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tv   Today  NBC  January 13, 2012 7:00am-11:00am EST

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good morning. next target. winter storm warnings in effect from indiana to maine as the powerful system that dumped heavy snow on the midwest makes its way east. it's bringing with it high winds that could delay hundreds of flights today. medical emergency. heather locklear hospitazed after her sister called 911 fearing the actress was in danger. what happened and how is she doing? we're live with details. and the big 6-0. this morning we celebrate a milestone. 60 years of "today." >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning.
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>> good morning. >> from the events that pulled together to the stories that ripped us apart. from the tragic to the triumphant, we have been with you through it all. we'll toast six eventful decades with the people you shared them with today, friday, january 13, with the people you shared them with today, friday, january 13, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning, everyone. welcome to a very special edition of "today" on this friday morning. that is new york city's empire state building, lit up, as you can see, in the "today" show colors of red, orange and yellow. it's a spectacular way to kick off a really big morning for us as we celebrate 60 years on air. i'm matt lauer.
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>> i'm ann curry. good morning, everybody. this is the first time in history, by the way, that the empire state pibuilding has bee illuminated on a television program. >> for someone who grew up in new york this is a big deal. after the week we have had celebrating, i feel 60. >> exactly. >> we have a lot more in store. as a matter of fact, look at other great tributes to the north, natural wonder of niagara falls glowing with our colors as well this morning. out on the las vegas strip the bellagio hotel is as well. >> amazing. and in the city of brotherly love they are showing a lot of love for "today" today. the sears center in philadelphia is getting all decked out for the occasion. also, hooray for hollywood, the good year blimp flew over the hollywood sign with a happy birthday message to us. we want to thank everyone for the good wishes. >> we'll celebrate all morning
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long. look who's here to help out. all your favorite an course and personalities from the last six decades. katie is back and meredith. there's jim hartz. i think jim bell -- debra norville put it well. this is mount rushmore of broadcasting. >> we have more anchors than the sixth fleet this morning. there's willard waving at a us. >> and tom brokaw in the foreground. >> we want to begin with the news. we have the winter storm making its way from the the midwest to the northeast. now we'll go to al upstairs with details on the story. hey, al. >> thank you very much, ann. we are talking about a big winter storm that's dumped anywhere from six to 12 inches of snow through the midwest. this is wisconsin where they are digging out. they have the snow shovels going. we have more to talk about. let's look at what we have seen
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as far as snowfall amounts. gaylord, michigan, 9 inches. dupage, illinois, 6.4. downers grove, illinois, 6.4. chicago, five inches. winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories from traverse city, michigan down to bristol and out to caribou, maine. we have a system and a front pushing through. we can see rain in new york city. behind it, snow from chicago, green bay, alpena into pittsburgh. snowfall amounts, real lake effect snowfall amounts. anywhere from 12 to 18 inches of snow buffalo to watertown. cleveland, three to six inches. beckley, 1 to 6. moves out quickly but a lot of cold air behind it. matt? >> we'll get your local forecast in a minute.
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now to presidential politics and the growing calls to end the attack against mitt romney's career as venture capitalist coming from some of the biggest names in the republican party. peter alexander is in columbia, south carolina, with e details on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. what's significant about today is mitt romney will be back in this state again trying to woo the veterans, but it is the conservative voters, the evangelical christians who make up eight of ten of the voters here. they could seal the romney victory if they continue to split between his opposition. mitt romney skipped ahead to south florida thursday. >> gosh, this feels like coming home to old friends. >> reporter: he rallied supporters and raised more cash. and romney is already spending including a new ad courting the
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latino vote. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> meanwhile the super pac supporting newt gingrich hammered away with attack ads targeting romney's time at bane capital. >> they don't care who i am. >> newt gingrich's attacks are called foolish, out of bounds and disgusting. >> gingrich kept stirring the pot. >> are you attacking bane or asking questions? >> asking questions. i'm shocked how defensive they are. >> many conservatives are criticizing newt gingrich for asking the question. donald trump called attacks on free enterprise a mistake. thursday, rick perry changed his tune backing off heated rhetoric he's been using all week against romney. but perry himself has taken more than 7 million dollars from venture capitalists like those at bane since 2000. thursday with laura ingram he
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was on the defensive. >> none of your guys are vultures? only romney's? >> look, romney's running for president and his record sbsh. >> yeah, you're running for president, too, and you have benefitted. >> reporter: and the field might be getting bigger. >> clearly my fellow south carolanics. snrvegs stephen colbert showed him leading new hampshire's third place finisher, jon hunts dn ma'am si am forming a committee to lay the groundwork for my possible candidacy for the president of the united states of south carolina. i'm doing it! [ cheers and applause ] >> drop 'em, jimmy! whoo! >> reporter: during his deliberations stephen colbert said my heart always leads me to me, but the website for the secretary of state in south carolina says primary write-ins
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are not allowed. and i'd like to add my voice to the chorus wishing "today" a happy anniversary. >> let's bring david gregory in. moderator of "meet the press." good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> it seems there is conflict and confusion. some of the candidates aren't sure of the record they want to send out. >> they think it's hurting them. they are hearing the chorus saying, don't do this. it does smack of desperation and something else. there is no alternative to romney. the best they have is an alternative idea which is not a separate narrative from what romney's offering. simply to say he'll have a problem against obama because of this issue. it's become complicated by even gingrich saying, i'm just asking questions. you know, this is part of the mix. i'm going to attack him for being a conservative.
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none of this is helping one alternative to emerge to challenge romney. >> what adds to the confusion is while the candidates may be saying one thing, the super pacs are clearly saying something else. i guess the question is what are the people of south carolina going to believe? >> well, they have to believe both and they have to believe it's all one message, even if you are not supposed to coordinate. if you're newt gingrich you're saying one thing on the stump, backing off the bane bashing for a day. that's going to go on and voters will see it. you see the evidence of what numerous republicans have been talking about. consolidation around romney. establishment support around him. leading conservative figures. jim demint, the senior senator who is all but endorsing him by saying he doesn't have a problem with him and some othe attacks
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are a mistake. >> he did endorse mitt romney in 2008. to this date he has remained neutral. i agree. his defense of mitt romney leads us in that direction. >> no question about it. could he tip the balance? he could help with social conservatives. he did endorse romney in 2008 against john mccain who only won with 33% in 2008. with a splintered field you look to see a potential result along the same rylines if romney doest do better. >> we talked about this. not only do the attacks hurt him in the primaries but if he become it is nominee they could spell trouble in the election. to that end look at the ad or footage released by the dnc. we'll talk about it on the other side.
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>> governor romney enjoys firing people. >> there is a difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism. >> is it too soon to tell what sort of gift they have give to barack obama and his campaign? >> it may be a stocking stuffer at this point. we know it will be a line of attack the president will use. i think romney, by the time of the general, will be well prepared if he's the nominee to take the issue on and make it part of a broader question about the economy. there is no question that the president will pick up this baton and run with it. >> who do you have sunday on "meet the press"? >> newt gingrich on his final stand in south carolina. also the majority leader of the senate harry reid to talk about the year we'll see out of washington. i will add my voice, too. happy 6-0, matt. >> we are the second longest running show behind your program. >> thanks, matt. >> now to the medical emergency for heather locklear.
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she's being treated at a southern california hospital after being rushed from her home in an ambulance. kristen dahlgren has details now. good morning to you. >> good morning, ann. a hospital spokesperson tells us heather locklear is resting comfortably after being kept overnight for evaluation. thursday afternoon a 911 call from heather locklear's mansion. the star's sister called in a medical emergency. she was rushed to a nearby hospital where officials won't say what the 50-year-old star is being treated for. >> heather's family wants her fans to know that she is doing well. she's out of harm's way. she's in no danger. they are looking forward to her getting very well again and bringing her home. >> reporter: hospital officials say locklear's parents were at her side but not ava, locklear's
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daughter. in these photos the actress and her companion appear to be flayfully scuffling over a drink. >> i can't stand being hurt. >> reporter: locklear has been in the public eye for decades from "dynasty" to the new "melrose place." she broke off an engagement to costar jack wagner. >> this is a high profile break-up. they said there were family issues, because of their kids but they had dated for so long off and on. >> reporter: in recent years locklear has been no stranger to the tabloids. she was arrested in 2008 on suspicion of dui but pled no contest. >> there was another incident in 2008 where her doctor called 911 reportedly because of a suicide attempt. she did check herself into a medical facility to treat anxiety and depression.
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>> reporter: we reached out to locklear's representatives who had no comment. the hospital said she's medically stable but they won't say when she'll be released. >> thank you so much. >> rhelet us get a check on thep stories with natalie at the news desk. good morning to you. >> good morning. we begin with the fallout from the video of marines desecrating the bodies of taliban militants. jim miklaszewski has the latest on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. military investigators are looking into possible criminal charges against the four marines who appear in the offensive video that sent shock waves around the world. the video, first posted on the x intercept, sent the marine corps into a tail spin. four marines in full gear are seen urinating on dead militants. they called it appalling and
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outrageous. >> that kind of behavior is deplorable. icon democr i condemn it. >> reporter: in kabul president karzai called the marines' action insane and demanded they be severely punished. the pentagon fears like the torture photos from iraq this video could be useded to rally forces. >> events like abu grabe certainly acted as a recruiting tool for al qaeda. certainly we are concerned about any backlash that might occur. >> reporter: how could this happen? military investigators will try to determine if there was a breakdown this the marine command. >> our values are maintained by our rgsergeants at platoon leve. these people are in brutal combat. they are young.
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they turn into animals if you're not careful. >> if court martialed and convicted the four marines could face jail time. >> we are reading reports the u.s. issued a new direct warning to iran that it must not close the strait of hormuz. what can you tell us? >> reporter: one of the fears is the iranians aren't taking warnings seriously and a miscalculation at sea by iranian forces could lead to war. the u.s. is trying to make it abundantly clear if iran tries to close the strait of hormuz, the american military will respond with devastating force. >> jim miklaszewski, thank you. newly released documents revealing that the federal reserve was largely unprepared for the housing crisis. transcripts show as ben bernanke led his first meeting back in 2006 he downplayed seriousness of plummeting home prices saying
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the nation would have a soft landing. within a year the collapse of the housing bubble would send the u.s. into the worst recession since the 1930s. orange juice is staying on shelves as the fda said it is still safe to drink despite containing low level of an illegal fung side used on trees in brazil. coca-cola said the residue was present in its own orange juice and that of its competitors. the government has increased testing prompting rising prices. when you empty the pockets for the tsa, make sure to fill them back up. nationwide people left behi hih spare change and the tsa is keeping it. jfk made $47,000 in loose change. and there is a new voice joining the twittersphere.
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the first lady century out her first tweet. she's racked up a quarter million followers and has been welcomed by the twit rer in chief himself which is her husband. she said she's looking forward to staying in touch with everyone and is using the the account already to call for a day of service for martin luther king day on monday. you're up to date now. back to ann, matt and al. when i don't r you joining twitter? >> tom brokaw joined yesterday. sent his first tweet. it may be in my near future. >> tom brokaw's second tweet was about the party we had to celebrate the anniversary. the second tweet was "where's the keg"? >> hasn't changed a bit. mr. roker is here with a look at the weather. >> as we check out what's happening today besides the lake-effect snow we have air stagnation problems in the
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northwest. sunshine through california. gorgeous in l.a., 79. sunshine along the coast. lake-effect snow and windy. the front moves through, airport delays boston, new york, city, newark, washington, d.c., and philadelphia. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. we had predawn snow and rain long gone. cloud cover is broken up now. reagan national airport 38. wind at 15. gusting to 30 miles per hour. it is going to be getting even stronger, those winds gusting to 50 miles an hour later in the day. right now it is below freezing in our western northern suburbs to points west. it is in the 30s elsewhere to near 40 degrees. we have cleared out since predawn. we will have sunshine this morning. clouds later today. and that's your latest weather. >> thanks so much, al. still ahead, our anniversary ex tr extrav gan za is about to kick
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into high gear with anchors of the past. >> remember the ad campaign that called us america's first family? we are honored to have a message from america's real first family. take a look. >> good morning, everyone. happy 60th anniversary to the "today" show. >> so many americans start their day right here watching all of you as they get ready for work and send their kids off to school. >> over generations it's become a place where people tune in to see how their world has changed overnight. we are pleased to help you cell appreciate this remarkable milestone. >> we know you will have many years of success. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> i wanted to say that. >> sorry.
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apparently somehow word got out we're having our 60th anniversary because there is a huge crowd outside. >> there's a big crowd having fun down stairs on the lower level. we have a photo booth where people are getting together and having pictures taken. that's a good group. >> oh, my goodness. >> how many can fit in there? >> any good party has a photo booth. we have a spanking tunnel. all kinds of things lined up for this morning. >> it will be fun. >> great shots already. >> more after your local news. [ woman ] for months, i had this deep pain all over my body.
