tv News 4 at 6 NBC May 2, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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american soil, the man who orchestrated it all has been killed. good evening. i'm jim vance. >> i'm doreen gentzler. an elite team of navy s.e.a.l.s stormed osama bin laden's compound in pakistan and killed him. our government says there's proof it was bin laden, photos of the corpse and dna test results completed today. the pentagon says bin laden's body was washed to adhere to traditional islamic procedures and then he was buried at sea in the waters off the north arabian sea. steve handelsman has the latest from the national mall. >> reporter: it's page one worldwide, america kills osama bin laden. this paper at the pentagon where 184 died on 9/11. >> just a good day to be a united states marine and american citizen. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: the commander in chief echoed that today. >> as a nation, there's nothing we can't do. >> reporter: president obama gave the go order. u.s. intelligence had learned of this mansion in pakistan near the capital, islamabad.
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video finally revealed the tall, slim, gray-haired terrorist was there. navy s.e.a.l.s heel node. one chopper landing hard was damaged. bin laden was shot in the fire fight say the s.e.a.l.s as the white house followed the action in real time. >> the minutes passed like days and the president was very concerned about the security of our personnel. >> reporter: no s.e.a.l.s were hurt. they blew up their bad chopper and left with the body. aboard a u.s. war ship, dna samples, photos, a positive i.d., the navy says the al qaeda founder got a proper muslim burial at sea and president obama addressed the nation. >> the death of bin laden marx the most significant achievement to date in the latest effort to defeat al qaeda. >> reporter: people came to the white house and to ground zero in new york. a victory celebration at ohio state university, even harsh obama critics offered praise.
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>> president obama and his national security team acted on the intelligence when it came in and they deserve a lot of credit. >> reporter: but as the nation celebrates. >> justice is served. >> reporter: this was shanksville, pennsylvania, law enforcement tonight is on extra alert. >> it's a key moment because al qaeda has to avenge. >> reporter: and osama bin laden's organization is not dead. so how did the world's most wanted man hide in plain sight? not in a cave, not in the mountains, but in a mansion? lawmakers up here and officials at the white house say the pakistan military has a lot of explaining to do. i'm steve handlesman, nbc news, washington. we have more on the long hunt for osama bin laden and the commando raid that led to his death. we are joined by national investigative correspondent michael isikoff. i want to follow up on what steve mentioned at the end of his speech is it remotely
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possible that nobody in the pakistani government could know that this guy is living large where he was? >> anything is possible, but one of the more notable comments today is when john bren arngs t brennan, the top adviser was asked about this very question and he said it certainly raises questions that he could have been in in million dollar compound surrounded by high walls, barbed wire for all these years in the shadow, literally, of pakistan's west point, one of its most prestigious military academies. it's an area surrounded and populated by current and former pakistani military officers and right in the middle is the most wanted man in the world and nobody has any idea? look, i talked to a pakistani official who says not a chance, we're complited to the world on terrorism, but as you know there's been a lot between the
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pakistanis and u.s. and this will only exacerbate. >> our team gave pakistan no warning. >> yes. that was another particularly interesting piece of information that came out today. we went into a foreign country on foreign soil with our military, helicopter raids and supposedly an ally and we didn't tell them a thing about it until after the fact. >> that does not seem to bespeak a great level of trust on their part. >> that's fair to say, yes. >> about actually finding him. it's been suggested that what some people call enhanced interrogation and others call torture is what led us to osama bin laden the day before yesterday. what do you know about that? >> i think people will be debating this for quite some time. you can take this information and cut it two ways. what we are being told is some of the early information about the courier who was with bin laden at the end came from these enhanced interrogation
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techniques both at cia black site prisons abroad and even some at guantanamo conducted by the u.s. military, but the point is we didn't know the identity of this guy and last night when senior administration officials briefed on this they said that that courier was a protege of khalid shaikh muhammad, the guy, who you know, who is the mastermind of 9/11 and yet we water boarded khalid shaikh muhammad 183 times and he never gave us the identity of this individual so that raises questions about whether that waterboarding was ann as effective as some people would like to believe. >> lots of questions about this and more answers to come later on. we appreciate you working with us. >> thank you. good to be with you. 184 people were killed in the attack on the pentagon on 9/11. many of them were civilians and this has been a bittersweet day for the families of those victims. julie carey joins us from the pentagon with more on their side of the story. julie? >> reporter: well, news of osama
