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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  September 15, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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confronted an intruder with a sword. if losing weight is your goal, think twice about all that exercise. the book many people are talking about, "the davinci code." we begin with the murder of the yale student. police have an arrest warrant. annie le went missing tuesday and her body was found sunday, the day she was supposed to be married. a lab technician, raymond clark, 24 years old and engaged. he worked at the building where her body was found. he lives 20 miles from campus. we are waiting to hear how she died.
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prosecutors blocked release of results out of concern it could hinder the investigation. the virginia governor's race is getting tighter. bob mcdonald leads by five points. the poll gives mcdonald 42% to 32% with 20% up decided. earlier, his average lead was 10 points. they are targeting a thesis paper that talked about working women and untraditional families. he says his views have changed. the house passed a resolution of disapproval against wilson for his outburst last week. he shouted the words, you lie, at the president.
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he apologized. democrats demanded an apology. wilson refused to apologize and called it a waste of time. >> when we are done, we will not have taken steps to helping more american families get health insurance. >> a simple apology would have resolved the matter. the majority of democrats voting for and the majority of republicans against. a vaccine to stop the spread of h1n1 will be available in a few weeks. children, caregivers and pregnant women get it first. officials say they will order more, if necessary. d.c.s metro system is
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protecting from the swine flu. they are using disinfectant. every train and bus is being cleaned on a weekly basis. they are asking passengers to do their part by covering their mouth or nose when sneezing or coughing. wall street stocks closed at a high for the year. the economy is experiencing moderate growth. it will still feel like a weak economy. congress released figures showing total retail sales were up in the last month. companies are taking notice of spending and trying to cash in on nontraditional ways. one is toys "r" us, hoping for a big holiday season ahead.
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we have details on what they are doing about it. >> reporter: well, this move will create a number of seasonal jobs at shopping centers in northern virgia. for the nation's most well known toy seller, its new locations are us. they won't be permanent. it's like the halloween stores that spring up. 80 toys "r" us holiday express stores will open up. the temporary toy stores will be in virginia at springfield mall, fair oaks mall. none in d.c. or maryland. why is toys "r" us, that was nursing the wounds from a brutal price war expanding. they say they are energized by opportunities this season. they are betting recent new good economic news means people will spend more. >> i will spend more than last
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year. for the fact of preparing for saving in the future. i want to be prepared. >> i think people will spend the same amount of money as last year. >> probably the same or a little less. >> i think we are going to be more careful this year. >> reporter: toys "r" us will open centers in babies are us stores. the stores will be open until mid-january. after that, returns can be made at toys "r" us or babies are us stores. >> thank you. the author of the novel "davinci code" is in the washington area. jane with more on this story. jane. >> reporter: well, i'm standing outside the house of the temple of the scottish right on 16th street northwest.
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this building is on page one of dan brown's new novel, one of d.c. landmarks that's part of the publishing sensation. it's a dream come true for d.c. tourism officials. one of the hottest novels set in the nation's capital. they are flying off shelves. >> i think he has very interesting stories. >> i like reading books about d.c. as well as seeing movies. >> reporter: the code breaking hero finds clues around d.c. landmarks. it started in capital rotunda under a painting of george washington. in the past, mason's were characterized in secret si. they say it's a myth. they will take their 15 minutes of fame. >> everyone i have been talking to have been finding it to be interesting. there's some chuckles going on.
