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tv   Today  NBC  November 12, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television it's 9 3/4, whatever that is. >> right over there. ♪
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♪ >> hello, hello! >> you know what, hoda, i never did graduate college. it's only right i come back and go to hogwarts. >> should we put our hats on? >> my head never fit her. >> oh, my god. >> you know what this means? you're about ten feet tall. finally, a hat that fits hoda. i'm going to slithering. >> i'm going to crippendorf. even if you don't know what this means, we are here at universal,
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which of course is a sister of nbc. how much fun have we been having at this park? >> it's fantastic. it's a little chilly this morning. yesterday we worked in the park all day long. emphasis on worked. we'll show you that in a few minutes. there are two parks. >> there are two theme parks here. we are in the harry potter one, which is fun. >> the wizarding world of harry potter. >> what we are going to show you is sad and scary because you and i dressed up like two -- remember? we dressed in all kinds of outfits. plenty of costume changes. each one is uglier than the first. >> it was a lot of fun. right now we are at the universal orlando resort. what is the name of the one we are not in? >> we are not in the other one. we are in the one with harry potter.
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islands of adventure. >> i got on the bandwagon late because i'm slow to the party as usual. >> did you see the first one? >> i just saw the first one. i understand why people are hooked, and why when you come to the park, it's one of those things you get into. i rode the harry potter ride, the simulated ride. you know what i'm talking about? i rode it with the twins. let me tell you something, i feel really badly. i crushed the fingers of, i don't know which twin, who knows the difference. >> not because you were frightened of the ride. >> that's a bad picture of me. which one isn't? i screamed when there is steam and water that comes at you. nobody told me that. i have issues. that was the scariest part for me. >> they will be with us later. >> while we are here in orlando enjoying ourselves, matt lauer
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did his last "in the world" for the week. it was the best open. you know mustafa? that's his name, right? the old spice commercials? where he says, look at me, look at me, look at him. this was matt's open. it was so perfect. >> ann and natalie, look at roeker. now look back at me. now back at roker, sadly, he is not me, but if he were me, he might be a lumberjack somewhere in the canadian rockies, but al roker is not me. look down. look back up. where are you? you're on a yacht in monte carlo with a man your man could be if he were on "where in the world," but your man is not me. in fact, your man is not close to me. look down, now look back up. what's in your hand? what's in my hand. it's an autographed picture of me. look again, it's an autographed
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picture of roker the man your man could be if he were "where in the world." but he's not here. as a matter of fact, he's nowhere to be seen. but if roker was me, he might be in a tropical paradise and he could be throwing a beach party just for you. back at me. i'm on a horse for day five of "where in the world is matt lauer" from the beautiful nation of barbados. >> that is so great. >> that was the best. >> celebrating ten years of this. that is the best. >> outstanding. that was hysterical. >> i hope he gets to stay in barbados a few days. at least to relax. how many miles did he put on, do we know the total? >> who knows. >> it was 18,000 by the second day or something. it had to be insane.
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>> i think the pictures show it, but we have a tremendous crowd today. [ cheers ] >> by far the weirdest is that guy. no, no, no, that guy with the wig. look at him. can you see the guy with the blue afro? >> he's a smurf ball around the guy. this is our parent company, by the way, everybody. you should understand. we are here to celebrate a very exciting thing which is the dvd -- look at this. this is the "deathly hollows part ii." it's just come out. i watched it last night. >> and? >> unbelievable. you guys have probably seen it, right? [ applause ] but we are going to give away a few of those as well as the day goes on. >> yes.
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we are very busy and important here. today is 11/11/11. it's also -- >> veterans day. we want to wish all the veterans, thank you, god bless you. we have a little tribute, i believe. >> we do. this is for our veterans. take a look. ♪ your love has always been enough for me ♪ ♪ these places are getting old
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♪ so i'm going home >> real quick, what was better than that? everyone's crying. we were laughing, now we are crying. we wish we could drink, but we are not allowed here. we've been banned. >> i don't know why they let us in. >> we have no idea what we are doing here, but we are good. >> it's 11/11/11. anybody born today? >> yeah, right here. >> happy birthday. >> also our executive producer tammy fuller. >> tammy. there is supposed to be all kinds of good luck. tammy is home with the flu. i don't know if it's working for her. happy birthday to her. >> we have a couple of twins here with us. >> hey guys, come over. [ applause ] >> what's going on?
