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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  July 10, 2009 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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stability when you're walking in the heels. >> when you're wearing high heels, you need that for support. >> reporter: uneun yang, news 4. >> information you can use. >> not in the near future, i don't think. >> stay with us, everyone. "news 4 today" continues now at 5:00 a.m. getting close to home. a couple beaten and tased while walking their dog in a northern virginia neighborhood. how they escaped the brazen attack. >> more questions. marion barry will not face stalking charges but he could still be under investigation. why one of his colleagues is now calling for a review. >> and upgrade. metro's red line is getting ready for a facelift. why things could get better for riders but only before they get worse. good morning, everyone. welcome. we're glad you're with us. i'm barbara harrison. >> good morning to you. i'm joe krebs on this friday, the 10th day of july 2009. much more on all those stories
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after we take another quick look at traffic and weather, this time on the 1s. >> meteorologist tom kierein right here next to me with the weather for today and the weekend. >> good morning. sunrise is 51 minutes away now. it's going to be coming up in a partly cloudy sky. let's take a look at dar. no precipitation here. there's one little shower just to the east of rrhabuonisrg, on ch f oju arestte,loll ori of ding d t tohe utdast an dig.ipatin wghnot 's i nwashgt.on it aloo cnior me oncor again with low humidity. o we're in theow l and mid-60s all around the region this morning. eastern shore, though, even a little cooler away from the ms.5teid tou t heof mountains near 60. we have a few clouds to our west. those may ri dfting a in d tshe day progresses. a partly cloudy day. by 9:00 should be near 70. by noon upper0 by mid-aftusno jont around 80 degrees. the average high this year 88 with steamy humidity. we won't have that today. another cooler than average and comfortable july day on the way.
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sunset will be at 8:35. i'll show did you forecast for saturday. that will be coming up at 5:11. >> thanks, tom. >> thanks very much. let's goo jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. jerry? >> good morning. had some overnight road work. authorities are wrapping that up. start in northern virginia, 66 westbound headed out toward fair oaks, a little construction still on the roadway. might be briefly heavy. eastbound headed toward the beltway out of centreville, all the travel lanes are open for you. no worries there. elsewhere, take a peek along i- 0 between baltimore and frederick. looking pretty good. haven't had any hangups reported out around route 15 headed that direction this morning. or 95 from dumfries to the beltway, all lanes currently open. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you, jerry. new today, major changes could be on the way for metro. the agency is planning to revamp everything from platforms to train tracks on the red line. news 4's megan mcgrath joins us live from the shady grove metro station with more on how this could impact metro riders.
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good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, barbara. it's been a tough go for folks on the red line ever since the deadly collision, they've been dealing with speed restrictions and other adjustments. well, the long-term forecast isn't looking all that great either. there's going to be some pain before things get better because of a large scale overhaul that is planned for metro. it's going to begin on the red line early next year between dupont circle and silver spring, but really it's going to affect all five lines before it's over. it's a very large scale project, $177 million project. it's going to mean some growing pains for folks. some adjust pts are going to have to be made, delays. not good for commuters, but hopefully when it's all over ert'gs will t better. s look at some of the spifericle hse. ong the iverompments tilt wrol ebead mtad a shady grav a metro hey will doom se s rehabilitation esthe also going t addey cion ars at et dlaleuprc south statn. adng escalndorad as a a canopy and a stairwell at the foggy
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n.ttom stio they're also going to be doing a lot of genalk wor to automatic l communications sy stem.heon tg now, they are expected to give final approval to the plan on july the 16th. the first phase is going to happen, as i mentioned, on the red line between dupont circle and silver spring. it's going to take awhile. that first phase could take about four years. then they will move on to other phases of the project. back to you, barbara. >> thank you, megan. >> turning now to a bold attack in prince william county. a couple was out walking their dog when three robbers came out of nowhere demanding money. it happened on monday night in lake ridge, virginia. the 29-year-old victim says he was punched in the face and tased during a violent holdup. >> next thing i know, i heard the pattering of food steps behind me, and somebody grabbed me by the shirt collar, put gun to my head. said, give me the money. i'm wearing mesh shorts and a t-shirt. i had no money on me. >> the victim didn't want his
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name used, but he says his masked attackers got angry when they found out he didn't have any money. he says the robbers forced him to his apartment. he says his girlfriend ran ahead, grabbed $50 from their home and told the thieves to take the money and go. police are still looking for the suspects. >> today the fallout from d.c. councilman marion barry's recent arrest continues, though the stalking charges have been dropped. city officials want to investigate a contract he awarded to his then girlfriend. tracee wilkins joins us from the wilson building in northwest washington this morning on this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there seems to be so much to this story. just keeps unfolding. now that charges have been dropped, the city is focusing on that $60,000 contract that marion barry awarded to the woman who was at the center of this controversy, but marion barry is still focused on that arrest. d.c. council members plan to meet today to discuss donna
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watts-brighthaupt being hired by barry. brighthaupt tells the post she was awarded the contract two months after she and barry started dating. the paper says a d.c. council member will hire a law firm to look into the contract. brighthaupt is a 40-year-old woman who was at the center of the stalking allegations that led to barry's arrest by u.s. park police. charges were dropped, but during a press conference yesterday, that arrest was still barry's focus. >> mr. morales and the national park service police have caused great pain in my family and this community and the nation. if this inappropriate arrest had not occurred, we wouldn't be going through this pain. >> reporter: there were plenty of press conferences held this week by barry's spokesperson. it was during one of those press kchbss that it was revealed that
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watts-brighthaupt was given a contract by the barry administration. they supported it at that point. but when asked yesterday about the contract, barry said, we'll let you know. tune in. tracee wilkins, live outside the wilson building. back to you. >> thank you. president obama is spending his last day in italy at the g-8 summit. today he is meeting with lead frers the african nations and later he'll meet with pope benedict xvi at the vatican. yesterday, president obama reiterated his goals for fig fighting climate change and opening up trade. the world leaders agreed to a target of trying to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by the year 2050. meanwhile, back here in the states, democratic party leaders defended the president's stimulus plan saying it will take some more time before the economy starts growing. >> our time right now is 5:07. 65 degrees out there. people in our area ready to rock. find out which mega stars are coming to nationals park. >> plus, a redskins star's in trouble with the law. we'll tell you albert hams' worst fate.
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>> lady, she was like, what are all these black kids doing? she said i'm scared. >> and a day at th pool sparks a racial controversy. just wait until you hear how the pool's president responded to allegations of discrimination. ( rock music playing )
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this is about a new, more efficient luxury hybrid continuing to produce 70% fewer smog-forming emissions while delivering greater power. a fact not lost on the world around us. the all-new 2010 lexus rx hybrid.
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well, here's today's new4 icaiasn st, k-a livefi rsen today could be the day you get a
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free come be meal but there's a catch. you have to dress up as a cow. >> yep, you heard it right. that's because today is cow appreciation day. call ahead toak e sure your local store is participating bere you show up there dressed like a cow.ou >> wonder if you dress up like bart simpson that could count. "don't have a cow, man." let's go to meteorologist tom kierein. >> i don't think people have cow costumes in the closet. >> can you just wear the horns, maybe get part of a meal? looking off to the east, venus gleaming brilliantly in the eastern sky. there's the predawn glow over the potomac river, now 65 in washington. near 60 in prince george's county. around the bay, mid-60s. eastern shore, away from the water's in the 50s to near 60. a few sprinkles in southwestern virginia this morning. those will be dissipating shortly. for the rest of the morning, partly cloudy. into the afternoon, partly cloudy to partly sunny at times,
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highs reaching near 80, low humidity again. another cooler than average day and comfortable humidity. sunrise is 5 a. :52. down in the mid-60s by dawn tomorrow. for saturday, partly sunny, more humid, a chance of late afternoon for evening thundershowers. there's a small chance but overall most of the day should be dry, highs reaching the mid-80s. a look at sunday and next week. that will be in ten minutes. jerry, good morning. hour's the traffic? >> tom, we are starting off very quietly. just going to zip right in through the rush hour and going to be great. guaranteed. we'll keep our fingers crossed anyway. hey, it's friday. 270 southbound looking good so far from frederick past hyattstown toward the beltway. overnight road work in the northbound lanes. if that is left up here, it's having no effect on traffic. elsewhere, check your speeds to see how you're doing out there this morning. up on the beltway, the outer loop as you head from i-95 college park over to the american legion bridge, only 20 minutes so far this morning.
