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tv   Today  NBC  December 22, 2011 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it's winesday, wednesday. counting it down. it's december 21st. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ >> is that bing crosby? >> yeah. >> we have four days left to shop. >> it seems like, i mean, some people -- thank you -- some people are in the christmas spirit. there was a piece of video we saw today that makes you think that the grinch is alive and well. >> let's go to the videotape.
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>> before we throw to it, let's tell people what it is. a fedex guy is supposed to be delivering a big computer screen, okay, to someone's home. there happens to be a camera, camera monitor, outside the house. let's watch. ♪ here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus, right down santa claus lane ♪ >> oh, my god. >> trashed it. >> i like the sound effects. >> we added that in. just so you know. here's the deal. the guy in the house said that all he had to do was hit a buzzer. there was a buzzer out there. was not in the mood. fedex was disappointed. >> i bet. >> this is their quote. it's disappointed in the behavior shown on the video and used it as a learning opportunity. to remind employees every single package is the most important one. >> to the one who's waiting for it. >> they've also said they've contacted the customer and resolved the situation.
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i wonder why he did that? i wonder if he was just tired or was -- had it with delivering big presents when he wasn't getting any? what do you think it was? >> all of the above, perhaps. >> here's the thing. we were looking at our list of topics. they're all kind of grumpy and grouchy topics, joanne. it put us in a funk. we decided every time we had a grumpy story we were going to have one shot of -- >> the happiest guy on the planet! >> you're going to be a busy man today. >> now we're going to talk where the germs are. now that we're all getting on planes and going off to different destinations. >> if you've ever sat down in a plane and you've heard someone sneeze next to you, you go, oh, my god. i'm going to get pneumonia, tb, whatever. >> you have to worry about it. >> they say it's two seats in front of you and two seats behind. that's the hot zone. >> and the ones next to you. >> and next to you. so any of that radius of two,
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two, two, two, you're going to get sick. okay? >> the tray tables. >> when you think about it, when you touch the tray table thing and pull it down, who wipes those off ever? ever? >> tammy. >> except for tammy. you're supposed to wipe it with your own wipe. >> apparently those pouches in the front -- >> the pouches in the front is really, really bad. >> that's really bad. that's where people stuff dirty, old junk. >> tammy said -- >> don't tell the story. please don't. >> this guy had a terrible nosebleed. get ready, santa. he had a terrible nosebleed. and for, like, an hour and a half he'd stuff all of his bloody tissues in the tray -- >> santa! santa! >> ho ho ho! >> "the wall street journal" -- this is fun. god bless purell. >> there are also things that are also gross. the pillows and the blankets. >> they thought they sanitized
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them. >> according to a source, who we're not going to name, they wash the pillows and the blankets at the end of the day. then they put them out and all day long they use the same ratty ones because they're not washing them in between flights. get on the first flight and you're guaranteed to have a clean pillow and blanket that you'll pay for, by the way. santa! >> ho ho ho ho! >> shot of santa, please! do we have a shot of santa? >> thank you! >> you're paying to get germs. >> this might please some people. it freaks me out a little bit. you know how sometimes you find out that you've got, like, a four-hour layover or your flight's delayed for six hours or something like that? now two airports in the country offer rooms for rent. right there in the terminal. >> they're called minute -- like, minute suites. >> one is atlanta
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hartsfield-jackson. another is philadelphia international. >> 30 bucks, for one hour you can go in that room. what's he doing? look at him. there it is. you lay down. >> i can't see because we have the -- >> you can go to sleep. it looks fine. >> you think? you think somebody comes down and wipes it down after somebody's been on it? >> first of all, why are we so obsessed with germs? we're, like, insane obsessed with purell and germs. was there purell ten years ago? no. >> there wasn't purell five years ago. we've had soap and water for a long, long time. >> i feel like there's this whole obsession with everyone worried about germs. >> have you noticed the people that are the most germaphobic are the sickest? >> they're the ones who are always ill. the ones who dunk in purell are always ill. santa! >> ho ho ho ho ho! >> what is happening?
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>> santa, can you stay all year next year? >> absolutely! >> this is always a tricky situation around the holidays. say you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and you're going home to visit the family. >> you're not married. how do you work it out? they say if there's a no sharing bed policy in the house where you're visiting, you should abide by that policy. >> you're a guest. >> you are a guest. >> you know that ahead of time, hopefully, you can decide whether you want to come or not. >> they say if you do break the rules, just keep it quiet. santa? >> ho ho ho ho ho! >> i don't know. i don't even know what that meant. anyway. anyway. >> if your parents don't care, then just go far, far, far, far away from their room. you know what? leave the toys at home. unless you're bringing them for little children that live in the house. >> like santa would be doing! >> ho ho ho ho ho! >> all right.
