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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  August 30, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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the line. i don't wanto think that my sons the lastne in my family that can mak a living out here. >> reporter: aurf war atea puttg lstmen in a boil janet shliannbc ws, matinicus, mne that's "nbc nightly news" fothissu. tomorrow..l be here i'm lester he was like this little body jusalking arod without a so. >> it's a dica mystery affecting millions of children, and this is e doctor who thought he finallymade a breakthrough. >> then something hapened. thathildren fl aprt. >> autis he ugsted, might be caused by a comn chdhood vaine. screing ] >>soon, pares everywhere were
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questioninghe safety of vaccines, but many xpertsere queiong th dotor. y think he done a l mage? >> know he dne a lo of dage. >>as he movated bymeci? >> t doctor is a hero. i on't know ere we wld without him. >> or moy? howuc hasndrew wakeeld pai to be anexce i that case? >> about the-quarrs of a million s. dollars. >> ho safe are vaccines? tonight,n elusive ierview th t docr behind o of e most explosive debates in modern meicine. iasn't suref i would see a halo or hornoming out of your head. "a dose ocontvsy." good eving, everne, and welcom to "datene." i'm mt laer. the last thi a n parent nee is one mo thing to worry about and this one w a doozy. study in reected medical url, lansing, suggeing a ssib lin between a certa vacne and tism that study w puished just
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over a dedeago, and despi ner studishowg no link, the date rages on you probably now. what uay not know isthat thi enti contrversy was rst triered just one doctor, a british ctor. heas rely spon on televisin, b he recently s down foran excsiveinterview with u nealyhe ente medal estaishmnt insistshat he is ong. is itossible he's riht? he one of th most conoversial figures you prablyever hea of. >> i encourage you to b stroer, stk tether d nite. >> but hha influencedhe les andtired t passon millions of pen worldwide. i don'know wree ul be thut him. >>hile ouagg the mecal establishment do youhink he's done a lot damage? i think this manhas done tremenus amount of harm. tonight,datelie" takes an unpcedent lokat an emotional date surrounng vaccin and autism.
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>> i dot thinkt's terribly harmf to say haveall th swerssp, ut down the research, done as any questions. al the questions byoeans he been ansred. >> andwe'l tlkexclusively to the doctor whostarted it all. >> i knew wh i we in it at there as gngoe contrersy and it w going t challenge people opions. >> it's mre than controversy, though. hi has ploded, doctor. is dr. andrew wakeeld a hero who ccked t code o e of medine's great d elusive ystees? >> t ras that you an i are sitting here now, matt and the reason it hasn't gone away is that 's real. it's real. >> or has hetrayethe trust of mions of parents around the owor? >>'ve hard people call y everything from chlatato a aud. ndrew jeremy wefield was a child ofpvilee, raised here infaal and aient to of bh,engld. h hometown is considered one the most mjestic and
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myerio ithe world for centurie the nuralhot springs th bubbl up ints center were believed toe blsewith healg powers it was dl tting r uture ttg,he son of two promintphysicians by the ear '90s, he w csiderd a ring star at london's ral free hospital speclizing in gastentelogy, thety thdigestive system. buwith o phone call, he says, evethng chand. >> the 17th o may995, i'll never foet it. mother phoned me up and sid my k wa perfect ormal, he had speeh, languag eye contact, interacted with his sibngs, then he lo it the lights in hisyes went out anhe w evenally diaosed having autism >> let m stopyouor a second because'm se you'v goen a lot of phonecalls from parts in desperate situatis about a deariy of subject what was it out that cll tat stoppeyou so in ur acks? >> well, i' ha calls out
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cotis, butever a call about auism. she said my child has terrib, errib diet oblems. i know e's in pain. e can't te me 's inain because he used to beble to sak b he n't spk anyme. i thought, where is the lic in th? why shou a cld with ati ha chnic bowl pain and diarra? >>nd asyou set aboutrying to answer thatquestion, what stage, or was there a ment where a light bulb we of >> i tinkherewa afer tha ll cam i receed a multituofalls telling exactlt same story. >> over the cour ofheext yea wakefie's te examined 12autistic children,nd wat eyound stunned them. of the ildr had what appearedo be a mysteris new bowel disse. a subtleinflammio but it was al and itas there. but wh concned dr. wakeeldas wt mo of tparent told m,that the symptoms of tism, tnbo disea, h both comeithi weeks after their children we
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vaccinat with the mmr, a combinatn sh given to event measlesmuches, and rubella. sompeop mit have look a that evidece ofnflammatn, doctor, and said cocidence, it's aunusual coindence. butou decide toook fuher to seif it was more than coindence. well, if p the pentsre rig abouthis anthey say th m child disappeareafter a cce,hen weveot t take that ery, veryseriously. >> drkefield came to believe that in som children givg th combined mmr vaccine might be too muc of an assau on the developing immune system at e time andthat, instead ofbeing cleared out o t body, the msl virus from the mmr sometis stuck arod, inami t inteinal lining, allowi dangerous tins leak out in the oodseam. dr. wakefld thoht thatn somchildren those toxi could then avel to the brain, causing aism. > then sething ppen.
