tv Today NBC May 22, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning, breaking news, an indian jet liner crashes and catches fire. igh anxiety, dozens of miles of beaches are now covered along the gulf coast. at least ten locations in three states. now the attempt to stop the leak will have to wait until next week as patience in the region runs thin. a man released a gorilla runs thin. a man released a gorilla into the wild reunites with him.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning, everyone, welcome to today on a saturday morning, i'm lester holt. >> we want to get right to our breaking news this morning, the crash of an air india express jet liner. >> it happened in the southern indian city of mangalore. the 737 in a flight to dubai appears to have skidded off the run way during light rain. there are survivors, people actually thrown clear of the wreckage. and then we will head to the gulf where there is growing anger over the gulf spill disaster. millions of gallons of crude oil still gushing into the gulf one month after the explosion of bp's oil platform. the plan is to pump heavy mud
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and cement into the well. police a story of survival on the open sea. for three day days, three boaters took turns holding on to a cooler. and a terrible case of bullying, five people charged with forcing a 14-year-old boy with a tattoo with offensive images and words. first let's get the latest on the crash of that air liner in india. kia simmons joins us from london. >> reporter: already the loss of life makes this the deadliest air crash in india in nearly a decade. 160 people are dead and there were 19 children and four infants on board. the plane was flying from dubai to mangalore to india.
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firefighters and even local villagers rushed to help, pulling people from the wreckage. though most people were killed, there do appear to be eight survivors, including incredibly a 7-year-old girl who was found by rescuers and carried from the crash site. she has severe burns, but it was just a miracle that she has survived. investigators have found the black box and they will be studying it carefully. because this comes after two others were killed in russia including the president of poland and libya where more than 100 people died. investigators are still trying to figure out what caused those accidents, but good news, a 9-year-old boy who survived the crash in libya has returned home. >> kia, was there any test distress call from the pilot, any other clue tuesday what may have caused this? >> reporter: we just don't know
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yet, but it is a difficult airport to land in, if you overshoot the run way, it is very, very dangerous. it was raining, so there was a real question of visibility there and some eyewitnesses this morning are saying that the plane skidded and snapped in half. so some dramatic eyewitness accounts for what exactly happened. we'll have to wait to find out. >> for more on this, we're joined by paul mccarthy, a veteran pilot and nbc news analyst, paul, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, lester. >> there was rain at the time, it was only a 150-foot long run way, that should be enough for a 757. what are some of the things that might cause a pilot to overshoot a landing? >> well, beyond the mechanical problems that could have occurred with the braking system, if you're too fast, or you land too long, then the published distance available is not going to be sufficient. >> one report is that at least one tire was blown during the landing, would that suggest to you the plane might have been
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coming in too fast? >> no, it would be more suggestive of a failure in the braking system of some sort. ordinarily tires aren't blown even when you make what pilots would call a bad landing, you won't blow the tires. so a blown tire may be an indication of some other problem. >> this is described as a table top run way, meaning it sits at the top of a plateau, where i guess there were medians on either side of it. is that something pilots take into account when they think of the performance and the landing possibilities. >> you worry about those. there have been several accidents, there was one in chicago midway, one in toronto, where the run way basically ended and there was no safety area. you've got to remember that excursions are the most common types of injuries that we see in aviation. most of them are quite vanilla,
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but where there is no safety area, you can have real problems and in this case it sounds like that that might have been the problem. >> there's another airport in charleston, west virginia that sits on a plateau and there was a plane in january that overran after a projected take off. but there's stop material that is being put at ends of run ways. can you explain what that is and is that something that's going to be installed worldwide? >> we hope that's going to become a national standard, in india, where there might not be enough geography for safety. it stops 747 cold in less than 100 feet. so it's wonderful stuff. it's not that expensive and it really is the answer for airports like the accident airport where it terminates in a dropoff. >> paul mccarthy, we appreciate you sharing your expertise with
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us this morning. now here's amy. >> lester, thank you. now to the gulf where thick crude is making its way to marsh lands, driving away tourists. anne thompson is in venice, louisiana, anne, good morning. >> reporter: today the white house will announce the two men who will head the investigation investigating this oil spill. they are florida senator bob braham and the man who headed the environmental protection agency under george herbert walker bush. where there should be tourists on blankets, there is a nasty coat of oil, closing the beaches on what locals call the cajun riviera. and in dodi vegas's reservation
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book, many cancellations for vacation cabins in grand isle. >> these are cancellations because of the oil and it goes on and on. >> reporter: and now disturbing evidence of an even bigger problem ahead, a dead northern gannett covered in oil off the beach. tired of waiting for new government approval to build new barrier islands, louisiana's frustrated governor says he'll take matters into his own hands. >> we have already got a contracted dredge out there, we're going to go ahead and start. >> does it just seem inevery tanl? >> it's inevevitablinevitable, offshore as we speak. >> reporter: it's a three generation tradition he wants to pass on to his son nathan. >> i'm angry with the lies, you know, the lies we hear, 2,000
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barrels a day, now it's 5,000 barrels, now it could be 20,000 barrels a day. why don't you just tell us the truth. >> reporter: bp says it is working from the 5,000 barrel estimate for next week's attempt to stop the oil. called top kill, workers will blow heavy mud into the well to cap it. >> when you're doing things at 5,000 feet, it's easy to say than to do. >> reporter: now bp says the earliest it will attempt that top kill method is two days, and as far as chemical dispersants go, bp has told the government that it cannot find a less toxic substance than it is using in the quantity it needs, but it is continuing to search for alternatives. and joining us now is ed overton, professor of
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environmental scientists at the university of louisiana at baton rouge. we know that oil has made landfall in ten different areas across three states, do we know just how big this is going to get and how far this oil may spread? >> well, no, not entirely, we know that the oil is still coming in so the end of the spill is not in sight yet and may not be in sight if this top kill doesn't work for several months. so the magnitude of the spill is still unclr, we know it's coming in at some rate and it's taking various amounts of paths for the oil to get to the surface. the spill has been going on for about a month and just in the last couple of days or several days we have actually seen shoreline impact. so it's starting to come onshore and it will continue doing that over the next months until we can stop the spill and let the environment assimilate all the oil that's already there. it will be spread around. >> we're not just talking about tar balls, we're talking about
