tv Today NBC July 30, 2009 9:40am-10:59am EDT
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time we perrmed here together, and the show room right there, and so -- >> it's great. >> lots of spontaneity. we do everything from opera to rock. >> a little bit of rock 'n' roll. >> now there's an interesting line. i've never heard that before, natalie. you are intelligence. there is a line. >> we're here talking about vacations. do you have any favorite mories of vacations ooze a family growing up? you guys are a huge family. >> i was just in fiji a week and a half ago with my son. >> one of five sons. >> one of five sons, that's right. >> he does a lot of vacations with his kids. i didn't sign a prenup, so i go camping. >> that is -- >> we stay in camps. >> vacation to me is just to go home. >> we're here like almost every single month of the year now. this is the only place you can see donny and marie. >> to answer your question, we really didn't do vacations. we worked. so our vacations were really going home. >> donny and marie. you guys have been so much fun. >> thank you so much.
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>> nice to see you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll be here a long time. >> all right. >> we'll send to b aack nn and al.nn >>omroorw on "today" is brought to you by palm pre. taking a hand, it's a beautiful thing. >> okay, thanks a lot, guys. and we know that we've got one more treat in store for us today. first take a look at what's happening tomorrow here on "today." >> that's right. after watching our excellent adventures all week from the mountains to the beach to the ranch, of course vegas, we're going to show you how you can plan your own great getaway. >> we've also got -- making somebody else for a day. also live concert from the kings of leon all coming up tomorrow here on "today." >> but up next, al's book club for ds goes back to the stone age. wilma! right after these messages. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well...
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and this morning on "al's book club for kids," "chronicles of ancient darkness: wolf brother" by michelle paver. this popular series takes us back 6,000 years when a young boy and a wolf cub must save themselves and the world. michelle paver is here, along with our new book club kids, ian goldstein, treasure melvin and tatiana perry. good to see you, everybody. nice to see all of you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> did you guys have a good time reading the book? >> yes. >> all right. well we're going to get to let you ask michelle some questions. i just want to talk to her for just a second. how did you come up with this idea of going back in time? >> actually, it goes back to when i was about 10, al, and i was incredibly keen on the stone age. i think i loved the idea of living in the forest and gathering food, and using a bow and arrow and i tried to live like that in my bed and skinned a rabbit. >> you skinned a rabbit? >> i did. >> i bet he put up a fuss?
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>> no. and i also loved wolves. i was incredibly keen on wolves. and i wanted a wolf of my own. i pestered my parents. >> they wouldn't give you one? >> sadly not. they gave me a spaniel, instead. but he kind of became a wolf in my imagination. so i think that's where it comes from. you know, and now, i'm getting to write these stories and i'm finally getting what i want to as a 10-year-old, to have adventures in the forest with a wolf. >> what kind of research did you have to do for this? >> right from the start i wanted to make it real. i wanted each of the readers to feel that they're having the adventure in the forest. so i thought i'd go there. i rode 300 miles through the forest in northern finland. i slept on reindeer skins, a bit like this one. i ate all sort of stone age food and got to meet wolves. >> you got to meet them? >> i did. i became friends with some wolves at a wolf preserve. because i wanted to make him a real wolf and part of the story is told from his point of view.
