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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  July 11, 2009 9:00am-10:30am EDT

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mostly high clouds. here's the storm heading our way. right now you can see it racing across the great lakes. eventually it drops down into the area, especially late today and into tonight. tomorrow morning a few spotty showers. then we actually dry things out. tomorrow afternoon looks pretty nice. the rain comes, but it's going to happen at nighttime. for the most part it's going to be a nice weekend. back to you. >> best time to have it. there's going to be plenty of action todayt the pentagon. news 4's derrick ward joins us live with the latest. what's going on behind you, derrick? >> reporter: good morning. there's not a lot going on right now, but in the building. on the grounds in general. it's a simulated chemical attack at the pentagon. nowing it starting about an hour ago with the release of a simulated chemical agent from a truck that drove around the
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perimeter. as the clo wafted over, the aim was to see how the response was, what happened to the people and how the systems put in place did actually work should something like this actually happen. now joining me now is paul. paul is from the pentagon force protection unit. what sit exactly you hope to learn from the drills? >> what we're doing is called an operational response test. what we're hoeing to learn is if we were ever attacked with anthrax, a biological attack, how would people respond? how would we clean them up, get them out of the area safely. >> you used an agent that's harmless but you said it's something that could be used more dangerously. >> we call it garden powder. it's a fungy side to protect your fruits and vegetables. it's a spore like anthrax, but it's completely harmless. >> reporter: who are these volunteers? they have a vested interest. >> we have a great partnership
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with arlington county and our local first responders, so the majority of volunteers come from community response teams, from arlington, fairfax. we even have folks from the young professionalers for forum policy. >> reporter: you're not just responsible for the grounds of the pentagon, but there's an area in general that these drills help. >> right. they protect the pentagon reservation, but we're also responsible for lease facilities. so it's important for us to respond. >> we saw a metro bus drive through the scene as the agent has been released. you say notification has been draw out so people know what you're doing today. >> it's important for people to understand what we're doing is safe. we don't want people to be surprised. they put something out last week. invited you kbies here today. we want people to know we're doing this test. it's a good thing.
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we want people to be prepared in case something happens. >> reporter: later we expect to see helicopter traffic as the next phase of this test takes part, right? >> that's right. this stuff doesn't generally come up in the air, but if we land a helicopter does that happen? we wanted to test that process as well. >> reporter: always of special significance because this building was actually attacked. >> it was. we're trying to do our best to make sure we protect it if we can but if it hatches we'll respond. >> reporter: in the pentagon parking lot today and in the naval annex. it's in the name of safety and probably your best interest. >> it's good for everyone to know, derrick, it's just a testify. it's only a test. thanks, derrick. one man led the police on a crime spree. he barged through two houses after robbing a nearby pawn  shop. he held an elderly couple for
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eight hours before finally surrendering to police. police credit the come for a safe ending. the woman was released about 9:00 lath night. her husband was found inside the home after the gun plan surrendered without incident. the man in his 80s he reportedly suffered injuries that reportedly were described as nonlife-threatening. he credits the couple to convincing the gunman that his best choice lay in giving himself up. they vaemd rapport that helping end the stand-off. the suspect broke into another leesburg home. jack can benson spoke with another couple who also had a terrifying encounter with the man. >> i opened the door. all i saw was the barrel of the gun. >> reporter: the 26-year-old talks about the moment she and her husband walked toward the front door of their leesburg home expected to be greeted by
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their 2-year-old son and the babysitter. >> the guy came out and pointed the gun at me, told me to get on the ground. >> reporter: the couple had noticed some police activity in the neighborhood but did mott know officers were pursuing an armed man who just robbed a nearby pawn shop. now he was in their house demanding money and their car keys. >> he had tied her up, and then he locked the door and put a wire around the door handle to the railing. my son was a trooper about it. >> reporter: the suspect made the husband place a 911 call. >> he made me make a call to report he was over near walmart so he could get over the house. >> moments later he was ableo text a relative and then call his boss. >> he said very quietly. listen to me carefully. there's a man in my house and he has a gun and he's going to kill me. >> reporter: what seemed like an
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eternity later the suspect left in the couple's chief grand cherokee and the police arrived r the suspect has been identified by police as 49-year-old william spencer of baltimore. reporting from leesburg, jack n can benson. >> they were damaged by a two-alarm fire. hapted before 11:00 at the frank listen office park. the office park consists of townhouse type buildings. they say the blaze damaged at least six of those buildings. it took 75 firefighters to put out the fire. no one was injured. the cause is under gg. . new today from the attorneys representing the family of a man shot to death by police in miami beach. he was walking along a miami beach sidewalk on vacation with his brother on june 14th when they were stopped by police. he was shot and killed by a police officer during that stop.
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today the attorneys for his family are releasing audio tapes from the night of the shooting. they say on the tape you cld hear police say we didn't find anything after the shooting. the attorneys say police were referring to a weapon, which they never found. they also say the police reportedly yelled at his brother after the shooting as he asked police about the brother. miami police say the officer involved believed he had something under his shirt. d.c. council members are calling for a probe into a contract marion berry awarded his ex-girlfriend. she's the woman who accused barry of stalking her last weekend. there's a all right detailing why barry was arrested. for some council members it's all getting too much. michael flynn has the story. >> reporter: councilman barry.