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and hearts to be won. quaker oats. energy to get you going, fiber to help fill you up and help keep your heart healthy. super people eat super grains. . good morning. it is 7:26 on this friday, january 13. cold, windy start to the morning. meteorologist tom kierein is here with your forecast now. tom? >> big change overnight. in the 50s when you witness to bed last night. now it is down below freezing throughout much of the region. west and north of i-9 a. washington, 38. prince george's county upper 30s. montgomery and arlington counties, low 30s. a little wet snow passing quickly just north of washington over the last few hours. now it cleared out. we will have sunshine today. few clouds with gusty winds to 50 miles an hour. high just near 40 and a cold weekend to follow. >> thank you, tom. >> look at the morning commute coming up next. stick around. ♪
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[ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. good morning. traveling 395 northbound across the 14th street bridge. right lane is blocked by an
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accident there. police are on the scene. we are see something delays on 395. very slow at duke as you make your way towards the 14th street bridge. >> thank you. other news update in 25 minutes
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7:30 now on this friday morning, the 13th of january, 2012. you are looking at the 343, a fire boat from the fdny helping celebrate today at 60 with lady liberty in new york harbor. the boat is part of the marine one division named in honor of the 343 fdny who died on 9/11. right now the crew is putting on a spectacular display. you can see the colors in the distance of "today" show. >> there's the sta tten island
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ferry. >> also in the right color. >> exactly. >> how nice that they have done that for us. meanwhile on the plaza i'm ann curry with al roker, matt lauer and natalie morales. >> norgs is onew york city is o home and in many ways it is the fifth cast member at times. we are honored to have the mayor of new york city, michael bloomberg with us this morning. great to see you. you brought a gift? >> this makes "today" show day official. it is the only proclamation i'm giving out today for "today" show. it started in 1952, none of you were born. i was 10. look how far we've come. >> new york city is a fifth character on the show and this is a great tourist destination which i know you're proud of as
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well. >> this show set it is standard in television. you should be proud and everyone who worked here. >> i'm excited because our name. >> we might be able to get you an extra copy. >> as long as al has good weather for us. >> we promise. >> michael bloomberg, great to have you here. thank you very much. >> let's get a check of the weather. >> let's look at the long weekend in honor of martin luther king. showers in the pacific northwest tomorrow. windy in the northeast. snowshowers in new england. sunny but cool through the south. sunday, frigid in new england. more rain in the pacific northwest. showers in southern california. showers in the central gulf coast. on monday, martin luther king, jr., day. frigid in new england with more rain. snow in the rockies. rall the way down into the lower mississippi. that's what's going on around the country.
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here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, tom kierein in storm center 4. big change overnight. temperatures dropped 20 to 30 bretts. now we are down into the upper 20s and low 30s. we have a wind gusting to 30 miles an hour that could gust to near 50 miles an hour later today with a few clouds racing through. highs only reaching around 40. then near 20 by dawn saturday. lighter winds tomorrow. and partly cloudy, highs reaching the mid and upper 30s. cold day sunday, too. martin luther king jr. day, partly cloudy. highs low that's just beautiful. can we lose the super there? i don't mean to direct for joe michaels. there's another one. lose that super! get your weather any time day or night. go to the weather channel on cable or matt? >> thank you very much. now to the most unusual mayoral race in the country.
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voters in cheboygan, wisconsin, have to decide whether to throw out their current mayor. john yang is there. >> reporter: they are just four days from making the decision. the trigger for the recall election are a series of events involving the mayor who is an acknowledged alcoholic that residents say has held up the city to national ridicule. mayor bob lyon said he wants to be known for his efforts to r revitalize the city. instead he's gained notoriety for a series of alcohol-related incidents dating back to this cell phone video months after taking office. last july he admits he went on a three-day bender, once pass out in a tavern. he makes no e excuses and acknowledges his problem. >> i'm a binge drinker. i can go for a week or two
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without a drink. when i was drinking, i was drinking. >> reporter: he said he's been sober for six months and his drinking never interfered with his officially duties but he's a national punch line. >> here's another one of those stupid men behaving badly stories. >> the mayor of sheboygan, wisconsin, has apologized. >> reporter: last summer council members began efforts to throw him out of office a. a citizens group worked for a recall election in order to preserve the integrity of the mayor's office. >> my problems with alcohol never interfered with my office. i have never misadd day of work. i have never come to the office intoxicated. >> reporter: it's a judgment voters are making. >> ryan is an embarrassment to the city but he's done a good job. >> there are worse things than
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someone get drunk. >> if it happened once, okay. but it happened repeatedly. >> reporter: there is a field of challengers including a restaurant busboy and a musician. perhaps the most unusual candidate is asher himerman who is just 18 years old. >> it will be the first time i'm voting. >> reporter: and you will be on the ballot. >> so your first vote will be for yourself. >> yep. >> reporter: with eight names on the ballot it increases nub of them will get the 50% they need. in that case there will be a run-off in february. >> john, thank you very much. up next, what you can learn about gop presidential candidates from their homes. we have an inside look and more of the special celebration as we mark 60 years on air with the return of your favorite an course. first, these messages. [ male announcer ] how about we make a big change
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unusual look at the gop presidential field. each hopes to move into 1600 pennsylvania avenue but what can you tell about them by their current home. barbara corcoran is here. good morning. >> good morning. we're snooping today. >> this is something you read about in the new york times magazine. what can you learn about theme from their home? >> you can learn a lot. they are all very, very rich. but when you look at the homes they reflect the individual's personality. i think you will get a kick out of seeing how different they are. >> let's start with the man to beat, mitt romney, who's won in iowa and natural and is looking good in south carolina. he's giving you a lot to chew on. he has six homes. first is his lakeside compound which is worth $10 million for the one home. it has a main house, boat house
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and guest house. it is the kind of house i can picture the romneys baking apple pie but i doubt they have time. everything about the house says, i have arrived and i'm important and tasteful. >> looks like a great kitchen, big family. >> big family house. >> let's move to ron paul. he has a different home. his home is in lake jackson, texas, outside of houston. it's a four bedroom. he's trying to sell it for $325,000. >> the message is look at me, i'm a regular guy. i it's a typical ranch from the outside but is huge inside. 5,500 square feet but it ain't fancy. four bedrooms, five bathrooms and an in-ground pool. he's trying to sell it online by himself. he mustn't be a good dell gator in my mind. it's over priced because it was appraised at $282,000.
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and he ought to clean the place up a little bit. >> you will get a call from him. >> oh, my gosh. >> jon huntsman, the former utah governor who lives in d.c. has a beautiful brownstone. >> a mansion. >> look at it. it's large. it has a lot of art. >> a lot of art, a lot of formality. >> something out of architectural digest. >> this is his parents' compound in deer valley, utah. 12 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms. it's a ski chalet on 63 acres worth $50 million. it's for sale now. what's great is when jon huntsman gets tired of the city he can go chill out on the many couches. >> let's move on to newt gingrich. he lives in virginia. this house is also near where
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dick cheneyy lives. you say he's a good real estate investor. >> he is. he bought the house is it years ago for $995,000. right now it's worth so much more because he bought it in the best part of the best town where the power brokers live. that's a house he'll do well with. >> rick santorum has a house also in virginia. he bought it in 2007. it's in great falls. sounds like a nice name for a town. >> it's a nice investment, the most affluent town in america. this guy bought the top of the line. he paid $2 million. it was assessed recently for only $1.4 million. five baths. but the highlight of the house is the amazing gable dormers, portico and the long, long driveway which says, i am rich.
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>> last but not least let's talk about rick perry. he lived in the governor's mansion but he had to move during reconstruction. >> he and his wife had to move up the hill. they didn't move spo any old temporary home. they moved into a three and a half acre estate so secluded no one could get a picture of it. $9,900 a month. he will have trouble moving back into the governor's mansion after the rental. more bells and whistles than any house i have seen and he's temporarily living there. >> there are comal tis. >> of course. they are all big, wealthy homes. and they are all traditional. that say, i want to be president. easy for them to move into the white house. >> barbara, thank you so much for a look at the presidential field on the republican side. just ahead we'll kick our "today" at 60 celebration into
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high gear with a special reunion over all the anchors you have known and loved through the years. first, these messages. ♪ you signed up weeks ago ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup but one is so clever that your skin looks better
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welcome back to a very special friday edition of "today" as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. right now we have come down to a spot in the studio we don't show you often. just outside our control room to an area we are now proud of. >> that's right. this is where a lot of dpeguest enter. this is something just for our anniversary. if we can take it off. there we have a monitor that's going to constantly be playing pictures from days gone by. what's also interesting are the names around it. we have the signatures of virtually everyone who's been an anchor on the show. >> it's our hall of fame. >> it is. we have jane pauley, katie cour couric, bryant gumbel.
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>> gene shalit. >> we don't have frank mcgee. if you have one, let us know. >> we got to go to the empire state building yesterday and flip the switch to light it up for all the fabulous "today" show colors. >> that was great. there we go. >> this week has been about this great celebration. we had a party last night and, boy, was it a party. we were there on the red carpet. there's barbara. hugh. >> everybody from the past, present and future. >> we threw down with pitbull. >> and flo rid ara. >> there's pitbull. >> brought down the house. after him, flo rida not only performed, he ripped his shirt off. >> and al ripped his shirt off. >> and then i ripped my shirt
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off. >> look at hoda. >> it was a night to remember. >> we had a great time. >> coming up, more of the celebration. we'll gather those former anchors were great memories. first your local news and weather. [ female announcer ] what do you want to gain this year? [ woman ] sass! [ laughs ] [ woman ] passion! courage. that sounds like me! joy! [ female announcer ] special k now has all new personalized plans. you pick the food you want to eat... your goal weight... your timeline... and what you most want to gain. i'd really like to be the person i know i can be. [ female announcer ] all new personalized plans. free at what will you gain when you lose?
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good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. time is 7:56. big chill moved in overnight. here's meteorologist tom kierein. >> temperatures dropped 20 to 30 degrees since last evening. now after we have had our sunrise it has been holding steady just in the low to mid 30s over the last couple of hours. below freezing farther west up north. it is going to struggle to make it back just to near 40 the rest of the day. winds gusting 40 to 50 miles an hour this afternoon. then bluster and cold saturday. highs in the 30s. cold and dry sunday into monday. >> all right. thank you, tom. a look at that time roads next. stay with us. ♪ i'm feelin', feelin' a sunny day ♪
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♪ sunny day ♪ i'm feelin', feelin' the taste i crave ♪ ♪ subway ♪ i'm makin' it, makin' it how i like ♪ ♪ it's meant to be ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ i'm feelin' subway today [ male announcer ] hey, capital area! are you feelin' subway®? then heat up your day with the big hot pastrami melt! it's fresh toasted and piled-high with pastrami, then topped with pickles, mustard, and cheese. head into a subway® restaurant today for this melty, mouthwatering sub! ♪ i'm feelin' subway ♪ let's go
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traveling northbound, across the 14th street bridge, disabled vehicle in the right lane. now out of the roadway and you are clear as you head into the city. as you are traveling new york avenue right now, you are seeing some delays at bladensburg. at "the washington times" plant. the washington montgomery beltway looks good. no problems. aaron, back to you. >> thank
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this is a new program if you find your tv working instead of a test pattern called "today" from the nbc communications center in radio city, new york, from the rca exhibition hall if you know where that is. we have people on their way to work looking at us through the big glass window. it's that time right now, isn't it? >> it sounds amazing but it was
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60 years ago this week that something revolutionary was happening right here in rockefeller plaza. "today" was changing the way america started their day and who they starteded it with. >> we'd like to introduce you to some of the people you have been sharing your lives with. >> good morning. my name is barbara walters. >> i'm hugh downs. i began anchoring in 1962. at the time barbara was, in effect, my producer. she wrote and produced the segment that welcomed me to the program. >> i like to pretend i made him a star. but the truth is eventually it was hugh who took me from behind the scenes to in front of the camera. i was hired for 15 weeks. i stayed on for 15 years. and when hugh left the program it wasn't a good experience. he didn't like sharing the chair with a woman as hugh did.
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he didn't want me to participate in the news interviews. we finally compromised that i can come in and ask the questions. more important to the program in 1974 i became the first female coanchor of "today." i'm proud of that. since then every woman on "today" has been a coanchor and they have been great. >> who are those people. >> i'm jim hartz. i was barbara's first official coanchor. i still feel like somebody reset my biological clock at 4:00. it's nice knowing i don't have to be cute or clever. >> but you are cute and clever. >> i thought i came here to audition for "dancing with the stars." i'm confused. i'm tom brokaw. i became an anchor here at "today" in 1976. >> i'm jane pauley. i was the first baby boomer on
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"today" and i was still wearing braces. >> i remember the first time i was "today." with my wife meredith i stood outside as a tourist. i said, watch "today" in omaha with tom brokaw. i was dorky, but it worked out. a little over ten years later viewers watched many e on the big show with my pal jane. >> until i joined you and they were watching my hair or maybe willard. >> i tell you, folks. i'm willard scott and i'm still on the "today" show. [ cheers and applause ] >> am i the only one who didn't make rehearsal? when tom left it was my turn. i'm bryant gumbel. i replaced tom as anchor in 1982. i had the pleasure of sharing the desk with these two -- >> i think we're engaged.