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>> you brought back some interesting souvenirs from your travels. some of the kids are holding them. tell us about them. >> ian over here is holding an actual stone age ax head. it would have been mounted on a handle. and this would have been one of torak's trusted friends. he would use it for chopping down trees, for chopping down firewood. >> and tatiana, that's not a skin condition, she's wearing some interesting gloves. >> these are some reindeer hide mittens i got from northern canada. and they just the sort of things that torak wears when it gets really wold in "wolf brother" doors the end of the book. >> and treasure is holding -- >> a piece of antler which i picked up in greenland. and torak uses that in "wolf brother" when he falls down a country vast and has to use it
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to get out. >> i would like to ask michelle paver that in the first part of her book, when thorak says he has to prepare for his death journey and he uses a bow and three arrows. why would he use a bow and three arrows when he knows he's going to die in his condition? >> well, this is a good question. basically, i try to invent the beliefs of torak's time, which is a sne age, using beliefs of tradition 58 hunter/gatherers today. and a lot of them believe that when they die they go on a journey to somewhere else and they need things like arrows so that they can shoot and hunt, just as they would in real life. >> oh, okay. >> all right. >> danielle? >> what inspired you to write chronicles of ancient darkness? >> i think it was mainly that i wanted to have a wolf as a friend. and since i live in wimbledon in south london which is a bit tricky to have a wolf. i thought i better do it in my imagination. and now i get to have amazing
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adventures because torak and his best friend, wren, who is a girl, who is the best shot in the forest with a bow and arrow, i'm also her. i get to have these great as ventures and go on research trips. >> treasure, what's your question for miss paver? >> what made you want to become an author? and why? >> yeah, you know, i've always wanted towrite. i wrote my first story when i was 5. wasn't very good. the spelling was terrible. but my mother kept it, actually, rather embarrassingly, so i've always liked writing stories. i think because you can make up worlds. and just escape into them and it's really fun. so that's why i write. >> tatiana, i know your hands are warm right now, but what's your question? >> what made you come up with the character of torak? >> how you come up with characters is a very strange thing. part of torak is me. he's a loner. but i kind of made him a bit of an improved version of me,
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because i have no sense of direction. at all. but torak is pretty good. he can move around through the forest, never gets lost. he's great at tracking. he can track animals, from little signs and things in the forest. >> i want to get danielle's question in really quick. what's your question? >> i feel like i -- >> you already asked your question, huh? >> i left out ian. i'm sorry. >> what made you decide to have torak devep a friendship with a wolf instead of a human? >> yes, well i think i've always loved wolves. partly because when i was a very small child my parents had a great big german shepherd dog, who looked after me. so my memory was always very good of a wolf-like dog. so it just seemed natural. and also, watches are really clever, and it's a very good friend to have when you're having adventure. >> that's what i've always felt. michelle, thank you so much. kids, thank you very much. terrific. ain the book is called "chronicles of ancient darkness: wolf brother."
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so many people to thank here in las vegas. but let's start with the showgirls. with jubilee. you have a big birthday today. >> that's right. 28 years today. >> congratulations. you guys look amazing. clearly we're not cut out for that. >> charo also looks amazing. you've been so much fun all morning long. >> thank you very much. >> you can see her showt the
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water pressure problems while they tried to fight a massive overnight house fire in washington. the flames broke out in northwest not far from au, the home belongs to well known arts patron peggy cooper cafritz. no word what started the fire. metro says it's cracking down on workers who break the rules. it's reviewing its discipline procedures and will institute tougher penalties. this comes as one metro bus driver faces kidnapping charges after getting into an argument with a passenger. police say the driver refused to let the passenger off the bus for about a half hour. today the redskins players start the long slowing toward the start of the season. head coach jim zorn opened in ashburn. let's get a roundup of weather and traffic.
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chuck? >> yes, filtered hazy sunshine across the area now, still sun getting through to generate a shower or two. temperatures are cliing into the upper 70s, about ready to move into the low 80s across the area as of the 10:00 hour. high temperature this is afternoon will be on the hot side. typical for the last couple days of july. high today 92 downtown, 94 at fredericksburg. 87 in martinsburg. our extended forecast, hazy sunshine today, one or two isolated showers possible today but better chances for showers with thunderstorms late tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. looking dry for saturday and a sprinkle late in the day sunday. >> late problem on 66 inside the capital beltway westbound i-66, between clean road and sycamore street. authorities have closed 66 westbound at the accident scene. everybody is diverted over at glieb road. westbound don't even try four the time being.