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bin laden's death can create conflicting emotions for some who lost loved ones here at the pentagon. there is celebration, to be sure, but it also brings back all of the terrible memories of loss on september 11th, 2001. for some families coming here to visit the memorial was one way to process this news they'd waited news to hear. >> when are they going get them? >> every day for the nearly ten years since their son's death, they have waited for the news that came last night. osama bin laden, the man they hold responsible for killing their son was dead. romeo enlisted in the navy right after high school. a technology specialist, he perished in his pentagon office on 9/11 just three days before his 24th birthday. >> i was glad that we got him. justice was served, but you still lost a son. >> i have to say that. it took a while to sink in and with a mother's grief, it's a
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little comfort. >> reporter: today the couple knew what they had to do. they left their waldorf home and got in their son's jeep with his american flag and 9/11 license plate and they droefr it to the arlington national cemetery and they took along flowers and champagne and held a small celebration at romeo's bench and his grave site. >> did i make a promise to romeo on 9/11 that after bin laden is caught dead or alive i will go to the cemetery and i will open a bottle of champagne and i kept the promise. romeo was a party boy, and i thought he's out there smiling that i have -- i'm doing that today for him. >> jena scott's widow celebrated quietly aboard a train today. scott also died in her pentagon office. abraham spoke as he traveled to detroit to set up scholarships in his wife's name. >> i have the utmost respect for the navy s.e.a.l.s.
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if i had a million dollars i would give each and every one of them a million dollars for what they did. >> they say they are relieved bin laden was killed by navy s.e.a.l.s and not captured alive. >> we don't need to waste any more time with him and don't need to put him in a spotlight. >> i'm so glad what they did, bury him in the sea. so there will be no more memory of nothing at all about him. >> reporter: and what a difference bin laden's death will make when the families return here on september 11th for the ten year commemoration. reporting live at the pentagon memorial, i'm julie carey, back to you. >> jieulie, thank you. usa! usa! >> a large crowd in ground zero in new york last night in celebration. there was one here at the white house as well. many of them in both places cheering usa singing the national anthem and "god bless america." michelle franzen in new york
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city now with more on the reaction there. michelle? >> reporter: well, jim, certainly it's been a steady stream of people here all throughout the day. a mixture of residents here in new york, commuters as well as tourists from all around world. they're stopping and they're taking photographs. a very big difference from what it is usually. it's a busy day down here at ground zero on any given day, but there's a different sense of purpose, many coming to celebrate and here to remember and trying to reclaim some of what was lost. word spread quickly osama bin laden had not only been found, but killed. and just as quickly, crowds gathered near ground zero, the sacred site typically marked by system somber remembrances each year, became the focus of a june labt celebration. cheers. >> usa! >> chants. >> reporter: and a point rottic show of emotion that unfurled throughout the city.
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the culmination of the near decade-long hunt for the man who inspired the 9/11 attacks. >> the emotion has a lot to do with the fact that for ten years we've been held emotionally hostage. >> reporter: for victims' families incruding chris brattin who lost his sister in the attacks it is a day of reflection without cloesure. >> what happened here with osama will not bring her back, but it puts it back in perspective that justice has been served. >> i hope it brings some sort of comfort knowing that the main cancer has been killed. >> reporter: former mayor rudy giuliani who walked the debris-covered streets in the hours after the world trade center towers collapsed returned to ground zero today, expressing relief and political praise for the commander in chief. >> it was president obama who had the courage who ordered this
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which could have easily gone wrong and he could have been the recipient of all of the blame. >> reporter: around the city there is an increased show of force. no specific threat, leaders say, just a precaution. >> osama bin laden is dead and new york city's spirit has never been stronger. >> reporter: and adapting yet again to change. our coverage on the death of osama bin laden continues. security around the nation's capital changed today, not all of it for some of us. we'll tell you who is not happy about the death of the founder of al qaeda. local muslims spoke out about the impact of the death of bin laden had on their community. how are we looking? >> looking pretty good. temperatures made their way into the mid-70s, some areas into the 80s, everybody may get there tomorrow, but there's a chance for severe weather. i'll show it to you. doug, coming up in sports, i'll tell you why new george mason coach paul hewitt thinks he's the perfect fit for the job
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warned that the country needs to be alert to the possibility of yet another attack. >> there has been intelligence that suggested that if osama bin laden were ever captured or killed that there would be a violent attack on america or europe in one way or another, and i think it's important that our intelligence organizations and military around the world are very attentive during this period. >> rumsfeld served as defense secretary under president george w. bush. he held that position on the day of the 9/11 attacks. homeland security officials say there's no plan to raise the terror threat level after bin lad laden's death, but here in washington authorities are stepping up security over concerns about possible retaliation attacks. pat collins is live in chinatown with what we may see here in the district. pat? >> reporter: doreen, cops out with those big guns, increased security all around the town.
