tv Today NBC March 25, 2010 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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the new ultra-slim fp series, from lumix. touch screen, hd video, one small camera. good morning. breaking news. the health care fixes bill headed back to the house after senate republicans find minor glitches. as some democrats face teats, former vice presidential candidate sarah palin tells conservatives to reload. how did it all get so ugly? is morning a live interview with arizona republican senator john mccain. she kept texting. the 15-year-old charged in the text rage beating of eighth-grader josie ratley apparently sent more messages to fries after the attack. >> he's in my office area.
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in my front office. >> put your phone down. put your phone down now. >> this morning, the dramatic 911 call and an exclusive live interview with the family of a 13-year-old girl also accused in the case. and fire and ice. an active volcano erupts sending residents scrambling for safety as scientists race in for a dangerously close look. the incredible images "today," thursday, march 25th, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> in for matt, i ann curry. good rning. senate republicans vow to fight the bill tooth and nail. >> senators worked well past 2:00 a.m. with democrats voting down a series of fixes to the bill. problems with two minor
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provisions were identified requiring another house vote. is it a setback for democrats? we'll talk about that with arizona republican senator john mccain. we're also going to ask him about threats some lawmakers who supported health care have been receiving. also this morning, a big debate over whether the public should be allowed to watch that surveillance video of that deadly killer whale attack at seaworld orlando. a judge in florida is considering a request to make that tape available to the media. coming up an emotional plea by the victim's husband to stop that from happening. and family dating. making friends with your kids' friends. how to negotiate that social mine field. the overnight wrangling on capitol hill will now send the health care fixes bill back to congress. nbc's kelly o'donnell has the latest on that. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. this was some drama overnight. senate republicans scored a small victory when they objected to something house democrats had written into this latest legislation. the referee on rules the
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parliamentarian agreed, taking that out which means another vote. the senate worked until about 3:00 in the morning. they'll be back again today talking about proposed changes taking lots of votes. that's one kind of drama. but on the house side there's been something else even more troubling. there are reports of threats and vandalism against some members. there are at least ten who have come forward with complaints that they or their families have been threatened. the u.s. capitol police on alert. democratic leaders say they believe members of congress are at real risk. >> any member who feels themself at risk is getting attention from the proper authorities. >> reporter: michigan democrat bart stupak turned over phone message filled with threats. >> there are millions of people across the country who wish you ill. >> reporter: stupak, who opposes abortion rights, switched his health care vote from no to yes sunday night drawing an angry cry of "baby killer!"
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on the house floor. some of the calls are ugly. >> hi, yes. congressman stupak, you baby-killing mother [ bleep ]. i hope you die. >> you're a cowardly punk, stupak. you ought to fill your pockets with lead and jump into the potomac. >> reporter: from vitriol to vandalism. at democrats' district offices in arizona and upstate new york. >> in niagara falls we have the fbi, the local police and the sheriff all in there working together on it. >> reporter: one congressman says law enforcement is investigating a cut propane line at his brother's virginia home after the address was circulated on the web. a measured reaction from capitol hill security officials. >> i think the tenor of what's going on is a bit disappointing. but there's no reason to panic. we wi we'll get through this. >> reporter: health care reform is politically charged. from demonstrations that get heated to provocative comments
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that get attention. sarah palin posted this on twitter -- commonsense conservatives and lovers of america don't retreat. instead, reload. >> to remain silent in the face of such activity gives impression of either condoning or sanctioning such actions. >> reporter: top republicans said they condemned political violence long before these incidents. house leader john boehner spoke to fox news. >> there are a lot of angry americans and they're angry over this health care bill. they're angry about the fact that the democrats here in washington aren't listening to them. but i've got to tell you that violence and threats are unacceptable. that is not the american way. >> reporter: republicans say it's wrong to confuse angry threats with principled opposition. >> this bill is fundamentally flawed. it needs to be repealed and it needs to be replaced.
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>> reporter: and even though republicans say they know that democrats have the advantage when it comes to the legislation we've been talking about, they say their voters want them to press on some of these points, real defining differences on how the two parties look at this health care legislation. so there will be another vote, not a lot will change. it is expected the house will be able to get it through, but today there will be more debate and more votes trying to make additional changes. meredith? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you very much. president obama heads to iowa this morning to sell the health care reform package. chuck todd is nbc's chief white house correspondent. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. start with this overnight news about the bill of fixes now heading back to the house. kelly seemed to imply it is not going to be a major problem for the democrats. is that right? >> that's right, because it didn't have to do with health care. what got changed had to do with an education provision regarding student loans. so none of the tough votes that -- over health care that
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the house was pushing democrats to do, that's not going to be there. in many ways, this "fixes bill" was easier for speaker pelosi to get votes for. she actually got one more vote for it an the original health care bill itself. >> when could this reach the president's desk then, this bill? >> we're looking at some point probably monday now, perhaps sunday. but again, it's that fixes bill which is in many ways strips out some things, including that special deal in nebraska and a special deal in florida. >> i want to remind viewers that the health care bill already passed and was signed by the president. he's now going to iowa to basically sell it. what about the task in front of him? what kind of a task does he have in front of him in terms of that? >> it's interesting. he's picking iowa because this is where he unveiled his original health care plan back in 2007. it was of course during that whole primary process with hillary clinton and john edwards. he was trying to differentialate himself. this health care bill that he signed into law in many ways is much different than the one he proposed at the time, but it is meant to be a victory lap of
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sorts and he's picking iowa for a couple of reasons, not just that symbolism. but iowa is a state with a bunch of seniors. seniors more than any other part of the electorate have been the ones most skeptical of this health care. part of it has to do with the rhetoric about medicare and part of it has to do with the fact that they like their health care. they're not the ones concerned about the -- about not having health care at this point. they have it with medicare so change really has them upset. this is why president obama's picking iowa more than any other place to try to make seniors more comfortable with what they've done. >> chuck todd, thank you very much. 7:08. with more, here's ann. arizona republican senator john mccain has been a vocal opponent of health care reform and snoerlt mccain, good morning. >> good morning. >> sir, this week you said you will not cooperate with democrats for the rest of this year unless there is a national emergency. because of the way they passed this health care reform bill. this seems to contradict some comments that you made almost
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two years ago when you said we have many challenges before our nation, both at home and abroad. challenges such as an intitlement reform, energy security, health care, that require strict attention to our responsibilitiess public servants and our recognition that we cannot discharge these responsibilities to the satisfaction of the people we serve unless we work cooperatively across party lines. senator, what has changed? >> well, i have worked and continue to work with the democrats on issues that are important to this country senator levin and i are working on a defense authorization bill right now. but the fact is i didn't anticipate at that time that the democrats would jam through legislation such as they have from the beginning on a totally partisan basis. so it's not that we won't cooperate. they have not done one single -- made one single effort to act in a bipartisan fashion. i know bipartisanship because i've done it. this administration had 60 votes and an overwhelming majority in
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the house, so they jammed legislation through hoping to pick up a democrat or so. so there is no bipartisanship. but i'll continue to work with anybody to help secure this nation and its future. >> what is your response then to the white house press secretary robert gbs when he came pretty close to comparing your behavior to that of his 6-year-old child when he doesn't get what he wants? >> oh, i've been working until 3:00 in the morning last night. we're working hard on behalf of the citizens of arizona who are outraged at this process and the sleaze that's been going on. i haven't got the time, nor the inclination to respond to the white house flack. >> let me see if i can get you to respond to the concerns about the violence -- the threats of violence against democratic lawmakers that kelly o'donnell just reported about. while republicans have condemned this violence, you see a connection between the statements that have been made, the angry statements that we've heard from republicans on the hill, the angry rhetoric, and even the statement that you made that i just quoted.
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do you see any conneion between that as encouraging the violence that we've seen, those who desperately oppose this health care reform law? >> ann, i've been involved in heated discussions and debates on the floor on a broad variety of issues. any threats of violence or anything along those lines is totally unacceptable and we condemn it all. but compared to debate on the floor of the senate, what -- i'll tell you one thing that has people enraged, and that's the sleazy back-room deals, sausage making that's gone out. they took out some of the sleazy deals that were cut, they left in the louisiana purchase and $100 million for a hospital in connecticut and the sleazy deals behind closed doors with the phrma and special interests. everybody was there but the american people. they don't feel their voice was heard. >> it sounds like you're rejecting any connection that there is any fanning of the flames as we heard from
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representative slaughter. if that is true, what is your message this morning to anyone who participated in that violence and who may be contemplating more violence, sir? >> of course i condemn it. of course we need to -- it is unacceptable in america but what we need to do, we who oppose this legislation and worry about the future of our children being mortgaged, we should be translating that in to voter registration and preparing for the next election and working towards repeal and replace this terrible piece of legislation which has been passed in the most unethical way that the american people soundly reject. >> republicans are not talking about repealing the law. you said you will challenge it in the courts, towns, cities, farms all over america. how exactly are you going to do this, senator? are you going to do this after november in one fell chunk or take it down piece by piece before then? >> well, right now the attorneys general of several states are preparing cases to take to court immediately.
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obviously we will again expose how fraudulent and how much budget gimmickry is associated with it. again with the sleazy deals that have been cut by an administration that said they'd have everything done on c-span. working people by large majorities reject this proposal and we reject the sleazy way it was done and we reject the use of "reconciliation" in a way that's unprecedented in history. >> you're also working, senator, for re-election. i understand that sarah palin will be joining you in arizona as you campaign tomorrow. as we just saw from kelly o'donnell's report, she has used pretty incendiary language. she tweeted commonsense, conservative lovers of america don't retreat, instead reload. on her facebook page she posted a map highlighting weak democratic districts that conservatives should target with a crosshair symbol. considering these threats, these concerns we've heard about regarding violence, do you
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think -- do you now recommend that your party useless incendiary language and will you say that to her tomorrow? >> ann, i have seen the rhetoric of targeted districts as long as i've been in politics. please. this is -- any threat of violence is terrible. but to say that there is a targeted district or that we reload or go back in to the fight again, please. >> those are not my words. those are her words. >> those are fine. they're used all the time. those words have been used throughout my political career. >> but shouldhey be perhaps used less -- sorry f interrupting, senator. >> there are target districts and areas we call battleground states. so, please. that rhetoric and kind of language is just part of the political lexicon. there is no place for threats or violence or anything else. but to say someone is a battle ground state has not originated today. >> senator, with all due
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respect -- >> with all due respect. sure. >> the question is, given even if what you're say something accepted by everyone that this is a language of campaigning, this is the language of politics, given the sensitivity regarding this particular bill, should this still be the language of this day given how much we are hearing about hundreds of calls regarding threats, about vandalism, about the gas line of a congressman's brother's home being cut. sir, these are very dangerous times. is this the language that we should be hearing today? >> the language that we shld be using today is the language that we are using. we condemn violence. we condemn threats of violence. if anyone does that, and violates the law, they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and there is no place for it. but to somehow say that someone's in a battleground state is somehow offensive simply, i'm sorry. >> i think it is the "reload" and crosshairs that's caused a lot of people to be concerned,
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senator. >> maybe it has and we condemn any violence, any threats of violence. but i've heard all of that language throughout my political career. but we have to do everything we can to make sure the american people know that there's no place for that in america but what has just been done against the overwhelming opposition of the american people, sleazy deals done in an unprecedented fashion. of course has people angry. that anger should be channeled into voter registration and go continue the struggle that we're in to regain america and stop mortgaging our children's futures. senator john mccain, thank you so much for joining us. i know you guys worked pretty late last night so thank you so much. >> a pleasure. >> tuesday on today, matt has an exclusive interview with president obama, his first one on one since signing his historic health care reform law. if you have any questions for the president, send them to
7:17 am natalie morales is sitting in again for me at the news desk. good morning, everyone. a new report is suggesting the vatican was washrned in the 199 about a wisconsin priest who may have molested some boys. the paper says disciplinary proceedings against the priest were halted after the priest said he repented. that priest died in 1998. today the pentagon announces an easing in the way of the military's "don't ask don't tell" policy is enforced. defense secretary robert gates says he wants the policy on gays in the military implemented more humanely. discharges would have to be approved by a one-star general or above. actor robert cult died wednesday of an apparent heart attack after collapsing outside his california home. culp is perhaps best remembered for his role in "eye spy wts in
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the 1960s. he was 79. overseas markets are mostly high they are morning. cnbc's trish regan is at the new york stock exchange watching action again for us. >> good morning, natalie. we'll be watching capitol hill. ben bernanke, the fed chairman, is testifying before the house financial services committee and lawmakers are looking for some answers as is wall street as to what the exit strategy from all these stimulus programs that the fed has implemented ever since the crisis began over a year and a half ago. the other big thing going on is that it's getting more and mor expensive for the u.s. government to borrow money. we saw evidence of that in a bond auction yesterday. there's another major bond auction today. and the question here is, as deficits keep increasing, will we have to start seeing higher interest rates? we saw yesterday with debt auctions maybe again today. >> trish regan at the new york stock exchange, thank you. it was a frustrating commute
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home wednesday for people in pomona, california after a small plane made an emergency landing on a freeway. the pilot had reported engine problems. no one was hurt. take a look at this incredible video. spectacular sight in southern iceland where a volcano is erupting near a glacier. scientists used snowmobiles wednesday to get a closer look. it is creating rivers of lava more than five football fields long and sending smoke more than two miles high. nearby residents have been evacuated. fantastic pictures though. but i wouldn't want to be the guy in that helicopter circling above. >> i would watch it that close. >> you would? >> it is amazing to be that close in a helicopter. they're smart about it. yeah, let's talk about the weather though. >> i wouldn't want to have to pronounce the name of that town. couldn't even figure that one out. my gosh! iceland. yeah. how many points would that be in scrabble? let's see what's going on.
