tv Today NBC October 27, 2009 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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good morning. will they be grounded for good? the faa could decide as early as today whether to revoke or suspend the licenses of those two pilots who overshot their destination by 150 miles. this as they claim they lost track of time because they were using their personal laptops in the cockpit. ready for launch. final preparations under way as nasa prepares to test out a new rocket that could one day return astronauts to the moon. lift-off could be less than an hour away. and take two. the always controversial richard hatch landed back in jail shortly after our last interview. now the original "survivor" is
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live in our studio. what will he have to say today, tuesday october 27th, 2009? captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> and i'm matt lauer. and meredith, the pilots operating northwest airlines flight 188 could be looking for new careers as early as today. >> that's right. the faa is weighing what to do now that both pilots have admitted that they violated company policy and lost track of the flight becse they were engrossed in a complicated new cruise scheduling program on their laptop computers. but is that really what happened, and will we ever really know? we're going to have the latest in a moment. also ahead, more embarrassment for the prominent sports analyst whose affair with a young production assistant has
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cost them both their jobs. his wife has filed for divorce. he's checked himself into rehab for sex addiction. we're going to have more on that story coming up as well. plus, dun, dun, dun, dun, the search is on to find a real-life jaws after a massive great white takes a huge chunk out of a rival. that victim ten feet long. and scientists believe the one doing the biting is twice that size and patrolling the waters off popular beaches. we'll get the latest ahead. >> that's a big bite. >> yeah. let's begin with the cockpit computer use that could cost two veteran pilots their jobs and their licenses. nbc's tom costello has the test on this story. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt, good morning. a reminder that the pilot is timothy cheney, the first officer richard cole. they were out of contact for avon hour and 20 minutes. the cockpit voice recorder did not record what the crew was doing during that certain stretch, but the crew admits they were not paying attention.
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the new details of what was happening on the flight deck of northwest 188 paints a picture of a crew out of touch with their aircraft up 37,000 feet. both veteran pilots have told investigators they became distracted while using their personal laptops. delta air lines, which owns northwest, says that is a violation of company regulations. the ntsb says both pilots admit they did not monitor the airplane or radio calls for a period of time. they lost track of time. and they used their laptops while they discussed crew flight scheduling proceedings. it wasn't until a flight attendant called the cockpit that the crew realized they had already flown over minneapolis. the pilot then contacted air traffic control and turned around. controllers in denver and minneapolis had been trying for 80 minutes to raise the crew. >> that would be such a huge lack of situational awareness that i have never seen in 20 years. i've never even heard of it.
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>> reporter: while it's rare for a crew to become so distracted, it has happened before. in 1974, an eastern airlines crew got distracted discussing the pardon of richard nixon and crashed their plane just short of the runway in charlotte. 72 people died. among the victims, the father and two older brothers of comedian stephen colbert. now veteran pilots are appalled by the actions of the northwest pilots. >> the only thing that they're there for, the only reason they're occupying those two seats on the pointy end of that airplane is because they are responsible to take care of business. and somehow, that didn't get done. >> reporter: in a statement, delta air lines says, "using laptops or engaging in activity unrelated to the pilots' command of the aircraft during flight is strictly against the airline's flight deck policies and violations of that policy will result in termination." both pilots here are veterans with 31,000 hours between them, but both are now suspended until the investigation is complete. meanwhile, the faa could decide
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as early as today to suspend or revoke their licenses. back to you. >> all right, tom costello in washgton this morning. thank you, tom. mark rosenker is the former chairman of the ntsb, on the phone with us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you doing, matt? >> fine. let me ask you a simple, blunt question -- do you buy this explanation? >> it's not my job to decide what the truth is in this particular case. those that are involved directly with this investigation will do a much better job of understanding what happened than i could. >> but do we think it's possible that these guys on laptop computers could be so engrossed in what they're doing that they forget for 80 minutes that they're in charge of an aircraft with more than 140 people on board? >> it is difficult to understand how that could happen, and the folks at the ntsb and the faa will do a very good job, i am confident, of understanding what happened specifically in the cockpit. >> mark, i guess a lot of people -- kind of good news/bad news. let's say we buy their story completely. then we have to come to terms
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with the idea that what goes on behind that locked and now armed cockpit door might be that two people up there just don't pay attention, and that's not going to sit well with the flying public. >> it won't sit well with the flying public, but the reality of life is, is tens of thousands of flight operations occur every day. every day they occur and they occur without incident, without accident, and that is why we have one of the safest aviation systs in the world. >> do we need to take into consideration, mark, the fact that technology has come so far that it is possible to be in that cockpit without monitoring everything every second because of things like autopilot? >> we have done a very good job of bringing technology into the cockpit for redundancy, to make the aircraft known in places much better. it helps fly the aircraft itself. but we will never replace pilots in the transport aircraft. they are a critical piece of
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what happens there. they command the actual aircraft itself. but other kinds of technologies that may distract are clearly inappropriate for use while flying theaircraft. >> well, we've got flight data recorders and flight voice recorders. do we need to put some kind of video system in the cockpit just to discourage pilots from doing anything that would take away from their duties? >> matt, that's a recommendation that's been on the boo since 2000. when the faa made some decisions last year, they did extend the time of the cockpit voice recorder to two hours. >> right. >> but they did not take up the issue of video in the cockpit. it may well be this particular issue could provide the impetus to get that inside the cockpit. >> if their story's true no matter what, do they deserve to be fired or have their licenses revoked, mark? >> the faa is going to make a decision on that. and at that point, it will be an appropriate decision in my judgment. >> all right, mark rosenker. mark, thank you so much for your time this morning. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure.
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thank you, matt. >> seven after the hour. here's meredith. >> matt, thank you. now to the deadliest day for the u.s. in afghanistan in four years. 14 americans killed in two separate helicopter crashes monday. correspondent richard engel is in afghanistan with the very latest. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. the causes of those crashes have not yet been released, but we do have new details about one of the missions that u.s. and afghan forces were on when their helicopter went down. on a base in western afghanistan, afghan commandos run through their final rehearsals ahead of a nighttime air assault on a suspected drug and weapons trafficker. >> in order to accomplish their mission throughout western afghanistan, they can't just drive here and drive there. we need the support. we need the helicopter support. >> reporter: the commandos are led by u.s. special operations forces. because of their secretive work, the team leaders ask not to be
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identified. >> for us to actually surprise the enemy, most of the times we have to fly in. >> reporter: as the sun goes down, the operation begins. american special ops, afghan commandos and u.s. dea agents load onto two transport helicopters. but this will become one of the deadliest operations in western afghanistan since the war began. when the troops land on their target, they're engaged by militants. the troops believe they kill more than a dozen insurgents. but as they head back to base, one of the two helicoprs crashes. seven u.s. servicemen and three government agents are killed. 26 afghans and americans are injured. u.s. troops had been planning this mission for a month, but commanders said they knew it would be risky, since american forces were pushing into an area where they hadn't been in years and they didn't have as many helicopters as they had hoped. the taliban claims to have shot down the helicopter.
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the u.s. military is investigating the cause of the crash. >> we don't have any indication that it was due to hostile fire. we don't know exactly what did happen, but we think that it was not due to any types of enemy fire. >> reporter: also under investigation, the apparent mid-air collision of two other helicopters in southern afghanistan monday. despite the risk, analysts say helicopters remain the fastest and safest way to travel here. >> u.s. marine army helicopters are an essential part of combat operations in afghanistan. we can't operate without them. >> reporter: the u.s. military says the crashes will not slow the pace of combat operations or the use of helicopter transport. the u.s. military believes at this stage that both crashes appear to have been unrelated accidents. meredith? >> all right, richard engel, thank you very much. nbc's brian williams has also made his way to afghanistan. he is with us now by phone.
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brian, good morning to you. let me start by asking you, now that the president and his national security team are mulling over what to do next in afghanistan, what questions do you hope to get answers to during your trip? >> well, we've already done some of that, actually, in our first half a day on the ground. we have just driven bac from a small town we first visited a year ago, and we actually felt and saw a palpable difference. it was a much less nervous, much less potentially violent place, largely because of a group of u.s. special forces who have been working that town over and over. you know, blackhawk helicopters, to reference richard's reporting just before me, are almost the buses of this region. they are workhorses. and i don't think twice about getting on one. today, however, after yesterday's off news, was an
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interesting day to fly -- i could be convinced that the crews have taken on a different kind of seriousness and there's more weight and gravity, i think, to each mission here. so, generally, we're trying to find out what the mission is right now and how plausible it is that general mcchrystal would get that influ of troops and what they would all be dispatched to do. >> you know, you mentioned that you've been in afghanistan before. so, what are those signs you're looking for that would indicate either progress there or setbacks? >> well, a lot of it is feel and kind of the battle tempo that u.s. troops are under. some of these dismounted infantry are getting into the fight every day. kabul seems more nervous now than it was a year ago, though some of the outposts, where the americans have been drilling down into the granular level of society, are safer places. it's an axiom that if you're going to do counterinsurgency, you've got to have a government
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to show people as a good alternative. that's been the problem here. what a massive place, the size of texas, the most unforgiving territory in the world, and yet, the united states and all these coalition partners have got to figure this out. >> all right. i know you'll have much more coming up on "nightly news" tonight. brian williams, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> all right, let's head over to the news desk. ann is standing by with the other stories making news this morning. ann, good morning on you. >> good morning to you, matt and meredith. hello, everybody. in the news, we begin with a statement last night from president obama that an overhaul of the u.s. health care system is closer than ever. he said that last night just after senate majority leader harry reid vowed to include the so-called public option, which is a government-run insurance plan that would give states the choice of whether or not to participate, but it is unclear whether the plan will have the votes to pass. there were long lines monday in ohio, where thousands of people turned out at a high school to get the h1n1 swine flu
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vaccine. health officials say eventually there will be enough vaccine for everyone in the united states. today, nasa is testing its newest generation rocket. it's called the ares i-x, which is right now an unmanned rocket taller than a football field, but it may one day be used to return astronauts to the moon. police in florida say they've gotten 1,500 leads in last week's murder of 7-year-old somer thompson, and today the 7-year-old is being laid to rest. nbc's mark potter is in orange park with more on this. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. with the funeral here, it's another sad day for the family and the community. this as the sheriff warns that somer's murder might not be solved quickly. hundreds of people lined up quietly at the first baptist church of orange park to pay their respects and view somes casket on monday afternoon. first to arrive were somer's mother and family, who stayed for more than two hours to
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receive the mourners from their commity. meanwhile, the clay county sheriff warned local residents not to expect a quick resolution of the homicide investigation. >> i really anticipate this is going to be a very complex, very drawn-out process that's going to be solved not through some computer voodoo but thrgh good, old-fashioned police work. >> reporter: sheriff rick beseler says his officers are still awaiting crime lab results for the hundreds of items gathered during exhaustive evidence searches. >> the one thing that worries me right now, the biggest thing that's on my mind is the fact that someone who killed a child is still out there in our community. i want this person off the street. >> reporter: beseler says finding somer's body in a landfill just two days after she disappeared was critical for the investigation but says fear the killer could strike again is keeping him awake at night. now, later today there is a memorial service here open to
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the public, then a private graveside service as somer is laid to rest. ann? >> all right, mark potter this morning. mark, thank you. it's a down day so far in most overseas markets. cnbc's melissa francis is at the new york stock exchange with more. tension today on homes. >> that's right. we are getting more housing data out today and the senate is considering extending that one-time first-time home buyers housing credit, $8,000 tax credit. it's been very popular so far. the most important economic data comes on thursday with a read on gdp. and would you pay $6.26 for a big mac? people in iceland won't. it's that high because of high taxes and low currency. as a result, they're putting the golden arches on ice across the country. ann, back to you. >> melissa francis, thank you for your reporting. and there was a special honor last night for comedian bill cosby. he was awarded the annual mark twain prize for american humor in a ceremony at the kennedy center in washington. and among those paying tribute, jerry seinfeld and "the cosby show" co-stars malcolm warner.
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also chris rock was in attendance. cosby quipped that usually when a man sees his life flash before his eyes, it's for a bad reason, but this, he said, is all right. it is now 7:16. back to you to meredith, matt and al. >> congratulations. >> jerry seinfeld said he's the greatest american comedian ever. >> not many people would argue. how are you, mr. roker? good, but we have a lot of rain stretching from here into the northeast. you can see new orleans, gulf coast, heavy rain, on into atlanta. we've got flood watches out there. moving up the northeast along thfront, you can see we're looking at more rain up into the northeast as well. that's going to cause some airport delays. and in fact, rainfall up and down this system. we're looking at the heaviest we've had over half an inch this morning here around the washington metro area and the rain has tapered off through scattered region. the bulk of the rain is north and east of the metro area and temperatures are in the mid-50s. now 54 in washington.
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highs today just near 60 a some other occasional showers likely later on this afternoon and tonight. we could have more rain tomorrow, too. but ending by noontime, sun tomorrow afternoon as well >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thanks very much. now to "the new york times" reporter who escaped from the taliban captors who held him for more than seven months. he is now speaking out and ann has his story. >> that's right, matt. david rhoads was in afghanistan researching a book back in november of 2008 when he, an afghan journalist and a driver were kidnapped. seven months and ten days later, they staged their own dramatic escape, and we sat down with david on monday, and we began by asking him what it was like to be held prisoner in one of the world's most dangerous places. >> i was shocked at the strength of the taliban control of the pakistani tribal areas.
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the taliban regime that, you know, united states seemed to have toppled in 2001 still exists today. it's simply moved a few miles to the east into the tribal areas of pakistan. it's a fully functional government. >> they have the internet. >> yeah, the internet. they googled me and my family members as well. they don't live in caves. that's one of the, i think, stereotypes. these were very devoted fighters, very sophisticated. >> describe what the living conditions are. describe the kind of world you saw there. >> the tribal areas weren't as isolated as i thought. there was intermittent electricity. i was able to walk in the yard, you know, every day, and i was never beaten. >> how often were you afraid for your life? >> in the very beginning i was, but my primary concern were the lives of my colleagues, the afghan journalist with me, ludin, and our driver, assad mongal. the taliban despises afghans and pakistanis who work with the
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united states. they were constantly told they were traitors and i was very fearful they would kill them. >> you write that in one of the videos you were forced to make, you said, "however this ends, all my family and friends should live in peace with yourselves. i know you've done absolutely everything you can to help us." you were trying to prepare your family -- your wife of only two months -- for your death. >> well, at that point, we had basically realized our captors weren't seriously negotiating, and we had decided at that point to try to make an escape attempt. >> but you knew escaping had its own risks. in fact, the chances were overwhelming that you would not escape. >> we were determined to try and waiting for the right opportunity. our guards, you know, staying asleep when i got up to go to the bathroom. i then woke up tahir and then i had found a rope. we used a rope to get ourselves over a wall and we were able to walk to a pakistani military base nearby. >> when you were able to get your wife on the phone, i understand you had a message for her. you had just been married for
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two months. >> well, i knew i hadn't done a very good job as a newlywed husban so i said that, you know, please let me spend the rest of my life making this up to you. >> presumably, she agreed. >> she's been asking me, you know, when is the rest of my life going to start? but we're very lucky and i'm so lucky to be home and so happy. >> rohde says given what happened, he made a mistake by pursuing a face-to-face interview with a taliban commander. he also says he's now in regular contact with his fellow afghan journalist and driver, matt, because he feels so guilty about that experience. >> the way he wrote about iin the "times," his stories were riveting. and so, he's got a lot to tell. some story. >> it is some story. and there is also some revelation, i think, about the kind of people we're dealing with. in this war that we're dealing with in afghanistan. he said that there are afghanis who are moderates who want to work and want peace and there are those who are extremists, and the challenge for the united states as we move forward is being able to distinguish one from the other. >> all right, ann, thank you
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still ahead, a monster shark big enough to do that to another massivereat white, and it's patrolling the waters near some popular beaches. we're going to have details on that. plus, the original "survivor," richard hatch speaks out in his first live interview since being released from jail again. we'll talk to him. usually he's not at a loss for words.