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>> this increase is not related to any specific threat to our system, rather than it is out of an abundance of caution. >> reporter: they did it in metro stations. they did it in the middle of downtown. in the city of washington this wa a day of cops walking around with big, long, intimidating rifles, a not so subtle reminder they're in a constant state of readiness. this is not a sight you see every day on connecticut avenue. >> does it make you feel safer? >> i didn't feel anything. >> reporter: you saw the guns, though? >> i saw them, and i just thought that it was something they needed to do. >> it was a little scary, but i assumed they're protecting us as best they can. >> reporter: what do you make of that? >> i don't know. i was wondering. >> reporter: does it make you feel safer? >> it does. >> reporter: police chief kathy
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linear said it would not be prudent to talk about the increased security tactics, but she says many of those tactics are designed to be visible by the public. metro, every day our city's subway system carries about 750,000 riders. public transportation always a possible terrorist target and today a high state of alert. michael taborn, the metro transit police chief says after conferring with counterparts across the country, he decided to take it up a notch. >> as a results of this increased security our customers are likely to see an increase in uniformed police officers in the system. we also have other security measures in place that are designed to be invisible to the public. >> most subway riders we talked to seem to have no problem with extra police protection. >> i think it's a beautiful
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thing, you know. we've got to keep everybody safe, man. especially during these times. >> it's the day after. you don't know what's going to happen next. >> reporter: make you feel safer? >> yes, it does. yeah. >> reporter: so how long will this increased security last? they say until further notice. doreen, back to you. >> pat collins reporting. thank you, pat. the news of bin laden's death is being welcomed by governments around the world, many including in his birthplace of saudi arabia and his ancestral homeland in yemen are hailing the deaths. others say it should not become a reason to let down the fight against terrorism. in the meantime some groups are condemning the killing. the palestinian group hamas called bin laden a holy warrior. al qaeda and yemen called the news a catastrophe and pledged jihad or holy war will continue. other muslim groups across the
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globe also are reacting. many appear to share the sentiment that bin laden did not represent islam. his death brings a feeling of relief. they hope it will lead to better relationships between america and the muslim world. >> it is people of faith that it is not right to dance on the grave even a mass murderer. osama bin laden's name and his videos will no longer be produced to remind us of the hatred that he fermented. it is also a day to say that we have to move beyond the acts of revenge to reckon sreconciliati. >> some say it's an opportunity to restore an islamic identity that's been hijacked by extremist sfwloos there were calls from revenge from libya from those who buried moammar gadhafi's son.
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he was kaled in a nato air strike along with three of gadhafi's grandchildren. it was an assassination a term. but nato denies targeting gadhafi who escaped the compound that was attacked. gadhafi forces attacked rebels in misrata. hundreds have been killed in the last two month. a person trapped after a house explosion and there was one person who went to help just before that house burst into flames. what's next for nasa after >[ male announcer ] want toter achieve more with your money?
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the death of osama bin laden spurred an early rally for markets, but stocks lost all of those gains once traders focused more on corporate earnings news. the dow lost three points for the day to close at 12,078 and the nasdaq slid to close at 2864 and the s&p ended the day at 1361. doug is here with the scoop of what's going on with our weather. a little warm out there and not too much sunshine, at least not in my neighborhood. >> just a neighborhood over, though, it was all -- >> it was beautiful, huh? >> well, the way things have been going lately, i don't want to assume that i'm the only one that saw a cloud today. >> we had a shower during the day yesterday. >> saturday was great.
