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tv   Today  NBC  December 4, 2011 8:00am-9:00am EST

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say hello to two giant pandas getting a new home on sunday, december 4, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> love that shot of the tree. welcome to "today" on a sunday morning. i'm lester holt. >> i'm jenna wolfe. talking politics this morning. the embattled former pizza executive herman cain has suspended his campaign for president. >> the decision came down late. the drama build up. he took ten minutes to get to the point. announcement on the heels of sexual harassment allegations and claims he had a long-time ra fair. he denies it all. but the big question, who will benefit most from cain dropping out.
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new poll taken that shows newt gingrich could get some of iowa's support. we'll get incite in a few moments. penn state fallout. jerry sandusky's latest defense prompts accusers to speak out, expressing outrage over sandusky's comments. we'll have the latest on that. >> a new mystery surrounding the mona lisa. one man claims her smiled contains hidden messages, including the image of an ape and lion. do you see it? >> no, i don't. and i'm not going to lie to you, i never have. >> we'll see what that message may be. >> da vinci may have one of those that you change look at i change it. charlie sheen's ex-wife, brooke mueller, led away in handcuffs. herman cain suspends his
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presidential bid. >> reporter: this weekend was supposed to mark a new beginning for herman cain, the grand opening of his georgia headquarters, instead, cain pulled out of the race with much of the same style. music burglalared, barbecue sue pokemon was quoted. many expressed gratitude. >> he was always good humored and optimistic. we'll miss him on the campaign trail. >> reporter: saturday afternoon when cain and his wife gloria stepped off the bus in atlanta, even cain's strongest supporters didn't know what he would say. >> i am suspended my
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presidential campaign. because of the continued distracti distractions, the continued hurt caused on me and my family. >> reporter: cain acknowledged that the pain involved claims of sexual harassment and the claims of a woman of a 13-year extramarital affair. >> it wasn't a love affair. it was a sexual affair. >> caller: cain remained defiant. >> my wife, my family and i, we know that those false and untrue allegations are not true. i am at peace with my god. i am at peace with my wife.
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and she is at peace with me. >> caller: cain's supporters were stunned and saddened. >> i don't think he got a fair shake because he became the number one candidate, everyone went after him. >> reporter: the former god father's ceo who rose to fame with his 9-9-9 plan, told followers they have not heard the last of him. >> i am not going to be silenced and i am not going away. >> reporter: by officially suspending his campaign, herman cain is no longer an active candidate but can continue raising money. if something were to change, lester, it leaves open the possibility of him getting back into the 20 2 race. >> what does herman cain's decision mean for other republican presidential contenders. david gregory joins us. >> good morning. >> with the dynamics of this race already changing and
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leaving him behind? >> they were. iowa, 22% support, plummeted to 8% last week. his political support was hollowing out. unable to raise money. yes, the personal became the political. and it just hollowed out his support. >> to what extent can he still be a power broker? he plans to offer annen dorsment. will it matter? >> it will matter some. there are some supporters out there that, look, two words, sarah palin in the kind of impact you can have without income the race. i'm not eindicating the two. but contain has a message, a following, and he has a platform that he didn't have before. he's written books, he was a radio talk show host, and let's face it. there theis a reality tv aspect
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this republican nomination, where folks with limited experience can get a big platform and have a lot to say and be listened to. perhaps herman cain is in that position. >> there is a flavor of the month nature to the republican race. somebody moves in front. you have seen newt gingrich make the surge. does it appear to be for real? will he be the benefactor of the cain dropout? >> to your second point, yes. one of the big reasons, newt gingrich brought herman cain to politics in the 1990s. a natural affinity there. and it makes sense for cain's supporters to go to gingrich. we're seeing a lot of this. we're poised to see it really lock in to romney to gingrich. i go back to iowa, and ron paul, yes, he's static in his support there. not really challenging front-runners, but a very good organization, raising money and
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in this atmosphere where there is this appetite, for a third-party candidate that has not gone away. >> it is all about the anti establishment. and is gingrich going to be the guy? or does ron paul move up because of this appetite for that anti establishment notion? >> primary voters want to see him go off barack obama. doing it in the debates. obviously a leader in washington. that cuts both ways. the problem is what you saw this past week. he is making comments about poor children and they don't have any role models and don't see anybody working. he wants to change child labor laws it's that unpredictability which is come bustability and lack of discipline. that could be his undoing. it's what conservatives worry about now. >> david gingrich, thanks very much. now here is jenna. >> one day after jerry
