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tv   News 4 at 5  NBC  October 24, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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a month ago. an unsettling sight at a retirement home. cops, detectives, evidence techs, a crime scene. the suspect, a man. the victim, his wife. she was a short term rehab resident. she was in her 70s. she was paralyzed. her husband, 80 years old. they say he would visit her every day. today, today was different than the others. once inside her treatment room, they say he shot her, then turned the gun on himself. >> it's unbelievable. it is absolutely unbelievable to me. i just -- it's sad. it is sad. that's all i can say. >> reporter: the ables live here and volunteer in that rehab center. >> we are quite aware of some of the condition and some of the residents live there come in, but to have this happen is, you
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know, out of the ordinary. >> reporter: this used to be known as the lutheran home. now they call it the villages at rockville. it's like a small town with 350 residents. something like this, something like this most disturbing. >> i don't understand that. what do people achieve by that? if she was in rehab, she must have been getting better. >> reporter: how did the gun get inside this building? >> we will review our procedures to ensure our residents are safe. >> reporter: are you going to put a metal detector in here? >> i can't comment about that at this point. >> reporter: the village offered to conduct a memorial service for al bert and an dra. >> thank you pat. jury selection is under way
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in the trial of the woman accused of killing her co-worker. she told police they were attacked in a robbery. we have a look at some of the critical questions that jurors are being asked. chris? >> reporter: good evening. security is tight here at the courthouse. reporters had to undergo background checks. the judge in the case, robert greenburg issued this order with the rules of media protocol in covering the case. today, jury selection began with 300 potential jurors brought into the large ceremonial courtroom here at the courthouse as the high profile murder trial begins. the judge told the perspective jurors the allegations. she's charged with first degree murder for killing a fellow
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employee at the lululemon on march 11th, 2011. the judge has 149 perspective jurors. if they read or heard an account concerning this case. all stood up except for 18 potential jurors who hadn't heard about the murder. through a long series of questions, the judge, prosecutors and defense attorneys will try to pick jurors to put aside anything they learned from news accounts and be fair and partial, weighing the evidence in the trial. stephen, who is not involved in this case says it is hard to find impartial jurors in such a high profile murder trial. >> you want to get people to listen to your case and put aside their biases and prejudices in terms of the violence of the crime. >> britney's family is in court. they brought her clothes in a bag so she could change out of
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her jail jump suit. she sat in court quietly wearing street clothes, her hair pulled back tightly. she's charged with premeditated murder. she slashed her in an attack that lasted 20 minutes. norwood reacted after she found stolen clothing from the store in her bag. she covered up the murder making up a story telling police they had both been attacked and raped by two masked men. if britney norwood is convicted of murder, she faces the possible sentence of life in prison. back to you now in the studio. >> all right. thanks, chris. virginia governor bob mcdonald isn't taking no for an answer. he requested a disaster --
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thomas jefferson elementary and louisa county high are still closed. repairs estimated at $31 million. engineers say insurance won't cover the total costs. later this week, mcdonald plans to appeal fema's decision to deny assistance to homeowners dealing with earthquake damage in louisa county. president obama is in nevada to talk about a plan to help more homeowners refinance even if they have little or no equity. loan fees would be waived. the new rules apply to fannie mae and freddie mac. this could begin as soon as december 1st. this is a live shot we are going to be showing you. he's going to make the announcement here in this neighborhood. the president's plans could help some troubled homeowners, many in the area may not be able
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to take advantage of the somewhat relaxed guidelines. the plan only applies to homeowners who haven't missed a mortgage payment. some housing counselors say most of their clients are already behind on payments. >> the rates are good. but, with the criteria for the homeowner to be current with their payment, i think it will be a small amount of personnel will benefit from that. once they come to us, in most cases they are at least 120 to 150 days late on one payment. local counselors say some lenders have become more willing to work with them to modify homes to fight off foreclosure. there was talk earlier of a chance of rain, but it's still sunny out there. doug, when is the rain moving in and will we all get it? >> that's what it is. a chance of rain throughout the rest of the evening.
