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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  September 30, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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coverage tonight. doug? >> hey, guys, we saw for the most part 2 to 4ives of rain. but those areas close to the chess is peek bay, many picking up 6, 7, 8, even 9 inches of rain. more rain to come out there. here still some rain down toward the chesapeake bay, down towards st. mary's county. this is where the heaviest rain is. these are actually downpours that continue to make their way toward the east. right around herndon, centerville, manassas, making their way down to oaktn. and the heaviest rain just crossing over 270, woodfield, we'll continue to watch this as it makes its way to the north and piste. nothing severe right now. but this will bring you a very, very quick 20-minute downpour that will bring you an inch to a half inch. as we widen out here, the wider view shows more rain downtoward the south. we're going to continue to s this moisture plume moving up.
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right now just to the north of richmond. it will be in the washington, d.c. area in about the next two hours. and again that is some very heavy rain. and down to the south even further. this is the remnant of tropical storm nicole down here towards north carolina, coming on shore rig now. but look at that moisture feed right along our area. that's the area that's going to see the most rain tonight from i-95 to the east. siilar to what we saw last night. look at frederick. nearly five inches of rain down there. 2.36 in clinton. look at annapolis, 7 inches there, 9 in leonardtown. if you want to see the latest on those, go to increase an we have a tornado watch in effect. actually, no longer in effect. but i wouldn't be surprised to see severe weather as we make our way thugh the nig tonight. i'll be back to let you know exactly what you can expect overnight tonight. >> thank you, doug. it's been a difficult day for people traveling through northern virginia and elsewhere in the area. in virginia, drivers had to contend with everything from
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flooded roads in vienna to a sinkhole in arlington. one couple had to be rescued after their car g stuck in high water in annandale this morning. we have a look at how the evening commute is going there. >> reporter: jim, good evening. we're here live on cambridge road. commuters are trying to get home and beat this storm that's actually rolling through here, as doug just said. all day drivers have been out in the rain. but we've been lucky. the in has tapered off in the last few hours an the conditions out here are slowly improving. as many know, this morning was a completely different story. >> i almost got in five different car accidents. it was raining, downpouring. i had to go out to my car, which is parked outside. i got soaking wet. so my hair looks like this. >> reporter: all across northern virginia this morning, drivers had a tougher than usual commute. on brownsville road in vienna, daring motorists did their best to speed through this fast growing pool of water.
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on braddock road in fairfax, drivers were forced to slow down. >> worst spot was 270, 495 wasn't too bad. then cambridge was pretty bad, too. >> >> reporter: while some roads were tricky, others were impassable. in annandale, joe siegel lives in the area. when it rain, it is common to see cars getting turned back around. and e daring ones just get stuck. >> i know the roads a i know the shortcuts to get around the flooded area. so i'm just going out, take it easy and do what i have do. >> reporter: to give drivers a sense of how high this water is, authorities have placed these flood markers on the side of the road. right now this water is about two feet high. and because its floodsing is so severe today, authorities have blocked off this road so that no cars take the chance and get stuck. unfortunately, mother nature is just getting started. we're expecting another storm to
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roll in tonight. but even with all the wet weather, there are some who won't let the rain ruin their day. >> i drove in from baltimore. and it was raining. but weather's n going to stop me. i had a day off. my best friend was availle. nothing will stop us from going shopping. >> i'm not worried. i'm just going to go home and relax and wait out the storm. >> reporter: that certainly sounds like a good idea right now. now these conditions out here on the roads begin to deteriorate, authorities are warning divers as you come out tonight, if you don't have to be out on the roads, simply don't do it. stay home, dry out tonight and enjoy a nice home -- a nice evning at home with your family. for now reporting live, tyson's corner, back to you in the studio. unfortunately, the storm has left thousands across the region in the dark tonight. dominion power says 1,000 people are without power at the moment.