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think about this. how do you sleep with your husband or wife in bed? how do you do it? do you guys spoon? do you sleep on the edges facing out? do you face in? >> it changes over time. you start out spooning like crazy. >> so if you spoon -- >> then you end up with separate rooms. that's the way it goes. >> okay. if you spoon, the classic spoon, they say that means you take on more traditional roles. the person on the outside feels that they can shield the relationship from problems. the inside person is sensitive. who drew that? >> there is nothing going on. i still feel like we're voyeurs. why isn't she spooning him? >> because it's always that way. >> because they're sexist. >> being spooned makes me claustrophobic. i get claustrophobic. >> oh. >> so anyway. the football is when both people are on either side of the bed with one foot touching. >> that's precious. they're forming a little heart.
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>> that means both have jam packed schedules and one foot touching is enough. they don't need 24/7 touching. >> what about frank and me? i have a jam packed schedule and he's home. >> you're doing the tether ball. one of you is on your back with a single hand on the other person. santa! >> ho ho ho ho ho! >> that also means you're independent and you disagree but you're still very -- >> disagree on politics, religion and how the toilet seat should be left. but love is your common ground. >> how about the cliff hanger? sleeping on opposite sides of the bed with backs towards each other. >> yeah, yeah, trouble. trouble in paradise. >> that's distance. >> or one nostril is really, really congested and you can't breathe so you go the other way. every time i run -- i've been running a lot lately, falling a lot, too, it's my left nostril i have to blow all the time. why? the same nose. just my left nostril. can a medical doctor please call me up? why? >> "fitness" magazine has picked
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celebrity awards. jennifer aniston and halle berry won most inspiring body. both of those two. both look great. jennifer hudson won the most inspiring transformation. >> she has had an amazing transformation. >> boy, she looks terrific. >> yes, she does. britney spears has had the best comeback. now she's engaged. >> yeah. >> her hair grew back, which helps. >> lady gaga was the person most in need of a makeunder. >> i think she looks great when you see her just sort of like a normal person. >> lindsay lohan needs a makeover of her life, they say. kate middleton has the best celebrity wardrobe title. >> always so elegant. >> snooki, now that she looks good, she gets the most in need of an attitude adjustment. >> what? >> that was very testy. and cruel. >> we've got santa for that! santa! >> ho ho ho ho ho! >> santa, do you watch "the jersey shore"? >> sometimes.
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only when i feel it will be exciting! >> is there a little girl anywhere around you? where is she? hannah? where's hannah? >> she's there with grandma. she's here today because i'm going to read my little three gifts book today. hannah and a bunch of kids -- >> natalie's little boy is going to be here, too. tom's eye ware is doing something really great for over the holidays. for every single pair of glasses purchased they're going to donate -- they're calling it giving sight to individuals in nepal and cambodia -- buy one, one goes to help. >> i love that tom. he's adorable. >> he is. >> he might be the sexiest man alive. come on. what he's done with his life. >> i like it. coming up next, the much anticipated "mission impossible." opens in theaters today. >> one of the stars has taken time out, and she's also appearing in her husband's music video, to be with us. >> she's a new mom. >> boy, does she look good.
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♪ ♪ how does it feel to know that i love you baby ♪ >> that's actress paula patton starring in her husband robin thicke's music video for his hit song, "lost without you." okay. >> now paula stars in the new movie "mission: impossible" as an agent who kicks some serious booty. >> oh, oh, oh! paula, welcome. you had to get -- hello, by the way. you had to get in serious, serious action mode to do this
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film, right? >> i did. you know, when i got this role, my son was only 5 months old. as you can imagine, i wasn't in fight shape. they hired me anyways. i wanted to do my own stunts. i had to do a lot of physical training. >> it got you back in shape. >> you thought getting this role was a real long shot. when they first called you and said, hey, we want you for this role, you sort of thought this wasn't going to happen. >> i was like, come on, guys. don't waste my time. they bring in all the actresses. i never in a million years thought -- >> they kept pursuing you. who's the director on this one? >> brad bird. >> who was the one who said i want paula patton? who was the person you feel like you owe this great thing to? >> i don't know. i auditioned for it. i don't know who in the end made the decision. i had to do a screen test with tom. >> he's a very generous guy to work with. >> he really is. he's so kind and really willing to share the spotlight.