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then 7 minutes from the american legion bridge down to i-66. after that, tack on another 8 minutes headed toward the springfield interchange. barbara and joe, back to you. >> optimism. it's wonderful. >> thank you. >> we should start every day -- >> with jerry's optimism. >> all right. >> get a free bucket of that if you send him an e-mail. 5:13 is the time, 65 degrees. a controversy at a swimming pool. just wait until you hear how the president of a swim club responded to allegations that some kids were kicked out because of their race. >> plus, a metro operator caught texting while driving a train. next at 5:15, we'll tell you how metro's cracking down. wc?ó úúúa
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our time right now is 5:15. updating the top stories in the news for today. gm is expected to announce it is emerging from bankruptcy today. a court ruling that was keeping the deal on hold expired yesterday. now general motors can sell most of its assets, creating a new company that is more than 60% owned by the government. it will also cut thousands of jobs in half of its u.s. brands. today illinois senator roland burris is expected to announce he will not run for a full term in 2010. he was appointed to the seat by impeached governor rod blagojevich. burris has repeatedly denied any charges that he tried to buy his way into the senate, but he has
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had trouble raising funds. barbara? >> metrobus and train operators will soon have to adhere to a new policy. the transit agency is cracking down on cell phone use behind the wheel. it intends to come down hard on people who break those rules. news 4's chris gordon has details. >> reporter: eddy davis snapped three pictures of the operator of this orange line train on the morning of september 18th, 2007. >> i noticed that the operator took his eyes off the tracks and was actually texting on his cell phone. and i just said, oh, my god, you know. so, what i did immediately was i pulled out my cell phone. i said i'm going to have to take pictures of this. >> reporter: this week, news broadcasts of the video showing a metro operator texting in early june led to him being suspended without pay for five days, but for train operators and metrobus drivers, a new, stricter policy goes into effect
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next monday, july 13th. >> starting on monday we're going to have a no tolerance policy. zero tolerance if you're caught using your cell phone or texting while operating a vehicle, you can go work somewhere else. >> reporter: this is heightened after an accident that injured more than 60 people, and the los angeles crash of a metro link that killed 25 people in which operator texting is being considered as a cause. but texting apparently played no part in last month's fatal metrorail crash here in washington since the operator's cell phone was found in her backpack. the union representing transit workers says safety is a top priority, but it is concerned about failures inioad r communicatssns i, stui ang tyiensat ng,ef"beorsa keing roblanzet toleranceze opocylincyel cl phone c use,ag, matao beginpe on s onth tscheon uni about u
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oissuesf broader effective communications systems for the operators." chris gordon, "news 4 today." >> tomorrow, former nfl star steve mcnair will be buried. the memorial service was held last night at his church in nashville. former star running back eddy george and four offensive linemen were among the p pallbeare pallbearers. he was killed on july the 4th in what police are calling a murder/suicide. the pastor says the service was to remember mcnair's accomplishments in life and his charity work, not the circumstances of his death. well, the washington nationals had mixed results in houston where they finished two games yesterday. >> hakem dermish has the details now in your sports minute. >> good morning, everyone, your sports minute begins with baseball. the nationals in houston last night where they played two games. first, the nats and astros resumed a game that was suspended because of rain two months ago. the nationals won that game
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11-10 on an ror. in the scheduled game, the astros blasted the nats, scoring 9 runs on 16 hits. the nats lose it 9-4 and fall to 25-59 on the season. in golf, at the women's u.s. open, bethlehem, pennsylvania, 21-year-old korean ae is on pace to capture her first lpga victory. she had a 3 under 68 in the first round and leads by one track. at the tour de france, a swiss man remains the overall leader. for lance armstrong, he's a fraction of a second behind. that's your sports minute. i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. >> albert haynesworth has worked out a plea deal in a reckless driving case. haynesworth pleaded no contest and was put on probation for three months. he was involved in a car accident in tennessee last december while he was a member of the titans. prosecutors say he tried to pass another driver who slammed into
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a median. the other driver was badly hurt. besides probation, haynesworth must perform 25 hours of community service, make a $5,000 charitable contribution, and attend driving school. >> well, some children from the city of brotherly love apparently did not find any of that at a suburban philadelphia swimming pool. the campers were kicked out and some parents believe it's because of their race. the creative steps camp in northeast philadelphia paid for the children of the day camp to use aool at a private club every monday. the club is in a predominantly white city suburb. but on one recent trip, some of the students reported hearing racial comments. >> i heard this lady. she was like, what are all these black kids doing here? she's like, i'm scared they might do something to my child. >> it didn't happen to me. it happened to a bunch of kids. every parent is upset. they're growing up to believe they're just as equal as anybody else. >> the pool president later informed the camp that their membership was suspended and refunded their money. the pool president also released a statement saying that there
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was a lot of concern that the kids would change the, quote, complexion and atmosphere at the club. the ncaa -- naacp, excuse me, has called for a state investigation. 5:21 now is our time. me for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> going to check in with meteorologist tom kierein now in storm center 4 for a look at our weather. tom? >> another day with a reprieve from our usual high humidity. good morning. there is the predawn sunrise in washington under way. sun will be up here in about half an hour in a mostly clear sky. a beautiful peach-colored sunrise there over the potomac. now 65 in washington. and from takoma park to mitchellville, chantilly, aspen hill, low humidity in place with temperatures in the low to mid-60s. a few clouds in and out as the day progresses. afternoon highs should climb in the low 80s with low humidity. tomorrow, more humid, partly sunny. afternoon highs mid-80s, a small chance of a late afternoon or evening thundershower. a greater chance of maybe some
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afternoon showers and thundershowers on sunday. still humid. then monday, into next week, looks like we'll be seeing some low humidity moving back in monday and tuesday, highs in the 80s, but getting more humid wednesday into thursday. could get some thundershowers wednesday. jerry, good morning. how's the traffic? >> good morning, everyone, happy friday. head south to fredericksburg, take a live look along i-95 northbound and southbound. there's southbound, there's northbound. about a 50/50 flow of traffic this morning. those folks might be going away, a little vacation. other than that, looking good so far. on 395, to and across the 14th street bridge, nothing to worry about. the lanes remain open for you. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> jerry, thanks a lot. our time 5:22, 65 degrees. are you ready to ck? we'll show you which music legends are coming to nationals park. >> it's a barbie bonanza here in the district. we'll tell you why. >> here's your liz "on the money," money saving tip of the day. >> health care is expensive. parade magazine has this tip to
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lower your health care bill. ask for a cheaper medication. when your doctor prescribes a medication, ask if there's a cheaper generic alternative. also, some pharmaceutical companies have a assistance programs to help with medication costs. i'm liz crenshaw, "on the y. mone"mo
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the stage has been set for the hottest particular net town. the billy joel/elton john concert. the duo will be performing at nationals stadium tomorrow. workers were at the stadium yesterday putting everything together for the big show. this will be the first concert ever at the stadium, now in its second year. it will be the biggest event to take place since pope benedict hold a papal mass there last year. >> a very well-known woman is celebrating her 50th birthday here in the district this week. we're talking about barbie. the national barbie doll collectors convention is being held at the marriott wardman park hotel. collreto ars speinrgou f full days celebrating everything barbie. not barbara, but barbie. they're unveiling her latest life-size inspired dress, complete with a pair of hot pink stilettos and a beatle. the convention is sold out but you can still get in. there's a public day tomorrow
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from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the admission is $7. barbie as opposed to barbara, even though you do have pin stilettos on. >> i do not, joe. life sized dress. >> i guess. >> and life sized stilettos. >> i d't know if there's a life sized barbie anywhere. >> somewhere out there. 5:27, 65 degrees here in the nation's capital. violent young offenders escaping from a juvenile detention center weeks after it happened. coming up, an update on this story and tell you about major fallout from this. >> how's this for a want ad? one town is in search of a witch. we'll tell you which, coming up.
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red line rehab. metro has a major facelift planned. why it could make things more difficult for riders before they get better. good morning and welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs on this friday, the 10th of july. >> okay. i'm barbara harrison. anxious to tell you that. and here are some of the other top stories that we're following for you today. under investigation. marion barry won't face stalking charges but he will face more questions. one of his colleagues is calling for an inquiry. >> and grave concerns. dozens of plots dug up from a historic cemetery. coming up, we'll tell you what may have been the motive behind
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all this decembsecrationdesecra >> those stories and more coming up after we take a look at traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's go to meteorologist statistic. here's in storm center 4 right now. >> the moon and planets putting on a show here predawn. there is a live picture of the moon in the west and upper left there, that bright spot is the planet jupiter. of course, the moon much closer to earth. jupiter's about half a billion miles away. in the eastern sky, live picture from our city camera showing now venus fading a little bit in that predawn glow. sun will be up in about 20 minutes. a cool and comfy 60 5 in washington with low humidity, temperatures in the low 60s in montgomery, fairfax and prince george's counties, mid-50s on the eastern shore, near 60 out in the mountains. another day all around the region with low humidity except been a few sprinkles just to the south and east of charlottesville this morning. those are dissipating. we'll have some clouds in and out throughout the day. low humidity. and afternoon highs only around 80 degrees. sunrise is 5:52.