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in maryland, driving was challenge for some trying to navigate around the waterlogged streets. it made it difficult for drives trying to get through the intersection. the problems didn't stop there. chris gordon has our report on that. >> reporter: sligo creek parkway has been closed on both sides of busy colesville road by order of the maryland national capital park police. >> we had to shut down sligo creek parkway because of the potential for flash flooding in the current flooding situation. >> reporter: how long will it stay closed? >> we will keep monitoring the situation. we'll advise you as soon as we can open it. we don't anticipate opening it >>reporter: beach drive is covered with water. it is also closed to traffic. standing in the curb lane took
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many motorists by surprised in beltsville. in bowie, the driving rain made driving difficult. a number of roads were closed because of large poolof water which posed a danger. >> it's bad. you couldn't see. you had to drive with your flashers on this morning. >> reporter: two years ago upper marlboro was flooded. this is what some of the businesses looked like here. the same area of marlboro pike today is not flooded. but spike chapman who owns this appliance store worries if it continues to rain, it could flood again. >> pretty soon the water ain't got nowre to go, so it goes right backward into us. that's a danger over the next three days. >> reporter: syou're concerned? >> i'm concerned, yeah. >> reporter: this stretch of route 450 was closed. a fire truck stood guard as an overhead power line smoked after downed branches caused an explosion.
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some traffic signals were left dark. rain fell hard at times, then seemed to let up as tornado watches were reported fr st. mary's, calvert and anne arundel counties. the threat continued to move north but so far has failed to materialize. this is chrisgordon, news 4. several schools have canceled their evening classes and activities because of all this weather. all the evening activities have all the public schools in st. mary's have been canceled. theouth campus instructional building and the manakee building have power and will remain open for classes. for the rest of the rockwell campus, all the evening activities have be canceled. in northeast d.c., five people were rescued after driving through some high water. none of them seriously injured. part of rhode island avenue was shut down, but it is back open now. we'll have more on the storm's impact in the distct coming up in our next half hour. news 4s a learned of an
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arrest in the murder of a high school football player. 16-year-old jamal bell was shot after leaving a go-go party at a church in june. two other teenagers were also injured in that shooting. police aested 17-year-old zachary sims. they've charged him with first degree murder. officials say sims has been in the custody of the district's department of youthrcó rehabilitation services on unrelated charges. bell was a player on the roosevelt high school football team. tonight, we haveeveral first-hand accounts of that deadly bus crash on i-270 yesterday in bethesda. there were six childrenn that bus. they all survived. and tonight some of them are talking about the crash and their rescue. aaron gil crest is here now with more. >> reporter: this was supposed to be a fun day at the national zoo for three siblings from carlisle, pennsylvania, and it was until they started their trip home. that fun day, the kids say, turned into the scariest moments of their young lives.
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in their pennsylvania living room today, they don't look like kids with a frightening tale to tell. no visible scar scars, no scare faces. >> we were driving on the highway. and somebody said, driver, watch out. and we saw the driver slump over the steering wheel, then he started swerving to the side of the bridge. >> reporter: that bridge was the flyover ramp on to i-270 north in bethesda. they punched through the guardrail and fell to the highway below. the scene led to a flood of calls to 911. >> a commuter bus just hit the guardrail and flipped on to 270. >> i got up on democracy going north on 270, then where a those ramps go overhead is where it went flying off. and it went into the embankment. pieces of light posts hit other cars. it's pretty bad. >> reporter: the bus was filled with screaming and people
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tumbled from one side of the bus to the other, according to the children. one little girl was een thrown through a window. >> iemember seeing the people on the bus flipping and me kind of being in the middle, i landed on my feet, but i saw other people on the floor. and i was really scared. >> reporter: riley says passers-by formed a human ladder and began unloading the injured through the broken windows. >> two or three people jumped into the bus to get evyone out and handed us down. >> reporter: 9-yr-old madison cut her head. >> my brother said,oh, my gosh. and he takes off his shirt and wraps it around my head to stop the bleeding. >> it was natural instinct, made sure everyone's okay and stuff. >> reporter: vince says he's grateful to all the drivers who stped and tried to help. >> i would say thank you very much, and we still have their numbers i might call them. >> reporter: think he'll make that call. four of the people who were hurt in the accident are still at
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suburban hospital tonight. they're in good condition, though. the 66-year-old driver ofhe bus was pronounced dead at the scene. some passengers believe he may have will a heart attack or seizure before the crash. aaron gilchrist, thanks. coming up fisher-price is recalling more than 10 million children's products over safety concerns. a terrorist attack is considered to be highly likely but not imminent in europe. a grandmother reached her breaking point and police say she shot a 12-year-old who she aims vandalized her home. the coast dealing with rising waters. where the streets are turning into rivers. what's ahead in sports? >> wizards head coach flip saunders says he's going back to basics to deal with this young team. the redskins getting ready to fa the hottest quarterback in the nfl. and clinton portis talks about possible changes in his role in the redskins offense. think about the internet.