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liquid oil. >> that's right, initially they were tar balls and now the oil is getting thicker and thicker and thicker, and it's going to keep coming, it's just going to be a wave after wave of this liquid oil washing up, it will be cleaned up, the next day you'll go back and reclean it up, next day reclean it up. unfortunately some of the environment is not easily amenable to cleaning up. the marsh and coastlines, you can clean up a beach, but you can't get in there and clean up marshy coastlines and that's what's going to be impacted the worst. >> do we know what the long-term impact is and whether or not this could have potentially global consequences, given the breeding area and how this area is a migratory pathway? >> well, it's going to have significant impact on all the birds along the northern gulf. but it's a lot of the critters that you and i can't see that actually form the basis of the
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food chain, something like 90% of the marine fisheries in the northern gulf. these are the little animals that live down in the roots of the marshy shoreline that are too small to see, but they have basically the base of the food chain, if they are not there, then you don't have the food for the rest of the marine species, i'm particularly worried not about what we can see, we can see the dead birds and the turtles but there's a lot we can't see. and there's where the potential for long-term damage occurs. >> we appreciate your analysis, thank you so much. we want to head over to the news desk, blynne berry is standing by with the headlines. one of the men detained in the times square car bombing is -- one of the men may have met alleged times square bombing
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faisal shahzad at a party but say they're not friends. the mothers of three american hikers jailed in iran have left tehran and are traveling back home this morning. good morning, ali. >> reporter: that's right, the mothers of the three hikers left unfortunately without their children late last night. two iranians were arrested by u.s. troops for illegally entering iraq had been released yesterday, so there was some hope that this might affect the case of the three americans. i spoke to their iranian lawyers today and he said that investigation into their case was almost over, but they would almost definitely be facing trial. so there's still a long road ahead to see what the future is for these three u.s. hikers. back here at home, police have arrested the 18-year-old
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ex-boyfriend of a 12-year-old colorado girl whose remains were found earlier this week. police arrested robert montoya and charged him with having sex with a minor, but he has not been charged in the murder of 12-year-old kayleah wilson. bret michaels plans to attend tomorrow night's finale of the "celebrity apprentice." michaels of course was hospitalized earlier this week after having a ministroke, last month the 47-year-old rocker suffered a brain hemorrhage, michaels is one of two finalists vying to win $250,000. you can catch the "celebrity apprentice" tomorrow night. the barking is back at the san francisco pier, we're talking about the sea lions who mysteriously disappeared earlier this year. about 400 of them were lounging on the docks on friday.
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and a good saturday morning. i am news4 meteorologist, chuck bell. there is a few sprinkles on radar first thing this morning but by and large we are off to a good start across the d.c. metro area. temperatures to get your saturday started are mostly in the mid-60s and eventually will climb into the low to mid-70s by noontime today. mid to high 70s before all is done >> that's your saturday forecast, amy. bill, thanks so much, now to the harrowing story of three boaters who ran into trouble off the coast of florida and survived against some pretty long odds. kristen dahlgren has the story. >> reporter: it was the homecoming family members prayed for, rescued after three days spent lost at sea in rough, shark infested waters off the coast of jacksonville, florida.
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>> the boat capsized in ability seconds. >> they were on a fishing trip when giant waves capsized their boat. >> i wasn't prepared for my daughter to grow up without her mother. >> with no life vests, they all clung to a cooler to keep them afloat and relied on previous military training to keep them alive. >> we knew exactly where everybody was going to be, we knew what everybody had to do and we knew how much water we had, how much supplies we had. >> but they were tested as the sun beat down and jelly fish stung, no signs of rescue. >> we talked about movie clubs, our children and families, anything we could think of. >> reporter: for almost three days, the coast guard searched almost 11,000 square miles of open water with no idea where they were or even where they had been headed.
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in the end, it was a complete stranger who found them. a fisherman just passing by. >> yeah, coast guard, this is the vessel tenth frame. i just picked up three survivors out of the water. i wonder if somebody can come out here and get them from me. >> reporter: it was a stroke of luck that brought captain tony am amarrosa to that spot. >> i would do anything i possibly could to thank this man because he saved our lives. >> reporter: lives that are now forever changed by three days on the water, a man they never met and a friendship that pulled them through. for "today" kristen dahlgren, nbc news, clearwater, florida. this was another turbulent week on the financial markets, and even though stocks were up on friday, it was one of the
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worse weeks in more than a year. here to explain it all is cnbc's brian shackman. it's difficult to explain what's happening in the market. down overall, a big bounce yesterday, what do we take from that? >> there's a couple of things to take from it, we went down so much, investors thought maybe they could get a few bargains. but investors are like people they don't like uncertainty. the german version of congress approved their bailout. and those things give a little bit of clarity in a pretty difficult landscape right now. >> in terms of our domestic recovery, everybody's been keeping their eye on the employment situation, we saw in april, more than half of all states law lower unemployment rates. that's a good thing, is that expected to drive the market in the week ahead? >> there's two things about that that are really interesting, people are at work, paying their bills, they get to have some confidence and that's the key,
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if your neighbor gets a job and you have a job, you have confidence to spend your money and not really sit on it. but all the stuff that we're talking about in europe maybe could slow things down a little bit and we don't know what the future holds, but there's no doubt that the u.s. recovery looks to be a lot better than what's going on in europe. >> this is typically the time that oil prices start to go up, they're about to come down? >> if you have $70 oil on friday, you don't get 20 cents off your gas on monday. but it's like a tax cut some people say, if you spend less money on gas, you have more money to spends elsewhere. >> interesting to see bank stocks did particularly well yesterday, at a time that this financial reform package is being put together, could go to the president at some point.
