tv News 4 at 6 NBC October 7, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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we want to move maryland forward. don't we? >> reporter: president obama and governor o'malley chose bowie state university, a historically black college, because it in the heart of prince george's county and they want to motivate the heavily democratic african-american community to get out and vote. >> as long as i am president. long as martin o'malley is your governor, we will not allow politicians in washington or annapolis to sacrific your education for tax cuts we can't afford. that is the choice in this election. >> reporter: during th speeches, some of the crowd fainted fromxposure to the sun or dehydration. a couple were transported for treatment. but most came away from the obama-o'malley rally with a renewed energy. >> i believe that it will help get the votes of the people.
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it is about gettinsenior citizens like myself who will get out here and will make sure that we vote for o'malley and for any other democrat that has the opportunity to run. >> he will go back on the road and visit between now and ection day. president obama is flying to chicago to continue trying to fire up the democratic faitul for what he considers a crucial mid-term election. >> thank you. governor o'malley's challenger governor ehrlich was also campaigning today. he spoke in potomac at a luncheon hosted by montgomery county women for ehrlich. he said hisecision to run for governor again was not about a grudge match with martin o'malley but he said he didn't like the direct the state started to go in two yrs ago and he said the voters in our
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area will be crucial in november. >> no secret. the key to our winning is here. getting the number in the washington suburbs. we're going to win big around the state. >> ehrlich also said montgomery county voters can expect to see more of his campaign ads in the airways here. there have now been more attacks against nato convoys headed for afghanistan. last night, militants in pakistan set fire to 54 trucks voted with supplies for nato forces in afghanistan. the truckers have parked alongside a main road because they thought it was the safest option. they were a short distance from a major my base. however, the soldiers from the base did not intervene. theconvoys have become more vulnerable since pakisn closed a major border crossing last week. in order to protest u.s. and nato incursions. it was october 7th, 2001 about the u.s. first invaded
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afghanistan. nine years later, that war has evolved into a complex insurgency effort. osama bin laden is still at large and rumored to be planning new attack against the west. jim miklaszewski is the chief correspondent for nbc news and he joins with us analysis on where we stand and where we might be headed from here. let me ask you. wwii, korea, it is longer than any of them. if we ever achieve victory, what it will look like? >> it won't be as secretary gates and other military officials said time and again. there won't be a big signing ceremony a big peace agreement. its going to take a long, hard effort militarily and through civilian efforts there in afghanistan to try to establish the kind of governance, rule of law and gain the confidence of e afghan people and their own government to allow u.s. military and nato forces to
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eventually withdraw. but that's going to take years. and certainly, certainly, jill, not by the time that president obama, by the time president obama's dead lane in july20 they have to begin withdrawing troops from afghanistan. >> it seems to me that wars, i guess you might say, are best waged when ty have public support. is there any sign that public support, that we're picking up more in this conflict? is it ning? >> reporter: public support has waned, as you know, given the polls. in afghanistan there is a slight glimmer of hope that the u.s. military war effort in conjunction with the afghans is beginning to make some incremental progress. and they're gaining the confidence of some of the people in the outlying areas of afghanistan as long as the american and nato troops are there. but there ara couple issues here. most mility and pentagon officials would aee that this
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war should have been won long ago. but the u.s. took its eye o the ball when it launcd the r in iraq, of course. and there is one very disturbing statistic today. and that is that the taliban now controls, or at least occupies about 75% of afghanistan that is more territory than the taliban control before this war began nine years ago. and as far as how long u.s. military officials believe this effort will take, somewhere between another 10 to 15 years. not at the current levels but certain when i some kind of u.s. participation and support. >> not good news. jim miklaszewski at the pentagon. thank you. appreciate it. now to a developing story from our area. prince george's county police spoke out r the first time about a police cadet cheating scandal. and they came to the defense of their officers with resultfrom an audit. darcy jos with us more.