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>> we popped in to show you some fun stuff. >> this is an extendible ear. >> this here is a microphone. >> it looks like a variation on the can thing. does this work better than an iphone? >> i love my iphone. >> you put that in your ear. >> you're sitting right next to me. awesome. i can hear kathie lee. >> we could find one of these jellybeans that has ear wax. the harry potter jellybeans with the ear wax. >> i had that, unfortunately. >> where is the tongue? do you have the tongue?
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>> do you have the tongue? behind me. >> you happen to have a tongue. >> these are like inflatable tongues, really. >> you guys, we have got a terrific show coming up. we've got ambush makeover, rupert joining us. a whole lot coming up. stick around.
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all right. we are here at the wizarding world of harry potter as we are celebrating the release of the dvd of the final, the eighth movie in the incredible "harry potter" series. >> guess who we have with us? the one, the only rupert. jason here, that's lucious and ivana. great to see you. >> they just handed me a beer. i'm not sure what i'm meant to do with it. >> it's butter beer. >> it's frozen. >> frozen is really good. >> rupert, it's ten years, eight films and sort of the end of an era, obviously, for you. how are you adjusting to the end of this? >> i find it quite difficult, actually, after we finished. >> you said it was very emotional. >> yeah. it was.
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it was such a huge consistent part of my life. >> you were what age when you did the first movie? >> 3. >> 3. >> stop. >> you've only done one school play before that? >> that's shocking. >> i was fish. >> what was the fish like? >> i'm guessing a goldfish. >> i was wearing bubble wrap. >> nice. >> when you wander around the park, rupert, everyone knows you and they freak it, but not so much. >> i'm completely invisible. unless i walk around with an elf. then it's a certain giveaway. >> you're also a very sweet guy and you played an evil guy. >> he was evil until ralph feinnes came on as voldemort. people felt sorry for me. >> in the beginning of this dvd, talk about how j.k. rowling was thinking about killing you off. she was in a bad mood. she didn't want anymore of you.
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>> what did you think when you heard that this >> i don't know. i was kind of expecting to die. >> you were? >> yeah. i kind of had a funny feeling. i wouldn't have minded it. >> really? >> yeah. >> you never know what's going to happen next. that's the beauty of it. >> you were from ireland? >> right. >> what is the name of the town you're from? >> what? >> what's the name of the town you're from in ireland? [ inaudible ] you were actually writing letters back and forth to her, right? >> yeah. it was really cool. i wrote to her when i was about 11. i was really lucky that she liked my letter. and we started writing to each other. i used to tell her i wanted to play the part of luna. she was encouraging. >> she got the part by auditioning against thousands of other people. >> 15,000 people. >> i love how you said, look, i came from a little town, i'm
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probably never going to get it. the fact she wrote you back, very telling about j.k. rowling. do you know her? do you have a relationship with her? >> in what sentence >> i like him. >> the one who is richer than the queen, that one. >> you guys know her better than me. >> yeah. she came to the set quite regularly. >> we just have a minute. what are you up to now? >> you've already done a new film? >> yeah. i did a film in norway about world war ii. >> you're busy? >> i'm shooting a series at nbc. >> we'll see more of you. >> it should be on the beginning of next year. >> what is it called? >> "awake." i'll be back to tell you about it. >> you're on the hunt. tell us what you're looking for. >> yeah. i don't know, another harry potter. i'm not over it. i don't know. i'm trying to see. i just moved a few months ago. >> anybody out there that wants to put a wonderful actress to work, call you, right? >> thanks, everybody. have a wonderful weekend. fantastic here, a lot of fun for
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everybody. >> we've got a big show. we have our plaza ambush makeover. >> two lucky ladies. >> right after this. ♪ woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. with smooth caramel
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and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. when you buy a 6-inch sandwich before 9am. that's right, buy one, get one free! it's everything you'd expect from the sandwich experts! hurry in before 9am to get your free sandwich! i habe a cohd. and i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] sorry, buddy. truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] you need a more complete cold formula, like alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. it's specially formulated to fight your worst cold symptoms, plus relieve your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪
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♪ we could not come to universal without taking the park by storm. >> that's right. although the park and our show are under the same parent company, nbc universal, their idea of working the park and our idea of working the park is a tad different. >> i think so. >> tad.
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♪ we're going at it tonight there's a party on the roof top on top of the world ♪ >> welcome to universal orlando. we have stuff planned for you guys today. >> like what? >> you're going to be universal employees for the day. >> we're going to work here? >> it's going to be kind of a challenge. you guys ready to do it? ♪ sexy and i know it >> ladies, you look fantastic. >> don't say one thing. >> you're going to be greeters. the ride right over here where they will experience getting wet. >> wet? >> that's right. >> i can't go near that. >> go ahead. you're in. >> hey, don't cause my trouble. >> what do you think? >> yes. he can go. not this one.