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how will that play out? because the stock market, wall street doesn't like this law? >> and they're going to lobby like crazy to get as much taken out of it as they k it looks like they want to get it on the president's desk by july 4. financial stocks that led the rally yesterday maybe won't be as bad as once thought. but how do we deal with too big to fail still has to be resolved, is there going to be a consumer proprotection agency. there is a feeling that the banks might have gotten off a little lighter than they thought. >> we'll take a break, we're back with more in a moment, but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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a live look outside now. overcast skies here in the district could give way to rain drops today. it's 7:26 on may 22nd. i am aaron gilchrest. a warning today for drivers that use the bridge. that area will be reduced to one lane for repairs. officials predict 10 to 15-mile long backups. it will be a tough weekend if you use the chain bridge. the entire span will shut down all weekend. crews have been working to restore the bridge for a year now, and once the bridge opens
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monday morning you will have all three lanes again. and a heads up for metro lines too, expect big delays because of track work, and it's going to be a busy weekend on metro, too. be a busy weekend on metro, too. and the be a buswhere is it written too. and the that the old way is the right way? where is it written that a traditional education is the only way to get an education? where is it written that classes only take place in a classroom? what if you could get your degree, to develop your talent, no matter who you are, or where you are? what if there was a different kind of university? one that's changing the rules... that comes to you,
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good saturday morning. i am meteorologist, chuck bell. temperatures are in the low to mid-60s right around town. 68 degrees in hagerstown, one of the warm spots. a check of live doppler, there is one or two spray rain drops getting ready to move into the panhandle of west virginia. the risk increases by late this afternoon and overnight tonight. showers likely off and on throughout much of the day tomorrow and rainy weather lingers into monday. aaron, back over to you.
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thank you. more local and news in about 30 minutes. now back to new york. we are back on this saturday morning, may 22, 2010, it's a beautiful day here in new york city and our thanks to all the fine folks who are spending part of their morning was. we're going to head outside in just a bit to say hi, but in the meantime, back to studio 1a, i'm amy robach, back with lester holt. in this half hour, police are calling it an atrocious hate crime, four men and a juvenile are charged with endangering the safety of a minor. we'll have more on this story coming up. plus, there's been more trouble for lindsay lohan, she claims she was stuck in france because of a stolen passport.
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when she failed to show up for court on thursday, a warrant was issued for her arrest. plus it is a touching reunion that has become a huge internet hit. this time it's between a man and a gorilla he raised and released into the wild, that he hasn't seen in five years. we're going to see more and talk to that man just ahead. everybody's talking about this video. >> he wasn't sure what to expect because the gorilla was released into the wild and the worry is that they become wild. it was cruel and insensitive, a 14-year-old high school fravm bullied into getting lewd tattoos on his body by a group he wanted on the friends with. >> reporter: authorities are saying they never have seen anything like it. this is just the latest in a series of crimes targeting teenagers with horrifying results. a concord, new hampshire high
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school freshman scarred for live. police say that the boy was tattooed against his will. >> you would be very upset about the fact of what was tattooed and the manner in which it was done. >> reporter: police are charging four adults, ranging in age from 18 to 20 and a 15-year-old classmate saying they tattooed the boy's buttocks while promising he wouldn't tease him anymore. police say the suspects -- >> it was horrible and what they tattooed was horrible too. >> the charges range from assault to endangering the welfare of a child. >> in my 30 years in education, this is --
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>> one of the suspects, travis johnson says he regrets what happened. >> i wish i wasn't part of it. i feel bad for the kid that it happened to. he's getting bullied now because he has that tattoo for life. >> reporter: this is the latest in what seems to be a stream of pull bullying case, last january, 15-year-old phoebie prince hung herself after she was bullied by classmates in massachusetts. and josey ratley, a florida teen abler was nearly beaten to death over text messages and now she cannot walk or speak. >> authorities say at the tattooing anyone under the age of 18 is illegal without the parents consent. let's get another check of
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and a good saturday morning. i am news4 meteorologist, chuck bell. the clouds moved in overnight and we have a chance for rain showers coming up primarily later this afternoon and this evening. outside right now you can see our skies are indeed quite cloudy. temperatures in the low to mid-60s around town. there is a look at live doppler. not a whole lot of rain to worry about in the first part of the day. a better chance for rain throughout the day tomorrow.
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>> we welcome all our friends coming all the way from wisconsin to see us this morning. if you want your hour by hour forecast this weekend, you can always get that at still ahead, lindsay lohan avoids jail time after her lawyers post bond because she skipped a court date. what's next for her? we'll find out. and coming up next, a touching reunion between a gorilla and the man who raised him and has not seen him in five years, but first these messages. for my high cholesterol. ♪ you should've listened. you're right. now i'm eating healthier and i trust my heart to lipitor. [ male announcer ] when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 18 years of research.
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grew up with them on his family's 90-acre wild animal park. the c the reunion was something even he wasn't prepared for. damian was determined to find kwibi. a gorilla he reared by hand in england. >> he's now a 10-year-old gorilla and he hasn't seen me in five years, he heard my voice and came to the edge of the river. and as i got to the top, i was a little concerned. but the moment i heard the deep love rumbling gurgle, he kni kn that i was okay.
