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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  May 5, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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students at the university of virginia are getting together on campus this evening for a memorial service and a candlelight vij el for yeardley love. she's the 22-year-old woman from maryland who was murdered in her apartment. good evening. i'm jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. her former boyfriend, george huguely, of chevy chase, has been charged in love's death. we are expecting a news conference from the university of virginia officials shortly. aaron gilchrist has the latest on this from charlottesville. >> reporter: the university of virginia campus is one that is dealing with a lot of pain tonight. lot of disbelief as well about what happened here in the early hours of monday morning. the murder of yeardley love. 22-year-old lacrosse player here the university and so to begin the healing process, student council here as well as university of organized a vij hail will happen at 8:00 tonight and at the amphitheater at the end of the lawn at uva. when they are hope sing they are going to have 2,0003 thousand students come here. other members of the university community as well. larger charlottesville
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community. coming up to the amphitheater and begin the healing process. a few students will speak, the university president will speak as well. and then there will be a candle lighting. music played. sing a song familiar to all uva students and you a lump fly. part of the process of carrying on tradition and begin the healing process after what happened here on monday morning. 22-year-old yeardley love was found her apartment. she had been beaten, bruised badly. and we are told was found lying in a pool of her own blood. former boyfriend, 22-year-old george huguely, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in that incident. again tonight, the healing process hopefully begins with the uva campus students will gather at the amphitheater at 8:00 to begin going through the healing process and we will have more on that for you coming up tonight on "news4 at 11:00." >> there is a live look where they are setting up for the news conference in charlottesville. we will bring that to you as
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soon as it gets under way. other news, man accused in the attempted times square bombing is said to be cooperating with the authorities tonight. investigators are still trying to figure out whether he has any ties to terrorists organizations. >> meanwhile, after the man's arrest on the runway at jfk airport in new york, a new policy for the airline industry. it tightens up the no-fly rules. steve handelsman is on capitol hill tonight with the latest developments on this. steve? >> reporter: no-fly will come second. let's talk about conspiracy. a lone wolf terrorist is bad enough. think ft. hood. but a conspiracy, cooperation between terrorists, think 9/11, considered far worse. that's why it is significant tonight that investigators here in washington, have been unable to tie faisal shahzad to any particular terrorist training camp or group there which if they could, would help them answer key question. was he sent to attack times
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square or was it his idea faisal shahzad has admitted to investigators that he got bomb making training last sumner the part of pakistan run by the taliban. shahzad's attack was amateurish and the white house today took credit. sayingtivity leadership has been increasing. >> that has led them to smaller, less sophisticated tax using less capability. >> reporter: shahzad in the u.s. since the '90s, recent convert, or a sleeper agent. like accused ft. hood gunman hasan, born in the u.s., shahzad was an american citizsicitizen last year, budget analyst and middle class. that made it easy for him to allegedly buy what he needed to fit in and attack. terror analysts are worried. >> americans going out for training and then coming back to attack america are national security infrastructure is not in place to deal with that
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primary threat. >> reporter: what about the near failure of the no-fly list in place for years? shahzad was arrested on an emirates airliner more than ten hours after his name was listed. emirates had not checked. airlines only had to every 24 hours. >> this is a florida in the current configuration of the no fly list, process of being corrected. >> reporter: the new rule as of today requires airlines to check every two hours. >> all right. >> we are going -- >> steve handelsman report. >> yes. thank you, doreen. we are going to go to the university of virginia now where a news conference sunday way. >> patricia lampkin has policy responsibility and operational responsibility for the kind of work that allen oversees. i asked craig to come because of the fact that both the victim
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and the man charged with first-degree murder were lacrosse players. there are others on whom i may call if questions require more expert knowledge than we might have here. let mo say in the beginning only that, obviously, an episode of this kind, loss of a student in this way is both an agonizing thing for the family and a challenge for every system in the university. there is no protocol to deal with this kind of death. and consequently, we work with a combination of professional experience and somewhat related activities. and a determined effort to provide the best possible support and service to the bereaved family. to our students, faculty members and so on. i should say second that -- that
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the description of the condition of yeardley love's body when the police entered the apartment is anything other than a constant image in our heads. we all live with that. and we have no policy for that because she was and is our first responsibility. our student. let me stop with that and simply ask what's the first question and we will work from the questions. is there a first question? where is the microphone? >> microphone is over here. >> after george huguely's arrest
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in '08, was there any sort of discipline from the coach or the athletic department? >> i asked about that this morning. ly ask others to expand on this if they need to. i asked first of all whether our police department received any notice of that arrest. and the answer was no. and second, i ask whether the coaches had any knowledge of it or whether it had been disclosed. the answer to that was no also. finally, i asked whether the students are required to self-report arrests, convictions and so on. there is, in account if a, a regulation in the student code of regulations that requires that kind of a report. are there any followup questions to that one? yes. >> jenna of "the washington post." the story on the website, based on public record that found that at least eight of the 41 members of the lacrosse team had been
