tv News 4 at 6 NBC December 16, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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for an early rush-our commute. the question what wi happen next? hey, doug. >> it's s funny because in the earlier shows we talkedbout the potential for a storm on suny and everybody is already fortting about the storm already blanketing our region with this storm. most areas piing up one to three inches and that snow continues to move off to the eat. did pose some proble as far as the roadways were concerned and many did clo early. whave someideo to show you of a school loudoun xoi d close two hrs ely and that made lot of kids happy out there during afternoon. here e ki leaving school. domion high schl, hole of the tits and all of them we pefully headg home or at least to a friend's house. the schools were out two hours early. and snow covered the roadws pretty quickly. once it arted, the snow was on he ground ve quickly and it did accumulate on tse roadways. that why we did have some problems. let's take a look at live
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doppler radar. ju a couple light snow flurries. the bulk of he precipitation well off dwn to the south and east and wll continue to see it mo out. still me light to moderate snown saint mary' county. some in calvert county as well. some areas did ck up a couple inches of snow. chuck bell is keeping an eye who is seeingwhat. we have indeed been watchi very carefully. the ows continue to pile up. a lotof folks taki the time to send us in a snow rept. officiallat national airpt, 1.5 inches of snow was rported other. amounts thou, just do to the south is where the heavier amounts ve been. garconville, stafford, the ble idge, 4.5 ines. way to the shenandoah 1.5 in leesburg and even upper motgomery county, towd damascus a right around two impgz. lower amounts if you head up north ifyou think that your snow reort should b on tv, we ink the same way.
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singlet to me. chuck.bell at snow totalsto me. we'llet asle on as we can. . sto system is moving out of region. we'll see it ve out and as it does, what will move in behind it? very cold. 19 in frederick. 23 rit now in sterng. anything that has melte today with thears going oi will refree tonig. be careful on those roadways. what i tocome on the weeke? what about the cstal storm? i'll give you t latest cing . >> it has beenomething of an adventure out thereorhose trying to netiate the roads andhighways. atollins is our snow guy. he was out i northwest washington. >> report: this was just a practice. a little itty bitty snow. it s nothick wory. i aually went out to a grocery store today and saw peoplehere who are not therebecaus of the
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snow. not there to buy toilet paper and bread and milk. they were actually therebecause they needed groceries. at the grory sres, sow in the air. snow othe round. and in theparking lot? plenty of spaces. maybe we're gettingused to this stuff. and this snow is nothing,s it? >> i'mfrom ohio. this is nothing. >> repter: ts is like easter sund in ohio, isn't ? >> yeah. we have serious winters in the miest. >> reporter: did thesnow bing you to t stor >> i had to come away so i pigged up a few extra things. >> reporter: like what? ptzel chips and cheese. >> reporter: you can'tet through the snow withoutpretzel chip and cheese. >> a g blowing of cheeseill get you a long way. i'm not worriedabout the snowstorm. i'm gting some toil paper. ? at are you suosed to get? >> reporter: mik, toilet paper and bread. >> my llege kids are coming me tomorrow. >> reporter: that's what broht you. not the snow.