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good morning and welcome, everyone. i'm barbara harrison. the time right now is 7:26 and in the news at this hour, breaking news where a man has apparently taken his own life after shooting two other people. this all began around 2:00 this morning. authorities say the gunman shot a man and woman inside a home. both victims escaped while the gunman barricaded himself inside. authorities tried to negotiate with the gunman but he evenly shot himself. the male shooting victim is in guarded condition at the hospital. the woman is expected to be okay. weather and traffic are coming up after we take a break. we'll be right back.
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well t. was pouring when i came in this morning. what's it doing now? >> this is a live picture. as you look at the radar, heavy rain is pouring down. showers tonight, through noontime tomorrow, and then drying out on thursday and friday. how is the traffic, jerry. >> live pictures, 270 southbound, just a sampling of how rough it is. authorities have been dealing with a couple of other issues in central avenue. now an accident at university boulevard. be very cautious traveling out there this morning. barbara? >> we're connected to you.
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♪ 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of october 2009. a couple of showers, as you can see. we've got umbrellas up in the plaza this morning. that rain should last for a day and a half or so. we're keeping our fingers crossed it gets out of here before game one of the world series tomorrow night from the bronx. meanwhile, inside studio 1a, i'm matt lauer alongside meredith vieira. and just head this half hour, the always controversial, original "survivor," richard hatch. remember, he was whisked back to jail shortly after the last time we spoke to him. he had some controversial things to say in that interview. now he is out of prison again, and this morning he's in our
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studio with plenty to say about why he was taken back into custody. so, we'll catch up with richard in just a couple minutes. and also ahead, some popular beaches are shut down this morning for good reason. take a look and you can see why. that massive bite was made by a great white shark estimated to be 20 feet long. we'll have details on that in a moment. plus, the little white pill that could be a wonder drug. we've all taken aspirin, but have you ever used it to remove a stain, to get rid of pimples or help restart a dead car battery? we're going to tell you about some extraordinary uses that you will want to try. but we're going to begin with the new developments in a sex scandal that has now cost a prominent sports analyst and a production assistant their jobs. nbc's jeff rossen is here with the latest. good morning to you, jeff. >> hi, good morning, meredith. the ax just fell, again. first, espn fired steve phillips. now the other woman is gone, too. still, phillips has bigger
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problems. his wife is leaving him. now he admits he is a sex addict and has checked himself in for sex rehab. >> he doesn't pass the gut check for me, to start with. >> reporter: almost overnight, steve phillips went from popular sportscaster to tabloid poster boy. phillips is married with four kids and admits he had an affair with this 22-year-old pduction assistant, brooke hundley. by monday, espn fired both of them, saying phillips' ability to represent them has been "significantly and irrepably damaged." they didn't give a reason for hundley's firing, but according to police reports, she stalked phillips' teenage son on facebook, then showed up at the family's house. phillips' wife called 911 in a panic. >> wilton 911, what's your emergency? >> please hurry and come to [ bleep ]. i have a crazy woman who is involved with my husband and she has come to my house to harm me and my children. >> reporter: steve phillips' wife has filed for divorce. now, to win her back, phillips has checked into rehab for sex addiction.
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>> if steve phillips hadn't have checked into sex rehab prior to this being public, his wife and espn would have supported him. >> reporter: but experts say steve phillips is following the pattern of any addict -- hit rock bottom first, then get help. >> sexual addiction is deeply embedded in trauma. it is onof the most challenging things to treat and it is one of the most painful. make no mistake about it, it exists and it is common. >> reporter: dr. drew pinsky hosted the vh1 show "celebrity rehab" and says as last resorts go, rehab can work. >> a sex addict is somebody who usually had a childhood sexual trauma who acts out sexually in their adult life in such a way that they lose control of their sexual behavior. sex is no longer a source of satisfaction, but a source of shame, and they haveerious consequences as a result. >> reporter: after david duchovny went into sex rehab, reportedly to save his marriage, it's the new public apology. >> they led the league in runs, home runs, batting average -- >> reporter: but will it be enough for steve phillips? >> it's always a good step to come to treatment.
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the fact is, he is in pain, he is suffering. make no mistake about it. and this behavior is destroying his family. he's not feeling good about this. >> i spoke with phillips' agent late last night. he says phillips has deep issues and checked himself into sex rehab for one reason and one reason only, meredith, and that's to get his family back. he's trying. >> all right, jeff rossen. thank you very much. and now let's get a check of the weather fr al. >> announcer: "today's weather" is brought to you by new robitussin to go. it's pure robitussin relief to go. >> and the showers kind of lightening up just a little bit here. your three sons. where are your three sons? >> minnesota, minneapolis. >> say hi to them. >> hey, cayden, braden, cooper. >> i'm sure they miss their mommy. let's check the weather and see what's going on. windy northwest. a couple low pressure systems bringing high wind warnings and watches, advisories as well through much of the southwest. that's going to be part of a system that's going to be affecting the east coast later
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on this week. rest of the country, you can see a lot of rain in the southeast all the way into the northeast. look for mountain snows in the pacific northwest, also snows through the intermountain regions, blowing dust through the southwest. susunny and a good morning. the morning surge of rain we've had over the last several hours has now moved off to the north and east and behind that we have a little bit of drizzle and temperatures are in the 50s. highs today only in the 60s. showers are more likely later on this morning and in the afternoon and tonight. it should taper off by noontime on wednesday and sunshine back tomorrow afternoon. highs near 60s today and low 60s >> that's your latest weather. matt? thank you very much. now to the original "survivor" winn richard hatch. we talked with him back in
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august, i guess it was, as he served out a remainder of a sentence for evading taxes under house arrest in rhode island. the very next day, hatch was rearrested for giving unauthorized interviews. but at the time, he assured us had been given permission. well, then, by sitting here talking to me right now, are you placing yourself in jeopardy? >> no, i got permission. we got permission to do this interview, and that's why i'm doing it. >> once agai richard hatch is out of jail and he's speaking out again. richard, good morning. >> good morning. >> good to see you. let's make sure we understand this. we did an interview one day, it aired the next day. shortly after the interview aired, you were visited by officers. they took you away in your boxer shorts. >> took me to massachusetts in my boxers, yep. >> andhe reason was, you hadn't gotten permission to do a series of interviews, although you had received permission to do the interview with us? >> that's the facade. absolutely -- >> facade. why do you say it's a facade? >> absolutely, we had permission. we got permission to do interviews. all the networks requested
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permission to interview. the bureau of prisons told me to select one. i selected nbc. the bureau of prisons never talked with me or my supervisors about it, but they've been trying to muzzle me for 3 1/2 years. there was nothing about my being arrested other than their not wanting me to talk, period. >> whenhey came, i understand one of the officers was kind of in s.w.a.t. team regala. you were taken and put in solitary confinement for 30 days -- >> 30 days. >> for doing an interview. >> an interview, yeah. >> what were the conditions like in solitary confinement? >> it was bad. this was one of my -- this was the worst time of my time in prison. it's bad enough being innocent and imprisoned, but in solitary confinement for no reason without anyone telling me how long i'd be there, without anyone talking about why i was in solitary confinement was very difficult. it's an awful cell. >> this is a cement cell. >> cement, a tiny cement square. blood and food on the ceiling. "kill a fag" written on the back
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of the door, etched into the steal door -- it's an awful place to be. >> when your attorney went to the prison or to the jail and said, listen, why is he in solitary confinement if the only offense is that he did an interview that you say he wasn't supposed to do, what response was given? >> oh, i'm sure they said it's this kind of segregation. they have all kinds of words for the different places in they put people. i was in solitary confinement. that's what anyone would call it. that's what it was. >> again, for 30 days. during the interview we did with you, you said some things that, let's face it, were controversial. you talked about your original trial, and you said a second ago, being put in prison for being innocent. obviously, the court system disagrees with you. but during your original trial, you claim there was prosecutorial misconduct. you say you were the victim of antigay bias. do you think as you sit here today that it was because of those comments that you were rearrested? >> i do, partially. i think it's a bigger picture issue. i don't think too many people now have any question but that this has been a witch hunt and
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that it continues, for me to have been put in jail for talking -- for giving an interview that i had permission to do. >> let me just make sure people understand. >> go ahead. >> you did other interviews that day, and according to the legal system, you had permission for this interview, but you were not granted permission for those interviews. that's the misunderstanding, right? >> correct. correct, yeah. >> okay. i just want to make sure we're on the same terms. >> they never told me they were interested in how many people would be asking me questions at the same time with the same camera crew, you know. >> the aclu took up your cause. >> they did. >> they tried to get you released earl they lost on basically every front. are you ready now to throw in the towel? >> not a chance. let me talk about the aclu for a minute. they're amazing. these people are effective lawyers. they're really out there to help people who are faced with wrongs, like this. we got in front of a judge, and the u.s. attorney told the judge
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that this -- i was imprisoned because it was a security issue. they needed to know, matt, whether you came with guns or drugs or something like that. did they ask you about that? no. they didn't even know who lived on that property. there are five apartments. they've never asked me who has come to visit me ever. this is a facade. this is part of what happens when the bureaucrats are unchecked. >> after the last time we spoke to you, we got a lot of comments on our website, blogs wrote about it and let me give you a couple of quick examples and then give you the overall feeling for what we're hearing. here's one. "i'm rooting for you to get your stuff together and move on with your life. that means shut your mouth. stop yapping about the authorities and how they're conspiring against you. stop saying it's because you're gay. the first thing you must do is pay the back taxes on the prize money you legitimately won." another person -- "oh, boo-hoo, pay your taxes and don't go to prison. that's like saying i didn't pay
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my taxes, but they sent me to prison because i'm irish." most of the people were saying, zip it. you're only going to get in more trouble by continuing this. >> there's a bigger issue here, matt, and people are abused by the system, and i think i can help. i've already been in jail for over 3 1/2 years and i've done nothing. to this day, nine yes later, i still don't have a tax bill, don't owe a penny. my accountants and i have fully cooperated with the irs and they do tell us that there will be an assessment of those years soon, and we're working with them. we have another meeting november 2nd. they're great. they're helping out. but i don't owe any taxes yet. i have not been assessed. the prosecutors have lied. they'll call it being overzealous in the paper. they've lied. >> as you've sit here, you're on probation for another three years. are you putting yourself at risk once again by coming to new york and doing this interview? >> it's the principle. i don't know. i don't know if i'm at risk. i have permission to be here verbally. i have permission to be here to -- i'm here looking for work.
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i've got -- >> what kind of work? as part of your probation terms, you must look for a job. >> i must, sure. >> what kind of job are you looking for? >> to live i must look for a job. well, i'm looking for a number of things. i have a number of ideas and i'd rather not talk publicly about what will happen because i don't know what will come of them. >> you feel for your own need and purposes a need to speak out. but your family's paid a price as well. >> they have. >> for their sake, for your sister's sake and other people, your partner's sake, is it not a better idea to keep a low profile? >> believe it or not, even if they have paid a ice, and that price might have even been higher than mine in prison, they're behind me. they support me 100% and they know that i am capable of helping people understand what went wrong and why this shouldn't happen to other people. so, they're behind my speaking out. >> all right. we're going to keep posted. richard hatch, thanks for coming in. we appreciate it. >> i appreciate you having me very, very much. >> good to see you.
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meters long. >> reporter: a great white shark similar to this one 20 feet long. that would make it just five feet short of the mythical shark in the movie "jaws." >> we're going to need a bigger boat. >> reporter: dramatic evidence of this huge shark's handiwork. look what it did to this smaller shark, one that was almost ten feet long, bitten almost in half. >> great white sharks eat a variety of items, including another fish, so it's not unusual for a great white shark to eat other sharks. >> reporte it doesn't take much imagination or a special effects department to figure out what a shark that big could do to a human being. it's one thing to come to a place like this, the london sea life aquarium and look at the sharks under glass. quite another to encounter one in the open ocean, although the experts do say shark attacks on humans are pretty rare. that's not very reassuring to some beach-goers in australia. although the beaches are
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protected by nets and traps known as drum lines designed to catch the sharks. that's what snared the smaller one that turned into shashimi for the bigger one. >> if they're going to grab something that's as big as another shark, they're definitely going t grab something like my daughter. >> i don't think people should be in there at all if there's one out there. they should be pulling people back in, because it's not worth taking the risks. >> reporter: winter in the northern hemisphere is australia's summer. and so, with beach season coming up, the aussies are hoping the big guy will find some other dining spot. for "today," george lewis, nbc news, london. >> cancel my trip to australia. ♪ farewell and ado to you spanish ladies ♪ >> huh? >> that's from "jaws." quint was singing that as he -- >> we know what happened to quint. >> didn't work out well for him. >> no, it did not. >> i would die of a heart attack. the shark wouldn't actually have to kill me. >> you'd fend him off.
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you'd scare him. >> yeah, right, go ahead. >> you're supposed to bop him on the nose. >> is that what happens? >> him or the shark? >> yeah, no, matt. still ahead, it can help jump-start your heart and your car battery. dr. nancy snyderman on the surprising benefits and some strange benefits of aspirin.
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still ahead, the latest on the mysterious disappearance of a college student in virginia. she vanished ten days ago during a rock concert. her parents will join us for a live interview. >> yeah, a lot of questions swirling around that disappearance as well. plus, the personal tragedies that had hulk hogan on the verge of ending it all. he actually considered taking his life. we'll talk with him after your local news and weather.
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cloudy skies out there and rain around the region. you can see some on you are limbs there. it's a chilly day out there and we'll check with tom to figure out what our future is for this week. 7:55 is our time right now. i'm barbara harrison. with one week left until the virginia governor getting support from president obama. the two will attend a rally in norfolk this afternoon. in a new york post poll, these trails by 11 points. another week, another launch of the redskins, they fell last night and it's the first game in which sherman lewis called the plays for the redskins. the team is now 2-5 heading into a
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it is a chilly start to this day. >> it's tapered off now, just a patchy drizzle. look at the low clouds. it's in the mid-50s around the region. radar showing over the last hour the bulk of the steady rain is now far off to our north and east. lighter showers are coming in from the southwest heading into the metro area. more light rain on the way for the next hour or two. and then other passing showers are likely this afternoon.
