tv News 4 at 5 NBC November 19, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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she said it was a vehicle she was unfamiliar with. and that's when police started to conduct surveillance. and police say that it was in tomac and montgomery county when they saw him break into homes and cars. he was pulled over and sfween custody. right now, he is facing 13 chars in montgomery county, including burglary. he is facing many more charges here in virginia. >> i think it is a person very brazen. he was parking, we believe parking in areas and walking on foot for a long way. probably stopping and listening and watching what was going on around him. dressed probably in very dark clothing, obviously, and people are sound aeep. 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. >> eve one who lives in the communities nrgs fairfax and up here who have been victimized by this individual can breathe a sigh of relive for now. they still need to be vigilant but at least he's locked up. >> reporr: edmonds is being held in the montgomery de10:00
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center on the $425,000 bond. here in fairfax county, they say they do plan to file carge in the coming days. reporting le, darcy spencer, news4. >> a lot of relieved residents. thank you. we have a news4 exclusive. this started as a cat rescue but then it spiraled out of control. instigators have found more than 70 cats inside a home in annandale, virginia. julie carey is live in that neighborhood where the cat's owner, she spoke with her tonight and said she was just trying to hp. this is a really sad story. >> reporter: it is a very sad story. there has been an assembly line of sorts for the last few hours. catsave been taken from the home and put in the trailer. code enforcent has deemed this home uninhabitable. the owner says she saw nothing wrong with conditions and was only trying to find homes for the cats. >> that wld be great. >> reporter:age after cage
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after cage containing cats of every size and color. this annandale home wa the headquarters for the scue and do know group called kitty caregivers. when recently when they saw some of t cats in a foster home ere, they alerted the county to alert to a possible hoarding situation. >> conditions are pretty bad. the air quality is very unsafe for human as well as animal. >> reporter: this afternoon, the animal control officers began to remove the cats and kittens. they say they coued at least 70. watching the operation unfold the homeowner, eleanor, her housemate and fellow cat rescuer was away at work. she said the woman took cats to a arby pet smart each weekend for adoption. >> then the air quality is horrible. and it is dangerous. and the cats can't live there until the air gets cleaned up. and i've been living there for years and i don't see anything
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wrong with the air. but it's not my choice to make. >> reporter: animal contro officers say some of the cats were sick. that a respiratory infection had spread through the colony. they stay women simply ended up with more cats than they could handle. >> people because of the kindness of their hearts, they had big hearts. they want to help as many animals as they can. it is very easy to get overwhelm and all of a sudn, you have so many cats coming in and not enough going out. r neighbors say they never knew so many cats were inside the le. >> it has never been a nuisance for us. i've never heard anybody in the neighborhood complain. that's why it surprises me. everybody loved those ladies. >> reporter: she is hopeful she'll eventually get some of her beloved cats back. >> i was very worried. now they say once the house gets cleaned up, we can have the cats back. >> reporter: now eleanor faces an unfit owner petition. that is a civ citation but she
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may also face criminal charges. coming up at 6:00, i'll tell you whether or not she is likely to get any of these cats back. reporting live, back to you. >> if someone watching wants to adopt one of those cs, is that possible? >> reporter: we don't know anything aut that yet. these cat being loaded into the trailers, there are two trailers. healthy cats in one trailer. sick cats in the other. then fairfax county amal control officers will be making an assessment before we know anything more about that. >> thanks. today mark the start of what is typically, typically, of course, the busiest travel day, ten-day flying period for those flying. an estimated 24 million amerans are expected to take to the skies for thanksgiving. >> for many people, this is the first time they'll be dealing with these mor invasive pat-dos and these full body screeners we've been hearing about. joining us to talk about the change is nbc correspondent pete lliams. all this opposition.