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their chirenell apar >> in februaryf 198, his findings were published in the prstigio mical joual "t nce et" a the headlines were explosive. >>octors haveiagnosed new dias whh they say shows a possle link between autism and the- >> rubla, which give on t most chilen oveth age of1, habe linked wh auism. >> wha do you remember about the headlin the day aft the essconfence >> headneare always dramatic, bu the hdles i some newspapers were. you kno vaccine lied to autim. now, i didn'know. iidn't have t proof. so, my concn was to get the correct message out there. >> and so, dr. wakeeld counseledarents not to use t coin mr, telng them in th video made the royal free hpitalto chooseingle vacces given or a san ti insad. >> wou recommend to u the single vaccines. ou do notincur a greaterri of those diseaes in the chdren. >> heays at he based that
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adce iswn exustive eview of the mical literature. you're a smt guy, and you know that ctorith your putaon in yo osen field and aublication wi t reutation of"the lancet" tha thnformation mes together in tse t w place and that was going to be a turning point in the thinking of a lot of paren. >> absolutel iui accepd th. e oly honest perction cou coey to people was if it were me, if at we my child, wh would idoormy ild? i would wanthe optionofhe singleacnes. > and yowere ae t do that witht saying i have no proven link but i ve fou edence that stngly sugsts me you eaking hee, tthat linmay be present. >>es. the y is the precauonar principle, puttinghe safety of children first. >>is adve cause dand r ne melevaccines to sr d for themm to fall. >>etting 0 calls day from rets wntinthesingle
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vacne om swierlan >>v tugh . waefield's findings mightnly plyo a smll numb ofutist hildren, h teory had cght fire. hi, niki. i'm any. a televisio movie c ea the silence" rtyed h a heroctor and aaveric cientist. >> "lancet has agreed to publish the paper. his fame grew, en k cchgon i the united stes, wher a sll tocal movemntas under way questioninvaccine safety. but sodr. kefield's they wod beontradic by lger studies, andhe cedritism from the mic estabshment, leading tough questis from a seasoned invesgative reporer whothought there was more to dr. wakefie's findings than methe eye. >> is thing stk from theay itapared. >>coming up -- was th doct's resrch mivated by
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an interestn helping othe or helping himself how mch w andrew wakield paido ben pertn that case? about three-quarts of a milln u.ollarol >> when"a dose of corovey" contues. ofin thigls box... and askeher to clean. cusee, i goto get my ds, so. i don't ve time to can all ts. worri. pledge mti surface is fasand effectiv ni. qukly cleaning all these surfes. st. wo i'm ne.
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( exles ) ( clears throa) oopssorry. ean more faster. th's t buty pledge lti rface. s. jnson: fami company realood at e right ice! thiss the primo stf. e appetizeand two premium entrees. just twenty bucks-every da nuinfo. gerous poions. geus pce. 2 fo$2 oy applee's. i on't think s a pair of capri pants ver in a million yes one pair of i shorts: n gonnaappen the perfec pairf ans: priceless use ur mtercar d u could win e perct pair of jeans and a trip in maercard's brk in your ans promotion.
