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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  October 6, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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package. it does look like a pipe bomb some of sort. they actually sent a bomb tech anything in a bit earlier to attach a device to what they call disrupt whatever that package is. take a listen to what we had a short time ago. now t me back up and explain to you. we understand that a realtor had gone into this house to inspect it a little before 2:00 this afternoon. and as he was going through the house in the basement, he found a dice. a suspicious package. to him it look like a pop bomb. he came out of the house and call pole. they came in and began the ocess to figure out exact what i that device is. whether it is danger or not. we've been watching for the better part of the afternoon as technicians have been doing that examining. agaijust a short time ago, they were able to set off some sort of device to see if there would be an explosion. we also talked to the public information ofcer for prince george's county fire and ems. here's what he will us a short time ago. >> went in and vicious lle
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inspected the package and agreed did it look suspicious. however, it was impossible to tell what was inside to see if it was an explosive or ahoke. aware doing when we call safe operations. we use the capabilities of the bomb squad to go in and attempt to disrun the package. again, that happened a few minutes ago. they disrupted the package and we are waiting to hear back now whether they actually found something that they would consider. an explosive device or if there was something in the home that was just a hoax. we should temperature you, this house was vacant. we're will by neighbors in this area thathe man who lived there moved out about three week ago. and so from then to now, the house has been empty. and again, th fire and ems folks, the bomb squad trying to figure out whether there is a dangerous device in the basement. we're live in district heights. back to you. >> aaron gilchrist reporting. back to you. a young woman was sexually assaulted near the cam of george washington university behind the
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embassy of spain. it happened yesterday. in the foggy bottom area near washington circle park. jackie bensen has more on this. >> reporter: there are a lt of unanswered questions about this. even though this location is very close to george washington university, we do not believe the person was a student there. it was repted about want:30. the woman said the man forced inrcourse with her just off washington circle. what is somewhat odd is that is the garage entrance to the embassive spain and the area is full of security cameras. at least a half dozen of them. most people who live and work near here say they consider this to be very much a safe area. >> i am mainly safe about it feels good. >> ver, ever feel unsafe.
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i'm actually really confident. i not like new york. it is relavely call. i think it is safe. >> the victim will police she does not know the suspect. she describes him as a latino man. she said he had short black hair, was wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. there are now seven kafsz break-ins just this week in the hay market area. there are two cases of attempted break-ins. in most cases the brglar goes through an unlocked door or window. they are looking at a possible link at a suspect who hit dozens of home over fairfax county. th discovery channel stand-off last month has led to a conflict with some of the do you mean's neighbors. days after the hostage ins don't september 1, discovery official
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closed the gates to its public garden on wayne avenue in downtown silver spring. according to the do you mean's agreement with montgomery countythe garden must be open to the public during the day. a company spokeswoman says discovery is in the process of conducting a security review and when it is complete, the company will worthrough the matter with the county. fiveeek ago, a gunman entered discovery headquarters and took three people hostage before he was shot and killed by police. a very smal church out in kansas. the member of whom have drawn a lot of attention to themselves pitch showing up at military funerals, protesting and holding up what are generally conceived to be vulgar, hateful and hurtful signs claiming dissatisfaction with what they consider to be the tolerance of gays in the military. they claim they have a first amendment right to do so. today the supreme court decided -- will decide whether that church has the right to spread its anti-gay message, even as a family lays its loved
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ones to rest. >> reporter: outside the supreme court, the scene looked much like lance corporal matthew snyder's funeral did. members of the westboro baptist church holding signs. pray for more dead ki. thank god for ieds. inside it was up to the nine justices to determine whether the protests of the 2006 funeral was free seech as attorney and church member margie argued. >> the rule of law is the mere fact that you take offenseat words or have your elings hurt over words is not enough to shut up the speech. >> reporter: or if those words are intentionally inflicking emotional distress and not protected speech. >> when you specifically identify the snyder family by name. not innuendo. by name. that is targeted harassment. >> all we wanted to do was bury matt with digzmit respect.
