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tv   Today  NBC  July 31, 2009 7:00am-11:00am EDT

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good morning. drying up. the government's billion dollar cash for clunkers program may be nearly out of money. now thousands of new car buyers are wondering, will their deals be honored? mug shot. president obama, vice president biden and the t men involved in the arrest that ignited a firestorm of controversy, meet over beers at the white house. they agreed to disagr. so what was accomplished? and oh, boy. the 7-year-old who took off in his parents' car because he didn't want to go to church. well now he's praying his punishment won't last too long.
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he is here for a live, exclusive interview today, friday, july he is here for a live, exclusive interview today, friday, july 31st, 2009. captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome to "today" on this friday morning. you look at that little boy's face. you know he did something wrong. >> he's so cute. we can't wait to hear from him. you're meredith vieira. i'm ann curry in for matt lauer this morning. on another topic, looks like this cash for clunkers program is becoming a victim of its own success, and perhaps even the economy. it only started four days ago. >> already the government has set aside a billion dollars to encourage the drivers of old cars and trucks to buy new, more fuel-efficient vehicles. apparently so many drivers have raced out to take advantage of it, dealerships have a backlog of applications. we're going to have more on that and what's being done to keep the program up and running in
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just a moment. >> also this morning, the latest in the michael jackson case. a high profile meeting took place on thursday between police, prosecutors and the coroner's office. just ahead what they talked about that could further delay the autopsy results. >> plus the latest on that dramatic rescue of a family trapped inside a burning suv that was captured on home video. it happened about two weeks ago in milwaukee. a mother and her two young children pulled to safety by complete strangers. that woman and her husband will join us later this morning. their 4-year-old son was badly burned in that accident. they're going to tell us how he is doing. >> and on a much lighter note, have you checked outside? >> fantastic. >> it's a mega crowd. it's a huge crowd. apparently one of the biggest of the summer season so far. to see one of the biggest bands in the country, kings of leon. they became extremely popular just a year ago and they're drawing concert crowds of 70,000 to 80,000. all of them showed up this morning. we've actually run out of vip tickets for this show before any other.
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>> 20,000? >> well, there's a reason. they're talented. a live concert a little bit later. >> we're going to begin with cashor clunkers program already running outf gas. erin burnett is at the new york stock exchange with the latest. good morning, let me ask you. on thursday the transportation department told auto dealers to stop offering the rebate. but the white house says the program has not been suspended. so what is going on here? >> there is a lot of confusion, meredith, as to whether it's operating or not. the latest we've heard is that they're scrambling to keep it going. it appears that it was actually the dealers yesterday who said that they thought that we might exceed the quota. now the quota for the c.a.r.s. program, as it's called, is 250,000 cars. the government had allotted $1 billion to pay for the program. and as you know, basically you go in to a dealer, if you had a car that got 18 miles per gallon or less, you could turn it in immediately for a fuel efficient car, and the government would give you between $3,500, and $4,500 to do that. so that was the program. analysts expected itould last maybe until labor day.
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so they didn't think this would last a long period of time to get through the 250,000 cars. but the question is, where are we right now? and it looks like only about 50,000 cars have actually been sold. the dealers think that they'll very quickly get to the 250, which is why they suspended the program. they were worried maybe the government wouldn't be able to make good on some of those deals to buyers. so there was some confusion. but what we're hearing right now is they're scrambling to save it. there's a lot of debate as to whether it will get bigger or not. as of now we're not hearing that. but again, some real questions on the numbers here. especially given the concern about running out of cars is coming from the dealers, who certainly have a lot to gain by this program getting bigger. >> all right, erin burnett, thank you very much. >> thanks, meredith. >> now here's ann. >> all right, meredith, thanks. now that much-anticipated meeting at the white house over beers between president obama, a harvard scholar, and his arresting officer. and at the last minute vice president joe biden also joined in. so what was accomplished? nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd is at the white house with with more on this.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. i didn't see any beer cans, strewn beer cans around here. the place is cleaned up after yesterday's very much mined-up event. the white house themselves, it seems like, for a few days was orchestrating this media hype for this beer and then yesterday did everything they could to disprove that they were trying to hype the beer. >> i notice that it's been called the beer summit. it's a clever term but this is not a mmit, guys. >> reporter: but it had all the trappings of one. the table was set, the press was in place, there were refreshments, there was even diplomatic language. >> we had a cordial discussion. two gentlemen agreed to disagree. >> reporter: it was billed as an informal get-together between the president, his friend harvard professor henry gates and the now famous cambridge police sergeant james crowley. but it included an additional beer drinker, vice president biden, which gave the table racial balance. the press was kept 50 feet away, guaranteeing we wouldn't hear
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what the four men were saying. the president and vice president, munching on peanuts and pretzels in shirt sleeves looked much more comfortable than their two guests in dark business suits. all four were served their beer of choice in clear mugs. professor gates a sam adams light. sergeant crowley a blue moon. president obama went with a bud lite and biden had a buckler. a nonalcoholic brew, as the vice president doesn't drink alcohol. >> this is not a university seminar. it is not a summit. it's an attempt to have some personal interaction, when an issue has become so hyped, and so symbolic, that you lose sight of just the fact that these are people involved, including myself, all of whom are imperfect. >> reporter: both gates and crowley brought their families to the white house and they all toured the east wing together before the sit-down. while the two men were having their beer, their families got a
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tour of the west wing. it may have been the most anticipated presidential drink since franklin roosevelt signed the beer bill ending prohibition, and ronald reagan hoisted a pint in a boston pub in 1983. >> i'm not really sure this is really happening. >> reporter: crowley held a post happy hour press difference at the head quarters of the afl-cio. >> did anyone apologize? >> no. >> reporter: gates issued a statement saying, the national conversation over the past week about my arrest has been rowdy, not to say tumultuous and unruly. but we've learned that we can have our differences without demonizing one another. there's reason to hope that many people have emerged with greater sympathy for the daily perils of policing, on the one hand, and for the genuine fears about racial profiling, on the other hand. both men agreed to meet again to move the issue forward. >> it was a very easy conversation to have. it wasn't a tough conversation. he's an easy man to speak with in that atmosphere. so, i guess we'll just have to see how it goes. >> reporter: now, crowley
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wouldn't say what he and the president talked about. and obviously he says that there were no apologies at all given on either side. however, think about this for the president. nine days ago he had that press conference, and he thought the story we'd be covering by this friday, the day that the house would go into recess, was the fact that the house of representatives would be passing a massive overhaul of the health care system. no bills coming today. and instead the president is still cleaning up after this. ann? >> all right, chalk todd. let's get to that. because we've got david gregory, the moderator of "meet the press" now joining us. david, good morning. >> good morning, ann. >> i'm going to refrain from asking you what kind of beer you actually prefer. but first let's get to whether or not this ended up being a teachable moment, or actually was it actually a photo-op to end the media frenzy, david? >> well, i think it's both, actually. i think as chuck mentioned, this ns le tangin to clean up after this mess, trying to put some kind of end point to it. and trying to do it in a way where there can be more discussion about it. i think the president wanted to talk about this. he wanted to do it as the first
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african-american president who knows that "a," this is a racially charged issue. and two, that he uniquely can begin some kind of discussion about it. he took this issue on during the campaign, as well. the issue of race. so you know, talking to white house advisers, they said, look, the problem with issues like this is that people don't feel safe to talk about race in our country. so if anything else, this is a symbolic moment to say that you can sit down, cooler heads can prevail, and you can have a serious conversation about it, and the hope is that the conversation continues. >> that said, what chuck just intimated was that there might have been a political cost of all this by shifting the focus away from health care, the president's agenda there, to an arrest in cambridge? >> no question about it. inside the white house they're frustrated about it. they think they got knocked off their stride. for four days, they were counting. they weren't very happy with what they thought was an overreaction from the media. but they also miscalibrated how impactful the president speaking about this issue would actually be. so they are where they are. they don't like that.
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they're frustrated overall about how to get that health care message out. >> i wonder what they're thinking about the president's slide in the poll. the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll has them down 53%, to 53%, rather, 60% in february. so what's driving this? and is the administration concerned? >> they are concerned. i think the president himself is concerned, based on people i've talked to inside the white house. that he's not able to get out in front of this argument both on the economy, and the deficit, with regard to health care. but also, the fear factor. people just feeling like they're going to lose their own benefits. he feels like he's behind on that. and you know, there areerie similarities to the debate over this, the failed effort by the clinton administration to get health care reform through in 1993, and if you look at our latest poll, the president'so c popularity on this issue is very similar to where president clinton was back in 1993. it's definitely a warning sign. >> talk about the fear factor. this really quick question about this cash for clunkers program. we should mention, this thing had $1 billion in its coffers given to it by congress. the idea that it's run out in
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four days, essentially, what does that tell us about the economy, and what -- how -- how did the administration -- how much pressure is on the administration to actually put morse money in this? >> it goes to a point of how big the hole is in the economy, even with the amount of stimulus that we have so far, that there going to be calls for more stimulus because the money can dry up. the consumer really doesn't want to spend unless they're given tremendous incentive to do that. this was a program that was made to bolster sales for the auto companies which are hurting desperately. so to have a program run out so quickly, a sign of success, but a sign of tremendous need, too. >> david, what's coming up this sunday on "meet the press"? >> more on the economy, the future of the economy, the top economic adviser to the president, larry summers to go through whether the stimulus is working and where we're headed. >> good get, david gregory. thanks so much. once again here's meredith. >> ann, thank you. now to the michael jackson case. this morning there is new evidence that prosecutors and investigators are proumounting
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offensive together. we're learning more about the custody deal we first told you about on thursday. nbc's jeff rossen is in los angeles with more. good morning to you. >> hi, meredith. good morning to you. in that agreement katherine jackson gets custody of the kids. debbie rowe will get visitation. and so this morning the question, how often will she see them? and where will she see them? sources close to the deal tell nbc news, not even they know. a child psychologist will call the shots. when michael jackson was alive, debbie rowe said this to british broadcaster gm-tv. >> my kids don't call me mom, because i don't want them to. they're notish-they're michael's children. >> reporter: but now, michael is gone, and debbie rowe wants another chance. under the custody deal, she'll build a meaningful relationship with her daughter paris and son prince, though the kids, including 7-year-old blanket will live with grandma katherine. sources involved in the case tell nbc news rowe gets no extra money in this deal. in fact, she and jackson will
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split the cost of a child psychologist, who will decide almost everything. the frequency of rowe's visitation, when to start overnights, where to meet, how to interact. sources say both sides are working so well together, the deal is fluid. they trust each other. >> i think it's excellent. this new therapist is a stranger so the children will have to develop a relationship with the therapist, and when tha trusting relationship is developed, the therapist will then say, now let me introduce yourin mother into the room. >> reporter: that could take months. after all, the kids just lost their father. the only parent they've ever known. now they suddenly have to meet and bond with a virtual stranger, their mother. >> so finally, to see the two parents, if you will, katherine and debbie rowe, getting along, will go a very long way in bringing stability into their lives, and that's what they need more than anything else right now. >> reporter: investigators looking into jackson's death are coming together, too.
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nbc news has confirmed on thursday the l.a. coroner's office and the lapd brought in prosecutors for a high-level meeting. they've delayed the toxicology results again, for at least another week, claiming there is more to investigate. >> that signals to me that an arrest is imminent, and i suspect that we'll see an arrest, and the release of the toxicology report, on the same day, as part of a coordinated effort. >> reporter: dr. conrad murray is the target of the manslaughter invest gapgs. and we're learning more about the raid at his luxury home in las vegas. the search warrant, obtained by nbc news, reveals for the first time, authorities were specifically looking for records relating to the purchase, transfer, receiving, ordering, delivery and storage of propofol. the anesthetic law enforcement sources say dr. murray gave jackson the very day he died. >> the problem for dr. murray is that with propofol, if that is the cause of death, is that you need someone else to administer it. it's not like the death of heath
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ledger or anna nicole smith where they could die, essentially at their own hand. here you had to have somebody else injecting michael with the drug. >> reporter: dr. murray's lawyer maintains his client did nothing wrong. police walked out with evidence from his computer hard drive, his samsung cell phone, a blackberry, and his apple iphone. court papers reveal he had serious money problems. dr. murray is facing foreclosure on his home, and from his past, this 1994 mug shot has emerged, taken when dr. murray was arrested for domestic violence against his girlfriend. he was later acquitted. as we move into the weekend, the case takes a turn. here's what's happening on monday. the custody deal goes before the judge for approval. we are told katherine jackson herself will be there. this would be her first public appearance since the memorial service. also on monday, the judge will try to sort out jackson's estate, valued at half a billion dollars. so it's complex. >> it sure is. jeff rossen, thank you so much. and for more on the jackson
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case watch a special edition of dlin, inside the final hours tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central time right here on nbc. >> now a check of the rest of the morning's top stories from natalie morales in for me at the news desk. >> good morning to you. bail this morning is set at $2 million for a woman accused of kidnapping aaby girl who was taken from her murdered mother's womb. prosecutors in massachusetts say the suspect convinced her family and friends that she was pregnant. president obama's hailing a far-reaching food safety bill that the house passed on thursday. now the measure calls for greater oversight of food manufacturers and gives the fda new authority to order recalls. it comes in the wake, of course, of that recent salmonella outbreak in peanuts that led to one of the biggest product recalls in u.s. history. tens of thousan of people in central texas had to evacuate thursday after fire broke out at a chemical plant at a warehouse that processes highly explosive ammonium nitrate. more than 30 people were treated at area hospitals.
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most evacuees were allowed back home last night. severe weather ripped through parts of mississippi thursday, tornadoes destroying at least eight homes and damaging more than 50. there were no reports of serious injuries. president obama will award the medal of freedom to 16 people next month. among themenator ted kennedy, who's being treated for brain cancer. and former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor. and "the new york times" is reporting that sluggers david ortiz and manny ramirez tested positive for performance enhancing drugs six years ago. the two were instrumental in helping the red sox win two world series tight ams. it's now 7:17. you're up-to-date right now. let's go back to meredith, ann and al. that's not good. >> no, a role model for some of these kids. >> hmm. >> somebody they'd they renamed the team the boston roid sox. >> okay, i'm getting out of this. >> i'm just saying. i don't know who said that. >> i saw it on the back of a newspaper. a rag. s >> just saying. i'm just saying.
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let's take a look, show you what's going on. we've got a lot of rain out there, flood watches from parg. of mississippi all the way to new york city and new england. the reason for that? big storms moving in. major delays from atlanta all the way up to boston. we've got a risk of strong storms, maybe even tornadoes in parts of the mid-atlantic states, on into the northeast later today. rainfall amounts anywhere from an inch to three inches of rain. another slight risk'awawa'a'a'aa good friday morning everybody. i'm news 4 meteorologist chuck bell. the skies have become mostly cloudy. on doppler light rain showers mainly in the shenandoah valley moving into the panhandle of west virginia. we'll have rain chances increasing through the day in the washington area as well. we have many more dry hours before the first drops. mid 70s on the way out the door. highs today mid to upper 80s with a pretty good chance of thunderstorms, some could be strong late this afternoon and this evening.