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we're watching weather conditions right now as another major storm system is about to move in an dump more rain on the region. check bk in with doug in a few minutes. one of the most trusted toymakers is recalling toys, tricycles and high chairs over safety concerns. fisher-price made the announcement today after report of more than 20 injuries.
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there's word of a separate recall involving infant sleep positioners. leanne gregg has more. >> reporter: 11 million products geared towards infant and toddlers that safety officials say could be dangerous. >> products will children can have cuts and lacerations requiring stitches and some of the toys have choking hazards. >> reporter: the recall includes 7 million fisher-price tricycles. the consumer product safety commission sayst knows of ten reports of children being hurt from the trikes. the problem, a plastic ignition key near theeat that children can sit or fall on leading to injuries. fisher-price is also recalling more than a million high chairs after 14 reports of problems. pegs on the back of the chai can be used to store the tray, but ki can fall on them. a variety of toys and soft gyms with inflatable balls are in the recall. valves on the bal can come off causing a choking hazard. more choking concerns from wheels that can detach from cars
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in the stand and play ramp way. also in a separate warning, word that infant sleep positioners should no longer be used. the fda says they can cause suffocation. >> over the last 13 years, there have been 12 infants that have died in sleep positioners because they've suffocated in the soft cushioning >> more needs to be done before products reach store shelves. >> manufacturers have to make sure that they test their products thoroughly, that they've got good quality control processes in their factories and they look for products that not only meet the safety standards that are in place but a free of hazards from all foreseeable use conditions. >> reporter: for now this sweeping recall as regulators worko keep kids safe. lee an gregg, nbc news. >> fisher-price says the company will replace the toy or send a repair kit to make the toy safe.
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go to and search the word "recall." the head of johns johnson & johnson made an apology to lawmakers today. he said the company left people down with a string of recalls. the panel is looking into problems that forced johnson & johnson to recall millions of bottles of medication since last september. weldon also suggested the company made a serious miake when it removed packet of motrin from store shelves instead of issuing a formal recall. there is more information tonight about a terror plot against cities in europe. intelligence officials say the plot has not moved past the early stages, but authorities in europe are on guard. according to a pakistani intelligence official, eight germans and two brothers from britain were involved in planning the attacks. the suspects are believed to be hiding in a pakistani tribal region now. intelligence officials say the group has been planning to
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attackajor european cities with commando-style raids like the ones carried out in mumbai india, two years ago. there are reports that rahm emanuel will step down tomorrow to run for may in chicago. emmanuel is president obama's chief of staff. his replacement is expected to be a washington insider named pete rouse. at least on an interim basis. rouse served as chief of staff to former senator tom daschle back when daschle was senate majority leader. >> a look at doug's full forecast. a car full of people plunged off the side of a mountain. >> we'll have an update on the
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we certainly aren't the only ones dealing withthe stormy weather today. rain is soaking the entire eastern seaboard. this street in downtown lancaster, pennsylvania, looks more like a river this morning. and some fishermen up in long branch, new jersey, had a pretty rough surf to contend with right there. wow, we needed the rain, but this is sure a hard way to get it. >> it really is. and we're in a very rainy pattern here. the past 48 hours. we had a storm last week and now looks like we'll have another one coming into the middle of next week. we needed the rain. mother nature helping us out with a little rainacross the
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area. some areas saying, we got a little bit, other places, wow. first off today, just the clouds out there right now around the district. but give me about an hour to an hour and a half, and that rain will start to come down once again. 81 degrees, thatas the high today. very warm. again, this is tropical stormal rain moving in from the southeast. that's why we're still able to, even with all the cloud, make our way up to81 degrees. low this morning with 66. early rain very warm, very windy. winds gusting upwards of 20 to 30 miles an hour. the rain so far at the airport 2.64 inches. now, let's take a look and show you live digital doppler radar. most of the rain is to the east of the corridor. most on the light side. before you get to delaware and the delmarva. heavy downpours also to the wst of i-95. let's take a look and zoom in on a couple of areas here. right around rest and herndon.