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we are the flavor of the day for this week. by next week, people will move on and go to something else. >> reporter: they hope readers of the book will move on and be visitors of the city. they tell fans where to find the local sights written about in the book. a way to cash in on tourists. >> we'll have folks wanting to come to washington, d.c. and experience the things they saw or read in the book about washington. >> reporter: 5 million copies are out on store shelves. they hope every one of them will bring new visitors to the city. back to you. >> thank you, jane. still ahead on news 4, a student confronts a burar inside his apartment after grabbing a southward. the iraqi journalist that
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threw shoes at george bush is claiming torture. i'll tell you what's in the future. coming up in sports, a festive occasion. a career night from an orioles
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a deadly run in earlier between a burglary suspect and college student armed with a sword. the student lived off campus at john's hopkin's university in baltimore. he left his bedroom armed with a sword. before the officers arrived, it was a confrontation. >> asked what he was doing. said he called for police. that's when the suspect lunged at him. backed him against the wall. in a panic motion, he retaliated
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with a sword. >> the burglar is identified as donald rice. he was slashed across the upper body. his hand was cut off. he died shortly afterwards. the same student's apartment was broken into yesterday. president obama's top military advisor told lawmakers there needs to be an increase in forces. they don't know how many more troops will be requested. the 21,000 there are not enough. he's already doubled the number of troops in afghanistan since taking office. powerful democrats spoke out about spending more troops. vice presidt joe biden was in iraq talking to leaders about troop levels. the vice president met with general and ambassador.
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they think iraqy will be ready to withdrawal all forces next year. while he was there, insurgents opened fire in the green zone. two civilians were killed. this was bidens second trip to iraq since january. the iraqi reporter that hurled a shoe at george bush is out of prison. he spent nine months behind bars. the three-year prison sentence was reduced for good behavior. many sympathized with his anger over the war. he says he was tortured in jail. he plans to tell his story on television. there's a question whether exercising is presenting you from losing weight. a man walked up to an
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news for your health tonight. washington is a town full of active people, even on the hottest summer days or coldest winter nits. you can find them jogging and riding bikes. could all the exercise be preventing people from losing weight? >> reporter: 27-year-old rebecca starts her day with a 30 minute walk. >> work it strong.
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>> reporter: then there's an exercise class at lunch and a spin class in the evening. >> when i first started, i lost weight, then i plateaued. >> reporter: her doctor told her to lose another 16 pounds, she was devastated. >> it's frustrating. when she told me, i almost started crying. if i try to lose 16 pounds, i will have no energy. and, you know, because you have to eat to keep it up. >> reporter: doctors and experts insist exercise is a key to losing weight. with the number of gym memberships on the rise, people should be thinner. it's all the exercise keeping them from shedding the pounds. >> i tell them to exercise for weight loss. >> he teaches exercise science at george washington university.
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he says most people overestimate the number of calories then tend to overeat afterwards. >> you can easily cut out 1500 calories. to get that amount of exercise to burn calories, it takes much more. >> reporter: it boosts your metabolism, so after a vigorous workout, you might be starving and lose track of the calories you are eating. others say it's a matter of perception. a lot of people believe exercising gives them the freedom to eat what they want. exercising aows them to eat pizza for lunch or a greasy burger. she sees it all the time. >> i exercise, therefore i can have what i want. i don't have to think about the calori. there are times that i'm like, i
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did this, this and this today, so i can have that piece of cake and not feel bad about it. it might happen more often than i would like. >> reporter: exercise alone might not be the answer to losing weight, but there are plenty of advantages. >> keep working out. ultimately, you are better off heavy and fit than skinny and starving. >> if you are trying to lose weight, do the math. 3500 calories in one pound, cut out 500 calorie as day to lose a pound a week. use a combination of diet and exercise. nobody is saying there's anything wrong with exercising. >> tomorrow, not too hot or humid. >> not to wet? >> not to wet. a few sprinkles. we have the clouds out there. we had a few sprinkles. a batch of showers out there. our temperatures now, we are beginning to see the wind turn
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to the northeast. 74 degrees. it will be the high temperature tomorrow. you like 80 degrees, on average? you'll have to wait unt may 30. the average high is 79. dew points in the 60s. the humidity has been. see the area of clouds, it's coming in over us now. a cool front on the north side of it. it's what we will have. south side of the humidity. we have a taste of that. nothing too much. it's hard to see the showers in the nighttime situations with the stable air. a little aund springfield and into washington over toward the eastern shore. one around shady side. it's about it. they are widely scattered into southern parts of the county. earlier today, there was a quarter inch of rain. 71 degrees now in parts of montgomery county and 68 degrees in great falls.