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we've got a big storm system. risk of strong storms along the mississippi-alabama border, on up into tennessee, possibility of tornadoes. rainfall amounts in some areas picking up one to two inches of rain. generally though a half-inch to an inch of rain. then we've got another big storm coming into the pacific northwest, this one will be a major storm and a big weathermaker for the rest of the an orange and gray sunrise under way on this thursday morning. temperatures in the 40s. mid-and upper 40s in washington and the suburbs. highs should climb into the 60s with sunshine and cloudy this afternoon. rain likely late tonight and off and on for the rest of the night. sun back tomorrow afternoon and
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>> that's your latest weather. there is relief in sight for some troubled homeowners. the nation's largest mortgage company has announced a program to help so-called underwater borrowers. but not everyone is keen on it. cnbc's dianaolick is in washington with more. >> reporter: a new report from the panel policing the government's bank bailout says the treasury's mortgage modification program simply isn't working and won't help as many borrowers as it originally promised because it doesn't addrs the issue of underwater borrowers or folks who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth. but one bank is hoping to change that with a new pilot program. it's an idea that the banks have been fighting for years, but now as the foreclosure crisis deepens, they're giving in. starting with the biggest -- bank of america. >> we're starting with this program, we'll test it here and hope to expand it in the future. >> reporter: in fact, the program could be the model for a change in the treasury's modification plan. >> we have been talking to
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treasury about programs similar to this for quite some time. i think the treasury's close to deciding whether they want to go forward with a program like this. >> reporter: here's how it works. say you owe $100,000 on your home. under the plan, bank of america will forgive, temporarily, up to 30%, or in this case $30,000. lowering your monthly payment and hopefully bringing the equity you have in your home closer to its market value. but there are conditions. your loan balance must be at least 20% more than your home's value. your payments must be on time for five years, and in exchange for paying on time, bank of america will make one-fifth of that temporary 30% reduction permanent each year. >> it is a big deal because for three years the banks have been resisting any kind of principle writedown. >> reporter: resisting it because it is expensive and many, like this california homeowner say it sends the wrong message. >> why do we reward people with
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bad habits who don't try? >> it is tricky if the federal government gets involved because the homeowner who pays their mortgage on time will look at the neighbor who is getting a cut in their mortgage and be upset about that. >> reporter: now this is a very small targeted program. it is only going to help about 45,000 borrowers. to put that in perspective, bank of america has over 1 million troubled loans. but if other banks and the government do follow, it could finally help to stabilize home prices. meredith? >> cnbc's diana olick, thank you very much. just ahead, did a 13-year-old girl contribute to the alleged text rage beating of 15-year-old josie ratley just because she pointed her out? the family speaks out in an exclusive live interview. but first,
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are your kids' school lunches about to be dramatically changed? after your local news and weather. >> 7 time time 26 is the time and 48 degrees on this thursday, the 25th day of march, 2010. metro's board is meeting to discuss a major overhaul of the rail cars to discuss a plan including buying new 7 thousand then series cars. the new cars would replace the 1,000 series cars involved in the deadly metro crash. we will take a break and look at the weather
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>> mostly cloudy and temperatures in the 40s. ghs should make it into the 60s and cloudy this afternoon. rain likely and off and on through the rest of the evening and maid day on saturday. a blustery wind and much cooler. a chilly weekend to follow. could get rain sunday into monday. how is the traffic? >> time to take a look. this is the beltway into springfield. the problem was an accident at the inner loop at 236. should be out of the roadway,
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morning, the 25th of march, 2010. rockefeller plaza packed to the gills with happy folks waving to loved ones back home. always nice to have them stop by. i'm meredith vieira alongside ann curry filling in for matt this morning. did the best friend of eighth-grader josie ratley contribute to her savage beating because thee pointed ratley out to her accused attacker? also ahead, are radical changes coming to the meals served to your children at their school and the menus at your
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favorite restaurants in two new efforts aimed at fighting obesity. a rare and risky produre to remove half of a young girl's brain. amazingly that girl is now excelling at school. we'll meet her and her parents just ahead. but let's begin with the latest on at vicious attack on 15-year-old josie ratley, allegedly over a text messaging dispute. in a moment we'll talk to the family of ratley's 13-year-old friend who faces charges in the case. but first, here's nbc's michelle kosinski. >> reporter: don't let the handcuffs, jail jump suits or felony charges fool you. they look like children because they are children. accused in a vicious beating of eighth-grader josie ratley last we. now hanging on to life in a medically induced coma after two brain surgeries. >> 911. what is your emergency? >> my friend is unconscious from another student on -- through a battery. >> reporter: it happened right
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outside deerfield beach middle while josie waited for her bus after school. >> he's in my office area. in the front office. >> put your phone down. put your phone down know. >> reporter: that caller is describing 15-year-old wayne treacy, accused of attempted pre-med kated murder of the girl police say he had never met. it all seemed to come out of nowhere for the boy who had never been in trouble before. they say he had texted josie trying to reach her 13-year-old friend, kayla, who doesn't have a cell phone. police say yocy texted back disapproving of wayne's relationship with the girl and after a back-and-forth made some reference to the recent suicide of wayne's brother. investigators say he snapped. texted his friends telling them he was going to kill josie, break her next. then rode his bike three miles to find her. but having never even seen her before, police say he asked 13-year-old kayla for help. >> she knew that he was coming over there to inflict harm on
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josie. she did nothing to stop it. when he got there, he didn't even know who yocy was. he went after a separate person and she told him, no, no, that's not her. that's the wrong person. >> reporter: the sheriff says treacy punched josie down, slammed her head into the sidewalk, then kicked and stomped her until a teacher finally pulled him off. kayla is now behind bars accused as an accessory. it's left this oceanside town stunned by two severe cases of teenage violence in six months after a 15-year-old was set on fire by other kids in october, a crime that horrified the country. this week miky quietly visited josie in the hospital. his grandmother said they're friends. so many questions now. the so-called text rage a new risk for kids? >> parents need to be asking their children, are you giving and getting texts like this? go in to their phones, let them know you're going to go into
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their phones before you give them this technology, set up those parameters and rules. >> both wayne and kayla are in juvenile detention as prosecutors wait to see if josie pulls through and decide whether these two children will be charged as adults for what started with a text message between strangers. for "today," michelle kosinski, nbc news, miami. >> we reached out to wayne treacy and his public defender gave us this stement -- wayne remains on suicide watch at the juvenile detention center. his family is in a state of complete shock and disbelief. they are praying for josie every day. we are now joined exclusively by 13-year-old kayla manson's grandmother and legal guardian lori wiggins and her aunt, as well as kayla's attorney. good morning to all of you. >> good morning, meredith. >> kayla lives with you, christine. after josie was brutally beaten,
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the police showed up at your house. can you tell me what happened? >> they came and just wanted to know what was going on, what happened at school today. that was it. they weren't there for very long. they just visited shortly. they poke spoke to kayla, then left. >> the next day they arrested kayla. is that correct? >> correct. >> what has she told you about what happened that day to her friend and what, if any, role she played in this terrible tragedy? >> meredith, good morning. attorney jonathan marne here. respectfully, the family wants to come forward and have a good interview this morning and discuss their sympathies for the victim, but regretfully, we are somewhat limited in the content that we can give out to the media at this time as there is a pending investigation and charges have actually not been formally filed against the juveniles. so discussing the facts of the
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case is going to be somewhat limited. >> all right. let me ask you this way then, jonathan. the sheriff's office claims that kayla knew that wayne treacy was coming after josie and that she led him to her and watched him begin to beat her before she turned away. can you confirm any of that? dispute any of that? >> we don't believe that version to be fully accurate. without going into the facts of the case, it's our understand ing that, first off, that kayla was not instrumental in what happen happened. we believe that information will come out that mr. treacy actually knew who josie was through pictures, through communications and such, and we
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want to discuss the family and how they're praying for the victim, not necessarily the details of the juveniles' involvement. but we believe that she had absolutely no idea that this was actually going to happen, even if she had heard or read text threats that a 13-year-old does not interpret threats the same way we do as adults and that she had no idea that anything was going to happen other than possibly somebody yelling at another student. >> tristine, kayla lives with you. how would you describe her? >> she is a very helpful girl. she's a very mothering girl. she helps take care of my handicapped child and knows him better than most people, knows me better than most people. and a good girl overall. really good girl. >> never been in trouble with
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the law? >> no, absolutely. >> i know we have you -- you let us take some images of her myspace where she shows pictures of josie. what is her relationship with josie? >> as far as i know, they're friends and i know they're classmates in school. >> has she -- i know you've talked to her twice since she's been taken to juvenile detention. has she asked about josie? >> absolutely. and she was worried about her friend and she asked me what was going on. of course i don't want to tell her too much but she's like, well, i'm praying for her. i'm like, we are praying for her also and we want her to get better as quickly as she can. kayla expressed her concern for her immediately, was worried about her friend. >> lori, you are kayla's guardian here and she's bee accused of some pretty awful things. you're also her grandmother. when you hear this thing that she's accused of, principle to premeditated murder, could be charged as an adult felon, what
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goes through your mind? >> it's just, all of it, the whole situation is unbelievable for both girls. for the whole total situation of the matters. you don't see these girls having any concept of what's going on or that there's any danger. you just don't see these girls having this understanding of the situation at all. >> jonathan, i know that kayla will be in court tomorrow. from a legal standpoint, what is next? for her. >> well, what's next is really up to the broward county state attorney's office. she's going to appear in front of judge williams on friday for a procedural hearing. she's been bound over for 21
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days in secure detention. from here, we are eagerly awaiting the filing decision of the broward county state attorney's office and we are hopeful that kayla will be treated as a juvenile. >> all right, lori wiggins, tristine stott, jonathan, thank you for joining us. >> pretty tough stor much. >> now let's get a check of the weather with al. as we look at the temperatures across the country, it's nice and warm. temperatures warming up anywhere from 5 to 12 degrees above normal along the mid-atlantic northeast coast but awfully cold from the great plains down into texas, teens and 20s into the northern plai, 70snd 80s through the gulf coast on into florida. we expec
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partly sunny sunrise under way on this wednesday. live view from our sky watcher camera. we will have sunshine in and out, but cloudy this afternoon. chilly too right now. just in the 40s generally across the region. 48 in washington. highs today should make it into the 60s with a southwesterly breeze. cloudy this afternoon into tonight. rain will be developing lat >> you can keep track of your weather allay long on the weather channel on cable or can they make school lunches healthier? big changes that could be coming to your kid's cafeteria right after this.
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zyrtec® liquid gels work on your worst symptoms... indoors and out. you'll also get the expert advice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you'll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. back now at 7:45. two-thirds of the country is considered overweight. now the government is taking new steps to improve school lunches and to promote healthier eating at restaurants. we've got "today's" diet and nutrition editor and the editor in chief of "men's health" magazine and author of "the eat this not that" series. good morning to both of you. madelyn, let's talk about this bill now making its way through congress. basically it is to require schools -- basically set nutrition standards so that schools will be able to basically have an option, require them to have an option. because this is what they normally get for lunch. pizza, coke and candy bar.
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here's the other option. >> the goal is to have healthier choices for kids. hopefully they'll make them. if their families raised them to eat things like a turkey sandwich, that will be healthy and that's a good thing. many kids will have the go-to, low-nutrient, high-calorie foods like pizza, soda and a candy bar. you have to downsize and eliminate some of the high-calorie foods because given the competition what are kids going to pick? the pizza and soda, most times. >> dave, sounds like a good idea on paper. what's wrong with this idea? madelyn is a little bit of a nay sayer here. >> that's understandable. the fact is that we need better nutritional standards and with this current administration, they're lickly to be strictly enforced. body wants to mess with michelle obama so it is a great starting part. the fact is to madelyn's point, we're eating too much beige food. kids are going into the schools and they're getting the chicken fingers and the fries, and hearing something totally
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different from the school nurse or gym teacher. so it is really important for us to start somewhere, see if we can make a difference -- >> but do you agree that there is a problem here that kids will probably not choose the healthier option so it doesn't really work? >> well, yeah. what -- i mean their taste buds are trained for pizza. but at the same time, we've seen studies where you can make changes for healthier options with kids. they work fast, they work well. in philadelphia, pennsylvania, my home state, there were five schools that changed up their vending machines. they got rid of the high-fat, high-sugar options and they replaced them with juice, water, milk and healthy snacks. two years later the obesity race was cut in half compared to the surrounding schools. >> older kids, middle school and older and high school kids are going to be very resistant to change. we have to start younger and younger. a study just came out that said you have to start with babies and toddlers. by the time children get to school you'll have less impact
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because -- because when people are paying for their own food, kids make choices that will be tastier. starting younger in preschool and elementary school, yes, a turkey sandwich is great, colorful food will have the greatest impact. >> bottom line, it would be terrific if this kind of idea would start at home. >> it is a great concept. >> let's talk about what's already signed into the law, the current health care bill which would also require restaurants chains with 20 or more outlets disclose calories. >> it is a fabulous idea. it does something for people who want to validate what they're getting, you have the group that goes i want something better but it is too hard, i want information. so at the point of purchase when you order, you see the calorie and calorie difference. something that sounds very healthy like a green tea frappacino which should be good for you is double the calories of a regular latte. at least you can know that. for people that say i don't care about the calorie count, fine,
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they don't have to look at it but you need to have that there because it will affect a large group of people. >> david, what do you think? >> i think it is a really important first step. look, the fact is, we need this informati information. in the $940 billion health care bill, this is free. this tells people what they're eating. we've foundbviously that -- we all need access to health care but our actions, not our insurance cards, are what's going to make the difference and have the greatest influence. herehe problem is you can go in, as we see all the time, and eat a 2,000-calorie appetizer and it totally throws off your diet because that's what you should eat in a day. >> last point, david, very quickly. >> we just need to realize that what we're eating. because a lot of the times it is not food. >> okay, david and madelyn, we could talk for hours about this but we're out of time.
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thank you both for weighing in on both theses of legislation. ahead, a remarkable young girl thriving in school even though doctors removed half of girl thriving in school even though doctors removed half of her brain. ffee, or tea. i've got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable new toothpaste that removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks. good advice. what did i tell ya. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile in just two weeks. new crest 3d white toothpaste. and try crest 3d white rinse. the bright, fresh scent of orange blossom. beautiful moments are born in the shower.
