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tv   Today  NBC  January 25, 2012 2:05am-3:05am EST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. so glad you're with us for booze day tuesday. >> january 24th. >> big day. >> especially out in hollywood and all things the movies. >> yes. everything kind of stops around 8:35, 8:36 when they make the big announcement for oscars. i can only imagine if you're somebody who either made a movie or was in a movie, how agonizing that must be watching those names pop up.
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>> you hear people say i was asleep, my phone rang -- >> no. >> liar! >> that is not true. one of the big shockers to everybody on this deal, we'll go through all the names but how about melissa mccarthy for "bridesmaids." >> best supporting actress nomination. >> do you remember what she did in that movie? >> yes, i do. >> all kinds of wacky things. do you remember there was a scene of her on the sink? there it is. >> she was having a rough night. i think that was oscar worthy. >> she's very, very funny. everybody loves her who meets her. everyone. >> it's hardly meryl streep and "the iron lady" but they're not in the same category so she may win. everybody agrees comedy is more difficult to do than the drama. >> it seemed like a surprise, jonah hill getting best supporting actor. >> he's good. if he goes up there to make a speech he will look nothing like
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the character in that movie. he's lost half his body weight. >> brad pitt did a phone interview with matt and ann, and the first thing he said was i'm so happy for jonah hill, after all the accolades brad pitt got. >> he's been in the rodeo before. jonah's first trip. >> he's a sweetheart. always thinking about everybody else. best actor nominees are -- >> go ahead, hoda. >> i'm waiting to see them. demian bichi, "a better life," george clooney, "the descendants," jean dujardin, "the artist," gary oldman, "tinker tailor soldier spy" story, and brad pitt for "moneyball." >> yeah. best actress is glenn close in "albert nobbs." haven't seen that yet. viola davis and "the help." rooney mara, "the girl with the dragon tattoo." i think the mara family is having an excellent week. >> i would have to say you're right. >> except for mrs. mara, who fell the other day and hurt her shoulder. our prayers for her. meryl streep, "the iron lady,"
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which you've seen several times, hoda woman. michelle williams, i'm dying to see this, "my week with marilyn." >> i've seen most of those movies. meryl streep as margaret thatcher, i don't know how anyone can even touch her because, one, you look at her and -- look. >> i know. >> she is margaret thatcher in this movie. this is i think the only nomination for that movie, but -- >> all it needed. >> yeah. she is great. >> best supporting actor, kenneth branagh, "my week with marilyn," nick nolte, "warrior." >> what is that? >> i don't know. people will be checking it out now. >> christopher plummer in "beginners, "excellent in that. >> and max von sydow in "extremely loud & incredibly close." he did not say a word at all in that movie. a lot of silent movie stuff. >> brilliant in it, though. excellent. supporting actress, berenice bejo in "the artist." >> remember that image.
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>> and janet mcteer in "albert nobbs" and octavia spencer in "the help." the one that got the most is "hugo." >> oh, my gosh. >> "hugo" had 11 nominations. and "the artist" got ten. >> wow. >> so, yeah, people will be looking at these movies again. i tried to watch "hugo," but i had -- it's meant to be seen in 3d -- >> yeah. >> i couldn't watch it on regular tv. >> best picture, the nominees, "the artist," the silent film everybody's talking about, "the descendants," "extremely loud & incredibly close" -- when that name was announced everybody gasped. >> i know. nobody -- yeah. nobody expected that at all. >> "the help" and there's "hugo." if you haven't seen the movies -- oh, "midnight in paris." i forgot. >> enjoyed that. i loved that. "the tree of life," which i didn't care for. it lost me.
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and "war horse," -- even though my mom is 82, there's a huge amount of people in this world who -- hollywood doesn't automatically think about let's make a movie for those folks, you know? she's been to see that film three times already and also went to the broadway show and loved it so much. there's an awful lot of people who long for those epic sweeping beautifully david lee kind of movies that spielberg does so well. >> sort of what you expect at the oscars, something bigger than life, something like that. >> these movies are all over the place in terms of their tone and subject matter. that's kind of why i like the golden globes in the sense that, you know, you get the comedy, the musical -- >> yep. >> because there's no way you can compare "bridesmaids" with "the artist." >> right. >> you know? just not happening. >> what is this? >> oscar sweet treats. >> what's this?