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>> saturday, beautiful day. >> as promised. >> yes. thank you. outside right now we are dealing with some clouds especially over bethesda. most definitely right now, but we're also seeing sunshine and peeks and pokes of that sun and also a couple of showers and we'll take a look at live digital doppler radar and most us will be on the dry side and our friends back toward west virginia and morgan county, hello, west virginia, we're looking at showers there. the rest of the area though, we are all clear and let's move in for these showers and entering frederick county, virginia, and right along 81. you will see some of those showers come through and it will not be a whole lot and they won't last long at all and just enough to get the windshield wipers going. temperaturewise, nice and warm. 76 degrees outside and we've been warming up over the last couple of hours and winds out of the south at 8 mice per hour, and 80 in la plata, leonardtown coming in at 70 degrees and we'll be even warmer during the day tomorrow ahead of our next
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frontal boundary. you can see a few clouds making their way in during the day today. most of the rain staying back to the west and that's where it will stay throughout much of the night tonight and into the early portion of the day tomorrow, but as our frontal boundary starts to make its way further to the east we'll increase our chances for rain. tomorrow, rather barm, temperatures into the 80s some looks and down toward fredericksburg and our area of low pressure coming through the area during the afternoon and i think it will still wait until late tomorrow afternoon and maybe into tomorrow evening and into the overnight hours before we see the rain behind it and behind it, we'll see the cool air come back in. wednesday will be a cool, dreary day. let's show you the timing of this next storm system through tomorrow morning and not expected a whole lot. this is 11:00 tomorrow morning and no rain across the square and watch what happens in the 4:00 hour and starting to bring in prenontal moisture that ekd
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lead us through showers and still think we'll see sunshine during the afternoon tomorrow and theven around 11:00, that's when we'll see the storm move in, some of the storms could be strong and severe tomorrow evening. we'll watch out for that and it does look like the storms or at least the rain could linger through wednesday morning. mostly cloudy this evening, mild, isolated showers, 66 to 73 degrees. sunrise tomorrow, 6:08. sunset today after 8:00. how about that? the day's definitely getting longer and tomorrow's going to be one of the good ones. 77 to 83 degrees, partly sunny, nice and warm, increasing rain chances, but most likely after sunset tomorrow night winds will be breezy and south at 10 to 20, gusting upward of 20 miles an hour and a pretty nice tuesday out there and the rain will come late tuesday night into wednesday morning and 68 on thursday. thursday is looking like a nice
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day and 69 on sunday with a slight chance of a shower and not looking at a wet day there and the extended outlook, saturday and sunday, maybe a chance of a shower and saturday will be the driest of the two days, but i don't really see any huge systems. the one system that will bring us a really good chance of rain will come tonight and early wednesday morning. >> that's just how we like it. >> isn't that perfect? >> that would be perfect. thou, doug. coming up tonight, a messy accident that shut down part of the beltway in virginia. we'll check in on the impact for drivers. investigators use their nose to get to the bottom of a house explosion. >> president obama honored heroes with the nation's highest military honor. a special place made even more special by a current event. who came and why. i'm derek ward and i'll have details coming up on news 4. coming up in sports, lightning strikes again in game two. it's do or die.
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when it was over bin laden had been killed and all of the u.s. special operations forces were safe. here in washington, there is an increased police presence after bin laden's death. no specific threats, but authorities say it's important for everyone to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity. the celebratory mood that we've seen from crowds after bin laden's death isn't shared by everyone including some who were directly impacted by the september 11th attacks. >> it is a day of reflection over celebration for those at the pentagon today and for those who were there on 9/11. derrick ward has our report. >> reporter: among these first responders to the pentagon on september 11th, relief knowing that bin laden is gone, but that relief is tempered with reliving of the day that everything changed. >> it's a different kind of feeling because you try to bury a lot of what happened on 9/11, and this just kind of opens that sore back up. >> reporter: at the pentagon mremorrial today a few more visitors than usual at this time of year, but now people come
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with the knowledge that the man behind the september 11th attacks is no more. >> it was a long time coming. wish it would have been southeastern, glad it wasn't later. >> reporter: this was their wegd anniversary, they chose to share it with those memorialized here. >> on september 11th i worked for american airlines. i was one of the ones checking in flight 77. i knew the cockpit crew, the flight attendants and wont passengers was our station secretary. she was on it, and i recognize a lot of the names. >> reporter: and others wandered silently or sit silently and contemplate the reason for this place and the reason for coming on this day. >> i served in the u.s. air force for many years, and actually have two people that i used to work with that were killed on september 11th and i feel the people that know people, and i just decided to come out here and just -- i