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>> our time is 7 final time 56 and it's 48 degrees. a nice warm spring day on this thursday, the 25th day of march. i'm joe krebs. in the news, we are following breaking news. d.c. place are on n street northwest where someone dumped a car that had been carjacked. a child was in the back seat. police are not saying how old the child is, but we know the child is okay. we have a crew the way to the scene and we will bring you more as soon as we get it. we will take a break and
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and temperatures into the 40s and taking it into the 60s later. rain likely through the rest of the night and midday on friday, but by friday afternoon we will get sunshine back with a blustery wind. highs near 50 and saturday highs near 50. how is the traffic? >> 395 loaded up and landmark into town and the accident that helped generate the back up at the bridge is now cleared, but infortunately it will be a slow trip. the outer loop heavy into silver spring and the inner loop looking good despite the sun. >> everything you need to know about the cherry blossom festival.
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8:00 now on this thursday morning, march 25th, 2010. ann and i have stepped outside to say hello to the sea of smiling faces who are starting their day in rockefeller plaza. take a look at this crowd. it is a beautiful day in new york city. i'm meredith vieira, along with ann curry, as i said, and al roker. matt has the morning off. just ahead, when our kids make new friends, we end up forming relationships very often with the parents.
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what happens if you don't like them? the inevitable bumps that arise in these family relationships. >> that seems like impornt advice. also we have a remarkable story you talked about earlier, about this young girl who suffered violence seizures for years. doctors decided to treat her by removing half her brain. incredibly, she's exceeded all expections. we'll meet this young girl and her parents in just a moment. she's doing very well in school. >> that's amazing. wow. then we're going to take you inside the wizarding world of harry potter and reveal -- at universal orlando resorts -- we will reveal when the grand opening will be held. it is going to be big. >> the wizarding world. we're going to be there. absolutely. first i want to look at one of the funniest youtube videos we have ever come across. take a look at this. ♪
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but lady gaga may change the so now. >> i bet she will. >> if she's as smart as i think she is, she will. that was very cute. >> thank you, nadia. now for something a little more serious, natalie morales has the news. >> i can't stop laughing at that one. good morning, everyone. a delay this morning for the senate fixes bill that makes changes in the newly signed health care law. during an overnight session republicans successfully challenged two provisions in the bill that deal with student grants. those two items must be removed and the measure sent back to the house for final approval. the fbi is investigating, meanwhile, threats and vandalism against at least ten democratic members of congress who voted for health care reform. house republican leader john boehner called such actions unacceptable. the school board in affluent wake county, north carolina voted this week to kill a controversial bussing program designed to create school diversity. good morning, ton.
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>> reporter: in a narrow 5-4 vote, the wake county school board approved a directive that will have students go to schools in their neighborhoods. it sounds simple enough but racial diversity advocates here are furious. police had to be called in to the scene of tuesday's contentious vote. protesters staged a sit-in. authorities arrested three people and, in the end, the protesters lost. the board voted to move towards a community-based school system where students will go to schools near their homes. >> going back and changing the diversity policy at ts stage is basically taking a step back. >> reporter: the decision ends an enormously controversial policy in place since 1999 when north carolina's largest schoo district began an unusual desegregation policy, bussing children from wealthy neighborhoods to schools in poorer ones, and visa versa. the goal was to create diversity. >> we need to have an honest
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convsation about what's really going on within the wake county public school system and admit that we are failing many of our students. >> repter: the policy angered many affluent parents who wanted their kids in the best suburban schools, not bussed to an urban school in poor neighborhoods. >> we need to build our counities better. we need to have the kids go to the same schools with their neighborhoods to build that community, and by bussing we're not achieving anything. >> reporter: they elected a new conservative school board determined to reverse the bussing program. >> bussing is wrong, always has been wrong. >> reporter: but as the board moves to end the bussing, the program's many supporters came out in full force arguing that poorer students, many of whom are african-american, will be resegregated. >> you can't dismantle social economic diversity, which it's proven legally, it's proven by research and it's morally right. >> reporter: nearly 50 years after the civil rights movement desegregated schools across the
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south, this southern community is still divided over issues of race, money and education. for years, the diversity program and its bussing program here has been a model of sorts for other school districts across the country. we'll have to see if that changes. for now the school district here will spend the next 9 to 15 months trying to figure out how to put the new plan in place. >> thank you, thanh. the u.s. and russia are expected to sign an agreement to reduce their nuclear arsenals. the wild west came to southern california on wednesday. a dozen run-away horses stampeded through the u.s. olympic training center. a cowboy from a local ranch was finally able to lasso the lead horse and the others followed. good thing there was a cowboy nearby. 8:06. let's go back outside to meredith and ann. >> we have more of the "al roker
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face." where is it? >> oh, good. thankfully. that was close. what's school you guys from? >> we're here for an orchestra competition. >> like you're fighting against other orchestras? >> yes. >> you're the son of ricky black? >> yeah. i'm lewis rick black iii. >> he went out with my sister. i ought to beat him up, too. tell your daddy said hi. let's check your weather, see what's going on. we'll show you, bay city, michigan. the bay city rollers, nbc 25. partly sunny, cold, 42 degrees. jet stream today, we got that subtropical jet that's bringing the risk of some strong storms through the southeast. lot of wet weather in the pacific northwest. we put the map in motion, bring it on into saturday. you can see we got a little bit of a dip in the midsection of the country bringing rainain toe
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>> good morning. a chilly start to the thursday. sunshine with a live view from the sky watcher camera. we will have sun in and out. 50 in washington and we are in the mid-and upper 40s in the suburbs and rural areas. afternoon highs climbing into the 60s and clouds this afternoon. overnight it looks like rain by late this evening into the metro earlier to the west. the rain will continue through >> i have a group here. up next, a medical marvel. you'll meet a miraculous young girl who had half of her brain removed right after this. bacon? gotta get that bacon!
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smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! (child laughing) where is it? where is the bacon? tv anchor: bacon popular, story at 11. yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm...i love you! i love bacon! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! toss 'em, fling 'em, zing 'em. have fun, with beggin' canadian cuts. [clucking] look for delicious cadbury's, reese's and hershey's products in the easter candy aisle.
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'cause no bunny knows easter better than hershey's. my old contacts would sometimes move and blur my vision. then my eye doctor told me about acuvue oasys for astigmatism. they work with the way my eyes move and blink, which helps them stay in place. so now, i'm seeing more clearly. [ male announcer ] for a free trial pair certificate, go to hmm...what's going on with dad? he seems different. ♪ are you ready? he's not talking about work. ♪ i don't want to work he's not tucking in his shirt. ♪ i want to bang on the drum all day ♪ he's not checking messages every 9 seconds. ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ and now this? ♪ i don't want to play ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ [ fog horn blows ] ♪ [ sniffs ] morning. you got in pretty late last night. dad, i'm not sixteen anymore. still, it was late. well...
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you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup this morning on "today's health," the daring choice to save a young girl with a debilitating brain disorder. nbc's chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is here with her amazing story. >> good morning, ann. it is an amazing story. cameron was born a happy,
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healthy baby but athe age of 3 things changed, very quickly, putting her life on the line. the only hope, an extraordinary procedure for an extraordinary ttle girl removing half of her brain. the mott family started their days like most other families. however, within an hour of awakening, their days were abruptly turned upside down. at the age of 3, their daughter cameron started to have seizures, up to ten a day. >> within 20 minutes or so she would have her first seizure. then they would just continue throughout the day. it was not any quality of life for her. >> reporter: after almost three years of seizures, multiple medications and no answers, cameron's cognitive intelligence was declining and she was barely talking. >> she wore a helmet all the time because her seizures were just so aggressive and violent and she would just get hurt so often. >> reporter: cameron was finally diagnosed with a rare condition
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called rasmussen syndrome. hope came at johns hopkins university medical center where neurologists concluded cameron was a candidate for a daring and complicated surgery. a hemispherectomy, a removal of up to one-half of the brain. >> we like to do children because of their ability or their plasticity, that's their ability of the other side of the brain that we haven't removed to take over and control the function of the diseased half that we are removing. >> reporter: after a long, but successful, surgery, cameron was left with only the right half of her brain. and awakened completely paralyzed on the left side of her body. the real challenge was just beginning. >> after surgery, she needs immediate therapy. the more therapy she gets, the faster that she's going to recover that side that's become paralyzed. >> reporter: with intense therapy, the remaining side of the brain was able to relearn and compensate for the hemisphere that was removed.
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cameron exceeded expectations and walked out of the rehabilitation center four weeks later. >> cameron's actually doing very well. she's able to walk and run around the office and certainly around the playground. and most importantly, she's able to do well in school. >> and she hasn't had a seizure in two years. >> we were just asking for some sort of normality. we didn't know we were going to get the full deal. we truly -- i tell cameron's story as a miracle. i truly do believe that miracles happen and my daughter cameron is a walking example of that. >> reporter: walking, yes. but she treems of dancing. >> i want to be a ballerina because they twirl and dance. >> dr. nancy is joining us, along with cameron this morning, along with her parents, shelly and casey, as well as her little sister carolyn.
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good morning to all of you. i want to ask you, first, cameron, how do you feel? and when you watched that, do you ve any memory of it? >> no. >> you don't remember any of it? >> no. >> no? >> not at all. >> how are you doing today? >> good. >> yeah? are you doing well in school? do you enjoy it? >> um-hmm. i enjoy it. >> how did you decide that this was the right choice? now obviously you feel that it was? >> it was absolutely the right choice. really, for us when we knew what she had, and we knew that this was our only option to help her, the risk was something that we were willing to deal with because her quality of life was so poor. >> a very heart-wrenching decision for you. for any parent. >> it was. very scary. you just can't imagine what your child will be like after such a dramatic brain surgery. it just doesn't seem like they could be the same child really. >> is she the same child, casey? >> oh, yeah. she's always been a real bubbly little girl ever since she was
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born. blonde, curly hair as a baby. and we more or less lost our daughter and got her back with surgery. >> nancy, do we know what causes this rasmussen syndrome? is. >> it is an electrical storm that just sends the wrong kind of electricity. if you think very, very simply, that the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, it was the right side of her brain that was having all these misfirings and that was causing her seizures. if you look at this model, except for the lower parts of the brain that control breathing, it really means taking out one half of the brain. if you take out the right brain, you know that patient's going to wake up paralyzed and that's exactly what happened to cameron. but because the pediatric brain is so elastic, the left side of her brain took over for the right side and look at her now. it is extraordinary. >> how long d that take, that relearning period? >> it was pretty intense. when we got home, it was ten hours a week of very intense therapy. she started right back to school and has just come a very long
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way. we've just -- therapy has really just tapered off recently. >> cameron, you want to be a ballerina? >> yes, i want to be a ballerina. we will just celebrate that day when you're a ballerina. so keep twirling, darling. okay? deal? >> um-hmm. >> give it to me. awesome. thank you all so much for bringing us this story. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. hold on a second... come on up here where your brothers sit. [ birds chirping ] wow! did i ever tell you what it was like growing up with four sisters? that sounds fun. for them! [ male announcer ] chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably -- not that it always has to. a breakthrough gel that transforms into an active foam. it not only helps prevent cavities,
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it whitens 33% better between teeth. aquafresh iso-active whitening. amazing. hey, frank. hey, dad. check out these... calculators. cool...checklists. videos. articles. worksheets. tips. strategies. they got tools. tools? [ male announcer ] one website to help you... save a little money. make a plan. stay on budget. put some money in the bank. this will help me... get your act together. ohh! yea. stay on top of bills. have some breathing room. reduce taxes. this is how we can... get ahead of it. [ male announcer ] get started at perfect! ♪
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more easter. plus great new rollbacks. that's worth hopping in for. save money. live better. walmart. now to a rather unexpected group of video gamers who call themselves the big fish babes. as "today" west coast contributor shows us, they are helping breathe new life into the world of gaming. >> reporter: at 62, gina has a serious addiction. >> when you get to be a certain age you need something to keep your mind stimuled. that's my excuse anyway. >> reporter: gina's hooked. on gaming. when you hear of video games, you think of 13-year-old boys. what do you think when people say, you're a middle-aged woman, you're playing video games?
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>> there are teenage boy shoot- 'em-up games. but these are just nice games. >> reporter: gina's 1 of 9 so-called big fish babes. the women who range from 50 to 65 years old met online two years ago while playing madame fate where you hunt for hidden objects. initially, the nine women started talking about the game in a public forum, but soon the topics grew. >> jodi is calling on the other line. >> some of them started talking about personal issues like men, and marriage, and things like that. i thought, wow, these are really cool women. >> reporter: you might call it a sign of the times. forget all about age and geography. nowadays you don't need to live close to be close. and these self-titled babes are proving just that. >> they were there for me every single day and they were calling and they were praying for me.
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>> reporter: the babes are spread all around the country, and even though they've never met in person, lisa from florida credits the others for helping her successfully battle a deadly lung infection. >> i really, truly believe i wouldn't be here if it were not for them. >> reporter: so, after e-mailing and talking on the phone almost every day for over a year, the babes decided to finally meet for the first time in seattle where gina lives. what was it like the first moment you were actually seeing them for the first time? >> it was a massive group hug. it was just magical. there's no other way to put it. >> it was surreal and it felt as though i had known them all my life. it sounds, i know, really crazy, but it really was a just phenomenal experience.
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>> reporter: the women have made such a splash, the company big fish uses them as consultants to test out new games. >> we're very excited about our ideas but we always kind of check those ideas with each other, with the team and with sort of our audience, that being the big fish babes because they're sort of our alpha partners. >> reporter: the babes help the company, but more importantly, they continue helping one another every single day. >> friends with no physical contact. it was built upon words. and i think that that has strengthened our bond. >> if you had a big secret, would you confide in the babes or your other friends? first? >> the babes.first? >> the babes. definitely. >> reporter: for "today," nbc news, burbank, california. >> wow! >> that's so great that people
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can come together and find that warmth with each other. i'm inspired. >> i've never been a big internet person but i see now, that's one reason -- >> we're pulling you >> the time is 8 time time 26 and a gorgeous cool sunny morning in the nation's cap tap. don't get used to the weather. it will be changing. tom will have the forecast. we are following breaking news from northwest washington, d.c. the 200 block of n street someone dumped the car that had been hijacked. a child was in the back seat. they are not sing how old the child is, but the child is okay.
