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tv   Today  NBC  August 22, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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go. making waves. bermuda hunke down as hurrane bill lashing its shores with high winds and big waves, and the u.s. braces for its first taste of the stor manht. a a reaty tv sr and susptekiern trun. nowuthoriti belveeled the cotry. theyay hs med, dgerous and sperat whe ie now? > and gettingpersonal onof the fte women in e wod fing seriou qstions about ether shs faca woman. >> "today' saturday, aust 2220. captions paid for by nbc-iverl tevision
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>>good rnin welce to "toda on thi saturday mornin i' lesr holt >> a i'm a robac coming up, the latestn hurricanbill >> wating bl about a week now. nay it' in the ighborhood. dangeus category 2 storm wiustaed winds nr 105 mile an ur. beuda etng theorstf it n buthe east coast, spif toatesnd warnis danrous rip crents expected from floridao new engld alth wkend. cong uphe latest and h it mighaffe allfus. al aheadhis moing, expect gd news in the housinmark a sale o isting homes te a b ap. like mos o theosive ecom stori wea lately, the is cat. we'll tell whayo tt is comi up. >> alway hatehe cahes. >>amy, wve allxperieed igdeys. one re recent, ppl stu on plane allight long.
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>> wh nofo, i thin >>o food. apparely t cread ge past flightho,ouldo loer fly. e governmen tingctn he. >>robay going to wcome newso the folkstuck o tt flht, andppent thi di't he t hpen theay it did. damesnur nscas in aew nutes. rst, let talk about rricane bil batring bermuda deadedor the u. theeatherchnel's j caore, wt's e latest >> rorter: ll,lest,e've gottg a foureet les ofhe beac complicates of the wave tion las night. another high te cycle cing upt 10:30. amazing. ok fshorehe. we've gotbout 12 to 15-ft was breakinandhe tide's ly comg up goinghroughhe morning. rerts heren t islanre obvisly eliminy. we'v had a lf lht debs th'some down paroms have ce do. coconuts this like th, a
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t of leafdeis. thing us wld expect type oftructu dagehat we pect. 95iles an ur winds, bermu ma up o aot ofhis. e aiort closed a was the causay bridge. wexpect tha t prelimiry op at 2:00 thiafternoo i th can get airaft in. rit now no aircraf obviously here onheinesland beuda. the worst is past. we'll e the su thorst rults, of coue, the we tt com in wh the next hh tide that will behe moryf ll. e loss of ach,ecau o the ves. bao you. >> j cantorthks. for more onhat wean expect o hurricane bl her in the u.s you tur to nbc new meorolistill karins. the good bill, in ts se. goomorning. ere jimantore w locate andlely o t et sef thecircatio the outan a re. you can see t storm wl off
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the east coas but waves a ving towards it. a strongategy 2 right now making its cse pathoing t th oer bas. we hav to wat wt' gng to happen furernorth. all bchesro new rsey rynduthward, ourbanks toy d the a the srmits itslosest th, torrow rnin aut this meca cod, t worstonditions i n gland and gog throu the canadi riti. as f a waves go, bconcn, putting qui aho b you do not wan20 b i the war. 16 t -foot wes just off the outer banncreasg tough w englanand torrows wn the sho wil b onromap co dn sthward tohe beacheofon iand aew jeey. poible weheigs, wre talkg2 t 16-foo wave eaking onhe coas eht to tefeet. t to be in t waterhis weeken fortately,nd of e mmer, t the stornyon heing the beach.
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>> s youack shtly wi t rest of theatna reca. here amy. unexctededood newsn the hsi rks. lesfxistinomes re more tha7% in ju, the bigges monthly increasen me thanen year at's behin the sales sge and what ds it mn forhe ecomy? haveorenis. goodmoing,ianna r goo moin it'sasedn t fir-time ho buy tredi a bargainasement pris bhe lkf t aiois othe lo end thearketed. >> h long h it bnvacant? >> reporte the bargain hters are t i dres, low home pricesnd historically raive affoability. realtors report home pricesre down23%, down 15% in the lt year a foclosures whichose a new rord again inhe seconduarterfhis yr are only phing prices lower. >> buying a foreos home
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em like good deal, a we don't wt toass upn oppounityor a gooddeal. >> welme tourforeclure bus tour. >> repte in fa, one-thi of all hes soln jy we focled properties >> nos a gre timeo buy a hous >>eporter: whi is w marynd rltor bob is runng bu touf loc foclosures. you'lluy many tes%, 20%, 30 mbe mor belo market. >>eporr: y can see i in ju sales mart. hos bow 00,0 zurpged% from lt arbumppnother $100,000, ill in t positive, yo9%heou crosshe quarr millio 2 iose soh. higher the pce the me sales dropoff. for homes over $1miion, ses do %. over$2 miio down%. what wre singow is n ally a true real eate cove. >> repter: because itsot ly foreclures, aull e-third july ber were fit-time bers takg
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advantage of the $8,000 tax edit that sres thi ll. no esti itselpinghe recovery andithout it i tnk eecery wil take qui bitlong. >>eporter: tt's why realtors and blders e pushing forn tension of theome taxret and wa it bigger, broad and without it seeing t surn sas turn in the oth directio speakin of atexraon, w likely is ite couldee it exte, the t cdit extende r firs te homeuys? >> repter: a vy bigush catol hillealtors and ho buders have a lot ofow in waington have en on all summer,hey'll pushi when congressetsback, eires noveer 30 do getnn the taxredi you relyave t sig a conac byepteer in ordo clo novemb. so ty'll be phing hardom ptember and aot ofwmaker want it, too. >> ather catch which is fuelg perhaps se ofhe sas ishe amount o ienry onhe maet eris thatiky tostay?
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wi it ld? wille see aot of homes ereforbuyers he a lf opons to g pris down when maki the first ofrs? reporter: s. inveory,ery bloatedoot now. aw the mon suly,ow long i wouake to sell this amount of homesnhe mart stay the same becau of the re i the lepace. weid see actual numrs of ventories rise in jy ande pect ito connue t rise as thos foreclosed propertie kp mingn t the maet. lot of banks are actlly holdinon to foclosed operti, cause theyon't nt to flood t marke and t then pushricefurthe b as more and more prorts continue tcome on the mart you ve thave buyer out er there e vests. ain, wre seeg invtoes r higr than historally >>cnbc's diaolcsthanks muc > ming uplaters, aice for first-ti he buye, rht w, here's leer. amy, than. presiden obama a famy eetting rdy for a week-lonvacaon on mtha of
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vineyardnd the aival i creating a sr on a islan th's sn i share o celebrits. annhoson jois liv fro hyanniassachettshis morning. od morning. reporte goomorning, leer. wee here a hyais harr at the ck wheacationers cch e ferry to mart's viyard th pla of rugged buty and is wkend of pri and citeme over e comi presenti sit. thenvion o mart's viya is underway. ack ha helopte erad an whington, d.c. lense plat roll off theer ashe isla preparesor pridtial ose-. theineyards whe the clinton vacatied in od times andad llostresident obamand hifamily. a vitesidts hope will be eir ver own stimulus paage. >> wt we he to see is tha peop will cah o to theuz and exciment and theood economic newshat' spreading across t wld right now. think we' he a posite
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impact >> repter:ill ss it's been a challengi summertis fsre a company. celebring the obaacatio he breng specialee and hong the presi last see ink asud light wl try his ale. >>hiis goi to be a vy approachable ey dnkingtyle ofbeer. >>eporte if h wants somethingore tn 12 ounc hopinghe presint com back ringhis 200 vacion tn natobama quily pumpere hein. >> now i heomes i >> wlhink evebody wou be - >>eporte eveheland faus bla d knows tre a w gn town. thefaly vacion houill re. >>t's a 28 acrerorty with 12ouses oit. guess ay in a difrent one ery night. >>eporte forme fir lady jacqueline kenne onass catied here,pike e, tors ted dces and mar steenbgen ha homes re.