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trouble with a capital "t." >> i think you guys look adorable. that's only because i'm dressed the same way. >> whoa! >> all right, ladies. next job, there you go. >> what are we doing? >> this is not for me. >> i've never seen garbage like this. >> someone just dumped the paper towel dispenser. what about these people? >> finish it up, folks. >> let's go. can i have a fry? just one fry and one tiny fry. >> coming through. >> sorry, guys. >> watch it. move it or lose it. >> come on. >> let's try something a little more your speed. >> i thought we did well. >> we are at the three broomsticks at the wizarding world of harry potter. we have thirsty guests and you're going to be serving the world famous butter beer. >> what's in butter beer? >> you're going to find out.
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>> is there any alcohol in it? >> no. >> what's the point? >> who wants butter beer? ♪ 99 bottles of beer on the wall ♪ 99 bottles of beer ♪ take one down and pass it around ♪ ♪ 98 bottles of beer >> you've got foam on your mustache. they already have some. >> they need more. take one of ours. >> it's been very busy. >> i've got to tell you, i'm impressed. when it comes to drinking, you guys are pros. so you pass. >> pass. >> what's next, my friend? >> that's what we are going to find out right now. you are going to become this. >> the biggest problem is not if we can walk on the stilts, but can hoda get her helmet on? there is not a helmet in the world big enough.
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it's not going to end well. >> i have two people to hold my hands, i'm serious. >> i'll hold you. >> i don't want you. i want someone on the ground. ready? stay here. >> walk like an egyptian. >> hold on to me. >> kath, be careful. kath, break it up. you're married to frank gifford. we have to get judged. >> i have an idea. we can make you part of this ensemble. ♪ everybody going to have a good time ♪ you're going to lose your mind ♪ everybody just having a good time ♪ >> what was that? >> i don't know. that was called taking it by storm, baby. >> do you know harry like we know harry? we are going to play "who knew?" >> ambush makeover.
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we found two lucky ladies. and sara goes for a ride on the wild side.
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back at the wizarding world of harry potter with a special edition of today's ambush makeover. >> talk about working their magic. luis lacari and jill martin. we did a big shout out to get a lot of people out here. how was it? >> it was magical. we had the best time picking
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ladies and walking the park. >> okay. let's get to our first lucky lady. phillies hanson is 52-year-old from orlando, florida. she has been growing her hair out since the sixth grade. she hasn't trusted anybody to cut it till now. now that luis is in town, she is ready. let's listen to her story. >> i am so excited. >> so am i. >> we get to chop this hair off. why are you ready right now? >> well, i've had it for 40 years about. it's just time. i have an 18-year-old daughter that says it's time, too. >> this has been an emotional four years for you. >> it has. i lost both parents to cancer and taking care of them. so it's been rough. >> well, we are so happy we can give you this gift. are you ready to be pampered? >> i am ready to be pampered. thank you so much for this opportunity. >> okay. here's the deal. phyllis is here with people.
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savannah, her friend olivia and carla, kitty, cindy, mary, jean and annie. you guys all ready? keep your blindfolds on. here is phyllis hanson before with the long hair. let's see the new you, come on out! [ applause ] >> take off your blind folds. >> oh, my god! >> spin around and look in that mirror. >> oh, my god! >> it's a different person. >> it's the wizardry of harry potter. show us those locks. >> look at that. >> this is phyllis before and that is phyllis after. >> wow. >> this is harry potter magic in
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harry potter land. lena cut her hair, gave it shape, gave it style, still long. she wanted to keep it long. i lightened it up. >> it looks so modern now. >> the softest make-up. which is the key to looking young. >> what do you think? >> wonderful. >> savannah is crying. what do you think? >> beautiful. >> you've always been beautiful, but oh, my gosh! >> that outfit is sublime. >> we had so much fun shopping. we went to macy's. she said give me something michael koors. i called you out. and great sandals to walk around in the park now that everyone will recognize you. >> you look hot. >> way to go. >> our other lady is carol rogers. she's 35 from florida. since the birth of her son she feels guilty buying anything for herself. she begged us to give her a sexy new look for a night out with her husband. let's see her story.
