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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  August 3, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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call nationwide insurance today. my name is jackie walker and i am on your side. a neighborhood is on alert after an intruder pinned down a 14-year-old girl and only let her go after
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jim vae. 'm im vae. or redoen for ont ihe t me g gpart into t ame morning ad to escape without getting caught. that occurred in falls church. craig melvin is there tonight. craig? >> reporter: wendy, i talked to one of the young women who lives here. she did not want to be on camera. meanwhile, the manager of the complex said they hired a security guard to patrol the areaor the next week. that, apparently, not enough peace of mind. because the woman i talked to here and roommates are not sleeping here tonight. lice swarmed the peach tree lane complex about 3:30 monday morning. the commotion awakened courtney witlow, who only lives here three weeks. >> waking up to four police cars and a policeman on foot with a flashlight shining makes awe nervous at 3:30 at night. >> reporter: one of the women told news 4 a guy got in and pinned down a 14-year-old girl sleeping on the couch. she awakened and screamed.
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he ran out the front door. one of the other girls in the apartment called 911. later monday neighbors began hearing about what happened. >> i was on the ground level as well. >> reporter: you are? >> yeah, our windows open right out to the street. >> i don't want to unduly alarm the neighborhood but people need to be on alert. >> reporter: fairfax police added people on the ground level need to be especially careful. >> and anybody on the ground floor to put a safety bar against their sliding glass doors and keep their windows locked. >> reporter: whitlow said she already does that and more. >> we keep it locked. we have a bar that comes up. mine, when you live on the first floor, you're kind of open to anything. so we keep a bar up, keep the door locked, keep the front doors locked. >> reporter: other neighbors we talked to said they're careful, too. everyone we met said they feel safe here. >> i lived here for five years and i have had no incidents and we usually, except for right now, keep our doors locked. >> reporter: lease are not sure if the doors were locked at the
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apartment where the overnight intruder struck. >> unfortunatefortunately, the scared off before he did anything but because we don't know his intentions, we can't assume the worse but we opportunity catch him as soon as we can. >> reporter: police are looking for a man in his early 20s, black hair, clean shaven, about six feet tall and weigh 20z pounds. as we wearing a white blue t-shirt and blue jeans when at the time of the attack. if you know anything, call crimestoppers. >> thank you, craig. there are more than a few people who do not like speed camerasment many of them responded to them with a curse perhaps, maybe a punch on the steering wheel. but some vandals in montgomery county took their frustrations a step further. jackie bensen is in cabin john area tonight with more on this. jackie? >> reporter: jim, police tell us they do take this vandalism very seriously. someone spraypainted two sets of
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speed enforcement cameras located on seven locks road near eth palisades pool in the cabin john area of montgomery county. it most likely happened overnight and rendered the cameras useless. montgomery county police say they take incidents of speed camera vandalism very seriously. police say speed enforcement cameras are installed at the request of the community and with the approval of a citizen advisory panel made up of residents from across the county. each speeding ticket costs $40. drivers vary in their tolerance for the devices. >> you're supposed to follow the law if you're speeding and they create a dangerous situation. why not have a speed camera there to at least, if nothing else, make the people slow down. >> reporter: i think they're a bit frustrating. but no one we spoke to approved of taking out their frustrations with spray paint. the cameras are maintained by the company that owns them. they have plenty of experience with cleaning and repairing them. jim, back to you.