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>> what was it like working in dubai? i know you were on that -- you were in that big building. >> what's the name of that building? >> the burj khalifa. >> that one. >> that must have been something. you were right on the edge. >> i was. we actually shot on the 120th floor -- 124th floor. there's a moment when tom falls. jeremy catches his legs. i catch jeremy's legs. there was a window cut out. i was far back away from it. i couldn't wear a harness because my dress was so tight. all i had was a stunt man holding on to my ankle. by, like, the sixth take we were so close to the edge, i saw tom. he was like, hey, paula. i was like, whoa. >> he didn't have any fear in him at all? >> none. i had more fear than he had for sure. >> and you're inside. >> i'm inside. he's smiling. he loved it. >> how are you doing this whole life of yours?
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you've got this baby who's almost 2, right? >> yes. >> your husband who we had on last week. this big role. you're busy. >> you know what? i'm very thankful. i have an amazing mom. honestly, i couldn't do any of it without her. she's my angel. i'm all choked up because it's the holidays. you know what it is? as you ladies know, you just get less sleep and you just figure it out. put one foot in front of the other. he's the most important thing in the world to me, my son. put him first and everything else kind of falls in place. >> what keeps you and robin so much in love? you still desire one another. >> it's true. the truth is we all have ups and downs in our relationship. but we have an intense passion for each other. and somehow we just don't want to be with anyone else. so we figure it out. >> that's great. >> and he's pretty cute, you know. it helps. >> all right. you have a great holiday. >> thank you. you guys, too. i really appreciate it. >> "mission impossible: ghost protocol" opens nationwide today. up next, single people. how they're going to spend the holiday this year.
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we're going to see what they said and get some creative suggestions, right after this. i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! on my journey across america, thank you! i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat...
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...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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it is that time of year when people everywhere are gathering with friends and family and perhaps that special someone for good tidings and good cheer. >> but what if you don't have someone special to share in all the festivity. these ladies here with us say you don't have to be a couple, right, to have a great time? kate white is "cosmopolitan's" editor in chief. michelle callahan is a psychologist and author of "ms. typed." stop sabotaging your relationships and find dating success. ladies, great to see you both. >> this does hit a nerve. you guys did a survey and it said 80% of people felt uncomfortable around the holiday time because they were single. that didn't surprise you, did it? >> the number was so high. that did surprise me how high it was. it enhances your loneliness if you're feeling that way as a single woman. >> i know there are things
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people can do. part of it is, you go to a party. there's a lot of couples. new year's eve, a lot of couples. you feel sort of yuck. do you not go to those parties? what do you do? >> the number one thing women said bothered them was seeing other couples celebrate. if there's going to be a lot of couples there and that type of party bothers you, don't go. i also think it's an opportunity to meet other people. >> there might be another lonely person there. >> exactly. there's no right or wrong answer. you know if you're a home body and you need to get out, being at home will make you feel depressed. but don't go places where you oar going to run into people that might make you feel worse about your situation. as a psychologist, i want people to think about the fact that their feelings follow their thoughts. when you're thinking about how bad you think your situation is because you're not with somebody, you start to feel bad. then that's when you make bad decisions like maybe you're eating too much or drinking too much or staying home and getting depressed. >> numbing it. >> when you should be out interacting with other people. family, friends. it doesn't have to be a significant other.
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>> should you call your single girlfriends and say, hey, let's all get together and do something? what's the plan? >> what makes it better and how do you redefine the holidays? getting together with single girlfriends was one of the things that really helped them. have fun. do a potluck dinner. enjoy that. >> commiserate. >> it's not just about being in a relationship. it's about the time you spend with your family and friends and just having a good time with other people. >> sometimes you've gotten out of a bad relationship so you can celebrate. >> i've been to a lot of parties as a single person. i really enjoyed myself. i think if you go in there wanting to have fun, if you go in there thinking, oh, poor me, i feel awkward, you're going to feel weird. i often go alone to parties. i usually have fun. i like to go for a little while and get out. >> you do drive-bys. >> your attitude makes a huge difference. you're going to be with your family and your mom is going to
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say, where's your -- tell her ahead of time. i'm struggling with this. i don't want to talk about it. i want to have fun, put it to bed. >> have the goal of just saying tonight i'm going to meet one person and maybe get a number. whether it's a man or a woman. and connect with them later. >> i was talking to my mom this morning. she's a widow for nine years now since my daddy died. she was saying, this christmas holiday season i miss him more than i ever, ever have. so many people that have lost someone that they love very much, how can they get through the holidays? >> i think it's good to take a moment and just be in that space where you feel for that person and you might talk to them. you might pray with them. you have a sort of a spiritual connection missing that person. then you get yourself on up and go where you're going to go. allow yourself to feel it. allow yourself to grieve that loss. then go ahead and go on with your day. >> i remember one christmas i was living somewhere. i was by myself. i remember there were so many people who had -- there were lots of soup kitchens and stuff that really needed people. it turned the beat around.
