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tv   Today  NBC  December 1, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST

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>> it's november 30th. guess what's going to happen out here tonight, everybody? >> we're going to get lit. >> you're always lit, hoda. tonight is special. >> the tree is going to be lit. it's going to be great. everyone crowds into rockefeller center tonight. there are some great musical acts who are going to be here. if you're watching on tv you're going to see them all, too. michael buble, carol king, neil diamond. justen bieber. >> he sounds exactly the same. people wonder what kind of guy neil diamond is. i did a long interview with him one day. i loved the shirt he was wearing. i told him that. at the end he goes, just a minute. at the end he goes into his dressing room, comes out and gave me the shirt. literally gave me the shirt off his back. sweet man. >> i do love when they sound exactly like they used to. by the way, i've been watching tv lately because that's what i do. >> you have a lot of time on your hands lately. things okay with you and jay? >> things are fine. there's this ad that comes on tv
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all the time. >> right. >> it's for target. and there's this -- >> the crazy lady, right? >> she's a type a personality who wants everything perfectly. they call her the crazy target lady. look at her. >> shopping tips. mentally draw your beeline. here's mine. >> she's crazy. she's type a, and she's nuts. >> for the confused first timer -- >> anyway, look at her, she's nuts. i love her. you know the cards you sing into? ♪ christmas is here, fa la la la ♪ >> she's the kind of people we avoid. ♪ >> every time she comes on, hannah bursts out in hysterical laughter. she's a comedian, by the way. do you love her or do you hate
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her is the question. her name is maria bamford. we want to know if you're interested in her at all. >> she was introduced in 2009. she must be doing something right because she's still around, right? if this doesn't sell product for target, then she wouldn't still be here. it's obviously working. >> it's working. by the way, it is that tis the season. consumer reports did i guess some sort of survey. they asked people what they dread about this time of year. number one on the list was waiting in line. you know, that kind of stuff. also, they dread gaining weight and being in debt. and they don't like gift shopping. what they found -- >> here's the thing. there are solutions to every one of those things that you just mentioned. >> what? >> plan your hours. don't do it. or shop online. what was the next one? >> gaining weight. you can't help it. >> shut your mouth. then what? >> and then debt. going into debt. >> set a budget and don't go over it! >> you can't. you have to buy people presents. people you don't like, necessarily. you have to get them gifts. >> oh, no, no.
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just say, i'm not doing that. >> this year. >> no. ever. it really works. i do it every year. it works. >> here's what they found the most surprising. most people, ten -- number ten on the list, 35 million americans dread being nice. >> bless you. god bless you richly and all your loved ones. >> people get tired of saying merry christmas and to you, too. they don't like it. i don't dread that. >> the only thing that's frustrating -- there's lots of frustrating things. but when boxes come and there's a gazillion peanuts. it takes an hour to open the box. i understand you've got to be careful with the packaging stuff. think about all the stuff that's going to go in the landfills, the waste. you know, it's sweet that people send you stuff. >> i think it's -- i think it's a little -- it's a weird survey, i think, don't you? what are you crabbiest about this time of year? >> you know what i'm grateful for? >> what?
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>> i'm deeply grateful that i got something in the mail the other day. >> what was it? >> well, you know, i've always said that i'm absolutely sure there are no naked pictures of me out there in the world? there is. there is one naked picture of me. and it was last weekend. it has now disappeared. >> did it disappear, is the real question. >> it disappeared. >> that's what you claim. >> i was in ocean reef down where our beach -- in the keys. cass and i had gone for a six-mile run. or walk. i call it a run. she calls it a walk. i was hot and sweaty. i get in the shower. my phone goes off, right? beep, beep, beep, meaning there's a little message. i thought maybe it was frank, maybe it was cody. i get out of the shower -- >> naked. >> i usually take a shower naked. i go to press to see who called. click. took a picture of me.
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>> naked. >> counter level, if you know what i mean. i didn't think anything of it. i just -- you know, because my phone, it takes pictures all the time. it's a flinstones device. i don't know how to take a picture with my phone. i obviously don't know how to retrieve one or delete it. i don't think anything of it. we go to church on sunday. we go to the airport. i'm looking for the phone. i've left it at home. >> with the goods on it. >> so my friend stuck it in a fedex box and shipped it to me yesterday. >> the picture was deleted? >> the picture was on there. funny thing if you don't look at it all the time, you don't know if it's yours or somebody else's, you know what i mean? who can tell? it was very blurry. i looked at it, i went, could be. had to figure out how to delete it. >> it was deleted all the way? are you sure? >> there are no pictures.