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and that's your latest weather. ann? >> thanks. now to an te on a rooster taking on the law in miami beach. mr. clucky has now had a day in court. nbc's michelle kosinski has the latest. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. cock-a-doodle-doo. the rooster has not been guilty or not guilty, but poultry or not poultry. is mr. clucky, indeed, livestock, which is banned? or is he just a treasured pet, no more annoying than say a parrot or a big dog? wake up, everybody! ♪ ♪ i fought the law and the law won ♪ >> reporter: mr. clucky gets his day in court, comete with legal definition drama. >> mr. clucky is not livestock. >> reporter: complex case law. >> the 11th circuit city -- >> at the time of columbus. >> reporr: and the all-important whispering.
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mr. clucky takes on city hall for his right to dwell in peace and freedom in an apartment, and on the handlebars of his owner. well, actually he wasn't allowed inside the courtroom. >> he's out there. >> the noise resonating in the chambers, which sounds like poultry. >> reporter: and, all right, he lost. >> poultry. poultry. >> reporter: clucky, the once injured rooster rescued from the bushes by his pal mark buckley has become the famous feathered friend of south beach. >> i've known clucky for four years and he's a good citizen. >> reporter: and now, amid protests -- >> he's a local icon. >> reporter: candlelight vigils. and global media coverage. >> there was al capone, scarface, and now there's mr. clucky. >> reporter: he's just been kicked out of this town that some might argue is full of strange birds. but the law states farm animals aren't welcome in these parts. so pretty much anything else goes.
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he drinks bottled water for cluck's sake and seems more at home at the corner pub than a coop. >> i think he's more of a celebrity. >> reporter: but wait, turns out this is not quite the end. clucky's dream team can now ask for an exception to the law. farm animal? ha! >> maybe we'll change this one. >> reporter: the bird with more supporters than any one of us would likely have show up in court seems to intone, you haven't seen the end of me. that's just how this law-breakin', city-sightin' rooster rolls. the mayor, yes, was interviewed on this gripping topic, during which shy professed her love for mr. clucky. so maybe that's a good sign. maybe he'll get his exemption, you guys can live in peace. and soan we. we can leave mr. clucky alone. ann? >> that was fun, michelle. good to see, thanks. >> he should get an exemption,
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for sure. >> that's a fowl ruling. >> oh, geez. >> i'm going to get the cluck. >> sorry. >> still to come this morning, the 7-year-old who went for a drive in his parents' car because he didn't want to go to church. we're going to ly but firs ñgwqgc
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still to come, a man and her son for trying to dig up dirtjep sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick. >> plus a family rescued by strangers.
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good morning. i'm barbara harrison. it's friday, july 31, 2009. the time 7:26. in the news, a man charged with the murder of ahias wngtonas te rninndha lsevy i expected in court. osecutors have a new witness who will testify that she was attacked and stabbed on a jogging trail on a man that looked like ingmar. counsels approved a tax on cigarettes. it will help the budget deficit over the next three years.
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we'll take a break and be back with weather and traffic in a moment.
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♪ till now - ♪ i always t by on my o - ( audience cheering ) ♪ i never really cared ♪ until i met you... a1 makes the burger king steakhouse burger sing. good morning. temperatures now in the mid 70s around town, on doppler there are a few showers in the northern end of the shenandoah valley. showers are in all of our forecasts for later on today. temperatures in the mid 80s before the showers and thunderstorms roll in. some could be severe so keep an eye on the sky. >> good advice. let's check out the top side of the beltway. both the inner and outer loop between i-95 and 355 appear to be moving okay. had trouble on 395 in virginia,
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two accidents are cleared but we're looking at delays flew the interchanges en route to the 14th street bridge. >> tonight, teaching babies a life saving lesson in the swimming pool.?o (announcer) it's time to raise the bar with the full flavor of aft mayo with olive oil. with half the fat and calories of hellmann's real mayo, kraft mayo with olive oil is the new standard in mayo.
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7:30 now on this friday morning, july 31st, 2009. and on the plaza, getting ready for the weekend. we have one of the hottest bands around here this morning, kings of leon. they'll be on our summer concert stage in just about one hour from right now. >> it is jammed. >> hopefully the rain, we had a little rain earlier, now the sun is coming out.
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it's soggy here. it doesn't even matter. these fans are going to stick around, no matter what. >> inside studio 1a, i'm meredith vieira, alongside ann curry, who is filling in for matt lauer. coming up in this half hour the 7-year-old driver behind one wild ride. >> that's right. we showed you the video on thursday. this kid did not want to go to church. so instead he took a joy ride in his parents' car. just ahead we're going to meet this boy who was behind the wheel and speak with him, and his family. >> there he goes. there he is. >> he is cute. >> and fortunately he is okay. plus a troubling story out of ohio, involving a celebrity couple. two police chiefs and a mayor's son are accused of illegally intering the home of the surrogate who carried sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick's twin girls. they were allegedly hoping to find information that they could then sell to the tabloids. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> but we begin this morning at this half hour with the frightening scene caught on videotape in milwaukee. we showed you that home video last week. an suv on fire, a mother and her
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two children trapped inside. they were all rescued, but the 4-year-old boy was badly burned. we're going to speak with the parents in just a few moments. and f the first time, we understand they're going to talk about what exactly they remember from happening that day. but first nbc's kevin tibbles has the latest. >> reporter: 4-year-old d.j. harper remains in serious condition at a milwaukee hospital, battling burns to some 30% of his body. >> burns are very painful. and we have to do dressing changes on his wounds, and you can imagine, with a 4-year-old, that's also very scary. >> there's a baby in there! >> reporter: just over a week ago, d.j., his mother, and sister had traveled to milwaukee from tennessee. >> did someone call 911? >> reporter: when their suv hit a tree, flipped on its side and burned, trapping them inside. >> whoa! >> reporter: in a remarkable rescue, caught on tape, two brothers, off duty firefighters, risked their lives to free d.j. from his booster seat, pulling him from the flaming wreck with
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their bare hands. >> you know, for that 1:17, kind of timed it out, that was my son. i see the little boy. i hear the screams. we're just acting on what we've been trained to do. period. >> reporter: it's what happened since the rescue they haven't been trained for. d.j.'s family, uninsured and cash strapped, need help. so john and joel and their families are leading fund-raising efforts to lend a hand. there's a website fund to help with medical bills, and d.j.'s family has been flooded with everything from clothing and toys to cash donations. >> it means a lot to us. it really does. i mean, just from all over the world, from chile to california. >> reporter: in their room at milwaukee's ronald mcdonald house, his parents are overwhelmed. what's it tell you about your fellow man, fellow woman, the fact that these comete strangers have come to your aid? >> it tells me that there are
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still good people out there in this world, and that this world isn't all about violence and hurt. >> i can't ever repay them. the only way that i'm ever to repay them is to pay it forward to another family, or another victim. >> reporter: doctors say d.j.'s rehabilitation will take years. >> we have a whole lifetime to think about. especially with the hands. we know how important that would be, cstn iase he wants to be a surgeon one of these days. >> reporter: for "today," kevin tibbles, nbc news, milwaukee. >> angela and chris harper now join us. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let's get to d.j. he's, i understand, got burns over 30% of his body bause of the accident. he's scheduled for a second skin graft this morning but on thursday he had a slight fever. chris, how is he doing today? >> well, this morning, as far as i know, he's resting comfortably and he's doing okay rig now. we're just worried about the surgery. it's going to be a long surgery
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today. and he's going to need a lot of prayers. >> angela, i know it's been very difficult for you to talk about what's happened, and of course, it's difficult, but there a a lot of parents who may want to understand what happened. it might be useful to them. what do you remember about that drive in milwaukee before the accident? well, before the accident, you know, i was just doing my regular things that i do during the day, you know. we stopped to gas up, and i was just looking for a park to have the kids play at, and you know, it just went from there. >> and you at one point were driving and i understand there are reports that you might have fallen asleep? is that -- did you fall asleep? >> well, i know that my eyes closed for a couple seconds while i was behind the wheel. it -- it's hard for me to talk about it. but you know, maybe just talking through it will help me, and you
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know, understand what has happened. >> and i understand that you noticed at one point after closing your eyes that your suv had flippedveand burst into flames. what -- what happened at that point? >> i guess just really at that point, my first worries were to get myhildren out of the vehicle. >> and you saw people hosing down your son at one point. you saw them trying to reach -- did you actually see people trying to save or were you -- were you just in such shock you didn't know what was going on? >> i guess i was really just in shock, you know, over the whole situation. but i do remember seeing a couple gentlemen hosing down my son after they rescued him from the vehicle. >> and these two men, there were two of them in particular, these off duty milwaukee firefighters that we've been hearing about from kevin tibbles' report, john
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and joel recklesse w understand that they had been amazing, and they suffered injuries in doing this. what do you want to say about what you remember of what they did from that day? and how you've gotten to know them since. >> well, you know, what they did that day was just amazing. because, you know, if they weren't there, i don't think my family and i would have survived the accident. and they're just two wonderful men. they truly are. and they're my angels in waiting. and our friendship has gone beyond just the accident, you know. and we want to keep that friendship going with them as long as possible. >> chris, i understand that you had been living in tennessee before all of this. you were just in milwaukee for some work, and now, because of this, you're thinking about
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living in milwaukee or living in wisconsin? is that right? and if so, why? >> well, we feel that we want to relocate up here, not only because d.j.'s going to be in the hospital so long, but we want to be able to pay it forward. we want to be able to help another family in our situation. that's the only way we know how to repay all the many people that have helped us and prayed for us is to help another family. help them get through a tragedy like this. and that's the only way we know how to repay people. so we want to do that. and we're making an adjustment to do that. >> as you and your family -- we were talk -- as you and your wife were saying in the piece you just really want to be able to give back and say thank you. i want to give you a chance this morning to someone who might be listing who donated to you, including the reckless brothers, what would you like to say to them this morning for all to hear? >> just we love you. we're so glad that you're a part of our lives. and we hope that we can continue to be a part of their lives, and the many people that prayed for
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us. the words can't express the gratitude that we have from our hearts for our little boy to get better. >> well i know that a lot of people listening, chris and angela, are wishing the same back for you and -- and for your boy d.j. good luck to you today and all the days to come. and thanks for joining us. >> thank you. w >> and now let'geect ch a ofk e e ather mr. al.r >> "today's weather" is brought to you by the build your own grand slam. only at denny's. >> and it's a little on the wet side out here. it's starting to drizzle just a little more. big kings of leon fans? >> yeah! >> oh, my gosh. >> okla homeys. >> let's check your weather and see what's happening. afternoon temperatures going to be hot again in the pacific northwest. although cooling down right along the co crstbrbrreka.
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washington 68. but land, temperatures again up over the 100s and into the 90s. 90s down through texas. along the southeastern atlantic coast. wet weather in the plains. we've got a risk of strong storms along the mid-atlantic into the northeast. slight risk of strong storms, texas into the plains. wet weather in the northern good friday morning. i'm chuck bell. it's a cloudy morning with temperatures in the middle to upper 70s right now. you can see light rain showers movi through the shenandoah valley, west virginia getting in on the sprinkles. this area will come into the northern and western parts over the next several hours, then a dry break. more thunderstorms, some could be severe late this afternoon and this evening. nice lady.
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ohio, how are you? we've got "today" show staff actually in the crowd. that's how big the kings of leon are. they've been waiting since 4:00 in the morning. ann? >> okay, thanks a lot, al. coming up next, the driver who took place on a wild ride, and, t m. he is just 7 years old. ok at him. we'll meet him right after this. ( conversation )
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garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪
7:43 am
the tree house i built with my dad. (girl) really? yeah. there you go. okay, i'm gonna work on e roof. dad, i'll be right back! (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way tohow someone how much you care. you made that for me? well you're making this for me. (announcer) choosey moms, and dads, choose jif.
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we are back at 7:44 with the joy ride that surprised even seasoned police officers. take a look at this dash cam video from a cruiser in plains city, utah, as an officer chased down a suspect driving erratically, running through two stop signs. the chase lasted for several miles, and when the car finally stopped, a 7-year-old boy got out, ran out, actually, from behind the wheel. his name is preston scarborough, he is with us exclusively along with his parents, daniel and melanie and his sister london. good morning to you all.
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what a day last sunday was for this entire family. dan, if i can start with you, you're downstairs around 8:00, 8:30 in the morning, melanie upstairs still sleeping. you think the kids are upstairs sleeping as well. you hear sirens outside. then what happened? >> well, i heard sirens coming down the street, and i actually thought it was preston getting up, playing a video game or something like that. so, the sirens kept getting louder and louder and louder. and all of a sudden i hear him come across the floor upstairs and come running downstairs and said dad the cops are outside. and i'm like oh, they're like out in front of our house? and he's like, yeah. so i'm assuming it's something happening across the street. so i'm halfway up the stairs, and the cops are at my front door and i'm trying to find some pants to put on, some shorts or something, and by the time i did that and was going to the front door, the officers were coming through the garage door, my back door, and just informed me that my son just involved in a high-sed chase, they said. but it was high-speed for a 7-year-old, i guess.
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>> but it was no joking matter. he went on for several miles, right, left your house, went north, police tried to stop preston, he took turns down various roads, ended up at the high school parking lot, and then came back. >> absolutely. and to be honest, for us, it was -- it now, we saw the video the day before yesterday, and that was really the first time that it became -- started to become a little bit funny to us, because for the first two or three days, we could be sitting here for a lot different reason right now. so we're happy it turned out okay and we're grateful, and if we could g anything out there, it's that, you know, cotton candy, all-american kid like preston can -- it could happen to anybody. >> preston, you ran downstairs, right? >> yeah. >> why? why did you go hide in the basement? >> 'cause i wanted to. >> i don't blame you, actually. after taking the car for a joy ride. when he came back upstairs, melanie, what did he tell you as to why he would do this? >> you know, at first he didn't know. he said, i don't know why i did it.
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and then he did tell the cops that he did it because he didn't want to go to church. but later he did tell us he just wanted to know what it felt like to drive car. so, he did it. >> obviously you've never driven a car, right? how did you know what to do? >> watch my mom and my sister. >> yeah, but how did you even see over the steering wheel, preston? were you kind of standing up and doing it? or how were you driving the car? >> sitting down. >> yeah. and when you heard the sirens behind you, did you think, i am in trouble? you did? you clearly knew that the police were coming after you? so why didn't you sto the car then? what made you keep going? you wanted to get home? now preston finally did get home, and as you said, it's not -- it's not a laughing matter. i know that you did take him to church that day. >> we did. >> you went to church. >> and prayed for what? >> a prayed for safety, i
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guess. you know, i mean, we're extremely grateful that he came home. because, in -- as it is light now, it was very heavy on us at the time, and for a few days, and still is. you know, we see him go through those stop signs and it could have been a tragedy. not only for him, but for somebody else, and i can't imagine having to say i'm sorry to somebody else for my son doing this. >> so how are you punishing? there has to be repercussions, right, preston? >> well, let preston tell you. >> what is the punishment? >> grounded for four days. no tv, no video games. >> do you think that's fair? >> mm-hmm? >> you do? do you now understand what you did and that maybe it wasn't the smartest thing? >> mm-hmm. >> are you going to get behind the wheel of a car again? >> huh-uh. >> just model cars, maybe, from now on? >> no. >> not even a toy car. little cars from now on, yeah? >> yes. >> and london what do you make of all this with your little
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brother? >> i don't know. it's like a really big shock. it feels like a dream. it doesn't feel like it's really happening. it doesn't feel real. >> like you said, dan, there's a lesson in all of this that we're so glad that he is okay and what you said, as well, that any little kid, you never know. >> right. >> what can happen. so thank goodness you're still an intact family, and i'll be seeing you at church, buddy boy. the scarborough family, thank you so much. still ahead, it may be the last day of july, but there's still time to plan are va .ti 'r vacation. we're gointoyo sw eru whhoe to find the best bargains. - ( car being crushed ) clu. rdwaewto n toward a new car wi n atheligible trade-in. plus, toyota is offering factory incentives omany models for even more savings. with toyota being the most dependable and fuel-efficient car company in america, it's no wder 25 models in the toyota family qualify. so hurry in to your toyota dealer today.