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sunset will be at 8:35. overnight tonight, partly cloudy, turning a little more humid by dawn tomorrow, mid-60s. a look at the saturday forecast in ten minutes. barbara and joe? >> thank you very much, tom. >> tom, thanks very much. let's go to jerry edwards. he's checking the traffic at this hour on a friday. what's it look like? >> good morning. still pretty quiet, not a lot to worry about, very good news. take a look here through northeast, checked out new york avenue, rhode island avenue, ken el worth avenue, not much at all. this is new york avenue at bladensburg road. a little bit of a traffic light issue and that's it. 95 southbound at quantico, had an accident reported. police check didn't find anything, so that's good news. northbound the lanes are open. 66 coming in from haymarket all the way in, no issues. the top side of the beltway, college park to silver spring, both ways moving quite nicely. barbara and joe, back to you. >> anks, jerry. >> thanks very much. new today, metro's red line could get a makeover. changes could be coming from the track to the platforms.
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news 4's megan mcgrath joins us live from the shady grove metro station with details on how this might affect with the way metro riders get around. >> reporter: good morning. this could mean some growing pains for folks who travel on the red line, and really this is a long-term project so we'll be eventually talking about the other lines as well. metro will try to minimize the pain. they'll do a lot of the work on the non-peak hours outside of the rush hou period as much as possible, but you might see some disruptions here and there as the work goes forward. this is a multi-year project. a $177 million overhaul. it's going to get under way early next year, beginning on the red line between dupont circle and silver spring. they're hoping this will improve the system. they're doing a number of different things. it involves track work as well as escalators and a number of different things. they say it's work that is long overdue. let's take a look at some of the specifics here. at the shady grove and rockville stations they will be doing extensive platform
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rehabilitation. also they're going to add escalators at the dupont circle atsosth escalators will be added and a canopy and a stairwell at the foggy bottom station. then they're going to also be doing a lot of work to the automatic train control and communications systems. they'll be upgrading those em stsys and doing a number of on steir things as well, just too many different things to mention here. but a lot of work being done over several years beginning on that section i mentioned on the red line. we've been talking to folks here this morning about the work. they agree that work needs to be done. they just hope it won't be too painful. >> maybe be better, hopefully better for the long run. i don't know. >> reporter: you're okay with the short-term pain? >> yes, i am. >> i guess it's necessary. it's for our safety, i'm sure. i'm sure they're long overdue, and i just hope there's no rate increase. that's my only problem.
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>> reporter: and this plan, the work they are proposing here is expected toe approved at the meeting on july the 16th. should mention that this was in the works before the deadly collision on metro occurred. something they've been looking at for a while. they say repairs need to be made, maintenance needs to be done to keep the system going and keep things safe. back to you. >> thanks very much, megan. metro's cracking down on drivers' cell phone use behind the wheel. beginning monday, any operator of a train or a bus caught using a mobile device on the job will be fired. the new zero tolerance policy comes just days after video was posted online that showed a metro train operator texting with his head down while the train sped ahead on the tracks. the operator was suspended for five days with pay, but returned to work this week. metro says it wants passengers to report any irresponsible behavior. >> the g-8 summit wraps up in italy today. after that, the president and first family will meet with
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t he apethe vatin. a enthedheenhay toha ghana where they're expected to get a very warm welcome. brooke hart has our report. >> reporter: this morning's working breakfast put president obama within feet of libya's moammar gadhafi, the one time international outcast now a part of summit diplomacy. the president's final stop before leaving italy is at the vatican. >> the president has been looking for an opportunity to visit the holy sea and to meet in person with the holy father. >> reporter: experts say pope benedict is setting aside risks over birth control, abortion and stem cell research, instead seeing an opportunity to team up with barack obama on problems like climate change. >> one of my highest priorities as president. >> reporter: the president brokered an agreement to slash emissions. he could not get developing nations to go along. >> curb xwloebl warming first in america and china will follow.
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china's not following us anyplace. >> reporter: the president hinted on his own head winds on the issue at home. >> we each have our own politics to contend with. >> reporter: critics aren't backing down. >> what we need to do is to start here in congress by stopping job killing legislation like speaker pelosi's national energy tax. >> reporter: later today, the president heads to ghana, his choice. >> such an admirable example of strong democratic governance by a society. >> reporter: aides say the president will highlight an african success story. he'll visit a former hub of the slave trade. fans eagerly await. >> he is what the ancestors have sent to us. >> reporter: there's been a major cleanup of ghana's capital in anticipation. president obama will deliver a speech on democracy to ghana's parliament. aides say it will be the start of barack obama putting his policy stamp on africa, the continent where his father was born. in washington, brooke hart, nbc news. >> our time right now 5:37.
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aig has already accepted big bailout dollars. how the company's trying to get you to foot the bill for executive bonuses now. >> plus, why marion barry is facing another investigation. >> and an unusual want ad. why one town is searching for a witch. wñwoyw'
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here's today's news 4 bargain blast. g looktoin print out your fourth of july photos?
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cvs will let yountri pri tfom r . fr >> the cvsfr phor centes i offering 50 free prints if you orsign fp a new pho fto center .t neli justisit to sign up. >> 5:41 is our time. time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's start with meteorologist tom kierein in storm center 4. tom? >> another serene summer morning under way. good morning. live picture from our city camera showing the sky getting brighter now. sun will be up in about ten minutes. that's the view over the potomac. a cool morning, 65 in washington. from late onsville to washington's benning neighborhood, herndon as well as largo, it is a comfortable and cool summer morning. a few clouds down through central virginia and into the mountains at this hour. we'll have clouds in and out today, highs only reaching near 80. low humidity. sunrise is 5:52, sunset 8:35, partly cloudy this evening. getting more humid tonight. by dawn in the mid-60s saturday morning. for saturday, partly sunny.
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there is a small chance of a late afternoon or evening thundershower. otherwise turning more humid tomorrow and hotter, up into the mid-80s. a look at sunday and next week. that will be in ten minutes along with the bay and beach forecast. how's the traffic now, jerry? >> tom, be looking forward to that. let's check things out where it's very, very quiet this morning. all the northeast corridors checking out very, very quietly. southeast as well. 295, south capital street doing fine. elsewhere along the 270 corridor, no hangups to report. capital beltway both ways between i-270 and i-95 springfield both directions no early hangups. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you. our time is 5:42. marion barry facing more questions. why his colleague is calling for an investigation. >> i had my father, my mom is out here. i don't know what's going on. >> plus, a historic cemetery desecrated. why police say dozens of graves were dug up.
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our time right now 5:45. updating our top stories of the morning -- the man accused of opening fire inside the holocaust museum could make his fst court appearance today. 88-year-old james von brunn is accused of murdering a museum guard. he was critically injured in the shootout with other guards, but is expected to survive. metro will no longer tolerate any bus or train operators using a cell phone on the job. starting monday, any driver caught using a mobile device on the job will be fired. the move follows video of a metro train operator caught texting with his head down while his train sped ahead on the tracks. metro's red line could be in for a facelift. the transit system is planning a major rehabilitation project in 2010. it will cost $177 million and could take years to complete. metro's full board could approve the plan next week.
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>> happening today, the controversy surrounding d.c. councilman marion barry's recent arrest continues. the stalking charges against him have been dropped, but now city officials want to investigate a contract he awarded to his then girlfriend. news 4's tracee wilkins joins us live from northwest washington this morning with more on this. good morning, tracee. >> reporter: good morning. that was a $60,000 contract that barry awarded. he's been holding a series of press conferences all week, and during one of them, he brought up or his spokesperson who was representing him brought up the fact that they had awarded this contract. and while the d.c. government is saying that this is something that they want to look into, barry's still focusing on his arrest. d.c. council members plan to meet today to discuss donna watts-brighthaupt being hired by barry to run a ward 8 program. according to "washington post," brighthaupt tells the post she was awarded the contract two months after she and barry started dating. the paper says vincent gray will enlist an independent law firm to look into the contract.
