tv Meet the Press NBC July 26, 2009 11:30pm-12:30am EDT
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>> phenomenal day. when we come back, some stiff competition for a popular title. take a look. no. not a santa claus lookcompetit . not a santa claus lookcompetit . competition. julie loves target, it's got the supplies teacher told her to get and for a great deal. she also expects he'll love the sandwich. she expects he'll think of her when he sees the note. so she shops target. gotta have deals on the stuff she's gotta get. target. expect more. pay less.
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here we go, folks. this is the -- this is the sunshine state. we're in florida. key west. this is david douglas right there in the middle. >> he's the champion. >> if you're thinking he looks like someone, you're right. he won this year's earnest hemming way look alike competition. it's his eighth try at the
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television this sunday, she's logged 100,000 miles traveling around the globe as secretary of state, pushing president obama's foreign policy goals as his top diplomat. this week in asia, she confronted u.s. adversaries, trading barbs with the northern koreans. >> there is no place to go for north korea. they have no friends left. >> and warning iran against its
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nuclear ambition. >> if the united states extends a defense umbrella over the region, they won't be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe they can once they have a nuclear weapon. >> from the wars abroad in afghanistan and iraq to the battle at home over health care, what influence is she having on her former political rivals, now the president of the united states. our exclusive guest for the full hour, the former first lady of the united states, democratic senator from the state of new york, and candidate for the democratic presidential nomination in 2008, secretary of state hillary clinton. but first, here she is, the secretary of state hillary clinton. welcome back to "meet the press". >> thank you, david. it's great to be here with you. >> glad to have you. and you're here for the full hour. we have a lot to get to. >> well, with your preview into it, there's a lot to talk about in the world today. >> absolutely.
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so let's get right to it and talk about some of the hot spots around the globe that you're dealing with. first up is north korea. and got tense this week. here was the big headline. "clinton and north korea engage in tense exchange." it began on monday during an interview you gave to abc. let's watch a portion of that. >> what we've seen is this constant demand for attention, and maybe it's the mother in me or the experience that i've had with small children and unruly teenagers and people who are demanding attention, don't give it to them. they don't deserve it. they are acting out in a way to send a message that is not a message we're interested in receiving. >> now, the north korean reaction was rather personal, and "the washington post" wrote about it on friday. we'll put that up on the screen. the war of words between north korea and the united states escalated with north korea's foreign ministry lashing out at secretary of state clinton in unusually personal storms for
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"vulgar remarks" that it said demonstrated she is by no means intelligent. we can regard mrs. clinton as a funny lady. sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl. what were they thinking? >> well, david, i think what's important here is the clear message that we're sending to north korea, and it's one that is now unanimous. the security council resolution, 1874, made official that north korea must change their behavior. and we have to get back to moving toward verifiable denuclearization of the korean peninsula in a peaceful manner. as you know and as you've reported, they've engaged in a lot of provocative actions in the last month, but what we, china, russia, south korea, japan and literally the unanimous international community have said is, it's not going to work this time. we're imposing the most stringent sanctions we ever
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have. we have great cooperation from the world community, china and we are working closely together to enforce these sanctions. we still want north korea to come back to the negotiating table, to be part of an international effort that will lead to denuclearization, but we're not going to reward them for doing what they said they would do in 2005 and '6, we're not going to reward them for half measures. they now know what we in the world community expect. >> but it's interesting, if the posture of this administration was more engagement, even negotiations with our adversaries, it struck me this week that this was a ratcheting up of the rhetoric against north korea. >> well, we want to make clear to north korea that their behavior is not going to be rewarded. in the past, they believe that they have acted out, done things which really went against the norms of the international community, and somehow, then, were rewarded. those days are over
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we believe that the six-party talk framework, which had everybody included, is the appropriate way to engage with north korea. >> but they say, we're not playing in that group anymore. >> well, that's what they say. and i think they are very isolated now. i saw that when i was at the os aosean meeting. i was in the same room of a meeting with north korea. they launched a broadside attack, blaming us for everything that has ever gone wrong going back decades. i listened, everyone else didn't even look at them. i was struck by the body language. they don't have any friends left. and what we've seen even burma saying that they're going to enforce the resolution of sanctions. and when the north korea representative finished, i just very calmly said, north korea knows what it must do, and what we are expecting from it. i talked with my counterparts
