tv NBC Nightly News NBC August 22, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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making waves, hurricane bill churns up the east coast, creang dangerous conditions from florida to maine on a prime summer weekend. storm of outrage. growg condemnion over the desion to free the lockerbie bomber. was there a deal with dhi? >>manht,he iernaon sech for reaty t contesta, wanted f a brutal murd. where ise? and male ofemale the gend questns abo o of t world's ftest alete the gend questns abo o of t world's ftest alete lling amazing fish.
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caionsaifor by nbc-univsal levisi >>goodeveng, this wl a suero rememr fomany americans lingn th rthet, an unuslly ol, rainstart folled by ister, heat andow wh on a few ealefinso s t anrrbiemics yi isopt beacs up a down toa th weekend. ll was downgradat tay a ory 1 huicanut wiur snd rain.ghurth t,nitogh pts of the massachusettshe iluding the fit fa's vacio deinion martha'sinard e und a tropical storm warnin lls onracko ski the coast witup to 40 miles a hour wis. weher channel metrologi ff mro is on cap cos usetea donitthe latest f us. hello, jeff. >>ood eving, leste last wkendt s tropical
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orm cudettehat sprised fos onflida' gulf coas w this wn weave rrican a muc more werful syem chuing up the eas coasof t unid stat. eaier, it tual siswiped thislandf beudwi winds wards o 90 mesn hour causg some per outag to 3,700 people there most being restore andainwaves the ter reefs upwardsf to 35 ft. w bi is turngarth up the cotnd bches le off. set hereere closeecause of overwashominup ovehigh dend wilrema closed right in sunday. again,hiis arime summe weend, onef theasf the year a lot oolksren't king kiny tt ty can't get wno th bea a enjoy one theseast weeken, so ll wil deswe thiseah overght a then move away wardnada thankfuy tomorr. ster? tha you. ile chf the eas has
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escad bill's win a rain it eectses areonetheless being lt ang huns of mileofeaes in e formf unusuay strg rurrent ich isan pull en song swimme intodanger. ro aen now wh that pt of the sty. reporte hurcane bill h be sendi waves up to 20 feet ashinglong t ete seabrd csing danrous r rrent,losingeachesrom deware toewngland at ast nineiles of n yor ty's plicbeaches, an are fore s swivee owned in rece weeks o of th delies sumrs inany year >> theast thinwe weren'tt wod to iclosthe beachn tha ho day isaiagobu the nional advisor issued b thnationaleatherervi is prty song anpretty cle. repter:he bigst feais p cuent, t deadlie zardwimmerses cepushing imrs out to a tha are t reon f about 80f a reues and 100 dwnin each ar. when wes csh on a beach,he surf rhesack outorng
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narrow chaelstng fw of war phingway fro e, ofte at a rat fasr than olpic rinter. >>tronge rip crents going t in deeerater. >> reporr: some st palm beach, fridarent, rip currents pullea swimr some 0 yds ay from t bea, byhe teesers reachedim and ough him ashore it wa o late. i hel on to him asong as i could until ey gothere w uerter. so the wasn'tuch i coulddo. reporter:f you'reaughtn rip currenxert say sta calm and sm parallo the shore and thenin. not dectly bk to the beh. it's onl anywre beten0 an 2 yardsidnost cases sof you tur and swim in is li swimminupstre the who me. rorter: mntime bk on capeod, tropal sto conditnsre expected to pass througovnigh hurrine ll staying some 200 mil offshorewellefore psident obam and theirst fil arrivenmaha's vinard suay afternn. rollen, c news n news,
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oabluff,assachusts. ger and suspicion are growingonig in the afrmat the releas othenly man nvicted in the bombing o pan am fligh 10 back in 1988 ov lockbie, stla. sthanirsk has our sry from london. >>eporte this is at. the libns did n wt the twld s. du abdelbaset aliohmed megra wasreed fro a prison because he i dyi o caer >> we'reaplides at e manner wch a maahi w ceed. >>he igewe s we outragus and disgustnoog today rort mller wrote atng lettero the scott iris justice secretary who let magrahi go. he wtes --