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highs near 60. occasional showers tonight and through noontime. on friday, the weekend, maybe a few showers into the weekend. jerry, how is the traffic? >> a live look along interstate 66, there's an early accident and police are on the ene. jammed out of menace sis, bumper to 395 northbound from the beltway to and across the 14th street bridge. barbara? >> thank you, jerry. more news in 25 minutes. don't forget, news 4 is always connected
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8:00 now on this tuesday morning, the 27th day of october 2009. and we have stepped outside to meet and greet everyone gathered here in rockefeller plaza. it may be damp in new york city, but even if they're soggy, they are our fans and we love them all very much. they're here greeting us -- or greeting friends and family bac home. >> exactly. >> more like that. >> saying hi to us as well. >> coming up this half hour -- i'm meredith, matt and al. police in virginia are scouring these surveillance tapes, trying to find any sign of a 20-year-old college student who's been missing now for 20 days -- for 10 days. >> for ten days.
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her name is morgan harrington, and she was last seenuring a rock concert, a metallica concert. she went outside and apparently called her friends saying she couldn't find her ticket stub to get back in. that's the last anyone saw her. her parents will join us in a little while and talk about this case. it's got to be obviously heartbreaking for them. >> and they're doing a lot of talking hoping somebody saw something and they can lead them to their daughter. on a less serious note, we all know aspirin can help prevent a heart attack, but did you know it also preserves flowers and can start a dea car battery. >> wow. >> dr. nancy will stop by with the practical and peculiar uses for aspirin. >> and halloween's here, which means we're going to be getting decked out in some halloween finery. here's us as the fairy tales last year. but enough about us! >> did my butt look big in that? >> no, not at all. we did see a crack, though. >> oh! >> sorry. we want to see your costume. so, if you're in the area,
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please join us on the plaza this friday. >> that was a good one. >> wow. to take part -- oh, the legs, the legs! oh, oh -- >> natalie -- >> look away! >> did you see the way you got out of tt car as well? so wrong. >> just like a lady. come on down friday on "today." "saturday today's" going to be ing it as well on saturday. >> that is halloween. a lot of fun. first we're heading into the news desk where ann's standing by. >> thanks a lot. good morning once again, everybody. in the news, last night, president obama said that health care reform is closer than ever, though, he said, with opposition from the insurance industry and most republicans, it is still a tough battle. the president made those comments hours after senate majority leader harry reid vowed to include a public option or government plan. individual states could choose under that plan whether or not to participate. today the president visits the state of the art facity, a solar energy facility in arcadia, florida, and he is set to announce plans to make more
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than $3 billion available to support projects aimed at modernizing america's power grid. on monday, the president told troops at jacksonville's air naval station that he will not be rushed into making the decision on whether or not to send more troops to afghanistan and that he is considering all the implications. during the night, an al qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for two bombings sunday in baghdad that killed more than 150 people. and among the dead, 24 children who were trapped in a bus leaving a daycare center. federal investigators say that the pilots of that northwest airlines plane that flew past the minneapolis airport by 150 miles last week admit that they were not paying attention and lost track of time. the ntsb says that the pilot and co-pilot became distracted because they said that they were using their personal laptops during the flight, which is a violation of company policy. both have been suspended until the investigation is complete. jury selection is under way in a texas courtroom in the first trial stemming from the
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raid of a polygamist compound last april. 38-year-old raymond jessup is facing sexual assault charges stemming from an alleged marriage to an underaged girl. and the white house is pink today. a large pink ribbon is hosted up in front of the presidential residence -- it was hoisted up on monday to mark national breast cancer awareness month. well, that's a big symbol. it is now four minutes after the hour. let's go back outside to matt and meredith. trying to stay dry out there. >> it's starting to rain. >> she's fighting me with her umbrella. >> i was bonding with you. >> is that what it was? >> exactly. >> a little less bonding would be good. let's go to mr. roker with a check of the weather. >> nothing like breakfast with the bickersons. there you go. and where are you guys from? >> atlanta. >> l.a. >> partying here? >> working. >> you said yes, partying, you say yes, you're working. get your story straight and give us a call. all right, the big boss is always watching. let's check your weather and see
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what's happening. hagerstown, maryland, nbc 25. we're looking at morning rain, cool conditions, temperature about 58 degrees. temperature departures, going to be cooler than normal out west where they're looking at some snow, also through the southeast where it's raining a lot. we've got nice, mild conditions up through the planes. actual afternoon highs, 53 duluth, bismarck getting up to 56. same temperature in atlanta with a lot of good morning. cloudy, wet, and cool on this tuesday morning. we've already had over half an inch to as much as an inch of rain in southern maryland. now the bulk of the heavier rain is north and east of the area and it's going to continue with a little scattered drizzle around here for the next hour or two. and then later on today, maybe passing showers this afternoon with highs near 60. occasional showers possible tonight and through noontime on wednesday and dry after that.
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>> and for your weather any time of the day or night, go to the weather channel on cable or online. matt? >> all right, al, thank you very much. coming up next, a virginia college student missing for ten days now. her parents will join us for a live interview to talk about this case. but first, these messages. uh hum. no. - which means, someday, - ( dings ) - this camry could be his. - ( car wash whirring ) toyota has more hybrids on the road than all other automakers combined. pheeew! so we can all breathe a little easier. (announcer) you know you're gonnneed it. why not stock up for less? walmart has unbeatable prices on everything your family needs for cold and flu season. save money. live better. waart.
8:07 am
tide stain release. it helps get the toughest stas out the first time. whoa, that's a first. [ female announcer ] that's because new tide stain release is a revolutionary in-wash booster that works with your detergent to help remove the toughest stains... ...the first time. mom, let me grab that. another first. [ female announcer ] new tide stain release. stains out. no doubt.
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don't come 'til december. with sears layaway, you can lock down deals today - and pay over time. - elf: layaway! all right! - guys, we're here for santa! - whee! announcer: layaway today, pay over time. that's life. well spent. sears. and at ge it means innovating, inventing and building things. it means everything from shipping a new wind turbine every 4 hours to creating some of the world's most advanced healthcare technogies.
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manufacturing is part of ge's belief that the american renewal is making things right here in america. the american renewal is happening right now. back at 8:09. and now to the search for 20-year-old virginia tech student morganharrington. ten days ago, she was attending a metallica concert. no one has seen her since. we're going to talk with her parents in a moment. but first, nbc's norah o'donnell is in charlottesville, virginia, with the very latest. norah, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. this is where morgan disappeared ten days ago. the fbi has now joined in this massive search. local police have scanned hours and hours of video from local businesses, atms, these arena cameras. they have found nothing. all they have is her purse and
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cell phone, discovered in this parking lot. she simply vanished. >> there has been no contact with morgan or from morgan. >> reporter: police and family are still searching for clues after the mysterious disappearance of 20-year-old virginia tech student morgan harrington. >> we do not know whether she is alive or has met some kind of ill fate. >> reporter: morgan vanished more than a week ago after she and her friends went to a metallica concert in charlottesville, virginia. before metallica even took the stage, morgan told her friends she was going to the bathroom. later, she called her friends from outside the concert venue to say she had left the arena and couldn't get back in because she didn't have her ticket stub, and that's where the mystery deepens. >> we have a purse and we have a cell phone. we have a missing girl. >> reporter: police are doing a criminal investigation of her
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disappearance and have checked morgan's cell phone records. they say her last call was indeed to her friends at the concert at approximately 8:40 p.m. her parents notified police the very next day, saying their daughter didn't come home as expected. her father gave an emotional plea. >> i'd like to say, if morgan is out there and hears us, please come home. and if someone has morgan, please let her come home safely. >> reporter: now in its tenth day, the massive search continues. on facebook, people have posted pictures and videos, which police say they are monitoring closely. metallica posted a plea of their own on their website saying "one of our fans is missing," and is pledging $50,000 towards a now $150,000 reward. on thursday, morgan's friends gathered for an emotional vigil as her mother jill recalled the
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last time she had spoken to her daughter. >> as she left, morgan's last words to me were "two, four, one, mama, i love you too much forever one more time." >> reporter: police say they put together a timeline of morgan. her last call at 8:40 p.m. some sightings in this arena up until 9:30 p.m. and then the trail goes cold. meredith? >> norah, thank you very much. morgan's parents, dan and jill harrington, are with us now. good morning to both of you and thank you for joining us. obviously, this is a very difficult time for your family. >> good morning. >> thank you for having us. >> tnk you. you know, jill, you have said that morgan was so looking forward to this concert by metallica, that she had been anticipating it for weeks. so, that raises this question why she would leave the venue before they actually took to the stage. she told her friends she was going to the bathroom. there are bathrooms, though, inside the arena. have they shed any light -- >> right. >> -- remember frienher friends
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might have left? >> you know, kids are impulsive. i don't know if she met up with another friend or so-called friend. i am reassured that she was not lost in the big crowd inside, that we do have contact with her from outside, and she gave the message to her friends that she was okay and could get a ride, and that's our last communication. >> yeah. dan, jill raises a good point. she did say to her friends that she was going to be able to get a ride home. does that indicate to you or do you suspect that she had met up with somebody that she might have known, even a very distant acquaintance? >> well, you know, she doesn't really know many people in charlottesville, but maybe she saw someone at the concert, you know, that she identified with and thought that maybe s could catch a ride home with them. >> you know, these kids of this age think everybody's their friend. >> why did you, dan, realize, and when did you, jill, realize
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that she was indeed missing? >> sunday around 12:30ish. dan was expecting her to come on through the door because she had a math test that she needed his help with. i am unable to deler help in that area, so that's a papa job, and she wasn't coming, and so we thought, well, let's call her friends and see what's up. and that's when we realized that they didn't know where she was either. >> yeah, and i'm sure that her friends are beside themselves wondering what if we had only said to her, you know, we'll go out there and try to get you back in the arena that night. maybe things would have been so different. is that something, dan, that has crossed your mind? >> well, it has. we're both medical people, and any time there's a bad outcome in a hospital, for example, you know, there's not just one thing that happens. and we think that if, you know, if in the many steps of this event, if one thing had been different, we could have had a different outcome. >> but i think it's important
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that we don't fall into, you know, survivor's guilt. we need to be moving forward and direct all of our energies at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. >> are you worried that she has become the victim of foul play? >> very worried. we're very worried. nothing else makes sense, you know. morgan, we can track her until 9:30 and then she vanished from sight, which is scary to us as parents, and also, you know, halloween is in a couple of days. there's -- somebody is or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make all our community safer. >> and how are you holding onto hope at this point, dan? >> you know, we've had such incredible support from friends,
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you know, praying and being there with us emotionally and physically. you know, you have to hold out hope, you know, that morgan will come back to us. you know, it's a rough -- this is probably a parent's worst nightmare. you know, clearly, no one ever expects to be in this situation, and we have to hold out hope that we're going to see our daughter again. >> and wwill hold out hope as well for your daughter and for your family. >> thank you so much. >> dan and jill harrington, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> and if you have any information about morgan's disappearance, you're asked to call the virginia state police tip line at 434-352-3467 or the jefferson area crimestoppers at 434-977-4000. we'll be right back. ♪
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( sfx: lever and stairs flattening noise, and sliding sound ) pop-tarts®, please! ♪ ( sfx: toaster pop ) when you give your kids... kellogg's frosted strawberry pop-tarts®... baked with real fruit, they'll rise. and you'll shine. ( sfx: mom giggles ) pop-tarts®. made for fun™. cer: trying to be good to your heart? so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol, heart healthy levels of sodium, and taste you'll lov guy: mmmm! chef: we're kind of excited abt it. announcer: campbell's healthy request. to earn cash back. talk about simple.
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hi! trick or treat. weren't yoguys just here? no. yes. no. (mom) i picked up plenty of their favorite candy at walmart for nearly 25% less than at chain drugstores. save money. live better. walmart. they say imports always get the best mileage. well,do they know this malibu offers an epa estimated 33 mpg highway? they never heard that. which is better than a comparable toyota camry or honda accord? they are stunned. they can't believe it. they need a minute. i had a feeling they would. now qualified buyers get 0% apr for 60 months on 09 or 2010 malibuodels. that's an average finance savings of around forty six hundred. there's never been more reasons to look at chevy.
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>> announcer: "taking health to heart today" is brought to you by campbells healthy requests. mm-mmm good for your heart. back at 8:20 with our special series "taking health to heart today." this morning, the many wonders of aspirin, from warding off heart attacks to reviving car batteries, it has some pretty incredible and surprising uses. dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical editor. dr. nancy, good morning to you. >> hello, meredith. >> we know aspirin was the first medication sold in pill form, mass marketed, but it has a very, very long history. >> it goes back to hypocrates, 1400 b.c., for aches and pains
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and late 1800s thought to be great for arthritis, but it was marketed by bayer in 1920 and aspirin is now something we rely on all the time. it is the oldest medication known to man. >> and there are a lot of uses for aspirin, but the one you hear mt about these days is when you have a heart attack. >> right. >> to take an aspirin. why does that have an impact? >> it changes the stickiness in the platelets. most heart attacks are because of clots that block the arteries. if you can cauprevent the plates from getting sticky, that's helpful. we know it can decrease the risk of a heart attack by 30%, can decrease the risk of a second heart attack by over 20%. so, there are real indications for when to take aspirin. not for everyone, perhaps, but certainly if you have a history of heart disease. >> right. who should be taking it and who shouldn't be, starting with who should? >> i'll make a big global statement. every adult should at least check with your doctor to see if
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you should be taking it, because it can ward off cancer, heart attack, maybe some strokes. and if you have a history of heart disease, for sure. the laundry list, though, of who should not be taking it -- if you have any kind of eating disorders, if you have already had problems in the past where you know aspirin upsets your stomach. pregnant women should not because it can change fetal development. and you don't ever use it now to reduce a fever in a child because it can be linked to rise syndrome. but otherwise, the laundry list is frankly more in favor of people taking aspirin. >> when we talk about taking an aspirin a day, those people advised to do so, are we still talking about baby-size aspirin? >> it's called low-dose, so there's not the misnomer of baby aspirin. you can take one adult or one low-dose. here's the rub -- people sometimes say if one is good, two or three must be better. not true. more aspirin can, in fact, counteract the really good properties. so just one.
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that's all you need. >> just one, okay. and we talked about taking it if you find out you are having a heart attack. what about a stroke, same apply? >> if you have a heart attack, dial 911, then take a couple aspirin and chew them, because you want them in your blood system as fast as possible. not true with a stroke. here's why. with a stroke, you can't tell if you have a clot or if you've blown open a blood vessel, and if you're bleeding from a leaky blood vessel, the last thing you want to do is make the blood thinner. they'll say with a stroke, be cautious and call 911, but no aspirin. >> and you -- >> get the cheapest, generic crumbly stuff. if you see a big aspirin bottle and it's all junk in the bottom, that's the aspirin for you. >> because it breaks up so easily. >> exactly. then with a big glass of water, it's dissolved by the time it gets in your stomach. >> let's talk about the other uses for aspirin, beginning with the r battery. >> the most fun thing yound i will never do, but every guy should know about.