7:50 am
start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, then share a decadent dessert. chili's --
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butellogg saw an opportunity to plus things up. we took out their peanuts... because adding almonds would be a plus. we'd be better off with less sugar. we traded milk chocolate... for the delicious taste of dark chocolate. also a plus. then we added 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants, vitamin e, and zinc. ♪ fiberplus bars from kellogg. fiberplus so much more. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. by the way, we should point out the police said preston was too young to press any charges, only 7 years old. but that doesn't take away from
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the fact, serious stuff there. no>> kidding. meantime, guess what's coming up? kings of leon rocking our plaza. after your local news. but there is a light beginning to shine again. the spark began where it always begins. at a restaurant downtown. in a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. they drive change and they'll relentless push their businesses to innovate and connect. as we look to the future, they'll be there ahead of us, lights on, showing us the way forward. this is just the beginning of the reinvention of business. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain, we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like
7:54 am
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about your risk. and about lipitor. washington, d.c. on a friday morning. we have clouds above us but no rain in the forecast. we'll check in with chuck in a little bit. i'm barbara harrison. friday, july 31, 2009. our time now 7:56. in the news, a dozen local high school students are back home this morning after spending the last week being quarantined in china. the students arrived last night. the teens attend several different high schools and are part of a cultural exchange program. after aiving at beijing
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several tested positive for the swine flu. metro riders can expect a weekend of delays, there will be track maintenance on all five lines, so the trains will be sharing a single track. riders should budget an extra 30 minutes of fitrafc are next..>>weather and traffic are next.
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good morning. i'm meteorologist chuck bell. skies have gone cloudy. there are light rain showers out of the shenandoah valley moving into western parts of fauquier county and loudoun county. temperatures in the mid 70s now, cloudy today, rain and thunderstorms likely this afternoon. some of those storms could reach severe limits. >> on 395 northbound loaded up, series of accidents are all gone but as you head up from the beltway, be prepared. top side looks okay. inner loop minimal delays. >> tonight, teaching babies a life saving lesson in the swimming pool.
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8:00 now on this friday morning, the 31st and final day of july, 2008. we have the plaza packed for a live concert with one of the biggest bands in the country, links of leon. and it is comg up in our next half hour. outside among the masses, i'm meredith vieira, with ann curry and al roker. and it is one rockin' crowd. >> matt has the day off. >> also ahead, on "today takes a
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vacation" we'll look back at the memorable moments on our trip to the new york adirondacks, key west, san antonio, and of course las vegas, baby. >> in fact, we're going to help you have your own vacation, with some advice for you on the best places to choose, and we want to sort of inspire you to have a little fun. >> there is time. >> there is time. >> that's right. >> and it's not raining? >> no, ann, ann, ann. >> if you want to -- >> a little chaotic out here. >> if you want to make sure your family eats healthy you have to be a little tricky. joy bauer is here to show you how to slip the healthy stuff -- >> in the meantime, look at these beautiful faces. and they're all out in the raining. >> doesn't matter. kings of leon are loved by these folks. >> natalie morales is inside at the news desk. good morning, again, nat. >> good morning again to you all. good morning, everyone. the government is working to try to keep its popular cash for
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clunkers program up and running. the program offered as much as $4,500 in rebates to people who traded in their gas guzzlers for more fuel efficient cars. but after just one week, the $1 billion program proved so popular, it is nearly out of money. the harvard professor and cambridge police officer who arrested him agreed to disagree and made no apologies after sharing a beer with the president at the white house. president obama invited henry louis gates jr. and sergeant james crowley to discuss the arrest in gates' home, which spurred a national debate on race. more than 50 oregon students and teachers are finally heading home today after being quarantined in china twice for swine flu. 12 students who tested positive for the h1n1 virus will remain hospitalized in china. a chaperone is also staying behind to look out for them. in baghdad today, multiple car bombings targeted three shiite mosques, killing at least 25 people. a cargo ship carrying more than 1,000 tons of oil is leaking after it ran aground in southern
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norway. the oil is washing up in a nearby wildlife sanctuary. a tame tiger ended up wandering the streets of las vegas last night. it was captured in someone's backyard. a moose was on the loose. animal officials worried the ye m2--old oose was ler returned to the mountain.-o it is:0. . time for a cck of the weather with al. >> "today's weather" is brought to you by days inn. the best value under the sun. >> from massachusetts. >> on vacation. >> i like this sign here.
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g the name the name bitty pants? okay we're just not going to even go there. let's check your weather and see what's happening. r,rahis t darar, this is the rain that's moving through. some good news, that rain will be out of here in time for kings of leon. yeah! our pick city of the day, honolulu, partly sunny, warm, but saturday, warm skies, beautiful weather in the northeast, sizzling in the western half of the country. then sunday -- sunday! -- rain moves back into the eastern seaboard. western two-thirds of the country looking fantastic. bitty pants.wasúsúsúsú'asúsú a good friday morning. i'm chuck bell. it is a cloudy start he in washington. it's a mild and muggy start, too. temperatures are in the middle and upper 70s right now. here's a check of doppler. you can see light rain showers moving into the winchester area,
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also martinsburg getting light rain, hagerstown, maryland getting showers. the eastern edge of the showers are coming into western loudoun and western fauquier county. highs in the 80s with thunderstorm now to the woman we like to call bitty pants, meredith. >> thank you, al. he t fans hee,hase w have been waiting for, kings of leon, live at 8:30. first these messages. depression is a serious medical condition
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that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy.
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if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq®. (ano unr)ce pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. tell your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. r) ask your doctor about pristiq.
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we're back now at 8:07. now the latest on the shocking and tragic crime in massachusetts. a 35-year-old woman arrested in connection with the murder of a pregnant woman whose baby was taken from her womb. this woman has appeared in court for the first time and nbc's mike taibbi is in worcester, massachusetts, with more on this. mike, good morning. >>eporter: good morning, ann. behind me the crime scene and also a memorial to the infant girl who survived. last year a worcester police official told me we did the key things. we quickly found the suspect and most importantly we found the baby girl alive. now the inevitable questions, was anyone else involved in this horrific crime? and how and why would anyone who's not totally delusional do
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something like this? this is reality, not fantasy, for 35-year-old julie corey. bail out of reach at $2 million, and that's just for the fugitive and kidnap charges related to the newborn she claimed was hers, when she was arrested in plymouth, new hampshire. a baby jane doe now safe and thriving back in massachusetts. >> she was a healthy 4 pound baby who at this time is getting the best of care. >> reporter: still pending, likely charges in the murd earp of a brutally beaten acquai acquaintance of corey's, 33-year-old darlene haynes from whose womb the baby was forcibly taken at about eight months gestation. >> not your classic preemie who need an incubator. much closer to term babies are much more likely to be well. >> reporr: that's the extent of the good news. the awful fact is these kinds of crimes are hitting the headlines more frequently. >> happened enough time that it is called newborn kidnapping by cesarean section. and it is a form of baby stealing.
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>> reporter: not baby stealing from a nursery or played for laughs as in the coen brothers movie raising arizona. >> i need a baby. >> reporter: but baby stealing as a desperate self-serving, life and death calculation. a stolen life, death meaning murder. setting it up by bragging about a nonexistent pregnancy. >> she told me, and i said wow, this baby's going to be big. and she was so happy and everything because she was pregnant. >> reporter: and then, as a growing collection of women have done in recent years, picking a very pregnant mother-to-be, and taking her life to take her baby. >> chances are these women looked at the pregnant women and are just enraged. why should she get to have it and not me? >> reporter: as for the baby, a quick dna test to confirm that she' in fact, the daughter of darlene haynes on monday. a hearing in juvenile court to begin the process of determining custody. and as for the criminal investigatio likely continuing investigation with possible new charges, and possible new accomplices or suspects. ann? >> all right, mike taibbi,
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thanks. pat brown is a criminal p profiler. she joins us with more. >> good morning, ann. >> we first should mention the woman arrested has not been charged with the crime of murder in this particular case. but this brings up the questions, especially as we just heard, that there have been more and more headlines like this case. give us a sense of why. why would someone do something like this? >> well, ann, it is one of those things most of us can't even imagine. it just seems ridiculous that anyone would go to that extent. but for these women, who are psychopaths, they want lots of attention in their lives. and they think, as women often do, that they're going to get that through their children. sometimes by being pregnant, people are going to say oh, you're pregnant, it's so wonderful, then you have your baby and that's exciting. and if they can't have that, they desperately want that because they don't like the fact that they aren't the center of attention and other people are. so they can't get a baby the normal way, well, just get it some other way. >> you're using the word
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psychopath. >> correct. >> does that mean that there is a mental illness involved? and if so, what would have caused this kind of psychological, i guess, bizarreness, for lack -- i don't know what the words are. >> it's a persolity disorder. it is -- the woman is not mentally ill. she's not delusional. it isn't that she didn't know what she was doing. she actually knows exactly what she's doing because she -- she has the personality disorder called psychopathy. that means she thinks she's entitled to what she wants. she's going to get what she wants. she has no empathy for anybody else in her life. this little child for her is something she wanted at that time. that other woman shouldn't get it. >> you said the lack of empathy. so there is -- are there certain sort of factors that would -- that a woman or i suppose even a possibility of a man, i guess, i mean, has a man ever been charged with this kind of a crime? >> well, only in helping his girlfriend, usually. men usually get their attention -- they're sickcopaths, too, but they get
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their attention in other ways. we'll see more men killing women to get rid of the babies because the baby is in the way. >> what kind of factors, to interrupt that, would need to be in a woman's life that might lead her to this kind of behavior? what what would be the cause of the lack of empathy? >> well, she had that from very, very young. because you're already a psychopath by the time you're about 6 or 8 years old. you've grown up that way. all through your life the red flags are going up, that you become a manipulative person, that you lie a lot. that you think you should have everything and nobody else matters to you. and that will continue on. and it's just that these women decide at a certain point that this is the way they're going to get their attention. now, some women we call them munchausen sim dream by proxy will get pregnant and have that baby and kill it because they like the pregnancy, like showing the baby off, but then they don't want to take care of it. toy like to kill the kid and have a good funeral and do it all over again. this woman didn't have that option and decided to get the baby in another wa >> we don't know obviously the siation in this particular case, but at any rate we'll find
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out. pat brown thank you so much for your perspective this morning. and comin up next the latest on the two police chiefs and a neighbor's son who've been arreedll f alyedegor trying to find tabloid fodder on sarah jessica parker and her husband matthew brad rick. ( music, toasters popping ) ♪ mmm... hot fudge sundae. ♪ ooh! frosted blueberry?!? ♪
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back now at 8:16. now to a bizarre arrest, two in ohio, connected to matthew broderick and sarah jessica parker's new twin girls. billy bush is in los angeles. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. i visited with sarah jessica parker back in may and she was very concerned about the harassment the surrogate carrying her twin girls had been receiving. on june 22nd, the surrogate gave birth to twin girls. now, this past wednesday, and the story seemingly more hollywood than real, two ohio police chiefs and a mayor's son were arrested in connection with the case. martins ferry police chief barry carpenter, bridgeport police chief chad dojik and his father-in-law bruce callerik who is also the bridgeport mayor's son were arrested wednesday night in connection with an ongoing investigation regarding the surrogate mother for actress sarah jessica parker and actor matthew broderick. the three turned themselves in
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and were quickly released, apparently in a move to avoid attention. >> -- paparazzi. >> reporter: they have not been charged with anything but are accused of illegally entering the house of the surrogate who was carrying the twins of sarah and matthew in may. allegedly, to find fodder for celebrity tabloids. >> if the allegations are true, that they were trying to somehow get some information to sell to tabloids, i mean, it's really taken it to a much different level. this is just absolutely outrageous. >> reporter: martins ferry chief carpenter in a phone interview with nbc station wtov maintained his innocence. >> i'm 100% innocent in this, as my department is, as well. >> reporter: the harassment was of serious concern to parker, when i spoke to her this past may. the woman who's carrying the twins has been ideified, not only identified, she's been followed. >> i mean, really, the most
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unsavory things have been done. i mean, she's, you know, had her phone hacked, her personal computer information hacked. she's had threats against her, and she's had people come to her door and say incredibly shocking things to her. >> reporter: officials in the two towns are taking a wait and see approach. >> if he's innocent, that's fine. if something else turns up, we'll handle it then. >> as far as i know it's nothing that's been made public yet. so, until my law director gives me a call, i know nothing. >> meredith, the special prosecutor presented the case to a grand jury on wednesday. the three men are scheduled to be arraigned today. >> billy bush, thank you very much. and now here's ann. this morning we're wrapping up "today takes a vacation"
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week. and we've got four experts with us who want to make your next trip as fun and exciting as ours. to kick things off, katie from good morning. >> good morning. >> a lot of good deals out the right now, so let's get started. you say booking airfare and hotel together equals deals. >> absolutely. that is the number one thing i tell people to do. book your hotel and flight together, at the same time, and you can really stand to save, sometimes up to hundreds of dollars. >> can you give us an example? >> yeah. we're seeing these everywhere, but we're seeing a lot of really good stuff from chicago to orlando or denver to san diego. there are savings of $400, $500 sometimes on family trips for four when you book that hotel and flight together >> which is a fantastic savings. you also say there are certain cities in this country and elsewhere that are offering deep discounts right now. what are they and why? >> absolutely. what's happening is that, obviously, the economy's a bit down, so businesses are cutting their travel. and that means that cities that are usually full of business travelers during the weeks, like new york, chicago, san francisco, vegas, are down.