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some think ofts a celrity sandx,hose who lovhe neyardsay its a pceou can rely relax, en ifou'r esident of enited states boon l professorim has be cominto the island sce achild. we see thaferry, everyin st st of dropsway. >> repter: a pce tforg that you'll alys remember. now, f all the eitemen o th isla, thi i expecd to be aretty low-ke vacio for the fit family stting wit tomoow's arval,hichslo to the esan the public leer >> ahompn thisorning, thk yo a once again here ai > thpridens vacatn mes atheraditial ti, late mm,hen congres isn recess, butit heath cee fo sll unresolved t presidt may no hav aot o ti for relasing. joing us with re the rresndent th polico. go morning. good morng. >> i think may this mig be a thking vacion f presint ama he tes to fige how
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he can get health re rerm paed. republics sidly ainstit, a rt among democratsithome key issu. what'she lelfoncern a th pnt at the white house out eichces esng thishrough? >>ery ncned. course thi i the fir agdatemheresident work ande's rlly done b chce. loof thetu he'sone rly inhidmintratio was basedn tconomic colpse d things he fel h had to. th i their thing he's go out a really wts to d d it'seallyn trole now. the whe houses wstling withig qstions about what kind of a bil do the wan to pass? do ty want paisan viory or defeat o a partisan victory an githnly democrs. ve touy time right now. >> if he gs by tryg to g atbirtisan suppor ds the priden rkosing supptf hisas makin compromise >> hdoes. e further you reaut to reblanandolks on t coervave de the mocratic wg of party y seibals and theuestio
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here seems to centersed o e pubc ti. whetheyoll hav aational govement-run option for healt care the re y gon tt dictio the me nsertives and conservate decrats youose andhe me libera y picup it's balancing act and delite and they're vy busy in the whi houseountin noseon kliooki to see ic package can win t most tes. >>alk about cash f unkers. a wildly popar pgramhat en offiallynmoay dealers have sn big ri, e hadt to me hes to mt the dand to get n cart. now tha ids, inrestin becae ielie thereere $3 biionllocated forthis. on spent aut$2 billion. why arehey iosinaeadlin on mond? >> out of money. thishi has been soildly pur. basilly wh's hapning he is t govnment is ging away ee money. people lik at. evybody likes fe moy. thiss goingo b a very busy ekenfor car sale, i imine. at deain is 8: p. eastern me o nday, a the
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advi frothe whi hou he is tha if yanto participatinhi deal,t's a ve goodealf y're tradi inn oldlunkeright now. you haveoo itn te t g the perwk toughyha 8:00 p.m.onday deline, which mes ahe ando ithis ekd. don'wait untilnday, o monday nig after work. yomight t mehedeline. >>as ts had anyeaningl impa on the onom is it t rly say? >>t itoo earltoay. we won't know in octobe november gti 9ar ses numbs for t fall. me enomis sd bicly the obmere ihat youe robbin car salesro stemb anoctobe as ppl w wer ke to ke puraseshe id you kw some i'lloor itngust moving the car ses aunon the calenrotncreasg totaca ses erall. we'll ve toait dee whether there's a dp-of in car sas gog into the fall fore w kwheer netou tuallyain sal and gn actioneren theecony. thanks. preciateit. tnk you. and now oega he's lest. >> y, thks.
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to theunt for auspect killer wchas gone interniona ry nkin realiv show ntestant acced of kiing hiwifen california and then fl to canada live innkins' hotown o calgy. good morning. >>este gd moing. po here e turning uphe he searchingorhine jkins on the ound in their and on e water. fact,olice wt tohe roo airpor yeerday, board addlaneith jenkin 8 x 10 picte, wendown theaisle, ll off a passenger the thought was jenkinsnd it tued out no b m. he was laterelease 'sccusedtranglg to dea sminefior a 2-year-old swimsuitmode new veo what pic cl a viewme crimescene. he bod wound stuedn a suitcase, rched a trash b tsidef los angeles, californ. detectiv say heringers and
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teetwere missg. presumab a eortoel thedentifation of h by. in ct, hodyas s mutilated, jasne fio w identifiedhrgh seria numbersnerreast implan. fiore last sn alive with rn nkins idayn s ego. repord hissing theay she was found. twoere marri back in mah and were said to he a ry troubli relationship. fac jenkins h charged -- i' rry. fee o charged jkins with mesticionc ce still pendgast weekendolice believ jenns bego me s wayowardshe canadn rder wre hes fr. thatlest, of cose, srted is iernatialmaun >>ll rit. wi the updatfr caary. migu, thanks vy much 16ast the ho. meor a check of th morng's otr headlines. fothat areeurn to pet alexde or at t nede. goodorning >>oomorng to , aimip lift, good to see yoand u athome wbegi in ghanista the
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esidenal electn vot ill being cnt. live ibbkabu we hav the test. riard, goomorning. >>eporter:oomorning, te e talan wch caredut 5 attacks o eleioda to y andisru the vot is contuing its camign o timidaon. da ectn oerversay th mitantsut o t k-stained fgers of two pele who cast baotlast thuray. elecon officls a still bulang votes sing tyre starti n t brihe ballshichere cas nationwide he int kabul where th are being reunted. ey se shoul have preliny ficial results sarday. per? >> richa engeln kabu thks. > and moaar gadhafi met with theomr of p . the fst te they've met sin eockerby bomber w relead om acoish pson thsday. freedy sttish authoties on
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compsionat gundsecsee has teinal ccer. >> the transportation department released aio recordingsf a nightre for traverat the rhester americ min aport earliern the nth. 47asseer sanded overne the tmac in amall expss jetperad by continental a line. thpit tells t dpatcr e tmil in rochesters clos. >> you're not doing t good tonigh huh? >> no, no. we'v --t's not a good situatn. >> there's no foodnd ty' just getngeallyhappy. the obm, to ihat the terminallosed here. so we can't eve get to th termal. e people -- if they could get of intohe termal. >> the passengers wetuck on thearmaix hou tning t trip io a -hour ordeal andfficia criticized e
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airlin for rueefusg toet passengers insid the termil cause surity had gone home for the ght. that cim is diuted. officials fnd and algato three-ot lon reile, stted tanng ielf on aockthursd. anim control officerbeeve the gator was lely someone's pet that made its wayhrough e sewer system to the riv d lesterndmy whet cam out th first tng it sai to them was, "wch way toami? >> doeshatean someo thr it ihe toil? ke a bad movie. >>rust me, iit hn'teen a chicago woirntt woul >> o. thanyou, petershs a omised nbc metrolostill karins back a che of the nation fecas forus forest ofocast forecast in therest. taing out ll oeai inrmuda, brushing capcod morrow, sslyast mne an o othe biggertoes toy slit risofçbçbwg
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good saturday rning, everyone. we have more clouds than sunshine out there right now. we'll get a break or two of sunshine in the late morning and early afternoon hours. more rain is in the forecast for later on today. temperatures right now, upper 60s to low and mid-70s. there is a flash flood watch until midnight tonight. any of these slow moving showers and thunderstorms could drop very heavy rain. never drive over a water-covered th's yr wkend foca. amy? >> bl, tha yo > now taeweport tt pu n' journeyohe mn jeopardy. nbc news learned thaasala toravel tthe moon a bond cod be subbed and that could an notnl an endo o giant leap for mankd icould pu tens of ounds of people ouofor re'sbc's tom cosll >> wait a minute. we onl he 12 degrenow.
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reporr: sce the last astronautsalk and the moon nearly37ears o,asa's focu has bee on space sttle and speships cseo rth. th "coluia" disasr i 2003 changeallthat. returng to the mn is an imrtant stepor our sce ogram. >>eporr: aeafter "cumbi presidentus ordereth spacehuttle ground d 20 a nasa focus o new genation of rkets a spacecfto carry astnauts ck to th mo. th fir lar megs setor 20. now l of th is i jpardy and is all abo dlars and cents. >> it'very difficu to fd exploti snariohat actual fs with this very rerictive dg guidance. reporr: forme arona say rydes on a wte hse pal convind the moon wil ha t wa. getting therby 2020 would cost ateast anoth $3 billiono $5 billionachyear but kiing the moo missionould me losg highly slledjobs
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nbs jay barbe. >>ightowas has 48,0 people -,000 emoys. ed droing o his proam will redu that byhalf. reporter:nxious to save bs wmers are pushingo exndhehuttle flitnd sa the n aires rocket progra as of2011 nasa will haveo spacecra to cry astrout t space shutt instead lying onhe russis and ybe commerci rockets, but thenwhat without mn ssion, wre doesas go the m who r nasander prident bu sai givin upn thmoon wld ba mistake. it's about wha you vae, d ameca is going to coinueo b a forwd-loing,explorin pionrs natn ornot. >> w set gls and amendment to provide theundingochie them is ino aase stu o exllce inationa adship. >> repter:ith "dcove" siing the p fortuesday's
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lach, na's fureas never been lscertn. mcostello, n news waington >>and th wteousessue isesponseo t rert "the cmitt hasn'tet filized s wor or delivered the final port. once w reivehe repor the admistration will mewiftly to reviehe thought p fth by theommittee but at the end ofhe d thereside wl ma t cision not a coittee." > be rig ba. fit, this is "toy" on c.
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7:26 is your time now. 73 degrees. a live look at the nation's capital after a storm night. chuck belle has the latest forecast coming up. good morning. it is saturday, august 22nd, 2009. r lice in virginia ndee you lp sake a good look at thispect e.ur a good look at this hi offi rob a check cashing storen ito ckhehi ng store in arlington yesterday. poli s wayed hke talasheinto store, displayed a handgun, andma nddey.moedne sh onmaase nded money. one shot was fired during thede exchange. no one was hurt. a northern virginia couple about to lose their home are again in a case of murder/suicide. police found the bodies of julie and wallace fay in their home thursday night. both died from gshot wounds.