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is anything expected, they're in congress saying they need kick tsa out of the airports. is anything really going to be happening about this? >> well, there's one change that was announced today. >> news if you're a pilot. pits will no longer, probably starting the first of the year, be responsible. be required to go through these screening machines, or the pat-downs and they're taing about whether to do it for flight attendants. as for passengers, what tsa says, number one, very few will get this treatment. because most people will not be going through he'd the screening machines or e pat-downs. the majority of fliers nationwide. the second thing tsa says is that they need to do this. they said they're doing this because he looked at all the reports on the test that's were done in the current syem where covert agents woing for the government, tried to sneak thing through. and he said they were too successful, too much of the time. special when i nonmetallic items. and he concluded you need these screening machines and the more
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aggressive pat-downs. ends the public concern about it but he says, it is the only way he thinks you can keep this contraband off planes. >> and some people are calling for the tsa scanners, the screeners to be ditched in faye of private security firms. what would that do? and that is allowable. >> yes. some airports already have private security screeners and n't use tsa. first of all, if private screeners do come into an airport they'll still have to follow tsa protocols or the airlines won't be allowed to board the passengers. i think the thery of the people who are calling for this is that private screeners perhaps will be more polite. but if they have to do an intrusive search. they have to do it one way or the other whether they're smiling and pleasant about it or not. >> that's the federal standard. it doesn't mat here i doing it. this is standard. >> yes. but tame, you say there are some member of congress including john micah from florida who will probably be the chairman of the house trsportation committee in the next congress, who wants tsa to take another look at it.
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he thinks this is entirely the wrong approach. he is one of the people urging people to go to private screeners and one is already saying they will do that. >> pete williams, thanks so much. >> you bet. its the third day of deliberations in the chandra levy trial and still no verdict. jurors are done for the day. before lving, they sent a note to the judge this afternoon. pat collins is live with the question they needed answered as they move forward with the case. the jury got of to a late start. they made up for with it the working lunch. then this afternoon, they asked thjudge for the legal definition of assault. now, the way this works is, you have to prove assault in order to prove an attempted kidnappi. you have to prove an attempted kidnapping in order to get to the felony or first-degree murder charge here. that is why tt definition of assault is so imptant. that's why the judge gave him
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that legal definition. ingmar guandique charged in the murder of chandra levy. the remains of the 24-year-old intern found in rock creek park back in may 2002. she had been missing for about a year. this trial has been going on for about a month. the deliberations here, going on for three days. no verdict. they'll try again on monday. back to you. >> you'll be back on the case then. pat collin, thank you. germany remains on high alert. officials there say they had concrete information that a terror cell had planned to attack later this mon. today two unattended suitcases with a bomb zmar berlin but it was a false larl. yesterday a fight from namibia, it appeared to be a bomb. it turned out to be a fake bomb. african police say they left it there to test airport security.
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the maker of the qantas a-380 that blue an engine may have known abou a serious defect but allowed the planes to keep flying. the jet was on its way to sydney, australia, when the engines nt out. debris punctured two fuel tanks, cut control lines,amaged the braking and the landing flaps. none of the more than 450 passenger and crew on board were hurt. qantas said it has learned the engi's maker, roll royce, had beenhipping modified engine for the a-3880 without telling them that old engines were still in use and apparently had a defect. >> it may have been that they undercalculated or miscalculated the true risk, that is causing a fire which would cause the turbine section to seize and have a catastrophic failure. >> both rolls roycend air bus have decline to comment.
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lufthansa said it has received modified engines. turning to the weather, it is cool outhere as we head into the weekend. doug is here to let us know if that weather will have any impact on your holiday travel. he has an ear look in the storm center. hi, doug. >> i'll tell you what. holiday travel next week will be very difficult, i think, for part of the week next week. let's get tough today first. a pretty nice sunset. plenty of blue skies. some high clouds streaming in film. we will continue to see thos current temperatures. 50 deges under partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. winds out of the northwest at three miles an hour. already down to afraid in frederick. 43 in sterling and 45 in manassas. that tells you it will be one cold night tonight in some areas. we're going to see very chilly temperatures with temperature near freezing. maybe en in t upper 20s in some isolated locations. that cool air continuing to stay in the forecast over the next, sa 24 hours. i do we'll see a little bette day tomorrow. it will be chilly though.