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hi, everybody. it's thursday, july 30th. we have a really good time in san antonio. but we are lucky to be home. >> we are lucky to be home. my sband told me last night. >> what did he say? >> you're just lucky you got in last night. >> it was rocking and rolling in new york in terms of thunderstorms. >> and there was a tornado in summit, new jersey, apparently. >> yeah. >> it was -- it was challenging. >> we did have a challenging ride home. this is a little rundown of our trip. we're going to show you the highlights with san antonio in a second. we ended up leaving san antonio. we made our flight out of san antonio. remember? >> yes. >> we sat on the plane and there was a mechanical issue. >> that pps. >> so they said they needed to fix something they mixed it. 45 minutes later we left. fine. we're fine with that. >> but we have a very short connection time. >> so we had to fly to dallas and when we got off the plane in dallas, one of us was sprinting to the gate. >> that would have been christine. >> and we somehow got --
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>> we had done 4 1/2 hours of live television that morning. >> okay. >> but you know what you're forgetting, hoda? >> what? >> the beginning of our trip. >> no. >> the travel portion. >> we're explaining. >> didn't we go to san antonio? didn't we stop by a particular pizza place first? you're not remembering. don't we have the pictures from that? >> what are you talking about? >> christine. >> you're confusing me. >> when we tried to get home after the show. that's what we're talking about. >> okay. it was like getting there. go ahead. >> we're not getting along. >> we really can't go on the road anymore. >> it's been too long. >> okay. >> that, remember that? >> i forgot. >> yes, you forgot. that's us on the way to san antonio. we stopped in this pizza place there at newark airport and were very upset to discover that they did not have our picture on the wall of la familia. and we asked a guy there, who had no idea who we were, if we could put our picture up.
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>> and he said fine. >> you know whose picture was above ours? >> regis. >> was it? >> and then on the way there, there was a steward on the plane named regis that i -- all he wanted was a picture of me. regis and kathie lee. >> anyway. >> i interrupted again. >> i'm used to it. anyway, we ended up in dallas. we caught our connection, we were so lucky because everyone's flit was delayed and ours was backing out of the terminal. >> right. >> we made the plane, all of us, our crew, we're so relieved. we back up, and we wait. and we wait. because there are horrible thunderstorms in new york. how long did we sit, do you think? >> a couple hours. everybody all over the country was sitting there. >> a couple hours. then we got up in the air and we flew. like yea. >> we're off and running. >> you fell asleep. >> i did. and it felt so good. then, okay, many hours later. we landed and the flight attendant, all i heard, welcome to richmond. and i thought, that woman does
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not realize that we've landed in new york. poor thing. >> because i thinking, ts woman slept through everything. >>y ,>>it was so great. anyway, woke up r richmond. okay. they neeeedor mfuel .r >> which is a lovely city. >> in all fairness, kathie lee was not sleeping through this. >> no, i wasn't. i saw christine coming with the camera. >> yeah. >> and there was point while we were all sitting on the tarmac. this happens sometimes when everybody's kind of cranky and edgy, it's beenn may, many hours. we're on the plane, and there was this cute little baby. >> named aubrey. >> christine found the baby and just started passing the baby around, and everyone's mood anged. >> people who wanted to kill each other five minutes before. >> need the bean, pass the baby around. >> she was delicious. and boy, it just -- everybody, it just changed everyone's personality. >> it did. >> it's christine's birthday today. happy birthday. >> don't put her on camera. >> no, no, no. >> but she saved the night. >> she did. >> and we ultimately landed and you got home around 12:30.