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watts-brighthaupt is a 40-year-old woman at the center of the stalking allegations that led to barry's arrest. charges were dropped, but during a press conference barry held yesterday, the arrest was still his focus. >> mr. morales and the national park service police have caused great pain in my family, in this community and the nation. if this inappropriate arrest had not occurred, we wouldn't be going through this pain. >> reporter: now, again, the contract was revealed during one of the press conferences and that's how the public and the press found out about it. now he is defending that contract, or at least he did in the past. when asked today or yesterday about the contract, he said, "we'll let you know. tune in." back to you in the studio. >> thanks very much. d.c. mayor adrian fenty has
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fired five employees at the new beginnings youth center. the center superintendent was demoted and two other staff members were suspended. this follows two recent jail breaks. a teen escaped from the d.c.-owned facility in anne arundel county last month. six others broke out just this past weekend. the fra teshl order of police issued a statement on behalf of the corrections officers has night saying there was not enough staffing, nor a secure area to restrain the offenders. >> police are searching for a group of robbers who attacked a couple in prince william county. it happened monday night in lake ridge, virginia. the couple was out walking their dog when three masked robbers approached them and demanded money. the 29-year-old victim says he was punched in the face and tased during the violent holdup. >> they real ized i had no money, started punching me in the face, tased me, i thought it was over. it was horrible. i couldn't move my muscles, nothing. it was ridiculous. i couldn't move. >> the victim didn't want his name used but he says his attackers got angry when they
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found out he didn't have any money. he says the robbers forced him to his apartment. his girlfriend ran ahead, grabbed $50 from the home and told the thieves to take the money and go. police are still searching for the suspects. a man accused of killing a baby in suitland is in jail this morning. police arrested a 21-year-old man of northwest d.c. he faces first degree murder charges in the death of an 8-month-o 8-month-old boy. the child was killed while sitting in his car seat. police say the man opened fire on the car, targeting his father who survived. >> new details about the sex scandal involving nevada senator j john ensign. the senator has admitted that his parents paid off the mistress and her family. he said cindy hampton and her family got $96,000 from ensib and his parents sometime last year. the attorney says it was paid out of concern for the family's well-being.
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watchdog groups wonder whether that's a violation of campaign finance laws. ensign's lawyer says the money was gifts and did not break any rules. senator roland burris will not be seeking a full term in 2010. the illinois senator plans to announce his decision sometime today. impeached governor rod blagojevich appointed burris to the seat which was vacated by president obama. burris has repeatedly denied any charges that he tried to buy his way into the senate and he's -- but he has raised very little money during his time in office. >> now to a disturbing story out of chicago suburb near chicago. investigators say as many as 300 bodies were dug up from a his tok ir cemetery so that plots could be resold. police have charged four employees of the burr oak cemetery with dismembering a human body. they allegedly removed bodies or pounded down the original graves to make room for other ckets.
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>> nothing there but a big old hole. >> when i looked at my brother's grave and my grandfather's, it's been disturbed. they laidresh soil and grass seed to try to replace what they dug up. >> burr oak cemetery is believed to be the first african-american cemetery in chicago. emmett till is burr rid there. investigators are confident his grave was not disturbed. police say the company that owns the cemetery is cooperating with police in this investigation. >> 5:51 is the time. time again for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> tom is here with a look at our forecast for today. >> another dreamy summer morning under way. we have low humidity again in place. enjoy. one more day. it will be coming back here for the weekend. certainly going to be feeling like you want to get to the beach or the pool this weekend. i've got your beach and bay forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. right now, though, as we look at our sky, just two minutes away from dawn in washington, and it's going to be mostly sunny start to theday. temperatures right now in the mid-60s here in washington, and right near the waters, but
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elsewhere it's another cool morning. as we look at radar, no precipitation aroundwashington. we've had a few sprinkl southwest of fredericksburg. those are dissipating. near 60 in prince george's county. in montgomery county, near 60 degrees this morning, low 60s in fairfax county. weather watchers reporting in the rural areas of maryland and virginia this morning only in the low 60s at this hour. in the upper 50s parts of the shenandoah valley. weather watchers in southern maryland, northern neck and on the eastern shore reporting the mid-60s. and it's a little bit farther inland from the ocean, in the mid-50s in salisbury. out in the mountains just near 60 degrees. over the last six hours, been watching a few of these sprinkles here dissipating as they head to the southeast. we have this persistent east to southeast flow which is building some cloud cover here to our west. that may begin to move in here as the day progresses. are you traveling today? could be some flight delays again in florida. as well as perhaps carolinas through maybe parts of the tennessee valley and up around
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chicago. could be flight delays in chicago later on today. maybe some rain in the upper great lakes region. elsewhere, the west is looking terrific and dry. no flight delays there, no flight delays in new england as well. well, for us we've got a front that's developing here in the upper midwest that will be triggering more showers and thunderstorms there. that will be approaching us. out ahead of that we have the humidity that will be sweeping in tomorrow, but for today we're under the influence of the cool, dry high pressure that's anchored just off the new england coast and the circulation around that is giving us a southeasterly flow which will keep it comfortable today and cooler than average, that's for sure, with highs only around 80 this afternoon. sunrise just .cuedrr sunset at 8:35. partly cloudy tonight. looks like it will be a little more humid this evening. by dawn tomorrow, mid-60s. partly sunny day oned saturday. humid, great day to get to the beach or to the pool. it will be in the mid-80s. but then late afternoon and evening you might hear thunder so getdyveidrybons ie.ns maybe some thundershowers rollg through by then, a small chance. a grencern cha oe o sunday of
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some passing showers and thundershowers mainly in the afternoon. highs in the mid-80s. otherwise, just a steamy y.da mostly cloudy sunday. monday we dry out a little bit, a little lower humidity moving in monday as well as tuesday. highs in the 80s. great beach and pool weather. wednesday maybe a passing thundershower. now re's the bay forecast. great for sailingn saturday. south winds gusting to 25 with highs in the 80s. on sunday, the winds will shift into the soututsoh/heast, be in the 80s, maybee sso s afternoon thundershowers there. a great day at the beaches. rehoboth,any, oitde con wrfulce down to the outer banks, temperatures in the lowh0sit wrf lo ts o sunshine. maybe some afternoon thundershowers on sunday. that's the way it looks. pretty good summery weekend coming up. >> got big plans for the weekend? >> i do. >> great. >> two full days. thanks very much. let's go to jerry edwards and the news 4 traffic network. >> good morning. we'll head south on the capital beltway. strange situation developing over there. had reports of a broken down
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vehicle in the roadway inner loop at telegraph road as well as outer loop of telegraph road. i've looked carefully, can't find either incident. double-check to make sure. the traffic flow looks like there is nothing in the roadway. elsewhere take a peek and see how we're doing toward the eastern shore this morning. coming and going over theay bridge, no worries. i-95 northbound and southbound between baltimore and washington, traffic moving along very nicely on this friday. back to you. >> okay. thanks, jerry. >> thanks, jerry. ppening today, gm is expected to announce it is emerging from bankruptcy. the automaker's holding a news conference in detroit today. the court ruling that was keeping the deal on hold expired yesterday. now gm can sell most of its assets, creating a new company that is more than 60% owned by the federal government. ceo fritz henderson is expected to explain executive cuts, management changes and the company's plan to make money by emphasizing quality and fuel economy. aig is reportedly asking the federal government to approve its plan to resume paying
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millions of dollars in executive bonuses. the company is currently afloat with about $180 billion in taxpayer cash word of bonuses earlier this year caused a lot of public controversy. now "the washington post" reports that the insurers asked the administration's compensation czar to approve the payments in advance to head off any public outrage. >> we're always looking for jobs for you. nighttime care center's looking for an interactive and social marketer. the job involves interacting with the online community and promoting the center. the position is based in crofton, maryland. applicants should have at least three years experience in advertising or marketing. to plapy,ap visit and search jobs 4 you. how's this for a job for you? witches may have been burned at the stake in the past, but one british town is actually taking applications. the woolkie holes caves near
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wells, england, is looking for a new witch. the job pays about $80,000 a year. in return, the witch has to live in the cool caves and entertain tourists with information about witchcraft. >> if living in a cave doesn't sound that good to you, take a look at this. think about this. two brothers in rio are literally living life on the edge. they eat, sleep and work on the side of a building. it's 33 feet up in the air. this living art exhibit is complete with a bed, a hammock, a chair and a dining table. attached to a red and yellow wall. the brothers have been hanging out on the side of this building since may. they plan to keep this up at least until the end of the month. the only question unanswered is, why? >> because -- >> it's art. >> -- they can. still ahead this morning, why some fear president obama's book could pose a threat to national security. >> plus, someone close to alaska governor sarah palin is talking about why she might have resigned. >> what's ahead, the weekend forecast. ( chirping, music )
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♪ pop-tarts®! i'll have a frosted strawberry... as an ice cream sandwich. ♪ chocolate fudge... on a stick please! ( crunch ) with the endless possibilities of kellogg's® pop-tarts, it's sure to be a picture perfect summer. pop-tarts®. made for fun™.