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from russia, china, japan, south korea at length during the time i was in thailand. we are all on the same page and we are all committed to the same goal. >> can we say, at this point, since it's so difficult to deal with north korea, going back to president clinton, who said that he would stop them from getting a nuclear bomb, after these missile tests, after the belief that they have seven or eight nuclear bombs, that an effort to keep them from going nuclear has failed? >> no, i don't think so. because their program still at the beginning stages, and there are several important factors here that has led to the unanimity of the international community. it's not only that north korea has against the international norms, ieia and other requirements proceeded with this effort, but they also are a prolifera proliferator, we know that for a fact. so it's not only the threat they pose to their neighbors and beyond, but the fact they're
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trying to arm others. and then there's the reaction in the region. if you're sitting in south korea and japan, who are two of our strongest allies, with whom we have very clear defense responsibilities, and you see north korea proceeding, then you're going to be thinking, well, what i do need to do to protect myself? so it is destabilizing for northeast asia. which is why i think you'll see a continuing pressure, which we think will eventually result in some changes in their behavior. >> is north korea a threat to the united states? >> well, at this time, you know, our military experts and others say that in real terms, what they could do to us, that's unlikely. we have missile defenses that we can deploy, but they are a threat to our friends and allies, particularly japan and south korea. so therefore, they trigger a response from us to protect our allies and to make clear to the north koreans tt they cannot behave in this way. i want to just underscore that
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china has been extremely positive and productive in respecting north korea. the big issue in previous times was, well, how do we get china to really be working to change north korean behavior? i will be starting, along with secretary geithner, an intensive two days with chinese high-level representatives tomorrow and tuesday. but on north korea, we have been extremely gratified by their forward-leaning commitment to sanctions and the private messages that they have conveyed to the north koreans. >> finally, on this, two u.s. captives, laura ling and euna lee, two u.s. journalists in captivity. does the exchange of insults you had this week make their situation more dangerous? >> we believe this is on a separate track. this is an issue that should be revolved by the north koreans granting amnesty and allowing
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these two young women to come home as quickly as possible. are you making progress? >> we're certainly pursuing every lead we have. the messages that we've received from the young women, both through our protecting power, the swedish ambassador and through the messages and phone calls they've had with their families, are that they're being treated well, that they have been given theupplies that they need. but, obviously, they want t to resolve this, as we do, and we work on it, literally, every day. >> let me turn to another hot spot, and that is iran. a big headline this week. again, with your words, "clinton's defense umbrella stirs tensions." the headline goes on to suggest "the u.s. will have to protect allies from nuclear-armed iran." you were in bangkok on wednesday and this is what you said that got this started. >> we want iran to calculate what i think is a fair assessment, that if the united
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states extends a defense umbrella over the region, if we do even more to support the military capacity of those in the gulf, it's unlikely that iran will be any stronger or safer, because they won't be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe they can, once they have a nuclear weon. >> did you mean to suggest that the u.s. is considering a nuclear umbrella that would say to nations in the arab world that an attack on you, just like nato or japan, is an attack on the united states and the united states would retaliate? >> well, i think it's clear that we're trying to effect the internal calculus of the iranian regime. you know, the iranian government, which is facing its own challenges of legitimacy from its people, has to know that its pursuit of nuclear weapons, something that our country, along with our allies,
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stand strongly against. we believe as a matter of policy, it is unacceptable for iran to have nuclear weapons. the g-8 came out with a very strong statement to that effect, coming from italy. so we are united in our continuing commitment to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. what we want to do is to send a message to whoever is making these decisions, that if you're pursuing nuclear weapons, for the purpose of intimidating, projecting your power, we're not going to let that happen. first, we're going to do everything we can to prevent you from ever getting a nuclear weapon, but your pursuit is futile, because we will never let iran, nuclear armed, not nuclear armed, it is stiomethin that we view with great concern, and that's why we're doing everything we can to prevent that from ever happening. >> but let's be specific. are you talking about a nuclear