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this snow is nothing. >> i grew up in iowa. this snow is nothing. >> repoer: this is a piece of cake. >> yes. >> reporter: take a look at thi tom the mechanic trying dre this big fancy bea entire the shop for what els snow tires. there's no snow tires on them gean cars. no weight ithe rear. you wn't get ay traction. it's pretty icy out here. >> reporter: is is one 170 plows the city has the street. scraping and salting. trying to keep ahead of this snow. this little now. williams the head of dpw. now on, sle of new york to ten, ten being last year, how would you rate this? >> one or two. be too bad. >> reporter: practice. >> practice. >> report: on the roads, it doesn't ta much. western avenue. a car going is way. tries to avoid a car going that
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way. and well, es up over the curb and into the tree. see that green stuff there? antifreeze. now, member this was just a practice ow. we can't get too overconfident. wn the snow gets up to here here or way up there. that wilbe the true test. back to you. >> all right. i hea you say earlr, it would dgraceour stick to try use it today, wouldnt it? >> repoer: it would dishonor thi sti to put it into that snow. beuse look t snow doesn't even cover the grass this is like, nothing. a day at the beach. unless you got in one of those accidents. >> other than that. wemust honor the stick. thank you. we areciae that. a number of schol all over the gion were csedor they
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let studentsgo home early. but not in montgomery county. thatchool system chose to keep the kids in their classes during the snowstor drick ward habeen all over the region could have gone our ow. he has our story. >> reporter: maybe we redefined our percepon about what a g snowfall is after last ye but we did find some people who were out who blank snow is. like these two from sweden. doubted we overreacted? >> maybe. in swed th is usual. so yeah. >> repter: there w some tough going for motorists with just a inch or so on the groun and it was bad enough for some localchool jurisdictions like prince george's county to cse schools twoours arly. >> cause any challenges for you >> no. i live right down the street. that's a goodthing. >> we eected ithenever we get ow. we expected it for t scols to closeearly. >> repter: not so for montgory county schools. ey clse at the usual time. the streets around th district
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wereassable wi caution, though secondary road required extra lling. thoughhere might have been some extra shuffling, one parent said she wouldot have preferred a llay off. >> i'm gl they ened. i got to doome of the thing i needed to do. >> reporter they are going to have another go at e roads withhemical and wt have you. derrick ward, news4. >> it might have been slippy roads that caused a bus accident in aspen hill. it happenedhis morning on georgia avenue and aspen hill road. noody was injure let's find out how things are the roads. >> reporter: it is lookg a
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little bit better. we need so good news. as you travellong 70, this isn't the good news that i wantedto show you. this is the bad new big dels that still continue at this hour. 270 pretty muc hitting the brak. from the outer loop and the slow times just continue past 117 and thenup through germantown. it is jammedolid. not until you get torederick that you're up toward the spd limit. this is t good news i wanted to talk about. it doesn look like good news but for this hour and wt we've been dealing with, th is downrit pleasant fo 95. toward theop of the screen you'll see the brake ghts become less stingubstanal. we cleared out through dale city it is very slushy so i c't stress this ough. mind your speeds out there. ing are ve slick and this slush is startito refreeze.
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be patient out there andind your speed. back to yo all right. thanks. we'll he more snowsto team coverage coming up. wel have a closer look at conditions northern virginia our next alf-hour. also still to coe, the house dating the massiv tax cut package. wikileaksounder julian assange is out of jai >> it is great to smell the fresh airof london again. we'll ha more coverage of he snow, this time from uthern maryland. >> rorter: slow commute but the was a silver lining. ming up, theationals trading a veteran. michaelalks about his good friend donovan mabb. why capita cch bruce boudreagot acall from his mother this morni.
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you' looki at the 14th reet brge. as it appears, no problem. the roads are the wet but quite passable as is evidenty that picture. >>thempact of the snowstorm is lingering inome parts of the area. in southern marand,le schools made the decision to cle early a although there were no serious acciden, it s slow gong out there on the roads. melissa join us now lve fom waldorf with the story there. hey, melissa. >> rerter: good ening. it might be terrly co out he and you mht have to wear a lot o layers. the roads mig be a mess but re in chles county, all the kiddos cared abouwas the fact school was out.