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tñ< maybe you want to knock off early today. sun's kind of strong. [ sizzling ] i don't know... i feel pretty good! let's try to finish it off. working in the hot sun. with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice, you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. liven up your afternoon
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with a small coolatta for only $1.99 today. extreme makeover. metro riders will soon see big changes on the rails. the major facelift set to get under way and what it means for your commute. >> the saga continues. former d.c. mayor marion barry once again at the center of controversy. the investigation that could jeopardize his role on the city council. >> visit to the vatican. president obama wraps up crucial meetings with world leaders. this morning preparations are under way for his audience with the pope. good morning and welcome to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> and i'm barbara harrison. it's friday, july 10th, 2009. let's take a look outside, see what kind of day is developing out there. sun beautifully glowing on the horizon. i guess it must have been up for a couple of minutes now, hmm? tom kierein here to talk you about it. >> a lovely sunrise out there,
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tom. >> yeah, it occurred eight minutes ago. low humidity again in place. enjoy it while you can because it's going to be turning steamy for the weekend. here's how thingsre looki around the region now. no rain in washington as we look at the radar. there have been a few sprinkles southwest of fredericksburg, just to the east of charlottesville. ri ding southeast andri tending to dissipate. and it's a delig mfu wilnior th lowhu tydimi. temperures in the low and mid-nds diouar theou region. by 9:00 should be near 70. a partly cloudy day to follow, only near 80 for a high. by mid-afternoon, that's way below the average high this time of year. sunset at 8:35. partly cloudy tonight, and looks like more humid by dawn tomorrow. that's when we'll be down into the mid-60s. i'll have your saturday forecast. that will be coming up in ten minutes at 6:11. >> thank you, tom. >> let's go to jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. jerry? >> good morning and good news. everything seems to be moving along pretty well. certainly picking up some volume here on this friday on 95
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northbound en route to the springfield interchange but nothing blocking southbound 95 also looks good. hovs typically wide open at this hour. let's see what else is happening around town. route 50 moving well. the beltway north of town, college park to silver spring lanes are open. word of a broken down vehicle in gw parkway northund near the cia. police are headed to investigate. back to you. >> thanks very much. a commuter alert for riders using metro's red line. the transit agency has planned a major overhaul set to get under way in the coming months. >> the plan includes track repairs, platform upgrades and newest ka laters. the multimillion dollar project is intended to rehabilitate the aging rail system. >> these changes will cause growing pains for the morning and evening rush hours. megan mcgrath joins us live with that part of the story. >> reporter: good morning. this is a very, very large project, $177 million project. there is a lot of work that's going to be done initially on the red line, but really
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ultimately affecting all the lines. and there are going to be some disruptions to motorists. they'll try to minimize the impact, do a lot of work in the non-peak hours, not during the rush hour period, but you can expect to see some evidence of this large scale work being done over the next couple of months. now, as i mentioned, it's a $177 million project. it's going to begin on a section of the red line between dupont circle and silver spring, the work beginning early next year. ultimately there will be work done on all five lines before it's all over. now, let's take a look at some of the specifics of what's planned here. at the shady grove and rockville stations, they're going to to do a major platform overhaul. they'll add escalators, a canopy and a stairwell at the foggy bottom station. also going to be doing a lot of work on the automatic train control and communications systems. they're going to be upgrading those systems. now, the work is expected to be approved at the meeting -- the
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metro meeting on july the 16th. the first phase on the red line could take four years. important to mention this is something that's been in the works for awhile. they say the work has been needed for a long time. actually, they were planning this before that deadly collision occurred. we'll have more coming up in the next half hour. we'll hear from commuters. back to you. >> thanks, megan. >> metro's cracking down on drivers who use their cell phones on the job. beginning monday, any train or bus operator caught using a mobile device will be fired. the zero tolerance policy comes just days after a video was posted online that showed a metro train operator texting while the train sped ahead on the tracks. the operate are was suspended r five days with pay but returned to work this week. metro says it wants passengers to report any irresponsible behavior. >> today the man accused of killing a security guard at the holocaust museum is scheduled to make his first court appearance. 88-year-old james von brunn is scheduled to appear before a judge later this morning. he's accused of murdering museum
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ard stephen johns last month. von brunn was critically injured in a shootout with other guards but is expected to survive. >> new details in the controversy surrounding d.c. council member marion barry. though the stalking charges against him have been dropped, the investigation is apparently far from over. the woman at the center of the debate is donna watts-brighthaupt. she is barry's former girlfriend. now "the washington post" reports that fellow council members want to investigate barry's decision to award her a council contract after the two started dating. barry would not comment on the contract, but he's talking now about his recent arrest. >> mr. morales and the national park service police have caused great pain in my family and this community and the nation. if this inappropriate arrest had not occurred, we wouldn't be going through this pain. >> watts-brighthaupt has
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admitted the reports that barry was stalking her was a misunderstanding. park police issued a statement saying they believed they did have enough evidence to arrest barry. barry says he will pursue a further explanation. >> it's president obama's last day at the g 8 summit and he has some high profile things on his agenda. today africa is expected to take center stage at the summit. development in africa has become a central item on g-8 agendas. four years ago, world leaders promised to increase aid levels to africa. the president's trip comes at a time when his economic and health care policies face scrutiny here at home. >> too early to say that this trip, per se, is a major setback for health care reform, but we ceainly know that as soon as the president gets back in washington, he's going to be confronting a couple of weeks that are especially critical. >> senator -- president obama will hold a news conference and
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meet with the pope. >> we could get our first look at the new gm today. general motors is expected to announce it is emerging from bankruptcy. gm executives will hold a news conference in detroit. this comes one day after a judge's order took effect allowing it to sell most of its assets to a new company. in the process of forming that company, gm is expected to shed thousands of jobs, close about 2,000 dealerships and go from eight brands to just four. american international group is asking the federal government to approve its plan to resume paying millions of dollars in promised retention incentives. aig ignited criticism earlier this year with its bonus payments. according to "the washington post," the insurer has asked the administration's compensation czar to approve the payments in advance to head off any public outrage. >> new today, an earthquake in southwestern china where at least one person was killed. the magnitude 6 earthquake injured more than 300 others and destroyed thousands of homes.
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at least 18,000 buildings collapsed and nearly 40,000 others were damaged. this morning's quake was followed by eight aftershocks. hundreds of rescue workers have now been dispatched to region to help those who were left homeless. >> our time right now is 6:08, 65 degrees. swine flu, the warning from capitol hill that it's not over and could come back with a vengeance. >> plus, the outrage over desecrated graves and the disturbing allegations at a storic black cemetery. >> and d.c. mayor adrian fenty takes action following recent jail breaks at a local detention center. 8 at suntrust, we help you manage your money at home. and make it easy when you're away.
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and where ever you go, atm fees won't follow. get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today suntrust. live solid, bank solid.
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v switch to suntrust checking today
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e er his a "news 4 today" horgain blaser bo awut oic angkiff tnghe weekend with some free chocolat ha t sndhas good. marss i giving away 250,00 on r coupfos free candy this morning. á(p' i u liponneon startin at 00 g.nth to find the link,o g to and search bargain blas >> 6:11 is our time. time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> and we're going to tom kierei in storm center 4 for a look at the forecast, tom. >> another delightful summer morning under way. there's the sunrise over the potomac river. sun is up over la detroit park, morning side, fairfax city and sandy spring with low humidity this morning. it's pitching and gold, our eastern sky now. 64 in washington, just near 60 in prince george'ss, montgomery and fairfax fshgs.
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mid-60s to upper 50s around the region. a partly cloudy day, highs near 80 with low humidity. a much cooler than average july day. sunset will be at 8:35. we'll have increased humidity tonight. by dawn tomorrow, the mid-60s. here's the saturday forecast. we will have our temperatures tomorrow reaching the mid-80s, rather humid, too. looks like it will be steamy on sunday, too. late showers on saturday and perhaps sunday, too. a look at next week is in ten minutes. how's the traffic? >> looking pretty good out there. i think we're going to have some sunshine delays starting to develop before too long. 66 eastbound right at the exit for the capital beltway, but as you approach, you can see the sun may be a factor. that's eastbound. westbound, no worries. any overnight road work is long gone. quick check elsewhere, let you know that 95, 395 looking good. coming up out of southern maryland on 210, 228, 301 moving without delay. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> our time right now is 6:12,
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64 degrees. someone once close to alaska governor sarah palin is talking about why she might have resigned. >> plus, a local neighborhood urged to take precaution. next at 6:15, what went down when a couple was
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vo: at walmart we're proud to report that 94% of our full-time and part-time associates hom spevee tyeaf health cer age. wet n'bu wot sa 1 ie00sf ti% l dy unericeverasam hlianua ti q ty foafle abltrdeave hco.a save money. live better. walmart.