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this is for the d.c. area. down to about 43 degrees by 11:00. 39 by 5:00 a.m. 38 with men of sunshine by 7:00. highs tomorrow into the upper 50s. wait until you see the extended forecast, guys. this is one you do not want to miss. >> all right. thanks, doug. the weather finally cooperated for the freshman class of congress. they were able to come together, at least on the steps of the capitol for the traditional class photo. another tradition played out. the lottery to pick offices. incumbents can tell you when it come to freshmen offices, there are two choices, bad spac and even worse space. the worst is going to republican robert hurt. he drew number 85. that doesn't sound good. of a a few sighs of relief, his colleagues consoled him with a round of applause. he still got the office lt. we've heard the evidence. we're finally hearing from a
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prince george's county council member. weighing in on that scandal involving jack and lesli johnson. derrick ward joins us with what some lawmaker are saying about the couple's political fure. >> the investigations are ongoing, as are the discussions about what is next for prince george's county. in the wake of corruption indictmes aimed at the outgoing executives and his fe. while there's no formal call for leslie johnson not to take office next month, the the fellow incoming councilmember, me franklin, speaking on wtop's the politics program, addressed the issue from a personal perspective. >> iopelessly chooses not to take the oath of office. legally she can but it would help save prince george's county from if you are embarrassment. >> speakinto the matter, delegates jay walk and justin ross. >> we talk about the constitution. innocent until proven guilty. my personal opinion is,an this be overcome? i don't think it can. are we one to say if you're 100%
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innocent, you believe that in your heart shrk you step away from allegations? that's a decision she has to make and you hope she make the best decision in the interests of prince george's county. >> we've been put in the spotlight. i think what is important, we want t state, the county residents, and frankly, the entire world to know that there is a better prince george's county coming. >> reporter: what if johnson does not take her seat? >> the board of elections would be required to cnduct a special election. >>eporter: that means candidates would have to meet all the requirements to get on the ballot. there would be a primary and a general election. the district in wich the vacancy occurs. >> we estimate the cost for that would be about $400,000 to $600,000. >> still at this point there has been no xag johnson will not be seated or any of the scenarios will be more than academic. >> we're talking about it. not only how it in annapolis but across the country.
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>> reporter: now councilmember-elect did say they will approach johnson about not taking the oath of office sometime before the decemb 6 inauguration. if a vacancy were declared, a special primary would be held within 60 days and then the general election would be 60 to 90ays after that deck la vague. baking news, a deadly know on the dulles toll road about an hour ago at the rush hour was getting underway. these liv pictures from chopper 4 show e massive back-ups right now. the crash occurred in eastbound lanes just past the main toll plaza. two vehicle were in a rear-ender. but a third vehicle crashed and kill one of the drivers outside the car. authorities opened it up to alleviate some of the traffic. cans of four loko are flying off the shelves despite the
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serious and deadly incidents. some people are trying to create stockpiles before it is no longer available. federal agencies have deemed the caffeine in this alcoholic energy drink to be unsafe. four loko is taking the caffeine out its formula as a result. d.c. rapper wally can get a rise out of people with his words but today it was his actions, putting smiles on a lot of faces. he was at bar seven where he gave out almost 100 holiday dinner to washgton area families. the dinners included turningy, sides and all the fixings. he said it was important for him to give back to the community. >> you can mak song that people don't necessarily like. you might make a song that i might not like our might do a video someone might not like. when you tuch their life, it means the world to me and them. i'm happy about that.
