tv News 4 at 6 NBC November 12, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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destruction or alteration of records in a federal case. prosecutors indicated each of those charges carries a mac 20 years behind bars. if they are convicted of these offenses. both of the johnsons, jack johnson and leslie johnson, appeared together here in u.s. district court this afternoon for a hearing that lasted about one hour. they were both dress in the their regularclothes. they were not in any sort of prison garb. they were not handcuffed. they were calm and in regular demeanor. they were conferring with their attorneys and looking for some of the court documents in front of them on the table. a prosecutor indicated court that this was a lengthy investigation. that it includes numerous wiretaps, volumes of evidence, a lot of witnesses involved in this case. there were some restrictions placed on the johnsons in order to be released from custody. we do expect them to be released at some point this afternoon after they are processed. the prosecutor was very, ve
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stringent. their there was some nitpicking about whether that includes mortgage payments. the prosecutor was very adamant that the johnsons report any transactions they make in excess of $1,000. considering the evidence in this case, that there we a lot of cash trans actions that were made. some bribes that were made. intimidation of witnesses and tampering of evidence. prosecutor indicated that there is a serious risk for the johnsons to commit further crimes in this case go pertaining tthe cash transactions. we've mentioned there was a lot of money involved in this case and a prosecutor indicatedrs. johnson had $80,000 in cash on her person this morning. when she was taken into custody. so again, prosecutors indicatg that there are a lot of past dealings. various bribes, witness
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tampering, they did agree to allow the johnsons to be releesd. jack johnson will be on electronic monitoring. he will be allowed to report to duty as county exec you havthe here in prince george's county. he'll remain county executive as far as we know for the next month. he'll be allowed to leave this home for work, also for doctor's appointments and to confer with his attorney. other than tat he must remain in his mitchellville home. there will be some sort of electronic monitoring. and mrs. johnson was allow the leave on her persona recognizance. she will not be on any sort of home de10:00 but they were also told tosurrender their passports. they were both indicating they wanted to waive their 30-day preliminary hearing rights and they set up a preliminary hearing for december 13th in this case. that's when they're due back in court for basically for the prosecutor to outline the case. what charges they have against them. in order to continue to be prosecuted in this case.
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it is still possible that indictments could come do before tha would happen. some documents have been released, indicating there were a lot of transactions dealing with real estate developments and today there was a conversation dealing with destruction of evidence and hiding money and flushing money down the toilet. a lot of ieresting developments. we're expecting to hear from the u.s. attorney any minute now. when he come to the podium, we'll bring it to you live. >> okay. thank you, dorothy. a couple sack was at the center of the fbi raid this morning. neighbors were shocked to see agents showing up to jack johnson's house. tracee wilkins was on the scene and joins us live from mitchellville with more. >> reporter: when investigators showed up at the door, according to the affidavit, they made it very clear they were fbi agents. the fbi said the johnsons understood that and responded inside of the home but would be open the door. when they didn't open the door,
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agents went in. this was the scenehere in mitchellville less than an hour ago as federal agents walked out of the johnson home. carrying several boxes of evidence filled with papers and closeding. just after 12:30, the prince george's executive jack johnson and his wife leslie johnson were taken into federal custody at thei mitchellville home. in charge of the irs. at about 11:30 this morning, the fbi and irs agents arrested -- >> we're joining this news conference. >> detail in the an affidavit filed here in green belt this afternoon. they also executed search warrants. i want to make two points about investigations before i discuss the detailsf this case. number on most government employees are honest and law-abiding.