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yourecisionives comfort to rrorists aroun therld. also today, new yorsenar shuck 50u78e askedor a u.n. resolution ainst lia. >>t's ear th t libyan govement loveffairit terrorism ha'tnded yet, w n'lethemack into the inteational mmunity unt it does. >> rorte there is nowide presensuicion at aess tohe libyanil resves way was behindhe reas here's a pto o al maahind gado cafy n. >> welwsut y on the ble. >> rorter: it's an accation the itisgovernmenttrgly deni. it' not only ong,t's completelyimplsie a acallyui offensive. rorter:oeflect critism da 10owng street reased a letter writt prime misr gorn brown to go clfysking the libyan leader to hane ma a grahi's
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arrival with sensivi and th theustice secretary was lely rponsibleor h lease. but the growi furoower intee, mayot ounto much. theresn'tuch the u. vernmentan dot thi pot, it a ex st facto,t' a done deal. reporter: megrah m le his lifo ccer b his freedo now seemssecure. sthae gosk, london. ere ar n repts tonitbo interrogation technies ud the.s. on in t wr rrorm, sret repo to beeleasedexteek sa among otherhings interrators cductedock executionso make prisors believ oths h been killed. threat ig a iser with minent dth is ainst an-ttu laws. wi thedemoats' hlth relans comg under attack eplicans at wn hl etings, prident obama ok t aireto fute the charges at have sent so my
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americs. mike viqirhas the latest omhehite house >> rorter:oday ikansas, more oppition to th presens heah care form an. >>fhere's abody els in the om tha wts the governnt o of ourocke dut of our heah care. >> rorr: whi earlier in his wklyntert adess, the presidenplayedefense. >>hat'not true >> reporter: refuting one b on what he calle outrig diortion of thelan li on the qstionfllegal imgrants. >> illeg iigrant wouldot be cered >> rorter:n allegationsnat current ban using tax dolrs for artio wou belift. >> notng will cnge uer refo. >> reporter: and y aga knock downhe false claim tha h given mocrs fi. >>here are no scalledeath rn an offensiotion tme and ameran peoe. reporr: thiweek, the esidencoind tory and ca public anxie. >> if you li your ivate alth insurce pla you can ke . reporter:ut inespoe da t replica crg i is the president w played fast
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and looswith t fts. the rm isheth or t you t to keeyour plan or youroctor veryuch in queson uer the esidens pros. >> reporr: inact, t ngressnal budget office says that nearlyiloneople wouldose estinmplor basedoverage und the hou pl and now ateast one spteanalys saidhe deba is eectively er. >> rlity doesn'tatter ymore, t peopl have st of stpednd disarove on i a ion't thi there anything the presidenr decratca do. >> reporter: t nonpaisan cookhinks themocra have overrc now run the ris of seris elecon lse nex year. th presidenteahi is gi sporter to iore th ysayers and stay the coue. >>lester as the psident ads o fhat we-long vation in rtha vineyar for his famy, to complicate matts even mor themong democra ngact whether or t
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aovnment opon is eenti forefor >>thanyou. "me the press" senors orrin hch and cckchumer emong dav gregy's est. in thiscouny,inmaset fi lt nht t a mediu serityris pris nr lexington, kentky. many of the 1 huned iat hato bmove becsef th exnsive mage tseveral budings at theriss ln. >> a oss-boer mhunt is unr way nighfor conttant on cabletv rlity showuspeed o btally murdering his wif and titing her bod to kper from bng identifd. >> you're gng to be finisng that bote yoself. >>eporter: a a reality sho nttant, ryan jkins was owns a sothoperator, but now betternown as the subject of anntertional maunt. policeay h killeasmine fiore, the womane maied in mah,he lived in e spotlight togeer.
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but w detectiveayenns y berm and h wil keep ahead of the authoriti. >> this a mann the n wh will do anhing at least iniallto aid apprensn. reporter:ole fod fie' milat body dumpedn a ash n, she tbe identied thrgh the serl nuers on her bast planes. >> the finr a teethere removed. >> reporte they undis car in amalloaal town and his boathiche may hesed to enter cana. he in caary, pole are pt anationwide dragnet. this cy is farorth of the boer but i is whe ryan nkins ew up. th suspesathers dan je jeins, a pmine archite. e twhave developedrojes togeer, busome residts say an jenkins is beer knownn to for hisealth d his wome hiretionships ve tned olent thepast. in one instance he ple guilty to assaultin h ex-girriend.