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is this a drink? >> i don't know why we have that. accepted it on behalf of my party. >> is it beer or wine? >> it's national beer day. >> we don't drink beer. >> we don't want to discriminate against beer. >> that doesn't look like beer. this isn't beer. look at these cool -- >> look at that cute little -- oh, and a beer mug an homage to beer that's really wine. we should have longer production meetings in the morning. we should actually maybe talk about what we're going to do on the show. that would be good. maybe once. you all right? >> mm-hmm. >> you're fine. hoda's fine. don't worry. >> by the way, we'll -- okay. so these are the oscar cookies. take a peek and see if you can see them all. >> again, we should have had a longer production meeting. eleny's oscar cookies. you know who's missing on that?
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>> who? >> three people that got completely snubbed. clint eastwood is missing on that for directing "j. edgar." leonardo dicaprio and -- >> "j. edgar" got left out. why? >> i don't know. i enjoyed the movie very, very much. i found it to be fascinating. but, you know, and leonardo, i'm stunned he didn't get one. >> i am, too. i thought he was terrific. here's what's interesting. we talked yesterday about heidi klum and seal splitting up, and we'll hear from seal in just a second. but there was an interesting article in "usa today" about seal and heidi but more about couples that show a lot of public displays of affection. they usually -- that looks like a great thing, you look over and say, oh. >> on the red carpet mostly. >> renewing their vows. a lot of public love. >> they had an interesting take on that. >> they think it's a red flag. if there's too much public affection you're trying to show everybody at home --
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>> me thinks thou d.o.t. protest too much kind of thing. >> yeah. maybe that's a red flag. >> i don't know. i fell for it hook, line, and sinker. >> i love them. >> i thought they were truly in love. here's the thing, though. i know everybody carefully puts together these announcements afterwards, after prayerful consideration and much soul searching and much all those things, we have decided that we have grown apart. yeah. that's what life is. you do grow apart. that's why when those kinds of things happen you circle the wagons. >> correct. >> you find out what you loved about the person to begin with. you go to counseling. especially when you have four children. six children. two like i had. you have to get your eyes off -- >> yeah. >> and on to the people that matter the most. >> right. >> and i'm not saying -- i'm not judging their choices. just saying year after year after year we see the same thing happening, all these golden people. and relationships breaking up all the time. i think there are some completely unworkable
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relationships and situations, totally. i was in one myself. so were you. but i think -- i would venture to say more than half of marriages that break apart could be saved. >> seal actually spoke about -- no one has heard from either of them, you know. i think a written statement but nothing out loud until yesterday. let's listen to what seal had to say. >> yes, i am still wearing my ring, but i think that is just pretty much a token of how i feel about this woman. you know, she -- we have -- we have eight years. >> mm-hmm. >> eight wonderful years together. >> mm-hmm. >> and just because we have decided to separate doesn't necessarily mean that, you know, you take off your ring and you're no longer connected to that person. we will be connected in many ways through the rest of our lives. you know, through our children and also through the tremendous kind of admiration and respect
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and love that we have for each other. we will wear the ring for the rest of our lives? who knows? but right now, you know, it feels really comfortable on my hand. i have no intentions of taking it off anytime soon. >> wow. >> being very gentlemanly about it. >> true. >> it doesn't make sense to me. if you have eight wonderful years together, then what happened? >> what happened? >> all of a sudden it's not wonderful anymore? >> right. >> you know, they seem to genuinely have enormous affection for one another. >> and respect. >> and respect. two of the most important ingredients for a relationship. >> you got it. all right, kids. well, to forget all our troubles we're going to the bahamas in 17 days. >> yeah. >> we want you to come. we're going to atlantis. we'll be there february 9th and 10th but doing both of our shows on february 9th. there's room in the audience. slather on the sunscreen. >> yes, hoadie. >> that's what i was going to say. >> and come join us. >> it will be a lot of fun. >> is that all the business we have today? >> we have a lucky lady with us. >> the lovely katherine heigle is here. she's learned something from the
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jersey shore. how is that possible?