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>> good for him. wally encouraged people to don't tight others and to remember those who are less fortunate this time of year. >> it is a big box store battle. the anouncement at walmart will bring its stores to the district is drawing praise and some concern. walmart said it will open four of its new smaller urban stores over the next two years. tom sherwood joins with us more on the reaction to this. >> reporter: good jobs and more choice for district citizens. some competing unions aren't so sure. this is one of the new urban walmart stores. 8000 square feet. about half the size of the original big box store. the new walmart like the one that just opened on richmond highway is designed to provide many goods and groceries but in smaller urban spaces. >> i would go 20 miles for walmart. >> i don't know how they're going to fit four wall-marts in
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d.c. i was surprised. >> i love walmart. and we have to drive out of d.c. to come to walmart becau we don't have one in the inner city. r they announced they're planning to open four in the district over the next two years. including one at this old dealership and campaign headquarters on georgia avenue in northwest washington. walmart that it will bring 1200 jobs and more access r many city neighborhoods. that some union tha's hve battled wall administrate over wages and working conditions say they worry walmart could have a negative if he can othe district even if the company is providing jobs. >> they make a lot of promises about what kind of jobs they have, what kind of commitment they'll make to the community. what we've seen in ples where they do actually operate, that is not always the case. >> d.c. mor-elect vin send gray who will a business gro friday that kree acreating a jobs said
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his number one goal. >> thiis an opportunity to be in the nation's capital. i'm certain that walmart wants to be here, as so many people do want to be in our great city. we need to make sure these are quality jobs. >> officials said they will work with local and community leaders to make sure their stores fit i the new neighborhoods. back to you. >> ay. tom sherwood. thank you. it is cool out there. doug joins us now with the latest on the forecast. the weekend is here. >> the weekend is here. today was a pretty cool day. a little below average. wel go back above average. and i think saturday is looking like pretty good day. then sunday we're back down. monday we're back up. it wl be a roller coaster but a dry roller coaster through early next week. it is 5:18 and that's the moon. it is not full. it will be full in a couple of days if would you like to take your camera out and shoot that. it will be very, very nice over
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the next couple days. what are we lookg at? temperaturewise we're at 50 degrees with that moon coming up. winds at 3 miles per hour. dew point, 28 degrees. that's the potential temperature. any time you see dew points in the 20s or 30s, you know it will be a cold night. especially when we're talking about clear skies. th's what we have out there. already down to 43 in frederick. 43 in sterling. down toward quantico. thesare the low temperatures we're predicting. that's 32. maybe lower around frederick. maybe toward warrenton, about freezing there. 39 back toward annapolis. a very cold night tonight. under clear sks. we're going to cool down very, very well. temperatures tonight will be a little below average. we're supposed to be in the 30s now for this time of year. high pressure will spread to the south. that will allow mild air to come in for the day tomorrow. i tomorrow afternoon will be a nice day. then on sunday, high pressure moves back in from the north. that will usher in another cool
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air mass. high temperatures on sunday. about five degrees below average. your forecast for this evening, mostly clear. a cool evening. light winds, 45 to 49 degrees. tomoow we'll see the temperatures tomorrow morning on the cool side. 32 to twla light winds. a very chilly start as we make your way in, high temperatures between 56 and say, 59 degrees. then 63 on monday. and then 68 degrees on tuesday with a chance of storms. saturday and sunday, having the annual christmas bazaar this weekend. and coming up monday, at 11:00, the winter focus. we'l show what you we expect and how much snow we might see. >> you have your binoculars out. >> we have a pretty good idea what we'll be seeing.
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>> will there b food? >> start stking up. >> please bring some food. >> thank you, doug. we've got a lot more to come. a local cabcompany sued after a woman says the iver drop her off in a dangerous neighborhood because she couldn't pay her tab. tragedy on the cmute. a man dies when his car breaks down on the side of the road. this by the way is bear-bear. we have a verdict for the federal police officerho shot this siberian husky at a dog park. caught on camera. local school buses capture drivers breaking the law and putting students' lives at risk. so why are drivers getting slapped with a ticket? we'll find out. hey ove, i'm gonna need a bank. any ideas?