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julie was 56 and retired from the 52 aea costco. it's going to be busy for the rail system tonight. three local sporting events are taking place at the same time. the nationals, the redskins, and d.c. united all play during the 7:00 hour. this means a lot of extra riders on the blue, arendnd genen ana line. chuclheck your forecast wit che
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storms this morning. chuck bell has more. >> good morning, ana. good morning everybody. made it through another workweek. if you're planning to do anything outside, better get it done earlier rather than later. most of the morning showers are now gone. we will have another chance for rain and possibly some strong to severehuornderstms coming up later on this afternoon. so keep a weather eye to the sky later on today. but many usable dry hours during your weekend. temperatures now in the low 70s across the metro. 69 in clinton, maryland. 73 in frederick. your forecast for the rest of the day. temperatures climbing in the mid-80s before another round of showers and storms today. drier ai moves in early next week. back to you. >> thank you, chuck. stay with us for news 4 today at 9:00 a.m. we'll have an hour and a half of news, weather, and
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sports. more local news in 25 minutes. > we areacn a surda moing,his 22 o gust, 2009. you se somembllasut there. itighte a lile wet o on the pza but we ha aun crowd toee uecony. insidetudi 1a'mmy robach along th lesr holt. ming up, cey antny is back cour >> aeared fday for erar hearin her defens tm realed wh y be the ragy. ming upe'll tl whatou ey say ievidt that pros caseyntho didot kl her dauger. > us, a conoversial champion. a maleunr soastom op thi she is actuall a he we'rgoing to bringou t tas on that in jt a f
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mites. >>an't imaginythg more humiliatinthan gnghrgh that who proces first, hurca billaye huredsf milway but i excted tmake its presee ownlong the et coast of th u. tod wit potenally daerous wesndip cuents. nbc's n allehamo. >>eporter: jtutsi new yo city it's bnne of e deadliest smers anyone can meer at the ach. x dwningsn the pastwo wes. th hurrine bill apoachin wave alrea over ght feet anthe reat o powerful r currents, blic beaches will be cled. thoast guardsating an warnin >>e're not expectingin ov 34, 35 knot expecting heyurfhis ekend. >>eporte seein strong rib currts. th deadlie o a surfer's fate, shing smmers outo a, % of t re cse and over 100 dwngs per ar. theaves on tbeach,he
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sue prushsut me a chnel. tron fw of te pushi ay fm sre, ten faer than aolympiclier. >>tronger r currentoing oufr t beach underneath the war. >> rorte in palm beh, orida,ipurrent pulldd immesome 0ardsway from thbeac by the time reserseached him d broutimbhore,t was too la. le this, uil they got there,nd he s undewater. so -- n much y could do. repter: icaht in a rip current, expts suggesttay calmnd swimarallel to the shorand enin, n direcy cko the beach. >> awhere bween 10 and 20 rd we in mos cases. to tnnd try t sm i i like tinto swi upream the whole me. >> repter:ith hricane o e y, fm florida toine, there ll be wningwh is best tstayut of e ter. ro allen, nbc newsew rk. >>ands hurrica bl sam uphe atlaic thelosest its
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expeed to come t the u.s.s f the coa of cape cod, ssacses. the weaerchnel'ss on naet bch this morng, goo moing, jef >> rorter:ood rnin leer, ye, beacs are clod as f as pele goingn the water. that isn't keeng surfersrom head out. u ju heard, the dge o rib current i extmelyig and hi surf advisorsre on and down thiseach expecting was eight to 12 ft cing througthis ternn, buiin thughout t d and probabl ming, stainto bac off a litt hding iohe day morrows thetorm pses by. t onokers comg down to s the hisurf jt out of riit most, exce for aew surfe e stang off the water. getti rain justhe wi ansurf? >> repte i thi we're goi torobably e up with jt moly the win fro itndhe gh surf. prablyon beucain with it. ybe ju psingightain dung the morning morrow.
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most a wavection kind of thinasill passby jef mar o thas for that po. > d n metrogist bill karinss outn the thelaza with a okt yr foreca. good morning again, bill goomoingo you. everyo o here, umbll a forsome. lit ra. and isains n fm bi. th is ahud, tpicalass ttingve the northet. birthdayouthe. your me >> izabet >> h old are you? >>10. your sign sa,ers al? what do y thil'soi th rnin i don'tknow ,up feetr lled hanging outhend the bed, ma e? i .pesoso les talk about t rny focaave'e' he out there h day. ok ot lal it especial stron srms passing it through maryld d e delawa area, all of new jersey spreadg up io conneccut, ssachusetts, en newngnd lar toy. again, notromurca ll. this is a tpical air mass inrsect wig a coldfron cool wth throu muc of t nohwest.
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enjoy . a betiful fall-likweend. the washington area. there are showers o the east. here's a check of doppler radar. that's the last of the rain showers and thundershowers for this morning. temperatures in the low to mid-70s right now. an 80% chance you'll get rained on again. > if wan t get you loc rest o enhe updas on hurrice bill toughouthe weekend, goo weatheco leer? ll, thank you. >>oming up ne, why casey thony'sonor say she could t be gettyfilng her 2-ar-olddauger. what was said in ur comg up nt. what was said in ur comg up nt. fit thesmessages.
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eve gallon. everyhoe. everyook. veryerea well, maybe t every real. but every sm. very stih. eryune. eve toy etty ch erythinyou bu canelp yo sain accou grow becae keep e cnge from nk of america roundupvery debit rd purchaseo the next dolr d trafers th differee from yourhecking tosangaccount. it's o of the ny ways we ke savg ne inough times whe lot easier. what dyou say to spin aroundheol wheel - o paint with primer alrea mixedn? ♪ yh ah yh... - est samples itead of cacommitnts? - ♪ who - whado y say we dip to o waltsess. - ♪ a y feeling i - ..nd gb ahold ofhe latestools t there... - ♪ oh! c quit all at msing arod withxt steps
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and get bu turng o doi dia up notc - ♪hoo! ♪ o more sing. reoing. - that theower of the home dot - ♪ yeah yeah yh. all the delious isins. i like t cnchy flakes and the granola clusters. you ow, that'shy it says runch"n ther ye, but isins e fore "crunc othe box. en "br" madet before "crch." ah, bulook at w bi the word "crun" is mean it st donas e bo i li the boxecau inhe middle of t word... ellogg®" "ello, li a britishreeting. llo govenor." three sty inedient ongreat mbinio ♪aisibran cnch®♪ from kellg! whei reallyiked o be outde i d t like fferg fronal aer symptomsike ngestion.
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but sonex li y i say... bee-uful! rescriptio nason is pren toelp lieve ndooan outdo nasal allergy symptoms likcongesti, ruy and ihy ne and sneeng (annnc) de efftsere generay mild d cludedeadae. ral feion, sore toat, noebe and cohing. as yr doctor aut symptom relief withasonex. ansave uto15 off ur refl go to f dails, rms an conditions. now to develmentsn the muer case ainst cas anthony, t flodaoman acsed of kilng h 2-ar-old dghraylee a dumpinher fwhoed a wood area not far fm herhome. at aeang friy casey' wyers offed a cluethat herefenseteam's sategay . nbc's kerry nderhas the sty. >> reporte aused murderer se antho wiped trs fro her e aher ther testied id.