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in 1994, "one for the money "hit bookstores everywhere, marking the beginning of a best-selling series and introducing readers to stephanie plum. >> in the movie, katherine heigl gets to play the unemployed jersey girl who learns to become a bounty hunter. she steals a car to lure in one fugitive and bring in another. take a look. >> what? >> who are you beeping at? >> oh, crap. crap, crap, crap. >> you stole my car. >> this is my -- damn it! oh, my god. is that guy naked? he better be wearing pants. you better be wearing pants, pal. >> lighten up, son. fresh air is good for the boys.
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>> oh! >> well, katherine did a whole lot of acting in that scene. >> i know. >> reacting. >> which is what acting really is. >> it's great to see you. >> good to see you guys. this is so fun. >> a woman with brand-new movie and a brand-new baby girl. >> yes, you do. >> life is good for you, huh? >> life is really good. kind of trailing around with me all day yesterday and i thought, you know what, i should stop using her for publicity. let her stay home today. >> talk about the movie for a second. have you read a lot of janet's books? >> i was approached about the project a couple years ago and didn't know anything about it. i read the first book thinking i would become familiar and luckily there were 16 more at the time that i could read and i obsessively -- >> one after another after another. >> i'll be 110 by the time -- >> that's all right. >> i like how janet evanovich
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was hoping it was you. a lot of names were being bantered about and she was thrilled. >> i'm so grateful because i became such a big fan of her through the books and this character. it was so important to me that we really stayed true to what she had done and created. her support has been a blessing. >> we also had debbie reynolds with us here yesterday. >> that was frightening. >> i fondled her breast. tell us about being on the set with debbie. >> that doesn't surprise me. i love her so much. >> is she crazy in a good way? >> she's totally sort of irreverent and raunchy. >> she's earned it. >> and making jokes about shooting the gun that you can't say on television and you know -- >> yeah. >> she didn't give a hoot. >> your baby daughter, just saw pictures online of her. >> she is delicious. >> she is the most adorable, the most beautiful thing. >> she is. >> talk about her name.
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i like how you chose it. >> rife with significance. >> i named her after my mother and sister, my mother is nancy and my sister's middle name is lee, so nalee is sort of the combo of the two. >> this is a music video. your husband wrote it about her, right? >> yes. >> oh. and you were the director behind this. has your life just completely transformed? >> it has. i can't even remember before kids. it's a weird thing. it's only been 2 1/2 years i've been a mother, but i don't remember who i was before her in a way. >> you don't remember what was important or what you talked about, what filled up your day. >> right. >> mostly we talk about ourselves. now being a mom and being a wife you suddenly have to refocus and that feels really good. >> has it changed your perspective professionally at all? >> yeah, because i think my career was everything. you know, it was my primary focus always, it had been for over 20 years. so it was such a relief in way to broaden the perspective and
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it put it in its place, you know? it can't be the most important thing in my life anymore. it shouldn't be. >> we know recently we have been reading you said if you were invited back to "gray's anatomy" it would be something you would love to -- >> oh, yeah. can you imagine the story lines for her? i want her to get back with alex because i do not like watching him with other actresses on the show. it upsets me, makes me jealous. she should go back and claim her man and her career and rise again like a phoenix. >> wow. i like it. >> i see it in your future. >> you have something else you're working on, something with animals. you're an animal lover. >> yes. my i hate balls campaign. it's a neutering thing. >> you can go online and check it out. >> meant for animals to bring awareness in a funny, charming way we hope, bring awareness to
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a cause that is very dear to my and my moth're es heart. >> wish your mom was here. she sounds like a lot of fun. >> she's back there. she's probably really mad she's not up here. >> tell them to make her a drink. thank you. >> this is fantastic. >> another round! >> catch katherine in "one for the money" starting friday, january the 27th. >> up next, our guy panels here putting the romance back in the relationship. and other answers to your questions. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day.