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cass was checking it for me. she goes, mom, what are all these pictures? i go they're on the inside of my purse. so anyway. i'm very grateful on this particular day that there are still no naked pictures of me out there in the world. today is no judgment day. don't judge my phone, hoda. >> "redbook" magazine is asking moms not to judge one another. they feel like everyone's a judge judy looking at how one another raise kids, if they are making homemade cupcakes when they go to school, whatever. this is a day that's going to be dubbed no judgment day. stop judging, joanne lamarca. >> joanne has a 6-year-old. >> no, no. >> kourtney kardashian. >> by the way, congratulations to kourtney. >> here's the real story.
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so joanne was supposed to bring -- >> oh, please. >> you said it in the make-up room. i think it's fair game. >> oh, god, katie, i hope you're not watching. >> anyway. she was baking those -- what are they called? >> cake pops. >> cake pops at midnight with her young son who was up at midnight past his bedtime because she wanted people -- >> not only that, she took pictures of the process so everybody would know she really didn't go to the store. >> it wasn't from the store. joanne, we love you. we don't judge you. >> we'll tell you what we really think about that tomorrow. >> no. >> love you, jo. >> i just want to be a good mother. >> but you shall remain nameless. >> we're not going to give it away. >> here's something that happened. last night if you turned into nightly news, which i did. i turned the news on. i hear this -- like a fire alarm. i freak out. in my house it's one of the alarms on the ceiling. >> it's called an apartment building. >> exactly. you get a chair. i did what most people do, i took my shoe off.
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i could hear it in my apartment all over. >> you want to destroy your fire alarm. >> have you ever tried to get one of those to turn off? >> it's trying to tell you to get out! >> it wasn't. it was on the news. i tried to unscrew it. it's hard. you push the button. it doesn't stop. i took the shoe. finally brian goes, i'm sorry. watch this tape for a second. i think we have it. >> going on here in the studio. tom costello, we should advise our viewers there's no danger to us. we'd love to make this stop. why don't you take it from our washington bureau. >> oh, my gosh. >> it's back on. bear with us here. >> didn't bother andrea mitchell one bit. >> it went for 30 minutes and no one could figure out how to shut it down. it was a 30-minute program. from the beginning to the close to the good night, it was still -- [ fire alarm ]
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>> that's joanne lamarca getting back at us. >> that's happened to me before at night. i hear it. it's because the batteries die or something. you're exhausted. you just can't get -- you got to do what you got to do. keep a hammer handy. >> you know who i always loved and she was always one of my daddy's favorite, favorite singers. doris day. a lot of people think doris day has passed away. because she's been very much private in her older age. she lives very quietly. she takes care of animals. she's always been an animal activist. but she's still alive. and she has just released a new cd called "my heart." i thought maybe she had, you know, done new songs, you know. she was one of the most underrated actresses and singers of all time. deserves a lifetime oscar.
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let's give her a lifetime oscar before the lady isn't here to have it anymore. >> she's 87 years old, by the way. >> i just said that. her album is called "my heart." maybe i didn't say that. these proceeds go to animal rights. ♪ >> this has never been released before. >> i've heard this one many times. >> not by her. ♪ my bundle of joy >> she's a treasure. >> beautiful. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. >> you know what else is great, hoda? >> what? wine time. >> lots of different ways you can enjoy your wine now. you and i tried these before. these are delicious. >> they really are. >> they have resveratrol in them. they're called wine time. >> you know what's funny? i can't read anymore. can you see this? can you read that? where does it have to be for you to see it? here? >> there's 190 calories. >> right there.
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>> closer? >> yeah. we just also wanted to let you know we had those things on yesterday. we got to get to this. >> we had the dog bowls on. we didn't give the proper website. here it is. >> 91% of the proceeds going to charity. >> i thought i said for good. >> >> oh, it's bidding. i thought it was just it's biddingforgood. >> they've raised $135 million. we want to make sure. we have a big show coming up. the changing role of men. do you know what i'm saying? >> is it for the better? where are we headed? we're going to try and figure it out right after this. aren't these goods?