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don't know, just come out here and let go of some of my emotions. >> reporter: this place has always been special since its inception, but even more so today. for some of the folks who came, was there an imprompt you visit. for others it was planned. we did speak to one visitor who summed up an emotion that some people are feeling here today. >> sitting on a friend who dedicated to a good friend and neighbor who perished, this man is relieved and circumspect. >> i applaud it with reservation because we know there's more to come. >> derrick ward, news 4. >> osama bin laden's death may have been comforting news for one school community in the district. lucky elementary school lost a student that day, a teacher and two parents on american airlines flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. two years after the 9/11 terror attacks more than 100 volunteers worked to build a memorial outside that school. there is now a garden attached to that memorial that students
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keep up in honor of those four people who were killed. some tourists here in washington ran into a fooum few changes in the capital after the death of osama bin laden. extra security on capitol hill and along the mall. as tom sherwood reports, everyone seemed to be taking it in stride. >> usa! >> reporter: sunday night an impromptu flag-waving celebration erupted outside the white house. in contrast to the celebration mood last night here at the white house today there was some conflict. a small group demonstrang for peace was disrupted by this man who said he was a marine recruit. >> that's the sickening thing about all of this. the fact that they're out here spreading ignorance. >> reporter: with feelings still strong here in the nation's capit capitol. >> i think it was great. i think it was time for closure and i am glad that president
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obama and the troops were able to catch him and get rid of him. we know this isn't the end, but this is the start. >> it's a tremendous day in history. we'll look on it as a historic turning point in our fight against terrorism. >> sprinkled among the normal crowds of springtime tourists common this time of year, their police from capitol hill to the white house were more visible and on edge and not shutting down the city as tourists were proud to be in their nation's capit capitol? >> i hadn't seen it until this morning it was a surprise. it was interesting to see we finally got him, but that doesn't end anything. it's a step along the way. >> this is not going to be the end of the war on terror, but it definitely puts closure to what happened back on 9/11 almost teb years ago. so it does put closure on that. >> you were outside the white house last night. what did you think? >> we were. it was an amazing time. i'll tell you, the happiness and the joy and the american flags.
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just an amazing time to be in washington, d.c.. >> tom sherwood, news 4shgs washington. we invite tou to stay with nbc news. "nightly news" with brian williams will have a special hour-long special after this broadcast. a neighbor help red skew a man after a house explosion in triangle, virginia. it happened on wayne drive around 8:00 a. mrchlt. fire fighters say when they arrived there was no fire, but a heavy damage. neighbors say nobody was living in the home and it was undergoing renovations. >> a tanker truck accident closed part of the beltway that happened just before 11:00 this morning in the eastbound lanes of i-495 in alexandria and traffic slowed near the eisenhower avenue exit. the truck driver had to swerve to avoid hitting another vehicle. the truck overturned and spilled the used cook oil it was
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carrying. the driver is being treated for injuries that aren't believed to be life-threatening. he's been charged with reblgless driving and the beltway has reopened now. coming up, that tornado outbreak in the south set a record in our history. a new decision's been made about whether congresswoman gabrielle giffords will be
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>> and welcome back, everybody. a pretty nice day out there on this monday, nice, warm temperatures. a few showers well to the north and west of washington, but if we zoom on in here you can see where they are right along 81 and right around martinsburg, west virginia and berkshire county starting to see the showers and frederick county, virginia, area and we'll continue to see those make their way off toward the east pf most of us should remain on the dry side with light showers. 76 degrees currently at the airport and winds out of the south at 8 miles per hour and as we move through the night tonight, a pretty nice night. 62 degrees and temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. tomorrow afternoon, 82 in the district and 86 down toward fredericksburg and best chance of rain will be well to the west and most of us should see the rain come in after sunset. jim? >> thanks, doug. the tornadoes that cut across
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the south last week were severe and widespread. they were devastating, in fact, they were also record setting. we learned today that there were more tornados in a single 24-hour period last week than on any other single day in american history. that according to new govern chlt estimates. there were 362 tornadoes during last week's outbreak. 312 of them hit between wednesday morning and thursday morning. space shuttle endevour's final mission has been scratched for the second time because of concerns a power problem. the crew and their families were allowed to travel back to houston after today's setback. congresswoman gabrielle giffords plans to return to cape canaveral to watch commander mark kelly's launch. giffords has been undergoing rehab after being shot in january. the launch is postponed until at least next sunday. we were sitting out earlier and lindsay talking about what a bummer that is and the wonderful first round, and we're down 0-2.
