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tv   News 4 This Week  NBC  October 24, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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thanks to a future hall of famer who was playing through pain. january 10, 1988. one legend retires and another returns. a frosty playoff game in chicago was preceded by a cold w of words. >> before their game with the redskins, the owner of the chicago restaurant plans to cook dinner for the bears and says he will serve them alligator at, he puts it it does for the bears what spinach does for popeye. it is 34 after 7. >> talking about the i.q. of a grapefruit and jim mcmahon talking about he can't wait to play the 49ers again. coach hughes talking about the fensive line, it is old. you know, i'm 26 years old. i have been in the league five years. i'm old? you know, that kind of stuff stuck in the back of our minds.
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>> bears struck first. on their second possessi, calvin thomas upped theut from two yards out and the early lead. minutes later, jim mcmahon finds a diving ron more fris ris from yards out. skins came back just as quick. george rogers into the pot, cutting the lead to seven. just before halftime, doug williams and company drives 9 yards in less than a mite. capped off by an 18-yard strike. it is a whole new ball game. tied a 14. then came the legendary lead. late third quarter, bears barnhart punting to darryl green. he brings it in on his own 48. he cuts right. then just before the 35 yard line, leaps up and over chicago.
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darryl green keeps on trucking. holding his left side as he cruises in from what would be the game-winning touchdown. skins lead 21-14. >> you know, went right into the end zone. ey had the return. >> when you get in a these games like this, each individual has to have the latitude. punt return. playing cornerback, you have to come up with something. unfortunately today i was able to come up with something. >> final sonds and bears are looking for anything. down by three. fourth and eight on their own 36. mcmahon dumps it off to walter payton. retiring run back comes up just two yards short on the final play of his career. redskins win, 21-17. chicago les a great football
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player. >> we will miss him a lot. >> times when you wanted to sxwit sometimes when you want to qu, i think overall it has been a lot of fun. when you take away the fun, it is time to leave. that's why it is so hard for me to leave now because the fun is still there. >> the redskins would beat the vikings at rfk stadium in the nfc championship game. then the broncos two weeks later capture super bowl xxii. when the redskins drafted darygreen, he was a little known defensive back out of texas and wound up in the hall of fame. redskins have another player who from a small texas schooand has been a pleasant surprise. >> anthony armstrong, west texas a&m and ayed in the little known intense football league which is indoor football. but now he is a starter in the
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nfl because he is always ready too at game time. >> i like to get to the stadium early. i try to be there a good while early just so i can start my warmup. take me a little while to get the engine runnin i have a long process i go through in stretching and different exercises i do. earlier i get there the betr it is for me. i go out and run aap and go through a series of workouts. work up a good lather. get the feeling good by the time i'm done with that, donovan is getting there and start running routes.
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once i run my routes i'm de. go back in with 30 minutes to go. pregame song, kanye west "monster." i listen to that. that gets me hyped up before the game. get dressed and it is game time. pregame drills, trying to get everybody in unison one more time. getting everybody there together at once. you go there and do simple drills, loosened up. timing and spacing with the quarterback and rest of the offense. everything is slowly but surely building together and gel together to have it full speed and ready to go.
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if i'm starti, my first time, i have to think of something good to do when i come out tunnel. can't come out there too bore,too lame. think of something fun. >> number 13. last few minutes bore the game starts, that's when we break our huddle at the 50 yard line. run down to the end zone and say a quicprayer. thank the lord for everything. by them i'm focused. pacing up and down like a lion. i'm ready to go. i'm ready for kickoff. i'm anthony armstrong. that's how i get ready for game time.
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>> we have more to do here on "redskins game plan." don't go anywhere. come rightack.
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bears and redskins in an
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hour from now at soldier field. make sure you joins on news4 at 6:00. i will have to complete locker room report. i will do my best to make sure it is a good one. >> mike shanahan back tois home turf. >> yeah. >> then we will be back following the packers and vikings game tonight. enjothe game, everybody. [ ehrlich ] four years ago unemployment in maryland was under four percen today, it's nearly double. and nearly a quarter of a million marylanders are looking for work. in addition, we face a national health care plan that will hurt small business and cost us jobs. so we have to ask, are you better off today than you were four years ago? we're heading in therong direction. we need strong leadership. say no to things we can't afford. fix our health care plan. and refuse to raise taxes. martin o'malley can't do it. i will.