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we recently learned most men are comfortable with dating women who earn significantly more than they do. almost half say they'd be very willing to stay home if their wives made more money. >> the findings were a result of a joint survey on the state of man conducted by "men's health" and spike tv. is it a sign of the times or a cultural shift decades in the making.
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"men's health" magazine contributing editor and michelle callahan are here. >> "women's health" and men's health. >> i thought it was interesting. is this true? men really aren't concerned if they are outearned by their partner? >> it's a different era. look at what happened in the recession. 8 million more men were laid off than women because of the type of jobs that got hit. it's a different era. some of the jobs men can do involve staying at home and working. 19% of guys in the survey said they loved being a stay-at-home dad. we're different now. >> i can understand that temporarily. >> minus the recession. >> ultimately doesn't it weigh very deeply on a man's sense of self if he is not the one? he doesn't have to earn all of it, but the majority. >> it would definitely be a blow to a man's psyche if he was earning no money whatsoever. but if there's a gap of some sort, it's not that big of a deal. >> isn't it true, michelle, that
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the person with the money, whether you agree to it or not, they have the power. they kind of do. they make a lot of the decisions because they have the checkbook. >> there is that sense. that's the challenge that couples will face. there will be that feeling of a loss of masculinity for some men. but what we're finding is that they are saying that they're okay with it. not only are they okay with the person they're dating making more money, but some are even saying they're willing to stay home because of that person. >> are the women turned off by that, though? >> i think some women might be turned off by it. some women might find it refreshing. especially if they're a powerhouse in their career and need that support at home and their partner is willing to do it. we have to acknowledge where we are not only culturally but economically. we're in such a deep recession it's great that a man would have a positive psychological attitude about it. this is the situation we're in. roll with it as opposed to saying i don't care. i'm not doing it. i'm not helping out. that just makes everything so much worse. >> i thought the stay-at-home dad thing was interesting. 19% are stay-at-home dads which i thought was interesting. even more say they'd be happy to
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be a stay-at-home dad. >> i think a lot of guys are realizing how rewarding it can be to have the rug rats running around and be there for these important first steps they're taking. that's not everything you can do back in the '50s because you were off working punching the clock. right now even dads that do work or work part time, just make a little bit less money, can do that at home and still see those important first days. >> some even said they're willing to lessen their masculinity to be fathers and be better parents. >> sure. >> because their parents weren't -- their fathers were very stoic, not necessarily as affectionate, didn't spend as much time with them. they're changing their definitions of manhood by saying they're more willing to do that now and do the things that their fathers didn't do for them. >> you can only go by what you know. when my husband is older than i am, so he has got his place in the record books, in the history books. when i started, he was basically retiring. i was making more of the money and all of that. he was fine with it and he was the one that discovered the joys of parenting because he could take the kids to school and all
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of that stuff. but my thoughts are for the kind of guy that hasn't made it in this world yet. still has unanswered questions about his ability to become the man that he was meant to be. and i think we don't know yet what kind of a psychological impact that's going to have on guys like that. >> we looked at men between 18 and 49. i would imagine if we parceled that out and looked just at the younger guys that haven't really made their mark on the world, they're not secure yet, they wouldn't be as okay with this. the dating things, the question comes up who pays for the check, how many times do you pay for the check, those kind of questions are still issues for guys to get over. >> sure. >> i think guys mind it a little bit unless if it's a victoria's secret model. then they don't mind. >> thanks, guys. up next, sara's here with the wacky photos. not of me. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep.
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and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. i'm more active, i eat right, as i get older, i'm making changes to support my metabolism. and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin,
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plus more for metabolism support. [ female announcer ] look for great savings on all one a day products in this sunday's newspaper.
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we're back with our digital segment we call "what the what?"
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>> miss sara haines has sifted through all the photos you sent in. she's here with the week's picks. >> i've been laughing all week probably more at that, hoda. our first photo was sent in from emily from overland park, kansas. >> sometimes you do just want to celebrate, i guess. >> they were on a cross country trip. they saw that. i've never seen that take on it. >> that's great. >> jennifer from summerville, south carolina. he's either sleeping in there or on the couch. the guy that did this was actually doing -- selling garages. they were model size. so he was laughing that a guy sleeps in the garage. it's such misleading advertising. >> confused! >> we're more confused than ever. >> photo number three comes in from jim in ann arbor, michigan. good it's 24 hours. you never know when your feet
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may hurt. that's not the funny part. suddenly it's like new! 24 hour toe service. next a photo from jeannette. it's a bird. it's a plane. it's a bungee jumper? literally, that could hit your car. don't they look like "avatar"? >> they look like sperm going into a fallopian tube. that's what i thought. >> things have changed. gloria -- hoda, take that one. >> gloria mcmunagal. >> i don't think this translates very well. passa a wind. super noi tutti.