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capital one bank. they're everywhere. yeah, you're right! ♪ [ male announcer ] capital one banks are everywhere. [ clang! ] with hundreds of branches and atms, they' hard to miss. hey, there one right up the street. [ male announcer ] capital one bank. the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? ove, go long
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a sex assault victim is suing a cab company over an incident that happened 2008. according to the lawsuit, the woman tried to pay her blue top cab fare by credit card but it wouldn't go through. she had enough cash to cover all but $2 of the fare. that's when she said the driver forced her out of the cab in a dangerous neighborhood. the man was attacked, assaulted, she is suing for $5 million. a deadly accident has police
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warning drivers about the dangers of getting out of their cars on a sy highway. a man was struck and kill on the baltimore-washington parkway. police tell us the victim's car broke down and he was struck while trying to push his vehicle down the roadway. megan mcgrath has more on the crash investigation. reporter: a terrible accident early this morning that closed the southbound lanes of the bw parkway is focusing attention on the dangers of getting out of your car alo the side of the road on a major highway. this accident happened very early th morning right around 1:00 in the morning. police say that a car was aveling south on the bw parkway when for whatever reason, it became disabled and came to a stop. they stay driver o that vehicle got out to investigate, possibly even pushed the vehicle. at that point another vehicle that was treling southbound found the driver, he was pronounced dead on the scene. police are urging people to think twice before getting out of their vehicles on a major
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highway because it can be so very dangerous. >> people's vehicles become disabled, it is critical to get off the road if they can as far off e roadway as possible. if you have to dorepairs, changing a terror anything else, make certain you're well off the road. if you have any concerns about your safety, notify police department and we can come by and help you as fars traffic control. we don't want to see this happen. >> reporter: the drivers of the vehicle all stayed on the sne so this was not a hit and run situatn. the roadway was closed down for several hours as police investigated. it opened right around 5:30 this morning. in laurel, megan mcgrath, news4. another tv personality suspended for donating to political campaigns. plus, demanding justice for bear-bear. demonstrators rally outside a maryland courthouse as federal police officer faces a judge. acsed of shooting and killing a siberian husky at a dog park. a local high school has a
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chge of heart. what happens to students caught cheating now? >> plus, doing digital damage control. the simple t ♪golden morning family's smiling♪ ♪gonnbe a special day anncrfor the perfect start to the perfect day, i always choose land o'lakes all-natural eggs. from hens fed a rich, whole-grain diet witho added antibiotics or hormones. ♪pure and simple always natural♪ ♪our best eggs say land o'lakes♪
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investigating allegations the grooms may have compromised test giving members of the d.c. police command staff. an internal investigation is underway. meanwhile also, an offduty federal officer has been found guilty of shooting and killing a dog. >> tis incident happen back in early august, you may recall, at an anne arundel county dog park. the officer claim he was protecting his own pet from a siberian sky named bear-bear. john schriffen is here with the details. >> reporter: they based it around one word, necessary. was it necessary to shoot and kill someone else's dog? the judge decided, no. the trial, it stemmed from an august 2 incident in the dog bhark this siberian husky name bear-bear was shot and killed. keith shepherd, the offduty officer who pulled the trigger claim self-defense. he said bear-bear attacked his
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dog who was on a leash andhen attacked his knife. but steven who was in charge of watching the dog had a different story. he said in court today, that the two dogs were playing and no one was in immediate danger. he admitted, shepherd yelled out to break up the dog but said there was not enough time before the shot was fired. meanwhile outside the courthouse in annapolis, maryland, protesters demanded justice for bear-bear. >> what the military officer did was wrong. he shouldn't have shot the dog. i want to see justice done. instead of the man getting off scott-free, he had a badge on. i'm here to support the family of bear-bear. >> and those protesters got what they wanted within the last 30 minutes. 32-year-old keith shepherd was found guilty of animal cruelty and dischging his personal handgun within 100 yards of home in the area. however, shepherd will not serve jail time. he's been sentenced to probation.
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nx there's been a rash of laptop thefts in georgetown. two lap tops were stolen from the library after students left them unattended. other lap top were taken from village a apartments. the burglar entered through unlocked doors. d.c. police are investigating. west potomac high school in fairfax unty is reversing the recent changes to its grading and cheating policies. last week the school essentially eliminated fs from report cards. and they said it would allow cheaters to retake tests. today principal said the school will reinstate fs. he said west potomac will not tolerate cheating or plagiarism. anyone caught will receive a zero on the assignment. that will be factore into their grade point average. come after intense public scrutiny which the principal called a distract. a second staffer atmsnbc
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has been suspended f making political contributions. joe scarborough, host of morning joe, said he made eight go go $500 contributions to local candidates in florida between 2004 and 2008. the former florida congressman said he contributed to the campaigns of his brother and three-time, or long time friends. the donations violate nbc news policy and scarborough will be suspended for two days. a similaruspension was given to countdown host keith olbermann right before the election. >> we are less tn a week from the busy travel days of the year and across the country, there is a major back lash against the screing policies, the new ones that are a little more invasive. a little more aggressive. federal law allows to opt for private screener instead and now some in congress think it is time to mick a swif. joining us with more is "meet e press" moderator david
