abby. guess what. they are going to go oh, no, i have to be scared. if you go hey, abby, this is going to be a positively great flight, and you speak in an upbeat confident tone, that helps a lot. >> reporter: prices start at $150 and increase with the animal's size. >> my goal was to the airlines to make it as affordable as possible to the general public. >> wenow a lot of the pet owners drive willing start flying because they know that there is a face comfortable way for the pets to be transported. >> reporter: by the way, owners can track their pets' whereabouts of all times online. >> that's barbara. hoping to replenish the brand with a lively new commercial.
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♪ this week the bottled water company launched its new live young global campaign. the ads which appear online in the u.s. and on tv overseas features what will soon be the famous break dancing babies, goal of the ad is to project its values of the impurity and a more playful way than in the past. veronica johnson was talking about the ad this morning. >> i think i saw you in there. >> coming up on -- new research linking migraines and women to their risk for breast cancer. we will tell you all about that. >> coming up tonight on "news4 at 5:00" -- >> good afrnoon. i'm wendy rieger. d.c. council member marion barry now talking about the charges and dismissal of his stalking case. we are going hear what he has to say. some cyclists on a charity ride get a tough lesson about obeying traffic laws in one area jurisdiction. the sonic scrubber, looksooks l
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an electric toothbrush but claims to clean like an electric dynamo. liz crenshaw answer it is questions. does it redloy that? those stories are coming up. ( crack of bat, cheering )
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not playing with the kids? not on these legs. poor leg circulation. doctor says it's p.a.d. peripheral artery disease? hmmm. more than doubles your risk for a heart attack or stroke. so i hear. better ask your doctor about plavix. plavix can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots, the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. my cousin the m.d. call your doctor about plavix. (male announcer) if you have a stomach ulcer or other condition that causes bleeding, you should not use plavix. when taking plavix alone or with some other medicines including aspirin, the risk of bleeding may increase so tell your doctor before planning surgery. and, always talk to your doctor before taking aspirin or other medicines with plavix, especially if you've had a stroke. if you develop fever, unexplained weakness or confusion, tell your doctor promptly as these may be signs of a rare but potentially life-threatening condition
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called ttp, which has been reported rarely, sometimes in less than two weeks after starting therapy. other rare but serious side effects may occur. the medical news, encouraging information for women that suffer from migraines. the researchers studied more than 4500 women between the ages of 34 and 64 and those were the history of migraine has a 26%
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reduced risk of developing breast cancer. researchers say they don't know why migraines seem to protect against breast cancer but suspect that it could be due to the hormone which is affect both conditions. and there is more evidence americans are fatter than ever. two-thirds are either obese or overweight. that's according to a new survey. the problem is growing. the number of obese adults in the country increase from 25% in 2007 to more than 26% just a year later in 2008 by comparison in 1980, the national average for adult obesity was 15%. researchers say obesity is particularly prech lent in southern states. an update on the weather now. veronica johnson joins us from outside. veronica? >> nice out here. great weather for outdoor activities around here. but it is no beach and it is no pool. no sea breeze here. i have your beach and boating forecast coming right up. let's talk about temperatures across the area and that cloud cover that we have today because
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temperatures over the next 24 hours, even sky conditions will be similar. partly sunny skies right now. we will hav partly sunny skies tomorrow. our temperatures across the area in the low to mid 80s. we hit 82 degrees today. let's take a look at the current temperature. still holding at 82. 83 degrees tomorrow. locally tonight 57 to 64 degrees, the range. that's what we dropped to last night. so again, temperatures will be comparable with a few clouds across the area and same thing for high temperatures across the area. now let's take a look at your beach and boating forecast. because as it stands now, for areas around cambridge, annapolis, we will have a chance for some showers and storms on saturday. both locations, the water temperature at 75, 76 degrees. air temperature is around 85, 86 degrees. then doing better locally here on sunday. but it is the beaches on sunday that look like they are going to be a bit wet with showers and storms moving through. sunday during the afternoon, too, 85, 86 degrees. remember hoeb sxoth ocean city. saturday, pretty decent, 86.