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e perct pair of jeans o says a birth ctr pis ve to be t same? o says o ys youave to have 12erio a yearn the ll? o sa? diyou kn... diyou ow... did yoknowhawhen you're on a rtcorol pill, there is nmedil need to have a nthly period? likether rth control lls, seasoniq 99%ffective and yo take ieverday. but stead getting yo period every month, yoget itvery 3 mons. th'4 peods a year doctor told mi'm more lilyo haveleeding spotting betwn periods. this cane ight to a flow ke a regular piod and ould decrease or ti. like other birtcontrol pills, prescripti seasonie s riourisks, includinblood clot, roke, anheart tack. smoking increases thesris, escily you' ove35. if you've er d an of these cditions, ceaicancers, o y cou bpregnt, yoshou not take the pill. the ll does notrote against h.i.v. s.t.d. geall the facts at
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o saysthatime ofhe month" has to be evermoh? who says? who? wh punctuate your le withewer piods. ask foseasoniq. >> london 1998. resechers led by drndrew
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wafield h made atunning announcent that the combination measles, mumps, rubella vacne couldpossiby be linked wi utism. >> the damage tohe behaviorl, developmtal chang tnds to occ quiteoon afr ainisation. > w big adeal d yo tnk this s gong tbe? i thght i was ingo be ve big al. >> to investigative reporter brian de, e report raid a lot re questions thananswer >> who werehesehildren? whe d they come om? yas it thearents we saying tat abou the mmr? >> , in 2003, afte wchin mmr vaccinaton rtes he uk sink to all newl, he lnched an instigation into the resear ofr. andr wakefiel wht did you art to find out about d. wakefield whenou looked itot more >> the fir thing washe was not an dependt searer. hehe himselfout to b a guy who was doing resrch at a london hospital a, ifou like umbled ohis conctioor possible
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conction. deer learned th wafield was workg as a paidexpert in a class actionuiteing plann against mers of the mmr by parets who believ their chdren we dmaged by the vaine. >> d. wakefieaseing paid by fi of wyrs for two yearsefore he ever publied this report. no sputing that? no diuting that. >> a deer aeg thhe childrein "the lancet" sdy re recommended to . wakefield by plati's torney in charge of th case. >> as progrsily exposed at, idisceredow mh moy he be pad, whoaid im the mey, what it was they want him torode f that mone and he pceeded to g aad an deliveron tat agenda. >> yo sde disceredhow ch ney he wasaid. in youopinion, w much was andr wakefield paid to bean exrtn thatcase? >>bout thee-quaers of a million u.s. llars. >> and deer raises another poi abouthat he cimsay hve motited dr. wakefield pinions regarding the fety of he three-ione mmr.
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it's your opion that dr. wafield wainvolvedith t delopment oanothe vaccine. thas right. tha the mmaccin were called io qstion, that he vaccineouldeme much mo viabl d rhs muc more profitab. >> that'rigt. >> bak that down for meth othe vaccine. whatid youi out? >> well, wound therinal tent document where he appli for a vcine tt was supposed saferha mmr. >> this is the patent applicatiothat ban deer foun filed by dr. wakefie in ne of 197, eight months befo his study was ublishd. it far single measles vaccine. d though it w ver oduced, it is describe partas a new vaccine for the eliminati of r. so, as an ivestigive jourlist, that sets o at kinof ala inyo mind? >> well, he's gotmassiv cflict inerest. it's mo about creating concern about vaccine safet the more
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n he makes. >> and whendr. waefield needed mo bld samples from cldren for his research, he t them rom children atteingis s'sbirtay rty and then jokedbout it during speaking engement. > we d th ath pty. >> asou starto gather this information, some of it very daing ainst andrew information, some of it very daing ainst andrew w case, youent wild case, you went to go ta to the head of he lancet the medical jonal that initlly publh wakefield'sinding. >> that's right. >tell m about tat conrsation. >> there re six his seor etors sittinthere, a memb parlientsittinthee. he meeting wentn for ve hos. >>ou re now presenti inceto them that nobodin the uk wants tohear. >> that's rig. least of all the editor othe lanc." >>ecause tat wld ke them inom way culpable. >> because they published this garbag >> so, afr allour infoation is presented t richd rton,ditor of "the lance skwf,id not h so pointaid if i had known
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so or all of this i would never hav published dr. wakefield's fdings in"the lan lant." >> that's coect. >> have you t andr wafield? >> i mhim ce. he came do from aplatform, surround by a group of adori thers an ialkedup to him,ut my hand in his, and said channel 4 telesion. could ialk t ybout your esrc pares veery serious estions t a u, sir. >> thi documtary for channel 4 telesion,hi de hosted and produced and his ont-page aricle deailing his instigion,caused astir, so mu so that ten dr. wakefield's 12 fellow researche issd a atemt saying thatthey quote, formally retcthe interpretion aced upon the repor and atty, quote, wi to ket car thano caus link was etablisd between r vaccine a tism. >> the atticshow that fm
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theomenthen itas revead th wakeeld had actuly been paid for thiresear, vacition rates i the uk strted to rece >> brian deer believe he'd exosedndrew wakefield, the hero docr whoeedto have unlocke the stery of autism. >> dr. kefiel isn all singing and ncing charlata akefie was reed and that's ow caughim ming up -- tou qestions fodr. wakefie. so you ok at me i the eye and say that at theime u were doing your research yo wereuilt ofo in wresthatsoe conflicof teinrest whatsoer. t-a-b-l- e- spell? we, honey, that slls... ( inng )vetables oh wait, ianher to eat ... t i n't li lying's ba mommiedot li you get groundedor lyi. nd how am i goin to divthearpool if i'mrounded? announcer: there's full sving of vegetable in every bow of chebordee.