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umbrella? >> we are not talking in specifics, david. because, you know, that would come later, if at all. you know, my view is, you hope for the best, you plan for the worst. our hope is, that's why we're engaged in the president's policy of engagement toward iran, is that iran will understand why it is in their interest to go along with the consensus of the international community, which very clearly says, you have rights and responsibilities. you have a right to pursue the peaceful use of civil nuclear power. you do not have a right to obtain a nuclear weapon. you do not have the right to have the full enrichment and reprocessing cycle under your control. but there's a lot that we can do with iran if iran accepts what is the international consensus. >> one of the big challenges here is preventing israel from acting first. if they feel there's an sten shl threat, would they strike out at
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iran? there's been various positions taken in the administration about that. vice president biden, just a couple of weeks ago, said this on abc. "we cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do when they make a determination, if they make a determination, that they are existential lly threatened and their survival is threatened by another country." michael mullen said, "i have been for some time concerned that any strike on iran by israel. i worry about it being very destabilizing, not just in and of itself, but the unintended consequences of a strike lick that." where do you fall on the spectrum of administration views on the impact of a strike by israel? >> well, let me say, i personally don't see the contradiction here. the vice president was stating a fact. israel is a sovereign nation. any sovereign nation facing what it considers to be an existential threat, as successive israeli governments have characterized the possibility of iran having a nuclear weapon would mean to them, is not going to listen to other nations. if they believe that they are
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acting in the furtherance of their survival. however, as admiral mullen said, we continue to believe that very intensive diplomacy, bringing the international community together, making clear to the iranians what the costs of their pursuit of nuclear weapons might be is the preferable route. so, clearly, we have a long, durable relationship with israel we believe strongly that israel's security must be protected. but we also believe that pursuing this path with iran that we're on right now, that, frankly, we're bringing more and more people to see it our way. i thought the g-8 statement was quite remarkable in that sense. is the better approach for us to take. so wwill continue to work with all of our allies, and most particularly, israel, to determine the best way forward to prevent iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state. >> defense secretary gates is on his way to israel this week. is the message to the israelis,
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you've got to hang tight here? >> well, also, general jones will be there. we have a full pan only of our national security team that will be meeting with comparable israeli officials. and our message is as it has been. the united states stands with you. the united states believes that israel has a right to security. we believe, however, that this approach we're taking holds out the promise of realizing our common objective, and we want to brief the israelis, we want to listen to the israelis, and we want to enlist the support of all of our allies and friends in moving forward on this policy. >> is iran an illegitimate regime? >> you know, that's really for the people of iran to decide. i have been moved by the, just the cries for freedom and a clear appeal to the iranian
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government that this really significant country with a people that go back a my lena deserves better than what they're getting. >> but if the united states decides to negotiate with iran over its nuclear program, as has been the stated policy of the willing months engage, are you not betraying this democratic movement trying to overthrow that regime? >> i don't think so, david. because you can go back in history and not very long back, where we have negotiated with many government who is we did not believe represented the will of their people. look at all the negotiations that went on with the soviet union, look at the breakthrough in communications with communist china. that's what you do in diplomacy. you don't get to choose the people. that's up to the internal dynamics within asociety. but, clearly, we would hope better for the iranian people. we would hope that there is more openness, that peaceful
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demonstrations are respected, that press freedom is respected. yet, we also know that whoever is in charge in iran is going to be making decisions that will affect the security of the region and the world. >> let me talk about another difficult area, and that's russia. where there has been an attempt by the president to say, we're going to reset this relationship. vice president biden who was just traveling in the region talked to the "wall street journal" and his comments raised some eyebrows. this is what he said. "the reality is, the russians are wher they are. they have a shrinking population base, they have a withering economy, they have a banking sector and structure that is not likely to be able to withstand the next 15 years. they're in a situation where the world is changing before them and they're clinging to something in the past that is not sustainable." is he speaking for the president? and is the message essentially that the u.s. now has the upper hand when its dealing with russia? >> no, and i don't think that's at all what the vice president meant. remember, the vice president was the first person in the administration in an important speech which he gave in munich,