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thelockbust i cour the defense first on the recd statement y cas cou note ilty o kli lette 2-ye-o ughter. >> t bodyr theemains of cayleentho were plac there after cey aho wasocke inhe ong cnty correction facility. there isubsttial evidce, and thatprov, your nor, h innocence. >> reporter:rosecuto believe ylee lifesbo w mpedhere longefore her theras arreed >> if y wk u oher little bo. >>eporter:oordat 4,000 vontee. equuarch produce air yale otos showing bright green follow agepring, ty say, there s ep water in tse woods dhe 32 vuntes passedith srchihis gd we stopp abo 200ards fr where caye'sonesere evtually discovered. >> t exa area wre she was founnywhere fro 1 t 1
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ines uer watern t exact area s wasfod. reporr: at e pot, amrom lifoia ble seyut o ja. tp hf million dollar bondnd then forine days members of thaang of fr were wh casey arod the ock. prosecors wa to use athing and erything casold the to cvicthe b t defense team ss all four signed thi pracy docunt. iever signed anything lik that. and ring the tim thapent with cey, i in no way er madeerception toer that was a mber of the defen team. reporr: prosetors have morehan throursfaped posions withembers o the il bondan team. so f what eac ss casey told thememains secr. fortoda" kerryanders, nbc ws, orlando. etl bondsm tony is aoinssnd alsosn
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lel anast susan. go morngo thf you. >> goomorng. tony, i begin with yo you hrd t defense say y re par of their team pup s they we wrong. whyo you tnk they' makin isssertion? >>oh, think t denses dog everhing the can to t protectaseynd what s might hav said orortrayed t . i'm 40 singhey're complely wrongut i thi ere's lotf inauracs as tohat theefense tm i cusings of d i thit's importanthat i protect the ingrityf ourgrp. >>ow wou you describ you roleith caseanthony anhe team myoles strtly outf thbail bondsmaas opped to the bo. in a meeting with jose, not oy di i try to sepat myself from jo, because bical i'm t allod to ba mbe o the dens and ilsriedo sepateyselfrom tracy and myncle lnard, becaus - if sometng wt wrong wit somethinthey m have doner rtrayethselves will to keep myself completely sepate fr th. >>ou spent time goingo crt
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with casey in h attney the officebackt hme. what wer you ireio o her? >> i nev spe time with casey her th the twoourshat spent at her home that night. i neverid anythg afar as transfringer backo and fr herttornes office. but fm whaaw of casey a what obrve, she's a ne gi. e's -- she seed tore. sh w ver emotiol, andt waa vy trying time for he released frojail aft 30 days. a diffult ti inhe antny usehold at ght. >> do you o your tea have infoation wouldelp the osecution? seem ashoughhas h theye makinit look >> don'thinkt's a ry, ir f me to spelate at thi time whatnformaon tra leonard ght have. for , ion'thi the's a t i codoffe i s bical the bl bondsman. th onl night i metasey was when s was released fr jail anhadpapeorhat was
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out. l mering y io this. y is wheer or t tony or mbers ofis tm we tec chcallpa of tefense impoant in thi se >> prosetion wts t need whater ty need to use to m be forable at tria il ndsm claing withork privile is ridicous and it's not going rk etr there is ytng, ve nidea. bpoeed, cled a witness d beorceto testy. >> ao talkbout the bigews fr yestday's hearg. the defse sugstinth caylee's body was dped aft cay antny was already behind bars. is tharovable and oiously at the pact woue then t the ca if the werable to prove that? >> t points intesting about at. en ifhe are able t prove that the by was dumped after she s behindba, don't think th prove h innocence, becae she could have sti beenesponsle for t dea of h child, a the by bn placedhereft she w
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incarcerat. in otherords, ere theody s found may not behere s was murdered. tt doe'tecessarily pre he innocence. ilso thinkhat tre maye a fons datebo wherend en a howhehild w murdered, bu i don tnk that that necessaly exorateshe th debate llentesng bui n't in tt's a slam du defen a ihink it' tereing e defenses ying, oh, we're onloi to try thi ce i cot, yet they'r leaking to themedia, re'sur fense. shsinnocent th's littlechseball. peakingo the dense and whatou've seeno fa bringi out thi issuef the boun hunts. brinng up,heouldn' have poibly dpe the body. what ds thful you abo the state ofhe defense rightnow? >> wl,hey're doing evytng they cao mount a viro defse ofhisient whh is tirjob. th arerying their ce in the media, what ty s they're not doing. that disienuous asping atstra. th're not. dog th bestheyan for thr client.
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th he a toughse. she's alreadyee concted i th cou opubl opinion. they're tryg undohe court of plic inion. of cose, thi ce will be flied a cou and we need tee athe evinceis >>us andon thankou bo. priate you te th morng. >> youet. >> thankou coming up ne, she is a world champion runner, but is she ally a wan? e queio a ctroversy rroundg on of the ftest won in theor, that after the meag. stl ouof line? e then y may n be seeing t whole pictu. asyour docr out ilip. atin to wer ba cholesterol,lo wit di, addi trilix can lower tty triglyceride anrae good chosterol to helimove l ree chesteronumber trilipixas n been shn to preventeart attacks or strokmore than stan alone. trilix inot r evyo, includinpele wi liver, gablder, seve kidn disse or nursingom. te your door abo all the medicines you ke and
7:46 am
if youreregnant or y come pgnant. blood tests arneeded bere a ding trtment to che foliver problems. ntact yo doctor you develop explained scle pa or weaknessas this n aigof a rare but seous de eect. is risk y ncreas when ilipix is usedith a atin if youannoaffo youredication,all 1-866-4-trilip for more iortion. trilip. there'mo to cholestel. get e picte. dinner rdy! t's eat. (aounc) today, there's i can't belie it n tter! it has no trans fat, 70% less surated fat than bter, and lessatat fat th srt balce. can't liev 's notutte it's wt doctors commend mo for headaes. r ris in. inour has... knee.. back. folileodies th fers.. anbig bodi on hi blood preure medici. tylel wos wi youbo... in aay other inelverson't.. soou fl beer..
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owindocts commentylenol. rehan any her d of pain reliev. evenurg mes like these there is a light benning to sne aga. it com from a reaurantowntown. a shopn maintrt. faory aroundhe cne entrepreurs like these arthe mostowerful force in t economy threventioof business bensith th. and while w're sur we don't knowll thenswers do kn e thg r certain: we wt help. come seehat the beat
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a ut afraunnes faciccusio she hadn unfair advta i rac and t controvey has thing t do withhesu culprit, rformae enhcing ugs. nbc's stephanie gosk has detas. >> rorter: just bea the competion in the 0 mer rld ampionship, e crusd em the18-yr-old from sth africaa rative unown bere thi year, ran s fas lastwednesda it didn'te long forfficia and fellow hlet touggesthe mig haven unfair advantage. >> it'suspicious at somethg abnoal aut that. anit'sery reasonab, i thk,t tt moment, you look in it repter:uilty of ding, but horre srling she may guiltof bng aan. born ama he nea
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abou that. op bter tha - don'tive damn abo it. reporr: the if launcd gendernvesgation it'sot a simplend carut as one m think. w lehink o pples being me orfele, a i see the areompeople tha acally fln beten a it's dficult t aually sign >> reporte thenvestigati ll take days even weekto complete. one docr put a ful tm of expes rningtes. th're outrage whatas bece a very plic, vy huliatin press. --ny kd of cimo be rn the way she is born. reporter: i the rural south rican village wre semya grup, igorconser h a he. theirtherficatelear states aoman awell >> translar: she stopped rang, th's whyhey make u the stories. she irelient.
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reporr:he n the first fele ale tace ts ruti. at t aanta sumr gas, eit wen kke out for faina gende test but instat aer furer physical exams opion todhe championip hangsn e bance. at t endf this instigation,t i fnd i t a fema, it wl be widrawn, h name. >>eporte the gol m is hard thenlthg at stake stephanie gosk, c news. > wel be right bk. first, this istoda onb
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stil to come on "toda"s werepoed, he sms on t low endf thearke sging back in aig way. whatou need to kw bore you ma the lea to buyin your rsho. >>plus a the latt on the internatnal nht for a aly show sr aus of a
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horric ime. wheris he w? mo on at afterhese wheris he w? mo on at afterhese meages all free car's powerful clean freof the ingrednts you'll fin most tergts: no pfumes... no dyes. noprervatis... ee cle i spially signed fopeople wh nsitivskin and has powerf sinliers, o you can trt ito ge theob done rit. fre clr the number-oneetgent recommended dermolists.. so, f a pe clea all free clr isll you nee thdvil pm she's spding ls ti... lyinawake withches anpains... and more time asep. he shoulswch todvil pm.
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e bett night'sle. p! lookn your bag made you sething (aounc) it more an just that great peut taste, chsing jifs a simp wato sw soone how much you care. chosey mom choose jif. re thn a flameless ndle, t shades e infuse ith a frh scent ju place the shade on t woodebase toturnn thlight andill youroom wi lht, esh sct a with shes you c chae to suit your od a comemt your style ch shadeafely brigens anroom with soft flckering lit ana stylisdegn new febreze ameless minaries part of thnew brez me collection
7:55 am
whei real lik to be oside, i did nolike sufferin rom nal aergy sympms likcongtion t nasex lief may i sa.. ee-utiful! pscptn nasex is prov toelp relieve indoor and outdoor nasal allergy symom like coestionrunny and ihy nosand eezi. (aouer) de effects were generally mild and includ headae. ral inction, sore throa sleeds a coughing. ask yr door abo syptom relf with nasonex. go to nasonexom foretlstes d contions.