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sandusky's interview with "the new york times" is released, accusers are expressing outrage over the denial of wrongdoing. we turn to national investigative reporter michael isikoff. >> reporter: the public interview has angered some at penn state and reopened still painful wounds for alleged victims. accused child molester jerry sandusky tries to salvage his reputation -- >> these allegations are false. i didn't do those things. i don't know. >> reporter: many here at penn state wish he would stop talking. >> his lawyer probably should have put duct tape on his mouth to keep it shut. >> reporter: reaction to the four-hour interview with "the new york times" was mostly hostile in this town rocked by the scandal. the university has seen its president and legendary football coach joe paterno fired and its
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reputation stained. >> it definitely brings a lot of heart break to our university. it's a lot -- >> i feel everyone in the community is disgusted with it. hopefully justice will be brought to all of the people who were harmed. >> reporter: but justice seems furthest away for those who were allegedly sandusky's victims. lawyers for some of the victims told nbc news their clients are deeply offended by sandusky's assertions of innocence. >> i was horrified by it. it felt like a punch in the stomach to me, just knowing victim one and his mother. >> reporter: the most difficult moments of all will be coming soon. a preliminary hearing in sandusky's case and prosecutors plan to call some of the victims to testify. >> it will be one of the most difficult things he's ever done, testifying in a public hearing. >> reporter: and expected to be sitting in the same courtroom is sandusky himself. setting up a dramatic confrontation between the acc e
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accusers and the accused. jena after each of the alleged victims testify at that december 13th hearing, sandusky's lawyers will have a chance to challenge their accounts in cross-examination in what promises to be a grueling day for all concerned. >> mike, thanks so much many. for more, let's turn to craig melvin at the news desk. >> a college football game ended tragically saturday night in oklahoma. at least 13 people were hurt. two critically. when thousands of fans stormed the field to celebrate the 44-10 victory over rival oklahoma. some fans trampled and one person fell 15 feet to the concrete below. oklahoma state won. the ohio man has been identified that could be the third victim of a bogus
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craigslist scheme. two men are accused of luring job seekers with a fake ad for work on a cattle ranch that does not exist. the fbi and police believe that the victims were targeted for robbery. the united states is evacuating troops from an air base in southwest pakistan. pakistan's government ordered the united states to leave the air base after an air strike that killed 14 troops. protesters have been rioting since the attack. christie brinkley owes half a million in back taxes. the uptown girl has been surprised to hear there is a lien on her mansion in the hamptons. she has told her team to resolve the matter immediately. finally this morning, starting today, two giant pandas will be in a zoo in scotland. nbc's angus walker is in
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eddinburg with this rare story. good morning to you. >> reporter: finally we'll see the arrival of sweetie and sunshine. rare giant pandas flown all the way from china, 5,000 away, to the capital of scotland. they are regarded in china as national treasure. the zoo will be paying around $1 million a yore to have the pandas on loan for up to ten years. they will move into their enclosure, costing around half a million. and the hope is that they may, just may, have a cub. and that would be a real money spinner for this zoo and for scotland. because behind their arrival is a number of contracts between scotland and china.
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exports of fish and oil deals, for example. they may be cute, but they are also commercial. back to you, craig. >> angus walker in scotland for us. now back to lester, jenna, and janice. >> i like the middle one, who was obviously extremely hungry when the camp raeras were on hi. must eat more! janice huff, good morning. >> good morning. nice here in new york. >> not such a nice morning across the southern plains. need the rain in texas. littlerock, you don't want any more. you had record rainfall for the month of november. expect three to five inches from little rock to east of dallas. likely to see flash flooding from across texas to parts of the mid mississippi river valley. cold in denver. expecting 3 to 7 inches of snow tonight.
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sunshine in california today. across the eastern seaboard, sunny from boston down to d.c. and atlanta with temperatures in the 50s this afternoon. break here too. 80 in miami. a little on the windy side. sun over the central plains and a little rainy acr and a good sunday morning to you. i'm storm 4 meteorologist chuck bell. off to a bright and sunny start in washington this morning. it is going to be a very pleasant outdoor weather day today. temperatures, which are in the 30s for the most part. 39 in washington. 31, la plata. 32 in baltimore. temperatures in the 30s now. well into the 50s today. mostly sunny. mild with temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. low 60s tomorrow but with plenty of clouds for your monday. now here is jenna. >> janice, thanks. for kroentrcenturies, people ha
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drawn to her smile. but now there is new mystery over da vinci's mona lisa. they're for keeping us together. ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmas." [ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ introducing hershey's air delight. experience new light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. new hershey's air delight. hey babe... oh, hi honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month.