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germany, shortly after president obama's inauguration, that we wanted to reset our relationship with russia. and we know that that's not easily done. it takes time, it takes trust building, and we want what the president called for during his recent moscow summit. we want a strong, peaceful, and prosperous russia. now, there is an enormous amount of work to be done between the united states and russia. we're working on reducing our nuclear arsenal. we're going to work on reducing fissile material to make sure it esn't fall into the wrong hands. we're working to combat the threat of violent extremism. russia has been very helpful in our uniteded nations efforts, vis-a-vis north korea. the russians joined the g-8 statement in italy, talking about the need for iran to come to the table, either in a multilateral form, like the p 5
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plus 1 that we're part of, or bilaterally with us. so there is an enormous amount of hard work being done. and we view russia as a great power. now, every country faces challenges. we have our challenges, russia has their challenges, and there are certain issues that russia has to deal with on its own. and we want to make clear that as we reset our relationship, we are very clearly not saying that russia can have a 21st century spirit of influence in eastern europe. that is, you know, an attitude and a policy that we reject. we also are making it very clear that any nation in eastern europe that used to be part of the soviet union has a, right now, a free, sovereign, and independent nation to choose whatever alliance they want to join. so if ukraine are eligible and some day wish to join nato, that
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should be up to them. so i think what we're seeing here is the beginning of the resetting of that relationship, which i have been deeply involved in. i will be cochairing a presidential commission along with foreign minister sergey lagrof. we'll be following up on what our two presidents said in moscow. and the russians know we have continuing questions about some of our policies, and they have some about hours. >> i want to get to afghanistan. the headline coming out this week, "u.s. deaths hit a record high in afghanistan" the toll of 31 so far in july makes for the deadliest month in the war. giving that the president is surging up forces, 37,000 additional troops going to afghanistan, is this a war of necessity for this president, or has it become his war of choice? >> well, i think the president has been very firm in stating that the policy that was followed in afghanistan was not
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working. he said it throughout the campaign, he made that clear upon becoming president. and we know that the threat to the united states and, in fact, those who plotted and carried out the horrific attac on 9/11 against our country have not yet been brought to justice, killed, or captured. so president's goal is to dismantle and destroy and eventually defeat al qaeda. >> and yet, if i can just stop you, the real focus now is fighting the taliban, which is an insurgent movement. "america has just adopted afghanistan as our new baby. the troop surge that president obama ordered in afghanistan early in his tenure has taken this mission from a limited intervention with limited results to a full project that will take a long time to succeed, if ever. we came to afghanistan to destroy al qaeda.
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now we're in a long war with afghanistan. is that really a good use of american power?" >> david, we had an intensive strategic review upon taking office. and we not only brought the entire united states governmen together, but we reached out to friends and allies, people with stakes in afghanistan and pakistan. and as you know, the result of that strategic review was to conclude that al qaeda is supported by and uses its extremist allies, like elements within the taliban and other violent extremist groups in the region, as well as worldwide, to extend its reach to be proxies for a lot of its attacks on jakarta, indonesia, and elsewhere, so that in order to really go after al qaeda to uproot it and to destroy it, we had to take on those who were giving the al qaeda leadership safe haven. now, as you know, the border between afghanistan and pakistan
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is permeable, there are vements back and forth across it. i think our new strategy, which has been endorsed by a very large number of nations, some of whom don't agree with us on a lot of other things, is aimed at achieving our primary goal. and we also learned from iraq, which were hard lessons, that in order to have our military intervention be effective, when they go in and try to clear areas of the extremists, we have to follow in to build up the capacity of the local community to defend itself and to be able to realize the benefits of those changes. this is a new strategy. it's just beginning. i think the president believes that it was not only the right strategy, but facing what he faced, to withdraw our presence or to keep it on the low level, limited effectiveness that had been demonstrated would have sent a message to al qaeda and their allies that the united
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states was willing to leave the field to them. and in addition, importantly, we've seen the pakistani government and military really step up, which had not happened to the extent it has now. so the taliban, which is, as i believe strongly, part of a kind of terrorist syndicate, with al qaeda at the center, is now under tremendous pressure. and i think that's in america's national interest. now, i have to add, nobody is more saddened than the president and i for the loss of life of our young men and women, and no one is more impatient than we are to see the results of this sacrifice bear fruit. we have the most extraordinary military in the world. they have leadership now we think is totally on point in terms of what we are attempting to accomplish. and i think that we'll see benefits come from that. >> we're going to leave it there for the moment, take a short break here and have much more with secretary of state clinton, including a question that keeps popping up around the world.