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if your car battery doesn't work, drop two aspirin into the car battery and it may be enough, between the acids reacting to give your car one more little spark so you can drive it to the local shop. >> all right. >> so, if you have a bug bite or if you have a teenager who has a blemish -- >> a pimple, right. >> you can take crushed aspirin or you can take aspirin and just dissolve it in water, wet this, make a paste on a bug bite or on -- >> a pimple? >> a pimple, and it will take down the inflammation. remember, at the heart of aspirin, it takes away inflammation. >> and we know it keeps flowers fresh. >> exactly. you just ta your water, drop aspirin in. usually, before you put in the flowers. >> don't call your doctor in the morning on this one. >> no. except if you're really a good patient, maybe your doctor will send you the flowers. >> finally, some stains. >> stains in shirts, again, dissolves with some aspirin. not hot water, luke-warm water. i should be doing a home ec thing. >> dr. nancy, who would know?
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>> but aspirin to me is the most extraordinary drug out there, but use it tell squlaevenlt. here, get out from under the flower so people can see you. >> thank you, dr. nancy. it's 8:24 and now here's matt. >> meredith, thank you. now the latest contestant voted off "the biggest loser," dina mercado. she was voted off last week, even though she lost more weight than her teammate. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning. >> you lost five, he gained a pound. what's up with that? >> ultimately, "the biggest loser" is a game, and that's exactly the way my team chose to go. they chose friendship over keeping their team strong, so -- >> daniel a veryopular contestant. >> very popular. second season here. >> how much weight have you lost? >> a total of 75 pounds so far. >> and at home, are you finding it difficult to get workouts in? i mean, because you work out a lot. >> yes. we work out a lot. still work out a lot, but not half as much as we did at the ranch. it is difficult with my son, but -- >> your son's, what, 9 1/2 or something like that? >> he is 9 1/2. >> so you have to fit both of those things in. it's tough. >> i wake up very early to get
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my workouts in and go back to the gym later after work to make time later in the day for him. >> still up for all right. the time is 8:26 and 54 degrees outside. cloudy and still rain is around the region. we'll get the latest from tom. in the news for today, if you take the train to work, you may want to add an extra few minutes to your route. riders will start to be screened and be checked at random. pack and carry-on items. they suggest that you add five or ten minutes to your commute.
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still raining out there? >> yes, just lightly scattered drizzle and in the mid-50s. there's lingering light rain in the district and we may get a few other passing showers later today with a high near 60. overnight tonight and through noontime tomorrow, jerry, how is the traffic. trying to get to the capital beltway, on 395 northbound, it's bumper to bumper before the capital beltway to and across the 14th street bridge even with all of the lanes opened.
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♪ 8:00 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of october 2009. let's just be honest, it is a miserable start to the day here in new york city. it is raining and chilly, but you know what, we've got nice people out on the plaza, as always. thanks to them for sticking around. and they're listening to the music of the police. >> yes.
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>> and sting in the background there. he's one of the great figures in music and the frontman of that group is out with another solo album, and he's going to be in our studio. >> that is a lush beard. >> that is a lush beard. >> that is a lush man. >> i just heard him practicing the song he's going to perform, "soul cake"? it's fantastic. >> he's going to do it in just a couple of minutes. >> also -- >> out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer with meredith vieira, al roker and ann curry. >> now? hulk hogan has written a book about his struggles inside and outside the ring and he really pulls no punches in this book. he talks about how his marriage fell apart, his son's arrest, his own struggles with steroids. all of that is in the book. and the way he has come back through all of this. so, he's here to join us. >> big-hearted guy. >> yes. >> he's a big dude. >> there's the gun show. >> okay, all right. and we're going to hear from a hot chef this morning about making a delicacy that i find
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quite wonderful, gimchi. a tradition. put a little spice in the meal. >> more than a little. that's right. and natalie's the lucky duck amongst us all. she's getting the office makeover. to go fm drab to cool. >> oh, wow! >> good for her. then you get to have one, too? >> well, we'll show you how you can do this at your office as we. >> okay. >> cool. >> a lot to get to. first, how about a check of the weather? >> well, don't need me for this. we've got rain here. let's see what's going on as far as today's concerned. wet weather through the southeast. some flooding possible down through northern and central georgia. wet weather in the pacific northwest with snow in the intermountain regions. i'll use this microphone. my battery just kind of died. okay? and then we're looking at for trick-or-treats on halloween night, showers and mountain
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snows in the pacific northwest. clear from texas on into the southwest. it doesn't look good morning. we've had steady rain over the last several hours. it's tapered off with scattered drizzle with a little fog in the area. radar is showing light drizzle around temperatures around the region, steady and in the 50s. a few passing showers overnight tonight and through midday on wednesday. perhaps a little sun is back tomorrow afternoon. highs, low 60 and that's your latest weather. >> sprung a leak in this umbrella. >> uh-oh. >> so be careful. when we come back, hulk hogan is in the studio. talks about going from on top of
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back now at 8:35 with terry bollea, better known as legendary wrestler hulk hogan. he rose to the top with a unique blend of showmanship and athleticism in hulkomania, but recently, the frenzy is around hulk's personal life, all documented in his new book "my life outside the ring." hulk hogan, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> as i said earlier, you don't pull any punches in this book. you lay it all out there, your troubles in your marriage, with your kids, the extramarital affair you had, use of steroids. why did you want to expose yourself like this? why write this book? >> well, you know, it's been a tough couple years, and you know, the way things are and the things people are going through, you know, i just felt if i could survive and get through this and change my thinking and switch gears, i just wanted people to
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know that life is good, you know? you don't have to, you know, run around with your head down, you know? stay positive, stay happy. and for me to pull the nose up on this thing, you know, change my thinking and be happier than i've ever been, i just wanted people to know my story. >> especially the way the book starts. it begins in december of 2007. >> yeah. >> you are alone in your house in florida. you're nursing a combination of xanax and rum. >> right, rum. >> and you're holding a gun, and you write "i remember thinking three pounds of pressure is all it takes to pull this thing." >> yeah. >> "it would be just so ea." >> yeah. >> how did you get to that place, hulk? >> just a bunch of things, you know? my son had this horrible accident, you know, with his best friend -- >> and that was in august of 2007. >> right. my wife and i had a marriage that had been unraveling for a long time. it was a bad situation, you know? and it was just a combination of everything. it was the house my kids grew up
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in. my wife built the home. and you know, when i came back, it was just, i had been on the set "american gladiators," and my kids didn't come to visit me and linda wouldn't come to the set, so i just got into this downward spiral and kept thinking real negatively. and when i went to the house, every room was empty. all my dogs and all of the animals were gone. there were pictures of my family all over the house, and every closet i went in, all the clothes were gone. and it just came overme. it just happened. i just sat there in this chair that i had to sit in because my back was so bad i couldn't even brush my teeth without sitting down. or if i didn't have the chair, i'd shave half my face and have to lay on the floor and get up and shave the other half. and i just started sitting there and i was overwhelmed with depression. and i just got to this point that i never understood before. and the more i looked in the mirror and the more i realized it was over and my life as i knew it was done, i just went down this path, and i started to hypnotize myself. and it can happen.
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>> yeah, but it was a phone call from your friend, laila ali, actually, that pulled you out of it. she called, certainly didn't know what you were about to do. >> mm-hmm. yeah, it was a tough one, because people had been checking on me. my very good friend steve chapman had called me and another friend had called me and my partner. they were all worried about me. i didn't know they were calling each other behind my back, almost trying to figure out what to do with me. and i kept kind of faking it on the phone. i couldn't fake my voice, but i kept saying, "i'm okay, i'm okay," and they knew something was wrong. to that point, i had sat there a couple days and it was almost like i was in a trance and i really didn't think about the gun or where i was at, but the more i looked in the mirror and i started playing with this thing, i got hypnotized, and all of a sudden, the phone rang, and it was laila and she's like, what's going on? you're on the set, you're on the press, are you okay? >> you were doing "american gladiators" together, right?
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>> yeah, and she called with no agenda. she called just to say hi and check on me. >> do you think if she hadn't, you would have pulled that trigger? >> um, i don't know. you know, in a way, it snapped me out of it, just to hear her voice. and at that moment, i switched gears. i got sick and tired of being sick and tired. and you know, she kind of -- her voice saved my life. it really did. >> you know, as you mentioned before, 2007 was a very hard year for you. as you said, your son nick and that accident that left his friend, john, with severe brain injuries. john's fily is suing you and your family for more money than you say you've ever made. >> right, right. >> in your career. and you spend a lot of the book defending your son. he was accused at the time of having been under the influence of alcohol. you claim to this day he wasn't. you go after john's father, actually, and john's father's behavior, the passenger in the car. >> yeah. >> the wound obviously still very raw for you. >> well, you know, we're right in the middle of this civil suit
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right now, but john was a family member to us, you know. he was living with us. he was part of our family. he was there every morning yelling at me, "hogan, come downstairs, let's work out!" it was just so strange to be so close with someone, you know, and trying to help him, trying to get by his personal situation with his family. then all of a sudden, you know, this tragic accident happened. and it was an accident. and going to the hospital every single day being with john and being with his mother and praying with him and touching him, rubbing him and talking to him. then all of a sudden, not even talking to john's mom, i know there's going to be a lawsuit, but don't worry about it. john needs help and we're going to do everything we n do to help him. and the day they filed the lawsuit, i wasn't able to see john anymore. so the whole thing added to what was going on, and it was tough. >> so, you think you are financially responsible for john? >> no, i don't think that at all, but i'll do anything to help him, you know, anything in my power to help him. i love john and i know he'll be with us. he'll be back on what i call team hogan.
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and when he was released from the hospital about a month ago, it was one of the greatest days of my life to see john going home and getting better every single day. so you know, we know john's going to be back with us 100%. >> you know, you talk about your wife linda, ex-wife -- i guess the divorce settlement has come through. >> right, right. >> i know you can't talk about the particulars, but you're tough on her as well. you talk about the way she sort of brutalized you and the kids verbally and her use of alcohol. how would you describe the relationship that the two of you had? >> well, it was tough. it was constant chaos. you know, and i had no idea how beautiful life was and how nice people are, and you know, that the wind is beautiful and the sun's beautiful. i was not in that mindset, you know? i was madly in love with linda, you know, old-school, married to her for life no matter what happened, for better or for worse, doing everything i could to keep the family together. i used to brag that i was the only world's champion that never was divorced. and i just figured no matter how
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bad it got, wd get through. it but it got to the point where everything was so negative. you know, we couldn't be friends with the neighbors, i couldn't have people over. it got to the point where i'd just get sick and tired of being sick and tired. and a few years before the divorce, i just started praying to be happy, you know? and it just got to the point where it couldn't go on anymore. >> but did you wonder, in writing the book, should i spell it out so specifically, my feelings about linda, particularly things like the alcoholism and the abusive language? because ultimately, this is the mother of my children as well -- >> right. right. it just, it got to the point where you have to tell the truth. you know, you have to let people know, you know, what has happened in your life and how -- the reason i wrote the book was to let people know, if i got through the last two years, anybody can, you know? and what went down, you know, in my personal life, a lot of our friends knew. you know, a lot o our friends didn't want to come over. a lot of people that did come over, they would calculate their exit. they knew kind of like the right timing when to leave. so it was tough.
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it was really tough. >> we're running out of time. i know you'll be back at 10:00 to answer more questions. obviously, those of us who watched the reality show "hogan knows best," we had no idea that your family was in the middle of unraveling at that point. i know you have moved on now. you have a girlfriend jennifer who's helped you dramatically. i'm sure you're going to talk about all that as well. >> yes. >> hulk, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> the book is called "my life outside the ring," and you can read an excerpt at our website. up next,
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this morning on "today's kitchen back to basics," one of new york's top chefs, david chang, is known as the radical chef because he always puts a new twist on traditional food. he is co-author of "momofuku," named after his new york city restaurants. pleasure having you here. >> my pleasure. >> i got through the name, career-ending there, i appreciate that. we're making kimchi, what is
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that? >> it's a formatted pickled cabbage, and it's by far and away the national dish of korea. >> and there are different ways to make it? is there a regional take on this? >> throughout korea, just like american barbecue, there's different ways of making it. so, this is our way, and my mother would be very, very upset about how i make it, but -- >> but that's okay. mom's -- >> this is very easy for the home cook to make. >> all right. first ing we've got to go to the asian food store and get the ingredients. what are the things we're going to need? >> well, you're going to need napa cabbage, or you could use any cabbage, for instance. you can make kimchi out of anything, literally. but first and forest, this is probably the easiest way is napa cabbage. and you're going to want to cure it with salt. >> lots of salt. >> lots of salt, because it's really important in the fermentation process for ph levels and stuff, which is going to keep it -- >> fresh. >> fresh. >> what are some of the other things we have here. >> these are some of the ingredients that you're going to need to find at an asian supermarket or go online. you have some salted shrimp
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here. this is called kochugaru, and that's dried red chili peppers. and koreans eat everything, and it's very spicy. so, what we're making -- we're not using any heat, but it has a very spicy, spicy taste. and different types of proteins in terms of fish sauce. >> and we'll put all these ingredients on our website. you've got to get over the fact that you're dealing with things that most people don't normally do. just be daring. take a chance on this. >> and make a mistake. >> okay, we've got the ingredients here. we pure it? >> yes. after we have the cabbage cured, we're going to add all of these ingredients, the salted shrimp, garlic, ginger, sugar and some soy, and we have some squid sauce in there as well. >> okay. you're going to pure this. and the amazing thing, this lasts for a long time, doesn't it? if it's does not correctly. >> yeah. the idea being pure it so it's -- >> come on back here and take a
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look at what we have. so, this is what it's going to look like when it's all done. >> right. and this is the cabbage now after it's been salted and cured. >> how long did that take? >> an hour. but you could do it up to 24 hos or even less. >> okay. >> take some of that water out. and a couple tablespoons of this. some onions. green onions. >> all right. and the best way to store this, you found, is in these good, old-fashioned glass jars? >> because this is a very, how should i say, aromatic process -- >> yeah, believe me. all right? you want to keep it sealed tightly. >> right, right. >> is this the one i should taste? >> that's the pure. so, you put this into here and you want to let it sit in the refrigerator for two minutes -- >> okay. >> not two minutes, two weeks. >> two weeks. >> and then you'll have something like this, which is spicy, garlicky, a little
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♪ >> announcer: "the toyota concert series" on "today" brought to you by toyota. toyota, moving forward. as both a member of the police and a solo artist, sting has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide. well, now he's out with a new album dedicated to his favorite season. a collection of traditional songs and lullabies called "if on a winter's night." ladies and gentlemen, sting. >> one, two, three, four. ♪ ♪ a soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake, a pair, a cherry, anything to make us all merry ♪ ♪ soul cake, soul cake, please give misses the soul cake ♪ ♪ one for peter, two for paul and twoor him who made us
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aal all ♪ ♪ ♪ god bless the master of this house and the mistress and all the little children that around the table grow ♪ ♪ the cattle in the stable, the dogs at your front door, and all that dwell within your gates, i wish you ten times more ♪ ♪ a soul cake, soul cake, please give misses the soul cake, an apple and a pair, a cherry, anything good thing to make us all merry ♪ ♪ soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake, one for peter, two for paul, three for him that made us all ♪ ♪ oh down into the cellar and see what you can find ♪ ♪ if the barrels are all empty, i hope that you'll be kind, we hope that you'll be kind with your apple and your pear ♪
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♪ you'll come no more a soul until christmastime next year ♪ ♪ a soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake ♪ ♪ an apple, a pear, a cherry, anything at all to make us all merry ♪ ♪ a soul cake, soul cake, please give misses a soul cake, one for peter, two for paul, three for him who made us all ♪ ♪ ♪ the streets are very dark, these shoes are very thin, a hollow in the pocket to put a penny in ♪ ♪ if you haven't got a penny, a half penny will do, if you haven't got a half penny, god bless you ♪ ♪ soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake ♪ ♪ an apple, a pear, a cherry, anything good thing to make us all merry ♪
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♪ soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake ♪ ♪ one for peter, two for paul, three for him who made us all ♪ ♪ three for him that made us all ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ a soul cake, a soul cake ♪ a soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake ♪ ♪ an apple, a pear, a cherry, any good thing to make us all merry ♪ ♪ soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses a soul cake ♪ ♪ one for peter, two for paul, threeree for him who made us al♪
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8:56 is the time right now. take a look at that. that's the kind of day we're having in the nation's capital. it's rainy and cloudy. we'll talk more about the forecast. it's 50 degrees right now on this tuesday, october 27th. there will be a rally in n norfolk. republican bob mcdonald trails by 11 points. another loss and another lead to the fedex field. sherman lewis calls for the redskins.