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and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate. nyquil tylenol: we are?ylenol. you know we're kinda like twins. nyquil (stuffy): yeah, we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. tylenol: and i relieve nasal congestion. nyquil (stuffy): overachiever. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't.
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she has perhaps the most famous smile in the world. one art historian is looking past the mona lisa smile and finding hidden images. we have more from london. >> reporter: thousands are heading for an exhibition of his paintings here in london and around the world, experts have studies every brush stroke, so the question this morning, did we all miss something in leonardo da vinci's painting that one man in rochester, new york, stumbled upo edd an unsol murder shed light on a sick rhett centuries old. it is taken from "the last supper" where some believe the
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picture has jesus sitting next to mary magdalene, not john the baptist. but there is another da vinci masterpiece that may conceal another puzzle, the mona lisa her enigmatic smile one man says has other hidden messages. look a little closer, and isn't that the face of an animal? >> i took the mona lisa and turned it on the side and noticed the ape's face and the lion's head. >> reporter: this man from rochester, new york, was researching an art project when he found writing in da vinci's own notebook and discovered them in the paintings themselves. >> the nose, the eyes, the mouth, and the whole space is highlig highlighted. >> reporter: in london, where an exhibition of 500-year-old da
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vinci art is drawing large crowds, they like the paintings to be cryptic. >> there are deeper meanings, but not some kind of hidden objects. >> reporter: the mona lisa is on display at louvre in paris, and perhaps those visiting the museum might take a little more time and step a touch nearer. whether there are animals hinted -- >> i call it a discovery. i am not sure why i came upon this and no one else hasn't. >> reporter: whether he's seeing things that aren't there, that, perhaps, is the real riddle. now, leonardo davinci would likely enjoy seeing us scratch our heads over the paintings. h
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experts honestly doubt that he hid the shapes of animals in his paintings, but he did want to make us think, and after hundreds of years, we are still doing that. >> maybe if you make a paperer airplane and spin it 45 degrees like this, maybe you can make out lester holt. >> i didn't see it. >> you didn't see lester? >> no, i didn't see the lion. >> got you. charlie sheen's ex-wife brooke mueller in trouble. we'll have that, after the messages. [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ]
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we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a mace, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet?
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[ coughing continues ] [ female announcer ] more pollution from power plants means more childhood asthma attacks. [ labored breathing ] there's technology that makes the air cleaner, but too many plants don't use it. we can't wait. epa must update power plant standards to protect our kids. [ baby coughing ] still to come, from gift giving on knowing when to go home. the 411 on holiday etiquette.
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and a special performance from the winner of "the voice." but first, these messages. thank you. for what? when things were tough, you kept believing in me... you helped make this happen. thank you. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open heart collection at kay jewelers, the number one jewelry store in america. there are millions of reasons to give one, but the message is always the same. keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. you did it daddy. we did it. ♪ every kiss begins with kay i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here. to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there, every step of the way. call or come in for a free portfolio review today.
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rise and shine, everyone. it's 8:26 on this sunday, december 4th, 2011. george town police are looking for a man who might have broken into two off-campus apartments. friday night a man broke into a home on 36th street and scared a woman by jumping out of a closet. but 30 minutes later, police say an intruder broke into a home on o street. investigators aren't sure if the cases are related. despite those incidents they feel georgetown is a safe campus. and meteorologist chuck bell will have a look at your sunday forecast after the break. stay tuned. ♪
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♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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gorgeous clear day. chuck, it's absolutely gorgeous out there. >> it is indeed, erika. the sun is out already. until 4:46 this afternoon when it goes down. some of our earliest sunsets for the next week and a half to two weeks. temperatures, though, with chilly sunshine out there. 39 in washington. 27, manassas. 32 in frederick. 28 in martinsburg, west virginia. a very nice day to be outside whether you're washing the car, raking leaves or stringing holiday lights. mid to upper 50s.