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she's wearing pink in this file video with barry. council chairman vincent gray announced the probe. >> i believe an independent review is a logical first step. >> i'll cooperate fully with this because i know what's going to happen. when all is said and done, there'll be no question about the propriety of this contract. >> reporter: news of the investigation came after the report from the report of stalking. the report reveals he was driving erratically and on the wrong side of the road when park police pulled him over in anacostia park. she shouted to the officer that barry was harassing her and had been continually threatening that he was going to use his powers of influence to have her ex-husband arrested. prosecutors dropped the stalking charge on thursday that on july 4th i was illegally arrested. >> reporr: as barry defended
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himself, council member david catania walked out saying he had enough. >> there's no rallying behind marion. so when he stepdown forward at that press conference and attempted to portray himself as a victim it was really more than many of us could take. >> you look at the documents first. >> reporter: the former federal prosecutor bob bennett will look into the inquiry between the personal services between barry and his ex andetermine if he complied. >> i have no doubt in my mind that we followed all the procedures. >> reporter: michael flynn, "news 4 today." police check points in a crime-ridden district neighborhood have been ruled unconstitutional. d.c. police began stopping cars in the trinidad neighborhood last summer. motorist whose could not prove they lived in the area were kept out. a group sued the city. the federal judge upheld the checkpoints in olkt, but friday a federal appeals court ruled
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rights were violated and the lower court must reconsider its opinion. d.c. council member phil mendelson agrees with the appeals court. >> people have a right to move about freely, and the roadblocks interfere with that and to move around freely. >> the d.c. police chief kathy lanier strongly supports the stop points. believes they save lives. all will be working on foot patrol. the program started 6:00 a.m. yesterday. it runs until 6:00 a.m. sunday. during the last all-hands-on deck in june there were 491 arrests, 13 firearms seized and mar than $41,000 in drugs confiscated. former nfl quarterback steve mcnair will be ld to rest today. he'll be buried in his home
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state of mississippi. 8,000 people are expected to show up for his funeral in hattiesburg today. they were paying their final respects. many turned out for his public procession on thursday. he was shot and killed business his girlfriend. we teal you why 350 passengers were forced to evacuate this plane using inflatable emergency slides. the crew of the space shuttle "endeavour" will try to launch for the third time today, but already weather is a concern. we'll have the latest. >> and why bicyclists need to stick to the rules of the road or it will really cost them. stay with us
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fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cle, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you n get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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some scary moments for british airways passengers out in phoenix. last night fumes filled the cabin as flight 747 was prepared to take off for london. hundreds were forced to use slides to evacuate. everyone got out safely. fire crews say electrical problems may be to blame. investigators outside chicago say they found more human remains dumped around a historic cemetery. the cook county sheriff closed the entire burr oaks cemetery last night. they'll try to determine how
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many grave have been determined. also hampering their investigation, the cemetery records seem to be missing, destroyed, or too disorganized to follow. the sheriff wants to give families answers as soon as possible. >> this has been horribly, horribly difficult. i can't tell you the number of women i've talked to today who can't find their children, who condition can't find their babies that they buried here, people who can't find their mothers. >> four employees have been arrested. it's believed they made hundreds of thousands of dollars reselling the plots. president obama has a jam-packed day in ghana. this morning he's high looitd africa's ties to world affairs during his meeting with ghana's president. the president and the first family has created somewhat of a frenzy. it is president obama's first trip as president. today mr. obama will speak to the parliament about his hopes
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for democracy in africa. the atmosphere is ripe for his message of hope and change. >> reporter: on the streets, the party started long before the guest of honor arrived. members of this fan club, fans of obama, have been celebrated all week. >> it is such an inspiration to all of us. >> welcome home. welcome to ghana. >> reporter: he believes president obama's visit will inspire the entire nation. >> what does this torch represent? >> we're lighting the torch as president obama is coming to ghana to signify that they're going to change the way we think, the way we go about everything we do. >> reporter: natives of ghana are welcoming president obama as their native son. it makes no difference that president obama and his family is from an entirely different
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country. >> barack obama is kenyan. >> you can see today the front page of almost every local paper has obama on it. the streets are full of billboards and signs and the radios are even playing obama music. >> it's a song welcoming obama. >> reporter: the obamas will be lcomed outside the capital as well when they tour a former slave castle in cape coast. >> this is where they were held and shipped off. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands of africans were brought here to trancy, never to see their homes or families again. the visit will be symbolically powerful, this part because mrs. obama is a descendant of slaves. >> it's like a full circle experience. they were the powerless who left here, and the powerful are coming. >> president obama and pope
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benedict xvi met for the first time. the pope gave the president a copy of a vatican document on b bioethics. the president gave the pope a stoll that had been placed on the remains of the first naturalized u.s. citizen to become a sablt. up next, the morning's top sports stories and an update on the weather. you say it's not going to rain on our parade. >> yeah, there is a chance of rain in the forecast, but it won't happen until much later today. of course, we'll give yll aou ♪
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the third time could be a charm. space shuttle "endeavour's" time three. they could lift-off at 7:39 p.m. eastern time. b kbc kristen dahlgren has our report. >> reporter: the astronauts are standing by. >> this crew and the entire operations team are both eager and ready to get to work. >> reporter: a leaky fuel valve that forced a scrap of last month's launch is fixed. but there is one issue, and it's not with the shuttle. it's with the skies. storms are forecast to threaten "endeavour's" ten-minute launch
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window leaving even the rocket scientists watching and waiting. >> i don't worry about things i cannot control. i certainly can't control the weather. >> reporter: when it does lift off it will be a historic mission. earlier this year the crew size was in creased to six. when "endeavour" seven get there it will be the most people ever living together in space. >> there are going to be 13 people onboard the spacecraft and i think this dynamic is going to be very interesting. >> and it will also be one of the longest missions ever. 16 days. while at the iss, astronauts will attach the last part of the lab using different robotic arms used together at once. some heavy lifting. if only "endeavour" can lift off. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, kennedy space center. yeah. stormy weather does tend to get in the way of those things. >> it does, especially in florida. so areou ready for the weekend?