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>> reporter: the kansas state church has protested at hundred of military funerals. the message, that god is pun usualing soldiers for the country's tolerance of homosexuals. the court awarded the family millions. only to be reversed on first amendment grounds by a higher court. so for an hour, the justices asked tough questions to both sides. what make a public figure? should funerals be treated differently? and why should the first amendment protect exploitaon of a family's private grief? th issue that has drawn such high emotion now in the hands of the nation's highest court. inside the courtroom, there was no clear indication which of way any of the justices might rule. the court's decision is expected sometime early next year. at the supreme court, news4. in the course of their deliberations, the supreme court also will have to decide whether the funeral itself was a public or private event.
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in the past, protesters have been allowed at funerals for public figures. d.c. congresswoman eleanor norton wants to put a hole on all d.c. home foreclosures afte it was resprewell some lenders may have filed fraudulent documents. house spear nancy pelosi wants the justice department launch an investigation. three major lending coil have voluntarily stopped evictions in weigh the states after admitting mistakes in foreclosure filings. maryland congressman elijah cummings spoke about his concerns on n. >> i'm extremely concerned about fraud. i'm extremely concerned that these affidavits, there is some evidence that there have been forgeries. >> we want to make sure the process is fair to that person being foreclosed upon. we're not saying don't foreclose if you're doing it right. we're just saying it is a process and you need to go by the procs. >> reporter: the congressman says the pele who could be most hurt by the foreclosures are those looking to buy a home. about half of all sales involve
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foreclosed properties right now. you may have thought the race for mayor in the district was over. vin send gray easily defeated mayor fenty in the election but now a write-in campaign has pped up for the november general election. tom sherwood is here with details. >> he said he doesn't support this write-. in gray said he wants to window those voters. gray now is cruising to an expected victory november 2. a nagging website has popped up in recent weeks urgingoters toably the fenty. this after a racially divisive result that showed this. the write-in facebook page has thousands of friends. >> i knew it was a long shot and i think it is a long shot. we hit a point where the facebook page flag a few people to over 5,000. >> reporter: he started the long shot effort. >> i like him mainly because of the ucation. i think he's done a phenomenal
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job. it is a long shot. if the people want it to happen, it can definitely happen. >> reporter: he formally endorsed gray two days after the september primary. and the staff said he is doing nothing to encourage any write-in and still supports gray. to me the story more complicated, the write-in promoter has good thing to say good gray, too. >> not anti-gray. he is a good man and he's had a great career and done a lot. we just like fenty. >> and he said he would like the neat write-in guy. >> light of his positive feelings about our candidacy, i would tloik invital him to be part of tale. >> reporter: he has asked him to join him thursday night in ward three. an area gray lost by 80 go%. voters there are considering the write-in. >> was thinking about doing that. i was talking to my husband about doing that. i'm not sure if it would do any good but i feel like voting twice for somebodyho ihought was doing a good job would be
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worth it. >> i would consider voting for opponent to a write-in, yeah. i would be incollide to do that. >> reporter: we -- i would be inclined to do that. >> reporter: no word on whether he will. back to you. coming up tonight, crews trying desperately to prevent an environmental disaster after a to knowic sludge spill. a cheating scandal at the police academy. the afgha government could be secretly working on a peace deal with the taliban. > cool temperatures overnight and then so fantastic weather. that's all coming up in a little bit. to the other guy wearing pink today. dan? >> hey, doug. gilbert arenas making noise.
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and clinton portis is side lined and it won't be for just a game.
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my dad is the supervisor of a train station and my mom's a teacher. my dad's an auto technician. my mom's a receptionist. i'm not sure i would have been able to afford college without e tuition freeze. while tuition in other states is rising out of reach... governor o'malley made the tough choice to freeze tuition. he made my dream of going to college into a reality. i'm the first in my family to go to clege. my brother and i never would have been able to afford college. even though times were tough... governor o'malley kept his promise. there's never a doubt... there's never a doubt whose side he's on. martin o'malley... moving maryland forward.