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if you' indicated, o of the best days is a snowday. >> i went to the bus stop but realizeno one was there. >> rerter: school is outut sleddingn aaundbasket. >> it is a cance to have fun. >> it wasn't all fun and games. theoads are slicknd slow. >> rrible. it took 2 1/2 hours to get from outhwe d.c. >> reporter:ain roads and side roads a mess all the same. >> we do what we ca do. try to keep the intersecons safe so peop can pass. >> reporter: it's been rough day r this plow river. >> i t up at 3:00 and ve been out since then. >> reporr: after ten hours of earing andalting roads, his back motor gave out. >> without this belt, tt won
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work. >> repoer: she didn even know it was sning. >> i'mt work at fourlog in the morning so i didn't see the snow. >> reporter: until her huand came by with concrete bricks. my husband came an pu some ricks it for me so could i make it home safel >> reporter: insid the home depot, folks stocking up. >> it's been a good d f us. reporter: while outside, i was ball clearing parkg lot and of course, ur windshield. keeping the windshield clean, very, very important today. especially with all the slush on the rods. as far as tomorrow goes, charles county gornment opening two hours late. theyay they'll have a liberal leave policy in effect. schools though, no decision yet. they'll decide by 5:00 axe. you can watch morrow morning and find out whether or not th schools are openr closed. >> thank you. sething of a surprise. a bit of a setck for the president's tax cut compromise.
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it happened at about lunch time. and what happened was, there was a revolt within the democratic party thated to a delay in moving the bl forward. >> reporter: let's focus on the number one issue. tax. and whether alof rs will go up on new years day and whether president oma wi get what he wants as he trieso strike a balance beten democrats and reublicans. it looks like he would get what he want with a house vote around midday. now it looks like he still might get what he wants butt could be 11 or 12:00onightbefore he gets it. whthe delay on taxes? because a t of house democrats want their supporters to see clearly and vividly how opposed they are to the obama tax compromiseith republicans. snow fling didn't pull the anger inde the capito
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>> this is so irresponsie. it contradicts evething that we've been ghting for. >> reporter: lower estate tax for the mega ch. >> billions and billionof dollars to the walthiest americans are unecessary, unproductive and iresponsible. >> reporter: house democrats hate the obama tax bill even though hesas, and republicans say, it will fire the economy. >> create jobs, noeks on econoc growth. >> reporte: back and fth. >> please, america, please don believe that. that's not what we're doing he today. we' not doing anything to befit tis economy here. >> reporter: what democra did was slow dwn theax bill. in the senate, rublicans are tryin to sop the mocrats' 2011 budget. trillion plus in pendin no vo, says the pentagon cork cut funding forafhanistan. deocrats claim urgen >> i don't think thas what the
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amerin people nt. >> reporter if republicans sll until january, they'll have more votes. >> once the new congress is sworn in, we'll ve a chance to pass a less expensive bill. >> reporter: house democrats see the same reality. >> the replican there's rule this hse for the next two year let's not give themn early strt today. >> reporter: their last stand i the tax bill. so i the house and the senate can't agree. that means everyby's taxes go new years y. the new nbc poll finds that blamefor that woulde shared aboutqually between democrats and republicans. but jim, as i report off the top, it looks now like thewill pass the senate version. looks like ty will sometime lat tonight. here's the hitc if they pass something that is even slightly different, if a number democrats want to tack a amement on and they can get past saying tey opposedo increased taxes, that's n what the senate passed. it has to goback to the senate. this will drag ou for maybe
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problems out there on the roadways during the day today. andtonight with temperature well below freezing, we could see those roads freeze up again. so watch out out there as you're on those roads. the snow is gone. first off, toward arlington. along wilson and fillmore roads toward northern virginia. you can see the snow is coming down at a pretty good clip for a time. really only about five to six hours of snow total. but that did give us an inch and a half to two inches toward arlington. walk in, it wasn't too bad. but driving in it was a little bit of a problem. you can say a digital doppler radar, how that snow ca i about six hours ago and continues to move through region. let's take a look. you can see it is out of here. here it was about sixours ago around the district. anthen it just opens up and clears out. some areas saw some sunshine to the south and west from a couple viewers around charlottesville. you did see more in the way of sun and then more othe, more snow did come through a little