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making its way to the north and east. another area of rain making its way to great falls and eventually over the potomac into montgomery county. you can see around gaithersburg, you're about to see heavy downpours in the next 15 to 20 minutes. these are making their way to the north and east. this is another line ta we've seen with thisa. moisture. what does that mean? just like a train track, you will see storms and showers move over the samerea over and over again. that we've seen in this area and we'll continue to see that throughout the evening as well. all this moisture making its way in fm the south just like it's been doing over the past 24 mourps look at t moisture down south and over the richmond area. this will move in over the next few hour right from i-95 and into wasngton in the next hour and hour and a half. we can go fther south. this is the remnants of tropical storm nicole now coming on shore down towards north carolina. because of that we have a tornado threat as well.
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veronica johnson with more on that. >> thanks a lot, doug. first of all, it's been months since we've seen any rainfall like what we've picked upround here. quite a bit especial toll the south and east of our area. take a look at the rainfall amounts across the area. the flood warnings there first. but let's go ba to the rainfall amounts. anywhere from 4 1/2 inches, over 4 1/2 up around frederick county, maryland, around 3 inches here, washingto d.c., and close to 4 inches in sterling. now, look at leonardtown, maryland. 9.16 inches. st. mary's, calvert county, coming in with the heavy ra, most of which was between 3:00 a.m. and about 9:00 a.m. this morning. and it's going to be more heavy rain moving into the area again. doug said over the overnight period going into the morning hours. the flash flood warnings n have been extended in the red. thoseare flash flood warnings from washington county, maryland, down through loudon county. all the way to stafford. charles unty, st. mary's
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calvert, and then back up to baltimore and they now go just past midnight. the other ing to be aware of is the possibily of tornadoes in this tornado watch, while it's expected to -- or was issued and suppos to end at 7:00 p.m., i really think it's going to be extended to go a lot past that going into the early part of the night because right around eastern north carolina we're seng the remnants of nicole. and they're likely to be under a tornado watcas wel >> that tornado tch being extended, it could also be extended toward portions of the eastern shores as well. we're going to watch that very closely. the area that has seen the most rainfall has been down towards north carolina. that's where all of this rain is coming from to north carolina. wilmington, take a look at video here. you think we've seen a lot of in with upwards of five to ten inches. how about wilmington coming in with 20 inches of rain over the past coupl of days?
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am-=r they needed it as well. they were under a severe drought over the past couple of months. they d need the rain. but once again, you just don't need is much in this period of time. where is the storm system? still down to the south and east. we have to go through the nt hours before we finally get rid of the rain. but it will be a fast mover. it will move through and by tomorrow morning be just to our north and east. then it is out here for now. there goes the area of lw pressure. and behind it we'll see windy conditionsuring the kday. nearly five inches of rain on the coast. i- 5 we're talking 2 to 4. then cuts off dramatically off toward the rest. round two, what can we expect? how about heavy rain and very windy conditions once again. another two to four inches with windsp to 40 miles an hour to the east of i-95. tonight, this evening, cloudy skies, periods of rain. some will become heavy at times over the nextouplef hours.