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clouds and a lot of them tomorrow with temperatures in the low 60s. rain likely as we get towards tuesday and wednesday. but that's a whole lot of sunny hours from now. erika? >> we'll have a sweet way to indulge your sweet tooth. i can already smell the chocolate in here. now back to the "today" show in new york. see you at 9:00. back on a sunday morning, december 4, 2011. nice crowd on the plaza. our thanks to them for taking time out of our holiday shopping. spending part of our sunday morning with us. i'm jenna wolfe with lester holt. and let's talk about charlie sheen again. unfortunately, in the news one more time. >> well, his ex-wife brooke mueller, arrested on saturday in aspen, colorado, charged with assault and cocaine possession.
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we'll get details coming up. you can tell from the big christmas tree, holiday season is here, holiday cheer and holiday stress. we'll go through an etiquette list. when you are invited to a party and they say don't bring a gift, do you bring a gift? >> i don't know. that's why we have the segment coming up. >> how do you end a party, get people to leave. 11:30, midnight, time to leave. >> please go, i'm tired, doesn't help? >> clearly we need some etiquette. who is that girl? blond hair, blue eyes, adorable. five years old. spitting image of her mom. who is she? any guesses? we'll let you know, coming up. first, it's been a worldwide whirlwind tour since javier colon won "the voice" this year. i watched this season this is a
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great show. we will catch up with the rising star. we'll hear one of his songs. we are finishing up the first week of the annual "today" show toy drive. here with some bling is leah sophia, owners elaina and tony. thank you for being here. >> thrilled to be here. >> what are you bringing us this year? >> on behalf of our 30,000 advisers, we have 2,500 pieces of jewelry. not in this particular box. this is worth over $122,000. we're so thrilled to be part of this program once again this year. >> you seem so excited and happy. tell me about what the toy drives means to your company. >> millions of women wear lia sophia. we are happy that women can wear something transformation and
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beautiful. >> we know you have donated in the past. we appreciate you taking part. have a great holiday. >> thank you. this has lester written all over it. i want to remind folks, donate on the plaza if you happen to be on town or online. " for the today annual toy drive. >> a check of the weather with janice huff. >> jenna and lester, weather cloudy and cool, but quiet. however, in other parts of the country, not so. let's take a check of the weather and see what's happening. heavy rain from arkansas to east texas today. rather nasty. flash-flood watches in effect. sunshine on the eastern seaboard. snow for denver tonight, 3 to 7 inches and sunshine on the west coast. quiet, but it will get windy tomorrow in southern california. heavy snow across the mountains of new mexico and spreads eastward through the ohio valley, parts of the great lakes.
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friends out here from new jersey, hi, everybody, and christina, it's your birthday tomorrow. how old will you be? >> 12. >> happy birthday to you. that's what's going on around the nation. here is your local forecast. we have football fans here. but not the football fans for tonight. we have football on nbc. nfl will play tonight on nbc. and "sunday night football in america." that's indoors. the new orleans saints host the detroit lions tonight.
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outside, tailgating, temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. nice inside and outdoors. now here is jenna. >> i'll take it, janice. charlie sheen's name back in the headlines. this time not the actor in trouble, but his ex, brooke mueller. she was arrested in colorado on assault and drug possession charges. nbc's george lewis has details. >> this is the booking photo of brooke mueller arrested early saturday after an incident at an aspen night spot, the belly up. a woman complained she had been assaulted by mueller. after investigating, officers arrested muleller for the assaut and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. >> she seems a mess. it's not just the assault, but the cocaine with intent.
