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tv   News 4 This Week  NBC  August 29, 2009 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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welcome to "news4 this week." >> hi, everyone, we're going to show you some of the most interesting stories making news this week. among them -- >> i'm going to do it. nope. >> he says he will stick to the seven-day diet in hopes of shedding pounds. find out what the one-week weight loss wonder entails. >> charge anywhere from $50 to $125 an hour. >> the high home repair costs are avoidable. we will show you the four simple fixes you can do all on your own that can save you big bucks. we're going to an old town get away with a modern day
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twist. why you will want to check out gettysburg, pennsylvania. should jew you be buying organi? most of them claim to be free of pesticides and crops that are netically modified. many times they're much more expensive than conventional, is it worth it to buy organic. liz crenshaw has answers. >> reporter: decisions, decisions at the grocery store. studies show you can reduce your exposures to chemicals by eating organic foods. does that mean it is always worth it to buy organic. to find out we turned to ami gadilla, consumers union, which has reported on organics in consumer reports magazine. most shoppers encounter organics in the produce section. but is it worth it? >> if you are buying fruits, vegetables that have peels on them, consuming i would buy thosely organic. >> reporter: that means with
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produce, apples, tomatoes, bell er pepps, vegetables, strawberries, organic is worth it? >> fruits and vegetables you will peel and pesticide residue is not going to be consumed wouldn't worry about spending your money on buying organic. >> reporter: save your money and don't buy bananas, avocados and onions and don't buy organic broccoli and asparagus because they generally have undetectable levels. now weuncocor.te ispe co te is organic meaorth it? >> if you are talking about meats, it means that the animal as raised without antibiotics or hormones or was not genetically engineered. >> if that is important, organic meat and chicken may be worth it. however that's not the case in the seafood department. >> whseafood. don't bother buying organic. the term is not regulated the same way as other foods when it comes to seafood. don't spend your money on organic seafood.
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>> gadilla says organic is not worth it with cereal and pasta. the food is so processed at that point. talking breads. pasta, that kind of a thing that the word organic doesn't have any, doesn't change anything. >> organics are not worth it in the personal care aisle. >> rightm term is not regulated by the usda as it applies to cosmetics the same with produce. >> reporter: however organic is worth it when it comes to babies and their foods such as apple sauce or juice. >> talking about foods that have been condensed quite a bit. any pesticide residue we are concerned about on fruits or vegetables is going to be concentrated all that much more. >> reporter: organics are worth it when you purchase milk and eggs. consumers union says, as bigger players jump into organic marketing, it's more important than ever to understand the term and what's behind it. >> traditionally speaking, organic food is 50% more
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expensive. if you are watching your pennies, absolutely. >>ays to only buy organic when you need to. >> liz crenshaw, news 4. if you are in the market for a job like so many in our country. you may want to check out a local company, hiring in our area. involved in genetics and cutting edge research. as kimberly suiters discovered you don't have to be a biotech expert to find a job. >> reporter: the tug-of-war. the ph is out of balance. the lesson is crystal clear. >> kids don't understand what we do as parents in our work place. we come home. speak to them at dinner. tell them about our day. >> an international biotech company sponsors bring your child to workday to inspire the xt generation. >> how many of you think you will be a scientist when you grow up? >> reporter: among the young scientists, 7-year-old mervin. >> it helps people live more and they can discover things.
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>> reporter: his dad is george kumbu and works in a restricted lab down the hall. >> he is in this room. and he does a lot of stuff. they have these little boxes. and they have like, something. >> he works in the sra lab. works on creating plates based on specifications of sin nettic rnas. >> it helped scientists in university and pharmaceutical labs study gene and regulation. offering promising new therapies for cancer and other diseases. anelia shaw's mom works down the street in the gaithersburg facility. >> my mom works here. >> reporter: what does he do? >> i don't know. she never really tells me. >> laboratory management. >>pecifically testing for hpv, the primary cause of cervical cancer. there are open jobs on all levels here. around the world, from science to sales, manufacturing to
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marketing. scientists help researchers access dna so it can be studied. and down the line so lives can be saved. what happens there is not all that far from what is shown here. >> oh! >> something that is dear to everybody's heart to be able to effect and do things. when you leave here at night the work you have done is used for a positive cause. whether or not you are looking for a job, chances are you have got some waiting for you at home. home repairs can beep costly and time consuming. they don't have to be. and four fixes that you can do yourself and save big bucks. ♪ >> reporter: when all the little things in your home start breaking down, repairs can be extensive and expensive. but a few quick fixes could save you thousand of dollars down the road. >> these are the most common typically 99 cents to $1.49.