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my choices were sitting in my apartment -- >> feeling sorry for yourself. >> -- or you can really go do something. >> just because you always do the holidays one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way going forward. >> thanks, ladies. coming up next, guess who's going to be reading us a children's book? "the three gifts." and santa's coming, too.
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we're back on this winesday, wednesday. today we have a very special guest other than hanna my niece. we have santa claus. he managed to squeeze in a little time to be with us. poor kathie lee is missing him up close and personal. he's going to slide down her chimney on christmas. she's over at the nbc experience store ready to hand out $100 to those who get the answers right. to those who don't, they get a copy of kathie lee's cd. oh, my gosh. people are cheering. okay. anyway, let's go to that first question, kath. >> oh, this isn't fair.
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look what i've got here. these three adorable little boys from chesapeake bay, virginia. i've got a doggy, wolf and eagle. this is what your question is. name all nine of santa's reindeer. >> donder, vixen, blitzen, donder and cupid. >> rudolph. >> not rudolph. >> dasher. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. >> prancer. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. >> blitzen. >> i say they got it! >> tell us. tell us about all these reindeer, santa. >> that's right. dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen. comet and cupid and donder and blitzen. the most famous of all is rudolph, that's right. this one, she's the only girl reindeer. she helps me keep the boys in line. >> i didn't know. it's donder. not donner.
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people sometimes get it wrong. >> santa knows. santa knows. >> thank you, santa. all right, kath. >> where did you say you're from? outside of chicago this gentleman's from. all right. in the famous holiday song where did the singer catch mommy kissing santa claus? >> under the mistletoe. >> yeah, baby. >> underneath that mistletoe. tell us about it, santa. >> it's always a bright time to sing. we sing a lot at the north pole. we sing "jingle bells," though! >> santa's pretty cool. all right. back across to kath. >> lovely lady from illinois. which holiday movie appears on tv more than any other christmas movie? "miracle on 34th street," "it's a wonderful life," "elf" or "a christmas story." >> "it's a wonderful life"? >> my favorite one. >> that is the most popular. >> it is. it's the most wonderful time of the year. and i know it.
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it's santa, that's right. >> we were watching "elf" the other night. it's pretty good, too. >> remember what he said? i know him, i know him. >> back across to kath. >> look at this adorable girl from new orleans, hoda. true or false, sweetheart? thousands of children -- it might be a trick question, okay? thousands of children mail letters to santa claus each year. >> true? >> oh, it's more than thousands. sorry. but you're going to love my cd. >> i'm sure she will. how many more than thousands is it, santa? >> oh, hoda, millions. millions. in our belief campaign, children have written millions of letters to me at macy's. it's really wonderful because we help the children. >> yes, you do. by the way, hannah has skyped santa. we know there are more ways to get to santa than that. kathie lee, back across to you. >> lady lives in texas but she's from baton rouge. on the twelve days of christmas what did the singer's true love
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send on the sixth day? >> geese a laying. >> wow. impressive. >> six geese a laying. >> that's right. it's really only four days to go. four days to go until christmas. >> what is it? four calling birds? three french hens? two turtle doves? back across. >> guess what? santa, it's not you that gives out free stuff. guess what our producers want to do? >> what? >> they want to give you the money, too! >> give her the money! >> merry christmas, huh? do we have time for one more? >> we do. >> who's next? where are you from? >> austin, texas. >> a lot of texas. okay. which of these companies was the first to use santa claus in an advertisement? pepsi, coca-cola, ford or chevy? >> coca-cola. >> wow! coca-cola was the first, huh, santa? >> absolutely. santa loves all kinds of drinks.