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he looked into my eyes with such intensity and such love. and we just sort of sat there together sort of drunk on each other. he embraced me like a long lost friend and it was just beautiful. and he slowly introduced his wives who came to see me and he wouldn't let me go. i managed to clamor back into the boat. he then followed the boat all the way back to our camp and on the other side of the river, at 6:00 in the morning i got up for a swim and there he was on the edge of the river. kwibi, you're a lovely boy, i can see you. just shows what a remarkable
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animal these critters are. >> damians s a damians a is the >> that was 2008 and we know that you were reintroducing some other gorillas, you hoped to see kwibi, but that's a big jungle, did you have expectations you would kpael sactually see him? >> i could only say that i was hoping to. if knew that if he heard my call, he would come to the river. that i felt comfortable of. >> and you see him, it's been five years, did you recognize him? did you know that's kwibi? >> i recognized him straight away. you recognize just like you recognize one of your friends and he knew me straight away. >> the whole idea is that these
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animals have become wild again, in fact some others have had bad experiences with this same group. so you were taking a risk as you walked up the shore? >> i probably was, but i have had a special relationship with these animals. >> translate for me, because as we're watching this picture, we were listening to the audio, kwibi is making this rumbling sound, you called it a sign of affectation or love? >> it's a low grumble. >> and you knew when you heard that sound that everything was going to be okay? >> i knew when i heard that sound, he was saying, hey, pal, nice to see you, i'm so pleased you're here. >> you and took a very submissive role there to help him to be calm and to put the others at ease? >> i wanted him to make sure that i wasn't threatening him and that i wasn't threatening his family, and he got calm very quickly. >> you had this reunion, but now you're in this difficult
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position, you've got to move on with your life and quekwibi hast to get back to his life. >> i'm saying goodbye to an old friend, and he's saying goodbye to old friends, but you've got friends all over the world and you visit and you say goodbye. >> all of the gorillas that kwibi was with were reintroduced together. >> i thought he would be a proud father and would want to be introduced, but i'm also surprised i didn't get a bite from one of those females. >> we're looking at a picture of you as a child, you grew up as a child in this preserve, this sanctuary, you have this bond with these animals. what was it like growing one kwibi? >> for me as a child, i had an
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idyllic childhood, outside of my bedroom door, i spent the whole day playing around in the woods and the forest with these animals. and i was very happy, the consequence of that was because i had no friends because no one would ever come on a play date. >> don't go to the kids's outs with the tigers. >> i was sort of the mad ape boy and it was quite difficult from that point of view, but actually i was terribly happy having this relationship with these animals. i used to roll around be the tigers, wolves and i still do. >> will you go back to dubai and will you look for kwibi again? >> i go to dubai three or four times a year, and his father is a silver back and i go to his father and i'm always telling his father about him and how he's doing in the wild. all right, appreciate you telling the story. for more information on the
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aspinall foundation, and how to adopt kwibi or any other gorilla, you can head to our website, we earn double miles every time we use our card. ( shouts ) double miles add up fast so we can bring the whole gang. ( grunting ) awesome! it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to ( gasps ) what's in your wallet? wait up!
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there is new trouble for lindsay lohan after the actress failed to show up at a mandatory court hearing in los angeles this week. her judge put out a warrant for her arrest. now that appearance is rescheduled for monday giving lohan time to travel back from france to face that judge who has had it. lee cowan has the latest. >> reporter: four pictures surfaced of a partying lindsay lohan. this one was taken in cannes showing lines of white powder on a table, the powder could be anything, but a lot of people figure that the high flying week in france is not the best way to impress a judge. lohan was due in court thursday
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to explain why she hadn't shown up for several alcohol education classes required after she was convicted in 2007 of a dui. but just like those classes, lohan didn't show up in court either, claiming that her passport had been stolen and he was stuck in france. >> she was ordered to be here, she was ordered to be here at 8:30, she's not here, there's really no valid excuse. >> reporter: the court issued a warrant and lohan was forced to post $100,000 bail to avoid being arrested at the airport. >> everybody's asking how many times is lindsay lohan going to be able to spit in the eye of lady justice. >> reporter: at only 23, the young actress has had enough bad press to last a lifetime, but she told hollywood tv before leaving for france she hoped the judge would see that she was now on the strablgt and narrow. >> i've been in compliance which is really good and i think things should go well. >> reporter: but her no show means that it's likely that the
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judge will make her wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet and she's subject to random drug testing every week. >> it's more than likely this is her last chance that unless she convinces the judge that she's serious about sticking to the terms of her probation, she could wind up in jail. >> reporter: another step off the path of what had been a promising career. for today, lee cowan, nbc news, los angeles. still to come, pacman turns 30, we'll take a look back at how this very popular yellow man got people playing video games. but first this is "today" on
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7:56 right now. a dry start to the morning across the region, but there is some rain in the forecast. we'll tell you just how much coming up here. first, good morning and welcome back to news4 today on this saturday, may 22nd. warning first for drivers that use the enter loop near the wilson bridge. that will be reduced to one lane for road repairs. the ramps from north and southbound telegraph road will also be closed. officials predict a 10 to 15 mile back up. and also a tough weekend if you use the chain bridge. the entire span will be shut down all weekend long. once the bridge re-opens on
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monday morning you should have all three lanes again. a heads up for metro riders, too. you can expect big delays because of track work. add 30 minutes to your trip on the red, orange and green lines. and the nats have home games today and tomorrow, and the d.c. 1010 chili cook off is at the stadium today.
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a good saturday morning. a cloudy sky hanging over this morning. have rain plans ready to go just in case. many more dry hours to come still on your saturday. temperatures in the mid-60s around town right now. there is live doppler. we will get more coverage in here by late this afternoon and evening. temperatures in the mid to high 70s today. more clouds and better chances
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for rain tomorrow. aaron? good morning, breaking news, an indian jet liner crashes on landing and catches fire, killing 160 people. there are survivors including at least one child, it's the third major plane crash in just two months. high anxiety, dozens of beaches are covered in oil along the gulf coast. now the attempt to stop that leak will have to wait until next week as patience in the region grows thin. top of the world, as a 14 -year-old boy climbs mt. everest and into the history books.