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it is easy to be cynical when you hear about corruption allegations. but i want people to be reassured that federal agents and prosecutors are pursuing leads as we find them. that we will speak out to any corruption charges here. i have a firm rule about corruption investigation. we don't do fishing expeditions. we follow leads that are credible allegations of wrongdoing. in those investigations, they're conduct by career federal prosecutors and agents who are continlly soup vied by supervise over agents and supervisory prosecutors. we just follow the evidence wherever it leads. the defendants are presumed innocent. they will remain not guilty unless and until they are proven guilty in court. the defendants were charge today, if i mentied in a criminal complaint file here in federal court. the complaint charges two
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federal crimes. the first is tampering with the witness and evidence. the second is destruction of records in a federal investigation. each of these crimes carries a mac sentence of 20 years in prison. the details of the allegations are spelled out in the fderal criminal complaint. the fbi has been conducting a long-term investigation of corruption allegations near prince george's coun. wi the support of the sxirs other agencies. these investigations involve allegations that real estate developers have beenregularly paying off government officials in return for official actions. in question, the real estate development investigation and another investigatn, the fbi agents have obtained the court order wiretaps that have been in place since september of 2009. the specific allegation in this complaint concerns a federal prm overseen by the u.s. department
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of housing and urban development. the program is knn as the home investment partnership. under that program, federal funds are granted the zpats localities for use in affordable housing. in prince george's county, these are overseen by the arm the of housing and urban development in the department that reports to the county executive. those grants must be approved by the county council before they are officially issued. the complaint ledges that a real estate developer gave jack johnson currency and checks, including a check or the $100,000. in return for home funds and also official assistance. on november 5th of 2010, according to the complaint, the fbi agents monitored a meeting in which the developer gave jack johnson $5,000 in current i? return for official action. today the complaint alleges that fbi agents monitored a meeting which they gave jack johnson
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$15,000 in currency. after the meeting this morning, they interviewed jack johnson about the alleged bribe payments. according to the complaint, jack johnson was permitted to leave that interview. and then made a series of telephone calls to his wife leslie johnson. those calls were monitored by fbi agents pursuant to a court order wiretap. when fbi agents ocked on the door of the johnsons' home, according to the affidavit, jack johnson and leslie johnson had a discussion about how to troy evidence and how to conceal currency in the house. according to the affidavit, jack johnson and leslie johnson were caught destroying a check. specifically mr. johnson told leslie johnson to flush the check dowthe toilet. the agents then entered the johnson's home and conducted a search of leslie johnson.
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according to the allegation in the affidavit, the agents discovered $79,600 concealed on mrs. johnson. the affidavit revealed that today's law enforcement investigation is the tip of an iceberg. what i mean by that is that it is pardon of a broader ongoing corruption investigation by the fbi and the irs here in prince george's county. that investigation is active and ongoing. the coming weeks and months, you'll learn more about the details of this vegas the matter proceeds. you still have several real estate developers and fbi agents will be conducting those interviews and gathering evidence over the coming days. we speck additional defendants and additional charges to re out of these investigations. we're not able today to discuss any more details beyond what is
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contained in the affidavit that's filed in this case. i want to invite them to make a few comments. before do i, i want to take a moment to express my appreciation to the prosecutors and investigators conducting this case and the u.s. attorney's office. the u.s. attorney, they've been conducting this investigation. the work that's been done by fund and irs agents, they know who they are and they've been doing an extraordinary amount of work in recent days and wes as a result of the fast-moving nature of this investigation. i'll introduce the special agent in charge >> thank you. i'll be very brief. today we partially took down what we termed the covert phase of an inveigation that has lasted for many years and involved a multitude of investigative techniques. over the next few months, fbi
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and irs agents will be conducting interviews with individuals we believe have information relative to this ongoing investigation. r message is clear. you have information regarding a pay to play scheme in this county or in this state, it is far better for you to talk to us now than for us toome knocking on your door. we are committed to putting an end to public officials who dishonor their office by accepting bribes in exchange for favorable treatment. i'm going to introduce irs special agent in charge sparkman for her comments. >> the irs criminal investigation is proud to provide our financial investigative expertise and our joint work with the fbi, the federal law enforcement partner. this combined force of federal law enforcement agencies will continue to make a difference in our local commuties.
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today's actions demonstte our collective effort to enforce the law and to ensure public trust. public official hold a position of trust and the irs criminal investigation working the ensure that public officials abide by all the laws as the citizenso whom they serve. public trust is broken when public officials commit kraum. irs criminal investigation sends a message with the fbi that no public official guess a free pass as no one is above the law. thank you. >> let me follow up on that invitation and invite anyone who has information about corruption to could not tack fbi. 410-2658080. we'll be happy to take any questions. >> will there be anymore? >> we won't be talking about who might be charged.