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>> i'm ready. i'm ready. especially with rain at night. >> for the first time in a long time we actually had a really pretty week. >> gorgeous week. >> i mean it was so comfortable. lots of sunshine out there. comfortable temperatures. >> i keep waiting for the oven to open up. >> it's the middle of july. you would think it would be # 0 and humid. >> it's okay. let's keep this trend. >> we're going to warm things up today. it's not going to get hot and humid but it will be warmer and more humid, but it only lasts one day. a front moves through late today and really into tonight o. the front will make its way across the area. on the backside we're going to dry things out for tomorrow. so the only fly in the it on mnlt ment is we're going to see overnight rate. we have a southerly flow with 14. it's a southerly wind that will bring in the warmer weather and the humid weather. the dew point at 61, but that number will be climbing as we head into the afternoon hours. 71 in the beltway, 72 in fairfax
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county, 73 down by the mixing bowl in springfield and 72 in parts of southern maryland. dew points in the low 6. these numbers will be climbing. always quiet on digital doppler, but later today we could have storms pop up, mostly in our western suburbs by the late afternoon. so there's the moisture. you can see the humidity from st. louis through memphis, down toward atlanta. this will be pushing toward the east coast coming in ahead of our next weather maker. and there it is right there. you can clearly pick out the frontal band. the wins will bring in the weather. you can see we ooh have several hours of clear condition, so lots of hours of sunshine early on. then we'll see increasing clouds. once the front slides across the area, that's when we can have showers and thunderstorms. in the far western maryland and panhandle that's where we have a slight risk of seeing an isolated severe thunderstorm or two later today as the front
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makes its way across the area. so here is futurecast. we're starting off with some clouds off to the west. for us we'll see increasing clouds later on today. temperatures today climbing into the mid 80s. so pretty much where we should be for this time of year. and then overnight here comes the front. it makes its way across the area, bringing with it showers and thunderstorms. it looks really ominous on the extended forecast, but it's really late today and then early tomorrow. otherwise it's going to be dry with a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures in the mid 80s this weekend. a bit humid today and then the workweek's looking oklahoma. on monday, isolated storm or two especially soublt of town and then on thursday, a chan of a storm or two. no washouts, no major storms. again, tonight is the best chance of seeing some rain. >> thank you, steve. the nationals have recorded 60 losses before the all-star break for the second straight year and the third round of the women's u.s. open gets under way today. here's hakem dermish with more on today's "sports minute."
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good morning, everyone. your "sports minute" begins with baseball. bottom of the ninth. geoff blum up with bases loaded. the astros beat the nationals 6-5 the final. in baltimore, orioles hosting the blue jays. the manager watched this game from the suite as he began serving a two-game suspension. brett cecil shut out the o's. the former terp shut out the twins. morrison sign add one-year contract with a report 1d$.5 milli million. he has four 20-goal seasons. in golf at the u.s. women's open, veteran christie kerr who won in 2007 leads the way by one stroke at 3 under par. you can watch the third and fourth rounds here on nbc 4 this weekend.
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that's your "sports minute." i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. warning for virginia cyclists. obey the rules of the road or you could get a ticket, and ttnb ticket couldoea td fou toi psnt or more onous yr dr'seriv nscens it happened to eht cyclist in loudoun last month whoever were taking part in a charity riechld jane watrel has our report. >> reporter: cyclists beware. if you blow through a stop line like this one the long arm of the law could reach out and write you a ticket. >> that's what folks have to realize. they have an obligation to obey eikverybody seel.e n .be heldoule aabntcc le mo rodh.ybnt appenedtas l ht month when cycoost tskas to tkh road for a charity ride. eight cyclists got tickets for running stop signs. he got twooff. the rest pled guilty, paid the fines and got four points on their a driver's license. >> they should have been given warnings, their information
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captured so if they got caught a second time, they get in trouble. it's unfair dogs get one free bike but cyclists don't. >> reporter: they had no idea blowing through a sign could result in fines and points. >> i didn't know about that. i had no clue about that at all. that's the first awas aware of it. >> i wasn't aware of it actually. i'm aware you have to follow the rules of the road, abide by the laws. >> reporter: the sheriff says ignorance is no excuse. the sheriff says he plans to step up enforcement and ticket two-wheel violators the same as their four-wheel counter parts. still ahead in our next half hour on "news 4 today,"he weekend edition, a new farmers market opens in the ristdict. we'll tell you exactly where. we'll also hear from some rgstiainer siasehoppho w encounr
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add bair at the grocery store. plus michael jackson's home town celebrates the pop star's life. and no baseball is playing tonight at nationals park. the stadium is being transported into a concert vhoen twwn[éú]?eñmñçq>
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updating our top stories. police say an elderly couple held for hours last night are now free. police were called originally to a jewelry store in leesburg around 11:30 this the morning friday after an apparent armed robbery. the suspect fled on o foot,
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broke into another home, and stole an suv from a young family before barricading himself in the home of the elderly couple. several businesses were damaged late last night in rockville by a two-alarm fire. the fire happened just before 11:00 at the franklin office park. it has townhouse-type buildings. they say the fire damaged at least six of those buildings. president obama just addressed ghana's parliament. he come employ michigan meanted them. he said they're a motto for other countries to emulate. good morning. welcome to the 9:00 edition of "news 4 today." let's take a quick look at the weather this morning.