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it's italian. doesn't it read funny? it's like a telephone company. >> i thought it was about flatulence. >> now it is. finally, are they trying to tell us something? let's just cut right to the chase. there's nothing good here. >> nothing good for you, that's for sure. >> thank you, sara. still to come, the voice winner, javier colon is here with brand-new music. >> the guy that sings this music. hot chelle rae is here. vv
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we're back on this winesday wednesday. we're ready to play our weekly trivia game. our friends at rolling stone magazine are helping us out with questions from their special edition rolling stone rock trivia. kathie lee is across the street at our nbc experience store ready to hand out 100 bucks to those who get the questions right. those who don't, a copy of her cd.
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here with me is christian hoard, "rolling stone's" senior editor. are you ready? >> absolutely. >> across to kath. >> look at the beautiful ladies who work at "redbook" magazine. no judgment day. see how that lasts. what does aretha franklin spell out in respect other than r-e-s-p-e-c-t. tlc, tcb, tnt or pcp. >> pcp. >> i believe that's right! >> let's hear it. let's hear aretha. ♪ forgive me my problems >> pcb. >> short for take care of business. sort of common slang at the time. she sings it right before the sock it to me, sock it to me part. >> good piece of trivia. back across to kath. >> lovely lady from pennsylvania, madonna lost an advertising deal with which company after her controversial "like a prayer" video was released. dr. pepper, lipton, coca-cola or pepsi?
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>> pepsi. >> everyone's on a roll today. you go! >> wow. she got that one right. that was a very controversial video. >> yeah. this is the video that had the burning crosses and the part where madonna sort of gets, like, very cozy with a saint in a church. >> i remember. >> not so shockingly religious groups were sort of outraged by that one. at least one of them called for a big boycott of pepsi. in the long run the controversy was good for madonna. >> usually controversy ends up being okay. back across to kath. >> can you imagine she might be from new orleans. the big easy. all right. how old was stevie wonder when he began his recording career? 9, 11, 13 or 15? >> 11. >> wow! everybody's really doing great today. >> is everyone cheating? what is going on? >> they're not. >> are you positive? 11 years old. youngster. >> this is nuts. we should have made these harder. started recording in 1961 when he was known as little stevie wonder. the next year when he released
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an album he was billed as the 12-year-old genius. truth in advertising. he was indeed a genius. >> this lady is from new jersey. which cast member of "friends" danced with bruce springsteen in his "dancing in the dark" video? >> courtney cox. >> okay. this is ridiculous. let's see if we can go all the way with getting -- these aren't easy. courtney cox was in that video. where is she? >> yeah, yeah. >> she gets on stage? >> she gets on stage. classic video. classic bruce springsteen dance moves. she was about 20 at the time. this was like a decade before "friends." >> oh, my gosh. wow. >> this was actually shot at a real bruce springsteen concert. the bit where he pulls her on stage is totally staged. >> look how young he is, too. back across to kath. >> we were all young once, hoda. from florida, this lady. which artist had the greatest number of top 40 singles in the 1960s? elvis presley, the beach boys, the beatles or the four seasons?
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>> i'm going to have to say the beatles. >> stop it! she's going to love this record! >> that's what i've heard. the streak is broken. the correct answer there is elvis presley. >> don't doubt the king. he had 50. 5-0 top 40 hits in the '60s. >> lady from houston, texas, how many times has michael jackson been inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. zero, one, two or three? >> one. >> because you didn't think it through. remember, there was the jackson five. >> yeah, uh-huh. >> another beautiful kathie lee cd for her. >> all right. again, he was inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame twice. >> twice. for the jackson five and then as a solo artist. >> wow. when was he as a solo artist? >> 2001. i think right when he became eligible. >> sure. back across to kath. >> lady from new jersey, which rolling stones hit single was given to the group by john lennon and paul mccartney?