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what is going to happen. >> showers are likely on the way later on this morning with highs near 60s. through midday tomorrow, dry after that. how is a traffi jerry? >> 270 southbound remains very heavy. there's good news to report. the long standing accident 66 eastbound at the beltway has been cleared. the bad news is from centreville all the way in. joe? >> more news in 25 minutes. don't forget news 4 is always connected to you. check it out on facebook and twitter for b
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and we're back now with more of "today" on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of october 2009. not nice out there. >> mm-mmm. >> raining here in the northeast. going to continue to rain for the next day or so, and still keeping our eye on game one of the world series between the yankees and the phillies. >> does not look good. >> does not look good? >> does not look good. >> might have to postpone that? we'll keep an eye on that. inside studio 1a, matt lauer along with natalie morales and al roker. still to come, you know taking care of your heart is important. heart disease is the number one killer in america of men and women, but do you actually know anything about it? dr. nancy snyderman's going to be back to answer your
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questions, like along with medicine and exercise, how can you reduce high blood pressure, and what if your teen is battling high cholesterol? so, a lot of those things coming up in just a few minutes. okay, also ahead, from our decorating files. you know, my office here was in need of a desperate makeover, so we put hdtv's angelo surmalise to work with 30 days and a limited budget. he took on the challenge and so did i. wait until you see the outcome. >> have you seen it? >> yeah, for the last month. and it looks great. >> cool. i've got to get in on that action. >> that's right. later. >> and later on, sting is back singing the praises of philanthropist bobby sager, who has a special project going and needs your help. >> you know the song you just sang? >> mm-hmm. >> it gets in your system. i've heard it once and i'm humming it already. that's a good sign. that's a good sign. yeah, sting just went, yeah! way to go. >> like that. >> you've got him. >> we like that. >> you go, sting!
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>> let's go over to the news desk. ann's got the top stories. ann? >> remember this day, you got a thumbs up from sting. in the news, a push for government-sponsored health insurance has been revived in the senate. majority leader harry reid said on monday that the so-called public option will be included in the senate's health care overhaul bill. individual states would be able to opt out. opponents, including some democrats, warn that a public plan could drive private insurance companies out of business. a sign of the times monday near columbus, ohio. thousands lined up outside a high school for h1n1 swine flu vaccinations. the clinic ran out of needles for vaccinating small children. two delta northwest pilots are facing the possible loss of their licenses and their jobs this morning. federal officials say that the pilots claim that they flew 150 miles beyond their destination last week because they were busy using their personal laptops in the cockpit to check crew schedules. japan's defense ministry
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says one of their destroyer has collided with a ship off japan. fires are reported on both vessels. no immediate report of casualties so far. overnight in berlin, several postal service trucks were set on fire and police are blaming left-wing radicals and copycats for torching more than 200 luxury cars, government and commercial vehicles so far this year. and a ferryboat passenger from denmark turned out to be a walking pet store. norwegian customs agents found 14 socks taped to the man's torso, and each one held a royal python snake. uncomfortable, but not lethal. and in his pants, small boxes were filled with albino leopard geckos. that must have been fun. the smuggler was fined $2,400. he told officers he's just crazy about reptiles. it is three minutes after the hour. now to al. >> there's so many lines there that will get me in trouble. let's check on what's going on. a lot of wet weather not just here, but down through the gulf
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coast. look at the rain, falling especially in the panhandle of florida on into parts of georgia. we're also lking at wet weather moving into the northeast. this rain spreads all the way down and up along the eastern seaboard. rainfall amounts, we're talking the heaviest down through central georgigeor good morning. the rain has tapered off. that's continuing to move out of maryland this morning and look at the rain totals we've had since midnight. in washingt, in the nearby suburbs, temperatures around the region in the 50s. now 55 in washington. highs today only near 60. other passing showers are likely this afternoon. tonight, through that's your latest weather. now let's g back downstairs to matt and natalie with a special
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guest. >> very special guest. >> yes. >> that's right. we're sitting here with sting, who just performed last half hour. this album is called "if on a winter's night." i describe these songs as lullabies, yet they're different than the lullabies i grew up with. where did you come across them? >> we researched into many centuries, genre, some classic music, some sacred music. basically, what connects all the songs is the imagination. winter is the season of imagination, spirits and ghosts in the chimney. it's also a season of reflection. >> you write a lot about that in the notes to the songs, about your reflections during winter. how does winter make your feel? >> i think winter's important to us to reflect on what's happened the year before so we can move into the spring. it's a ritualized way of reassessing our lives. >> like a renewal. >> renewal, exactly. >> what is it you find fascinating about music these days? you've been doing it for so long, what gets your juices going? >> it's like saying why do i breathe or drink or eat. music is food and drink for me.
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i couldn't do without it. >> last time you were here, you were playing "the he liar, so n you're back to guitar. you've chosen different ways to evolve in your music. >> i'm still a work in progress. i'm still developing as a musician i want to get better and better as i get older. i don't want to stay in one place. i want to do different things and learning. i'm here to learn. >> i like when you come in, because i look at the group of musicians you've assembled. it's an eclectic, interesting group. >> they're eclectic and always the best. always the best. >> that's great. >> that's a good theory to have. good luck with this album. >> thank you. >> great to have you back. >> glad to have you here. >> going to play something as we go? ♪ >> i like. it it's already under my skin. the album is called "if on a winter's night." sting, good to have you. now here's al. >> announcer: "taking heart to health today" is brought you by v8. get three out of your five servings of vegetables a day. v8. what's your number? >> reporter: you saw another example of why we have the
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greatest jobs in the world. thanks a lot. now for more of our series "taking health to heart today" with answers to your questions. heart sease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in this country. nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is here with our facts. >> hi, al. >> there is research that just came out of canada that says men and women have the same heart attack symptoms, which is contrary to popular belief. >> contrary to everything i've ever said on this program, and i think this really sort of stunned me, because we've always said that men and women have different estimates. but these are the classics -- pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting. but this canadian researcher says perhaps it's a breakdown of communication and women describe things differently. and for women, it may be overwhelming exhaustion and nausea, but we don't really describe the pain the same way. >> because you maybe have experience pain differently than men do. >> right. >> quickly, what happens to the body during a heart attack? >> classically during a heart attack, you know, the heart has its own blood suly, and a blood vessel will have a clot.
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so, if you look at the heart and that's the aorta, and you zero in on the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the muscle, what happens is you get a little plaque. that's your cholesterol. and then those platelets and blood cells are just whizzing by, getting a little sticky. boom, you have a clot, which means the blood no longer gets through there. and when the blood can't get through, oxygen and nutrients don't go to the heart muscle, and then that area around the blockage dies. that's when you start to feel the chest pain, when you have the blockage, but you get the real full-blown heart attack when that muscle around there really dies. >> all right. so, our viewers have tons of questions, so i want to get right to them. >> sure. >> in an e-mail from eileen in levittown, pennsylvania. she asks, "how important is your weight and family history in evaluating risk factors for heart disease?" >> they're both really important. family history -- if your daddy had a heart attack when he was 46, you may well be prone to a heart attack. >> does it matter whether it's your father or your mother? >> no, it really doesn't. heart disease can run on both sides of the family. the biggest concern, though, for
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most people is smoking. so, if you take smoking out of it, family matters a lot. and then waist circumference. for women, 30 inches. for men, 35. and the hip-waist ratio -- you really have to focus on your waist because that's where we carry the toxic fat, which carries a lot of chemicals that in fact put your stress on your heart. >> okay. now, our next question is from barron on the phone in pittsburgh. good morning, what's your question for dr. nancy? >> caller: good morning. i am a 37-year-old male who was diagnosed with high blood pressure about five years ago. mainly due to stress and genetics. i take medication and work out three to four times a week and eat pretty well. however, my blood pressure still runs sometimes around 140-90. is there anything else i can do to help lower that? >> bar rron, you may be one of those people with genetics. you work out, you watch your weight, but the blood pressure is still high. there are good, old-time
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medications that can bring the blood pressure down. the classic is 120-80. it's that 90. you don't want to get close to 100, so talk to your doctor about straight-forward medications. >> barron, thanks. hopefully you can get that blood pressure dow. now vanessa in shrewsbury, massachusetts writes "my 58-year-old father recently found out he had a silent heart attack. what is this and what could have caused it?" >> a silent heart attack is just like that animation we just showed, except you may not have the overwhelming pain. it's likely you think, oh, well, i'veot a little indigestion or i feel a little sluggish, but the reality is, they find on an ekg or a catheterization later, there's a little bit of dead muscle. >> it's found after the fact. >> so it's a mild heart attack, but a heart attack nonetheless. >> we'll have to do more of this, because there is a lot of great information. >> thanks, al. >> thank you very much. still to come, from the inside to the outside. how to steal that runway look so you can go out on the town in style. first, with three days and a tight budget, our own natalie
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morales gets an office makeover without dwight schrut. just wait for the relates. ou. then...well... i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq®. (announcer) pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or glaucoma.
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tell your doctor if you have heart disease... or before you reduce or stop taking pristiq. side effects may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. (woman) for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. (announcer) ask your doctor about pristiq. vegetables are naturally low in calories.r doctor v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number? hey guys, sorry we're late. milk looks warm. finally got the whole gang together: maple brown sugar, strawberry delight, blueberry muffin. yeah, a little family reunion. ( blowing, shouting ) what now? we're cereal here! what? just cooling it down. - enough said. - gotcha. yeah, safety first.
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whoo hoo! watch the whole grain. try kellogg's frosted mini-wheats hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot, new way. to keep your kids full and focused all morning. oops! dude, your eight layers are showing. mini-wheats hot. keeps 'em full, keeps 'em focused. fact: your child could pick up the flu virus from surfaces. lysol disinfectant spray kills cold & flu viruses, including h1n1. lysol is the number one pediatrician recommended brand. lysol. disinfectant to protect. this morning on "today's home," an office makeover on a budget, but not just any office. we're talking my office. last month we put the skills of interior decorator angelo surmalise to the test when he transformed a new jersey family's sun room on an impossible budget in just three days. well, i was so impressed that we upped the ante and i challenged him to give my sterile office
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here at work a face-lift. angelo also had a tight budget -- three days and one very novice design assistant, me. as soon as i'm off the air, i pretty much run over across the street to 30 rock and get started with the second part of my day. i work in the most amazing ilding. unfortunately, the minute i walk in the door, it's kind of like, ugh. >> natalie? >> i'm excited! i need some help! >> a little bit. i can tell. >> it has a very eclectic feel. >> it has a little bit of a mismatch thing going on. >> i have photographs everywhere but with no real theme going. >> i can help you with that. so, how do you feel about your desk? >> i'm not really married to my desk. as you can see, it's a little cramped. >> let's have a game plan. >> mm-hmm. >> we need color in the room. >> yes. >> we want to soften up that window. >> yeah. >> and we want to give you more desk space. >> sounds like a game plan. >> so, as you can see, i'm here
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with the paint, and i'm just waiting for natalie. natalie? ms. morales? time is ticking. >> painter crew's here. >> whoa, look at this! all right, let's take a look at our paint. >> ooh. i love the look of that. >> we are opening the russian blue. cool thing about this color, very neutral backdrop. >> ooh, i love that color. painting 101. yeah. it's a good arm workout. >> key to getting one-coat coverage is paint and primer in oncan. ♪ works hard for -- >> we need music in here. ♪ wher are matt, al and ann? they were supposed to help. i think we're done here, angelo. >> well, turn around, because i'm going to giv you a grade for your work today. >> uh-oh. >> you did way better than an "f." so, your work here is done
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>> yay! >> you get to go home. >> ooh! >> i get to stay. ♪ i think a change, a change will do you good, will do you good ♪ >> it is 8:00 a.m., beginning of workday number three, and there is a ton of work to do. ♪ i hope that you like my style ♪ >> you want to put pictures on the wall and you don't know where to start, pick one big piece that you love and then build around it like a puzzle. ♪ i hope that you like my style ♪ >> it's all about expanding this window. we could stop the rod right where the window edwardnds, bute take it wall to wall, it takes this view and expands it all the way. it's reveal time. i'm going to go get natalie. come on in. >> okay. >> one, two, three. >> oh, my gosh! wow. job well done. >> thanks. here's what we did in your room.