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gregy. those in favor of the private screer say they would be more efficient. >> it is not clear that it would be. i think that the tsa is under a lot of pressure. the smaiadministration is under lot of pressure. with the newechnology that's coming online, it is coming online now. they're making some change. i think there might be enough political pressure, there might be some change y furs down the roefld there is still a question of how do we balance this real security threat where people can bring things through security o their person. we've seen the christmas day plot and others. that pose a real threat. versus what a lotf people will consider to be excessive. is there another model out there? like the israelis do where there is something in the way of questioning that can be done? why this conversation is over but everything that's done seem to be passing the legal muster. >> i'm curious. even if they use private screeners, they would have to do
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the sametype of testing because that's the federal standard. i heard someone on the radio say, we have to get rid of the bloated tsa in favor of private screeners. is this a political move to appear to be cutting budget vings somehow? >> i don't know that will be the case. the technology is expensive but it is a question of what is it that we're trying to stop and where they're gouging the system. whether it is the tsa or private. i haven't read or talked to anybody about any provision that would get past what the real concern is for travers. which is, this seems like we're going too far. we're in t hispermanent state of siege that is even going to this extreme when we're going to the airports. again, we haveo put up with a certain am of annoyance and difficulty at the airport. does this go too far? i don't the debate is overrule ts changing the rules as i think you talked about with regard to pilots having to go through this. where there will be other change.
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is there new technology that could be perhaps, a little less revealing as we move forward? these are the kinds of balances. >> who do you have coming up? >> secretary of state hillary clinton. also governor bobby jindal of louiana. a big republican voice as we start to think a lot more about battleground 2012. so we'll have that on suay. >> an interesting program. >> "meet the press" at 10:30 sunday morning. up next, caught on today. cameras catch cars speeding past stop school buses. but a loophole in the wall is helping local drivers steer clear of any fines. >> i'm liz crenshaw. how long should you cook your thanksgiving turkey? that's the question. the
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how long does it tea defrost a frozen turkey and what should do you wit the leftovers? a thanksgiving edition of "ask liz." how long does it tea defst a frozen turkey? >> no one wants a frozen birth. the u.s. department of agriculture has some tips. it says the safest way to defrost a turkey is in the frig. that will take 24 hours of
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defrosting for every four to five pounds of turkey. a 12 to 16 pound turkey, three to four days to defrost. go check your frozen bird and see if you need to move it into the frig this weekend. you can completely cover it in cold water putting it in a plastic bag or large bowl of this is faster. 30 minutes per pound of turkey. that means a 12 to 16 pound turkey will take six to eight hours. change the water every 30 minutes to keep it cold. >> now once it is defrosted, how long doest take to cook it? >> don't pay attention to your grnd motr's recipe. forget what your grandmother said. all turkeys cook at a different rate. the usda recommend 325 degrees and then roast 1 1/2 to five hours depending on the size. however interestinmost important factor in cooke a turkey is that internal temperature. make sure that it reaches a minimum of 165 degrees. check the temperature with a thermometer in the inner most part o that thigh and wing in
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the thickest part. don't guess. >> if we end up with leftovers, that would be nice, what's the rule? >> the usda says follow these rules. cut it up into small pieces and refrig trait stuffing and the turkey separately inhallow containers. do this within a couple hours of sxook eat your leftovers within four days. for more tips, go to one more reminder, all that cooke oil, do not pour it down the drain. talked to thefolk, they say huge big problems when we do that. put natuit in a can, let it fre and then throw it away. in sport, two high school football coaches who used to be on the same side line go heado head tonight. with capital one bank's new chking with rewards,
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let's fast forward thugh headlines. an offduty federal officer has been found guilty of shooting and killing a dog. it happened back in august at an anne arundel county dog park. 32-year-old keith shepherd claims he was protecting his own pet from a siberian husky named bear-bear. she and her husband, the county executive were arrested last week accused of hiding or
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destroying evidence linked to a federal investigation of corruption in the county. if johnson does step down, there would have to be a special election to replace her. >> after intense public scrutiny, west potomac high school in fairfax county i reversing its recent change to gridding and cheating policies. today principal there said the school will restate fs, that's in failure, to report cards. he said students who cheat won't get a second chanc and anyone who was caught would get a zero on their assignment. it's friday afternoon. let see what the weekend is like. hois the week? doug? >> yes. >> how is it looking? >> it's looking great out there. do you like it? >> wedo like it. we like any kind of weather o a friday night. >> you'll like tomorrow. after you wake up from a rather cool week, i think you'll like what we have in store tomorrow afternoon. teerature will be on the warmer side after a very cool night tonight. let's show what you will be
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happening. first off, current temperatures. 50 degrees out there. what will we be seeing throughout the night? temperature will be falling. down to 43 degrees toward frederick. 43 in sterling. and rate now, 39 drees in manassas. a ver cold night in those locations. i think you could be down into the lower 20s to around 30 degrees. here's what we're expecting for low temperature. about 30 i frederick. 28 toward warrenton around the manassas area. and then down toward fredericksburg, lookinat 34 degrees. 36 in upper marlboro. annapolis coming in at about 39 degrees. as we move through the day tomorrow, do i expect to see warmer temperature, clear skies overght. that will lead to men of sunshine during the day tomorrow. and as we mick our way through the next couple days, we're talking about a nice warm-up tomorrow as high temperatures will be into the upper 50s to around 58 degrees on your saturday. 63 on monday. that will be a nicearm day. i think we'll see a lot of sunshine on monday early.