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i love it! i just want to know it's the right move. me? thirteen days in the future. you get a deal on the car you always wanted. scheduled maintenance is included, it's all good. what's the future like? you love your new jetta. and the suit? you like it? no...i love it! and we're back with the secretary of state hillary clinton. how is your elbow? >> oh, it's getting better. it's about 80% of the way back. there are certain moves that i can make, but there are others
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that are still kind of painful. but i'm doing my physical therapy. that's what everybody told me i had to do. >> the shorthand shaking is a l hard? >> i tried toy ied to do the ha shaking when i was in india, and that was a little sore. i love the bow. >> probably hard to do that in germany. let's take a step back and take a larger vision at the president's foreign policy. this is what the president said during his inaugural address, which was something of a mission statement. let's watch. >> for those who claim to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. >> but isn't the problem six months in, there may be a willing tonnes change the tone, may be more engagement, but no one's enclenching their fist
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yet? >> that's not the way i read it at all. six months, we have begun to fulfill our obligation to withdraw from iraq, so that now when i meet with prime minister maliki and ten members of his government and about 12 of ours, we're talking about educational exchanges, talking about agriculture. we have a very clear policy on p proliferation and we're back trying to move the world towards lowering the threat of nuclear weapons. we've already talking about bringing the world together around a joint response to north korea and increasingly around iran. we are sending a message to governments and peoples alike as the president did in his very important cairo speech, as he just did in ghana, that we want governments and particularly democracies that deliver for people. i could go on and on. we are really back. that's the message when i went to asia. the united states is back and we're ready to lead. >> what did you mean by that?
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>> what i meant was that in many parts of the world, the priorities that were pursued the last eight years did not seem to include them. so just going, for example, to asia, as i did on my first trip, as i just did, was viewed as a very positive statement of participation. we're building on some of the good work that's been done in a bipartisan way in india, starting with my husband and in this case, continuing with president bush in india, so that we have now announced the most comprehensive engagement we've ever had with that country. >> but if you look at it, the bush administration policy in asia and the obama administration policy in asia are not that different. you too are distracted by wars in afghanistan and iraq. >> see, i disagree with that. part of what we have done is to organize ourselves so that we can concentrate on many important issues at the same time. i know that, for example, people have raised questions about why i push so hard to have special envoys appointed. it's because i think it would be
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diplomatic malpractice not to have people of stature and experience handling some of our most difficult problems on a day-to-day basis. i'm the chief diplomat, i'm responsible at the end for advising the president, for executing the policy that we agree upon, but it is to our advantage to have george mitchell in the middle east today, to have richard holbrooke in afghanistan, to have retired general scott grace en coming back from a sixth or seventh trip to sudan. i could not have possibly given the attention that we need to the in-depth way that is required for all of this. and the feeling on the part of much of the world that the prior administration, for understandable reasons, focused so much on some of the specific issues, like iraq, et cetera, that really grabbed it and required a lot of attention, that much of the rest of the world felt, you know, that they were kind of second tier.