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other than to tell you there wi be additional charge and there will be additional defendants. >> what role did the election play? >> election day plaed no role in the timing of these arrests. in fact know as you can discern from the affidavit, the rest of the day was dictated, w followed the evidence. we reacted to quickly developing crime. >> are you concerned that mr. johnson may try to destroy evidence or tamper with witnesses? >> the judge today released mr. just on certain conditions. one of those is not to destroy evidence. we always worry about destruction of evidence. but in this case, we've taken a lot of steps today, as i mentioned. searcher in 13 locations and a od ad fair amount of evidence thate'll be reviewing over the coming week.
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the locations, johnson's home was disclosed today. in addition, a number of government offices we searched. i'm not going to comment on any specific locations. >> how did the fbi unusually -- >> as i mentioned, we're limited today to disssing what the s contained in the affidavit. the affidavit reveals the investigation has been ongoing for several years. we won't talk about what ecific evidence led to the investigation other than to reiterate as i said, we don't do fishing expedions. >> it sounds like y are not ready to pull the trigger today. >> i can tell knew planning law enforcement operations, over the last few days, we try to prepare for every could not tntingency.
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the agents reacted quickly to that. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i won't talk about who might be charged or what charges might be followed other than to say we do speck charges. >> we won't tell you who is cooperating. the agents, a lot of folk including developers and employees. they don't know what we ow. >> how big is this eberg? >> when i talk about the tip of the iceberg, i'm talking about this investigation. it's been a longstanding and broad investigation. i'm not going to be able to talk about what else it might lead
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to. >> the johnsons are charged with the two crimes as of today. >> i won't be able to comment. >> he was released on electronic monitor. mrs. johnson was released on her own recognizance. there are certaiconditions includg not to destroy evidence or obstruct the investigation. in addition, a condition that requires them to obtain full approval for any financial transactions more th $1,000. >> [ inaudible ]. >> we won't be able to answer any questions about the allegations beyond what's in the affidavit. >> will more charges be filed?
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>> i've already said. >> do you believe any evidee was flushed down the toilet? >> i can'tomment on that. the affidavit was out there. we won't comment. >> a he said, our goal here is to send two messages. one to any officials who might be engaged in corruption. that it not safe. they're working quietly in this case. but they're working constantly to uncover corruption. the second is to citizens. sometimes people do develop a sense of cynicism about corruption. our hope is that tis law enforcement action will reassure folk, if you have evidence of corruption, you can report it and agents are standing by to do something about it.
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>> that was the u.s. attorney. he is talking about the case against the executive jack johnson and his wife leslie. both of whom were arested today. taken away in handcuffs. charged with tampering with witness evidence and also, destruction of records in federal investigation. there was a search of the johnson's home as well as jack johnson's office. andccording to the u.s. attorneyas regards to the investigation, it is only the tip of the iceberg. >> they are expecting more charges to come. we will continue to follow this story throughout the broadcast and we'll bring you any new details as they become available. if would you like the read the entire affavit, you can find it at
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our top story, jack johnson and his wife leslie johnson arrested earlier today. fbi and the irs agents coming after them. the charges against them, the charge now, tampering, destruction of evidence and aiding and abetting. we heard from the u.s. attorney in maryland that there are more charges expected to come. jack johnson has been released after a court hearing. he h electronic surveillance
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now. again, that is our top story tonight. and we will continue to cover it throughout this newscast wil. >> got lucky today. got lucky yesterday. maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow. it looks like we're on a roll. >> this has been a very long stretch of some great weather. it will continue for tomorrow. it will be lucky on sunday as well. and maybe for monday. we've got a big game coming up monday as the redskins take on the eagles. right now i'ming we'll be okay. lets get outside and show you how great of a day it was. a beautiful, beautiful afternoon. whether you're taking a jog outside or maybe getting out there on the buchanike as well. as far as what we're dealing wrg clear skies. that's allowing temperature to coolown dramatically. they'll cool down very, very quickly as we are seeing all those clear skies around the region. the high temperature, 66 degrees. low this morning, 36. that's hru-degree temperature
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swing from our low to our high. theage high is around 59. and look at this. the low this morningas five degrees below average. the high was ven degrees above average. it takes a very dry atmosphere to get a 30-degree temperature swing in one day. that's exactly what we have out there tonight. and with that we'll see rather cool temperatures once again. down to 58 degrees with the dew point of 19. we will see the numbers dip down very quickly and they're doing that. 43 already. 45 in manassas. 50 toward quantico. 46 in culpeper. and along the barrack annapolis coming in at about 49 degrees. it will benother cold night. down to about 26 in frederick. 39 in washington. a little warmer along the bay. around 39 toward saint mary' in some of the cool spot, warrenton, around 26 degrees. manassas in that 25 to 26 degrees. it wl cool down and it will be a very cold starto saturday.