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steve villanueva has the weather. >> we do have a front heading our way, but that won't move through until tonight. so until then we are sitting pretty, but it will be warmer than yesterday and it will be more humid as well. right now it's going to be 71. we're heading into the 80s, pretty much where it should be. dew points are slowly climbing right now in the low 60s but they will increase as there's humid weather. we're quiet at the moment but we do have mid and upper-level clouds sliding across the area. there's the front. you can see it right there moving across chicago. that drops down into the area. it stays with us through early tomorrow morning and then we start to clear things out, really like a sandwich of sunshine with rain during the overnight hours. temperatures in the mid 80s. >> kind of sand witch i'd like a bite of. shoppers in northern virginia got quite a surprise recently when a very hungry bear showed up at a grocery store. people backed up and reached for their cameras but this same bear
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may have been out there more than once. eun yang explains. >> i saw what i thought at first was a rot whiler coming toward us from the parking lot. as it got closer the sinking feeling came when i realized it was a bear. >> reporter: but she didn't run away. she grabbed her camera and snapped these pictures. >> i was shocked, shock beyond belief there was a bear there. >> black bear kind of walking like that. you know, i was just like, what? there's a bear here? >> reporter: they watched as the bear climbed on top of a shopping cart. all that food was oh so close but he couldn't find the door. >> he was very purposely heading right toward the giant. i mean he knew where he was going. >> reporter: bears are venturing out more frequently as their habitat continues to shrink and they tend to follow their nose.
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>> we're in suburbia. we don't hav bckla brs but i wuguesoes dow n tte've encroached on their territory. >> reporter: they saw it the very next day. >> he was slamming two bird feeders together. he broke one open and ate some of the seeds. then i came out and he ran off into the woods. >> well, no bears in this place that we're about to tell you about today. today the new farmer's market opens in the district. being opened by the university of district of columbia. joining us now to talk more about the new market is gloria from udc. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is so -- i guess the first question we ask is where can we find this farmer's market? ? >> this farmer's market is located at 4200 connecticut ash knew in washington, d.c., in front of the university of the district of columbia's campus.
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>> do you feel there's strong need to have a farmer's market there? >> yes, i do, and that is because we would like to connect more closely with the community in which we are located. >> how did this idea come about? >> this idea came about with my talking with our provost. she had a vision that it would be nice to have a farmer's market in frobltd of the university to bring the community together with the university. and so we got started on that with one of my units in cooperative extension. the consumers -- i'm sorry. the consumer e resources and economic development unit. and so they put together the cooperative of mid-atlantic growers and with that cooperative, we've garnered a few of the local farmers, and so now they have come to udc to show their wares. >> are students invved or do
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you envision they will be involved? >> i envision them being involved. and we will have a student today from our school of business that will be working along with us and then we will gradually bring on more students. >> right. because the farmer's market sounds like farmers who come together to sell their fruits and vegetables but this sounds like a real business. >> yes. and as we say, this is a unique farmer's market. we're providing food for the table as well as food for thought, and we have -- we will be having can tell lope, tomatoes, peppers, and a variety of vegetables and fresh-cut flowers. >> and briefly, does the university profit from this? >> yes, they will profit from getting our name out there as well as enticing more students to come to the university to be enrolled in the university.
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congratulations. thanks for joining us. remember, 4200 connecticut avenue, farmer's market this weekend in front of university of d.c. >> still ahead. lindsay czarniak sit downs.
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there's going to be a lot of laughter at the theater this weekend. we get a preview. >> oh, no. we are english. >> which one are you. >> reporter: if he touched a nerve with his movie borat a couple of years ago. -- he stomps all over him with his new comedy "bruno." he plays a very gay austrian fashion freak who sets out to make his mark on america. >> it's a jump suit made entirely out of velcro. >> reporter: he knows few bounds and ruffles more than a few feathers both onscreen and possibly in audience as well. "bruno "bruno" is rated "r."
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hayden pen tee area drops the super powers entitled character "i love you, beth cooper." that's the line he uses in his val districtry speech. >> i love you, beth cooper. >> reporter: even though they never have spoke is about they wind up getting together and it turns into a night that he won't want to remember. "i love you beth cooper." preparations are under way for this weekend's billy joel/elton john con sefrmt this will be the first concert ever at the stadium and it will be the biggest event to take place since pope benedict held a papal mass there last year. the concert is later today.
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elton john and billy joel are performing around the country as part of their face-to-face tour. we have sports and weather straight ahead. steve will have the preview straight ahead. the humidity and a little bit of rain on the way. fios guy! where ya headed?