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>> that's cool. >> that kind of looks lik your desk. w we can tell you now the grand opening celebration will be held june 18th, two days left for your kid's class to enter to be there. find details at our website, >> very exciting news. also, just ahead in this half-hour, what you should do when you don't like the parents of your kid's friends. we have some advice. also just ahead, basically we'll be talking about the season is spring. we'll talk about fashion and gardening. we have advice on both. p. allen smith is here with some plants you may not know about. >> he has an automatic sprayer. he can't stop. his trigger's stuck. plus speaking of fashion, we'll show you one of the hottest shades of the season. actually it is pale.
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>> that's pretty. weather. yes! let's take a look, see what's happening. for saturday, sunny and cool in the northeast, mid-atlantic states. nice and warm in the southeast. rain in the mid mississippi river valley. out west, gorgeous, plenty of sunshine and mild. clouds in the pacific northwest. then sunday -- sunday -- more rain moves in to the mid-atlantic states, on into the ohio river valley. western half of the country looks fabul fabulous >> good morning. partly sunny and chillo this thursday morning. a live picture from the sky watcher showing the sun climbing higher and it should warm into the 60s later with a southwesterly breeze. in the chilly 40s to near 50. highs today into the mid-and upper 60s briefly by mid-afternoon and then cloudy. a chance of rain by early evening and a likelihood of rain late evening and overnight through midday on
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>> and that's your latest weather. any time you want to check your weather, go to the weather channel on cable or online. you can catch an all-new episode of "the marriage ref" tonight on nbc. three couples face off to settle their marital disputes, including a husband to wants to be the next eminem. and another who keeps insisting on leaving the motorcycle in the living room. tonight's panel, jerry seinfeld, alec baldwin, kelly ripa. oh, that's not right! i don't know what that was but that's not right. that's tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central right here on nbc. just the facts, ma'am. what was that? >> the couple who actually has the motorcycle in the living room they also trained their cat to pee in the toilet. >> in it on on it? >> in it. >> okay. i think they got a few more
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problems. >> i love that. >> that's right. by the way, we were so captivated, uncle willie, by the cat on the toilet seat that i almost forgot you. uncle willie? >> i'm waking up with al, my favorite show. very sweet. happy birthday from smucker's. what a good group we have. orville, ohio. joe shelley, excel, alabama. 101. that's the second time he's tried to get on. loves doing cross word puzzles. enjoys visits from family and friends. nell roots, panama city, florida. started a food drive for haiti, the earthquake victims. attributes her longevity to beginning each day with a smile.
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positive attitude will chase away the blues. johnny carson. here's johnny! from godfrey, illinois. 100 years old today. drove cancer patients to the hospital for treatment for over 14 years and believes the key to being 100 is flirting. with his wife. you old devil you! lester, beautiful lester scherfenburg. a world war ii veteran. 100 years old. nominated by the minnesota local news association for his volunteer work in habitat for humanity. a man who still keeps busy. beautiful anna mahramas. canonsburg, pennsylvania. went on to her first date -- the first date she ever had was with
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perry como. grace beckett, carlsbad, california. 00 years o 100 years old. retired math teacher. that's all. now we toast ann. >> hey, dear, always toasting you, willard. thank you so much. by the way, there is a story we forgot to tell you about. paul proposed to sherry last night at the top of the rock and she said yes! how exciting is that? also coming up, the options when you don't like the parents of your kids' friends. but first, there is "today" on nbc. back to the right? no, back here. how about over here? n-- let's go back to the left. waffling is back at dunkin' donuts.
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new families. the pitfalls for parents and kids that can come along with those new relationships. >> when you're trying to date another family, you've got four, five, six personalities that all have to gel. >> we had a friend in common who sort of set us up on a blind date and the blind date was a picnic in the park. >> i saw her and i thought she looked cool. we sort of hit it off. we had a lot in common. it was a very easy connection. >> we would run into them a lot. they lived across the street from us. so we would get together, just by happenstance a lot of times, meet at the playground. then of course the boys were in school together and the moms would hang out. >> i've gone to many a play date where i sit the and i think, the two hours can't go by fast enough because i have nothing to talk about with this mom. >> everything seems to be going well, then all of a sudden there's that screech from the other room and one child is blaming the other child for some
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injustice. >> if the boys like each other, then i can have a play date without me being there, or if the parents like each other, i can go out with them without the kids. >> we all went to park city, utah at the same time. the boys were in ski school together. often a weekend doesn't go by where we say, what are you doing this weekend? >> we help each other out, we are each other's support system. >> so how do you navigate these family relationships? michelle callahan is a psychologist and author of "ms. type." first, why are these family friendships so appealing? >> it's great because when you do things you want to be able to include your family. if if your kids like each other, it is great if you can go along and bring your spouse so everybody can be together as opposed to splitting off and having to do things separately. >> what's the most common way families hook up with each other? >> through their kids. you want to do the play date so you start to meet the other parents. next thing you know you guys are going to dinner or the park or things like that. >> but it is a little bit like
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the dating scene. you see somebody across the park and size them up, are we going to get along. the whole thing. >> you're courting them, you get to know them, you get excited to talk to them on the phone. you hope that you can click so you can build these friendships. it is harder for adults to build friends the older they get. >> you're talking about six, eight people, whatever, that increases the likelihood of problems down the line. >> it is so hard to meet everybody's needs. kids are special. then you are talking about two women, two men. six, eight, ten people perhaps. >> i know in my situation -- i think somebody alluded to this, we had made friends with a family and one of my kids and the other child got along, then they suddenly didn't like each other. and that happens a lot. what do you do in a case like that? i wanted to hold everybody together and eventually we couldn't do it. >> it is totally normal. it is hard enough to hold blood relatives together. imagine trying to keep friends together. i think you have to think about what's that main relationship. if that's not clicking, you may have to get together separately with the parents.
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kids may not always grow together. >> or the kids may get together and parents except e fact, we don't work. >> exactly. >> what tips do you have for people trying to navigate their way through this is. >> manage your expectations, it is not going to be easy to do, it takes time to get to know people. if it doesn't click right away, that's not a bad thing. you have to really work on -- working towards getting the kids together, but understanding that if that doesn't click, it may be just whoever met the first time around. if it is the kids that met the first time around, protect that relationship. don't allow the adults and their not clicking to get in the way of that primary relationship. >> you say talk it through. what do you mean by talk it through? >> a lot of this is about parenting. adults have very different feelings with that. if you don't parent the same way, talk ba about that. don't let the kids fussing stop you from getting along with the other adults. ta about the things that aren't working so you can figure out a way to keep everyone together. >> you also say don't force it. if it ain't there, it ain't there. >> if it's not there, don't force it. work it out if it makes sense, but if it doesn't, everybody
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can't get along. six to eight people? it is hard enough getting two to get along. if it doesn't work out, move on, separate the two relationships, let them hang out. >> the most critical one you say is the one to establish. >> yes. if it started with the kids, protect that. if the adults are havg cat fights, please don't break the kids up because the adults couldn't get along. let whoever started that protect that relationship, say, look all these other people are extra. if we can make everyone get along, great. but if not, let's not mess up this initial relationship. >> michelle callahan, thank you very much. up next, a new plant that can add new color to your spring garden. but first, this is "today" on nbc. saving money on cereal.
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- bread. - laundry detergent. even paper towels and toothpaste. at safeway, we've made a promise to lower the prices... on thousands of everyday items throughout the store. and, with our club card specials like lucerne yogurt, only 40¢, and 12-pack pepsi or 7 up, buy 2 get 3 free, safeway is keeping that commitment. so you'll always get what you want, when you want it, - at the price you need. - today and tomorrow. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway. back now at 8:45. this morning on "today's garden," colorful blooms, showing shrubs and tasty treats. gardening expert p. allen smith
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is the author of "bringing the garden indoors" with new ideas for us for spring planting. >> good morning. happy spring. >> thank you so much. your eye caught some color. >> yes, absolutely. always. these plants, ann, are new on the market and they're really created for their flower power like this bubble gum super petunia. just blooms all summer long. this little angel face angelonia will bloom all summer long. and this has so much flower power you cannot imagine. all of these are very good for full sun. for a little bit of shade, you combine this key lime pie with this wonderful little impatien. >> would you plant these now? >> you would wait until after frost has passed. the danger of frost. in shrubs, you can't believe what's going on in shrubs.
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for instance, what they're doing now, this forever and ever series of azalia will flower in the spring and summer. the industry's saying we'll produce color for you. >> as a result we can get -- >> hiydrangeas. the knock-out rose is just so hard to beat. these will bloom all summer long. >> i'm going to quibble with you for a second. i have had roses. you really have to tend to them, you have to cut them back, and worry over them. they don't always work. >> but these have the again knicks -- they're so disease-resistant, they're incredible. i want you to take those home and try them. these are yours. >> that's a lot of roses. you're saying they won't be as much trouble? >> i can tell you, they will not. edibles, you can grow them from
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seed. or can you start with the plants. edibles are beautiful as well. just look at this swiss chard. isn't it gorgeous? >> it is. people are getting with the program. okay. normally we clip that, but -- >> i like it raw. >> really? but people are -- usually you wash it, too. >> i did watch it beforehand. swiss chard here. look at this bibb lettuce. look at these roma tomatoes. growing a beautiful roma tomato in a container like this, you can produce beautiful fruit. strawberries are so easy to grow. one of the things that i think people really get excited about are blueberries. they their are a lot of antioxidants. >> wait a minute. you're saying we can grow blueberries? >> yes. in containers. they have beautif fall color. the flowers are gorgeous and look at this delicious fruit. >> these are washed? >> organically grown. >> more an more people -- those
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are really sweet -- are thinking about organic food or they want to have more control over their food. >> they want to know where their food is coming from. this whole edible series is so important. we need to think about where our food comes from and get kids involved. now that's a roma tomato, started already in this biodegradable pot. this will probably produce seven to eight pounds of tomatoes. >> all right. strawberries are also pretty hearty. >> they're very hearty. some of them are now producing more berries an larger berries. though i like the old-fashioned one that a sweet berries. >> thanks, you really inspired us this morning. coming up on "today's style," we have spring's unexpected new color which is pale.
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this morning on "today's tile," pretty in pale. yes, pale. it is a big trend this spring. our resident style expert stacy london, crow host of tlc's "what not to wear" will show us how to pull it off. good morning. >> good morning, meredith. you look lovely in pale. >> thank you very much. but you know what? pale is a hard thing to pull off. >> yeah, it is hard. the big thing about it is that
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we saw it everywhere on the red carpet, oscars, golden globes. it is really coming back as a big spring trend but it is wearable if you do it the right way. you're doing one of the ways it is perfect. you do pale and anchor it with a darker neutral. >> i didn't even know i was doing something the right way. very good. >> absolutely. let me just shoyou, the first thing that's most important when it comes to pale -- this is the biggest problem. women think that lighter colors emphasize darker color camouflages. that is true, but cut takes precedence. the cut of a garment will always determine whether or not you look bigger or smaller in it. >> angela looks beautiful in it. >> this dress, look at the way it is seamed. we emphasize an hour glass shape. you can do gorgeous lavender, great for blue eyes and dark hair but it still works because you're seeing the shape before you see the color. >> you go k go solid as long as the shape is right. >> absolutely. you can go pale as long as the shape is right without looking bigger. >> angela, thank you so much.
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our next look is a pale metallic. sidney, come on out. >> we've seen a lot of metallic over the winter. even last spring. but what's new here is this paler metallic, this brushed metallic. it looks great on her skin tone in particular. this sweater actually has a gold base with gold flecks in it. now a really bold way to do this is mix it. like the pewter, and the sweater. this is all from ann taylor. th is great because it can take you from day to evening. like you, anchor it with a darker neutral. add a heel to this and you can go straight from work to cocktail. >> very lovely. thank you, sidney. another way we're seeing pale is in a pale print? our next model is shawna. >> yes. people who are concerned with trend, print, especially a pale print, is a really easy way to nail the trend without getting washed out. that's the thing, people really
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worry about getting washed out, their skin tone. look for something that's got a little bit of that kind of great visual interest to it. that's what a print does for an outfit. you'll notice there is a lot of pale colors, florals and tie-dyes in this loosey-goosey fabric. be careful that you never go too far away from the body. you won't be able to eat soup and you'll lose your body shape all together. make sure it is still cut close enough to the body. >> our next pale look, nude with a pop of color. wendy, come on out. >> this is very important to me. i want people of pale skin to understand -- >> you've got it with a redhead here. >> you can even do this with a blonde. you can do nude, which is the pale neutral -- i mean it is the trend for spring. you can do it even i you're pale by popping it with some color, either on the cheek or lips or even the accessories. here we've done the metallic
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accessory. with the red lip. you can do it with any hair color, any skin color as long as you pay attention to the nude itself. never do a yellow undertone. do something with a blue or pink undertone. >> why never do a yellow? >> it will make you look sickly. you always look for that sort of pink hue or a real blue undertone hue, even in a nude. and with pale pink, it will create enough of a contrast. even with freckles? that's awesome. >> i would have never thought to pair with a redhead. it looks gorgeous. >> one last look. and one last question -- how does this become a trend? why is it that pale becomes a tren for spring versus something else? >> it's funny. you'll see it gain momentum season after season. basically what we diesigners do is catch on to something and make it bigger the next spring, or the next spring. this has been going on a little while, and now it is more popular than ever. >> stacy london, thank you so much.