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>> jackie bensen. thanks, jackie. former president bill clinton has reportedly just landed in north korea on a mission to free two american journalists. according to reuters news service, clinton is hoping to negotiate with north korean officials to release laura ling and euna lee. both were sentenced last month to 12 years of hard labor after crossing the border from china to north korea in march. the postal service is thinking about closing 1,000 offices across the country. on a preliminary list are 13 such offices in our area. the agency potentially is facing a $7 billion loss this fiscal year. 3,200 post offices throughout wel bescrutnized. nine of thethen i the di.stct ri das,olumbia heights,t. aval research laboratory, navy none x,rtheast, petworth, l alndand albrwoodgeid branches geuld be closed. ches inrollckvibrck bethesda, hyllvitse, silver spring also
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onho tgheinpp c block. there are no bncnhe is northern virginia on that list. nolo cres are expected until at least october. the white house says president obama is sticking with his pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class. this comes after conflicting statements from members of the president's economic team. >> let me be precise. the president's clear commitment is not to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year. >> that was press secretary robert gibbs today. this weekend treasury secretary tim geithner and economic adviser larry summers raised eyebrow when's they both said that all options should be considered for reducing the federal budget deficit. a senate vote could come tomorrow on wheer to put another $2 billion into the cash for clunkers program. the government program could run out of cash at the end of the week if the senate does not vote to increase the funding. but objections from critics could delay a vote until september. that program allows car buyers to trade in current cars and get
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up to $4,500 towards a more fuel-efficient vehicle. the obama administration is lobbying the senate hard. >> to make sure that all senators understand how wildly pular this is, how good it is for the economy, how good it is for the environment. >> the senate critics say it's too early to know the environmental impact. they also caution cash for clunkers is only hoping the auto industry, not the economy as a whole. the impact on the auto industry already is clear. preliminary july numbers show u.s. auto sales at their highest level this year. ford saw a 2% sales increase the first year-to-year gain since 2007. chrysler sales jumped 30% from june. although gm sales continue to slip, those big three automakers made up nearly half of all o the cash for clunker sales. still ahead -- vandals torch a local football field. passengers falling all out
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of their seats. they broke ceiling tiles. the plane hit turbulence 36,000 feet in the air. fire destroyed her home and her art collection. tonight we hear from peggy cooper kayfritz. also a local hospital is testing a new vaccine that might prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. how's the weather, bob? >> the weather is delightful for august. that's the way we're starting out. the heat and humidity to talk about, too. lindsey, what do you got? >> coming up in sports, denny hamlin makes a bold prediction but backs up his words on the racetrack. adam dunn and ryan zimmerman pound the pirates and should redskin fans be worried about aile ert horswthinin knenee 'sju inry? ry
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violent turbulence caused serious problems for some 200 passengers on a continental jetliner. the houston-bound airline from brazil hit turbulence. a lot of passengers were jolted.
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some hit the ceiling. more than two dozen were hurt. a handful had to be taken to the emergency room -- or had to be taken to the hospital after an emergency landing in miami. eae airline says the at n ond a light was on and man of those who were hurt say they were not wearing their seatbelt. >> i didn't have my seatbelt on and i hit my head on the roof of the ceiling and i fell down and hit it on the monitor ineln fro of me. >> stilltoho ps taken by passengers show the ox january massing dropped from the ceiling. no storms were in the area at the time. the former d.c. school board president whose home burned to the ground last week spoke with news 4 today. peggy cooper cafritz's house was destroyed last wednesday night. one month earlier, that house and the priceless art collection inside, were featured in oprah's magazine. with everything gone, cafritz said she hopes to start a new art collection, but first she has some other priorities. >> will i continu to collect art? well, right now, i have to think
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about getting my kids some shoes for school. but when my head is calm and -- and when i can, you know, again, embrace the beauty of that, i'm sure i will attend to it. >> cafritz did not want to talk about concerns about water pressure in that neighborhood. firefighters said the lack of pressure hindered their ability to put out that fire. the police in frederick county in maryland are trying to figure out who torched part of a football field. investigators say somebody burned the artificial turf at middletown hike school using lighter fluid. they did that earlier this morning. you can see the damage near the 50 yard line there. the artificial turf field is brand new. the damage could cost up to $75,000. still to come -- a new breast cancer vaccine is giving women new hope. seven of ten children not getting enough of vitamin d. doctors say the solution is easy. a good samaritan ticketed for helping animals cross the
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road gets his day in court. and bob has our forecast coming up.ho connie loves target for its incredible deals. and with her daughter starting middle school tomorrow, connie's got some high expectations. she expects look 11 might be the one. she expects look 17 might be the one. so she shops target. where they've always got her back for back to school. target. expect more. pay less.
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heard u're getting free nights from how? well, funny you should ask. you see, after i book 10 nights, i get a free one. say i spend 2 nights at a big name hotel, 3 at a boutique, and 5 at a beach resort... and boom! free night. ( dings, monkey chatters ) ( in a baby voice ) aren't you a smart one? ( monkey laughs ) accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart.