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>> they need to fill the rooms? >> absolutely. they're looking to leisure travelers to get in that door and offering really good prices. >> finally, now is the time to paver yourself and upgrade? >> absolutely, four and five star hotels are down about 30% this year, so if there was ever a time where you want to try kind of that nicer property that you always wanted to stay at, now is the time to do it. >> all right, katie, thank you very much. and with the packing must-haves, here's ann. >> that's right, meredith. how to be a perfect packer. now we get advice from suzanne russ an editor at "real simple" magazine. listen, airlines are starting to charge fees now for checked baggage so we need to think about our luggage. >> it's all about the carry-on. you want to look for something that's strong, on wheels, that's light, and that has handled that you can lift up so you can go. >> this shape seems to be consistent in all your choices. >> yes, 22x14x9. it can fit in the maximum. there are some great items. >> sounds good, and they are strong. now when you have dirty clothes,
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because you don't have a lot of space, we want to make sure we separate our dirty clothes from clean clothes? >> there's a flight 001 go clean back and it's got bacteria lined fabric. >> that's a good idea. also we want to compress our items. >> exactly. you can get with eagle creek, it packs everything, it compresses 12 items of clothing really flat and small. the same with these ebags, kind of a layered theory. you can put everything in thee different compartments. >> so that way then you don't have your underwear mixing with your shorts with your shirts. >> exactly. keep them all neat and in order. >> and one of the ideas you say, get all the things you have to pack and put half of it back. >> that is an excellent idea. because we always overpack. you can fit two pairs of shoes, two pants, five shirts, a couple of dresses or a suit if you're a guy, and really don't overthink it. just be simple. >> suzanne russ, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> now what if we just want to
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save stay vacation? >> we have the fine art of the stay-cation which so many people want to do. the art is making the most of your own backyard? >> exactly. and it's using this time a a vacation. doing what you'd normally do on a vacation, not wasting your time running errands or washing the car. >> you turn our studio into a beach scene. this is something you can do in your backyard. >> exactly. if you can't afford to go to the beach, you can at least get it to you. less than $12. pose in front of it and you actually have the vacation photos. >> get some vacation pictures. >> it's kind of like the real deal. >> almost. >> pretend you're in the caribbean. >> exactly. and then over here, you talk about doing -- finding really what's in your own town sometimes, in your communities. often we forget that there's just a luxury of things we can do right in our backyard. >> i lived in new york for almost 20 years and i still haven't made it to the top of the rock. there are amazing things to do. >> we'll make sure that happens. >> check with your local
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visitors bureau, whether it's a minor league baseball game, o museum, and then also go ahead and get some touristy postcards from your town so kids can send them on to grandma and grandpa. over here i love this project, you have like a little nature getaway, or you're doing some trailing or anything. this is a great idea of a project. >> totally genius, and so easy. it's photo paper. all you do is you place a leaf, a key, on top of it, and then the sun creates the image in less than three minutes. what a love it, a4-year-old could do it. a 34-year-old would be happy to have that hanging on their wall. >> instant artwork. >> and the nature thing is so big right now. sarah gray miller thank you so much. if you're going to hit the road, what will you need? for that let's turn it over to al. >> thank you, natalie. we know a lady who knows all about that, the features editor at travel and leisure magazine. how are you doin >> i'm doing fantastically, al. >> you look fantastic. ready to go on vacation.
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a lot of folks are thinking about rvs. you can save a lot of dough? >> studies have said that we can save 61% on your family very indication if you take an rv. and that's no joking matter. >> 61%? >> a great place to go would be to go you can get everything you need to know about rvs. and there's a funny web site, families on the and check out what families are doing inheir rvs traveling around the country. >> and best routes? >> i love national parks and it's a great place to go, see the country and explore a little bit of our history. so go to to see the best. also, the scenic biways. that's 96 of the most beautiful roads in the country. so you can figure out what your route should be based on what's going to be the most stunning. >> and then, understanding a big trend, air streamhotels? >> we've actually just deho a sty,l tveandra about this anphenomenon. the idea of these retro air streams being used at hotels so you can stay in the air stream
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and pay as much as half off. there's a place called 10,000 ways -- you look a little. in japan toy have the -- >> the air 8:26 is our time. 77 degrees here in the nation's capital. water fall on the water fall. i'm joe krebs on this friday, the 31st and final day of july. in the news for today, the man charged with murder of washington intern chandra levy ecxp eted in court. prosecutors told the court yesterday that they have a new witness who will testify she was attackednte a jogging tra by a man who looked like ingmar guandiq guandique. >> employees ran away while a man took cash and then climbed
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back, got into his car and drove off. we'll come back and look at our weather forecast and check out the rush hour too. since re/max first opened its doors back in 1973, we've helped millions of families buy or sell a home. through good times and bad, including five previous recessions, re/max agents have provided the kind of experience america relies on to get the job done. today, in the worst housing market most of us have ever seen, that experience is more important than ever. find out what re/max can do for you. nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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♪ ♪ mmm! ♪ and i would do anything for love ♪ a.1. makes meat loaf sing. good morning. cloudy skies out there, a little bit of sunshine breaking through but there's also light rain on the radar. out toward front royal and warnington, a couple of light showers. also headed into northern and western maryland so a cloudy day, rain showers likely and the chance for strong to severe thunderstorms late this everyone and this evening. the inner loop of the beltway, connecticut avenue, a report of a broken down vehicle, looks like things are you moving
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okay. outer loop heavy into silver spring. no issues at the wilson bridge. northeast looks pretty good. >> thanks very much. tonight teaching babies a life
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♪ 8:30 now on this friday morning. july 31st, 2009. if you like rock 'n' roll, plaza is the place to be. just ahead, a live concert by kings of leon. three brothers and a cousin who really know how to rock. look at the size of this crowd. >> i think it's the biggest one
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this season, ann. >> and it is ining. in fact, it's been pouring. and thank goodness -- >> the great thing is with all of this, they're sticking together. they're all going to have to leave at the same time. >> a great way to wrap up "today takes a vacation." >> that's right. in fact, remember when your dad used to make your watch old slide shows of your vacation? we're going to do the same thing to you. we're going to make you look back at all the fun we had over this last week. >> also coming up this morning, we've got some tips, five easy ways to boost your family's nutrition. some secrets. >> all right. and then coming up a little bit later, a special sneak peek of the upcoming g.i. joe movie. one of the most anticipated movies of this summer. we have one of the hot young actors going to be with us. >> and ann started the week in the adirondacks with a flower in her hair. ending the week here in new york with a flower in her hair. >> wow. >> it's that kind of week.
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>> it is a beautiful flower. we're really excited. >> andhe weather, al? >> well, so far from new york, right now going to be fine for the concert, next half hour. but later on it's going to be a mess. let's see what's going on, as far as today is concerned, look for strong storms later today from the mid-atlantic states into the northeast. slight risk of strong storms also out texas, into the central plains. beautiful out west. 86 in seattle today. a little bit coole there. for tomorrow, sunny and warm in the northeast. picture perfect day. rain in the central great lakes. down in the lower mississippi river valley.wawawa a good friday morning to you. i'm meteorologist chuck bell. we have a cloudy sky with rays of sunshine getting through. you can see there are light sprinkles across parts of the northern shenandoah valley from front royal to winchester so we could get sprinkles in the late morning. by and large most of our rain later this afternoon and this
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evening. temperatures right now 79 downtown, highs today in the 80s for a brief time before the thunderstorms arrive later today. some could be severe. and that's your latest weather. >> i wish you could see what you do when they're seeing the local. >> we'll just rerack it. >> oh, i don't know. >> anyway, coming up still, the highlights of our "today takes a vacation" adventure. and, a live concert. (announcer) how can a single make summer more fun? start with the rich and creamy melt of kraft singles and get the best cheeseburger of the summer. kraft singles. goodness. squared.
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"today takes a vacation" is brought to you by this morning on "today takes a vacation," the fun we had, and did we ever have fun, from the
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shores of new york's lake george to the floridakeys, san antonio, texas, to the bright lights of the las vegas strip. >> uh-oh. >> we are in beautiful lake george, nestled in the adirondacks. >> al and i are in sunny key west, florida, this morning. >> texas is a big old party. >> las vegas, baby. >> i was hearing reports that you guys were learning to fly-fish, so ann, i'm happy t see you're out of surgery. ♪ >> we're going to scare the fish out of the water. >> i'm so sorry. >> ready to run some red lights? >> here we go. >> where are your hats? who wants some mist? >> here we go. >> come on, let's go, go, go! >> is that living? >> whoa! >> we're going diving for
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treasure. >> 400-year-old treasure. >> we've got our friends -- don't you -- >> oh. >> one of the largest crowds we've ever had on a remote. >> we have a very nice crowd. ♪ are the luckiest people >> yeah, are we a team? ♪ >> it's noontime somewhere! >> to good old times. >> and cheers to the conch republic. >> cers. >> so the guy says, ay, caramba, that's one hot tamale. ♪ >> those were low kicks.
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♪ >> does this thing have gears? >> doesn't look like it. but you're doing fine. >> whoa. >> what the heck are you doing? sit down. >> this in like a 60 degree climate would be a lot of fun. >> yeah. >> 90, humid, not so much. >> yeah, you know, and with the misery index it's about 105. >> thanks, weatherman. >> here we go, annie. >> ooh! >> woo-hoo! >> you are one crazy woman. >> you know, something about the music. or maybe we're just joyful. >> did you see how much liquor we were all drinking? >> although i was in las vegas and i didn't have a sip of it --
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well i had a little bit of a martini. >> you didn't really even get to sleep, really? >> no, two hours. >> can i say, i hope that people -- >> no, i always do. >> get ready, okay? ready? >> get ready with the violins. >> what i want to say is this, i think that what we hope is that people at home realize that in this time that we're going through people need a little break. and even though we can't afford it, to have a little time to be with friends or family. >> that's it. >> spend some time just to you know, think about has going to ke you happy, and -- >> we just showed in the last segment or whatever. >> that's right. and one of the -- the nondairy creamer. >> that's fun altogether. that bird, was that bird dangerous? >> no, bob was very -- >> the day before i was having breakfast. bob is drinking orange juice. but the best part is, any time we go on these trips, our crews and our staff is just amazing.
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it looks so simple. >> but we're not. >> we hope everybody can actually take our crew on vacation. >> you have to say, great home videos. >> the heat in san antonio, and the heat in las vegas, what our crews have to put up with. they were breaking down, setting up for days before we got there. so really thanks to them. >> which also proves that we've got the greatest jobs going. >> yeah, i know. you can't really complain. >> and a big thank you to all the fans who came out. >> yeah. >> in the heat. >> sometimes at 3:00 in the morning. >> greatest people in america. >> and very appreciative because these places are hurting and they need support. >> they really need the help. >> so. >> let's do that next week. >> yeah! >> let's go. >> we want to go! >> to your place. >> okay, come on over. >> we'll go, we'll just have a little sack race. >> a rematch. >> if we don't get out of here we're going to get sacked. >> what?! >> the kings of leon live in concert. ;ú?ñ?ñççççççççç
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>> the "toyota concert series on today," brought to you by toyota. toyota, moving forward. >> are you ready? ladies and gentlemen, making their "today" show debut, the moment we've all been waiting for, kings of leon! ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ i've been roaming around always looking down at all i see ♪ ♪ painted faces fill the places i can't reach ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you and all you know and how you speak ♪ ♪ countless lovers under cover of the street ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody ♪ ♪ you know that i could use somebody
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someone like you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to see ♪ waging wars to shape the poet and the beat ♪ ♪ i hope it's gonna make you notice i hope it's gonna make you notice ♪
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♪ ♪ someone like me someone like me someone like me ♪ ♪ someone like you somebody someone like you
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somebody ♪ ♪ someone like you somebody ♪ ♪ i've been roaming around always looking down at all i see ♪ >> wow. we'll have more when we meet the kings of leon in just a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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their fourth album "only by the night" is burning up the charts. just certified platinum. kings of leon is made up of three brothers, nathan, caleb and jared followill, and their kousten matthew followill. your fans no exactly who you are. we had more than 20,000 fan requests for this group. i know when you're up at this hour it's because you never went to bed. how do you feel about that? >> it's awesome. if it was anybody over than our family o of that 20,000, we've got a pretty big family. >> you're huge in the uk. you're huge in australia. but spin magazine said about
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your fans, ecstatic overseas, muted at home. i don't think these folks are muted at all. i think you have quite a fan base. and you are really poised to become the next u2 from what i understand. >> oh, that's pretty big shoes to fill. no. we're just -- we're still young, you know. we've only had four albums, and i think hopefullyave a ways to go. a great compliment. >> when you started none of you were really musicians at all. so what made you think you could pull this off? i'll talk to the cousin in the group here? >> some of us played instruments. nathan played in church and i played guitar growing up. but i don't know. we just always been into music. and i think, i don't know, we just got together and i guess it worked out. >> yeah, i think it worked out really well. you're coming up on a tour? how many is it? >> 30. we've been touring for like well over a year now. so it's never feels like we ever get off tour.
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>> are you looking forward to it a little bit? >> oh, yeah, yeah. you know, finally to the point now where we get to play -- spend more time in america, which is great, you know, because it's i little easier to travel around home. >> well, these folks are thrilled that you are back in america. what are you guys going to perform for us today? >> we're doing "notion right now. >> take it away. kings of leon. ♪ ♪
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♪ i got a notion to say what doesn't feel right ♪ ♪ got an answer in your story today ♪ ♪ it gave me a sign that didn't feel right no ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪ ♪ i just wanted to know if i could go home ♪ ♪ been rambling in day after day ♪ ♪ and everyone says i don't know ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪ so don't knock it
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don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪ ♪ got a notion to say what doesn't feel right ♪ ♪ i just wanted to know if i could go home ♪ ♪ s don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ ♪
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♪ so don't knock it don't knock it ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it ♪ ♪ so don't knock it don't knock it ♪ now been here before ♪ ♪ don't knock it don't knock it you've been here before ♪ >> kings of leon. than. the boys will be back with one more song coming up that's right after your local news and weather. thank you guys very much. let's hear it for the kings of leon.
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our time now is five minutes
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until 9:00 in the morning. 78 degrees, cloudy skies over the nation's capital. over the potomac river you see a little sunlight getting through. a look at the forecast coming up. it's friday, the 31st of july. in the news today, a st. mary's teen is in stable condition after suffering a skull fracture when she was hit with a piece of concrete thrown into the car she was riding. the driver ducked when the concrete was thrown but it hit the 15-year-old girl in the back seat. police do not think the attack was random. be on the lookout for a missing snake. the nearly four-foot python escaped from a condo last friday. residents snapped a photo as it slithered by. the snake is not considered dangerous, however, a reward is being offered now for the snake's safe return. there is the picture. we'll come back and look at our weather and traffic.
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fresh...fresh...fresh. really fresh. come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables, all at prices you can handle. like white seedless grapes just 99 cents a pound. this week only at giant. you know, it's not t grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. [ crowd gasps ] it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant, like porterhouse steak just $4.99 a pound. this week only at giant. noooo ! is he alright ? poor guy's in a dead zone... can't update facebook... twitter's timing out... youtube's super-slow. it's so frustrating! i had that... until i switched to verizon. you've got 3g all over.