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with the sunshine and the dry air, we'll warm up very nicely as well during the day. here's why. look at all this nice warmair to the west. 75 in st. louis. that is finally pushing our way. it was 65 in new york today. 56 in boston. they've seen horrible weather toward boston. our weather has been great and it will get even better with that push of warm air. but it won't last all th long. look back to the west. 48 in omaha. 43 in minneapolis. tential storm toward minneapolis. that's the same system that will come through our region and change our weather. not today, not tomorrow. high pressure dominating. that area of low pressure has moved to the east. we're finally arting to see fantastic coitions. the tempatures about five to ten degrees above average. tomorrow, another nice day with that high pressure fuhrmanly in police. we'll watch as the high by sunday starts to slide off the coast. that will allow temperatures to warm into the mid 60s. as the frontal boundary approaches, we could see the first chance of showers ding
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the day on monday. i don't think it will be a very big chance of a shower on monday. we'll still be looking at at least the chance. then our weather patter change in a big way. high pressure, a big ridge of high pressure bringing nice warm temperatures. by early next week, we'll see that trough in the jet stream move right tow region into the mid-atlantic. into new england and the great lake in a very chilly air mass tapping into our region. we'll see the temperatures cool do in a big way. it won't be the coldest we'll see all win but it will be a big change. this evening into overnight, clear is skies, a chilly start. maybe 26 in some of the extremely cold areas, to 39 in the beltway. sunrise, 6:48. tomorrow afternoon, warming right back up. plenty of sunshine and nice and warm. a great day. 63 to 67. that would not be surprised to see one or two 70s on the maps during the day tomorrow. it will be that warm. 66 on suny. and then 64 monday with that slight chance of a shower.
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again i the game will be okay monday night. then tuesday, 59 degrees with rain moving in late and that will be the game changer i've been talking about for the last couple days. down into the 50s to maybe the upper 40s on iday. it is the middle of november. it won't last and there is a little proof of that. >> spend as much time out there as enthusiastic weekend. >> make the most of it. coming up, we continue to follow tonight's top story. prince george's county executive jack johnson. arrested in a real estate bribery scandal.
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charles have been followed following the arrest of jack johnson and his wife. >> jack and leslie johnson were arrested at their home this morning in a real estate bribery scandal. the couple made their first court appearance about an hour ago. john schriffen is outside the courthouse with the latest. >> reporter: if these allegations are true about this pay for play development scheme, this is certainly a major scandal in prince george's county. take a look at this video from earlier today. jack johnson and his wife leslie were arested at their home and brought to the courthouse here.
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they were seen about 4:30 and they were charged with two charges each. the first charge is tampering with evidence. the second charge is destruction of records. they were both charged after the incidents today inside their home when they allegedly destroyed a check and tried hide money at the value of nearly $80,000. fbi has been investigating pay for play scandals here in prince george's county since 2006. now investigators will not say how they were tipped off to this investigation or how this has been going on. but u.s. state'sttorney that this investigation is just the tip of the iceberg. >> on november 5 of 2010, according to the complaint, the fbi agents monitored a meeting at which the developer gave jack johnson $5,000 in currencyin return for official actis. today, the complaint alleges
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that fbi agents monitored a meeting in which that developer gave jack johnson $15,000 in currency in return for official acts. after the meeting this morning, the fbi agents interviewed jack johnson about the alleged bribe payments. according to the xlaun, jack johnson was permitted to leave that interview and then made a series of telephone calls to his wife leslie johnson. those call were monitored by fbi agents pursuing to a court order of wiretappi. but fbi agents knocked on the door of the johnsons' home. jack johnson andleslie johnso had a discussion about how to destroy evidence and how to conceal currency in the house. according to the affidavit, jack johnson and leslie johnson discusd destroying check from the developer, specifically, mr. johnson told leslie jnson to flush the check down the toilet. the agents then entered the
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johnsons' home and conducted a search of leslie johnson. according to the allegations in the affidavit, the agents discovered $79,600 concealed on mrs. johnson. >> our message is clear. if you have information regarding a p to play scheme in this county or in this state, it is far better for to you talk to us now than for to us come knocking on your door. we are committed to putting an end to public officials who dishonor their office by accepting bribes in exchange for favorable treatment. >> 93 the fbi nor the u.s. state's attorney would say who the developer "a" is but they made it very clear, they believe there are more corrupt developers out there and they want people to come forward with any information. as for jack johnson and his wife leslie hnson, both were released from the court on their own recognizance.