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e wasennc to 15 months probation d coseli. >> t cnselin iludes anger manage mch, coselings rect, domesticionce counli whi wld b relaonship counseng. >>epter: man with a past d levision prominee, now ught in e focus of a real-le manhunt. miel almue nbcws calgary. wh "nitly ne" continues is sard, whi airlineassengs are pked in increasgl crowd flig,hyre all these pnes just sting out in e desert pty? > and later, iand time, for the fit mi. 'lbeig back. estel. whatas i thinkg? but now i trt heart to lipitor. whenieand excise e noenough addi lipit may hp. unke some her chestel lori micatio, litor fdapprod toede the ri... ofeartttack,troke, d certain kind of hrt surries... you have veral common risfactors... oreart disease
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pitor habeen extensely stied... wi ove16 yea researc litor not for evyone, includg peop th liverroblem.. anwomen o arnursg, egna, or m bompregna. yoneedimplblood tes to check for liv probls. te your ctor iyoare king oer medations, or if yoha any muscle pn or weakness. thisay be a gnf a ra t serious side effect. i arnethe ha way but yomay be ae do sothing. ve a heart to het with yr doctor... abouyour risk. anaboulitor. drscholl bacpain relief orthotics with shockard technology give yoummediateelie at lastsll dayong. dr. scho's pa relief a st away. how out swim? 'm litt irregul tod. don't you eaactivia? for my ltle issues? th're nothat ba mmer's noime tout up th eveoccasion gestivproblems. believe me on ty go awa
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'amazing ho good youeel. anuncer:ctia is cnicallproven to help regula your destive stemn twweek summ's a wastin'. take the aivia cllengeow. it wks, or it's ee. ♪ actia bodyash om olay. to enrhingibbons. o separa ribbons. thwhitcleans. the ld moisturizes a haa touch minal shimm to eance sn's tone ol tonenrichinbody wash. r sk tt shimrs. ♪ [ femalennouncer ] arthrititargets your body wherit's weak. whe 's vulnerabl ♪ tynol arthritiworks wi youbody to blo the pain, withouinteerin with certa high blo preure medines li aleve setimes can. ♪ youonusfeeletter, u feel bettekning ctorrecommend leno more tn y otr brand of pain reever ♪
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th natns a alis coinue totruge with arop in bins trave bausef e recsion and so ma reers? ha tcutheischedu, shedng rtes and airplanesn order re o the ecomic turben and that in turn s anged e ndscape of o lone strch of arizona dert. u won' fd thisirportn any airne scheder rou mapet lately a lot of airpneend up parkedere with n pce tgo. at ast,% t55 of e aircra areew generatn ty aircraft. >>eporte are ty park primily foeconic rsons >> yes, defitelyfor econic ason we've ge from 164 aircft in oober of'089 to w weav over 0 aircft in the storageacilit
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reporter:his rawlg ai elof simmering pemenand op dest soutast ophoenix s longeen a place wre o an goo die. >> when iteacheshat life limit, w have a of t usae mponen removed fm the rcraftndhe we crunch the aircftp and it get recled agaiand all ohat metal gets reed. >> repter:ereen aatn recyes o plas and intains an stores othe incling ynger jets pked re temrarilyo wai o todas ecomturbulence anesike thisrandew 7 rgo t that ce he straig frothe eing factor wi demd for freit dn, the airlinthatrdered itore an t yrsgo, simp doesn' neeneed it the moment >> typicalo operate a wid bo aircraft is $7illi or $8 mlion p year, wre you can ste i hereor$60,000, $7000 per yea >> rorter: pmpd first b gh fl prices a economic collap ithe fall, alines
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have slaed cacity, cting fligs, rirglder gas gulinglaneand side linin otrsnopes o stemmg their sgging loes. >>his is anxcelnt locatn becae onhe humidityuns down about 12% as an avera f thye. weon't have huicanes. we don't have big storms come rough re,e don't hav earthquakes. >> reporter: but ty don't jus sihereatheri dust. some of the planes wilind buyers, he will join t flt when travel picks up. >>hy do youave the winws sealed? >> we weren'to keethe nlht ou >> reporr: s they e cafullyreserv i sink wrap and kt in nr fing condion,irtulyea to fly,ut no place to go, in e notoriousl cyclicalirli siness, however, the dert ca takers kn that ll change. aitn t sri ple, severa alines ha recentl be forced to defer or canl orders they ha placedor brand w plas befor the econoc
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downrn. up nexhere tight,he f er queson, chang o o th world's great esathlet.hl is she orsn't she? when wcome bac most aif yore wring i nonlnew dove deep moisture has nutriumisretu rethroh forma witnatumoturerizers. th can nrish deedown it'she most effective naturanoushme er. new dove deep motu with nriumisture superi nural nourishnt for ur with gd odor seld. speciatechlogy emed in the whe bag utrazes odor your kitch ays esh. glad odoshld. whatmell? now availabl in lemoncent. nnncer excein p relies pn fast. pl a sleep a to lp u ll fast asleep.