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we gave you color on the wall. we stream-lined your office with a brand new desk, which gives you more surface area. and then we took your personal photos and gave you a fantastic gallery wall. >> it's beautiful. i can't say thank you enough. >> and i can't say okay. >> i am completely blown away by all the solutions and the storage and the pictures and the -- i mean, it's perfect, everything. everywhere i look, this is a perfect room. and i haven't gone home since. here's the magician himself, the host of hdtv's "rate my space." angelo, good morning. >> hey, natalie. >> good to have you back. you put me to work. >> i did. >> it was well worth. it let's talk about the changes, first and foremost being the color. >> absolutely. >> which is a major change. >> if nothing else, put colors on the wall. and we used two colors in that space. as a matter of fact, let's look at your before right here. this is your window wall before. as you can see, no color at all. >> very sterile, like that beigy
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yellow. >> very sterile. absolutely. let's go to the after so we can see some of the color in there. now, check out the difference here. >> now, why two shades of blue? >> the great thing about this is it takes this very boxy room and really defines it. we define it over here with a darker color, and then the lighter shade right over here gives it a little bit more interest. so, makes the boxy room feel a little bit more interesting. >> and allows for a little bit of that gallery wall, which, speaking of that, the photographs, that was a big issue for me. >> exactly. >> trying to find a way to display. >> well, let's take a look at your before desk wall first. >> mm-hmm. >> becauses you can see, right over here you've got your photographs. >> right. >> but they kind of feel like they're floating on that wall. >> there was no sense to that display. >> okay, let's look at the before of the gallery wall first. this is literally right opposite your desk. >> right. >> a lot of space to play with. let's look at the after, one of the first afters here. >> mm-hmm. >> okay, as you can see right here, we're starting to pull that wall together, because all the photos are now really
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focused on that wall. and let's look at a head-on shot of that wall, so you can really see the gallery feel. >> and i like what you said, to start with a bigger piece and not to worry about -- like, i do this at home, which is totally wrong now, i've learned. you take the ruler out and measure in between. >> you could do that, but i wanted to simplify it, because it's so daunting and this is a simple way to do. it we took one piece and it became the hero piece. >> right. >> and we built it around as a puzzle. we didn't match the frames or worry about sizing everything, because we want it to feel eclectic, plus give you extra room over here to expand. >> and don't worry about matching frames as well. >> exactly. because if you want another frame a year or two, you won't find the exact frame. >> and talking about the window. something to soften up the window. >> this is your before, which is a great window, fantastic view. >> right. grea view. >> but let's go to the after. what we did was very took this curtain and went floor to ceiling. but importantly, we went wall to wall here. >> right. >> and even though we bunched e curtains onto one side to create a really great effect --
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>> right. >> -- we still took the rod all the way across. >> well, we're unfortunately out of time, but i'm loving it, to let you know. >> all right, awesome. >> i'm living in it. very well. >> and she did all the painting. >> why an a minus? why that? >> you didn't see the ceiling, people. she messed up on the ceiling. >> angelo, thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> you're a hero to me. coming up next, connie britton from "friday night lights." then later, hulk holegan. your home sees a lot of life, and so does new air wick imotion. it's the only continuous air freshener with a smart motion sensor, so it sees when there is more activity and automatically adjusts the fragrance. it creates the perfect scent in your home's busiest places. air wick freshmatic ultra with imotion gives you freshness where life happens. air wick, it's good to be home. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all...
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the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. to check the available balance of all her bank accounts. doesn't get any easier than that. 24/7 access to your finances. that's online banking. with bank of america. hey, you're supposed to be a vegetable! there's a full serving of vegetables in every manwich. besides, y're a grain anyway. - but i'm corn! - yeah, corn's a grain. ( crowd applauds ) announcer: surprise. every manwich has a full serving of wholesome vegetables.
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manwich. meat your vegetables. the play's called "farmer john's vegetable patch," right? exactly. according to a study presented by better homes and gardens, definity color recapture. it corrects the look of wrinkles and discoloration. 50,000 voters. one brliant winner. two of nature's sweetest wonders growing together under the same sun. and now for the first time, in new sun crystals ® . the only 100% natural sweetener made with pure cane sugar and stevia. finally, all the sweetness of nature and just 5 calories a packet. nature gave us the recipe; we just gave it a name. new sun crystals ® all natural sweetener. two natural wonders. one sweet taste™.
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the critically acclaimed series "friday night lights" is back, and with the main couple separated at rival schools, conflict is on the horizon. >> connie britton is half of that handsome couple. connie, good to have you back here. >> good to be back. >> your character tammy is the principal at west dylan high school, kbrourt husband is at east dylan high school coaching. >> coaching. >> there is a rivalry going on. is that taking a toll on the relationship at home? >> it is. it's interesting, because everything on "friday nooigt lights" is all written very subtly. as opposed to it being, you're at a different school than me, i'm mad at you, it's more about the tensions that arise. we both are under a lot of pressure. it's a small town. people are very upset about everything being divided this
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way, and he's sort of, being the coach in our town, he's in charge over there, and as principal, i'm in charge over here, and i'm having my strings pulled by the boosters and the big football people, so it's -- >> so, the series is moving into kind of what's happening in the marriage and what's happening with the town in addition to the football that it really is concentrating on. >> yeah. >> and the thing is that, you know, you have been telling me when we weren't on camera, something really interesting about how this series is shot that really encourages -- >> well, the thing that -- >> -- creativity. >> -- i think is so special about our show and why we have a passionate fan base and why critics are so passionate about is it is we shoot so differently. we have a lot of cameras going on. with a lot of programs, there's one camera, so you have to shoot one side and then shoot the other side. with us, we get on, we don't rehearse. we don't have marks. so it's not set how we're going to stand -- >> spontaneous. >> everything's spontaneous. and we have a wonderful crew of
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cameras and they catch what's happening. so it's very spontaneous, it's creative for everybody involved and it's very exciting. >> highly critically acclaimed, this show. >> you've won emmysnd i think a peabody, if i'm not mistake. >> we've been acknowledged -- afi awards. >> we're very proud. >> here's when to watch. back after your local news. ( sfx: lever and stairs flattening noise, and sliding sound ) pop-tarts®, please! ♪ ( sfx: toaster pop ) when you give your kids... kellogg's frosted strawberry pop-tarts®... baked with real fruit, they'll rise. and you'll shine. ( sfx: mom giggles ) pop-tarts®. made for fun™. [ male announcer ] best shampoo, self magazine. experts at good housekeeping agree. they gave it their seal. [ male announcer ] pantene delivers damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. you be the expert. experience pantene. of maxwell house's flavor lock lid.
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hear that? seals it tight. smells like fresh ground. fresh fresh fresh fre-- that's our favorite part. ...fresh! oh, what a nasty day we have out there. a good day to stay inside, if you can. time right now is 9:26. good morning. i'm barbara harrison. in the news today, fairfax county is extending the amount of people that will get flu shot. anyone under the age of 5 will get a flu shot. between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at kelly middle school. let's look at the traffic
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what is going on out there? it won't stop raining. >> hang on. it will dry out by tomorrow. good day. get used to it for the next 24 hours. we're going to see the same scene, sort of fog around. the bulk of the steadier rain has moved o and we have scattered drizzle in the cool mid-50s. 55 in washington. later on today, perhaps near 60. a few more passing showers as well as tonight and through midday tomorrow. occasional showers are possible. occasional drying out tomorrow afternoon. d still very, very and headed for northbound, jammed as you make your way through landmark and to and across the 14th street bridge. the long-standing accident at 66 at the beltway finally is gone.
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♪ soul cake, a soul cake, please give misses the soul cake ♪ ♪ one for peter, two for paul and three for him that made us all ♪ that is sting performing in our studio live earlier this morning. his work, however, here is not done, because he's written the forward to the book "the power of the invisible son." the book is by his friend, philanthropist bobby sager. and in this half hour, they will both be here to talk about the special project that they'd like your help with. we'll be speaking to both of them in just a moment. >> good friends. >> anyway, ll look forward to talking with them. natalie, you have something also to talk about. you were talking -- i just want to keep listening to the
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music -- some fashion tips. >> that's right, fashion trends. we'll tell you how to steal the runway look and make it your own, so next time you want to strut your stuff, you'll feel like you came off the catwalk. and "a woman's nation," maria shriver is joining us live. she and her husband arnold schwarzenegger are hosting the women's conference this week and part of the focus is on loss and grieving, something maria knows all too well. she just lost her mother, eunice kennedy, as well as her uncle ted recently. we'll be talking with her about that. >> it's an important topic. also on a lighter note, we're continuing our search for "today's kid reporter." monday we announced our third group of semifinalists to find the newest member of our crew. now it's up to you to choose which one of these children you think have the stuff to be our kid reporter. you have until 5:00 eastern time today to cast your vote. >> you can either logon to or to place your vote you can text your vote to 622639. press 1 for deidra, 2 for owen, 3 for jenna and 4 for bailey.
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standard rates apply, of course. by the way, on a programming note -- earlier, we talked to actress connie britton about "friday night lights." you can find it tomorrow night at 9:00/8:00 central time here and also on the 101 channel of directv. and you can also look for these episodes to air on nbc next spring. now let's take a look at the weather with al. >> all right, thanks a lot. let's take a look, see what's going on. and we'll show you, it is wet here in the northeast, obviously, looking for today. flooding in atlanta possible, rain in the pacific northwest. intermountain snows. tomorrow look for more rain in the northeast. going to be trouble for the world series tomorrow. heavy snow through the rockies, rain in the pacific northwest. looking ahead to halloween night, rain in the northeast and mid-atlantic states. that's no treat. mountain snow and showers in the pacific northwest.hwest. a wet and cool tuesday morning. good morning. our temperatures around the region are still holding steady in the mid-50s. the steadier rain has ended.
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we have scattered drizzle around the disstrict of columbia. now 55 in washingto and highs today near 60. other areas may get drizzle and a passing late shower later on tonight through midday wednesday and then drying out tomorrow afternoon, partly cloudy on thursday and friday. maybe a little >> and that's your latest weather. natalie? al, thank you. up next, we'll talk with sting and his very special guest, right after this. first, we dig a hole next to the house.
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if it's not there, we dig by the septic tank 'til we find the problem. average repair costs six thousand dollars. monthly maintenance with rid-x? about six dollars. (announcer) use rid-x monthly to help keep your septic systems operating efficiently between pumpings. kyle meyerowitz, tell me your story. my problem was occasional irregularity. my commercials didn't convince you? i am definitely a skeptic. actually, my mom convinced me. she saw the commercials, she tried it out... and? and i have activia every morning for breakfast... and, what happened? activia definitely helped my occasional irregularity. activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. chances are someone you trust can recommend activia. ♪ activia you'll never have to call them to the dinner table twice
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announcer: there's a place called hidden valley. where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. now rediscover the delectable taste that can only come from hidden valley, the original ranch. that can only come from hidden valley, [ sighs ] whoo-hoo! this hair color is a washout. try nice'n easy with color-blend technology. in 1 step, get a blend of 3 tones. highlights, lowlights, and shine. it makes a fresh, light-filled frame for your pretty face. nice'n easy. your right color.
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earlier this morning, sting serenaded us with a song and now he's back with his friend and philanthropist bobby sager. bobby has spent the last decade capturing children on film in some of the world's most war-torn countries, finding hope in their eyes and hoping you will see the same. the images are now in a new book called "the power of the invisible sun." guys, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is profound. bobby, you say you wrote it to stimulate people's thinking on how to live a more connected and impactful life. >> yeah. i don't go around the world doing this because i'm a do-gooder. i'm a doer who's figured out that being hands-on and eyeball-to-eyeball with the people i'm trying to help allows me and my family to live a really full life, and i'm trying to share that experience with the people who are reading the book, for them to understand
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that to be able to look into the people's eyes that you're trying to help and have them look back into yours and feel one another's humanity is living a really full life. >> and when you say look into the eyes, you're looki into the eyes in all the pictures in this book, of children, children who are living in war-torn places likefghanistan, rwanda, pakistan, zimbabwe. and what do you see, sting, in these eyes? >> it's amazing. i encouraged bobby to have these pictures as large as you could make them, so you're actually facing the children. his apartment is full of these pictures. i said make them this size. it's really impactful. look at this beautiful child here. >> you can see me right in the middle of his eyes. >> you can, right there. but the idea is to see that in a hope, this invisible sign that is less visible. because these children are really among the most invisible of our world. >> i think it's easy to see the invisible sun, which is a metaphor for hope, in the eyes of the kids who are smiling. but i actually think that it's more powerful in the eyes of the
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kids who aren't, because a little bit like health, when you don't have it, you realize how important it is. when you see these kids without hope in their eyes, you reall understand that sort of dazed, distant look, and you really understand -- this kid right here -- how just sort of out of the picture he is. and that to me really emphasizes how important hope is. >> and you don't just want people to feel sorry for these kids and just to give them a hug. you want just the opposite, you say. what do you want people to do, bobby? >> i want people to take strength from their strength, to feel more thankful in their own life, and in return,o go find ways to give other people hope, not just by giving money, but by giving something of themselves. >> and there is a boy nailed moises, who actually specifically specifically -- and i just saw you smile because there is something interesting about him. he's a child soldier. this is a photo of him.
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then there is another photo of something he made, which is a ball, made out of what looks like balloons and plastic, and -- >> yeah. it's rubbish. he's a child soldier in rwanda. he was fightin in the congo. he killed three people when he was 7 years old. and my family and i were at a child sojourn camp years ago and met him and he was the smallest kid in the group and he really touched our hearts. went back a year later and he was gone, and he sort of just, you know, went off, but he always stayed in our hearts and in our minds. and actually, hanging on the wall of our living room. and then this august, we went to rwanda to bring indestructible soccer balls that sting and i had been working to develop. >> go. yes! nice catch, sting. >> and we're passing out these balls. and our way to do things, whether passing out blankets or these or whatever -- >> these say hope. >> -- is for people to get in line and tell us their name and we look into their eyes and they
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look into our eyes and we hand it to them. so, we're handing out the balls to these child soldiers, and moises is standing right there. and it was his ball, the ball that you just showed that was the thing that made me want to be involved with these footballs. now, this football, because it's indestructible, will last for many, many years, and as a result, i was able to tell these kids, these child soldiers, imjin that you're going to be able to play soccer or football with your sons and daughters that, imagine the possibility of the future to have -- they couldn't even conceive of the idea that there could ever be parents, that they could ever -- >> that they could live. >> so, this is an incredible symbol of hope, much more than a ball to just play a game with, but something indestructible for kids who, everything in their lives, crumbles. everything in their lives is fragile. >> well, i know you're using these images, sting, in your
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concerts and you're supporting your good buddy bobby. and all the money from this book, by the way, is going to this organization, supporting the soccer ball effort. thank you so much, bobby and sting. congratulations on this. it's doing so much good. the book is called "the power of the invisible sun." and coming up next, what to fill your closet with. that's coming up after these messages. you've only got so many hours in a day to get your five servings of vegetables. consider this... the express route.
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v8. what's your number? is it real? no. just decorations. i'm going to make the biggest pumpkin of all. the biggest pumpkin? i need to make a witch's hat. in case my hat falls off. it's pointy and then... a spike. mamma... the best treats are the ones you get at home. rice krispies. childhood is calling. ( laughing ) they say imports always get the best mileage. well,do they know this malibu offers an epa estimated 33 mpg highway? they never heard that. which is better than a comparable toyota camry or honda accord? they are stunned. they can't believe it. they need a minute. i had a feeling they would. now qualified buyers get 0% apr for 60 months on 09 or 2010 malibu models.
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that's an average finance savings of around forty six hundred. there's never been more reasons to look at chevy. what if it had a flat bottom? old el paso stand 'n stuff. true genius. mexican style. ( dog barks ) shed a little light. and stockpile a little candy. because when you add a little spirit, you stress a little less. find all your costumes, candy and decorations at walgreens. throw a halloween party with soda, four for $10, and pizza, two for $10. walgreens. there's a way to add a little spirit.
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and pizza, two for $10. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! morning bob. (phone ring) good morning, scott tissue. can everyone hear me? uh, just barely. great, let's get started. surprise! you guys! (announcer) now scott extra soft tissue has a new design, and it's our softest ever. and one mega roll has more sheets than four of the competitions regular rolls. wow! this is really soft! new guy. (announcer) new scott extra soft tissue... softness done right!