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earlier in the evening. right now across theimmediate area, no more snow. ifou see anything, it may be a flurry or. two down toward saint mary's county. still seeing a little bit there and toward the eastern shore. salisburyeeing some moderate snow but that is making its way out into the ocean. how much did we see? dickerson about three inches of snow. vienna, 2.3. toward remmington work the inches. stafford, around 2.5 inches. winchester, three inches. one viewer reporting 1.5 inches. you can send us your snow totals at nbcweather. i'm going to have to think about this. weather@nbc you and high temperature today. 27 degrees. 21, 1.5 inches of snow at the airport. could there be more? that's the question everybody is asking as we are looking at the
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potential of another storm during the day on sunday. temperatures right now, 26 degrees. windchill, 21. it only takes a five--mile-an-hour wind. we haven't seen much wind but we will see more. windchills will be a factor. 20 in hagerstown. 25 in manassas and down toward la plata. we're coming in with around 25 degrees there. so there goes the snow. continuing to make the way out. the area o low pressure right about here. it will continue to move out to sea. and behind it, we're going to see some cold air moving in. it will be with us through the day tomorrow. we will see plenty of sunshine. so a lot of melting going on. the cold air will be in place tomorrow night so he go will refreeze. hen high pressure on saturday moves out by saturday night. that's when we're going to start to watch this area of low pressure moving up the coast will it come close ough to give us a pretty big snowstorm or it will stay off the coast? i think it will be a little too
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far out to give the i-95 corridor a major storm. however, the delmarva, the beaches, a much better chance of seeing some significant snowfall. we'll have to talk about this one as we move through the next couple days. this evening, cloudy and cold. snow ending. watch for the slick spots. some areas already colder tha that with frederick at 16 already. overnight work into tomorrow morning. 18 to 25. and i'm going to have to drop these numbers. any time you put snow on the ground, it a lot easier to get cold at night. tomorrow the sunshine will return. still cold and breezy. 34 to 37 grees. winds out of the northwest at 10 to 20 miles an hour. a little windchill tomorrow. there's that chance of snow on sunday. once again, we'll be watching this system very, very closely. one thing we know, it will stay cold throughout the entire period. even the extended outlook and another chance of snow coming up into next wednesday. we will watchhat very, very closely and once again that weather is weather@nbc you and
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springfield, virginia. snow, of course, has stopped falling about it didn't take a lot with the traffic mess. >> many drivers found the trip that should have taken them a few minutes have taken them hours because of the roads. >> john schriffen has more on the road conditions in bethesda. >> reporter: well, jim, we've been talking to drivers who have one horror story after another of what it's like getting out on the roads today. i talked to one cab drivr. he said he made it a roundtrip from here in bethesda to dulles airport. he said that's a trip that usually takes himbout an hour to an hour and a half. today because of the snow and the traffic prg same trip took him three hours. take a look at this video we shot from not too long ago. we're here in bethesdaon wisconsin avenue on east/west highway. you can see from the video the conditions are improving now that the snow has started to taper off. the problem we're seeing is that you can see there are wet shiny spots out on the roadway. and it is dangerous.
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because it's dark out, y don't know if the spots are wet or ice because it is so cold out here. krerl today there were about 1,500 pieces of eqpment out there. clouds and salters out taking care of their highways. the crews will remain out there for the rest of the night to make sure they will continue salt sxing the roads. the problem they're having is the cold pavement. the maryland state highw administration said they've seen conditions, the roadways about 20 degrees which means these wet conditions are going to be treacherous for drivers tonight. let's take a listen to drivers we spoke to. and see what they had to say about the worst roads they encountered today. >> i just came back from bwi airport. the roads were, you know, very stand still, bumper-to-bumper. a few accidents here and there.
