tv NBC Nightly News NBC September 12, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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don'tcrew it up any more than it is. >> reporter: most of the crowd made up of conservatives and independents with different agendas. >> we are losing our countr we think muslims are moving in and taking over. >> reporter: but united in tir distrust of big government and angry at billion and trillion dollar bailouts and rising de. >> y're spending too much money we don't have. they're going to put future generations into debt they wl never get out of. >> we the people have had enou. >> reporter: this rally organized by a collection of conservative and libertarian groups. >> too much power, too littl freedom. it is time to restore constitutionalovernment. >> reporter: almost a eoing a common theme. >> we musttop ts government takeover of health care. >> reporter: and coming after a summer of heated town hall meetings and congressman joe wilson's outburst at president obama during wednesday's addss to congress. >> you lie! >> reporter: among today's organizers forr hou majority leader dick armey, now the chairman of conservative action
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oup freedom works. >> i think if it's necessary, we'll com back next year at this time. >> reporter: a css section of america determined to be heard. a handful of republican lawmakers also here day, but the republan leadership largelwasn't. they met with organizers on thursday, but bynd large, amy, this was a grassroots reunn, ifou will, or an oanization that broht so many people here to shington. back to you. >> tom stello, thank you. and now to minneapolis and another rally. th one by the president. part of his campan to change health care. nbc's mike viqueira has that part of the ory from the white house. good evening, mike. >> reporter: gd eving, amy. after hearing shouted objections and cat calls from republicans in his address to congress this past week, today presint obama t a decidedly different reption a his first hlth care rally sincehe speech. >> and i have toay i can already e this cro is a lot more fun.
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>> reporter:ardly a jr to be heard in minnesota wherer. obama was greeted by supporters of his health care plan. >> we got to do something. >> reporter: outside on the street, difference of opinion. but inside it was a campgn-style ent witthe president appealing for suprt fromhose who alreadyave insurance wning that without reforms, nothi is certain. >> nearly half of all americans under 65 will lose their health coverage at some pointver the next ten years. more than one-third will go without coverage for longer than one year >> reporter: butost republics ar't swayed, and today one gop leader accused the pr president of turning his back on their ideas. >> insad of lking, the president and congressional democrats shou spend a little more te listening. >> you l! reporter: and more fallout from reprentive joe wilson's ouurst. >> i will not be muzzled. >> rorter: wilson has raised more than $750,000 in the last
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three days from sympathetic supporters. but now docrats have issued him an ultimatum. either apologize publicly on the house floor or face a formal reprimand colleagues. meanwhile, the white house has taken steps toounterclaims made by wilson and others that illegal immigrantsould be eligible for coverage under the obama plan. yesterday aides revealed for the firstime that the president's plan would requi applicants to provide proof of citizenship before being gntedovere. the president plans to keep his public campaign for health care form goinghisoming week. he appea at a campaign-style rallygain at the university of maryland just outside of washington this cominghursda am nkueivirahankou big questis i t qug hesti i the heah fusoctedef moocrnin mornins "meet the press." among guests senators durbin and cornynnd howard dean and newt girich
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and now to t desperate search for a missing bride-to-be. annually le a ph.d. candidate at yale in new ven, connecticut, was supposed to get married tomorrow. now there's no wedding, but ere is no evidee that norts say may be cnect to her disappearance. nbc's mike taibbi has e latest. >> reporter: whilehe fbias cautious today saying it's still not known what happened to her, a police source in new harch has told nbc news that bloody clothes and other evidence were recovered today at the building where annie le w last seen. evidence that points t the strong psibity of foul play. the search for evidence and witnesses haseen intense. the fbi working with dozens of cities, state, andale university police to determi what kind of missing persons case they have been probing. foul play or just cold feet? in a press conference late today, caution. >> we are t in a position today to conclude whether this is a missing persons case or