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get america's largest 3g network and run the apps you want, where you want. check out our line-up of amazing blackberries like the all-new blackberry tour. good morning. i'm chuck bell. a few sprinkles in western loudoun county, they are tending to dry up as they come into the area. we'll have a chance for showers with possibly strong to severe thunderstorms late this afternoon and this evening. >> 270 doing fine. downtown, 395 northbound sluggish. lanes are open to the 14th street bridge. >> tonight, teaching baby as >> tonight, teaching baby as life saving lesson in the pool. we've all heard about the trouble in the housing industry. the fact is, with all the talk of a national real estate market, your town, your neighborhood, your home, or the home you'd like to buy, are each unique. the national conversation may not apply at all. if you've been worrying about what your property may be worth, or wondering if your dream home may finally be affordable,
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ask a re/max agent or go to nobody sells more real estate than re/max. ♪ your sex is on fire and so were the words to transpire ♪ ♪ and you your sex is on fire and so were the ♪ ♪ words to transpire
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>> the kicks of leon, ladies and gentlemen, here for a great summer concert. and this friday morning, july 31st, 2009, the crowd is rocking. we're going to hear one more song from these guys, and thank you so much. you guys, thank you so much for being here. you know what's really awesome is your music is so real. i think that's really what's -- it's so real, and you're touching a lot of people. thanks so much for being with us this morning. you having a good time? >> oh, let me shake your hand. awesome. >> the drummer never makes it. >> okay. we'll do that anyway. we've got a lot more coming up, including one more song from these very talented young men. >> that's right. and also on thursday we showed you an amazing video. out of weber county, utah. a police chief, a police chase like you've never seen before. to the surprise of everybody,
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the culprit a 7-year-old boy driving that intrepid. we're going to meet young preston scarborough and his family. find out the price that young preston is paying for the joy ride he took. we want to me sure, don't try this at home, kids. >> we've also got some important health news about the vaccine that you may have been seeing so much. it's designed to prevent cancer but now it's raising some concerns. and now the new g.i. joe star. >> one more time for the kicks of leon. >> now let's go inside and get a check of the morning's top stories with natalie. >> all right good morning to you. the government's cash for clunkers program has hit a speed bump. in just a week the $1 billion amount set aside for rebates that encourage people to trade in old gas guslers for more fuel efficient cars has almost been
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used up. the white house and congress are now working to try to extend funding for it. there were no apologies but a harvard scholar and the police officer who arrested him pledged to talk again after sharing a beer with the president at the white house. professor henry louis gates jr. said he and sergeant james crowley would like to make people more aware of the dangers of police work, and the impact of racial profiling. on capitol hill a push for safer food. the house passed a food safety bill that would give the government a more active role in preventing outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. it requires frequent inspections and gives the fda greater authority to record recalls. the bill gained new momentum when salmonella and peanut products last fall killed at least nine people. car bombs in baghdad today have claimed at least 28 lives. police say the bombs went off near three shiite mosques as worshippers were leaving friday prayers. officials in brian, texas, said today a spark from a welder's torch probably caused thursday' chemical plant fire. more than 50,000 people had to be evacuated.
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the plant processes explosive ammonium nitrate. 34 people were treated for lung and eye irritation. severe weather ripped through parts of misssippi thursday. tornadoes there destroyed at least eight hos, and damaged more than 50. there were no reports, though, of serious injuries. and the record deal for pope benedict. a new album to be recorded in st. peter's basilica will feature the pontiff singing and reciting prayers for the virgin mary. it will also include eight original pieces of classical music recorded at london's famed abbey road studios. the album is due out in november, and proceeds will fund ra music education for underprirprivileged children. let's get another check of the weather from al. >> wouldn't that be cool if we could get the pope on the plaza to do a concert? >> yeah. >> that would be terrific. >> you think he'd pack them in? >> you know what? i know that the pope would pack them in. we'd have to maybe move it to yankee stadium. let's take a look, show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. and you'll see that we've got
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floodhreats from the southeast all the way into the northea and parts of new england, and we've got rain working its way all the way from bangor, maine, down to thpanhandle of florida. and some of these storms could cause some major airport delays. expecting anywhere from onesúsúú good friday morning. i'm meteorologist chuck bell. itromises to be a busy weather day later this afternoon and evening. right now lonely raindrops in loudoun county, virginia and the panhandle of west virginia and jefferson county. can't rule out light rain this morning but more dry hours before the thunderstorms late this afternoon and this evening. temperatures nosing in on 80 degrees. highs in the 80s with strong storms tonight. and that's your latest weather. all right, check out this videotape. look at the dash cam video from
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a cruiser in utah, as an officer chases down a dangerous suspect, driving erratically. running through two stop signs. when the car finally stopped several miles later the desperado jumps out. 7 years old. jumping out from behind the wheel. >> you know, it's a good thing we can really laugh about this, because he's here and he's fine. preston scarborough was the young man you saw there. he's the one who got in the car. you might want to hide your keys. he's here along with his parents daniel and melanie and his sister london. good morning to you all. thank goodness we can laugh about this and nobody got hur, which is a good thing and young preston. i saw him this morning, i said you are trouble, and he smiled. yes, he knows it. daniel, tell me when you first found out. you, i know, and melanie, you guys had no idea that he had taken the car keys and had left the house. >> you know, we didn't have a idea. and it was, you know, preston's a good kid, so we didn't even suspect it. nothing like this has happened before. we've never let him drive. we -- i mean it is funny now.
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it was tragic at first. but looking at it now, and if you watch that video, can you see him, he's running to the house -- >> he knew. >> he turned around and sees the cop and i think he caught about three more speeds and took off even faster. he's a cute kid and he's a good kid. and we're glad it turned out like it did. >> thankfully looking at the video, you see there are no other cars parked along the side of the road, or this could have been a lot worse. when you heard about -- police came in and told you what happened, melanie, what first we through your mind? >> well, i couldn't believe it. i kept thinking this is a dream. i couldn't believe that he took the car. it was amazing. and scary. >> and preston, i understand you like video games, is that right? driving video games, is that where you kind of got the idea? >> mm-hmm. >> what made you think to take the car keys? i know church had a little something to do with that, right? you didn't want to go to church that morning? >> most kids just run under the bed, preston. what made you think to get in the car?
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>> you don't know? >> just seemed like a good idea. >> at the time. >> okay once things calmed down, what did you guys say to preston? >> you know, we for sure talked to him about the dangers and what really could have happened. and it's -- you don't understand that a 7-year-old just doesn't -- they don't comprehend the magnitude of what he did. he just doesn't comprehend that. and i think when i -- we were talking to the cops, and we're talking to the officer, i said maybe we ought to let the officers put you in jail for a couple of days. that's when it sunk in. that's when it got serious for him. and he realizedot -- i don't think the full magnude, but at least a little piece of what was going on. >> preston you knew, when you saw all the sirens and you heard all the sirens and saw the cop cars, you knew you were in a little bit of trouble, right? yeah. >> london let me ask you. you're 15? >> yes. >> are you driving yet? >> i have my permit. i drive with my parents. >> but this is the first te -- your brother, first time he's driving without your parents? >> yeah. >> kind of ticked you off, didn't it?
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>> a little bit, yeah. >> hey, it's my turn. well, thanks goodness it's a good story here and all ended well. but you know, i know that you've actually, you're punishing him for a little bit? >> yeah, we're going to throw away the driving video games for sure. he's lost those games, unfortunately. and so he's been grounded, and he's being punished. but not going to be punished forever. we all make mistakes and he made one and there's consequences and we move on. >> so this sunday for church, are you going to check in preston's room before? >> yeah. i think we'll be up early this sunday. >> he actually ended up going to church that sunday. >> we tookim to church. you all have a lot to be thankful for. preston and the whole scarborough family, great to see you guys. thanks for sharing the story with us. preston, you be good, okay? >> next time don't talk so much. >> yeah. >> all right. >> still to come here on "today," five simple ways to get your family to eat a healthier diet without a lot of fighting about it. >> plus coming up next, concerns
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about the hpv vaccine. what parents and daughters need to know. right after these messages. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol loweng medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk.
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and about lipitor. because a bathroom can be more than just a bathroom. clorox helps keep it clean. even the imaginary parts. ♪ late in the evening... welcome to chili's. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. for a second course, choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, like our big mouth bites -- the mini burgers with giant layers of flavor. or a half-rack of our triple-basted baby back ribs. then save some room to share a decadent dessert. a lot of bold flavors, for a limited time only. chili's --
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it tastes like a pretzel and a cracker at the same time. - wow! - well, you can taste the pretzel side. - it's really buttery. - it's different than anything else i've ever tasted. townhouse flipsides. part pretzel. part cracker. all good. woman: (thinking) so, i stick this bounce bar inside my dryer and for about four months, it'll freshen my clothes automatically? wow, let's see you in action. hmm, i wish all my chores took care of themselves automatically. ( ♪ ) (dryer buzzing) ( sniffing ) enjoy automatic freshness for about four months with the new bounce dryer bar.
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this morning on "today's health," a vaccine that prevents cancer. it's called guard asill vaccine and it's designed to protect against the three strains of the human papilloma virus that can cause cervical cancer. it's been around for just three years and we've all seen the ads. >> each year in the u.s., thousands of women learn they have cervical cancer. >> i could be one less. >> one less statisc. >> monliil than 24 million dose have been distributed in the united states, but is it safe? and is it a vaccine that all girls should be getting? nbc's chief medic editor, dr. nancy synderman is joining us now with also gynecologist
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dr. suzanne blend from good morning to both of you. a lot of questions. a lot of mothers, especially, and their daughters have some questions. you say it's important, nancy. >> it's important because there are 65,000 new cases of cervical cancer every year. we know that human papilloma virus causes cancer of the cervix. we know you get hpv through sex. this idea is to give a vaccine for girls before they become sexually active as an anti-cancer vaccine. it's not a pro-sex vaccine. my view, as a physician is, if you can prevent an illness with a vaccine, why wouldn't you do it if it's safe and effective? and this is safe and effective. >> you're talking about teenagers getting this vaccine, is that right? >> 'tweens, really ishere i think a lot of the controversy is coming up. but they're recommending that at least at age 11 or 12 it starts, and after the age of 26. as early as 9 you can receive the vaccination. >> one confusion is the human
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papilloma virus is something that you get and goes away and comes back? >> for most people it is a transient infection. especially in women under the age of 25. it tends to be a transient infection. that is not to say that they may not have serious consequences. but the vast majority of women who get cervical hpv are not going to get cancer. the other problem with the vaccination, or challenge with the vaccination, is that you know, there are probably 25 strains of hpv that cause problems. and in even maybe 10 or 15 that have been associated with potential progression to cancer. the vaccination covers two out of those. so that's fantastic, but it is by no means perfect. and i think that point needs to be made. >> so it covers for the biggest strains and there's going to be a new vaccine on the market soon that will cover more strains. i think it's important. there's no vaccine in life that's absolutely perfect. but, boy, this is a great step
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in the right direction. >> let's talk about the side effects. what are the worst side effects? how common are they? and we nee to weigh that. >> i think we've looked at the most common side effects. the most common side effects are things like fainting, nausea, redness at the injection site, tenderness at the injection site. and out of 24 million doses, there have only been 14,000 or 15,000 complaints, or concerns reported to the fda. now, what concerns people, and what does come up, is there have been 37 or 38 deaths. and the fda has looked very, very carefully at these. there has been no proof of the vaccine causing a young woman to die. and sometimes deaths are recorded several days later. but it's important to remember, you can have fish for dinner, and get sick three days later and the question is, did the fish cause you to get sick? and what they're saying this time is, no. there's no proof that this vaccine in fact puts women's lives at risk. >> but, it has not been proven. it is very, very hard to prove
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that. and you have to understand that the common thread with these 39 deaths has been recent either use or completion of the gardasil vaccination. i am not saying it caused deaths. but women are going to have questions about this. and right out of the gate when this vaccination came out, i was thrilled. i was excited. and i recommended it. it's not that i don't recommend it. it's that we need to support our patients and their mothers in asking questions. >> here's one of the questions we've been getting. emily is asking, if you already have high risk hpv and you plan to be in a committed relationship with one partner do you recommend still getting the vaccine? >> i think it depends how old she is. even if you have hpv, it may t be -- these strains that are covered in the vaccine. so i would check. because a lot of doctors will think -- >> lauren of north carolina asks i'm 24 and considering getting the vaccine. my concern is the vaccine has not been around long enough for its long-term side effects to be found and tested. and studied.
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am i correct? >> no. i think three years for getting surveillance data is a good chunk of time. >> i think it's a great chunk of time. but i do want to mention that, you know, we were for 30 yea recommending that every woman at menopause and post menopause use hormone replacement therapy, and -- >> now wait a minute. >> -- you can't end the segment comparing hrt to vaccine. >> i think it's -- >> what we know eventually >> it's the risk -- >> it's very different. because then we are comparing apples and oranges. i think we have to be very careful. >> well, no, no. let's not compare. >> vaccine -- >> but is it possible, are we going to find out something later? that's what people are afraid of. >> and i get that. and that's why we do something called post market surveillance where we get this data and we keep watching it. what we're talking about is a cancer vaccine. not something to take away wrinkles and hot flashes. so i just want to make sure -- >> but it's also we pushed it for heart disease.
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i was taught in my training. >> i've never done that. >> well, that's not the point. the point is what information is out there. and my feeling is this is just an awesome piece of the moment. >> i think it's very important for mothers and daughters and sometimes daddies to sit down with doctor and say, okay, let's talk about the vaccine. give me the truth as we have it. and i think we do have good truth on this. and see it as an anti-cancer vaccine, and be smart about it. i'm all for a patient being informed. >> the two of you have done such a great job in giving us all the different sides that people are asking. that's what we have to do is factor all of that. >> and protect our girls. >> cancer is a very dangerous cancer. >> absolutely. this is mostly a problem in developing nations. and i would love -- the vast majority of diagnoses and deaths occur in developing nations. >> that does not negate the issue. >> that risk assessment is there. >> we're done with this topic. we have to go because we've run out of time. obviously we should continue this conversation because it's not done.
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talk to your thk anyou both so much. >> thank you. ut ) everyone's nervous going back to school. ♪ a hallmark card. it's the biggest little thing you can do. ♪ mmm... hot fudge sundae. ♪ ooh! frosted blueberry?!? ♪ over 25 flavors of kellogg's pop-tarts®. and they're all for fun and fun for all.
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pop-tarts®. made for fun. generally speaking, men. men don't merge. the woman will sit there and wait until there are 8 tractor trailer trucks length back there. merging would mean to come up and then go over. this is what men do. you see where i am over here? and then she'll co out at 30, 35 miles an hour. and kablam! an end realth houl anr r . nn)ouncer depend brand. for women and men. we obsess over the fruits and vegetables that nourish it. gerber purees. as healthy as fresh fruits and vegetables. gerber - start healthy, stay healthy.
9:22 am
light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. now try new watermelon and cantaloupe flavors. begin ink discharge. watch tough stains disappear right before your eyes with clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster. see for yourself. lose the stains. keep the color. according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner. no surprises. no shocks. dulcolax stool softener provides stimulant-free constipation relief that's gradual and comfortable, like nature intended. dulcolax stool softener.