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hello, everybody, welcome back to "today" i'm lester holt. >> and i'm amy robach, we want to get back to the cash are of a jet liner. >> it involves an air india jet trying to land in the southern indian city of mangalore, authorities say it overshot the run way by about 2,000 feet. there was no distress call from the pilot, the black box has not yet been recovered. >> and one of those who lived through said we had no hope to survive, but we survived. coming up we're going to get more on this ongoing investigation and speak with a pilot who's flown 737s. we're going to talk with the federal government's point man on this disaster. we'll get the latest on the continuing leak and the spreading damage from admiral
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thad allen. it was a drive along the famed route 66 with all it's history and style and food, i should mention. i'll take you for a ride along this american landmark in this half hour. >> in which part, new mexico? >> new mexico. but first the latest on the crash of that air india jet today. kia simmons is following the story from london. >> good morning, lester, we're beginning to hear dramatic eyewitness accounts of the plane skidding across the run way and breaking in half. one survivor says he jumped free within seconds of the crash. but 146 bodies have been found, that's according to officials speaking in the last half an hour. in total, it's thought maybe 160 people are dead with 19 children and four infants on board. the plane was flying from dubai to mangalore in southern india. it appears to have overshot the run way and burst into flames. there are reports now of the pilot overshooting the run way by 2,000 feet.
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firefighters and even local villagers rushed to help pulling people from the wreckage, incredibly, a 7-year-old girl found by rescue workers was carried away from the crash site in the arms of medics. she was taken to the hospital but suffering from severe burns. it's important to find out what happened because this air crash comes after two others in russia where everybody on board was killed including the presidents of poland and in libya where more than 100 people died. investigators are trying to figure out what caused those accidents, but the good news, the 9-year-old boy who survived the libya crash has returned home. now everyone is praying for the little girl who was pulled from this crash. >> are we learning anything about the pilots and their experience? we understand this was a particularly tricky airport to fly into. >> that's what people are saying, but the pilots apparently are very experienced. one of them was a british pilot who has landed at this airport
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26 times. the other his indian co-pilot has more than 3,000 hours of experience and has had 66 landings at this airport, so it really is a mystery as to what happened, why they appear to have overshot the run way. >> for more on this, we're joined by paul mccarthy, an nbc news analyst, paul, it's good to have you on. >> good morning, lester. >> we assume they'll eventually get to listen and observe what was on the black boxes, but was there anything on the run way to tell where this plane came down and why it ran off. >> there could be, lester, but you can figure all that out from the flight data recorder and the black box, they'll be able to pinpoint where the aircraft touched down and how was it was going and anything that happened to it from that time and the time it left the run way. >> was there any decision making in the cockpit itself?
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what are the procedures when they're on an approach that maybe is too fast, how do you they decide to around and try again? >> there's something called the stabilized approach rule. and even in bad weather, by 500 feet, you have to be within a certain parameter, and if you're not within those parameters, good practice dictates that you go around and try it one more time. if you're too fast, if you're too high, if you don't have the aircraft properly configured, you go around and try it again. >> we did hear a report that a tire blew and does that tell you anything in particular? >> you know, a tire blowing could be indicative of any number of things, one might look at what we call the anti-skid system of the brakes, but speculation is kind of pointless. i would add that these are the most common types of accidents that we have in aviation, that we're trying to do something about, we call them run way
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excursions and we're trying to get a handle on how to prevent these types of accidents. >> you have had two other crashes, the one in libya and the one with the poland delegation in russia. is there a reason to go with a bad approach when the better course of action would be to try it again? >> it's human nature to want to go ahead and get the job done, you're being paid to get the passengers to the destination, but good discipline says that if everything is not just right, you have to go around and try it again. >> paul mccarthy, thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. now to the gulf where bp plans it's latest attempt to stop the flow of oil early next week as more and more oil is contaminating beaches and marsh lands along the gulf. heading the government's response to this bill, admiral allen, good morning.