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a few sprinkles out there. some areas seeing the rain now in portions of west virginia. no, we are not going to see the rain out there. once again, you may get the windshield wipers going throughout the evening. you can see what we are talking about. sunshine and cloud cover both across the area with the temperature sitting at 65 degrees. wind aut 8 miles per hour. that nas sas 70. it's nice and warm there. it's 61 in winchester. hagerstown at 58 degrees. we have showers. you can see them back to the west. a few in fairfax county and loudoun county. they are out of here. it's back toward winchester and the romney area and portions of west virginia. watch out along 81 and i-70. you'll see shower activity. it will make its way our way. for the most part, we stay on the dry side. down to 59 degrees at 9:00. waking up tomorrow morning to
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chilly temperatures, 47 degrees in the district. some areas into the low 40s after the chilly weekend and speaking of chilly, we have very interesting weather this week. tomorrow is looking fantastic. it's the rest of the week that i'm worried about. i'll show it to you in a minute. >> doug, thank you. downtown bethesda is growing with apartments and strors growing on the horizon. if you are tired of circling for parking spaces, be prepared. a popular lot will soon close. we have the story from bethesda. >> reporter: it's always busy in bustling bethesda with shops and restaurants and customers always circling for a place to park. >> it's painful. >> it's tough to find parking particularly as the day goes on. >> reporter: one of the most popular parking spots will shut down with some rows closing off
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next month. >> it's important as a gathering spot. it serves all the businesses around here. having it here makes it easy to use the businesses. if both sides are gone and the road is closed, it's going to be tough to find parking. >> it's right there. it's not a garage. it's on the edge of everything. >> reporter: the 300 parking spaces will be replaced by a new development. it includes apartments, retail and under ground parking garage with 600 new spaces but won't be finished for three years. >> initially, it will be a headache for folks. with dump trucks coming in and out of here carrying equipment, it's going to be chaos. >> reporter: there are more than a dozen parking garages in this area yielding 6,000 parking spaces. >> not many people know that up the block here, two blocks away, there's a 300 space lot much
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like this one that sits largely empty on weeknights. >> still some businesses are worried about the short term impact. >> parking is an issue, already. the fact they are closing down another parking lot is tough for us. >> if they have a vision for the future, good for them. in the meantime, it's going to suck for three years for us. a section of woodmont avenue will be closed during the construction. circumstancelator bus service will be expanded during rush hour. the ncaa president threw his support behind a proposal today. if approved, student athletes get $2,000 grants to cover the cost of attending school. it's in addition to scholarships that cover room and board and
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books. a decision on the new proposal is expected this week. news 4 at 5:00, just getting started. two $1,000 tickets left on a car for the same d.c. man. whether the controversial vaccine for young women should be recommended for young men. the redskins beat up on the field as well as the score board. how long some key players could be out. news 4 at 5:00, we are just
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mount etna is at it again. the volcano in italy put on an impressive display. flames and sparks shot up more than 800 feet. etna is europe's most active volcano. no damage reported. an airport was briefly shut down but that reopened this morning. the desperate effort to find survivors of a powerful
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earthquake is under way. rescuers dug to get a child out of the rubble. they could hear the child crying under the wreckage. the toddler was brought to safety, but no word on the rest of the family. more than 1200 rescue workers from across turkey were working in the region now. there's a lot ahead for them. in one city alone, there are at least 80 collapsed apartment buildings. closed circuit camera pictures show a little bit about how hard the 7.2 quake shook turkey yesterday. nearly 300 people are confirmed dead. authorities say hundreds could be trapped. after four weeks, the prosecution rested their case against dr. conrad murray. their final witness, an anesthesiologist says he believes murray is responsible for jackson's death and he committed extreme violations of medical malpractice.