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it is time for our "guys tell all" panel where we gather some of the most level-headed men to answer your questions. >> who wrote this? >> and give you insight inside the male mind. chuck every thursday the host of hgtv's "price's place" and saturday mornings the host of
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"hot ten" on centric. he's been married for 14 years. has two kids. next up ricky unger, on every commercial on tv. david good is single and the author of "the man code: a woman's guide to cracking the tough guy," and last but not least, my good friend and actor ed watts. played two roles in my "saving amy." i would have given him eight. >> he could go shirtless. >> exactly. our first viewer from the digital cafe. >> i'm with ashley from alabama. she has a question about being a student and dating. >> hi. my question is i am someone who's about to graduate from college and have applied to medical school. do you think that guys find this intimidating, and where can a busy girl like me meet a guy? >> okay. that's awesome. congratulations. >> yeah. >> that is hot. >> girl's education, awesome. >> okay. >> great. >> sexy. >> well, you know, medical
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school, you are probably going to be very busy. most of your dates are going to be with other medical school students for now. just enjoy yourself. >> find yourself a nice doctor, right. >> exactly. >> all right. let's go to a facebook post from rachel. a guy friend told me not to ask a guy out even if i am almost positive he's into me because it ruins the chase and he'll say no. if this is true, what can i do so that he makes the move and asks me? >> first of all, this guy friend might be trying to sabotage her. it's like -- >> he's in love with her? >> yeah. >> it's unfortunately true. guys do like the chase. >> i must be a different kind of a guy. if you lay it up on a platter, i'm going to eat it. >> i think that, you know, a good thing to do is if you don't want to seem like you're asking him is just wear something low cut and allow something to pop out, you know what i mean? guys like that. a wardrobe malfunction. >> david and al --
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>> no, no. don't listen to that. >> all right. go on. >> speaking of low cut, amanda has a question about first impressions. >> my question was how much does the way a girl dresses really matter in first impressions or is it more about, like, the personality? >> it matters a lot. >> first impression is what you see. yeah. it's got to be -- >> it's a lot. it's definitely important. >> it depends on what you want. do you want a first impression or do you want a lasting impression? because i got to tell you, there is a whore uniform. i'm just saying. if you wearing that, we're interested because you look like a whore. >> or not interested. >> or not. or not. >> i think it's a matter of the interest of the guy. some guys like something a little 340d modest. >> i don't know. i mean -- >> you two are the ones that are single. what are you looking for?
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>> we're looking for love, obviously. >> in all the wrong places. >> we are going to be right back after a commercial break with more from our men after this.
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we are back on this booze day tuesday with our guys. you met them all. the one you may not remember is our new guy, ed watts down there, our single ed. you know the gang. here we go. a question from facebook. i really want to know why the romance fizzles after the first year of marriage. i really miss the feeling of sparks and butterflies. i know kids and house payments can get in the way but how do you get it back? we're going on nine years in may. >> it's a matter of realizing that it's work, you know, that sometimes you have to do what
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will excite the feeling even when you don't have the feeling yet and just make decisions that, look, we're going to have date nights. we're going to have time where we send the kids somewhere or do stuff without them, but you have to work at it. >> chuck? >> give those kids $10, tell them to get out of the house for at least two hours, and then you turn to your wife and say we are going to do it in every room in this house! until we have that feeling back! >> or if we're too tired to care. >> that's right. you want the kids to come home and find you both passed out naked on the floor. >> oh, please. >> nothing says love like that. >> you're married. when you married, sets a good example for the kids. >> awesome. >> you like that? >> that's the thing. like everybody, the happily ever after, and they never tell you what happened after the person marries prince charming -- >> we keep falling for it.