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there have been a lot of numbers floating around, at first we heard 5,000 barrels a day were leaking into the gulf, now we're hearing that number could be 95,000 barrels. is there any clarity on to just how much oil is spilling out daily? >> it's getting clear, i have cautioned everybody from the start to be careful about estimates because we're looking at two dimensional video, we're work with a group for about a week now that's collecting data from different platforms, aggravating it all in one place to come up with a flow rate. we're about 24 to 48 hours out to come up with our first estimate. there's obviously going to be a lot of caveats associated with it. but we have got the best minds work on it right now. >> how would you characterize the level of containment so far? >> it's been a multipronged war, the oil that's rising to the surface sometimes gets treated with dispersants, and sometimes
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it's done by burning. a number of smaller spills are coming ashore in different places. so it's kind of a multipronged threat out there, we're having to move our resources where we can to deal with it. >> let's talk about the dispersants there's debate over a chemical dispersant to help contain the oil. some scientists say these chemicals can actually do more harm than good, bp has been asked to come up with a less toxic alternative and so far they say they can't. how do you feel about these chemical dispersants? >> we started using dispersants after the exxon valdez. while there is some toxicity, they're far less toxic than the oil. the problem is we have never applied dispersants to the level we have in this spill. it's completely unprecedented on the surface. and now we're using sub sea
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dispurdi dispersan dispersants, we have asked bp to come up with a better alternative. we'll be coming out with some guidance shortly. >> and this has been going on for a month as i know you're well aware, and bp's response has been criticized, a lot of critics say they have lost confidence in the company in terms of its ability to effectively handle the situation and its response so far, have you lost confidence in bp? >> no, i think we understand where they're going. let me just talk about the technical difficulties and i think what this really is centered on is stopping the leak and them being able to stem that well head. but we lost 5,000 feet worth of pipe that came from the drill head. as we're trying to put together this top killer dynamic kill, those three lines have to be re-established and we had to
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actually re-create the umbilical if you will to give the brains to make it work. those are the things that are causing theys right now. >> admiral thad allen, we appreciate your time right now. now lynne berry is standing by with this morning's other headlines. >> good morning to all of you at home. we begin with secretary of state hillary clinton in china trying to win support for an international response to north korea. clinton is in shanghai pushing for china to support international action against their ally, north korea for the sinking of a south korean warship. secretary clinton says the north koreans cannot be allowed to get away with this active aggression. the mothers of those three american hikers jailed in iran are on their way home to the u.s. after visiting them for the first time since their capture. good morning, ali. >> reporter: good morning, that's right the mothers of the three hikers left late last
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night back to the united states. unfortunately, not securing the release of their children. but there was a positive sign. today two iranians who were held in iraq by u.s. troops were freed. i asked the lawyers of the three hikers if this would affect their case, he said this could only help. but on the negative side, the lawyer told me that the investigation into their case was almost over and they will most certainly be facing trial. this is a remarkable story, a 13-year-old boy has become the youngest to climb mt. everest. jordan romero hiked with his father and has called home from 29,000 feet above sea level. the youngest ever climber before him was a 16-year-old from ne l nepal. he plans on climbing all the highest peaks of the seven continents. finally the photograph that had everyone here talking this morning, but we have a warning for you, you may find it pretty
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hard to look at it. it's the front page story of the "new york post." a matador who had a horrific run in with a bull, he was gored through his throat. that's the bull's horn, as you can see that actually came out through his mouth. the bullfighter remarkably lived, doctors say he will have a long recovery. ba >> but he lived.
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good saturday morning, everyone. i am news4 meteorologist, chuck bell. off to a cloudy but mostly dry start this morning. 65 in falls church and vaeenna. and there is a check of live doppler. one or two lonely rain drops. the rain chances will arrive late this afternoon or evening. tomorr thanchts's your weekend forecast, amy? bill, thanks so much, this morning on "today hits the
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road," route 66, starting in the 1920s as a gateway to the west. as i drove along theis storied highway in new mexico, i had some surprises along the way. they call it the mother road, spanning 2,400 miles from chicago to california's pacific coast. here in santa fe t , the originf route 66 are not hard to find. the original route 66 was an even more historic road, the old santa fe trail, it was the first to link the american trail back east with the west. and on that road, the oldest church in america, the san miguel mission. >> the chapel dates to the actual founding of santa fe in 1610. >> for 400 years, citizens of santa fe have come here to worship, but a closer look can take you even further back in
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town. >> this one they refer to as an indian dwelling from the 160st. . >> next stop on our route, albuquerque. you've got the top down, it's a sunny day, old town albuquerque, hopefully i can take a nice long drive down route 66. here's a tradition. that's met with the modern day. remnants of the old route 66 ound a new purpose.rvice station to find out more, i ditched the ride and hopped on a trolly. >> we are headed east through chicago, we are on route 66. >> reporter: why do you get involved in observing the history of albuquerque? >> you kind of grow up in albuquerque with route 66, we decided nobody else was showing off albuquerque, we decided to do it.
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now albuquerque has one of the best preserved stretches of route 66 in the entire country. >> reporter: like the route 66 diner, a time capsule complete with a jukebox. >> why is it important to keep the diner on route 66? and what better way to get the diner experience than to get to work behind the counter. so far i found that route 66 has a colorful history in new mexico, but no color is more popular than turquoise. here at the turquoise museum, each beautiful stone as a story. >> turquoise is global, but new mexico is the center because of the native american cultures.
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>> and i imagine a lot of turquoise has traveled up and down route 66. >> gateway to the west and back home. >> reporter: it's a delicate process of shaping, sanding and polishing. with my work done, it was time for one final taste of route 66. >> welcome today. route 66 all day long, it's nice to end the day with a final taste of new mexico. cheers, cheers, salute. i said that's good, can you see that? and they made that ""today" show lovely sander out of iron with two chili's and they also made us some salsa, with our pictures all over it. >> may i? >> absolutely. >> this is the hot stuff. i think it is. water nearby hopefully.
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>> very e way, oh, yeah, this i. >> and the margaritas by the way are where? >> still to come, a video icon then and now. right after this. [ female announcer ] share your goal at and we'll celebrate you in times square. and to help you take the first step, we've lowered prices on more than 100 helpful items, like select vitamin and calcium products. right now, buy one bottle and get a second half off. walgreens. there's a way to stay well.
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ago, it's a classic that's still going strong, so influential that google even put a version on it's home page to mark the anniversary. still hungry after all these years, pacman, the video game and '80s pop culture icon is now entering middle age. >> there's something about the simplistic humor and whimsy of pacman that's crossed the decades. >> developed by a japanese video game company was designed to appeal to both girls and boys, it was the first video came to feature a character, a cute round creature that works its way through a maze eating dots and avoiding monsters or ghosts. and spawning a new generation of pacman games. >> he just wants to eat and he finds love with ms. pacman. >> the game was released in 1980 generating millions of dollars in merchandise sales and inspiring a hit song.
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still to come on "today," the truth about sunbathing, how to protect yourself while still having fun, and what about those tanning beds? we'll have that coming up. plus healthy eating on the road, as the summer travel season approaches, how to make the right choices. fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds.