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when i went to the ossian meeting, itn't been for some time that we had a secretary of state pay continuing attention. we announced an exciting new relationship with the lower mekong countries. we are working, everywhere we can to make clear, you know, that the unitestates cnot solve all the problems of the world alone, but the world cannot solve them without the united states. >> here was a recent headline that got a lot of attention, not surprisingly, in the "los angeles times." "clinton seems overshadowed by her boss, se analysts say." you responded saying, i broke my elbow, not my larynx. but has at times it been a struggle? >> not at all. maybe because i understand the functioning of the united states government, the president is the prident. and the president is responsible for setting policy. now, we have a great relationship. i see him usually several times a week, at least once one on
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one. and i'm ready to offer my advice. we have an incredibly candid and open exchange. in fact, the whole team does. >> this is kind of interesting. the whole team of rivals idea. do you have a close, working relationship? are you the voice on foreign policy? the adviser in his ear on foreign policy? >> well, i am the chief adviser on foreign policy, but the president makes the decision. you know, i have a picture of former secretary of state seward in my office. he was a new york senator, who went on to serve president lincoln, which is part of what created this concept of team of rivals. he became one of lioln's closest and strongest advisers. why? because he understood, as i do, that the election is over. the president has to lead our country, both internationally and domestically. i saw this when my husband was president. at the end of the day, it is the president who has to set and
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articulate policy. i'm privileged to be in a position where i am the chief adviser, i'm the chief diplomat, i'm the chief executer of the policy that the president pursues. but i know very well that a team that works together is going to do a better job for america. and one thing i would add is, you know, i've read a lot of diplomatic history and i know that very often, there become sort of warring camps, you know. it's the defense department versus the state department or the national security council versus the state department. and in fact, we've had administrations where there was just open warfare. you don't see any of that in this administration. in fact, i've had some of my predecessors say with some amount of surprise, this administration has no light between it. >> to that point, what has president obama proved to you as president that you didn't believe about him as a candidate? >> well, i always had a very high respect for him as a colleague. we served senate together. now, during a campaign, you're
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going to magnify differences. you're trying to convince people to vote for you and vote against the other candidate. so i always had a very healthy respect for his intelligence, for his world view, for his understanding of the complexity that we face in the 21st century. now, having worked with him for six months, what i see is his decisiveness, his discipline, his approach to difficult problems. we have a really good process in the nfc that intensely examines problems, brings people to the table, goes outside the usual circle, tries to tee up decisions for what's called the principles committee, which i and the vice president and the secretaries of defense and our cia and our dni and everybody sit around a table in the situation room. we take the work that comes from the deputies' committee, that's gone through this very rigorous process, and we hash it out. and we do not always agree. and we take positions. and at the end, though, we reach a consensus.
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either we are at a point where we feel that we know the best thing to suggest to the president, or we suggest minority and a majority point of view. and then we meet with the president. and the president hears us out, oftentimes he'll put somebody on the spot and he'll say, well, david, what do you really think? or he'll go and say, i didn't hear from you yet. and at the end of the day, the path makes a decision. >> but during the campaign, you questioned both his experience and his toughness. are those issues that you don't feel as strongly anymore? >> oh, i don't feel at them all. i think those were appropriate issues to have raised in the campaign. i have no problem with having raised though. because he hadn't been yet on the national scene. but i'm here to say, as somebody who's spent an enormous amount of time and efft running against him, i think his performance in office has been incredible. >> you are secretary of state. you are not, i should say, your portfolio does not include domestic matters, domestic political debates. and yet health care is obviously
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a huge debate right now in this country and for this administration. and this is what you said when you ended your run for the presidency, june 7th, 2008. let's watch. >> we all want a health care system that is universal, high quality, and affordable. so that parents don't have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead end jobs, simply to keep their insurance. this isn't just an issue for me. it is a passion and a cause and it is a fight i will continue until every single american is insured, no exceptions and no excuses. >> you'valways been passionate about this. you're not involved in the current debate, but why is it so hard, do you think? >> well, david, it's hard because the system that we've seen grow up, almost organically since world war ii, is so dysfunctional. and, unfortunately, the incentives are often not in the right places to reward doctors,