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parents obelied hehad found tau and solved t mysry behind the dastating developmeal diorr. then ivestative jourlist bri deer publishedshocki front-page rort in london's "suay times" deilng what he said weotential nflictsof ntestr. kefield had neve revealed, alegatis drwakefieldenies t s
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never publicl addresd, util now. so,ou' look at inhe eye and say that at the time you wereoing yourreseah you wereuiyf no coli o inrest atsoever either the rearchrhe aling with thse cildren y studied. nev. not all. had i ben, it would he bn dilosed. >> so, what out the charge thatis sdy w biased because the chiren invved were prt a actio st? >> none of the cldrenn "e lancet" sudy the time thr referr for investatio non ofthem wre involvedn the nvestigati. >> whyere they chosen,en, tbe involved in the resech? >> now, t's be vyclear. hewere aitted to e rol freeorinstation o tir symoms. nothi tdo wi rearch, noing to do wi class acti, nothing to do with vci. >> werthey eentually iolved litigati? >>ome were. >> dr. keeld admits he w pai to couc esearch on beha of the platiff but for a lar study, one th ever gotpublished. an he says, all of t mon earn went to furesearch.
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, whyhouldn someone less educed on the subjectha you , it a econd, we t a y who tus out to be a paidlegal expert in a clas action suit and he asoappensoe the me guy who raised all these fes aut posbleonnectn between vaccin and autis why ouldn't th bher me? >>t should boer you if it wa't disclose but my involvement as an exper was disclosed in all e pers that were rlevant tothi dr. keeldrovided documents he sid the plaintiffs' attorn faxed to "the laet" beforehi study was everpublished. the domes doenti r. wakefie's workiththe platiffs, but "thlanc's" editor lat saide didt call ever readi them io to publication if we knew th what w know w, we certaiywoulot he plished the pts of the paper atelatedto mmr. >>nd as for theawsu agnst thevaccine make, i was eventually withdrawn for lackf edecegainst the
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mmr. >> ban der also kes this oin hesays, you we invold in theilin of a patent fo a sgle ccine that, if the m vacce were discredited or proven tbe harmful, that you would stand to make a large amount o moneon it. how do youespo to that? >> iteally goeo show how ttlenowledgeabeharmful. here was a patentor a vaccine that was treatment f children atients who are ready infecd withheir, peoplehoor so reas couldn't car the virus in thir bodyecause their immune system wsn't working propery. >> ino w could i be seen as copetitive wth the m vcine. >>absoluly not it does not work in the same way. and final, what out the unsual w . wakefieldgot blodamps for his sear? youdrew bloodrom some chldren o were atteingo son birday rty, and, in fac even joked about it, wch
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wold i guess raise ve ovious queions aboprcedure te me about that. >> we need some ctr blod rom ilen who we entirely nmal. andso, i asked my chldren, an my wifeai wve got a birthday rty coming up, we've ot some mecalfriends. whyon't sk ifh'd be prepared to let their children do it too. seven oright people sai sure. >> i don't knowhy tt sounds nnytome, but it does. were th pai forhe samples? >> tey we reward. they weren'tpaid. how were they rewarded? >> a the end of the party they were giv fipounds. at e time i gue about - >> why isn thataying the >> wel it'snot sing up front by caressg them at the oend is moy. it'saying a the end is a reard r lping. it's a different thg i ethical rms. i' heard people call y everhingrom a chlatano a frd. in c sitting in front of you, i wast srehethe was gog toee a hal above yur head hos comingut of yo he.