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>> the capitals performed so well with their backs against the wall. sometimes you need that's the way they have to be. the capitals now are in a must win as they head to tampa for games three and four. also the good side of philadelphia phillies fans last night and the redskins have an answer for why they didn't draft a
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you talk about backs to your wall. you've got to go to their house, too, right? >> they do. the capitals have to go to tampa and they have to win tomorrow. >> that's what we were saying for every game and this time really, we're not kidding. >> the caps have put it in perspective because it wasn't until a lot of the players left the arena last night that they found out the news about osama bin laden, so that was interesting to hear, but as far as the loss go, the capital his an even keel mindset. they flustered themselves with missed opes and went 0 for 6 on power play chances, but they did play better than they had in game one of the series and they do know it's critical to get the game in faim tampa now that they're down 2-0 in the series. let's go to the center, michael trying to do his part to keep the capitals out of a big hole. third period they were tied at one, tampa's teddy purcel gets it to martin st. louis.
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another bad break for the capitals. you've got to be joking, but the capitals said you what? if we do anything we do not quit. just over a minute left in regulation. still down 2-1, the puck down behind the lightning's net. jason gets it to alex ovechkin and he scores the equalizer, stepping up to the plate. check out the bench. they were excited as well and now we're headed to overtime because the game is tied at two. then in overtime the puck goes deep into the lightning zone. this is fluts. randy jones sends it to purcel over to vincent lecavalier and he bites michael norbert. the news they heard after the loss put the game in perspective. >> it's kind of weird. my brother texted me last night when i got home from the game, and things are going crazy and i texted back and said no, we lost tonight so i don't think caps fans are too happy. he said no, you dummy, they got
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osama bin laden. they'd been hunting him for ten years. that's how i found out, probably different than what most people found out. it's world news, obviously, and a little more important than what we're involved in, but you know, i'm sure our guys read the papers and saw the clips on the tv today, but our focus is still going to be on the hockey. >> so some of the capitals' players stumbled upon the news as they drove toward crowds that surround the white house after the game. meanwhile, players on the field for the phillies-mets games in philadelphia were wondering what the heck were going when fans began chanting usa. it was remarkable the way you could watch the news of osama bin laden's death spread across the fan base at citizens bank park. it was ironic that 9/11 came into play as it was the ninth inning with the store tied 1-1. you can see people spreading the word after what ladd bin laden
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killed. what happened next, chilling as they started chanthing usa! usa! >> the sea of thousands about 45,000 people, baseball fans there joined together and for the players themselves they started to hear the news spread around the dugout. third baseman david wright said phillies fans usually known for their rowdiness got this one right. those philly fans. >> one of the few times. >> one of the few times we've ever watched a stadium, a crowd of people like that reacting spontaneously. >> it makes me think of the olympics, everyone acting together. there was also a note at the nationals game tonight. they had previously planned this, but all military folks get in free, them and their families at the nats game. >> that's proper. >> yes, it is proper. new george mason basketball coach paul hewitt said he traded one paradise for another and this is true on one front and
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hewitt is lucky that he has a very patient wife. the new head coach was supposed to leave to take his wife on a trip to st. martin last friday and koefrp larranacoach larrana. paul hewitt, no question, has big shoes to fill. he will be under a microscope after coach larranaga did for the program. hewitt was let go by georgia tech in march. his record after 11 years as head coach was 190 and 162. he led tech to five n drshgs aa tournament appearances and lost to the national champions uconn in 2004. he's known as a strong recruder and today expressed his appreciation that mason had done so with him. >> this could not have been a more perfect spot for me to have this opportunity. i think the basketball program what coach larranaga has done here has been an unbelievable example and it shows you what can happen if you continue to work hard and this is hon of thely probably the only place i
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would have done it this fast. i was beat up after my last run, but it happens. it's part of the game. no hard feelings or anything like that, but this was too good to turn down. >> no, paul hewitt's wife was not in st. marten with a martini. >> she was in the front row. >> he's got it on his list. >> he can go as soon as he wins. >> no pressure. hewitt signed a five-year deal with george mason. the redskins made a curious one over the weekend. you might be scratching your head thinking they blew it that they ended up trading or for not drafting a quarterback period among the 12 pick, but head coach mike shanahan says the team has many different directions and they can go at that position. one of them is with john beck. could john beck be the redskins' starter next season assuming there is one? shanahan seems to think so. beck was the third spring
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quarterback on the roster and is the only sure thing that the redskins have at that spot with mcnabb's future in question and rex grossman being a free agent. when asked if beck's talent is yet redskins did not select a quarterback in the draft, shanahan brought up beck's potential. >> when john beck did come out i had him as a quarterback, and i didn't even think it was close, so i have confidence on john beck. when he comes on in 2007 you evaluate the quarterbacks every year and he was by far my number one guy. so i think the world of him and when you see a guy practice every day, regardless if it's your system or going against our defense you surely get to see his strengths and his weaknesses. he has not disappointed me since he's been here. >> john beck of byu drafted in 2007. brady quinn, jamarcus russell went ahead of him that year, but he has qualities that mike shanahan obviously enjoys. >> thanks, lindsay.