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nurses, and other health care professionals for their outcomes, to really drive quality. and i applaud the president for taking it on right off the bat. you know, there are many problems we're dealing with in our country, and certainly he could have said, okay, fine, we'll get to that when we get to it, but he's waded right into it. and i am somewhat encouraged by what i see happening in the congress. you know, i've been there. i know how hard this is. >> is it different than '93? >> oh, it is. it's different in several ways. it's different because i think everybody's now convinced there's a problem. back in '93, we had to keep making the case over and over again. well, now we know, costs will continue to rise. for everybody who has insurance, there is no safe haven. their costs will go up. we lose insurance for 14,000 people a day. we know that our system, left unchecked, is going to bankrupt, not just families and businesses, but our country. so it is a central concern of
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president obama and our administration. >> and yet you wrote in your memoir, "living history," something that was very interesting. you wrote this, "ultimately, we could never convince the vast majority of americans who have health insurance that they wouldn't have to give up benefits and medical choices to help the minority of americans without coverage. nor could we persuade them that reform would protect them from losing insurance and make them more vulnerable in the future." that's the issue president obama is dealing with now. do you think he's doing a better job of getting over that hurdle? >> i think he's making a very strong case. and what's important here is that people are always for change in general, and then they begin to worry about the particulars. as our process moves forward, we have legislation in both houses. we've had the committee i used to serve on, the health, education, labor and pension, so called h.e.l.p. committee, pass out a comprehensive bill. we're seeing action in the house. then people will begin to see the particulars and the
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legislative process will begin to try to, you know, smooth out the rough edges and create the reassurances that people need. but what is so promising, for me, is that when i wrote that about our experience in the early '90s, there was still a lot of routes that people thought we could go down. well, we'll try managed care, we'll get more hmos, we'll be able to control cost for the people who have health insurance. we're not talking about the people who are uninsured, which is a moral imperative, but the people with it. i think people now realize, i could be uninsured. the chances that businesses will continue to pay for insurance over the next 5, 10, 15 years are diminishing. i think, if i remember correctly, in '93 and '94, 61% of small businesses provided some kind of health insurance for their employees. it's down to 38%. so now everybody's worrying. and i think that gives the president a very strong case to make.
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>> has he sought out your council on this? >> we talk about everything. i have a rule, i don't ever talk about what i talk about with presidents, whether it's my husband when he was president or now with president obama, but -- >> but even domestic issues, you'll ever some thoughts? >> i'm available to the president to talk about anything. obviously, we have a pretty big portfolio we have to deal with on the international -- >> bottom line, do you think health care will pass this time? >> i do. i think that the time has come. i think this president is committed to it. i think the leadership in congress understands, we have to do something and i think we'll get it done. >> let me ask you about another big issue in the news this week, because henry louis gates is also a friend of yours, in addition to being a friend of this president's. professor gates arrested, of course, you see the picture there, in his cambridge home. the president talked about it at a press conference and then showed up unannounced in the briefing room to address it further. what role do you think he plays or should play in sensitive matters like this? >> well, i think the president
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did an excellent job in addressing it on friday, when he went to the press room. and i think his point is very clear. he said, look, maybe i should have chosen different words, but he's going to have a beer with professor gates and sergeant crowley and i think that's, you know, leadership by example. and i really commend him for that. >> it's interesting, because issues of race obviously plaid out in the course of the campaign, and i wonder, do you think the president has a special responsibility and plays a special role in terms of race relations for the country? >> well, if something constructive can come out of this latest incident, it will be that people around the country are talking about the continuing challenges we face. you know, obviously, the fact that the president exemplifies the progress that has been made over generations and sacrifices of so many came before is a powerful statement in and of itself. his experience added to that,
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it's important for the country to see and to digest. but the president has said many times, he's the president of all the people in the united states. he's the president who wants to bring people together to solve problems and to make progress together. welcome to the now network. population: 49 million. right now 1.2 million people are on sprint mobile broadband. 31 are streami a sales conference from the road. eight are wearing bathrobes. two... less. - 154 people are tracking shipments on a train. - ( train whistles ) 33 are im'ing on a ferry. and 1300 are secretly checking email... - on a vacation. - hmm? ( groans ) that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network. bringing you the first and only wireless 4g network. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines
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we're back. our remaining moments with the secretary of state. i want to ask you about something that you deal with all over the world. that's the topic of women and leadership. here's a moment from delia university in india when you were asked a question. >> madame, today and even before yesterday, in one of your speeches you hints that the progress of women and the growth of women is directly linked with the progress of growth in any and every country. india has had a woman prime minister as early in the third decade of its post-independence era, where america has been deprived -- if i can say so -- of the same privilege. >> you can say so to me. >> what's it going to take for a woman to be president? >> well, it will take the right woman, who can make the case and win the votes and get elected. and i am certainly hoping that happens in my lifetime. but what was so interesting