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w dyou el about e conoversyou've gerate ovethisastcade? >> wel i think if y maken obvationhich challenges picy pfi en there ing to be a rectio >> brian deer says that . kefield's explanation for his actis areotng mo than aokeseen. thi bak-and-foh, brian, tween yound drwakefield as beenoing a long time. ems that dr. wakefield has an answer fvything you alleg >> the guy es his howork. he alws g a story. >> dr. wafieldasn't tak briadeer reportingrhi comntar lighy. >> tis g suedme, i cld have losmyome, ioulhave lost evything i'm sitti he wating. >> yu're sayi he sd y, we ow tha none wentanyere. >> he pid me mony. i'vegot the collect. >> to pay you legalees. correc? >> yes. >> march, d. wakefieiled a cplnt against de with brain's press complnts mmission agi factual
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inaccuracs wh somef his subsequentreporting on the doctor'resrch. whi the commsiohas yet t rule lond's "sundayimes" says it es notaccept th there is any mer to drwakield'scolaint, a mplai brian dr cal baseless. dyoever wake up a nit, rian, youryesrop ennd you worry that rhapsndrew wakefld is ght? >> the idea that andrew wafield isigo me i inconceivle. there is nopossilit tat andr wakefie is gng to be vindated. not evyone rees. >> d wakeel is a er i d't know where we woulbe witht him. do d before hied'sevotlo >> a door's devoted followi. g. glade sting imessions. two fragnces aernate to keep things... fresand excing day ter day. - and t just for0 days. - inhales deeply, ghs )
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lamisil a diover gives you a casback bos on everyingle puhase what you dwith is upo you. what will you t back th your cash back? it ps dcover.
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dranrew wakefield's study suggeing a poible link between a vacce and autism wasn't jt challenged by inestigative reporter bria dee mt of the mical cmunity ha criticized it, too, saying itas tin involving just12 ildn. n the meantime mucharger studies foundabsolutely no lk. one from nmrk invoed ov 0,000 chdrn. anth om finland studied 1 million children. and in200 the esteem
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ititute of micine here in t united stes iued is ror which said t evidenc favors rejecon of causa relationsp beeen vaccines d autism. in a atement to "datine," t arin academy diatri says tat any carul and repted studs show no lin btween vaccines an aism" and thatvery aspect of dr.waefield's they has beedisproven." see people are being expoedtonformion th says th large medicaltudiesave tak tis theory andblown to bi and hve sai there is danger that mmr, t vaccine, causes autis sowhat's som who n medicay trained pposed do thhat informion? >> it's a vey, veryood queson. wh h hapned he ishat li sysm h trumped the needor ratonalcientific debate. it not you'r one side and i'mn the otr. it's abouan agendthat put
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safety firs >> while dr. wakield may be consideredan outliery mos of thestablish mdical community, there i someoneho beeves he shld b herd. >> sientists have listed tove i theye not popur. >> dr. ernadine healy,ormer head of the nationalnstitutes of health, says there coulbe very smalumber chilen ffected by vacces tha th largetudies might be issing >> i don't think it'terrly humble to say we haveall t answers, stop, sh dow the resrch,don't as any qustio. all the questions have by means enawere >and in thenited states, dr wakefield's populri wit some rent seeo be owing. >> thnk y very muc i'll ner quite get used to amrins. >> today is the last y of the autism search instite's biannu conference, and dr. wakefild delers h much-anticite keyte addrs to an adience ofarts children with autism.