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whether criminality is invoed. >> reporter: but also a reference to new llyiscovered evidence. >> all i will say is that items that could potentially b evidence have been seized. none have yet beenssocted with annie le. th itemseized are being examined to determi ifhere's any association to annie le. >> reporter: 24-year-old med school student annie le was last seen at 10:00 a.m. last tuesday when a surveillae camera recorded her enteringhis office building. three hours later -- >> there was a fire alarm triggered, wasn't planned, and the building was evacuated. reporter: but apparently none the building agencies seven caras saw l then. >> how many dozens, ybe hundreds of people similarly dressed in white lab coats perhaps could have left building athe same time? >> reporter: le was married sund on long island to longtime sweetheart and columbia univsi grad student jonathan wid you a ski. she wrote on her facebook page, lucky i'm in love with my best
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friend he's been helping dtribute flyers about his msing fiance. the med school dean stated the obvious. >> people are concerned. >> reporter: and students said the continuin mystery was especially unsettling. >> you just don't know what happened to her. >> reporter: now scariest of l, the clear possibility that a student on this storied campus has been t viget of a terrible crime who dails and author or authors are s not known. investigators have been poring over her life, espially her electronic footprint. >> there are computer, her facebook account, who she's bee twittering, her credit cards. any electronic signal that could have suggested h she was communicating to meone. >> reporter: but after five days her disappearance has not yet been solved. >> we don't knowhere she is. we don't know what happened to her. we don't know if arime was committed or not. >> reporter: investigators say they have not identified any persons of intest, let alone suspects, knocking down some published reports because it has
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not been determined yet that a crime has been committed. amy? >> thank you. firefighters from around the nation poure into dodger stadium in los angeles to remember and honor what of their own. both were killed fightin that massive wildfire that is still among ose payin tribute today was vice president biden. our report tonight from nbc's lee cowan. >> reporter: under a blue sky, they came in their dresslues to honor and remember. >> this is how we cope. this is how we mour >> reporter: somewhere in the smoke and the flames of l.a. coun's biggest wildfire, captain ted hall and specialist arnie quai nons slied off a mountain road. the fire they died fighting had been the work of an arsonist. >> f those responsible for starting this re, we will find you.
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reporter: it was one of the largest memorials for firefighters since those somber days after/11. california governo arnold schwarzenegger called the two giants. >> we are humble by their courage, by their dedication a by their manity. >> reporter: captain hall was a veteran with a wife and two grown children. >> ted, you are notnly my hetbu w, ou yere my brother, my friend. >> reporter: specialist quinones was expecting hisirst child this month. >> when two men tell others to hunker down and race out to fd a way out,hat takes a special brd of m or man. >>eporter: and then a persona note. >> it was only in retrospect that i was able to gain strength from the memorial service i attended fory wife and my dahter, but i say to the
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family you will draw strength fr this. >> reporte there are no suspects in the arson, now a homicide investigation, too. but for the fallen, what mattered wasn't what started the fire, but to save tho in its path, and in that they did. lee cowan, n news, los gele >>still ahead as "nightly news" continues for this saturday, direct hit. an american city strgles to make a comeback after a killer storm. and later, a member of the greatest generatio returns to a small town to reclaim what he buried 65 years ago. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywheren the country for low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by good 7, 8 pounds. maybe five.