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he admits he deflated the tire of a car parked near the courthouse. he got a traffic citation for tampering with a motor vehicle. he said he was frustrated because the owner kept parking in a restricted space. last week he resigned from chief judge. he still serve as an associate judge. if you haven't traded in your old car for a new more fuel
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efficient one, time is running out if you want the big rebate. the cash for clunkers program ends at 8:00 p.m. on monday. already the $3 billion cash for clunkers rebate is almost empty. and students in the district head back to school soon. they have to get their shots before classes begin. this year kids much get six more vaccinations in addition to last year's five. there vee arclrases icl where kids can get the shots this weekend. e
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good morning, everybody. a little bit of sunshine out there. still a lot of clouds left in our skies. temperatures are in the low to mid-70s right now. another chance for showers. some possibly stronger thunderstorms coming in later on this afternoon and this evening. highs in the mid-80s. 80% chance of rain today. a 30% chance of rain on your sunday before drier air moves in early next week. >> thanks, chuck.
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more local news in 25 minutes. see you then. > goodorng. bracing for bl. th season's fst hurrine shes berdaith bigaves as ople lee ith a rng lls onhe way. > nhun the sech for rli t coestantnd suspectkill. authities y he iarme daersnd despete. where ise now? > an oued. while rle passenge pked to ireingl crowd fligs, w are all ofhese planesustitting out ithe sertmp? > go morng everne. weome back "da o a saturd moing. i'm lesr holt and i'mmy roba. > ming up in thi hf ho
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it n dangerousategory 2 stm wi stainedds wear n 5 mes per hr and right n ttenedown inermuda a bill cstseacropph csestpproach the island lhingeach with hh waves. comi up, live port fro rmudand ll y howhe u.s. wilfe the impac stting day. >> might wan to ski the trip 209 beactoday. > also thi moin t latest onhenternational manht fo reality tv coestantuspeed of muer. e by o 28-year-old jasne fie found a wk agood but adly mutatedt took days to identyher. meantimehe -hba, ryan zaer jenkins honessin believ to have spp into cada hisativeountry. comi up, the lest on the search. also ts moing, talking realestate. rsims are jping . listen , we' bring y impoant advicehat cou keep om you makingig mistes.
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ls to get ts ur. fst to hurrine bill, rit now lashi beuda, hig winds, big ins, the wther chanl's ji cantoreoinsrus rmuds eleau beh. what's t latest there? rorter: eow beac ssg fo feet o sand. goodnews, lks like with the worst oth storm pasngy to thenorthwt, ts gh tide cle comein ovetheext ho or two, nothe same wave action a lastightrashin ov thi 15 t 20-foot sea wall, that's what took a l of the beach aw. 're heang isoted power tas. ajor subbleamage to eak . a tf debris pa ommes,he tpica plts missi leavess a result of e winnd unoffialeportsf winds gusting to iles ahour on p of the his. knocd out poweo queson. st win bel hricane
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forc 5065 miln hour a those slackingff a bit. mostf the hvyain ce las night. righ now a ne beze throu he andou can see the ea very atatednd connues to roll the wesin. anher hi tide cycs deteining e outce o t behes. as w expeed, leer, a glance and bl to bmuda hde bk to t u.s ck to you. >> j cantore, thanks for mor on hrine bill, wheret' hde thousand wl affe fol he in t s., turn toeteorogiill rins. goodorng. >> eveone wants kn, i ll goi to hew england or poibly maine? itoes n look le tt'he case saly sysofhore. at'she wind, aohein. theavromhe storm, the storm huge it'slosenougho t oer bank andouthnewngland theaves are aeadyovin she. it is gng to b angerrs toda the bi adne, ralir om teaes of t terbankso the bell mchar viiniand into new enand, nothe ti t b in thewar.
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far as thefocast,ouan e it loo like the storm wl still have t worst impap ou lix, through nov otia, wards . hn's, sund afternoon iomonday. friendup incada, they're th ones at wil pbablyee thworst othowne tes d per outages. asar as waves gobearef day in t outer bas. ireiv sight frohe ne, dn n ithe water. we couldee wes cshin onor 10 to-foot waves. seris thg you don't usuly seen the easrn seoard. ruin lot ofpeople's bch ekends a but at as it wille safe. backo yo >>bill,thanks. importtadvice. seyou bac he shortly for the re of todas weathe >>first anotherheck othe adline and say gd mornin agn to peter alexand a the nede. >> gd morng to u. go morni to yo athome. fedal drug agent rd a beverl hills phaac i coecti wh the ooing michl jackso death investigatio loing for edence that prcripon dru wereupie
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illegally. agen lefthaharmacy aer five hrs wh at least oneox recor. outh colina gernoark sanfortook nrly tee doz flhts on privatelane hdi not report aording tn ascied press iestigati. nford's staffays h ner port the flightsecause theyereaid for by longtime iends pitical oups. ste laweqres gifnge discsed. sanford has beennder sutiny ter admitting he had anffai th a womann argein the srchonties for a form we of a former pole offir, drewpierson. spt fridayooki tou wetlan southf chicag ew peteons in ja awaiti tri for the mde o his third wife,athleenvio, heays hdid nillavio and cims he h notng t do wi stacy' disappean i 2007. an nall h namis rocky anas you'l sehe na certainlyts. georgia firights h to scuehis little black lab ter fel sen fee into a
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draigeditch. w tese? rescue areow lking t find a se n home for ck i'm gueing ion'te lg with a feike tt orable! >> a cuti thanyou. anher checof theeath withbc meteologi b karins. go morning goomorning toou, amy. d we' watchi, jt talk about bill and theimct in nk, mosy tight and ing thugth weekend with thewaves. "a aooi t wch a chcefore songtos ju like stery from rgia up to souther new gland. a lot hvyown prs n assoated wh bill. st a tropical air mass inrsecti wayold fron mu of the rt ocountr is tycal mmer weaer throu theouain wes with heat a alsoco. ypçcarlike kansasityonig good saturday morning. stillow csudloy of low clouds hanging over washington, but we will get a little bit of sunshine here this morning. temperatures are climbing into
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the upper 60s in the western parts of the viewing area. 69 in winchester. 75 in annapolis. 78 in southern maryland. here's a flash flood watch. some of the slow moving summer soakers could drop one to two inches of rain in a short period of time. never drive ov t latest weend fecast and on hurrineill. lester a reali tv showonteant acsed of a brutal crime, rn alexande jenki last heard om one week a today wn he repoedis -wife jasmi fee ou missing. he mutilat byas dioved stuffed io a itca. now e traileads to the suspt's native cada. nbs migl is inalgary this morng withhe last. go morning. reporr: leer, goo moing. poce here are iensifyinhe sear foryanjenks. last night wt to the torto
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rport, board add pla and pup add ssenger ffit, bt it s not thr suect. an jeins, the smoothalki reality sh constan and now the face of an intnational manht. a murr susctho pice say on the ru deteives belie he dve 1,000 mil fromos anges to nortest washgt state. amall coastown ty found s caand s boat. it aears he me a r f canada, wherhe grew up and where s famy sti lives. >> he' a fitiv ande's on th runrourder chge if hs med, weelieve he's med. hes dangous. 's disparate. >> rorter:enkins is wante r killing -yeaold smsuit del jasmi f our who he rried marc onatury her naked body s found ffienttued in a itcase, stuffed in arash bin in orange countycalifoia. arisly cri en the body utated t vicm had to be identified bthe seria
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mberon her bast plan. >> had to useingers andeeth removed. >> rorte no shtin of nks sinceaturda wn he report for a horry missing. >>irs pposeo get out of the unit states, phaps where thisither his paren or friendwillelpim or he' ve the ality toideut. >> reporter: a man who sout me andsow the prime spect ariy murd. policereffing a$25,000 ward forny information that les to the arrt oyan jenkins. lester, wehould ne her in canada they will not extrate in a death penal se,uthe districtttory in onge un sd rit now th is noon the table. >> migu, tnk you. t cminal pfiler pat own joins frusshington. go morni. goodo seeyou. >> gd mornin leer. >> the fact a killer methodal reved eily identifiabeatus fro fio
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suggests tsseydri of ssion. are lkingtychopa. somee o ha kild perhaps forer might kil again definity if he d this denitelyychopath, no we ou it. the mple fact he would brutaliza woman and strangle r puts h in psychat c goreanyway. people tal abo cmes of passioandsa well, he w a eaguyut wt nuts becse he got jlous andtraned his wi or glfrien to death, a i sa tre is n suc thi as a cri ofpassion. on a crime tt youil cry out tpptutyreses itself and i we're nishgs norma peop, i n't car how mad we get, weon dohat kd of thg. he was aays a ychoth. could he kl agai absolute. people wanto be carel. he is daerou >> swedresourcefulness. driving to thebord,neak ago cross theorde on ot. ts a kd of indidual thatould survive,ontinue to rviv witho outde lp? >>well, iin of dou. it hsot a survilist type. shays ci boy, aretty boy,