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>> i shared it with a lot of people and i had the great fortune of being with three wonderful co-hosts. >> i was one of them. hi, i'm deborah norville. the 1990s started with bryant and me on the "today" show. it was an amazing time to do morning news. i left in 1991 when i had my first child. every time i watched i loved to hear our stage manager's laugh. i listen for you every day. >> point well taken. i spent 15 years here interviewing everyone from presidents to pop stars, but i actually miss the guys on the crew. mark, ropes, jimmy, b, all the guys. oh, my goodness. they let you in the building? >> it's a temporary i.d. and it expires in 15 minutes. anyway, i'm katie couric.
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i started coanchoring "today" in 1991. i never in a million years imagined i would get a job like this. i used to watch jane and tom when i first got into television. >> ever since you were a baby girl. >> and you as well, bryant. it was 15 wonderful years for me as well. >> let's go now. i'm al roker. i have been telling you what's in your neck of the woods since 1996. sadly they haven't figured out how to get rid of me yet. >> i'm matt lauer. >> they want to talk to you after the show. >> i have been with the show in one way or another for 18 years. >> that's right, matt. i'm ann curry. i became news anchor in 1997. clearly some of us are holding out for a place on the smucker's jar. >> is this where we cue meredith? >> very, very funny, bryant. i meap, matt.
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i'm meredith vieira. >> so here is a look at the rest of the team. natalie, hoda, kathie lee. as we widen out, take a look at all of the hosts of this show over the last 60 years. [ applause ] >> we have all loved being a part of your lives. we're just now getting started as we look at everyone. we've got some things coming up. >> we're going to sit down and talk with these folks. that could be perilous. right after this. >> in five minutes. >> way to go, guys. [ applause ] [ female announcer ] therese uses dove. molly, ordinary soap.
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♪ back now with more of our special "today at 60" celebration. during the past six decades we have been with you through national tragedy and international celebration. >> in a moment we'll talk with our former anchors. first now a look back at the joy and sorrow witnessed here on "today" since 1952. >> it's like no other television show. it's to fill in the news on the world every morning and to be a friend in the house. >> well, here we are. good morning to you. the very first good morning of what i hope and expect to be a
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great many good mornings between you and i. >> this show has been witness to so much of what's shaped our lives over the last 60 years. >> today! >> welcome to "today." the most inspiring people have been on this broadcast. >> it was a great invention of pat weaver to come on and put something on at that hour. >> dave garroway was a master communicator. he was in a sense a showman. the window was his thing. >> we're in a fish bowl. you can look out the window and see the people looking in at us. another hard-working fellow is j. fred muggs. >> he had a chimp. >> do you remember me? well, thank you. >> there was a time on the show where women were viewed as the today girls. >> back in those days the women
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were the ones being chased around the desk. then there was barbara sitting at the desk and commanding attention. >> barbara walters here this morning. >> barbara was a true trail blazer. >> did i answer your question? >> you certainly did. >> you're katie couric. i don't want to get in a fight with you. >> women evolved and took a more prominent role in the workplace. we took a more prominent role on "today." >> every woman on the "today" show is now a coanchor. that's my legacy. >> a news and special event program geared to keep people in touch with the world. >> it was the first television interview with any president. >> this is a great country. it deserve it is best of all of us. >> every single major news event in the history of these 60 years has been on this broadcast. >> the eagle has landed. >> a guy came tearing out of the
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door with a big long piece of paper and said, they got kennedy. >> the president of the united states is dead. >> this is the honor guard of president kennedy. >> when i interviewed dr. martin luther king, jr., i realized he wasn't working for the black race. he was working for the human race. >> dr. martin luther king died violently last night. >> it was a turbulent time in america. it was the vietnam war. there were the riots. we probably did more on watergate than any other program. >> his resignation takes effect at noon today. >> people turned on the "today" show to see if the world was still there. we were rea assuring faces. >> i started watching the "today" show in the '70th with jane pauley and tom brokaw. >> when i was on we had the hostages taken in iran. >> i'm tom brokaw reporting from
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saint peters square. >> shots were fired and the pope was wounded. john lennon, shot and killed in new york last night. >> john lennon's death affected me greatly. >> really a seminole moment in "today" history. >> u.s. military build-up in saudi arabia. >> we were the first ones there for desert storm. >> i can't believe i will be going into the shuttle. >> the space shuttle tragedy forever in our memory. >> the teacher. the wall in berlin still stands but it is no longer a barrier. >> a morning of terror. that's what we have had. >> on this show we have covered historic moments. so many joyous moments. >> here we go! yeah. that's it. >> so many tragic moments. >> we want to go live now and show you a picture of the world
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trade center. >> those planes hit those towers on our air. >> firefighters and police officers -- >> i have never felt so much responsibility in my life. >> it was clearly a turning point in my career. i think it was a turning point in the history of the show. >> we are living through another day of infamy for this country. >> we as journalists set the right tone, telling people what they should consider. >> if i look at 60 years as a major accomplishment, something we'll be able to tell our children about. >> and a very big welcome to all of you. jim hartz, barbara walters, tom brokaw, jane pauley. >> deborah norville, bryant gumbel, katie couric and meredith vieira. >> good morning. you all spent time here and went on to do other great things in your careers.
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barbara, what was different about your time at "today"? >> before we start, tom and i have a question of you. tom? >> we want to know whether we are getting paid after a minimum. >> extremely minimum. >> no, we are not and that has not changed. what was your question? >> what was different about your time here? i get that a lot actually. what was different about your time here as compared to other things you have done in your career? >> this is what launched me, i think. and i said early on i'm proud of the fact that during my time and after, every woman on the show was considered a co-host. it's a different atmosphere and we all feel choked up seeing each other. essentially the program has remained the same. you get up to find out is the world still there, is everything okay. it is our responsibility. we're the people you trust. >> matt, really, the genius of
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pat weaver is true today. it's the electronic breakfast table, the great national morning newspaper. you connect with an audience in a way i don't in any other part of my career because people wake up, go through your personal experiences, their changes. they are witness to great news events of the time, celebration and tragedy. it goes on for two hours. >> i was uniquely pregnant on this program a couple of times. in 1983 it was the biggest thing in north america. working women was the story and working mothers. i never introduced my children on "today." the connection between the audience and the family on the show is such that people still ask me today, how are the twins? >> people set their daily routine by the routine we set
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here on "today." at 7:07 when the first interview is beginning if they haven't gotten the kids up they will be late for school. when local news happens if you don't have the makeup on you're behind. that's ingrained in people's daily lives. >> when jim weaver had the idea, they said, are you nuts? nobody will tune in at 7:00 in the morning. no, if there is no program on. >> i like to think i set the tone for where in the world is matt lauer. in 1976 i went to every state in the union. we had a live show every friday morning. that gave me a real feeling for the people. we can get stuck in new york city and you forget the rest of the country is out there west of the hudson river. that's the sort of thing that always kept in touch with the country. >> uncharacteristically quiet in the back row.
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>> exactly. you know, one of the things i'm proudest of, matt and ann, about my participation is not only the people on camera, but behind the scenes we have some of the best producers and bookers. we could cover these stories at breakneck speed. i remember being at a broadway matinee and the executive producer said, you need to go to littleton, colorado, and cover the shooting at columbine high school. barely 12, 18 hours later i was sitting with michael shoals who lost his son and craig scott who lost his sister rachel in the pitch dark freezing colorado morning. the snow was falling in the background. it was so immediate and so raw. it was so profound to see these two people coming together in their grief. i was so proud. i was really just a conduit for the interview. we were able to get these people
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to share their stories so immediately after their losses. >> when so many people in america were watching that, they felt a coming together. it was a really important moment. go ahead, meredith. >> the moment i realized how important the show is to everybody out there was virginia tech. we had been to a candlelight vigil during the evening. one of the students came up to me and said, can i just get a hug? he's so connected with us as family and his mom and dad were not there. he was sad because of what happened. i was sort of a surrogate mom or this show was a surrogate mom for him. >> family. >> a member of his family. >> i'm kind of the odd ball here. >> i'll second that. >> when i first came to the program i had never been a regular viewer of morning television. as most people know i came from the world of sports. >> yeah, you got up at noon. >> and he still does.
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>> as tom and jane can tell you there was a bit of resentment that a guy from the sports world was coming to sit in the hallowed chair tom had occupied. i would be lying if i said it was a wonderful transition. but we went to the soviet union which we now take for granted that programs come from russia. back then that hadn't happened. it also was the first time they had seen somebody who had been talking to linebackers and quarterbacks talking to the heads of the kremlin. it was a breakthrough time. it's when it dawned on me that maybe this job is something special. >> we did the first satellite broadcast, all that time ago. the first regularly scheduled program. i was in france. you were at buckingham palace. we said, cue the pope. he came in. >> this is a family show. a news show and it shows you the world. >> i made no secret of the fact that i watched bryant gumbel,
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tom and everybody else very carefully before i had the job. of the hosts that are here who did you spend the most time watching? >> frank mcgee. he was an old friend of mine from oklahoma. he was on right before i was. >> i grew up with dave garroway. i liveded in a remote part of the country. we didn't get television until 1955. for that to come into the living room we would watch dave garroway whoft was a maestro. it elevated everybody in the country, especially in the heartland. you got to visit cultural sites and go to washington, d.c. on a daily basis over the breakfast table. that's when we began to think, gee, that's a world i would like to be part of. >> i used to watch jane. i would model my hair styles after jane.
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she was in many ways my mary tyler moore. she was a role model for me and barbara, of course, who paved the way for all of us. we saw possibilities not just in television but in the working world through these women. >> i don't think any of us watched jane, bryant or tom and thought, one day i would have that job. i don't think any of us would have been so bold. >> tom and i were together in local news in l.a. back in -- and if you would have asked us back then could we wind up here? >> i watched "captain kangaroo." >> hugh, who were you watching? garroway, of course. he moved to new york in '52.
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so i watched him. i admired his approach. it was so easy-going and so ad libbed that he was a little bit new then. a lot of people i knew in television at the time had what they would call an air personality. the audience never falls for it. you have to be yourself or you're dead. >> we have more work ahead for you. we'll talk about the fun we have all had, specifically you folks, over the last 60 years. first, these messages. i don't want healthy skin for a day.
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i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. as we gather to celebrate 60 years of "today," there are people we specifically want to mention as members of our family who are not here this morning.
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we have joe garagiola who joined "today" with barbara walters and hugh downs. he retired in 1990 as a co-host of "today" with bryant gumbel and deborah norville. we just love joe. he couldn't make it today. >> of course our friend gene shalit. say it, brian. >> green salad. >> he couldn't join us either. as only he could do gene sent pictures of himself with geno, the muppet jim henson made for him years ago. gene added dialogue to express his thoughts on 60 years. gene says, you're no dummy. >> geno says, let's welcome the "today" alumni to the 60th anniversary and gene says, so many friends, i wish we were
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there. from g ereno, gene and joe we w you were here with us today. >> much more with the former an course and the funniest moments from "today's" first 60 years after your local news and weather. 8:26 is your time now on this friday, january 13, 2012. it is getting cold out there and fast. let's check in with meteorologist tom kierein for a look at your forecast. tom, good morning. >> good morning. yes, we have had gusty winds, too, over the last several hours the winds have been gusting over 30 to 40 miles an hour. and temperatures continue to drop right down into the upper 20s and near 30, western northern suburbs, mid 30s in washington. prince george's county. fairfax, arlington, montgomery counties. low 30s now and later today only near 40. winds gusting to 50 miles an hour later this afternoon. few clouds racing through. then tomorrow breezy and cold and cold again sunday and martin luther king jr. day. >> thanks, tom.