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>> you know, it's choices and decisions that you make. and, like, you will be happy and have enjoyable times but it's not going to be happy all the time. >> these two are having their own private conversation. what are you saying? >> well, do you want to die alone? >> is we were having a different conversation. >> no. i don't want to see my parents naked. it would be traumatizing for a little kid to walk in and see that. >> you're not a little kid. >> i don't live with my parents either. >> are both of you unmarried because you just haven't found the right woman yet? >> yes. >> that simple. >> a question from across the street. sarah? >> tammy from alabama has a question about boys being gross. >> my husband, he thinks it's funny and cute to pass gas and wave it around and find it hilarious. why do men have such horrible, disgusting habits? >> there's at least six guys laughing in the background.
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>> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> not all guys are like that, thank god. and i apologize. it is gross. >> we're not like that because we're single. >> these two. >> listen, i try my best not to do that stuff around my wife. but i do it around my kids and they love it. they love it! i got a 5-year-old son, man, if any noise comes out of my body, he cracks up like crazy. >> it's like, men, we're like -- we're big little boys. >> that's right. >> we always going to love poop and farts. >> we have contact! >> la, la, la, la. >> back to sarah and get another one. hey, sarah. >> i don't even know how to follow up on that. here we go. another question for the guys. >> i'm cat and also from alabama. my question is about maturity. i'm about to graduate from college at age 22, and i found a
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lot of guys may age just aren't the same with respect to their goals on family and maybe career. what can i do about this maturity gap? do i have to date older -- >> ten years at least. >> can i redeem myself from last week when i said i don't date -- girls mature faster than guys, i personally think. that's why i like to date younger girls because i'm immature. i date girls that are immature as i am. >> when is that relationship happening? >> thanks so much, guys. have a great day. >> up next, joy bauer raises the bar. what she wants you to do for her next weight loss challenge. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before.
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remember when joy announced her 10,000-pound weight loss challenge? you guys did so well she is
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upping the ante. >> welcome to joy's 25,000-pound weight loss challenge. aren't rewards great? aren't we wards great? since you passed the initial goal, we'll keep on going. our resident nutritionist is here to announce the new total of all the pounds dropped. >> the new total is 17,308 pounds. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> we have one week left. >> we have to get it. >> we have so many entries. if everybody just loses one pound this week we will way surpass it. i'm going to be reminding everybody on facebook and twitter on to sign in your weight loss because we need to tally up the total. >> and tell the truth. >> now i'm going to test your skinny supermarket smarts. each of you get a basket. >> skinny supermarket smart. >> i'm going to ask you a question and you're going to run over each of you to that first shelf. walk fast. >> first shelf. >> the first shelf goes with the first question. you'll pop what you think is the answer in your cart and bring it back and i'll let you know who
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won. >> do it. >> the first question is which item on the first shelf is the skinniest nut, the nut with the least amount of calories. >> who cares? >> let's see what you did. we have almonds. and -- the winner is pistachios! >> how did you know that? >> i don't know. because i like them. i don't know. >> i like them all. >> they're only three calories per nut. second question. which vegetable, second shelf -- >> move over, joy. >> -- offers the most amount of fiber per cup? >> fiber. >> fiber. >> most amount of fiber. >> most amount of fiber in a one-cup serving. >> i don't know. it's in a can.