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ed to a loofmone usedo being ae t some mooz his y thrgh ing. more liky he'ry to get olofoney sehownd mht us this famil if they're willin to coorate or u otr way. ange h looksnd got a littlemoney,ide oit se man who wl havo clue who he is subpoaeople -- haveo get out in and l people kw mayhaeis looks to iv aroun until he hopes to ca canada and get to a country fa away wre h c live lif again and not be able to be extradi the united states. aonwhelps h could facepris, ias said th is guy, if rea the sty loosy,e hadome power erore. certainly had se chm. is this t kd of guy you wod expt pha wld fin anotherom a use hero help stape awa from the la there alws thoseomen out in. amazin when y findut hdid have medy, t or tee men th helped h out pup think at inheorld we ey thking
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t hesn anse,haing andnowsow tseth. and feou i thi the pblem wahe w a llionair he had mone and en wom mtp withen with mey the kind of go crazy d mgo, lk what thi prents lle o fcy js iaris having vacations andorge wn u lk athatrs's rsonity d ke theirim deehether this persons acally annest, dect rson, an notxtreme jealous an controllingnd thinki you're a possessio >> t, hiit ht one point. theyarri briey. the maiage w auld b you lookt a case le tsnd it raise qstionsbout usive relationsps a why women back in ts ki of se and wha ihe aner >> i wou say jt what i said. theyee the posive and thi atoueighs the negaves. thisuy was wking dow at e local gastaon ion ink s would he syed arou lo. e ct was,e had money. money is powerl ranti
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aphrodiac. i thk that'shy wen do at. her wom stayecau ty' stuck,ave no pla to go, n money,an'tet a jo don't know what to do about the childr andhinkhis wil ge better whathey don't undersnd is anody o will punchou out and teateou i violent rson dangerous. >>at brown, appreateou cong on and sringour inght. >>we'lbeack after ese meag. my clesterol and other risk facto... cread chance of hea attac i ould'vdoneomething now, tru my hrto lipitor. wh dieand exercise are t enough, adng lipit may hp. like somothecholestel loring medicatns, pir isda aroved to ructhrisk... of hrt attk, stre, and ceain kind hrt surgees... in pients witheval mmonisfactors... heartisease. lipitor has be exnsivy studie.. th over 16 years of rearch. lipir is not foeverne, includinpeople wi liv problems. d mewho arnursg, pregna,
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or m becompregnt. you need simple ood tes to check f liv proems. tellour doctor if u are taking otheredicatns, if you have y scle pain weakness. is may ba sign of a rare t serious side effect. was ught off-guard. but maybyou calearn from my sty. ve a hrt to art with yr doct... about yo risk. anaboulipitor. and myog baiy and i love to hg out theiten.. so she c wat mco. you justove the aromas of bf teerloin.. and,ohrotisseriehicken. yes, y do. bas ] yeah. u'reo spial, y der a very speal dog food. [ man ] inoducincheficel's canine creatns. the licisly ffenway to serve upour ve at metime. ch-inspired. d-desed. ch michael's cine creaons.
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dearva ts morni on "das" re estate bing aew home. nuersh me andore ying rl tate for the first ti. saleofxiing homes rose morehan7% i ju. that's the bigge nth-to-month ireas i mor than t year hirdf tse heuys lurednto tarket f the veryirstim aracted by low pricesnd aax incenve befit set to expe soon. >>his is wha like. >> rorter: jasne ilooking toind a pce of h own. cle bathroom. grting good. fanal hior m ishe right time. ve had enoh teo save up moy. >> reporr: t 25-arld belies the tim i righto biher first ho. >> governntffing a tax
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credit. one of the first reasonnd also thearke is iheight ateor me to buy somhing could t foress mon tha i probab cou get in t pas year reporr: jasne isligible foanp $8,0 tax credit thgoveme i offergo rst-ti home buyers abo $8,0 cdit expir cemb 1, 2009. ian't pick bter te i my 43 years. th best tim f first time owrs,bsoluty witut eson. >>eporr: dne has bn i new jeey real este busins re tn0 years says it's a wiwin siatn rhtow for rst mers. >>ev see the invto we have to cose fr, plus real wates right w. >> rorter:ow rates and t credit are what pmpte tse to starlookin for tir first hom >> lookthe opt angetndne d icrang and detmine wt uld he bes valu >> rorter: aordi t n naon suey, affdabili
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is dvingore tha two-trds potentluys io the housg rket he rent rig now are exceing what theortgage paymts would be sohy wt i y c get i these preres a ownhe >> repter: a sentiment first-me bersikeasmine agreedwith. >> would ratrpend mey on a mtgage than rent. 's defitel nerve-racng but atter wt happenf lo my j o anhing finaiall ieel secure enough that i would be ay. mik iser with aice for fit-me burs good morng. good rning. >> seemsikey tha piec th is greatim t buy, especiallyn you' a firsti ye >> noou abo it sote anoutstandg time buy in thi maet. amy, ile honest. inveory is at a all-te hi. really jt question of pply d dema. i thi that fir-time home buyers a i a positn now t go out and get gat deals around pordhing ty never could have gotten a few years ago. >> ts for peopleeadingut
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the or. rst,ake sureou hav a lender? >> abluly. stenthiss a really impoant rtf the entire ocess. i' tellou why. leers goio give youn ideaf wtri rgeou shld sp in yo don'tant to okthing you can'tfo. thother tng thats reay impoant abt atart of the press they're goingo l younow wt tt month paenis. it willllow first-te he buyers to me a disionased on is how mh are firstymers expeed to put downn ter of a do payment janchtsood eson minimu 3. if dng a fha lo. moreonveiol loanseqre a greater down payment. wer e genel emto this is th banave lrned you've g to hav a lite money i the game ey kw tteople e defaulng on rllyad loan produc they d in 2005 ty expt e eir money. >> a hire standardut there. u also s shop around f the right al esteagent. whathould you be loong for?
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>> it've imptahat you pick someone who fits yr personity and ur gls. a gdealtor isoing t realdute the first-tim home buyer bore they p nem theicar and showhous. you nt sody who willight on yrbehalf. >> alsoou say it's imptant to do your homework online fit. why is it s impoant, esciallyf you' lking f yourirst ho? >> t ternet, lik evethin el, h cnged real tate forer. u havehe opptunityo go ou ther bau tre's such grt informion,ouust nee seeit ou u can fd outbout sools annehborhos. and i ink thhe other tng at really is good,irtual tourhaveotten so azingt this pot. wld allow airst te bur to kno o ppert they dot need t g see jt b loing at it onli. >>ncyoo gout and loo at opertiesyour suggestion, rateach ho and nev put downn offer unls y've gone foa second look.eki ngoor?oong ? >>well,'ll tel you th. i ually asky clitso try
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to write homn a one t ten scale. onth least,enhe most theyl nd athe end of th dathey've got arey ey syem to figure whichouse is for em. thenhat ask tmo , g mesleeon it. let' seetgain before we maken ofr. y menon innty. a lge invento outin when y'r loong to p don the fer,rehere incenves yoshould expt onhing us wodn he been ann to get beforeha? sotely. th mke changed. far rst tha bers need seller yo getoo agent a me fa off youan expect theyl givlosi cos. >>nd what aboitting ohe nce inkinghe mke will go lowe ho c y gauge wheret is d if you shoul g fort w? i think tryin wai f the bottom of th market is prably a wt that i a stake. i thk youeveally kw whe th botm is unt it's afte actuay srt t rever. so theesmo ito get
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edukat, find a house that y lindhen mo fwa. y sy in it f a otctederiod of ti, u ar not goi t losemoney. >> thank iss "tod" on n.
8:22 am
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stl toomen "day," flhtso cwded y ar all ever these planes just sti out i desert? pl, destinaonsor a langnd afforbleab da weekendacatio fit, these messas. well, funny you ould a. yosee,fter book 10ights, i t a freene. say i spend 2 gh aigame tel, 3 a bouque, d at a bch resor.. and boom free nht. ( ding mkey chatte ) ( in a baby voe ) en't y a smartne? ( nkey lghs ) acmulate 1nigh d gea night ee. weomerar from hels.m. ar sma.
8:24 am
dinner's rdy! let'eat. (annncer) toda there's can't believe it not butter! it has no ans fa 70less surated fathanutter, and ss saturat fat than smart bance. i cat beeve it'sot bter! nouncer: say hello tohe can-doers - e bget master - ♪ ye yeah the kck-out artists hore finng more ways to sprd the dollar furer - bolr color ile time. - ♪re you fling i say llo to newerdeas d lowered prices ablingore ople turn re savg in mordoing. - at the power of e me depot. - ♪ areoueeng it? trout dierencors with n 8unce painsample at a n low pri of only $24.