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a check of your traffic is
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good morning. at last check, had an accident blocking the left lane outer loop of the beltway at greenbelt road. as i'm looking at route 50
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seeing crowding here. slowing down a lot in the left lane. stick to the right to get by. if you have a travel speed now actually you are at about 42 miles per hour and if you are traveling on
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♪ celebrate good times ♪ come on ♪ celebrate >> 8:30 now on this friday
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morning, the 13th of january 2012. you're looking at the skyliners helping us celebrate 60 years of "today." i don't know if you can see it but they have made a 60 on the ice this morning. we thank them for that. and it's cold out there. anyway, outside on the plaza i'm ann curry alongside the entire "today" show gang. we have matt lauer, al roker. [ cheers and applause ] >> look at them out there freezing their butts off all morning. coming up, we'll talk about the lighter side of "today." our archives are filled with flubs and bloopers and blunders. those are just from the last week. but we have others that e we'll share with you and talk to our former anchor about those later
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on. >> thelma and louise. >> we're going to talk about what they miss most about "today." >> and we have a lot more surprises in store for you ahead as well coming up. >> first a check of the weather. it's blowy, blustery and cold for people on the ice. >> absolutely. let's look at the look at the m king jr. day weather. showers to the pacific northwest and mountain snows there. lake effect snow in eastern great lakes. frigid around the great lakes. sunday it is going to be sunny and cool. showers down through texas and wet weather in the pacific northwest. frigid in new england. on monday, that cold weather stays there. we have rain from ohio all the way down into the lower mississippi river valley. showers into the pacific northwest. mountain snows through the rockies. that's what's going on around the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> what a change overnight. good morning, tom kierein in storm center 4. we have had the cold air surging in on gusty winds this morning. we had predawn snow and rain
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that's long gone. clouds cruising over us now. live view from the sky watcher camera looking west. northwest. and right now, we are up that way near the upper 20s just near 30 degrees. closer to washington, low to mid 30s. prince george's, arlington, fairfax, later today near 40. winds gusting to miles an hour. breezy and and that's your latest weather. >> we have gotten some e-mails. you may have noticed earlier when ann was in studio she has an unusual but appropriate dress on today. >> let me see if i can flash you a little bit. >> there we go. >> you're wearing the flag. >> i know. it is. >> you didn't just find it off the rack? >> no. i'm showing my love. by may only be able to wear this once. >> ten years from now, bring it
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up again. we'll be back with funny moments from our past with the former anchors. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ some of the "today" show staffers in the background there getting in the spirit of 1952 as we welcome you back to this special edition of "today" celebrating 60 years on the air. we pride ourselves on delivering the most important stories of the kay but we also like to have fun. >> it's been constant on "today" right from the start. [ rooster crowing ] ♪ good morning good morning ♪
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>> the question i get more than any other is what time do you wake snup. >> what time do you get up? >> holy smoke, look at the time. >> 4:10. >> 3:30. >> i was afraid the alarm wouldn't go off. >> chronic lack of sleep. >> i didn't like getting up before health care in the morning but i did like doing the show. >> a good bit of what television is about is bringing people into houses all over the country. >> "today" show is your window to america. >> welcome to studio 1a. >> i love the part where we go out and talk to folks. >> can we say hello to our children? >> right there, there they are. >> it affords us this incredible variety of subject matter. >> this year vinyl is the most exciting new fashion fab ruk.
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we really began this on "today." we would do the secretary of state and then a piece on me being a playboy bunny. >> you make a cute bunny. >> you have to shift hats back and forth. >> i interviewed a dog who would say -- >> she doesn't want to stop saying "i love you". >> i interviewed yas is s ar-- arafat, howard stern and miss piggy in the same week. >> i'll tell you what you do to imitate bette davis. it's simple. >> i think one, two. >> okay. one, two. >> the funniest single moment i have had on live television was
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gene's interview with carol channing. >> what's the matter with you? >> do you believe i got to interview george burns? >> you were gorgeous. >> it's my story, jane. i'm going to tell it. >> you want to ask something stupid. >> i had an interview with tom cruise that took on a life of its own. >> matt, you don't even -- you're glib. >> her daughter was wearing this dress. she was about 12. >> that was ridiculous. >> we'll go down the champs elysees. >> we are in mexico. >> pearl harbor. >> romania. >> we took people all over the world. >> our "today" trip to africa which for me was a personal mission. >> for africa and from africa, peace.
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>> doing the olympics is really a privilege. >> where in the world is matt lauer? >> this show opened my eyes to the world. . >> on this side, the southern hemisphere. this side, northern. >> for the first time ever we traveled to tends of the earth today. >> we touched down at the south pole. >> yes! >> best thing i like is when j. fred muggs is on. >> you got your own desk. go away. >> hold it, wait a minute. america isn't ready for this. that's a lot of ooh wakawaka wetty wetty. here he comes now. >> i was doing commercials. they were live. i had a good time. >> here's barbara walters with a report on a discotheque. >> we had time for fun. >> come here, bryant. give me a hug.
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♪ for your love >> somehow we ended up on stage with stevie wonder as backup singers. it was the worst thing i have done. >> it was so wrong. >> we started many of the traditions the program has now. one being halloween. >> a long leg came out of the limousi limousine. suddenly, it was matt. >> it was so wrong. he had obviously been in a dress before. >> so many people worked here. >> it was an integral part of the program. >> this dad, so incredibly talented. >> it's one of the things that made the show great over the years. >> coming up next we'll talk
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about those fun moments and more with all of "today's" anchors. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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it's your last chance to get verizon's reliable high speed internet and phone for small business for only $84.99 a month. call now or visit only $84.99 for high-speed internet and phone.
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plus your choice of either no annual contract or a two year price guarantee. call or visit today. hurry -- this offer won't last long. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006 back now at 8:44. more of our coverage of today a as 60 as we catch up with our favorite an course and yours as well. we just saw the fun moments where one day you're interviewing the president, the next day flying on a wire like peter pan across the plaza. jim, you were saying early on you didn't have as much fun when you were having the show. when do we think it shifted that we were allowed to codo that? >> in the '70s we used to get bomb threats. occasionally they would bring in a dog to sniff around. one morning barbara and i were
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there and the dog came in. she was reading the paper. she said, what's going on. i said, there was a bomb threat. she said, what time is it supposed to go off? i said, well -- 7:00. judging from the list today it will last until about 9:00. >> something we all go through, even today. because the show is live and there are certain times you have to go to a station break or commercial. i used to say, when i touch your leg you have -- >> don't ever take your hand off my leg. >> when i touch your leg you will know it's time to wrap it up. he said, what are you doing riding up my pants? >> i think my favorite guest we had on in terms of spontaneity was alan arkin. a very reserved actor.
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he came in and was scheduled to be on in the first hour. he had little to say. he was ooh great yoga master, was sitting there quietly. we had a segment drop out so they said, get arkin in there now. five, four, three, two, one. they drag him in, sit him down. i begin the interview and he said, wait a minute. 15 seconds ago i was standing at the urinal in the restroom. my hands are still wet. a woman grabbed me out of there and i'm on "today" show. >> oh, my. >> speaking of urinal stories. just real quick the story about the nervous guest. >> oh, you know. we were taking a break and i was in a stall in the men's room. that's okay for a starter. i realized i have to get back out there. this guy came in. he was going to be on in the
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8:00 hour. he was looking in the mirror and said, well, mr. gumbel, i believe -- he said, mr. gumbel, i believe. well, mr. gumbel. he's rehearsing. i thought, if i walk out of the stall he'll never come back. soy can't make my presence known. finally he leaves, i barely made it back to the set. jim said, where have you been? 15 minutes later i asked the guy the question. he goes, well, mr. gumbel -- >> you never knew what was going to happen with the animals. jim fouler would bring them. they were taking your jewelry off. >> going down your shirt. i like that actually. >> we were not there with dave garroway instead of the today girl he had a chimp. j. fred muggs. >> whenever i'm asked the
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weirdest thing that happened to me on "today" this pops into my mind. it's a weird story. but we needed a piano for an upcoming musical -- one of the first musical features we had. the piano arrived and two guys came in. they had the bill of lading and everything. they said, bring it in, put it over near the window. the guy said, okay, bring it in. the other guy said, you bring it in. he said, i don't have it. i thought you had it. they lost the piano. >> what do you miss about the show? >> let me say something about the hours if i can. we all get asked about the hours, must be terrible. when i was leaving the "today" show i got a handwritten letter from a woman in pennsylvania who said, mr. brokaw, i work in a
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commercial laundry in a hotel laundry from 11:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning. i get home just in time to get my children fed and off to school. the only hour i have to myself is with you and jane from 7:00 to 8:00. those are my hours. i don't get paid as well as you do and i hope you think about that. i passed it along saying, not complaining about the hours anymore. what i liked best was you got up and the most important thing you were going to do all a day long was right away. i came prosecute a hard news background but i got to know authors, broadway stars and people i never otherwise would have met. >> you get to make mistakes. we were often complimented for our authenticity because we were so clueless we'd forget to put mike foeps on or forget the name of the guest we were talking to. i must have made a reference around thanksgiving to all the
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fixings, including the turkey droppings. there was a family somewhere in america where it's not thanksgiving until someone says, pass the turkey droppings. >> willard, you haven't said anything. >> what's that? >> you haven't said a word. >> did what to your sister? >> see, you are the connective tissue. that's why you're still on the show. >> i was sitting here thinking, why didn't i take that contract at cbs with katie couric? one of the funniest things was a letter i got one time. this has gotten to be well known. the lady said, i go to bed every night with johnny carson and i wake up with tom brokaw. i used to wear a hairpiece, some of you may remember. >> really? >> not herpes.
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>> oh! that thing used to lay on the makeup counter. it was scary pause it's 4:00 in the morning and there's willard's hair. you wanted to whack it with a newspaper. >> can i ask a question here. barbara, what was with the kerchief? >> i don't know. >> she was in "the help." >> oh, wow! >> oh, boy. >> i have had other jobs. there is no better show to work on than a morning show. you leave everyone. you have an education. i think it is the best job on television. >> and you have a lot of creative license. imagine me asking to get a
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colonoscopy on "today." i had a mammogram, too, but i draw the line at a pap smear. >> and you missed the time cue which is normal. we have to take a break. more of our walk down memory lane in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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welcome back to "today" at 60, our celebration. our group has grown because we are now joined by some of our former news anchors, john palmer, faith daniels and margaret larson. >> and we have, by the way, some of the first women of today are here as well. the today girls, florence henderson, lee meriweather and estelle parsons. it's great to have you all here. >> great to be here. >> this is an historic group. wonderful to have you all in one place. we love to do toasts and eat on "today." we have a little cake. >> we might have a fire actually. >> we have a special guest bringing the cake in. >> who's that? >> ladies and gentlemen, a big surprise. meredith vieira is going to pop
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out of the cake. oh, there she s. >> tom, it's great to have you here. tom has been on the broadcast 22 times. we went back and counted. >> you will get it right sooner or later. >> the only reason i pushed out the cake is the trainer didn't have enough time with j. fred muggs. >> nice of you to do it. >> when you look around the group you must see people you have had moments with. >> when i had the measles, i stayed home and watched you all. >> let us do this. >> when you were a baby. >> let us say this. here on this show every morning of course we wake up and put a show on for our viewers. we try to uphold their standards. but i want you to know all of us here each morning who now occupy the seats we think of you all every morning and we try to pay tribute to the hard work you have put in over the years and we try to honor your legacy. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> congratulations. >> here! >> oh, one more. we can share. >> happy birthday, everyone. >> happy birthday. >> cheers! >> thank you for your legacy. >> we're going to have more of "today" ahead on a friday morning right after these messages and your local news. >> eat the cake! the cake! 8:56 is your time on this friday, january 13, 2012. good morning. i'm eun yang. it is cold out there and blustery. big changes in the weather, meteorologist tom kierein is in the storm center. hi, tom. >> yeah. big change occurred overnight. when you went to bed it was in the 50s. it is into the 20s and low and mid 30s. later today near 40 degrees.
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the winds have been gusting over 30 miles an hour the last couple of hours and may gust over 40 to maybe as much as 50 miles an hour later this afternoon. with clouds racing through. high around 40. near 20 by dawn tomorrow. still blustery on saturday. highs in the 30s. cold day on sunday and again on monday. martin luther king jr. day. back to you. >> thanks, tom. a quick break now i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up.