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and we're not complaining because that's not what we do. remember we all were checking our blackberries, and she kept going, nobody's calling me. >> nobody's calling me. >> everybody else is pecking away. >> nothing. my children are asleep, my husband's asleep, nobody gives a rip. i come home with the suit case. what is wrong with this story? >> everyone's getting a ton of messages and firing back and forth. >> yes, yes. >> let's recap a little of our trip, shall we? >> all right. >> in case you missed it, we hope you didn't. we got on the bucking onco. >> the only reason either one of us fell off is because you slid. >> no, it really isn't easy to hang on. >> it had that -- that bull had a greased butt or something. >> that was not easy. >> no. >> and kathie lee got on. and she claims that mine was going slower, but i don't think so. >> they gave you a -- when you win legitimately. i'll be the first to say way to
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go, hoda woman. >> the freakiest part of the whole trip to me was that buzzard. oh, this is us coming in. >> yes. >> you never really get to see what it was like. >> look at that. >> look at all the people. >> want to thank all the great people coming down to see us. >> we look ridiculous. >> i know. >> everybody else looked like they were from kobey island and we're there dressed like i don't -- >> the buzzard, that was the scariest part to me. >>that was oscar. >> that's a buzzard. >> oscar, oscar is just recuperating from cancer surgery. >> oh, lord. what a downer. >> what is that? >> animals catch -- >> anyway, that buzzard was flopping from hat to hat. it was quite frightening. >> look at you. you look ridiculous. >> i don't have the biggest head. so when the buzzard got on my head, it went down almost across my eyes, hoda. yours just sat thernice and perched. >> all right. shall we talk about --
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>> shall we talk about. -- >> are you a little bleary eyed? >> i am a little bleary eyed. this morning we're sitting up in hair and makeup and i look over and i go, where is matt today? they go, that is matt. i go, no, that's lester holt. >> she thought it was lester. just saying, it's one of those days. >> but thank goodness it's national cheesecake day. >> thank goodness it is. >> it's always something national day. when i walked over here i thought this was a purse prop. this is actually a cheesecake. do not pick it up. it's a cheesecake. >> a little louis vuitton purse. >> isn't that adorable? >> that is cute. >> they have all different fieps of cheesecake. a red revet and one of those caramely. >> peanut butter? >> anut butter cup. >> you can't try it because you're trying to not eat sweets. >> and elegant cheesecakes. the only way -- i've given up. >> i'm just saying not for you.
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>> for the last three weeks. notice i didn't say i'd give up anything of another liquid nature. but no, i'm giving up this, and i'm giving up -- >> oh, my god. >> that's not necessary. >> that is so good. there's a red velvet one, too? >> that won some sort of a prize. >> it did? >> in your teeth? >> okay, that's a brilliant idea. >> look, it's called the anything stuck in my teeth plate. you can't really see, because then we're looking at nothing. there's a little mirror here. >> you put your food on a plate, u have to clean it off. is there any food on my plate. >> anyway big news while we were gone. the world has not come to an end just because you and i go on locatn on occasion. >> it doesn't? >> no, it doesn't. >> things happen? >> yes. the custody issue. >> allegedly with michael jackson. >> and they're saying that no extra money has been -- >> katherine gets the kids supposedly. chas wpslyedup michael's wishes. >> and debbie rowe gets an invitation. w which i'm not sure was michael's wishes.
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>> and they s no money was exchanged. you believe it? >> i don't know. >> i've become a cynic. i really have. >> i have, too. >> let's go over to little miss sara, who is still just as sweet -- >> adorable. >> and nay eve as a person can possibly be. >> hi, darling. >> you two girls crack me up. san antonio will never be the same. just one thing, arriving at the stud farm in a limo? i would have went you two there in a ford 4x4. >> that's what we need to be in. >> that was produced. it was sick. >> we want to say thanks so much not only to tammy, our intrep intrepid -- >> careful. >> leader. >> but also vivian. >> and joey cole and lindsay who were all terrific. >> beautiful rear ends for us. >> the buzzard made a big presence on the wall, too. everyone loves it when hoda is near any form of -- >> you can't beat a good vulture. that's what it is. a buzzard is a nice word for a vulture.