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♪ on "today's style," fall looks on a limited budget. being well-dressed doesn't mean spending lots of money these days. and a limited budget doesn't mean fewer options. we ask fashionista and author laura bennett to turnunway chic into affordable style for us. laura, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> steal that look for less. it's something we love around here. is it easier said than done, though? >> no. i think it's not hard at all. i mean, sometimes you can't exactly wear a trend the way it's worn on the runway unless you're, you know, 12 and genetically altered, but there are definitely ways to take those looks and make them not only affordable, but wearable for everyday people. >> let's take a look at the first trend which we're seeing a lot, and that is the big shoulders look that we saw back in the '80s. >> back in the '80s. >> but this is more modified and more modern. >> yeah. i mean, i think the most important thing here is you don't want to look like you've been wearing the jacket since the '80s. >> exactly. and here we have our model, portia, sporting this look for us.
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and this jacket is great, actually, because i like the back of that, too. >> yeah. in the '80s, a lot of times the jackets had the big shoulder and it just hung down from there. >> very manly. >> yeah, kind of manly and boxy. what you can do is make those shoulder pads work for you. make it make you look like you have a little tucked-in waist. this is not manly at all. it has a little pep lynn going on in the back. >> i like the price on that, by the way, $50, cleo jack. >> and it's comfortable and easy to throw on. >> any anyone at any age can pull this look off, right? >> absolutely. >> you look great. thanks very much, portia. our next young lady is rebecca in leather, another big trend here. >> yeah, leather is -- >> tell us about the silhouette that she's wearing. >> i think the silhouette of the leather trend is key. on the runway, you see a lot of tiny leather skirts and leather shorts, even -- >> which, women of our age, we don't want to do thatfully. >> no, no, no. you can't really get away with that. so, i think the way to make leather work, you know, the trend, is instead of going with the motorcycle jacket or the
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mini skirt, choose like a classic silhouette, but done in leather instead of fabric. >> yeah. that's a beautiful dress. i love that. >> then another great way to update leather, because it was also around in the '80s -- >> yes? >> instead of black, try brown or a deep plum or red color. >> i'm wearing my deep plum, yeah. so, different color leathers. and really, the structure here is so great, too. it's slimming. it's forgiving, right? >> yeah. it's slimming. it's a classic silhouette. it's easier to pull off. >> rebecca, you look great. >> that's all you need. >> thank you very much. okay, let's talk abouthe other trend from the '80s that -- >> again! >> what comes around goes around, i guess, is the neon shades are back. >> neon. >> but we're not talking total neon like back to "working girl," right? >> right. you don't want to look like a safety worker. >> right. >> think that a lot of times on the runway, it's this full-on neon outfit with the neon coat, with neon accessories, but i think a little dab will do you. and then another way to not look like you've been wearing it since the '80s is to mix the
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neon with a different neutral besides black. >> that's great. >> i specifically remember that like hot pink bow tied in my hair -- >> oh, yeah. >> with the black jacket in the '80s. >> madonna. >> but here it's mixed with brown. think brown or navy blue, more neutral. she looks updated and fresh. >> thanks, jessica. day at the market there. >> i know, right? >> then finally, we have our red carpet look and the over-the-knee boots. very, very hot look. >> i am -- >> can anyone wear this? >> you know what, anyone can. and i' had a lot of people ask me that. >> yeah. >> i think that even for a girl of a smaller stature, it really sort of -- height -- can give you some height. >> elongates you. >> because you don't have a lot of horizontal lines sort of cutting your height. >> what's the key with where your hem should go to really pull this off? >> well, again, on the runway -- and in the '80s, it was often showed with the short hem. >> a mini mini skirt, the shorter the better, yeah. >> but you don't want to come
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off looking like julia roberts in "pretty woman." not that looking like julia roberts -- >> i know. if only i could be so lucky. >> but it's the drop description you want to avoid. definitely if you bring the hemline down over or close to the top of the boot, it's just really a sleek, sophisticated way. it's actually a really easy way to wear a dress. >> the way you're wearing it is gorgeous, too. >> pull on a dress and you're done. i love it. >> laura bennett, thank you. ladies, models, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you. and coming up next, maria shriver talks more about "a woman's nation" right after this.
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forum for women, called the women's conference 2009. maria, good morning. good to have you back with us. >> hi. thank you. thank you. good to be there. >> and you have a lot on your plate today, because this women's conference, you are addressing the issue of women as agents of change. you're talking about empowerment as well as a really important topic today is coping with loss, and it's something, sadly, you've had to deal with a lot in the last year, losing your mom, eunice kennedy shriver, as well as your uncle, senator ted nnedy. what do you hope these women take away as your message, and what has helped you cope with your grief? >> well, i think just the fact, i think, that we're having an open conversation about grief. everybody tells me that's pretty groundbreaking. elizabeth edwards, susan st. james both lost sons, lisa nimi, widow of patrick swayze, obviously lost her husband to pancreatic cancer six weeks ago. i lost my mom eight weeks ago, my uncle six weeks ago. and i think all of us in our lives are touched by grief, and how we deal with that has a lot to do with how we live our
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lives. so, i hope to put a spotlight on the issue, to at least encourage people that it's okay to grieve, that it's okay to fall apart, that grief has no timetable and that it's going to happen to all of us, and these women are very inspirational on this subject. >> you mentioned elizabeth edwards. she is a featured speaker there today. what else do you think she'll be talking about there? i mean, she certainly has had a lot on her plate to deal with as well over the last year. >> well, i hope she also talks abou battling cancer. this is breast cancer awareness month, and it's a huge issue, obviously, for women. and i think she has been very courageous in her very open battle with breast cancer. so, i imagine there's some grieving involved in that. i think there's also grieving in all kinds of things when you lose your job there is grief. when your marriage shifts, there's grief. loss is something that we all deal with. and yet, we don't talk about. and there feels to be some shame involved. so, i'm sure she'll address all of that.
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and she's always very open. she's spoken here before. and i think the thing that works about this conference, natalie, is people come here and they have an authentic voice. they talk openly. they talk honestly. and that's very empowering and inspiring to people of all walks of life. i know i find it very inspiring. >> i know it's going to be an incredible panel. i wish i could be there, maria shriver. maybe i'll get out there next year. thanks for bei
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time right now is 9:56. there are a lot of clouds out there. in the news for today, for the redskins it was the game last night. they might have lost one of their best players for the rest of the year the. tight end chris cooley broke his ankle during the second quarter in the game against the ig gels. the skins, by the way, lost 20-17 and are now 2 and 5 on the season. let's get a check on this rainy, drizy weather. instead of the rain that we had earlier, it's tapered off and look at the view from our city cam, you can see the drizzly gray sky and in looking at the totals that we've had so far, a tenth of an inch in washington and temperatures in the mid-50s. we're hold steady in the 50s
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through most of the day. a few other areas of passing drizzle and light rain from time to time all the way into midday tomorrow. dry after that into friday. maybe a little rain on saturd. jerry, how is the traffic? >> we're still looking at delays 270 southbound but there is a break. elsewhere, beltway, wilson bridge is incident-free and it's beginning to loosen up a little bit. most areas heading towards the bridge. joe? >> more news in 25 minutes. don't
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. it's tuesday. did you know it's october 27th, 2009. it truly is and we're so happy you're here with us today. >> we're just a few days away from our secret halloween reveal. >> you are in royal purple. you look smashing. >> thank you, you, too. >> a lot going on in the world. we never have little stuff to talk about. always the big stuff.
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now, what do you make of the two wayward pilots? >> initially the one that spoke said we weren't sleeping. he was saying that and we weren't arguing about airline policy. so, now they've come out and said they were on the computers during that time, that 80 minutes they were on the computers doing what they do. couple questions about that. first of al i know when we're on a plane you know how freaky they are about turn off your computer and phone and you have to have it all off except an ipod when you hit 10,000 feet or whever. i was reading in one of these things, it says there are no federal rules that specifically ban pilots' use of laptops. so, they're allowed to use them. >> didn't the airlines say it's not their policy. they're not supposed to be doing it. >> not something else other than what they're doing. here's the thing, when they were in the cockpit they tried to reach them through radio and
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dinging, like ding, ding. >> they were about to send up figer jets. how did the, what do they call them -- flight attendant finally get their attention? >> i don't know, how did they? >> just banging on the cockpit door. >> you know, now it's so reinforced that you can't get in there, "a." >> flew 150 miles from minneapolis. i don't do computer, but i would think there's a way. have they given up their computers to be analyzed to find out what they were watching on their computers. >> what are you saying? they say they were doing schedules because it gets complicated the schedules on the computer. they're both in their 50s, not some kids. they're grown ups. >> i wonder what they were so engrossed in, emphasis on gross. i don't know, i'm asking.
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have they given up their computers to be analyzed. they may be wonderful men and completely harmless, but, this is very, very concerning. >> just think about that much time. an hour, you're in the cockpit doing something else. maybe they get used to auto pilot and it just goes. maybe you just forget. i don't know. >> i hope, i hope it doesn't happen. this is the first time i ever heard of such a thing. >> it was a big story. >> they're giving up their computers to be analyzed. >> we are nbc news and we can track down this information. >> absolutely. my little pumpkin head cassidy is home right now with a minor case of the swine flu. i hope she's not watching and i hope she's asleep. >> everyone talks about the high fever. does she have that? >> yep, yep, yep. anybody who has the flu now they say it is the swine flu. does anybody know the answer to this, if you get the swine flu, are you basically inoculated and
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don't have to get the shot so that later you won't get it again? >> i heard that question asked of some expert and they were saying because people are unclear whether they really have the swine flu or a respiratory kind of thing, if they're not diagnosed the guy said you should get the shot, if you can. if you were diagnosed and had the swine flu. >> contact our facebook and tell our little baby sister sara. what are we going to do with steve phillips who hasn't already been done. >> espn sex scandal. he was fired and she was let go, as well. now he has announced that he is going to sex addiction rehab. >> didn't somebody use the word camp. >> i used the word camp, sex camp. i just made that up. but it's a rehab for people who are sex addicted and many people have gone before him to sex addiction rehab. rehab. do you believe in sex addiction?
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>> i believe you can be addicted to anything in this world, but it's one thing for a group of alcoholics or drug addicts to be in a room, it seems weird to me a whole bunch of sex addicts, if they're all there together -- >> we have issues. >> they love the same stuff. it could be a bad place to try to get better. i could be wrong and probably am. what are you doing after the session? i don't know, what are you doing? i think things through, it's a bad thing. >> i'll be curious to see what happens. his wife is leaving him. >> yet i hear that maybe she has filed for divorce but maybe she hopes for renciliation. they have four kids involved the, to we're not just making fun, we hope they can work it out. because we have hulk hogan here today. and marriage, thought it would be for life, right, hulk?
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>> did you just flash your underwear. >> he was showing me his under wear. >> show us all. >> real men wear pink underwear. we're not going there. >> you already went there. >> i wassan't on camera. >> they're boxers. >> you might as well show everybody. >> when did our relationship get to this point? >> you know exactly how it got to this point. >> hulk has a new book out -- >> for a guy that won't show his underwear, you talk about everything in the book. >> that's strong. i can't wait to read your book. >> he has an interesting perspective. we talk so much about reality tvs and what it does to families andhildren and everybody and this is a guy who lived the life. he had that "hogan knows best." >> wonder how much it contributed or didn't. in the meantime, do we have
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time to talk to sara. hi, darling, what's up? besides hulk hogan's underwear. >> i've been distracted, actually, i'm sorry. when he offered to show me his boxers i was like, really. >> you are so easy. >> yes, you are. >> that's what they say? sorry. i'm digressing. we are having a discussion about relationships on the wall right now about men and women and being older, younger and now people are talking about hulk and his underwear. >> because there is a new study that came out. >> we didn't get to it. >> men are much happier in marriage if their wives are -- >> at least five years younger. >> and smarter. >> smarter. >> that's why frank is truly one of the happiest guys you'll meet in your life, you know what i'm saying. we'll sit down with hulk hogan. funny stuff, serious stuff, a lot of stuff. >> oh, sure.
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hulk becoming one of the most popular names in professional wrestling. >> hulk hogan's toughest matches have come at home and now he shares his incredible story in his new book called "my life outside the ring." hulk, welcome. >> thank you. real men wear pink. >> look at you, you little haughty. >> i was just messing around over there, i had no idea you guys were snooping. >> we got a shot of oyou. >> when did you decide it was a good time? when did you decide it was the time to do that? >> watching what was going on with everybody's house for sale and nobody could make it and i went through such a tough couple years, i mean, on all levels that i said if i can pull the nose up on my life and be happier than i ever been and been more positive and have my intentions to be so pure that i
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need to tell everybody that knows me or watches the character of hulk hoegan that life is beautiful. it is going to get better. >> you were considering using three pounds of pressure and ending your life. >> right, right. >> that's how the book starts and then it's fun and games after that. >> that's a tough one for me, every time somebody talks about the beginning of the book or talks about it it really scares me again because i had no id that i could get to that point. only cowards threaten and i had no idea it could sneak up on you. >> depression is horrible. you were in a severe clinical depression. >> not being le to communicate or talk to my kids and at the time my wife wasn't speaking to me unless it was very aggressive. >> she used some very interesting language when she did speak to you. >> when i went home, it hit me at once when my kids were gone and my wife at the time was gone and all the animals were gone
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because we were animal lovers and every single closet was empty except for pictures of my family everywhere. what happened? how did this happen and i was in so much pain with my body it just all came on at once. >> you were at your lowest point and sometimes a phone call can change everything. you got a phone call from layla ali. >> i was getting calls from a lot of my friends. >> people were concerned. >> all these people were calling me but i had no idea they were talking behind my back and i didn't know they were planning to try to help e. when they called me, i would try to fake it. but they knew i was in trouble but layla who didn't have an agenda and i knew her father really well just out of no where calls me and says you were on the set of american gladiators and something was wrong and we're making sure you're okay and she invited me to go to her
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church and somebody that call me that expressed concern that didn't have an agenda. i was packing like a wildman to go to l.a. not to go chase her down but just to get back there because what i learned from her. >> she goes to a church of unconditional love. >> i went to that church and michael beck was a minister there. that whole time period changed my life. you know, i realized that you don't have to go anywhere to get anything because inside of you, when you go deep within where god's presence is the spirit of christ is inside of you. once you bring that out, you realize how beautiful life is and how happy things are and joyful and you're really responsible for your own joy and happiness and you should never give anybody else the power to manipulate you or make anybody happy and that changed my life. >> you speak strongly about your wife. has she read this book and does she know what's coming?
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>> she hasn't read the book and i know her attorneys and stuff are asking for copies of it, advance copies. >> it's in book stores now. >> they can get it. >> yeah, so, i mean, it's just the truth and that's just how it is. >> you think she'll write her version of events afterwards? >> that team wte on a consistent basis in the tabloids. it is what it is. >> can we ask you about reality tv. >> sure. >> we're so wondering about what reality tv does to families. sometimes we see families that are destroyed and some say it's because of it and some say it would happen anyway. does reality tv play a role in what happened to your family and your relationship with your kids? >> before we were approached about doing the show, the marriage was broken, it was in trouble. >> although you didn't see that on the first season. >> no, no, but when you saw us on the retaliality tv show, tha
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how we went through the days. that's how we functioned. serious problems. difference in opinions. i thought the kids should stay in school and be part of that system, kind of like what i went through and my ex-wife had a different opinion that schools are dangerous and i understood all that and they should be homeschooled but there needs to be, you have to keep kids busy and working hard and stuff and all of a sudden when they came home and they would go on the internet and however long they did their homework, wasn't long enough. i would. you know, the reality show was what it was during that time and when the cameras went off, that's when it really got intense. and the thing was, i was praying that the reality show would bring my family back together. you know, i was hoping it would be the glue and bond us again and it just didn't work that way. >> your son went to jail for five months. yeah. how is he doing now?