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feeling free to be. singers: feelin' free. taking off faster than you can say g.i. joe. shannon tatum plays duke in the g.i. joe. good to have you here. >> thank you very much. >> you are the superstar of this film. >> there's a lot of us. >> this is your first big breakout role as the lead? >> yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. >> oh, a southern boy. >> yeah. >> you're from alabama? >> i'd hear from my mom if i didn't say that. >> did you have a g.i. joe doll -- action figure? >> never i doll. action figure. i had all of them. it's who i wanted to play before they said duke was the only one i was allowed to play. >> what's it like being in a big action movie? >> it's a little floorless at times. we did a lot of live action on the movie. it's a little bit of intense
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pressure because this is my childhood, you know, and i don't want to mess it up. >> you did a lot of the stunts, i hear, right? >> all but one where they wouldn't let me run into an exploding building. >> good career move. >> the photography looks really great in this movie. >> yeah, yeah. >> it's such an exciting time because you've got other movies, this big movie and you just got married? >> yep, yep, it's a crazy year. >> your co-star? >> jenna tatum, i don't know if she's hyphenating or not. who knows. >> and here's another interesting fact, you might not know, i've been working with natalie for six years, she's never come on the set and first thing out of her mouth said, you're a handsome man. >> that's something you always say. >> i know. but you never say it. >> i'm getting red in the face. >> speaking of which, we have a shot of you in the current issue of "gq." >> oh, no. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> i thought for a second that was me with my shirt on.
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>> not to be confused with the al roker here of the "today" show. >> that's a nice hot. although i don't think anybody noticed the hat. >> or the cowboy boots for that matter. >> oh, good luck. >> anyway, thank you so much. >> g.i. joe, the rise of the cobra opens next friday, august 7th. >> blockbuster, i'm sure. >> all right. still ahead this morning, where to find sun and fun on the beaches of california. >> but first your local news and weather. sweet piece of man candy. they're popping! - really?! listen. - ( laughs ) ahhhhh... mmm. where'd the sound go? even when they've stopped popping, is it in your tummy? they haven't stopped working. now, every box of kellogg's® rice krispies® cereal... has antioxidants and nutrients... that help support your child's immune system. ( laughter continues )
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time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with five different taste and textures, chex mix is a bag of interesting... the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. honey bunches of oats. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches.
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9:26. let's get a check on our weather. let's go to chuck bell in storm center 4. >>ood morning everybody. friday finally here. we had sprinkle activity in the western suburbs, most are drying up as they come east of the mountains. a batch of rain showers with embed thunderstorms in central west virginia is coming later on this afternoon. so the umbrellas will be required before the day is through. temperatures near 80 degrees right now, generally a cloudy day. a little sunshine first thing this morning. watch for the chance for strong to perhaps severe thunderstorms later on today and tonight. drying out for the weekend. >> okay. thanks, chuck. traffic is coming u l 'l aweke btareak pwq
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the rush hour, what there
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was winding down. no late issues at the american legion bridge. south of town the wilson bridge we're all right. >> tonight on "news 4 at 5:00" teaching babies a life saving lesson in a swimming pool. back to the "today" show after a short break. # who are better drivers, men or women?
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men don't merge. the woman will sit there and wait. this is what men do. you see where i am over here? and, ka-blam, and then we're all an hour late. depend brand. for women and men. ♪ ♪ you're so hot that i melted i felt right through the crack ♪ ♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it -- ♪ >> every time i see his name i want to buy a vowel. the singer/songwriter from virginia is going to bring his music to the plaza next friday on "today." got a little something for everybody. the following friday, flo rider,
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that's how we roll, baby. taking over the summer stage. and closing out our summer concert series, superstar mariah carey will dazzle the plaza. man there's a lineup this summer. also live on "today." but to keep you rocking into your weekend, we're not done yet. wait, there's more. >> that's right. the kings of leon is back with one more song for all the fans outside. they've done such a great job this morning. even despite the rain. they got up, they're going to this one from their grammy award winning song called "sex on fire." i just said that on national television. >> let me get an extinguisher. >> so that's right. >> that's coming up. >> you could have just said one more song. >> okay. >> all right. >> okay, all right. >> also this morning, if you're tired of trying to make your family eat healthy, joy bauer is going to show you easy ways to make switches. >> plus a little beach blanket
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bingo. we're going to take you on a tour of some of the amazing beaches alone the coast of california. surf's up. there you go. but first, lester holt, jenna wolfe are here with a weekend update. >> hey, guys. >> nothing burning, but we can tell you, michael phelps prepares for a rematch with the guy who almost broke his gold medal streak in beijing. we'll be talking about that. >> plus, the dog days of summer, great time to go shopping, we're going to tell you about great deals you should snap up before labor day. >> also our series on summer jobs. jenna was a lifeguard. amy was a car hop. and i got a chance to be a new york city tour guide on one of those double decker buses. may not have been physically challenging but i did get a mental workout when a tourist stumped me with a trivia question. see if you know the answer this weekend on "today." >> can you give us the question? >> i can't remember. >> the question or the answer. >> i think it was why they call it the big apple. >> ah. >> there were many questions i didn't know the answer to. but most of them i made up. >> with your height, you've got to be careful. >> it really clears the light
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posts -- you know what's cool about the double decker bus? you get to look up. and nobody looks up in new york city. >> that's true. >> because there are pigeons overhead. >> anyway.súsúsúsúsúsúsúsúsú'awú a good friday morning. i'm meteorologist chuck bell. we have sunshine in downtown washington, but there are sprinkles in northern loudoun county, those are moving into western montgomery county, folks near poolsville be on the lookout. temperatures in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees already. we'll be in the 80s but there's a pretty good likelihood of strong to perhaps strong thunderstorms into early this evening. tomorrow s yatd l'srouatest we. and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thank you. >> coming up next, getting your family to eat healthier. wow, steve, well done. those burgers come with the grill?
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whoa whoa whoa! steeeeeve! honey? how those burgers coming? - steve: good. - friend #1: nice, steve. announcer: relax. pam helps you pull it off.
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- steve: good. - friend #1: nice, steve. ♪ there's only one word for this ♪ ♪ it's bliss ♪ only one word describes chocolate this creamy, this rich, this indulgent. bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. now try new watermelon and cantaloupe flavors.
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announcer: there's a place called hidden valley. where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. now rediscover the delectable taste that can only come from hidden valley, the original ranch.
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♪ "c" is for cookie, that's good enough for me ♪ >> okay, cookie monster, this morning on "today's family," boosting your nutrition. getting your kids to eat a nutrnt packed diet doesn't need to take a lot of works. joy bauer has your shopping list. joy, good morning. >> good morning. >> so simple changes, and they're going to eat it? that's my big concern. my family, especially my little boy, you can't trick him. >> they are going to eat it. as a parent you know your kids best. so you have to be very creative with both the presentation and the dialogue. if your son's a basketball player talk about how these fo oerhast tnket faster on that basketball court. >> let's talk first about making the switch to sweet, and we're talking about sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. why are they so much better for you? >> well, all potatoes have a lot of potassium, some vitamin "c" and fiber. but when you switch over to the sweet potatoes, you're also getting double the fiber compared to the same size white potato, and you're getting a
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gigantic dose of beta-carotene. and beta-carotene is fantastic for both your eyes and your skin. >> fantastic. and also, i mean, a lot of people think that sweet potatoes are sweet and they have sugar in them. that's false, though? >> well, actually true in that sweet potatoes have a few more grams of sugar compared to the same size white potato. but the interesting thing is, because they have so much soluble fiber they will actually raise your blood sugars less than a white potato. so it's all good. and kids like sweet. >> and this is an easy way to make them, sweet potato fries. >> they're biked. >> olive oil, baked in the oven, on 400 degrees for about 20 minutes and they're perfect. >> over here. whole grains. make the switch from white flour to whole grain flower, especially when you're baking. >> this is so simple. you can take any recipe whether it's for muffins, for cookies or for pancakes and you're going to substitute with the whole -- regular all-purpose flour, up to half the amount with either
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whole wheat flour or an oat flour. if you don't have any on hand, take oats, put it in the fd processor and just pulverize it until it's a nice, fine flour. >> then the other half is the white flour. so you're just creating a blend? >> i took a standard blueberry muffin recipe, called for 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour and i used 3/4 cup all-purpose flower, 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour and it tastes exactly the same. >> over here, go dark green when you go green. instead of the iceberg lettuce? >> right. just to put this into perspective. when you compare the nutrition of one cup of iceberg lettuce to one cup of spinach leaves, that spinach i going to provide 13 times more beta-carotene, 5 times more iron. it's going to have double the fiber, and a tremendous amount more of potassium and folic acid. >> what do i say to my son when he says he wants his crunchy lettuce? >> you can mingle it in.
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throw in some crispy fresh romaine, a few baby spinach leaves. >> and really quickly here, conims, and, you know, ketchup, mustard, we know that they don't necessarily have nutritional value. >> right. they're low calorie and diet friendly. but instead salsa, instead of the mayo, hummus. kids like the sort of low key creamy texture. avocado slices, or walk molely. >> that's my favorite right there. >> and also chutney, whether it's a fruit or vegetable chutney, great substitute. >> all right joy bauer. thank you. much more nutrition tips on our website at coming up next, enjoying california's coastline. we're going to take you on a little tour with "today takes a vacation." that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy.
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if depression is taking so much out of you, e escr tion medicine ss priiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potenally life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma. tell your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. (announcer) ask your doctor about pristiq.
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[ female announcer ] nature fusion from pantene helps make hair strong against damage in 14 days. good housekeeping gave it their seal. damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. [ female announcer ] nature fusion from pantene. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. now try new watermelon and cantaloupe flavors. it tastes like a pretzel and a cracker at the same time. - wow! - well, you can taste the pretzel side. - it's really buttery. - it's different than anything else i've ever tasted. townhouse flipsides. part pretzel. part cracker. all good.
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breakfast. it's kind of early, buddy. you've got to need to take some cholesterol off you. honey, have you been reading the cheerios box again? heot that off the box. (announcer) cheerios is made with 100% natural whole grain oats to help lower your cholesterol. that was very thoughtful of you. very early, but very thoughtful. (announcer) cheerios. good for the heart. "today takes a vacation" is brought to you by >> love that lindsay buckingham
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song. this morning on "today takes a vacation," california beaches. the golden state boasts more than 800 miles of coastline. so whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or a budget conscious trip you might want to head to the place lands end and pacific begins. here's nbc's lee cowan. >> reporter: it's often called the left coast. but when vwed like this, it all seems pretty right. california is a living postcard. take la jolla shores in san diego. where the surf is gentle and so are the surf instructors. >> you are never too old to learn how to surf. >> reporter: melissa works for surf diva, a surf camp that gives a whole new meaning to summer school. >> does this feel like a vacation to you guys? >> yeah. like every day here is a vacation to us. if the weather's like this, nice and sunny, and then you go in the water. >> reporter: if the board isn't
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your bag, maybe a paddle. la jolla's sea caves are a kayaker's dream. a kaleidoscop of sea birds and sea lions. it's one of the most popular activities here because you can see everything above the water, you can see everything below the water, as well. and it's a great place to take a little dip. but you don't have to be in the water to enjoy california's coast. at the coronado bay resort we found this couple on a gondola. crooners and champagne included. and tourist trade here dates back a long way. the all-wooden hotel del coronado opened in1888. 121 years later, it remains one of the top resorts in the world. good enough for the likes of marilyn monroe in "some like it hot." >> i can't wait to see her face. >> reporter: many california vacation spots are characters in
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movies. >> fish. >> reporter: take the santa cruz beach boardwalk. it's the coney island of the west. clint eastwood's "sudden impact" was filmed here. and so was the washboard. one of the biggest attractions is the giant dipper. one of the ten oldest roller coasters in the world. who says history can't be a thrill ride. the only thing with more twists and turns is california's asphalt yellow brick road with jaw dropping vistas that all gracefully lead tourists to the city by the bay. >> it's the best way to see the city. >> reporter: san francisco's famous fog, the best light. couldn't get any better than this. out here you're nothing but the wind and the waves.
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sail under the golden gate. >> reporter: captain kirk's sailing adventures. yes, captain kirk quietly goes where few land lubbers have gone before. offering a cnce to hear your echo from under an engineering wonder. california. mother nature's play ground. with the sand, and surf, and wind. lee cowan, nbc news, somewhere in the san francisco bay. >> having a great time. hang ten. up next, one more song from the kings of leon. but first, this is "today" on nbc. x
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(employee 1) subject: urgent!! bob!! i need the baker file stat!! reply!! still making changes. circle back later!! what's with the yelling? oh, our internet slows down during peak hours so sending-mails and large files just takes forever. so, we just yell. ben!!! thanks for the flowers!!! i thought you hated me!!! lol!!! semi-colon! right parenthesis! winky emoticon! (announcer) switch to verizon and get a dedicated high speed internet connection from our office to your small business so you won't be slowed down even if your neighbors are online. and for only $79.99 a month for 12 months
9:49 am
with a 3 year contct you'll also get our award winning internet security suite, unlimited nationwide calling, and over $180 back in available online rebates. plus, the reliability of the verizon network. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today for the verizon single line business pak and data protection pak. one of the many tools in the verizon small business toolbox. 7:30 now on this friday morning -- >> still to come on "today," hoda and kathie lee. thank you so much, meredith. it's time for you to go home now. >> she's working so hard these days.
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>> kathie lee and hoda have curtis stone coming by. >> plus cybill shepherd. >> first one more song from the kings of leon. happy friday, everybody. have a good weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ lay where you're laying don't make a sound i know they're watching ♪ ♪ they're watching all the commotion that kitty loves pain ♪ ♪ it has people talking they're talking you
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your sex is on fire ♪ ♪ the dark of the alley the breaking of day the head while i'm driving ♪ ♪ i'm driving the soft lips are open them knuckles are pale ♪ ♪ it feels like you're dying you're dying and you ♪ ♪ your sex is on fire and so were the words to transpire ♪ ♪ hot as a fever
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rattling bones i could just taste it ♪ ♪ taste it if it's not forever if it's st tonight ♪ ♪ oh it's still the greatest the greatest the greatest ♪ ♪ and you your sex is on fire you ♪ ♪ your sex is on fire and so were the wordto transpire ♪
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♪ and you your sex is on fire and so were the ♪ ♪ words to transpire ññññ
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our time now is 9:56. 79 degrees here in the nation's capital. looks like sunlight out there, a nice breeze as well. it is kind of humid. we'll get the forecast coming up. i'm joe krebs on this friday, the 31st and final day of july, 2009. in the news for today, the man charged with chandra levy's murder is expected to appear in court. prosecutors told the court they have a new witness who will testify she was attacked along a jogging trail by a man thatha looked like ingmar guandique. a robber jumped through a burger king drive-through window.
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the man grabbed cash before climbing back through the window and driving off. police have not found him yet. metro riders be ready for a weekend of delays. there will be track maintenance on all five lines so the trains will share a single track. riders should budget an extra 30 minutes of travel time. now let's see what transportation looks like now. jerry in the traffic ned work. >> good morning. a problem with a vehicle fire one mile before the beltway. this is what's left. right now authorities making everybody swing wide to the right. looks like a hefty backup on 66 eastboundoming in from 123, westbound not an issue. wilson bridge, no troubles to report. road work northbound and southbound along i-95 at this hour as you headento lortoorn and woodbridge be prepared for traffic. chuck, how about the forecast. >> things are looking up in the short-term. a little sunshine now.