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"i wanna be your man," "the last time," "boys," or "get off my cloud." >> "get off my cloud." >> it's a good day for me, all right. >> the correct answer, a, "i wanna be your man." >> the beatles did a version of this. they had ringo sing it which tells you what they thought of the song. >> hello. time for another one. >> from philadelphia. when bob dylan played at the white house in 2010, what did he say to president obama? it's an honor, sir. how did i sound? you're taller in person. or not a word? >> you're taller in person. >> oh, those cds are going like hotcakes. he didn't say a word. >> he didn't say a word. this was at a concert in honor of the civil rights movement. dylan performed, said nothing to obama. obama sort of spun it in a positive light. he said you don't want dylan being all cheesy and grinning. this is what you want from bob dylan. >> good spin. >> thank you so much.
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this rock trivia rolling stone book is going to be available on newsstands starting i think next week. it's got a lot of great trivia in it. coming up next, we have more music. you rooted for him during his days on "the voice." now javier colon debuts his first cd. he's in the house right after this. when a sore throat strikes, the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol.
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the winner of "the voice" is -- javier colon! >> that is javier colon's emotional reaction to his big win during the first season of nbc's talent show "the voice." that night he took home $100,000 and a recording deal with universal republic records. >> now after a summer tour with the rest of the show's contestants, javier has released his first cd called "come through for you." >> look at you. >> what a year you have had. >> it's been -- i mean, i can't even believe how crazy this year has been and just how different
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it is from, you know, six, seven months ago to now. >> everything's changed. >> everything. everything has changed. except for the better. it's been an amazing, amazing ride that i can't even really, you know, describe. >> wow. >> can you see that tree over there? >> i know. >> that's your tree, baby. >> your tree. you own that tree tonight, baby. you're going to be out there with a bunch of very big, established stars. what's that going to be like for you? with people like michael buble. >> tony bennett. >> carol king. >> the biebster. >> like you said before, i'm pinching myself. it's very surreal to have seen this christmas tree lighting so many times on tv. wow, you know, one day i would love to be there singing. and to actually have that opportunity is amazing. >> what do you think about when we talk about the greats who are there. carol king, these legends who are there. how will you be around them? is it going to be fun? have you met any of them before? >> i have not. i have not -- i don't think anyone that's there today i have met. but i'm going to be -- it's
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going to be a struggle. i'm going to want to be a kid seeing all these amazing stars. at the same time, you know, you are among them doing what they're doing, which is an honor. >> you're a pro. there was a time when you didn't think you'd be able to make it in this business. take us back to right before you auditioned. what was going on through that head of yours. >> right before i auditioned, you know, i had a lot of ups and downs with my career. i had a deal with capital records before this that unfortunately didn't work. i got dropped in 2006. for the last five years i was doing whatever i could to survive. doing, you know, some college shows here or doing some club shows. stuff like that. >> tough business. >> a tough business. and just before the auditions for "the voice," i had auditioned, i'd done a showcase for a label here in new york city. and i really thought that i was going to get signed. i just really felt good about it. and it didn't -- didn't work out. >> you've got this -- >> you've got an amazing family who's here in new york. >> 3 and 4-year-old. >> my baby girls.
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>> look at these little munchkins. >> there they are. for them, life hasn't changed too, too much. they see daddy on tv a little bit more. >> like right now. from a hotel room. >> and they don't really think that it's -- they don't see that it's any different, you know, really. they'll, i guess, kind of eventually see that daddy does more singing than everything else. >> he'll always be daddy. >> your cd is cool. a duet with natasha bedingfield. adam levine. >> did he coach you through this? i know he encouraged you. did he give you practical advice through the show? >> absolutely. even after the show. through the process of recording the album and stuff like that. adam has just been -- he's been great. like a big brother. just to be able to bounce things off of him. say, you know, is this normal? we're doing this. what do you think about this song? you know, stuff like that. >> always great. somebody who's been there before. >> many times. >> having a cd out must be surreal. is it?