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>> 5. >> what is it like? >> parking. everybody is stuck. nobody can get out. >> reporter: certainly not fun for drivers. if you don't have to be out here on the roads, stay at home in the nice warm apartment or house, wherever you live. don't come out here. officials say if you do have to come out, make sure you have a lot of patienc and pay attention to what drivers in front and around you are doing because there are slip spots out here. and make sure to have enough space in front of with youthe next car. if you do have an know, if something does happen, you have men of spis to stop. we're live in bethesda tonight. back to you in the studio. >> tnks. today's storm was fast and furious, causing a lot of problems in maryland and virginia. ulie carey traveled from fairfax to stafford andback. she has more now on the commute and the clean-up in virginia. >> reporter: roads in northern
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virginia in far better condition during thisevening rush hour than at the tail end of the morning rush. that's when the sno started to fall and stick right away. causing trouble. the snow had only been falling for about 30 minutes when tires started to spin and cars started to spin out. here on old bridge roa and prince william county, a car jumped the median and slammed into two others, including this brand new prius. >> i was here at the stop liht. and next thing i know, she ran into, she came over the median and hit the back of my car. >> reporter: police we kept busy after accident after accident was called in. for a time, interstates weren't in much better shape. this is what i-95 in stafford county looked like around the noon hour. >> slippery. very bad. stay home. >> reporter: the road conditions convince ad number school districts to change plans and call for an early release. prince william county called off class an hour early. some students who were clearly
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getting their first experience ith snow driving discovered their first challenge was simply making it out of the parking lot. freedom high school security officer dan added, car pushing to his job description. >> they're young, inexperience asked they'll learn today. >> reporter: you drivers weren't the only ones surprised. this teacher admits she wasn't paying close attention as she headed out to school. >> i was not prepared for this as you can tell. go i left thismorning. went to school. and then i looked out the wind over and it was like, oh, wow. >> reporter: v-dot stted the day with seven hundred trucks poised to do bat but they were at 1,400. they'll scale back some but keep men of trucks out on the road to deal with the icy patches sure to develop. news4, fairfax county. >> and we want to see your snow picture. e-mail those to us at at metro, they're stepping
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up security. they said they will randomly begin searching bags at rail stations. it is part of the increased effort to protect passengers and employees. metro will be looking forny hazardous materials. if a rider refuses to have a bag searched, that bag will not be allowed to be taken into the station. th agency plans to use dogs as well. the inspection cosmetic start at any time. mayor elect vincent gray announced he will appoint police chief cathylanier to serve in his administration as well. he also dominated kenneth ellerbe as chief of the fire department. thos appointments were part of the safety cluster announced by gray today. tom sherwood has our report. >> reporter: four years ago, cathy lanier was appointed chief by chief mayor fenty winning mostly praise and support as crime 11 fell. >> she's been a bigadvocate as
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a y to ga public respect and confidence in the police forceful. >> reporter: thursday, mayor elect gray reappointed lanier who is strongly backed by business groups. >> we had two lenny discussions. we felt this was a good fit. you know i did. >> reporter: chief lanier has clashed with the police officers' union. it backed gri for mayor and was disappointed with his choice. >> we're disappointed. here's the problem. we have 300 less police officers than we did, or positions than we did a year ago because have budget cuts. they haven't talked about that. >> reporter: for the fire department, gray named kenneth ellerbe as chief. he is a former deputy chief here who last year became chief in sarasota, frida. he said he would address long standing friction. >> t first thing i plan to do is treat everybody fairly. some of the disparity has come from unfair treatment.
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i'll work the union representativ and see what we can do to make it a beer fire department. >> reporter: he also named the lawyer as the city'sew attorney general. the veteran safety add cat was name deputy mayor for safety and justice. a cabinet post fenty had done away with. om sherwood, news4. washington. police are testing brownies that may have been tainted with drugs and passed out to children at a schoolin prince george's county. county officials say this happened just before 11:00 this morning. seven students at potomac 90 oxon hill ate the brownies and then got sick. many experienced rapid heart rate and felt uneasy so they were taken to the hospital and checked out. samples of the brownies were collted to find out what was in them. coming up, high praise for the officer in florida who probably saved lives during a shooting at a school boar meeting. >> and nasa has made an unusual discovery on saturday u
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did you see that umbrella? that's the way to get out there and enjoy a day like today. snow plows, not really needed. we did see some salt trucks and sand trucks helping with those roads. psych on live digital doppler radar. it is gone but not leaving behind one to three inches across the area. dukers around three inches of snow. toward vienna, 2.3 inches. down toward saint mary's county, about 2.5 inches. acro the region, look at the temperatures. they're cold. scone in frederick. 24 toward the air force base and quantico at 24 degrees. a very cold night tonight. and it will be a cold couple of days with a chance for some snow. a coastal storm, possibly developing. there will be snow. where will it be? i'll show you one more time. i'm thinking in the full forecast a little later.