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> good morning. inner loop of the beltway, very slow. arlington boulevard, in fact, bumper to bumper. travel speed if you are traveling on the inner loop you are at 27 miles per hour. delays start around braddock and continue as you make your way towards i-66. >> thank you. another check of your weather and traffic in
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radio city new york from the exhibition hall on 49th street if you know where that is. we have amazing people on their way to work looking at us through the big glass window. it's that time right now. >> it sounds amazing but it was 60 years ago this week that something revolutionary was happening right here in rockefeller plaza. >> that was the cool little open we did an hour ago celebrating the 60th anniversary of "today" on friday, the 13th. it doesn't seem right to celebrate this on friday the 13th. we are looking forward to kicking off our 61st year as we
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look at some of the familiar faces who have been part of this program. i'm matt lauer along with al roker, savannah guthrie and ann curry. and it is only -- tell them what you said. >> and chucklehead jones. i feel like i'm doing the weather right now. >> you should. >> it's odd casting but thanks for having me. >> 22-time guest on "today," tom hanks. let's look at one of your early appearances. talking about a little known movie. >> 364 movies. >> i don't get the main girl. that was a reason i was intrigued by the script after playing this rake countless times who ends up in bed several times. >> i feel sorry for you. >> with babes, too, as a matter of fact. it was going to be a pleasure to go to work and not have to strip
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down. but by the time we got around to making it, you will see me on the mattresses a couple of times. >> oh, my god! where was my publicist? i would go back to that day and fire my publicist for letting me appear in that shirt and saying that story. >> you were so hot. >> what was i thinking? >> it was adorable. >> as a girl, baby, hot as heck. >> how old were you there? >> 13 years old. i have no idea, but i shopped at miller's outpost. >> taking a slightly more serious turn now so many events that transpired here on the air and you have shared with us in the past you watched on occasion. 9/11 being one of the most dramatic events. you were watching that day. >> yeah. and like many americans i was wondering once they put the fire out and got the people out of
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the two buildings i thought, you know, those black scars are going to be there for years and every time we fly into new york we'll see this burned out hulk of the world trade center. it will take a long time to repair that. when the moment came that it fell down i realized that physics is a relentless property that shows no mercy. i mean, obviously everything had changed up to that point. but that moment made me realize how frail the human condition can be. >> you talk about it in the new movie you're in, "extremely loud & incredibly close." we can deal with it, now 11 years later, because we see it through the eyes of a child. it was always safe in dealing with it in that way. do you think? >> well, it's a dense theme that the film deals with, without a doubt. you can wonder when is the right
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time. the concept of loss is something that's undeniably across the board. we all lost something in a spectacular and horrifying manner that day. to have it be as personal as it is for the character played by young tom horn who is essentially a special needs child who see it is world in a different way anyway. you take the tragedy of the day and it's not just squared but cubed. it goes even farther than being cubed. it's trablgedy times seven. >> you say the film was ten years in the making. is there something about letting it break your heart all over again? >> i think that's what the cinema will do sometimes in surprising fashion we may not expect it. there is an important issue out there that's being addressed perhaps for the first time or maybe in a brand new time. sometimes it comes out of films
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like "schindler's list" or "taxi driver." this time it comes from "extremely loud & incredibly close." >> how difficult was it after each day? you're doing such an emotional movie. >> it was brutal. we had to constantly remind ourselves that we didn't know that september 10th had a parentheses around it. we didn't know what was happening. we had to remind ourselves that there is no tragedy on the horizon. we're going through our day and dealing with the mundane aspects of raising a child and some of the important aspects with a child as special as he was. that's something hard to forget. you know, it's a tough thing to put out of your mind. >> the movie is "extremely loud & incredibly close." it's in theaters now. as we close, 22 appearances here for a reason. you are one of our favorite guests and you're a joy to have. >> this is the first time you
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have plied me with alcohol. >> but it won't be the last. >> i hope it continues and that young kid talking about "dragnet" is long gone. >> tom hanks. thank you very much. it's a pleasure. >> cheers. >> now let's get a check of the morning's top stories from natalie at the news desk. hey, natalie. >> good morning. the republican presidential candidates are splitting time between south carolina and florida. the next two primary states. meantime newt gingrich is catching heat from fellow conservatives for attacks on mitt romney's former career as a venture capitalist. donald trump tweeted that the attacks on free intenterprise aa mistake. rick perry seemed to ease up on the anti-romney rhetoric. there is no let-up in haley barbour p's decision to pardon
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sex offenders. a state judge has halted the release of any more prisoners until the pardons can be reviewed. now for a look at what's trending today our quick round-up of what has you talking online today. heather locklear is a top search after an unspecified medical emergency. a 9 is 1 call thursday brought an ambulance to her california mansion. she spent the night resting comfortably. stefa stephen colbert may enter the republican primary. he has more support than jon huntsman. unfortunately write-in votes aren't alloweded. first comes love and then marriage. then comes bieber? what? this may set a new standard for all of you out there as brian gives justin bieber a run for
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his money. brian and emily got hitched in orange park, florida. as i toss -- let's see if i can bring all of my fellow past news anchors. we have john palmer, margaret larson, deborah norville and faith daniels who all at one point shared the news desk as well. >> not this one. >> another news desk. >> we sat down rather than standing. >> i know. >> they don't give you a chair? >> this is pretty good. we stand for the news now as ann says. as we take a stroll down memory lane, we can continue talking in a moment. for now i will turn it back over to you guys over there. >> we're coming in for a hug in a moment. >> we could go hang out. should we get a check of the weather? >> i think so. let's show you what's happening. first of all, a lot of snow
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yesterday from houghton,happeni. we are talking about a lot of snow yesterday from michigan to rockford, illinois. up to five inches. some areas up to eight. we are talking about winter storm watches, winter storm warnings and lake effect snow watches as well throughout the midwest and up into new england. you can see the snow getting itself together. we are talking about 12 to 18 inches locally from watertown to buffalo. cleveland, about 3 to 6 inches of snow. all the way down to beckley, west virginia. that's what's going on around the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, windy and cold on this friday morning. we have a cold front come through predawn triggered some snow and rain but now that's all gone. here's the view from our sky watcher camera showing quite a bit of cloudiness coming through and have those clouds in and out the rest of the day. temperatures right now are a little bit below freezing. west and north of washington. reagan national at 37. south and east of washington, mid to upper 30s. later today just near 40, winds gusting to 50 miles an hour, i just want to say i would not be here doing this show if
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it was not for this man, willard scott. i love you. >> that's because i drove you here in my cadillac. you are wonderful. what a great trip on a great show. god bless all of us. >> thank you. >> good health and happiness. >> all right. thank you. we'll take a stroll down memory lane what it was like at different news desks. margaret, when you were here i understand it was not as comfortable for you at one point you were 7 months pregnant or so. >> no. i was on my last day before maternity leave having braxton-hicks contractions. >> i was here. >> i was subbing for katie on the show. bryant got ill that morning shortly before the show and i had to do the show. there i am. i look terrified because my blood pressure had gone through the roof. i had not prepared for his segments. i was by myself, just about to have a baby and i swear al roker never left my side. >> he was going to deliver the baby for you. >> lots of people have been
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pregnant on "today" but we thought i was going to be the one to deliver on the show. >> you carried the show that morning. i remember jeff saying, are you okay? are you all right? you were just quietly, graciously calm and you did it. >> you didn't have the baby on air. >> no. i made it. >> speaking of carrying the show, john, when everybody else was traveling, going to fabulous locations, somebody had to stay back, hold down the fort. >> i always stayed home. >> once the satellite shot went down and the network depended on you. >> i did a song and dance, read a lot of news. >> for 20 minutes. >> yeah. it went on for a long time. i was invited once to go to the u.s.s. norway which went down the east coast. the last stop was miami and i flew down on a thursday. >> look at that. you deserve it.
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>> i was scuba diving. >> i have never seen that. >> my goodness gracious. at least i wasn't in the rubber suit. >> and there were a lot of serious and tough times here at the news desk as well. your tenure coincided with the first gulf war. >> i know. it was an incredible time. we were on air nonstop for three, four days. i was backing up tom brokaw in case he ever had to go to the bathroom, which he never did. >> amazing. >> amazing bladder. >> that was one of the great things about working the early shift. many of us were on sunrise or the docockadoodle news. you were often the only one here. it was such a joy to get to be the one sharing the information with america. you know, the news anchor job
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was one where you never knew what was going to happen but you had to with ready. >> you did a great job with the selling segments. >> i am the only person who's ever gotten it on "today." >> john, you leave -- the truth about is show is we all feel like part of the family. you actually left your daughter to us on the show. she's now associate producer, molly palmer. we just love her. >> she was born on the show in 1982. not literally, but i was doing the program and day after day brian and jane would say, we'll have an update, any news on the birth. no news, no news. finally our producer steve friedman suggested, stop bringing that up. might not have a happy ending, but it did. she was born december 10th. now she's proudly with the "today" show west coast.
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>> did you try to discourage her? >> no. i encouraged her. >> great to have you all here. >> thank you, natalie. >> thank you very much for joining us and all your hard work on the broadcast informing america. >> meanwhile coming up we have a tribute to the first women of "today." you have heard them called the today girls. that's what they were then. they'll be here next after this. [ female announcer ] eyes feeling overworked?
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before there was ann, meredith or katie there was lee and flerns. they were among the first females on our program. back then they were called the "today" girls. this is the 1950s and early '60s. >> and it was at that time men did the heavy lifting but the early female broadcasters created the unique genre that is morning television. it all started with a young production assistant named estelle parsons seen here in the first "today" broadcast in 1952. >> the news is written and put together in front of your eyes. >> reporter: the set was a working newsroom and it's where parsons who would later become an accomplished actress got her start. her duties included collecting and posting temperatures from
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across the country. she impressed host dave garroway and eventually took on a larger role interviewing luminaries like marilyn mon e row. >> when are you planning to have children sp. >> i'm not married yet, dear. >> reporter: producers were charged with miss america lee meriweather. in 19 a 55 she was hired as the first official "today" girl. for the next half dozen years she and her successors including florence henderson, betsy palmer, helen o'connor, and others tackled the show's lighter fare. they covered fashion. >> this is really a feminine hat. >> singing. ♪ remember somewhere the sun is shining ♪ >> reporter: and even driving around with "today" show chimp j. fred muggs, all in the name of making america's morning a
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little brighter. >> and boy did they. with us now is estelle parsons, florence henderson and lee meriweather. good morning, ladies. >> i was there long before the first day. i was one of eight that put it together before we hireded dave. >> tell us the atmosphere then. >> it was pioneer days. the only reason i got hired is nobody in night television wanted to switch to mornings because it wouldn't work. nobody would watch in the morning. we battled that for a long time. >> you had a lot of duties including the weather. >> weather, fashion shows, women's features primarily. actually, when i started i was supposedly the official women's editor on air. i was never a "today" girl. >> wasn't your title "today"
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girl? >> no, honest to goodness. >> before she came on all we thought about was, should there be a woman on the show? >> you covered politics, too. >> i was the first woman who managed to get into that field. >> lee, during your reign of miss america you were asked to join the show. >> halfway through my tour of duty i was asked by the producers and i said, o h, i can't, i have work to do. they said, yes, we'll wait for you. >> florence, you are such a recognizable face. do you have a favorite memory? >> i have several. i think the most memorable moment for me was when dave garroway wanted to prove the expression more fun than a barrel of monkeys. so he had a barrel of monkeys brought into the studio. the top came off and the monkeys went berserk. i think there is a picture of me
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on top of the desk. the monkeys wound up in the grids and god knows what happened to them. >> i met you filling in for willard in 1987. you were still here. >> i was a writer for the show for about a year before garroway asked me to be on it when they had a vacancy. the girls came and went quickly. does anybody else remember the gar w garroway fired the outside audience? it was the studio on the their floor in the rca building when i came. >> i love what you said. it was tough on single lay disback then. >> i loved it. i was the only woman with the exception of the makeup woman on set. i was there with john chancellor and frank. frank picked me up every morning via nbc car at 3:30 in the
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morning and made life easier. we laughed, got here and got to work at 4:00. >> you got a car. >> wait a minute. call your agent. >> thank you so much for what you have done and your legacy, ladies. >> thank you, al. >> honored to with b in your presence. thank you so much. appreciate it. up next, more of our special tribute to 60 years of today and all the people who got up early and staye eed up late. that's after this. [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste,
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>> cheers, everyone. >> we have more of "today" in our 60th year but first your local news and weather. 4 pounds of sirloin. but only wrap half... i'll just throw it out anyway. [ male announcer ] we throw out over $500 in food every year. help save more of it with ziploc freezer bags featuring new, improved smartzip. edge to edge protection you can hear. now that's ziplogic. ziploc freezer bags with the new, improved smartzip seal. get ziploc. and get more out of it. try ziploc containers with smartsnap. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. i'm al ways like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet.
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mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. 9:26 is your time on this friday, january 13, 2012. good morning to you. winter is back with a vengeance. cold and blustery. tom is in the storm center with the latest. >> wow. what a change occurred overnight. and our temperatures are now down to near or below freezing in montgomery, prince george's, fairfax, montgomery counties and points west and north, washington, mid 30s, near 40 near the bay and southeastern areas. just in the northern neck and more lower eastern shore. near 40 there. later today only near 40 degrees with winds gusting to 50 miles an hour later this afternoon. that may cause scattered power outages. tonight winds diminish.
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blustery cold day saturday. shine sunday. still cold. >> tom, thank you. we will take a quick break and be back with a chec
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good morning. traveling inbound, canal road. this is right past arizona avenue. park police are blocking the right lane because we have a
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tree leaning on power lines there. use caution in the area and expect delays. traveling 395 had an accident at king as you head north. it is out of the roadway. still see something crowding and you are clear across the 14th street
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just a sampling of the glits and glamour of the golden globes last year on the red carpet. monday on today we'll have all the fashion hits and misses as well as the big winners and the scoop on the parties if we make it to the parties. >> if we make it to work. >> we are headed out there for a little golden globes excitement. savannah's first golden globes. it will be fun. >> very cool. >> do you know who else is
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getting excited and ready for the golden globes? our good friend giada. she will be hosting one of the hottest parties in town. we'll check out how she's preparing. >> we can score an invitation. an our 6 00th anniversary would not be complete without the panel of professionals. they're going to tell us what "today" means to them and we'll talk about controversial tap op as well. >> they began in radio and came to "today" in 1952. >> we'll see what's happening. >> first, go ahead, guys. >> thank you very much. we're going to look at the west memphis crime spree that sent teenagers to prison for the murder of three little boys. but they are now free. coming up we'll meet the men who helped secure their release. >> and then which five medical tests should women have in the
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new year? we'll tell you. and we are live on the red carpet as the first big test of the awards season kicks off. that and more when we see you this weekend on "today"." >> now a check of the weather. >> first let's check on the weekend. >> i got nervous. no, we ran out of coffee. that's it. >> he on "weekend today." >> here is the forecast for your weekends. saturday showers in the pacific north west. sunny and mild through the southwest. we have windy conditions here in the northeast. sunday, sunday, we are looking at frigid conditions in new england, across into the plains and rain along the coastal pacific north west and showers and down through texas. and on martin luther king jr. day, monday, rain from the gulf coast all the way up into the ohio river valley. showers in the pacific north west. cold continues in new england. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> turned much colder.