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especially milk with my cookies, right? >> right on! can we squeeze one more? one more, kath. >> good, good. true or false. the first time new yorkers put up a christmas tree in rockefeller center was 1931. >> i think it was before then. but possibly it was then. >> i'm in a christmas spirit. >> i love it! she won. '31 was the very first tree out here, huh? >> that's right. you know what i tell boys and girls? you don't find the meaning of christmas under the tree. you find the true meaning of christmas in your heart, hoda. >> thanks, santa. you are the best. thanks, hannah, for sitting with me. if you're in the area and would like to visit with santa before he goes back to the north pole, you know where he'll be. macy's until 9:00 tonight. up next, kathie's going to sit down with the little ones and read a terrific christmas book, right after this. ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. ♪ this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills. all day pain relief you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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if you have children in your house, now might be an excellent time to gather them, grab a cozy blanket and listen to a
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wonderful, if i do say so myself, christmas story. >> since she did write it. we invited some of our "today" show family kids to the reading of kathie's latest book called "the three gifts." you do a lot. you've got your show that will go to broadway and you have this show. >> my hope is to help children all over the place. okay? when you buy this book it helps children that really need a lot of help. it's called "the three gifts." auntie hoda is going to show you the pictures. >> i'm going to show you the pictures. here we go. >> one day in heaven a long time ago, god summoned three angels before him. he told them to sing of the birth of his son and to take three gifts to adore him. off from heaven the angels were sent, chanting sweet songs of joy. glory to god, grace and peace to all men, they sang as they searched for the boy.
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when suddenly, there, beneath a great star, was bethlehem, tiny and still. where shepherds were gathered to worship the child, who'd been promised to all of goodwill. the angels grew silent as they drew near, for they knew they were on sacred ground. quiet, they whispered, for salvation is here, as glory shined bright all around. then the three angels bowed down with joy to see god's son newly born. asleep in a manger nearby. and they worshipped that first christmas morn. each of them wondered how god could allow his most precious possession to leave him. but they knew in their heart that some day the child would inspire the world to believe in him. they lifted their voices in
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songs of praise as the sweet baby opened his eyes. and they offered the gifts they had brought from the lord, a trumpet, a star and a secret surprise. the trumpets announced that the savior was here and his star would guide us through darkness and fear. and the secret surprise that was sent from above? that if you open your heart, you will fill it with love. merry christmas, everybody. >> yay! >> thanks for coming, you guys. >> did you guys like that story? that was a pretty cool -- the illustrations, by the way, kath, are terrific. >> michael storrings who does the beautiful christmas ornament balls did all the beautiful illustrations. and he's just an absolute doll. thanks, everybody. i hope you enjoyed it. you still have time because there's, like, four days. >> so please go to the mall immediately. coming up next, you guys, a christmas breakfast courtesy of our friend giada. >> you guys should stick around.
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she makes the best stuff. >> it's delicious and tasty. right after this. good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal yager with the weather channel. closer and closer to christmas day now. we'll show you who is going to see snow. our forecast has changed a bit as we head into the weekend. for today, thursday afternoon, more snow across the rockies, sboup the u.p. of michigan. we will not see snow in the east. too mild. looking at thunderstorms, a threat for severe storms in parts of the south and mostly rain into the tennessee valley here. temperatures really mild for december. 72 in atlanta. in new york city, 55. clearing out for today and then the rain moves back in tonight and tomorrow. there's the coldest air but still not terribly cold for december. on friday, snow showers from new mexico and oklahoma. a few snow showers across the western lakes there. and new england, we expect
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morning snow. but new york city, you'll likely be in the rain. may mix in with a few flakes but nothing to slow you down. on friday, temperatures with that rain around will fall into the 40s across the northeast. and then as we head into saturday for christmas eve, we start to clear out here. we don't expect a big snowstorm in the northeast, all the way down into florida, rain for the south and quiet across the west, as well. on christmas day, we're looking at rain from the mid-atlantic all the way down into louisiana. snow showers around the lake. that's about it as far as our white christmas. a lot of snow on the ground, however, especially in the rockies and otherwise, partly to mostly cloudy skies in most spots. on tuesday, if you're going back to work or school, showers moving back into the south and more rain as we head through the afternoon. so one more look at your forecast there. you can always "wake up with al"
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to get your weather on the weather channel monday through friday 6:00 a.m. man: my electric bill was breaking the bank. so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms,
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plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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all righty. time to take you into "today's holiday kitchen" for a christmas morning breakfast. everybody knows that hoda's getting up early and opening up all of those presents can make hoda very, very hungry. guess who's here? >> giada's in the house! we love when she's here. >> your facial expression is priceless. >> i love that we're in our cozies, our jammies, like we are. like christmas morning. what are we going to cook? >> first -- >> oh, god. >> cheers. >> cheers. what's in there? >> it's a little mimosa. strawberry, lemon and basil mimosa. >> that adds a nice touch. >> i love it with the basil. >> i love this drink. >> i love everything giada does. i don't like sweet stuff.