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oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calling for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the garden picking herbs. she is so cute. okay i'll hold. she's holding. wha? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. so, you can eat them right here... or eat green giant beans at home... ...frozen within 8 hours to lock in nutrients. up to you. [ green giant ] ho ho ho ♪ green giant. it is a rammer tt has been circulating for a while that president obama is thinking about making hillary clinton his running te for his re-election bid in 2012 replacing vice
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president biden. clinton dismissed the rumor and said he is doing a wonderful job. >> we ve areat relationship. i have absolutely no interest and no reason for doing anything othethan dismissing these stories and moving. on there is no -- we have no time. there is so much to do. i think both have us are very happy doing what we're doing. >> some believe an obama/clinton ticket would improve the president's chances of winning a second term. the white house says any reports of a vice presidential sp are absolute fiction. there are two more attacks on convoys today. the taban has claim responsibility for most of the attacks. the spokesman says the attacks are revenge for the he escalati of drone strikes. they have also taken issue with the drone capaign. last tweak government cut off the main group nato groups use
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to bring supplies into ghanistan. there have been seven attacks sincthen. tomorrow begins the 10th year of the war in afghanistan. 1,200 american servicemen -- sense members have been kill in that war. today there's word that secret talks to end the war are underway once again. >> reporter: if afghan government in twauks the taliban. the white house said it spors reconciliation, meaning a compromise to end the afghan war that cost more than $1,200 u.s. lives. >> at the term of a a deal seemed reasonable and did not lead to a taliban takeover of the country, i think most americans would welcome it to prevent the next round of fatalities. >> reporter: the army staff sergeant robert miller lost his life to the taliban in 2008. today he was awarded the medal of honor. esident obama described how miller counter attacked,
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protecting his fellow green berets. >> he had been hit. but still he kept calling out enemy positions. still he kept firing. still he kept throwg his grenades. then the heard it. his weapon fell silent. >> reporter: president obama wants the start of a u.s. pullout next summer. buthe taliban is on the rise in afghanistan and next door in pakistan, u.s. convoys there under increasing attack. if a deal does get cut between taliban leader mohamed omar and afghan president hamid karzai, is that a defeat for the u.s.? one opini? >> no, no. cutting a dealllows to us refocus on what is important to us. al qaeda and stabilizing pakistan. >> reporter: after fighting the taliban for nine long years, the 10th year starts tomorrow. america's longest war. but u.s. officials insist the fight will go on unless the
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taliban breaks with al qaeda. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, washington. coming up, abandoned animals find a new home after suffering through a toxic sludge flood. we'll show what you a publication calls the absolute worst credit card. and doug
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crews are working the stop a flow of toxic sludge. it comes from a plan in western hungary and has three counties under a state of emergency. the floods even entered into the country's waterways and it could potentially affect all of europe if officis can't stop it quickly. nbc's michelle kosinski reports. >> reporter: parts of western hungary are under a state of emergency because of flooding. we're not just talking about water. we know how damaging that can be on its own. but this is a toxic caustic red sludge that flooded at least six villages. broke free from a dam and it is containing a reservoir. apparently it causes burns on contact. it has already killed four including two young children. we know that mud was as deep as nine feet in some areas. >> this is a serious environmental problem. and we're concerned, not just for the environments in hungary
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but this could cross the border. and that's why we have european environmental legislation in place. pollution is something that tends not to stay within international borders. it has gotten into one river. the danger is that it will get into the water system and cause an even greater disaster. nbc news, london. > in the mean time, rescuers in hungary are trying to save anim that were abandoned after people who lived in those towns did everything they could to get away from that toxic sludge. ducks, cats, dogs, chiz. some of the pets were quite frightened and not easy to capture. eventually rescuers were automobile to corral them in the town official are worried about all animal left behind because that sludge is poisonous and it can burn the skin because of its lead and metal content. >> what an awful mess.
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terrible to see. we had a little sunshine out there to brighten our day. >> and we' get a whole lot more. that's the good news. we're really going to get the fantastic weather after a lot of cool temperature tow past couple days. you've been waking up in the morning and stepping outside and saying, whew! a little on the chilly side. a cool night tonight. a mick tougher sun and clouds out there. that sun is beginning to make its way down behind those clouds and even a couple light sprinkles across the area. you can see mostly cloudy but smls blue skies. we'll see a lot more of those coming up. the temperature, we're sitting at 63 degrees. that was the high temperature. very similar to what we see. also 63. this it was coolest four-day period we have seen since the mile of april. we won't be associated with this cool-down. dew point at 43. winds out of the west at ten miles an hour.