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many made their way to museums and monuments to take in 9/11 exhibits. jane watrel has more. >> reporter: it's the top news story in nearly a decade, the death of osama bin laden brings in the crowds outside the newseum. inside, a touching 9/11 exhibit featuring a melted broadcast antenna from the north tower of the world trade center. many say they wanted to be here on this day. >> i just think it's a historical event and we were all just really excited and this is a great day to come to the newseum to remind yourself. >> reporter: brooklyn tourist yosi was 10 years old in 2001 and watched the towers burn from his elementary school windows. he's part of the crowd that gathered outside the white house last night, reveling in the news that bin laden was dead. >> i'm very happy that he's gone. i wish it would have happened earlier, but at least we got him. >> reporter: at the kensington
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volunteer fire department a memorial funded largely by donations is now being built outside the main fire station to remember those who lost their lives in washington, new york and pennsylvania. word of bin laden's death was well received. >> his killing today is a testament to the resolve of the american forces to hunt down bad guys like that and terrorists and get them. >> we also have a photograph here -- >> a piece of the world trade center can also be found at the air and space museum. those touring the dulles facility took time to reflect on on the enormity of the death of the world's most wanted terrorist. >> as an american, i'm overjoyed and hopefully put us on a new phase of our recovery from all of this terrorism thing and we can move on. >> reporter: not only are the headlines popular outside the newseum, but on its website as well. a spokesman says this was the most traffic ever coming to the newseum's website. 2800 hits a second.
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in northwest, jane watrel, news 4. why would so many internet users want to look at newspaper headlines? a spokesman says newspapers offer an emotional snapshot in time while websites are constantly changing. coming up on our broadcast tonight at 11:00, more on the death of osama bin laden including reaction from the founder of the navy s.e.a.l. unit that finally killed him. also, an emotional night out at nationals park as military members were saluted by the team and its fans and the search for a group of boy scouts who have been stranded by floodwaters tonight at 11:00. one more check on our weather, doug? >> our weather look great for tomorrow for part of the day if not for most of the day and many us will see temperatures in the mid to upper 80s. 82 degrees for the washington, d.c. area and yes, a chance for a late shower or thunderstorm, some of the storms will come in late tomorrow night and not during the day, but tomorrow
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night, some of those could be strong and maybe severe. we could see the rain lasting through the early morning hours through 6:00, 7:00 wednesday. thursday looking great, high temperature of 68 with sunshine and a chance for showers during the day on friday. so i do think we'll see a pretty nice week. wednesday is the one down day. i think it will be a little on the dreary side and wednesday morning for the morning rush may not be all that fun, but hey -- >> less drama than the last few weeks. >> a lot less drama, so we'll take it. the chief focus at the white house has been the commando raid that took out osama bin laden lately, but the president today paused for a long overduhonor for two heroes of the korean war. at a ceremony at white house the president posthumously awarded the medal of honor. he made the honor posthumously to the families of the two heroes. >> i have to say that as
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commander in chief i could not be prouder of our men and women in uniform. that is true now in today's wars. it has been true in all of our wars, and it is why we are here today. >> one medal of honor winner -- one medal of honor was awarded to army private anthony kahoanuanu. back in 1951 his squad came under fire by enemy force with overwhelming numbers. he fought them alone with grenades and ammunition he had and when the ammo ran out he fought hand to hand until he was killed. the other twont henry fellowes of new jersey. he jumped on a grenade during a battle in june 1952. he was killed but the other members of his platoon were saved. his fellow sister accepted the medal on his
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