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charged with -- [ inaudible ] one of those was george huguely. were you aware of any of those charges? and have there been any discipline in regards to any of those? >> i was not. let me ask craig since he's responsible for the function. >> without being specific to any one individual, there are alcoholvilleations, if you will, violations of our alcohol policy that take place throughout the course of the year and i'm assured in a those incidents that have been brought into the pipeline were handled in manner consistent with what our policies, longstanding policies have been. >> what are those policies? >> if -- if a student has an alcohol related incident, they are required by policy to be
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referred to counselor in the university's counsel center. now, the -- this assumes the alcohol incident had some level of legal consequence and got into a fight, they were -- driving while intoxicated, et cetera. assuming those facts, alcohol related incidents, legal consequences, put through a system of refer alto the counseling center and the person is suspended from participation until cleared by the counselor. that would be suspended from participation and practice and team related actives, competition. then once that person is cleared by the counselor, that person subjected to the coach's reaction to whether they want the person to resume activities or not. >> i can address more generally how the we handle it or any
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student which would include a student athlete. we have someone in my office, either myself or one of my associates or assistant deans, that is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. what happens is that every morning we receive a notify indication that lets us know from university police whether there were any incidents involving our students in the evening and morning hours before which generally focus on arrests. although sometimes it is not an arrest. simply an encounter, some type of exchange. we also check and work closely with charlottesville and county police to see if there were anything that didn't involve university police but which involved our students. when that happened, the dean on call for that evening, will then call the student in the next day and have a meeting with him or her to discuss the facts of the case and then determine whether or not that case will be referred to the university judiciary committee which is a student-run sanctioning body or
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whether there are other steps we may take in the edge case indication possible chess might include referring that student to our choices online alcohol from marijuana class and sending them to the counseling center where we can do an alcohol assess many or counseling depending on the nature of the situation faced. and any other followup we need to do with that student. we also received reports from those students that work in our residents life unit as r.a.s that will talk about encounters they had with students and those are factored in when we look at a situation. so, for example, if a student were arrested as a third-year student with an alcohol violation, we would also look to see where there were other things that happened first year, second year. in total will animate and influence what kind of decision we made on followup with that student. >> any followup to that or the next question? yes, sir.
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>> associated press. can you -- i don't know if it is craig or someone else, address what went into the decisionmaking of conning the season for both teams? who was involved and what the determining factors were. >> craig? >> sure. it became clear as i, members of my staff, my colleagues here, and others were with the teams, both teams on monday. it became clear over the course of that day that there was a certain amount of that your attention that was on the future. a although they didn't speak about it and ask questions about it, it was in the back of their minds, some uncertainty whether this event would mean the suspension of their season or not. as further conversations took place between students, athletes and coaches, it was very clear
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to me that it was the desire of both the men's and women's lacrosse programs to continue playing. and as we -- the city police department's briefing on monday afternoon, the question was asked about the point, at that point there had not been any discussion, discussion of student athletes with the coaches, coaches with me, and then as we got into yesterday, i did engage our coaches in conversation, how are your kids feeling, what are the circumstances that might allow us to feel as though it is the right thing to do to continue play. but about midway through the day, i think that it was very clear that we felt very good about the possibility of both teams playing. we wanted to make sure, though
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before announcing anything that we had a -- a clear idea of what accommodations were going to be made for the student athletes and how they would handle their academic requirements. we are starting exams tomorrow. or friday. and we wanted to make absolutely sure that any sort of resumption of formal activities, practices, et cetera, was not going to in any way deter from the academic requirements how the students were going to adapt to that. then the final piece in terms of wanting to make absolutely sure that this was the right thing was that -- the -- acknowledgement on the part of the love family that they would be as well firmly behind the decision for the team to play. and the final conversation that
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i had was about 8:00 and i even told -- our coach, julie myers, that yeardley would have been p.o.'d for this kind of attention for anything other than this team continuing with the athletic goals and aspirations. and -- that was affirmed by 8:00 last night. i made my colleagues around the university aware that this was something that did have the blessings and full support of the love family. so it was on that basis understanding that the academic pieces were handled and we would be comfortable with the teams continuing on with their seasons. >> yes, sir. >> arrest in 2008.