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must take two dispatched calls a day on top of folks who hail taxis. drivers now face fines rather than suspension from work if a complaint is filed against them. some georgetown residents thought they hadon the battle last winter when the district shut down a noisy pizza parlor on their quietstreet. now fast foodlace is reopening and neighbors are not happy. tom sherwood has their story. >> reporter: last winter, mayor fenty's administration delighted sidents when it shut down a boyceterrous pizza parlor. it sold late into the night with piles of crash. >> it was a nightmare for us. we could not sleep. for months and months, we were woken up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the rning and it was a very difficult process to kind of close them down. >> reporter: now those same residents are horrified that the
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noisy ighbor is reopening under a new license and food service, along with the promise to operate responsibly, as late as 3:00 a.m. >> it will be under a new name but same ownership. and everybody is concerned that they will relive the nightmare that they put up with for a couple years. >> reporter: the neighbors say the reopening is a shock and a surprise to them. an architectural firm nearby says it fears a crowded aly that will hurt its business. >>parking in our drive way, parking in the alley, blocking the alley so we couldn't get in and out to do the normal business or even go home at the end of the day. >> reporter: d.c. attorney geral said he understands the frustrations but says legally, the city had to allow a business to be there. >> this restricts th hours, it restricts the kind of operation. if at any time they violate these conditions, we can shut them own. we don't have to go to court. >> reporter: but jack evans said he will try another way to shut it down.
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>> it seems that's the best we can do at themoment. what i'm looking at is longer term, to rezone that area of potomac street so that it is a residential and an commercial zone which would then prohibit any of these establishments from being there. >> tom sherwood, news4, washington. still ahead, we have weight loss challenge. two women are trying to see if more dieting or more exercise will give them better results. advice on keping you and your family safe from foodborne
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news 4 your health, germ in our food are blamed on nearly 5,000 deaths and 76 million illnesses each year. experts stay govnment is doing a better jofb regulating the food industry's health standards but there are things we can do at homeo help prevent serious foodborne illnesses. liz crenshaw has more. >> i got so sick that within a
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few hours, they said you've got to go straight to the emergency room. >> reporter: it was nearly five years ago when kathleen mccleary was sickened by a dangerous form of e. coli, a bacteria that lives in the intestines of animal that c affect meat and dairy products. >> it took several weeks to get my strength back. >> reporter: doctors told her the most likely culprit was bagged lettuce she had eaten the night before. ever since her illness, mccleary has completely change the way she shop and eats. >> i'm pretty vigilant about it because it is such a strong deterrent to never want to go through that again. >> reporter: she started with making change in her own home. thoroughly washin all produce, especially lettuces. keeping her cutting board labeled and even using hydrogen peroxide to clean the kitchen
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after cooking. making se any leftover bacteria is killed. mccleary buys all of her produce and meats at the local farmer's market each wek. that means spending more money. $80 to $100 just on those items alone. >> i guess it makes me feel better, if there is a problem, also, you can trace it more directly. >> we're probably dealing with a situation with, when you are producing food in mass quantities, you are more likely to have contaminated food issues. >> reporter: sarah scleen an attorney with theenter for science in the public interest. she sa while there has been a rise in dangerous path generals being found on foods, especially produce, the govnment is now doing a better job in getting the word out about these cases. >> it is really unfortunate that some of the foods healthiest for us may not in fact be the safest. >> reporter: klein said there are a few things consumers can do to avoid getting sick. purchase pasteurized eggs.