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they are both presumed innocent meaning jack johnson is allowed to connue as county executive en though he only has about a month or so left to his term. wince returns home, the court has already ordered that he be equipped with an electric monitoring device and both have been oered tonight tamper with any more evidence. reporting live from the u.s. courthouse in green bell, john schriffen. back to you in the studio. >> one of the several raids carried out was in a cul-de-sac in mitchellville, maryland. at the house of jack johnson and his wife leslie. our own tracee wilkins was there very soon after it went down and shis still there with more. >> it was very obvious that the county executive was not expecting this to happen. his car wasaiting outside of his whous the enne running, the drive behind the wheel, while fbi investigators made their way into the home. from what we understand, they
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knock several times and they could their johnsons inside their home trying to figure out how theyould deal with this situation. just as all that was happening, the agents made their own way in. this was the scene her in mitchellville less than an hour ago as federal agents walked out of the johnson home carrying several boxes of evidence fill with papers and clothing. just after 12:30 this afternoon, prince george's county executive jack johns hopkins and his wife leslie johnson were taken into federal custody at their mitchellville home. >> special agent second a search warn. >> what is that about in. >> i'm not at liberty to discuss that. if you want any comments, you'll ve to talk to our public affairs officer. >> who else is with you? >> irs is also with us. >> reporter: federal agents at the fbi and irs were tight lip. the johnsons were taken into custody, one at a time in separate vehicles. mrs. johnson who was recently elected to the district six
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prince george's county seat was first to leave the home with her head covered. minutes later, a separate car pulled out from mr. johnson. he openly walked out of his home. refusing to answer reporters' questions. >> any comment? mr. johnson, any commen >> reporter: a few minutes later, a master plumber showed up. he said he was call there by federal investigators to check toilet drains for possible evidence. did they tellwhat you they may have been flush? >> i don't know. they're not telling me a whole lot. they're just asking me to check a couple thing. >> so thisas not aschedule. you were called by the agents to check? >> right. by the fbi. >> he said no flush evidence was found. about a dozen unmark federal cars with maryland, virginia, nbc tags crowded the cul-de-sac where the johnsonsley. a window repair manwas brought into the home to fix a broken wiow on the first floor. presumably broken in the raid. the deal to have gone friends or people with close ties to the
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county executive but john was never charged with anything. neighbors we spoke to inhis community say there must be a mistake. >> i don't know what he has been long up or. it wouldn't surprise me a bit if there was a mistake. >> they were paying very close attention to the home. just a few minutes befo you all came to me live he this evening, somebody flipped around the side of the house, went through the front door, dressed in all black and a hat trying to quickly move to avoid the media. obviously they've gone into the house and closed all of the windows and drapes that were open all morning long and have been open since investigators were here. we're watching very closely to see if anyone else will come into the house as well. we don't know who that person was who came in. of course, we're hoping that the johnson there's make some kind of a comment and address the media after all that's happened here today. we have since learned since earlier today, that wat fbi agent believe happen, what they were trying to flush down that
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towelett was the $100,000 check. giving to the johnsons, allegedly by a developernd that is why they called that plumber here to see if he could somehow salvage that piece of evidence. he said he was not able to recover anything from theoilet here but again, we are expecting the johnsons to come back here to t home. they will be monitoring for mr. johnson. and we are expecting them to be here at any moment to return here to their home in mitchellville. back to you all in the studio. >> we need to make sure, there is no specific evidence that they actually flushed that check, right? just conversation about it. is tt correct? >> that's absolutely the truthful the kogs that fbi agents are saying they heard. they're ying that theylso heard that the toilet w flushed. but there is no evidence, of course, other than what they're saying in that affidavit that they overheard that we know of. >> at the same time as the raid