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>> reporter: police chief hilton is in fact shooting down allegations tt this cadet class from 2009 was in any way involved in cheating. he just wrap up a press conference a little while ago and provided copies of task that's he says shows they took examinations and were graded appropriaty. he said that there were some administrative issues he described as basically, laziness that led to some discrepancies and irregularities. the attorney said the investigations involving the officers were unreview. but the chief that that any statement questioning the validity of their arrest was incorrect and irresponsible. he said that one or two of e instructors have provided some answers to some of the questions and disciplinary action was taken against them. >> a additional review of the allegations made in the article
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indicates that section 115 did not engage in cheating. the audit has thus far revealed that all these officers, professionally and adequately took their appropriate test. >> accordingly i have asked prince george's county public safety director and police cef hilton to conduct top to bottom audit of section 115, training section, to determine the testing and training to show that all training and testing were completed in line with the standards of the maryland police training commission and the prince george's coun police department. will will will will will. >> reporter: now johnson is saying that top to bottom review will involve reviewing the academy itself to make sure everything there i being done appropriately. i'm told this you had a it will also involve interviewing those cadets about what happened at the experience. darcy spencer, news4. >> okay. thank you.
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the police at montgomery county have arrested a man they think is behind the wave of hate-based tire slashings in wheaton. police have charged 52-year-old steven armstrong. they say he vandalized the cars of 21 different people between march of 2006 and august of 2010. the viims were primarily hispanic. officers recovered evidence from armstrong's home after a witness reported him vandalizing his neighbor's car in late august. police are anticipating more victims will step forward. tonight a family is grieving the loss of their daughter who was killed by what they think is a drunk driver. it happened early this morning on connecticut avenue near dupont circle. it appears tt a witness was able to get a crucial piece of evidence that helped the investigators. pat collins has ourreport. >> she was almost like perfect. >> reporter: the victim, struck and killed by a hit-and-run
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driver and she was out celebrating her 24th birthday. this is the victim's dad. >> she was happy as can be. we have three children. she is a wonderful, wonrful girl. truly added to everybody' life. troob will be missed. especially by her mom and dad. >> reporter: for her to die this way. >> it's just horrible. unreal. >> reporter: police say this happenedround 1:30 this morning on the connecticut avenue ramp just south of dupont circle. she was getting out of the rear passenger seat of a car when she was hit by an suv. it fled but not before a bicyclist writes dow the tag and calls 911.
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that led to the police coming to the garage in friendship heights. there they located and seized this lexus suv. 30-year-old uriba davidson, woman linked that lexus charged with driving under the influence. they say she refused to take a eathalyzer test. she posted her resume on the go website. she describes herself as an expert in the albanian langge. a translator and public relations specialist. now bck to that suspect lexus suv. sources say police found evidence that someone used goof-off to try and clean the bumper of that truck. the district investigators spent the day gathering evidence for witnesses, gathering evidence from the crime sce as they try and document exactly what
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happened here. i'm pat collins, news4, washington. >> sources stay police are working to draft an arrest warrant in thiscase. police try arrest a student for a probation violation. at about 9:30, a d.c.olice officer nd two school security officer coronted the student inside the front entrance. the scuffle broke out and police stay student bit an officer on the arm. at one point, the entire group was pepper sprayed. no one was seriously hurt. the student is facing additional charges including assault on a police officer. coming up, a sex scandal at duke university which has gone viral. >> toxic sludge hasow reached the danube river. police caught up with a guy who hid in a grocery store until closing time and then won't a shopping spree. and we'll tell but a healt factor that could be linked to diabetes. our weather is much better
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than it has been the last couple of days and it will only get beer. in sports, redskins linebacker lorenzo alexander certainly making the most ofhis hits. the skin also welcomin back a very familiar face. and a phillies hurler pitches his way into the history books in his firs [ male announcer ] looking for a complete picture of your money?