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26 is your time now. 73 degrees outside. a live look outside right now. cloudy skies and more rain in the forecast? chuck will let us know after the news. good morning. it's saturday, august 22nd, 2009. in the news for today, police in virginia need your helpdiin f ng ina ro ery suspect this a inmogn take a good look at this officers believe he riof ers believe heasringckhiasng o co mbikialune p i yesterday. he yesterday. he walked into the stor ladi ayespddg hunan adind demand money. if you haven't traded in your old car for a more fuel efficient one, time is running out. cash for clunkers ends at 8:00
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p.m. on already the rebate is about on metroempt metro riders beware. it's going to be busy for the rail system. three sports events at the same time. that means a lot of extra riders on the blue, orange, and green line. passengers on the ride line should add a half hour to their e.
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jtds lufrds gud a chugsology the frapd nomented let's get a check on the forecast now. a lot of clouds outside this morning after early morning thunderstorms between 3:00 and 4:00 this morning. had quite a round of stms go through the heart of washington. now a few lonely sprinkles left in the panhandles of florida. steadier showers on the eastern shore. they are also moving away from us. we have many dry hours to come here. temperatures in the low to mid-70s. we'll get to the 80s for a brief time today. chance for heavy rain later. a flash flood watch in effect until midnight tonight. showers and possibly thunderstorms on the way this afternoon. coming up at 9:00 a.m., more on what you need to know about school vaccinations plus news, weather and sports.aloc lsew n . join us then.
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were bacn th saturda moing, aus , 29 wagts lookt fahfulrowd ghed outse onhe plaza topend e morning wit . n is i er humid out he! >> i wand t- puthe came -- >> mhair'srizzg as spk. i'm a rac angitheste lt. ca y believe it? ok differe than it lood five minutes o. > talking abo whe plas goo di >> ah yokn, wh'she last tim you saw thisn a airan >> never. >> ty cut bacflhts. this wre a the plas are gog. we found thearked o in dese in arizona. we'ltell yhat'soing t haeno the and wt this says abo thearger economy
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comi up. > also cingup,e'reoing tal aboeepingourey, ea and tee health p tell yowhat y need to doo kp thimportantodyartsn tip-toshape. mebody phone isriing. ose phe ithat? is iyour exse me. excu m excu m you're ierruptingur newsst. can yojust hg one secd? prlem. i'm soy. pu them onold ther anyway whereere we? lar day. ea bget fendl getay lotions at wl helpouet restedndeady for fa. i'm sorr justade tir day. okay. >> probably aood- she g a g sle oner facight now. >>all ofhats sti t come. fit, a cck o the weather, nbc's bilkansstandiny outnhelazaith us. ll >> csi tuble all morning, the wome t ese two. ar we s o happy? >>sad.
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tl eryon why youe sad. >> goi back t sooln two weeks. >> y know peoe down soh, th've alread gon bac to hool. w do you thk they fl? you're sll off >>yes. >>ah. ll goo luck goingack t school, and these nic young peop. what t speal occaon? >>0th yearnniversary. >>0 ars. whe we u rried? >> laing, chig. >>ou lovmichan >> b michigan stan. tolde al aut it priewed th wle season.. let'talkbo t wther out ther rranbillsheig stor wel watc th. a tpical orm wning for the peodarea, maha vineya, winusts up to 50, d theostar thetory t good morning, everybody. saturd iins ideed off to a cloudy start this morning. temperatures are in the mid-70s around town. 73 in fairfax county. 72 in virginia.
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72 in montgomery and prince georgia in maryland. 80% chance of more rain later on today. some could be strong to severe. we'll keep you posted hon that. drier weather for sunday and sunshine back early next week. d at is you name? >>ol. >>here are y om? >> pennsylvia >>nnlvan? you ve cutehair iike th. bk t amy. >> let's not talk autbo ha, bill. d coming up what you need do toeepoureyes, es a elgthealth th answemasurprise y. 'll be rht bac - whaya say - plee. whaddya sa na did i hadd say? he ways wants hap meal. d with appl a low-fat mk, 'm happy tget it ♪ b da baa ba
8:34 am
youeren alwaymy foriteay. th althe t hair in t air, i'd spd cls preoupied, boeredy ity eyes. t w have n zyec®tchy eye dps. it worksas wh stnerop, toelvey chy eyes fm lergiefor up t12 hrs. no other allergy chy e drop rks faer olonger. hich igood, ause tre's a lta paws to shake. itnew rtec® itchey drops i can love thai™ (announcer) find it theller ais nexto oth zyrtec® poducts. and peop lovfruit the loomndwear. ♪ i love the nightfe t l e latest colors and stys at an unbeatable price. saveoney. li bter. walmart. has prress ten us to a betteple? 'sait's ken us foa de. hostlywhat tnks do we o pgrs? w're up to ourecks inandfill, and wn to the re in resrces anclime chan is o to get us. that'why progss playno re
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insi post reddedhe. here, we put the "no" in novaon. st orinal redded wat is still st t o sime, nest iredit which turally comes wi vitins, minerals and fiber all d was make it spoon ze diwe go too far? ♪ ther'only onwo for this ♪ ♪ it's bls ♪ onlyne wordescris chocate thisream is ric thiindulgent. is hershey's s chocolate. 's nojust chocola. it's blis shoppinonne an helsave. ing it with nkf americ can help save lomore. upto 2 ch back fm over 30onli retai ing it with nkf americ can hedp it up program. twiou 2 ch back fm over 30dnlit up program. jut ign up anuse yourba of americaebit orret card wn y sh onli. it one othma waywe ma savg moneyn ugh time wholeot easie
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>>thisorni it' all aut caringor yourey, ears and mouth. theetr to seear and eat withof course. >> butf y want toeehose impoant dy parts heahy y ve toutn howork weessembled a panf heal eerts to giv us a in gue. fit upyes. drrobert ster associate professor's optmogg. door, morning. thanksorei wit us. >> tnkfornvitin me >>ou suggest aisit to the tol for fks over? >> tncidts o glaucoma
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incrse or th ag it'smporta to ccht early beuse 's silent itiay. if y catcht earlyou treat whaarthehings you loo for inypic chkup? >> w check t peon vision, ef theyeed asses. make se ty're not getng tooir ar fatued i wking acomput, readi a lo chk foraucoma imrtan pick u this like diabetes, ghlo pressur and varus other cditions that cffect thwhole body. >> loong at tngs in the eye thatou cse our probls? >>absotely that whye dilate the pupils with eye dps allowg us look atloodesse givin an idea what's ing on i t enti dy. tal about the deteriatio upoge 43 i didn't need em. wh hpe to us? >> i c't believe you're or 40. >>hat ould hav bn the ad or what ppen ove age 40he ey los somftsbility to focusp closeue toatal aging chge st needlass for readg, r mputerwo. herwisee g fatued and
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tireas tay gs on >>peakin o fatiguend comput wo, h muc affect estavto lkt a mput ay? on yr eyes? >> there'syt compute dage o hurt yr ey ey n't. they make yr eyes red. if youave the apppriate glasyou n stan t mper 24/and t rry out hurtin yrye atall. >>e can woush out to hp o art a otherthing. whatboutur eyes at cane do to impver holdn to r es trition. eang green, lfy vegetaes spach, brcoli,carrots. >> not ath? grdma wasrit. rrots ctain baratin, important r the rina in the eye. >> thas for cing on apeciateit. he's am >lesterhank you. >>ow to e ears. . charosenal in ear specialistt long iand llege hoitaleanew york and re to lp wh keeping earsn t-t shape. doct sentl, thas for beg wi .
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>> my pleasure beg with hearing loss. we'v heard about it in connti wh oer pple t we'r seeingee wh hearing ss su, i'metting mp3 ayers have sethi t do wi it? >>ou got . nois old esn you kid bse of mp3 players. nois iuced heari loss. >> wt can weeep in line to prent major damage w seng inoungerds? >> athingouder th an alm ock, 5 dibel5 debe. ep iat 60 lume. don't an it . use noise canceing ear udng a ,nd imrtant member,ou g onset of ears burnhem ohenou're ung, t much lthen y're old g. to know thnext issue, setng've en eitedbout tki about. ea wax. r a l of peoe jt nuisan. this canctuay lea to bger
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issu. if you wt the canears peop using q-tips, wt to do wi t wnd wha can you ? >>ar w is grt. know you doneel atwa t it'sreat. cleans bricat, protting,ights ng bactia. nature'sac mirle for your ear but ave it alone. it's mselfleaning. yoram e-tips in, itushe e xn furtr. >>oesn'teem rht to me t stf on theutsi yan clean. wax iwarsobl clea the outse, don't dig . yollusit i deer. if ituisp youe stuck ferops of rin tempeture ternthere, airator like th use on a baby >> aotf tes pple tral on planes and comaiabt vingar essure can it b aaj health danger yr ears ht aer flight? >> aolutely. e in sev getn ute infulnflammion whe a ple lands. that c causeeanglo,
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veigo even a ruptud e um. bestadvice, sy ays the ane las. wnpo your ne,f yohave ds, let em sea peleea youight n be happy b it's t besayo ntilate theea. ey'll be go when u nd. >>doctor, arecie it. once agn, re lester. >> hd to t screami babies an e wa m, b we're going to talk about the moh. dr. nancy ren is here with tips for bter dental heth. door,rose tnks f cing . thankou >> g f a ecku looking f cavities clning. atelse >>ot only looking f cavity, gu disee,one disease, ora cancernd other abnmaties in the mout >> t olancer screening i importt? >>ery poant. ever hygnist shod be doi is for sobody. >>n prention for denta sease, brhi,ossi, yet u ha plent of biness.