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we had sprinkles through loudoun county into portions of montgomery county. those are drying up to the north and east. a couple of lonely raindrops left. there is more rain across the mountains of west virginia. those rain showers with embedded thunderstorms will be arriving late this afternoon and this evening. also have a risk for severe weather today so sort of keep a weather eye to the sky. temperatures in the low 80s, highs today generally the middle 80s before the rain showers and the thunderstorms move in. sunny and dry tomorrow. >> thanks, chuck. tonight on "news 4 at 5:00" teaching babies a life saving lesson in the swimming pool. now back to the "today" show after we first of all take a sht break. join us for "news 4 midday" at 11:00 a.m.?o?o?o?o (announcer) when verizon brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home it also brings first-class entertainment,
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with picture quality pc world calls "razor sharp," america's top-rated internet and crystal clear phone, all for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. you can also get channel variety cable can't match. plus, additional packages are available with over 115 hd channels and over 15,000 titles on demand per month. what else does fios bring that cable doesn't? how about easy-to-use on screen widgets that offer instant updates on local traffic, news, weather and more. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today to order fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month for the first six months. that's like getting all three amazing fios services for the price of two. and now get even faster internet speeds. plus, ask about our free wifi at thousands of hotspots nationwide. to get amazing tv, our fastest internet ever, and phone at this incredible low price, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today.
10:00 am
y/y/ captions paid for by nbc-universal television hi, everybody. it is friday. this is the week we thought would never come to an end. butt is here. >> it has. >> the last day of july. that is really, really flown by. >> i sort of feel like we've gotten gypped out of summer a little bit, don't you think? it's been raining and it's been chilly through most of the summer. >> that's not what i was talking about. anyway, no. >> what were you talking about? >> nothing. >> what, what, what? >> nothing.
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it's been a good year. everything got started a little bit later because of the weather. this is a tough time to be traveling anywhere right now. the heat, especially in the northeast, and it builds up, but there are thunderstorms. so anybody who's planned to leave earlier in the day, then in the afternoon, because there's a good chance you will be delayed because of thunderstorms. >> look at you, miss al ker. >> that flight is this afternoon, and i'm thinking -- >> you do have to plan these things. you have to think these things through. >> do you know that if you are a lonely person all you have to do is buy a tickle me plant. just to feel a little better in life. >> these are freaky. >> they're kind of cute. >> first of all they're living. these are not fake and there's no gimmick to them. they're living plants. >> a big one. >> okay. >> so you put your finger, i'm going to put it right here on the leaf, can you see? stroke it. stroke it. is it working? >> no. >> no, it's not. >> put a little more pressure on it, hoda woman. >> look, did you see it?
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look. >> anyway they curl up. then they start to lance a little bit. look howhey close. you just touch it and they close. nobody cares. >> no, no, no. >> then they start to dance a little bit. >> no one can see it. >> all right. >> kind of like the chia pet of the new millennium, i suppose. and prices vary. >> they do on the tickle me. >> from $5 to $20. >> tickle me plant dotcom. >> they arrive in just a few days. >> why would you want that? >> fridayis a day we like to show you our favorite things. these are somebody else's things. i, by the way, am wearing my friend donald beale's dress. >> this is white house, black market. >> i love that. >> jill uses them a lot. >> all righty. >> did you know that big spenders tend to marry big savers. >> this does not surprise me because i think you sometimes look for the opposite in yourself.
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like, that may not be a trait you love, whether you are a big spender or a big saver. so you may look for the opposite in you. >> are you an impulse buyer? >> no. >> you don't shop much. go i don't shop that much. i mean that's not really -- i don't spend my money on stuff like that. i don't know. i spend it on trips. and on other stuff. but i don't spend it on -- i'm not a big shopper, are you? >> no. i used to be. and i'm -- you know, you get to the point, you're not there yet, where all of a sudden you realize you don't want any more stuff. you just don't want it. you spent -- i just want to get rid of the stuff i have. >> yeah, i don't keep a lot of stuff. and i've often felt that if i was walking down the street of my apartment and i was on fire -- >> yes. >> i think about this sometimes, i wouldn't -- i wouldn't be heartbroken over the stuff that was in there. there's not really anything that there's not another copy of. except for journals and stuff. like i don't -- there's nothing really in there that i care about. >> that is the saddest thing i've ever heard in my wife, hoda
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woman. >> what are you talking about? >> i'm going to have to come over to your apartment. >> it's stuff. >> you're saying it's just stuff. >> oh, okay. >> so you're agreeing with me for a change. >> i thought that before you said it. >> i've just collected too much stuff. but you were married before, and so in that relationship, well -- you don't have to use that as an example. >> why did you bring it up. >> is it true -- because we have so many other relationships i was trying to synthesize it down to only one. so you're not the spending. was he? >> why do you bring this up? come on! >> because i'm sort of the spender and frank isn't. >> yes. i was less of the spender, definitely. less of the spender. >> is that so painful. >> i just don't like bringing it up. >> you're on facebook. do you do that status thing? >> no. i don't know. i'm on there sometimes and i just read -- sometimes i read comments. but i thinkhat this is a little weird. the thing that they said. they said here that they think that if you and your spouse are both on facebook, let's pretend,
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and are you reading your spouse's updates throughout the day. >> okay. >> who has the time for this? >> i don't know. you're updating or you're reading. when he comes home, there's nothing to talk about, because you already know what happened in his day. so they're saying that you should not -- a husband and wife should not both be on facebook because it takes all the mystery out of the relationship. >> yeah. do you agree with that? >> i don't -- yeah, look, the idea that other people would know what my husband was doing during the day and not me -- >> it's creepy to me. >> is not great. >> but it's creepy that anybody would know what anybody is doing during the day. >> people like to know. people like to know. >> i love you to pieces but i really don't give a whip what you're doing the rest of the day. now if you're in trouble, i want you to call me, on the telephone where i can talk to a person. >> the idea of all these little status updates. >> i think it is the absolute most narcissistic thing i've ever heard about in my life. and probably was the downfall of
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our entire civilization. you think i'm still a little jet lagged from san antonio? >> so many days ago. >> i don't feel like superwoman. >> oh, yeah. >> and that's what i am. and that's what you are. >> by the way, you can make your own superhero dolls for a mere, what is it, 150 bucks or something like that. anyway, we became -- you are so -- >> they fly! >> this is so over. this is so over. >> they touch the flowers. >> all right. let's go through this. there's a survey, glamour magazine, and this is a good one and this is going to affect you. they polled 1,000 women, and this is the question. why are you -- >> superhoda's arm just came off. >> what did you do? >> i was trying to see if you could fly solo. but certainly not, you need me. so i'll put you right back in there. sorry, hoda, didn't mean to hurt you. >> glamour magazine polled 1,000 women. here's the question they asked.
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let me ask you. >> yes. >> how many people do you think pee in the shower? percentage of women? >> all men. >> get rid of the prompter. >> i think probably most. >> 75% of men admit to -- >> i think in their minds, they're thinking hey, it's not a bathtub, you know what i mean? it's going down the drain. that's what you're thinking, right? >> no, not me. >> not me. >> you have never done that? >> never been in the bathroom once in my life. ow! i just got -- >> you see what happens? >> i was lying. i don't have everything. >> what is that? >> i don't know. >> you're bleeding. okay, anyway, so here's the other thing. what's the percentage of women who wear dirty clothes over again? >> see, i cannot do that. cannot do that. i would say 50%? >> 85% flp >> wow! >> define dirty. >> makes me look at every woman in this room differently. >> define dirty. thi about it, you wear a shirt and you put it on a hanger, it's a dry clean shirt, you don't want to take it right to the dry
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cleaner. >> all right it is a different thing than underwear, definitely. >> yeah. all right, now, 40% of women follow the five second rule. what's the percentage of women who go barefoot in the gym? you really are bleeding. >> i am. but you don't see me crying the blues, do you? >> well, you're squeezing it and making a thing about it. it's just a drop. all right 32% go barefoot in the gym. >> thank you, sara. >> how many, 33? >> 32. >> you know, i don't like your attitude today. >> listen, i'm fired and i'm jet lagged. okay. this is a big one. >> okay. >> roll up, roll up. >> oh, i'm not looking. >> okay, what's the percentage of women, this is icky, who don't brush their teeth before they go to bed. >> you're not going to believe this. >> you are not going to believe this. >> i would like to think 2%. >> according to glamour magazine and the 1,000 people they polled, 43% of women do not brush their teeth before they go to bed. >> then i bet they don't floss either. >> 32% don't shower every day
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and 24% don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. >> ew! >> this is horrible. >> is this true? >> what about men? >> can you imagine what this means? >> if that's for women, i can't imagine men. >> horrifying, wouldn't it be? >> that is putrid. >> don't brush their teeth before going to bed? >> come on. >> that's when all the bacteria is the worst. >> that's what i -- >> gingivitis. can you say the word? >> all right. >> what else? >> we have these. these are kind of cool. these you put on food that you leave in the refrigerator, and if you -- they have a sensor on them that actually marks how much time has gone by since you put itn the refrigerator. is that right, adam? did i get that right, sweetie. >> why don't you just look at the expiration date on the jar? >> sometimes they're hard to find. >> after you open it, sometimes it's only good for five to seven days or something like that. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> say it's got an expiration date for sale, but you just used it, opened it, and then you're really supposed to use it for a
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few more days after oxygen or whatever has gotten in there. bacteria and stuff. you're not brushing your teeth the night before. that sort of thing. >> if you have to buy this and stick it on there you should probably throw this thing away. >> yeah. >> you don't remember when you bought it, right? >> i suppose, hoda woman. i don't know. >> oh, it's a suction cup. >> it's one of bad up's favorite things. >> adam picks weird gadgets. >> this is my favorite. this is called, tammy, where are you? >> get ready. do you have a thing in it? >> no, it's in there. this is called a -- >> careful. >> here it is. >> careful. >> oh, a little boss. >> here are the bosses. >> here is. my. >> this is tammy, but not enough cleavage. sorry, tamm, only one they had. >> where do we get boss toss? >> it's to release work related stress. there's been none of that this week. >> we haven't. >> you just launch your --
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>> in case you do have stress. >> yeah. >> i am actually bleeding like a stuck pig right now. >> koerks some on, it's one drop. >> i have lost a pint of blood over here. >> do not bring that band-aid up here. seriously. do not bring that band-aid up here. >> oh, sweetheart. >> see, see. >> what happens hoda when you treat people nicelyround here, they're there for you. >> oh, my gosh. >> bless you my friend. >> this is -- >> do you want us to call medics? >> this is my favorite. this is a -- >> it's a whoopee cushion. >> it's a sip and seat cushion. hidden inside this comfortable foam cushion is a secret hot/cold beverage bladder, that's what they call it, capable of holding up to three cups of your preferred drink. >> so you're sitting on it. >> say you're sitting on it. >> i'm afraid i'm going to get wet. >> you sit on it while the stuff is in it? are you serious? >> how are we going to show this. >> okay. >> turn it to the left? >> turn it to the left.
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>> the other way to the left. >> i don't even know which way i was turning it, jerry. >> oh, look, look. >> that is really funny. >> now i know what i want for my birthday. >> oh. >> hoda. hoda! >> it's off. >> oh, okay. >> that's perfect. >> that's great. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow, that's a neat little trick. >> anyway, it's available in stores. >> please tell us we're out of time. >> sara, sara, we're not out of time. >> we could go to sara. >> save us while we have a little nip. >> there's no coming back from this one. katie wrote in, what are each of your most embarrassing moments on air? >> five minutes ago. >> this entire opening. >> just now. >> this is among the worst ever. >> ever. >> okay. kyle wants to know what time you guys arrive in the morning. each of you. >> i come at 6:30. >> okay. >> and she has hair issues.
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>> and i come in at 7:30. because i come in from the city. >> okay. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> that's about it. >> that's all? >> all right. thank god cybill shepherd is here. i hope she hasn't been hearing this. she'll probably go running. she's here with us. she's got a new hall mark movie. >> she's reinventing herself. ( upbeat music playing ) from nature comes green works. a new line of laundry products made with natural plant-based ingredients from clorox. clothes washed in green works detergent are gentle on skin and have no harsh chemical residue. and since they're from clorox you can trust them to remove tough stains. green works, naturally. green works, ♪ there's only one word for this ♪ ♪ it's bliss ♪ only one word describes chocolate this creamy, this rich, this indulgent.
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bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. we obsess over the fruits and vegetables that nourish it. gerber purees. as healthy as fresh fruits and vegetables. gerber - start healthy, stay healthy. ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving.
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more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. no other allergy eye drop is more complete. towels, sheets and then there was the stuff he wanted... like a new microwave. and because of walmart's unbeatable prices, we were able to get it all. ...and then some. sethem up for success-- for less. save money. live better. walmart.
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this portion of "today" is brought to you by chevy. >> if you looked up show business in the dictionary, cybill shepherd's name could b very well its definition. >> during her three decades in the spotlight, there's almost nothing she hasn't done. no porno, though, sister. she's now at it again starring in mrs. washington goes to smith. she's playing a middle-aged woman who goes back to college. >> come on, you're not going to lecture me, judge me, chastise
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me? >> you don't want another mother, i'm not looking for another daughter. >> back there in class you could have ratted me out. >> trust me, zoe, going back to college means everything to me. i don't want to jeopardize my future. so do me a favor, don't try anything like that again. are you clear? do you understand? >> i understand. >> don't get cybill mad. >> she's here with us today. >> great to see you again. >> how are you? it's always wonderful to be here. >> you always have a gas gazillion things going on. i'm amazed at how diverse that is. is that on purpose or because you get bored easily? >> bored easily? >> she plays martha stewart, now -- >> you know, i mean -- >> you mix it up? >> yeah, i like to do a lot of variety in my acting career. as do you, being a wonderful singer and entertainer that you are. >> well, do you want to talk about the hall mark movie first? let's talk about that. young actress that you're playing with. zoe? >> that's her character's name.
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corey english. >> yes, yes. >> did you find any of yourself, or when you started in this business, in this young woman? when you work with a young actress like that? do you have any memories of what it was like when you were the young actress working with a person who's been around, has a lot of experience? >> well, the odd thing is that mrs. washington has not had a lot of experience. she's only really had one lover, her husband, in her whole life. she was married to him until -- >> okay. >> the clip came on, guys. >> you can talk all over it. >> okay, okay, okay. >> we always do. >> actually mrs. washington is pretty naive, and sheltered. she lives a sheltered life. she is married to the same man, drops out of smith college after junior year -- >> like many women do. >> to support her husband through med school. they raise their children. she's a stay-at-home mom and the children are finally gone, very successful, away at college and her husband drops her for a younger woman and she's really
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asea. she's never had to be out in the workforce, pept to support her husband many years ago. and she can't imagine what she's going to do with herself and she's staring at the empty nest. and the empty nest is really something that i was in denial. my twins now are 21 years old. >> the twins are? >> wow. >> what about clementine? >> clementine is 20 -- >> oh, my gosh. >> i don't lie about my own age, i have to start lying about my kids. >> what is it like the empty nest feeling for you in real life? >> well, i was really in denial. i was doing "the l word" in vancouv vancouver. commuting all the time. so i just thought, there's no such thing as empty nest. just stay away, don't go home. but i did really, you know, i would still sometimes do this, i'd into their rooms at night and close the shades, and put a little night light on. and light a little candle and just send them love. >> oh. they doing well?