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6:15 is our time right now. j updating the top stories in the news for today. metro's red line is planning a major rehabilitation project in 2010. it would cost $177 million and take years to complete. metro's full board could approve the plan next week. the d.c. council chair is expected to announce an independent investigation into marion barry. according to "the washington post," the review centers on barry's use of tax dollars to pay his then-girlfriend to work for him. police arrested barry last week, accusing him of stalking her, but prosecutors have dotid ned to pursue the charges. president obama is spending his final day in italy for the g-8 summit. today he's meeting with leaders from the african nations and later he will meet with pope benedict xvi at the vet can. yesterday, president obama reiterated his goals for fighting climate change and opening up trade.
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>> police are searching for three men who attacked n a coup in prince williamouy.nt it happened monday night in lake ridge. the couple was out walking their dog when they say three men came out of nowhere, demanding money. when they said they had none, the man says he was punched and tased. >> next thing i know, i heard the pattering of footsteps behind me. somebody grabbed me by the shirt collar, put a gun to my head. said, give me the money. i'm wearing mesh shorts and a t-shirt and i had no money on me. >> the victim, who did not want to be identified, said the robbers then forced him to his apartment. he says his girlfriend ran ahead, grabbed $50 from the home and told the thieves to take the money and go. there's been an arrest in connection with a vicious attack in montgomery county. on tuesday, 21-year-old edwin umana was beaten by a group of men while walking through a neighborhood in wheaton. he died yesterday from his injuries. police have six men in custody now, believed to be involved in
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this beating. charges against the suspects include first degree murder, first degree assault and conspiracy charges. >> d.c. mayor adrian fenty has fired five employees at the new beginnings youth detention center following two recent jail breaks. the center's superintendent was also demoted and two other staff members were suspended. a teenager escaped from the d.c.-owned facility in anne arundel county last month and six others broke out just this past weekend. theraternal order of police has issued a statement on behalf of the corrections officers there, saying there was not enough staffing, nor was there a secure area to restrain the offenders. >> illinois senator roland burris will not be seeking a full term in 2010. the senator's expected to make a formal announcement later today. impeached governor rod blagojevicappointed burris to the seat which was vacated by president obama. burris has repeatedly denied any charges that he tried to buy his way into congress. he has raised very little money during his time in office.
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the former fiance o alaska governor's sarah palin's 18-year-old daughter says she's resigning because of money. leave eye johton claims he said palin said how nice it would be to take advantage of lucrative deals that were being offered, including a reality show and a book. palin has a book deal, but details have not been disclosed. the governor has said she is facing more than $500,000 in legal fees. a palin spokesman's refuting johnston's claims. >> the nation's most secure federal prison says president obama's best-selling books could pose a threat to national security. the supermax prison in florence, colorado, denied an inmate's "for the books. the inmate is serving a 30-year sentence for plotting to assassinate former president george w. bush. prison officials won't say why the book could be dangerous, but they do cite page numbers, half
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of which are in a chapter on foreign affairs in "the audacity of hope." >> investigators have uncovered a ghoulish plo i n illinois odr dshundre ofndieod bs were dug up from the ground. eth dcovery was made in the burr oak cemetery outside chicago. investigators say as many as 300 bodies were dug up so plots could be resold. police say they removed the bodies or pounded down the original graves to make room for othe caskets. >> my father's grave -- wasn't nothing in there but a big old hole. >> when i looked at my brother's grave and my grandfather's, it's actually been disturbed. it's been dug up. they laid fresh soil and grass seed to try to replace what they dug up. >> burr oak cemetery is believed to be the first african-american cemetery in chicago. emmett tell is buried there, but investigators are confident his grave was not disturbed. police say the company that owns the cemetery is cooperating with the investigation. >> former nfl quarterback steve mcnair will be buried in
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mississippi tomorrow, but now before that, family and friends and former teammates said their final good-byes. >> the last thing that i want to remember about you is every time you scored, every time you came out of that huddle, you gave two bumps to your chest and pointed to the sky. so i'm going to give two bumps for you and point to the sky. love you. >> mcnair was found shot to death in his condominium last week. police say his 20-year-old girlfriend killed him before she took her own life. >> our time is now 6:20. the nationals had some mixed results in houston where they finished two games yesterday. >> hakem dermish has details in this morning's sports minute. >> good morning, everyone. your sports minute begins with baseball. the nationals in houston last night where they played two games. first, the nats and astros
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resumed a game that was suspended because of rain two months ago. the nationals won that game 11-10 on an error. in the scheduled game, the astros blasted the nats, scoring 9 runs on 16 hits. the nats lose it 9-4 and fall to 25-59 on the season. in golf, at the women's u.s. open, bethlehem, pennsylvania, 21-year-old korean na yeon choi is on pace to capture her first lpga victory. she had a 3 under 68 in the first round and leads by one stroke. at the tour de france, norway's rider won the sixth stage, but cancellara remains the overall leader. for lance armstrg, he's a fraction of a second behind. that's your sports minute. i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. >> 6:21 is the time. time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> we'll check in first with meteorologist tom kierein in storm center 4. >> thumb's up over the potomac. we have the sunlight gleaming on
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ripples on the potomac at this hour. it's now 64 in washington. it's a clear and cool start to the morning around the metro area. we'll have some clouds building as the day progresses with highs in the mid-80s. by saturday and sunday with low humidity today, but higher humidity tomorrow and sunday. a small chance of an afternoon or evening thundershower tomorrow. a greater chance on sunday, mainly in the afternoon and evening, passing showers and thundershowers are possible. then a little less humid on monday and tuesday. then more humid again by mid-week, maybe some thunderstorms wednesday. jerry, good morning. how's the traffic? >> good morning. good morning, everyo. picking up some volume now well into the 6:00 hour along 270, through rockville and we're seeing a couple stretches along 95 as well. the good news is no major interstate incidents to tell you about this morning. a little bit of volume southbound. t'rthbound your lanes wide open. s check out rhe tailsle and see if there's any delays. ai r, so good. metrorail, at all trains pulling out on time. same for vre and marc rail, no
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significant delays so far on this friday. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> jerry, thanks. our time now is 6:23, 64 degrees. two music legends set to take center stage here in the district. >> and what california police are now saying about the death of pop icon michael jackson. >> plus, a warning for cyclists in loudoun county after people taking part in a charity ride were ticketed. >> here's your liz "on the money," money saving tip othe day. >> health care is expensive. parade magazine has this tip to lower your health care bill. ask for a cheaper medication. when your doctor prescribes a medication, ask if there's a cheaper generic alternative. also, some pharmaceutical companies have assistance programs to help with medication costs. i'm liz crenshaw, onhe y. y. nemo""go
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you know, it's not the grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. lepeop: oh! it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant. like petite-cut sirloin steak, just $2.99 a pound. this week only, at giant. esfr h, fresh, fresh. really fresh! come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables, all at prices you can handle. like blueberries, one-pint carton, 4 for $5.00. this week only, at giant.
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well, preparations are under way this morning for the first ever concert at nationals park. elton john and billy joel will take the stage tomorrow night as part of their face-to-face tour. the show will be the biggest event to occur at the ballpark since pope benedict's -- the mass which he held last year. >> and now to the latest on the death of michael jackson. another memorial for the king of
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pop will be held today in gary, indiana. the memorial will take place at the u.s. steel yard stadium. meanwhile, police in los angeles continue their investigation into jackson's death. the focus is on what type of drugs the pop star took and who gave them to him. jackson's former doctors are among those being questioned about his death. the los anles police department is waiting for the coroner's report. >> new fears about the swine flu and a dire prediction for children going back to school in the fall. >> also, the multi-million dollar makeover plan for metro's red line and how it will impact your commute. >> and what we're now learning about the investigation into the actions of d.c. council member marion barry. ♪
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and powering those precision goggles--- is the only battery air life trusts: duracell. broad daylight or the darkest night... it just has to work. duracell. trusted everywhere. rail rehab.