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>> i enormsly grateful to you,nd i encourage yo be ronger dti tother and unite. >> after s seech -- > i'm uriggest n. >>-- tere e queion augraphs, pics, and than. >> than you s much. so, geto emotional. >>hat's okay. >> dr. wakefild is a heo. don't know where would b wihout him bause one would listen to us fore him. >> whe dr. wakieldays he on ggeed spadinguthe vaccine' schede, mny paren heard sethingdifferent -- vaccines cause autism. th belief has gaaned t movement among parents childn withautism, maf whom belie vaccin d some children mearmhan good. the movement s found a passionate spesperson actre jenny mccarth whos son evan was dgnosed wit autism. her concns itial cented on t mmr,hen turned to
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iosal, america-based preservative in somevaccines. hover, itas not been used nce 20 and yet the reported ratefautismas not declid. ut mccarthy a othe believe th children getooany vaccin and that daerous toxnstl lurkin the llng larry king rliethis year -- >the ccinesre notsafe. ke a betteroduct, d th parents ll vcinate. >> with no mainstream scienfi stues nfluenceer views, r inuence is a pzle for som like the pediatrician at childres spitalf philadelphiand a worlrenowneexper on vaccines yodio belie th eneoplere trng to figure out, tis ce, accines cau autism orwhatcauses autism,hey uld urn to expts instea of cebrities fgure thout. >> he spoke out on behaof vaccineafety i the united tate
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>> you ha now studi looking at huneds and hundreds of thsas of cldren whdid did t get t mmr vaccine, an thesults were ear - mmr didn't cau autism. but stemes like thatave come wh a ice you ve been caed som horblethings. th ha call you a baby-kler. heveaid yoha blood ur hand >> iseen prettybrut, ut odd as this maseem, it doesn't bother me that ch. i men, ido thk -- hasto both you a lile becse you got io medicine to lp people. > and i doelp peopl >> butpeople areccing you of doing the opsite. >> d they're ong, and i think if tey knew me they woul't flthatay. >> the ma ofr. wakield's supporter and tse who beeve vaccnesold hidden nger . paul offit publ eemy numberon you ha had legimate teats against you. >> that's correct. >> o dmed crediblenoug that the fbi ruired him to have a bodygua. another time an anonous caller threatenehis chdrn. >>he gave ildren names
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nd said-- and whe th went to schoo and en heung up. themessage being thf i know where tey go to school they're wiin my cess. >> that's righ and that was the one time actuay tha i nsider stoppi a this. dr. offit is a target, not just for suppoing vacce safety but bcause heimself madeillions of dollarsor ienti a accine,iven to childno prevent aerious form o diarrhea me of the peole who believe dr. kefld look at you and th say, okay, wait a send, let's dissect paul oft for ecd. they sahee'sa guyho created a vacne, so of crse he'snot going to say anythg that wou call into queson other ccines. t's jst against hna >> well, firstf all, i have calle ito questiother vaccines. when the united states wted to move forrd on a smallx vaccine program, i was stil votinmeer of e advisory commiee oimnizaonlaque pracces. i vot ainsthat beuse oug it was a bad move. >> so, you n't thnk you have anyonflic of iterestere a guy who eed a vacneas a
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guy seen as nt wantin to sak ut againstth partul ccine. >> ocoure n. tnk the fa that iord fo 25 years cree a ccine thahashe capacity toave 2,000 lives uld meat movate me to d th a theward fr doing that was of cours not fancial. my interest ish tryg represt the scice safet so parents can understanit and n't make bad decisionshat put their ildren at risk. >>yhe time a chilturns6, may be given upo 3 doses of ccines. th's me than innyother delod cntry in t world, aving many to onder, is more necessilyettr? >> eve vaccinehat's recommeed pvent a dsease that can cau posbly sufrig, hospalization, d ath. a if you can prevent suerin and dea safely, prevent it. >> i want you togivee some commonnse advice f parets o thre. pregnant women. parents with newbor. at suld they ? becau in many ways there scared to deathabt this. >> th main jobf aparent is
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to putheir ild in e safe poition ssible, and vcine pr v that fy. >> droffit h wtten n boothat cticizes the ti-vaccinemovement, ande caldit "autism's false prophet." you spent a lot of time in that book dealing with arew wakefl why so muchoncntration on him do you tnk he's de a l of dage? >> i know he's doneot of mage. i thi this n s dne a trenusmount of harm, a amas me that he doe't ccept the responsibilitfor that ar comgp -- t excluse ok inse the ctrersial clin he in t.s. whe dr. akefields nducting s latest research. >> echep rntrese tg he represent t ildrenwe've seenrom rious area 48 states.
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> l's have a look.