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that is a felony. >> reporter: sheen, whose bad boy behavior got him fired from "two and a half men" seems to be cleaning up his act while his ex, she's still getting into trouble. >> in comparison to her, he looks like the normal one at this point. if you can say that about charlie sheen. >> the couple battled for custody over twin sons. mueller awarded primary custody. could her arrest cause her to lose custody? >> it's not automatic that anything would happen. that the children would get placed into child protective services or placed with the father. >> in august, mueller and charlie sheen vacationed together in mexico. and at a charlie roast, he said he and mueller were trying to resolve conflicts. >> we are working all of that stuff out. she's doing great. >> reporter: brook mueller
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posted $11,000 bond and is set to appear in court on december 19th to enter a plea. george lewis, nbc news, los angeles. now here is jenna. >> lester, thanks. she has blue eyes, blond hair, and spitting image of her mom. . it's anna nicole's daughter, dani lynn. the resemblance is uncanny. >> reporter: the rare photos capture danilynn and dad, larry burkhead. for many, all they can see is anna nicole smith. >> she has the same full lips, big round eyes and even the same eyebrows. >> reporter: the 5-year-old is becoming a spitting image of her model mom who died of an accidental overdose, justify months after she was born. danilynn's first months were the subject of a bitter paternity
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battle. but she's been mosted kept out of the media glare. they were on "today" last year, as she slept, larry burkhead talked about raising her. >> one of the reasons, we travel back to kentucky and it's kind of a safe haven. >> reporter: anna nicole lived her life in front of the cameras. her reality show showed a star and life that were at times out of control. >> don't touch me. >> reporter: but she was a pop icon. >> her tragic death will make sure we will never forget this lady ever. >> reporter: will danilynn be able to stay away from the lure of the lens? >> larry is holding back on actually giving her a modeling career. several people have asked if
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danil much y danilynn will become a young model, and he's holding back. >> reporter: for now she is a young girl, but the memories of her mother is never far away. >> beautiful little girl. up next, holiday party etiquette. 12 hour hold challenge. fixodent denture adhesive challenges you to a 12 hour hold test. ♪ thanks to its time released formula, you apply fixodent once, and it holds all day. ♪ take the fixodent 12 hour hold challenge. guaranteed, or your money back. ♪ and for guaranteed freshness try fixodent cleanser, plus scope ingredients. [ man ] we've been in the business over the course of four centuries. [ woman ] it was a family business back then, and it still feels like a family business now.
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the only people who knew about us were those in new england, that moment that we got our first web order... ♪ ...we could tell we were on the verge of something magical. all of a sudden it just felt like things were changing. we can use this to advertise to bakers everywhere. [ man ] browns summit, north carolina. crescent city, california. we had a package go to kathmandu once. the web has been the reason this entire section of the warehouse exists today. we were becoming more than this little flour company in vermont. [ woman ] we're all going after one common goal, which is to spread the joy of baking throughout the whole world. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> it's that time of the year when the holiday party invitations are coming in, making the list of gifts to buy. but when it comes to social etiquet etiquette, we don't always get it right. joining us is "real simple's"hu. >> good morning. >> we put up an unscientific poll on facebook, got viewer feedback. when it's appropriate to give cash as a gift. most people say, well, if it's
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for close -- some people said always. some people say for close family or kids, one with only with a card and rarely to never. >> it is be crass, personal, last minute. i wouldn't give a hastily written check to a coworker. but for people hard to buy for it can be a brilliant gift. put it in a nice card and write a personal note. >> would you give it to an adult? >> i would give it to an adult who i know would appreciate it. i wouldn't give it to a coworker. it's important to note. we give gifts to coworker. a gift card could work, the same as cash, and it should be a small amount. >> let me put this one to you. this happens all the time. get an invitation, and the ho
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hostess says no thawnk you. >> bring a bottle of wine. but no gift is indicated. this is what the host wants. >> but you show up to the door and the person next to you has a gift and you look empty handed. >> but i think it's okay. if she doesn't want one, it's okay. you can bring a card. >> let's talk about the menu. maybe you don't eat shellfish, you're a vegan. do you tell the host or hostess? >> you should be up front. do it as soon as you receive the invite. call her right away. don't wait until you are sitting at the table. it makes it ten times more awkward. you can just bring something. i'm a vegetarian, i'm happy to bring a quiche to the dinner. she can make you comfortable. >> i don't want someone safeel
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insulted, they don't like my cooking or something. >> they may offer to make something for you. they may refuse. >> if the host wants to make something, oh, no, that will be fine. >> a lot of times, they say is there any food you don't like? another difficult one. had you the party, you look at the watch. 12:15, kind of like to wrap this thing up. but some guests want to keep partying. >> the ones it doesn't work to turn the lights up, turn the music off. i was at a party this summer, and a friend of mine at the party, it's time for it to be over. people aren't leaving, and she said you can continue to party, but not here. >> i would be mortified, if someone came up and said that. >> it was late, they hadn't agreed to leave, and i don't think they were embarrassed at all. nothing else worked. >> but it's incumbent on the host or hostess.
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adults could use boundaries. >> the adult that drinks too much. embarrassing themselves, about to get in a car? >> bottom line, you want to get them home safe. you can talk to them, cut them off, and privately at the party. that may not work by time they are fully inebriated. the biggest priority is getting them home safe. deputizing someone to drive them home. drive them home, give the cab a cash. >> sometimes they are acting like an idiot. >> i want to tell you something. lure them into another room. it needs to be private. sit down and talk with them for a while. so you get them. it has to be out of the line of sight of other people, because it could get loud. >> and embarrassing. >> getting them home safe. all good advice, thank you for coming on. happy holidays. just ahead, javier colon
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with a song from his new album, first, these messages. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. - the craving for chocolate... - oooh. - is all grown up. - oooh. - jared presents beautiful natural levian chocolate diamonds and chocolate south sea pearls. levian is the only company on earth to make jewelry with chocolate diamonds. levian: the leading family in jewelry, from ancient royalty to today's red carpet. you will only find these styles at jared.