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good morning, everyone. it's 8:26 on this saturday, may 22nd. mild temperatures outside. rain on the way. i'm kimberly suiters. in the news4 today, part of the beltway west of telegraph road in alexandria will be reduced to one lane for road repairs. the northbound lanes will also be closed. officials are predicting 10 to 15-mile long backups. it will also be a tough weekend for anybody that uses the chain bridge. the entire span will be shut down all weekend long. crews have been working to restore the bridge for one year now, and when it opens monday morning all three lanes will be open again. and a heads up for metro riders this weekend. expect big delays because of track work. add 30 minutes to your trip on the red, orange and green line,
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and this comes in what is likely to be a big weekend. your weather is coming up next. stay with us. . >> i don't think we're in kansas anymore. >> reporter: online ticket seller fandango says ticket sales are outpacing those for the original. the sequel picks up two years later. >> we're getting a little bit too mr. and mrs. married. she is trying to redefine tradition for herself and she's curious about why she ran towards something so willfully and is yet there finding herself trying to reshape it. new york city is trading for exotic abu dhabi. >> the first few days we were in the desert, it's almost hard to take it in. you can see it on film, but the do you knows go on forever.
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>> reporter: carrie's old flame aiden. >> i think it was important to bring aiden back because he is the archetypal person in the past that sort of defines carrie bradshaw, she was loved, she was pursued in a way that she always wanted to be. >> can you hear me now? harry? >> according to michael patrick king, you had to do that over and over and over? >> we had a stunt double but i still had to do it because you need it to seem real. but i got to fall on to a mattress held by about eight men who couldn't speak english. >> if they're not wearing channel, they're wearing vintage halston, it's really just excess to the nines. >> while shooting in morocco, the cast lived together for eight weeks.
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>> we came to know each other and meet each other in a bay that new york had never done before. >> so were you going to the midnight show? >> i love the way they have made so many new york locations iconic. i think this was in the "sex and the city." >> and fashion forward shoes. everyone's looking at their shoes. >> that's what i'll be watching. coming up, the truth about sunbathing, but first these messages. [ male announcer ] fact: the medicine in advil is
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the one doctors recommend most for joint pain. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. the medicine in advil is the #1 doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. vegetables are naturally low in calories. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number? hi, jay bush and duke here to introduce new bush's black bean fiesta....whoa... you can't tell everyone about new black bean fiesta. but it's perfectly cooked black beans, in a zesty "south of the border" chipotle sauce with red and green peppers, onion, and crisp corn. a bold new taste. i know. but i want people to think i'm a great cook. so hide. delicious! can i have your recipe? your secret is safe with me. hello... new bush's black bean fiesta. and try new texas ranchero, along with our other grillin' beans flavors.
8:31 am
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about" we're talking sunbathing, a lot of people will be working on their tans at the beach and the pool. deborah watsonberg joins us with the truth about sunbathing. the first question i want to talk about is the whole notion that if i get a base tan, that i am protected for the reason of the season. true? >> not true. there's absolutely no such thing as a safe tan. if you go outside and you try to get tanned in order to protect your skin for the summer, basically what you're doing is damaging your dna, you're causing damage which is setting off free radicals which can cause wrinkles and brown spots and it's just not safe to do that. >> one of the misconceptions out there is people with darker skin like myself are not as prone to burns, i can tell you that's not the case. >> people of color absolutely need to wear sunscreen as well. and the fact that you have dark skin does not mean that you will
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not get skin cancer. melanoma has been seen in people of color. they need to apply something to keep their skin even, to make sure they don't get discorps rations. >> and dermatologists have been sounding this message for years about being careful in the sun. but some medical professionals are saying we need sun to get vitamin d. >> the vitamin d dilemma is very controversial, but getting vitamin d from the sun is not a very good idea. you want vitamin d for healthy bones, everyone is in complete agreement regarding that, but there are so many ways to get vitamin d without exposing yourself with skin cancer. there are supplements that are available, there are so many foods now that are fortified with vitamin d, and there are so many other ways to get vitamin d
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other than unprotected sun exposure. people should be wearing sunscreen regularly, they should be applying it frequently. there are some technologies that's being developed now, whether or not nanoparticles are safe, whether or not it's good for the water, whether or not some of the chemicals that are being used and i think it's unclear on some of those issues, but sunscreens available today are safe and they should be used regularly and they're not causing any harm. >> and there's a lot of questions about spf, i put on 100 spf, thinking i was doing the right thing, do you need to go that high or is 15 enough? >> 15 blocks out about 93% of the sunscreen, if you go to a 30, perhaps you're getting about 97%, if you go to a higher number, what you're doing is correcting for the mistakes we make when we apply our sunscreen. people frequently don't apply enough, and if you take an spf
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15 and apply it sparingly, you're not getting enough. so if you go with a higher number, you're preventing the mistakes that you're doing with using the lower number. oil sunscreens, they come off, people don't apply enough, the way that they're studied in the lab, so it's very important to use your sunscreens and apply them frequently. >> tanning beds, are they safe ore not? >> tanning beds are horrible for you, they have just been put by the world health organization as one of the most dangerous carcinogens. people under the age of 30 are using them regularly and they're danger, they cause melanomas. and squamous skin cells. coming up, what to eat when you're on the road. but first this is "today
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32 million americans plan to hit the road or hop on an airplane this summer but drive throughs and airports can also be filled with tempting snacks, here to help us is cynthia sacks a registered dietitian. >> i can just remember that on route 66, i think i had a double cheeseburger, french fries, margaritas, i'm eating, i'm eating, i'm eating. why is it difficult to be healthy when you're on the road? >> you're out of your normal routine, but it's also what i call vegas syndrome, you do buy and eat things you wouldn't in your normal everyday life, but unfortunately the way you gain in vegas or wherever you go on vacation, doesn't stay there, it goes with you, that's the
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problem. >> you're at an airport, you're at a drive through, are there options that you can look at? and what are some of the big mistakes we made. >> first of all that large cola contains 22 teaspoons of sugar, 1,000 calories. that's equivalent to 100 frozen pasta coals. and the fries adds on 500 calories. >> what are some better options? >> if you're stuck with fast food, i have a three pronged approach. stick with a poultry or vegetarian option. we have two chicken soft tacos here, get rid of the cheese and sour cream, you have 350 calories which is one-third the amount. which is a quarter pound cheeseburger and fries.