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then tomorrow morning the rain should be ending. cool and breezy with temperatures in the upper 60s. look at this. sunshine, blue skies becoming mostly sunny. winds out of the northwest. let's show the four-day real fast. 72 degrees for the high tomorrow. 68 on saturday. then anothe round potentially on sunday and monday. don't put those umbrellas away any time soon. best day looks like saturday. >> and have rain fatigue. >> we might. we had snow fatigue, why not rain fatigue? >> thank you. coming up, a fire investigation has turned into a murder case. >> a grandmother wanted to teach a neighborhood kid a lesson. she did. >> a local soccer coach in trouble now with the police. i'm tom sherwood, a water res cure here on rhode island avenue in northeast. coming up in sports, adam could be done with the nationals. and the redskins defense tryg to figure out a way to contain
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the nfl's hottest quarterback. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of marylan for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%.
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and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for bi corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrli big banks and billionares don't need help. middle cde do.
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a massive tree toppled in the soggy soil in northwest d.c. on reno road today. and this could just be a si of things to come.
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this morning, heavy rains wreaked havoc on city streets all across the district. >> at one point church members in northeast thought they might need a boat to help save them from rising waters. tom sherwood has our report. >> reporter: cleanup crews were cleaning up at bethesda where a lake was at the door. >> people were stranded. even people came around to the steps of the church and at one te they thought maybe even boats would have to be brought out to get the people out. we thank god for that, that no one was hurt. >> reporter: water rose so quickly at t rho island avenue underpass in northeast that drive were surprised and glad to be alive. >> the rain was coming in so hard, it was taking me under and going into the bridge. and the man in the front of me saying stay back, stay back, stay back. >> the water started coming in the car more, and it took almo
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to the time where the car was filled up with water where i had to grab her and pull her out of the car. only one man came over and actually helped us. >> he saved my life. >> reporter: he saved your life? >> because i can't swim. and i was going under. that's just how deep the water had come. >> reporter: great-grandmother bernice clark and her 19-year-old great-grandson, devonty williams, were describing how their car was overwhelmed by water and mud thursday morning as they headed downtown for an appointment. >> i had given up. i thought i was gone. and i just knew i was gone. by the time the water hit my legs, it just looked like somebody had turned the water on and it was coming and had reached up here. i said, oh, no. you mean i got to leave like this? >> reporter: normally busy rhode island avenue was shut down for hours by police as tow trucks removed cars and the roadway was drained and ready for traffic again. one of the worst areas affected in the district
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tom sherwood, news 4 washington. a fire t a d.c. apartment building is now a murder investigation. flames spread quickly yesterday morning at an apartment building in columbia heights. firefighters are still trying to figure out if someone set the fire on purpose. a 38-year-old man tried to escape the fire by leaping to a window, fell and later died. police are calng his death a murder now. four others including a 2-year-old girl were seriously hurt by that fire. a soccer coach in montgomery county is accused of sexually assaulting one of his players. pat collins has our report. >> reporter: rogerúdi has an impressive soccer resume. it goes all the way back to his youth. soccer scholarship to santa clara universi. in his adult life he's had a
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number of soccer coaching jobs. in the '90s the olney soccer club. 2003 prince george's community college. and since 2007 he's been a coach at the real sc soccer club headartered here in silver spring. now, coach fernandez is suspect fernandez charged with sexual abuse. the victim, a 17-year-old player, a player who told police this unwanted sexual encounter occurred at the real maryland c3 headquarters in silver spring up there in a conference room. >> the coach stated he wanted the 17-year-old male to lay down on one of the tables in a conference room so he could massage his calf. >> reporter: and that's when the assault took place? >> that's right. >> repter: do you think there are any other victims? >> we don't know. in cases like this, often there are many more. >> reporter: coach fernandez was pickeup by police today and jív> ficially charged with sexual