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sources tell nbc news they will lay out a new time line for jackson's death later this week. murray admitted to giving the late singer propofol as a sleepy to manslaughter charges. parents have been told to avoid giving their kids plastic products with pba in it. now, parents need to change their habits. a study of 200 expect tant mothers then collowed them. women with higher levels of bpa in their body are more likely to find daughters with higher problems. >> girls had more depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and aggression. >> there was no link for boys. it did not find a link between
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kids bpa levels after they were born and behavioral issues. doug joins us now. not a bad start to the week. tomorrow is going to be better, huh? >> tomorrow is going to be great. this week is going to be an interesting week weather wise. we have a lot of changes happening. if there's ever been a week so far, the last couple weeks you wanted to stay tuned to the forecast, this might be it. >> all right. >> what's coming up? >> shameless. >> you need to watch the next couple days. let's take a look out there now. sunshine across the area, cloud cover, too. there are a few showers well to the west. most of the area will stay on the dry side as we make our way through the evening. a beautiful shot. we are looking at sunshine over the potomac. temperatures at 65 here in washington. 61 in frederick. hagerstown, cooler with a temperature of 58 degrees. the warm spot toward fredericksburg at 70. on the radar, nothing to show
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you around the d.c. area. we are seeing the showers toward the west. winchester, martinsburg, you are seeing them. hagerstown, around 81. they are having trouble making their way across the mountains. i don't expect much east of the blue ridge. you may see the showers. most of us will stay on the dry side as we make our way through the evening hours. along 81 and winchester, up to hagerstown. what about the wider picture here? this is a frontal boundary. this cold front comes through the region overnight tonight. it's not going to bring colder air. behind it, we are going to warm up. that's good news. showers making their way on through. behind the system, high pressure. sunshine. tomorrow is a beautiful day. then we are going to see our changes. what do i mean by that? the high pressure moves out of here. by wednesday, we see a chance of showers increase. i think right now, wednesday is
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looking good as far as temperatures go. wednesday will stay dry for the most part. a chance of a shower. thursday, we see the frontal boundary across the area. a good chance of rain early on thursday. later in the day, where ever this area of low pressure goes, further to the south, we are talking more rain. farther to the north, less rain and a good chance. this storm could actually tell us where the next storm is going to be. right now, the weekend is really the storm i'm looking at. where is that going to shape up? i'll continue to watch it for you. showers possible. 63 dropping to 59 degrees. winds out of the south at five to ten miles per hour. tomorrow morning a cool start but nice. 42 to 47 under clear skies. you'll need a jacket. mostly sunny. looking good tomorrow afternoon. nice and mild. a high temperature, 67 to 70 degrees. here is the next four days showing you nice and mild on tomorrow. wednesday looking good with a high of 70.
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61 with shower activity on thursday. friday, only 55 and cool. the weekend, as i mentioned, watching a potential storm. that's all i'll say. >> all right. leave us hanging. >> you have to stick around. >> thank you, doug. tomorrow, the center of disease control will take up a debate whether to recommend the hpv vaccine for boys. >> it's gardasil. nancy snyderman joins us to talk more about this very heated topic. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> tell us why there's a push to recommend the vaccine for boys. >> a lot of us thought if girls should be treated for a sexually transmitted disease to involve boys. girls 11 and over were urged to get the vaccine with the idea
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that if you get the vaccine before you are sexually active, if you are exposed to the virus you won't get it. boys can be silent carriers of the virus and can get cancer. they can get cancer of the mouth, tonsil, tongue. i think the cdc is basically stepping back or stepping up and doing what a lot of pediatricians have been doing, urging vaccine for all preteens. again, it's the idea of giving them an anticancer vaccine, not a vaccine that says oh, now you can go ahead and become sexually active. a message that got botched along the way. >> interesting. dr. nancy snyderman, thanks so much. >> you bet. >> stay tuned for nbc "nightly news." brian williams will have more with nancy and her report on findings that link hpv to women's heart health.
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coming up on news 4 at 5:00, why apple may be looking to build the second washington, d.c. store. i'm liz crenshaw. halloween, halloween costumes and fire. a dangerous combination. my story is coming up. kim kardashian working on a kim kardashian working on a project for the
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a new apple store could be in the works for a downtown d.c. according to "the washington post" columnist steve pearlstein. they are looking at opening a store at the massive city center development. it is currently under construction. it's going to house hundreds of apartments and condos as well as retail space. apples only store of the district is located on wisconsin avenue in georgetown. some d.c. residents are getting hired on the spot today. 7-eleven has pledged to hire all 38 employees from the neighborhoods where the stores will be located. it's part of d.c. mayor vinson grays hire one initiative.
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he greeted the first person offered a job. >> i know that today the door is open. thank you to god and 7-eleven. >> people establish a track record of working. they have a resume that as they eventually move on to other things and a number probably will, they have that basis on which to stand. >> he accepted the job spot right at 7-eleven today. he was a senior branch manager at a bank in his homeland of ethiopia. when news 4 at 5:00 continues, a gift that could provide you a rarely seen view from the top of the statue of liberty. concerns after a sorority was targeted by a serial rapest. many of us have been unfortunate enough to receive a parking ticket in the city.
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one man
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jury selection began in the trial of britney norwood in montgomery county. she's accused of killing her co-worker at lululemon. she's pleaded not guilty.