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then clouds increasing throughout the afternoon. that will lead into a stm system that will come in on tuesday. that storm will bring us a chance for rain. high temperatures, though, into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees in some locations. i think tuesday will be a very warm day before things change in a big way. wednesday, thursday, friday, so major changes coming into the weather forecast over the next couple days. wednesday, a chance for rain. i think we'll see a pretty good am of rain late in the day wednesday. temperature will be in the upper 50s. then thursday, i think we'll start off in the upper 50s to around 60. that could be in the morning hours. then we'll see a frontal boundary move through. that will drop temperatures like a rock. it will be a very cold night thanksgiving evening. as we move through the day friday, highs will be in the 40s and we could be talking about 30 to 40-mile-an-hour winds. winter will be hre for thanksgiving. guys? >> whoa! we've got some good football
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weather tonight. >> better than winter for thanksgiving. this is just the pergt weather for football. up for grab in montgomery county, top seeded damascus going up against orchard. the two head coaches. they are long time friends. and only one can advance tonight. hakim is standing by. what have you got? >> reporter: hello. your two buddies here, you guys are going head to head tonight. what a lot of people don't know is that eric was on your staff. you were the offensive coordinator. what was that moment like when you were, one, long time buddies and you were able to win a state championship. >> a tremendous feeling. especially when you share it with someone who is a great coach and a greatfriend. that year is very special to us. our program, our coaches, our
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kids. a special moment taken with eric and i. >> what was that like? you're coaching with on your buddies. >> that was great and it was an amazing talented tale. one of the lifetime, once in a lifetime team. a bunch of d-1 kids, speed everywhere. and then coaching with a friend like dave made it special. now you're playing in a huge game. the winner mavs on, the loser stays home. what do you talk about? did you ha any talk about what uld happen tonight? >> the winner will take the loser out to ruth chris. the winner takes the loser out. the loser feel bad enough as it is. i'm hoping to take hill out to dinner in a few weeks. >> the last time you guys played was an epic game. 27-23 damascus wins. they were down in the fourth. they come ba. you had this epic winith frazier. you put the team on his back and win. take me through that game.
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the emotions between you two kning how bad both your teams want to win. the fact that you both want to beat each other. >> two really good team play. they played a great game that night. they made plays when won that one. what people don't remember, we had an it down from the 30 yrld to try to steal the win athe end. and then it goes to show the credit of both teams' character. all the time until there is no time left on the clock. >> at that point, david beat us like, i don't know what the numbers were. five or so times in a row. we were happy to get that win. we know every game is so hard. >> how would you describe his coaching personality? his style? >> he is a real jerk. not a very good boss to work for. no. he is great with the kids. the kids love him.