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>> i don't like them. >> just the name buzzard is a little freaky. >> he weighed a lot, too, by the way. okay, thank you for hanging in there with us. we're a little jet lagged today. >> we've got louis and jill couple their magic on a ou members. >> those results are going to be with us right after these messages. pmpm@
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>> styist to the stars louis licari and us weekly contributor jill martin rolled out of bed at the break of dawn. >> that's when we got in. >> we wanted t find two women in need of a redo. now it's time for the results. hello, you two. >> yeah, yeah. >> tell us about this mornin >> oh, it was great. i found one woman, by the way, 45th wedding anniversary. but her husband was not with her. i said after this anniversary your husband will be with you every time. >> and we can't talk about it. >> hello, louis. >> okay. >> let's meet our first lucky lady her name is carol. she's 54 years old from saratoga springs, new york. she's been an elementary school teacher for 30 years. she's always on the go and she rarely has time to pamper herself. during the summer she lives in her ben and rje'sry t-shirt and her workout pants. >> doesn't look like she eats a lot of it. she's celebrating her 31st wedding anniversary with her
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wonderful husband dave. let's take a listen to her story. >> so you're celebrating your 31st anniversary today. tell us why you want a makeover? >> well, i have two looks. school clhes, because i'm a teacher, and workout clothes. and i want to look really nice for my husband. and we're here with a couple that introduced us and they flew up from florida to celebrate our anniversary and go out with us. and they were in our wedding. so we want to have a really great time tonight. >> all right, we're going to make her look hot, hot,hot. are you ready to go? >> i am. >> oka'se' >> okay we've got dave and we've got the wonderful couple who introduced them. keep your blindfolds on until i give you the thumbs up. all right, here's a picture of carol before. all right, carol, let's see the new you. >> uh-oh. >> uh-oh. >> don't, don't look. >> did you look? >> i didn't see. >> all right, dave, you ready and friends? take off your blindfolds. >> oh, my gosh!
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>> carol, are you ready? hold on. we've got to let her see herself. >> all right, carol, right here. >> that's not me. >> it's you. you look great. >> you look fantastic >> oh, my gosh. >> wow, wow, wow? >> whoa. >> as you've said, it's her 31st wedding anniversary. so this will be a good opportunity to ask her to marry me all over again. >> oh. >> louis, tell us about the hair. >> look into this camera, please. >> summer is a problem for people who are blonde. it gets too light. i wove out a few highlights, added depth. immediately she came alive. then, of course, kim gave her these layers. too much hair was covering her face. she can see you. you're beautiful. >> that dress is adorable on her. >> she only has workout clothes and school clothes. and now, you have to take her out in this dress available at macy's. she said she has nothing like it
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and she likes to go to the balls in town but has nothing to wear. >> a whole new look. >> you look so incredible. >> i don't think it's me. >> you like? >> all right. >> a big hand for carol. >> you're beautiful [ bleep ] >> walk right over there. >> our second lady's name is romaine davis. she's been married to her husband ben for 45 years. works at the university of miami. never puts herself first. she's here with her two granddaughters and her daughter. she's never colored her hair and is finally ready for a change. she's here with her two sisters. let's take a listen to her story. >> well, you may be curious how we spotted them in the crowd. but these crazy hats. but you have a big celebration. your 45th anniversary. tell us why you want a makeover? >> because i think i need one, and i would like to surprise my husband. >> oh, a surprise. and you want your big sis to have a makeover. tell us why? >> because she always takes care of everybody else. it's time to take care of her. >> are you ready to ditch this
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hat and take a look at this, this outfit that matches is a little too matchy matchy. rea?orokloew n look? >> absolutely. >> all righty. romaine, as i said, here with her two sisters. one last look at romaine before, and i've got a feeling this is going to be quite the transformation. come on out, romaine. oh! all right. two sisters, take them off. >> oh, my gosh! >> romaine, take a look at yourself. turn around, sweetheart. >> wow. >> you look terrific. >> you look beautiful. >> turn around and look and you'll see the difference. what did you do? >> first things first, you know, romaine has first of all, you're the youngest 69-year-old i ever met, romaine. we made her hair thicker by adding burgundy color to it, which works well with her skin color. enid give her a little depth around her eyes.
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>> go give her a big hug. >> they're crying. >> oh, and this outfit is lovely, still. >> stop it, people. we're jet lagged. >> you know, they so wanted this in the crowd. they were just begging us because they wanted this for their big sister. she looks so much younger now and needed pieces in her wardrobe. this is from white house black market and chicos. >> why are you crying? >> you're beautiful. >> oh. come on out. come on out. >> you've been officially ambushed here at the "today" show. >> thank you. >> you guys really notice if -- do guys really notice if -- oh, well. we'll find out what men really tice. after these messages.