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there is yet another scandal at duke university. it involves a recent graduate named karen owen. she created a power point presentation listing her sexual conquests from her sophomore year through her senior year. in addition to listing the name of duke athletes with whom she had sex, she also rates their performance and charts them on a bar graph. owen emailed her 42 page report to friends. they passed on it to other people. now it is going viral. she has expressed regret at her actions. it readvisenother scandal back in 2006 when a stripper accused three lacrosse players of raping her at a teen party. they were eventually exonerated and the charges were dropped. it has been a full week and
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there are no solid bansz what happened to a missing tourist along the texas-mexico board. his wife that he was murdered by pirates with a mexico cartel. now they are asking to step up the efforts along the border. as the mystery of the waters seem to grow even deep he, texas governor perry is stepping up his demand for answers giving mexican president felipe calderon 48 hours to find solid information about what happened to missing tourist david hartley. >> we have an arican citizen who was gunned down on international waters, and we ed to get his body back. >> reporter: his wife tiffany said he was gunned down by pirates as they were lurng from a sight-seeing trip. wednesday she made her first trip back there. >> to see the lake, to be able to lay the flowers down and
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honor him in a way say our good-byes. >> the mexican foreign relations committee said agents have step up their actions with the report of specialized personnel, boats and helicopters. but mexican police also continue to question tiffanyartley's story, suggesting she could be responsible for her husband's disappearance. allegations she has repeatedly denied. >> i loved him very much. i went back for him to help him and i did what i could. >> i have no proof. i have no cameras. i have nothing. i don't have the photos that we were taking. i don't have anything except for my work. >> therelentless drive to do something. she said she could not the day of the alleged attack. >> we just all want him back. so we can give him the proper goodbye. >> reporter: jay gray, nbc news,
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dallas. >> governor perry is pushing for the obama administration to add at least 1,000 more soldiers along the texas-mexico border. > official in hungary said red sludge from a toxic spill has reached the danube river. there is hope that the huge water volume in the river will dilute the impact of the potentially disastrous spill. on monarch reservoir hoing go waste from an aluminum plant sent torrents of sludge through the creeks into western hungary. they flow into the danube river. that river eventually ems into the black sea. at least four people drowned in the initial flood. hundreds of people were burned by a caustic substance in the sludge. and many animals were killed. mobile medical units, including a hospital have arved at the mine in chile where 33 workers have been trapped for the last nine weeks. relatives of the miners cheated
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d waved flags as the truck rolled in. they will be used to treat the workers once they are release cld could happen will sooner thanexpected, possibly as soon next week. a huge crane is there. it will be used to hoist them 2,100 feet into the surfaced the. two metro stations getting ready. women in d.c. may have a financial edge. and doug has the for i'm bob ehrlich. i'm not the kind of guy who likes to hang on the sidelines. today maryland's in trouble.
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dangerous debt, higheraxes,no. we need real leadership to turn this state around. fix the budget hon. grow sll businesses, really. excellent schools everywhere. protect the bay, finally. it's why i'm running -- to make the state we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work. because life takes wendy places. and life takes her family places. hi, mom. [ female announcer ] so knowing she can find in network doctors and phmacies whenever or wherever she needs them directly from her mobile phone is important to wendy. ♪ where to next, wendy? ♪ know more. get better. get a smarter health plan,
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here's a way to try out all the hotst new food trucks all at one time. the d.c. commission on the arts an humanities kicked off the first annual curbside kickoff at luh time today. there are about 20 vendors featured including red lobster truck, and others. there is also music andance performed to deep long lines entertained. tasters can also vote on their favorite food trck. it closes tonight at 9:00 but they'll be out there again tomorrow from 11:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night. see you there. >> do weay where? it looks like the old convention center site. >> stand by. we have our crack investigators unit working on it. >> it looks good. and beautiful weather for today and tomorrow. >> you can't beat it. and i want to know how much it is. is it one praise for al of the
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trucks? >> probably not. >> can't you smell it though? looking at the pictures? >> i'm glad it will be over tomorrow. tomorrow will be another fantastic day. you go through what we've been through over the past couple of days and you hope for a day like today. look at this. you know this area well. >> sure >> look at these guys. getting their biken today. a great day to get out and about. this woman right here after these bikers pass by. watch this. she is sitting down. trust me. there she is right there. she's having a ce time. >> relax and enjoy a picksture perfect day. it was a little on the breezy side but that's about it. temperature today with the warmest they have been so far this month. beautiful conditions. just look at that shot. just great out there. you can see the camera sheikh little bit. the winds are still up to 20 miles an hour. high today, 77 degrees. average highs around 71.