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they're more expensive but the process kills dangerous bacteria. use a thermometer when cooking meats and poultry to make sure they reach a safe temperature. like mccleary, use separate cutting boards for raw meats and produce to avoid cross contamination and don't rely term like organic, natural or sustainable. these products may offer some help in environmental benefits but thehave nothing to do with food safety. >> we've seen just as many outbreaks from organic products as from noncommercial organic products. the stakes are too high to not think that you need to take it seriously. >> reporter: liz crenshaw, news4. losing weight is tough. most people don't have the time and motivation to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. so which is better for shedding those excess plans? all diet or all exercise? doreen gentzler has the first part of a new series.
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weight loss allenge. diet versus exercise? >> reporter: 25-year-old samantha castleberry and 27-year-old lindsay mitchell both want to lose weight. but like so many americans, all of their attempts have failed. >> i've dealt with it my whole life. i've always been a bigger person. >> i love who i am. i would just rather less of me. >> reporter: they blix their failures on ditch pit falls. samantha said she spends most of her day working on her horse farm. she has little time to eat so she chooses fast food. >> i was trying to eat hethy bui guess i was going the wrong way about it. >> reporter: and exercise has never come easily for her after a riding know nearly ten years ago, she lost the motivation to work out. lindsay, on the other hand, is a natural athlete. she loves exercise. but she is not willing to ski out on happy hour and calorie ridden dinners with friends to maintain a healthier diet. >> it seems like food and drinks
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are always connected to thos social activities and that can make it challenging. >> reporter: so earlier this summer, these women made a pt. for the next four months, samantha will work with the nutritionist, alana sugar, who will create a diet healthy for her. work gets in the way of cooke healthy meals. >> she was consuming, i would say well over 2,000, maybe between 2,000 and 2,500 calories daily and possibly more at times. what changes with samanthaare the kinds of foods she'll be choosing when she is eating out which is often. >> reporter: sugar says she will be eating about 1,600 calories a day. avoidi white flour and saturated fat. linds lay focus on her strength. exercise. she is working with the trainer, ben, from balance gym who will amp up her workouts. >> if you don't have a look at your diet, it will be an extra challenge. she is going to be doing a lot
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of strength training with us. and a lot. higher intensity interval training. >> reporter: she'll do three 40-minutsessions with him each week and two days of cardio workouts on her own. now it is time for the dreaded first weigh-in. samantha, a 268 pounds. her waist measures 40.5 inch. her hip, 54.5. linth air, 7 pounds with her waist measuring 44.5 and her hips at 53 inches. >> breaking 200 wi be a reall big step for me. i haven't been uer 200 pounds since i was probably a sophomore in high school. >> not so much a weight as physically toned where i feel good. my clothes fit right. >> reporter: we're going to be dmek wi checking in with them next week.
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the world's richestan was in northern virginia dedicating a place named after his mother. it is in alexander re. a jane watrel with their story. >> reporter: bill gates tes in the grounds of the new center dedicated to his late mother. the mary m. gates learning center sits on the banks of the potomac. a $17 millio state-of-the-art facility that will train united way staffe from all over the worl >> both she and i came to this building as members ofhe united way board so she believed in that a lot. and getting the them to share their best practices, even got some worldwide activities. so this center will facilitate that and i sure she would be very happy about it. >> repter: the gates family has had a long relationship with united way. mary gates was the first woman to chair the united way board in
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the seattle area. daughter libby gates. >> until then the board habeen reserved for corporate leaders who could raise money for their businesses which meant it had been reserved for men. but my mom earned her way on thatoard because she was diligent and extremel smart. >> reporter: the learning center will feature high definition video conferencing and web cast tenology that will lk united way workers and volunteers from 45 countries. >> this will be a face to face exchange in terms of learning on social issues and it will be a virtl exchange. >> reporter: virtual learning has been a pafgs bill gates whose foundation just launch ad $20 million grant program to improve college graduation rates by online technology. >> education in the united states isn't working as well as it needs to. and having more effective teachers is the key thing there but particularly as kids get older, the online piece can play a major role.
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a child is behind, learning more, being able to have the community college lectures come on whenev you want. there are some real opportunities there. >> reporter: jane watrel, news4. and that's all for news4 this week. i'm wendy rieger. thank you for joining us and have a great weekend.
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