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levian chocolate diamonds: they're anything but vanilla. that's why he went to jared.
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javier colon was a struggling musician when he decided to audition for "the voice." he ended up winning. now he's out with a new album, "come through for you." good morning. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> how does this year rank for you? where do you stack it? >> has to be one of the best years ever, other than having my
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kids, best year ever. i mean, i still can't believe all of the things that have transpired this year, how different life is now than it was eight months ago. >> i read you almost didn't audition for the show. things were tough for you at home. what was the deciding process? >> a lot of things to weigh into, and i just -- i didn't think they would have me at first, even let me audition, because i had a deal with capital records many years ago, and then i found out i could, and i didn't know if it was the right thing for me, between my manager and brother talking me into it, saying you have to audition. >> this a fun show. adam levine was your mentor, singing on your album as well. any advice that has resonated over the course of the journey? >> a lot of information in helping me during the show. but after the show, he told me to hang on for the ride. this was going to be -- it was
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going to be crazy. it has been. he's been amazing, just from helping choose songs and everything, he's been awesome through the whole process. >> what are you going to sing for us? >> "as long as we've got love," my new single. >> javier colon, take it away. thank you. ♪ remember how it used to be it was only you and me and didn't worry much about anything ♪ ♪ the status of my name but to love me is the same it felt like i had everything ♪ ♪ holding my hand, walk down the beach, i would pretend you were my queen even though our castle is only in the sand ♪
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♪ we've got something we don't need nothing as long as we've got love ♪ ♪ believe it, i mean it and know it that we can't have enough ♪ ♪ as long as we've got love, love as long as wie got love, love ♪ ♪ lift your eyes and here we are, got a dog and bought a car little footsteps down the hall ♪ ♪ and time for responsibility, sometimes make it hard to see and a million things about you but the castles are now here and we are going to stay ♪
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♪ love, we've got something that keeps reminding us we don't need nothing as long as we've got love, believe it, i mean it, i know we'll always have enough as long as we've got love, love as long as we've got love, love ♪ ♪ at the end of the day, i'm wide awake with the girl of my dreams and the only thing i'll ever need cause we've got something that keeps reminding us snl we don't need nothing ♪ ♪ love gives us something, keeps reminding us we don't need nothing as long as we've got love ♪ ♪ believe it, i mean it i know we'll always have enough as long
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as we've got love ♪ ♪ love, love as long as we've got love, love as long as we've got love, love ♪ ♪ as long as we've got love, love ♪ ♪ as long as we've got love >> javier colon, thank you. the album "come through for you." hi, could you read my list?
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it's all crossed out... it's 'cause i got everything on it. boom! thank you! [ male announcer ] no need to wait with our christmas price guarantee. if you find a lower price on a local print ad before christmas, we'll give you the difference on a walmart gift card.
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let's go back now to washington to check in with david gregory, find out what's coming up on "meet the press." coming up, a debate on the case for re-election in the 2012 election field. david axelrod and chair of the republican national committee, all coming up "on meet the press." >> that will do uit for us on this sunday morning. coming up next sunday, all the hair straightening treatments, we'll put them to the test. >> and penguins in the studio.
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did you know that? >> i definitely didn't know that. but i'll be here. >> i'll see you on "nbc nightly news." thank you so much for watching and thank you to a great crowd.
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campaign on hold. her main contain susspends his white house bid. welcome to news 4 today, everybody. i'm angie goff. >> good morning. i'm erika gonzalez. welcome to news 4 on this
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sunday, december 4th. >> the atlanta businessman suspended his campaign yesterday. >> i am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, the continued hurt caused on me and my family. >> one of the other republican candidates, newt gingrich said while it is sad he suspending his campaign, he helped make the rest of the field feel better. >> whether you liked it or disliked it, it raised the general level of the discussion and got us to the right level of positive will ideas in a way that i thought really enriched the debate and was illustrated by the amount of support he gathered around that hand and around his candidacy at that point. >> now, because cain suspended his campaign rather than simply ending it he is still legally


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