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a murder suicide inside a retirement home this morning. investigators say an elderly man shot his wife and killed himself inside a room at the village of rockville facility. the victim has been identified as 74-year-old sandra baller. she was a patient there. the suspect, her husband is an 80-year-old. one of downtown bethesda's most convenient parking lots will close down in january. new apartments in retail at the corner of woodmont and bethesda avenues. now, let's fast 4ward through the weather, doug. >> i drove for 25 minutes trying to find parking in that area. no problem. rain is well to the west. out towards i-81, winchester, martinsburg. light rain across the area. the rest of us should stay on
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the dry side. maybe a few scattered showers and sprinkles out there. i'll show you the forecast in a minute. >> thanks, doug. police investigating a deadly hit and run crash in d.c.s shaw neighborhood. a 32-year-old man was struck and dragged in the 1800 block of 6th street. we have more from the scene with details. tell us what's happened. >> reporter: well, right now, we are here at sixth street and florida avenue. right there, you asked how did this happen? police say the driver hit the man and dragged him the distance of half a football field and left him to die in this alley here. this happened sunday morning around 8:00 two blocks east of the metro stop. police say a car or truck hit him. now, the orange marks show the distance that was dragged at least 50 yards. when officers showed up, he was unconscious on the ground.
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he died there. people who live in the neighborhood are shocked. >> i mean it's absolutely horrible. florida avenue is constantly busy, but really that alley is quiet. >> it's always sad when these things happen. it took awhile to identify the individual. it's sad that the notification about his demise came because someone found him lying in an alley. we didn't have an initial report of a hit and run. >> reporter: police say they didn't have an initial report. residents say they didn't hear anything sunday morning at 8:00. he is from berkley, california. police notified his mother. she is obviously heart broken by all this. police say there's a reward of up to $25,000 with information leading to the arrest and conviction in this case. police urge anyone with information, if you know about the hit and run, they want to
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hear from you. live here in northwest d.c., back to you. >> thank you. police in the district are looking into a string of robberies that happened over the weekend. there were a total of five incidents in upper northwest. it happened sunday afternoon in the 1900 block of m street on 14th street, on u street, fairmont street. the suspects got away with cell phones, ipods and cash. in one case, an armed suspect broke into a home robbing people here from howard's homecoming. police don't believe the crimes are related. police in hanover -- rob biwas last seen while taking a walk with his family. the 80-acre park is not fenced in. there's concern the child may have wandered off the property.
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he does not speak. he was wearing a red, long-sleeved shirt, blue bants and blue shoes. many of us are guilty of getting a parking ticket here in the district. one man is furious and confused after getting two tickets for parking illegally in his own neighborhood. it could cost him dearly. darcy spencer is live in the news room to explain it. >> the resident that got the tickets is an artist. he has two work vehicles with commercial tags. he got the tickets 5:00 sunday morning. he's facing $2,000 in fines. these are the $1,000 tickets. >> these are the tickets. >> reporter: when he left his home, this is what he found. two parking tickets under the windshield wipers of his work vehicles. each carries a $1,000 fine. >> i couldn't believe it was
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$1,000. i kept counting the zeros over and over. >> his home is a historic fire house that he converted into an art studio. he has a ford van and expedition. they have commercial tags to park in loading zones. he was parked adjacent to shaw junior high which isn't used for school anymore. >> i have been parking off and on there for years. i figured it was a safe place to park. he agreed to stop parking in his drive way after neighbors complained it didn't look good. the ticket was for parking a commercial vehicle in front of a residence. he says it doesn't make sense. >> it's a $1,000 ticket or make your neighbors mad? >> i'm hoping they understand. >> reporter: he doesn't plan to shell out $2,000 to pay the
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tickets and feels good about his chances of beating them in court. you plan to fight these? >> yeah, i'm going fight them. it's way too much money. i'm not going it by mail. i'm going in person. he plans to do it soon. we received a statement that says motorists can appeal tickets if they think they have been given out unfairly. it also says the city tickets commercial vehicles because they try to keep the limited spaces available for residents. >> thanks, darcy. he plans to park in his drive way for now. it won't make neighbors happy, but will stop him from getting $1,000 tickets. there's a warning about an e-mail scam that could reck havoc on your computer.
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the e-mails are surfacing nationwide. the feds got involved in this. popular subject lines include tax and speed ticket info. they believe e-mails may be coming from eastern europe and urge people to be on the lookout. >> red flag there. what walmart is doing to make sure you go there to shop this holiday season.
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♪ [ jerry ] attention shoppers. your groceries are the size of idaho but the interest rate on your checking is small potatoes.
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earn more at capital one bank. get new high yield free checking. your interest rate will be 5 times the national average. that's huge. and free atms at any bank. free is good. sign up at capital one bank. what's in your wallet? what is he, a clydesdale.