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>> this is great, the carrots and the hummus. >> where there's a grocery stfa place, there's a grocery store. >> let's go to the vending machines, airports, these are the culprits. >> a lot of people think they're healthy alternatives, chips are just white bread in a bag, they're loaded with sodium, these are a nutritionist's nightmare, they'll cost you to 300, 400 calories a pop. you'll have to swim in your pool for 45 minutes to get rid of these. so what i say is go for perishable. you shouldn't buy anything that has a shelf life that's longer than a dog's live span. some convenience stores has fresh fruit. on average they have like 115 milligr
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milligrams, fiber, minerals all that good stuff. >> and at the hotels, they offer that free breakfast buffet, and you're like calories don't count. obviously you want to stay away from pancakes. >> bagels have ballooned to six inches, this is about 500 calories and it scores an f for nutritional value. fewer than 10% of americans get the recommended whole grain servings a day, three a day and 35% of us don't get the recommended two servings of fruit. it's all about energy, not just calories and weight gain but rein really enjoying your vacation. now it's time to hit the road, what do you do make sure your car is ready for the long drive? i think the number is 28 million americans are going to hit the road over the holiday weekend, what's the thing that we tend to
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forget? >> one thing that people forget the most is their spare tire, it can sit in your trunk for years, and if you haven't been checking on it, it could be flat. >> i don't know the last time i checked my spare tire. it's probably going to be flat when i put it on, it's going to be low on air. you're holding the owner's manuals, you're supposed to read those? >> you are. it has maintenance in here and it's like an instruction book on exactly what you should do to maintain your car. some of this you can do on your own, but a lot of it needs to be done by a licensed technician, you look for one that's been approved that you can trust is going to do the work right. >> you look at it when you buy the car, but in the long-term take a look at your owner's manual. >> this is a dirty air filter, and this one is a little cleaner, the way you can tell, you can take it out, hold it up
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to a 100-watt light bulb, you know you need to change it. but if you can see the light, then you're okay. >> let's walk over here, because i want to talk about the battery. >> batteries. >> obviously very important. most of the time you think if the car starts, the battery's working. >> during memorial weekend, we're going to jump-start over 50,000 batteries and you're going have to replace over 20,000. see all this corrosion? that's going to keep it from having a good connection, if you start seeing stuff like this you can clean it off. you can buy solutions at your auto repair shop and. >> you want to make it clean to look like this one? and is there a point where you should replace the battery anyway? >> they last three to five
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years, so if it's been that long, it's good to have it checked. all cars modern cars have to have some sort of light that comes on, but it only has to come on once the tires are 20% low. and by then you've got a problem. so you really need to check your tire pressure. and they're so easy now, they've got digital ones that are easy to read. all you have to do is check it once a month. the big thing is when you check it, you want the tire pressure to be on the door side, open the door, there's a little sticker, it will tell you what tire pressure, don't go by what's printed on the tire, go by wh what's printed on the driver's side door. if you don't have tread depth on your tires, you can actually lose control, skid, especially hydroplane in the rain, get a quarter, stick it in the groove, see how washington's head? the tread isn't coming up to
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washington's head. you need the tread to be covering part of washington's head. >> it doesn't matter how old the tire is, but the tread. >> see how this is wearing? this is on a car that's out of alignment, so it has uneven wear, if you see things like this, that's another reason to get new tires. >> we should do this today so we have time to get this replaced? >> absolutely. >> you don't want to do this the morning that you're getting on the road, because if you find something like this, you're not going to have time to get it repaired. >> have a great holiday weekend next weekend. we'll be right back after these messages. d fat than butter, and 30% fewer calories. add multigrain toast, fresh fruit and low fat milk, and they're off to a good start. ♪ country crock.
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for all active families. our advanced 2-in-1 power... cleans tough stains like grass better than the leading oxi detergent and helps get your family's wash incredibly white and bright. try new all oxi-active. it's all good. for only $2.50, get a western egg white muffin melt, made-to-your-order, and add a 16-oz. cup... of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. ♪
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try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. a busy man kept to a busy schedule. [ male announcer ] this is steven, his day starts with his arthritis pain. that's breakfast with two pills. the morning is over. it's time for two more pills. the day marches on, back to sore hands, back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on -- just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is steven, who chose aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. that's going to do it for us on this friday morning. coming up tomorrow on "today," we'll take a goodbye look at the 20-year run. >> and brooks & dunn, they wrap up their final tour together this summer. i'll see you on nbc nightly
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good morning, everyone. i am aaron gilchrest. >> and i am kimberly suiters. today, a home ground rap star steps into controversy. plus, nature films may not be as wild as you think. the dirty little secret behind some wildlife documentaries. how a thief made off with personal information belonging to hundreds of local students. we will also talk to chuck about the weather, because a little rain in the forecast, right, chuck? >> certainly off to a dry start for most of us this morning, but the rain chances continue to inch up as we go forward. a complete forecast in a few minutes. all that and much more when you join us for new"news4 todayn less than two minutes.
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people in india, but this morning we learned of survivors. tragedy on a bike path. a teenage cyclist when a car slams into the saw included area. good morning, everyone. welcome to "news4 today." i am kimberly suiterss. >> and i am aaron gilchrest. we are looking at a little window of time or big win ydow get out and enjoy this day. >> many windows. >> there are chances for showers
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