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we're back with our special "guys tell all" series and an answer to your burning questions. first up, chef extraordinaire. >> he must ha a problem or something. >> next up is rick younger, comedian, actor husband and the proud papa. is he still a baby? >> he's a supersized baby. he's like 30 inches on. he's still only 10 months old. >>till a baby. next he can be seen on best week ever and he's been married 11 years. >> and i'm still a baby. >> that's chuck knight. >> and andrew trees with us, the
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author of decoding love. he's married with a newborn baby. guys, good to see you all again. >> we love when you're here because women have so many questions. all right the first one is from caitlin from chicago, illinois. and let's hear her question. >> hi, i'm caitlin from chicago, illinois. i always seem to like guys who are players. how do i detect a player so that doesn't happen again? >> they're all players. >> i would say, if you like a guy, don't date him. >> go against your instinct. >> go against your instinct. if you like that guy, he's a player. go with somebody you don't like. >> she didn't give us enough background information. she said they're always players. she didn't say where she's finding them. if she's finding them at the club on weekends, more than likely they are. >> how do you spot them, curtis? >> i personally have no idea what a player looks like. so i'm -- >> i'm far from a player, actually.
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i think that, you know, it's their behavior. their behavior, you know, a bit -- if he's sharky you can pick it up. >> dodgy. >> 30% of men do have a gene that makes them more likely to be promiscuous. although you can only tell that with genetic testing. >> wait a minute. genetic testing? >> you will never be able to tell a player. because a player stays ahead of the game. he knows what to do to make you think he's not a player. >> he just said something that we want to know about, okay? women can now have our men tested, dna? i like this. >> yes. there's a certain receptor that makes them more likely to be promiscuous in their behavior. but if you can't get the genetic test, which is difficult sometimes. >> but it's possible to get? >> you can genetically test for it. >> well, there's also -- it's not foolproof. but you need to be careful of high testosterone men.
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a high testosterone face is a strong jaw line, high check bones. >> good-looking guys. >> so if a guy looks good, he might be a player. but maybe he's a player because he looks good. >> oh. >> you though. >> ugly guy and he said i'm going to be a player. >> all right. one more. we've got another minute. please listen intently. >> him tanya. >> i'm toni. >> i'm melinda. >> and we're from toronto. >> we want to know what does it mean when a guy takes you home to his mom. >> we need help! >> if he's not norman baits it means he likes you. >> what is that? >> i want to take you home to see my mother. why? i don't understand. what's going on? >> now, if he happens to live at home with his mother, that just means he wants to take you home and he can't get around taking you home to his mother. >> if he lives with his mother
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>> scintillating. >> whatever. let's pick up where we left off. lisa from new jersey, and here's a question that she's wondering about. hmm. >> hi, my name is lisa, i'm from new jersey, and i want to know if men, like you guys, really look at a woman's painted fingernails and toenails? does it matter if a woman has a manicure or a pedicure, or do you not really care? >> oh. >> go. >> in australia, we don't do it so much. like it's not such a big thing. we don't have these nail salons everywhere. and i think it's really nice. you go to america, i really think it's nice the girls take care of that. >> do you look at hands right away? >> you don't want somebody -- >> some ratty thing. >> you don't want somebody that has hands like a construction worker. >> you don't want the man hands. >> you want to know that she takes care of herself. but sometes being a little bit to the extreme can send some signals there.