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>> what is this? what is that? >> spinach. >> spinach. all right. >> what? >> why are we talking? why don't we just stand over there? what's the answer? >> oh my gosh! you're going to guess the next one, i'm telling you. >> better than me. >> check this out. one cup of artichoke hearts 14 grams of fiber. >> this is your lucky day, hoda. >> the third shelf. >> which fruit has the most amount of fiber? >> most amount of fiber. >> fiber helps to fill us up. >> most amount of fiber. >> what did she grab? what is that? >> it's a mango! >> oh. >> don't help the competition. >> hmm. >> i don't know. let me see. i guess i'll go with the --
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>> we have a minute! >> we have two more questions! okay. >> the answer is nobody wins. it's the raspberry. >> i think it's blackberries. what's the next question. >> eight grams of fiber per serving. the next one is which full-fat cheese offers up the greatest calorie bargain? >> all right. i know. >> what's the answer? >> kathie, you did it! >> parmesan! >> tiebreaker coming up. >> which topping can take an everyday fruit and turn it into a decadent dessert with minimal calories? which topping? you're exactly right! because of the air, a big squirt
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is only about 15 calories of whipped cream. >> it's worth it. >> joy, thank you. >> thank you, joy. >> go to tell us how many pounds you've lost. help joy and all of us meet the goal. >> coming up next, it's "tuesday's trends" with bobbie thomas. she'll tell us about tights and pantyhose. good morning. i'm paul goodloe. time for your weather force for the next several days. we'll start with latest on today, sunshine continues to brighten your wednesday across the northeast and mid-atlantic. but showers and thunderstorms from texas into portions of the ohio and mississippi river valleys. the pacific northwest is still active, so is the mountain snow. in terms of temperatures, this is winter, but not bad. a few degrees above average, the 40s versus the 30s. we'll take that.
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60s and 70s across the south. thursday, that rain from texas is still there, but stretches into the ohio valley, slowly pushes into the northeast by the evening hours and we're watching that moisture stream in the west slam the higher terrain. more valley rain and higher temperatures. cooling off toward the rest. the gulf coast states still enjoy 60s, 70s and 80s in florida. let's move from thursday into monday, end of the week. rain showers pushing into the eastern seaboard and cold air. more snow showers in the upper midwest. temperatures above average and on saturday, the west coast is quietening down except seattle. those temperatures cooling down and snow showers and lake-effect snow across the great lakes. end of the weekend, more snow, colder air, infiltrates the eastern half of the nation and the northwest is active. the southwest mild, 74 in
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phoenix. 71 in l.a. monday, more snow showers in the great lakes and unsettled out on towards the pacific northwest and temperatures here trending cooler than average. but not bad for the end of january. hey, every morning "wake up with al" on the weather channel weekdays at 6:00 a.m. eastern. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh.
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it's time for bobbie thomas and "tuesday's trends." how many times have you gotten dressed and pulled out a plethora of pantyhose leaving you in a conundrum. which is right for this outfit? >> wonder no more. bobbie thomas has everything you need to know from that to over the top leg wear. >> look at you. >> just for you i wanted to push the envelope again.
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these are american apparel, a couple dollars. i had so much fun. last week when you were loving my polka dot pantyhose, miss jennifer hudson was wearing the same pair. >> do you have proof of that anywhere? >> i do. but they are a hot trend. celebrities like jennifer and even kate middleton, who's been wearing more of the sheer -- >> she was wearing them. >> she was. kate middleton wearing the sheer, and a lot of people are talking about whether they like them or not. >> what do they say? >> they don't like them. >> it's going backwards. why would somebody wear them? just to smooth out their skin tone or -- >> it could be an insecurity thing where you want to look physically better, but you could also use cream or self-tanner. i don't know. >> why does she care, she has fantastic legs. >> she may wear them for more conservative reasons, protocol. >> sometimes you don't know the shade to wear. sometimes like i wear a light black and you think should i have gone darker or --
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>> we have a picture of meryl streep that's the best example of when you're trying to figure out if you should wear sheer or opaque. meryl streep wore the sheer on the right, and she looks fantastic but when you see it photo shopped darker you see it is a little more flattering to her frame. it cuts her up a little bit. i also have two models to show you another way to kind of decide whether you should go to sheer black or opaque black. >> let's bring out an opaque look. >> and we have julie coming out as well. and, you know, when you're thinking about whether or not you should wear sheer or black, look at the hem line. the shorter dress, you want something that's a little heavier and more covering. but if julie had put those heavy black stockings on it would have looked too heavy and made her calves look too thick. >> plus the belt with the black -- >> it ties it in, but, again, hem line. shorter the dress the thicker the tights. the longer the hem line, a little bit lighter to give you a more elongated frame. >> thanks, ladies.