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on the johnson home, federal agents executed a search warrant on the coun executive's office in the prince george's county administrator building. this is exclusive video shot by new news4. >> reporter: it looked like that investigation or this phase of the execution of that search warrant at the county executive ilding is all over now. the county administration building, that is, is over now. they spent upwards of eight hour executing the search. we cannly think they were after paper documents and perhaps computer documents as well. we hear this is just the tip of a a far-reaching investigation into the administration's activities regarding development and it is one that caught everyone by surprise. employees,ven security at the county administration building were caught by surprise as the contingent converged on the seat of upper government. >> government continues to run. check continue to get signed. >> reporter: news4 has exclusive
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footage as agents made their way to the fifth floor. the location of the county execive office suite. they spent more than eight hours at their task. >> today, federal authorities executed a search warrant at the county administrion building. and since that time, the county government has been cooperating fully. >> the building in upper marlboro houses offices of the county council. >> noearch has been conducted at this point. >> reporr: in the espren executive jack hnson cannot finish his term, the contingency is in place. >> we don't know if anybody needs to be in the position. if the county executive is incapacitated, there is a process that was already put in place that an executive order was signed by mr. johnson that howard burnett, who is the deputy achieve administrative officer for health and human services would serve as actioning executive. >> as we've heard from federal
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officials, it looks like the county executive and his wi wille released on their own recognizance. although the county executive will be under an electronic monitoring system. nothing too to have prohit him from finishing his tm. know, this is the way they wanted to go out. he did not want to enter this phase. and i'm sure his wife did not want to enter the election with a cld above them. their term, county executive term ends on december 6. that's when his wife will be sworn in to her council seat. we're live in upper marlboro. >> we hope you'll stay with news4 for the latest on the arrest of prince george's county executive jack johnson and his wife leslie. we have the full affidavit on our website. and we'll have team coverage
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39. 41 in warmer conditions toward the bay. how about a high tomorrow of 67 on your saturday? now that's not bad at all. the full forecast coming up. >> thank you. the two words of the day are game time decision. it will continue throughout the weekend. the redskinsead into the week with a lot of questions running back is key among them. mike shanahan said today, ryan terrain and clinton portis took part in practice. terrain has taken more heat. we don't see number 26 on the field monday night. it will have been six week since portis strained his groin this sunday. he's been working hard trying to get his leg back. shanahan has said he wouldn't rick further injury and put them out there. he didn't seeull practices from them this week. after practice, clun portis wanted to clear something up. he showed up in the philadelphia
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phillies hat. he said he wanted to wear red. everyone got on them for not choosing the team other than the one they're facing. he respond. >> listen, i'll glad u brought it to my attention. i had on the giants hat. oid a new york hat. i wear a hat evy day. >> you think i woke up. i can't put on this hat. >> the hat look good on you. go! >> okay. so there you have it they sent over a hat for clinton portis. he's so sensitive though. >> he made it known that he wanted it cleared up. good you know this he has his hat. moving to hockey, no one is
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having a better season for the capitals than wier alexander semin. this is a guy some people wrote off but 16 games in, he has two hat contbution. nuer 28. alexder has found success in many ways. le players never even get a hat trick. the differences come wi not pressing so much to make sothing happen. it easier when he has an opportunity to share a line with ovechkin and backstrom. they don't always start together but they decided to switch it up midway through and turn it into something special. semin leads the team with 12 goals. he is second in the league with goals scored. back to football for a second. the jets' head coach has never shied away from the spotlight. his fun loving nature captured many times on hbo's training camp hard knock. this week the jet played the browns. the connection has fueled a week of high jinx between the two
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clubs. nothing is off limits including hiweight loss surgery. rob ryan is the cleveland brown defensive coordinator who has been looking to get a head coaching job likeiswin brother refl. this week they host rex ryan's jets. they decided to show him dressed like his twin brother. >> i think rex is a great coach, a great person. no question about that. and he is very handsom notice, i put that in. truly, he is looking bad. best -- he should have had the lap band. did not have the la band surgery when i did. so that's clearly a mistake for him. >> maybe i should listen to him a little bit. he said something about a band surgery. so -- i'm going to try it. you guys let me know.