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high maintenance. not you, though, you look really nice. >> you want to say something about that? >> if a woman is attractive enough, they don't care about the woman's grooming or even her hygiene. >> what? >> first of all -- >> wait a minute. >> that's a crock. i don't care. i don't care. you look like angelina jolie but you smell like a wino, get out of her no. >> okay. >> a wino? >> no, that would be me. okay. all right, next. >> all right. chrissy from wexford, oklahoma, has a question. her name is christy. >> my name is christy and i'm from oklahoma and my qstion is, should you kiss them on the first date? >> yes. >> if you want a second date? >> because like if you don't kiss me on the first date, i'm like maybe she doesn't like me that much. you know. i'm not saying we got to make
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out and embarrass people. but maybe a good night kiss. >> there shouldn't be any rules. it depends on the date. if it works out that way, stlen a kiss. if it doesn't, don't. if you live your life by a rule book you're going to get yourself in a situation -- >> there's that book the rules. >> my daughter is off set right now. the answer to the question is no, you do not kiss on the first date. >> or the third or the fourth or the fifth. >> you kiss when you get married. that's when you kiss, on your wedding night. >> and studies show -- >> a great simple rule for women, extend the period of courtship. one of the biggest problems why relationships don't work out, women do a variety of things too quickly, that begins with kissing. a chaste kiss at most on the first date. chaste. >> leave a little imagination. >> but give him a little something that lets the guy know, hey, there's some possibility here. >> a lo. >> you do want the guy to know that he likes you, if you like him, this is what you do, you
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don't kiss him, you go, well i'll see you next time. >> you don't give me a kiss, you ain't going to see me. >> i feel so dirty. >> okay, next. >> here we go. jennifer, from midwest city, oklahoma. jennifer had this to say. . >> hi, i'm jennifer from midwest city, oklahoma. my question for you all is what do guys really mean when they say i like your shoes? >> what is wrong with you? >> we like your shoes. >> that's it. >> we're not that full of veiled -- stuff. signs. >> you're not at evolved, actually. >> what kind of guys notice shoes? >> you just hope we don't -- >> here's what she's really saying is does it mean like you like my shoes or does it mean, you should come see me in my broadway debut. that's what she's saying. or maybe she's about to give a coy look when she says do you like my shoes?
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>> there's no good time for this. maybe he likes her so much he can't look her in the eye. >> hmm. >> i like his answer the best of all of them. because he mixes it up. >> you know, if we say we're going to call and we don't call, it's just because something came up. >> no! >> no, no, no. >> now, you know what, you're out. you're out. >> also looking down at her shoes because he can't hold his head up. you don't want a guy walking around like -- >> we have real quick. >> what'ser name, hoda? >> she's going to tell us. >> what is it? >> hi my name is carmen and i'm from fort worth, teas. i'd like to know is it really that hard to put the clothes in the hamper? >> if you ask me like that with a real smart attitude, yes? >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> guys, thank you so much. >> thanks so much. >> curtis stone. -- oh, you know who they are. curtis is going to stick around. because he's got girl's night out. >> and in. >> he was in with them.
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experience curtis in the flesh. they were four lucky ladies in miami who all work in law enforcement. so how was the big trip, buddy? >> are you kidding me? miami girls. seriously, we had so much fun with jennifer and her three friends. we did manage to squeeze in just a little bit of cooking once they gave me a glimpse into their law enforcement world. take a look. i'm here in miami, and it is hot. i'm going to knock on jennifer's door. she's here with a few girls, all law enforcement officers. if we go shopping and we find some great ingredients, i'll come up with an awesome menu for you. so we're on our way to the grocery store. but the girls had another plan in mind. >> we're going to build you up just a little. >> let's test these things out and see if they work. are you on? >> yeah. >> how we going to do that?
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>> turn the camera off. >> we're here. >> nice. >> now, i'm a litt bit nervous. >> are you ready? >> i don't want to embarrass the miami police department here. is this all you've got? ♪ oh, i'll stick with the cooking. stop right where you are! but the girls had one more surprise stock to make before we hit the grocery store. >> let's start out with one of the easy pistols. >> whoo! >> so can i shoot the big one? >> absolutely. >> okay, ladies, now we're done shooting, we better go shopping. put down your weapons. should we do like a bunch of little small plates? because if you want to have a party we can make a couple cocktails. something like that.
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this looks beautiful and ripe. could get some of this yellowfin tuna? let's get a couple of buncs of white apair gus. ♪ >> look at this. oh, my favorite. the wine section. >> maybe we'll all change into some eating attire for dinner. >> yeah. >> the girls have gone off to get changed. i'm going to get a few ingredients out, plate everything up, and then cook it. >> i've made this little snack
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kathie lee, hoda, please ♪ i fought the law and the law won ♪ >> all right. i don't know, how did you escape from those four crazy women? >> they even gave me my own special set of handcuffs, engraved. >> as if you've never had that as a souvenir. >> add it to his collection. >> that was so mu fun. >> we look forward to your next one. >> you're going to cook for us tomorrow? >> absolutely. i'm going to show you some things i made for the girls. >> and coming up we have bonnie aitt and taj mahal for a terrific duet. ÷÷ ññññññññññññññ?