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a study out today found seven in ten american kids don't get enough vitamin d. that's the vitamin that helps build strong bones and can prevent health problems later in life. one in ten american kids have levels so low they're considered vitamin d deficient. milk and fish are big sources of vitamin d but it is sunshine where researchers think the kids fall short. they say kids today just don't spend enough time outside. news for your health. one local hospital is testing a vaccine that might prevent the recurrence of breast cancer in some women. as kimberly suitors reports, it's giving some high-risk women new hope. >> reporter: kelly baker was only 36 years old when doctors found ten tumors growing in her
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left breast. >> there's no history at all of breast cancer in my family and it was a shock. >> reporter: baker underwendt five rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and double mastectomy. but since the cancer had already spread to her lymph nodes, doctors said her chance of recurrence was high. a frightening thought for the virginia mother and wife. >> a lot of is that, if i can do anything to keep it coming back, you feel very young, like you're not anywhere near ready for things to be done. >> hi, kelly. how are you? >> reporter: that's when doctors recommend she come here to sibley hospital, the only local testing site for a breast cancer vaccine that researchers hope can prevent tumors from coming back in patients like baker. >> the vaccine is really f prevention so it shifts the focus from treatment to prevention. >> reporter: oncogist dr. lisa mcgrail said the vaccine is being tested on women who have a
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high risk of recurrence and whose tumor cells have a specific protein. that protein is found in 70% of breast cancer cases. >> the vaccine is given to stimulate the women's own immune system, to recognize this protein as dangerous, to stimulate the system to fight it and to kill it. the vaccine is given once a month for six months. minimal side effects have been reported, including low-grade fever as well as inflammation and redness at the injection site. mcgrail said it's given to patients after they're done with treatment and could be esspecial blin official for younger women like kelly baker. >> she's very young and she wants to win a long life, so this is something that we're hoping will help give her immune system a chance in the future should this come back, that her immune system will recognize those cells and kill them. >> whether it helps me or not, if it's helped somehow them by
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more research and information and can maybe help people in the future, it can be a wonderful thing. it will take a few years to determine whether the vaccine will work but doctors are hopeful. >> nice evening. >> it actually was. we sat outside for dinner. it was great sfwr almost full moon out there. humidity's not too bad. we like august so far. >> maybe a week from now we may be singing a different tune. outside indeed. our temperature right now with the reasonable humidity, a little touch of it. but, hey, it's summertime, 76 degrees. our temperature just about average. one thing we lose in august, eventually w lose the humidity. daylight, too. we lose almost an hour. a little bit more than an hour of daylight during the month of august. right now or temperature here in washington, 76. they're saying ka what kind of summer have we had. 59 degrees around the lakes. it's in the 60s. here's what's been going on. we had that little area of high
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pressure. that is moving off. as that happens, we will get into southwesterly winds but really not much in the way of cloudiness. nothing much going on. you have friends that have been heading out for vacation, solomon's nice day today. look at ocean city. 75 degrees. they had an onshore breeze. beautiful day out at the beaches. look at where the heat is. again today in the pacific northwest, portland for a time thought they probably wouldn't get to 90. now they've had ten 90-degree days in a row in portland, oregon. 91 degrees and seattle wasn't too bad. but, still, a few of those days were over 100, too. look at the departures. much of the country, there's not a huge, huge range. even northern maine was about near average. we were close to average, a degree below average. so you hear a lot of these things about extremes, well, this has been a summer where some places have been unusually dry, like the poor folks in south texas. here's the pattern we have been having with a rather seasonal
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pattern. i think as we get into late in the weekend and next week, finally that jeting to our nort. big ridge may be forming. and that means the possibility, possibility for the first time this summer we will be seeing and especially the mid part of the country above or perhaps much above average temperatures. in the meantime as we go through the nighttime hours and tomorrow, there's no problems. you can see a little cloudiness, a little ripple, some showers out of the mountains, out of the rockies. overnight tonight, high pressure begins to move off the coast and then tomorrow, we do get into that southwesterly breeze with a bit of humidity. eventually there will be some showers, thundershowers forming out to our west maybe wednesday. but for tomorrow, still a pleasant morning, a nice, summary morning. temperatures into the low-to-mid 60s for you folks out in the blue ridge and a lot of sunshine once again. although the air quality tomorrow because the winds have been so light, the outlook for air quality tomorrow is code orange, meaning it will be moderately unhealthy but then
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the winds will be picking up. temperatures tomorrow i th in inintoinhe low 90s. not thucfinh oat a difference from our average, which is stilh 88 degrees. noof on that aatofk ft thunderstorms on wednesday. after that, a little bit of a break but then for the weeken i think the haze, humidity builds, saturday, sunday into monday, maybe tuesday and wednesday. many 90-degree days yet to come for this summer. >> thank you, bob. coming up tonight -- a judge has ruled on the custody of michael jackson's children. staying safe while driving. find out the foods you need to avoid eating while you're behind the wheel. (announcer) now when verizon brings fios straight to your home, you can get amazing tv, internet and phone
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you can get amazing tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month for six months. that's like getting all three incredible fios services for the price of two. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today. this is fios. this isig.