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tom kierein, storm center 4, live view from our sky watcher camera. it is bouncing around and blustery wind. winds gusting up to 30 to 35 this morning. but will likely gust higher than than that later today. gusts to near 50 miles an hour. may cause scattered power outages later this afternoon. right now we are in the low to mid 30s. much of the region only near 40 for a high today. winds will dill ini shall a bit and 20 tomorrow morning. highs 30s and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. up next, "today's" professionals weigh in on the topics that a have you talking. later on, the best moments of the morning as we continue to celebrate our 60th anniversary coming up after this. world-class service for you today ? we gave people right off the street a script and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ?
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oikos greek yogurt from dannon. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt. from centrum. it puts you in the center of everything that's good for you. its unique self-assessment tool helps identify the multivitamin and supplement combination
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dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical editor. good morning. >> we are celebrating today 60 years of "today." i thought we'd ask what your memories are. >> i started here 20 years ago. next month. it was a lot of fun. my first time on television. mr. brokaw taught me when i'm thinking look down instead of up so i don't look crazy on camera. i learned everything from brian and katie. i'm glad to be back contributing again. >> i pretty much stopped watching when bryant gumbel left and matt lauer took over. the thing about the show that's different from everything else on television, people don't watch it. they integrate it into their lives. it's on in people's homes even when they are not looking at it.
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it's something where it's become part of the fabric of america. i couldn't say that about any other show. people who work at this place are the most delicious, nicest. the energy in this place and that's why it works. >> i have been in morning television for a long time at "good morning, america" and here. you can tell as a viewer when people like each other. you can't fake it for two hours. people sense they like each other here. when i grew up on television it was this show. i believed the "today" show delivered harder sh better news. then i went to work for someone else and now i'm here. everyone in broadcasting owes barbara walters. she broke through the ceiling we all talk about. paved the way for all of us. >> she would not allow people to place her in a box. that's what women owe barbara. >> we follow in her fabulous
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footsteps. thanks for sharing this day with us. we want to move on to working mothers. katherine heigl has a small child and she was blunt and said, i couldn't help but wonder what i had gotten myself into and if the choice i made to be a working mother was the most selfish decision of my life. she was blunt about the guilt working mothers say they feel. >> let me take that word off. moms who stay at home are working mothers. it sets up fighting between mothers in the traditional workforce and stay a at home mothers. they are working just as hard but different. >> nine of my 11 partners in any agency were women. most were mothers. they couldn't wait to get to work on monday because it was easier than the weekend. on a separate subject i say to
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young women if you are happy, working to be happy you will be a better mother. it's not a matter of full time or part time, you will be a great mother. >> i spent time with my sister in washington. she took time out of the work force for a few year. my brother-in-law is in law enforcement. i have never seen a woman work harder. >> the reality is i'm probably the person on this panel who has managed it. you do get stuck. there are stages in your child's life where you are accountable. there is a moment your child recognizes what time is and you say, oh, two days -- the kids absorb if you love your life and they group better. >> stay at home moms feel the same conflict and guilt. it's a woman thing. >> one of the unfortunate residues of the feminist times.
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it made things harder. gad bless. they are stronger than men. >> let's talk extra baggage. a former airline exec says if you are over weight you should have to pay extra for your seat arguing there is a greater weight on the plane which takes up more fuel, draws more resources. what do we think? >> ridiculous. >> absolutely. >> sometimes with very heavy people they can't fit into the seat that's a separate issue if they have to buy two seats. that's tremendous dmim nation. discrimination. >> i don't think you can do it. if the person's girth doesn't allow them to safely fit into a seat you should be able to. people should think about the seat selection and whether they can afford or choose two seats.
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there are times people aren't fitting in the seats. >> we don't want to miss this one. it's a good one. there is a book called dear me, letters to my 16-year-old self. what would you tell your younger self? >> eat less and move more. if we don't get obesity under control there will be more. that's me. >> donny? >> i would say to my 16-year-old stuff don't be afraid of anything. there are things i would look back on. a lot of different times. the bookie man is never what you think it is. do not let fear dictate what you do. >> you get to be more than one thing in life. when people say, oh, you can't do that. if you follow your passion, you
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can have multiple careers within one segment on this life. >> good advice. >> real honor to be here. >> especially to be a part of this place. >> see you next week. up next, one of the hottest tickets in tinseltown giada de laurentiis gives us a peak at what she's serving for the golden globes after this. t ache. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions.
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when you walk 10,000 steps a day, it's the same as walking a professional golf course. humana. proud supporter of health and well-being. i would never go out without my covergirl. i want to look natural, not naked! but look! with covergirl, all you need is 3 little things to make beauty powerful for you. lashblast for voluptuous volume, outlast -- to keep your lips beautiful and not come off if you kiss... simply ageless foundation to help you look young. see? just three. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. ♪
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it's one of the most anticipated events in hollywood. that's sunday's golden globes. hollywood a-listers don theirgi chef's coat. >> we have a sneak peek of what she has in store. ♪ >> the instyle warner brothers golden globes parties are the hardest tickets to get in town. everybody wants to go. you can't have a great party without great food and great drinks. >> it's good. >> working with the beverly
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hilton and instyle could be a really fun experience. so i jumped in to host a party for the golden globes and the after party and make the menu, revamp the menu, make it new, fun, young and put my little california twist on it. you name it. the who's who of hollywood royalty will be at the instyle party. i wanted them to get excited about the food they are eating. there is something on the menu for everyone. we'll start with four appetizers. cauliflower pureed soup which is chilled with bacon on top. crostini. sauteed shrimp cocktails, a beef tenderloin crost irk ni with curry mayo. color and texture is important. oh, look, you added more jam. how nice of you.
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mm. it's good. as e we get closer i get more nervous. where's the salt and pepper? all of the sudden all these critics will taste your food. it's scary. i wouldn't say that it's become old hat for me. i have only done it one other time for the royals. >> we got the royal table out, the salad course. >> i said for the royal luncheon i lost sleep. >> this is when i need extra hands. >> it was so exciting i thought, why not do it for hollywood? >> so there is no pressure for me. not at off. piece of cake. i got it. >> no pressure. she will be fabulous as always. she impressed the royals and now will impress hollywood royalty as well. catch the golden globes sunday at 8:00/7:00 central an nbc. i will be on the red carpet prior to that start.
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we will be on. >> monday, natalie, savannah and yours truly will wrap up all the winners, the glamour and the parties. >> spending the weekend together. >> yes, we are! >> we have to get on a plane soon. coming up next, the most memorable moments of today at 60. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the empire state lit up in our colors on this special day as we wrap up a great morning here. thank you to our colleagues from decades past who joined us this morning. >> and a huge thank you to the staff who made it happen for the past six decades, make it happen every morning. a big thanks and a warm hug to everybody. >> before we go, here are highlights of today. ♪ it's a beautiful morning >> good morning, everybody. welcome to a very special
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edition of "today" on this friday morning as we celebrate 60 years on the air. >> the good year blimp flew over the fame hollywood sign in los angeles with a happy birthday message for us. >> take a look at who's here to help us out. all of your favorite anchors and personalities from the past six decades. >> it's a big morning ahead. >> good morning, everyone. happy 60th anniversary to "today." >> this sets the standard for a lot of television. you should be proud and all the people who worked here over the years. >> it was 60 years ago this week that something revolutionary was happening here in rockefeller plaza. >> it's a family show, a new show and a show that shows you the world. >> you got to visit cultural sites and go to washington, d.c. on a daily basis over the breakfast table. >> one of the things i'm
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proudest of about my participation is not only the people on camera but behind the scenes. >> we were often complimented for our authenticity because we were so clueless we'd forget to put our microphone on. >> we love to eat on "today." we have a little cake to celebrate. >> oh, my gosh. a fire. >> big surprise. meredith vieira is going to pop out. >> here on the show every morning we wake up and put a show on for our viewers. the most important people. we try to uphold their standards. i want you to know all of us who now occupy the seats, we think of you all. >> i would not be here doing this show if it wasn't for this man, willard scott. i love you. >> a big shoutout the to our staff. they are the life and soul of the show. they are the life and soul of the show. they give us so much. ♪
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more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive, the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive.
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good morning, everyone. 9:57, friday, january 13. friday, the 13th, 2012. i'm barbara harrison. let's check on the weather for this friday, the 13th. here's tom kierein. >> we had very strong winds earlier this morning. settled down a little bit over the last couple of hours. they will be getting gustier as we get into the afternoon hours. right now it is in the low to mid 30s throughout most of the
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region. reagan national is 37. winds are gusting over 30 miles per hour. they could gust to 50 miles per hour later this afternoon. it may cause scattered power outages and bring down tree limbs. then overnight tonight winds diminish. blustery, cold day. >> speaking of downed tree limbs rite now we have a downed tree that's shutting down canal road at arizona avenue. police directing you to take arizona avenue. use caution in the area. traveling on 66, live look inside the beltway. glebe road. no issues for you. 66 east or west, you are in the clear. barbara, back to you. >> thanks, danella. >> thanks, danella. we hope you are
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the...
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and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. be captions paid for byes nbc-universal television hey, everybody. it is try day friday the 13th of january. are we still here? this has been the longest week ever. >> and today we are celebrating 60 years. so if you woke up this morning, if you live in the new york city area, and you look skyward, you might have seen the empire state building, lit up in the "today" show colors. yesterday we went and flipped the switch. niagara falls, you're seeing right there. >> leave it. >> i know.
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that was fast. >> well, you know what, we were all over the country. there we are in hollywood. the sears building in philadelphia. >> sears building in philadelphia. the niagara falls picture is breathtaking. i think it's really great that all these different -- all these, i don't know, different iconic spots chose to help us today. >> nice they also did it on the canadian side of the falls, because we have lots of great friends in canada who watch the "today" show. >> i'm exhausted. my feet hurt because -- >> i wish we had a camera on hoda last night. >> let me say something about dance, sweaty dance, you know the kind. >> dirty, sweaty dancing. >> it feels great when you're doing it, and then later when someone shows you a photograph of it -- >> yes. >> -- you realize you look like a hoo-hoo. >> no, no, no. hoda and amy doing the ho-ho. >> hey, hey. can you hear it? with the prr? >> i look like an insane person.
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joanne. >> joanne. >> oh, yes. nobody was crazier than me. >> you! >> slow rider was there. and we should -- oh. >> low, low, low. >> by the way, he was great. everyone was -- a bunch of people on stage. >> pit bull was great too. >> pit bull started the night off. you guys, he has a concert scheduled in south america, but he made a pit stop here for us. look at that. >> made a pit stop. >> that's right. >> that was crazy. the edison ballroom in new york city. a lot of fun. >> a big thank-you to megan, who somehow organized that massive party along with everything else all week long. >> she needs to hibernate like a bear for the rest of the wenter to recuperate from what she put into this. >> and collett was the other person in charge of that edison room. it was a great space. the party was supposed to be over at 10:00, but they kept going. >> spouses were invited.
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i called frank, and i said honey we'd love to have you and your favorite people are performing, pit bull and slow rider. frank would have loved it if doris day was singing. he passed on it. i love those guys. not my type of music. i never pretend it is. but they're such sweet guys. >> look. >> he gave a big old shoutout to hoda woman. >> i got a sneaker. >> sneaker! >> that's like my size. >> look at these. he signed one of them "today" show and one to me. >> what do you do with a sneaker? >> you know what, you could auction it off for charity. >> good idea. >> or put it in your living room. >> put a plant in it it's so huge. i think it's great because the previous anchors were here, but we did a cool open at the top of the 8:00. >> i had no idea this was coming. >> there was another window by christie's, and that's where dave stood the first time the show started.
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they did a little kind of hocus-pocus magic. >> re-enactment. let's watch. ♪ >> you find your set working instead of the test pattern. "today" from the nbc communications center in radio city, new york. from the rca exhibition hall on 49th street, if you know where that is. we have many people on their way to work looking at us through the big glass windows at this spot. >> you know, it sounds amazing, but it was 60 years ago this week that something revolutionary was happening right here in rockefeller plaza. today was changing the way americans started their day and who they started it with.
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>> wow. >> how clever was that. >> that was genius. >> so great. >> one of our producers here worked hard on this day, and that was beautiful. edward r. murrow. >> that's the one we're talking about. >> it was cool just to wander around the studios today because you saw everybody. i mean, icons. >> jayne pauley, deborah norville, bryant gumbel, katie, meredith. i mean, you looked down the line at the past and present. >> pretty darn impressive. >> it was amazing. and florence henderson, of course, is in the house! >> florence is going to be with us later along with deborah norville so, that will be fun. great to see everybody. my gosh. >> tom hanks rolled out the birthday cake. i mean, come on, your boy. >> he just loved having dinner with us so much the other night, he couldn't get enough. sweet of him to do that. 22 times with us over his amazing career. >> he's part of the family, too. it was a fun day. wasn't it?