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55 in hagerstown. a little on the cool side there. the warm spot, culpeper at 63 degrees. salisbury at 56 degrees. now, live doppler radar, a couple of light sprinkles across the region. don't be surpris if you need to use t windshield wipers once or twice. most of us will remain on the dry side. it is because of the area of low pressure. remember last week we had that plume of low pressure from the tropics. it's been offshore. this has brought it back into portions of nw england, giving more heavy rain. for us, this will continue to move out of here with the light chance of showers. somewhere elsewhere they're dealing with some big te weather. toward arizona. around the flagstaff area. moisture out of the pacific into that area and back toward the sierra. big time snows but around flagstaff. take a look at this.
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tornadoes, the stauft arizona gets about four tornadoes per year. they've alrey had thr of them today. that was the big hail storm. this is one of those toshz. it happened around the town of belmont in arizona. ree people were evacuated from their home after 15 homes were destroyed in that region. about 30 rvs were damage d business that does sell rvs. and one train, 28 of its cars were moved off the tra. watch what happens when you move to the west. 77 in chicago. 78 in omaha. that warm air will make its way toward the region overnight and into the day tomorrow. high pressure moves in. not just any high pressure. this is a big area of high pressure that will dominate most of the country. at least east rockies giving us
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plenty of sunshine and some really nice weath right into the holiday weekend. probably to start off next week as well. this evening, mostly cloudy on the cool side. a sprinkle possible. strike 60degrees. tomorrow morning when you're waking up, another cool morning. you will need the sgrakt the kids will need it. warming up nicely once the sun comes up. breezy and warmer, 74 degrees. beautiful there. how about this? nothing but sunshine. friday, saturday, suny. all looking good. upper 70s toer in a 80 on saturday and sunday. let's continue it into next week. monday into the 70s as well. the only chance of rain and it is not that big of a chance will come on tuesday as the frontal boundary begins to move through. >> thing are looking up around hear. >> they really are. if you're thinking about making any plans for okay, this may be the best weekend of the month.
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coming up, local police cadets accused of cheating. an american was ambushed and couple by mexican pirates. now victim's famy is ambushing policeo get some answers. and a man from washington state says he is feeling better than he looks. after an encounter with a bear. and a major construction project that has tied up drivers ma finally be coming to an end. coming up in sports, the question is corks this be the end of the clinton importantis era? >> the last day on the job. ? gull bert a arraign
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i was driving in northern california. my son was asleep.
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accusations of a cheating scandal rocked the prince george's county police department. the department is investigating allegations that cadets at the training academy were given answers by instctors. answers that helped them get perfect scores on tests. >> now official are trying to figure out what impact if any this mightave on cases they're working on. chris gordon reports.
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>> reporter: last year this class of police cadets helped search the crime scene in one of two similar mother and daughter murders that appeared in prince george's county. now their future as poce officers is uncertain. this is the county police training academy. the focus of an internal investigation of alleged eating that could involve discipline, suspension or even removal of 32 prince george's county police officers and two members of the marylandational capitol park police. it casts doubt on their honesty and credibility. prince george's county attorney whose office prosecutecrime has formed a team to determine how many of his cases involve police in the alleged cheating scandal. >> we want to make sure that any information that the defense had a rate to know before the case was resolved was turned over to them. they might want to use this for impeachment of the office he's may have testified. that's extra for cases moving
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forward as well. >> reporter: the "washington post" quotes an internal memo from the training commander notifying them that there was a complaint that instructors had been providing cadets with test answers. in 11 exams gen in the final weeks before certification in 2009, all of the students scored 100% on one ex, a student who was not even present scored 100%. e fraternal order of police is th union repgt police officers and instructors at the academy. >> i would hope that these individuals, that there was not anything wrong on their parts. until there is anything proven. >> reporter: after they conclude their investigation into this alleged cheating scandal, it will be up to a state agency to determine whether the entire class is ordered back to the training academy to be retested. could it ill pose penalties and even remove their certification to carry a badge or a gun. at the prince george's county
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police adquarters, news4. >> they called a news conferenc for 5:00 today but then canceled it. the department sent an e-mail promising a written statement later this evening. today family and friends gathered a king emanuel baptist church to say be good to 21-year-old jamal coates. police weralso out in force to prevent any acts of retaliation. he was gunned down last weak after attending a funeral on u street northwest. police say two rivalgangs got into a dispute when that service let out. a suspect in custody. today's funeral service ended peacefully. there are some tragicew developments in the hit and run in silver spring. the 22-year-old victim died yesterday morning from injuries sustained during thacrash.