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>> let's bring out irene. sometimes patterns, you're not sure what they go with and that kind of thing. >> patterns have a lot to do with your body type and your frame. >> right. >> sometimes you can put a pair of pattern hose on and you're sort of afraid. we have irene, which is stephanie's mom. i just love her. she has broader shoulders and fantastic legs, so she can really pull off a horizontal pattern. you see that sort of argyle pattern that's stretched across. that's playing the illusion to balance out her top half. then we see on kiesha a more fashion-forward approach. she does what kathie says is all over, pattern with pattern. this is what's on the runway, pattern on pattern. this is a very vertical pattern because kiesha wanted to add a little more length on the bottom. when you look at the pattern on the tight, make sure you consider is it running horizontal or vertical. these are both great options, you know, from -- >> let's bring out andrea quickly. thanks, ladies. andrea, who can really -- and rhea can wear anything.
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>> anything. >> makes me crazy. >> i love these. tell us about these. >> pretty poly. i want everyone to know about this company. we have a bunch of their type on the pedestal. and rhea is wearing a statement type called the suspender type. they have lace, faux bows on the back and they have a new pair that's an illusion slimming tight where they shaded the middle down to make it look like your legs are longer. >> you know what the guys said when they saw andrea before in that, they said that's the outfit they like to meet a woman in. it says i'm cool, i'm classy, but i can be naughty if you need me to be. >> party on. >> wear it with a little black dress that's conservative. don't go for a dress that's plunging neckline or shiny color. >> up next, sarah's got quite the racket going.
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♪ taking it to the streets >> time for "sara in the city" when our girl, sara, tries new adventures. >> she headed straight to grand central terminal. she could have gotten on the train and headed to greener grass, but instead she chose to stop at the squash court. >> it wasn't just any squash court. take a look. i'm here in new york city's grand central terminal for the world's largest squash spectator event, the jpmorgan tournament of champions, which attracts the world's top players and thousands of fans. i've never actually played squash before.
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so i'm here for a lesson. the matches take place in a four-walled black cube weighing 20,000 pounds surrounded by stadium seating and there are 750,000 commuters who come through this train station every day. squash players are regarded as some of the fastest and fittest. first, a warm-up with adrian grant. i want you to walk me through kind of a warm-up, because this is new to me. >> now we're doing dynamic stretching so you're kind of ready from the get-go to get ready and go 100 miles an hour, basically. ♪ this is called the spider-man. >> now that i'm stretched out, i'm going to learn the basics from one of the best.
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nick matthew is ranked number two in the world. where does the name -- like where does squash come from? i only think of it as a vegetable. >> yeah. it's funny, actually. we used to play with a really hardball and the word squash comes from the squashy nature of the ball. >> right now i'm all ready for squash in my squash gear. i've got my hot glasses, a racquet, a squash ball, which is an official term. i'm just waiting for my opponent to get warmed up enough to handle this. >> basically the swing, high, low, high. the yellow at the top is out. it has to go in the box and blue line. do you want to serve? >> are you okay? >> you're supposed to be my fearless teacher not display my weakness. >> oh, good one! >> thank you so much.
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>> time for a real match. they found a player who's the perfect opponent for my skill. 12-year-old richard. richard is a member of street squash, a harlem-based youth enrichment program that combines academic tutoring and squash instruction. richard has the first serve. and i'm eager to score my first point. >> nice shot, nice shot. you got to move your feet. all right? >> i'm trying to bust a move. instead, i'm just a bust. >> it was too hard. >> richard is the winner. richard, you are an amazing opponent. can we do our little secret handshake? >> yeah. >> you know i'm better on the front, so you take the back. ready? let me just say nbc universal is one of the sponsors of the jpmorgan tournament of champions. the tournament runs this
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thursday, january 26th, at grand central terminal. >> thank you, sweet heart. >> put on your short shorts. richard simmons stops by. >> and monica potter. -- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]


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