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>> i'm cracking up because you came with letters from your co-workers telling me why you deserve the makeover. they are telling me that you're wearing a dress, a maternity dress and your child is 7. >> yeah, pretty much. i think it's time for a makeover. >> what are you hoping for? >> i want to leave behind the 24/7 mom, pta, and become grown-up, mature, wife. >> are you ready to be a hot mama? >> deal, ready, set, go! >> all right, we are about to go. he is so cute. that is kevin, her 7-year-old son that she was talking about. her son thomas and her husband kevin. let's take one last look at kara before. and let's bring the new kara out. >> all right! >> all right, guys, take off the blinds. >> whoa!
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>> you look amazing. >> kara, turn around and see. >> i love it! >> thomas can't get over it. luis, i love that color. >> it's so pretty. it's a natural light golden red. the real tip is the hairstyle. this is a wearable hairstyle. she can wear it curley or straight. it gives you just that little bit of glamour you're looking for. >> what do you think? >> it's fantastic. she always looks beautiful. i'm glad she never takes any time for herself, always doing stuff for the family and she got to get pampered today and i'm happy. i love it. >> all from macy's. she was just mistaken for harry potter's girlfriend, so we took a few decades off her.
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>> phyllis, come on out. we have a couple of things to thank you for being good sports. you're invited to universal orlando harry potter home entertainment celebration gala. >> they are not even listening. you're going to the gala sunday night. you're invited. >> yes! >> all right. up next, sara is going to get a ticket to ride absolutely everything. we know a place where tossing and turning
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep.
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we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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hoda and i have been very busy working at the wizarding world of harry potter. >> we got exhausted so we
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decided it was time to send our own sara haines out to the part. >> let her do it. >> i'm at universal studios, the premiere movie and tv theme park. the only place where you can ride the movies. i want to see how much ground i can cover. my first stop, revenge of the mummy. you remember the mummy movies? the ride is equally as scary. i was not ready for this ride. cockroaches, a ride that reverses and pitch black. done. enough said. my next thrill i need buddies with me. meet the booth family from huntsville, alabama. carter, parker, austin, jordan and their parents. they are going to be my peeps. my next ride, the hollywood rip ride rocket roller coaster. select a song and rock out to your favorite tune while you ride.
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>> hands in the air! ♪ >> i shouldn't have eaten before that. then the drop -- along the way i bump into a few characters. and the animals that actually appeared in some of your favorite films. here is the labrador who starred in "marley and me." the pug was a standout in "men in black ii. "thought we could recreate the movie magic with frank, but it fizzled quickly. >> how you guys doing? >> after fueling up, i was ready for more. i'm here at universal's island of adventure where there are seven distinctly themed islands. whether you're into super heroes or dinosaurs or dr. suess, there's something for everyone. in marvel superhero island, the incredible hulk roller coaster
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is massive. are you nervous? are you nervous? okay. i'm nervous. they just don't want to get wet. it accelerates from 0 to 40 miles per hour in two seconds flat. no one told me it swings out of there. great job, guys. no trip would be complete without getting drenched. the jurassic park river adventure features an 85-foot drop. and now it's time to head back to the hotel to change these clothes. >> that sara. >> she knows how to have fun. >> she sure does. coming up next -- we'll play who knew in the park with you. right after this.
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a look at your forecast for today. we're going to be seeing a saturday with some rain and snow in the west. the farther the east you go, the more likely you'll see sunshine. but right in the middle, it is going to be a windy day. talking temperatures now, the blue shows where we'll have the colder air, associated with the weather system dropping out of the northwest. ahead of that windy conditions and mild air ahead of this. so we'll have the temperature divide. the yellow showing where we have the warmer air, the blue showing where we have the cooler air.wem into the great lakes by sunday and we have a chance for rain and show in the intermountain west. in the south, some mild air. in fact, some orange and rid on the map in the south. that indicates where we have the
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warmer air and now minneapolis, goodbye to the mild day as that system cruises across the northern tier of the country. 45 in billings and 40s for seattle on sunday. and a chance of rain from the northeast to the gulf coast. still mild, however. look at those numbers. 60s and 70s. but on the other side of the cold front, you're going to have colder air with temperature readings only in the 40s and 50s. rain pushes off to the east by tuesday. another chance for snow and rain. it is november and that is typically what we would see this time of the year on wednesday in the northwest. mild in the northeast but cool in the northwest. in the south, things are quiet until thursday. then a chance for a few showers around. once again, we're going to see that next system pushing right into the northwest, with inland snow and rain in the lower elevations. remember, catch "wake up with
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al" on the weather channel weekdays. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills.