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water temperatures a bit cooler at 71 to 73. back to you. >> all right. thanks, veronica. >> thanks,ver couldn't. >> indecreed i will end to a wild police chase through very busy streets. >> also, automakers looking to a different type of fuel to compete with hybrids. we will find what's in it for )ñx
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this is where we took a look at the stories making news on the web today. >> great video of a high-speed police chase. violent crash that was caught on tape. police chased this car for 90 minutes last week and the driver refused to pull over after weaving in and out of traffic. the suspect was struck by a truck at an intersection. the driver is still in the hospital and investigators are now trying to figure out if police f followed proper procedure. former washington redskins bruce smith was convicted on drunk driving charges in virginia beach in a courtroom there. smith was stopped for speeding last month and had trouble competing field sobriety tests. the third time smith habeen charged with i in 12 years. he was sentenced to 90 days, suspended jail term. fined $350 and had his license suspended for a year. smith's attorney said he plans to appeal and smith will be inducted into the pro-football hall of fame next month. >> vacation to florida turned deadly for a man from oklahoma. the 54-year-old was with his family near melbourne beach yesterday when lightning struck hill. he was rushed to the hospital.
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he didn't make it. his wife and son suffered minor burns as well. mike has now been immortalized in wax again. the statue of the late king of pop was unveiled today in london. it is the 13th wax statue of jackson. he died would weeks ago today. a few lucky fans who won a competition were on hand as they statue was unveiled. >> hybrids and other green vehicles are hotter than ever. consumers are buying them up and anxious to take advantage of their fuel efficiency and earth-friendly features. now car makers are also taking a second look at an old fuel. diesel. it is even cleaner. michelle franzen has the story. >> reporter: this toyota unveiled the prius in 2001. the cars become the top seller for green vehicles. while more companies, including u.s. automakers, rolled out their own electric or hydrogen models, a choice shows the
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cleaner vehicles arrived and are giving hybrid as run for their money. >> clean diesel is more efficient and cleaner and application that's ready right now. >> reporter: two months ago, audi launched the clean diesel suv and bmw, mercedes and volkswagen all have models. in all a dozen diesel choices for u.s. consumers and 2010 will bring more models. >> i am planning on buying a car for the first time when i graduate college and i'm going to get a diesel engine. >> reporter: automakers say face an uphill battle that diesel engines are noisy and the fuel burns smokey. >> this is not your grandfather, even your father's diesel engine. it is incredibly cleaner and really is. fuel efficient. >> reporter: 30% more fuel efficient than gasoline and 20% cleaner. >> because we rallied around this, something, you know, environmental protection agency made very clear. >> reporter: there is one other bump in the road.
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diesel has the same potential when it comes to global demand and market volatility as gasoline. and cost. experts say that the difference is a gallon of diesel will take you farther. >> right now, ones on the market are probably in the 40 to 50-mile per gallon range. >> reporter: more miles per gallon and savings to the environment that may be too good for consumers to pass up. michelle franzen, news4. >> that's "news4 at 4:00." >> "news4 at 5:00" starts right now. tonight on "news4 at 5:00," krit word from a d.c. council member, marion barry, speaks out his first time after arrests of stalking charges. several gang members are arged in the beating of a maryland man that ended with his death. liz crenshaw finds out if the sonic scrubber does what it says. good evening. welcome to "news4 at 5:00."
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i'm eun yang. >> i'm wendy rieger. metro bus and rail operators caught on camera texting or on the phone. tonight there is a new crackdown on that kind of behavior behind the wheel. metro says that they are going stob keeping a closer eye on their operators. and intend to come down hard on people who they say are breaking the rules. chris gordon is outside the metro station northwest washington. talking about this. chris? >> today metro got tough on texting, pdas and cell phones. announci a new policy that any metro employee found using any of these devices while operating a train or bus will be terminated imdiately. tonight we begin our report with exclusive new pictures taken by a metro passenger. eddie davis snapped three pictures of the operator of this orange line train on the morning of september 18th, 2007. >> i noticed that the operator


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