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast interne and crystal-clear phone service
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all for just... sign up today. call the vizon centefor customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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another memorial for michael jackson turned into another celebration for his life in his home town of gary, indiana. thousands of people gathered together to sing his songs and dance to his music as they remember gary as the place where the king of pop got his start. jeanie was there. >> this is where he came from. >> i wouldn't miss this for the world. >> reporter: thousands packed u.s. steel yard stadium to pay tribute to gary's own michael jackson. it's the place where the kid became a king. >> i think it was fitting that he was here. >> it mean as lot just to say good-bye to him, to see where -- you know, where he started out. >> i'm very, very honored to see people from all over come here. >> this is the closest that we could do, and we love michael, and so we're here for him really. >> reporter: to get everyone involved in the memorial, each one got a souvenir ticket, a white glove to wear on their rit hand, and they were invi invited to sign this memorial
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wall. >> i grew up with him. we could gonlt to l.a., so we came up here. >> reporter: it was more than a memorial. it was a celebration of jackson's life. fans dancing in the dugout, fans waving >> it's not good all the time. sometimes you have to say, yeah, it's not good but he left his legacy behind. >> reporter: on stainch performers featured his most remembered music plus messages from the reverend jesse jackson and the patriarch. and for michael jks's home toac hometown, this was a farewell to their favorite son. celebrations have gone on around the country. oh, my gosh. he wrote the songtrack of my childhood really. >> so are you ready for the weekend? >> yes. >> weatherwise. it's actually going to be a good
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weekend. >> what if i said no, i'm not ready. >> you're not ready. but it's here. >> okay. >> we have a front heading our way, and it looks like -- well, we'll show you the extended. it looks a lot more ominous than it actually is. this is where it will happen. we're going to see lots of sunshine today. then a front's going to come through. it's going to bring showers and thunderstorms. again, a pretty nice day. so in between that's when we have a little problem, and it's not really a problem because it happens when most of us are sleeping. all right. with that said let me take you outside. down on the jefferson memorial, it looks great. look at all that sunshine out there. 71 degrees. partly cloudy. the wind out of the south at 14 miles per hour and the dew point at 61. it's a touch humid out there. it's going to get a touch worse. so it will start to finally feel like july because it hasn't really. temperatures this month have been about five degrees below
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average. so, yes, it's been quite cool. here in the beltway. it's 83 down in new orleans, 82, dallas. once again it's going to be a very hot day across texas and into louisiana with temperatures there easily surpassing 100 degrees, especially with the heat index. it's also very humid and this is the moisture that will be pushing toward the east coast as we head into the afternoon hours. here's the system that will affect us later today. you can see that frontal band right there as we put the maps in motion. you can see the front now making its way across chicago. it's all tied to a cool front. the frontal band still well to the west. you can see there's plenty in the way of clear skies so mostly sunny early and then increasing clouds early and then once the clouds come through that's when we have showers and thunrstorms but that will mostly happen after the evening hours. so it's something we'll have the watch. a dry day, but it ll be a warm day and a humid day. and ther is at least a slight risk of seeing severe weather
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later on today in the potomac highlands out in western maryland and in the panhandle of virginia. but increasing clouds, mostly sunny earliful here comes the frontal band. the front moves through late brings us showering and thunderstorms. during the morning hours there may be an isolating shower but as the day goes on we ale continue to see lots of sunshine during the afternoon hours. then for monday a storm passes to our south and it may trigger a shower or a storsouth of the beltway, but for the most part it looks pretty nice. even though weave raindrops for sarkd sunday, and monday, it happens late today and then early tomorrow and then south of town on monday. so for the most part, pretty quiet. all in all, not a bad day. today, a bit humid, but tomorrow drier air works its way back into the area behind the front. >> so it looks worse than it does. in sports the nationals and the o's fall. here's hakem dermish with the highlights. >> good morning, everyone. with steerting with bachblt
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nationals third baseman wut out. his 82-year-old grandmother passed away in north carolina on wednesday. manny acta says he expects him to rejoin this weekend. top of the fourth inning. nats trail. a man on ird. johnson sends a shot. nyjer morgan scores easily after stealing skoonld third. johnson rolls into second with an rbi double. very next batter is dunn. johnson who was at second was sent home. he's not var fast guy. michael bourn comes up throwing and it's a perfect throw. johnson doesn't even have a chance. out at the plate. top nine. game's tied at five. nyjer morgan. with a man on second. morgan making things happen.
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base knocked back up the middle. willie harris this time is going to test michael bourn. he's a faster guy, but the throw is pretty good and pudge makes an even better play. scoops it. tags harris. he's out. phenomenal play by pudge, the future hall of famer. bottom nine, game still tied at five. mike macdougall facing blum. an exquisite situational hitter. that's it. the nats lose it 6-5. let's go to baltimore. dave trembley watching the game from a suite as he begins to serve a two-game suspension. pitching for the blue jays here in the second, strikeses out nolan swinging. that was a good thing for them to come. top five. blue jays up 1-0. toronto's chavez lines one up against melvin movement alex trots home. chavez on board with an rbi
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double. that was more than enough for cecilful bottom six. cecil still in the game. the former terp just krugz. his family was at the game cheering him on. he allowed four hits. he gets a third career hit. hometown hockey, they signed brendan morrison with $1.5 million yesterday. morrison has four 20-goal seasons. >> in golf at the u.s. women's open, a veteran who won the tournament before leads the way after two rounds. this is rachael heatherington. she did not make the cut but she had the shot of the day. watch here. the ball a kind of stops but it has momentum. picks up speed and apparently had gps because its destination is the bottom of the cup. for birdie, she's pumped. good for her.