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i remember pack back in the day. i'm talking 20 years ago it's a big deal now. >> this does not happen very often with this crew. during the seven-game losing streak, they went between rants and positive feedback. this is the longest losing streak of his tenure. last night the latest of the lot. aisappointing 3-2 overtime loss to anaheim. boudreau took the glass is half full approa saying at least we got a point. but coach and players, clearly frustrated. this is a team that doesn't celebrate just getting points. they did get off to a good start. first period no, score. backstrom with the puck behind the net. to john carlson. check this out. he goes off the post and in. caps take the 1-0 lead. seconds laterering gets the loose puck. he shoots, goes through jonas
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hiller's pad. but look at this. look how close it is to going in. man! the capitals can't buy a break in these last seven games. they get a turnover. mike green ahead to alex ovechkin. listen to this. right off that thing. bruce boudreau. his son zack, looking on. but in overtime, it is that getz laugh guy once again. he was a thorn in their side. varlamov, the guy is standing around. the capitals lose 2-1. their seventh straight loss. their worst skid in over three years. the timing of the caps losing streak couldn't be worse. hbo has been taping their every move for an all access reality series about the caps and
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penguins leading up to that winter class oic on n years day. it turns out mom was upset with bruce's salty langue in the premier else last night. it was one particular in game rant that had mrs. boudreau and the hockey world buzzing. here it is. >> look. i have never seen a bunch of guys look so [ blee] down when something bad happens. what are you guys like prima dona perfect? if you can't handle adversity? [ bleep ] it's not going right. it's not [ bleep ] the last ten days. [ bleep ] your heads out of your [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. make it work by outworking the opposition. you killed two [ bleep ] men and then we stand around and watch while the [ bleep ] score here. work the [ bleep ] guys. if you want it, don't just think you want it. go out and [ bleep ] want it. but y're not looking like you want. you look ke you're feeling
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sorry for yourselves. and nobody [ bleep ] wants anybody that is feeling sorry for themselves. >> oh! >> okay. >> that's locker room talk. >> it sounds like every coach i ever had in my life and milder than most. what's the big deal? >> he's passionate. >> it got a lot of attention. that was a good5 or 20 seconds locker but we trimmed it down. >> that's a coach. >> trying tget them to snap out of losing streak that he hasn't experienced since he's been here. >> with snow covering the field at redskins park, the team heade indoors to a local gym for practice. head coach mike shanahan says an indoor practice facility is a priority for the franchise. another priorit of the short term variety bein the cowboys on sunday. right now the redskins are six points underdogs. nothin has changed on the donovan mcnabb front.
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despite reports to the contrary. the players w've talked to said they haven't seen anything to indicate he would be favored over grossman. mike shanahan reiterated that after practice today. >> it really isn't relevant, what i'm doing. unless i'm told something. if i knew something, i would talk to him about it. when it is just, you hear it out of the media and stuff like that. i mean, there is no difference this week than last weekend. so there's nothing toalk about until i know something. >> i think itas been up and down. good last week that he finished with a real good drive. i thought it was one of the best drives of the yea had a couple touchdowns and no picks. did he some good things last week. i think he and i both like the get the rest offense playing more consistently. >> i can't disagree with anything he says. he didn't really endorse him wholeheartedly but he said he is our guy. >> he sa when you media guys say something, it doesn't mean
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anything. >> they don't really listen. >> you were laughing as soon as he said that. >> it was hilarious. >> we think we're a lot more important than we reallyare. that's the truth. this guy is important. one of the most trusted voices when it comes to opinions about sports is that of michael. they are both from chicago and they've known each other for years which is one reason he is so bothered by the way mcnabb has been treated by the redskins. >> a certain respect that goes with seniority in every industry in the world. or ought to convey. and if it doesn't convey. you don't have to tell the media. you tell quarterback. you don't tell us. you tell him. look. we won't discuss it but -- seously. and so stay here for what?