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>> reporter: ten days after beg struck by an unknown motorist, she died from her injuries. the silver spring woman was the victim of a hit and run. as she walked along the 8700 block of carroll avenue by new hampshire elementary school. >> the witnesses say that the 22-year-old woman was walk in the street and was struck by a car. the witnesses said she flew through the air and ended up under a parked car. >> reporter: police say she never regained consciousness after the september 25 accident. they are looking for a dark colored vehicle that is believed to be one of the following. a 1994 to 1998 gmc jimmy. a chevy f-10 pickup truck. a chevy blazer or an olds mobile bravado. >> it should be suffering from some minor damage to the front right part of the vehicle.
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possibly in the hood and the windshield. >> reporter: police say they have a few leads in the deadly hit and run but they are hoping that the driver will come forward. >> they may not be at fault. we're trying to determine what happened and we sure would like to talk to them. >> reporter: a friend of the victim says the family is devastated. jane watrel, news4. >> again, anyone with informing is asked to call police. those who wish to remain anonymous can call montgomery county crime solvers. the national park servic says the road work near the lincoln memorial will be finished by the end of october or early november. crews have bn working ohio drive since last april thafrl replacing structures, curves and sidewalks along that road that run along the potomac river. the completi date is good news. especially for commuters who have been inconvenienced trying to get to the memorial bridge,
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the southwest freeway, and independence avenue. the consumer reports journal just announced the absolute worst credit card, and that dishonor goes to t first premier bank. that bank signed a nearly $5 million settlement with the new york attorney general's office three years ago because of deceptive marketing practices. processing charges fluctuated between $25 and $95. consumer reports says how much one paid depended on when they visited the nk's website. it was also a $75 annual fee. and other first year takes that that came close to $200 for a card that only a $300 initial credit limit. also paying a bill online would cost the customer another $11. coming up, a good samaritan
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single handedly stopped a kidnapping suspect from escaping with an 8-year-old girl. d [ music throughout ] [ male announcer ] oking for a complete picture of your money? meet pnc virtual wallet. it comes with a calendar that shows you all your finances at once. it lets you know when your money's going out. and when it's coming in. it even tells you when you're running low. we call that danger days. it's built to help you see your money in a whole new light. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc. for the achiever in us all. ♪
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there are new developments
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concerning a murder on a texas-mexico border. today there was a play for help in recovering the body of a victim. leeanne gregg has the story. >> reporter: shot to death on a lake that runs between u.s.-mexico an border. that's what she said happened to her husband david while they were jet skiing last week on the way to take photos on an old partially submerged church by attackers, mexican pirate. >> are you sure your husband got shot? >> yes. >> rorter: afterwards, authorities questioned her story. >> i don't have the photos that we were taking. i don't have anything except for my word. >> reporter: but a sheriff overseeinghe case on the u.s. side said aitness corroborates her account of what happened. >> based on what we have, there is nothing that would have me doubt her story this time. >> reporter: in fact, he said 's been warning people for months about that area becoming a haven for pirates. some preteens who barely know
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how to use a weapon. >> the one thing that i dreaded the most came true. >> reporter: what happened is described by tiffany as a horrifying ordeal. her husband dying as she was forced to flee for her lie. ? now more than a week later, continued pleas for help from mexican official to find david's body and return it to his family. in tex, family and friends mourn their loss. >> he was an amazing guy with so much to offer this world. i guess god needed him more than we do. >> reporter: honorina man had a loved harleys and living life to the fullest while investigators search for answers. nbc news. >> the sheriff said there have been other reports of pirate attacks in that area within the past 5 months. but this one is the first reported death. a washington state man said he is feeling much better than look after surviving a horrendous fight. john was attacked by a bear last month.
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he said he had justaken his dogs for a walk when he heard the bear lumpinging at hi his wife heard screams. >> there were time she wasust clawing over the top. there were time she was just biting. i just vividly remember being bitten on the head. >> the lights came on. i thought it was a dog. i said that before. my first reaction, a large black dog. >> reporter: theear that attacked him was put to sleep. while he is doing berk still has to undergo several surgeries before he'll be released from the hospital. wow! >> that's awful. >> that's pretty bad. i hope you have better news than that. >> do i. some of the best news i've probably had in about a week and that is very good news. a lot of people were happy to see the cooldown but just as many people will be happy to hear about the warm-up. 60 degrees. winds out of the west at ten miles an hour. right now, notice the rain out toward west virginia into western portions of maryland.