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christie kerr, this is her approach shot. listen to her. she's talking to the ball. come on, baby. the ball responds. lands on the greerngs stops inches from the cup. she leads the open at three under par. you can watch the third and fourth rounds here on nbc 4 this weekend. that's your sports. i'm hakem dermish. have a grade day. and a little more sports now. the former maryland basketball star takes on superstar candace parker and the l.a. sparks tonight at the verizon center. although she's a professional athlete now coleman still has one foot in college park. something she shared over lunch with lindsay czarniak. >> so we have this for you. >> what's the right way to do this when you do a chee.
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>> what's it like for you being drafted by the mystics, to be playing for your hometown team? were you nervous? >> so nervous. my mom was making it worse. she was grabbing my leg more. >> i know your brother place football at robert morris, and you're going to be wearing number 4 because that's what he wears at college, right? >> yes. >> what is that relationship like? >> he's been my number one supporter, fan for all of it. we're four years apart. we're four years younger. i remember winning the championship my freshman year. he's the first one i went to. he's crying. he e's was a sophomore and he's crying because his sister won the championship. >> i love this one. >> that's probably why i like it. >> just kidding. >> i know that you and maryland's star have a unique friendship but it wasn't always positive from the start, was it? >> definitely not.
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we had a rocky start to our first year. pretty much we just credited the women's basketball. he said our national championship was easy and if they had won it would have been a lot hard e. that right there kind of set back our friendship. we didn't speak for a couple of weeks. then he finally apologized and played one on one and i beat him. >> you don't do just court stuff. you're off the court together. >> yechl we hang out every once in a while. go to movies, go to the mall. he's a good buddy of mine. >> so you guys would be a great couple. >> we have -- they have a great basketball -- >> i like meanings in songs' lyrics. country songs are great. people get in my car and hate it. i blast kenny chesney and keith urban. people know they have to listen to country when they're in my
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car. i have a variety on my playlist new kenny chesney is on my playlist. he's my favorite. >> you said that your mom is a flight attendant and your dad a police officer in this area, so what is that going to be like for you to be ashl to have them here supporting you and watching you as you do this? >> it's going to be great. they've been there from the beginning, made so many sacrifices to help me suck soap and accomplish all my dreams. i was joking around telling them they should hire my parntds. they're out there promoting. my mom's handing out schedules to all her friends. they're so excited. she even tried to convince me to move back home that and live in their house. >> i'm like no y. >> free rent. >> i know, but come on. good luck, marissa.
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coming up -- a simulated biological attack on the pentagon. are authorities ready? i'm derrick ward and aisle have details coming up on "news 4." plus general motors complete and unusually quick exit from bankruptcy. we'll have the latest on the carmakers future, and barbie fios guy! where ya headed?
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. updating our top stories. leesburg police say two families were ter rised by one man. they were called by a jewelry store after an apparent armed
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robbery. the suspect fled on foot, broke into another home, and stole an suv from a young family with a 2-year-old child before barricading himself in a home of an elderly couple. the gunman is behind bars this morning. police check points have been ruled unconstitutional. they began stopping cars in the trinidad neighborhood last suer. a federal judge upheld the checkpoints in october but friday they ruled that residents' constitutional rights re violate and the lower court must reconsider its position. and meteorologists say there's a 60% chance the shuttle will remain grounded. the tonight's launch attempt because of stormy weather. nasa has until tuesday to launch endeavor off to the international space station. good morning. welcome back to "news 4 today."
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the news is just ahead. first let's take a quick look at this morning's weather. steve, it's shaping up to be a pretty day out there. >> it is. it looks like we're going to have a nice day ahead of a front that will be pushing toward the area much later today. but in the meantime we're going to be sitting pretty. here's what's going on out there. 71 degrees here in the beltway. 72 in dulles, 72 in quantico. due points in the low o 60s but these numbers will be climbing. dew points will be increasing as southerly winds bring in more humid weather. we're quiet on digital doppler for now. the storm system is making its way across the ohio valley. mostly sunny early, partly cloudy later. and you can see the front right. there eventuallyite e going to sweep across the area. that will happen much later today. it will last through early tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon. again, a pretty nice afternoon with temperatures climbing once again into the mid 80s. all in all, a chance of showers overnight. more details soon.
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back to you. the pentagon is holding an emergency drill this morning. federal and local responders are preparing for a potential biological attack at the pentagon. "news 4's" derrick ward joins us live with the details. it looks busier than it did this morning. >> well, kimberly just about an hour ago we were over at the south lawn of the pet gone and we showed you the actual release of that simulated chemical biological agent. here we're over at the grounds of the naval annex for another important face of this whole operation. now, the dee contamination unit is a distance away from the actually exposure site. the administration of medical care that would actually be administered in an actual biological event. they're being washed dound and categoriz categorized. response takes cooperation with federal and local agency. you actually wear another hat as well when it comes to this sort
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of thing. >> right now i'm assigned to the office of emergency management and the deputy director. >> reporter: how important is it that your office take part in these drills? >> it's extremely important. it really gives us a chance to test our procedures and protocols for dee conning and decontamination drills. you can see our arlington fire department here. it's a skplenltd test for us to test. >> it's in your jurisdiction. >> it is. the pentagon is part of our community. >> reporter: grail the volunteers as well come from the teams in arlington county. so the police agencies get a lot of feedback. all of that is invaluable in the case of an actual attack. we're liv at the navy annex. wee bark to you in the studio. >> it looks like people are getting a chance to cool off, derrick. >> reporter: we're getting a little mist. >> i'm glad you're benefiting.