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okay? so i believe he puts it on like this. i don't know. he puts it up there. i guess it takes some time, i guess. oh, wait, i'm doing a press conference. just a second. okay. that's much better. yeah. then i have to pull the shirt over it. i think i'll stick with what i got. hard work, skill and intelligence over ignoranceand superstition. >> can you imagine what hospitals are like at the ryan home? >> rex ryan, he said that he place ad bounty on his brother but was afraid some of his playerwould bounce off rob's belly. so he calmed it down. those two are hilarious. talk about fun coaches to have. >> thank
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>>continuing coverage of an important story today. some court sketches of prince george's county executive jack johnson and his wife have just been released. those are sketches of the two standing in court. they're facing federal charges. tampering with evince as well destruction, alteration and falsification of records in a federal investigation. jack johnson was released but he'll have to wear an ectronic monitoring device leslie johnson and his wife was released on her own recognizance. both are on house arrest. need can make any trans actions larger than $1,000 without the court's permission. they've had to turn over their passports as well. we will continue to follow this
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e smithsonian museums and the national zoo. tom sherwood has our report. >> reporter: the air and space museum helps draw millions he year to the smithsonian complex on the national mall. one of the nation's premier tourist spots. >> it 19 museums and research centers. r founded in the 1800s by a been factor, the smithsonian gets 75% of its operating funds from american taxpayers. now a bipartisan commission on the federal deficit is suggesting each visitor pay as much as $7.50 to help reduce the national debt. a move the museums fear could hurt attendance. if we have a fee, first it is a proem for low income visitors. that's first. second, yes. it probably would cut down our visitors because not everyone could afford it. >> reporter: the museums draw huge crowds of high school and junior high students. the entrance fee could be tough to handle. >> devastated.
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>> tourists agree. thieves would be unwelcome. so many people. >> i grew up in a town where art museums were free and i think they should be free. you can't go anywhere else. >> reporter: others say the smithsonian is so interesting and so valuable, they wouldn't mind playing something. >> i'm from chicago. we play for all our museums and i would pay here, too. i think there's enough to see and it is of value to the community and the country, we should do it. news4, washington. >> this is nothe first time you can to talk about charging fees. none of the early one have ever been adopted. coming up, a local couple was devastated after learning that having a baby could put the mother's life at rick. then an unexpected phone call changed everything. for chris ten and adam, their
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dream was to have a baby. kristen suffer from siftic fibrosis and doctors said her getting pregnant could put her life at risk. when they had about given up hope, they got an oer they could not refuse. >> i couldn't believe it at first. something like that happens. you have to be in denial a little bit. like there is no way someone can actually do that for you will. >> just that one phone call out of the blue. she offered and that wasit. >> find out the details about this special delivery tonight on news4 at 11:00. a fantastic weekend. this week has been boring from a weatherman' perspective but great for everybody out there able to enjoy it. a lot of you on my facebook page said i had to work. tomorrow you won't have to. high was 66 degrees. w this morning, 36. a very cold morning. led to a very great day. and here comes a great weekend. the temperature out there, already down to 37 in frederick.
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58 in the district. 45 in clinton, maryland, and 50 toward sterling. cooling off quickly tonight. tomorrow, warming up quite nicely. 65 in winchester. fredericksburg around 68. down toward saint mary's, the temperature about 64 degrees. here's the four-day forecast. a hey of 66 as well. some areas may be close to 70 tomorr. espeally down toward the south. monday and tuesday. things starto change a little bit. the cold front moves through the area. a slight chance of ahower monday or monday night. i don't think that will affect the redskins-eagles game. hopefully. a 50% chance of ran. a better chance intthe day on wednesday. thursday and friday cooling off significantly. only around 50 on friday. le areas will be in the 40s and i think there will be some wind th that as well. i'm not completely ruling out a shower for e game.
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if it does happen and i say won't -- >> you'd betteret your disguise ready. >> that's okay. they're mothers. they can handle it. >> thanks. a nut, yeah. but a popular one. >> at planter's, we know how to serve classy snack. >> mr. peanut is 94 years old.h new ad o the internet. it will soon be see in athleters and tv. ro downey jr.uts words in the mouth of the peanut for the first time. the new mr. peanut is now brown instead of yellow but he still sports his trademark top hat, his mon actionle and his cane. it shows being a gracious host even when a nutcracker shows up. that's generous. once you see the ad, you can judge for yourself whether mr. peanut finally co
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