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metro riders will soon see big changes on their way to work. how the facelift is going to affect the morning rush. >> contract controversy. the saga continues with a -- with more allegatns against former d.c. mayor marion barry. the investigation that could jeopardi his role on the d.c. council. >> good morning, everyone. welcome. we're glad you're with us this morning. i'm barbara harrison. >> good morning to you. i'm joe krebs on ts friday, the 10th of july 2009. let's take a look outside. beautiful picture of the lincoln memorial there this morning. what a lovely, lovely summer day. only 64 degrees and still pretty low humidity, right? >> that backdrop of blue, with the sun shining out there, gorgeous, tom. >> beautiful start to the day with low humidity. another reprieve from our usual sweltering humid it this time of year. this morning around the region we 've gotemootul t apesresra s well. en radar we don't heav any precipitation at this hour, thankfully. anoo a lekithemt ng tpetu tres nl o'syea or 60 in parts f faonfaerx, mtgyomnd a ari pe nc gey. cgentou 64 iin.waongtsh ar bt ne tayhe'sithe i tn
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s.d- wat mahechnat iousr sthn s dlaeryth, or n nertherkec ak n eresteaorsh reporting near 60s. aeather watchers across vorirni d marylao, int west virginia reporting only in the upper 50s to near 60 this morning so quite a cool start. somlo cuds or c v agi niand of ohe t c m dosh anen vanaly wnleandod ththdough ecarolis. thadey've dew f sprkl sesthou ofha crllete csv tdilarow danville this morning. that's going to stay to our south at this hour. we have this persistent southeast flow coming in off e cooler waters of the atlantic that will keep it cooler today. highs just near 80, partly cloudy, low humidity, but getting more humid tonight. overnight we'll see temperatures bottoming out in the mid-60s by dawn on saturday but a humid day sweeping in tomorrow. you'll notice a big change for saturday. i'll have that forecast coming up in ten minutes. >> okay. thanks, tom. >> thanks very much, tom. let's g to jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. jey? >> good morning and nothing bad, and that's good if you're headed out this morning. both the inner loop and outer loop around old georgetown road
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looking good. maybe a very minor inner loop delay continuing east over toward new hampshire avenue. let's see what else is happening, if anything at all. route 50 to and over the bay bridge, no worries. 301, route 4, all quiet. back to you. >> that you can, jerry. >> thanks. >> a commuter alert for riders using metro's red line. the transit agency hags planned a major overhaul, set to get under way in the coming months. >> the plan includes track repairs, platform upgreaesa an new escalators. >> with pains come growing pains for the morning and eveni rush. megan mcgrath joins us live for that part of the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. whenever you have large-scale work projects like this, you can see disruptions. they're going to try to minimize it by doing a lot of work in the offpeak hours and overnight hours but you could see some disruptions to service when this gets under way. it will start on the red line early next year, but before it's
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all said and done it will affect all five lines. this is a major, major project. $177 million, and they're going to be doing what they say are maintenance type things, repairs that really have been needed for a long time, and they're doing them now again beginning with the red line between dupont circle and silver spring. let's take a look at some of the work they're talking about here. shady grove and rockville stations there will be major platform rehabilitation. they're going to add new escalators at theonup dtad circ south station. they're gointo add escalators, a canopy and stairwellt teth foggy bottom station. automatic train control and communications systems. they will all be upgraded as a result of the work being done with this project, so a lot of different areas being touched on. a lot of different lines eventually, but it will begin with the red line. we've been talking to folks here at the shady grove metro station. they think work needs to be done, maintenance needs to be
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done. they hope it's not too disruptive. >> when i first started riding four years ago i was commenting to my friends in new england that you wouldn't believe how clean it is. that's gone downhill in the four years. >> putting money into it in a way that works well or works to expand it or make it better for the whole area would make sense. >> maybe be better. hopefully be better for the long run. i don't know. >> reporter: you're okay with the short term pain? >> yes, i am. >> reporter: this plan is expected to be approved at the next metro mting on july the 16th. should also mention quickly that this was in the works before the deadly collision on metro occurred. back to you. joe, barbara. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. police are finally cracked a 10-month-old murder case that left an infant boy dead. police arrested 21-year-old man in the death of an 8-year-old boy. the child wasilled last september while sitting in his car seat. police say wilson was targeting the boy's father when he opened
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fire on the car but he instead shot the boy. savoy's father survived. wilson is being held without bond. police are looking for suspects after a 16-year-old boy was shot and killed just a block from nationals park. kevin darnell allen of northwest washington was found shot several times on n street yesterday afternoon. police received a call about the shooting. it's unclear who placed that call. >> well, global problems, the pope and africa all figure in president obama's day. he's in italy still where the three-day g-8 summit on climate change and the economy is wrapping up. brooke hart is following the president's trip from capitol hill with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. there's that trip to visit the pope that's coming up for present obama. president obama is controversy among many u.s. catholics, as you may know. remember the notre dame commencement. t pope benedict xvi has reached out to the president by phone and by telegram since november for his own reasons.
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this morning's working breakfast put president obama within feet of libya's moammar gadhafi, the one time international outcast part a part of summit diplomacy. the president's final stop before leaving italy is at the vatican. >> the preside has been looking for an opportunity to visit the holy see and to meet in person with the holy father. >> reporter: experts say pope benedict is setting aside rifts over birth control, abortion and stem cell research, instead seeing a chance to team up with barack obama on problems like climate change. >> one of my highest priorities as president. >> reporter: the predent brokered a broad summit agreement to slash climate warming emissions. he could not get developing nations to go along. >> obama strategy. curb global warming first in america and china will follow. china's not following us anyplace. >> reporter: the president hinted on his own head winds on the issue at home. >> we each have our national priorities and politics to deal with. >> reporter: critics aren't backing down.
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>> what we need to do is to start here in congress by stopping job killing legislation like speaker pelosi's national energy tax. >> reporter: later today, the president heads to ghana, his choice. >> such an admirable example of strong democratic governance by a society. >> reporter: aides say the president will highlight an african success story. he'll visit a former hub of the slave trade. fans eagerly await. >> he is what the cestors have sent to us. >> reporter: there's been a major cleanup of ghana's capital in anticipation. president obama will deliver a speech on democracy to ghana's parliament. aides say it will be the start of barack obama putting his policy stamp on africa, the continent where his father was born. live on capitol hill, i'm brooke hart. joe, back to you. >> brooke, thanks very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> if you thought the swine flu virus went away, think again. federal officials warn that the danger from swine flu is not over yet. white house officials are urging state and local governments to
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formulate plans now in case there are big outbreaks this fall. the new virus continues to spread in the united states. at least 50 summer camps have been shut. most cases are moderate or mild but it has killed 170 americans. tests to see if the swine flu vaccine is safe and effective will begin in august. it will -- if it works, it should be available for the public by mid-october. >> well, the "today" show is next at the top of the hour. let's go live to new york city and say good morning to meredith vieira. hi. >> good morning to you, joe. coming up on friday morning on "today," as president obama travels overseas, his popularity here in the u.s. appears to be slipping. we will look at the rising backlash to the president's domestic agenda. also ahead, the first death at the running of the bulls in 14 years. we will have more on that. in the wake of michael jackson's death, a "today" undercover investigation. yo won't believe how easy it can be to obtain preskrupgs drugs with the right amount of cash inside a doctor's office.
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and on a lighter note, one of the biggest names in country music, rascal flatts, live in concert out on the plaza. that's when we get started on a friday morning right here on "today." already got a nice, big crowd gathered here. back to you. >> a huge early morning crowd out there. thanks very much, meredith. ha a great day. >> our time is now 6:39. the new face of general motors on the big announcement expected today. >> plus, some area cyclists out on a charity ride learn the rules of the road the hard way. >> and president obama will come face-to-face with an ordinary school boy that he has a lot in common with. that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. people: oh! it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant. like petite-cut sirloin steak, just $2.99 a pound. this week only at giant. es frh, fresh, fresh. really fresh! come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables, all at prices you can handle.
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like blueberries, one-pint carton, 4 for $5.00. this week only, at giant.
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good morning. temperatures around the region are comfortable, in the low and mid-60s now with low humidity. by 9:00 near 70. by mid-afternoon, near 80 degrees and some clouds in and out with low humidity. and then tomorrow partly sunny, a chance of a late afternoon or evening thundershower. and it's going to be quite humid as well, highs reaching the mid-80s. a look at the sunday forecast as well as the bay and beach forecast and a look at next week. that will be coming up in ten minutes. how's the traffic? >> doing pretty well out there. good morning, everyone. 395 northbound approaching the 14th street bridge, lanes are
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open northbound as well as southbound. headed from the district into northern virginia. one more stop, got a little bit of a wrinkle now 66 eastbound at 28 centreville, a couple vehicles involved in a fender-bender. they're on the left shoulder but the backup begins at route 29. a slow roll. back to you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> 6:43 the time now at 64 degrees here in the nation's capital. the ordinary school boy that is a spitting image of president barack obama. >> plus, growing pains for former d.c. mayor marion barry. >> reporter: today the d.c. city council is expected to meet and discuss that $60,000 contract that he awarded to an ex-girlfriend, so what are those discussions going to be like? l lha aveive report c (bell ringing)
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woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's for the official $5 combo of summer. featuring arby's new bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5. big on bbq taste, it's the $5 combo done better.