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well above average after all the below avage days we've had. today was the warmest temperature so far this month. and i think we'll get even warmer over the next couple days. 73 degrees with bund ynt sunshine. winds out of the northwest at about nine miles per hour. gusts upwards of 15, even 20 miles an hour. earlier day we had gusts to 30 miles an hour. so it is still a little cool. when you're in the sunshine, it was great. already down to 67 in hagerstown. 73 right now in culpper. and currently, 68 in frederick. 70 in baltimore. 71 toward the air force base. now, what are we seeing throughout the evening? here's the good news. temperature are going to cool off nicely. a lot of you like warm days and cool nights. myself include 67 by 9:00. 63 by 11:00. tomorrow morning, still a little on the cool side. you may need the jacket as you step out. by 9:00, you'll be able to take the jack off. the sun will warm it up very, very quickly, there's the area of low pressure. the storminess continued to move well out to the nor and east us.
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that means clear skiesor our region and all the way back toward the rocky mountains. look at this expansive clear weather here. just amazing. this area of high pressure is just dominatinthe eastern two-thirds of the country. it is going to be beautiful if you're thinking about traveling to the west. chicago, st. louis, dallas, atlanta. betiful weather as this area of high pressure will dominate. look at the highs. st. louis, 79. 98 in wichita. 87 in memphis, 81 in atlanta. it is all because of that area of high pressure. very cool to the north and east of us with that area of low pressure. 44, the highs today men of sunshine during the day -- plenty of sunshine. it will sit here and spin over the next couple of days right through the weekend into early next week as well. these clouds on saturday. that's a little cold front that will try to work its way through. we're still having a great weekend. clear skies cooling off rather quickly. special when i the sun go down.
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the winds out of the northwest at 10 to 20 miles an hour. overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. another cool start. so you may need jacket. maybe the sweater as you step out there. make sure the kids have it as you send them off to school. men of sunshine. 42 to 52 degrees. trust me, by recess tomorrow, they won't need jackets. the temperature will warm into the 70s. nice and warm. a fantastic friday. winds out of the west at 10 to 15 miles an hour. as we move on to the next four days, a haf 77 on saturday. 78 on sunday. 81 on monday. many of you have a three day weekend. this will be the weekend of the month, i think. especially when it is a three-day weekend. and as we move through the extend, temperature still in the 70s with just a chance of a shower tuesday and then again on thursday. >> what the heck. make it a four-day weekend. >> tell them doreen said it is okay. >> thank you. coming up, ralliers and
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if a picture is worth a thousand words, he may have got then them the jackpot. he didn't realize, someone was watching. >> police stay suspect walked right into the view of the surveillance camera. >> reporter: does look familiar to you? how about now? police hope this will help them catch the man who walked into a giant food store just before 10:00 sunday night, hid and then went on a shopping spree. >> there's evidence, more video footage of them closing the store for the night andveryone leaving. then you see a male subject wandering the hall ways with an embackpack. >> reporter: the man wanders past the beer and wine cases
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with the backpack. minutes later he went past the sandwich meat and then in every video grab, the bag got fuller. the money shot of the suspect at work came in the rear storage area. >> there is a point when he is in the back storage area. there is a camera focused directly on the door. he walks towardhe door and decides he doesn't want to leave that way. he come back toward the camera. as he passes past, there is an excellent face shot. >> reporter: the detective said an alarm did go off. the monitoring company never called police. three hours after the burglar came in, police said he simply took his bag of goodies and walk out the back door. >> they're not sure what items were taken. they're going to go through inventory and try t dermine what items were taken. >> reporter: in the meanti, he believes in the right person sees what the store camera picked up and chooses to do the right thing, this case could quicy be in the bag. >> anyone that knows this person should be able to identify them. >> reporter: aaron gilchrist, news4, alexandria. >> police stay burglar will