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blue fiberglass. good for 30 days. >> first up, change your air filters, no tools needed. no excuses. >> if you don't change your filter, you end up with something like this. which is pretty disgusting. and -- what ends up happening is that your unit has to work overtime in order to get the cool air out or heat out. and so, you, back up the filter. >> gina is owner of several area ace hardware stores. >> plumber will charge $50 to $125 an ur. >> fix those running toilets and clean your faucets. a typical household wastes thousand of gallons of water each year by letting the toilet run which results in high water bills. you can fix the like yourself with the $5 part called a flapper. >> all you need to do, turn off your water. flush it. all of the water will drain out of the back of your tank. add this, put this item on. turn the water back on. that's it. literally. should take five minutes. >> another water waster, calcium build-up on faucets which
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restrict flow. a lot of people buy costly replacements. ginna says save your money. >> take vinegar. pour it into a plastic bag. and put the plastic bag over the faucet so that the actual nozzle is in the vinegar. rubberband is there. leave it there overnight. >> you can save money by checking the caulking in your bathroom. >> caulking starts to crack. water can go through where the caulking used to beach. it causes mold. worse than that it will cause damage behind the wall. >> caulk costs a couple dollars, repair your tub or shower in minutes. finally, check your electrical outlelts. -- outlets. if it is loose, you could have a short. >> flip your breaker. turn off the fuse to your electric. take off the outlet. and replace it with a new one. see if that makes a difference. if you are comfortable. >> if not it is okay to call an e electrician. these are repairs you can do in minutes. regular maintenance will equal
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big savings down the line. >> another quick fix, seal windows and doors. most people do it during the winter. it will save you in the summer as well. so much more ahead on "news4 this week." one woman's medical mystery solved. details on a common medication making her sick. how one teenager's tribute put her in
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organizer of aecord
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breaking dance sequence is from our area. he calls it a case of his michael jackson session gone wrong. [ "thriller" plays ] 247 students at william & mary performed the six minute dance to michael jackson's thriller. and broke the record for the largest group to perform the routine. the 21-year-old, organized the dance from eastern alexandria, and plans to donate the guinness record to the college. quite a feat. th first film debut at the cannes film festival. able to walk the red carpet with the stars and show her touching piece on holocaust survivors. not bad for a 15-year-old, right. wendy rieger has the story. >> reporter: michelle is an effervescent 15-year-old from silver spring, maryland, already counting the stars.
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>> penelope cruz, spike lee, and i would look to meet kanye west. i would look to meet so many people. leo of course. >> the documentary was selected for screening at the cannes film festival. a hauntingly beautiful film. four minutes long. michelle read a poem she wrote to israel covering it and material from the archives. >> love making documentaries, with a jewish theme, there is so much you can tell about my ancestry and my people. i love it. >> reporter: she intersperses her reading with holocaust survivors answering a simple question. what would you give israel as it marks its 60th year of existence. >> many said they would give their life. >> it features her grandfather. >> he was 16. a teenager. basically on the run most of his life. >> reporter: clearly michelle
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pinchuck is not your typical 15-year-old. she is always had a passion for film especially after she got sick as a child. >> movies became an escape. i was isolated from my peers. movies be came my best friend. >> she is a natural storyteller and is working on another film. a screen play and a book. where does she get this energy? >> i like coffee. the energy. i have, some times, just so nice to be able to have energy while you are a student. >> michelle and her family heading to cannes to be part of the spectacle. she is being sent there by the make-a-wish foundation addition. >> i was like, yeah, great. >> michelle has a rare digestive disorder that makes life tough. and is in the hospital a lot. she can't go to school. but she can go to france. >> almost like a two-part dream come true. not only getting to go to cannes to see her film and live the dream of the experience at the same time. >> and the film has won the washington jewish film festival. now it is heading for a larger
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stage and so is michelle. wendy rieger, news 4. still ahead, one of our volunteers, a seven-day weight loss plan. find out what it's going to take. still in that aisle. determined to find the answer for his acne. kid, get a life. i'm trying. the truth is... acne...even when it's mild... is a medical condition. huh? in doctor ?