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abuse of a minor. i'm pat collins, news 4, montgomery county. >> if he's convicted, fernandez could be sentenced up to 25 years in jail. former president jimmy carter is here in the nation's capital tonight. he arrived just a few hours after being released from a cleveland hospital. the former president was hospitalized for two days for a viral infection. they waved as he left the facility this afternoon. mr. carter got ill during a flight from atlanta to clevela this week. doctors say the illness is all cleared up now. mr. carter is in washington for a previously scheduled private meeting. coming up tonight, a car full of people drove off a mountain and then got trapped in a raging river. two women who were pen pals for more than six decad finally get
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and we have definitely seen a lot of rain. down towards north beach, maryland and calvert county, that area s seen eight inches of rain so far. the can see another two to four inch, you could down there, in parts of calvert county. take a look at flooded old courthouse road in vienna. that was old courthouse road. and seeing se heavy rain right now as we speak. take a look at doppler radar. but one little line, whichas been a very persistent line now,
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into parts of montgomery county and fairfax county and prince william county. we'll zoom on in tohe heaviest rain which is right around four corners and just to the ooet of reston making its way to great falls and eventually over to langley. and you're looking at 495 as well. crossing over the potomac. you can see gaithersburg. that area has been seeing rain over the past hour or two. guess what? much more in the way of rain is on the way as the remnants of tropical orm nicole make their way into the area in about the next one to two hour. that's when you're going to see things change once again. let's show you what we can expect tonight. we saw round one earlier this morning. here comes round two very early rain. another two to four inches and some gusts, winds upwards of 15 to 30 miles an hour. but gusts upwards of 40 especially along those location near the chesapeake bay. watch out as you're makingyour way out and about tonight and
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into early portions of tomorrow morning. >> thank you, doug. people who live in a certain ighborhood in chicago say there's a 12-year-old bully there and he and his followers have been trorizing an entire block. on tuesday, that kid threw a brick through the window of a 76-year-old grandmother. it was not her first encounter with him and his hoodlums. and e had had enough. so she shot him. the boy was hit in an arm. he's expected to survive. most of the adults in the neighborhood do not have much sympathy for that kid. >> cuss us o and everything. they kept coming back, back and forth, back and forth. >> the day when i came home from work, there was stuff in the backyard burning. >> neighbors say that that woman has called the cops on those kids before but the police never shopped. you. not yet clear whether she's going to face any charges.
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the police say she may have been acting in self-defense. five people were rescued from a raging river in central peru after their car plunged 300 feet off the side of a mountain. a group of good samaritans who saw the accident rushed down the mountain to come to thegroup's aid. it happened yesterday. the rescuers used a rope to hoist them out of the water. al made it on to dry land. those rescuers just happened to be driving to a rally when they saw the crash happen. >> good for them. hey, dan, what do we got? a litt. have an update on his status for this weekend's game. kind of a hot topic. the wizards young veterans looking to leave even younger rookies, and it's good intentions gone bad as wide receiver chad ochocinco stumbles into controversy.
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i heard something on the radio today about the redskins still don't have a bubble or dome or something that they can blow up or whatever. >> isn't that crazy. >> when it rains. does everybody else have one of those? >> every team in their division has one. >> has a bubble? >> wow. >> you would thing with dan snyder concern to see his -- >> no expense. >> he would juan to gwa to get going. practice was forced indoors, but they don't have that bubble. the only team in the nfc east not to have one. so they made some adjustments. they moved practice to a hangar at dulles airport. more of a walk-through than a practice, but at least they
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stayed dry. clinton portis was practicing with the starters. he will sta in philadelphia besides donovan mcnabb's homecoming, the portis story has been the hottest topic of the redskins related conversations this week. portis was basically benched in favor of ryan terrain during the second half of the rams game. it seems like mikehanahan has lost confidence in portis after he took a dive on that run there. portis said it was to protect the football and he was going to get tackled anyway. here is portis when asked about his role against the eagles before practice this morning. >> you know what, for these hot tops that you're bringing up, coach shanaha is right upstairs. you go interview him after that and you ask him all those questions. >> did you talk to -- >> there wasn't nothg to talk to him about. he's the head coach. he made the decision. the decision was made. it's over and done with. when they jog out on that field againsthe philadelphia eagles, i'll be in the backfield. >> he'll always give you great