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>> in 2005, 11 months aer brian deer'snvestigation appeed o thero pa of lodon's "sunday times," dr. andw wefielde the united kingdom y now workhere inheunit ates. you left royal free in the u and you dn't justleave that hostal andgo find another hopil. you left thcountry. and some would sou got run out o town ishat fair, is that fai no. ihose to leave. iwasted tee years wh grevce procedure. i had t goat on wth t work, anhat'hat's most mportant. h wo is now rein austi texas, where he is executi direct of t a pla he calls thghtful house. >>his is a map of each pin reprenting some of the chlden that we've seen from vario area 48 stat a 48 diffent countrs of t world. e' very proudf this. >> stand up. >> thoughul hse doctors diagnos treat,and drwakefld believes ira cases cev help ildr
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rever from autism. >> i just wa tobring y up tooytday-to-day wh so o the data. despite datahing otrwis inclung from the mayo clin, drwakefield insist that autism and bow disease are linked, d, hesays, belves h kws a way t hep. >>hehave medic condition,so let'snvtiga th propey, as phicians shoud be, le's diagnose whatever prlems th have, and treat th. >>n you expeence, basedn yo wk athoughtlhouse, have you made these cildren significantly bter? >> well, i am not ivolved in the tatment se. >> you don't have a mecal lie since. >> not in the tates. >> you'ren rearch here no cense to pracce medicin exactly. i have a rect relationship with the patnts. >> ecdotay, do you have evidencehat - >> we haveoi meetgs. we si totherver wek. that'the pintf it. have ajoint apprch, a they get better? absolutely. >>homas is profoundly autisc
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nd hisarentsha divim 1,2 miles fm mnesotao thoughul hse in texas for hp. at11 year old, still wrs a dper, undresses hiel in publ, and often, wtht warng, will la out. >> look at h arms. >>t anne whin striking stance. >> this is wh happens wen he's inpain. including himself >> e'sbeen to the e.r.ive ties intheast yar fr wh he gets ma he go for gss, heits gs his wrist was all cut u all scarre >>homas'aren belie reaso he beves is w is beause he'sin pain from a hidd bowel diorr. 's been cstipethe past yr and half,oe thought we coul get helpfrom minsota a we were wrong > they lowe us to accompa them t a surgical center affiatedith thoughtful house while tmas gets aendoscy, colospy and a g iopsy. >> we'eginning tha so
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hope from the top all e way to the bottom. >> scod by dr. wefield's colleague, dr. ah ciga oill be lookior inlammationnd ulcerio in e esophag, smach, and colon symptomshat dctors say ay be cce induced. the door told us the majority of the childrewhoome to b scopedat tughtl house, up to 85% of them ha the condition or aother destive problem. teir labol, ty' ten been to on two, thre gas to entelogists, o, o, thre pediatricians. >> but hritics wouldskho can he help em wnhe treating a condition that doesn't es accoing tresident of the amecangastrosbroj cal codition,t is not recognized. however, the doctor is cnfiden thathe workat thghtf
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house wll entually change th. there enough inrmio in these ildren t keep unersity prrams goingfor e nextten year andt's a whole new dsease. >> over theourse of next two hos, thomas ll be dated underenernestheaorthe invesgative predes th wilco h parents $400 out of ocke and rit now we eoong his palate >> whil criticsod say the cas mode ar stingheir mon,heyon'tseet tt way. >> i really think thers somethingwrong. >> and th believe tt treating thas wth medication, suppments, o a specl die recommdethrough tughtful houseight somedayhelp bring their n back fromausm. >> we'reot loing f a cu riht w. we'rethinng 's going find somethingn thomas buif he oesn, that's just e more checff thest, and as parents hve t contue go and find wat the next thing to cck off this list. >> a lile over an hour later and tomas i in recery. >> a upleildrofter findgs. no inflammatio that would
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plain, easilyplain his degreof pain. >> kay. >> ler test revealhomasid have iesnalnformaon thgh the ctor couldn't dermin what may ha caued i netheless, after wh the docto calaggressive trement withailyaxatives and mth lon clnsing, thcase modls s thr s is improving. ut dr. krigsman ha also come under fire. earli thi year in a hi-pfile ce, a court criticizedr krigsn's tratment of onef s sevely autiic ptien who, like h undergo s,ho undergo invasive procures. the girl parents blieved vaccin caus herautism but t court rejted thir clims, saying the famy had "ben misd by pysicians w are guil of gromedical misjudgment" and that "t rertsnd advice gen by dr. krigsman have been very wrng." b dr. krigsman disagre with