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was there ever a situation that you know of being reprimanded, suspended, visiting games. one particular game, do you know of any disciplinary action? >> i know of none. >> next, please. >> nbc news. we heard from various people, frien friends, something happened, possibly two weeks ago, altercation between both of them. i'm wondering if you could say if that was true, if can you confirm it, or if you are able to get into that. >> i have not heard it. frankly, i probably would not at this point.
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alan, do you have anything to say about that? >> no. i have no knowledge of any of that being reported to us. >> followup on that. something that happened at the house, is that the school responsibili responsibility. prior to the death, what we were to told, would it be the police department or how does that work? >> certainly. the house is -- houses are located on private property. managed by private corporations usually involving alumni or some other setup like that. there's not university housing. same way we would have staff with our r.a.s, student r.a.s. each house has procedures in place, policies, about how to conduct themselves and they are
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what we call ciosin. just like other clubs at the university, that operate independently of the university but that certainly we would hold them to the same standards of conduct in terms of members who were there if it is a function occurring there. if there is an -- again, as i told you, i know nothing about this particular thing that you are bringing to the table. but -- if something happened at a fraternity house and the police were called and responded to that, it could be the university police, it could be the charlottesville police, depending upon who responded first. we would get a notification of that and then we would reach out in a cup of ways. if it involved individuals and individuals were identified, we would follow the procedure that i gave you previously for individual students who involved our -- involved with the police. if it involved the organization in some way, then one of the units that reports to me, director of fraternity and sorority life would reach out is
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talking about something more systemic or couple toural within the house as opposed to individual -- >> university of virginia dean of students alan groves. have you been watching a live news conference happening in charlottesville. the president of the university and others taking questions about the killing of a lacrosse player earlier this week. another lacrosse player, male lacrosse player, has been charged. he is from chevy xhas and charged with the murder and talking -- answering questions about that and more to come that story certainly. later in this broadcast and tonight at 11:00. other news now. there has been a shooting on a metro bus today that happened an hour ago . the officials say there were about 30 people on the bus. they say two people got into a fight. somebody pulled the gun and fired a shot. one of the people involved in the fight was hit. nobody else on the bus was injured. metro officials say that the
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injured person is a juvenile and that the shooter ran away. and that the police are trying to find him. additional information about the shooting on the bus on southeast as it becomes available. coming on "news4 at 6:00," cruise crews in the gulf of mexico say they are making progress in stopping the massive oil leak. >> somebody shot a dog while it was playing in its own fenced in yard. people are trying to figure out who did that.
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some important developments today in the struggle against that oil spill in the gulf of mexico. an oily film is beginning to appear in the wetlands near louisiana which suggests the crude is close to coming ashore. there's some progress in the efforts to cap the leak. jay gray is in buras, louisiana, with more. >> reporter: yes most of the boats in the marina sitting idle for another day. you can see some of the fishermen behind me here frustrated. they are ready the to get out and work. you talked about the progress on cap thing leak. bp today began to move out a huge metal and concrete box to place over part of the leak. they warned, though, it is -- only an experiment at this point. an oily film is beginning to settle over the wetlands that edge of south louisiana threatening more than 400 species of animals, birds and marine life.