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ohhhhhh. and that's how tyler came to his senses, sort of, and learned about once-a-day prescription epiduo gel. doctor about epiduo: two of the most doctor-prescribed acne-fighting ingredients in one gel medication. a product you can't get in the acne aisle. dryness, redness, peeling, stinging, burning or itching may occur. don't use irritating products when using epiduo. overexposure to sun, sunlamps, extreme wind or cold may increase the risk for irritation. use of sunscreen and protective clothing is advised. go to and learn how to pay no more than $20 for your epiduo prescription. to learn more about epiduo gel talk to your doctor, call or go to
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a lot of us reach for aspirin or tylenol without thinking twice. imagine if you ended up in the hospital every tomb you took a common over-the-counter medicine. doreen gentzler introduces us to a woman who suffered for years before doctors discovered the mystery. >> i contracted a rash. painful like a burn. >> reporter: that's what happened the first time debby price took an over-the-counter medication. >> i started trying new things, you know symptoms. >> within a period of days her entire skin, from head to toe, just molted like a snake. just peeling off. >> reporter: aspirin, tylenol,
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penicillin, cold medicine, cough syrup, price tried it and the reaction be cam more severe as she got older. and the doctors were stumped. >> that is not a typical drug allergy. people are allergic to a class of medicine. >> reporter: the only common ingredient in those drugs, dye or color additives. the doctor thought that was the answer. so when price came to her with seasonal allergies in march she thought allegra-d would be safe. dye free and didn't contain any ingredients that caused reacted in the past. but the doctor was wrong. >> the skin was really hot to touch. really blistery. this time, i had swelling in my tongue. which never happens. >> price was admitted to the hospital because once again her skin peeled off. highly dangerous because that leaves the body without a protective layer leaving it open to infection. the doctor knew she had to act quickly. she took on the role of detective. trying to find the common
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ingredient in all of those medications. if she were to really molt her skin and god forbid get an infection she could die from this. that's why is is such a severe, drug allergy. >> after days of research, the doctor found the common thing, polyetelyn glyecol. a filler and used in medications. there have been reports of allergies. but it's rare. >> think how often people pop tylenol. you've don't think twice. go in the drugstore. pick what you want off the aisle. imagine walking in there. for her, 90% of the things she has to watch out for. >> debbie price says she is just relieved to finally figure out what has been the source of so much agony over the years. >>. [ inaudible ] >> instead of walking in the dark not knowing. be able to go to a drugstore and pick up something without feeling afraid. >> doreen gentzler.
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now to our one week weight loss wonder. news 4 found little known diets that claim thelp you shed pounds in a short amount of time and found volunteers willing to try them out. this time. barbara harrison shows us one dieter taking on the so-called seven-day diet. ♪ ♪ >> seven-day diet. >> seven days. >> wow. >> tony pompa drew the seven-day diet. never dieted before. but feels he does have some weight he would like to lose. >> i'd look to lose 15 pound. >> he works out regularly. though muscle helps camouflage some excess pounds. he says a quick weight loss plan sounds like just the thing he could use to kick off a change to keep the pound off. he says his weight challenge, like for most men is in one area. >> midsection. >> looking it over he said the seven day die owfo.ll to follow. it is not very complicated. day one you get to eat as much
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of any kind of fruit as you want. except bananas. day two, is all the vegetables that you want to eat. all day. and you can season them with soy sauce, vinegar and mustard. on the third day, all fruit and vegetables you want to eat. >> not bad. i do lack fruits and vegetables in my meal. thursday going to be tough. actually wednesday. all it is, fruits, vegetables. and bananas and five glasses of milk. >> day four, bananas and milk alday. day five, three ouncesf beef, chicken,fi . four times throughout the day. along with as much fresh vejys as you want. day six, three ounces of beef four times during the day. more fresh vegetables as much of any kind you like. and the last day is the as the day before. >> i'm going to do it. >> know. >> he says he plans to continue working out on a daily basis throughout the diet.
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>> try to give this a shot and see what happens. i am always up for challenges. barbara harrison. news 4. >> have to check back to see how tony did on the diet. always consult a doctor before starting any weight loss plan. coming up -- get away few an historic city where there is something for everyone. fi
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[ engine revving ] [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check
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thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically. if you haven't made summer travel plans yet, may want to consider gettysburg, pennsylvania. a lot of change in the last few years. it blossomed into a town that includes a rich history with exciting venues. megan mcgrath has more. >> reporter: a moment often re-enacted. the battle of gettysburg, the turning point in the civil war. in three days, a bloody battle. union forces fought back confederate advance. changing the tide of the war and ultimately preserving these united states of america.
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>> battle of gettysburg is such an important moment in this nation's history. it's not where the nation was born. but where the nation was saved. and i think -- the identity we all have as americans in many respects comes back to gettysburg. that conflict. that we somehow got over and got past. and emerged a stronger nation. >> gettysburg national pk is an historic gem. more than 1 million visitors come each year. looking across the beautiful field, many try to envision what it was like. >> you are able to walk along the battle fields. see how some of the generals made their decisions. and basically, and just think what you would do, or what i would do if i was here. >> helping paint the picture is a beautiful new museum and visitors' center. dedicated in 2008 with over 1 million artifacts in its collection and the museum tells the story not just of the battle but of the people who fought, the lives that were changed and
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the legacy that was created. begin by watching the wonderful documentary. narrated by morgan freeman. then visit the cycle-o-rama, and the painting depicts pickett's charge. if you visited the old museum. you will find that much has changed. >> an example of what really makes this wonderful. it is a great historical thing. puts it in so much perspective. >> famous for the battle. getty burke is a charming town. filled with shops, restaurants. and buildings. stop by the david wilms house and see where abraham lincoln put the finishing touches on the gettysburg address. the countryside is lovely. one nice stop is the historic round barn and farm market. inside this unusual structure, you will find local produce, and
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crafts. and if you are traveling with young kids. another good stop is land of little horses farm park. where you guessed it -- theypin critters you can feed and touch. >> do you want to feed him? >> megan mcgrath, news 4. that's all for "news4 this week." i'm eun yang. thank you for joining us. have a great weekend.
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