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about that exchange, david, is that i have now, as you said in the beginning, traveled more than 100,000 miles. i've been in, i think, 30 countries. i've done a lot of town halls. because i believe, it's not just diplomacy between government officials, it's diplomacy between people. so i've gone out of my way to do town halls, to do events that have significance to the countries in which i'm visiting. i cannot tell you how many times i've been asked about women and leadership, women in elected office, the role ofomen in development. this is a subject that is on the minds of people, literally, around the world. >> you say the right woman. supporters of yours i talk to over time say, you know what, i'm so disappointed because, if she can't do it, who can? all the establishment support, all the money, married to a former president, all of these things that you had established and yet you couldn't do it. it's very daunting to many people. >> i'm not going to pretend that
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running for president as aoman isn't daunting. it is daunting. and it's probably a path that doesn't appeal to a lot of women, even in elected office, because it is so difficult. but i am convinced, and i don't know if she's in elected office right now or if she's preparing to run for office, but there is a woman who i am hoping will be able to achieve that. now, obviously, that's up to individual women who have to make this decision for themselves. >> this was governor sarah palin, who is stepping down as governor of alaska, and what she said when she was named to the ticket with john mccain last year. >> it was rightly noted in denver this week that hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in america, but it turns out the women of america aren't finished yet and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all. >> you probably don't agree with her politically, but do you believe that governor palin
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represents a woman's chance to become president? >> well, i'm out of politics. that's one of the things about being secretary of state, and i would wish her well in her private life, as she -- >> does sheave what it takes? >> that's up to the voters to determine and it's up to the voters to determine with respect to anyone. putting together a presidential campaign is an extremely complicated enterprise. so i'm just going to leave it at that. and i will be an interested observer. i do want to see a woman elected president. i hope it's a democratic woman who represents the kind of -- >> no endorsement for governor palin? >> -- with the kind of approach i happen to favor. >> okay. the question again that comes up the world is what you experienced during an interview on wednesday in thailand. let's roll that. >> will we ever get to see you as president of the united states? >> wow, that's not anything i'm at all thinking about. i've got a very demanding and exciting job right now, and i'm not somebody who looks ahead.
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i don't know, but i doubt very much that anything like that will ever be part of my life. >> so it's wait and see? >> no, no, no! >> never say never. >> well, i am saying no -- >> for now. >> -- because i have a very committed attitude toward the job i'm doing now. >> now? >> so that's not anything that is at all on my radar screen. >> i guess we don't have to worry about a free press in thailand? right, they kept coming at you? >> that was a great show. one of the things that i've been doing around the world, these interview shows. but the answer is no -- >> but you didn't say never? >> well, i say "no," "never," "not at all," i don't know what else to say. >> are you saying you wouldn't entertain at all? >> i have no beliefs in my mind that that is going to happen, that i have any interest in it happening. as i said, i'm so focused on what i'm doing. and i think the interest through the political dynamics is, you
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know, obviously, fascinating. not just here, but around the world. and you know the more common question that i'm asked, which i don't think it's enough attention, because it's so important in these emergining democracies is how could i have run against president obama all those months, and as hard as i did, and now work with him and work for him? and a lot of countries can't believe that two former competitors could now have made common cause on behalf of our country. i think that's the story. and that to me is a message that we're trying to send to the rest of the world, that this is the way democracy works. >> do you still think about the campaign? >> not really. i, sometimes, you know see people who worked so hard for me and who are very committed to electing a woman president some day, and obviously, you know, that provokes emotions in me, but i've moved on. i think it's important to move on. i'm not somebody -- i tell countries all the time, don't get mired in the past, so i'm
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going to set an example and not do it either. >> any regrets? >> no, not at all. i gave it all i had. befo >> before you go, i want you to react to the ambitions of a young woman. this is a you hillary rodham writing in sixth grade. when i grow up, i want to have the best education i could possibly have attained. if i attain this, i will probably be able to get a good job. i want to be either a teacher or a nuclear scientist. i have to ask you, this whole thing, running for the presidency, being a senator from new york, is this all about setting you up to be a nuclear scientist? >> unfortunately, david, i learned early on that that was not in the cards for me, so i had to settle for being in public life, which has been a great reward in and of itself. >> is this the story, how the story is playing out, with is what you expected? >> i have to say, you know, h k looking at that, i think i wrote that in sixth grade, it's a
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