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they call this home. >> you are going to have extensive damage and we already have extensive damage offshore. we just don't know exactly what. >> reporter: secretary of the interior, ken salazar, touring the region stressed bp must get control of the spill. >> the future of -- life of their company hangs right now in indecision because -- they do not yet have it figured out the answer to this problem. >> reporter: crews are making a critical move right now rushing to get a giant dome over the leaking well hoping to control the oil. bp officials, though, aren't certain it will work and environmentalists are skeptical, too. >> like building a fire truck after the house is on fire. it makes no sense the at all. >> reporter: today parish leaders pushed forward with their plan to stop the oil from reaching the shoreline. barges that will remove barricades to try to contain the most dangerous areas of the slick. >> needs to be mobile and needs to be adaptable. >> reporter: because the slick
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is on the move as well. for first time flow models show oil could make its way west of the mississippi. >> this would devastate all of the coast of louisiana. >> reporter: it would carry the oil along florida's west coast and possibly into the keys. >> everything that we have here, everything we are, involves that water. water everywhere. we don't want oil in it. >> reporter: a fear that stretches as far as the gulf waters now. >> the winds have been much more calm today which is great news for the teams working on the water around the clock. trying to produce some kind of barricade that will block the oil as it continues to inch in towards the coast here. live in buras, jay gray. now back to you. >> thanks, jay. veronica is here with a look at our weather forecast now. pretty spectacular out there today. >> yeah. we have been on a roll here. stretch of the 80s and some nice calm, quiet conditions across the area.
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and we are going to keep it that way for the next two days. there might be a pop-up thunderstorm here and there but for the most part, it is going to be dry. folks out on the national mall today was -- with short pants, short-sleeved type weather. we saw a high yesterday of 84 degrees. today 83. the low this morning was 59. it is not going to be nearly, not nearly as cool during the overnight period. your pollen count is 357 grains per cubic meter. 82 is your temperature now with the wind currently out of the south at 10 miles per hour. throughout the area 80s throughout and 79 in baltimore. cool spot. as well as annapolis and down through leonardtown and 86, warm spot there and in culpeper and around charlottesville, little bit of warmth. no high heat west of the area. dallas, close to 90 degrees. we don't really have any huge area of which taking place across the eastern half of the country. but at least the jet stream is powering this weather front that's moving through areas of michigan and there have been storm reports here mainly wind damage reports there. those are the little yellow
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dots. there's two systems that are come through here and behind the second one on friday, we will see a dip in the jet stream and some chilly air for mother's day coming up on sunday. certainly to start the day as well there is a look at the storms. akron, ohio, that's the front heading east and falling apart. tomorrow we will get a few clouds in the afternoon and there is a 20% chance of an isolated shower storm. better chance friday. so mostly sunny to partly sunny for your thursday. and then mostly sunny to partly sunny for your friday. and there is that system coming through. it could spark a few isolated cells that may go severe with high winds and possibly, possibly some hail. so clear and comfortable for the evening. temperatures 78 to 07 degrees. by morning, 65 to 69. it is not going to be nearly -- not knowly as cool. we will touch over the 80-degree mark again tomorrow. again, turning partly cloudy by the afternoon. and here is a look at the four-day forecast. high on saturday, yes, the cool air intrusion happened.
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57 through saturday. 66 for sunday. breezy both days. chilly to start things out on sunday. we will take a look at the extended forecast in a few. >> thanks,ver only kafrmts coming up on our next half hour of "news4 at 6:00," an update of the investigation of a murder of uva student as students get ready for a vij i will had him since he was a puppy. he didn't bother anybody. >> trying to figure out who shot and killed a family dog while it was playing in its own here's to the believers.