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we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> the time is 8 tim time 55. we are following breaking news in north west washington. that's where police are searching for suspects after a mother's car was stolen with her baby inside. the baby was found in the car in the 200 block of n street northwest. we go to the scene with the latest. >> reporter: police right now are not sure if they are looking for one or two people. this is the car right here behind me. they are getting ready to take it away. it's a white honna suv. the child was in the back waiting in the back. the suspe jumped in and took off and ended up about three blocks away and the suspect or
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suspects may have realized it was a baby in the back and bailed. the mother was reunited with the child about 10 minutes after it happened. they are doing fine. police are going to look at cameras to see if they can learn anything. >> thanks so much. we will look at weather and traffic when we come b
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we're back now with more of "today" on this thursday morning, the 25th day of march, 2010. it is a beautiful morning here in new york. though we a going to be seeing some clouds later on today, some showers by this evening but we've got a beautiful crowd with us. always happy to see them. i'm al roker, along with ann curry. >> always happy to see you. unfortunately, we've got some difficulties for the family of that trainer at seaworld who was killed by the killer whale. the family was in fact in court wednesday pleading that the video of the attack not be
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released to the public. does the family have a constitutional right to privacy or should this be made public? we'll get into that debate. also coming up, the problem of back pain. do you know that 80% of people suffer from lower back pain? >> wow. i didn't know it was that high. >> i actually have a problem myself. whether you sit at a computer all day or hoist the kids in a car seat, it can give you problems all day. what can you do to strengthen your back. i know you like those health bars, kashi bars. what if you could turn that into a chocolate cake? >> wow. >> that's what i'm talking about. we'll meet two guys, two molecular gastrologists and whether you can pass that off to your kids. before we get to all of that, let's get a check of the news from natalie morales
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filling in for me at the news desk. good morning, everyone. there is a new threat this morning said to be from osama bin laden. al jazeera aired a new videotape in which the speaker identified to be bin laden says if the u.s. executes khalid shaikh mohammed, it will launch an attack. today president obama goes to iowa to try to sell the new health care law to those who are still skeptical about it. he travels to iowa city where in 2007 he pushed the idea of health care reform while he was a candidate. during the night meanwhile, senate republicans found some glitches in the health care fix-it bill. glitches that will force the measure back to the house. meantime, the fbi is investigating threats made against at least ten members of congress after democrats passed health care reform. the windows at some congressional offices were apparently broken and threats were left on some answering machines. a new report is suggesting
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the vatican was warned in the 1990s about a wisconsin priest who may have molested as many as 200 deaf boys. according to the "new york times," american bishops sent repeated warns about the priest to top vatican officials, including the future pope benedict. the paper says disciplinary proceedings against the priest were halted after the priest said he had repented. that priest later died in 1998. it is going to be more difficult for the u.s. military to discharge service members for being openly gay. defense secretary robert gates is issuing new guidelines today for the pentagon's don't ask don't tell policy requiring that testimony from third parties be given under oath and discharges must be approved by officer holding a rank equivalent to one-star general or above. a strong earquake with a magnitude of 6.0 hit the philippines today. no immediate reports of any serious damage. even though it krefcrested sunday, the red river is still
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cau causing problems in parts of minnesota. this volcano is creating rivers of lava more than five football fields long and sending smoke more than two miles high. a zoo in poland is showing off a 2-week-old. he's a little cutie. four minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to al and ann. >> thank you so much. so cute! you know who else is so cute? we're talking about al roker. >> thank you very much. >> you want to really talk about cute? we got a self-proclaimed drama queen here. what's your name? >> anna. >> happy birthday to you. what's your name? >> ada. >> how old are you? >> i'm 10. double digits now. very nice. >> i'm 7 now and on june 26th
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i'll be 8. >> okay. not to be left out. thank you, ladies. let's check your weather, see what's happening. again we've got the risk of strong storms from mississippi on into alabama, up into tennessee. possibility of some tornadoes. we're looking at rain falling there. it is getting kind of heavy moving into central tennessee. rainfall amounts generally about an inch to abo a half-inch. out west, big storm moving in there bringing mixed precipitation into the pacific northwest. one to two inches of >> a chilly start to this thursday. we have been in the 40s and just climbing into the 50s. ee 53 in washington and likely make figure into the mid 60s. quite a bit of cloudiness and sunshine in and out. late tonight it looks like rain into the metro area, but earlier in the evening further to the west, the rain may continue off
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and on through midday friday. wind >> and that's your latest weather. nalie? >> al, thank you. to a new development in the deadly killer whale attack at seaworld in florida last month. the family of dawn bran show who was killed by that 12-000 pound animal went to court on wednesday to make sure the surveillance tape of the scene never goes public. nbc's kerry sanders has more. >> reporter: a family's anguish made worse, they lawyers, by a fight for video. a security camera high atop this tower at seaworld in orlando was aimed towards the tank and there was an underwater camera that may have also recorded what tilikum, the killer whale, attacked and killed his trainer dawn brancheau last month. the video was handed over to sheriff's deputies investigating the death, and now dawn's husband, brother and mother fear it will be made public. >> frankly, the potential of
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harm for this family is incredibly severe. there is no constitutional right to voyeurism and there is a constitutional right to privacy. >> reporter: dawn you a husband, scott, in an emotional affidavit to the court wrote, in part, "the release of the video and images which graphically depict the circumstances of the death of my wife will cause me untold anguish, grief and pain." three florida newspapers and an nbc affiliated tv station argue the request for video is not ghoulish, rather it is what reporters do. check facts and challenge conclusions. in this case, could dawn's death have been prevented? was seaworld negligent? are the investigators adequately informed to reach conclusions in a death like this? >> what we do have in this case is there have been some conflicting statements and reports about what happened. and in this case, hopefully this video might shed some light on the facts of this case. >> reporter: the reputable news organizations here say they have
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no plans to broadca or publish the videotape, but under florida law, if it is public, it is public to anyone, including the person who wants to get it, and post it online. >> there are websites that put autopsy photos of celebrities online. this is not an environment where the family could not be terribly harmed. >> reporter: a similar debate over autopsy photos came up when johnny versace was murdered and when dale earnhardt died. in both of those cases, it was over autopsy phos which were never released. now, a new wrinkle on that question. complicated by the internet because if the tape is released, it could go viral. and never disappear. for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news, orlando. >> dan abrams is nbc's chief legal analyst. dan, good morning. as we heard in kerry's piece
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there, the attorney for dawn brancheau's family went before the judge and basically argued that the video be kept private claiming that there is no constitutional right to voyeurism and there is a constitutional right to privacy. when it comes down to it though, in the constitution -- is there anything about the right to privacy? >> look, there have been cases that have interpreted a right to privacy but not in this context. cases have sd that the government can't do x, y or z because people have a right to privacy. that's not going to be the reason that this videotape isn't released. if it's not released, the judge is going to basically balance it. the judge is going to say, yes, it's true that in the state of florida this sort of material is generally released. but in this case, i'm going to make an exception. in this case, i'm going to rule, if the judge rules this way, that the potential harm is too significant and the information in that videotape simply isn't that significant. >> that's interesting because that's what the attorney in fact claims, that his clients will
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suffer severe harm if the video of dawn's death were in fact to be made public. so that in itself would be a good enough argument perhaps to sway the judge. >> not quite enough. i think most people out there will say, why should this thing be released? it is crazy. most people will look at this case and say -- >> anybody who is sensitive and caring about this family. >> exactly. what possible reason could there be? well, the reasons tend to be that you want to make sure the investigators are doing their job. you want to make sure that seaworld shouldn't be investigated more for what happened here. and that's what the media is going to be arguing. they're going to be saying that somebody's got to be checking them and we can't simply just let this go away. >> but the attorney did say though, you're not seeing in that video the moments leading up to the attack. you're just seeing two minutes of what sounds to be a very graphic, bloody attack where her body -- she was basically -- her moment of death and where she was dragged around like a rag doll in the swimming pool. so what's to be gained?
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what would the media gain by seeing something like that? >> i think it is an important point. because if it doesn't show you anything about how this happened, it makes the media's argument a little less strong. now, they could say, it's still important, for example, to be able to ensure that seaworld is held accountable, how did seaworld allow this to happen and to see the video might help address that question. but i think that based on the fact that a temporary injunction was already issued -- so effectively the judge said, for now, i'm not going to release the tape. the question here as a legal matter is should they extend that beyond just that temporary period. i think the fact that the judge issued a temporary injunction means it is probably likely that that injunction will stay and the videotape won't be released. >> unfortunately, in this youtube era, this kind of row is just fodder for that video voyeurism that is out there. it's not reputable news organizations that is going to put that video out there.
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>> it is almost as though the lawyer for news organizations recognizes that to some degree. i think many years ago they'd be fighting tooth and nail and saying, come on, we ought to be able to see that. you hear the lawyer say, we're okay, we're taking some time here, there's no rush, we're okay with the situation right now with the temporary injunction. so i think you see a recognition on the part of the media that it is a closer call than it used to be because of the web. >> it's a really interesting case. dan abrams, as always, thank you so much. coming up still, whether you're looking for a new job or looking for love, we'll show you why confidence can be contagious. but up next, oh, my aching back. advice on how to say good-bye to back pain for good right after this. u- ( rope creaking ) - ( rope snaps ) - ( piano clangs ) - ( crashes ) - glad forceflex trash bags are so strong, one bag is all you need to pick up the pieces from even your biggest disasters.
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- ( doorbell rings ) - where do you want the piano? for stretchable strength get glad forceflex. for stretchable strength can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood... it's so important that they get enough calcium every day. that's why there's new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is... yummy! so they can start building strong bones today... for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advl pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. that say, "look at that wrinkle." [ female announcer ] introducing the eraser foundation from maybelline. our patented applicator and formula with collagen
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goes beyond covering. micro-corrects, micro-erases signs of aging. the eraser. only from maybelline new york. - i got another 300 miles in me. - sure you do, honey. - come on guys, give me a hand. - we can make it to paperclip mountain. looks like somebody needs a comfort inn. hi, reservation for the carter family. uh, yes, your room is ready. free high-speed internet. relaxing pool. cozy beds. and free breakfast with hot waffles. need to relax after a long day of vacation? comfort inn. now stay two separate times with comfort inn... or any choice hotel and earn a free night. book at
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>> announcer: "today's health" is brought to you by kellogg's rice krispies cereal. an estimated 80% of adults suffer from lower back pain at some point in life but there are simple steps you can take to prevent it. medical editor at health magazine and "today" contrutor who knows all about this stuff. dr. raj, it seems like just about everybody i know has complained at one point in their lives about back pain. how common is it? >> it is incredibly common. you mentioned the statistic that 80% of people experience it. that's significant back pain but almost all of us really will experience some form of back pain in our live. >> so millions of people. >> absolutely. >> why do we suffer it? >> our backs really undergo so much stress. just sitting up right now our back muscle are working to keep us upright. often we get back pain because we overuse or put strain on our muscles. if we're not in good shape and
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suddenly lift something, we can strain it. even underuse, if you sit too much in one position you strain your vertebrae. >> usually it seems to be the lower back people complain about. >> vast majority of people. >> why? >> this area actually bears the brunt of our weight and our center of gravity and this does the most work in our back so it is more prone to injury. >> i had an injury myself. my doctor said that basically your back is always sort of in this kind of compression. it's always very, very taut unless you're maybe lying down on your side or something. >> right. when we talk about our back, we should define what we are talking about. the spine is made up of bones of the vertebrae, your vertebral column. then you have muscles and nerves. if you're sitting upright, all of those muscles and nerves in the vertebrae are working to keep you standing or sitting uprit and it is only when you lie down that you are really at rest. >> he recommended that you lie down with a pillow between your legs on your side. really it was the only way to alleviate that tension. so then the question then becomes how do we alleviate our
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back pain, how do we protect our backs and do a better job. >> it is very important. women tend to get back pain even more than men because there are a lot of things we do that men don't do as much. we carry the heavy purses on one side. we are in high heels, which we're both guilty of right now. but wearing them all day. then our posture makes a big difference. we tend to have smaller frames so it is more difficult for our spines to carry our weight. we're at more risk for osteoporosis. the number one thing is exercise. a low-impact aerobic exercise, get moving but also strengthen your core abdominal muscles which help support your back. that's very important. >> that's a very interesting point. we don't think about our backs being supported by our abdominal muscles. but those muscles are key for maintaining that kind of structure. >> exactly. things like yoga, pilates and even abdominal crunches can really help support your back. >> so -- but in terms of preventing the injury, a lot of us are at computers. i've got to be honest with you, my posture is horrible and i
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think most people i know are hunched over their computer. is there something about the way we live with technology today? >> it is pretty much unavoidable. most of us spend a lot of time at the computer but there are things to do to help prevent back pain. number one, make sure you sit with both feet planted on the ground. does cross your legs because this that makes it very hard to align your back properly. make sure the computer screen and mouse and keyboard are very close to you so you aren't reaching or hunching over. same thing with the screen. make sure you have good posture while you ar doing it will really go a long way. >> at what point do you know you really should go see a doctor? >> for the most part bk pain will go away on its own or with simple home remedies, just putting heat on it, taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. if it persists for more than four weeks, even if it is mild, you need to see a doctor. the main thing to be concerned about is any neurologic symptom. this is a sign something is going on with your nerves, that would include numbness or tingling in your legs.
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any trouble keeping in urine or bowel movements. see your doctor immediately. >> some people are born with spinal cord curvation. they cannot help sometimes feel pain from that. people have that. does massage help? >> massage can help. i'd talk to a doctor about maybe getting physical therapy so you get guided exercises because you have to be careful when you have back pain. doing the wrong exerce can actually make it worst. just don't rest in bed all the time. it can actually be worse for your back. but getting moving is important but with the right type of exercise. >> we need to stretch our backs and i think the suggestion about having a stronger stomach is a really good one. thank you so shall, dr. raj, for helping us with our back pain. next, it can make parents nervous and children uncomfortable. how do you talk to your kids about the birds and the bees? first these messages.