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i can't keep anything from you. you better read about plavix. if y have a.d., plavix can lp proct you from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together anforming clots- the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. dad don't put this off. p.a.d. more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or strok promise me you'll talk with your doctor about plavix? i'll do it. i promise. (annouer) if you have a stomach ulcer or other condition that causes eeding, you should not use plax. taking plavix alone or wh some other medicines including aspirimay increase bleeding risk. tell your ctor before planng surgery or taking aspirin or other medicines with plavix, especially if you've had a stroke. some medicines that are used to treat hearurn or stoma ulcers, like prilosec, may affect how plavix works, so tell your doctor if you are takingther medicines. if fever, unexplained weakness or consion develops, tell your doctor promly. these may be signs of ttp, a re, but potentially li-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than 2 weeks
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after starting plavix. other rare but serio de effects after months of drough the story tonight i south and central texas is just the opposite, downpours and flash flooding. and it been one year begins galvton,exas, took a detective hit from hurricane ike. more than 100 people were killed and property damage aed uto nearly $13 billion. tonight nbc's janet shamln reports on galveston's struggle to get back to normal. >> the folks probably already ow they have no homes to come back to. >> reporter: when hurricane ike stormed galveston a year ago today, it tore up the town. but couldn't break its spit. >> right now it feels like it abt five years. it just seems like it's been forever to recover. >> reporr: if adone onaso give up, it was tom laon
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kroux. photogra bedouyy hon chronicle outsideis h restaurant after the storm surge turned it into a filthy boil and he this week in theame spot, his business born anew. >> galveston is coming back and i'm convinced it's going to be better than itwas. >> reporter: a philosophy shared by joe andathleen dinky. they returned to find the home pieces. as they told al roker shortly after the hurricane hit. >> it's going to take one shovel at a time. most people in this situation realize that you can't do it by yourself, no m is an island. >> reporter: the couple has spt almost every day of the past 12 months turning a house back into a home. >> there's a lot ofills and valleys throughout life, and you got to overcome these things. >> reporr: amid all the rebuilding and lives started over, the other story of the stm is those who aren't coming back. by some estimates, the island has lost close to 20% of its population. the island's biggest employer, the university of texas medical
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bran, laid off a third of its staff after the orm. those who didn't move away for a job left out of fear. >> i can't go through it again. iould nev put my heart into a home and seet destroyed like that again. >> reporter: sylvia and her family are moving to san antonio, andfor sale signs peppering the island are any indication, she's knotted alone. for those committed to staying, rebuilding has been a slow process. more than 1400 people are still out ofheir homes. >> what we're afraid of is people are losg hope. theonger we go the more frustrated they get. >> reporter: but what galveston is known for,he beaches, are back. a cocktailf cros and construction mixed with splash of hope thathis seasonon't be a mean one. janet shamlian,bc news, galveston. when we come back, wait om sige ht some ight attendants and airli pilots are getting their st ey before the next flit.
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any mome. fancy feast appetizers. simple hh qualitingredients like wild alaskan salmon white meat chicken, or seabass and shrimp in a delicate broth, prepared without by-products or fillers. new fancy fea appetizer celebrate the moment. gathering dus as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise noto wait as long to go for our ride. wi zyrtec ® i can ve the air ™ . according to a study presented by better homes and gardens,
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definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wnkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brilliant winner. i see you're flatulent in three languag... graduated top of your gas... (announcer) got gas on youmind? your son rip is on line toot. excuse me (annncer) try gas-x. powerful relief from prsure and bloating in a fast-dissolving strip. gas-x. pressure's off. but tse days came and went, and t cigartes reined. but today a new day. an a few sple eps can make real dierence in younext quit... ingsike starng wit a plan to quit smoki... getting support... and lking to your doctor out how prescption treatmes can helpou.
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talko your doctor out prescription treatment options. an make isim youtime. now to a story about a very unusual community at one of e nation's busiest airports and the people who live, eat, and sleep there may be the crew on your nextflight. nbc's mara- gets a closer look at t place many pilots and other airline workers call thr home awayromhome. >> reporter: just milesromhe runways of los anges international airport, one of the area's most unusual
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neighbhoods. >> we're looking at a community of rvs. >> reporter: this l.a.x.'s parkingot "" but for dozen of airline workers, it's an affordable home away from me. the space here is just $60 a month. these rvs are filled wi airline employees, pilots, flight attendants, mechanics who are based at l.a.x. but live too far away to commute. >> we've got exactly 100 right now and we have a waiting list. >> reporter: this mechani lives in utah with his wif and son but essentially his home is lot "b." >> i have been doing this now for about seven years. i'm actually he about four days a week on the average. >> reporter: so you're here more ofn than youret home? >> pretty much, yeah. >> repter: why notust move here >> the problem with that is nce ere's been so much turmoil in t industry and it's been very fragile, nobody really knows where they std.