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general motors is turning a new leaf. the auto icon has emerged from bankruptcy and is now working to rebuild its empire. kristen dahlgren has that report. >> fritz henderson, president and ceo of general motors. >> reporter: after just 40 days. >> this is an exciting day for general more motors. today marks the beginning of a new company. >> reporter: a new company with new owners. >> frankly 330 million shareholders being the u.s. citizens -- >> reporter: the new gm is more than 60% owned by the u.s. government and a much smaller version of its former self, leaving massive debt and many contracts behind in bankruptcy and starting over with plans to shed 13 u.s. plants, 27,000 jobs, and almost 2,000 dealerships. gm is also in the process of selling saturn, saab, and hummer. it's leaving the company to focus on four u.s. brand as.
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chevy, buick, cadillac, and gmc. >> you know, i'm excited about getting back into the car business. >> reporter: these are tough times in the car business. in the midst of a sales slump they've leader experienced market share losses and must now u try to win back the american consumeer. >> and we'll work hard to repay the trus and the money that so many have invested in gm. >> reporter: difficult task as, even with a fresh start. kristen dahlgren, "news 4." coming oup thn saturday morning edition of "news 4 today," who serves the very best sweet tea. pwp io
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having the right tools is crucial to being able to manage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh check my blood sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoaster. it does at times feel like my body is telling me to do one thing... and, my mind, my heart is telling me to do something else. managing my highs and lows is super important. with my contour meter i can personalize my high/lo settings so it really does micromanage where my blood sugar needs to be. i'm nick jonas and never slowing down is my simple win.
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bients a golden year for barbie and now fans in washington will get a chance to gush over the same doll. the national doll collection is in town this week. over 1200 are participating. it's taking place in northwest d.c. today the convention will be open to the public between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. new and collector barbies will be on sale and there will be a sale of accessories and chronicling 50 years in existence without a single wrinkle. it's a simple concoction, tea, sugar, and ice.
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but to southerners suite tea is more than that. it's become a marketing tool for premium drink makers but outside of dixie where's the best sweet tea? liz crenshaw cooling down with a sweet tea taste test. >> reporter: mmm. sweet tea looks good, certainly good for a mcdonald's marketing campaign. for us, a taste test. we set up in downtown warkds to taste four different iced teas. here's the heavily marketed mcdonald's. a cup costs us $1. wendies sells $1. this cup costs us 2.09. this is arizo suite tea. a 20-ounce can costs one dollar and we threw in a dollar.
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good for 48 eight-ounce servings cost us $2.99. we pour our sweet tea into cups. now, sweet tea is loaded with both sugar and history. lend dates it back to the 19th century when americans began to grow tea in south carolina, add sugar from louisiana and sweet tea was born. but it took the sweltering st. louis world's fair in 1904 for an enterprising merchant to pour ice in the mix. now you have yourself a tradition. as for our taste test, each tea got sweet reviews. tea a is wendy's. >> it had a suite flavor tore it. seemed more fresh. >> why did you like a? >> i liked it better. >> you picked wendy's.
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>> reporter: b was our ringer, powdered lipton it's my favorite because it has more flavor than sugar water. >> i like b because it has more lem on. >> it's less sweeter and that's the one people should be drinking i think. >> reporter: c is sweet tea from mcdonald's. >> i think c taste more natural it. >> was balanced. >> c was definitely more sweeter, more interesting. >> reporter: and d was arizona sweet tea from a can. >> i chose d. it was lighter, more of a tea taste. >> reporter: what is it that you like? >> i don't know. i taste a peach kind of flavor. >> why do you like d? >> it wasn't as sweet as the others. >> this is a sweet tea taste test. >> i don't like it too sweet. >> that too sweet comment was raised again and again by our testers. >> too sweet it's refreshing and
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not that sweet. >> called sweet tea. you don't want your sweet tea that suite. >> right. >> you don'tn't want it too sweet. >> exactly. >> here owes how the taste test turned out. mcdonald's received 7 votes. wendy's and arizona tiedith 10 s.vo and the winner was lipton powdered tea with 12 votes. so much for old dixieland with tradition. eape 'svo >> yes, yes, you save money. >> as long as it has my step mom's garden-grown plinmint, it good enough if for me. contact that's nowhe e-mail a forsk liz questions. does it do that. any information you like ten sd by sma, il you can alson ee ihp, ucto with us on just search for "liz crenshaw."
10:14 am
up next on "news 4 today," the top stories and an ouctedan fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
10:15 am
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a little sunshine, a little rain. >> for the most part today is going to be a pretty nice day. lots of sunshine. but it will be warmer and definitely more humid than yesterday. >> it is july, so they tell me. so it's about time that it starts to feel like that. good morning, everyone.