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we are here at harry potter at universal studios here to play "who knew." kathie lee is with the crowd ready to hand out to the winners the complete dvd version of the harry potter film. and to those who don't get the answers right kathie lee's cd. hi, how are you doing? are you ready for the games to begin? >> i am. i'm glad i'm not the person answering the questions. >> this lovely lady is from minneapolis. she is a genius in all things harry potter, right? >> yeah. >> let's see. i've got too much stuff. in the movie "harry potter and the deathly hallows part ii." what do they use to escape from the gringotts?
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>> a dragon. >> oh, yeah. i believe that's the answer. i'm taking these things off. can't stand it. there you go, doll. you get this. give me that. >> hold on, kath. let's talk about that. he's going to answer. >> it is a dragon. that is the right answer. of course dragons are hard to tame. so you wouldn't have access on the dragon. we put on a control rig and with visual effects put the dragon around it. the motion control was much more comfortable than the one for the quidditch which dan radcliffe says was the most painful of all. >> i can only imagine. >> this young man is from orlando and has been watching me since he was in kindergarten. anyway, the top 15 highest worldwide grossing films of all time, how many are from the harry potter series, two, three, five or six?
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>> three. [ buzz ] >> you just got yourself one of those doggone cds. >> five. it's amazing. all thanks to j. rowling, her incredible imagination and the fans. >> where are you from, sweetie? >> ft. lauderdale. >> what is j.k. rowling's real name? >> joanne? >> wow. 11/11/11, a lucky day for you. >> you said jo. >> it was j.k. rowling because traditionally girls read books written by men but boys do not read books written by women. the publisher decided to do the
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initial. >> you're from new york, right? in the movie "harry potter and the goblet of fire," which of the following is not one of the three schools that competes in the triwizard tournament? >> ministry of magic. >> wow! you didn't even pause. there you go. >> ministry of magic is the correct answer? >> that is the correct answer. this was a really fun sequence to film. the young dan, rupert, emma, they certainly liked watching the beauxbatones. >> lovely girl from huntington beach, california. which star is currently starring in a musical on broadway? >> oh, man.
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>> let's go with daniel radcliffe. >> let's go with daniel radcliffe. with a prize. definitely. that is a great, great show. thank you, david, so much for being with us today. that is a terrific show. it's time for us to give a shout out to three lovely people. laurie robertson, gray and mary francis. laurie won our contest. she and her two kids are with us at harry potter. her husband couldn't be here, but thank you for being here with us. we've got more coming up, we've got music, some singing. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery
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until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. is the featured $5 footlong of november. juicy chicken, marinara sauce, and melty cheese served toasted on freshly baked italian bread. get it pronto, cuz this november only, it joins our everyday $5 footlongs! subway. eat fresh.
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. hmm twix. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. i don't know if you know this professor dumbledore said
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music was the magic far beyond what they do at hog warts. >> so we have the hog warts frog choir. it's going to be led by warwick davis. he's ig cog neato today. he usually plays professor flitwick and you're the goblin. >> you played two guys. >> i did indeed. what's good about doing that, obviously one dies in the movie, i'm still around. >> it's a good thing. you want to be a working actor. >> what's it like walking around the park? when you walked out here people obviously reacted. >> it's fantastic. it's a great place to come back to. i feel at home here having worked on the set for the film the last ten years. >> explain why are the frogs singing? what's the story here? >> that's part of the frog choir. you see them in the prisoner of azkaban. they give those lovely bass notes. >> take it away.
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>> the frog choir. >> thank you very much. ♪ ♪ double entendre toil and trouble ♪ ♪ double entendre toil and trouble ♪ ♪ something wicked this way comes ♪ ♪ ♪ do-do do-do ♪ double entendre toil and trouble ♪ fire bubble toil and trouble ♪ double-double toil and trouble ♪ something wicked this way comes ♪
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♪ ♪ double, double toil and trouble ♪ fire burns something wicked this way comes ♪ ♪ double, double toil and trouble ♪ fire burning calderon trouble ♪ ♪ something wicked this way comes ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you, guys! thank you, guys, so much. perfect! you guys, thank you, everybody. we had so much fun here at the harry potter wizarding world. >> in universal orlando resorts. thanks to everybody for your hospitality. >> that was such fun. >> we'll see you back in new york on monday! -- captions by vitac --
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>> miss piggy, mickey rourke, >> when does moi's new movie


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