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he knows when to give a kid a pat on t back. >> dave's real passion, he is the one screaming, yelling on the field. you're kind of back on the sidelines, chilling ki of. he is the one running around. how would you describe eris style? >> eric is a lot more, keep to himsf. keeps his emotions in check. as always, constantly thinking thing through. and definitely a different coaching style. i both were effective at times. >> who wins this game? i can't even, people asking me who will win. you have no idea. this is such a good match-up. it could go either y. >> i really feel the team that limits their mistakes, they turn the ball over last week, we had a bunch of penalties. it t team that executes will be the team that wi >> it won't be mcgruder high school. they've never played in a game like this in 25 years. i don't know. it is one of those games. i'm dreading it.
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we talked earlier. i'll be glad when it over. we can go back to doing what we do. >> dan hellie has a question for you in the studio. what do you have for him? i will re38 question. >> if you could just ask him. if could have him look straight into the camera for one minute. >> dan wants you towelcome right into the camera. >> now, i can tell that the p-90x has been working a i can tell you have really been working hard on. i want to make sure he is keeping up to date on that. >> he wants to talk to you about yo p-90x. you're looking very sveldt. >> i appreciate that. and your wife let me know that the other day. i appreciate that. >> this is a huge -- this is a huge game that came out. i love that we can bring a little 11 at this to this. hopefully from my good friend dave, that brings him a little luck tonight. >> hopefully, dan.
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i'll tl you what. back in 2007, there was a picture that the two of them had after the game. and eric was on the shoulders of the coax i tell you what, that won't happen. the winner moves on. quins orchard dmascus playing. we'll have it at 11:00. >> that's a good one. two of the top teams in montgomery county. thank you, coaches. >> you were itching to get in there. >> thank you, p-90x. >> we go by back to middle school. he's a good guy.
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it is illegal pass a stopped school bus. it can be even deadly. >> now montgomery county has installed cameras on the outside have to buses for motorists whose driving is pting students at risk. some say it is not enough. chris gordon explains. >> reporter: the danger is greatest when students are getting on or off stopped school buses. veterans drivers have seen too many close calls involving student or parents nearly hit by motorists speeding by. >> a student or aedestrian could have been struck. it could have been very horrific scene. somebody could get seriously maimed or even killed. but it happens a lot.
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i see it quite often. >> reporter: this sign posted by a middle school warns motorists it is unlawful to stop it from either direction. the law is the same. in virginia, the district, and here in maryland. >> montgomery county has replaced 96 buses with new one equipped with two on board cameras. one aimed at traffic behind. the other looking forward. when there is a violation, the driver hits a button to time code the video so school officials can review it. >> the swing air come out. you can see it travel past the front of the bus. soonts the lights come original you're supposed to stop. >> this video shows a school bus rolling a stop and an suv driving by. what happens to violators? their they get a warning letter saying your car was seen passing the school bus at this time and there could be a significant faune for that and kids could be
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in danger and don't do it again. >> reporter: a wning is issued but not a ticket. public school in montgomery and frederick counties are asking the state legislature for a law allowing tickets to be sent to violators. there are groups and individuals opposed to more camera issued tickets, arguing there are red light camera that's some see as not much more than a revenue source. and speed cameras where drivers who know the locations hit the brakes and then speed up after passing they will. school officials say bus cameras are for safety. rat tn revenue. >> it woulde a concern if cars aren't stopping for the kids. like 25 little one. they pay attention somewhat to cars. but you never kowif there going to be excited about something and not stopped for a car going across the road. and if a car isn't being utious for the little ones gettingov the bus, it can be very dangerous. >> in montgomery county, chris gordon, news4. public school systems in
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other marylandounties are considering putting cameras on their buses. but they're waiting to see if state lawmaker authorize tickets for violators. >> let's get another check of the forecast. the temperature are really cooling down. it will be a cold night. if you have plan to go out on a friday night like tonight, just make sure you te jacket or even the coat outside. the temperature are already into the 30s in some locations. a beautiful shot of the washington monument here. just gorgeous. a pretty nice guy abundant sunshine across the area. the temperatures in the city down to 48 degrees. a dew point of 34. winds are calm. and with calm winds and clear skies, the temrature are able to drop. they'll continue to do so throughout the evening and throughout the overnight hours. down to 37 in manassas. only 40 degrees right now in martinsburg. look where it is warmer. toward quantico. the temperaturesround 44. 43 toward leonardtown and salisbury on the eastern or
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