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the glass behind it wasn't. for sparkling dishes, try finish jet dry. we think you'll see the difference. most consumers do. finish. the diamond standard. want to make sure allergies don't always have to keep u cooped up inside. that's why we're making it easier for everyone to find allergy solutions. by offering products like new zyrtec® liquid gels. zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine, is now available in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work on your worst symptoms... indoors and out. you'll also get the expert advice of your walgreens pharmacist. so you'll feel freer to love the air. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. it's the 2 day easter sale at toy 'r' us! huge doorbusters all day friday and saturday! like buy one get one 50% of all bakugan. and, buy one, get one free all dvd's & books! our chefs learn secrets cookinof italian cooking.,
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like how to blend four artisanal cheeses to create our new creamy fonduta sauce. in our new steak fonduta and grilled chicken fonduta. at olive garden. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night it's something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in new blueberry pie and new red velvet cake. yoplait light. it is so good.
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minute video. find all the information on our website, we're taking submissions through the end of april. still to come this morning, turning health foods into comfort foods and you won't even know the difference. we promise. know the difference. we promise. but first your local news. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare, with 10 breakthrough patents, goes beyond lines and wrinkles for a firmer, more uplifted look. exclusive ion2 complex combines with the activating cream to boost collagen depleted skin. 100% of women showed improvement in wrinkles, firmness, or definition in just 4 weeks. the results? amazing. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare from the number one dermatologist recommended brand. from the number one why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever.
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and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia! the time is 9:25 on march 25 together, 2010. we r following breaking news where police are searching for suspects after a mother's car was stolen with a 1-year-old inside at north capitol and p street. a woman ran in the house and left the car running. the baby was found safe in the car in the 200 block of n street behind dunbar high school where someone dumped the car. the child was checked out and it fine. police are looking at cameras behind the school and on the
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>> still a chill in the air. temperatures in the low 50s. some sun, but mostly cloudy the rest of the day and highs in the 60s. rain moving in tonight and arriving into the metro area after 9:00 p.m. continuing through midday friday. how is the traffic sf. >> 395 still backed up to the 14th street bridge. lanes are open and we will keep a watch on it. on the beltway north, sluggish with an earlier accident and the
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what's the first thing you're going to need? >> a doctor? >> shields. >> you're looking at a glimpse from you new animated comedy called "how to train your dragon" about a boy who befriends a dreaded dragon and finds out that dragons are people, too. if you don't believe me, there will be a 20-foot dragon out on our plaza tomorrow when we hear from one of the stars of the movie, america ferrera. we're excited.
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>> it does look really good. >> you need the 3-d glasses. coming up in this half-hour, if i said lasers, centrifuges and ion particles, would you think i'd be talking about the kitchen? i am. in o kitchen this morning, two chefs are saying they can turn healthy ingredients into pizza, chocolate cake and tempora. they're going to show us how that's done in "today's kitchen." they're a lot of fun. >> that's good stuff. we'll check it out. also, the secret to success is confidence. have you ever been complimented in the morning on your clothes or maybe your hair? then just seems like the rest of your day you're in such a good mood and everything seems to be going your way. we'll take a look at how a confident attitude can set you up for success, whether you are looking for work or for love. speaking of women with confident attitudes, i just happen to be reading through the
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"guidepost" here. none other than our ann curry. there we go. is on the cover. a beautiful article which you write in the inside of the magazine. the article is "an act of faith." you talk about being a journalist is really about having that faith and being able to give people that faith as well. >> i think it is an act of faith in the future if people can get the truth as much as you can give it, that their lives might, you hope, be somewhat better. the faith is in that. i wrote that. thanks for bringing that up. i didn't realize you were going to bring this up. >> no, i love this story. it's very personal. those of you who know you heard the story of how your mom and damet but it is such a beautiful love story and you write about that and how that's changed you as a person. you also talk about your dad's character. one of the stories that i loved is when you were kids you used to complain and you would whine every now and again, and one day your dad says the next person who says "that's not fair" is going to drop and do ten push-ups. i don't care where we are.
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you said did you it and learned quickly whining didn't accomplish anything. but then you told the story of what your dad did. >> at one point -- by the way, we were living in japan. my father was in in the military. we were on the bus. all of the kids -- i'm 1 of 5 -- ran and sat on the seats. my dad said "that's not fair" and we all looked at him. you know that 6'3" man looked at us, got down on a moving bus full of japanese people and did ten push-ups. it was such a great lesson about -- a parent needs to stick by his or her word. i think that was a great -- >> i tried to do that with my family. >> it is beautiful. it really talks about -- >> thanks so much. >> -- what you've done in the world with the humanitarian efforts and really nicely written. >> i feel a little embarrassed because it exposes so much of me. but thank you so much for bringing it up. let's get a check of the weather with al. >> all right, thanks a lot. let's check it out, see what's going on as far as your weekend. weot sunny skies along the
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eastern seaboard, rain from the gulf coast into the mid mississippi river valley, clouds in the pacific northwest, windy in west texas and mild throughout the southwest. then sunday -- sunday -- we're looking at rainy conditions for much of the east with the exception of the extreme eastern new england states. rain in the pacific northwest. sunny and mild from >> a chill in the air on this thursday morning. good morning as we take a look at the temperatures. it is climbing into the 50s. 53 in washington. into the 60s later on this afternoon and cloudy by then. a little bit of sunshine. this evening rain moving in from west to east and out in the mountains e around the metro area and late evening. they e it continues the rest of the night and cooler >> and that's your latest weather. ann? >> okay, al, thank you so much. next, how to gape confidence
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and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood... it's so important that they get enough calcium every day. that's why there's new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's wer packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is... yummy! so they can start building strong bones today... fostronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. would we eat better? at hellmann's, we make our mayonnaise with eggs, vinegar and oil rich in omega 3. for the quality that could only be hellmann's. hellmann's. it's time for real.
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so i couldn't always do what i wanted to do. but five minutes ago, i took symbicort, and symbicort is already helping significantly improve my lung function. so, today, i've noticed a significant difference in my breathing. and i'm doing more of what i want to do. so we're clear -- it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. my doctor said symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. my copd often meant i had to wait to do what i wanted to do. now i take symbicort, and it's significantly improves my lung function, starting within five minutes.
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symbicort has made a significant differencen my breathing. now more of my want-tos are can-dos. as your doctor about symbicort today. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. this morning on "today's woman," is confidence contagious? you know how it is, one compliment in the morning can lead to a positive attitude that then seems to last the entire day. "cosmopolitan" magazine looked into this and how it may cause
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success. good morning, ladies. start off by explaining this whole idea of contagious confidence. >> it is contagious. if you have something in your life, a moment where someone gives you some pitive feedback, it isn't just some isolated feel-good moment. it's like a domino effect that you feel perhaps a little bit more energetic, you feel more confident, a little bit glow. then that carries over to the next experience. so you're more puffed up, you're more confident there. then that goes better, and on and on and on. >> you're more likely to go into your boss' office, ask for the big promotion because you're feeling more confident. the good leads to more good. >> s interesting. it is almost like a law of physics that confidence begets confidence. >> why does this happen that? when somebody gives us that little pat on the back or ego boost it seems to rally our spirits? >> well, it does rally our spirit. we really have a clang hange in
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body chemistry, we're willing to take more risks and take action in areas where we might not have normally taken action. we might have ruminated a bit or worried a bit. it allows us to take a risk to do something out of our comfort zone. then we are also giving out this kind of energy, this very positive energy and people give it back to us. if we smile, for instance, by the way, people who smile are viewed to be much more attractive. if we smile at someone and they smile back, then we feel, oh, there's someone who's kind of happy i'm on this planet and we're able to do more. >> not every day though starts off with a smile or starts off with somebody giving you that compliment or that pat on the back. how do you get through those times and how do you sort of psyche yourself up, kate? >> by the way, dale, you look fabulous. >> and that smile's working for you. >> if you you don't have that first domino, you have to create it. so take that small risk. say you're at a party and someone looks interesting over there. ordinarily you might not go over and say hello. introduce yourself or so many
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women -- >> what if you get shot down though? >> you know what? often small risks really do pay off. or a lot of women write to me and ask me how to become writers. and that's a scary thing. but let's say you start a mommy blog or single girl blog and you get great feedback. that's a small risk but it puffs you up and it gives you that energy and sassiness and that glow to take it to the next step >> i also think it's important to remember that in the context of, there isn't every day that's going to start well so you have to talk to yourself, remind yourself, be your own internalized cheerleader. remind yourself last time i went into this situation when i did this, i felt so much better and i did well. you can go back to that feeling. additionally, what you can do is you can say to yourself, i'm going to do something that's a little bit scary, so i want to do something really wonderful before and wonderful after, kind of book jend so that you have something to look forward to. you'll be more likely to take the rick because you know you'll
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give yourself a treat before or after. that also helps to build the confidence. third point is to not believing that this will determine the way your day will go, that you can stay in this moment and you can change that feeling. >> we have more control. >> you are the same person regardless of what happened right before. >> it's not like you are really, as you said, any different. it's not like it's changing you, completely changing yr dna, it is just that you are willing to take more risks, you are willing to put yourself out there a little bit more. >> that's why sometimes it is good to just fake it, throw the shoulders back. >> fake it until you make it. >> have your mantra, like you go, girl. that can color the next experience. >> it is not only about you, it is by making yourself feel good by doing things f others. if things are not going your way, isn't that a way you can kind of get back? >> it absolutely is, natalie. because when you do something for somebody else you will, by definition, feel better. it also raises your happiness. there's a lot of interesting research about when you do something for someone else you
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will feel better about yourself. if someone isn't smiling at you, smile at them. if someone hasn't bought you a latte in the morning, buy it for them. what happens is you can change the way you are perceiving the world and it is all about your attitude. if you perceive the world is not going to be good to you tt day, it may not be. >> what if it isn't being good to you that day? you say it is important to bookend with good experiences. >> the opposite can occur. >> the chain reaction of badness. >> i walked into a party with panty hose hanging out of my pants one day. you have to get beyond it, perhaps give yourself a little treat that day, a manicure or brownie that you break the cycle of negativity. >> find something to give yourself some good. >> yes. and you tell yourself that "i can change this thought." we often focus on our thoughts and we move forward based on what we're thinking about the world so you can change that thought. you can say, this is not healthy for me, and i know that i can change it and i'm going to do something in a different
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direction to make things -- to make things come back to me in a positive way. >> you all are lovely. you're wonderful. you're so beautiful. i'm going to have a wonderful day. thank you both so much. coming up next, turning the ordinary io the extraordinary. we're going to taste the future [ announcer ] you make healthy choices every day-- oh, max! and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated...
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with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long livyour buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood... it's so important that they get enough calcium every day. that's why there's new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is... yummy! so they can start building strong bones today... for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. a whole new life for your hair. aveeno nourish plus. active naturals wheat formulas... proven to target and help repair damage in just three washes... for stronger, shinier...
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hair with life. aveeno nourish plus. ♪ fresh butter taste ♪ yes, that's here ♪ no hydrogenated oils ♪ so there's no trans fats here ♪ ♪ whoa... ♪ turn the tub around ♪ talking about nutrition [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" has 70% less saturated fat than butter and no hydrogenated oils, so there's no trans fat. "i can't believe it's not butter," butter taste, better health. the usual? yes, please. anything else? ♪ when you're trying to be good, tempting treats can be wicked.
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no thanks, i'm good. new special k fruit crisps. with two crispy bars for 100 fruity calories... it's the delicious, new way to stay on track. now, being good's a cinch. with new special k fruit crisps. this morning in "today's kitchen hot chef," turning a health bar into a chocolate cake. we've got omar kontu and ben
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roche, where culinary artists come up with the most extreme and interesting concoctions that we're told will please any palate. come over here. talk about what you're really talking about in this. your molecul gastronomists. >> we just like to play with our food. >> when you play with it, you change it. >> yeah. we have some new york-style pizza fresh out of the inter. >> this is pizza. you've made it out of paper? >> yeah. >> you want me to put this in my mouth. it tastes just like a pepperoni pizza. is this edible? >> no. that's going to set you up for our next course. >> okay. but the point is why do this? >> it's just thinking outside of the box. we actually serve an edible menu like that. you can see that there is a menu so we don't throw away any paper. you have to eat your menu.
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>> you're trying to think of ways to green it up, to basically think about the future of food in a way that's better for the environment? >> right. now speaking of green, we've got this green super food drink and this kashi bar. we made chips out of the kashi bar and salsa out of the drink. we've got a green chili salsa. >> wow! you made this out of the kashi bar? >> yeah. going for healthy junk food. chips and salsa made out of health food products. >> how did you do that? it tastes like a chip. >> we use a centrifuge for that. >> most of us won't have these things at home. what you're doing -- it is amazing -- there is a new way of looking at food, you can make food that your child probably wouldn't be interested in this, but probably would be interested in that. >> yes. >> that's awesome. i want to try this salsa. this is made out of a super food drink.