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likely face an arts any charge when caught. anybody who recognizes the man in the video is asked to call the axandria police. police have identified the woman who was murdered inside a northern virginia resurant. 37-year-old was stabbed to death insi th bar and grill in springfield while people were eating dinner. police say she had gotten into an argument with a man who got a knife and stabbed her. then he stabbed himself. they've larnlgd the person with murder. he was taken to the hospital. he is in stable condition. police s, the victim knew her attacker. hazmat team were called out to clean up dozens of small dead birds in southwest washington. the birds were discovered along overlook avenue near the massive blue plains water treatment plant. atirst there were fears possibly a chemical leak had caused the bird deaths. tom they are wad reports. >> reporter: okay. it wasn't exactly ascary scene from alfred hitcock's 1963
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classic, the birds. here along overlook avenue in far southwest washington last night, there were reports of hundreds of small dead birds just outside the massive blue plains water treatment facility. >> we contacted the department health. we brought in wildlife experts. we've seen samples. we had hazmat team. it doesn't appear those issues weren play. >> reporter: the fearas some chemical or contaminant had done in the birds. it turns out the flock of migrating birds were chang bug and got hit by cars. they're so small, drivers probably did not even notice. >> this time of yr they're heading do you think to migrate. >> reporter: the american bird conservancy group said a similar thing happened in virginia. there are lots of hazards for might go rating birds. >> human impacts such as
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communication towers, transmission lines, and of course, cars as well. >> and it was actually feeding on a lot of the small bugs in the area. om what we can tell, following the bugs in their trajectory was bringing them in the line. traffic flow. and they were being hit by cars. it wasn't a big burst of birds being killed at once. it was sort of over a 24-hour period. >> reporter: george hawkins runs the system. he said the birds are so small, they were hard to find. three have been taken to a lab just to double-chec that something else didn't do them in. so we don't have an alfred hitchcock situation here? the bird situation? >> no. it is the other way around. the birds are putting themselves in peril front of our vehicles. >> reporter: tom sherwood, news4, washington. d.c. public health officials say it wi take a few days in thlab for precautionary testing to determine if anything other than moving vehicles caused the death of those rds. the metro system is use this
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columbus day weekend to do the traffic work. they will be closed for the entire three-day weekend. there will be no bla or orange lines service at metro center. the red line, allow, will continue to serve metro center. thereill be free shuttle buses but the officials say there could be a long wait for those buses because of downtown traffic patterns. saturday on october 30th, there will be the steven colbert march and the jon stewart march to restore sanity. then marine corps marathon. they will share the same space but not the port-a-johns. they have contracted a total of 750 for their event. apparently organizers of the
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rallies have offered to share the costs and the cleaning, but the organizers of the marathon say no. >> colbert is a gheed icomedian. he suld be able to appreciate the humor of it. he has to be able to take it. >> the pa service is still considering their requests. coming up, the battle continues for equal pay for women. and there may be a new health clue that might
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equals chili's $20 dinner for two. share one of five appetizers, like o famous texas cheese fries. then choose two freshly prepared entes from 14 chili's favorites, like our chicken crisps with new sweet & smoky sauce, our new slow-smoked honey chipotle baby back ribs, or grilled all-white meat chicken fajitas served over a bed of sizzling peppers and onions. grab a friend and get one appetizer plus two entrees with chili's $20 dinne.
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take a look at this shot. looking very nice outside. we saw men of nshine today and really, not too many clouds in the sky at all. the only darcher on the day was the wind. gusting to 20 miles an hour. that won't be the case as we move through tomorrow. we're currently sitting at 73 degrees. 71, sterling. throws dip down pretty quickly as that sun go dn. 52n the disict. 46 in warrenton.
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around 43 in frederick county, maryland. it will be a little cool as you step out tomorrow morning. highs into the 70s. temperature between 73 and say, 76 degrees. we are looking at a fantastic friday. more great weather to come. before the show is over in about 19 minutes. >> we like looking at it. >> women executives are still struggling to close the pay gap with their male down counterpart women in the washington area are closer than other areas. that's according to the gao. they say women managers make 81 cents on the dollar to the men in those sam job. that's up 2 cents from a study done in the area 2000. in our area, one in six women earns $100,000 or more a year. the need i can't be pay for women here is $54,0 a area. the national median is $37,000.