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(announcer) when verizon brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home it also brings first-class entertainment, with picture quality pc world calls "razor sharp," america's top-rated internet and crystal clear phone, all for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. you can also get channel variety cable can't match. plus, additional packages are available with over 115 hd channels and over 15,000 titles on demand per month. what else does fios bring that cable doesn't? how about easy-to-use on screen widgets that offer instant updates on local traffic, news, weather and more.
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today to order fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. that's like getting all three amazing fios services for the price of two. and now get even faster internet speeds. plus, ask about our free wifi at thousands of hotspots nationwide. to get amazing tv, our fastest internet ever, and phone at this incredible low price, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today. the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. toyota, moving forward. yes, we are ready. what happens when two musical legends unite? we are all about to find out. >> they are nine-time grammy winner and member of the rock 'n' roll hall of fame, bonnie raitt has joined forces with taj
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mahal for a very special concert tour. we are so excited for you guys to make us one of the stops on our train. >> we're debuting. we've never done a duet together. >> but you worked together, before? >> yes. >> but we never toured together. this is the first time in 40 years. both of our album cycles are finished and i said let's do it. >> there were similarities in your musical styles or differences, do you think? >> similarities and differences. just like big fun. big soup. >> a lot of the same heroes that you respect. >> we share a lot of love for blues and r&b. >> and members of your band, i understand? >> yes. >> and so you don't have -- you know what they have? you've got to watch and listen as we go along. they brought their own drums with them. you're going to hear that through the whole thing. >> it is so inexpensive. >> what are you guys going to play for us today. >> we're going to do one of
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taj's classics. >> change my way of living. >> take aaway. >> thanks so much. >> bonnie raitt and taj ma pal hal. ♪ ♪ baby i ain't down no more well use the beat now ♪ ♪ honey i ain't down no more ♪ i changed my way of living my mind ♪ ♪ i used to get up early in the morning baby ♪ ♪ before the rooster crows
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(announcer) when verizon brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home it also brings first-class entertainment, with picture quality pc world calls "razor sharp," america's top-rated internet and crystal clear phone, all for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. you can also get channel variety cable can't match. plus, additional packages are available with over 115 hd channels and over 15,000 titles on demand per month.
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what else does fios bring that cable doesn't? how about easy-to-use on screen widgets that offer instant updates on local traffic, news, weather and more. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today to order fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. that's like getting all three amazing fios services for the price of two. and now get even faster internet speeds. plus, ask about our free wifi at thousands of hotspots nationwide. to get amazing tv, our fastest internet ever, and phone at this incredible low price, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today.
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oh, miss sara what is cooking? >> two words for you, curtis stone. >> that's what cooking. >> i love hearing to say what the guys have to say on the panel, but can we just keep the camera on curtis? >> these are great-looking guys. >> they are great-looking guys. >> and the cheesecakes. don't you wish it was a real bottle? >> we do. >> can we say bonnie raitt again and taj mahal? >> how amazing. >> increble. >> they are on tour so check your local listings. >> guess who stops by tomorrow? >> cybill shepherd is going to be here, plus we're going to see what it is like to be a duchess for a day. >> fergie is going to come on our show tomorrow, as well. wsowill see you tor >> when is that going to be? >> that's in 24 hours. >> bye, everybody. have a great day. (announcer) when verizon brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home
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it also brings first-class entertainment, with picture quality pc world calls "razor sharp," america's top-rated internet and crystal clear phone, all for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. yocan also get channel variety cable can't match. plus, additional packages are available with over 115 hd channels and over 15,000 titles on demand per month.
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what else does fios bring that cable doesn't? how about easy-to-use on screen widgets that offer instant updates on local traffic, news, weather and more. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today to order fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. that's like getting all three amazing fios services for the price of two. and now get even faster internet speeds. plus, ask about our free wifi
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