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>> he's doing great. >> how was the young man that was so badly hurt? >> john is getting better each and every single day. i pray for him consistent. >> is he paralyzed? >> he had a head trauma and getting better every single day. nick is walking in the spirit of christ and brooke is awesome. >> you're about to go into a civil lawsuit. >> yes, we are. >> come back when you can talk about everything. >> good luck. good luck with the book, too. >> called "my life outside the ring." coming up next, the stars of "paranormal activity" cost $15,000 to make and grossed $62 million. we'll talk about it after this.
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"paranormal activity" has had abnormal activity at the box office. >> the little movie that started as a low-budget cult the thriller took home the number one spot at the box office last weekend. here's nbc's lee cowlen with more. >> reporr: one of the most screamed about movies of the fall season. called "paranormal activity" a low-budget, hair raising thriller about a couple trying to videotape things that go bump in the night it was shot in the director's own house, reportedly for less than $15,000. but this weekend, "paranormal activity" grows $22 million. number one at the box office.
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which some say make it the next "blare witch". >> way scarier than i was expecting. >> reporte instead of a big theatrical trailer, they offered limited, free, midnight screenings mostly in college towns and hoped the internet buzz would do the rest. >> we said to the fans, if you show up, we'll keep putting the movie on more screens. >> reporter: students were to if they liked it to logon to a website to demand a bigger row lease. paramount promised if it got 1 million hits, it would take it nationwide. guess what? >> it hit a million within four days. >> reporter: jordan runs the website eventful usually used for concerts, even political appearances. >> one click, you can tweet about it, you can put a widget up on facebook. >> reporter: this is the first theatrical movie that has gone viral. >> i think it's transforming the industry. >> reporter: it's a whole
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different model. the theory, make a film scarce and then let the fans market the movie for you, through the internet. >> the only money we invest under to this campaign was setting up our demand at page and let the fans take it from there. >> it's not a ghost, what is it? >> reporter: this time if you're scared out of your wits, remember, you asked for it. >> and with us are the film's stars. good to see you two. struggling actors like everybody else out in los angeles. 150 people auditioned for this movie and you get it and you're told it's low budget -- >> very low budget. >> $15,000. they don't shoot an episode of the local news for that. >> what did you guys think starting out? >> we were excited. it was just an opportunity to spend a week shooting a movie instead of doing our normal day jobs. >> which was waitressing for
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you. >> i was a computer programmer. >> to say it started out at $15,000 and made $62 million. what do you think is the magic about this film? it looks interesting and scary, but what has intrigued people? >> the kind of movie that creates the slow build up of dread and fear and it kind of speaks to your, you being afraid of the dark and your own imagination. >> but it was scripted, right? not like the blare witch project. >> it was completely improvised. >> all right. that means not scripted. >> orrin, the director, had a great set up and knew where the story was going and knew what he wanted to dwith it and all the dialogue and everything. >> you actually ended up shooting some of it. >> cameraman. no t was a great opportunity kind of worked both sides of the camera simultaneously and it's fantastic. >> i love the grassroots effort because this thing started off as nothing, really.
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you saw that thing, if it's not in your neighborhood, demand it. how do you think this whole grassroots effort got going? >> the only reason we are right here sitting with you we had so many fans that were so excited and demanded the movie when paramont said, listen, we want to know if you want to see this film. people said, i do. >> what has happened to the two of you since? >> well, we're hanging out with you. >> doesn't get better than this, baby. >> after this, how can you top it? what's nextt for you? >> we have lots of meetings. >> the doors are open. >> and script reading. >> are you guys getting paid? are they paying you enough? >> oh, they're not going to let us starve, they're being good to you. >> are you sure? >>f they're not, i'll come back and let you know. >> we have really tough agents. >> thank you. all theest to you. we'll be back with more after your local news.
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we're back on this tuesday with today's style. >> never will you look at another woman again and never wonder how she got that look. jill martin is here to help you tie one on yourself. tie us on. >> you say it's complicated sarcastically and a lot of people have scarves in their wardrobe and they never know how to tie it around their neck. i thought this is a little lessle lesson on how to tie your winter scarf. this is from talboits and this from banana republic and this is a great versatile.
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three versatile scarves you can tie all different ways. let's start with at i call the loop. take it off and hold it like this. both ends are down and then you take the ends in your hands and put it around your neck and try not to hit each other. this is the simple loop look. >> the better it is the longer it is. >> you can wear it indoors or outdoors. keeps you warm. let's do the bundle. >> let's do it. >> you take it like this and put it around your neck backwards and then you come around and then just tie a xwautd. this is great for underneath a jacket to keep you warm. >> it only looks chic if you get your hair out. >> and tie it tight. now, what i call the accessory. take it off and just leave it draped around the back like this but then just let it tie loose and then just pull the neck up a
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little bit. >> wait, what? >> i know just let it hang. >> it's all on our microphones, too. >> pull this up, too. then it could be worn like this indoors. i think it's always very chic. but i think it's always great to wear a scarf indoors and it completes a simple outfit. now, moving on, these are just some great signs and you know how i love two for ones and three for ones. you can tie these all in different ways. this is from talbits and this is great y like that. easy, easy. this, i love. so, this, you know how i love this. this is from the limited. this is tied around your neck. >> so cute. >> that is cute. >> it is bundled. >> then you go inside and you have an affair and you tie it as a shrug. >> that's not expensive, right? >> $39.50 but it ties endless ways. you an play around with it that's a great two for one. this one, i show this, this one
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i show and this is a new one. this is a circle scarf from american apparel. it's a blanket on the plane, which i use it as. you can tie this, like 50 different ways if you give me an hour, i can tie this. here are the two ways, under a jacket, which will keep you warm. and then just a shawl if you're going -- i paired it with a sequin skirt so you can see how you can really dress it up. >> i like all these ideas. thank you, jill. the ever chic. thank you so much. coming up next our breast cancer series continues with ways to look good and feel better.
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we're back with our special series breast cancer today and we're taking a look at living life to the fullest after you conqurd the cancer. >> look good, feel better. lps women cope with the appearance-related side effects and recently flew five special graduates of its program to new york city for a little extra pampering. >> i had no self-esteem. >> you don't feel like yourself. >> erica johnson were both
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diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 14 months and both have completed aggressive treatments and they both learned when they looked sick, they felt sad. >> i had long, dark, thick hair and i didn't have that any more. i had long, thick, dark eyelashes. they're gone. you're looking at this face that doesn't look like you. >> when i had chemotherapy i was very, very sick. my hair fell out after about two weeks. i would feel dread. i would feel a lack of hope. >> but when they looked pretty, they just feel better. >> if you're taking care of your physical appearance, you're going to stand up taller. you're going to walk around and feel so much better. >> i think women, when they feel like they looked nice or they look like themselves, they feel prettier. they feel more confident. their courage kind of gets
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built. >> boosting self-confidence is what the look good, feel better foundation is all about. >> it's very important for women to feel confident about the way they look and the way people perceive them. makes a huge difference in the way they face their treatment and they approach their recovery and puts them in a mindset of being a cancer survivor. >> erica and michelle recently joined three other women all in various stages of fighting cancer for a day of indullgence in the big ple. makeovers complete these modern day cinderellas were off to the ball. >> i feel absolutely incredible. >> i feel ved. >> it heals your spirit. >> where they were honored for their spirit, confidence and courage. since looking good and feeling good are so closely connected we'll talk about three experts about life post-cancer. we'll start with finding the right undergarment. terry is a certifiy eied orthot
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fitteat sloan-kettering. >> i know it's important to, first of all, just get the right fitting bra, that's important, isn't it? >> the fist and foremost thing any woman should have after surgery or in her lifetime is a proper bra fitting. the importance of that is balance, comfort, security and -- yes. >> if you have a lumpectomy and you haven't had a full masectomy you want something to fill out what you've got. show me thechoices. >> this goes from the simple to the sublime. we have a basic puff to extend it fuller or larger. a new product that is made with memory foam which could caress and mold into the existing tissue that is there. and the most skin like and human like are the silicone types. they move and feel much more like skin. >> you move and slip that in your bra. what about these? we've got nipples and everything.
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>> we have enhancing products as well as these are full masectomy patients would have. >> if you didn't do reconstruction, there are things you can put in your bra. >> this would be a prosthesis and you would simply slip it into the pockt and once you slip it into the pocket you would adjust your bra. >> this, you could wear it with a sports bra, if you like. >> as well as these swimsuits. all are pocketed and they have room for enhancers as well as the full breast form. >> terry, thank you so much. we're going to head over now to kathie lee. >> catrine brooking is a registered dietician and contributor to cooking light magazine and here with the best foods to help prevent cancer and keep the weight off. good morning. >> morning. >> we all know that nutrition and cancer in general are related. what about nutrition and breast cancer, specifically. >> the research is still in its
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infancy. however, there are some things that we do know. there is a strong correlation between alcohol intake and breast cancer. the rule of thumb is, the less the better. the american cancer society still allows for one drink per day, but if you have a first degree relative, a mother, sister or yourself have breast cancer, i would say do away with all alcohol. >> completely. >> also weight gain. keep at a healthy weight. so important to maintain a healthy weight throughout your adult years. >> let's go through a day's food nutritionally the kind of thing should be doing if you are battling or recovering from. >> for breakfast. for breast cancer and all cancers a diet rich in fruit and vegetables with all those antioxidants is wonderful. it looks like a lot of food. >> you took out the egg yokes. >> two eggs and one yoke. we loaded with veggies and fruit salad and only 300 calories. that's a great way to start the day because you're getting a good serving of fruit and good serving of vegetables and
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getting the protein from the egg whites. >> moving on to lunch. >> doesn't this look beautiful. minestrone soup. just over 200 calories and maintaining a healthy weight and loaded with vegetables and antioxidants in there with squash, carrots and paired it with a whole grain bread to increase that fiber because there is a link between fiber and cancer reduction. >> noil or butter on there. >> you can dip it in a little bit of olive oil. some great soft spreads that are lower in saturated fat. >> for dinner, looks like we have salmon here. >> chicken. you can also do this dish with salmon. this is a lemon chicken and paired it with veggies and you're getting a lot of volume. you're not going to be starving after you eat this and lean source of protein. that's why i chose chicken. you can also substitute fish. >> chickson just less expensive. >> that's why i wanted to use it for this dish. >> have a dessert. >> i'm not about deprivation and
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fruit makes a wonderful dessert. again, we want to have moderation. a little bit of chocolate, why not? dark chocolate is good. absolutely delicious, too. >> thank you very much. now, we'll go back to hoda for fitness tips. >> getting back into a fitness routine could be intimidating. we asked andrea for some important upper body exercises. >> hello. >> let's talk about when you should get started. post surgery you want to get moving but you shouldn't jump right in. >> what is really important is when you have surgery you'll protect that area and be really tight in the chest muscles and what we need to do is get you to oep on it up and sttch these out. that's really important and we need to strengthen the back side because we're so in this protection mode. >> is this for lumpectomy and masectomy and again, two to six weeks post-op that you should perform these movements with no weights and then progressing on with weights. >> tell me some things we should do.
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we can start exercising. give me a couple things we can do. >> even if you don't have weights. you can take a gallon of milk or half gallon of milk and take a nice circle. this opens up the muscles through the back that have been tight because of the chest being contracted and ends up being a very nice stretch. you want to consider doing cardiovascular exercise because that will help reduce your risk of cancer for everyone. great research out there. as little as four hours a week can reduce it by a significant amount. >> a lot of walking. what else can we do? >> the next thing you can do is the stretch and strengthening exercise. take your thumbs down and start at your belly button and lift up through your eyes. it also starts to work on the shoulders. >> which is really important. even if you're just sitting at a desk using your mouse, take your hands into a w position and slide up the wall. pull your belly in all the way up and out.
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we're counting down to halloween. >> amy goodman, senior editor of "all you" magazine has some tricks to transform your home into a perfectly wicked treat. >> things we can all do, quickly, right? >> we're only four days away and so many things you can do for your outdoor decor and things that are easy and get the kids involved and all different skill levels whether you have crafty thumbs or not. >> what do we have in the front door area. >> a cute little door bell witch as they come and spook people for their trick or treating.
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a jinorms spider and, of course, broomstick parking for all those witches out there. very simple to do with a galvanized little buckt and the broomsticks you have decorated with some ribbon. lots of things you can do with pumpkins other than carve them. >> i love the black one. >> this is spray paint and our new use and finally a use for gourds. >> it involves more crafting but so clever and darling. >> let's start making stuff. >> i want to give you a nice challenge for you to go inside and we're going to make the doorbell witch and what you take is a black piece of foam to look like the hat and the cape and to that you'll glue on your buttons and the button holes are the eyes and you want the eyes to peek out exactly. >> here? >> about half. >> it's that on the neck.
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>> yes, exactly. then our next step is actually taking a colored, which we will tape to the hat. you want to actually tape the raffia to the hat. >> tape. >> tape. >> you get to choose your color of hair. whether you want to go black and chic like alvira and all witches are not created equal. either side so your witch can see. >> i have glue all over me and tape all over me. >> nap the hat on. >> we get it. >> lastly our premade broom sticks which we will actually tape on to the side with your sign. >> this one we love. what is this creepy thing? >> this is all about the spooky severed head apples. you'll take your apples and actually carve out with your parring knives the sockts for the eyes, nose and mouth. into that you add the black gel that you can find in like your
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cake decorating section of your grocery store and you'll add that to -- >> the spookier the better. u can do it with slightly older children, maybe over the age of 5 with even plastic knives because the idea is not to be perfect. >> we'll stick them in vinegar and what are they supposed to look like? >> they're supposed to look like spooky skulls submerged in severed head juice. >> you put the black stuff in the sockets. >> hoda, yours looks so friendly. >> mine's smiling. >> she is a very friendly dead skull. >> you have to take the top off. >> prepour some vinegar for kathie lee's apple that we are going to be bobbing. >> what is that? >> that is his nose. >> why does he have two holes? >> nostrils. i like the nostrils. >> mine is happy. >> if you're watching this at home --
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>> intimidating dead skull. >> you just pour the vinegar in and you drop the head in, seal the puppy and you're done. >> how long does it take to cook? >> we have to go. come on, quick, quick. >> a great tabletop decoration. you actually pour. pour your m&ms. and then you can decorate it with the black flowers. spray paint it with a little bit of glitter and this is a great centerpiece for your dinner parties and kids parties. >> thank you, amy. >> you're adorable. all the best to the new baby on the way. >> yes, congratulations.
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