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what aree doing ong? >> people ar forgein about th regar basic hyene. you need to brusht least tce aay for two mites. yo nd tlo alet on a day andou he tocrap yourtoue. >> andongue is part of the sue th bad eath, gh >> lot of bacria liv on r tongue. we wer not lea that alone. >> whaproducts me a differen in tms o otrush, mout washes? gat pductout ere,ut if you a still ung mua toothbrushrynd pveo ecicr per toothbshes. reall >> they wor so mh better than any muatohbru. >> i terms of gettiffhe aque? >> s, keepi your mth healy, prentg gum diseas it's grt. >>ots of floss. whicty do y sgest? >> wax floss. much easr toet tough your teeth. lot of greattohpastes out er you n tlo your tohpaste to whatouneed. want whening,ensive tootaste, ey're l the for yo >>'valways beeved, obab a wives tale,hees moh sh is t one tha taes thewot, has ls of
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cohol init n tr. u wa t try - >> rely sting doest mean is rkg. makeure you're avdi cohol uthwashe >> what' theeal on these? i've seen then t dg stor >> whisre great. sing u mini tthbrus fits in yr g, pocket,as fresheng liqd on it a grea for o the go. >> and lt last wano talk about whiteng pructs you d t g the ntt. now n you get it or the counter. >> maksureou'r reang the direions,ou nd to follow e directions. veryimpoant. youon want tovere e oducts either. >> d nan ros goo to have you he aswe. ank you somu. > comg upxt, laxing budget-frieny
8:44 am
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is morng on"tod's trel" sohow town geways th lor day weekend enj do te off theeaten th. trel ns i here wi pce plor odorng. good morning to y. >> whys ama tnhe peect plac to cation? or onhe graalues domestally. histic hols sprawling resos offeng gre bgains and a lotf us le inig cies stalgic pectf gngback, slineverhing down theustl and bustl ofhe city fort for aouple of days a we may neethat these days. one o your favorite places. mackawsld in michigan. i ways sa aetting from sowhe in me. th movieith christoer eves. what dyouovebout ts plac >>y thy,he grand hotel where the movieook place, still doing pacges bed on "s in ti." grt pce toethe by ferry. no ca. t arnd o rsdrawn caiageget aund onbike.
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d peopleo the forhe fudg evet uermidwt, detroi ccago areatittle geway. great rorts aswell. kiand p frndly. the islan hotel oeringates fo $9 a nighrou oober and eveniv y disunts on th ferleyicts you nee t get ther fro theinland. great. let' talk aboan barbara, cafornia. sshan two hrsromos anles an even though yove got somemazi vis, big mountas, is a small town feel? >> themerica rivia,here the mountains meet the cic. spanh ahitectur i preserved. and if you lik wine,hale watcng yr rod. also celrityadar. if youik topot peoe le oprah winfrey aob lowe, stepn main,his is t ple togo. moeco,robably t most chic and riskart of sta barba. ilt b charl chaplin a a taway. nely vamped a now oering roomfor $139 a nit.
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breakfas fe valpaing. the drive market a gat pce stay and aroundhe block from fousbuerfly beach a eat opping. >> avon colado mehe cover. nt awafromki ason wh canu i thefall? on,colorado eigiles fromvale you can do it witho therice tag. 100iles west deer, colodo. whe nures all aun you. ethers t fall,ri, summ or wier. so, yeahreat skiing and snboarding this wte b n theall can uo river fting,oportishingn eae rir. a lot of family iendly, ofeny places to go pored entirelyy nd, down to $99 night for travelcrews. >> credib. >> a luxury resort rht there the be of avoon. >> key largo, flida,next. snoopeand ded t diving capital ofhe world. what else >> gat srts fhing a charter captains inhe country areernd alsthe as
8:49 am
counity's iney largo. northe most key,n hour south of mia a yet it' at opicalitho leavinghe mala u. you'ot a nionalarine sanctuary here. a couple of natiol parks. grt banal thisnd vy faly-frieny pedesian pla to . eatgetaways. the marritey lar bay sort, xu placeight o the te $129 a nht or the next uple of week d agai an ur dve from miaman youeally a escapi evydaylife. if you c escehe mainland united states, y s maui,haii,he place to go >> yesteayawaiiurne50. . a eatepente ver been t hawi g er. ual distanc fm all the grt mau attractions. great ter acvities lnched om l hine nah and greiews from t othss ll. eat vals haii. aublic rert.
8:50 am
myirst tri man yrsgo ayed he. condoesor right on thewate family vid of it >>hat was youding! >>$1 a ght,ceie one bedrm suit at theesort. ll tchen, great vis. haii these daysreat vaes. >>llrit. be makes everyon wt t travel. thkso ch cing up ne,he go tdie, afterhese wh an ea estimad mes peraon. and up to 600 mile betweenilups. it'the st fuel efficie crosver n the highway. better than honda r-v, tota rav and even the ford escap hybri the all new chevy equinox. ♪ [ man ] ♪arly lightreaks throh ♪ musicnd dce calng you
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♪ jusne tha mounin grownift ♪ ♪ bore u share your gif ♪ ♪ now tre's rhythm d soun ♪aking eir hearts pnd ♪heest rt wakin' up. ♪ ♪ ifolgers in youcu but kelgg s aopportunit to plus tngs up. we took out theipeuts... beuse adnglmds uld be a ps. wd betr of th ls sur. we traded milk choolate.. for the licious ste of dk chocolate. so a us. then add 35% of yourai fer.. us tioxants, vitamin e, d nc ♪ fiberpl rs frokellogg. berplus so mucmore.
8:52 am
thmoisturir inther body washes ss on top of in. on new dovhas nutrmmoiste... whichan nrisheep down. new ve body sh wi nutriumistu. superior natalourishment foyourkin. whor and mor flying mo plasre endingp in th desert. ding u pked th no place to go. >>t let0 to 55% of t airafte haverere n generation te aircraft. repter: and pard prarily r econom reasons? >> yes.
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denily forconomic reasons. 've gone fro 16 aircraftn octor of 8, to now we he over 210 aircrt in the stora facility. >> repter: this sprawli airfld, a simmeri pavemen and e open dert sthea of oex song been place wherold anes go to die whe iteacheshat li mit,e have all of the usae mponen mod fm the airaftnd then w punch t aircft upnd it gets recycle ain d ttetal gets re-use >> repter: evgreenviation cycles old planes and maintain and srethers cluding young jets pked here temrari t wait out day's economic rbulence. planes like this cargoet tha came he strght from the boeing factory. wi demand downhe rline ordered it more tnwo years ag simply doesn't need it thmont. >> typically t opera a we bodi aircra, $7 millio $8 million yr where you can
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tuallytore an acraftt a facility le thi for$50,000, $7000. >> repter: pmpted last summer's record high fuel prices an thenhe economi collaps inhe fall rlines ssh cacity, cutting flights reri olderas guzzling anes and dening oths in hopes of stemmingheir aggeri losses. >> thi i axcelle locati, cause, one,he humity runs down abo12%s anverage for the ye. we don't hav hurricanes. we don't have bigtorms com rough he. we d'tave earthqkes. >> reporter:ut the don't jt t here gatheringdust >> andhen we clehihere. >>eporter:omof tlas ll fin buyers. otrs will rejn the fle when tve pks up. why do y have the windows sealed >> weant toee t sunlht out. reporter: so they are carefully preserv in shrk wr andept in nr flyg coition. >> what we want to dose wa toe abl to move i around and at lea once a mon opete e flight controls
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don wanthe sealso d butantll theydraul fluiand a of the stemsnd fuelto b mingroun so 's not stagnate >> rorter:irtual ready t y,uto place to , in a norisly sick cckalairle siss, hev, deser caretakers kw th will chan. >> asf yet no ch for unkersnplan. >>right. hat's gng tdo i for us onhis satury rnin
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good morning. the nationals, the redskins, and d.c. united all play durin the wro mhoetns how metro plans to handle all the fans. plus take a good look. police hunting for a robber who opened fire inside an arlington store. investigators say this was not his only crime. and we've been talking about the ne for rain. ours is done for. we'll have the forecast. those stories and much, much more in less than two minutes. et
8:57 am
8:58 am
8:59 am
the temperature right now 75 degrees here in washington. 75 in annapolis. 72


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