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top story for this half hour. >> students planning a candlelight vigil in honor of yeardley love. she was found murdered in her apartment monday. george huguely of chevy chase is charged with the murder. he is the former boy friend of the victim. both were seniors and lacrosse players at uva. witnesses who found love said that she was face down on her bedroom pillow in a pool of blood. her face was bruised and her eye was swollen shut. we are awaiting official word from the con onlier of the cause of death. huguely says it was an accident with a tragic outcome. officials were asked if they had any reports of trouble between love and huguely within the past
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few weeks. >> i have not heard. frankly i would not at this point. alan, do you have anything to subway that? >> no. i have no knowledge of any of that being reported to us. >> the candlelight vigil and memorial service are set for tonight at 8:00. 4-year-old dog played while playing inside its own fenced-in backyard and the owner of the dog is grieving. the investigators are trying to figure out who shot the dog. pat collins has our report. >> damage was so severe they had to put him to sleep. so -- and i just wanted to know why someone shot my dog. >> reporter: that's sandra benson. someone shot and killed her dog named bear. bear was a 4-year-old lab boxer mix. he slept on his back with his legs stretched out.
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everybody in the family got a kick out of that. sandra says bear -- >> i called him mason. you know, when i -- i will call him mama's baby. he would run to me. no matter where i'm at. >> reporter: this is where it happened. 5300 block of b street southeast. this is how it happened. it was april 30th. big day for sandra benson. it was her 45th birthday and she went out with her sister to red lobter to celebrate. it was dark. particularly dark because the street light here was out. miss benson's 17-year-old daughter let bear out into the yard to go to the bathroom. a few minutes later she hears bear begin to bark. she goes to the door to let him back in. there is a gunshot. bear is hit in the neck. the humane society is called to the scene. they take bear to the hospital.
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but it is too late. the washington humane society is on the case. they are investigating trying to find out who is responsible for this act of animal cruelty. what happened there on b street was a crime. >> absolutely. felony in the district of columbia. >> reporter: somebody that would do something like this? >> statistically more apt to do it to a person, too. >> i had him since he was a puppy, you know. he didn't bother anybody. so -- i don't -- i don't know. don't know why. >> reporter: i am pat collins, news4, washington. >> humane society is offering a thousand dollar reward which leads to the arrest and conviction of the person that did that. prince george's county police and investigators from the state of maryland are looking into a growing problem. heavy metal markers and statues are being stolen and told to scrap dealers for cash.
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chris gordon has the story. >> reporter: this is really modern day grave robbing. the crooks are no longer apparently interested in what is inside the grave but what's on it. the bronze copper is and other heavy metal objects that can be grabbed or torn from that your marble base and sold. the victims and their families are left heartbroken. this is the cedar hills cemetery in suitland, maryland. a peaceful place to come and visit loved ones laid to rest. but carolyn got a sad surprise when she discovered that her family plot had been vandalize. >> oh, my god. they took the -- the metal urn from here which is where put the flowers. and then my aunt margaret and uncle are buried here and took the urn and they took the plaque with their names and birth and dates. and they took my grandparents' metal urn. fortunately they don't have
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any -- [ inaudible ] back here, may aunt dorothy and her husband, they took metal urn from here. pretty low. come here and get scrap metal for money. >> reporter: this is what a metal flower base looks like. it is usually stored upside down inside of the foot stone. these heavy metal memorials can cost thousands of dollars. within walking distance we discovered empty holes where vases had been stolen. one was filled with orange peels and other trash. we found dozens of desecrated foot stones along the cemetery's main road giving robbers quick access and ready escape. the family of louise buried her here last fall. within two weeks, her grave was vandalize. >> the urn, the cup, is -- as you can see, it is gone. >> i told them about it. they don't replace them anymore.
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>> reporter: this sunday mother's day. it will be sad if some families discover that they, too, have had memorials desecrated like carolyn did. >> i think some people would come and just lose it if they found it. it is -- you know, it is heartbreaking. we have no place to put flowers come mother's day. >> reporter: there could be hundreds of gravesites vandalized in maryland and virginia cemeteries. investigators are looking for the thieves and the scrap dealers who buy the stolen metal. they could face felony criminal charges. jim and doreen, back to you. >> chris gordon, thank you, chris. coming up tonight, hikers came to pint in the river where they needed help. >> new information about how chocolate may protect the brain. >> and veronica has our forecast coming pup.