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>> they're known as the scars of the education world. and a local teacher is on the latest winner. shawn patrick griffin was surprised with a milken award today. he teaches fifth grade english and social studies. he has become popular with students for his use of music and online tools. griffin is also credited with helping his students achieve 95% proficiency on reading tests for the la five years. the award come with a $25,000 check. congratulations to him. >> way to go for him. >> he should give them 50 or more. >> i'm doing well. we got some redskins news to talk about. getting ready for the green bay packers. we're going to be talking a little hockey and several other thing as well. a history making nature in the city of brotherly love. you're not going to want to miss what happened last night. because of one word,
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more problems? >> the redskins have some problems. on the defense, it looks like the problems may have been fix with a little change in the lineup. so this is good. >> this is good. another huge challenge for the rekins' defense on sunday. the packers coming in ranked fist in the nfl, axging more than 26 points per game. washington's defense ranks 31st in the nfl in terms of yards allowed. it is skewed a bit because of
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that houston game. you probably remember matt schaub passed for almost 500 yards. the defense did look better against the eagles. one reason could be this guy. number 97 is lorenzo alexander. he got his secreta start ainst the eagles and he was all over the steal. he has been there for several years now and you may remember this hit in the game. he just replaced andre carter. that was sweet. the one play alexander remembers most from the game is the bone raling h on special teams. >> i've never heard of them going, that's all i heard. it really gets you in the flow of the game. >> i saw it going well. he's in trouble. then when the hit occurred, i
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knew it was awin. he is one of those guys. he is a great special team player. so i knew it was him right away. if guy that got hit, that was kind of ugly. >> man, that was a nasty hit. the most amazing thing about this guy, i don't know if you remember a couple years ago. he was anffensive lineman and a defensive lineman. he ran down the field at full speed. he maybe the mt versatile guy on the whole team. >> appently so and fit. >> it's amazing. he doesn't look like the proto typical outside linebacke as he little different body type than brine orakpo. >> definitely different. a couple of roster notes themselves sied running back clinto porter to replace james who was signed to the colts' active roster. they also placed him on the injured reserve. bidwell was battling an old hip
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injury. his replace sm a very familiar face. hunter smith punted in 15 game. the play he is remembered most for may have come against the giants. he was holding on a appeal the goal attempt when theedskins call the old swinging gate play. not once but two time in a row. and you probably remember this. i mean, he wasjust a sigt duck. the poor guy hits absolutely smashed by the giants there. oi ironically they're a team they worked out for. thquarterback did have some good plays. he is glad to be back in the league. >> when you get the call, you're excite at this stage of my career, i want to get back on the team and help somebody win and move toward making the playoffs. >> we've worked them out.
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we had three punters in. they did a good job. i think the feelings toward him, that was a big plus for him. >> mike shanahan, the new punner hunter smith. williams missed the last two games on toe injuries had practice both days this week. he was limited but he is improving. moving. on baseball playoffs. the rays and the rangers. and tampa bay has picked a bad tame for the bats to go dead. they shut out today. the rangers on the verge of winning a playoff series for the first time in franchise history. game two. the alds. the fans were smiling early but they were not smiling late. pitcher jamie shields has struggled for the rays this season. runs into trouble in the bottom of the ird. tries to pick off move at first. ain't going to work. he misfares. it come in from third to score. it is a 1-0 lead for the rangers. bottom five now.
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chad qualls. michael young takes in deep. this is the straw that broke the camel's back. a 3-1 shot. they fall to the rangers 6-0. and in philadelphia, it was a game to remember. this one all aut this man. roy doc halladay. at the place, he was a one man wrecking crew. he sends it intoeft field. carlos ruiz comes in to score. roy halladay just getting it done all over the place last night. top seve halladay gets scott rolen swinging to tend inning. eight strikeouts in the game for halladay. his first postseason game in 12 seasons. weas the blue jays forever. this is s first one though. one strike away from the no hitter. halladay. delivers t phillips. carlos ruiz ov to first for the final out.