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>> you can use any health smoothie to make it. >> super salsa. >> that's really good. i'm surprised. okay. what's this then? >> just take that tempora bass and dip it in that soy and let me know what you think. >> this is tempora? >> yes. >> it's played out of? >> well, you tell me. >> okay. it's good. tastes like -- you've got tofu in there, definitely. but it tastes more like chicken. >> it is tofu. we're trying to replicate sea bass. is that the best replited sea bass you've ever had? >> it definitely tastes -- let me finish my food. but yeah, absolutely, it doesn't taste like tofu immediately. i eat a lot of tofu so i know that. >> don't be afraid of this one. i know it looks kind of crazy but this is a cuban sandwich in the style of cuban significant gar. all the cuban spices you normally get with ground up in that ash. then the sandwich is wrapped with what looks like a tobacco
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leaf. all your cuban sandwich flavors are in there. >> i'm not sure this is looking like it is going to be that aidable. >> oh, it's good. >> it's better than -- >> you guys have one first. >> you know that when you eat -- >> i'm not going to do that. >> you're not? come on. >> i'm just kidding. >> that's actually really good. >> it tastes like a cuban pork sandwich. that's really what it is. it just looks like a cigar. >> i see. so you made it looking into a cigar. that's amazing. it's good. okay. that's really interesting. this is salt and pepper? >> it's salt, pepper, sesame and a lot of cuban spice. >> really? that's really tasty. >> the ashtray is what makes this dish. >> yeah. we've got the ubiquitous granola bar. same thing over there. i'd like to switch to an english accent for this. chocolate cake. yes? green drink. right? so we've made the chocolate cake
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from the granola bar and the frosting from the drink. >> again, healthy junk food. tastes like chocolate cake but it is good for you, made from health food products. >> let me try this. tastes like a chocolate cake. >> no added sugar. it is all sugar from the fruit that's in the drink. >> that's amazing. how did you do this? >> again, we used a centrifuge. >> what you're saying molecurly -- we've got to get to this one. we've run out of time but i'm going to have one anyway. >> these are exploding chocolate s'mores bars. >> the series premier of "future foods" is tuesday, march 30th, at 10:00 p.m. on the planet green channel. back in a moment but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> it's 9:55 in the nation's capital. this is the washington and jefferson memorials on this thursday morning. we will tell you whether the clouds will clear out or hang around. we are following a developing story. police are searching for a suspect after a mother's car was stolen with her 1-year-old inside near north capitol and p streets. she ran in the house and left the car unattended the car was later found on n street behind dunbar high school. the baby was still inside and is fine. the child was taken to the hospital. officers are looking at security cameras behind the school and on the street. let's get a check on the clouds with tom. >> most of the region will see a cloudy sky for the rest of the
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day and temperatures into the 50s. we should hit the low to mid 60s by later this afternoon. tonight it appears we will get rain likely by late evening and continuing through midday friday. cooler with a blustery wind. how is the traffic? >> a live look and hard to tell, but southbound is taken away and you head south with no delays. northbound looks good. 270 below speed limit for a stretch. the work zone blocks the headline. >> everything you need to know about the cherry blossom festival tomorrow morning on
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, we're so delighted you're with us today. it's thursday, march 25th. we have a lot of unfinished business from yesterday we have to get to. we have to name bobby's little puppy. >> we're get to get to that. >> she had a couple of things left for us we didn't get to that we thought was so cool. we'll tell you right off the bat what these are. >> if you have a craving for
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coffee or chocolate or something like that -- >> and you're trying to quit. >> you don't want the calories but like the flavor look at these guys. >> like an inhaler. this one is coffee. >> this one is, i think, mint, chocolate mint. you just suck on it so to speak. >> careful. careful. >> you open it up and you suck. >> but you have to squeeze it. >> you don't squeeze it. >> yes, you do. >> you make it do that. >> why is it working -- >> try it again. >> i'm getting chocolate -- you are so -- here. i'm not going to do it on this one. i'm going to open this one. i think it's coffee. there it is. >> anyway, so it's supposed to -- we have the real thing, coffee cake, chocolate. >> it helps me because i haven't been eating sweets and stuff. >> does it taste good? >> but the difference is i've been doing it so long, i don't
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crave them. >> that is the best thing about getting off of sweets, though. >> and bread. it's on my teeth. see it does work. we went there many times on matinee day. >> it's becoming a thing on wednesday. you know who asked me about it by the way yesterday? >> who. >> jimmy. i have business with you. >> we went to see "red" yesterday. all alfred molina and what is the young man's name? eddie -- oh, shoot. i remembered it before and then i forgot. >> there it is right there. eddie redmain. >> character play so interesting about the making of the four seasons hotel -- or the restaurant in the seagrams building. fabulous. considered post abstraction -- i don't know in the art world.
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and it's -- molina is brilliant. >> it's deep and it's interesting but you have to be ready. you can't just be there and be sort of mindless. >> i was kind of disappointed because i thought it was about communism. i didn't know what it was about until we got there. no, it's excellent. you went on jimmy fallon. you left the theater really quick. >> look. i have a little gift from jimmy. >> imagine that. can i tell you something? you're quite the hit parade over there. they really like you. >> there she is. look, she's got a dance. he's awfully cute. i'm sorry. and look at you. whoa! oh, excuse me. >> i'm kind of jealous, though. because when kathie lee was on the show, you guys, they were practically making out, jimmy and kathie lee. it was a bit -- come on. >> we had a thing. >> you had a thing. she came in the makeup roomthe next day. >> i love kathie lee.
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>> she loves you. she was like, jimmy and i had this connection, hoda. was she totally all over you? >> no. this is it. >> what was she doing? >> i took a little whiff of him. he's adorable. is he coming to see us for a change? >> he is. >> i think he's not telling you -- he sat down and said i love you guy. he called you because some guest fell out. just like he calls me when a guest falls out. didn't a guest fall out? >> you don't have to burst my bubble. it was my first time on his show and that's what happened. >> that's all i'm saying. i think i was a fill-in, too. they know we're around, so they call. why don't next time we say no. >> let me ask you. why did you ruin my moment? >> i don't know. >> why did you -- >> because you made me crazy with this thing, all right? >> jimmy said we will see him likely walking past the window on a cell phone. that's what he told me. i don't see him.
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but that's a guy out there, a guy with a hat. >> i know. yeah. >> he's out there. >> i know he looks like he's from big sky country, but he's from right here in manhattan. >> we're used to him. so bobbi thomas's dog was a big hit. >> for a little dog itas a big hit. look how tiny? weighed like -- we just want to see her chest again is really what this is all about. but we want to name it. you guys, hundreds of you wrote in with suggestions to name it. >> here's some of them. >> some are really cute. combine our name and call it ka-hoda or ka soda for sara and hoda. i love that. i love yetta. that's today spelled backwards. >> gizmo was a big hit. that got a lot of hits. tomorrow bobbi is going to come in and we're going to have our facebook folks name that dog.
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whatever name they come up with. we're going to vote. we don't know -- sara is going to figure out the categories. the people are going to vote and then we'll pick the winner and she's going to have to live with it. >> we have to talk about george bush real quick. this is funny. >> we have to get to the s-word. today's little history. >> this is important. george bush was in haiti with president clinton and walking through and shaking hands with baunch of people and got some -- >> residue. let's roll the tape and watch what happens there. >> oh! >> he wipes his hand on -- let me go ahead and wipe that off on his shirt. >> saying good job, mr. president. this is how close they are. >> you can wipe your residue off. >> how often do i do that to you, though? >> you do it to me up in the kitchen all the time. we sort of wipe it on each other. it's a sign of friendship. stop it. this is important. i know you've been waiting for
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this. i'll put on my ph.d. hat and tell you the origin of the s-word. >> people asked what s-word is. >> i can't say it. you'll know as we go along. in the 1600s which seems to be -- i'm just saying it's the 1600s. i like the 1600s because frank was born then and i have a great affection for that era. anyway, back then, manure was a source of fuel. so they would have to send it different places where it was needed. so they would put it in cargo bins and put it in the base of ships and then ship it off to wherever. the trouble is, when bilge would come in and the fertilizer crate would get wet, methane gases would build up, explode and sink the ship. so those geniuses in the 1600s realized if we label it with an
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s.h.i. s.h.i.-t. it would mean store high in transit so it doesn't get wet and sink and blow up the boat. >> i like that. that information. >> can you guys go back -- there's a guy named jeffrey something who wrote in to me to say that the other word that he heard -- there was a different meaning for the other word. jeffrey gerard van houlton, a facebook fan told us at the university of arkansas there is an entire class dedicated to the origin of bad words and taboo terms. a whole class. that's a reason to go to college. you can use this stuff, you know? anyway, i would love him, jeffrey, to send us in stuff. >> we can talk about it on the air. >> because i think this kind of stuff is fantastic. you find out where chairman of the board came in, room and board, it's all like that. >> we'll do a little segment on that coming up. so anyway "elle" magazine, josie
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is on with us today. we probably would have done josie even if we weren't in the magazine, i think. >> i would say something but i won't. kimora. you think you've got change going on? brand new husband. brand new baby. brand new fragrance and brand new series going on. >> she's got a lot. we're going to talk to her. >> it makes me tired. >> okay, not okay. is it okay to hit on someone at the gym is the question? i say yes, but it's probably better if it happens on the way out of the gym freshly showered. >> kathie lee says probably okay but it will probably leave a bruise. >> store high in transit. >> that's not going to leave a bruise. megan said, ew, not okay. sweaty and trying to lose weight don't bother me. another said great to meet people with the same interests. >> i think it's kind of okay. don't you? really. >> i say if you're desperate
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enough you meet them anywhere you can. >> okay. >> i just -- you know, after a while all you care -- you don't even care if he has his own teeth. >> after a while? coming up next, her name says all you need to know. >> kimmor oora lee simmons is house. and now, it's rollback time at walmart. whicmeans thousands of rollbacks all over the store. it's another way to master your budget. and another great day for the savers. save money. live better. walmart. has focused on making the best-tasting... sour cream for over four generations. it's made with farm-fresh cream that's 100% natural. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ do-do a doll odaisy
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lash stiletto from maybelline new york. staggering length... up to 70% longer amazing black patent shine. there's only one lash stiletto don't fall for wanna-bes lash stiletto it's show-stopping! ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! begg' stripsthere's no time like beggin' time! [ gasps ] no! [ bottle two ] can we even clean a leather shoe? what do you mean? what is a shooee? he's cleaning things that we don't even know what they are. [ male announcer ] effortlessly removes more grime per swipe. with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. hi, jay bush and duke here to introduce new bush's black bean fiesta....whoa... you can't tell everyone about new black bean fiesta. but it's perfectly cooked black beans, in a zesty "south of the border" chipotle sauce with red and green peppers, onion, and crisp corn. a bold new taste. i know. but i want people to think i'm a great cook.
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so hide. delicious! can i have your recipe? your secret is safe with me. hello... new bush's black bean fiesta. and try new texas ranchero, along with our other grillin' beans flavors. well hi there, baby. ♪ you know you want me. i'm so rich and chocolatey. good thing you've got special k® chocolatey delight cereal. with ice-cold milk, it's the so chocolatey... so satisfying lower-calorie snack... that gets you your chocolatey fix... without undoing your day. so long, late-night cravings. come on, baby, don't leave-- hello, special k® chocolatey delight.
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a model, a fashion mogul and one of the top ten hardest working women in hollywood according to "forbes." >> we haven't mentioned her show called "kimora: life in the fab lane." hello. >> a lot of changes in your life we were talking about. how how old is the baby? >> 10 months. you count by weeks so 40 something -- 43 weeks. >> so he's not walking yet, right? >> almost walking. everyone is telling me that's early because they say, well, my baby didn't walk until 14 months. and my boy was even longer. so i think he's --
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>> he's got two older sisters to run after. >> i bet they want to carry him all the time. >> but he's huge. he's like 20 something -- >> what's going on here? he made his debut on your show? >> that's from a photo shoot we did. we shot the cover p "ebony." he wanted his nap and who are these people? when a baby wants his nap you have to give it. >> are there enough hours in the day to deal with everying? how do you make it work for you? >> i don't know. i kind of juggle things and do the best i can, focus on one thing at a time. i prioritize obviously and my family is first and i'm working. >> then you have to delegate and find the right people to work with you. >> and i do delegate. i have a great team and i have wonderful people that i've worked with for many years, so i'm very fortunate in that respect. >> there are a lot of reality shows out there that focus primarily on families, on what's going on the inner workings like the kardashians and the rest of them. what makes your show unique? >> well, i don't know that a lot
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of shows are focusing on the inner workings of the family. i don't know what they're focusing on. my show is about business and my life in the fashion industry. and the family is sort of woven throughout. like when you say a show that focus on family, i remember the osbournes and how they stayed in the home and the house was rigged with all of these cameras. that's a lot because it was a big crew for them. imagine getting eight members of e family into a restaurant. it was such a big footprint that they left. this is a business show that follows us around while we make brands or fragrances or fashion show is a big thing for our fans. they love to see the production behind the scenes. >> love the glamour, the beauty. >> it's so much hard work. >> do you worry about that? because you were talking about how you want to be protective of your children. yet we see your kids photographed and on the show. do you worr about them? >> i do definitely worry a little bit. i worry because i don't want it to be inappropriate.
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so you don't see my kid on a stripper pole. you don't see them in their bathroom, going to bed. >> what about my god children? >> on the pole? >> that was them on the pole. >> i feel like it's a little give and take. naturally, we are public figures. you do see us. when we go outside there's a swarm of people. they're kind of used to that and they have to know to go inside and take their time. we're very protective with their school schedules and when they shoot and what they're shooting, the activities. >> are you living now in l.a. or here? >> both. >> what about school, though? >> they're primarily enrolled in school in l.a. now. they're getting older. they us to juggle back and forth. >> they don't like that. they take umbrage when you take them out? >> the cool that we're in. you can go to school in china. >> reaquick, what do you think of the shows like jersey shore getting so much traction? >> i haven't seen it but i've heard about it.
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and i'm not so sure -- i don't know. why is it so great? >> you're in the reality tv world. there are certain things that get traction. >> i would imagine you would get traction like if i peed on the wall or something. i see things -- >> we could make that happen. >> it's a little sensational. that part we don't have. when people see my show they like to see the business and like the kids and are used to them on the runway and kind of growing up with the family. but to get the attention for the negative or sensational stuff -- >> like we regarding bad behavior. >> where does it stop? i don't watch it. >> better than store high in transit. good to see you. love to the family. >> catch them 9:00/8:00 central on the style network. up next, thousands and thousands and thousands of reasons you might want to encourage your child to be creative with those legos. wash your hands frequently. maintain a wl-balanced diet, get plenty of rest...
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one of your child's legos pieces you wished the phase was over, you might want to meet this guy. >> he's nathan. he's an attorney turned artist whose lego creations have been commissioned by some very famous faces and can be seen all over the world. it's so nice to have you. >> hello. >> hello. >> they're amazing. we walked by them this morning. how long does it take to you make one of these creations? >> the sculptures take two to three weeks for a life-size sculpture. i do a lot of human figures in my art because that kind of works out and lets the audience put themselves into the art a little bit. >> but the imagination one has to have to do this. you were an artist first and then attorney -- >> i was a child first who played with legos. i was an art kid. i drew. i painted. i sculpted a lot. i had lego bricks. but then society kind of tells you you have to go get a job. >> a real job. >> exactly. so i went to law school. >> corporate law, right? >> in new york.