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did they play pittsburgh? >> yep. >> didn't pittsburgh suck this year? >> yeah. >> i remember hearing something about -- >> they do but in the past they've gotten the better of the nationals and people can say the nationals have been struggling, too. but tonight the nationals are pretty happy. >> they won. >> we like this. >> the nationals were down 3-0. at one point tonight they sucked but the nationals pulled it together to score the next eight runs of the game. adam dunn started the rally. zimmerman was there for support. the nationals win 8-4. we're in pittsburgh. jim riddleman's hoping his team uld split the four-game series with the pirates. here you go down 3-1 in the sixth inning. two on for slugger adam dunn. takes the pitch deep to left field. look at this. the ball like a golf shot, wraps around for a three-run home run. 27th of the year. nats take a 4-3 lead. seventh inning, nats lead 4-3. guzman rips it into the right field corner. morgan, tell me, is this guy the fastest guy you have ever seen
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in the majors? amazing. guzman slides easily into third with the rbi triple. guzman goes 2 for 4. man, morgan, he's just so impressive. next batter is ryan zimmerman. you said it, the nationals' lone all-star takes the pitch and turns it on. the shot to left field, that's one to savor. two-run home run. zimmerman's 21st of the year and they get the win 8-4. turning a stressful night into a very, very successful one. in seven years with the titans, albert haynesworth played in all 16 games just once and still the redskins expect the tackle to be there for every contest this year. for the second straight day he was kept from a full practice because of his knee. the redskins say it's just precautionary. we're in ashburn. albert haynesworth signed to a serve seven-year $100 million deal. couldn't take part in drills. as we good the first few days but required an injection to insert fluid into his left knee
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giving him a cushion for soreness. last year he sprained that knee and missed two games with the titans but still they say there's no need for concerns. >> we're just trying to keep his knee, which is sore, which is all of the work we have been doing. just make sure we don't have to shut him down completely for more than a day or two. so i'm absolutely pleased with where he's at right now. >> jim zorn knows haynesworth could be out there even tomorrow. nascar driver danny hamlin had a lot of his mind besides his 3,500-pound stock car this weekend. his grandmother passed away friday. that very day, hamlin guaranteed woe win today's race. that's exactly what he did. we're on the racetrack. we start with 20 laps to government this is when things always get hair yit at pocono and that's exactly what happened here. coming around this turn, david ragan got into bobby labonte and melee ensued. the bunch of cars involved in that one.
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reed sorensen. michael waltrip, all caught up in the mess. with ten laps to go, clint bowyer was leading when denny hamlin said there's no way i'm losing this race. denny ma'am lynn won twice at this track and today he turned it on again. on the final lap, it was all hamlin. he ends a 50-race winless skid and was very emotional after the race. >> we have come close in a lot of races this year and come up short. but definitely had some angels with us today and patrick's mom passed away, our tire guy a couple week ago and my grandmother two days ago. >> his grandmother thelma passed away friday. it must be difficult knowing your family together is really focused. >> thanks. >> you're welcome. coming up -- a man ticketed for helping geese cross the street has his
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fresh...fresh...fresh. really fresh. come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables,
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all at prices you can handle. like white seedless grapes just 99 cents a pound. this week only at giant. you know, it's not the grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. [ crowd gasps ] it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant, like porterhouse steak just $4.99 a pound. this week only at giant.
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a man was in court in fairfax county today to fight a ticket for what he says is an act of kindness. last month joe saw some geese trying to cross fairfax county parkway in reston. he hopped out of his car and stopped traffic. county police officer gave him a ticket for jaywalking. he said he nearly caused a massive pileup. in court today, a judge didn't think much of what he did either but he said he threw out the ticket provided he stay out of trouble for six months. we heard a lot lately about distracted driving. tonight a government agency is out with the five worst foods to eat while you're driving. topping the list are hot items
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like coffee and hot soup, messy items like tacos, chili dogs and greasy foods like hamburgers. according to the national highway traffic safety administration, an exxon survey found 70% of drivers eat behind the wheel, 83% drink beverages. >> we'll be there's something big happening at pizza hut. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. we've all heard about the trouble in the housing industry. the fact is, with all the talk of a national real estate market, your town, your neighborhood, your home, or the home you'd like to buy, are each unique. the national conversation may not apply at all. if you've been worrying about what your property may be worth, or wondering if your dream home may finally be affordable, ask a re/max agent or go to
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cheerios. how can something so little... you do something so big. at suntrust, we help you manage your money at home. and make it easy when you're away. and where ever you go, atm fees won't follow. get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today suntrust. live solid, bank solid. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. in the country of lautkia
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there's a charming competition called the wife carrying competition. there they go. the only requirement is the women weigh at least 110 pounds. one participant said by the time he finished, he could no longer feel his feet. >> that's funny. they've got it down. >> the winning couple -- >> long winter ahead. >> wins a tri to -- come on, get her up there. >> wins a [ cheers and applause ] as k


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