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the second postseason no hitter of all time. the first, of course, laon's perfect game in 1956. the place is going crazy. you just know by next month, there will be other 10,000 or 20,000 people who will say oh, yeah, i was at that game, too. i remember that. >> that's the way it works. >> i was at the larson game. >> yeah. of course you were. another 200,000 people are saying that. it is time to talk hockey. capitals season starts tomorrow. it will be a very, very fun thinto watch. at least we're hoping so the goalie will get the caps' start at goalie as they try match their record setting regular season last year. the only differee is that they want to and expect to go much farther in the playoffs after their disappointing first round. this group has learned a lot. they've adopted a let nothing slide attitude. and bruce hopes this team
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approach will mean success. >> we have good plays out there. it is one rather than five players playing as five different players. that's the whole ncept. getting everybody undetandin what we're trying to do. everybody being on the same page. sometime it's difficult. has nothing to do with anything other than players saying,, oh i have a sport. and you think sometimes that you have to do it indivially. and you don't. if you stay with the could be september, you'll be fine. >> all right. they are starting the season ainst atlanta on friday. going to be great weather this weekend if you're looking for something to do. look no if you are than tpc. the recently hosting the first tournament since its face sxlift it is a good one. name lake tom watson, mark o'meara and to kite going to be there. and better, fairer, tougher and
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everybody likes it. including the players. that is the important thing out there. morning with his tee shot from 194 yards out. this is what i like to call tasty cake. about 194 yards away. now six inches. sets up his third straight birdie. one shot back. fred funke, the former golf coach. byrd is the word. he is two over after the first round. the leader, this man. tom from just off the fringe on 16. he rolls this in for par and he has a one-stroke lead after the first round of the senior players championship out there. admission is free for everybody. just go check it out. >> a nice day to be outside on the golf course. coming up, doctors are
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i'm bob ehrlh. i'm not the kind of guy who likes to hang on the sidelines. today maryland's in trouble. we're worse off than we were four years ago. ngerous debt, higher taxes, not enough jobs. we need real learship to turn this state around. fix the budget honestly. grow small businesses, really. excellent schools everywhere. protect the bay, finally.
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and pushed for treatment programs to stop the spread of hiv and ds. he said he plans on enjoying more time with his family and he says he will spend more time watching cricket. americans have nearly twice the rate of diabetes compared to the british and scientists think our waist size may be t blame. researchers analyzed the major risk factor including smoking, age and body mass index. american men's waistline were an average of one inch larger than british men while american women's waists were nearly two inches larger. scientists included belly fat plays an even larger role than just being overweight in the development of diabetes. if you haven't had your flu ot, officials say should you get one and soon. it is better to be protected early before the virus really starts to spread. as kristen dahlgren reports, the vaccine is being recommended for even more people.
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>> reporter: from a drive-through clinic in west virginia to a strip club offering shots in florida. >> this will be my first time ever to go in this club. and it a free f shot. >> reporter: it is the time of area americans start to bare their arm for the seasonal flu shot. while the locations aren't always conventiol, doctors say it is as imperative as er to get the vac. >> influenza can strike a perfectly healthy person. chd or adult. and have them in an intensive care unit in 24 hours. >> reporter: last year more than 200,000 people were hospitalized. and thousands of them died. this year, for the first time, the centers for disease control is recommending the vaccine for everyone over 6 months of age. supplies are ample and the dose now includes the h1n1 or swine flu vaccine. so you only need one. exceptor children under 9 who may need a booster shot. >> if your child has never had any kind of flu shot, they need
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two flu shots. >> reporter: aew survey shows doctors are heeding their own advice. 92% of doctors say they were inoculated last year. and even more plan to get the dose this time around. as for the old myth that the flu shot can make you sick? >> let's lay it out. no, you cannot get flu from the flu vaccine. it is impossible. >> but doctors say without it you could get very sick. but now is the time to get it before it is too late. doctors say it is not too early either. if you get your vaccine now, they say it will last well through the flu season. nbc news, washington. >> i got mine. you guys better get with it. >> they had them here? >> they had them free for employees. you ought to check your e-mail. [ laughter ] >> you didn't get the memo? >> i didn't get the memo. >>ou missed the sign. >> signs all over the building. i have to go pay for it.
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i'll show you what's happening out there. weatherwise, it will be fantastic for all of you who have gotten the flu shot and for those of hue are procrastinators. the warmest day so far this month. it was really nice. the winds a little gusty. upwards of 30 miles an hour. 77 for a high saturday. 78 during the day on sunday. >> looks good. smat point james dupont finished delivering mail along a country road in arkansas when he saw a car and a truck collide. both vehicleburst into flames but he didn't hesitate to heaven. he ran over, peeled back the doors ofoth vehicles and pulled three people out and probab saved their lives. he was seriously injured in the process. dupont and several other letter rriers were awarded today. it was during a luncheon in downtown d.c.
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