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effort. i've never been around him when he hasn't given 110%. he's one of the most competitive individuals i've ever been around. >> i said to myself a feature back, one of the best backs, and so that way i don't think anything has changed. >> clinton portis and mike shanahan on his role with the eagles. mike shanahan was getting agitated with the press conference with the repeated portis questions. nobody knew if he was actually going to start or note1 because last game he said he was mre of a third down back. >> isn't he glad to not have so many questions about albert hainesworth? >> that st have been novel. >> portis is going to play. haynesworth is going to play, too. still not slated to start. here's the latest on the injury front. the rookie leftackle has limited participation in practice in two days this week. punter josh bigwell is expected
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to play. he injured his hip in warm-ups before the st. louisame. defensively, the redskins are going to have their hands full, as you know. we can't say enough about how well michaelick is playing. vick has forced his way into the starting lineup and will create nightmares for the washington defenses. mike shanahan says he can throw the ball 75-year-olds on the run, and that's hard to defend. lorenzo alexander and the defense will needo be on point on sunday. >> they had mcnabb, but i think that vick speedwise, a lot faster, and he's pying on all cylinders. he's being chased, throwing off his bad foot and making 40-yard pass downfield. and any guy that can run2ñ by y li that, he has a big arm. you got to contain and keep in the ocket. once you get down to the edges and running, that's when he makes most of his big plays. >> real dangerous.
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and all the way around. li you say, 30 down ball, 75 yards and on the run. we real got to b on him. >> you were talking about sonny jergenson and how he has that throwing motion like vick. >> like a whip. from the position they're in, the ball's not supposed to go 20 yards and you look up 60 yards on a streak like bullet. incredible how they can do that. >> when you bring up sonny jergenson, i was talking to him eaier in the week and somebody walked by. five ouchdowns, 385 yards. sonny just chuckled. i said, what's he talking about? he said, that's my first game back against the eagles. so maybe mcnabb will have a game like that. >> not that he remembers. >> five tds, 385 yards. many think adam dunn is gone. the nationals apparently think being a defensively liability at
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first outweighs his home run power which ranks among the very best in baseball every single year. unless things change drastically, adam dunn played his final home game as a national last night, and it wasn't pretty. nats faithful saying thank you, nationals for being better than last year, not losing 100 games. debtg7i whiler facing mike swee. that's into the bull pen. the very next batter, te very same thing. ben francisco come on down. knowing what sweeney did to him from the very same spot. debtwhiler gave up four home run. adam dunn receiving a standing ovati ovation. he needs a home run worth about six runs to tie this up. he was swinging for the fences. four strikeouts on the night for dunn. nationals lose 7-1. here's dunn on the possibility of his last home game as national. >> to be the final game here.
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i thought it would be like any other me. and then you guys got me thinking, thank you. and you know, when i started hearing that stuff, i tried to hit everyall as hard as i possibly could. and i was trying not to do that. but i end up trying to do that. and, you know, i wish it would have ended better today. but, you know, they whooped us. >> everybody blames the media. seriousl >> usually with good reason. wouldn you say? >> they do listen. they do hear what we say. maybe just a little bi the wizards aren't going to be very gd this season, but at least there is hope, folks. when you look at the roster, the one thing th really sticks out is youth. at 28 gilbert arenas is the only player with a guaranteed roster spot. blanch talks about being a teacher to the young players. they're holding training camp at george mason university ts week. flip saunders looking forward to
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a fresh start. so is this guy, new number, new position, new beard, gilbert arenas will play shooting guard while rookie john wall will play the flip guard spot. he says he wants to keep everything as sim pe as possible this year. chad johnson always seems to find his way into the headlines even when he'srying to do something good. ochocinco has a new cereal out. it's called ochocincos. part of the pceeds goes to chari charity. buthis cereal wasn't just full of bran and goodness. the phone number on the back supposed to connect callers to a charity feed the children insteasent them to a sex line. it contained an 800 exchange instead of 888. ochocinco did apologize. he took responsibility. but he dido on to say the cereal is made in pittsburgh and maybe the steelers have something to do with it. the cereal is made in pittsburgh. it also makes some of