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good morning. welcome back. former d.c. mayor marion barry may may be off the hook for the recent stalking charges but the investigation into a contract he awarded to his accuser is heating up. "the washington post" reports the d.c. council chair is now getting involved. news 4's tracee wilkins joins us live from the wilson building with more on this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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the d.c. city counc is supposed to be focusing on that $60,000 contract that barry awarded to the woman at the center of the controversy that led to his arrest. but yesterday during a press conference that he called here at the wilson building he was still focusing on that arrest. d.c. council members plan to discuss donna watts-brighthaupt being hired by ward 8 council member marion barry to run a ward 8 program, according to "the washington post." watts bryce haupt tells the post she was awarded the contract two months after she and barry started dating. the paper says vincent gray will enlist an independent law firm to look into the contract. there were a series of press conferences held by a barry spokesperson this week, addre addressing the arrest. during one of them, she revealed the contract and said it was legal. when asked by the press yesterday, barry simply responded -- >> let you know. tune in. >> reporter: watts-brighthaupt is a 40-year-old woman who was at the center of the stalking
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allegations that led to barry's arrest. charges were dropped, but that arrest was still barry's focus during a press conference yesterday. >> mr. morales and the national park service police have caused great pain in my family and this community and the nation. if this inappropriate arrest had not occurred, we wouldn't be going through this pain. >> now, the pose st reporting that the council is like at this to discuss censure of marn barry, stripping him of his seniority or his committee chair manship. i'm tracee wilkins reporting live. back to you. >> thank you very much. >> cyclist be wear. if you don't obey the same rules of the road as cars, it could affect your driving record. loudoun county ticketed riders taking part in a charity ride.
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two of the bikers got off with fines. the rest pled guilty, and got four points on their driver's licenses. >> folks have an obligation to obey the law like everybody else. they can be held accountable like everybody else. >> news 4 talked to some cyclist who were out on the roadways. most said they knew they have to obey the rules of the road but they had no idea that blowing through a stop sign could result in a fine and points on their driver's license. well, in this green day and age, carmakers are taking a second glance at an old fuel -- diesel. a new intelly choice survey shows clean diesel alternative vehicles are giving hybrids a run for their money. diesel is 30% more fuel-efficient than gasoline and 20% cleaner. two months ago, audi launched its clean diesel suv. bmw, mercedes and volkswagen all have models. 2010 will bring even more models. >> futures pointing lower and a major announcement by one of the nation's leading automakers.
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we are joined now with more on today's business news. >> reporter: the futurers pointing lower here, would wrap up a weak week if you will, the fourth loser for the dow and the s & p 500 if we don't have some big gains. we did manage a small little gain yesterday. alcoa earnings came out better than expected, but that was overshadowed by weak retail sales as well as data that showed the number of people on the continuing claims unemployment list is at a record high. asian markets drifted lower overnight and europe is in the red right now. we get reports today on the trade deficit, import prices as well as consumer sentiment. for the record, the dow is up just four points yesterday. we'll call it a draw. the nasdaq gained five to 1752. after just 40 days, gm will emerge from bankruptcy today. a judge's orders approving the sale of the company's assets to a new compan majority owned by us or the government, took effect thursday. management shake-up is expected to be announced next week.
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aig is preparing to pay $2 million more in bonuses? that's right. top executives there are scheduled to get more money after an earlier round of payments set off a public firestorm. "the washington po" says this time, though, aig wants government approval from president obama's new pay czar to head off any criticism. warren buffett says consumer spending at his retail companies has been soft in recent months, but the billionaire investor also thinks there should beçó a second economic stimulus package, but says while stimulus is useful it's not the silver bullet to solve the recession. he did offer one solution -- stop building new homes. the housing market is a big reason why we are where we are. likened the first stimulus, joe, to siviagra and candy mix. i don't knowhy he wants a second, but he does. >> better not go there. matt, thanks very much. >> reporter: no. >> we are always looking for
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jobs for you. nighttime care center's looking for an interactive and social marketer. the job involves interacting with the online community and promoting the center. the position is based in ofmaton, ryland. applicants should have at least three yearsn, experience in advertising or marketing. to apply, visit and search jobs 4 you. >> nasa is hoping the third time is a charm. space shuttle "endeavour" is scheduled to launch from the kennedy space center tomorrow. however, there is a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. the mission has already been delayed twice. "endeavour" has been grounded for the last month because of hydrogen gas leaks. that has now been fixed. "endeavour" and seven astronauts will deliver and install the latest part of japan's massive space station lab during this mission. >> 6:51 the time. time for traffic and weather. we begin with weather. >> earlier this week we saw our own international space station passing through the skies. this morning, the sun is up in the sky. a little more humid this morning, but still comfortable start. there is the washington
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monument, jefferson memorial, capitol hill, and temperatures around the region right in washington mid-60s. as we look at radar, no precipitation at this hour. just to the southeast of charlottesville on radar at this time, we have a little shower atth atpag,inss ainutbo0 3 m0 il southwest of fredericksburg. temperatures there are in the mid-60s. spotsylvania, stafford counties, prince william, fauquier, loudoun counties near 60 as is frederick and northern montgomery county. southern montgomery, fairfax, prince george's in the low 60s. southern maryland, anne arundel, temperatures in the mid-60s. weather watchers reporting this morning. some locations eastern shore the mid-50s. a cool start there, just near 60 in the mountains. we've had this persistent southeast/eastly flow here over new england giving us that. these clouds may be drifting over us from time to time into the afternoon. so as we take a look around the region, if you're traveling today, might have some flight delays around chicago.
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upper midwest may get some rain. could be flight delays through the carolinas and down into florida, but elsewhere throughout much of the west, weould be just delightful. llusfo r, we'll have a delightful summer day. highs reaching just near 80 degrees by mid-afternoon. that's way below the average high this time of year. low humidity in place. partly cloudy tonight, in the 60s tomorrow morning. for saturday, partly sunny, warm and humid, mid-80s. acoultge late afternoon or evening thundershower, a small chance, but a greater chance on sunday. still steamy. then monday and tuesday, lower humidity moving in. great beach and pool weather. et nesday maybe s thundershowers. speaking of the beaches and pools and around the bay, great day for sailing on saturday. s ghhiin thegh0 8s. could get some thundershowers during the 8 afternoon on sunda. s well as at the beaches,ut b b ltuay lrdks tooeik heda bt esy at the beaches as well. also on saturday the potomac white water festival is under way. big kayaking events going on around great falls. but i won't be competing because they don't have a capsize
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competition. >> we know you don't do that ry often. >> we know you know how to do that. >> i do that well. >> let's go to jerry and see what the roads look like. >> interstate 66 really loaded up now. it is a tough ride manassas through center stril because of the fender ben ter we showed you that was in the roadway. shoulder of route 28. manassas to centreville loaded up. again from 50 to 123, but no accidents impeding the flow right now. elsewhere headed up toward baltimore, 95 northbound between the hubbard tunnel through way and the exit for bwi, word of an accident there. back to you. >> thank you,jerry. >> metro's planning a major overhaul for the transit agency's red line. >> but the multi-million dollar project could bring delays to the morning commute. megan mcgrath is following our top story from shady grove. what are they planning to do? >> reporter: well, it's a pretty broad spectrum in terms of the work that they're proposing here. it can affect tracks, platforms,
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escalators, all kinds of different things. they say the work really has been needed for a long time. this is a hugeproject. $177 million project. it's going to start on the red line between dupont circle and silver spring early next year. but it's not just a red line project. it will ultimately, when all is n said and done, affect all five lines. they are talking about work to tracks and platforms, new escalators at some of the stations, also improving the communications and automatic train control systems. it really is a very broad project. again, scheduled to get under way early next year when final approval is ven. they are expecting that final approval to come at the metro meeting on july the 16th. i should also mention that this was in the works, this project, before last month's deadly crash. they say it's work that's been needed for a while. back to you. >> thanks very much, megan. >> thank you. >> today's news 4 morning person is described as someone whot an extraordinary
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personality and warmth. sylv i smsimshe t receptionist. sylvia is whmee ndonhao sle her everyday tasksa n i pronn siesal and e icsi ient manager. she helps to get the office up and running every day with an enthusiastic attitude and cheerfulness. if you know someone like sylvia, e-mail a clear, close-up video of thaterson to >> when president obama arrives in ghana later today, there will be one very special young boy hoping to meet him. meet felix. his friends nicknamed him obama because of his resemblance, they think, to the u.s. president. hmm. felix's family has traveled 120 miles from home in hopes of meeting the real president. there's some - what do you think, joe? >> got some of it going there. >> i think it's the ears. >> the what? >> the ears.
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that's it. >> that's probably it. >> i'm not sure there's a great resemblance. >> he has two ears, just le the president. >> we've got another day on the way with low humidity. enjoy. the humidity will increase over the weekend. a steamy saturday and sunday on the way, maybe some showers and thunderstorms as well. >> see you monday. >> bye. a chinese emperor was so impressed by soy's health benefits...
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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing somof the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!


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