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three hikers had to be rescued after they got trapped in fast-moving water in georgia. the hikers were trying to cross the river when they apparently slipped on some rocks and then got stuck. right at the edge of the 30-foot high water fall. fire fighters were called in and pulled them out of there. >> got lucky. that looks very precarious. veronica, let's get a check on
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our weather. >> all righty. we start with picks from around the area. fowl weather today -- geese were out again. this one, kit was fast enough in vienna, virginia to capture these guys going by. honking as they went. if you have weather pics or wildlife, that's the address. sends them to weather and we will get them on. looking at fantastic sky across the area. light southwesterly wind across the area. current temperature is 82 degrees by this evening, drop to 71. we will have clear skies hanging on. going into tomorrow morning. 68 to start your day. then 83 for a high tomorrow. and then 80 for friday with a few passing storms. breezy it is for the weekend. a big cooldown coming our way, guys. we go from the 80s to the 60s on sunday. jim? >> thanks, veronica. there's a new discovery of that dark chocolate that might help some people who suffer a
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stroke. scientists at johns hopkins say dark chocolate can lessen brain damage after a stroke. compound found in the chocolate reportedly works to shield brain cells from damage. researchers say they don't know if the effect is a direct cause of the chocolate. they say that it can also be indirect by jump starting the cells' own protective pathway. after testing it doctors say that dark chocolate can work up to about 3 1/2 hours after a stroke. >> a good idea to just regularly eat dark chocolate. >> i think that's what they are trying to tell us. >> we will be right back with a live update on that shooting on a metro bus.
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we have more now on an earlier report about a shooting on a metro bus in southeast d.c. craig melvin on minnesota avenue with more. craig? >> reporter: jim, wore at 18th and minnesota. you can see behind me an active crime scene here. i will step out of the way so you can get a better look. police telling us a short time ago that the 17-year-old who was shot on that bus shortly after 5:00 today is expected to be okay. we are told that around 5:00, one guy shot another guy after a fight broke out on the bus. guy gets off the bus. cop near that heard the shots fired. cop gave chase and could not
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catch up with the guy. police telling me a short time ago they know where the -- gunman is and expect to have him in custody the next couple of hours. 30 people on that metro bus when the shots rang out. we were told none of those folks were affected by it. again, active crime scene here. 18th, minnesota avenue, southeast. but again, we are told that the 17-year-old shot is expected to be okay and police expect to get the gunman in custody in a short time. >> thanks, craig. what have we got? nats are in town. that's a good thing. >> yeah. only thing now. we are talking baseball, the os try to avoid a sweep in the bronx. you know what? who cares about that? we have the nationals here trying to keep their momentum going after a winning first month and one of the surprises has been the pitching of luis, young rookie. we will tell you why he soft to a hot start.
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zimmerman said earlier this would be a good opportunity for fans to show -- to show their support. yeah. for how well these guys do. exactly right about that. >> so far, fans haven't really made their presence felt. still early in the season. there are a lot of other things going on. now this is it. biggest game in town. probably the best thing about this season so far for the nationals is that they are doing it without their full complement of players. ryan zimmerman back now but missed eight games with leg injuries. and new starting pitcher jason marquis, expected to be probably
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the best pitcher on the staff when the season started, on the dl after three starts. he has an e.r.a. over 20. lindsay czarniak in nats park tonight. how many people, lindsay, these days happen to be saying thank goodness for the national snst. >> exasomeone must be stuck in turn tile because it is empty. it will fill up. one reason it should is because of the pitcher now about earlier. atila atilano. this guy has been impressive for the nationals so far. braves don't know what to expect out of him. the other thing is atilano just got done with winter leak in puerto rico. not up against a lot of veteran power hiers. he is impressing his teammates so far. he's won his first two starts this season is on, last wednesday gave up two runs on six hits and six innings of work. struck out one. very confident pitcher. veteran catcher pudge rodriguez is something of an idol for atilano who was called up 21 day
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s after he underwent tommy johns surgery in 2006. rodriguez told me he sees something special in the new pitcher. >> very calm guy. he's a guy that, you know, not afraid. you know. and he's not afraid to pitch. and that's good for guys like -- you know, young like that, that -- throw. one of those guys. i think he's -- same idea every time. >> for a guy who has gone through a lot, pitched a lot in my leagues, he had tommy johns surgery. he's getting his chance to pitch in the big leagues. and you know, you would have thought that he was just pitching another game in the minor leagues. he was very composed his first game, composed against the cubs. and i think that's -- that's not easy to go out there.