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>> it was. it started very early for everybody. these things always do. but they talked about how incredible it is to be at the "today" show. i've only been here close to four. i'm one of the oldest but i feel like the baby, you know? only savannah, i guess, is newer. it's true. one day you can have birds flying in your hair and the next day you're talking to a multi-academy award winner or something. it's the ebb and flow of life, and that's why we like it. >> fun watching tom brokaw and the others reminiscing over old times and stuff. if you can, check in on the web. we'll show a clip later in our show, but have a look at it. i think it's worth it. >> i don't know if i've shared it our hour, but my very first appearance on television when i was about 13 years old, no, maybe 11, 12, was with willard scott. >> you're kidding me. >> he was captain tug on wttv, channel 5 in washington, d.c. there was a contest of what a kid could raise the most money for muscular dystrophy in the tristate area.
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i raised $58.52. >> you did. >> and as a result got to go to washington, d.c. -- yeah. that's pretty cool. [ applause ] and sat on willard scott's lap and gave him the check. i'm telling you, every time i see him, he asks me to do it again. i do. i rub his head. the man loves it. it doesn't hurt anybody. come on. >> so here's the deal. we're early morning people at this show but a lot of people call in late. they decided to do this thing about 20% of people arrive at least once a week late. >> that's a lot. >> a third of ploirs have fired people over employees -- >> chronic lateness. yeah. >> people sometimes blame things like the traffic, the weather. >> my dog ate my homework. >> here are some of the outrageous reasons. one woman thought she won the lottery so she was late. >> turned out she didn't. one guy had a philosophical
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problem. he thought his day should start at 9:00 even though his job started at 8:00. >> the guy, the commute, the workday started as soon as he left his house. >> the drive. >> one reason suz he was watching the "today" show. we agree with that one. that one should be fine. >> another woman said she was talking to the governor or something. that turned out to be true. some were outrageous ones. have you ever been really, really late? >> i'm pretty punctual. >> you are. >> you are, too. we're both usually a little early. we were the first ones at the party last night, if you know what i'm saying. and i was one of the first ones out, if you know what i'm saying. >> it was kind of weird to be -- they had a holding pen for us before we all had to go down to be introduced. and i went back up to the pen. >> yeah. >> and i had a view of life down there, some of the quietest people around here during the day are animals. >> christine. christine. >> shall remain nameless.
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and people that were just going crazy, you've never seen them raise their hand much less ah! >> i saw meredith shaking it, too. joanne was embarrassing. >> that's who i wanted to say. joanne lamarca and her husband -timer mathson, were the cutest. together as a couple. it was the sexiest -- >> it really was. >> cutest thing. i once in a while like to see an actual married couple that likes i' eemp other. you know? it reinforces my faith in this institution of marriage. >> thank you. >> try day friday, hopefully lose weight and have fun while you're doing it. >> for the eighth time since i was a kid -- >> keep your hula hoops. who are you and why are you here? this is kyle peterson from true hoops. >> hopefully he was invited. >> troo hoops. i'm here to talk about hoop fitness and, you know, keeping in shape.
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it's a great abdominal exercise, great for your obliques, your core. >> where's your pack? >> i have a pack in my pocket. >> in your pocket. >> all right. >> i didn't know what your favorite colors would be. i brought pink. >> what do you do, mr. hoopster? >> i'm not good at this. >> step into the hoop. now, make sure you're not going to hit this table here. you have a table behind you. okay. now, okay. all right. >> you know what, she always shows off. this is her hidden talent. >> that and sucking in one nostril. get a close-up! at the same time! what else? >> how many calories is she burning right now? >> i have no idea. it depends on how seriously she gyrates. >> bring it up to your neck. >> go, go, go! >> keep going. go faster!
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>> oh, yeah. she's having a seizure, everybody. all right. good one. >> hold on! applaud for kathie lee gifford! i can't do it. i don't have that kind of coordination. >> you can do it. >> hey, look at that. >> i don't need a hoop, baby. >> when you dance the night away, you can hula hoop in the morning. now i'm dizzy. keep talking. >> bobbie thomas. time for "bobbie's buzz." >> do it. >> so i know after last night everybody around here -- we're going to help you -- >> for god's sake, i can't breathe. >> these are called -- everything's online. >> do it! >> these are cloths. they'll help you sleep better.
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it regulates your temperature. >> hoda. hoda. >> what, what, what? >> you did it, katrihie. you did it. [ applause ] >> come here. wait, we have to let bobbie finish. >> this is so much more entertaining. >> go, bobster. >> these are all items that are online if you do want to take a look. >> okay, good. we'll be right back. >> wait! >> how gorgeous she is. >> a, gorgeous, b, she'll be joining us every tuesday for "tuesday's trends." we're excited. >> i'm very excited. these are just some fun items. hoda, i thought you would love these. they're sleep phones. headphones so you can sleep and a bed fan to keep you cool. >> i love it. we got to go, bye. >> we love you, sorry. i had to hula hoop it away. for every geriatric woman out there. >> we'll look back at 60 years of our history.
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two women who made the show terrific, florence henderson and deborah norville are in the house. >> i want to see florence do that. ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. here's a little something you'll find irresistible.
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cinnamon toast crunch, with a delicious cinnamon and sugar taste that's amazing. crave those crazy squares.™ ♪ maybe it's the things you do or the things you really want to do. ♪ whatever it is, kfc's new weekend bucket makes the weekend even more unforgettable. 10 freshly prepared pieces of the world's best chicken. just 11 bucks. any recipe, any way. only saturday and sunday. so pick up a bucket right now and make this weekend one to remember. today tastes so good. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. i thought i was invincible. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again.
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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of. talk to your doctor, i'm al ways like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. yes, we are still celebrating "today of 60." six decades greeting viewers to a new day. >> believe it or not, the fun on the "today" show didn't start with us. >> hard to believe. >> i know. it began all the way back in 1952.
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♪ good morning, good morning good morning, good morning good morning ♪ >> the question i get more than any other question is what time do you wake up in the morning. >> what time do you get up? >> what time do you get up every morning? >> holy smoke, look at the time. >> 4:10. >> 4:10. >> the alarm clock went off at 3:30. >> i was afraid the alarm wouldn't go off. >> chronic lack of sleep. >> i did not like getting up at 4:00 in the morning. get your own cup of coffee. i did like doing the show. >> we like bringing people into houses all over the country. >> the "today" show is your window to america. >> welcome to studio 1a. a pretty good crowd out here. >> i love the part where we come out and talk to the folks. >> can we say hello to our three children? >> right now, there they are. >> half pi 35th anniversary. >> it affords us this incredible variety of subject matter.
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>> this is the most exciting new fashion fabric, vinyl. >> here is barbara walters with a report on the discotheque. ♪ >> the best thing i like the when they had the monkeys on. >> go away. >> i remember when willard was called up to be on the "today" show. >> hold it. wait a minute. >> america is not ready for this. >> that is a lot of wa ka wa ka wain. >> here he comes now. >> i was doing commercials. then we were live. i had a good time. >> does that look great? >> party for fun. >> come here, bryant! give me a hug! ♪ for your love >> somehow we ended up on the
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stage with stevie wonder as his backup sings for this brand-new song. it was about the worst thing i've ever done on television. >> it was so wrong. >> we spotted ma-- started manyf the traditions the program has now. >> these long legs came out of the limousine. suddenly this emergence -- oh, my gosh, it was malt. >> there's something very wrong. he's obviously been in a dress before. ♪ a long, long way together >> so many people work on the show. it's the most wonderful place i've ever worked. >> it was an integral part of the program. >> so incredibly talented. >> and i think it's one of the things that's made this show great over the years. >> and here to help us celebrate are two former "today" hosts, florence henderson and deborah
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norville. >> hi, ladies. >> hi. >> the show has changed a lot since back in the day, hasn't it? >> it has. it keeps getting longer. >> we're talking about a fifth hour any day now. >> i'm sure. i'll be back for it. i'm here. >> what do you notice, deborah, the biggest changes over the years? >> from when i was there in the early '90s is it's a lot more loose. it's a lot more free. i think it's a reflection of what kind of the american pop culture level has been. you didn't have kardashians when i was on the show. nobody was dretszing up for halloween. your big homage maybe was you wore an orange shirt with your black suit. it was more stiff. but communism was ending when i was on the show. there was this sort of political upheaval going on. >> the cold war. >> it was ending and we were winning it. it just wasn't appropriate. and then, you know, fast forward, the same thing happened again in 2001. >> sure. >> when the towers came down. there was sort of this readjust. and i think the show got much
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more serious then. but it's lightened up in the ten years since. >> we didn't have the kardashians but we had the gabors. >> you're right. >> shenanigans. >> absolutely. i'm sure they were on the "today" show as well. >> uh-huh. >> how did it change you personally and your life and career to have been on the "today" show? you were here before deborah. tell us. >> i was a broadway performer and because of that i started doing the jack paar show and they asked me to do the "today" show. i was thrilled because -- >> did it require a move from california to new york? >> i lived in new york then. i did the show for a year, got pregnant on the show. not on the show, actually. dave geroway wasn't that cheap. >> florence knows her men. yes, she does. >> we were unavailable. >> but the thing is, you know, being pregnant, i couldn't even say that word much less -- >> did you have to hide your pregnancy? >> yeah. they'd hide me behind a potted palm or piece of furniture.
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>> yeah. >> it was amazing. >> that's in a good way that we've changed. >> now a prerequisite for a newscaster is to get pregnant and have the baby on the air. >> right when you need to sign your contract. >> exactly. >> so interesting that aspect of being on a morning show has changed. i got pregnant when i was on the "today" show -- >> also with gerry. >> it was reported that it was to save my job. it was to enhance my position here at nbc. and it's just very interesting how the idea of being a working mom has morphed so much. and really i think it's been reflected in this particular show. >> how is it seeing everybody? >> today has been great. >> somebody said it was like a college reunion. i think it's more like a high school reunion. those are the people you wanted to see. college reunion not really. high school reunion you want to see. you've heard the buzz in the background. tell me about your kids, who's in college, oh, my god, you're a grandparent. there's been that sort of catch-up. i think that's what the audience
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would have loved to have been in on, frankly. >> yeah. >> they've grown up with all of us on this show. they're curious to know the baby i left the show having just had is now a junior in college. oh, my god. where did the time go? >> yeah. knowing that he flew here by himself and we share the same birthday. he's going to be 91, i think. >> 26. >> absolutely. going backwards. i'm 77. but i was telling you i have a sister ten years older than i am. she can put you to shame with that hula hoop. >> oh, yeah? bring it on. >> oh, yeah? >> if we only had more than five seconds. >> thanks so much. [ male announcer ] meet lafayette. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy. [ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off.
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ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. >> baby: my brand-new skin is ten times more sensitive than yours, mom. but somehow you just know it's best to use johnson's baby head-to-toe, the really gentle stuff. you're good, mom, and by good... i mean great. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego.
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prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. o almay smart shade makeup it's hard to choose foundation what if your foundation chose you? one of these three is your match instantly adjusting to your perfect shade because it's pretty and smart "pretty smart" ♪ here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. 32,000,109! office number 32,000,108! 110! we're opening h&r block offices all across the country. nice! we've developed a first-of-its-kind service. it's called block live. it's like having a tax professional right in your own home. - in our house? - it basically turns your home into an h&r block office. [ announcer ] introducing block live. yeah!
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welcome to block live, sir. thank you! did you have any other jobs this year? a new service that allows you to video conference... with a tax professional... who will prepare and file your taxes for you. h&r block. never settle for less. we're having a hula hoop. off. ready? go, deborah. >> whoa! >> go. >> and our pet fashion show next week. >> a good day for women over 60! [ male announcer ] rough, dry skin taking over.
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there's an easy way to fix that. lubriderm® men's 3-in-1. the first and only body, face, post shave lotion all in one bottle. it's that easy. ♪ lubriderm® men's 3-in-1. crispy granola, layered with creamy peanut butter or rich dark chocolate flavor. 90 calories. 100% natural. and nature...approves. granola thins. from nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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♪ life is a highway i want to ride it ♪ >> we are back on this try day friday, time for our plaza ambush makeovers. what a crowd we had to choose from today. >> a ptty good day. >> yeah. >> once again our crack makeover team, "today" contributor, louis va carry, la, la, la, la. and us weekly contributor and author, jill martin. and two lucky lay days from the plaza for a new look. how was it today? >> terrific. 60th anniversary. >> there were so many people for the 60th anniversary. it was a lot of fun. >> kathy pollack is 56 years old from washington, d.c. she has not changed her hair style in ten years. so her daughter begged us to
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give her a brand-new style. let's take a listen to her story. >> nothing like a wanted poster to get what you want. and you did. you got it. carlin, i know you want this for your mom. tem us why. >> she -- both of her parents are sick so, she goes over at least twice a week to take care of them. and she takes care of us. and she never puts herself first. so she really deserves this. >> you're such a good daughter. are you ready for us to pamper you? >> i am so ready. thank you so much. this is so exciting. >> that's sweet. >> how sweet is that. her lovely daughter, carlin, is standing right there with her blindfold on. she's never looked lovelier. >> keep your blindfold on until we give you the green light. here is kathy pollack before. all right, kathy. let's see the new you! >> oh, my gosh! >> i love that hair style! oh, my gosh. >> carlin, are you ready? >> yeah. >> take off your blindfold and brace yourself. >> oh, my god. isn't it awesome?