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that will continue to try to push through portions of the western portions of our area. so watch out for a stray shower. i'm not expting too much from this as the upper level low continues to move out. there is the upper level low to the north and west. it continue to make its way out to the north and east. and with that,e're going to actually see clearing conditions late tonight. by tomorrow morning, i think we'll see some sunshine out there. and overnight, 50 degrees in the district. 50 in annapolis. 46 in warrenton. and down toward saint mary's, 45 degrees toward frederick. tomorrow afternoon, look at these number. how about 73 in frederick. 74 in warrenton. a beautiful day on your thursday. even better weather. my forecast once again. the four-day and extended coming up. it is an absolute packs packed wednesday in sports. a ton of stuff going on. we did learn the extent clinton importantis's injuries. ryan looks ahead to his first start with the redskins and the baseball postseason is underway
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with a bit of a sprays.
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this is tough. he did work out harder than he d in years trying to get in shape and lose weight. clinton portis will be out four to six weeks with a groin injury. he had already ruled himself out of sunday's game against the packers. an mri showed the injury to be much worse than expected. the head coach mike shanahan said he has a third degree
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separation of hi left groin. portis is coming off his best game of the season. 11 carries for 55 yards and turned a couple screen passes into the sboo good game. he got hurt in the third quarter and tried to play through it. it has been a disappointing season. he's been splitting carries. for the first time in his career, he is not the primary ball carrier for the redskins. here's the head coach. >> a temporary setback. those things happen during the season. he is tough ad he'll t a lot of rehab here. it will be four weeks rather than six weeks. a third degree separation is off the bone. so that's quite sore right now. and he was tough enough to go back in and give us everything he had. he played extremely well during the game so that's disappointing. working so hard, playingo well that he has that setback. but he'll work hard and hopefully come back in the near future. >> reporr: any time you hear
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that the muscle just ripped off the bone, it doesn't sound good. >> it hurt just sitting here. >> they think it could be up to six weeks. that would be the eagle game and that's the second half of the ason. this is likely the end of the clinton portis era here. this is the last year of guaranteed money. he is schedule to make $8.5 million next year but none of that is guaranteed. if they do bring him back, it would be for a fraction of that. so now ryan terrain, the running back. he turned some heads a was placed on the practice squad to start th season. since coming off the practice sqd two weeks ago, he carried the ball 25 time. the first time, a career long 36 yards. his most impressive carry, look at this.
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boom! vintage there. let the era begin. >> i got a lot of emotions going into this game. lot of hardwork theget to this point in my life. a lot of waiting and patience. and now i have to take advantage of the opportunity and keep working hard. >> he's been continuing to progress as these game have continued on ever since he's been moved up. for all the guys. for ryan and clinton. those guys do a great job of picking up yards you want to try to present them with more opportunities. may job is to hand the ball off. they're so talented to pick up yards for us. >> casey said today during open locker room, he doesn't think the redskins' running game will miss a beat. not so much condemning portis as dorsing the young fellow. >> opening up a couple holes
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would help. >> they haven't had much of that. josh did not practice today. the biggest tradef the nfl season has randy mos going back to the team drafted him. the participate ross sent him in the seventh round foik minnesota for a third round pick. he has just worn out his welcome in new england. he now stays with brett favre. their first game together, monday night. against the jets. will baseball postseason has arrived. if i will business the 4-0 lead over -- phillies with the 4-0 lead. the rangers took the business against the rays. the rays havethe bases load. he struck out ten, walked none. the rangers up 2-0. nell cruz facing david price. a very goodpitcher for the
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rays. this is deep and gone. off the roof in center field. the rangers have a 3-0 lead. the rays would finally break through against lee in the bottom of the seventh. ben zobrist gets ahold of one. and that trends the rangersead to 5-1. to the bottom of the ninth. tampa bay putting runners on first and second with no outs. pedro feliz ends the game. the rangers beat the rays 5-1. down to nationals park. stan met the media for one last time. his last official day on the job after four and a half seasons with the organization. he said he will hold on to his minority ownership. and he said he believes they are more than willing to spend money to improve the team. he also went to bat one last time saying he does expect him
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to be in washington. >> yes, i think so. i hope so. and i said that internally and externally. i'm hopeful that happens. i think it will be the right ing. not just for us but it will be the right thing for adam. >> yeah. i think just about everybody wants to see adam dunn back. moving on to basketball. it is here. the nba season. the wizards won the first preseason game in dallas hudson guess the go-ahead. the rookie null one pick john wall went for 21 points and nine assists and gilbert arenas scored 12. the biggest news came after the game when gilbert was asked about his wroel the team. he said, quote, i'm out there to hit open shots. teach john the ins and the outs. vauly, go on and moved on.