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>> they're doing great. everybody's doing great. >> before you talk about what's happening in your cabaret life, michael jackson just passed away, and you've been very open about your thoughts about elvis, when you saw up close and personal what that kind of superstardom did to a human being. >> and drugs, as well. >> yeah, that's right. >> but my memory -- my autobiography, will be published as an e-book in the next couple of weeks and there's a whole chapter on the elvis thing about me and elvis called quote white boys don't deet, dot did the dot, closed quote. oh, mama, so sorry. my mother's watching. >> you'll have to get the book. >> no, no, no, what i would say is -- can we cut that out? >> no, dear, it's live. >> live tv. >> i know, i love live tv. >> tell us about your singing. what's happening? >> my singing i'm working in a cabaret act.
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but my daughter clementine is on the young and the restless. >> yay! >> good for her. >> a child with an actual job. >> things are working out well. >> things are great. >> thank you, cybill. >> and it's going to be on the ha i t.ghn.saay tune in. still to come, sarah ferguson, the duchess of york. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. as much calcium and vitamin d as milk, and so creamy smooth and bold, they'll love getting calcium and vitamin d to help bones grow. ♪ bigger (look at me) ♪ ♪ better (see me go) ♪ ♪ stronger(let it show) ♪ (announcer) new smoothies from sunny d!
10:22 am
...all over again. (announcer) maybelline redefines plum. (whisper) the color of elegance (announcer) new color sensational from maybelline new york. (announcer) pe pigments for richer, crisper color. honey nectar for our most luscious feel. new color sensational. (whisper) maybe it's maybelline. the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. honey bunches of oats. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize. pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful. a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk facto... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something.
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now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor.
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and still to come, we are going to meet a remarkable woman. a woman, the duchess of york deemed worthy of becoming duchess for a day. >> then curtis stone just couldn't get enou of us. >> of course he can't. >> who could? so he's back today with the best way to feet a large group, and you know who you are. after your local news. >> what does that mean?
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- hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! doors for your indoor cat. specially formulated to promote hairball control and healthy weight. friskies indoor wet cat food. feed the senses. the blue goes on the left. the big game? ohhhh... r r (annour bring it. bounty extra soft-- the bounty with a little extra softness!
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it's super absorbent. and it works extra hard for your money. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft out-scrubs two sheets of the bargain brand. game on. bounty extra soft. making the case, prosecutors lay out evidence against the man accused of killing chandra levy. the accusations some witnesses could make in court. also ahead, cash for clunkers on empty. why the program's popularity threatens its survival. bridesin sh ru oa f nothing. a rush of chaos.ñg
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we're back with more of "today" on this friday morning with a special series we call "duchess for a day" when we recognize a very special person making a big difference. >> today we are celebrating gloria ellis who was once told she was not teachable. not only did she prove everybody wrong, she now teaches others who need it most. these kids look forward to coming to school, because of this woman. >> give a hug in >> i feel wonder half. we have aerson like gloria that will come in with a nice
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personality, a nice spirit, to come in to help us. >> yore yeah ellis has worked as a teacher's aide at saint collette's, a school for students with disabilities in washington, d.c. for more than 20 years. >> she's a wonderful lady. >> she loves me, and i love her. >> the gift is really the kindness and gentleness of her spirit, that comes out in everything that she does. so it's just wonderful to watch gloria be with kids. and it's amazing that she has the depth in her, when her life has dealt her so many blows. >> at age 3, gloria was abandoned by her mom. spending her first years in an orphanage. >> she was very badly treated there. so i think rather than making her hardened, it made her empathetic. >> marrying her high school sweetheart, gloria had twin boys. after separating, reconciling and a third son, gloria's
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husband was murered. her son caleb was only 10 months old. >> despite anything that has ever gone on in her personal life she still is here for these students for the peoe she works with. she gives 100% in everything she does. >> she is a darling human being, and probably the finest person i ever met. >> that is why we chose her for duchess for a day. and we sent in our real-live duchess to make it happen. >> i'm here in d.c. ande're about to meet gloria, and she has absolutely no idea at all that we're about to surprise her. >> nice to meet you. >> hi. >> very nice to meet you. >> after watching gloria's gift with the students. >> smile. >> it was time to give back to her. >> what would your advice be to anyone who is watching this, starting out on the road of education and helping special children? >> don't give up. regardless, everyday, you'll
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see more and more. don't give up on the children. >> oh, look. >> we love you, gloria! >> wow! thank you. >> gloria deserves to be queen for a lifetime. duchess for a day, good, but queen for a lifetime is better. that's what she really needs tot be, because she has spent a lifetime doing good things for other people. >> i love you. >> wow. >> yore yeah ellis and sarah ferguson, the duchess of york, are with us today. and wow. we love you. >> thank you. >> we don't even know you and we love you. what a tribute. what was that like for you? >> we were very surprised to see the duchess. but it was really, really a wonderful day. really a wonderful day. very surprising. >> when you walked in, duchess, and surprised her, what was that like? describe the moment?
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>> because gloria is such a great person, i was at a loss for words, which is quite unlike me. >> that doesn't happen very often. >> exactly. and i was so humbled by someone like gloria that it just brings everything back to, we should all take inspiration and a lesson from gloria. and the way the children just, it's just part of your life, isn't it, gloria? >> yes. >> but things could have been very different for you, gloria. you could have been one of those people who said i have a right in my life to be bitter and yet you decided to be better. how did you find the strength to do that? >> i feel that because i was misfortunate in some of the things i've been through, that i should encourage others to keep going. regardless of the obstacles in their way, and just jump over obstacles. regardless of what is put before you. that you can do it. >> and you're doing that also within your own family. which i love with your son. how many sons do you have? >> i have three. >> and one is in iraq? >> one actually just came home from iraq.
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and now is stationed in savannah, georgia. >> well, i know that the duchess here kind of rolled out the red carpet, a little new york city how do you do. tell us about that. >> well, yes, the thing is that i wanted gloria to do exactly what she and her family want to do. nothing to do with me. it's gloria. so gloria said well she'd like to take her son to see a show. so you went to see "shrek." >> yes. >> how was that? >> amazing. >> isn't that a great show? >> it was just an amazing show. wonderful. >> and i just happened to by, what is it called? >> you just happened to be free. >> ruby foo's. and we happened to swing by ruby foo's where i was met with the little shrek sitting there. >> oh. >> and that is so great. >> there he is. >> oh yes. >> and -- >> where is the little shrek? should we have him come on in? can we walk this way? come on. these are your sons, right? two of them. >> two of your sons. >> what are your names?
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>> what your name? >> caleb. >> yeah, caleb. we have a special gift. >> tell us about the special gift for her >> well, yes, i mean the thing is that gloria is all about giving out so we decided that to give back to you, we'd love for you to start your garden, so we're going to call it your garden at saint coletta's, gloria's garden. this is the beginning of your garden. >> it's beautiful. >> that's called harry and david. >> yes. >> harry and david, these are the roses that are going to start your garden off. and it's going to be gloria's garden. so you're not only duchess for a day, queen for a lifetime, but you're also gloria's garden for a lifetime for every child to enjoy. >> that's wonderful. >> thank you for all you do. >> and just thank you for recognizing her. that was really terrific. these are my favorite segments. i love this. if you'd like to nominate he to b day" head to "duchessd >> and up next, how to show after your style at the beach or at the pool.
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your old mop will o get over it... [ engine rattles ] [ man ] love stinks! ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah! [ male announcer ] new swiffer wet jet is redesigned. it cleans deep in corners. its solution penetrates layers of dirt and its absorbent pad locks it away to clean better than a mop. the newly redesigned swiffer wet jet. ♪ love stinks! and added a little fiber? sweet! sweet! (together) sweet! (announcer) now for the first time, a gram of healthy fiber in every packet. sweet! (announcer) splenda® with fiber. ♪ mmm... hot fudge sundae. ♪ ooh! frosted blueberry?!?
10:38 am
♪ over 25 flavors of kellogg's pop-tarts®. and they're all for fun and fun for all. pop-tarts®. made for fun. towels, sheets and then there was the stuff he wanted... like a new microwave. and because of walmart's unbeatable prices, we were able to get it all. ...and then some. set them up for success-- for less. save money. live better. walmart. i will perform a song i wrote. ♪ california ♪ my heart is set on you ♪ ♪ i want to be ♪ in california
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♪ c to the a to the l-ifornia... ♪ announcer: great milk comes from happy cows. happy cows come from california. lo for dairy brands with the real california seals. kathy: ♪ choose kathy, yeah. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. (dad) i didn't really want her to go but... i knew she could do it. i feel like there were bigger and better things for me to do. (mom) she took what she was doing seriously. (spc hosmer) my self-confidence just went through the roof. (dad) it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. (announcer) if your son or daughter wants to talk about joining the army, listen. you made them strong, we'll make them army strong. find out more at
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we're back with "today's style," and summer swim essentials for every age. >> that's right. we've still got a whole chunk of summer left to enjoy. so we brought in lucky magazine's editor at large elise
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noonan to show us how to have fun in the sun. there's still time to buy some summer ee sections. >> plenty of time. it's our job and mission to find stylish and affordable for any occasion, including the beach. and there's tons of stuff out there. most of it is on sale. >> i was going to say, it's got to be the greatest time. >> why don't we just get rit to it. we're going to check out our models. the first look you're going to talk to us abouts the sophisticated swim look, right? that's what we're looking at. the model is named patricia. tell us about patricia's outfit. >> patricia is a beautiful woman in her 50s. >> that's adorable. >> i know. but when she goes to the beach she was much more concerned about being comfortable and covered up and protected rather than localing around in her bothing suit so we focused on the cover-up, it's bright, vivid, it's only $20 from target. >> oh, you're kidding me? >> and the hat is adorable, the shoes. >> the great thing about a bright print, particularly on a bathing suit or cover-up is it draws the eye. people are going to look at that rather than those parts of your
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body that you might nobe ready to show off. >> what are you saying? i think patricia looks darn good. >> i know. >> thank you, thank you. >> that, plastic washes off, tons of compartments to keep you organized. >> our next look is the stylish look. >> right. >> and our model is hillary. >> hillary. >> hello, hillary. >> she's about -- yeah, hillary! >> she has an amazing body, tons of curves, but didn't want to wear a bikini because it felt a little bit too exposed. it's a monokini. a hybrid between a one-piece and a bikini. gives you a little bit of coverage over your stomach while giving you an hourglass shape. >> everything you have on here is under $30. >> yeah, the pareo, you don't have one of those, it's great, you can wear it as a wrap at night, if you're on vacatn, it's multifunctional. >> i love it. >> if you're going out to lunch after. >> you've got to have a lot of confidence or a great body to
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wear that. because it's not going to be easy to pull that off. >> i love your moxie. >> it has that built-in shape. it gives you a really gat, flattering shape. >> i love the fact it has your own little -- >> that's from spiegel, it's $44. it has a mat. one of those things to pack. you can shake it off, roll it up and you're ready to go. >> thank you so much. >> all right. next we've got a sporty swim look, right? >> yes. >> and we've got mia coming out. >> mia, this is my favorite look. >> hello, mia. >> at lucky we don't normally get to dress little girls but this is so caught and fun. mia is 11, she loves the ocean. and i'm so happy that the days of having to wear a bathing suit when you were a kid are over. this is so much more acceptable and easy. particularly when she's running around. also that shirt has spf built into it. >> that's the greatest invention. >> that is amazing. >>nstead of chasing her into the ocean to try to reapply her spf. she's really well covered by a physical barrier. and it's just comfortable.
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>> those shoes, there are so many beaches that are rocky. >> tell us about those shoes. >> the shoes are from lands' end and they're a mesh mary jane. she can run around up there. she's that going to cut up her feet on the rocks, not going to burn them on the sand. and as soon as this dries you can take her into town, you can take her to lunch. >> that's adorable. let's bring all our models out. you guys want to come out? that was great. >> those are terrific little extras we wouldn't have thought about. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> all right, coming up next, we've got mr. curtis stone in h.e kitchen. >> oh. >> anything can happen. >> i picked out his shirt. >> oh, i like that shirt. ( gasps ) do you hear that sound? they're popping! - really?! listen. - ( laughs ) ahhhhh... mmm. where'd the sound go? even when they've stopped popping, is it in your tummy? they haven't stopped working. now, every box of kellogg's® rice krispies® cereal... has antioxidants and nutrients... that help support your chils immune system.
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which is what you need. >> and with the tails on and everything? >> with the tails on. you want to hear that sizzle, which is the temperature of the shrimp is going to cool down the pan. >> ah, that makes sense. >> a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper. that sizzle goes away quite quickly. you want a nice, hot pan. they only take a minute. >> okay. >> only taking a minute. a little bit of olive oil. while they're taking a minute i'll show you how to do the sauce. >> shake it for me, kathie. bend the knees. >> anyway. >> shake it, hoda? >> what we're going to do is we're going to make a sauce made from oranges. which are beautiful in florida. the girls in miami, i thought we'll use the local stuff. >> did you find that the oranges there were more beautiful than the ones up here, just because they were miami? >> you get a facial at the same time. >> yeah, they were. >> they were beautiful. >> delicious, delicious oranges. but this is like a citrus butter sauce. >> so you're putting some orange. >> and also some grapefruit. all right?
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and you reduce it down. >> how long? >> depends on how high you got it. if you bring it up to a boil, should take about five or six minutes. >> are these done? >> no, they're not done. >> they look close. >> look at me sauce. this is nice and syrupy, okay? so we're going to turn that up just a touch. >> i think it's done. >> they're practically raw. >> they're nearly done. >> i'll show you. >> now kathie, you've got a job. whisk for me. you're just going to put a drop of cream, white, whisk that in. and then your heat. and then a couple of little knobs of butter. >> knobs? >> little knobs. maybe three or four, all right. and while kathie does tha hoda you and i, on the shrimp. >> we're doing good. we're going to put a little bit of flavor in there, a little bit of orange zest. >> oh, that's cool. >> put that in first. want to m? >> mix it up. and then you
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can i pour? you can help me pour.
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good. ( laughs ) ( gasps ) do you hear that sound? they're popping! - really?! listen. - ( laughs ) ahhhhh... mmm. where'd the sound go? even when they've stopped popping, is it in your tummy? they haven't stopped working. now, every box of kellogg's® rice krispies® cereal... has antioxidants and nutrients... that help support your child's immune system. ( laughter continues )
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earlier in our show that lovely gloria that we honored as duchess for a day, after our interview she said i just didn't thank the lovely foster lady maid who took care of me since i was 7. >> so big kiss to mabel. >> have a great weekend. >> all foster parents out there. >> bye-bye. ♪ i'll make some good good girls bad i'll make them good girls go ♪ ♪ good girls go >> speak into my mike. >> you're beautiful. >> you know the guy -- ♪ i'll be stupid to try >> all right, natalie, the joy fit club. ♪ you make me want to lose control ♪ ♪
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