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i like you, giada. anywho. >> all right. we're going to cook real fast. >> so traditional italian bread. people don't know what to do with it other than just eat it like this. >> i've never seen it before. >> you haven't? >> i haven't either. >> it's a buttery bread. >> an italian fruitcake. >> it is, really. it's got raisins and orange in it. we cut it up. it's really good. it is sweet. >> that's all right. >> we dip it in here. oh, nevermind. >> giada, did you want me to help. would you like me to put some cream in it? >> i was making the mimosas. cream, milk and sugar. i know, very light. go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. okay. mix that all together. you're just making a little batter here. dip it in here. >> it's like french toast. >> correct. it's panettone french toast. we'll put it on the grill.
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grill it just for a few minutes. i'm not going to flip it. >> she's exhausted. it's the end of the year. she's cooked enough. >> this is what it looks like when we're done. >> she has people that flip things for her. >> oh, come on, now! >> can we taste some? >> yes. there you go. these are hot, though, if you want to try these. >> yeah, these. >> a few minutes on each side. five minutes on each side. you have cinnamon, maple syrup. >> cinnamon. >> yes. homemade cinnamon and maple syrup. right over the top. nice and dark, see. powdered sugar. >> whatever you love. >> whatever you like. exactly. >> i'll have to try a bite. >> go, go, go. >> i can't. >> you already did? >> oh, lordy. before christmas you give it up? >> i gave it up three weeks ago. >> don't you do that, like, after? >> hopefully there's something i can eat. >> i doubt it. >> this is going to sound really strange to everybody. but everybody else makes oatmeal. >> yeah. >> we make polenta.
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for breakfast. >> i adore it. >> basically like grits. it's cornmeal. add a little water and broth. we already did that. >> of course you did. >> you finish it with a little bit of milk like you do oatmeal. you don't have to if you don't want to. some cheese. >> uh-oh, gave up cheese, too. >> and butter. you loosen it all up like this. heat it up. it becomes very creamy like that. you can top it with whatever you want. cranberries and bacon. you can do raisins. brown sugar. i like the sweet and salty. >> that's everything you love, kath. >> i know it. >> another thing you can have for christmas breakfast if you're interested in something like that. >> that looks delicious. can i take it home and heat it up christmas morning? it looks delicious, hoda. >> try right there. the teeniest little bite. >> i can't. i gave it up. >> you do it. the hell with it. we'll do it. can you have bacon? >> i can have bacon.
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all that's left of me is my drink. >> lastly, we've got chocolate espresso cups here. so it's chocolate and espresso. with a little whipped cream. >> we're all fasting! giada, love, love, love. up next, tony bennett spreads some christmas cheer. he can eat it. with a song. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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tony bennett had a great year. his most recent album received three grammy nominations. unbelievable. >> now with 60 years full of songs, the music legend is releasing 73 cds worth of music. can you imagine? in his new box set called "tony bennet: the complete collection." as we sign off for the day we leave you with tony and a wonderful mel torme song called "the christmas song." god bless, everybody. >> good-bye, everybody. ♪ chestnuts roasting on an open fire ♪
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♪ jack frost nipping at your nose ♪ ♪ yuletide carols being sung by a choir and folks dressed up like eskimos ♪ ♪ ev'rybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright ♪ ♪ tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight ♪ ♪ they know that santa's on his way ♪
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♪ he's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh ♪ ♪ and every mother's child is gonna spy to see if reindeer really know how to fly ♪ ♪ and so i'm offering this simple phrase to kids from 1 to 92 ♪ ♪ although it's been said many times, many ways -- merry christmas to you ♪ -- captions by vitac --
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>> thank you! merry christmas! >> announcer: it's "the tonight featuring rickey minor from "keeping up with the captions paid for by


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