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>> were you bored to death? something missing in your sou right? >> there was something about it wasn't there for me. i'd come home at the end of the day and want to create out of something. clay, wire, i don't know. one day about ten years ago, i thought what about this toy, what about this toy from my childhood, lego bricks and started doing life size skl thures. >> what did your boss say a parents say? >> my colleagues were jealous but my boss was a little confuse pd. >> what about your family? >> they were supportive. i had been a lawyer. >> one of these goes for how much if? >> the sculptures are selling for $10,000 to $20,000. >> you made a good investment in your future. >> i have an art exhibit opening tonight in chelsea. it's the first time fine art gallery is having an exhibition -- a solo exhibition out of all lego art. >> extraordinary! >> this is a piece called think. this is -- it's full of lego bricks. this is kind of how my mind
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works. you have ideas crawling in and out. >> this is awesome. such a clever idea. >> these will be in the -- at the -- what is it? >> agloria gallery. it has 18 sculptures all of different shapes and faces mostly human forms but out of legos. you can see it's made out of all rectangles yet the idea is to try to get those curves there so when you step away you see it's a human form. yes, is he pulling his head off or putting it on? ail leave it u7 to you. >> regular everyday legos or something special? >> just the regular tank lar bricks we had as kids. >> no glue? >> i do glue them because when you ship them. museums get grumpy. >> you could figure out how to put this together? >> it's the greatest form of flattery. at this point i'm having a lot of fun just creating art and seeing where it's going. i get a lot of e-mails from kids and adults who say we can relate
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to this artwork because it's something we're familiar with. >> look at this one. this is amazing. what's the title of this one? >> called my boy. it's a pretty special piece. it evokes a lot of emotion from people. >> it looks for me like something terrible has happened and they're trying to save their child. >> i will leave that up to the viewer. but i do get a lot of people who say there's a lot of emotion coming out of this. >> i can't believe you can do that with legos. it's amazing. good luck with everything. have a great showing. >> thank you very much. >> all right. still to come, hgtv's jamie durie explains vertical gardening. plus taking the runway looks to your wardrobe for spring. >> all of that coming up after your local news. on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system.
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♪ we're back on this thursday with "today's style" from the runways right into reality. >> if we're not the real thing, then who is? >> we know who it is. >> look it up. how weird. >> there really should have been a few more pictures. anyway, we're so happy that joe zee is here with us. >> yay. how are you? >> how are you? >> good. how are you guys? >> we love the concept. taking things from the runway and making them work for real everyday people. >> absolutely. i've been an editor for 20 years and a stylist for just as long
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and i've seen so many things on the runway but it doesn't always translate to every day. >> it's out of control. you'd never have a place to wear it. >> fantastic ideas so they're a great breeding groubld for that. then you take a hint of what that is and translate into something you wear every day. >> the military look is a look that's big. >> huge. >> if we think about the military look and how it is -- how it plays out on the runway. tell us thousand plays out. >> right now the military look is so masculine and in the trenches and don't think it's necessarily something to translate to every day. >> let's make it work for us, joe zee. >> here it is. come on poupt out. let's make it work in real life. >> how cute. that's very cute. >> so cute. you know the great thing about trends. you can do as little as you want or as much as you want. she's wearing the camo colors head to toe but you could just do the t-shirt or the jeans.
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>> is this affordable? >> under $200 from zahra. >> i love that store. >> the jacket or the whole thing? >> the entire look. >> $129. >> it's a great look. it's an easy thing to wear and very versatile. wear it to work. that's a great jacket to put with black pants or a pencil skirt. it's so versatile. >> and those shoes. thanks, honey. next. one of the other trends is flowers. it's florals. >> i think when you look at spring you always see florals and i think what's great about this it dress on the runway, it's intricate. so the thing is anyone can wear this. this is such a pretty feminine dress. >> look what we have over here. >> i thought your slip was showing but it's supposed to be like that. >> supposed to be exposed. it's a hint of naughtiness. she's wearing look from h&m. that's a faux leather jacket for all of our animal-friendly
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people. >> $25 jacket, right? >> and it's beautiful. you can put that with anything. but the dress is so great. you could wear that in the summer with flip-flops. put a nice pair of heels and go to work. from h&m. >> you have the contrast of the leather -- >> i love the femininity with what the dress is with something tougher and hard. i like that contrast. >> explain the peeking out of the slip. >> we have so many lingerie details on the runway. i think this is probably a little way to wear it. we can have a hint of lace and here's a little hint of a ruffle. i think it's just about the hint. maybe it's a strap. it isn't about being bolder with this trend. >> thank you, lindsey. all right. denim never goes out, does it? >> no, never. >> reinvents itself. >> this is what everyone lives in. everyone owns jeans. >> tell us about the runway thing. >> this is sort of reimagined and refashioned but probably is not the denim look everybody can
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pull off. but the thing is what we are getting from this trend is it's okay to mix your denim washings. we don't have to feel -- >> doesn't have to be matchy-matchy. >> no. you don't want to have like a denim suit. >> i have one. >> so you don't car here we put a dark wash with a lighter wash. that's what it's about mixing up all the colors in denim. >> we like that. thank you so much. we appreciate that. finally, the last trend, neon is back. is that true? >> please tell me no. please no! >> yes. >> it's back. small doses. >> tell us about the runway. >> what we saw here on valentino iseutral dresses with just that splash of neon. while that dress is really particular, you can wear it every day in different incarnations. >> let's see what we have. >> i love she's wearing a gap short dress. this is so simple. >> short dresses are big again,
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too? >> how simple is that? >> a little splash of neon. >> keep it minimal. back to the idea trends you can wear a lot or a little. i think in this case you should have a touch and that's all you need. >> i love that these are affordable. >> i love the jimmy choo suits the neon ones $2500. >> that light up? >> only lady gaga can wear that. >> thanks, everybody. >> thank you, joe zee. we love when you come on. thanks again for having us in the magazine. >> and he is a huge twitter so you have to follow joe zee. he's terrific. up next, how to make your kids comfortable when it comes to talking about the birds and the bees. >> forget them. how to make yourself comfortable. >> that too. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently
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while protecting your eyes from the sun ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. [ female announcer ] most people make resolutions... based on what they see on the outside. ♪ this year, focus on what's inside... and let cheerios help tackle your cholesterol. now you could win a free box to get started. can your moisturizer do that? dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula... now proven to build a moisture reserve... so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. save at - uh-huh. - ( rope creaking )
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stop fighting with your sleep. get a free 7-night trial on-line and ask your doctor about switching to lunesta. discover a restful lunesta night. stressing talking about sex with your kids? this might change your mind. >> according to the national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy, 87% of teens say it would be easier for them to postpone sexual activity and avoid pregnancy if they were able to have an open, honest conversation with their parents. >> oh, my gosh! i am a huge fan. >> oh, my god! jimmy fallon is here, everybody. >> hi. amber, it's a pleasure. how are you?
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hi, hoda. >> give her a little love. how are you? can you stay a minute and talk sex with us? >> sure. >> first we're upset because you hadn't come on our show. >> i was on my cell phone talking to everybody out there. >> this is a mercy visit. >> no it's not. i love you guys. by the way, you can come on my show whenever you want. we want to book you whenever you want to come on. >> she said i was booked because a guest canceled. >> the truth is, yes. he was vomiting. but we wanted to book you anyway. so we figured we're going to call you anyway and ask you for a booking so why not now. >> why not. you came through. >> whenever you want. do you want to set up dates? >> yes, we do. sorry, amber. >> amber, do you have a book? >> yes. i do. >> pretty disturbing statistics. by freshman year, one out of every three children say they've had sex.
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by senior year, two out of three. >> maybe not you. >> that's a national statistic which is frightening. >> that's why parents really need to be speaking with their kids about these issues. >> when do you have the conversation? when is the right time? >> hopefully you've been talking with your kids their entire lives and being open about sex and sexuality. >> but maybe giving them a bunch of bull about it's the stork. >> middle school is when you need to get in there and talk about -- sixth, seventh, eighth. >> jimmy, when did they talk to you? >> i was 22 when they had the conversation with me. he sat me down and said, son, you have to get out of the house and we have to talk about sex. >> and that's all? >> did it do the job? >> yeah, yeah. i'm irish catholic so i'm afraid to even talk about genitalia. anything in general, sex, we don't talk about it. i shower in the dark. i don't want to know what's happening. but, yeah, we've had that talk and it's just -- it was --
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>> your dad had the talk? >> yeah. kids in school already talked about it. >> you already knew? >> everyone talked about it. on the playground people talk about it. >> now there's facebook and a million other ways kids can learn th stuff. >> absolutely. that's a big concern with a lot of parents is the whole sexting thing and facebook. but i feel like, look, if you raise sexually responsible kids who respect their bodies, they're not going to be posting naked pictures of themselves on facebook. so that's the first thing. >> you blame the parents. good for you. >> i'm not blaming them. i'm just saying if you don't want your kids to be posting pictures on facebook, talk to them about sex and sexuality and -- >> shouldn't the mom have the talk with the daughter and the dad with the son, that way? >> sure. for genital-specific issues? >> genital or general? >> genital. i said genital. is that allowed? am i allowed to say that? >> that's a bad word.
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somebody wins a pot holder. >> genital specific, you probably want mom talking to daughter, father talking to son. >> i have a boy and a girl. i didn't trust frank with that. >> no, because you need to -- definitely involve both parents. >> the more open you are with them the less of a big deal. >> yeah. and there's so many messages that fathers can tell daughters and mothers can tell sons and they're probably going to work better that way. >> i will never forget my son's face when i explained. it's like legos actually. i said we're beautifully made to fit together just beautifully like legos. >> did you? >> and how did he turn out? >> i told him the whole thing. >> then you got two storm troopers. >> that's why we say when you are talking to your kids, don't do that. you don't need a demonstration. they don't need the -- >> no. i just talked to him about it and his face just -- like oh, my
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god, you did that with dad. it was just disgusting. >> did he ever play with legos? >> no, he didn't. >> ruined that for him. that would do it. >> he's 6'4" and he'll pick you up. >> cody this big. little blonde hair, this big, sings songs. he's cute. cody has grown up? >> he's a man. >> he's 20. >> he just turned 20. >> i have the best of cody on dvd. and he's this big, he's really tiny and really cute. >> amber, thank you for being a good sport. >> yeah, of course. >> what's it called? >> "talking sex with your kids." >> i'm blocking the is sign. "talking sex with your kids." >> jimmy, we love you. >> love you. love you guys. >> come see us any time. >> i love you too. >> and if you ever drop out, we'll host. if you have a wall you can have a garden.
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the sun is shining. the mercury is beginning to rise and flowers are starting to bloom. >> thank you, lord. which means it's time to start paying attention to our gardens. jamie dur yee host of hgtv's "the outdoor room" has a new way to bring in flora and fauna into your home. i love flora and fauna. >> you're australian, yes? >> i am, actually from sydney but living in l.a. now. it's great fun. >> this is a cool concept. we were just looking at this, the vertical garden. tell bus this. >> this is sexy gardening at its best because quite often you look over the tops of gardens. to bring garden up on to a vertical wall like a picture or mural, it's so beautiful. >> and it smells -- >> isn't it great? >> and they're all in individual
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containers? >> no. these are all planted into the wall. you water it from the top and some people put irrigation systems through it where it soaks in and absorbs and it's full of burlap and peat moss. >> should how long would you say? >> these are permanent. you can constantly keep planting into this just as you would a normal garden. >> is this an outdoors deal or need it indoors? >> you can do it indoor. just a matter of choosing the right plant. like this will look well inside whereas some of these -- even the ivy will work really well outside. >> getting sunshine. >> will you show us how to make one? >> i can show you. >> how do we do it? >> it's pretty simple. all i did was put together burlap. i have a little peat moss and wetting agent and slow-release fertilizer. it's got a bit of nutrients and is going to hold the water. >> and this you've prepared -- >> is that what we're going to
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make here? >> here's one we prepared earlier. >> it isn't pretty to begin with. >> it isn't pretty to begin with. you pretty much have a dark backdrop and basically create little smiley faces in it like that. >> what we're going to make you'll dump all these dirt piles in here? >> sort of. you use this as your potting tray. we have african violets here. you want to grab that? >> what do i do? >> here they are. >> and just stuff it straight in there. kind of like stuffing the turkey only in the garden world, if you know what i mean. there you go. >> yeah, we know what you mean. >> you have to get your hands dirty. >> come on, hoda. get in there. >> hold on, i'm ready. >> you have to give it a little bit -- let it know you love it. >> i don't think i got enough out. >> yeah, make that a little bigger. >> i need a bigger smiley face. there's not a lot of room for
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it, jamie. >> okay. >> you got it. >> they packed this one tight. i know it. >> here we go. >> it's a workout as well. >> it is kind of. so you basically just push this in and you keep alternating these smiley faces until you fill up all the gabs. you wat you water it from the tops. okay. here we go. >> i've learned my lesson. i'm going to get a little one. >> there you go. hoda, you are into this. >> thank you. >> she likes to shove things in places. >> and, you know -- >> wait, wait. just stop a second. what on earth does that even mean? >> i want to -- >> are they giving au hard time? that's good. so you have african violets. i got a lot of them from lowe's. it's simple. this is weed meting.
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you've got peat moss. >> i need ivy, though. you didn't give us any ivy. i need ivy to soften it up. hoda! oh, my gosh! >> what? you're so picky about what you put where. >> so, jamie, you live in los angeles now? >> i do. >> it's beautiful weather most of the year so you can have these year round. >> yes, you can. but you can do these indoor or out. if you wakt to make it out of cacti and succulent. i actually don't like cacti -- >> i know it's supposed to be beautiful and everybody likes it. you don't care. who am i talking to? who gives a rip what i think. >> if you lived in florida, you would use tropical plants. we just lost an african violet. >> that was my fault. we've got to go. jamie, you're adorable. >> it's good to get your hands dirty, isn't it?
10:57 am
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