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you can see the cool air coming in. it's been wet in arkansas. over six inches of rain. we get into mid-september and the tropics are active. there's not much going on. a band of clouds and showers in the bahamas. that's about it. overnight tonight and the remainder of the night, the same pattern. tomorrow, the northeasterly wind. it will be cooler. with time, more of the moisture is coming up our way. eventually high pressure will be on us. as we get into the weekend, we are looking at sunshine with comfortable air. drizzley, a few sprinkles, temperatures in the 60s by tomorrow morning. a lot of clouds around the northeasterly wind. it may be breezy around the bay. perhaps up to 10 to 12 knots or so. a few sprinkles, light showers, nothing much. some of the clouds may break up in the afternoon.
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once again, thursday does not look like soaking rain or heavier rain. because of the pattern, temperatures will only be in the 70s. weekend will be fine right now for getting out and running, tennis, whatever. a chance of showers early next week. >> thank you, bob. coming up, a man found $20,000 on top of a money machine. in sports, a hot boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways -
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on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were atralian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the worst teams in the league against last year's, what do you call it, world series winner?
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>> last week, the nationals struggled with the phillies at home. they opened with a chance for payback. the nationals, they fell behind early. the pitcher gave up five runs. the phillies were on a roll. the nationals lose, 5-0. let's go to philadelphia. there's a reason they traded for cliff. here, in the top of the first, he takes advantage of justin maxwell. stck out in the top of the first. the nationals pitcher, he wasn't so fortunate. in the bottom of the second, bases loaded, hit as bouncer past zimmerman in the right field. he ends up with a double and the phillies take a 4-0 lead. not what the nationals wanted to see at that point. ruiz at the plate. watch maxwell.
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talk about a good looking diving catch. that was nice. the nationals fall to the phillies, 5-0. to baltimore, the orioles. this is not how you start. drives one over the wall. his 14th homer of the year. it was part of a four rbi night for burrow. now, to bottom of the fifth inning. they rally to 2-1. they turn to weeder. driving in nick and melvin. the orioles take a 6-5 lead. they said i had so much fun, i'm not done. up again, with two on, they give the orioles breathing room. he crushes one deep. a career high for the night. five runs down to beat the rays 10-5. the nationals are out of town.
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the rest of the d.c. sports world are downtown. an annual event for the sports alliance. they support the sports alliance of d.c. it's organized to benefit the group. creates early avenues to enhance the regions youth sports programs. they had auction items there. of course, this is an event the stars come out for. he was nominated for the best highlight of the year for a playoff role. the guy that was excited was chris cooley. >> i was honored to be up for that or be nominated for that award. i feel humble that people thought of me when they thought of that. i'm excited. it's a cool event. i'm excited to be here. we had a blast getting ready for it. >> show me the sneakers. >> i have these cool black ones. i went with the tongue out.
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>> tongue out. he was up for character award and he won, which was very cool. he was dressed to the nines as they all were. you said you have that shirt. >> he said he went to get some of his duds, then they drove back. it was a cool event. >> you were great. >> oh, you're so sweet. >> of course. >> way to go, thank you. up next, the supreme court could decide the
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experts answered questions about hlth care reform at a town hall meeting in the district tonight. >> there's much to be learned about this bill. you think you know it all, somebody else says something and you wonder if it's right. >> she invited people to ask questions. district residents were asked to talk about their problem with the current health care plan. redskins could be headed to the supreme court. seven native americans worked since 1992 to have their trademarks invalid. the lawyer for the native americans appealed to the highest court to determine whether the redskins name is defamatory.
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>> it's a tempting situation, you find $20,000 in cash sitting out in the open. it's what happened to a guy in canada when he went to deposit a check at an atm. instead of pocketing themoney, he turned it to a manager. it was deposits by armored employee service. >> it's a good thing doing right has its own rewards. 50 bucks? >> and $500. >> 50 bucks? is that it?
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a personal apology to taylor swift. she went on television to talk about what was going on in her head when her special moment was ruined. >> i'm not going to say i wasn't rattled by it. >> she said she had to pull herself together to perform on the awards show, which she >> andy: from w, which she
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