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>>at the wor tck and field ampionshs inerlin, an maze ng racrun b a yng sprint haisedyebrs and unmfo uncoortablquestions out geer andeannette iident. sthae goskas our sry. >>epter: cter semeny didn just beat tompetition in t 800 meteworld chamonsh, e crhed th. th18ear-old fm sou afca, rativeunown befo thisar,an sast st dnesy, iidn'ake lo for offials and fello atet t sugst she might have a unfair adntag >> it'suspicis tha somethinnotormal abothat. and is very reasoble ihink th ath ment you loo to it. >>eporter:emen isn il of dongbut erare rumors sheight have beenor a ma >> ion't kno whoaidnd i n't know, i dot give a dn about it >> repter: the intertional
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spts fedation, the iwf has launchnd oicial gende investigion but determining jenders not a sime or clr-cuts o may thk. >> we keo thif people as justeing male orfemale actuallythere are seeople th fln bweennd it's fficult to actually asgn geer. >> rorter:he iestigaon wi take da en wcans to colete withot jt one doctor but whole am of exs ruing test in the rur sou aic ville wheemenya grew up neigors coider h a heros thbirth certicate clear state, aoman aa well. >>hey hateder every since they start racin tt'why they me the stori b she relit. >>eporter: s nothe fir malethleteo facehisind of sutinyn in the atlaa gas, eight wenere cked out r faing jend ever tt buwe rnstad aer further physal ams. toy her cmpionship han in th balanc >>f at e end of the this
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instatn it is prove tha athle is not a female wn he move h name. >>eporte b for caste semenya, the golmesahardly e only tngt stak stephaniego, nbc ws, loon it. > when we we comacker tonit,io vacatn me,he first family's island adventure. you've wanted to quit smoking so many times, but those days came and went, and the cigarettes remained. but tay a new day. and a few simple steps can make a real difference in your next quit. things like starting with a o plan tacquit smoking... getting support... and talkinto your doctor about how prescription treatments can help you.
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talk to your doctor about prescription trement options. and make this time, your time. withlaodor seld. spececchl logy emdded nch thwhe g neutrazes odor youriten ayfresh. gladdor ield atmell? now avlable lemon sce. the cleaner you feel olay deep cleaers bond athe eye canee. th remov2 time re dirand ma-up th basic cleanng r a ep can feeng deep cleanse froolay. have you hrd about rala ralax reeves constipaon with nblting no crampg. no sudn gency. announcer: oy mirax clinicallproven to worlike that.
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restore yo bo'natural rhhm with rala all around t world, men th ertile dysnction have asd theidoctoraboucialis ask yo docr if a clis tion irighfoyou becae in aitn to 36-hour cialis, the's anher singption: al for daily use, a w-se tabt yotakeveryay so y can bready anime e mont irigh n:ell uroctor out your medical cdition and l mecationand ask if yoreeahy enoh for seal activit don't ke clis ifou take trat for cstain, ashis macause unse opn oopresre don't ink cohol in excessith cialis. sideffec maynclude heache, set omh, delad ba ache oruse ache. to avo long rm iury, seek immia medicalelp foan erectiolasting more tn 4 hos. y havany sudd dree or ls in hearing or sion... stop ting cialisnd cal yo dtor right ay. anunce 36-ur cialis or... alis f dailyse when the moment is righ you n be rdy.
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ter peapsis tought streh in thwhite use, president oba as w said earlr willpend t comin we relaxg wit hamy on the isld omaha's veyard off th coa ofmasshutts. thocal the a ud to celeity ge awaysut there still thrild to be t obama' vacaondeination. re's nbc's anne thomon. >>eporter: just ve miles off e cape codshe,martha vineyardan feel li a wld away. t this weekend ihas l the trappings of a obamaampaign stop. hs o first bck
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priden rorter: ts isld which st ts cntlin th '90s is e prouchoice of theam their home fb be heronar a 28 acre compou on th uthwespart othe ian thpresidenhimselis spay payi the tpeculad to beeen $25,000 and $30,000. this is the way mteopl com to martha neya, by rry, t thobamsrrivalill be slhtly dierent. th first fily willom by hecopter a unlike th cltons' vithere will n ag wavinrowds toreet them t airpt. >> i contrast, to thlinton whos wen out oft for ice crem and shke, the a no obamaike entschuled r e obamand tir arral closeo the prs. >> rorte lokey is e ve re. the laid back atmosere attracts a lis of cebry, including spikleend sing isr jamestaylor. phil mcandrews owns t offsho alcompy whe pnut slls
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covethefloo bgers a o the gril and a scial esidtial bw n tap. >> we'eryespectl of people les regdlessf what tir walof lifis. so if yore cebri and you want your privac we'reery reectful of . repter: sllf th president veureso o bluff, wn popul wh ricaameran vationershe will seeimlf everyer photosrohi2007ineyd vacaon are at e local m, mily portrt hangat the bakery thoh thblacdog rules is isnd, evebo has s n t-shir the streets aife witumor abt cebriti who m jn thfit faly. wi oah show up how abt tige i'mryintohink of a celeity iaven't heard moreto be re. repter:o maer w shows , the vineyards readto be the ar of e a r a w ca anne thompn, n news, marthaneyard. >> tt's "nbc nightly news" fo is saturday i ster holt
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