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there is a cold front heading our way. eventually the front will bring showers and storms but that won't happen until much later today, in fact, the front doesn't move through until the overnight hours but until then things are looking pretty. so here's what it looks like right now as we look at reagan national airport. all is quiet. the sun is shining. mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies. we mean high clouds coming in ahead of the storm subpoena. the winds right now to the south. helping to bring in that warmer weather and that humid weather. dew point still low but they will start to creep on up as the southerly winds again bring in some of that humid weather that we're finding down across texas. tempwise here's what's happening. let's take a look. it is currently 74 here in the beltway. 76 out at dulles. 7 # out in annapolis. dew points again will slowly start to creep on up as the sorl winds start to bring in the humidity. we're quiet on digital doppler. that's how it's going to stay until late today. there's the humidity. you can see it from st. louis
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through cincinnati and over into memphis. that's just really humid weather. dew point in the 70s. it's really oppressive. we're going to get a taste of that later today. they bring in the humid weather but this is the front we're watching. you can cleely pick out the frontal band. showers and storms ahead of that frontal band. all of this is going to drop down into the region a little bit later today. so things are quiet for now. eventually we're going to start to see increasing cloud coverage. then the front comes through bringing showers and storms. some of it could be on the strong side, especially in the potomac highlands and far western maryland and this is where we could see severe weather a little later on today and then as the front actually makes its way across the area, it's at nighttime but nonetheless we could have showers and storms and some could produce heavy rain and gusty winds, so in the meantime by the time we get to tomorrow, it's off to the south. we'll start off with a few morning rain showers. temperatures still pretty mild with daytime highs in the 80s.
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then we're going to watch this system. it looks like it's going to stay to the south but nonetheless or southern areas could pick up a shower or two. so for this afternoon, partly cloudy. then increasing clouds late today. temperatures climbing into the mid 80s. late-day storm. lasting through early tomorrow morning. then we clear things out during the afternoon hours. monday looks for the most part fine as well with maybe a chance of a thunderstorm. especially south of town and then tuesday and wednesday looking good an then another chance of a storm or two as we head into thursday. all in all it looks like a nike weekend. >> up next, the weekend edition, hunting for python, why some wildlife officials are encouraging the practice. st
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down in florida it's become legal to hunt python. more than 150,000 is out of control and spreading. pythons, of course, can be very dangerous. last week a florida toddler was strangled to death by a pet python. >> they'll try to thrust their coils around you, start to constrictch they may try to suffocate somebody. >> we're developing a plan immediately that we'll roll out that we will allow people who are trained, supervised by us,
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to go out and hunt pythons and kill them. >> under the plan, 750,000 acres of land in florida will be open to python hunters with permits. however the national park has made it clear hunting will not be permitted on their grounds. instead they've promised to curb the python using nonlethal methods. jonathan sanchez pitched the season's first no-hitter against the padres. here's hakem dermish. good morning, everyone. we're starting with babel. nationals' third baseman was out for the first time because of the death in his family. his fwrantd mother passed ay on wednesday. manager manny acta says he expected zimmerman to rejoin the team this weekend. nats and astros back at it. nick johnson at the plate with man on third.
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johnson sends a shot to deep center e field off the wall. nyjer morgan scores easily after stealing second and third. johnson rolls into second with an rbi double. the very next batter is adam done, the texas native getting things done here. singles up the middle. johnson who was up at second is september home. he's not a very fast guy. michael bourn comes up throwing and it's a perfect throw. johnson doesn't even have a chance. out at the plate. top nine. games tied at nine. nyjer morgan up with a man on second. morgan make aing things happen. base knocked back up the middle. willie harris this time is going to test michael bourn. he's a faster guy, but the throw is pretty good and pudge makes an even better play. scoops it. tags harris. he's out. phenomenal play by pudge, the fight tur hall of famer. bottom nine, game still tied at
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five. blum, an kwis it situational mi hitter. dave trembley watching the game from a suite as he begins serve a two-game suspension. brett cecil pitching for the blue jays here in the second. strikes out nolan's swing. that was a sn of good things to come for the maryland grad. top five. blue jays up 1-0. toronto's raul shah vaez lines one up. alex rios trots home. chez on board with an rbi double. that was more than enough for see sichlt bottom six. cecil still in the game. the former terp just moving. cecil's family at the game cheering him on. he struck out five, allowed four hits. he gets his first career win and the jays shut ott the orioles 2-0. the capitals sign him with a
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one-year contract with $1.5 million yesterday. morrison has four 20-goal seasons. in golf, a veteran who's won the major tournament before leads the way after two rounds. this is rachael heatherington. she did not make the cut but she had the shot of the day. watc here. she starts it here on the 11th goal. the ball kind of stops. but it has momentum. picks up speed and apparently it had gps because its destination is the bottom of the cup for birdie. she's pumped. good for her. here's the leader. christie kerr. this is her approach shot. listen to her, she's talking to the ball. >> come on, baby. >> come on, baby. the ball responds, lands on the green. stops inches from the cup. kerr with birdie. she leads the open. you can watch the thirdrd and fourth rounds here on nbc 4 this weekend. that's your sports.
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i'm hakem dermish. >> that's "news 4 today." we'll ba back tomorrow morning at 6:00, 7:00, and 9:00. have a great day, even. fios guy! where ya headed?
10:28 am
ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straig to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and foa limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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