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you are going to be nervous. but -- he just is heled in. settled in. >> lot of confidence in new pitcher. a mohawk. the thing i was talking to pitching coach who said as long as he can go 4-0 and keep the mohawk it looks cool. things go the other way, not so much. >> luis atilano, one of the guys people are pumped up. we still have stephen strasburg a month away good these guys are feeling confident and this is the place to be. you can tell they feel like there is a lot of hope in this organization for this season right here and now. >> we will open up the turnstiles because it looks like the marlins are there now. >> it does. the players know that. that's what they are saying behind me in the dugout. >> all right. we will see you again later. >> bye. >> flip side of the feel-good, nats, orioles well on its way to its 13th straight losing season. the os at yankees stadium this afternoon where the pitching
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coach was tossed in the second inning. the umpire did not realize he was doing him favor. didn't have to watch another os loss in person. former national nick johnson taking david hernandez to right field. this is to the second deck. second home run of the season. yankees take an early lead. 2-0. a-rod with a base hit up the middle p jeter comes around to score and nick johnson trying to score. not very fast. the throw is a good one. tatum gets him. yeah. pretty close. great play. yankees increase their lead 3-0. bottom of the fourth. yankees up 1-0. tejera drives one to deep right center field. having trouble with this one. he loses it there. can't quite get to it. derek jeter, nick johnson, on base. both come in to score. yankees beat the orioles 7-5. d.c. united playing tonight.
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trying to get their first win of the season and avoid an 0-6 start. taking on the kansas city wizards. >> up in his head. feet crossed the plate. >> may be right. >> thank you. >> thank you. still to come, drivers and bicyclists get ready to share pennsylvania avenue.
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you may have seen all the orange construction cluttering pennsylvania avenue near the capitol. city sin stalling dedicated bike lines in the middle of the main street. one part of the district's effort to dramatically change transportation options in the city. including adding new street cars. tom sherwood reports. >> reporter: pennsylvania avenue traffic downtown near the capitol is often backed up. cones in middle of america's main street aren't helping. those lanes are lost forever to vehicles. the city is installing bike lyons lanes here and ultimately ease traffic not making it worse. >> i think it is a great idea because people are saying -- they have somewhere to ride. there's a lot of people and riding -- in this area. >> if it cuts down on the amount of congestion in the district it is a good idea. >> it is a great way to get around the city. it is clean and it is fast. it is -- you know, nearly as fast as driving a car and you don't have to look for parking. >> reporter: mayor fenty, who was demonstrating the streetcar
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for a new 37-mile system that also will be part of the city's revised transportation plan, says urban areas like washington have to offer something other than cars and more cars. >> major city, in 2010, that would -- would be almost prehistoric. you have to have lots of options. >> reporter: d.c. transportation director dave klein says linking neighborhoods with easy access and public transportation, bike lane, pedestrian assistance will be safer and cleaner and more efficient. >> we are in a situation where we realize we want to re-create that wonderful urban environment that we once had. >> reporter: the future of the region and the country is public transportation. make no mistake about that. that is the future. >> reporter: back on pennsylvania avenue, cyclists can't wait for the special lanes. >> i'm a bishg. i think it is great. just to keep bikers separated from the rest of traffic. >> reporter: tom sherwood, news4, washington.
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>> man and woman in southern california that have been watching their bun it because the husband lost his job not too long ago. dinner last night, wife wanted kfc and husband insisted on barbecue. she should always listen. they went to the barbecue joint and they bought lottery tickets. mega-millions tickets. last night you know what happened? they won the whole thing. $266 million. they have not yet picked up their winnings. they are doing the smart thing. we know about this because the wife works in the news department at the nbc station in los angeles. yes. she showed up for work today. it would be nice to say when the word hit our newsroom was nothing but overjoyed for our colleague. it was not like that at all. groaning and tooth nashing. especially from people that bought tickets for the same jackpot. there was player hating in here. it passed.


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