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>>'m alight attendant for a regional carrier. iive 50 miles et of sacramento. this is my tabletop, my stove. it's realsmall, tht quters, but i have everything accessible me. >> reporter: for goodman, married with children, living in lot "b" not only saves money but lotsf time. if youere commutin how long would it take you to get here to ur base? >> reporter: well, by flight it's an hour. if i were to drive, it would be ten hours. >> reporter: dan from the l.a. mes first rorted onot "" >> when youee these people living in trailers and rvs and some of them are pretty basic, it kinof blows that perception. >> reporter: still, goodman says this situation wks for her. >> there's nothing bad aboutt. you're able to have your own living experience and your own place to live. >> reporteut for roger thers only one perfect arrangement. >> i would much prefer to be
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back in utah. >> reporter: spending time at his real home. nbc news, los angeles. hen we come back, the american fiter pilot who survived world war ii now on a rescue mission for sometng very personal. whili was ilding my fe, my high cholesterol was contributing plaque builp in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. shsaid plaque buildup in arteries is a real reason to low cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raisegood. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disse, or womenho are nsing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blo tests will check for liver problems. you should tell youroctor abt other medicines u are taking, or if you ve muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building youlife, plaque may have been building in your arters.
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find out morabt slowing the buildup plaque at then ask your doctor if it's time for crestor. announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astrazena may be able to help. but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be se to tk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your ds, now it's time to take care of yourself. body wash from olay. tone enriching ribbons. two separate ribbons. the white cleanses. the gold moisturizes and has a touch of mineral shimmer to enhance skin's tone. olay tone enching body wash. for skin that shmers indulge in endless choices of your vorite shrp. including new wood-grilled shmp wh a ri glaze. it's endless shrimp -- our best value of the year. now at redobster. ("whish, whish")
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here's the solutn. (applause) is it a bandage you k? no! it's famous, drug free breathe right. (squeaky noise) ingenious flexible strips that fit your nose o gently open ur nasal passages... (free air/deep breath) ...for up to 31% more airflow. (female) wow! (announcer) you'll breathe bett so you'll sleep better! small strip. big relief. bright idea! breathe better. sleep better. breathe rit. a solemn ceremony today in hai. the remains of two u.s. citizens were returned from vietnam. the unidentified remains from the vietnam war will be tested in hopes ty can be identified.
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there are still more than 1,700 u.s. service members unaccoted for from that war. and we end tonight with an incredible journey by a member of the greatest generation. a former bomber pilot who 65 years o was shot down and decided to bury his pilot's wings in a german cellular where he was held prisoner. al these years later he determined it s time to get his wings back. nbc's donna fries picks up the story. >> reporter: t last time bern nard harng was i germany it was a ver difrent place. it w july 1944, fit lieunant harng from new hampshire was leading nine other b-24s on a dangerous daylht bombing mission of a germa aircraft factory. just 25 years old he was already a veteranilot having flown 13 missio. his 14th was his last. >> we were attacked by a group of german fighte, and iless an three minutesll ten aircraft in our squadron were
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shot down. >> reporter: he bailed out and landed unrt in a fieldear berlin. this weekged 90 he and his stepson went back on another mission, to retrieve his pilot's wings, win he took off his uniform and buried in a cellar after being taken prisoner. >> decided to take my wings off and bury them because i didn't want the civilians to know what position i was in the aircraft. >> repter: didn't wanthem to know he was the pilot for fr he'd be beaten or shot. >> just scratched a lite ho in the corner and put them there an covered them up. at'sll. >> reporter:nd so cellar by cellararding tried to retrace his steps. >> this is defitely not it. >> reporter: the village even arranged to recreate his fght path that day, but after 65 years things changend memories fade. harding didn't find his wings, but as hwas about to leave, he hadne las encounter.
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>>ood morning. >> reporter: a villager gave harding a bracelet he recovered from a dd aaron airman, jack h. glenn. take it, the man said, and take it home the m's family. >>f i can fd the family of th man that had tha and give that bracelet back to them, that makes evething worthwhile. >> that's he up there at the top. >> reporter: so did some digging and i chorage, alaskaings we found -year-old helen foreman, jack glenn's h@ sister. >> a surprise is all i can say. >> reporte second lieutenant glenn was 21 when he was shot down over germany. he's burie in belgium. his sier could hardly believe his braceleis finally coming me. >> biggest impact to me is the generosityf the people who had it. that's t most overwhelming and grateful thing. >> reporter: not the ending harding was looking for, but still a mission accomplished. nna friesen, nbc news, london.
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