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roethlisberger's stuff. >> way to go. coming up, one othe fastest growing school sys think about the internet. growing,volving, literly transformi our lives. now imagine the possibilities
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fairfax county is the largest school sysm in our region. like others, it's facing tou times. despite it, the system ranks near the top of in the country
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when it comes to student achievement. the man in charge says it all comes down to the teachers. [ bell rings ] >> 177,000 students strong. fairfax county's a growing school system in a time of shrinking budgets. the landscape is constantly changing. but no matter the challenges, expectations remain high. >> we move from about 15% poverty level to 25s are. we have some schoolsn excess of 90% poverty. but we're seeing increased performance from our kids, the gaps betweenraditionally underperforming or underrepsented groups of kids are closing. >> he's been on the job for six years now. superintendent jack dale likes to fly planes in his spare time. he says to see students soar, you have to put the focus on teachers first. >> it's teams of teachers working on really individual kids. a whole flip of an
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organizational track. >> reporter: as in many systems, it's all about closing the achievement gap. these schools pick this as part of a pilot program called priority schools. >> if you guys hel me and shut out as we go through each wer. >> reporter: this is a collaborative learning meeting where they exchange ideas and strategies and mon iter student achievement, week to week, grade to grade. >> a fourth grade teacher is an xel enreading teacher and his or her colleague is an excellent math teacher, they should be sharing that knowledge or training kids to get the best possible instruction. >> reporter: 70% of the students here are eligible for free or reduced price meals. with big shifts in demographics, dale sees diversity as one of en fairfax's coun's biggest strengths. >> we're so diverse and kids from over 200 countries of the world, 130 different native languages that we have learned that our diversity is our asset. >> reporter: one of the biggest
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hurdles in this age cutbacks is providing access to proams such as field trips and extracurricular activities. >> you can cut some things back, you canake some prior tization decisions, but then you end up in eventually eliminating access for kids who need the access. >> reporter: fairfax depends on strong parental involvement. >> we're blessed with a community that holds our feet to the fire. we're blessed with a community that has high expectations for their children. >> reporter: in reston, virginia, jim handly, news 4. one more chec on the weather forecast. >> tell you what, they're dealing with some rain out there in fairfax county. out towards herndon. you can see that on -- let's go to graphics 29, guys. look at the rain making its way up through the richmond area. we've been through a little bit of a respite here. here comes the rain coming up from the south. this is going to be hea rain
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from tropical storm nicole finally start to make our way this way. 're heading towards round two. that will bring very hev rain tonight. two to four inches. we could see more flash flooding. so please give yourself extra time out there on your roadways tonight. now take a look at the four-day forecast. it will be windy in the afternoon. but here's the good news. i think this storm system will move out very quickly tomorrow. that wl lead to sunshine in the afternoon. saturday looking like a very nice day with a temperature of around 68. got to be on the school side on saturday. but guess what? more rain comes saturday into monday, then the best chance oking to be monday. it could be breezy on monday as well as the system looks to be yet another. >> there you go. thank y, doug. dorothy an vivian have been writing letters to each other for 63 years now. they started back in 1947. at the time, thr lives could not have been more different. hodges was living in post war
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germany, heyward was living in wahington state. they were both 13 at the time. they could not understand the politics of war, but they did understand each other. dorothyad married an american soldier who took her back with him to minnesota. the pen pals no longer were separated by an ocean, but they could never quite manage to get together to meet in person. until yesterday. heyward flew to minnesota to meet her longtime friend face-to-face. she said at the age of 75, she figured if they didn't meet now, they might never get the chance. they spent their first visit laughing over old letters, and they say they're going to spend at least a week together. >> sounds like a book to me. >> "nightly news" is next. on the broadcast tonight, a big storm bringingig trouble along the east coast. rain, wind, floods and flight delays fro


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