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>> all right. ready to see yourself? >> yes. tu >> turn right around here. >> wow. >> that is so sexy. >> love it. love it. >> look at yourself right there. tell me about that hair. >> kathy will continue to be helping her parents. i wanted her to have a hairdo she can keep up by herself. >> thank you. >> awesome. awesome. >> then what i did here, she doesn't have enough time to color her hair. i gave her a full color job today. >> great. >> love that. and the bangs. sassy. >> love it. >> you almost didn't recognize her, i thought. >> such a fun outfit. she didn't have anything like this. >> look at the body under all that clothing. this is carl rockefell from macy's. show it. >> awesome.
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awesome. >> a big round of applause. >> yes, yes! >> our second later is 48 from douglasville, georgia. she says she's never colored her hair before. when we asked what kind of haircuts she gets she said, cheap ones! she was excited to receive a glam new nu look. let's listen to her story. >> well, i think you're still in a state of shock so i'm going to interview your daughter as to why you deserve this. tell us why. >> because she's a great mom and she never takes time out of her schedule just to get dressed up and -- >> and your daily routine, makeup routine? >> oil of olay and mascara. >> well, we're going to fix that because you have the whole family here. are you ready for a glam look? >> sure. this is exciting. >> oh, she is with a lot of people. she's here with her daughter, noelle, her mother-in-law cindy and sister-in-law kendra. one last look at johanna before and bring out the new johanna welch! >> wow.
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>> wow! >> i love it. >> oh, wow, baby. are you ready? start your engines. take off the blinds. >> you look great. you look great. >> johanna, there's a reason for that reaction. take a gander at yourself. >> don't mess up your makeup. >> you look really good. >> wow. >> what a difference. >> look right into this camera, please, johanna. >> oh, my gosh. >> all right, what did you do? >> this shows what a little effort can do. hair color erases years, makes you more glamorous and beautiful. no doubt about it. great haircut. double-duty today. again, keeping the makeup light and simple. >> so pretty. >> you know, works together. >> it sure does. >> big family. you guys like it? >> gorgeous. >> tell us about her outfit.
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>> i gave her all the basics all from macy's. the dress from tahari. >> looks cool. >> they're laced down the side. >> every bit of it. you look so chic. >> let's bring out kathy. come on out. wig round of applause. >> ladies! >> coming up next, mac and cheese or pizza, which one is the lesser of two evils? >> and hoda and i go at it as we always do. ♪
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[ female announcer ] dry, itchy skin. a long term struggle needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. used every day, its triple ingredient formula is clinically proven to relieve dry, itchy skin, with 92% of people reporting improved overall skin condition over time. eucerin calming creme. and the gentle cleansing formula of calming body wash. calm, healthy skin starts with eucerin.
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[ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to fill over 200 garbage trucks out of landfills each year? ♪ 6.5 million pounds of plastic, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk.
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now there's no need to hold back. new revolutionary scope dualblast obliterates strong food odors leaving your breath minty fresh. hey. [ male announcer ] so there's no trace of evidence... new scope dualblast.
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mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, meat loaf and milk, they all -- >> meat loaf! >> an inside joke. >> which i hate. >> they all bring us comfort on cool days but which have the most calories and which can you enjoy without packing on the pounds? madeleine is back, diet and nutrition editor, here to heat up things for us and test our comfort iq. >> we all love comfort food in the middle of the wintertime, but here are two of our most popular sandwiches. which one has more fat? >> peanut butter and jelly. >> or the grilled cheese. >> more fat? >> more fat. >> the grilled cheese. >> you are right. >> i didn't have a chance! >> you had to jump in. >> without my buzzer i don't know what to do. >> all right. slap the table. that will be good. what's more comforting to people than cookies and milk? chocolate cream cookies and a glass of 1% milk. does is this have more or less
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than 300 calories? more or less. >> less. >> i'm going to say more because she said less. >> it has less. it's 250 calories. >> that's a nice snack. not too bad. >> 250 calories. >> depends on what you've eaten all day long before your midnight snack. >> comforting. not so terrible. >> what was the question now? >> we digress. back for real comfort, comfort food. >> one of those. >> pizza and macaroni and cheese. one of these has 300 calories. which one is it? >> pizza. >> no. >> no? >> it's the macaroni and cheese. >> peizza has 400. >> you asked less. >> less. trick question. moving on. >> meat loaf! >> and mashed potatoes. >> frank would go crazy for that. >> which one has more calories, which has more? five ounces of mashed potatoes or one cup -- sorry -- five ounces of meat loaf -- >> what the heck is wrong with
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you? >> -- or the mashed potatoes with a little milk and butter on it. more calories. >> the meat loaf. >> yes, it does. >> like i knew. >> 325. but the potatoes have 240. >> oh, stop. have them both. they go good together. >> that's the combo. >> this is healthy and it's a killer. >> chicken suet, chicken pot pie and fried chicken. >> i want this piece of chicken. >> don't eat it now. >> it's been a long day. >> which one of these is an 800 calorie bomb? is it the chicken pot pie -- >> the pot pie. >> it is the pot pie. >> eat this. >> half the calories. that whole breast is 400 calories. >> sometimes you just need the griess greece. let's be honest. >> who doesn't. >> the outside is better than the inside. >> all right. >> spaghetti and meatballs high on the comfort food list. take a look. how many miles would you have to
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walk to burn this off? >> don't do that. >> four miles, six miles or eight miles? >> six. >> eight. >> eight. hoda, you're right, because 800 calories. it's about a half an hour walking is about 100 calories. >> piece of chicken. >> that is good. >> okay. >> so good. >> this is a long question. >> get involved. >> a bowl of chicken soup can do a lot of things. one of these statements is not true. i'm going to give you five things. four of them are true. one is not. >> all right. >> it has special nutrients that can fight a cold. >> yes. >> good for hydration. >> yes. >> it's been used as a comfort food for almost a thousand years. >> yes, yes. >> good for muscle soreness. >> maybe. >> the last one, used as a comfort food all over the world. this which one? >> the muscle soreness. >> that's correct. nothing to do with muscle soreness. and she wins! >> i'm so happy for you! i'm so happy for hoda.
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this is wonderful. what she's wanted all her life. >> she wants the chicken. >> up next -- i'll take the chicken. you grab the carrots. >> more food for thought. how to eat your way to a good mood. over time, my lashes thinned. after 40, i didn't have enough lashes. my doctor said...latisse® is the only fda approved prescription treatment...for inadequate or not enough lashes. now with latisse® lashes are longer...darker, with more than double the fullness in 16 weeks. if you are using or have used, prescription products for eye pressure problems, use latisse® under close doctor care. latisse® use may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible. if you experience eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor. common side effects include itchy eyes and eye redness. my lashes changed as i got older. now i use latisse®. find a doctor at today.
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>> baby: my brand-new skin is ten times more sensitive than yours, mom. but somehow you just know it's best to use johnson's baby head-to-toe, the really gentle stuff. you're good, mom, and by good... i mean great. when i think about how lucky i am that i've had a pur water filter remove 99% of lead and microbial cysts... [ sniffs ] and then i think about the water that hasn't. [ whimpers ] i-i don't know. it doesn't seem fair. to look at the screen and say, "yeah, i can do this." as a software designer, i try to take the complexity out of doing your taxes. we put it in a language you can understand. simple questions like "did you get married?"
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makes it a little bit more conversational for the customer, easier to answer in the way that they might talk to an actual human. and all turbotax calculations are guaranteed accurate. i'm alan tifford, turbotax software designer. man: go to
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shorter days and longer nights have your spirits down? >> eat up. diane salvatore from "prevention" magazine is here with foods that will improve your mood and tip thasz will help people. this happens this time of year, doesn't it. >> absolutely. the back to business blew blus, all the holiday hijinks are over, very short days. >> reality sets in. gained a lot of weight. >> there's that, too. and there's a serious sunshine shortage. >> there certainly is. >> that's why we're pushing to move to florida. >> you're saying there's something you can do personally with your finances because a lot
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of times when you buy something, you feel good. >> don't spend money on material objects. spend it on experiences. all you smu lovers out there, sorry to break the news. if you have activities, go to a museum, an amusement park. this creates a shared social experience and it's something that will linger in your memory as opposed to an object being a solo experience. >> or getting your mind off how miserable you are. >> especially if it's sunny. >> there you go. >> a lot of people keep journals. i keep journals but only on -- >> still? >> don't sound so happy. >> only on bad days. you say it's good to journal when you're feeling good. >> the idea is to capture at least three things every day you feel really good about. you want to emphaze the role you played in making that happen. don't just bullet point. dwell on it. it can be simple. 39% of people in a global happiness study said that spending time with their family at the end of the day is right up there. >> no one is going to say i wish i'd been to the office more.
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>> spirituality is a huge component far lot of people. >> more frequently you go to church or a religious event, the more contended you will be. that's proven by studies. in fact, other studies actually show your brain structure changes so that spiritual experiences actually enhance well-being in the brain. and by the way, if you're not part of an organized religion, you can do meditation or mindful yo yoga. at "prevention," that's why we recommend that. it has a spiritual component. >> it changed my life having an hour of devotion first before anything else. hoda doesn't care. she's off exercising. >> but a journal, which is fabulous. >> do it in the right way. >> she's very competitive. >> you think i don't know that? >> that does something chemically to the brain. >> the endor fins in your brain, well documented, scores of studies, and not so to joke, but if you can do exercise outside and in the sunshine, particularly morning sunshine, it amplifies the effects of that
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exercise. >> thanks, diane. happy new year. and happy birthday to "prevention" magazine. one year older than we are. >> 61. >> our big sister. >> i was distracted because they kept doing the wave back there. did you notice? the fans outside. it was, like, hey. >> trying to avoid the snow drops. up next, the perfect baby's room on a budget. talking to you, beyonce.
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"today's moms" is brought to you by vicks' nature fusion powered with real honey. ♪ baby, baby >> a hardy crowd still outside. experiencing the wave. right outside of our window. they're wisishing us a happy 60
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birthday. time for "today's moms atted and how to design your dream nursery on a budget. >> frank fontana is here to show us how. you have a new addition. >> this little guy. >> my little boy. this is luca. >> he's beautiful. >> first of all, happy 60 to you guys. >> thank you. two months or -- >> five months. i was supposed to be here five times ago but he kept me being a dad. >> welcome to parenthood. >> it's a journey. what it's done is inspired me to dig into baby room decor, and that's what i want to show you guys. i'll show you some things i did in his room. i call this the name frame. a simple concept of putting letters on the wall, which most parents do, to the next level, a little class. took moulding from the local hardware store. >> not expensive. >> cheaper than wood. i didn't use one nail or screw. just a little glue. >> that's the end of it right there. >> what's cool is this. most letters you get from a hobby store, they're simple.
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a website called craft cuts will take any font you can imagine off their website and custom create letters for you. >> love it. >> next is, you know, embellishing the wall. you want to go more, it's a kids' site. has fabulous, amazing decor. they have all sorts of stencils starting at ten bucks. i love this. cute. fleur-de-lis look to it. basic but cool. adds a little pop to the wall. as far as accessories, you can see the giant safety pin i love. >> adorable. >> distinctivenurs poshtolts does rugs and the great owl canvases up top, pretty sweet. >> the changing table. >> let's talk changing table. you have to have one. >> they are going topoop. >> they are going to poop and it's messy. so -- i got peeed on the other day by the way. >> isn't that fun? >> it was the first -- it was a
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mess. the changing tables come in two forms. you can either get just the pad if you have an existing dresser or pottery barn kids putts out one that gets attached. as you get older, you pop it you have and you have a dresser that moves into the rest of their life, pretty awesome. let's talk about cribs. >> let's do it. >> this is from target. this is the baby leno mercer three in one. another one that transitions into a multifunctional style going from a crib to a day bed into a full-blown toddler bed, which is nice. it comes with storage underneath. they also outlawed the bumpers. >> yeah. >> big deal. chicago, where i live, the first state to actually take them off. so has created sheets that have a decorative graphic on the side so it gives you a little style to match with the rest of your room. finally, this is something i did in my little luca's room. >> of course you did. >> look at your little luca. >> getting big. >> remember what you used to think was important in life?
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>> nothing compared to having a kid. it's like -- it trumps all. this -- i painted this. this is just a replica. i did this on the wall like ten times bigger. it's called the tree of life. it's a great way to document his growth throughout time. i got my father, me, my wife, and, you know, this is right before actually having the baby. >> wow. >> which was a tense moment. >> you look really bad there. >> oh, god. seen some bad days. >> continue gralts again on your little boy. >> great ideas. great ideas. >> thank you so much. next week, we'll meet the winners of our cutest pet contest. >> and my mother will be here next thursday. see you in phoenix. over the weekend.
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