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he findingsndays heand his colleae, dr. wakefield,ill ess on. >> t's a b emrrassing perhaps, but ino way wlhat deter me o anyo her at tughtful hoe. >> what e authorities ned to reize is tt t cildr are nogoing away, e parentare not goingaw, and'm not going aay so, we need too on d deawitht. >> and that's exactly wat concerns drwakefld's crics. >> if yore part of a th autismnd you look athat maitrm medicine has f to yo re's a man whoays i know me thin that canmake ur chd bter. that's normally suesti to parents. >> comingup, the searchor the cause of autismntsifi and atong last a reas forhe. when parents a me, you knowso what's the tuhold? i say it holdnothing but good annocer: say llo the canoers. - the bget masters. - ♪ yah yeah the kno-out aists ho are findi more ys
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> 30000 children in the ited atesre diaosed with autm, a colex developmental disder that canob tm of theiabilityoounice, to conct. dr. anew kefield, one of the most controveial figus in the fiel says heever proved the mmr causes autm bute was the fst ctoro raise poible connection in small number of children. and evhough subquent sties have sproven his hypothesis, to h suppoers, many of wh are parents livin with auti, h's aedical
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groundbaker. yocod so shatou're dealing with a gro people, parts, o are so emotionally involved in th and whoreo despate r answers that they perhapshave not examined the cice carefly engh. ty' simp looking for methingr someone toblame, and yo crics say you're pvidinghat for thm. >>no. wh i amoing a wt collgu did aear as1995 at e yafree a bond was to answer e questio, to ek as doctors to addre the questions that they posed, tat u mighta pos sitcross thedeskbout at happeed to yo cld. >> and just t way y are talki to me right n ishat those parentwanto he and that it wh the peop who talk about you y all the ime. this is guy o stan u for theseeopl who have no e elsetoturnto ando one else has listened to em, a he provid them some comfort or someanswes, but they also say there's no sentificac bind it. >> that' wrong. and itsed to be m
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nyears ag, perhapsthere we st a few docto doing this, just a few, but now thr the arema, many doctors who are tling tametornd i t me thg. >> a many morearents eginning to estionaccine setynd en decidingotto vaccite. >> i he tlook a the th likelihoo of my cld cotracting a disease,ut i ve toot theartilar vaccinationnd lookt the kelihood of a severe or fal actn tothat. >> lavg tnation's pediatricis to eawi the ol >> odaage. >> o can csetbreak in e st ten ars in tis country like we nver sa. the measles epidemic in the ightas mothan anythin we've seenin a decde. three deaths i phidelphia, a deh in mnesotaall perfectly prevtable because of e false notion that vaccine cause aism. >>meanwhile, the search for the cause of aism is intenfying as the nional initutes of helthas cmmte $122 lln twards autism rearch. in sandiego, researcrsare aging therains o slping babies t underand how a
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wh therain connecvity prblems sociated withutism begin to occur >>probably i t second trimester. mhing hasto go wro in brn construction bore t beshaver xpreed coecy. so, wre going st by step acardsn timeryinto identi when theirst abnorma ccuits begin tcomebout. >> and in april,ciensts in phadelphiannouncedhat they hinpoind gne responsib fop to % of autism cases. it was the larst study te, loongt genetics an autsm and a find many reseahers considered a ga anger. >> i think what's gngto happ is 'soing to be like firen aprairie, becaus sme of the most bllntcientis are now interted in autism >> for those scientists wking on the front neto undstand a dirder th affects 1 150 erican children, finally hope. >> whenarentsskme, y know,hatoes the ture hod? i say holds notng but goo
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>> b for dr. andrew wakefld, e fur seems a t less certai llowing brian deer's reporting, e genal medical counc, whichicense physicians in the u beg inesgating dr. wakefieldnd two of his colleagues. his license topractice is at stke how seve a blow do yoink, doctor, that would be ou and yor cribility in is fied? >> l i ink my edibility amgst the people whoi believe count, and th is the chiren who are affect, the rentsf the children who areaffected, will pobabl remain complely uncnged >> areou100% sure that in th end you'll be vincate >> i'm 100% re nothing. d i n't ve an sweror everytng. i don't know wther ccin useautism. i kw it's legitimate question tat needso be ased. a i'mot ging touack away rom it. >soif y're anew pare andou'wonderinwhat you should do autvaccines, here's at the


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