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from newlywed to marriage counselor, kim kardashian is hitting the big screen. actual movie roles have been few for the reality tv star. she's now signed on to star in tyler perry's new film "the marriage counselor." she plays a friend and co-worker in the movie. she currently married nba star chris humphries. the dedication of the statue of liberty takes place this friday. the anniversary will be marked in a high-tech way. five web cams have en installed in the statue's torch. see visitors on the grounds of the island below in realtime. authorities say the camera
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offers views from the torch that are unavailable. the cams will be switched on on friday to commemorate the anniversary. >> cool. >> yep. walmart is trying a strategy to lure bargain hunters. a guarantee to prove you will get the lowest prices even if you shop early in the season. if you buy certain products at walmart and find them for less, walmart will give you a gift card for the difference. they call it a christmas price guarantee. it's valid on products bought november 1 through december 25th. there are catches, you don't get a cash refund, just a walmart gift card. you can win a free wii fit plus with balance board. just like our nbc washington page on facebook. then sign up to win great prizes. we are going to pick a winner at 7:00 tonight then make the
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announcement of the winner during the 11:00 newscast. on friday, the winner of the ipad 2 was alicia. >> fit balance board. that may be too fancy for us. i have trouble for the regular wii. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, staying safe on halloween. liz crenshaw has more on the risks of costume fires and ways to reduce them. washington loses the game
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oh, it was a painful loss for the skins in north carolina
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in more ways than one. >> dan hellie is out in ash burn with the low lights. dan? >> reporter: things seemingly on a downward spiral for the redskins right now. my friend e.b. from the junkies said it best, it's like the game whack a mole. you whack one, something else pops up. it's how it is in terms of injuries. the redskins lost five starters on offense in the last two weeks. three last week, two more this week. santana moss, the wide receiver breaks his hand. he's going to be out. tim hightower tore his acl. he is done for the season. >> anytime you lose a player that has, you know, the type of energy that tim does, obviously, everybody is disappointed. they feel bad for tim because he's worked so hard to get
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himself in this position. everybody understands when you lose players, you hate to lose them. you have to step up and get the job done. he's very physical. you can see how emotional he was in that game and how he blocked and ran. it's tough to lose a guy like that. >> when we brought him in here, we are excited to have him as part of the team. to have him go down during the game. when you don't have a guy like tim out there, it takes a toll. we know we have guys more capable of stepping up. that's what's going to be asked. >> the redskins lost five offensive starters in two weeks. throw in a new quarterback and this isn't exactly a recipe for making an average offense any better. >> i can't really remember, to be honest with you, you go through situations like this, hopefully not too often where you lose a number of starters. i don't think i have lost so many to one side.
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>> the other side of the ball is coming off the worst performance of the season. giving up 33 points to cam newton and the panthers. >> he was special. anytime you have a guy who can, you know, who can run, throw the ball, he can run, he can throw. he's got the total package. he's going to play in this league for a long time. >> execute. find the holes in the defense. we need to put it on. i mean, we need to find ourself and regroup, come back with a positive attitude, that's it. >> reporter: with the injuries and a suddenly struggling defense, the season could be slipping away if they don't right the ship against buffalo on sunday. >> when ever you lose, it takes something out of you. we work hard to win the football games. but, we are professionals. we have a good defense and a
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good team. even though they are 1-5, they are still really good football teams. the record didn't show it. the panthers are putting up four and five. the same thing with philly. it's our job to go out and stop the football games. we falling short the past two weeks. it's something we have to put behind us. we have to move on to buffalo and get the job done. >> i call it the first team with ten wins. we are still in there. we are not in a desperate mode right now. more urgent, obviously, because we want to get on track and to the mood of things and the winning way of things. >> reporter: that's brian. his fellow line backer, london fletcher has a hamstring issue. he left the game early. no word on how healthy he will be for the upcoming game against buffalo. this is a tough stretch. buffalo, a tough team. you are playing them in toronto
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then the san francisco 49ers. one of the biggest surprises in the nfl. if they are going to get it right, get it earlier. >> biweek is done. >> it's done. it's behind us. see you at 6:00. >> okay. >> doug has a final check on the weather. >> still looking at showers well to the west. most areas will remain on the dry side. take a look outside. a beautiful ending to a nice day out there. we saw clouds early. the sun made its way out. the sun is going down behind the clouds we are seeing out there. as far as the temperatures go, temperature is 65 degrees. look at the rain entering clark county in virginia, winchester, frederick county and also the charlestown area and up toward martinsburg. shower activity is moving toward the east. it's going to have a hard time moving too much farther to the east. it will do so as we make our way through the evening.