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>> it's awesome. something i never thought i'd have the opportunity to do again. especially on this level. you know, i'm just -- i'm honored. i'm excited. and i'm thankful, you know, for the fans that voted for me and for all the folks who are purchasing the cd. it's, you know, yeah. >> we wish you great luck. have fun tonight, by the way. >> he's going to be singing -- >> "the most wonderful time of the year." and my favorite song, "o holy night." >> merry christmas, sweetie. coming up next, the music never ends around here. hot chelle rae performs after this. we know a place where tossing and turning
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery
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until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. >> they're young. they're cute. but enough about me and hoda. they can sing, so it's no wonder
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hot chelle rae just took home the american music award for best new artist. >> this week the band released its new cd called "whatever." they are here to sing a song. we think you may know it. it's called "tonight, tonight." ♪ it's been a really, really messed up week, seven days of torture, seven days of bitter ♪ ♪ my girlfriend went and cheated on me, she's a california dime but it's time for me to quit her ♪ ♪ whatever, it doesn't matter, oh well, we're going at it tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ there's a party on the rooftop, top of the world, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ and we're dancing on the edge of the hollywood sign ♪ ♪ i don't know if i'll make it, but watch how good i'll fake it ♪ ♪ it's all right, all right, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ i woke up with a strange tattoo, i'm not sure how i got it, not a dollar in my pocket ♪ ♪ it kind of looks just like
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you, mixed with zach galifanakus ♪ ♪ whatever, it doesn't matter, oh well, we're going out tonight, tonight, there's a party on the rooftop, top of the world ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, and we're dancing on the edge of the hollywood sign ♪ ♪ i don't know if i'll make it, but watch out girl i'll take it ♪ ♪ it's all right, all right, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ just sing it like, oh, oh, oh, come on, oh, oh, oh, it doesn't matter, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ just don't stop, keep the beat pumping, keep the beat up, shut the beat down ♪ ♪ it's my party, dance if i want to, we can get crazy, let it all out ♪ ♪ it's my party, dance if i want to, we can get crazy, let it all out ♪
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♪ it's you and me and we're running this town, it's me and you and we're taking the ground ♪ ♪ ain't nobody gonna tell us to go because this is our show, everybody oh, oh, oh, come on, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, tonight, tonight, there's a party on the rooftop, top of the world ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight, and we're dancing on the edge of the hollywood sign ♪ ♪ i don't know if i'll make it, but watch out, girl, i'll take it ♪ ♪ it's all right, all right, tonight, tonight, yeah it's all right, all right, tonight, tonight ♪ ♪ yeah, it's all right, all right, tonight, tonight, singing like, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ come on, oh, oh, oh, call you party people, oh, oh, oh, all you single kids ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, even the white
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kids, it's my party, dance if i want to, we can get crazy, let it all out ♪ ♪ just don't stop it, keep the beat pumping, keep the beat up ♪ it's my party, dance if i want to, we can get crazy, let it all out ♪ we'll be back with more of "today" on nbc.
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it is time to meet another one of our very generous partners in what is a big tradition around here. our annual toy and gift drive. >> reality star fashion designer and author whitney port is here on behalf of crest 3-d. >> hello! >> you seem like you have a present in your lap. >> i do. i have a check for you guys on behalf of crest 3-d white strips. help spread smiles across america. >> $50,000. >> that's so awesome. >> it's important this time of the year, i guess, with the economy and things.
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>> right. everybody needs a little bit of something. i thought i'd come give you guys this. >> she's given us the cash and we can buy the toys ourselves. is that the way it works out? we'll have that in cash. >> you have a lot going on, by the way, in your life. a lot of people know you from "the city" and other shows. you've kind of shifted gears a little bit. you're doing more fashion stuff? >> right, yeah. i have my clothing line whitney eve. i'm wearing my jacket. >> adorable. >> thank you. working hard on that. obviously it's a hard industry to break into. especially coming from the reality background. but i'm trucking along and learning. >> what will you be doing for the holidays besides brushing your teeth over and over again. >> and wearing my white strips. >> by the way, your smile is fabulous. >> after eight years of braces and white strips. i'll be with my family. maybe go on a little vacation. in los angeles. i'm born and raised l.a. >> i can't believe you're only 27 and you've done so much already. what else do you see yourself doing? >> well, i would like to do obviously more in fashion. yeah.
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i want to continue getting better as a designer. >> thank you for the lovely gift. >> thank you for coming. >> thanks to everybody at crest 3-d. if you'd like to donate gifts for children up to age 18 you can do it up to december 21st at the plaza at the nbc experience store or check our website for the details. tomorrow, guess who's coming? molly simms! -- captions by vitac --
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[ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by captions by vitac [ cheers and applause ]


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