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he batman. i'm robin. i'm moving aside. do not take the highlightsyet. i want to hear this reaction fromwo basketball fans. >> did he last a week with his -- >> i suspect that he is probably speaking truth. i'm not sure he'll make as good a season. >> in many ways it is fortunate that he has a chance to rehabilitate his contrary here. >> just my personal opinion, i think that's very much the wizards' intention. to let him rebuild his trade value. once he shows he can behave himself -- he's no dummy. we can take the high lie now. this is the first game against several.
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he was hampered by an ankle injury. he ties things up early on. he played 25 minutes and he had 12 points in the game. big nature for john wall. second quarter, wall gets one of his four steals on the nature. takes at this time otheray between a couple defenders. in for t layup. 21 points and nine assists. that's a sweet little back door action. last seconds to fourth quarter. the game tied 94-94. another young kid coming up big. that proved to be the game winner. they're loifgt including gilbert having a goodtime. that was the final there last nature. >> it was fun. >> we ought to do it more often. >> thank you. coming up, the man police say saved a little girl from being kidnapped s
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equals chili's $20 . share one of five appetizers,
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like our famous texas cheese fries. then choose two freshly prepared entrees from 14 chili's favoris, like our chicken criers with new sweet & smoky sauce, our new slow-smoked honey chipotle baby back ribs, or grilled all-white meat chicken fajitas served or a bed of sizzling peppers andnions. grab a friend and get one appetizer plus two entrees with chili's $20 dinner for two.
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a good smars an in california helped rescue an 8-year-old girl. 11 hours later, victor perez spotted a vehicle matching the amber alert description he had heard. then he saw a girl's head pop up in awin oex he took action. he cut off the suspect with his
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truck and forced him off the road. that's when the child jumped out. perez said fear was not a factor. >> for a split second during the chase when i confronted him. we exchanged some words. but i saw th little girl and that was it. fear was out the window. >> reporter: police arrested the suspect. neighbors say he had been driving around in their community for days. a new study done by the organization usa swimming. it found nearly 70 of black kids can't swim. tonight at 11:00, aaron gilchrist takes an in-depth look at that problem and the reason for it from fear aess issues. some african-americans point back to slavery at the beginning of the racial divide when i come to swimmg. >> african-americans have been divorced from swimming. that slave masters forbad them to swim just like they forbade
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them to read. >> we'll take a closer look. we'll talk to parents who are eager to get their kids in the water to learn something they never did. it won't get warm enough for the swimming pool, is it? >> it just might. many of the pools are closed. if you have a pool in your backyard, the temperatures could still be up. with highs near 80 on saturday and sunday, you might think about the pool one last time. 63 degrees was the high. cloudy and cool. no rain today. is was the olest four-day period we've seen since april. a couple of showers out there trying to make their way in toward the area. back toward westernoudoun county and clark county, virginia. we'll see those make their way to the east as the area of low pressure moveso the north and east. the four-day forecast, maybe pool weather, plenty of sunshine. 75 on friday, saturday and sunday. temperatures in the upper 70s. >> all right thanks. something real special over
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in egypt this week. the pyramids of giza as the background, spectators are treated to a performance of aida. the opera tell the story of an ethiopian princess. she served as slave and they both loved the same man. he must struggle with his love for aida and his loyalty to the pharh. the boy had problems. the performance was delivered by the cairo opera company and its stroork with the real pyramids the background. >> how extradinary. family's grief. a marine is killed in iraq, then protestors show up at his funeral saying his death was god's punishment. is there any way that


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