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it's clearing out. down to 47 in washington. 45 in leesburg. tomorrow, a high temperature in d.c. frederick coming in around 67 tomorrow. looking like a nice day. the extended forecast. you don't want to miss it. i'll have it for you at 6:00. the weekend, looking interesting. >> all right. >> thank you, doug. >> thanks for the warning. after the weekend, we have the big day, halloween with ghosts and goblins heading to your door, soon. it's time to think about how to keep the holiday a safe one. >> we have the annual eye-opening demonstration today. >> for children and adults alike, halloween is a time of year to don costumes and become something or someone for the night. it's fun but can be a fire hazard. dressing up for halloween is a tradition and so are the lighted jack lanterns that go along with it. flames and costumes are a
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dangerous mix. each year, children and costumes are burns. there are reports of an 8-year-old girl suffering first and second degree burns when a candle came in contact with her halloween costume. a 4-year-old boy sustained second degree burns over 40% of his body when his costume ignited. we decided to show what can happen when costumes come in contact with fire. we bought a pink princess, sponge bob, a muscle shirt and accessories like a big and a boa. all had warning labels saying keep away from fire or keep away from open flame. we touched the pink princess with a flame and it quickly spread. consumer product safety commission says halloween costumes should be flame resistant or retardant. this says keep away from flame, believe it. next up, sponge bob made of foam
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material. he burned quickly. within two minutes, this costume is almost completely consumed by fire. the muscle shirt burned and melted. accessories like wigs can be dangerous. this burned fast and melted into a smokey, hot mess. children and adults alike use these feather boas to create costumes. be careful. it was a black, melted mess in no time. 30 seconds later, no boa left. the most dangerous is a 100% cotton sheet. cotton burns very quickly. within 45 seconds, completely consumed. it amazing folks how quickly they go up in flames. if you want to reduce the risk of your costume if you are making one, catching fire, the washington hospital fire has a recipe to make it more fire
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resistant. four ounces of borick acid with bora xarks. soak the costume and let it drip dry. one more thought while the lighted jack lanterns are a symbol of halloween. put a tiny flashlight inside. it makes it bright and cheerful. you don't have to werery about the flames. >> keep it safe. great tips. we are dressing up and getting ready. >> thank you, liz. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, a series of rape chargin
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dallas area police are warning people about a suspected serial rapist who is allegedly targeting older members of a sorority. four attacks have been reported over 11 months. investigators say the suspect broke into their homes and revealed he knew personal information about them. all of them were deltas in their mid-50s and mid-60s. the sorority association is warning them not to wear pair fa nail ya that identifies them.
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over the weekend, there was a community benefit to help raise money and promote healing. >> darcy spencer was there and spoke to a survivor of the crash and has this story that you will only see on news 4. >> reporter: at the walkersville fairgrounds a concert was held to raise money for funeral expenses for jacqueline who died in a car crash in july. it will help with medical expenses for sawyer smith who was hurt in the crash. >> everyone prayed for me and everything. it's really helped and all the support, like all my friends and everything. my family coming out here. >> reporter: both we are students at walkersville high school. the 17-year-old driver who is a walkersville student lost control of her car and hit a tree. driver inexperience may have been a factor in the crash.
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she was a popular student and athlete. >> the students are doing better. coming together with your friends helps a lot. having events like this to bring everyone together. it raises awareness of what happened and collecting money to donate back to the families is a good thing. >> reporter: $10,000 has been raised so far. their hope for the concert, to raise money and heal a community devastated by the loss of a promising young life. >> everything here has been donated time wise or products. it's just great to be a part of this community and see everybody come out to support. >> this event means a lot to me because god put a burden on my heart and for healing of the kids at school. >> sawyer smith plans to return to school for the first time since the crash, tomorrow. that's it for news 4 at 5:00. stay there, news 4 at 6:00
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starts now. shots fired inside a local retirement home. two people are dead. now investigators are trying to figure out a motive in this apparent murder suicide. lawyers trying to seat a jury. the case of a woman accused of murdering her co-worker inside the lululemon store in bethesda. president obama's plan doesn't go far enough to help people facing foreclosure. >> good evening, i'm doreen gentzler. >> i'm jim vance. we begin with the devastating earthquake in turkey. it registered 7.2. the earthquake hit during the day. now, for the second night in a row, rescuers are working in the dark. they are trying to find survivors who might be trapped under the rubble of the building that is collapse there


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