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i hope they cut hill. i hope they cut him. so he can goomewhere else. an atmosphere tat's not days of our lives. donovan is my boy. do i want to see him in that? no, i don't. i was excited when he came. i thght it might be different but it's not different. >> that's coming from a friend who has known him for years since he played high school football and basketball. i wonder how his family feels? >> they have to feel terrible and devastated. but he make a good point beyond friendship. a certain level of professional respect. that a guy who has been in the sxleeg as you know, h many redskins quarterbacks in the last several yes have been to the super bowl. or that should convey with you. and talk to the man and treat him like a man and be straight up. >> he'seen to six pro bowls. >> not a bad career. >> he certainly earned it. >> i think so. >> a couple final notes. the nationals have traded josh
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willingham. a popular clubhouse guy. he had 16 he runs. but he was injury-prone. they're trying to re-sign the pitcher who was recovering from shoulder surgery. and on the college football front, it looks like maryland will lose franklin to vanderbilt. both the washington post and the tennessee are reporting the final details of the head coaching contract are being ironed out as we speak. that would be a big loss for the terps. he is their chief recruiter. >> every assistant wants a head coaching job. thanks. still to come on ws4, wikileaks founder speaks out moments after he gets out of jail. and we invite to you follow news4 onne.
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julie january assange is out of jail. he walk out of court in london after nine days in jail. the judge rejected the appeal fro prosecutors who want to keep him in jail while he fights extradition to sweden. the swedish prosecutors want to question assange about sexual asult allegations there. and brief remarks, assange thanked his supporters d the british justice system. >> i hope to continue my work and continue to protest my nnocence in this matter and to reveal as we get it, which we have not yet, the evidence from these allegations. >> reporter: he paid more than
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$300,000 in bail. much of it donated by supporters. he has been ordered to keep in touch with police and to remain at one address. in fact he will stay at an estate outsideondon owned by one of his supporters. t man who stopped the shooter at a school board meeting in florida said he is not a here officially mike jones spoke publicly for the first time since the gunman opened fire at the meeting tuesdayful jones downplayed his part saying he thought he let the school board down when duke began shooting but mov in at the right moment, shooting and wounding the suspect. in fact jones said he wasn't supposed to have been at that meeting but sensed he was supposed to be there. >> inyou know what? i'm going by there. i have a feeling they need me in the board meeting to answer the questions. i wasn't in the meeting five minutes and i was in a gun fight. nobody believes in god after you watch that individual yoerk you need to go to church this sunday. he had his arms wrapped around everyone of us. >> jones said he looks forward to resuming his regular life
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which includes christmas shopping tonight for some 600 underprivileged chldren. >> a final check? >> the final check, the snow out of here for today but still looking at the potential for a little snow during the d on sunday. we'll to he watch this system very closely. the closer it gets to the coast, the more snow we see. we'll to have watch it for you and we'll do so right here on nbc 4. go. >> thanks, doug. nasa has found the strangest thing in the solar system. some people consider it very strange. theynnounced today xrk per, exp did, that thereis a mountain 3,000 feet tall onsaturn's moon. the cassini probe captured the discovery. an icy substance is shooting out of the ground like lava from a volcano. they stay temperature there on titan is near freezing so it is not lava. rather, an icy slush. the subance is spewing out of
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